She $ciullitan. Geoiuie li. Uooih-andkr, lvlitor. 'C L E A R FIELD, P A . Thursday Morning, Jan, 17, 1867. Hunator Wallace arrived at homo latit oveninc, and informs us that every "loyal" Senator and mcmbor voted for Gon. Cameron on J uesuny exoopt Gen. Harry Whito (the man who spent $5,000 of tho Slate funds on the 4th of July) and Billingfolt, from Lancaster. Onk More. Ono after another the "loyal'' propB are yielding to tho su law of the land. Tho United States Supremo Court decided, on Monday last, that the Missouri test oath; required of clergyman was un constitutional, and that tho Congrcs Bional test oath imposed upon attor neys was ac ex post facto law, and therefore unconstitutional. If the Executive and the Judiciary continue in the good work, the "machine" will soon be where "Old Abe" found it in 18G1. Impeachment On the celebrated 8th of January, while tho Democracy throughout the Union were celebrating Gon. Jackson's victory at Now Orleans, tho Disunion Kumpers at Washington were con cocting a scheme by which they denign destroying "the best Government the world ever saw." There, in tho room where tho American Congress form erly assembled, sat a cabal of political jayhawkcrs, perfecting a plot of impoachmout; a mean whelp rising in bis seat, charges tho Chief Magistrate with high crimes, because ho administers tho Government ac cording to tho Constitution and the precedents of the Fathers of tho Re public. Hear the canting hypocrite : Mr. Artiley, of Ohio, riling and apeaking with tome deliberation, Mid : Mr. Hpeaker I fine to a question of privilege. I riie to perform a painful duty, but one which, nerertholcaa, 1 feel to be imperative, a duty which 1 tliiuk cannot be postpone!, and eannot without rreat criminality on our iiart be loncur ni-elvctcd. 1 had hoped that that duty would have devolved vn an older and more experienced member of the llouae than myaelf. l'riur to the holiday roco'i I aaked a number of gentlemen to introduoe the resolution which I tried to introduce, and on which the Houm refused to tunpend ttie rules to enable ma to du io. Conpcioui that the loyal eople of me country uemana at our nanus the proposition which I am about to submit, I am determined that do effort on uiy part ahull be wanting, Mr. F'inek. (loui.,) of Ohio, interruiitatl, and aked tho tSpeukcr what wa tho qucMiun before tne uouse. Mr. Ashley, of Ohio I vu on to state it J. he bpenker If the gentlemen .Mr. rmrkj in itti upon it, the Chair will rule that the gentle- man Mr. Ann Icy niuft iLuto what hi question of pnviiep ti. Mr. Finck I do infill on it. Mr. Anhlev, of Ohio On my rc-Mtoniiuility at Representative in this l!oue, in it presence, and before the American people, I churjre Andrew Johnson, View-1' roe ident and acting 1' re id tut of tne United htates, with the eouiimsmou of high crimes and mipdctutauori, and 1 propose a resolu tion. Mr. Finek I rise to another qumfton of order. is mat a question oi privilege r The Speaker The Chair rules that It is a uues (Ion of privilege. In the Twenty-seventh Congress it u decided by the then Kpeakcr(Mr. Hunter Krerttt, of Vermont,) that a rcsolutiouof impeach ment wns a question of privilege. Mr. Kldridge, (Iem.,) la there not a special onier ueiore me n outer The Speaker There is not Mr. Ashley, of Ohio 1 send to the Clerk's desk ehargrs and specifications, which I ask to be read. The Clerk read as follow: I do impeach Andrew Johnson, Vice-President and acting President of the tutted Slates, of high crimes and misd mennors. I rhttrgo him with usurpation of power and violation of law: In that be has corruptly used the appointing power; ii that he has corruptly used the pardoning power In that he has corruptly used the veto power; io that he tins corruptly dixniaed of the nudlic nroi rty of the I'nited States; in that he has eominilv interfered In elections, and eonspin-d with othws to commit acts which, in the contemplation of the Constitution, are high crimes and misdemeanors; therefore, be it Hetolrtd, That the Committee on the Judiciary be and they are hereby authorised to inquire into the official conduct of Andrew Johnson, Vice President, discharging tho powers and duties of the office of J' resident of the I nited Mates, and to report to this House whether in their opinion the said Andrew Johnson, while in said office, has been guilty of acts which were designed or calculated to overthrow, suhrert or corrupt the Government of the I'nited States, or any department or officer thereof; and whether the snid Andrew Johnson has been guilty of any act, or has conspired with others to do acts which, in contemplation of the Constitution, are high crimes and misdemeanors, requiring the interposition of the constitutional power of this House, and that said committee have power to send for persons and papers, and to ad minister the customary oaths to witnesses. Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, moved the previous ques tion on the resolution. Which was adopted, hy 107 yeas to 39 nays. Tho President is, therefore, in the hands of this committee the grand jury and if they find a true bill, it Till bo the duty of the Senato to pros ecute tho case. We predict here, thnt Andrew Johnson will never bo im m peached, because his accuser and his accomplices are guilty of tho very crimes they tbargo against tho Presi dent, and they are only mnkinir, this bold and denporato flank movement to draw public attention from themselves, pan and desjtpriite as were tlio mci. who took tho woman hoforo Christ to bo stoned to death, their crimen were infantile whon compared willi tho lioitiong offenses of theso modern no cnner. It is very evident thnt Thnd. Stevens will not throw the first stone. The man Ashley, who has thus attempted to imitate Edmund Burke, by introducing tho impeachment res olutions, is a fifth-rate lawyer from Toledo, Ohio, and tho iiump repre- setitativo from tho Tenth district of that State. Wo can imagino him rising in his seat, crocodilo tears about! tho size of a niinio rolling down his checks, snufiiinir and blubberinc over his solemn (?) duty towards "a free people." We prosnmo ho meant the darkey; because there are no freo white feoplc any more. In the ill (M pliim i f this jnh fliero were a num ber (d talented lawyers, who took hold (if il with tho idea of making Hurkesontof theinHolves; but aHhort investigation proved thnt thero was no foundation for cither inipoiiehmcHt or reputation. o can imttgino old Thnd. entering tho loyal Itnnip, with da worso than slave-driver's lash in his hand, demanding an impeachment. Ho tails for llinghiim, who winks and shakes bis bead; thun Logan, "tho Beast," Banks, and a number of others, but all oxcuso themselves. Thon ho begins to cut and slash liko a lion tamer, whon at hist bo corners Ashley; who, nftor a few "sharp and decisive." twirls of tho lash, is brought to, and tho pup crawls to his mastor's feet, and is now licking tho hand that smoto him. Ashley sustains, for meanness, the sumo relation to tho Hump, that Judas did to tho twelve Ho was very near being expelled two years ago. llo was proven guilty of cor ruption of the blackest kind, butvwus saved from disgrace on account of his excessive loyalty. His brother Kump ers, having lost Covodo for tho time, being, kept him to do their low, dirty work. A r.ico man to ehnrco his neighbor with "high crimes and mis demeanors!" This is too much liko Sutan rebuking sin. Tho dirty dog. Now and Tuk.n. Gov. Uurtin, until within tho past six months, consider ing his surroundings, with few excep tions, behaved himself in a statesman like manner. We reproduce nn extract from his mossago ol last yenr, which breathes a proper spirit. But in con trasting it with bis Into radical abor tion, it reveals tho scally-wug com pletely. Hear hi in : "Mr nnifurm cuure during the lute war luu to avoid the uicuion of lite policy or tho Ornrral ttovernment, while fririnK hourly luppurt to the National uthnritin in all their mrnmircf to nip ping the rebellion. 1 ahnll continue to purmic the same counte during the eiuhKrrunment ueeufiiiiirily connected with the entire rontoralion of the coun try. The principle! cxpreflfled hy the l'rraiilrnt at the eommeuceuicnt of the feuiou of Congruflf will meet my cordial lupport Tho President has never changed his principles. Why docs not Gov Cartin support them now f Let the story of his unsuccessful attempt to sccuro tho mission to Koine, and his mordinalo desiro to bo cloctcd to the United States Senate, nnewcr, Tho loyal members of tho Legisla ture were publicly sold in the hotels at Harritiburg, during last week, and tho smell of bribery became so fragrant that two committees wero raised for -tho purpose of ascertaining where the odor canto from, but after smelling for four days they report that they find nothing that is imprudent, indelicate, or that savors of guilt on tho part of anyone; every moccnsin trnck was covered. Tho joko is. now on tho committee It is charged that tho Winnebago chief stuffed tho cars and noses of tho members with his Sea Island cotton, while their eyes were covered with unoiled green paper. No wonder, the poor souls found nothing. They were blind and deaf,and could not smell; robbed of a majority of their senses, and could ofcourso not htyir, sco or smell anything indelicate or im prudent. .It is bard to cutch old birds with chaff. Tin: Test. The loyal spawns who havo heretofore expressed so much lip-revcrenco for Gen. Jackson, were brought to tho score on that question on tho 8th instant, tho anniversary of tho bnttlo of New Orleans. In days gone by Congress always adjourned over this day, until il fell to the lot of tho present Kunin to disregard this national holiday. Tho Rumpcrs as scmblod on tho morning of tho 8th and proceeded to business, whon Mr. Niblack, Pern., of Indiana, moved to adjourn over until the next dny. Mr. Ashley (tho celebrated impcacher) objected, stating that tho 8th of Janu ary as a holiday was played out; and upon a call of tho yenB and nnyB,ovory Kumpcr voted against nn adjourn ment. Wo suppose theso fellows will next "play out" tho 4th of July. Evidently Short. Those demo cratic editors who published tho lato anli-Amorican niossngo of Gov. Curtin must havo been "hard up" for matter. If wo wanted to tront our readers had to a Kadical dose wo would havo given them something emanating from proper source. Whenever wo wish to regale them with disunion-treason wo will give them Stevens' or 1'hil lips', instead of tho bastard hubblings of a defunct dcma'Tniruo. Tho decis ion of the Supremo Court or tho Pres ident's veto, contain far moro demo cratic gospol, and proclaim tho old Union watchwords, so cssontiul to peace and harmony, and ought to be preferred to tho spasmodic "blab," as tho Illinois saint said say of the "soldiers' friend." Tho members of our Legislature controlled hy "grund moral idons," took it into their beads, hist week, that bribery and corruption was abroad at the State Capital, and in order to cago tho monster, a committee was raised in each bouse for tho purpose. Tho garrets and cellars wero searched, . but the bird had flown. Tho commit" Ueo reported "no cause of action, and tho Commonwealth to pay the costs." Some of tho members lost heavy by i this movement, as tho prico for Sona- i torial votes ran down from ft.'i.OOO to , ll.oOO. This was rough on "moral ideas," but many a fool has cut bis ; throat for less than this. Tnkt .Yollrt. Our loyal neighbor informs ns that tho Bellefoiito negroes nro about es tablishing a school in that place. They may sut'ceed in n measure, if they keep out of tho bands of the "loyul whites ;" Jiecauso tho men who, ten years ago, advocated tho disfrnn- hisementof tho "iVnorrtnf Irish,! hitch and French paupers," becauso of their unfitness to cxerciso tho right of sufT rage intolligibly, will ovontually wage tho santo crusade against tho "intelli gent contraband." Having failed in their first attempt, they may succeed in tho second. A man who boldly advocated tho disfranchisement of his own rnco, (and hits never recanted,) must bo an infamous hypocrite if bo has any respect for another. Sambo, watch tho man who now professes such great friendship for your politi cal rights, who, but a few years ngo, was caught in tho very act of robbing his own father of U inalionahlo rights. Theso men aro only playing tho "big snuko" with you, sliming you over for tho purpose of swallowing you whole. Your old Southern masters kept you in bnug, warm huts, and furnished you with skillful physicians; but your Northern psalm-singers will keep you iu a Btable, whero you may die, or bo cared for through tho charity of neigh bors. Tho "heathen round about" may not fully realize tho force of our remarks now; lut tho future will do velopo them muchly. Keep your eye on tho Democratic eaglo, instead of tho loyal buzzard. Bonth Carolina darkien are emigrating to Flori da ; Florida darkiei are flitting to tieorgia and Alahatna; and the "colored citittW of the latter Stated are wending their way to Texae all flock ing the freedtuan parndiw. AsrAane. Tho poor fellows havo taken the wrong end of tho lino. They will not find this haven, until they swing round to Boston, nnd our own loyal Philadelphia. In tho former city es pecially, "virtue, liberty and inde pendence" is found in the street- Vt'hy don't somo "loyal" philanthropist put tho "nation's wards" on tho right track, and get them out from among those "Southern barbarians?" Beak Again. Tho election of Si mon Cameron ban effectually squelch ed tho dead duck. Tho columns of tho 1'rht, which teemed with rago and political assassination for two weeks past, are now filled with docili ty, equal to tho cooings of a "sucking dove." "Occasional" Forney ,if brought to again, ought to bo embalmed be tween Miss Anna Dickinson aud Fred. Douglass, so ns to become tho connect ing link between tho two races. De feated by tho "government" on the 22d of February, squolehcd uL Dulti moro in November, and subjugated nt llavrisburg lust week, is enough to kill any decent dog. Tho Negro suffrage bill has passed both Houses, by moro thnn a two third vote, over tho President's veto. Tho whito people of tho Cnpilul arc congratulating tho President unani mously, for tho stand ho has taken in thoir defense Hereafter, every ne gro that remains in tho District of Columbia ono year is placed on an equal footing with Thud. Stevens, Charles Sumnor, und their allies no better than Wado Hampton's slavcs; W o aro glad that these men have do- cended to their natural level. A few loyalists, among them fien. Fisher, fortiicrlycemmnnder of tho 5th Keservcs, upon ascertaining on the morning of the caucus, that Gonorul Cameron would gel tho nomination for Senator, boldly proclaimed that they could not, without disgracing themselves and thoir constituencies, and set at defiance tho holiest wishes of their pnrtj-, enter into or assist in consummating this great crime. Just one week from thnt timo.they accept ed tho disgraco, and violated the holi rxl Irishes of their party, nnd never squirmed. Beast Butler has actually com menced a slander suit against "Brick" Poineroy, of tho La Crosso Democrat, and put his damages at (100,000. The Boast evidently thinks ho is in Now Orleans. Wo should liko to know what any mnn could stiy about this 'wholesale robber and slanderer of women, thnt could bo construed into libel. Brit k, send ns your libel this way. Wo will bet high that Butler will get no spoons out of Fomeroy. La Crosso is not New Orleans. The Loval Caucus. Tho voto in tho disunion convention for United States Senntor stood: Cameron 40; Curtin 23 ; Stevens 7 ; GroJV 5. The cliaw riu upon tho lucosof the "soldiers' friends" was plainly visible, upon tho announcement of this voto, but the order to make tho nomination unani mous was promptly nnd manfully mot. Tho cxeilenient incident to the occa sion was "urtificiul" "nobody hurt," as tho second Washington would say. A Sjiiit Our imagination is not excessive, nor very often treacherous, but wo imagino wo can sec, in thetlim future, tho Indian Chief Simon and I his associates celebrating a war tltince in tho Senate Chamber at Washing- ton, nnd smoking tho pipe of peace with tho dead duck Secretary of tho 1 Sennto. If this does not occur, there will most certainly bo a clash of arms j between thoso two national highway i men. I HHoviat lirtnadt. Wo wonder if Governor Curtin bus yet withdrawn from tho Penutoritil contest. Simon played off a rather serious joko on tho 'soldiers' friend." Col. R B. McCreury, now ono of tho members of the Assembly from, has been tondcred tho post of Adjutant General, by Gov. Geary. Tho web-footed water foul who pro sides over tho columns of tho Press, bus lately fallen "muchly" in lovo with General Jackson. It is not often that deceased statesmen and dead ducks get mixed up so. tien. John W. Geary was, on Tues day lust, inaugurated Governor of this Stuto. It the assombluge at Harris- burg was as gigantio as tho published nroirrammo. it must bnvo boon a I o mammoth affair. A few years ngo loyalists rang in our cars tho siron story of Curtin and no draft ; but now it bns boon changed to no Curtin and a con stant draught. The former was a 1 myth, tho latter is a reality. The hero of Big Potiicl, Fort Fisher, etc., is now in Wuthnigton, trging on tho impoachmout of tho President. Hud the boast been hnng over tho Dutch Gap Canal tho true Union element of tho country would not now bo disturbed by bis nasty prcsonco Tho first session of tho United States District Court, for tho northorn dis trict of Pennsylvania, was bold at Erie, last week, Judge McCitndless prosiding. Tho Erins aro very much elated at this new feuturo in political affairs. Although there was a good trackin snow, nnd hundreds of Injuns had gatherod around the State Capitol, on Tuesday lust, not a moccasin track could bo found, so adroitly bud the old chief covered tliein up in a per fect cat stylo. Tho Harrisburg Telegraph, on the day Thad mid Jack Forney entered the Stato Capital, banting honest men, exclaimed : "Shall tho majority of our party rule!"' If it docs, it will be a different rule from that applied out- sido of tho party. Tho Missouri Legislature refused to repeal tho test oath required of cler gymon and teachers in that State, and passed a resolution looking to the im peachment of thoso Judges who aro slack in enforcing tho law upon this point. Can tho heathen do worse ! Tho New York 7W, Advertiser and Timra three Kadical sheets are "really fearful that tho Democratic parly may bo inado successful by the folly of tho Kopublicuns in Congress." Tlicso Journals outm vo neo llio liuntl writing on tho wall, and are placing a proper interpretation upon it. Tho inun for who'n not even a town ship or borough had instructed, has been elected Unilel Slates Senator w hilo tho "soldiers' friend" and the "great Commoner," fur whom every member of tho Legislature bad been instructed, have bctn defeated. This is horrible,. Gov. Morton, of Indiana, has been elected United Stn'es Senator from that Stato bv tho Kumiiors. Ho is noted for two tbingi : ho is an cnthu sitislic admirer of Jo Holt Courts, and punishes moro Indiantt corn-whisky in twenty-four boms, than any two men in tho Stale , Tho loyalists in Kansas havo pre sented no less than fiftoeu candidates for Unitod Slntes .Senator. The law pussed by tho Washington Hump, dis franchising thoso guilty of high crimes makes throe fourths of them incligi ble, as they aro nearly all old Kansas jnyhawkcrs, guilty of every crime from murder down. Charles D. Drake, Esq., tho newly elected United States Senator from Missouri, is a fowl of tho Forney stripe nnd was tho chief fro mcr of tho odious Stato Constitution, test oaths and all now in force in that Stato. When this Drake gets in company with the luck in tho Senate Chtimbcr, there will boa pair of nico young duckies. Tho impeachment scally-wags have been driving a fust team in Washing ton during tho past week, but they havo not past tho cit- limits. We fear thoir nngs will get foundered if no worse diseaso overtakes them ho foro they tret round tho circle The imitator of Burko will find himself on his bottom before bo eels to the judges' stand. The Territorializing of tho Southern States was fully considered in Cnbinot council on the 0th instant. Every member of tho Cabinet wns present nnd liscussed tho project freely, and expressed their decided opposition to tho schomo, deprecating any attempt to disturb tho existing Stntc govern ments in those States. Even Stanton denounced it vehemently. "While the lamp hold nut to Imm, Tho vict pinner may return." Hon. Ktiseoo Conk li n has been elect cd United States Senator by tho New York disutiionists, for six yenrs from tho 4th of March next. lie now re resents the 21st district of that State in tho Kump. Mr. Coiiklin is the gentleman who exposed tho plunder I ings of Provost Marshal Fry's depart moot u few ycarB airo. This is all tho merit be possesses. Philosopher G roe ley, like our own "great Commoner,' wns put oft with novon votes, Win" fifth in tlio race. Dud for Uoiucc. .rr.ivs irtuns. Senator Cowan bin been appointed M inUler to Austria. JiiiIl'o Allen G. Thurnihn has been nominated for Governor of Ohio by the democrats. A new magazine is announced in Louisville, under the title of "Twelve Times a Year." A Galveston editor lately beard a mocking bird whistling "Ilixio" with much animation. Tho foreign-born residents of New York amount to 813,201 out of a pop ulation of 720,880. Wm. II. Kemblo has been elected Stato treasurer. Tho democrats vo ted for John F. Spnngler. Tho "Perfumed Kussian Bath Soci ety has just boon formed by some ol tho nahobsot Anw lork. (ion. Grant has issued a general or der enioiiiinir upon military oflicors tho duty of rigid economy in public expenses. Col. Badeau, of Grants staff, has nearly completed a biography of the General, upon wlneu lie has worKou two years. Gen. Map-ruder, Into of tho rclyl ar my, is in iNow Y'ork, and on Friday received many visitors at tho Now York Hotel. Tho Prosidont has ordorcd a par. don fir C. G- Meniminiror, tho .late socrclary of the Confederuto treasury. J. Frederick Marsh, formerly con- noctod with tho Boston press, died suddenly on Thursday, from tho nipt- uro of a liloou vessel. Tho girl-whipping schoolmaster of Boston has roceived 8.'lf0 from bis friends es a testimonial. Better pay than they gavo Haynuu. A. H. Haves, ono of tho founders of the New Orleans Crescent, is dendM Ho was a nativo of Gettysburg, Pu., and a practical printer. Fivo negroes havo been sontcrtced to tho New Hampshire penitentiary, and two to tho Massachusetts Legis lature. Hard on Sambo. Tho Ohio and Mississippi railroad wns sold to trustees for tho benefit of its creditors, for (l'WJ ovvsr and above first-mortgage bonds. Mr. A. W. Kixon, who accompanied Sir Morton Peto nnd his party to this country has also failed Ins dcltts amout to g;00,ooil, and Ins assets to 820,000. An uct iB now before the Legisla ture repculing all laws which have been or muy bo construed to prevent tho running of pusHengcrruilroad cars on Sunday. Charles Eumcs, Esq., tho well- known admiralty lawyer, wns strick en down with upoplcxy, on tho 9th inst., while speaking before tho ru- prcmo Court. The death is announced of Mr' I o- lix D'Hcrvillv, one of the oldest mem bers of tho New York Slock Ex change. Ho camo to this country with Lafayette. Tho Legislature of irgn.ia bnB confirmed tho nomination of Hon. Al exander Kives ns a judge of the Court of Apx'ulH, and as the sucessorol llie late J uclgo I hompson Mr. Chileott, has brought notion for damages against Gov. Cummings, of Colorado, in the sum of f;0,000, for refusing him tho certificate of election as a delegato to Congress. Alexander II. II. Stuart, Col. T. S iloiiriioy, Major . A-hullierlin, cx- Govcrnor Letcher nnd others, have been suggested us men "who would make good governors of Virginia. It is statod that tho Baltimore and Ohio Uailrond Companvaro tunneling tho Bluo Kidgo nt Harper's "Ferry, so as to avoid passing under tho fuco of tho eh ft, and get room for a double truck. Not ono Kadical newspaper in a hundred has tho fairness to print Pres ident Johnson's veto of tho District Negro Suffrage bill. Is there o dar key censorship over the Kadical press! it iooks iikc it. John K. Thompson, Esq., formerly editor of tho Southern Literary Jlc. nenqer, who has recently returned from r.uropo, hns written a rury descrip tion of "Tho Capitol at Washington," which will appear in tho rcbruury number of The. Old Guard. Tho Ih'vres publishes a list of ono hundred nnd ninety A nierienn vessels, of all sorts, which wero put under the British flag or sold abroad during the war, and says during fivo years one thousand und sixty-one American vos Bels wero thus transferred. (ion Butler Buys that President Johnson "does not liko to show bis hand." Mr. Prentice adds: "If he were to show both his hands, and all his pockets, and tho inside of his hut, his cock-eyed assailant would seo no stolen spoons in them." Pardoned hy the Governor. Nicholas Kiley, who killed James K. Crawford at Gtiysport, Bluir county, in October, lKb.i, and was sentenced to six yenrs imprisonment in the Western penitentiary, has been par doned hy Governor Curtin. That unhung patriot, Holt, and the unlmttled hero, lien Butler, wero re cently hob-nobbing together in the city of Washington. Whose livesare they plotting to take away by hired witnesses next time? What unfortun ato woman is the victim of their mur derous devices f The bill repealing tho 13th section of the act to reguhilo tho granting of pardon nnd amnesty has Ik'cii recciv by tho President, and will, beyond a doubt, ho approved hy Mr. Johnson, inasmuch as he concurs with tho opin ions expressed by Senator Trumbull ami other Senators, that tho section named does not amount to anything, other, thun a declaration of tho pow ers already conferred upon the Exec utive by tho constitution. The Senate's "foul whelp of sin" is growing mod, nnd in ono of his "two newspapers, both daily," bo attacked Kcvcrdy Johnson on account of the just censure that gentlcuinn cast upon tho "whelp" in the Senate for his as. sitnlt upon the Supremo Court. Phil adelphia AVtrs. Tho Keirs gives "Forney" a very hlting name, and should name, nnd flhouPt now in ue rnrdanne With COUntrv rilHtom. rive him a now drofw. How would n ront 1 . ii of tar nnd feuthcrs suilhis l)uckship?j . f.rrnl lY IHIU MVm." At preliminary cniiens held by the thirty-two legislative supporters of Curtin, Stevens and Grow, on Thurs day afternoon, Senator Fisher, ol Lan caster, according to Forney's 1'reni, said : "Ho believed thnt the election of Si mon Cameron to tho Senate of the United Stales nt this timo would be tho greatest tlisaster that could hap pen to tho Kcpiiblicnn party, nnd it wits lor thoso present to determine whether they had, better go in nnd participate in tho proceedings of tho caucus nnd submit to its decision, or whether they had better remain out. As for his part, bo bud no hesitation in saying that theto was but one pow er beneath heaven (pointing to Mr. Stevens) that could induce him to go into tho caucus. The General did not go in. Senator Billingfelt, of Lancaster, aid : "A great crimo was to bo perjtotra ted to-night. Tilts high ollice ol Uni ted States Senator was to bo bargain ed away for gain. Thero wns uot a gentleman in tho room (if thero wns ho would cull upon linn to step lor ward) who did not believe this. There wns not a Senator present who did not feel satisfied from the bottom of his heart that this ofiico would bo barter ed and sold to-night. Nino out of ev ery ton intelligcntcitizcnswill endorse their action it they remain out ol the caucus; and lie, lor one, snouiu not, become a party to a movement that would bring dishonor nnd disgrace, not only upon tho members of the Legislature, but upon their constitu ents and the great Kepublican party of Pennsylvania, hy giving Ins voice or lending his presence to a body of men who uro going to assemble to night, to set at defiunco the best and holiest wishes ot that great party. And Mr. Killingfelt did not go in. Col. Lemuel Todd, of Cumberland, said : "The friends of General Cameron had Becured a majority that would give him the nomination in caucus. He had no hesitancy in saying that the election of Simon Cameron would bo tho worst calamnity that could bo ful the Stale. It would be a dishon or, not only to thc-State, but to every member of tho Kepublican party. The disease requires a radical remedy, and it is for tho men who are faithful to Kepublican principles to set their faces against this corrupt effort of Si mon Cameron and strike at the very roots of it. Belter ten thousand times that no election should be mado than that be should disgrace ns. The true policy of those who are opposed to Cameron is to forco tho election before tho House nnd defeat hira at all hazards." Notwithstanding this nnd much more, all of tho members present, ex cept Fisher nnd Billingfelt, went into thccnncus,nnd when Cameron brought out bis forty-six votes, they fell into the leash with the docility of whipped spaniels. Shunio 1 Forney's 7V.s of the 11th contains tho following bitter reflection : "Simon Cameron was last evening nominated for United States Senator by a majority of tho Union members of the Legislature, nearly everyone of whom voted for him, knowing that his selection would be regarded ns on insult by tho Kepublicans of his dis trict, and accordingly by the great body of tho Kepublicans of tho State. Thero has never been so studied a vi olation of public sentiment and pub lic decency ns this nomination. Al though a largo body of tho trusted champions of our party tppoared on tho ground, protesting against the se lection of Cameron nnd warning tho Union members of tho dangers of such a step, their appeals nnd their admonitions were alike disregarded. Tm:r Doctrine. The Democracy of Washington City celebrated the Btlrt of Junnary with a banquet nnd toasts and speecnes, nt tne ,uuonui jioiei. Among tho honored guests was Presi dent Johnson, who, in responso to a toast, gave tho following: "No Slate of its own will has a right under.the Constitution to renounce its placo in or to withdraw from the Union. Nor has tho Congress of the United States a constitutional power to degrndo tho peoplo ofony Stuto by reducing them to a mero territorial dependency upon the Federal head. Tho ono is a disruption a dissolution of tho Government, t ho other is a con solidation and an extreme of despotic power. Tho advocates of tho latter aro also the enemies of tho Union and of our constitutional form of govern ment." The applause with which this true and incontrovertible sentiment was received was loud nnd long continued. Deluded KudicalB, ponder well the sentiment. An Avi'sino Trick in Lf-hokrhs-wain, entitled Thr Printir'f Jtrliaht. Take a sheet of note paper, fold it carefully, nnd enclose a hnnk noto suf ficiently urpo to pay up nrrearapes. Koep yonr eyes on ihe printer, nnd if yon can detect ft smile, tho trick is a siK-coss. Wo hope some ol our delin quents will try this trick. (iayle. who ndvertised for nn nssns sin to kill Lincoln, is to he tried at Montgomery, Alalmmu, on the 2th of line monlh. Uarrirfl, On Jnnnarr S, !t17, at Itw wodene of the nriile'i father, hy tit lift. J, T. Piohak F. PAUtfOX, of rWHleM tnnnly, tn Miw MAKY J. IlILOKK. of Iluntiiipinn miintT. j In ..uthrivhnrjr Jannarr, 11. 1K7, nt J. C. IUn-ar-rT. Ki., Mr. MATTHKW F. 01V EN 8 lu MiM MANY KM MA T'WZF.U, both nf utwen-vilir. Al Hen Preearia townr-hip, on leeemher 3.'.. iNMi, ly A. W. l.rn. Eq.. Mr. THOMAS II. ITtWIN Io Mil KI.M IK A I. FMITH, both of Vmidwiiril townliirt. iUu' ilvrrtisrmfnts. (1AITltl All peraona are hereby oautioned j aeamiit truntion nr harboring my atep aon. Ml UAI.l. MII.I.l.H. on mv amount. a I will pnv no delita of hip ooittraolmp after thia date. I ntontp., Jan. 17, l"t-7. lir.NKV Kll;H. 4l'TlO, AH pereon are hereby notified I titat the fnrni. of abti l.'tti aere and allow anor. wberiHwt I and mv buliaiid. I'aiiicl I'owman, live, in Knox twiihip, C)enrti'ld eoiin'T. '., helonc to me. and nit to nit knltand : and nnv nn pnrnhaamf the priKlurt of aaid larm mnat do ? nl"- m'"VihT Tiian nor y onr W'.Hlr niv.cll bat authuntv ti. rll t hr- rnmr. 1 7 -i: r.a bAUAH Uom .max. i(v Adffftisfmrnti. VALUADLE FARM lOK SALE OI! KF.XT. T htu-i in Mi tvm lit'-, miinW. Ii.r farh rH,Umii 'Nfc III M'lU.U A( Kt, ami if well n inptctt to turiiiiNf or rftiilir, and til r im til li tri jt'mk dtnic of cut!, mU'tn bmI wII wmIitih. : lulling Hm nun n jr"! TWO ToltY 1- Ait M HolM. ami a two-ami lull" l-n bin, vi-ry Inrpr, and well arrijni t-r kriti( uidic. Tin nftsnrjr outltutMiiijr an rfinijih tp. Alto, m complete mi-rcliaixltM MdltK ll'fiM, in whu-h hat tiwrn and in now a a'nrml aHVortturnt of aucr vltitiHjitw : rottvi-nirttt t mch hojj it a (mtK of run tan k water, wltuh wi never known to tail. Ttifre ii alw crw)-i thereon a atnull ham, wit U tlaMiiir aufiVieiit fr twelve bure. lor further iarticulur atnl b'rnif, allrrm the umlcrsijfurd at 1 Itritxtiehl lirittga, I'a., ort-all on bee at Murvarillv. Jan IM. 1m Mrc. H. W. TIIOMt'StiN. i I X V. of A'llninitrntin bavin? brn granti-d lli. aii(U-rpitnrl "ti thr cuatt of Kolirrt J. Wallaa. J-o'tl, Utr of CIcarfirM liurough, Cltarfit-It county, ail vrom inli-bu-l to Mid efltate will make iui. im-dmle .rtyracnt,aml thutc baring elaiwa arainit tho nam. will prvarnt thvni prvirly atillirtilicalad for arttlrairoU UfcOltliE W. K11KK.M, JatilU-Ct Almit)itriitr. TKA9-Irrlal Young Ujion Japan Oolong HjriOO Twankay, a good tra for 1 1 IS per pound at J V. K KATZBK'8. BLACKSMITHS an nre money bjr f tttinf tbrir liorahM and Kaila at - janUJ-lm .). 1J. KKATZEB'3. HUCKWHKAT FLOl.'R. ,0 p.ondi frail ground Uaekwhaat floor for aalt at j.olu-lm. J. P. KKATZEB'S. DRIED PHl'IT. Applea Peacbat Chtr naa Praaaa jaat roaiTa4 at J. P. KKATZF.H'f). TtOOTS AN t) SHOES. Vina Calf Boou J) Kip IlooU Felt OTtrahoM Buffalo 0r aboea (Jama Jiuikina Kandela at janlO-lm J. f KKATZER'S. C CROCKS. The eolebrated Itrady Stoneware, J for aale by J. P. fcRATZER. STATKMKNT of the linanree ot the Iiorougb. of ('loarholU, for the rear ending Jan. 1, lbS7. Onicri were drawn during Uie year fur- Work ita itrerta : : l:'3 24 Lumber : ' : : I : ST U 1'rinting account : : t (13 00 Hardware : t l : : 27 2U l!la-kinit!iing : : s : J 00 lli?h Conntalilr'r enrvicca i : Jl h0 Interest un order No. 10 ) : t 3 Preparing llnplicate t : 2 Oil Keurclary'f acf-viec, two jcari : ii tin Total : : : 4WA 1 Ihie from Collector of IM'fi : : IT04 41 Iue from Flanking amount : : V2 i, t'aub in Trcaaury : : : : U'7 6i Total : : : : 1U1 C LIAIIMTrKN. Outstanding order for jr. end'g F-h 1159, fpl 71 Ho do do Feb., 1-M, t 22 llo - do do dot., 1 72 lio do do Apr., lull!, 2..S SO llo do do Jan., 17. 40 1 Hue on McAdaaiiaiirg : : W v-1- ArU "'er lialnlitu l l : 49 00 Total : : : : : 24 f We. the nndrnijrtird ainlitnrt of Clearficid bor ough, having eiamint-d thr accnunti of aaid lor ouh, do eertifj them correct aa abore laU-u, and thut the aliore repreeriiU the financial cuntlitioo of unid iKiroujrh. and that the arte eiceed the lia hflitiea four hundred and eightv-nine dollar. V.M. 8. BIUM.KY, C. 11. dAMiFOKH, Wmj7- TlifJir. Pcc'r. Auditor. OIIUl Kl;W Arlll OuT!iurM:iTerrmr,g. Oil 'V f OcccmlicT 1.1, a riRn. giving hie name aa Jainc Cheetnut. hired a mare front the undcraigBrt, to ridi- live mile, to Lli ltloom', in ttui return the neat morning U-lore 7 o'clock, wlueh he failed to do. The aaid Chennnt i aboat fire feet ten inehe hirrh.dark eomplrlinn, and wear heavy black whinkcra. and had on a long black overooat, black pauti, and wore a rjrp. 1 ue mare if a drk chtnut aorrcl. with white tane, one lore foot white, and T year old. The abore reward will lie tiaid for the return of the marc and thief j or $;0 for tha return of the mare, and for the apprehension of the IhicC tiLU. W. liKAIiliAUT, dec!" Cioarneld, I'a. CI Al'TION. All pernonn art hereby cautioned ) araiiift ur haftinjr or in any way inMI,iig with tiie following described jram,l roerty. tu: Two jcrcy mart, two prry boraea, one two-boraa wnccin, one fonr-hnrw wagon, four acta harneaa. one cow, twelve f jrrahs, one emtk ftora, one warlitr atnre, nnr plow, one barrow, three beriotrwria and bedding, twenty yard parlor carpet, thirty five yard common ennwit, throe art chair, one bureau, two aland, dcitk, three tjiblea, rniboanl, and otbrr hovehold furniture, bow in tba jmhkc ion of William Lihtner, of Peocaria t-wr.bii, at Ihe aaid proppri) Itrlongn to mo, and ii In ft Wifb bim on loan oulv, ffubjeot to wit order. jwia-:tt John LionTXFn. A Great Discovery. ONE of Ihe preateat and moft unelul difeoveriaa in medinn.1 arienoe wa made by theeehbrated 1'r. J. Itamaa, of 1'arta, l-hif lhviinan Io tba Imperial Jiitirmary of Fraoee. in 1tl. Tboaewbo havr Imh-o afflicted with thr painful diteaac a nemo a Pile, and eflrrtualtv rured hr the utf of PR M MAS' 1 PKM'll I I Lt. tALVK, eatwot aexa bm highly of the benefit t mnft;rred upon taui by tho ne of tlitP remedy. It hai never born known to fail in effecting a permanent enre in a amr oaae. In thia repeit it aurjianac all other medi cine nf the kind. It will du jut what it it-reeoai-mendeil for; if net, the money will be .refunded. One nr Iwti boxee if auilirient to eflert a paraianent euro in fmr or aix day a, if tlas dirertionn on tha boxea are followed. Prioe. one and two dollan per box. neeordinf to aiar. rient by mail or aiprea to any part of the V nited Ptate ar Canada, hold by I-rupffitt prnernltr. A liberal dieount made to the tradn. Atldrma P. tv IK N HAM A (U W illintnport, l'a., ade Pnirietnrt and Manufae tnrem for the I'nited State" and Can! a. 6S y ClAl'TlO. AH ertwni" are hereby cwutitmed J apainrt nirrhaaiiir or in any way meddlm w ith the Mlnwtur deaentved lm-tonal nroiertT. tu : "nr ffrry nurae, ono hay mam, one In aiml, two t home, now in the poMeafnon of t hrmtiao P. TuMm. in Penn tnwnihip. aa the aawie Vlonirf to mo, and if aubject to my order. JwtH-M AMOS 1ULE. C Al"TI.All jvaraonp are hereby eantinnrd a eai nt tniim(r my wife t-AUAti on my ar oount, aa I will pay no debt nf faer oontracttkg unlea eompelled to do bj law. JwiS .V TAMKI. POWMAX. PKNNtsl LVAXIA. The next Term of thia Inalitution, under Ita reorganisation, will eom menoa on the Iftth day of January. S7. Fur termt ofadmlRfton. entaluea. ., addren. JOHS FKASKR. ITeat nl 4t Ajrrirnltural College, Centra C- -, WT-A po.kM lMK-k, eontaitiinic $T0 to J "nd two watrb eherka. waa bt in Cnrwn vtuw. on January , lmi;, Aiit peraon findinand returniup the aarae to the midemifrned, in I'enn townahip, or leaving it with Mon-ra. llipplo4 Fanat, Curwenavillo, will be antUMv rewnnied. JanS-St ti K( li M K A irrs M o Ii OI.I'JC.H im FAli-The undomifTiied k ha a tiret rate two horae Sleiph for aalr. with aiuift and tonrue attacheil, nearly new, whirh be will aril on TefctnHllr term. Ailr to JUMAftl W. 1 ynvr janlT.-.1t:pd v . IOK n A I K A nearly new ST F.AM b -. . J& and Pl'ILFH.vitbnxinea. Fnpim ?M -hnrwe power. Poiler 40 hnrae iMiwer. M il! be aoUi rry onenp. finaeeaa, w . a. .J. Mr MAN It. A I.. janlP 1m Mtlroy. Mtffiin eounty. Pa. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! ! I AW alway in rr,t of thr bo.l OiSTKHS. hirli will hr wrrnt op in thr n.ual of lvlr. 1 hart now a warm and rmnfurtahlr mom, SltMl npfor thrarimmo(latioti ot LA 111 ES. wuick driartiurtit willrrrrirr particular attention. it on: '8 JatilO If Ir, ('mm anl UnM Falnnn. on Tiis own "1160k! w.f7clark, ITfOfLD rrpertfuIlT annnnnr, to tha eiti ? tn of Cloararlil and ririaitr, that ba ha talim ;h room fnrmarlr oronpicd br p. A. "auiin, la uraliam a Sow, immrdialrlT otot H. j F. riaujtlf'a Jrwrlrr Mora, and will rot. t inn, tka TAILOU1NT, BUSINESS. j A lull awartmrnl of Clotha, rMirrrri and ; VratinR. vonatantlr on hand, and mado ordrr j on thr hortrt notira. I Pnrtlrular attention will 1 f rt n to CVTTIN" j Mrn', 11.,,,' and Cltildrrn rl:hin in tha most larinonaDi, iivira. uir, nia a eil. drrS-tf W. F. f LAHK. I ( 1 wil ol, W lulr and Linrrrd Oil. Vamllj IjT, J rarni.h and rainu of all kind a-roand a vilFor aala kj U. L