Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 31, 1867, Image 2

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    She StymMiciui.
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(ieoiuiK 1$. (toudi.andkr, Editor.
Thursday Morning, Jan. 31, 1867.
Tht .Vutional Crisis.
Tho people of lli is country seem to
profit but little by experience. Four
yonra of fratricidal war, with its un
told evils ond personal affliction, seem
to bo forgotten already. A portion of
tlio people seem as determinedly bent
on National ruin, as they wero in
1 &G0. Though warned timo and again
not to elevate a western political jay
luiwker to tho Presidency that dis
union would bo tho result they heed
lessly oust their ballots to put in power
those, who hud openly doclurcd it would
overthrow our union. They said they
did not want war, disunion mid an
urchy ; yet they coolly, in November,
1800, voted for tho very men who hud
promised all this. Whether fathers
preferred greenbacks and 5-20 and
7-30 bonds to their sons, we are not
able to say; but this much wo will
say: that many of them grasp nnd
caress their bonds to day moro affec
tionately than they did their sons in
war times. They lost them, through
the persuasion of knaves and dema
gogues, during tho reign of A. L.,and
we tell them now, that if they follow
tho counsel and advieo of tho same
men in tho future, they will not only
lose the price of their sons, Imt their
religious liberty. Ye loyalists to-day,
who voted and talked for war in 1800,
do you want tho same thing in 1808?
If 60, advocate and sustain the course
of Thad. Stcvons 4 Co. More drafts
and bounty taxes will bo your lot, if
you continue to voto for men who
bavo no more respect for the Consti
stitution than a hyena has for a corpse
Wo clip the following extract from
a late letter written by Mr. Raymond,
a very loyal member of Congrovn, who
seems to snuff danger from the breeze,
lleor him:
"The doom of our Government if on the brink of
elocution; and vet we are quiet! Will nothing
rouse u 1 Are wo an slnjrgish of apprehension
now, on the one hand, aa we were before the retal
lion, oa tho other t Our Government ii in peril
now, at it Ml then; not of disintegration, Itut of
murpation the usurpation of absolute power by
the temporary representative! of a majority of the
people of a part of the ouuulry. The men whom
the whole country, exeept a degraded though in
flucntiol part of the Democratic parly, trusted dur
ing the rebellion with the task of preserving the
lialion, are using their trust now to pcrjietuatu their
own power and preserve (heir own loirtv. Tliev
pursue the cource which they have taken, aa we
all Know, from tho fear of the return of the Demo
cratic party to power. 1 hat would indeed he
i-aiauuiy; nui mere If one pussidle whieb is so
much greater that the former dwindles into nothing
u comparison ine destruction, not ol the Consti
tution, which might be made better or worse and
little harm he done, hut of something much greater
than the Constitution constitutional rovenimrnt.
Of this we may bo aure that le nrrteaf courts of
""77" win, v eoaiianen, taa eiisrr in fe de
efrucrt'on of coHttitMiunal oorer.nrNf or the re
storation of Ike Democratic ixirtn. If
dent is impeached and sns)iendcd from offlct during
hif trial, and the power of the riuprcuie Court are
" .v i ongrost. me impending coup d etal
will have been struck, and the majority of an im
perfect Congress will Im alolute master of the
wbolo country, not only now, hut at any time
This alarm and advice comes from
a "loyal" signal gun, and ought most
assuredly to catiso alarm.
IIow cheap! Constitutional gov
ernment savod by merely putting tho
Democrats in power!
We also take an extract bearing
upon this point from tho Washington
Constitutional Union, which says:
"Events have already brought the Government
to the very verge of another revolution. If the
Radical majority of Congresf pursues its treaeona
bl oooree much longer, A bWraeieat, ,'. or-Ur
to maUtain if elf mil lav It arm if tiWorlers.
At the call of the I'residenl all hit friends, North
and South, and in the army and navy, will re
fpond. In such a contest the issue cannot be
douhllul. Congressmen may be valiant fighters on
the floors of Congress, hut wlien they come to lend
their cohorts into the Held, it will lie "another thing
1 he real armies and great soldiers of the HcpuMic
will he found fighting under the flag. We advise
the Opposition f ,!, determined and lived fact
that Audrew Johnson will arrve out hit const, lu
tional term of office,"
Should the prognostications herein
set forth be realized, no ono will
daro to say that it was not foretold.
Tho peoplo are compelled to put the
Democratic party in power in tho
States and nation, or our country will
bo irretrievably lost. To stifter much
longer under tlio afflictions of such
fanatics as thoso w ho now rulo tho
Ktato, will certainly produce a more
fatal disorder in tho body politic, than
cholera would in tho physical system.
An n i , n ii ! nf . . - .
.... ...... v oi jm-vriiuiiive is worth a
pound of cure. Voto tho old "I'nion !
Savers" " ticket, nnd all will bo well.
Cheap Salvation. Henry J. Ray
mond, as perfect n dcmagogiio as ever
walked in shoo leather, now ono of
the loyal Rumpers, in a fit of reverie,
seems to realize tho hopeless condi
tion of our country. In a letter to bis
pnper, tbo X. Y. Times, after pointing
out somo of tho iniquities of his broth
er Itumpors, bo exclaims, "that tho
present eotirso of Congress will ifenn
tintied, vnd cither in the destruction
of Constitutional government or the
restoration of the Democratic party."
Tho prophet Jeremiah never foretold
anything more true. Wo will add,
that just ns sure as tho sun rises and
sets, if tho peoplo of this country con
tinue to elect men like John W. Geary
Governor, nnd send such men as Ste
vens k Co. to ("ongrcss, national sui-
t'ido will be our fate.
unfit to administer free government, j debaucheries were considered a dis
ni tho Devil would be to lead a prayer grace ; but now it is n mark of re
mooting. I ward.
