Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 17, 1867, Image 1
ANOTHER VETO MESSAGE, j .IV fro Stt'rrf In Ihf titrlrt mf j T,, fAr Si1v of the Pm'f. ! I have received nnd considered a bill entitled "An ne t to regulate llic clcolive franchise in tlio 1 if-trivt of Columbia," p!cd by the Senate on ' tie 13th of December, and by the , Hon of I.opresenlativcs on the suc ceeding day. It was presented for; my approval on the 2itli ultimo mx. dnvs after the adjournment of Con-. ,,ress and in now returned with mv . l,iiiniii in ihe Senate, in which InmIv vi j- -"- I . it originated. ; Measures baviug been introduced at I the conimencemciit of the first session man, or granted to him on qualifiea of the present Congress, for the ex- cations requiring intelligence or pro- tension of the elective franchise to ; pereous of color iu the District of Co-, iie District of Columbia to try an j licence. In a population in that State iumhia. steps were- taken by the cor-1 experiment which their own constitu-j of 1.2:!l,0Tti, there were, by the census porate authorities of Washington and : ent have thus far shown an unwilling-1 of lrtHO, only (,KI2 persons of eolor, Georgetown to ascertain and make nes to tost lor themselves, Nor does and of tho initios over twenty years of known tho opinion of the peoplo of it accord with our republican ideas! ago, there were 3S!l,(Jiu white, to the two cities upon a subject feo im -j that the principles of celt government ! 2,01)2 colored. By tho tamo ollicial mediately affecting their welfare, should lote its force w hen applied to j enumeration, there were in the Dis The question was submitted to the , the residents of the District, merely j trict of Columbia 0,764 w hites to people at spec ia) elections, held in the because their legislators are not, like I 14.816 persons of tho colored race, month of leceruber. 1)0, w hen the those of the States, resivonsiblo, thro' Since then, however, the population .lOiliSci voter of Washington and the ballot, to the jeople for whom I of the District hns largely increased, Georgetown, with great unanimity of they are tho law-making Kwer. (and it is estimated that at the present sentiment, expressed themselves op- 'Jj,e grni oLjtL of plauiug lh scat j tium there lire ikmwIv a hundred thon- Iosed to the eontemplsted legislation. of government under tho exclusive ! sand w hites to thirty thousand no n Washington, in a vote of O.o-'j , legislation ol Congress, was to secure ' groes. The cuuse of the augmented the largest, with but two exceptions, ever polled ia that city ouly thirty-, Government from undue State iuflu livc ballot were cast for negro tuff-, cuce, and to enable it to discharge, rage; while in Georgetown, in an 1 without danger of interruption or iu iiggrognte of 13 votes a number , fringeiuent ot iis authority, the high considerably in excess of the average functions lor w hit h it was created bv vote at the lour preceding annual the people, for this mijiortant pur- erable proportion ol those who sought elections but one was given in favor : pe it was ceded to the L nited Suites w ithin its limits a bheUcr from bond of the propoed extension of the elect- j by Maryland and Virginia, and it cer-! uge. Until then held in slavery, mid ive franchise. As ther elections M-cm ; tainiy necr could have been contem-' denied all opjiortunilies for mental to have been conducted with entire i plated as no of the objects to be at-j culture, their first knowledgo of the laimes-s, the result must be accepted taiued hy placing it under the exclusive . Government was acquired when, by as a truthful eiprcs-sion tf the opinion jurisdiction of Congress, that it would ! conferring upon them freedom, it be ol the people of the District uj-on the: ailjrd to projiag:iud:sts or political come tho benefactor of their race; the question which evoked It. I ossetfing, as an oraniied commuuitr, the same ; popular right as the inhalitants of a : While, indeed, the reaideuts of the seat fsjate or Territory, to mke known of government are not citizens of any their will upon matters which affect : Mate, and are not therefore allowed a their tocial and political condition, j voice ia the dec loral college, or rep they could have selected no more ap-. re-entation iu the councils of the ua propriste mo-ie of memorializing Con-; tioii. they are. nevertheless, American grcs upon the subject of this biJ than , .citizens, entitled as such to every through the suffrage of their OHulifie 1 guarantee of the Constitution, to every voters. Entirely disregarding the wishes of thef-epieol tlie ol Columl.ia. . Congress has deemed it right and ex , jsi,ent to psj the measure nov sulv- i laitteJ for my signature. It, there- fore, becomes the duty of the Exeeu- j live, standing between the legislation I they taught to leel that, although not of the one and the will of the o:her, ; ermitted practically to participate in fairiy expree j, to determine whether national concerns, they aro ncverthe Le fchouid approve the bill, and thus less under a paternal Government, aid in placing upon the statute-books J regardful of their rights, mindful of of the nation a law against which the j their wants, and eolieilous lor their people to whom it ia to apply have prosperity. It was evidently contem fcolemii v and with such unanimity i plated that all local questions would protested. or w hether he should return be lell t-i their decision, at least to an demand lor labor, would be soon in il with his objections, in the hop j extent that would not be incompatible creased by an influx from the udjoiu thal, upon reconsideration. Congress, j with the objects fr which Congress i ing States. Drawn from fields where acting as the representatives of the j was granted exclusive legialatiou over I employment is abundant, they would ibhabitanUof the seat of government, i the seat c! government. I in vain seek it here and 60 add to the iriil permit them to regulate a purely) When the Constitution was yet un- j embarrassments already experienced local question, as to Lheiu may scc:u : der consideration, it was assumed by from tho largo class ol idlo K-rsons best sailed to their interests and col.' dition. The District of Columbia was ceded; to the United States by Maryland and j own suffrages." When, for the first Virginia, in order that it might be-j time. Congress, in the year Im.mJ, as tonie the permanent M-at of govern- eembled at Washington, President inent of the United States. Accepted ; Adams, in his sjeech at its opening, l-y Congress, it at once became sub-1 reminded tho two houses that it was jeYt to the exclusive legislation" for for them to consider whether the local which rrovision is made in the Fed- lowers over the District of Columbia, end Constitution. It shoal J be lrne 1 in miDd, however, that in exercising ; Congress of the United States, should immediately exercised, and ho of the District of Columbiathe au- asked them to "consider it as the thority of the National Legislature is j capital of a great nation, advancing! ready to chango their residence at a not without limit, but that Congress i with unexampled rapidity in arts, in I moment's notice, and w ith nil the fa is: bound to observe the letter and wealth, and in population, and pos- j cility of a nomadic people, in order to spirit of the Constitution as well in j sessing within iueil" those resources i enjoy here, after a short resilience, a tie enactment of local laws for the I which, it not thrown away or lament- privilege they find nowhero elso. It eat of government, as in legislation abN misdirected, would secure to it a is within their power, in ono year, to common to the entire Union. Were j loug courso of prosperity and self-1 como into tho District in such nuin it to be admitted that the right "to , government.'' Thrco years had not hers as to have the supreme control of exercise exclusive legislation in all j elapsed when Congress was called tho white race, and to govern them ces whatsoever," conferred upon j unn to determine the propriety of j by their own ofKccrs, and by the cxer CvDgrcsa tLl'.niiled towcr within the ; retrace ding to Maryland and Virginia ! eiso of all tho municipal authority District of Columbia, titles c: nobility might be granted within its boun la- they had respectively relinquished to rie; laws might be made respecting t the Government of tho Uuited States, an rs-ublishmeot of religion, or pre- It was urged, on the one hand, that Libit :rg the free exereie thereof; or i exclusive jurisdiction was not ncecs abri !ging the freedom of sjeetu or of : sary or useful to tho Government; the pre- ; or the right of the jnop! J j that it deprived tho inhabitants of the peaceably to a?"mbie and to petition j District of their political rights; that the Government for a redress of priev-1 much of the time of Congress was con anees." Dcspf t:m wonlj thus re:gn .sunied iu legislation pertaining to it ; at the seat of government of a free; that its government was expensive; llepul lie, and, as a place of permanent ! lha' Congress was not competent to residence, it would be avoided I v all ! who nref.-r tht lles.iiv" of liberty to the rjtre tT.ohscn'j cf cdcial posi- j concerns ; and that it was an example nized as useful and responsible mem tion. j of a government without represenla-1 bers of tho community. Imposed np- It sbocld also be remembered that i tion un experiment dangerous to the on an unwilling people, placed, by tho in lerislatinir lor the District of Co- liberties of the States. Un the other ' constitution, under tho exelusivo leg- lumt. a. under the Federal Contitu Con, the relat'on of Congress to its inhabitants is af.alag"us to that of a Ix-jislature to the peep!? of a State, nnOer their own local Constitution. Jt tbcs not, tht retcre, seem to lc ask ing too much that, in matters jiertain irif to the District, Conrre should have a l.ic iysihx-1 lor the w,II and interests f its inhabitants as i enter- j tained It a State legislature f-r thf federation; that the peoplo themselves, wishe a'nd prosperity of those for w ho, it was said, had been deprived xhc.m thev legt-late." The spirit of of their political riirhts, had not coin fur Coi,-su ution and the genius of our ! plained, and did not desire a retroces C.overrmtat reqnire that, in regard "n ; that the evil might he remedied to aiy law whi h is to affect an 1 have by giving them a representation in a permanent btarin upon- a people Congress when the District should thv.r wi.I should exert at least a !"-: frii.abi influence upon those who are hviing in the capautv of their leg:- Uiori. W oild, lor iu"trce, the Do- g".awr ot the tatc Ot cw lork.or of IV-nr sylvan: a, or of Indiana, or of any State in the Union, in opposition to the exprvsed will of a large raa j rity i t the jvple whmn t(uy are i-hos,-n t- rvprv-sont. arbitrarily torve in them, as voters', all person ol t.Se Afri'an or rriro race, and make tVin e!ig ( !e f r effice. ithont any i'ti trqia.-'vation than a certain term of rvs-.dem within the State? In 1 l.t-'tt trot the Mate named would the c-. ! red j- putati n, when acting to-1 nt "Might, by a local legislature, that , all laws and proceedings for tho spcu retber, I al ie to pria' any great I whii h has generally been willingly j rity of person and property as is cn s iul or p.!ii!..ul resy't. Yet. in New conceded by I he Coiigressof the nation. ! joyed by white citizens, and aro made. York, b, tore be can vote, the man of As a eeneral rule, policy reqnircs j "subject tJ like punishment, pains and f!or nin-t fult.Il condilbms that are that the Legislature should yield to : penalties, and to nono other, any law, not rcquirv-i ol the white titiien ; in the wishes of a yeople, when not in- statute, ordinance, regulation or cus IVonytvan:a the elective franchise is consistent with tho Constitution and torn to the contrary notwithstanding." rx-strivted to white fremen : while in ' the laws. The measures suited to one , Nor, as has been assumed, are their Jni-aoa r-egrue and mulatto? are ' ixprviy .lndil mm the right Ot si:!.'t It hsHlv ie -tii consistent CLEARPIEL'I GEO. B. GOODLMBEB, Proprietor. PRINCIPLKS-NOT MEN. TERMS-$2 per annum, in Advance. VOL 3S-WII0LE NO. 2002. CLEAKFIELD, PA., THURSDAY, JAN. 17, 1807. NEW SEKIES-VOI, 7, NO. 20. I,.- ,.r :..i. ...i -iniuiv j-iiin.jrinwutjj.ummj,,, lhnt representatives of States, where sutl'rut;e is either denied tho colored pert v. should compel tho neonlo of the entire independence of tho General parties a puce lor. an experimental test ol their principles and theories. u-netit of the laws, and t every right i which pertains to citieus of our com-! mn country. In all matters, then. abetting their domestic affairs, the spirit of oar democratic form of gov- trumcnt demands that tin ir wishes ! should be consulted and resvcted, and Mr. Madison that its inhabitants would be allowed a municipal legislature, lor local purposes, derived from their vested by the Constitution in the the junsUiction ol the territory which legislate lor the District, because the niemln-rs were straiiirors to its local , hand, it was held, among othor rea- islation ol ( digress, it would boviow sons. anil successfully, that the Con-' ed ns an arbitrary exercise of power, stitution.theactsof cession of Virginia ! and as an indication by tho country and Mary land, and the net of Congress of the purposo of Congress to compel accepting the grant, all contemplated j the acceptance of negro sufTrngo by the exercise of exclusive legislation bv the States. It would engender a feel- Congress, and that its usefulness, if: not its necessity, was inferred from the inconvenience which was felt lor want of it by the Congress of the Con become sufficiently populous, and in the meantime a local legislature; that: if the inhabitants had not political i rights, they had great political, influ- j ence ; iiiai me iruurue anu expense oi legislating tor the l'isinel would not be creat, but would diminish, and miht, in a great measure, be avoided . bv a local legislature ; and that Con gress could not retroeede the inhahit- aniswiiiioiuincireoneni. lonunuing 'to live, substantially, under the laws that existed at the time of the cession, and sii' h changes only having been ni.ebi as were suggested by them-' selves, me people oi me insirn i nave . community might not bo adapted to ; he pers condition of another; and thojtimcnt here; for local governments n best qualified to (h.termino ,.i. ,..,. i:.... .1 1 .. I nuvu IJ'IVMIUUN UIV 111611 IIIKW lllier- ! csts are directly affected bv anv nro- posed law. In Massachusetts, fur in stance, male persons are allowed to vote without regard to color, provided thev possess a certain denreo ofintol- , uuiubera ol tho latter class needs no explanation. Contiguous to Jlarj--landand irginia, the District, during tho war, became a placo of relugo for those who escaped from servitude, and it is vet the abiding place of a consid ' test ol their capability lor nnprovo- ment began, w hen, for the first time, tho career of free industry and the avenues of intelligence were opened to them. Tossessing thoso advantages but a limited timu tho greater number per haps having- entered tho District of Columbia during tho later years of tho war or since its termination we may well pauso to inquire whether, alter so brief a probation, they aro ns a (lass caiiable of an intelligent exer cise of the right of suffrage, and qual ified to discharge tho duties of ollicial position. The people who aro daily witnesses of their niodo of living, and who become familiar w ith their habits of thought, have expressed the convic tion that they are not yet competent to serve as electors, and thus become eligible for ollicc in the local govern ments under which they livo. Clothed with the elective franchise their num bers, already largely in excess of tho congregatea in tno District, iiaruiy yet capable of forming correct judg ments upon the important questions that often make the issue of a political contest, they could readily bo made subservient to the purposes of design ing persons. While in Massachusetts, under the census of 100, the propor tion of white to colored males over twenty 3'enrs of ago was one hundred and thirty to ono, here tho black race constitutes nearly one-third of tho en tire population, whilst tho same class surrounds tho District on all sides, among tho rest, of tho power ol taxa lion over property in which they havo no interest. In Massachusetts, where they havo enjoyed the benefits ol a thorough educational system, a quali fication of intelligence is required, while here sufl'iiigo is extended to all, without discrimination, as well to the most incapable, who can prove a resi dence in tho District of one year, as to thoso persons of color who, compara tively few in number, aro permanent inhabit ants, and having given evidence of merit and oualillcation. are re cog' ing of opposition and hatred between tho two races, which, becoming deep rooted and ineradicable, would prevent them from living together in a stato of mutual friendliness. Carefully avoid ing every measure thnt might tend to produce such a result, and following the clear and well ascertained popular w ill, we should assiduously endeavor to promote kindly relations between them, und thus, w hen that popular w ill leads tho way, preparo lor the gradual ond harmonious introduction of this new element into the political power of tho country. j i cannot no urgeu mai mo pnqmseu extension oi sum-age in mo instrict oi Columbia is neccssury to cnuhlo per- sons of color to protect either their in- lerests or their rights. They stand hero precisely as they s'and in Penn sylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. Here, as elsewhere, in all that pertains to civil rights, them is nothing to dis-1 tinguish (his class of persons from ! citizens of tho United States ; for they possess tne "lull ami equal ocnciu oi . suffrages necessary to aid a loyal son already oxist of undoubted fealty lu , -A- the government, and are sustained by communities w hich wero among tho first to testily their devotion to tho Union, and whh Ii during the struggle furnished their" full quotas of men to the military scrYieo of tho country. The exevritic'ot tho elective Iran chiso is highest uttributo of an American citizen, and when guided by virtue, intelligence, patriotism and a propor appreciation of our institu tions, constituted tho true basis of a democratic fori of government, in which tho sovereign power is lodged in the body of t'e people. Its nillu ence for good nessnrily depends up on tho elevated character and patriot ism of the elect for il exercised by person ir tv ho Mo lfi5it JuJtTy" cfl imate its valuo und who nro inditVerent us to its results, it will only ecrvo as a means of placing power in the bunds of the unprincipled und ambitious, and must eventuate in the complete do- st ruction ol that liberty ol which it usurpations. "In a rcpsesuntativo should be the most powerful conser- republic, where the excculivo magis vutor. Great danger is therefore to tracy is carefully limited, both in the be apprehended from an untimely ex- extent and the duration of its power, tension of tho elective franchise to any ; and where the legislative power is ex- new class in our country, especially when tho lurge majority of that class, in wielding tho power thus placed in their hands, cannot be expected cor rectly to comprehend tho duties and responsibilities which net tain to suf frage. Yesterday, as it wero, four millions of persons were held in a eon. dition of slavery that bad existed for i generations ; to day they are freemen, und nro assumed by law to be citizens. It cannot be presumed, from their pre vious condition of servitude, thut, asa class, they are as well informed as (o tlieiintiire of our government us tho intelligent foreigner wh makes our laud the homo of his choice. In the case ol the latter, neither a residence ol five years, and the knowledge of oar institutions which it gives, nor attachment to tho principles of the constitution, are the only conditions upon which he can be udmitted to cit izenship, lie must prove, in addition, a good moral churaeter, and thus give reasonable ground for tho belief that he will bo liiilhful to tho obligations which ho assumes us a citizen of the republic. Where a people the source ol ull political power speak, by their suffrages, through tho instrumentality of the ballot-box, it must bo carefully guarded against tho control of thoso who aro corrupt in principle and ene mies of frco institutions:, for it can only becomo toour political and social system a snfo conductor of health - lioiiulur uuiimuut whw krnt irov from demoralizing influences. Con-1 givesgreater lacility to encroachments trolled through fraud and usurpation, ! of the former." "Wo have seen thut by tho designing, anarchy and despot-1 tho tendency of republican govcrn ism must inevitably follow. In tho I ments is to mi aggrandizement of the hands of tho patriotic and worthy, I legislative, at the expense of tho other our government ill be preserved up-j departments." on the principles of tho constitution) Mr. Jell'erson, in referring to tho inherited twin our fathers. It follows, curly constitution of Virginia, object therefnrc, that in admitting to the ; ed that by its provisions all the pow-ballot-box a new class of voters not ers of government legislative, exec qualitied for the exercise of tho elect-j ulfvo and judicial resulted to the ivc franchise, wo weaken our system j legislative body, holding that "tho oi government, Instead ol adding to its strength und durability In returning lliis bill to the Senate, I deeply regret Unit there should be any conflict of opinion between the legislative and executive departments of tho government in regard to meas ures that vitally uflect tno prosperity and peace of tho country. Sincerely desiring to reconcile tho States with ono another, and tho whole, peoplo to tho government of tho United States, it has been my earnest wish to co operate with Congress in all measures having for their object a proper and complete adjustment of tho questions resulting from our late civil war. Har mony between the co-ordinate branch es of the government, always necessa ry for tho publiu welliiro, was never moro demanded than at tho present time, and it will therefore bo my con stant aim to promote, as far ns possi ble, concert of action between them. Tho differences of opinion that have already occurred havo rendered mo only tho moro cautious, lest tho Exec utive should encroach upon any of the prerogatives of Congress, or, by ex ceeding, in any mniiner, the Constitu tional limit of his duties, destroy the equilibrium which should exist be tween the several co-ordinate, depart ments, and which is so essential to the harmonious working of tho govern ment. I know it has boon urged that tho Excculivo Department is more likely to cnlargo the sphere of its nc tion than cither of tho other two branches of the government, and es pecially in tho exerciso of tho veto power conferred upon it by tho Con stitution. It should be remembered, however, that tins power is wholly negative and conservative in its char acter, nnd was intended to operate us a check upon unconstitutional, hasty, and improvident legislation, und as a means of protection against invasions i of tho just powers of tho Executive ! of a sufllciont number of members, or and Judicial Departments. It is ro-j by tho exclusion from representation marked by Chancellor Kent that "toi ol a requisite number of States, reduce enact laws is a transcendent power ; tho minority to less than one-third, and, if tho body that possesses it be a j Congress, by thoso means, might be full and oqiuil representation of (he enabled lo pass a law, tho objections people, there is danger of ita pressing of tho President to tho contrary, not with destructive weight upon all the withstanding, which would render im other parts of tho machinery of gov- potent, the other two departments of eminent. It has, therefore, been tho government, and make inopera I Ik. light necessary, by tho most skil fill and most experienced nrtists in tho scienco of civil polity, that strong barriers should be eroded for the pro- lecuon nnu security oi mo oiner no cessnry powers ol tho government, i -Nothing has been deemed more lit and expedient for the purpose than tho provision thut tho head of the Execu tive Department should bo so consti tuted as to secure a requisite share of independence, and that he should have a negative upon tho passing of laws; and that tho judiciary power, resting on a still moro permanent basis, should buvo tho right of determining upon tEPUBLICAJN. tho validity of laws by the standard of the Constitution. ' Tho necessity of sonio Biich check in tho hands of tho Executive is shown hy reference to tho most eminent wri ters upon our system of government, who seem to concur in tho opinion thut encroachments arc most to bo ap prehended from tho department in which all legislative powers ore vest ed liy the constitution, Mr. Madison, in referring to tho Uitliculty ot provi ding some practical sseurity for each against tho invasion of tho others, remarks thut "tho legislutivo depart ment is evcrywhoro extending the sphoro of its nativity, and drawing all power into its impetuous vortux "Tho "founders 'or our republic seem never to havo recollected the danger from legislative usurpations, which, hy usscniljling nil power in tho same hands, must lead to tho same tyranny as is threatened hy Executive ercised by iin ussembly which is in spired by a supposed influence over tlio peojile, vitU an intcrpid confi dence iu its ow n strength, which is sufllciently numerous to feel all the passions which actuate a muttiliido, yet not so numerous us to be incapa ble of pursuing of its passions by means which reason prescribes, it is against tho ciiturprising ambition of this (Icpartmei t that tlio peoplcoiight to indulge all their jealousy and ex haust nil their precautious." "Tho legislative department derives a supe riority in our governments from other circumstances. Its constitutional powers being at once moro extensive1 and less Ktisccptiblo of precise limits, it can. with the greatest facility, mask, under complicated and indirect meas ures, tho encroachments, which it makes on tho coordinate depart ments." "On tho other side, the ex ecutive power being retained within a narrower compass, and being moro simple in its nature, and the judiciary being described, by landmarks still less uncertain, projects of usurpation by either of these departments would immediately betray and defeat them selves. Nor is this nil. As tho legis lative dcpnrtm mt alono has access to tlio pockets of tho people, and has in some constitutions lull discretion, and in all a prevailing Inllueiico over the I pecuniary rewards of thoso who fill ' tho other departments, a dependence 1 is thus created in tho latter which concentrating these in tho sumo hands is precisely the definition of despotic government. It will bono alleviation that these powers will be exorcised by a plurality of hands, and not by a sin glo one. Ono hundred and seventy three despots would surely bo as ag gressive ns one." "As little will it avail us that they aro chosen by our selves. An clcctivo despotism whs not tho government wo fought for, but one which should not only be founded on freo principles, but in which tho powers of government should bo so divided and balanced among several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their le gal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others. For this reason that convention which passed the ordinance of government, laid its foundation on the basis that tho legislative, executive and judicia ry departments should he separate and distinct, so that no person should ex erciso tho powers of moro than one of them at the same time, lint no bar rier was provided between thoso sev eral powers. Tlio judiciary and exec utive members wero left dependent on tho legislative for their subsistence in it. If, therefore, tho legislature assumes executive ai d judiciary pow er, no opposition is likely to bo made; nor if made, can be clleelual, because in this case, they may put their pro ceedings into tho form of an act ot as sembly, which will render them obli gutory on the other branches. They" bare, accordingly, in ninny instances, decided rights which should have been left to judiciary controversy, nnd the direction of the Executive, during the wholo timo of their session, is becom ing habitual and famillinr." In addition to what has boon said bv theso distinguished writers., it may also be urged that tho dominant parly in each house may, hy tho expulsion tive tho wholesomo and restraining power, which il was intended by tho fra mors of tho constitution should be exerted by them. This would bo a prat licul concentration of nil power in the Congress of the United States this, in tlio language, of tho nnthor ol tho Declaration o( Independence, would bo "precisely the definition of despotic government." 1 havo preferred to reproduce thoso statesmen nnd constitutional lawyers of tho curly and later days of tho republic, rather than to rely "simply upon nn express ion of my own opinions. Wc cannot to often recur to them, especially at a conjuncture like tho present. Their application to our actual condition is so apparent that they now como to us as a living voice, to bo listened to with more attention thnn at any previous period ol our history. We have been und aro yot in tho midst of popular commotion, i no passions aroused by a grout civil war uro still dominant. It is not a timo favorable to that calm and deliberate judgement which is tho only sufo guide wdiou radical changes in our institutions are to bo ruude Tho measure now before mo is one of thoso changes. It initiates an untried experiment for a people who have said, with ooe voice, that it ia not tor their good. This ulone. should make us pause; but it is not ull. The experi ment nas not noon tried, or so much as demanded by the people of tho tev eral States for themselves. In but few of tho States hns such an innova tion been allowed as giving the bullot to tho colored population without any other qualification than a residence of one 3'ear, and in most of them tho de nial of tho bullot to this raco is abso lute, and by fundamental law pluood beyond the domain of ordinary legis lation. In most of theso States the evil of such su lira go would bo partial ; but, hihuH as it would is guarded by constitutional barriers, lfeie the innovation assumes fortnidablo propor tions, which may easily grow to such an extent as to muko tho white popu lation a subordinate clement in the body politic. After a full deliberation upon this measure, I cannot bring myself to ap prove it, even upon local considera tions, nor yet as tho beginning of an experiment on a larger scale. I yield to no one in attachment to that rule of general suH'rugo which distinguish es our policy as a nation. But there is a limit, wisely obsertcd hitherto, which makes the ballot a privilege and a trust, and which requires of some classes a timo suitable for pro bation and preparation. To give il in discriminately to a new class, wholly unprepared, by previous habits and opportunities, to perform tho trust which il demands, is to degrade it, and finally to destroy iu power; for it mny bo safely assumed that no pol itical truth is better established than that such indiscriminate and nil em bracing extension of popular suffrage must cud at lust in iu destruction. A-M)RKv Johnson. Washington, January 5, 1807.' A Uemahkaih.e Ooci'MtENcr An individual living at Joetatesvillo, on the Broad Top Imilroad, this county, went out hunting a week or two ago, and while perambulating tho mount ains, fell and fractured his log. The weather wus severe, and the prospect of freezing presented itself most viv idly. 1 ho unfortunate nlar was alone, far from home, with no sympathizing creature to nssist or even to commis- sorate with him in his sad condition. Seized by n fit ct desperation, and finding his pockets well supplied with small nails, ho determined upon the horriblo expedient of nailing his foot to his boot and his boot to his leg ; to resolve was to execute, and in this condition ho crippled to his homo. We received theso bicts Irom Mr. lrim bath, a neighbor of tho unfortunate man, for wiioso credibility wo will vouch. At tho latest accounts the in dividual was doing very well. IkJ- ford Inquirer. Tho Supreme Court, as at prcsonl constituted, consists of the following named jurists, with tho date of their appointments: isii;i,s. 1'. t'hnse, Ohio.CliiefJustiee. ls:i.r James M. Wnjne, Georgia. 1X45 Samuel Nelson, New York. IMG lloliert C. Gricr, Pennsylvania. 1S.1S Nathan Clifford, Maine. ist',2 Noah M. Swuyne, Ohio. IHII2 Dnvid Davis, Illinois. 1 8(52 Samuel E. Miller, Iowa. 1S03 Stephen J. Field, California. "Will you run n way with mo to morrow night , Kate, dear ?" said Philip to his charming country hollo, who had just arrived at the years of dis cretion. "Oh, no, dear Phil., replied the young lady, with groat senso of pru dence, "I won't do any such action; but I'll (ell you. what will do: I'll run away without you, nnd then you can run ufler mo, and wo will meet at my Hunt's the same evening." M'hilea physician was working over a young lady who had suddenly faint ed in tlio streets of Zanesvillo, it was found necessary to remove eleven pairs of stocking legs and ono pair of lioso before bo could restore circula tion through hor pedal extremities. Tho post ofllce at Waynesboro, Ta., was last week victimized to the tune of 81 by burglars. No duo to tho thieves havo so tiir been obtained. Tho oflieo nt llavrc-do Grnco was also robbed of a largo nmount of letters and money, uhoul tho same timo. A doctor who had been trying to establish a practice in Wisconsin, says that the Vitiligo issoextreinoly healthy that a man was murdered there re cently for tho purpose ot starting a graveyard. I A man met a big Indian on the plains j a few weeks ago. Tlio gcntlo savage I had a large bundle of st ains, and tlio J white man made bold to ask him whnt ! ho had been doing. "Hough!" said! tho noble red man, "mo been skirmish- j ing for waterfalls 1" "I don't beliovo it's any use, this vaccination," said a Yankee. "1 had a child vaccinated, nnd ho fell out of the window a week niter nnd got killed" Tht MVfoir Soliloquy. Hero I ftin, with llvo children in support . their father killed in t he nriny. llave Id wash all da' nnd sew hull the n'ght to get a i'-eiiiily living O! how my lingers m ho und my cye pain me! Congress establishes bu reaus for tho support of frccdincn and those who killed my husband, but no bureau is talked of for my poo:- fath erless children. My husband was a white man, and they tell mo his place at the election will bo filled by ono who was in Cana da when my husband was killed. 1 wish! had a vote. I would cunt it for tho Government my liu-hnnd died to maintain. They set tho negroes freo, and now they tax w bile peoplu to support thorn. I'm glad they uro freo, hut they should work. I can't understand why I am compelled to work for a living, and negroes aro kept at public expense. ilow my eyes do hurt. The tariff bill will make mo pay fif ty cents moro for a puir of shoes for Thomas, a dollar more lor a dress for Jane, ten cents a pound more for cof fee, and muko all tho goods 1 have to buv much higher. ) havo hard times ahead. The tariff won't increaso tho price of flour, pork, potatoes, and such arti cles as the farmers raise, which ia hub consolation to me. If there wasn't so many officers, and they didn't get such high salaries, theso high tan lis would not, bo needed. I must wash to-morrow for the income tax assessor. It will bo a hard day's work. Ho will pay me fifty cents for it. ilo geufour dollars a day for tax-assessing. I work harder than he does. What will 1 do with tho fifty cenU? Susan noods a dress, but I can't buy it. Wo havo no butler. No coffee. No meat. Door Willis is sick. I must spend the hull-dollar for medicine for him; but drugs are taxed so high, it will buy but little. 1 don't know what to do. Winter is coaiing,and we Lave noth ing to prepare for it. Tho postmas ter 6ays wo can go to the poor house. A poor-house for tho wives and fami lies of soldiers. Things aro not fixed right. We have a white population, and a Congress thut gives each member JiiOUtj a year, and mo H per month. General Grant gets tl't),0iJO per year. But my caudlo has burnt out, and I mustrctiro to my hard bed for a little rest. May God protect us, since we aro forsaken by those who took away my husband and tho lather of my helpless children. Forsaken by thoso w ho induced him to volunteer. For saken by those who promised to care for us in bis absence. "Sally Mandersafo !" said Mrs. Par tington, as her eyes fell on nn adver tisement. "Do tell me, Isaac, who this Sally M under is, and what sho's been doing, that they've got her safe." "I don't know what sho's been doing," said Ike, "but I gues3 sho's a sister to Jerry." "Jorry who, Isaac?" "Why, Jcny Mnnder," said Ike, as he resumed his work by tho window, catching flies. . Foi'pixo. Mr. Popp, of Poppvillo, fancying himself to bo very populur with his lady-love, popped the ques tion to her under tho poplar tree, on Poplar street, w hen she referred him to poppy, who, when asked for his consent, labored under (ho influonce of ginger gop, popped liiin out of tho door to the tuno of "Pop goes tho weasel. A young and pretty lady, riding in the cars, was observed to have a piece of "court plaster" on her lip. When tho car had emerged lrom a covered bridge into the light, it was discovered to havo disappeared, but was detected clinging to tlio lip of young man who sat on tlio sent with her. J hey both looked ns innocent ns if they "hadn't been doing nothing." A yourg man out West was en trusted with tho money to bring his father home a good family sewing machine. Ho carried off a neighbor's daughter to Chicago, married her and brought her home, declaring sho was tho best family sowing machino ho could procure. . "What are you setting that child on that quarto dictionary for ?" said .Mrs. Ji., ns tlio pater arranged his little boy at the breakfast table. "I am, replied he, "hxing the basis of a sound English cduoatiou." "les, said she, "but you aro bo- ginning at tho wrong end." A burglar w as frightened out of his scheme of robbery hy tho sweet simplicity of a solitary spinster, who, putting her n ght-capped head out ot tho window, cvoltiitncd, "Go away, ain't j-on ashamed l" A lady recently advertised for cm iloyment as follows : "A young widow lady wishes to superintend a widow er's household, and would not object to the supervision of a child." A writer, dwelling upon tho impor tance of small tilings, says, "that ho always takes notico eveu of a straw, especially if there happens to bo a sherry cobbler at the end of il." Wendell Phillips says that ho is "wedded to principle."" He must bo much such u husband as lirigham Young, who it is said, doesn't seo some of his wives onco a year. A Boston clergyman is preaching against tilting hoops, nnd says ho can not stmt his eyes to tho abomination any longer. 0 Tlio lb'V. dimming Moore, recently consecrated ns a bishop of I ho Ameri can Episcopal church in China, is a native of Bichmond, and a graduate of William and Mary College Her ltoyal Highness tlio Princess of Wales is "expected to ndd anolber member to tho Hoyul family early iu tho ensuing year. Tlio postofllco estimates for (he vear eliding Juno 30, lbS, amount to ei7,MHi,ow). General Hensingeii is in tlio distill ery business in I'iehmond.