I UK HITUBUCAN. ii'-iiAT::::::"":"":,-''in,,1,,'y ihtHorrtiHr bltttr t'ontmlllrr. V niceling o! the Democratic Stale winniiltco will l0 liekl lit Bolton's l,,l, Ihrrittbtirg, on TUKSDAY, uh JANUARY, nt 71 1 M. Full ttiidiinco is tlewired. WM. A. WALLACE, Cli'm. lliirrisburg, Pa., Jan. 10, ISO". Yo ore requested to nnnounco tliut in l!ov. J. 11. Kori'ool, Bishop of the Western Diocese of Fenrmylvunin, will liold servieo in the hpisoopal lliurch, in tliis place, on Saturdny evening ;iiid Sunduy morning; will iidininistcr the Bite of Confirmation. Tho Democratic Almanac for 18G7, ii now for sale nt C. I). Watson's. Mork Supervisors. Tho citizens uf Burnsido township, at thoir lato election, voted largely" in favor of a law authorizing them to elect four supervisors for- that township, at the next election. Wo aro pleased to know that our business men uro now laboring under a serious attack of railroad lever. Wo bono thev will never recovo until tho rwhistio of tho engine restores thoin to Jtlieir senses and usual health. Wra. McCullough Sr., of this coun- ky, has roccived tho ugency for tho Kilo of a patent win to wiro clothos- ino, warranted not to rust, and will Of course last a lifetime Tho testi monials in fuvor of this line aro high and numerous. Tho wiro retails at five conts a foot, or four dollars per. hundred, which is much cheaper than the common rope lino. Court. Tho regular term of our court commenced on Monday, at 2 o'clock, his Honor, Judge Linn, and Associates, Wilhclm and Clydo, on tho bench. The calling of tho list of Ju rors being completed, tho names of such of tho newly elected Constables as were present were called, and re quired to lake tho necessary oath, give bond, &c. ; after which, an ad journment was had until Tuesday morning, when the caso of Mrs. Mil ler was taken up, and she put upon trial fr causing tho death of her hus band by administering poison. After boing arraigned, and pleading "not guilty," tho Court proceeded to cmpanol a jury. Tho panel was ex hausted on qualifying tho ninth juror. The Court then ordered tho Sheriff to close the doors, ond three talesmen were soon obtained from among the spectators, and tho jury constituted as follows : David McCracken, James Cook, David Reams, James Weaver, Georgo J. Weaver, Thomas Long, W. T. Thompson, Nelson Young, Joseph P. Jordan, Othello Smcad, talesman, James Riddle, talesman, John W. Wright, talesman. Tho Journal informs us that thfee hundred murders have beoa commit ted in Georgia, the past year, and on ly biz arrests Lave been made by the civil authorities. This is bad for tho Bureau. We would like to know why an institution liko this is kept lip at An expense of millions of dollars to the white people, while it furnishes no protection to either lifo or property. If you take your infernal Bureau agents out of Georgia, murder will ntop. Wo perceive that our new and en terprising Governor has furnished all the "loyal" newspapers with his In augural Address, in advance of its de livery. This is upon the principle he acted beyond tho Potomac sending word ahead that ho was coming. It reminds us of "look out for the Loco motive," placed nt railroad crossings saves many lives. mm 1 Hon. Edgar Cowan was tho Demo cratic nomineo for United States Sen ator. Tho llarritburg Union, ro marks, that but for an impertinent speech Senator Wallace made against himself, in tho caucus, and in favor of Mr. Cpwan, he would have been tho nominee. He nevertheless received ton votes on tho first ballot. "Loyalty" i.i Mourning. Tho whole stork in trade of tho latter day jtjytriots was confiscated for tho use and behoof of the Injuns, a few days ago, alHarrisburg. This coveted and kingly appellation is likely to bo made odious, 1o the horror and dismay of modern possessors. "Gosr. Up." Those two loyalists, Stevens and Forney, have at last found that great reef placlo so frequently al luded to by the hitter during tho war, "tho hist ditch." Tho "great Com moner" and tho "dead duck" have been devoured by tho "Winnebago Chief." Giiiat Influence. Col. (!) Forney, with two daily papers and tho p.itron ge of iho Rump Senate at his back, as well as the joint labors of tho watch dog Stevens of iho loyal II. R., in their lierculeun clTort to beeomo Uni ted States Senators, commanded srtvn Witt. (Jen. J. S. Fullerton, has resigned bis position in tbo nrmy.nnd returned to St. Louis to resume the practice of Iaw. Young Ann rim's portion of the 4tli of July bus been wiped out, by what is termed Congress. Tbo new tariff bill prohibits the importation of fno crackers. Tho peat lire which near ly destroyed Portland, Mo., -was caus ed by tho explosion of a cracker. Tho Senators from that Slate insist upon the prohibition, find whatever comes from that section "must bo obeyed. They aro great on religion, morals nnd business down that way exter minate everything that don't suit them. This will give to thoso di vinely minded peoplo a glorious chaneo for smuggling. ' Somo chap down there has evidently got a largo quan tity on hands, and intends to fill up tho bnlnnco of tho country with ped lars, in order to make a