Thr BHstrlrr quiHiou. Tlio loyal l.rngpirts ho
The right of desert-!- to vote, or,!lVo l,.-i,-tfie ,-ivni Mich excessive
thoso deiioininatcd such by our loyal , ,,, i ,in si..,-..t r ,i,
neighbors, is n itn-stion of vital im
portunco to every If tho title
. f , . ...
of American c.H.ensh.p held by ns
slight n tenure as our r.euhms loyalists
would havo us believe, wc hud better
cast about for somo more sure or safer
landing. Tho citizens of our county
are particularly interested in this
question, ttecuuso a very lengthy nnd
wiso (!) opinion bearing npon this
point, was promulgated through the
columns of the Journal, last full. If
plain Constitutional rights and pro
visions uro rendered nugatory by the
dcmagogiio and tho highwayman, it
becomes tho duty of thoso who still
have some respect for that old instru
ment, to have it properly interpreted
and udministcrod, or, failing in this,
to take tho last right wo possess rev
olution and thunder it into tho ears
of those hermaphrodite statesmen, wiio
nro now marching us over tho routo
to national ruin. Among tho few
substantial "hitching posts" we hop
pen to find by the wayside, wo lay be
fore our readers a synopsis of tho able
opinion of our townsman, Judge Jiar
rett. An election board in Wayne
county wus recently prosecuted before
him, for refusing to tako the bullot oi
a so-called desertor. Tho case was
brought up at tho last term of Court
in that county, when he disposed of it
by delivering tho following opinion :
Tho case has been made up, wc un
derstand, with a view of reaching the
main questions raised under tho act
of Congress and of tho Legislature of
Pennsylvania in reference to tho rtirht
of certain persons called deserters to
voto. r.verytlnng has been admitted
deemod nocessary to procent tho na
ked question.
Tho acts of Congress have been
passed upon by the Supremo Court,
n nd their ruling is with the pluiiitilf.
Until an alleged deserter has been
tried and convicted no election benrd
can reject his vote. This decides the
question raised by this issue, and wo
ueed not go further.
Tho act of 4th of Juno, 1800, passed
by tho Legislature of Pennsylvania,
was intended to acconmlish what the
act of Congress had failed to do. The
Constitution of Pennsylvania fixes the
qualifications of a voter within the
State of Pennsylvania in the following
words: "In all elections bv tho citi
zens every white freeman of the ago of
twenty -oucyeurs,huving!rcsided in tins
State one year, and in the election dis
trict whero ho oilers to voto ten days
immediately preceding such election,
and within two years paid a Stttto or
county tux, w Inch shall have been as
sessed at least tori days before the
election, shall enjoy tho rights of an
elector." Thus aye, residence and tho
payment of taxes are mado tho qualifi
cations, ond tho Legislature bad not
tho power to pass a law imposing the
penally oi aistranchisement upon a
citizen of the Commonwealth when to
enf'orco it must deprive him of a clear
constitutional right. Jn this broad
view of the caso wo nro called upon to
jironounco tho law void, because it is
in conflict with tho provisions of the
Constitution of tho State.
liut it is contended that tho Legis
lature may impose the penalty of dis
franchisement us a punishment for
crime. Admitting this, c an tho act of
June 4, IW, be enforced T I he Con
stitution declares that "trial by jury
shall remain us heretofore; and the
right thereof remain inviolate." One
of thoso rights is "to have a speedy
public trial by an impartial jury of the
vicinage." This act proposes to inflict
the penalty before trial of any kind,
either by jury or by courts-martial.
The board of election oflicers are not
a jury competent to try and decide
the question of desertion. Tho Legis
lature cannot clotho them with that
power. It would be submitting the
question of their guilt or innocenco to
a tribunal unknown to tho Constitu
tion, and upon cvidenco not even ren
dered under tho solemnity of an oath.
Kvery provision of tho act imposing
tho penalty of disfranchisement before
trial, conviction and sontenee. is in
conflict with the provisions of the Con
stitution pf the State of Pennsylvania,
ana uiereioro voiu.
Neither (he sc( of Conirress referr
ed to, nor tho act of the Legislature of
i cnnsyivama, were lunditig upon the
Iwiard of election oflicers in this cose.
Being in violation of the provisions of
tho Constitution, tho oflicers should
have obeyed tho latter.
The plaintiff was, therefore, entitled
to voto; and having been deprived of ...1. '. 1 . r.
mm, i turn, juuif mum is entered in
vor of tho pluintiff and against the
defendants tor ono dollar and costs.
U. It. tlAatna.i l, rrva'l i uilgo.
Gen. Hawley has been renominated
by tho loyalists of Connecticut for
Governor. Tho platform upon which
ho was plated advocates negro guf-
frflg for South Carolina, but not for
Connecticut. Tho New Englanders
have always manifested a remarkable
taste for attending to other people's
business. Is it not downright deviltry
for a convention in Connecticut to say
what laws shall bo passed for the
Southern States, while they refuse to
adopt them for their own use? If a
citizen of our town would attempt to
regulate tho domcstio affairs of his
neighbor in a similar manner, be might
expect to hear a noise, if ho did not
feel a brick bat.
As in our Slate, tho loyalists in a
number of other States, whero U. S.
Senators were elected last week, ap
pointed corruption committees to in
vestigate and explodo the bribery re
sorted to by the "moral idea" candi-
j dates and their friends. Until loynl
1 ists succeeded to tho throne, such cor-
They ore asjruptions were unknown, and political
......n in !,. r..H..l. I
" '" ' , ' 'J
I .'j'i". "
