Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 10, 1867, Image 3

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::::Janmiry 10, ISO".
liooil books nt Walson't lrng store.
Kvervboil) hliould buy them, liend
tlie advert ibcmcul in nnollier culuuin.
Jim. Stucy W, Thompson offers n
valuable property ass burliness stand
or form fur salo or rent. See adver
tisement. Senator Wallace will please accept
our tbanks for valuable public docu
ments. Tbo pamphlet copy of the
Governor's Message wo have no nso
for, unless we file it for iuture uso, and
as a reproach against tho "Soldiers'
A Compliment. Vt are pleased to
know that the Democracy of Clear
field, although invaded and treated as
rebels during tho war, are neverthe
less appreciated at llarrislmrg. As a
mark of this, wo refer to tho Demo
cratic caucus nominees for officers of
the Senate ; our young friends, A. V.
Walter and David Buck, being the
nominees for Transcribing Clerk and
Doorkeeper. This mark of respect is
no doubt fully appreciated by these
Lawrence Township Officers.
At an election held in the Court House,
for tho township of Lawrence, on Fri
day, tho 28th of December last, tho
following namod persons were elected :
Justice of the Peace L F. Irwin.
Constable Taylor Howies.
Assessor William P. Read.
Assistant Assessors Clark Brown
and A. II. Shaw.
Judge of Election II. F. Rowles.
Inspectors Lewis C. Bloom and P.
A. Owens.
Supervisors Klisha Ardery, S. B.
Jordan, John Orr and S. 11. Shaffnor.
Kchool Directors Taylor Bowles
and Hugh Orr.
Poor Overseers J. W. Thompson
and Matthew Bead.
Auditor A. C. Talo.
(Jerk E. II. Shaw.
Treasurer William A. Bead.
Why Not Change It? Tho in
clemency of the weather rendered the
late borough and township elections
nearly a farco. In many of the town
ships no votes were polled before eve
ning, while in others no election offi
cers appeared at all. - AVo would mere
ly suggest : why not get tho law
changed, so as to elect our borough
uud township officers at tho general
election in October? Thus saving
one day in the year to every voter
which in tho aggregate amounts to a
considerable sum and also save, to
tho tax payors at least one thousand
dollurs annually.- If tho change, is
made, it will tnko more than three to
ten voters to elect Justices, Supervi
sors, and other local oflieers.
Ayor's American Almanao is now
ready for delivery, gratis, by C. I).
Watson, to all who call for it. Among
the problems of high science) which
tho Doctor presents in it, is the start
ling assertion that the friction of tho
tides upon its surface, retards tho
earth's revolution upon its axis, or
holds it back with a force of 0000 mil
lions of horse powers. Honco it is
easy to sef that without somo count
er forco, tho globe must rotate slower
and slower, until its revolutions wholly
ceaso. Then with perpetual night on
one sido, and a degreo of cold fur bo
low any now known, wo should havo
on the Other a "fervent heat" from
the sun, which would melt the rocks
and make the mountains run like wtt
; tci. But wo need feel no alarm. lie
1 shows a counter poise- which nearly
' balances this resistance, nnd will main
tain, sustantially, tho present mun
. luno condition, through ages upon
ages yet to come.
The following named persons were
elected Justices of the Peace, by the
citizens of their districts, on tho 28lli
of December last, vie: Bradford, S.
A. Cfcldwell ; Bmnside, Jos. McKco;
Bloom, G. P. Bloom and William L.
Wood; Clearfield, John W. Shugart;
Curwcnsville, James T. Boss; Chest,
E. lliltcbrand; Covington, John J.
Pu kard; Decatur, G. P. G. Mattorn ;
Ferguson, Wm. L. Moore and John D.
Miller; Fox, G. W. Clinton; Girard,
A. S. Dickinson ; Graham, Amos Hu
Ller and John Odell ; Lawrence, Levi
F. Irwin ; Osceola, Wm. S. Weld nnd
1. Sille; Piko, James 1L Caldwell.
Tho act of Assembly requires those
who intend to lift their commissions,
to Inform the Prothonolary in writing
of that fuct, at any timo within thirty
days after tbo election. Those who
fail to do this will not be commission
ed, because their names will not be
forwarded to tho Secretary of tho
Wo think from the number of votes
polled (about one fourth) in tho coun
ty at the late election, all should bo
satisfied that tho election ought to lo
held at somo other season of the year.
In some of tho townships but five or
six votes wcro polled. This was
caused by the inclemency of tho weath
er; and it will not be otherwiso while
tho election is held in tho winter.
The LouiHvillo Democrat sayi : As
bin. m tho Southern people Are charged
m -ill. Laving treated tho negro, they
havo uovcr nent him to us mean a
place a the Massachusetts Legislature.
Ciood for Harney !
Stf.m. Farm Sold Auain. -Sheriff
Gray sold tho Steel Farm on Wednes
day fur f:5!i,Hl0. It was sold n low
weeks aiio for U. S. Taxes, anil pur
chased by tho Government. There is
one year allowed by law in which to
redeem the property by paying the
amount of tax and costs. The sale on
Wednesday was at the suit of Wicker-
sham, use of S. i. Brown, mid the
bidder takes tho property subject to
the Government claim. There is a
question, however, as to priority of
lien, which will bo settled by the
Courts. I cnamjo hptctatur.
Deciiiew.y Pkkmonal. Tho Chica
go Jtcpublican wants to expel Morris
oy from Congress. Tho Times replies :
"lie is not a drunken bully, liko
Chandler, nor a drunken fanatic, like
Yates, nor a drunken idiot, liko
Spragiie. Ho is not a blackguard,
like Ingcrsoll, a poor craven, liko
Grinnell, an impracticable ass, like
Galena Wasbburne, nor a benst nor a
thief, like the Congressman Butler."
Punishmentof Whites andBlacks.
Which is the most indulgont, to sen
tence a black man to two years hard
labor on a farm, for felony, or a w hite
man to two years hard lubor in a Stale
prison t This is tho difference bet ween
the treatment of whito and black
criminuls in Maryland, which the as
sumed friends of the blacks cry out
against. It is tho whito man who had
ought to complain. Boston Fo&t.
Uncle Abe used to bo tho Govern
ment ! Tooppose his usurpations was
treason I Moos instigated at Wash
ington, could destroy your propcrty
marshals and officials could dictate
your political opinions, and to ques
tion ,tho right of a tyrant to do it, was
coppcrheudisin ! How circumstances
alter cases with tho wicked unscrupu
lous leaders of revolution ! Tho Pres
ident now, when confining himself
strictly to tho Constitution, they say,
has to much power!
Goon News to Foreigners. Post
master General Bandall has finally
agreed upon a postal treaty with Great
Britain, whereby postages to and from
are to bo reduced to twelve cents, to
be pro-paid. Tho postage is to bo col
lected and kept by tho government
where the letter is mailed, and eacli
side is to keep what it gets.
The Conspirators. Although no
definite action has yet been taken iu
tho caso of Dr. Mudd, Spangler, Ar
nold and O'Laughlin, it is prubablo
that they will, in consequonce of the
late decision of the Supreme Court
against military commissions, be
brought to Washington by the Gov
ernment, from tho Dry Tortugas, nnd
delivered to a civil tribunal lor a de
termination of tho cast.
The six New England States, with
a population bluck and white of
havo 4,577 insane persons.
Twelve Southern Stales, (not inclu
ding Delewaro, Missouri and Ken
tucky,) hnvo a population white and
black ofit,7!IO,3L', and only
insane persons.
In Massachusetts, they whip wo
mon, hut are shocked at the idea of
the slightest indignity otfered to the
sucrcd hido of a negro.
The way to cure our prejudices is
. I .t . I I I . I
mis, mai every man suouiu ici aionc
that which he complains of in others
and examine his own.
How is your wife V inquired a gen
tloman of his friend. "She's dead,
thank you, was tho reply. Could
politeness go further?
A Card. I embrace this opportuni
ty of bearing witness to tho good qual
ities of a me J ici no prepared by Mrs.
M. A. Frank, for tho euro of itlieumrt
tism. I had a severe attack of this
troublesome disease a few weeks ago,
acd found i.o relief until I used some
of her JMieumatic Liniment; a few
applications of whhh relieved mo nt
once. In my cuse the euro wts truly
wonderful. I. L. Bf.izf.nmtki.n.
Clcnrfiuld, January 10, ISO".
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
te a toothing eiptctorant, prepared
to meet the urgent need of tafe
and reliable eure for disease of
Ihe throat and long. A trial of
ma ay reart hai eitaldished th
faet, (hat H U more effiracioai in pulmonary
affoftiooi than any other reinedy. lu effcary
hai now become 10 generally known, that it it
justly regarded in many countries a a medicine
of indispensable aeeeuity. In Oreat UriUin,
France and Germany, whire medical science hat
reached id highest perfection, It ii presoril.ed
in dome? tie practice, and constantly used in the
armies, in hospitals, and other public institutions,
whore It ia regarded by the attending pbyniciani
ai the moit speedy and agreeable remedy that
can be employed. Scarcely any neighborhood
ean be found where well known caaei of diseased
long, wbirh bad baffled the effort of the moit
skillful and experienced doctors, hare not been
permanently cured by it. Tbeie results are the
nnit eonrinelrig proofs of the to peri or curatlre
propertiet of this preparation and to them the
authors point with peculiar aalinfaetion. While
it ii moit powerful again ft confirmed diseases, it
It extremely gentle a a medicine in infancy and
youth, being quite harmless to eren the young
est, when administered judldioutly.
TLii health-restorer accompli Let eren more
by pretention than cure. If taken in tenon, it
hcalt all irritation! of the thmat and longs,
whether ariaing from Colde or Cougha, or from
other ciueet, and thnj preretit that long train of
painrul and incurable diseases, which would
arise from the negloct of them. Hence no family
bould be without it. Influenra, Croup. Hoaree
neta, Whooping Cougb, Pleurisy, Incipient Con
umplion, and other afTirtioni of the breathing
organs, give way before thit pre eminent com
binailon of medical Tirtnes.
Prepared by Da. J. C Aran A Co., Lowell,
Mast., and told by C. D. Watson, Clearfield; W.
0. Me' i. Glen llepef Joseph R. Irwin and
Irria A Hartshorn, Carwontvilie ; Kirk A Pnen
cer, Lumber City. Jan in 2m
CAIiTlOV All person are hereby cautioned
againt pun hiwing or in any way meddling
with tin- MIowiug dew nlwd personal nntperty, vis :
One gri-T horso, one Imv mare, one log sM, two
arts harnrce, now in tin? ponsrMion of Christian !.
Tuhha, in I'cna fcwnhip, as the tame belongs to
me, artfi it tut;oct to my onlcr.
Jans-at AMIW if ILK.
CAI'TIOSm Ml person are hThy cautioned
agint trusting my wifeMKAH on my ac
count, as I will pay no dMa of her contracting
nnlcst compelled to do o br law.
(;RI( I'LTI H h llLLKXiK" OK
FKNN8Y LV ANIA. -The nett Term of this
Institution, tinder Its reorganisation),' will com
mence on the 16th day of January, 1MT. vor
terms of admission, catalogues, Ac., address,
JOHN FRASKll, l'rrs t
Janl-41 AgTlcultaral College, Centre Cr.t I'a.
iHT A pocket hot.k, eonUinlng 70 to 75.
A aad two watch cheeks, was lost In Curweni-
ville, on January I, 1A7. Any pcrwn flndinr ard
rf turning the aame U the nrctcrsigned. in Penn
township, or scaring H with Measre. Hippie A
Faast, t ftrwrn itle, wit) be snitaMv fcwsrdr.
jan;t ol lE0Itt;K liAHTU0H5.
Down I Down 1 1
A Proclamation against High Prices
TK are now i-poning up a M of tlif le"t nnd
M nwtt season n It Jo IukmIi and aroa ever
oflvred in t It i si murk el, and at nriees tlmt remind
one of the good old tUvit itf cheiip things. '1'hoie
wno ia-K ntiin upon ini point, or uol-iu our line
gut ion t superfluous, need but
Com or Front and Market streets,
Where they run ace, feel, hour and know for them
selves. To fully uiitlTtiind wtmt arvehoiip gxotls.
tins muit te tionc. o uu not (twin it neoeiisary
to enuineralo and item t to our stenk. It is enough
for us to state that
We have Everything that is Needed
and oonaunu-d in this market, and at price thut
astonish both old and young. We are flush of
good suited for bolnlnv pro-n is.
11)11 HAI Iv. The subscriber has for sale a
J, new "JlOll FLliD, euiuble for either one or
two horses shafts and tongue madu to suit
wliich be will soil cheup. Iniiiire of
detail :tt JAS. A. MtMtHK, Clearfield.
AH Ki:WAKls-OnThiirstlByevening,
O J v'vJoreuibor a mail, givintc his name ax
James ( hestnut, bin-d a inarclnimtheunnrrsign
to ride fivu mlvtU Kli it If mm s( in this onuntv,to
return the next morning in-forc 7 o'cloek. which he
failed to do, j ho snid Client nut is about five feet
ten inn boa high. dark poinlexion,aiid weam heavy
black whinkers, uud bad on n long b I tick overcoat,
blo'k pants, and worn a nap. The mare is a dark
chestnut sorrel, with white tare, one tore loot white,
and 7 yours oll. Tho aljove reward will Ite paid
for the return of the mare and thief; or )( for the
return of tho inaro, and Mi for the apprehension
oi ttie unci. tii-.u. i. (jt.uuiAiu,
deeU CloHrtield, Fa,
rnu KCIIOOL DlHCt TtHtC Tl.ero has,
J. perhaps, boon no time since tho ostaldishment
ot tho Common Hchool ydteui, when a meeting oi
Directors of the county was more needed tliau at
proacut. It baa, therefore been wmnidered pructi-
oable to hold a Iirocturs' Convention, on Tuesday
evening (l:Mh)of January court, at the office ol
1. J. MeCullough, hK., in Clearfield, for the pur
poso of uitcrelianing views and opinions upon
educational tnpioa. TheHidimd Hyateiu has reached
a crisis in this county, which we can in no way so
t-ffortually uiwt. It is hoped that all LM rectors
attiniing court, an as many others as can make
it convenient, will be present.
dcc20-St County Supcriuteudent.
T ICEKMC K OTIC US. The following
Jj named persons have filed in the office of
the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Session! of
Clearfield county, their petitions and bonds for
license, at the January sessions next, agreeably
to the act or Assembly, entitled "An Act to regu
lata the sale of Intoxicating Liquor' Ac;
C J. Fhoff,
Woodward township,
Curwantv borough,
Osceola M
bloom township,
OsoeoU borough,
Ilurntide township,
Boccaria "
A. J. Draucker,
Milo Hoyt,
G. N. Culburn,
Isaac Uicketla,
A. S. Holden,
Henry Uott,
Isaac Bonnelt,
T. B. Washburn,
John Stone,
Philander Smith,
Lewis C. Cardon,
John Ltts,
Chest 44
Morria M
Gulich M
L. M, Coudriot, Coricgtoo township,
Joseph II. Joocs, Morris
Augustus Leconte, Girard '
dec20 1. F. KTZWEILER, Clerk
"court proclamation
"lirilKRF.AH, Hon. PAMI KL LINN, Pres-
11 identJudge of the Coart of Common Pleas
of the twenty-fifth Judicial .District, composed of
the counties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton
and Hon. BAMUKL CLYDE and Hon. JACOB
WILIIELM, Associate Judges of. Clearfield co
bare Issued their precept, to me directed, fur the
holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's
Court, Court of Quarter Sesnions, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of Ueneral Jail Delivery,
at the Court House at Clearfield, to aad for the
county of Clearfield, commencing on the Kecowd
Mon lay (1 1th daJ of January, 1417, and to
continue two weeks,
NOTICE IB, therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Jasticos of the Peace, and Constables,
In and for said county of Clearfield, to appear In
their proper persons, with their Rolls,' Records,
Inquisitions, Eiamtoattons, and other Remem
brances, to do those things which to their offices,
and in their behalf, pertain to be done.
UiVKN under my hand at Clearfield, this 2Sth
day of September, In the year of our Lord one
thousand eight huudred and sivty-sii.
6i!KWKre Owen. I JACOB A. FAUST,
Clearfield, Dec. t ISflA. J Skrriff.
i-ti i:iti iim rot1 TV, : In the
VV Orphans Court of Clearfield couutv, at tept.
Term, A. D, isrtrt.
In the matter of the real estate of Henry Kncpp,
late of llra'tfurd township, (Jlcarfteld eo., deed,
n-specting the appraisement of real estate re
tained by Polly kncpp, widow of aaid Henry
Knepp, deceawd, containing 274 acres of land,
tmuihleu as follows, via: ifeginning at stone cor
ner, thene west, by hind of John Dale, .17 4-10
perches, t a stonn-heap; thence ei 11 perches
to a stonc-henp ; thence south 37 4-10 perches to
pine tree; I hence by land of John Dale, west I
perches, to place of iH giimmg, being part of John
est surv
Now, pieptcinlirr 25, A. D. ISM, the report being
dulv presented, the Court direct notice toall parties
IntcrciMeil, hy tniiMciition tn one newspaper pnn
lishcd in Cleattield count v, that the same will he
approved and eontirmM absolutelr.nnless sit flic tent
reason to the contrary be shown by the first day of
J.iniin'-y term, Iti. Hv the ( ourl.
deel2 td T. O.'ltAIHiKH, Clerk.
Hold by tlie Trade fictirrally.
r R 1 C K 8 REDUCED.
A liberal Discount to Dealers,
Army Revolver, 44-100 lb. Calibre,
Nary Revolver, .ift-l.M In. calibre,
Belt Revolver, (self cocking.) Nary calibre,
Kelt Revolver, Navy site calibre.
Police Revolver, Navy site calibre.
New Pocket Revolver, (with loading lever,)
Pocket Revolver, (self cocking.)
Repeating Pistol, (Klliot pt.) No. SJ cartridge,
Kepeatlng Pistol, ( Hlliot pt.JNe.Z2 cartridge,
Vest Pocket Pistol, No. 22, HQ A 'M cartridgo,
Oun Cane, using No. Si cartridge,
Single Barrel Shot Uun,
Revolving Hide, fto-ioo to, calibre,
Breech Loading Rifle, No. It cartridge,
Ureeeh Loading Carbine, No. 4n cartridge,
V. 8. Rifle, (iteei barrel,) with sabre bayonet,
U. S. Rifled Musket, Kpringfield pattern.
Upwards of 2 00, 000 furnished the U. S, Gov
ernment. Oar new Breech Loading Arms have just been
approved and adoptsd for military service in
Ilion. New York.
Aorart Monre A Nichols, New York j Wm.
Reed A ton. llnston ; Jos. C Orubb A Co., Phil
adriphia; Poulton d Trimbie, Baltimore; Henry
Folsom A Co., New Orleans and Memphis ;
Johnson, Fpeneer A Co , Chicago, L. M'Rum
sey Co., 6L Louis j Albert K. Crane, San
Prancitco. J) 4 ly
CLOAK Making. Ladiel can have their
Dresses, Salts, Coats and Itasquinet handsomely
made and trimmed, at the shortest notice, at the
old establiihed stand, 10SI ( hestnut street.
Fancy and plain Fans, Mantila Ornaments,
dross and cloak buttons, Rihhana, Clunnv and
Otit are Laces, Bugle and (limp Dress Trim
mings, with a large variety of Siai le and Fancy
Uoods, from 2ft to 60 per rent less than elsewhere.
Also, receiving dailv. Psris Fashion In tissue
paper, for La dice and Childien's Dresses, fcts
o Patterns for Merchants and Dressmakers now
a dy, at Mrs. M. A. BINDER'S,
Jy4 ly 1fi.ll Chestnut tt , Philadelphia
Town-Lots fcr Sa!e.
rfMIK unrtir.ipnM. rwidln t (Urn Hup, offer.
1 .1 rrirnl. no miPoiiMtilr Irnn., XTY
HVK Toy, N.LUTS.rilu.le ml Mit in the n.w
IMl'lilioa made to the rtlliqrv of (! Iii.
Also, Ttirty-Fivo Acres of Land,
Adjoining the Mm, All will W Mtl.l (othrr or
wjiamU, in .nit pun-hii.tfr.. Any further iuf'.nn
alion mn hr n1Uinrt hv ntlilrmDiug him, tt UlrB
ll"Ir. rlrartrlil i-r.nDlr. IVnn'i.
oT-ra 'jlCHKMtAlt rOOPKR.
Coal, W lile nd Llnned Oil., P.niiTy P.r,
rarnishoi and raiou of all kind, rronnd la
uilFcr tala 7 11, A I.
fplIK snbrrilK-i, rrsiding In Vnlmi tiiwn-hip
I Clearti'-ld coontv, pinn'a. offer? the Inllowuifi
1 1 nets ol Ian 1 at private Snle, vis:
No. 1 Contains 110 Acres,
And allowance, sittv acrcv of which Rre cleared
and umh-r goodculiintion.haTii.gihinaon emted
a dwelling In mihc, barn and outlifMiacs, and a Urgi
Iwanng on-hard of choice fruit, a goud spring ol
shut, anu touie rxretieni 11.unr.1v,
No. 2 Contains 126 Acres,
And allowance, ten acres cleared, and having
tlieroiiurviU'd a dwelling bouse and HA W Ml LU
Timber and logs run be run from (he mill. 'J'bert-
arc twiMiiilliijii feet (,f pi ne titnlter alone on this
travt. itio whole is uudcriam witu
The Atlantic and tlreat Western railroad and the
Winslow mil road havo both surveyed their routoe
through thcrie, lands.
No bettf-r pro"piH't la now offered, at snrh ira-
sonahle rates. For further partieulart, address the
undersigned, at Hockton post olhco.
jaiot m JOH DHK.SLKU.
-O AUTIOK. All persins are hereby cautioned
Vy against purchasing or in any way meddling
with the lollowingduscrilH-u porttonul proimrtv, rii;
Two grcv mares, two grer horses, one two-horat'
wag' in, one four-horse wagon, tour sets harness,
one oow, twelve single grabs, oue oook stovo, one
parlor st-ne, one plow, one biwrow, three bodstrads
anu heiiiting, twenty ranis parlor carpet, thirtv
five yard common carpet, tliroe sets thaim, one
buroau, two stand.", ilonk, three tablet, clipboard,
arm oii.-r uuseiioi. I urmture, uow iu the posses
sion of iltiHiu Lightncr, owJiecaria townoliip, as
the said property telongs to me. and is left with
Him on loan only, tubjoul to mr onler.
Bept. 2(i, 1 sr.C. Mnu vViXt ll.
SherifT's Sales.
1)Y VIKTt'K of sundry wriu of VmdHion
J J Expnnna issued out of the court of Common
i'lea of Clearfield ecuntv, and to me directed
there will be exposed to PUBLIC BALE, at the
iourt House in the borough or Clearfield, on
Monday, the 11th day of January, It-mi,
at I o'clock, p.m., the following described Real
Estate, to wit:
A certain tract of land situate to Jordan
township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded east
by Jand of John Hunter, south by J. P. Jordan!
west by Robert Hunter, anil north by Samuel
Mitchell, eontaiuing about fifty-six acres, with
about in acres cleared, and having a small log
bouse and stable erected thereon. Belied, takes
io execution and to be sold as the property of
James comb.
Also, a certain tract of land situate In Ferguson
township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the
east by land of Orange Thurston, stuth by Mar
tin Nolan, west by Joseph Straw, and north by
Ueorge Williams, containing ninoty five acres,
and having a small frame bouse and stable erect,
ed thereon. Seisei, taken in execution, aad to
be sold as the property of Peter Summers.
Also, a certain lot of land situate in Osceola
borough, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the
south by Cuitin street, west by II. 11. Kephart,
north by Aaron but lie h. aad east by Young,
with a large frame house and stable erected
thereon. Seised, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the properly of Kssington Kepbart and
n. 11. RepDari.
Also, acerufn tract of land situate In Beccaria
township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the
east by land of Joseph Karris, on the south by
Samuel Hpanogle, west by John Lightncr, and
on ite north by Adam Henderson, eoouining
seventy-seven acres and one hundred and one
perches, about firty-fireacrea cleared, aud having
a two-story house and large frame bara erected
thereon, also a email tenant house erected upon
same premises above described. Sriied, taken
in execution, and to be sold as the property of
Jacob Myers.
A Lao, a certain tract of land situate In Wood
ward township, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded
on toe east by Mary Caaby, south by W. it,
Alexander, west by Samuel Mitchell, and narth
by Boas Alexander, containing ninety-one acres.
seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of James Alexander.
r-eT-Hidders will take notice that IS percent.
of tho purchase money must be paid when the
property is knocked down, or it wilt be put up
again tor sale. JACUU A. f Al bl,
SnitRirr'l Oprira, I Sheriff.
Clearfield, Penn'a,Dee. 20, A6. J
SherifT's Sales.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Lrtari Facia;
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
ol Cleatfleld county, and to me directed, there
will be exposed to Pl'BLIC SALE, at the Court
House iu the borough of Clearfield, on Aloud a v
the lllh day of January, imiT, at I o'clock
p. m., the follosiiiig property, to wit i
A certain tract of laud situate la Beccaria
township, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at an
'ronwood j thence south, 69 degrees eajL, I S3
perches, to a dogwood; thence north, one degree
east, 72 perches, to a bemtock ; thence west 160
perches, to whileoak tbenee south, five degrees
west, io the piaoo or beginning, containing sev
enty six acres and allowance, being part of a
Seised, taken In execution, and to be'sold as the
property of Jacob Myers.
Also, all that certain Few Mill situate on th
Three Runs, in R'artbaut township, Clearfield
county, Pa., being fifty feet In length and thirty
feet in width, and the lot of ground and curtilage
appurtlcent to said building, boned, taken io
exeenti'-n. and to be told at the property of
buwani JMcuarvey.
jg-Ar-Bidders will take notice that 15 pereent.
of the purchase money must be paid when the
property Is knocked down, or it will be put up
again for sole. JACOB A. FAI'HT,
SHRairr'i Orrirn,
J Sheriff.
Clearfield, Penn 'a, Deo. 20, 1S6A.
l,r ATr.lA(KXTS K5 to tlf'.n pT
month for gentleimm and f'M to $74 for
Ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Lommon
Sense Family Sewing Machine, improved and per
fected. It will hem. fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid.
and embroider henittifnlly priront $211 making
the elastic hr-k si itch, and fully warranted for
three years. We pay the above wages, or a com
ip ion, from which twice that emonnt ran le
made. Address or call on C, 1IOWEKM A CO.,
t'mce , Naith rilth Mreet, 1'hiladelphia,
ra. All M Iters answerrd promptly, with circulars
and terms. nor?-1tn
A Groat Discovery.
ONE of the greatest and nutt useful discoveries
in mrdittal aeb noe wm made by thecelebralcd
Dr. J. Dumas, of Pans, Chief Phrsician to the
Imperial Infirmary of Km lire, in ltil. Those who
have been afiiieted with the painful disease known
as Piles, and effrvtiiallv cured by the uio of DK
DCM AH KltKNCil PILE SALVE, cannot speak
too highly of the Ik-nr fits ronferrvd upon them hy
Ihe use of this remedy. It has never born known
to fail in effecting a permanent cure In a single
case. In this npert it surpasses all other medi
cines of the kind. It will Io just what it is recom
mended for; if net, tho money will Ikj n funded.
One or two botes is sufficient to effect a permanent
core In four or six dnvg. if the direction on the
boxes are followed. Price, one and two dollars per
box, according to sire. Sent by mail or express to
any part of the I'nited States or Canada. Sold by
Drugst-i't generallr. A libera! dieonnt made Io
the trade. Address D. S. DI'MIAM A CO.,
Williamppnrt, Pa., sole Pnprietor and Mantifno
turerfor the Cnite! Slates and Canada. ts.y
ox ins own hook.
170l'LD respectfully announce to the eiti
If aeni of Clearfield and vicinity, that he
has taken the rooms formerly occupied by P. A.
Oauhn, in Urabara'a Row, immediately over 11.
F. Naugle-'s Jewelry store, and will continue the
A full aiiortmtnt of Clotha, Caatimen and
Vcaiitifri eonitanttjr haniii and made to ord.r
on tba noLic.
rartlrular all.nilno will ht fm Io CtTTTIN'Cl
MfD., ltnTt' and ChiMrn'f clothing In ilia moat
fafhlnnatil, KtIh, Uit. him rail.
dreii tr w. y. rt,ARK.
Q IU K AMI .ll b. .aidin "tinn.
C''VViark to an.T rrnn bo hn. ntr Itr.
Intnat' IMIr Halvt arnirilin tu directlnna and baa
not bren currd. Aiiilrras,
1. . 1)1" MUM t TO.,
dri-5-lT W iliiam.poTt. Pa,
V? h I" two nnr." WAOONS fur mlp, on icrtni. t:hO. W. .KKIIART,
dtrS-tl 1 Irnrrlrltl, I'a.
joski'II n. nnviN,
On Main St., one dot r west of Hippie d feast's
Has bow on band a large assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye
StulTst Patent Medicines,, Mioiililcr-ltraf ca. l'.lsatic Htork
inea and MnHportrra,
.laaa, lut(y,
Perfumery, Toilet Goods, Confectioneries. Splcot
Canned Prult, Tobacco, Cigart, Botktt
Stationery, Pencils, Pent, Ink,
and a general variety
of Notions.
Ills stock embraces all articles neoded In a
community, Is entirely new, and of the best
quality, and will be s Id at reasonable prices.
Call and examine the goods ; they cannot fail
to pirate. dec& tf
H. W. SMITH & CO.'S.
Print, that w. formnrl lold at 25 centi,
we now nil tt 21
Unbleached Muallua, formerly aold at 30,
vt now aell at Sit
llleaclied Muallua, formerl auld nt from
25 to 60, w. now aell at ) t O
Alpacaa, formerly aold at from ii to 80, wa
now aell at 3&(n,Uft
Caaaimerea, 10 par cant alrara eoaU
All-Woul lie Lainea, at SS
Common l)e I. allies, at SS
And all Prc.l Ooodaat the aanit ratea.
Of tba teat quality, at an Immerue reduction.
Wa will aell Mackerel, Herring, Ae, AI COST.
Of erery deecrlptlon, grcally reduced.
We offer our alock of Dry OooJj at the abor
llgurei up loth. Irtof January, 1 8117, They are
all of the Drat quality, N.w and faikionable.
Any one ean now hare an Alpacca for tho eoit
of a De Laina. Tbia oler la made in good fallb,
and all deiiroui of Monomitinf in the proper
manner, har. now an excellent opportunity to
aupply tbemaolrea at the ebeapeat ratea.
Xlilrtly for Caah.
no28 y n. W. SMITH A CO.
New Goods at the Cheap Cosh Store
Sou'.h Second atreet, Clearfield, Pa.
Fall and Winter Goods,
I an Jaet reeeWIng and opening a rarrfully
aeleeud atoekof faahionable Spring A Hum
mer tioode of almoet every deacription.
A beautiful anorlment of Prima and Pry
guoda, of the neweet and lateat atyloa.
Alio a great variety of nieful aotlona.
Bonneta, Ehawla, Bate and Capa, Boot, and
6hoea, (a large quantity.) Hardware,
OilaA Painta, Oarpeta
Oil Clotba,
Foreign and Domestic, sueh as Apples, Peaches,
vurranis, rrunes, naisins. urangei
and Lomona,
Mackerel. In t i and i barrela, nf th beat
quality, all of which will be aold at th
loweatoath or ready pay
My old friendr and the aablio generally, ar
reapeotfully Invited te call.
-N. n. Allkinda ofOAA.Vand apprnrrd
COliNTH Y PHOOUV& taken in virhangefor
Good a. VVM. F. IKW1N.
Clearleld, Kor. 28, 18M tf
Selling, at half tlu-ir unual price,
HOYS' do do
io , Ao Ao.
FlVueaea and ahdoiulnal aupporteraof very
X. kind of the latent irapmv.m.nta, for vale at
the truj Store of HARXsWlCl A IRWIN.
Thi' JVrfrrtion of MtJii iil Si-it ncf.
It is a p'tslHve eure for Haldneas.
it restres rsy balr te it original eolur.
It is a t'lnie, nut a dye, and arte upon the se
eretiuue. Tt Immediately arrests falling out of tlit Hair.
It alleriates Keursljla and Headache.
It radically euros dandruff and huranrs.
It keeps the sealp healthy, elean and fool.
It is an elegant acd ei(uiiitcly fragrant hair
It restores, eultirates and beaatifles the hair.
It innkes harsh hair flexible and lustrous.
lr. Leon's Klertiir Hair Kcnewerhas enjoyed a
hfffh local representation t many years. Its
wonderful restorative and tnTifroratinfr pmperties
are well known to the Medical Faculty of PbtJa
del phi a.
He in g fully satisfied of the merits of Leon's
Klecuio Hair Henewer, we have procured eiclus
ire ownership end sre determined' that every
hoa-ehold In our Isod shall have opportunity to
reap its benoflu.
Dr. Lcou's Infaut Remedy.
A most delightful end efficacious eure for tbs
various Ills to which infants and young children
CUlLbKKN I It softens the gums, abates In
flammation, invigorates the stomach and bowels,
eorrecte acidity, and is a sare and speedy eure
fur colic, cramp and windy pains. A most ex
cellent preparation for children of a restless and
fretful habit and in all cares of Looseness, Uripiog,
Vomiting or other inward grief, it gives 1 aimed t
ate eaae. Used for more than half a oentury in
the practice of one of the most eminent physi
cians of Fbilodelpbia,
In now placing this article wlthla the reach of
all our countrymen, we would remark that we
know it to be a remedy of unrivaled eieellence
and that it has proved in thousands of eases, as
we are resolved it shall in millions, a priceless
boon. For sale by lruggists everywhere.
Address alt orders in
Hole Proprietors,
137 North Third street, Philadelphia.
Silver Wash Powder,
Saves time, labor, money. Makes washing a
pastime and Monday a festival. old every
where. Try lL novM ly
Clearfield Academy.
TllilE second session of the scholastic year of
X this Institution will commence oo JJOlAY,
Uie 3ftth day of KOVEMULR, lS6fi.
Pupils ean enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
the close of the Session.
The course of instruction embraces every thing
Included In a thorough, practical and accom
plished education for both sexes.
The Principal, having bad tba advantage of
much experience In bis profession, assures pa
rents and guard ans that bis entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the moral and men
tal training of the youth placed under his charge.
Orthography, heading. Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per Hess ion (II weeks) $4 DO
Grammar, Geography, Arilhmetie, and
History 0 00
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men
a u ration, Surveying, Philosophy, Pbysi
ology. Chemistry, liook Keeping, Botany
and Physical Geography . . . $9 00
Latin, Ureek and French, with any of the
above 11 ranches .... $12 00
--No deduction will be made for absence.
if-Fcr further particulars inquire of
Her. p. L. HARRISON. A. M-,
Clearfield, July llJHM tf. Principal.
i;mvARi MACK A co.t
On Market Htrrrt, one door Heat of Lie
poldt's Hrcwcry.
LTbe proprietors have entered into the
Iloot A hoo business at the above
stand, and are determined to not be
outdone either In quality or price fer
their work. Fpecial attention will be paid to
manufacturing sewed work. Wa have on hand
a large lot of FAENCU KIP and CALF r-KINS
of the very beat quality. The eltisens of Clear
field and the surrounding vicinity, are respect
fully invited to give us a trial, ho charge for
calls. Cleerfleld, Nov. 7, 18A6-tf.
"U liT Til E B H T." As WILSON'S
Highest Premium. Lock Si itch,
VLL Inquiries In reference to this "A No. V
Machine promptly answered. They can be
procured from me at citv prices.
WM. T. HAMILTON', Agent,
oeU tf Luthi-rnhurg, Pa,
Attention, Soldiers,
VI. L SOLDI Fits Oiv 1WI-'f1?-03 are
The undersigned is prepared to collect all such
Bounties, as well as the increased pay to Foldicrs'
Widows. All inquiries nnd communications an
swered promptly. Discharges receipted for. Post
Office address, Curwcnsville, Pa.
erpi-tr JOSIAH EVAXfl.
U K A T) ! READ!! READ!!!
A Vou1ha IliMtory of the ;rat Civil War.
One Vtf . Price fl fill. llln-tniM
with Itl rnyrnvihjfs im wood, tiy the ttrt arttts,
of Lincoln, 1'avis, tyrant, Lm Sherman, Jack
son, Stcphena, Reward, Uoolh and othrrs.
This hNik is adapted to at) readers. Though
called a Youth's History," It Is not "hahy talk'"
but gtres, in clear, concise end racy style, a foil
account of the war and its eauscs. It is just suvh
a book as business men, merchants, fnmiers, me
chanics and laborers will want to rend, and after
they hare read it, give to their children to read.
War Poetry! fcv Wm. fln.vona Ptuua.
Every family wilt want a copy of this work. It
Is filled with all the patriotic enthusiasm produced
durinjr, the war. No man is hotter qualified to
compile such a work than .Mr. Simms,
Tlif Democratic Almanac for iHWt-t,
This Manual tor isftfl, to lie cotittnued now rejrn
larly en-h year, contains full election returns fur
iHift, I ft4 and l.OA j lit of newpajcrs suppreiS4d
by the Lincoln Adininilration; Chninology ot
ISCA, of hattlc, acta of ('(ingress, 4c It contains
matter to tie had nowhere else, anil is vlna!,lr and
important tn have at anytime. The srreat feature
for 1ft;will be a complete LIST OK THK AH
ltlTKAHY AHHKSTS made by Mr. Lincoln. com-
Itib-d expressly for the Iemneratie Almanao for
X(i7. This lift will contain Ihe name, cause of
erresf and term of imprisonment of each prisoner,
aud he the most remarkable document iu the his
tory of Lrttert lie Carkrt ever published. It will
contain besides tho usual matter nf all AlutAiiaca,
full and offioiftl returns of all the tleetiuns for this
year, compared with prrUous one, tho most im-
rtant eels ol ronpres, fresnieni Johnson s veto
inessagvs, lists oi ikmh ine oni ana uie new t on-trr-nf,
ktatislical and other iufurmntion indipcusi-
ble to every politician, planter, laruicr, nierctiaut
or inci-hiuiic.
Abolltloll la lratllt or. The Attempt to Equal
ize Usees the Destruction of Society.
The Abolition C'onaplrac) ( or, A Ten Years'
Record of the Itepuhlican party.
Th Xrirro'a Place In Nature: aPaprvren.;
h fore the lrfmlon AnthropnloBieal Koetety. Hy
Dr. Janice Hunt, President of the (Society.
sVillloqny. hy "Huirit Povrnor, of "A Bond
bolder,' "A Poor Farmer," A Methanic," "A
Upturned Soldier, Ac., te. 32 pages.
7-T-Att the above IkmiIxs are for sale at the Drug
Store of ('. D. ATKoN, nn SwhmI street, nearlv
apposite the court house, t'learftchl, Pa. no2ltf
1IC;IIT IIOHl FOR fl.l-Thenn-
dcrsipned has now on hand a lot of IlOHSKS
ol Inrjrc sise, suitable for logging or wagoning
purposes, which he will sell at reasonable rates.
He also offers for sale THK KK Hl.Ut.llS, on
similar terms. Those In neel of either, ean call
pcrsonatlv or address him, at riearfleld, Pa.
elm.', in (.'IcarfM'l Ixtn'tiRh. Ai-jiIt tn
nnv21 If All al Law, Cliardrl I, IVan'a.
SOI.lIKH nol'Mil-:. A reent act
haa pawred fcnth Ilnneea of Consrera. and
aigned Prmldent, 'jriTinf a three t.ara'
aoMi.r lion and a two year'rrHer f hnuntr.
"TBOI'NTIKS and I'KMjlUNS tolleeted
bj ne, f it thota entitled to the..
auS lf Att'j at Law, Clearfield, Ta.
rititMii: h.ti.i:
3,500 Acres of Timber Land.
fPHK sub-.'rilicr, residing at tllen Hope, now
g ofb-rs tor sle .n -f the bei-t IUXNTSH
M'ANDf fr Men-handtsing and Liimlxriug in
the Mintv. or perbnps in the Slat. Mt : A largo
DtthLLJN'l H"l SK. KToKlMttfJI, and all
necessary outhuihlings attached, together with
Ten Town Lots in Glen Hope,
creek lottoin land of the very beat quality, on tba
east side of ClcarfiWd Creek, opposite tihii Hop.
A Tract of 200 Acres of Timber Land,
Heavily timbered with plno timber, situate one and
a half milo from len Hojki, on thetumpike lead
ing to Ansunvillr, about ten acres of which arw
cleared and under cultivation. The undivided
One-third of 3500 Acres of Timber Land
Of the very best quality, situate on Clearfield
Creek, near Ihe mouth of hitiuur ituu,
Also, the entire Stock of Store Goods,
Now on hand, consisting of DitY OOMDS, fjllO
everything found iu a place ot general ueruuan.
The foregoing property will be aold togather or
eeparately,to suit purchasers, aud upon rcoaonablo
vT(V-Any Information In reference to the pro
perty, or terms, can he obtained bvaplving to the
undersigned, either in ertou or by letter, at iilen
Hope, Clearfield count v, IV im a.
nov2l-:tm " THOMAS fiHOOM.
L. W. TEN EVCK, PnorRirTon.
THE undersigned, having become proprietor
of the above hotel, wishes to rive notice to
the eltisens of this county, as well as to tba
trarelling public, that the nouns has been refitted
and refurnished lor the entertainment of hie
guests. His table will be furnished with every
thing the market affords. At his Bar will be
found the heat brands of all kinds of Liquors,
GOOD fsTAIJLINti attached, .and none but
careful hostlers employed.
JyU-tf L. W. TEN BYCK.
RAIL ROAD HOUVE, Main Bt . Phili pa
burg, Penn 'a, Robert Llotd, Proprietor.
Keeps constantly on band the eboistestof liquora.
His Uble is always supplied with the belt tba
Market affords. The traveling polio, will do well
to give him a call, N'ov 1st, 18ftf.
GEORGE FALK Ukes thli method of Inform,
log the watermen of Clearfield county that
he bos refitted and reopened the hotel formerly
kept by E. Scbreiaer, at Coxestown, where be
will take especial pains to render satisfaction te
all who favor him with their patronage.
Coxestown, April IS, '03. drsly.
CARD. LASH'S Improved Five Dollar
WASHING MACHINE, is now offered
to the public at the cheapest, simplest and
moat efficient Washing Macaine in the country.
The exclusive right for ibe rale of this ma
chine In your own State or county can be secured
by applying soon at onr store, 727 Market street,
Philadelphia. Fa. J. S. LASH A Co.
Also, the best Clothes Wringer in the market.
Wholesale and retail.
p&k very liberal discount lo country mer
chants and dealers generally. jeiO.'nfi
Ladies' Fancy Furs,
Fir Manufactory,
No. 7IS Arch Slreot,
Un 7th, 1IIILAIKL'A.
Hare now In etnre, nf mj
owa ImpiirtatiuD and Man
ufacture, one of the largest
and nio.1 toantifat eelre
tionairf FANCY H IlS, for
adiee and ebildrrii'aweart
n Iha iitr. Al.iv . An.
e'11 , a a,iKrtinent f llrnt.'a For .
iTSIi- tJlorce and Collars.
I am alfo enaMrd to diii)oee of my good, at rerjr
roaeonnltle prim, and 1 would therefore elirlt a
coll from my friends of Clearfield rounty and rl
cintty. Krincmher the neme. nnmler and atreet.
So. TI8 Arch Ptreet, alwve 7th, eouth ai.le, Phlla.
have no tiartner.nor conneetion with any
other store in l'hifadel.hia. oetl0-4m
M ill Cur. the Itch In 44 Hours.
VLSO, eure. Salt Rheum, Tlrert, ChilUalna,
and all Kruptlon, of tba Skin. Price lit
eenta. Fur sale b all Drnf pst. By aendinf
ality nenta toWKKKS A POXTKR, aoleagenu,
17U Washington street. Huston, it .III be for
warded by inatl, tree of postage, to any part of
tba I'nited Statea. For aala at Hartswirk 4
Irwin'a, Clearfield. Pa. July I3,"18( ly
C, R . Foster, Kdw. Perks, Wat. V. Wright
J. 1). M'tlirk, A. K. Wright. Wm. A. Walla.
Kiob'd Shaw, J. T. Leonard, J. II. Qraham,
0. L. Ired.
Hanking A Collection House
rinursBVKQ.riFTt c0., r.
Sillsof Klrhanpe, Notes and I'rafts discounted
Collectioaa made and proceeds promptly remitted
Fichange on the Cities oonstantly on hand.
The al'ora Pauking House la now open and
ready for business.
Kept. , 1Mb. Pnn.irsavs.. Centre Co., Peaa'a
In eonsrqnence of the abora farts, F. Sao
of the old Short Shoe Shop ; would announce to
his numeroua palrone, and tb. poopl. .f Clear
field county at large, Ibal be baa new a first rata
lot of good meterial; just roceired from the east,
and ia now prepared oa short aotie. to make,
and mend boots and t! oes at bis new Sfc-p la
tlrahama row. lie le satisfied fiat baeaa plea,
(unless it might be some intensely loyal stay at
bom Patriots). Ha Is prepared to sell low for
cash or County Produce, don't forget th shop
next door to Uraham A Boytoneetor, on mark
et Street Clearfield Pa. A kept by fellow com
monly called
Joly to.'nS. ly. RnOKTV."
Nobody Prnlillillcd from hiijlna; my Hoot a
and Mines on arrotmt of Hare
or Color.
Using thus liberal minded, I lake this method
of informing the Olliiens of Clearfield and Ti
cinity, that I bar opened a shop on Second at.,
next door to the Coun'.y National Bank, over
iVson'a lrug Store, where I am prepared to
make to wtUer rerythlng In the POOT and
SHOE lino, ont of the best enaterirl ai d in llis
most workmanlike manner, and on short ruticc.
All I ak is a trial.
Don at Clesrlsld, this eighteenth day nf July,
A. U. HARRY H0r'8.
Q f (( Per Yrar I Wa want Agoata
O I .JUU ereiywhere to sell our mpanras
$3(i brwing Machine. Tbrea new kinds. I'a.
der and apper leed. Bent on trial. Warranted
fir years. Aoora salary ar large aommlssloa
paid. Tba oai.r machines aold in Tatted 8tata
for lesi than $40, which ara ally ItVaard 6y
Howe, Wheeler Wilson, Ororer A B.ker,
binder A Co., and Paeheliler, otSer rbeap
macbinea ar ariM..Mrattd th eeler or asep
are Unite torn rrest, fiu and ianpi Iscnuent. II
astratcd circular scut rata. Address, or call
npon gnaw A Clark, at Viddeford, Maine, r
Chicago, III. May la, lMln-ly.
Iyv'nii i.iiiKRTviviinn i kad
Will do asore and better work, at a glrea
Cost, thaa any other. Tr It I Msnufsetared
only by IKIULKK A BMliH. Wholesale lrog,
Paint and Glass Dealera.No. IJT North Third lit.,
Phll'a. March II, lSnT ly
ROC KKIKS to t bad at
MtUTtL Alt 5LDR S.
-1 i.h.d: