Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 24, 1867, Image 2

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    Zt jrtcpuMiran.
Gkoroi B.Goodlanpkr, Editor.
Thursday Morning, Jan. 24, 1867,
Affuirs t the National Capital arts
not improving much. The disunion
element has boon strengthened by the
roturn of the boss Jayhawkors from
the Senatorial raids to thoir respec tive
States. Tho impeachment plot hue
been confided to such unclean bands
that it is likelv to "play out." It is a
bold method of bribery, but the Presi.
dent cot being a Cameron, Ashley &
Co. will find themselves short, espec
ially if they are compelled to make
Jo. Holt-Conover witnesses.
Tho bills for tho admission into the
Union of Colorado and Nebraska, af
ter much quibbling and delay, has
passed both Houses by a small major
ity, after striking out of thoir respect
ive Constitutions the word white, bo
as to allow negroes the right of vo
ting on an equal footing with the
"mean whites." Thus the Bump is
now actually engaged in making Con
Btitutions for the people of the Terri
tories. The plea that the citizens of
those Territories are disloyal will not
do. This attempt at consolidation
arises from a desperate attempt to
subvert the rights of the people and
the States, and if acquiesced in quietly
manifests a low state of freedom.
Those Bumpers who have heretofore
bowled so lustily for liberty and free
dom, will yet force both whites and
blacks into a worse state of servitude
than ever full to the lot of the poor
Although we are nearly tariffed to
death, the Rumpers have a new bill
before them increasing the rates on
everything manufactured in the New
England Butes. The Cssars in that
locality seem not only determined 10
have thir own, but everything.
The fraud and revenue committees
have not got round the circle yet
hence their reports are delayed.
The Bump is bringing everything
to defeat the confirmation of Senator
Cowan as Minister to Austria.
"life-long Democrats" have every
thing their own way at our State Cap
ital. Nothing of interest to the peo
ple has transpired before the legisla
ture since it assembled, except the vi
olation of trust imposed by a confiding
people to a recreant representative.
Two life-long Democrats, Cameron
and Geary, have been put in position
in order to perpetuate the disunion
programme, and finally wind op this
"farce of a government," at loyalists
call it No set of men outside of a
penitentiary, if we are to rely on loyal
testimony, have committed the same
amount of crime during the past three
weeks, that is charged upon the ma
jority of our State Legislature in the
came time. They have been openly
bribed and bought like sheep for
slaughter; thry have disregarded and
acted contrary to the known will of
the pcoplo, and devoted their entire
time and talents to further their own
" corrupt projects, in order to accom
plish a final dissolution of the Union,
so that buzzard like they can feast
and fatten on tho decaying bodies of
their own race. As it is a law of na
ture that like begets like, so we must
infer that the representative is the
natural offspring of the people, who
through their representatives prove
to be equally corrupt, and if they want
a charge of affairs must apply the
corrective themselves. This "grand
moral idea" may not be palatalTe to'
refined loyal tast,but it bas the virtue
of being embellished with truth.
Tan as Gospel. lt is not often
that we are permitted to copy any
thing from a "loyal" paper, with ap
proval, but the following taken from
one of this class tells us whafs the
matter, and we are therefore compell
ed to lay it before our readers. Here
it is : The State is emphatically in the
hands cf tho most despicable and de
graded knaves that ever disgraced a
Commonwealth." There reader. If
you ever perused anything outside of
St Mark, that sounds more like truth
we would like to have it pointed out
Si'ccr.r.iEi. A few days before the
Senatorial election, Cameron was a.-k
ed by a friend what be would do with
Col. Forney who was then through
"my two papers both daily," denounc
ing him at a terrible rate. The old
Chief replied. I will make him mv
friend. According to the papers above
alluded to, the duikhas been brought
too. Tbe immaculate Famy. Cam
eron was in Washington on Saturday,
and sent him the same ticket he fam
ished the members of the Legislature
The Executive mansion at Wash
ington, took fire on Friday lat from
a defective fine, and damaged the
building to the amount of f "OOmVi.
Sm 'hiiimuhk Wiiitks. The Kiimr-
or, having naturalized nene by the
aero in the Dii-lriet of Columbia, a
larjo number of white foreign resi
dents, comprising Irish, German, Eng
lish, French, Ac, united a few d;t
ago in a petition to the Bump request
ing that the same privileges granted
to negroos in reference to voting be
extended ia thcru. Tho petition wus
not even read, but very unceremoni
ously laid on tho table by tho unani
mous vote of tho loyalists. Tho mis
fortune of the petitioners wus that
they belonged to the "white trash,"
for vhose rights tho Bumpers have
no respect
A Remarkable Occurrence A
loyal gentleman, whose veracity dare
not be doubted, who was at llsrris
burg tho week the Senatorial nomina
tion was mado, informs us that three
fourths of tho loyal members of the
Legislature voted tickets with the
name of Mr. Spinner thereon, yet Si
mon Cameron was nominated! This
is evidently a trick of legerdemain, or
they were bribed with greenbacks
which would bo horrible, in a moral
point of view.
We observe that Wendell Phillips,
and other notorious eastern philan
thropists, are making a great effort to
raise money and provisions to send to
the Island of Crete,Grceco, where great
suffering and want is said to exist.
It is very well to bo charitable, but
we should bo careful not to send it too
far from homo, while we have the
"Greeks at our own door." Charity
should always begin at borne. Phil
lips' philanthropy is, we fear, like bis
religion and politics counterfeit
Simon has made Forney all right
already. Two weeks ago his Press
told as that the election of Cameron
would bring everlasting disgrace upon
the party and tho State. Now be
says : "We should be doing injustice
to our known political convictions if
we did not approve the tone of Gen
eral Cameron's speech, after he was
chosen United States Senator." This
quack probably cost the great corrup
tionist 11,000, which is the ground
work of Forney's "political convic
tions." Aleck McClure says that Governor
Geary bartered away bis Cabinet offi
cers as Gen. Cameron ordered him,
and that his Administration is already
a wreck. He is loyal and of course
knows all about the "great Captain."
Aleck speaks of sacrificing himself
"for freedom's cause." We hope he
will not commit suiciJe, baTi pass
ed unscathed through the war, he
should not lay violent hands on him
self, 0 ! stop, Aleck.
The steamer Platte Valley, running
on the Mississippi, between Memphis
and Yicksburg, on her passage down
on the 18th struck the wreck of a
gun boat and immediately sank to tbe
hurricane deck. Nearly one hundred
passengers were drowned. There
were about fifty women and children
on board, nearly all of whom are mis
sing. A fumily named Bobison, con
sisting of husband, wife, and twelve
children, were all lost
A number of the morality members
of our State Legislature, frequently
regale their brethren with such choice
epithet as "renegade," "traitor," 4c,
when speaking of the President and
Senator Cowan. Ilerelofore, none but
a blackguard ever reproached an offi
cer while he discharged the duties of
his office in accordance with his oath
and the Constitution.
The loyalists now talk of raising
the number of Supreme Judges to
thirteen, in order to obtain a majority
favorable to the Bump and to enable
the Jacobins to administer the affairs
of State without the restraints ot a !
Constitution, and in tho future make
the will of Thad. Stevens law, similar
to the Bussian style of loyalism. I
The negro, Horace Greeley, who
murdered ex-Sen. Bhett near Charles
ton, in October last, has been found
guilty wholly upon the testimony of
negroes. The Court bad assigned as
hi counsel tho new U. S. Senator
elect, James R. Campbell. Ilorace
has since confessed.
We observe by our exchanges that
tbe snow storm of Sunday last, pre
vailed in every section of the country.
Bailroads.public high ways,tclegraphs.
and every public avenue, was in many
sections rendered useless ; while we
observed alrx) that a number of per
sons perished.
The individual that furnished the
Bedford Innu tct. with tho informa
tion of the hunter having broke his
log, and then nailed the sola of his
boot on it and walked home, an ac
count of which we published last week,
forgot to state that it was a roo.cs
A bill entitled the Cecil and Har
ford Boom Company, has been intro
duced into the Maryland Legislature'
for the privilege of erecting a boom in
the Susquehanna in that Staie.
Bead Col. MoClure on "kyalty,"
"grand moral ideas," etc., in another
It is announced thai ex-Gov. Cur
tin intenvls to locate permanently at
I dilnrinl LreNstrfta.
A bill bus just pased both Houses
increasing the pa)' of all the govern
ment employees in the IVpartincnts
at Washington.
Mr. Noel, of Missouri, on the llih
iust., introduced a bill in tho Wash-;
injjton Bump allowing women the
right to vote in tho District of Col
umbia. A "human devil" entered tho stable
of lr. Thornton, of Lcwisburg, ono
night lust week, and cut the tongue
out of his most valuable horse. That
fiend will commit murder if an oppor
tunity offers.
What a harvest ! Genry, tho Gov
ernor, "a lifo-long Democrat" Brews
ter, tho Attorney General, "a lifo-long
Democrat" Cameron, the Senator, "a
life-long Democrat" theso nro the
fruits of tho Radical victory in Penn
sylvania. Tho Ikllefonto Press, tho home or
gan of Gov. Curtin, thinks that Simon
Wig-wag thoroughly understands the
wants of Pennsylvania, and that be
will act for her good. Tho editor
fuels melancholy over the fact that
the old chief is charged with bribery.
A stay-at-home wide-a-wuke, named
Glass, who ran against Col. Linton in
Cumbria county last full for Assembly,
and defeated by 610 majority, is now
atllarrisburg contesting tho Colonel's
scat in that body. What great re
spect some of thoso loyalists have for
law and the soldier in a horn.
We disagree with the U.S. Senator
elect very much upon one vital point.
He says : "I bojie to live to see the
word WHITE stricken from our Con
stitution, an'd the spirit of caste, based
upon color, utterly destroyed." We
hope Gen. Cameron will die, and live
in heaven ten thousand years, before
this sad calamity befalls our country.
Ben Loan, a loyal Bumper from
Missouri, read a speech in the House
on the 14th, charging tho President
with the assassination of Mr. Lincoln,
for which he was culled to order by a
brother Bumper named Hale, but tho
Speaker, Colfax, decided that Loun
was in order, and might blackguard
and slander the "government" as much
as he pleased, bocaufo he was "loyal."
It is stated that Gen. Cameron pur
chased all the candidates, notwith
standing the boast of the "great Com
moner" that all wcro honest men, and
sixteen loyal members of tho Legisla
ture, including five clergymen, for the
sum of 1 1 ",00l). This is less than Judas
charged for similar work, when every
thing was much cheaper, and f 10,000
less than he offered Dr. B-oycr for bis
vote alone. This is certainly a rich
joke on those men controlled by"grand
moral ideas."
Tho loyal electioneering cards sent
out last full by tho Lcoguers, known
as the deserter's list, just cost the State
Treasury t",500 thus saving tho loyal
State Committee that sum. It is a
very easy matter to run a machine
when you can use other people's mon
ey to do it with. Pcoplo often wonder
where all tbe taxes go. Hero is an
item of 17,500. Gen. Whito spent
5,000 on tho last 4th of July, and
Bergner got f 13,000 for keeping up
the loyal TJrgraph.
The Yankco trick in attempting to
abolish the distinctions of rtre and
color is a new invention, and some
thing tho Lord overlooked when he
pronounced everything "very good."
Will some modern soothsayer inform
us how tho Creator of all things hap
pened to perpetrate this blunder, in
a distinction of race and color, and
that to this day he adheres to his origi
nal plan, notwithstanding tho error
hss times without number been point
ed out by Sumner 4 Co.
Ono day lost week the members of
our State Assembly were regaled with
a prayer from a Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of
Wyoming county. The individual
while addressing a throno of Grace,
told the Lord that the Constitution of
the United States heeded amending
so as to fully come up to the standard
of loyalty not religion. Wo have
not learned whether He has moved in
this matter or not. While he was
giving the Lord directions the Demo
cratic members rebuked him by near
ly all taking their soaU.
Tho editor of the Bellefonte Prrs,
in imitation of tho theatre saint, has
issued a proclamation calling upon his
loyal friends to pave him and bis es
lablisbrociit from falling into the hand
of a "Coppeihead sheriff." Ho says :
"our hairs stand on end." What on
earth will become of tho fellow's hair
when the original owner comes after
him. Ion't get alarmed Bro. Iviirtr.;
the Copperheads will not disturb you
except by "dne process of law," ond
that project you have under your own
control j therefore don't weep.
The IVck intimates that Mother
Centre, having lost the Senatorship,
must now have tho loyal nomination
for Supremo Jndge conferred on her.
and that his Houor Judgo Linn has
. got the inside track. As this district
has for many years furnished subjects
for the Supremo Bench, we certainly
will have no objections to Judgo Linn
being elevated to that post, provided
we cannot raise Democratic votes
enough to defeat him. We would bo
highly pleased to see tho Judgo prac.
ticing at the bar, and to this cud wo
will do all we can to bring him.
The f 'M-rnfi in Iht ttnitiml
I'm ly1 ht Htnnloiinl
nr mf m hi or mr, riRM.
Tho billowing loiter, written by
Col. A. K. Mcl'lure, to bis own news.
pflper, (tho iyiii7'ry,) should bo read
by every Pennsylvaiiinn wli.) desires
to sco the inside workings (if the l'ud
ical party :
HARitisntKO, Jan. 11, DT.7.
All efforts to avert llio blistering
dishonor of llio election of .Simon
Cameron to the first legislative tribu
nal of the nation, have provud utter
ly futile. Tho people believed that
they bud precluded tho possibility of
such a result, for ifi no single Senato
rial or Representative district in the
State does a majority of tho Republi
cans desire his election. On tho con
trary, liinetoen-twentietlis of the
faithful men who liavo by noble, pa
triotic effort given victory to our
cause, uro cnrnrstly, implacably op
posed to him, nd demand tho elect
ion of a tried ami trusted statesman
to tho responsible position of Sen
ator. That tho actinn of tho caucus will
startle and uppail tho Republicans of
Pennsylvania I cannot question. Hut
few ol tho overwhelming majority
who dosired a different choice believ
ed suci monstrous perfidy on the part
of thfir legislators within the range
of their action, liven tho leading
men who entered tho contest nsa for
lorn hope, with an earnestness wor
thy of their cause, reposed in fancied
safety until it was too lute; and many
ot them, but u few weeks ago, cen
sured me as an alarmist because I
raised an humble voice of warning to
the people.
Knowing as I did, before tho late
election, thul Cameron had debauched
both our immediate Representative
and our Senator, that be bad wrung
from our legislative candidate in Ve
ry a written pledge to support him
under the threat ol defeat, and that be
had contracted for a Senator and two
Representatives in tho adjoining Bed
ford district in the nomination confer
ence, I could not doubt that else
where, as here, ho had corrupted the
delegated powers wlnlo the people
rested in confident security. 1 still
hoped, however, that a wrong so un
exampled and exceptionless could not
ho consummated, and I committed the
natural error of bowing in silence,
rather than peril harmony nnd success
in a struggle involving tho most im
portant ottieers who were to be charg
ed with the safety of our nationality.
Had tho voice of Stevens, and For
ney, and Grow, and their friends, rung '
out boldly a month ago, us they did
yesterday, tho Commonwealth would
liuve been spared this indelbilc blot
upon its fame; but nil hoped for the
crown when the usurper should fall,
and feared that he might wound his
assailants mortally in tho violent
throes of his death.
Why Simon Cameron was chosen, 1
need not repeat. Tho story is famil
iar to all, even in tho humblest and
remotest ht.mes of tho State. If
written in flaming characters on the
dome of the capilol, or branded inef
faeeably upon tho brows of the men
who did it, no one would have to
learn thereby how the richest jewel
of loyul victory hail been basely bar
tered for a prico.
I have been one of tho mulitudo oi
witnesses who encompassed this une
qual struggle. I diil not err in esti
mating bow tho Legislature was in
structed and voluntarily pledged to
vote for Senator. More than enough
wcro so chosen not by trickery, but
hy tho spontaneous expressions of
those whoso votes were sought to
have mado Governor Curtin tho nom
inee for Senator on tho first ballot;
and of the residue, not one-half hard
ly one in five, dared to avow to their
constituents beforo tho election thut
thev would vote as they did last night
When the members had got sulely
beyond tho power of tho people, by
their election, every appliance was
mado to bear upon them that inginui
ty could devise. There wero offices
for tho ambitious, plunder for tho ven
al, ami promises for fools. Men came
here still strong m their integrity nnd
mindful of their noblo peoplo who
had confided in them, but I saw then
whither and fall liko tho blighted
leaves of autumn ; anil fall, like one
of old, to rise no more. Thus did tho
harvest of corruption go on until the
garners of the master wero full.
Tho informal meeting yesterday of
thoso who desired to save tho Repub
lican organization from suicide, show
ed sufficient strength to defeat the
power ol a subsidized caucus, hnd not
tho samo influenco demoralized tho
Democratic members. Their nomi
nation of t'owan wns but a notice to
all that a sufficient number from that
side were ready for delivery whenever
wanted to consummate the election of
Cameron. Tho fact that to have re
fused to recognize a enneus because it
was improperly controlled, would
havo !ecn fruitless, mado many men
unwilling tomako a failure in opposi
tion to what had tho form of a regu
lar nomination, and men sullenly bow
ed to conscious wrong. Had it been
possible to unite sufficient strength on
Mr. Stevens, or Mr. Grow or any oth
er gi fled and upright statesman, there
would have lieoti a cheerful sacrifice
of nil personal preferences; but to all
such proponitions there was no re
sponso from thoso who had resolved
upon perfidy. It was otherwise de
nominated is their bond.
To mo this result brings no person
al disappointment, and Vails for no
personal rcMntinriit. Of Mr. Camer
on, I have no reason forpersonnl com
plaint. That I believe dim unfitted,
alike in integrity and in capacity, for
high official trust, is shown by twenty
years of earnest resistance to bis
political pretention. It I had sought
preferment or profit, 1 would have
accepted the repeated invitations to
become his partisan. Since tho organ
ization of the Republican party, I have
lalored ami sacrificed for its success to
the full extent of my humble ability
and means, and its honors and emolu
ments I have freely accorded to oth
ers. It bas had the highest and holi
est mission ever committed to any po
litical body of men, and I havo stead
ily looked above the strifo for individ
ual advancement to tho banner thut
told the sad story of my country's
woes and appealed to patriotism to
icsiiie t no i!W Vim ni irom nmn s
crowning iiihuuiniiil v to itinr. I
therefore turn from tills success of tin
mingled wrong In sorrow not lor the
noble men w ho have fallen woundod
in tho cirelo of their friends, but for
tho fiito I fear it must irrevocably do
cree (or the Republican organization.
How it is to survive such a wanton
slaughter id its proudest attributes, I
have not tho faith to comprehend. It
may hurl tho polluted parasites Irom
its throno and thus maintain its ns
cendency to tho full fruition ot its
great work, but it must enter future
struggles with its colors stained und
integrity questioned. I go Irom its
gaping wounds, inflicted by unworthy
ambition ami unbridled venality, todo
buttlu for its vital principles as before,
but not for its betrayers, or thoso who
follow in their footsteps. While the
timid, tho timo-serviug ami tho un
principled will cringo that thrift may
follow fawning, let it ho known of mo
that 1 was not of tho victors in tliiH
blotted Uiumph,and that in and about
the very teuiplo of power, 1 shall
dure to be just, uliko to the fuithtul
and to tho f'uilliloss, lor Freedom's
cause. Coji qui potent, neseit mori.
A. K. M.
Tho foregoing, good peoplo, arc not
"copperhead lies." They aro tho ut
terances of one who is as truthful, as
intelligent und as honest as the best
of the leaders of the Radical party of
"grand moral ideas," und, us such,
they must unci will curry conviction to
tho minds of bis party. In the light
of this letter we can come to no oth
er conclusion than that theso leaders
of the littdicul party iu the Legislature
w ho elected Simon Cameron, who rat
ified tho Rump Amendment, nnd who
passed resolutions instructing tho
Hump Senato to reject the appoint
ment of Mr. Cowan ns minister to
Austria, nre tho most venal nnd cor
rupt thut ever disgraced a party or
cursed a Mato. "Ihcro were offices
for tho ambitious; plunder for the
venal, and promises lor fools," snys
McCluro, and no ono who bus reud
the history of Cameron or looked in
to the faces of bis "friends" enn doubt
the impeachment Wo shall await
with interest tho action of tho people
ujion this subject We dusiro to see
if there is virtuo enough remaining
among our citizens to redeem the char
acter of tho State from tho foul stig
ma put upon it by those representa
tives who bartered tho highest office
in their gift "for a price."
s 0
The Source of the Mmprarhmcnt.
Tho Xatitmal liipuhliain, at Wash
ington, makes such un exhibit of the
would 1)0 impeacher of tho President
as indicates that ho himself id not
wholly immaculato ns a public man,
and seeing the position in which ho is
himself placed by tho following, it
probably is on the theory that 'mis
ery loves company" that ho seeks to
draw Mr. Johnson into tho category
with himself:
Tlir Ofi 'o Imjr,iehrr. "Ho that is
without sin among yon, let him cast
tho first stone." Vn Monday Mr.
Ashley, of Ohio, arose in his place in
tho House of Representatives and
charged the President w ith high crimes
and misdemeanors, and asked that he
be impeached. "It was n painful du
ly," and ho had, during tho recess of
Congress, besought various members
of tho llouso to perform it. We sup
pose ho sought to find ono who could
meet the requirement wo havo quoted
at the beginning of this article. Wo
presume that that w hich rendered the
duty so painful to him was tho fact,
well known to tho llouso nnd to all
who havo rend tho records of tho
Thirty-seventh Congivss.that he could
not meet that requirement which our
Savior demanded of those who would
take the reputation and life of their
We had read tho record, wlictn it was
mado by a committee of the House,
proving tho Hon. J. M. Ashley guilty
of official conduct that ought to have
disgraced him in the eyes of bis con
stituency forever. This record is to
be found in Report No. 47 of tho 3d
session of the o7th Congress the re
port of a select committee, mado on
February ', ISO:!, by Hon. II. G.
lllake, chairman. It appears from
this document, which is quite volumin
ous, that Mr. Ashley was only saved
from "impeachment by u flaw in the
indictment Ho wus charged with
corrupt official conduct "in procuring
the appointment of F. M. ( 'use as Sur
veyor General of tho Territory of Col
orado for a consideration previously
mado." J
Tho letters of Ashley and others,
produced beforo tho committee, und
the testimony of witnesses, printed in
their reporl, develop ns much corrup
tion as a largo-sized Congressman's
skin could hold; but the committee
came to the conclusion that "tho con
sideration" was not exactly proved to
have been previously agreed upon,"
and therefore tho chargo was dropped.
This was during tho rebellion, and at
that time Mr. Ashley was ycry real
ous in the couse of tho war "to pro
serve tho Union." Ho managed, un
der thoso circumstances, to gel a re
election. We havo not tho space to day to
give that amount of ih0 testimony
bearing upon tho caso w hich ought to
bo republished in view of the action cf
the great impeacher.
Among tho letters which nppcar in
tho committee's printed rep rt is one
from Ashley to Case, dated February
2d, ltil, in which he dwells upon tho
importance and advantages of tho of
fice, (Surveyor General of Colorado
Territory, saying that it would ena
ble a good business innn to make a
fortune of f .)0,00ll or $1W,0"(I, and in
this letter ho (Ashley) says: "1 want
my brother as chief clerk". "
"in a letter dated March 12, ISM,
Ashley informs Case that lie had made
some progress, and that "in order to
secure jt ho Indiana delegation and Sen
ator L.tne to 0erate oil Smith, he bad
promised that tho sub-appointments
should be made jointly, ho giving
them their first choice."" Ho nslcs for
a letter authorising him to make such
a pledge, Ho also says to Case, in
his letter, that he wants to nnito with
him as a full partner in all land spec
illations and town sites. Here, in
deed, is n immaculato impeacher.
There are said to be twenty-five
bald beads in Congress, two wigs, and
fifteen pairs of moustaches. .
The I'eiritontHir t'oinr.
Tho extent of tho pardoning power
of the President was brought in ques
tion in tho Senato in the discussion, a
short time ago, jipun the bill 1n repeal
the 13th section of tho net of July 17,
1M12, w hich nuthori.ed him, by proc
Initiation, to extend to persons who
had participated in tho rebellion, in
ony Slate or part of a State, pardon
anil amnesty, with such exceptions
and on such conditions as ho might
deem expedient Tho tuirposo with
which that net of repeal was Intro
duced was to ubridgo tbe power of
tho President. It was shown at tho
time, in our columns and in other
journuls, that tho attempt was one of
thoso file-biting efforts which only
dull tho teeth of such ns practice
them ; that tho pardoning power of
llio P resident wus fixed hy the Con
stitution, and could in no manner bo
abridged by legislative enactment
Tho truo senso of tho net of July,
JHtJiJ, wus to indicate to tho world tho
dosiro on tho part of Congress that
tho President should 'hasten the ro
turn of peaco by holding out tho olivo
branch of reconciliation nnd complete
oblivion to all who would return to
their allegiance. Tho law was meant
to express a sentiment, to indicuto o
line of policy, not to confer ower.
Its repeal by tho present Congress,
therefore, could only operate to show
a chango of temper a perversion of
tho feelings which ought to preside
at tho deliberations of Congress, but
could in no manner curtail tho capaci
ties which tho Executivoderivod from
tho Constitution ; that us General
Washington had declared a general
amnesty without tho authority of
Congress, and each ot Ins successors
hud claimed and exercised to the full
est extent the attribute of mercy, so
President Johnson could and,ought to
continue tho same, despite tho malico
of the real enemies of the country.
The decision of tho Supreme Court on
tho 14th inst, in the test oath cases
reviews the subject and maintains tho
cxistenco of the power of tho Presi
dent in all its plcntitudo, und beyond
tho reach of Congress to restrict or
qualify in any manner. llio lan
guage of tho Court is:
"The Conslilulion f tlio Vnitcs Btfttm provide
(hat the l'rrhlrnt ihll have iowor to Rrmnt r-iri?vi-i
anit iariloni fur ofloiinftiagiiiiiBl tli Lnited
Htati'f, rxcitt in caM-nor itnjicacbinrut. Thepow
rr lbu eimlemsj is unlimitul. With tb excep
tion ttatt-,1, it extendi to every uflVtiM kuuwn to
the lnw, aiel may lie ex.enii"J at any time after
ill lumuiiMiun, eithor Ix-furc lift:) pr.ecrdin
re tuai-n, or during tneir penuenry or after con
vict iim and jutjrnit-nL Turn powur of the l'reai
dent is n it tolijii'it to leeinlative control. Cnu-
j(ren! enn ni-itlu r limit the etlret of bin pardon,
n'rcx.'iu w irom it, exerciKO any clmi nl ottend
or. Tne benicn prerogative of mercy rvponed in
lino eaunot be li-lti-ivd by any It gialalive rcalrio
lion.' Having asserted thus broadly the
power, the court proceeded to discuss
the effect of a pardon. They say the
pardon not only releases tlio punish
ment, but blots out the existence of
guilt, so that tho etlender is as inno
cent as if ho never committed tho of
fense. Tho only limitation is that it
docs not restore offices forfeited, or
property which has passed and been
vested in others, but so efficacious is
tho pardon that it cannot bo defeated
of iu complete operation by tho en
actment of a law requiring any cx
purgatory oath us a condition of ad
mission to office. Notwithstanding
any such law, a party who has been
pardoned may bo admitted to any of
fice of honor, profit, or trust, without
taking an c.pu:gatory oath.
Tho effect of this decision may bo
of incalculable value in restoring tho
peaco of tho country nnd in furnish
ing a practical solution to the difficul
ty in tho way of admitting mcmhors
to Congress from tho Southern Stales.
who nro debarred by tho test-oath of
July, lbZ. Should tlio President de
clare, at this day, a general amnesty,
every disability with w hich Congress
has hedged round the restoration of
tho States and tho peoplo to tho full
privileges of tho Union ought to be by
it taken nway. No member elected
to Congress could properly bo debar
red from his seat by reason of the
test-oath, for his pardon, cither gen
eral or special, would ovcr-rido the
law exacting tho oath, and bo would
bo at onco entitled to tho privilege of
niemttersinp. "it is not within the
Constitutional power of Congress,
(say the Court,) thus, by means of a
test oath, to inflict a punishment bo
yond the reach of cxecutivo clemen
cy." Wo cannot at present foreseo
all tho benign influences which ought
to be wrought upon the country by
this full assertion of mercy in tho na
tional cxecutivo. But it is plain to
sco that its prompt nnd wiso exercise
offers a ready solution of tho difficul
ties w hich sland in tho way of nation
al restoration, and that through it
thero is a door of escape from tyran
nous hgin(irn( anj a means of com
pleting the representation of the
States, which no faction can long
resist. liiiltimorc Sun.
Removal. -HenntorCnwan hns oh
tainod from the different departments
a statement of tho Prcsients appoint
ments nnd tho number of removals.
I'ndcr tho Department of State there
were !I40 appointments, and thero had
been 10 removal ; in tho Treasury
Departments 37d appointments and
l'.MI removal; in tho interior Depart
ment 210 appointments nnd 21 re
movals ; in the Postoffleo Department
in:' appointment and r.17 removuls ;
in the Attorney General's office 202
appointments nnd 10 removals.
The price of pork ought to recede,
for tho Western hog supply ot the
present season, down to Januury 12th,
is announced to be 651,623 hogsshi
ped, packed and butchered, as com
pared with 44.1,457 for the same period
Inst year an increaso of nearly 100,
00 hogs.
An exchange savs if Providenco
would only inclino Wendell Phillips
to keep himself occupied with tho suh
ject or aid for the Cretans for tho rest
of his lift, tho world might possibly
havo a little peaoo.
Tho choir occupied by President
Linco.ln when assassinated Ims been
transferred bv Secretary Stanton to
tho Interior Department, for preser
vation ns an historical relic.
The jail at llranehvillo South Car
olina, was fired by tho inmates ono
day last week and twenty-two negroes
and ono white man perished in the
Oit tin. l:,tliof J iinm-y, 17, .t r . .1 , J l v i
IVIIIHIi r, ol l.awrrn-e !..,,. 1. xj,, u .p..
J. Wll.i.MV"", of Kf,t I. ..!, ,,,
At l.un ( H, Jamiaiy 2(1, I C, I . j u.
I". Faitni.i.1., , .Mr. II I. Ml V A.APIiU'VtX
nd Mi-, AVMI! CAI.IiWI.I.l,, ,, i, f p.J
iim 2(U'frti5nr,n!t5.
I.VM11KII C1TV, CLrARriKUl CotNTY, i-a.
rptlH undiriiemd hating hand at.J riu.j
I. thii w. Il kmoin tnd, LiVi t mitbi
lirinprimthiB entnMi'linient hi-fore tin- .iil,i,0i jj
T4III.K and 1IAK nill be niliid Kith th( I,;
the market atlurdf. A Ii'h-mI niiare of puMa- n.t.
ronairi- iii therefore repe?1lu!)Y poliriir.f.
Jm'-'l-ly pd JAMKri I,. ( I Hpy,
FLOfll .... Pl'.oVI. -ls
t- r iriniKiA
I . . J C IN rx I ! o
Wfllll-KaALR IIKAltN a ItP.t K1Y t:H or
Flour, Proviaionc, and all thii of
Refined Oils.
Cheapeat Flour House In PitUburgh.
Ou hand, rrliable and well knott n hrnndf. (Qualify
vf Flour guarantied. Jnduncnjenti to
dcalurl and 1'ricci Current aunt
every suck.
Cliockered front, 273 Liberty itrwt,
jnn24 ly PITT.'inUROH, Pa.
TIMIK andrntifVTiMl. iwiilinf in Um1v"townihip.
j itjw oueri wue ui inu htft li.tllir.H and
COAL tract! of Und fur mlo in that loctiou of tht
Consisting of 112 Acres and Allowance,
ruriy-nve til wbtcn is uuilrr cultivation, with
houia and itahlu thereon, and an orchard of ldo
bearinn Iruil trwi ; tht balance ii hwivily tiinher
ed. At leant one million tret of )"ine and tw
nunureu inouinna in oan. ItiCHliouj Winf 011
derUid with a four foot vein of coal. Thii inn
it ntuated within one mile of Lutberburir, ad
joining landi of Joai'iih Line, Carmm, Whiu-Leail
an-j j-i-nif, a panne roau riartwi through it.
achool houae u located on tbe oue corner, and ao
""" "iir oi water, r.rery railroad farter
uiaucinrouitu mil section Imt been located on this
lana. Aiiy lurtuer information in reference to tbe
property, terras, 4c, can be bad by calling on or
addressing the subscriber, at Lulbtriuurg, Clear,
field oouutv, l'a.
jan24 3m JAMF.S MILES.
C ACTIOS. All ueriKiiifl are hereby cautioned
ajrainst trusting or hurborins; my sten-snn,
.nivui.u, on uiy account, as I will
pay no debts of his contracting after this date.
Union tp., Jan. 17, ls7. HK.MtV KOltB.
ACTHIX. All persons are hereby notified
uiim me larm, ol aliout 130 acres and allow,
anec, whereon I and uiy hu-hand. I'aniel llownss
lire, in Kno township. Clearfield count?.
belongs to nil, and not to iny husband ; and any
one purctmsilig the prndurt of Haid farm mult do
n of uie, as neither my said husband nor any oat
ue-iur iii, urn na autnorUT to sen tne same,
jan !7-.1t:f,d 'PARA II I!OW MAX,
SI.t'.Kill FOR MAI.I The undeViied
has a first raU two. horse Sleigh for sale, siih
shaft and tongue attached, nearly new, which In
wilt sull on rea'unahle b-mis. ApiIt to
JOSIAH W. Hii).MI?0,
Janltl-ltpd furwen.rille.
1"M)R K A l,K A nearly new f-TKAM KNtilKB
and llulLKH.withiiitiiigs. hnirineSd.fcorai
power. Hoilcr 4U -horse power. Will be S'.hl tery
cheap. A Idres., W. A. A W.J. M MAMUAL.
janltl-lm Milroy. Jlifllin eounir. Pa.
"T AM alwnv In reeeii.t nf il.n I....I fiVh-Trnc
JL which will be served up in the nual raritfrof
un o now a warm ano: cfinH'rtn!.lere..,
fltuJ upfor the accommodation of LAD1KS, which
'"'wiukui win receive particular attention.
UOTFS Tee freem and Oyster Kalixm
4 tJKItl LTI KAL ()LLl:t;i: OF
V FKNNSY'LVANIA. The neat Term of tbii
Institution, under its reorganisation, will eosi.
mence on the 16th day of January, lsrlT. For
terms or admission, rnlalogues, Ac, addreis
litlfv VD . t r u ,.
janS-4l Agricultural College, Centre IV., Ps.
ll'UHlM Kt nm'S KOTlCIi. Lrtlers
X ot Administration hatir.v been (rmrit.-d toe
underripe ! en the estate of Hubert J. Wallace,
uec it, tale ot l leaiiield borough, Clearfield oouutt
all persons indel.U-d to said estate will make in.
mediate p.innenl.and those having claims apiierl
uie same win present mem properly authenticated
tor aetiieinenb ULOtU.i w. KUtliJl,
jan 10 fd Administrator.
A Great Discovery.
OVK of the greatest and most usclu! nVcTenl
inmedieai science was mad, by thcceli Srslcd
Vr. J., of Fan;, t bicf lHivqvi-vn t. ;:ts
Imperial Infirmary of France, :n 1.- 'i. I , n
have been afflicted with the painful dl,-cr.e rn n
as Files, and efloctually cured l Uo c r of Mt
too highly of the benefits conferred upon them by
tho use of Hiir remedy. It hasnerer been knows
to tail in rQecting a permaucnt cure in a sing!
case. In this respect it surpasses all other medi
cines of the kind. It will do just what it isrcnB
mended for; if net, the money will be refunded.
One or two boios is sufficient to effect a pcratsnerd
cure in four or sis Hsvs. if fh rfiresiioes no the
boxes are fallowed. Friee, ono snd two dollars per
box, according to sise. Sent by mail or express to
v pvi oi iue utinca r-iaie or t anaila. sold oy
l'ruggistl generally. A liliers.1 discount ensde to
the. trade. Address It. p. IllMl AM 1'0,
Witliain'port, Fa., sole Proprietors and Manofse
turers mr the I nited (States and Cans Is. ii j
flHB undcri-ned will sell or rent her fern,
X situated in .Marysrille, OrarnYld eountr. Ps.
Ino farm contains uxii lll'MUIKU ACllKS,
and ia well adapted to funning or grating, and it
present ia in a good stale of cultivation and w.ll
watered; hi,viiig thereon one good TWO-pTCHY
FARM HOI K and a Iwo-and-a hall story bunts,
very large, and well arranged for keeping' public
complete merchandise STONK-KHO.V. In t
has l.ern . -.1 i . . . . , . . .
.... ...,L..BI, uiKinig. htt iHmi.i,.ie. Aite.
.... - '- - n-i7ri assonmeni oi mer
chandise; convenient to each house is a tprilif of
........... ,, mmm t,cvvr smowBj to isn.
there is also erected thereon a small barn, with
stabling sufficient for twelve homee. For further
particulars and terms, address the undersigned st
Clearfield Bridge, Fanreall on her at Marvstille.
Jsnltl-lnt Mrs. K. W. TIID.M FSOX.
WOt'LD respectfully announce to the eitl
tens of Clearfield and Tieinity, that bs
has taken the rooms formerly occupied by F. A,
Jjaulin. Id Urebsm s Row, lotmediaielr o'rer II,
F. Maugle'i Jewelry store, and will eoatioae th
A full assortment of Cloths. Cessimeres snd
Vestlngs constantly oa hand, and made to order
oa the shortest notice.
Particular attention wiil he given to Ct'TTIXll
Men's, Boys' and Children's clo'.hing in the molt
fashionable styles. )ive him a call.
deett-tf J1' J'' CI AT1K.
Coal, W hale and Llnsesd Oils, Family lit,
wamiihet and paints or all kinds ground ia
oilrnr sale hy 4 a
M1KAS Imperial Young Uysoa Japan
I. Oolong Hyson Twankay, a good tea for
P"nJ-; J. F. IvUATZKK'S.
liLACKSMITHS can save money by getting
JJl) their Horseshoes and Nails at
i" im. ji. r. KiuTzr.ira.
Hl'CKW II EAT FI.0F ll.1Ij,'pn(l"rTounds fret,
ground Uuckwhcat Flenr for sale at J. F. KRATHKR'S.
H1KO Fill' IT. Apples Peaches Cher.
nee rnines yuti received at
J. F. K UAT7.FR .
lfOT8 ANO FIIOKSFinV Calf Bcou)
I) hip Boots Felt Overshoes buffalo 0t.
shoes (luats Uuskins Sandels at
janni uu J. I'. KRAIZEiVS
AVT ltfll.s of al' sites, r..r sola s:
jw. "" NS RKI.L A RIfll.l K
riVuaari auit abdominal supporters of eviry
l kind of the latest improvement, f Ta'e at
'l-!' Su,r of "AKTSWKK t IRH IN.
PI ROCI'.U I IX 10 t n hsd at
nimr ui amt v oi .tn i ,.,i