j to reward that class have slipped by
; the past month. In a number
nan a st ore oi splem ul opimrtiinilic
1 I . I J- ,. . ... . .
. i
past month. In a number
of States, United States Senators of
tho loyal persuasion bavo been elect
ed, but "nary" soldier secured a seat
in that body. In our own .State tho
soldiers' chief friend was assassinated
to make room fur tho most corrupt juy
hawker within tho bounds of tho Com
monwealth. This is no "Copperhead
lie," because wo can prove it by loyal
testimony. In Illinois, whero three
eminent (ienerals were candidates, the
position wus given to Trumbull, a slay-at-homo
widoawako. In Kansas, In
dinmt, New York, Wisconsin and New
Jersey, tho soldiers wero crowded out
of tho ring, und tho pluco assigned to
shoddyites. It is as truo as tho needle
to tho pole, that thoso who decoyed
tho soldier into tho field, nnd then
robbed and plundered him, will, with
few exceptions, continue tho same
work when tho battle is over. Simon
Cameron, Thuddeus Stevens, Aleck
MeClure, John W. Forney, and their
associates havo about as much respect
for a soldier, sinco tho armistico, as
tho Devil has for a christian seduce
and plunder him tho first chance he
"Honest John." They tell a story
of John Covodo, the member of Con
gress from the Westmoreland district,
which bus not yet been in print. Dur
ing tlio lato campaign. Governor Cur-
tin was addressing tho peoplo of Co
vodo's district. In his speech, the
Coventor, who is about as honest as
Covodo, was denouncing frauds, and
stated that the Democrats had colon
ized somo hundreds of voters in Westr
morclund and Indiana counties. Co
vodo, sitting behind the Governor,
pulling tho skirt of his coat, handed
him tho following noto:
"Uuvucr. I guena ii t best not to aar much on
that tuhjiek. Iff corn loppin' time, and I think
I can brat 'cut at eolonitiu', accontin' to mr fig
gcrf, about lure bundrrd vote." l ew. .Vf-ecfotor.
This is bad orthography for a man
cdueatod in tho school of "grand mor
al ideas." Somo of tho loyal journals
allege that Common Schoolsoro hard
on Democrats, but produce no proof.
Wo should Bay that Covodeis certain
lv hard on schools and Webster. Tho
"soldiers' friend" lias no doubt re
ported Li in correctly. We were
shown a franked envelopo during Lis
memorablo Congressional career, and j
:n.,n...l ..I- 1.. . .... n v ..
loii-uu ui juuring -ai. alter MS!
name, ho lia.l "M. K.," for member of
Congress. Tbo man wlio sjiolls Con
gress wilh a "K" iniiht be honest and
A Hero. Leonard Iluyck,
tbo President of tho exploded National
Bank at Washington, I). C, who du
ring tlie war rcguled himself on loyal
ty and greenbacks, has been indioted
by tho grand jury for eniher.r.lemcnt.
Ho was ordered by tho Court to find
bail in tho sum of SJO.OOO, and after
bumming around tor several days and
offering about twenty different per
sons, all of whom tho Court refused,
he was sent to jail. Wo suppose the
Rump will get up a committeo of in
vetUigation. Hayek is a good match
for Culver, whom tho loyalists released
from the Franklin jail. Huy ;k, but a
short timo a;,ro, numbered his friends
by thousands and his money by mil
lions, now neither will keep him out
of tho penitentiary.
A Compliment. Tlio Eric Di? patch,
tho loyal organ of that county, in
closing a pathetic appeal in reference
to the election of Senator, and warn
ing tho loyal members of tho Senate
and House againnt voting for Camer
on, said : "(.iivo us a fool, like Geary,
but lor (Jod's sako do not give us a
knave." How tho man is going to
get the kniivo off his hands, is not for
us to advise ; but wo shall seo. We
would not bo surprised if he would do
liko Forney take tho knare to his
Lucy Stone nnd Elizabeth Ctidy
Stanton, (who ran for Congress last
fall,) two ho lomalos of tho Becchor
persuasion, arc running over the conn
try making stump speeches in favor
of "womanhood suffrage." It would
bo muoli ballot for iLoao woman tft
loctnro on and practico "womanhood
decencies," or go homo ard mind their
Skttleii Down. Thoso bombastic
loyal editors and letter writers, who
three weeks ago threatened to split
their party from tho Di-luwnro to the
Lakes, in tlio event of the election, to
tho U. S. Senate, of that d -praved
and corrupt man, Simon Cameron,
already sing dum. They have wilted
nt tho feet of the great Indian Chief.
Tho Rev. Joel Lindsley, who, a few
months ago, whipped his child to death
for not BBjing ils prayers, was on
Saturday convicted in tho Orleans (N.
.) county court of mnnslau-'hler.
Tbo excitement throughout tho coun
ty, against the wretch is wondorful.
m mm m
Tho National Democratic Commit
tee held a meeting in Washington last
week, nnd adopted a resolution recom
mending the holding of a National
Democratic Convention at New York,
on Tuesday, the 21st or May next.
A "skatorinl queen," who has been
turning the heads of nearlr nil the
"slippery heels" of Philadelphia by
V Ss - ' " "'"I si usui; u1a.11 ipuia-
lions of tho steels, turns out to be n
i A ith street jeweler, named Davis.
Gianni fhutelln.
This State linviiiir Mutilated the of
I fair of this mundane sphere to Iter
"", is
ai;ain betuk'tig
i i.r,.l' In 1 1,.. invil.l.. Tl...
1. 1
....;..;.. ......... ..... M ;.. .
i ri'n ii i-f in i. ii y nvie in eesiiui ill
..(.inpn-, yesterday
! the Huh Tho te
i '"W.V as to their sii,
elegr.iph is rather
'"W.V as to their sayings ami dnm
but tho fiillowinir (adopted i phttunii
of principles, the reader will probably
agree with us, is tolerably translucent";
1. The spiritual unity of nature,
2, '1 he corclatiou, eiiualitv, and universality of
S. The fpiriti.alily of Ihe toul.
4. 'die moral eipiHlily ot the fexef and the moral
integrity id Ihe tvaism.
it. 'i tie harmony of progress.
0. The eventual frt tennuttion of nations.
As lioston is understood to provide
brains for tho parly of great moral
ideas, it is respectfully suggested that
these principles ho incorporated in the
plotform tho Radicals are to adopt at
their next Suite or General Conven
tion. The eternal fitness of tho thing
must bo upparent, at a glance, to the
most superficial observer. The spirit
mil unity of nature, might be person
ally exemplified in tho lilit and char
acter of Nat. P. Hanks. The co-relation,
ciitiulity ami universality of law
has its living expositors lu the iron tele
mob, that turned out at tho cannon's
mouth, in tho streets of lioston, to
prevent the surrender of Anthony
Hums. As tathc spirituality of the
soul, wo arc not so certain. Thcro is
not much, if any, soul among these
Vankeo spiriluu'lists, and that plank
in tho platform, therefore, may as well
bo dismissed as mat apropos. The
moral equality of tho sexes and the
moral equality of the sexism may be
left to the anialganiiitiouists and the
colored gentlemen who represent lios
ton in tho State Legislature. The
hnrniony of progress will find appro
priate expression in tho Hig Orrnn
while tho eventual fraternization of
nations may appropriately base itself
upon tho tradition which tells how
the descendants of tho puritans were
no sooner "planted" in New Kngland,
than they commenced robbing, killing
and exterminating the original posses
sors of the soil tho poor Indiuns
in a spirit and stylo that admirably
foreshadowed the magnanimous aen
timents towards other races and kin
dreds nnd peoples w hich are now ha
bitually promulgated by their sublimo
and beautiful descendants.
By all means let the spiritunl creed
be the Hudical creed. The transcend-:
cm nonsense oi mo one may servo in
some degree to neutralize tho unmiti
gated mischief of tho other. .V. Y.
Mo UK Suits Auainxt Gen. Butlkh.
A letter from New York, in tlio Pliil-
Another baUh of units for the re
cover) of dumnirrs lin heen instituted
Airnirmt. (aVrtfilMi HiiILh Iii ll.n
Court Chambers. Tl.o itlaintifls nre
. ... .
in somo canon citizens o Aew Or
leans, and in others citizens of Vir
ginia, nnd all claim to bo and have
been loyal men. Tho most serious of
thoso complaints or suits is based upon
the allegation that ( IStitlor had,
by virluo of bis power in New Or
loans, compelled 11 .Mr. lloniwell to
trauxfer tlio stoainer Carlottn, worth
0,(HI0, to himself personally for
$4(1,000, in a currency worth but
e-,.w; nail, through Lis agent, sent
this vessel on a priva'e venture for his
own advantage, which it was msinii
atod was to suptily tho rebels with
quinine, Ac., and then, through his
agent, had chartered it to tho Govern
ment for t'-lW per day, though the
original owner was willing to charter
it to them at $.r0 per flay, and bad
ultimately "run her under" near the
end of tho war, and obtained for her
?10,0it(l. It isclaimed, therefore, that
in no sense could it bo said that this
had been done under authority from
tho l'resident or Congress.
General J5utlers counsel contend
that these acts wero dono in accord
ance with Government authority, and
moves, therefore, that they bo "trans
ferred to a Federal court for adjudica
tion. The court promised a decision
in a day or two.
Pickft our Lines. The hkiill-and-croHs-boncs
nig ol radical piracy, with
"no quarter," confiscation, conflagra
tion, robbery and murder for its mot
toes, floats li'iiihiphnnlly in every
Northern Slate, and floats its filthy
folds defiant aliko of Constitution, law,
liberty, Immunity, decency and jus
tice. Tho helm 01100 held by states
men, now grasped by maniacs the
tried, truo chart nr fathers steered
by, thrown contemptuouslynsido, now
with no other guide than tho ever
varying vagaries of bigot ry and fan
aticism, thoshipof Stalo is' being mad
ly driven beforo a hurricane of pas
sion, from the smooth waters of pence,
into that blink ocean of horrors, where
howl tho million maelstroms of war,
anarchy nnd ruin. Democrats! If
you would not seo the proud old ves
sel, with its holy freight of memories
of the pnl, fr-itmna ;,r tlm present
and hopes for the future, lost forever
to you nnd to your thildivn. renew
your devotion nt tho niter of your
coiiiiiry,nnii swear ny the glories that
cluster around her nnmo to save her,
and tho power lies in you to achieve
your oath. Ono last battlo must vet
im lougiu noioi'c 1 110 "areliitects or ru
in" can complete their work. In that
bnttle you bavo the power to win.
Prepare then for tbo Presidential con
test of 'CM. Devoto tho intervening
year to tho perfection of a complete
and thorough organization. Monti
cello (X. Y.) Watchman.
Senator Anthony of tho Providence.
Journal, gives J.Mid towards the Riib
scription fund to William Lloyd (iar
rison, tho man who for thirty years
luhored to break up tho government,
and proi'lainied that "tho Constitii.
lion was n covenant with death, and
tho I'nion a league with Hell." Tho
Journal not lung ago thought (iarrison
an enemy to his country s'-d worked
against him.
An old citir.en of Lockport lately
called upon a clergyman, also an old
man, and paid him' his marriago feo
He was fto poor in pocket to pay
when married, though rich in love.
Within a period of less than fortv
years, upwards of fiP.y-ono thousand
miles or steam railroads havo boon
constructed in tho United States, at
n aggregate COM of f l,5U2,.rtGiM10.
The Hadlrnl I'onnrm tor Iht
Coirnfr y.
The course of tho sssomlily which
""gres m me niicu
loaii-j Him vtiiicn tuts itstirpeti us pow
ers, shows tho degree of statesman
ship thnt is now ditvetingoiirentinsels.
Tho country has just emerged from a
great war, which has terribly crip
pled and injured its resources. Thcro
aro in consequence) much financial
(lunger and embarrassment. and great
personal nnd political insecurity.
What is desired is to close as rapidly
as possible tho wounds inflicted by
tho struggle, and etliico tho ravages
growing out of it. This is the dic
tate of necessity nnd common senso
IIow is il responded to by our rulers!'
The daily proceedings in tho so-called
( 'ongrcss tolls us ! What measures nro
introduced, of n soothing and pacify
ing nature ? What bill designs to
unite tho people, North and South,
once moro in fraternal concord and
harmony f On the contrary is any
thing omitted to be dono which enn
aggravate and intensify all the evils
under which the Union bro laboring?
Kvery thing that can add to the strife
of parties and of sections is brought
foroward and pressed to a conclusion.
The idea is to make further breaks in
our political and social f'ubries, rather
than to repair thoso already mado.
All of the schemes of -tho Itudicals
arc to unsettle and keep everything
in confusion und turmoil. Measures
looking to the overthrow of all the
exist:ng governments in the Southern
States and the establishment of oth
ers, in which tho people have bad no
v-jicc, and which they abhor tho re
ducing them to territories, to be gov
erned by satraps sent to Washington
tho admission into tho ballot box
of an immense, negro element, that
will lower and degrade it, and bo a
fearful source of future discord and
commclion. It is difficult to estimate
the degreo of malignancy which thus
tears open tho gaping wounds of the
Nation afresh, and throws into them
tho gangreno of fresh bitterness, or
the want of intelligence in tho public
that supports it. Cm. Inquirer.
Oxr. or Til km. Another "Southern
Loyalist"' has como to grief. The
negro who has been paraded through
tbo country as Dr. V. B. Randolph is
now accused in the Western papers of
having failed to properly apply the
funds which had been intrusted to him
for tho negro schools.
Recently, be delivered a lecture on
theology at Chicago, which was so
heterodox and blasphemous, that his
christii-n hearers were disgusted, a'nd
Gen. Howard, the head-centre of the
Negro Bureau, wrote him a sharp let
ter, demanding the return ol any let
ters of recommendation he might have
given tho colored Ir. Western pa
pers hint at tho development of other
iitcts rolativo to the private character
01 tins lellow, that liavo plaeed him at
a discount with tho "loyal" and "pbi-
luniiiropic. uriiiijeport f armer.
James Stephens, tho ex C. O. I. R.,
lias not sailed for huropo as stated,
but is now residing, ns reported, at
No. 69 Secoi.d place, near Court St.,
.-utn itrooklyn. ilo is living in the
greatest privacy, though niuking no
attempt at disguise. On Saturday
I1!St 1U intended to sail for France, but
reached tho
pier after the French
steamer had sailed.
On Sunday a firo occurred nt Lan
caster, Pa., which consumed S. A.
Wylio'g printing ollico with six print
ing' presses nnd steam engine, and
damaged .'!00 reams of paper. Loss,
ei4,0t)0j insurance, fs.dtiu. Mr. Wy
lie is tho publisher of tho School Jour
nal. Colorado, if admitted, with her
twenty-seven thousand inhabitants,
will havo tho samo control over feder
al legislation ns New York, with her
population of four millions.
Tho President has commuted the
sentenco of James Brown, tho color
ed cook, convicted of the murder of
Jus. il. roster, nt sen, May 22,lsi;c,
to imprisonment for life.
DeBow, tho statistician, has been
pardoned, so wo may not expect to
apply to him tbo words of tho old ne
gro melody, "Hang up do fiddle nnd
Do Bow."
A bookseller's catalogue recently
published contains tho lbllowing no
tice: Memoirs of Charles tho First,
with a head capitally executed."
Tlie number of prraonn who have
exintod on our plulio niiiee tlio boi;in
fimoftimo, tnomits to 3.,027,H 13,
27;i, 075, 'JjO moro or loss.
Jmljro Woodward declines a
nation to tho Supremo Court.
fUlKbuif Market.
Prepared every for the Ci rARnruo Rrrt a
i.ri T. C. Jitslu.,romiui.ion .Merchant,
So. ITS, Liberty Ctrecl, ritlsburg, Pa.
Pirrtat no, Jan, IS, 1867,
Apples, 1 barrel, H ,'i0
I'ned apples, prune, 10
Pried peaches, 1S( 70
Salt. f barrel, 3 fill
"'miles. u
No. .1 Mackerel,
barrel, n iji
Lard, choice, Ul'jy IS
'fallow, n
fldca, 15 j
Miouldcrs, 114
ll'"",siii;.r rur'd. I ft
Mess Pork. J 5
1-ressed Hogs, 7lf.fl 8
Hnicuit. 1 iOoi.T 00
Refined Oil, 4.'.( l, 4S
t'oflee, " 2.'U
.lenains'Korclta.f 13 7.1
Jenkins' Lilly, IJ7.'i
Hig liaf,
Ford's and lies
plain's. Rye Sour, bbl,
1! 5i
7 60
1 l-n
3 ii
Corn meal, V bus,
Buckwheat fl.'ur,
'r1 hnndred,
vi nstar
No.l sjir g2 4;.(.vJ si
N'o.3, I
five, o
Oa'S 47 4
Corn, shrllcl. . no
Potatoes, choice,
r barrel, !t ;,
Onions, f barrel, 3 till
Timothy teed, 3 en
Clover seed, S 110
Flm seed, J
Middlings, 1 S:, I IIS
Reaiis, prime navy, i 76
llutlee, prune roll) .10
t hecsn, Itl
Fpr; .n
Drown, 1147t 1.1
Kefined, hard, I r.J
A coffee, 6t
lll.rV, 1 otlft 1 50
tlreen, 1 Oi'fo, I 75
Svrnps, 7 : (. v I
"ice, UJ(,U 1
H.UI II I'HOVlSltl.Vrt.
wnotri srors i nrrnvm or
f 'lirapc.t l-'lour llnuae In Pltthurch.
On hnnd. reliable and well known brands. Voality
of Flcnr gnaranlred. Inducements to dealers
and Prices Current tent every week.
Cue. unto F"T, 373 l.iteitv'v Srervv,
i""2' 'T PITTSltl RUM, p,.
In Knot township, January 13, 17, ALICE,
daughtor of P. A. and S. A. Rnwi.taj aged eleven
months and twenty.lhree days.
lo Tymn-, Pa, January 1, imtr. TflOMtK
MAI 9 1 aged srrrnly-iii years.
tv dwtisfmrntj.
.tithrrhfirp, Prnnn
Will prt.1npil7tth f.il1 tnmllinc ll wIm, ml rtrj
junHI 1tn rri-W'tiuMe nttci,
SI.1 Market HI., Philadelphia, I'a.
MAKcrAcrraftaa aid AoKara roa rna Nam or
Nora. The regular aliowaucea made to Pcalerf
In MANILA KOI'K. jau.'ll .Sin
riling unilorrlirnH, decinm of moving to the
I W vPt, i fieri at privnte mIc ft Urge two-itory
r K A.MK lllK, now ki-t t Hot. I, (Must run
Main itnt, in I be villajrv of New Millport, Clear
tield county, Pa. Tbtt builtliug ii well Kirant"kd
t"r a hotrl, or dwelling hfiuve auJ it or -room, with
all tho neeenrT outuuil'lingf attached, to good
or a or, ioeiuor witti
Four Lots of Ground.
Hut few pro part it- poiwi equal advantage! tl a
httiineN iMand to tint.
It will be ld part eaah in hand, and the balanne
In parincntii. Anv lurtner intortoation eat) be oh
taiiifd t'T calling on or td'.reffslrtff the tuhtwribcrj
at JNew Millport, Clearfield count v. JVnnV
Jau:tl-am pd It. A A It ON WIPE.
1807 Philadelphia fit Erie R. R. 1 807
f hia aroat lint trareraaa th. Northers and North
watt counties ol Paaiif Irani, to Ihe eitof trit
on i.aae crte.
It haa basn lsase and It nnaratcd W thm
1 r i ,D 1 L,V AIM A AULKUAU CO.MrAnT.
Ilia of I'tstonfsr trains at FT. M AKV'B.
ICave eUaelward.
Erla Eipraai Train 4.14 P. If.
Erie Mail Train 1 1.32 P. II,
Leave Weatttard.
Eri Mail Train 12.64 P. M.
Kr Eipreaa Train 3.16 A. IS.
Passenger cara run tbrourh on th Erie Mail
and Eipreat Traine without change both wejl
oeiween rnnaaeipnia ana fine.
New Vurk C'oiinrcllun.
Leave New York at 9 a. m.; arrive at Erie 10 a.
Leave New York el p.m.; arrive at ErieMip.
Leave Erie at .S0 am.; arrive at N. York 4.40 p.m.
L.eave r.neatu l u a so.; arrive at . i era 10. 10a.
no change oi l are between r.rle N.York
Liee-ant ftleeniof Cart oa all Nirbt trains.
for information respecting Paraeneer butt.
And fur yreiirht butineif of the CoainanT'f
Amenta 8. B. Kintton, jr., Cor. 13th and Market
ttreett, i-hlladelptiia.
J. W. lteynoldt, brie.
Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. R. ft., Baltlmorw.
II. II. IloutToa, Ueneral Freight Art. Phil'e.
II. W. Owtaaan. Ueneral Ticket Ait. Phil'a.
A L. TYLKR, General Superintendent, Erie
rpilE undrrtifrnrd, rrsi liiif in BradTtnwnihip,
X Kw offiri one of the best T1.M1IKR and
CoAL tracts of land fur aalc in that fac tion of the
Consisting of 112 Acres and Allowance,
FortyUve of whirh if nndar cultivation, with
house and stahle thereon, and an orchard of 100
iK-annr fruit trret; the balance if bcavtlv timber.
ed. At Imst one million fret of Pine and two
hundred ttiouaand of oak. I he whole being nn
dirrlaid wilh a four foot vein of coal. Thit tract
ie tituated within one mile uf I.uthersbnrr. ad
joining landt of Jnecph Linn. CarM.n, Whilrbead
and I'unta. a public road pajsca through it, a
echoed houae is located on the one comer, and an
etecllcnt faring of water. Every railroad survey
madftbrough thit section haa horn located on thit
land. Any turther information in reference to the
property, t-mit. A,.., can be had by railing on or
au'irroting me auosenber, at Lutncrrburg, Clear
held countv, Pa.
jan34-3iti JAMES MILKS.
(1 IOV All peraous are hereby oautioned
j against trusting or harboring my strp-aoo.
MICHAEL MILLER, on my amount, as 1 will
pay no debta of hit contracting after thie dnte.
I'nion tp, Jan. 17, 18n7. HENRY' KORU.
C1.4l.'TH), All persona are hereby notified
that the farm, of about 150 arret and allow
ance, whereon I and my husband, Ilanicl llowuian,
live, in Knoi township, Clrartivld county, l'a
belongs to me, ami not to my hntband ; and any
one purchasing the product of said farm must do
so ol mc, aa neither ruy auid husband nor any one
beside mveelr has authorilv to fell the tome.
jani: ;)i:pd SARAH HoWMAV.
has a first
l-'tlH H.LLThe undersigned
first rate two-horse Sleigh for sale, with
shafts and tongue attached, neatly new, ahioh he
will tell on reasonable terms. Attlv to
janlO-Stpd Cnrwciiivilla.
1M1H IAnearly new STEAM ENOIXE
and Holl.KR.withfi'iings. Kngine.lll horae
power. Itoiier 40 hots imwrr. Will be sold verv
cheap. Address, W. A. i W.J. M.MAMUAL, "
junlO-lm Miln.y. Mifdin county, Pa.
I AM always in receipt of the best OYSTERS,
which will be served up in the usual variety of
su let. 1 have now a warm and comfortable room,
fitted npfor the accommodation of LA 111 KS, which
department will receive particular attention.
janlO If Ice Cream and Oyster Saloon.
A V. of Adininistratlon harini
irmg leen granted the
of Itohert J. Wtllace.
undersigned on tbe estate
dee d, lale of ClearSeld borough, Clearfield countv
all persona Indel led to said estate will make im
mediate payment, and those having clrrmj a'ainst
the same will present them properly anTbeiHieated
ior sciucrucnu UhUKtib W. bill. KM,
janlll-tt Administrst.
A Great Discovervs
"kVE of the greatest and most neful disenveriel
In medical tcience was made by Ihceetehrated
r. J. lininaa, ol 1'ant, Chief Physician to the
Imperial Infirmary of France, in 101. Those who
nave neen altlictel with the painful disease known
at Piles, and eflceluallv cured hv tlie nee of I)K
Dl .MAS' t ItF.NTII PILE HALVE, cannot spcak
too higlily of the lcncfil conferred upon them br
the nse of this remedy. It has never been known
to fail in rfucting a permanent core in a single
caw. In tint re-peel it lurptsscl all other medi
cines of the k ind. It will do just whst it is recom
mended lorj if net. the money will be refunded.
One or two bores is sufficient lo effect a permanent
euro in four or fix days, if Ihe riireciiont on the
Unci are followed. Price, one and two dollars per
boa, according to site. Kent by mail or express to
any part of tho I'niled Males or Canada, tald bv
Druggist generally. A lilieral discount made to
the trade. Addrctt I). 8. Dl'MIA.M A CO.,
W illiamsjiort, Pa., sole Proprirtore and Manufac
turers f the United Mates and Canada. di-y
PpiIR undersigned will sell or rent her farm.
L situated in Marvsville, Clearfrld county. Pa.
llie farm contains OXK IIIMillKD AldtKS,
and is well adapted to fanning or grating, and at
prcecnt is in a good slate of cultivation and well
watered; having thereon one good TWO-STORY
FARM llol'SK and a two-and a-hnlf slorv house,
very large, and well arranged for keeping' public.
The necessary outbuilding are complete. Also a
complete merchandise M'OKtMttioM. in which
has been and is nr.w a general assortment of mer
chandise; convenient to each honso it a spring of
ironing water, which was never known to fail.
There it al-n creeled thereon a small barn, with
stabling sufficient for twelve borsee. For further
particulars and lermt, address Ihe undersigned at
Clearfield Bridge, Pa., or call on her at Marvsville
Janlli Sm Mrs H W. THOMPSON
rpEAS Imperial Yonng Hyson Japan
i Oolong llyton Twanktv. a good tea for
II i per pound at J. p. KHATZKH'8.
I1LACKP.MIT1IS etn save money bv getting
li their Horseshoes and Nails at
janlO-lm. J. . K KATZKU'S,
I Mi CK W 5 K A T FLO I' R . J.imo pon7d77re7n
J I ground Buckwheat Flour for sale at
DRIED FRl'IT.- Apples-P..chei-Ch.r.
ries Prunes Just reeeired at
lOOT8 AND f!OKS.Fina Calf Bceu
lt hip Bojtt Felt Overihoet liuffalo Ovar.
shoes Oumt Buskins Pandel. at
.i-n't'Jra J. P.'S.
RFT mP.a .1' for ,,
Dee. 1.1, ISM. Mg RKI.L A BIOLKR.
Traaara and abdominal supporters of every
kind of the latest Improvement, for sale at
i'fot Store of MARTSWICK IRWIN.
ntci-Rirjt , v. .a '
i(v riffrtisrinrnis.
. .it riuiUTi: s.tL:
'PIIE subseriUr, residing in I'nion lowi.tL,,
1 1 livrticlit .iiir, -et,n'a, oflert the lolKaiae
tra. tt ol land at ptirata tale, vu :
No. l-Contains 110 Acres,
Aud allowance, silly acres of which are cleared
and uod. r good I'ultivatloti.havinglhereon crect.J
a dwelling house, barn and oulhousef, and a larn
bearing orchard of choice trinl. a good annua '-f
water, and tome eieollenl Tl.MllER.
No. 2-Oontaina 126 Acres,
And allowance, ten a.-res cleared, and harit,e
therein envied a dwelling house and rA tV MILL
Tnnler and logs can be run from the mill. Ihe,
are two million feet of pine timber alone on Ibit
tract. The whole it underlaid with
Tho Atlantic and Oreat Western railroad and the
. insiow raitroaii nam twin surveyed their routes
through these lands.
ho better prospect la now often d, at fab rea
sonable rates. For further particuurs,addreas the
undersigned, at Rucktoo post oniec.
jaii.'ifliin i"-N WREfLER.
l:lWARI MACk A. CO.,
On Market Ktrt-n, our door eut of Llo.
poldt IKrewcry,
Tb proprietor! bar entered ioto tbt
Hoot fbo butioeu t tbt aboM
tUod. tod mT9 dtrraiDed to not b
oordona either in quthtr or prie fr
tbeir work. htcul attention will be paid t
BanufactnrioK wd work. We bave on band
a large lot ol FAENCH KIP and CALF t-KI.S's
of tbe Try bent qaalitr. The cltiiena of Clear,
field and tbe urrouodine; vicinity, ara repeu
fully inrited to give m a trial. IS o charge fur
call. Clearfield, Nor. 7, 1866-tf.
w heeI-Ek a. mi.nosw
Hijrhjt Prvmtntn, Ixrk Stitch,
A I.L Inrjuirics in reference to thit
A No. 1"
Ji V Miv'hine promptly answered.
Thry can be
procured from me at citv prices.
W.M. T. 11AMILT0.V, Agent, I.othereburg, I'a.
VLL MOI.DIEHH (IK 1 Hil--fl'i--6 are
entitled to an JXCKEASKI) linl'.NTl.
1 be undersigned it prepared to collect all such
Hountiea, as well as the increased pay to Soldiers'
Widows. All inuuiriea nnd oomuiunirationa an.
fwered promptly. fJistdiargii receipted for. Pott
Office address, Curwenrville, I'a.
acpa tf JOMAll EVA3.
A Vonth'i HlBtor) of the (ircat Civil Mar.
One Vol, 416 pages. Price i I JO. Illuslrated
with lo engravings on wood, by the best artists,
of Linoolu, Davit, Grant, Lea, Hberman, Jack
eon, Mephent, rkward, BiMith and others.
This book is adapted lo all readers. Tbourh
called a "-Youth's History," it is not "baby talk"
but gives, in clear, ooncise and racv stvle. a full
account of the war and ita causes. It is just smh
a book as business men. merchants, farmers, me
ehanics and laborers will want to read, and after
they have read it, give to their children to read.
Wr Poetry f bv Wit. Riant.
hvery family will want a copy of thit work. It
if filled with all the patriotic enthusiasm produced
during the war. No man it better Qualified to
compile ruch a work than air. Hilunit.
Tlie Democratic Almanae for INtut-T.
Thit alannalfor IcftA. to he continued nowregu-
larty each year, cintaint full election returns for
lroo, V and ISfii ; list of newspapers fiinnrefsrd
by the Lincoln Administration,' Chronology of
lKA.-i, of battlca, acts of Congreea. Ao. It oonuins
matter to be had nowhere- cie,an'l it valuable and
trniwirUnt to have at anvtllnc. The great feature
for IRI.7 will lie a complete LIST OK THE AR
BITRARY AllllKSTS made by Mr. Lincoln.eom-
illea cipressly lor the Iselnoeratic Almanae for
07. This list will contain the name, cause of
arrest and terra of imprimaitarnt f each prisoner,
and be the most remarkable document ia the his
tory of I.rritr, oV t'orAel eer puhlltlicd. It will
ct.ntain iH-sidet the usual matter of all Almanacs,
full and official returns of all the elcotione for this
year, compared wilh prws iout ones, the moat im
portant actt of Congrest, President Johnton't veto
mcesagct, lists of !.& the old and the new Con
gress, statistical and other information mdirpetiti
ble to every politician, planter, farmer, merchant
or mechanic.
A Will Ion la iK-atllJ er, The Attempt io Eqr.a!.
ise naces ine 1'estruci'on Ol poctcty.
The AbnlltioH Consplrar) : or. A Ten Years'
Koeord of the Republican party.
The Xccru's Place III Nature! a Pap-rread
wiore tn irfinlon Anrtiropologieal r-ocicty. ly
Dr. James Hunt, President of the frWicty.
fiollloqtiy. by 'Rrii-k' Pniit,iv, of "A B -nd-
boHer, ' 'A Poor Farmrr," -A Mivhaiur," -A
lttumed IoMicr," Ac, Ac. 32 pigce.
J!4r A II the above bookt are for tale at the Dreg
8tore of ('. D. WATSON, on Second treet, nearly
opposite the court houser Clearfield, Pa. novl'4tf
IKillT HOK-KH MllFrl AlTlK. The on
J dcrstgned has now on hand a h,l of HtlRf ES
ot lare sue. su'italile for locirnr or si.;.; l;
por-, ,.,,-. w!-'.-h be !1 e': nt r :nl.e e;i-..s.
lie also oil. rs l .r saV IHM'I. i-l.l iiilis. on
similar terms. Those in nerd of euuc;'. evn .Mil
pcrsona'lv or address him, at CIraifield. l a.
1tm Hill SK and LOT, on Maiket
street, in Urftrflrld l,er,nph. Apple to
nnvll tf Atfy at Law, t'lcartield, Pcnn'a.
Sl.l)li;HH'"lltirNTItJfA recent act
bat passed both Houses of Congress, and
signed by the Pretidrnt, giving a three years'
soldier lion tnd a two years' soldier $ Bounty.
JW-BOfNTIKS and I'KNelOKS collected
by me, for thote entitled to them.
u-tf Atfy M Law, Clearfeld, Pa.
"WAGON i-.tR Al.lV-ThrTubKribTr
v T has two two horse WAUONS fr sale, on
reasonable terms.
Cleartield, Pi
The White JVIan's Paper.
The Best New YorTWeekly Published.
VT1LL commence rn lit issue of Jan. i a new
1 T and original Romance, written evpreesty
for ils columns, entitled "The I'nnfederate Flag on
the Ocean; A Ta'e of Ihe Cruises of the Sumter
and AUhoma." Hy Frof. Wm. II. Peck, of I.e.,
author of -llerthe rieelv," 'rieatrice,-' Ac.
Among all Ihe war stories that have been written
none have yet portrayed that most romantic of all
fields, the wonderful and even mysterious voyages
of the Confederate cruisers. This story of 'prof.
P. will not be merely imaginative, but historical,
not simply romance, but realitv, much of it from
the lips ol Ihe very aetort in the' seenee themselves.
W e feel safe in predicting that il will have a greater
aucceia than any prcuout story of thit popular
author. ' '
Thit story will be commenced in the Weekly
Day Hook of January . 1S07. and all who with lo
see its opening chanters should snbcrllM. m
send in their clubs at early a possible,
Tanut.f'tsn it AnvaMiK one copy per year, $!;
three eoitics. ftn tie cit.ies am, !'-...
17 50: twenty eotiiet lo one aildneta. MO.
The Weekly llav Hook is the most complete
weekly paper published. Ils News Suuitnarv.
ramily Heading, Agricultural Articles, Iteportt of
tattle, drain, and Cotton Markets, Ac., ara not
surpassed by anv paper.
ripecimen epic, sent free. Send fr ,
Address AX KVFItlK. HiiRTON o
Ko. lOiN'assau St., New York.
JS 1 OH M' ''"' OnTliursd.reveping.
i" VyDcN-inbcr 13, a nan. giving hit name as
James t hestnnt. hired a marefrom the undersigned,
to ride IW, miles, lo Kll Bloom's, in thit
r--turn the next morning before J o'clock, which be
failed to do. The .aid Chestnut is about uve Ice.
ten inebe. high.d.rk eompleaion. and wear, heavy
c. lack whi.kcrs, and had on a long blaek overcoat,
olnck pants, and wore a rsiL Th. .... i. . ,i..w
chestnut sorrel, with white lace. one fore fool white,
and 7 years old. The above will be
for the return of the mare and thief i or 0 for the
return of the mare, and :,o fr tbe apt.eehcntioa
Of Ihe thief, tlKo. YT. HKAlii ART.
t ItsrSvld, I s.