fortune out of tho next 4th. How is Tins ? A few days before tho nomination of Senator, Thad. Sto vct.s wroto a letter, declaring that all tho loyal mcmuors of our Legislature were honest; and tho day bel'oro tho event tho Philadolphiu J'ress declared that no honest man would vote against Thaddous Stevens ; yet, when tho vote .was taken, but seven members voted for tho "great Commoner." Arc there but that number of honest "loyal" mea in the Legislature? or has some body been lying about Speaker Hall and other unsuspected members of that body of unostentatious patriots and statesmen? Who knows? The State Legislature. This body has been in session now for over two weeks, but has not perpetrated anything to bear out tho opinion ex pressed by Thad. Stevens, a few weeks ago, that tho members were all hon est men. The election of Senator bo ing over, and tho character of the in stitution established, wo expect tho members to go to work next week, to earn their living by the sweat of their brows. A Match for Stevens. Horace Greeley obtained 7 votes for United States Senator fn tho loyal caucus of tho New York Legislature, precise ly tho samo number thrown for our own "great Commoner.'' Tho Virginia Legislature has re jected tho Disunion Constitutional amendment, without debate, by one vote for it in tho Homo and tho Senate unanimously against it. m) mm Gen. Sweeny, of Fenian fame, has been restored to his position in the regular army, nnd is now in command at Augusta, Ga., a wiser, if not a bet ter man. A Bad End. Tho "soldiers' friend," tho "great Commoner," and the "dead duck," were devoured by their own dogs, at Ilarrisburg, on Thursday last. Pcaco to their ashes ! Georgo Thompson, tho English agi tator, wo see, has come over to this country again, to give us tho benefit of his wonderful wisdom. Ho wants ns tp concede now what is called un qualified negro suffrage, and we aro told, ho takes to himself and Exeter Hall, a goodly share of tho credit of 'abolishing American slavery.' This man Thomson, wo believe, was the individual who, in IXiSIl, or thereabout, was hiding with Wm. Lloyd Garrison in a hny-mow, soroowhero in Massa chusetts, for advocating a dissolution of tho American Union. No hiding is necessary tor such demagogues now adays, down there, for tho Radical party, which lie and his have dono so much to construct, aro rather ahead of him on the disunion idea. They have already obliterated ten slurs from the Union flag, and denounce ns treason any and every endeavor to restore thciu. Alleged Ground of Impeachment. A correspondent of tho New York Pout says that "one of tho chief argu ments relied upon for the impeach ment of tho President is that it was mainly through hisinflticneo the South ern States repudiated tho pending Constitutional amendment." This charge, however, if at all damning, might bo fairly offset by a credit to Mr. Johnson on the proper sido of Mr. Ashley's ledgerfor inducing thcSouth crn peoplo to adopt the Constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, nnd nlso repudiating their own war debt, so as to place them upon a bolter foot ing for aiding in paving tbo United States national indebtedness. Oliver Ames, of Fusion, Mass., has been elected president of tho Pacific railroad, to hold the office while Gen. John A. Dix is absent as minister to France. Tho salary of tho position i9 f 15,0(0 per year. Colonel John Seolt, of Fauquier, Virginia, who has written a narrative of Colonel Mosby's campaigns, has gono to New York to make arrange ments for its publication. Hon. Fernando Wood, of New York, is on a visit to Savannah, Ga. A dep. illation of tho city councils nnd citi zens waited on him nnd cseoited him to a fireman's supper nnd ball. IXF.CI'TOHH MITUH. Notice is bere 1 J by R'Ten thnt Letters Testamentsry, have this day been granted to the subscribers, on Ihe Estate of William Wait, deceased, late of Lawrence townihlp, Clearfield on., Penn'a. All persons indebted to aaid Estate aro requested to make Imtnediats pajnicnt, and thoio having claim! against the tamo will present '.htm duly authenticated for settlcofnt. JOHN T. WE AVER, deeSnfil Kifutoi. (.Q"h A Month I Agents wanted fof . oV M'rWa n'w arfWc, Just out. Address 0. T. liAREY. City building, Biddeford, Me. M.y In, 1.T-1S6,;. C1 1'TION'-All pcrenna are hcrrhy caul irtfd airnii!t purcbnfiiig or to any wy itifHl lIing mill tbo fellow mg Irsrtilicd personal properly, vis: Onf roan mare and one bay fiorw, now in tlif pis wt n of John CarFon, formerly of Clearfield m.. now of Camoria. w the Mint In-longp to mr, ad 1 i? left with tbo Mid Car.-iin fn l"n 'nh'. jan-. "i ii ri nnv. TTTV A Tor's Cherry Tort oral. 1 "otMTifl (.! tumnl tTjirr1 I V ,' ,rH ,ht '' f ttff Li V ij""' rrltM cmn fur tliimfoii nf m tltrom an t lime. A trUl of V timtiy yftm hftt f MiMlrtifl th furl, that It la nmro eftieartoua In rulitvirtitrj aflcrtiBi than atiyotlir rfdinlv. It tiotrjr hm now bfcnro to g nmll.v known, that It it juitlj n-fffH-Jn. tn nan coumriri a a itiftiMna nf tnH..j...r.,Mr nfre.ailj. In (.rent Ilritaln, Frrnce nnd Oerinnny, h re mrdiral at intra has r'arhel its bitfhrt poriMin, It Ii prnftfritttd In doiPMtic practice, and crmatantly unvd In tha anuie, in borpitnlf, and other public rnaiituttoDi. where il It regard oil bj ibr atu n iug pbyiiriani at tha moat tyecij ml agreeable rrtnrdjr that cun be employed. Kcnrcrlj any neighborhood ran bo found where well known caaci ul dieaaed lunp. mbirh had baffled tha efforti of themoit skillful and experienced d-rtnra, hare not been permunently cured by it. Tbeae reiulti are the moal convincing proof of tha superior curative properties of thii preparation ; and to them the authors point with peculiar satisfaction. While it ta roost powerful afftirut confirmed diieai.e, It if extremely gentle as at medicine in infancy nnd youth, being quite harmluM to even the young eat, when administered Judidioasty. This health-restorer aocempliskee ereo more by prevention than cure. If taken in eeaun, it heals all irritations of the throat and lungs, whether arising from Colds or Coughs, or from other causes, and thus prevent that long train of painrul aud incurable diseases, which would arue Irora the neglect of them. Ilonce no family should he without it. Influenza, Croup. Hoarse ness, Whooping Cough, IMeuripy, Incipient Con sumption, and other aflections of ihe breathing organs, give way before this pre-eminent com bination of medical virtues. Prepared by Dr. J. 0 Aybr A Co., Lowell, and sold by C. 1- WaUon, Clearfield; W. C. Metx, Ulen lUpe; Joaeph K. Irwin and Irvin A Hartrbora, Curwensville j Kirk rf" Fpen cer, Lumber City. janlt 2m TIMBER AND"c6AL LAND riHE suloribcr, rcpidtng in I'nion twnwbip, J Cb-arfirld county, JVini a, oflcrs the following tract ot land at private sab-, xit: No. 1 Contains 110 Acres, And allowance, sixty acre of which are elm ml and under good cultivation, baring thereon en-clM a dwelling Iioum, Imrn and otiibounep, and a largo bearing orchard of pboir fntit, a good fprinj uf water, and come excellent liMllLU. . No. 2--Contain8 126 Acres, And allowance. ten acre cleared, and having tbonvm erected a dwelling houno and HA 1 ! 1.1, Timber and lug can le run from the mill. 1 litre are two million feci of pin-s tiuiltcr aiont un this tract. The whole i uujrrli.id with COAL AND IKON OllE. The Atlantic and (Ireat Went em railroad aud the Witnlow railroad have bwth aurveyed their route through tlieiie lands. Mo Iwttcr prospert it now offered, at pik-Ii rea aounble rutin. 1 or further partienlam, addrcfs the uudcrvigned, at llot kt in pot office. jan.Miii JtIlN dkespi.kk. I)RlGS!rimiGS! imiGsf JOSEPH ii. iinvix, On Main St, one door west of Hippie d r'auit'i btore, Cl'inVEN.VILLE, PA., lias bow on hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Trunaes, mioulder-ltrarra, Elastic Htork- liigw and upportrra, caass, rutty, Perfumery. TolletOoods, Confectioneries. ?piees Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, IlooLs, btationery, Pencils, Pens, Ink. s and a general variety of Notions. Ills stock embraces all articles needed la eemmunity. Is entirely nw, and nf tha beet quality, and will bs m Id at reasonable prices. Call and examine the goods ; they cannot fail to pleanc, deri-tf T ICEG NOTICE. The Ml'-wlng 1 J named perrons have filed In the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter nestions or Clearfield county, their petitions and bonds for License, at the January sessiobs next, agreeably to the act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to regu late the tale of Intoxirating Liiaori," Ae: TAVBRS rirRNSCS. C J. Bhoff, Woodward township, A.J. Ifraucker, Curwensrille borough, Milo Hoyt, Osceola " 0. N. Colbuni, Clearfield Iiisae Hicketta, I Ubrille, A. 8. llolden, nioom towmllp Henry Oops, 0ceoU borough, Isaac Bennett, Iturnside township, T- 6. Washburn, Peccaria " John fitone, Bnggs " PbiliiDder Fmlth. Chest " Lewie C. Cardon, Morris " John Lite, (iulirh 44 William Krbwem, I-rady George Knarr, T.rady Jobs MuUon, Covington nncA!VTil. LiccmH, L. M. CondrUt, Covftgtoo township, Joseph H.Jones, Morris ' Auguftus Leconte, Uirard dec20 1. F. KIZH'EILER, Clerk. FALL STYLES OF BONNETS AND HATS Jl'PT KECKIVKD AT Frpt. So, 1 sr.fi. Mrs. Wi:i.('H Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST .ARRIVAL AND OF COl' BSE THE CHEAPI.rTl A Proclamation against High Prices I are now opening up a lt of the bent and ntnet ecnsonnliic mmh1h and Wart ever ofl rel in this market, and at price that remind one of the good old diiys of ch-np thtnga. 1 hope who pwk faith opnn this point, or deem our alle gation superfluous, need but T.fM- .ir OIK STOKE, Corner Fmnt and Market streets, Where they ran see. fil, hear and know for them petvea. To fully underMnd what are cheap g'-odp, tins mut le done, a di not de in It neeepwry to enamernte and Itemise our slock. It is enough for as to slate tliat We have Everything that ia Needed I . I t ii,!. m. ... L- aarwl ml t.rM Ihtal atoniph tmth old and yoonir. We an( fluh of i. ...:i .l.ir .rM...ta tr.2U l r r. I II MMW M. The While JVlan's Paper. runs Foil iM.r? oLrus roil iff.r? The Best New YorkWcck!y Published. NEW YORK DAY-BOOK for 18C7, 1 1 TILL eon mrno in its Ipmio nf Jan. & a new and original Ilomnne, written espreFfly for Its enintnn. entillei "F hel'onlfd rate ttag on the (eean; A Tat? of the Cniie of the Kumtor and AlarMtma.' Jty 1'rof. Wm. 11. l'eek, o La., author of lU rtha Seely," ,P.entrie" Ac. Among all the war etorie that hare brn written none hae yet portrayed that most romantic of all fields, the wonderful and errn mvetriiius vovng of Ihe Confederate entiwro. This atory of I'mf. I, will not be merelr itnfjip'tir but hiPtoru-al, not pimply romane, hut reality, mneh of it from Ihe lipp of the very actors in the sen'P thciiiPiUee. W e feci safe in prlirting that il will hnve a greater pnoifP than any pm ious story of this popular author. NOW IJ3 THE TIME T) rM IlsntlllF.. This story will te onimrnrfd n thWekly Iny lk of Jat.nary b, and all who wi.-b to ace it opening rhiptrr should aii'erile now, or send in theirclahen early aspiMe. 1 r.ni.'4M in AnvAvt r nor copy pcr yar.S; three (N.pie. .'; six copies, M; elrvon copiP, Jl7 I'P: twenty eopie to one addrt-sa. :;y. The Weekly I'ay-Hook is ihe Hurt com let e weekly piiper pntithed. lis Newa Fmninary, Ffimily Hemltng. Aerienltornl Arttele, Report of Cnltl tlrain, and t'otWo Market, Ac, are not snrpapeed hy any piper. Speeimen eooii-p prut ftw. F-nd for n eipy. A.l.lrro VAN Y. F KiF, UOHToN A CO., Ht-rS No. Ift2 Napaa St., New York. CLEARFIELD STORE N !: A II Philipsburg, Pa. ITIl.l 1AM W. I1TT. ueoriii i. ariD. John r. nvia wii.liai rowiLL u ir. lIETT$, 4-CO., (tsucraaaora to Munaoa 4 Uoopa) !! juat rrceivfl Inrpeand well o looted Slock of (II kiu'l tif Slnplo gooUa, audi ut Dry Goods, Clothing, Honta ami Hhm-a, llnla am) tups, No tior.a, 1 1 aril ware, Glass, Muili, Oils, I'ainis, Quccnsware, Grocer in, Klour, liacon, KeeI, to., which e are offering at greatly reduced prices, For Cash or in Exchange for Lumber and 8hingloa. Wo hope to make il to the advantage of 'limber Men, ia the lover end of Clearfield county and on Cieaifield Creek, to gel tbeir aupplim from this point, being on the line of Hail ltond enn Sell goods on belter terms than at any point in Cleaiheld county, and we are selling our Stock at sucli prices as to make it an object tothoebuy ing gnoda in Hi im nmrkel to ileal wltb us Advances of Goods, Feed, &ic, made on account of Sjunre Timber, which we will either sell on cotuuietton or buy at fixed rates. Flour of difleront Brands can be had at all limai at rery low prices, al the Clear field Sore, l'hilipsburg, l'enn'a. Jry Goods Notions, arc, in great vari ety, at the lowest price for Cash, at the Clearfield Store, rhilipaburs, l'onn'a. Salt by the Sack or load, cheaper than can I had any where else, at the Clour field Slore, l'hilipkburg, l'enn'a. Cull and Kxnmine the stock of goods, at the Clearfield Slore, al rhilipsburg. 1'a Highest price paid in Gooda or Cash for I u nil xt and bhinflea at the Cleurueld More, I bilipsburi, I'enn a. The cheapest poods of all kinds ateto be had al the Cleat held Store, at Philip. burg. Call and see if our goods ami prices don'l soot the times. VV. W. It ETTS. 4 CO. l'hilipsburg. November l.ritb, lftGS.If. WINTER GOODS. raoa Ktvr tork rinnniLrnu. Aa Cheap aa the Dieapnt aud Good as tne IteaU T. KUATZKK & S0, Have jnvt received, and tre openinr, al their Uld stand on front btroet, above tne Academy, a large and well ta lected afivrtmcnt of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are telling at very low ratet. Read ttit follcneing catalyue and profit Utfrcly Fat a Ufa a lLaii53c Especial paini hai been taken In tha election of Ladiee I)reFi Good a, whilf (toodi, Kinbroideriei Millinery tjooda, I'rinte, Kerchieft, Kuhiea, Utovea, tie. FOR GKXTLE.MKX. Atwaya on hand Black Cloths Faary and Jilara L'asriraeros, raunrta, ate., Kaady Mads Clothing of all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES, NECKTIES, and a varl-ty of olher article, which (Ley will icllat a email adraace on coat 1 Id BffflAlhttl:?! Qcifa. Particular attention ia Invited to tbelr abich vf Cariivuk. oisaaa. aoMtvoa la crmin, auperfina Engli.h Ingrain and l.rufaela. Floor and Table Oil Clolbat Window .ahadee and Wall pauori. etc. KLOUR, BACOX. Fih Sail, rianter, Apple, Tcachet ant Prunoa kept constAtitljr on hunt I, ALSO, in St or a lot of large and email Clover seed. J We Intend to make It an object for Far men and Mechanic! to boy from aa; became we will aetl oar jroodn ai low aa they can be bought In tha county and pay tha very higheel price for all kin da of country pro duce, We will alto eirbanfre goods for Be bool, KoAn and Cotutt ordera; bhinylea, Hoarda,and all ktBa of Mannfaclnred Lamber. ClearliwM. March 14, lwW. KEMOVAL. J. P. KRATZER, has remoTcd to Ins new are-uooms, on Market St., Clearfield, Ta., rhere he has opened a very Urge stock of Dry Goods. M.rlnoes, Ginghams, Cloths, IWalnea, Print, Ca-liD.rti, Alwal, Silki, Fallnrts, Krpa, Caphmerop, Tirfdti, Cubcrfrs, Mohair, Jrana, Lanallu, Mnilina, Klannfli, Bonaola, Kib bnna. Cloaks, ltnlmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirls, Fhawls, llraa Trimmings, lirad N'oU, Caps, Cortota, (llores, Collars, rarls, Orenadioa Vailt, labia Corors. Clothing. Coals. Pants, VaiU, Orar-Coats, O.nt'a Shawls fcliinn. Hate, Caps, I n Jt r hiru and lirawfrs. Pools, FhoM. Uun Kboe, rrarats, Olorea and Collars. HARDWARE, yt'l'.KN SWARF., 0RO CEltlES k MUSlCAIi GOO US. Groceries. Toa, Coffn, Sugar, MolassVs.Balt. Candl.s, tlies, 'lour, hacon, Fih, Tobncoo, haisina, turranis, tfpieaa, Crackers, Vinair.r, Otis, Var nieb, Aleohol. TIN'-WARK. CLASS. WARE. WOODEN W A HE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, Oil slolbs, Drugget. Looking (i lasses Clocks. Churns, Washboards, Tul, Turk, ts, Flat Irons, Pana, Window Illinds, Wnll-papor, CoaJ Oil Lamps, l'm brellaa, podcordp, kniret and Forks. Spoons, Crocks, and Stota lllaeklng. TAll of which will ba sold on Ihs most rea sonable terms, and the hirheil marks! price paid or (irain, Wool.and allkin.li nt country produce. Clearfield, December 11, ISfii, COrAKTNKliSIllP. fjhe nndersigned hare this day formed a Co. X partnenthip ander tha firm nam, of Irwin A Hartshorn, for the transaction of a Genera! Mer ehandite and Lumber business. A Isrre and well selected stoek of Ooods has beea added to thoae already ea Band at the Corner Slore in Curwensville where wa are bow proper ed te show Customers a completed assortment with prices as low as the lowest. Tha higheit mark. I rates paid for Lumber of sll description. Ths patronage ot the public is respectfully solicited. KDWARI) A. IKVIN. W. R. UARISIIORN. Curwensrille. July 18, ! s ltlY MUH 1NTKHIT?. IUM1TS A SHOES w.ti AT LOW TRICES. The otidcraipned It prepared to mnnufarture everything in hii line, at the loweet fipnrea. and will warrant bit work In be aa represented, (lira him a call, at hi 'Imp on Market fttreet, aecond dnnr weet nf tha Pout Office, and ha will do all In hie power, to render eatii taction. Soma fine Oaiter ipf, eitra French ealf aklna, c, on band, read to be flninhfd on ehort notii-e at low prtcea. 1'ANISL CONNRLLT. Jone nth,i-1 ttl Rnna hi, PomlnpV Ilabbeira, Drmke'f Hoof land'e Herman, Hoatetter'a and Oreene'i Oxyeenated Pittera, aleo pare Linnara. of all kiiitf fnr nicdTTina: tntrpoaea, for vale by II. 4- 1. 1 )ullry Hlcka, all aiiee, and het maniifoo- Uir, t H Id lituist.li J GOODS REDUCED! CHEAT HEDUd'lON IN Til K riJICK OK (iOOD.S AT H. Wl SMITH & CO.'S. rrlnts that we formerly sold at 33 cents, ws now sell at 2 J ITnblrarhed Muslins, formerly sold at 30, ws now sell at 23 lllearhed Miiallna, formerly sold at from li to 0, we now sell at WCb Ht Alparaa, formerly sold at from 45 to (0, we bow sell al -ISOS Casalnrrea, 10 per cent above oobU All-Hool lie Lames, at 85 Coramon Ie I. allies, at 25 Aad all Press Goods at the Sams rates. HOOTS AM) SHOES, Of the best qujlhy, at as Immense reduction. fish. We will sell Mackerel, llortiag, Ac, AT COST. BEST COAL OIL, 85 CENTS. HOODS, NUBIAS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ETC., Of eery description, greatly reduced. We oflor our stock of Dry Goods at the shore figures op to lbs 1st of Jannsry, 1 H(7, They are all of the first quality, hew and fasUionable. Any one eao now have an Alpacea for tha cost of a le Leine. This offer la made In good faith, and all desirous of economising in the proper manner, hare now an excellent opportunity to supply tbrnisulvos at the cheapest rates. Milrtly for Catb. nor2S-y II. W. SMITH A CO. another txaroTL'7' A FALL IX THICE3. New Goods ot the Cheap Cash Store or WILLIAM F. IRWIN, South Second street, Clearteld, Pa. A FKESII ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods, AT tiUEATLY KEDVCED TliirES. lam Just recelring and opening a carefully selected stock of fashionable Spring A bum aser Uooda of almost every daaeription. atfiiwP'jiai & &asttfx A bnantiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of aseful notions. DHY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Bhoes, (a large quantity.) Hardware, Queens ware, Drngs.Modieinaa, Oils A Palnta, Carpets Oil Cloths, GROCERIES AND FRUITS, Foreign aad Dnmeatie, each at Applra, Peachet, Curranti, 1'runea, Kaifine, 0 ran fee and Lemon a FISH, BACON AND FLOUR. Mackerel, In ) 1 and 1 Barrels, of the best qasllty, all of which will be sold at ths lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friendr and the pubiie generally, arc respectfully inrited te call. II. All kinds otGRAfS.tii approved COliSTR Y PJIOOL'CS taken ta eehane for Oooda. WM. F. 1KW1X. Clearfield, Kov. 28, 1SS.II if jlciiARDM6s"sor' IS NOW polling, at half their nsnal price, DUKSS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, HUOWX SIIEETINOS, FLASKELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTH INI, GENTLKMEN S FLK.NISUINO Ootxls LADIES' HOOTS AND SHO, C KNTLEMEN'S KOOTS AN D SHOES, HOYS' do do HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' OlLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CL'RRASTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND TORK, FLOUR AND FEED, Ave Ac. Ac Town-Lois for Sale. 'IHK nnilcrci)rntl.ree'din( al ilrn ll"f. offrr I at invte aitlf, on rrn'iiaMe trrm. HIXTV f 1 VK T'-WS L(TS.Hnale and heme in the new ithlition made to the Tltlspe of (Jlra llff. Also, Thirty-Five Acres of .Land, Adjoining the name. All will he ! I tr;r-thr or rN i'srat, In imit ttnrvha r. Any fnrthrr inform afinn ran he oMinH Ht a -M rot? ing him, at !rn 11 'pp. rirarffcld muntj. IVnn'a. nor ?"-3ni J1.I!I:MUU r(VirKR. 0-W Ht-.W AMI) will 'In ia"id in lmn" 0JvH"hyfct to any K-rn who ha nrd l'r. humaa' Pile Salve ev.rdinf: to dirwtioup and haa nt ken eurrd. Addrraa, IK 8. M'MHM A CO.. dr.S-lT William-port, Pa. r11lll.l. hK ! .! aTripe Hoiea at n. LKON'S cnTJJRATEDjrRErARATIOSS. The P riHion nf Mi fr i. nrc. 1 R.LK(iK- KLF.rTI.IC HAIR UKNRW KR. 1 It la a ptsfitive rure fr Uallnrr. It reilorct nry hair to Up original rohir. It i a lnla, nt a dve, and nete upon tha ie eretiima. Tt immrdiatety arrevta falllnf? outoTlha Hair, It alienate! Neuralgia and llradarhe. It radically eurna dandrnff and buiuurf. It keep! the renin healthy, eiean and eoul. It ia an elegant and exjuiiiulj fragrant hair ureMng. It reitorea, enlliratoi and heaotifioi tha batr. It roakea bifi'h hair flex t Me and Itiatroua. Ir. Lron'a Electric Hair Hen ewer haa enjoyed a higb loral repreaeniation far mnny yonri. lit wonderful reparative and inTlgorntinjc propertiee are well known lo the Uedioai Faculty uf i'hihv delphia. lining fully aatiified of tha meriti of Leon'i Kleetrie Hair Kenewer, wa haea procured aiclui Wo ownenhip and era determined that every hoiifehold in our land ihall hare opportunity to reap its benefit. Dr. Leon's Infant Eemedy. A moat delightful and effleaelnoa cure for tha Tarioua llli to which Infanta and young ehildren are luhjert. INVAHIAHLK FUll TKKTillNtJ CiULUKEN! It aoftena the gumi, ahatea in flamtnation, InTifroratea the itomaeb and boweli, oorreeU acidity, and la a aur and epeedj care for eolio, cramp and windy paini. a moit ex cellent preparation for ehildren of a reitleaa and frei ful habit and in all raroi of LooBoneirt.Oriping, Vomiting or other Inward grief, it girei immedi ato eaaa. Uaed for more than half a eentnry in the praetlre of one of tha moat emioent pbyii eiani of Philiwlclpbia. In now placing thia article within the reach of all oar eoantryinen, wa would remark that we know It to be a remedy of unrivaled excellence and that it haa proved In thonaanda of eaeee, aa wa are reeolved it ihall lo ml I lion a, a prtoeleaa boon. Fur aale by Druggitta ererywhere. Addreei all ordera to ZKIGLER k 6MITH, Sole Proprietori, 137 North Third atreet, Philadelphia. Silver Wash Powder. Eavea time, labor, money. Makci wanbingta paitima and Monday a fertiral. Sold eTery wbere. Try it. notU-ly Clearfield .Academy. rriUR aeeond aeaaton of the acholaitio year of X thti inautuiioB will eommence on JaUAiMi, tut. 26th day of NOVEMBER, ISM. Pupil ean enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from tha time they enter to the cloie of the Reeiiun. 1 ha eourao of instruction embrace! erery thing included fa a thorough, practical and aoeom plihed education for both aexe. Tha Principal, baring had tha adrantage of mncb experience tn nn protemon, aeaurei pa rent! and guard ani that hit entire ability and energiea will ba devoted to the moral and men tal training of the youth placed under hia chargo. Ol' 1111 ION. Orthography, Reading, lVriting, and Primary Arithmetic, per Seenon (11 woeka) $6 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, aad Uiitory - - - - - $6 00 Algebra. Geometry, Trigonometry, Men- au ration, Purrcying, Pbiloiophy, Phyii- ology. Chemistry, Book Keeping, Botany and Phyaical (Jengraphy . - - 10 00 Latin, Greek and Preach, with any of the ahore It ranches . - . $13 00 N o deduction will be made for abienca. fi-irVut further particular inqnire of Rer. P. L. HARRISON, A. M.f Clearfield, July 11, IHfin tf. Principal. .EV 1500T AI) SHOE SHOP. l inVARI) MACK A CO; Oil Market Utrrct, one door West of I.le poldt'a Jlrcwer). SO Tha proprietor! hare entered Into the f a Hoot A tboe baeineai at tha above p 4. und, and are determined to not be V5a ou'dooe either in quality or price fer their work. Special attention will ba paid to mnniifacturirg fwed work, Wa hare on hand a large lot of FAENCil KIP and CALF FKINS of the rery beat quality. Tha eltiiena of Clear field and tha aurrounding rieinity, are respect fully Invited to give aa a trial. No eharge for calli. Clear&eld, Nor. 7, lSf.6-t.f. "GET THE BEST," MIIF.F.I.r.R A WII.OV Hiarhcut Premium, 1opIc Stitch. SEWING MACHINES. VLI. fnquirie! tn rcfircnce to thii "A No. I" aMiu'lurio promptly answered. They can be hTicarrd from me at citv pric.s. WM. T. HAMILTON. Agent, nctr.-tf Lnthrrrhurg, Pa. Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY. VI. L ff(I.III-:it4 OK imtl-'O'i.Mt.l are entitle.! to an INCREASED IIOl NTY. Tho undtTsigntil ia prepared to collect all purb rMmitu, as well as the increased pay to Holdicrs' Widowa. All inquiries and eommunicationi nn- sweml promptly. lischargrfi receipted fur, Pot Office a i-lrcss, Curwensville, Pa. eepJ-.tf JU.-I AH KAM. NEW BOOKS. REAP! It EA1!! READ!!! A Youtha History ol the (;reat Civil War. Una VU lt piffvs. Price fl 6. Iltustratrd with 10 engravinjjn on wood, by tho best artists, of Lincoln, lavis, (irnnt. Iter, Hlicrman, Jack eon, htcphnis, rVward, Rioih and others. This Ik... a in adiuiu.l to all readers. T hooch called a Viiuth's Ilitorv,H it is not "hahy talk" hut ffirra. in clr, oonciso and racv styh, a full arfMtitnt of the war and it eAUea. It ia juat aurh a bMtk as hnsiness mm, merchants, fanners, me. rhanica and latxirrrs will want to read, and aftrr tin y have read it, give to their children to read. War Poetry; hT Wa. t.ii.annR Sivvs. Evrrr family will want n cpy ol tlita wufk. It ia filled with all tho p.itriotic tnthuniasm pnvlutl during the war. Na man is bettor qualified to rHmpile such a work than Mr. Him ma. The Iem(eratic Almatiae for lwtn-T. This M annal fnr 1 Htn, to he eon tinned now regit larlv onch year, contain! full elortion returns lr ist'.n. isfit and I Mi A ; iini of newspapers suppressed hy the Lincoln Administration; Chmiitilfgy of lf.',, of battles, acts of Congress. Ac. It contains mst'or to le had nowhere else, an-l is ralnnMe and iirportant to hacat anytime. The great fratnre f..r 1m'7 will he a romplvto LIST UK THE All MTU AltY AKHKSTS mndc by Mr. Lincoln, com piled eires.ly for tha Pcmo ra!ip Almnnac for l.fii. 1 hia list will contain the munr, cause of arrest and term of tinprifonnu nt of eju-h prisnrr, and le the most mmirknldo document in the his tory of I.tttm rf Cmchtl evor published. It will rontftin beside the usual matter of all Almanac, full and n the I ii I returns of all the elections for this year, compared with preuons one, the most im portant acts ol i (jr.gn'3( rruei.unt Jonnsou s veto mcf-iiges, lits of both the old and the new CY.n Kress, otatistiejil and other information tndipcnsi Mo to every politician, planter, Urmer, merchant or mechanic. P A M r II LETS. Abolition ta Irath: or, The Attempt lo EqnaL itw liaees the iKstruction of ueiety. The Abolition C'oiiplmey ; or. A Tea Year?' Record ol the Repuhliean party. The NccriV" Place III Nature! a Paperread U fore the ltoiulon Anthropological Soeiety. By Ir. James Hunt, President of the Society. MnlHoqiiy, by "Bun " Powraor. of "A Bond holder, "A Poor I armer, A Wei haiiir, "A Botunied Soldier," Ac, Ac. Jt2 pages. r"AH the ht e Isooks are for sale al the Priif Store of C. IK WATSttN, oa Second street, nearly nppnite the ennrt hoite. (Mcarfirld. Pa. novVif "IHillT Holt SI. FOH (iI.IV-Thc n 1 j derxitimil has nw on hand a Id of HtiKfLS ot la tve sue, puitnMe for loecing or aafoniitg purposva, which he wit) sell at reaonatte Mtes. 11c also otters t -r sale Jiitir.i. M.r.itiii, on i similar terms. Those in need of either, ean cull Mrioi)HllT or addrean him, at Clearfirld. Pa, ! i2.if JAM KS U I.KAVY. ! IOU HI.r,-A fl'U SK and LOT, on Market ! itrret, in Clearfield borough. Apvlr to I WALTEK BAKItLTT, nov2l-tf Att'y at l.nw. Charfield, Penn'a. SI.IMI.I1M HOI T1I S. A recent act haa rased both Houses of Cnnrresa, and aisned by tha President, 'giting a three year' aoldier ftfn and two years' soldier $S6 bounty. fTHOI T1KS and I'K..H1UNS eolleeted by ane, for those entitled lo then. .WALTER BARRETT. anR-tf Att'y al Law, Clearfield. Pa lrA;OS! KOH HALF The sabseriber 11 has two Iro hore WAti'tNf for sale, on rea-onahle terms. t.l.O. W. tiK UIIIART. tk.-J If t le.rtield, Pa. rttnMTt: .m: rF V ALP A Ml K REAL ft, rERSONAL rFOrERTY, im i.i ihnii .1,500 Atrrs f Timber 1-aiul. tpilK salmvilirr, rr-.i.lirisr at !!. Il, lt"w nflrrs f"r s.lf tmrrt Hi" 1M f-1 N r. s S SlAM'H rr slTi'liainlistnir ati-l l.iniilM'iinjr la llir ciintr, or wrh.y.- In IIh Htal.. rii t A lrre Kl.l.iNU ll"lK. CTHHK linnM, and ail nivr.sar; uutluil'iing ntLu'lu'.l, ti.Tili.r aiih Ten Town Lots in Glen Hope, Also, a LOT CUNT.m'INO TEN ACHKS of orwk lill'in land of the vi-rjr lrt quality, on the cast ai'lo of tloarfii'M erwk, oppusiic (lln llue. A Tract of 200 Acres of Timber Land, Hinvilylimlrrd frith pine IiidIkt, situal. one and a half mile from 'Ht-n Jlofw, oa the turniilff ltad injr to Ansonrtlle, aliout ten acres of which are cleared and under cultivation. The undivided flno-f hirrl nf 3500 Arres of Timber Land Or tha Tery Host quality, sltnnte on Clcartcld Creek, near the mouth of Wbitmer Kuu. Also, tbe entire Stock of Store Goods, Now on hand, consisting of rHY tlOOljS, OKO CUKIKr", IIAIUtWAHK, Ql KKXSWAHK, and ex rrvthiiig found lu a j'laoo of general merchan dising. Tho foreffoinp property will be sold together or separaUily, to suit purchasers, and upon reasonable terms. JMT-Any Information In reference to the pro perly, or terms, cun lie obtained by applying to the undersigned, cither in person or by letter, at Uleu Hope, Clearfield county, Penn'a. i,v21-iliii THOMAS onnOM, THE EAGLE HOTEL, CURWENSVII.I.KPA. L. W. TEX EVCK, 1'roi'Biktor. TUB nnderaifrned, having beeom, proprietor of tha above hotel, wishes to r'vs notice to the citiseas of this eoanty.asw.il aa to tba travailing public, that the house has been refitted and rafurniahed for the entertainment of hia gueata, ills table will be furnished wltb every, thing the market affords. At bis Bar will be found the best brands of all kinds of Liquors. O00U BTABL1.NG attached, and aonejbut careful boatlers employed, jyll-tf L. W. TEN ETCK. RAIL ROAD OOIIHK, Main St.. Fhilips. burg, Penn'a, Koaanr Llovo, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on band the choiatestof liquora. 11 is table ia always supplisd with tbe best tba Market aflbrde. the traveling rulio, will do well lo give him a call.. Kov let, 18(16. GEORGE FALK takes this method of inform ing the waterman of Clearfield oounty that he bas refitted and reopened tbe hotel formerly kept by E. Bchreiaer, at Coxestown, where b. will take especial pains to render satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. Coiestown, AprHJ V5; Osly. ARO. LASH'S Improved Piva Dollar WASHING; MACHINE, Is now ofTcred to the public aa tha cheapest, simplest aad most efficient Washing Machine in tha country. The exclusiv. right for tha sale of this ma chine is your own Bute or eonnty can be secured by applying soon at our store, 7 27 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. J.S. LASH 4 Co. Also, the best Clothes Wringer in tbe market. Wholesale and retail. prk very liberal discount to country mar chants and dealers generally. jsjOM Ladies' Fancy Furs, AT JOHN FAREIRA'8 Old Established Fur Manufactory, No. 718 Arch Street, above 7th, PHILADEL A. Have now in store, of my own Importation and Man ufacture, one of the largest and ino't beautiful selec tions of FANCY KIRS, for ri'X'h ,i"n" of 'ASCY KI RS ' V Tjladies" and children sw . V-rr 'J--i5i?iin the cilv. Also, a wear, citv. A so. a fine '"JV 5 assortment of tlent-'s Fur moves and Collars. I am alno enabled tn dispose of my goods at very rvasonnbie prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from niy friends of 'Clcartield county and vi cinity. Kcuicinbor the name, riumtwr and atreet. JOHN FAR El HA, No. 718 Arrh Street, above 7th, south side, Thila. 4St-I have no partner.nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. oetltMm i ft ii ii it ii i lTtifi SCBATCH! BCEATCH! SCRATCH I AYHEATON'S OINTMENT W 111 Cure the Itch In IS lloura. VLS0, cares Sslt Rkcum, Cleers, Chilblains, aad all Eruptions of the Skin. Price (0 cents. For sale by all Druggists. By sanding iity rents to WEEKS A POTTER, sole agents, 174 Washington street. Boston, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part .f the Vnltrd Statea. For sale at Ilsrtswirk Irwin's, Clearfield, Ta. July 1.1,18 ly C, R.Foster, Edw. Perils, Wn. V. Wright J. D. MUirk, A. K. Wright. Wm. A. Wallaea Rlrh'd Shaw, J. T. Leonard, 1. 11. (Jrnham, Q. L. Heed. Ranking & Collection House (IF JESTER. PERKS, WRIGHT & CO.. riUMrsia'KG. Centre Co., Ta. Billsof Exehspge. Notes and Drafts discounts d DEPOSITS RFX'ElVtD. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted Exchange on tha Cities constantly oa hand. Tha above Banking House is now open and ready for business. Sept, 1884. Paiursaraa, Centre Co., Penn'a i'eack riioei.AiMK.n. THE WAR OVER IN CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNiSIliT QUItT. NEAltLV AU, Till', COXIIIARANIJS UUIXU HACK TO TliEIUOLD MASTKKS. HUT NARY ONE OOIXO HACK TO OLD MASSACHUSETTS, WHERE THEY WERE LOVED SO LOXQ AND SO WELL. In eonseqaenee of the abev. facts, F. Saoar of the old Short Shoe Shop ; would announce to his numorous patrons, and the people of Clear field oounty at large, that he has now a first rate lot nf good material; just received from the east, and is bow prepared on short notice to make, ad mend hoots and a' oes ah bis new Shop in Orahams row. He Is satiified t lal he can please. (unices it might bs some intensely loyal stay at home Patriots). Ue is prepared to sell low for cash or County Produce, den't forget the shop next door to tlraham A Hoytons store, an mark el Street Cleat Gel J Pa. A kept by a fellow aom monlv railed July ia. '(IS. 1y. "SH0RTT." P It tl t I. A M A T I (I 1 1 00IS0 IT AtONKmi Nobody Proltlbllrd from bnjltio; my Itoota and Miocs on arrount uf Itace or l olor. Being thus llhesWI minded, I take this method of informing the cttisens of Clearfield and vi cinity, that 1 have opened a shop oa Seeoad St., next door to the County National Bank, over Watson's Prng Store, where I am prepared to make to order everything in tbe BOOT aad 8UOK line, out of the beat materiel and in tha most workmanlike manner, and on short rotica. All I ask Is a trial. Done at Clearfield, this eighteenth day of July, A. V. HARRY BOSS. C1 rCifl "rr Vrarl Wa want Agents 1 .s)vJ everywhere ta sell oar mraoran $iu bvwing Machines. Three haw kinds. Vn der and upper feed. Sent oa trial. Warranted five years. Aonve salary or largs commissions paid. The oslt marhiaes sold ia Vailed States for less Ihaa 40, which are efy li'eeei y Howe, Whreler 4 Wilson, Orover A B.hsr, Singer 1 Co., and Baehclder. All otSer cheap marbiree are iarieyeaieateand ths seler at wser are HnUr in orrest, fine and impiisonmcnt. unrated circulars sent rasa. Address, or call npon Shaw A Clark, al Uiddeford, Maine, of Chicago, 111. May Id, lSCfi-ly. 1)l'niri.lHI:RTV MIIITK l.UAI WiM do more and better work, at a given Cost, than sot olher. Trv il ! Maaafaelared only by CKItlLKR A SSIltll. Wholesale Drag, Paial and Ulasa Dealers, No. 137 North Third St., Phil'a. March II. lSfff-ly CKIC UHII.S to Is had at I MEK1 ELX A EULER'S. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers