Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 10, 1867, Image 2
She gcpttMican. Ueorok B. Gooiilaniif.r, Editor. CLEARFIELD, PA. Thnraiay Morning, Jan. 10, 1867. The n'ahinglon Hump. This body having adjourned over en the 20th ult., for Iwo weoks, re MHemblcd on tho 3d inat. But little other than csueussing has been done. The disunion memborg prcsont meet every day in secret, for tho purpose of maturing thuir treasonable schemes. Tho impeachment of the President has boon tho chief business for tho past weok, but nothing definite has trans pired upon this point, as those who possess less than sevon dovils oppose the impeachment programme of Ste vens, Ashley li Co. Tho leaders have not pressed the question very closely up to this time, boennso a large num ber of the "loyal" mombcrs nro out foraging, though ostensibly engaged in tho investigation and exposition of frauds committed by the "loyal" office. holders. There is a committee at New Orleans, investigating the late riot; anothor at Charleston, looking after dead negroes; and still anothor gives cxibitions at New York, Phila delphia and othor citios, pretending to investigate tho custom-house and whisky frauds. This last cominitteo is said to be a secret one; but it al ways manages to send word two or three weeks ahead, so that the robbors have ample timo to cover up thoir tracks, or meet them at thoir sittings and sock. Those loyal robbers who have defrauded tho government out of millions of dollars, and fail to report, will no doubt bo exposed when the menagerie gets round the circle; those who help fix up things tock will be treated in a courteous manner. A number of the leaders have gono to their Stato Capitals, where Senatorial elections are pending, and have taken with them a numberof flankers. Thus Stevens and his backers are at Harris- burg; Trumbull and his backers have geno to Chicago, and both tho Kansas Senators are on a similar mission ; and thus it will bo until after thoso elec tions take place. Nothing will bo dovelopod at Washington, except in iquity, for some time. .tudilor General'! Report. Wo huve given this annual doc ment a superficial view, and find that the balance in tho Treasury is 8032,000 abort of last year. In turning over tho leaves, however, we find the fol lowing parties have mado raids on that Department, and the only wonder is, that there was anything left, as the State Treasury has served thorn in the capacity of a Frecdman's Bureau for a series of years. Tho following items wo find in ono drawer of this bureau : Col. Q M'Clurc, for whiskey, etc., destroyed by the rehs, . . f 8,000 Gov. Curlin, for extraordinary we think so expenses dur ing the war, 5,000 Treasurer Kcmble and Gov. Curtin, for expenses in visit ing Washington, we can travol cheaper than that. . 1,707 Gon. (!) Harry White, fur 4th of July expenses, . . . . 5,000 V m. B. Mann, for examining books of insuranco agents, 8.802 This gentlemen is Iistriet Attorney of Philadelphia, and has made 825,000 out of that the past year. How he finds time to take this slice out of tho Stat, we cannot comprehend. Goo. Bcrgncr, for miscellaneous arti cles furnished Goo. W. Ilam- mcrsley, Clerk of Scnalo, $2,450 It is a wonder that this item was not 124,500. Wo suspoct, however, that tho balance is sliced out under some other nnmo, so that tho child would not be recognized by tho tax payers. Why the civil expenses should be increased 853,000 over last year, we have not yet had time to examine. We obserro that the Surveyor Gen orr office, which the loyalist talked of abolishing, has cost tho taxpayers 120,000-83,000 more than last year, when in Democratic hands. We pro umo it will not bo abolished now, as it is ono of the bureaus allotted to "loyal whites." Gov. Ci'RTiN'g MsssioK Wo aro not disposed to bo egotistical, but be ing possessed of more patriotism than loyalty, we aro compelled to foreiro the publication of this document. The Governor has turned a complete sum mersault. Ho has changed from a medium statesman, to a raving fnnutic. He has attempted to imitate the rad icalism of Thad. Stoveni, in order to secure his election to tho Senate ; but if ho does not look sharp, ho will be tho third, if not tho hindmost nag in the race, and will bo left without cither honor or friends at the closo ol his term. Forney and his two newspapers present a solid front for tho great miscegciintor Stevens for U.S. Sen ator. Vforfrt-M Itipuhllmnlnm. I Tho clap Imp saying so often iwuod trum tho lips of loyalists, that the inn jority should rule, is very nptly exem plified in tlui conduct of tho WnH.iliig ton Hump. Tho i.t New Kngland States, with a population of three mil lion, havo twelve Senators; tho Stato of Pennsylvania, with tho samo popu lation, has but two ; and tho ten ex cluded States have a population of ciht million. Again tho six Now England States, with nine north-western States Indiana, Illinois, Michi gan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, (tho last two about to bo States) havo an aggregate population of less than 8,SOO,U00, but theso fiftocn States havo thirty Senators in tho United States Scunto, while tho three States of New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania have an aggregato of 0,120,301 inhabitants, yet these fifteen States may not only ovor rido the three great States, but, as Congress is now constituted, they con trol all tho legislation and all tho ap pointments, civil and military, of a nation of over thirty millions. One voter in New Kngland or tho North west, then, through tho senatorial representation, is equal to more than throe voters in Pennsylvania, Now York or Ohio, or in tho residue of tho Union. And this, we are taught by the loyalists, is a republican form of government. We aver that it is the reverse, and, like loj-alty, is of foreign growth, and a sham, if not a reproach to a frco people. w m A Great Discovery. It would ap pear from what is now transpiring around us, that the rich resources of tho Yankee mind, like that of tho dar key, arc not half developed. The Phil adelphia Christian Instructor furnishes the following information in reference to or "national wards" "Lincoln's pet lambs" in that city. Tho odi tor says: "A High School, of a thorough and liberal grade of sludy, It in successful operation. A large number of eolorcd youths are attending It, and at the Cominenoeinenl, ft few weeks sittoe, the oompo litioni and declamation! evinced taleut of high or der, and scolarship of a must commendable char acter. What a rich harvest of good ia flowing from this benevolent bequest ! and who can esti mate the full extent or value of the good as it con tinue! to flow on ?" What numb skulls the former inhab itants of our earth must havo been 1 They kept, bought, sold and worked the African for over six thousand years, yet they never discovered tho "high talent for scholarship and dec lamation." This miraclo was left, by Providence, no doubt, to bo developed Wo would not be surprised to learn, beforo long, that through tho combination of negro wisdom and white loyalty, Revelation will be denounced as a farce, and the power of tho Creator, like that of tho Constitution, defied. Tin Pardoninq Power or Tn President. The act just passed by each branch of Congress to deprive tho President of the pardoning pow er, repeals tho following section of the confiscation act : Fr.c. 1.1. That the President it hereby authoriaed at any time hereafter, by proclamation, to extend to peraone who may have participated in the existing rebellion, in any State or part thereof, pardon and amnesty, with such exceptions, and at such time and on such conditions, aa he may deem expedient for the pablie welfare. That which troubles tho loyal IJutnp ers tho worst, is that tho Constitution conferred this same privilege long be fore any of tho present tinkers wore born. This 13th section had about as much force as a Pope's bull against a comot. The men that placed it on tho statuto book, havo been compelled to wipo it out. Thcro is much nioro of tho Bamo work to bo done, but it will probably not be as easily accom plished. Theso loyalists must perpe trnto some more seriousjoko than this, beforo tho President's pardoning pow er is confiscated. Whilo the Constitu tion lasts, it will be good. Somedodt Mistake. Ten years ago, we heard a vencrablo statesman make tho remark, that Thad. Stevens had thrown his conscience to tho dev il, and that he hud asked three other gentlcmon to do tbo samo thing. Judging from what took ploco on the floor of tho Hump, on Saturday last, the old buckshot-war hero has evident ly beon re-constructed, because he sta ted, in a speech, that his eonseicnee would never allow him to vote for tho admission of another Stato whoso Con stitution prohibited negro suflYago. He declared also that tho idea of put ting loyal negroet on a fooling with rebel whites, was an outrago his con leienee could never approve. The Way it Works. Tho down ward tendency in the dry goods trado has brought about a reduction of ten per cent, in tho wages of the employ ees in tho New England manufactor ies. The propriotcrs are now at Wash ington, to got an additional tariff of forty per cent., which they will no doubt get. Thus by robbing tho fac tory girls of ten percent, and assessing forty ujion the whole country, the loyal owners make the handsome profit of fifty per cent., in addition to the ono hundred thoy aro making now. This is tho result of Tsalm singing progression extortion. Stevens, Forney A Co. now talk of impeaching tho Supreme Court, bo cause that tribunal in the future in tends to hold thoso rag-a-muffin to the Constitution and their out lis, or furnish them with a rope halter and a J "sour apple tree." He Inmmh on it Mr. (.'la, the Speaker ol the Slnto Hump, in his1 opening speech, declared that "treason must bo nutdo odious." This is just what George III and his stallywags told George Washington ami his rebel adherents ninety 3'eitrs ago. But, in stead of treason becoming odious, loyalty was rendered so, and is so still to every bosom warmed by the pulsa tions of an American heart. AVe ad viso thoBO modern loyahsta not to ful minate thoir eipuriotiei nrticlo too much, or their dosires might bo reversed on them beforo Ihey are ready for such a rebuff. Tho difference between pros titutos, except in sex, is not much. Tho ono always blabs about her vir tue, whilo tho other goes in heavy on loyalty, and yet it is something nei ther possess. Ahsaii.inu tiie Government. That loyal paper-hero, Col. (I) Mo Clure, editor of tho Chambersburg Repository, has oponed a masked bat tery on tho new Stato government, lie is "feeling" for tho onomy in the following plain spoken stylo, viz. : "The Republican! of Pennsylvania have ehoien their tlovcruor trom the bit of converts from the Democracy, and tho highest position in the gift of the new Kxcctihve, tlitti of Attorney-Oeneml, b;ie been conferred upon a moat worthy gentleman of tue same political school, who I! unknown, and waif untclt ill llic groat political contests of the Re publican party. Must the highest honor in the gift of the hUtte alio be thu! conferred, and u)on one who followed the Deinoeracy aa long ae he oould do to with political or personal profit?" Tho fluttering of this wounded bird in this sarcastic manner, is because of the attempted assassination of the "Soldier's friend," by tho Jayhawkers who have unarmed the loyal works at Harrisburg. "The Cuaritt of Cowards." The New York World under this appropri ate head, thus moralizes upon tho in sulting response of tho "Chicago Re publican Co." to a recent appoul on behalf ot Southern orphans. The ed itor says : "From the representatives of ft party which elaiini all the morality and all the deceney of the eouutry, it ia hardly to be exjwoted that a request from a charitable woman, for the relief of starving children, should not only be refused, but the refus al be accompanied with insult, llut so it is ; and it ia only the latest illustration of that Radical rindictivcncas that is asoowardly a! it ia virulent, and which wars only upon women and children. It is the kind of warfare that has pre-eminently ex hibited itself since peace eloscd tbe struggle of four years the valor that, when tbe war was in pro gress, raked the eoasts of tha Southern States row Norfolk to New Orleans fornegro substitutes; aud that now, long after tha Sooth has laid down its arms, proposes to arganiae Torcb-and-Turpentine brigades to walk over tha course where other arm ies fought thoir way, to burn and devastate peace ful communities, it ia the valor of venom, which is only valient when the foe is unarmed, and its grandest victories are over weak women and help less children." Read It. We call the especial at tention of our readers this week to what we denominate tho second Dec laration of Independence. Wo refer to tho decision of tho Supreme Court of the United Statos, on our first pago. Lot no one be deterred from reading it because of its length, as tho longer you read at it tho better it gots. This decision furnishes every American with as comploto a chart of his person al liberty, as a parchment docd duos of his real estate. A Good Ciiancb. Tho Hagerstown Free Tress slates that four ministers of tho Gospel aro wanted in that town. Tho Episcopal, Lutheran, Preshy torian and German Reformed churches are all without pastors. Hut it hints that religion nnd tho gospel, rather than loyalty and politics, would bo pre ferred, and that the members of these congregations are willing to pay lib erally for tho former. Tho Philadelphia Press has evident ly taken a contract to villify and abuse thoso who do not thro w up thoir hats for Thnd. For some days past, from one to thrco hoavy columns have con fronted tho Winnebago Chief. If Simon should happen to "wag" into tho Senate, tho Dead Duck will quack louder than ever. Old Thad. should keep his man Friday in better subjec tion. His attacks upon "loyal" men might injuro tho Government. Joo W. Furey, assistant editor of tho ficllcfonlo irifc7i;niin, has been succeeded by Mr. Mitchell, a promis ing writer. Tho former has pur chased an interest in tho Clinton Democrat, and has pitthed his tout in Lock Haven, from whence ho will assail the common cnetnj in a Vrry ous manner; whilo the Watchman will jog along in a Meek ly way. 111 e Go Ahead! Thad Stevens wants the Rebels of the South, and tho Cop perheads of the North, put on the same rack universal disfranchise ment for tho followers of Jeff. Davis or George B. McClellon. Go in, old traitor. In the next rebellion you get up, you will lose moro than your Ad ams county iron works. Tho President has vetoed tho bill passed by tho Rump allowing tho no groes tho right to vote in tho District of Columbia. Gen. Grant and every member of tho Cabinet, except Stan ton, openly sustain him in this courso. Tho bill will of course bo passed over tho veto. Tho bruto Palmer, who ruled Ken tucky with an iron rod during the war, is likely to bo clot ted U. S. Sena tor from Illinois. After Holt, Butler and Stanton, no man needs hanging worse than he docs. The dead duck seems to think that the Supremo Court needs re-construction as badly as South Carolina; nei thor of which are half as much dilapi dated as the defunct water fowl. Patriot A 1'm. Th alunm-ii Democratic central organ but lately been enlarged and otherwise Improved. As tho Legislature is now in session, we woild advise those who wish to keep up with tho proceedings of this body, to subscribe. Hud wo been fa vored with a prospectus, we would havo published it with pleasure. As it is tho only Democratic paper pub lished at tho State Capital, wo hopo it will bo liberally supported. Tho terms wo believe are 87,00 for tho daily ; 82,50 for the weekly to singlo subscri bers, and $2,00 in clubs of fivo and upward. Truman H. Purdy has sold tho Northumberland County Democrat to Messrs. Jacob E. F.ichholtr. and John J. Auton, at present local editor. Mr. Purdy has established tho Democrat upon a solid basis, and made it rank among tho most influential papers in tho Stato. Ho haB published the pa per nearly six years, during which time, ho has secured for tho establish ment a large nnd profitable patron age. Success to the retiring as well as tho incoming'itors. A Dead Shot. Our neighbor advo cates tho disfranchisement of all per sons proven guilty of bribery. If such a law wore in force now, not one of tho loyal candidates for tho United Statos Senate would bo elligiblo. That "ure hard" on loyalty worso than schools as Covodo would say. Is it not remarkably strange, thai tho parties who have had so little re spect for the Constitution totally disregarding it the past fivo years, should now be so tenacious about amending and lengthening it f A disunion exchango says "schools are hard on the Democracy." Not half so hard as tho Supremo Courtis on educated (?) loyal murderers. Something. .New. Tho discover-of the "strongest democratic district," in Massachusetts, by a disunion journal. Pleaso to name it Good timo in Venango county, just no cr, for the Sheriff and tho printers. Tho papers are filled with Sheriff's Sulcs. Ri.i.ioioN and Loyalty. Rov. Dr. Boynton, chaplain of tho Houscof Rep resentatives, preached in tbo Repre sentatives' Hall, in Washington, on Sunday last, which was well crowded on tho floor and in the galleries. The text was the 27th verse of the 2d chan ter of Mark : "The Sabbuth was mado for man, and not man for the Sabbath." The lino of argument nursued by the speaker was to show that all laws and institutions wcro made to bo subservi ent to the interests of man, and that when they interfered with tho rights of man, they must jive way and bo set aside. He made the assertion that Christ was a radical reformer in tho broadest sense of the term. Ho spoke for over an hour, and concluded by a fling at tho Supremo Conrtdccision on tho subject ot military commissions, arguing that tho progressive spirit of llio ago demanded mat it tlio laws were not adctpiato for tho protection of loyal men fur acts committed in timo of war, and if power was not given to punish traitors, tho laws mtiBt bo overturned, and such laws passed and Buch men placed in power as would meot tho exigencies and demands of tho timo. AVo should say that if thcro is no religion about this kind of preaching, it smells a littlo revolutionary. Sharp Siiootino, According to a New York correspondent of the Bult. Sun, so mo of tho crack shots of that city aro about to try their hands at Jeromo Park. He say two hundred and fifty pigoons are hold in reservo, liko so many turkeys, wailing for slaughter. Eight gen llomun, lawyers, merchants ana men of Icusuro, are to bo the sportsmen. , Among them aro Recorder Huckett, counsel to the cor poration, Devlin, Shepard, Knapp, and others of our first men. Prubu bly in tbo wholo country no eight men could bo found that equal theso gentlemen. Recorder Huckct is un doubtedly tho best shot in tho coun try. Any of his friends will hold a lcotiny between their fingers and allow iiiin to hit it at ten paces, which he in variably does. He can knock tho ash es oft a gentleman's cigar whilo the cigar is in his mouth, with unvarying accuracy. A la Willian Toll, he has more than once shot apples from tho head of a friend. Jannins, of the Lon don Time, has moro than once desir od the Recorder to shoot an apple f ro n his bead, that he might write home to tho Time that the feat was actually done to him. But as the pis tol is not always truo, his fi tends in terposed nnd prevented tho feat, al though tho Recorder was willing. Ono of tho gentlemen shot at a bumble-bee on tho wing tho other day, and cut him in two. Gen. Banks at Portland. We learn that a delegation of five gentle men the word of either of whom would bo unquestioned in this vicini tywishing to "vindicato history," visited Portland recently lo satisfy themselves concerning the charges mado against (Jen. Banks during tho congressional canvass. It is said they returned amply satisfied in thoir own minds, that Mr. Copeland had author ity for all that ho bad stated. Com tnontccalth. The chargo was that tho Gencrl would get "dead drunk," w hich the gallant hero denied from tho stump. Adjutant Geneial Kihnnlir. of Mn.. sachiisctts, who was lately removed by Gov. Bulltsck for opposing Beast Butler's nomination, threatons to pub lish letters which will fasten upou the Beast, irrevocably, the brand of spoc alator and plunderer. We hopo he will havo the nerve to "lako the bull by the borus." Inr Vnhlit IhM. The following is tho olllt ial state ment of the public debt of the United Stales on the 1st inMant: M.IIT UFA III NO COIN INTKHKnT. 5 per cent, bunds, f I'.ix.tml .XMI 00 0 perct.boii(lN'(i7-(W, 15,7:UU M) O perct. bonds ol 1S, 2MH,7-tO,HS0 00 11 -per ft. 5-20 bonds, KH, 125,100 00 Navy pension fund,; 1 1,750,000 00 Total, 1,400,400,741 HO HE1IT HEARING CURRENCY INTEREST. fl-per ct. bonds, 810,(122,0(10 00 3 yr. comp. int. notes, 144,!IOO,K40 00 3-ycar 7-30 notes, 07(1,50,000 00 Total, 832,370,410 00 Matured debt not pre sented for payment, 10,51 S,0K!) 31 DEBT HEARING NO INTEREST. United States notes, 8:iH(),407,K42 00 Fractional currency, 28.732,812 32 Gold certifies of deposit, 10,442,080 00 Total, Totul Debt, 425,073,334 32 82,075,002,505 43 AMOUNT IN TREASURY. Am'tinTreas'y, coin, 807,841,507 75 Am'tin Treus'y, curency ,33, 805,705 04 Totul, 131,737,332 70 Ain't of debtdess cash in Trousury, 82,543,325,172 04 The True Test. Gov. Branilette, in his messago to tho Kentucky Leg islature, says that his policy at the close of tho war of granting pardons to indicted soldiers of oither army has beon rewarded with tho happiest re mits. H itliout amnesty Micro can bo no real pcaco, unless forgiveness cov ers acts of war and relieves thoso en gaged therein, there is no real peaco. Tho war is but transferred from tho field to the forum, where timid nnd coi rupt men may swear away that for which bravo men and truo struck the muuly blow. To assumo that this or that class lias sinned too greatly to be forgiven is but to declare a partial, not an entire peace. Tho broach made by exceptions may widen until flumes of strife rekindled from dying embers of war may again lick the lite blood of our people. Amnesty only can extin guish the embers and coal-heated ashes. 1'licso principles have guided mo, and aro deemed applicable uliko to State and nation. The Presidential Appointments. A dispatch from Washington Bays : "It is understood that tho Scnutu fi nance committee have tuken up the Presidential appointments referred to it. A proposition was mado and ad vocated that they should reject them en inast-e ; but, upon consideration, this was rejected by a majority, it be ing considered as nr. indication of a spirit of xpito which would bo unbe coming the Senate o( tho United States. It was finally decided that tho nomi nations of men who formerly acted with tho republican party, and who severed their connection with tho par ty with the object of obtaining otliee from tho administration, should bo rejected. In other cases whero tho appointees have served in tho army or navy during tho war, or wcro consist ent democrats and good officers, tho committee will recommend the confir mation of appointments. Holt Justice. Mr. John G. Ryan, who was arrested about eighteen months ago on suspicion that bo was John II. Surratt, now seeks damages for fulso imprisonment. Mr. Ryan was arrested in Memphis in July 1805, and taken to Washington city, chain ed hand and foot, ineercorated in tho Old Capitol prison, some weeks in sol itary confinement, removed to Vitks burg, and again kept in solitary con finement until November, .and then released without any explanation or satisfaction, as he alleges. During all this time be was not permitted to comtinicato with his friends. Mr. Ry an is tho editor of a newspuper in Arkansas. Secession and Loyalty In his testimony before tho committee ap pointed to investigate tho lato riot in S'cw Orleans, Mayer Monroe, of that city, stated that at tho outbreak of tho war there was, in his opinion, but ono Union man in New Orleans. This was Dr. Dostio, who left tho city un der Jeff. Davis's proclamation, llo al so stated that tho first secession speeches ho had heard were made by Gov. Hahfi and King Cutler, and that tho most prominent State's Rights man, and a leading spirit of the South ern Rights Association, was W. R. Fisher. Theso men aro now tho ex treme Union men of the Brownlow clique. Masters op the Situation. We find this paragraph in tho New York Day Hook of tho 2!Hh : "Amid all the effort of the political quack doctors to compromise bridge over, or cajole tho Southern Suites into yielding to tho demands of Congress, let them remember that they aro master nf the tituation. They havo only to standstill. Do nothing. Tho mon grels are already coaxing, begging them to yield , and tho great crowd of trimmers aro perfectly frantic to havo them do something. But we say, stand still. Don't stir an inch. Yon nro masters of the situation if you did but know it. The Next Presidency. Tho Pitts- btirir Jienublic lunula nt if mnkthnml the name of Andrew Johnson as its candidate for the next Presidency. A meeting of soldiers, recently held in Iowa, havo named Dan Rice for the samo post as (ion. Jackson, in lXiW, patted him on tho head, after he had rode a horso race, saying, "you aro an extraordinary lad. and may yet be President of tho United States." we are not so sure but ho may get ahead of tho candidato of the liciublic. The Great Hi tch Civ rn Tho owner of tho farm known as Dutch Gap, finding that tho island made bv the onttimr nt Tlntlor'a r snil could not conveniently bo put to use iMMMiv pome meansoi communication With the main lunrl. linn imna filling np one end of tho oannl, in or- dor tO CrCfttS a cananwav anil tn remal -.-.a,,H..t,,lllMfc canal will eoou i among the things larrifd, tin Jnnuary I, l7, vijr J. t". IUrii, Kn , Mr. J Oil 1 A VI. oil t Mis 1.1.17. U1K1 II UllimNi all or Ip , rlcrMJ e.i., I'a. tin January I, 117, ly J. U. UsaHKVT, kitf., Mr. JAMhS WILSON, of JrSersna euunty, I'a., to Miss AMANDA it. IIOl'..N,f llra lr t.,n, !,.)., CloarflvlJ county, I'a. will ttlease n uf I'hief tlianks, fur a likeness Justice Chase. In I'enn tua-nsliip, en Friday morning, January 4, IsOT, CVXTIIKY, wifeof (IruK.ii Hiishin ; Bjfil .'i.l years. Clearfield Co. Agricultural Society. VrOTIt'K is hereliy given, that there will he a X meetint; f the Clearfield County Aa;rieullural Society on Monday evening next, heing the 1 lib day of January, 1N07, In the Court House, for the purfMise of elevtitiK a hoard of officers for the com ing year. Jly order of the President. It I. II. II A KU Kit. Eeretanr. Sl,l ;l(.ll nilt st A LK The undersigned has a ft rut rate two-horse Sleigh for sale, with shafts and tongue attached, nearly new, which he will sell on reasouahle terms. Apply to JOMAH W. filOJII'SON, janin-.1t:pil Curwensvillr. MOH HAM -A nearly new STEAM KXtll.NE i aud HOI LKK, with tilings. Knrjnf .10 burse power. Iloiler 4u-horse power. M ill be sold very eboap. Address, W. A. 1 W.J. Me.MANKlAI., janl(Mm Milroy, Mifflin county, I'a. OUSTERS ! OYSTE R sTI 1AM alway in moipl of th beit OV8TKHH, which will be acrved up in tbe uiml variety of Mtvlrt. 1 have now wuno tuid corufortalilv nx-io. tiitfl npfor the c:orouioUtirn of LAl'IKS, which department will reeuive iiarliculur attftitiou. KOTKfl jitnlO-tf Ic Crm ami Ovftnr Falmm, A VALUABLE FARM FOIl SALE Oil KENT. TIMIE umlcrnifrned will tell or rent her farm, itua.trd in AlarynriMr, Clearfield couuir, I'a. liie fann contain. 'N t, lll'MHHl AUihH, and U well adaptwi to furtning or grating, and at jireaetat ia in good lUtc uf cultivation aitd well watered; having thrmm ona good TWlTOKY FAHM HOI iSE and a two-and-a-half itory hunt, very Urge, and well arranged fur keeping pablM. The ntHMJwary outbuilding ar complete. Aleo, a ooim.letc uitrcUaudina hTOKE ltOUM, in which ha bren and if now a gnneral Moortisent ot mer cbandiKt convenient lo eaeh bouse ii a spring of niuuing water, which waa never known to tail. Thora ij alo envtcd thereon a imall barn, with ttaltling futfiuient for twelve boraea. For further particular! aud trraii, addroaa the nndcraigned at Clearfield Bridge. I'a., or call on ber at Marmville. )anH)-,1in Wra.H. W. TIlOM PhO.N'. I M I M T K AT ) II IS OT 1 1 lw Utter of AdminictratioD having hrru granted the undrigtied n tbe ettat of Hobert J. Wallace, dee'd, lata of Clearfield borough, C'learfifdd count t, all peraont indebted to laid ctlc will ttiaka iia metliute payment, and tboae having claim again ft the aame will present them procrly authenticated fur settlement. (iEUllUE W. KIIKKM, janIO rtt Administrator. rpEA8 Itnperial Young Hjson Japan -J Oolong II jsonTwankay, a good tea for $1 25 per pound at J. . KKATZEK'S. BLACKSMITHS can sart money by gatting their llor.esbae and Nails at janllMm. J. P. KKATZEK'S. HICKWHEAT FLOl'R. 1,000 pounds freih ground Bock wheat Flour for sals at janlO-la. 3. P. KRA7ZKR S. DRIED FRUIT. Apples Paachat Chsf lies Pranea Juit reetirad at J. P. KKATZER'S. BOOTS AN1) PIIOKS. Fin Calf Boots Kip Bo?U Kelt Orarahoes buffalo Ortr shooi Uutas Buskins Pandela at janlfMm J. P. KRATZER'S. CROCKS The celebrated Brady Stoneware, for sale by .P. KRATZER. OTATI'.M UST of the nances ol tbe Bornurh O of Clearneld, for the year ending Jan. 1, lxt7. Orders were drawn daring the year for Work oa street l 11 f 2X3 14 Lumber t t t i i A7 o4 l'rinting acooant I 1 t M 00 Hardware I I I " t I IT Blaeksmithing : t i t t 00 High Constable's services t I la HO Interest on order No. IA : : A 73 Preparing Implicate : t l t 40 Mecrctary 'a services, two year t li O Total : : i t VII 01 ASNrra. line front Collector of ItAA I llue front I'lanking aceosnt i i Cash in Treasury : i t Total t I t i 24 A MiaiLirrK. Outstanding orders for yr. end'g Feb., 1 .S9, $.11 TJ lo Do Iio lo do do do do do do do Feb., IHI, J 12 Oet, IHA2, 7J Apr., ISM, I.SS 20 Jan., 1--A7, 49 Oil t I 4K( Od do Tue oa MeAdamitlng Assets aver liabilities Total t : : i : 1124 6A We, the undersigned auditors of Clearfleld bor ough, having examined the accounts of said bor ough, do certify them correct as above stated, and that the above represents the financial condition of snid borough, and that the assets exceed the lia bilities four hundred and eightv-nine dollars. W.M. 8. HRAULKV, C. B. HANliHiHD. V. Tt. lllci.rn. pee'y. Auditors. al All! i:ni.V It I roil T of the County Katiuaal Bank sf Clearfield, Jan. 1, IsAA RRSOt'SCBS. Notes and bills discounted $113,7177 U, 8. bond deposited to seeur cir- eulatioa ..... 74 00(1 to Specie ;n tl Compound Interest note, - 4.A:'0 00 Legal tender Bete ... H.4M1 00 National Bank note . . 1,110 00 Due from Basks and Banker . iJ.Wi 40 Current expenses .... 730 00 Cash Item ..... 1,0(6 ; I'rsmium ..... 1,0:0 I Over draft ..... 2,278 S3 Furniture and fixtures ... Jvo 00 Total J51.M4 71 LIAIILtvai. Capital Stork paid in, f 100,000 00 fnrplus ... 1.0.17 00 . Circulating Mote . Aj.OflO 00 lod. lepositor - 80,t)42 31 Mscount, profit snd loss. ,!25 0 Total f J.U.M04 71 I hsreby certify that ths above statement Is a true sopy sf ths original sent to ths Comptrollsi of tbe Currency. WM. V. WRIGHT, JsnlO-l Csshier. QtlARTKRLV R KPORT of ths First Ba llon! Bank of Clearfield, Pa., Jaa. 1, 1866: asaoiacBs. Rots and bill discounted! t 100,400 40 Over drafts i i t J.WT 10 Fnmilur, sad fixtures, I ; 1,U1 i Cssh items and rsrense stamp t 4A4 24 Ou from National Banks i t 11.80 14 Due from Nat. Banks and Bankera I 1,6.12 81 U, 8. Bonds deposited with Treasurer of li. 8 , to secure circulation 100 000 00 Notes of other hank i i i 1,011 0 Notes of Plats Banks t i i I Ml 00 Fractional currency t t i I0 30 Legal tender Notes and Specie : i 1,423 10 T I 10 Interest Notes i i i A.260 00 Compound Interest Not t t 0,0lt 00 Total It till 134,147 04 X-lASILFTIKS' Canital stock itald in. 1100 (1(10 on surplus iuni l.ono 00 Circulating Nates t M.O.tO 00 3MA 20 2,0.14 51 4.0O0 00 eve 04 I I 3.14.A47 64 inamuual deposits I Dos to Nallnn.l Dividends unpaid t i frofll snd loss t Total Liabilities I - j " mw . i . . Bimrwii mini th Quarterly report made to tbe Comptroller f the Currency JON'N BOYNTON, Fres't rlACTlOX All persons are hereby cautioned aesinst starch. .in. n. I . ... . I ,: with the following described personal properly, vis: One roan mare and one bay horse, bow in the pos session of John Carson, formerly of Clearfield ., now of Cambria, as the same belongs to Die, snd il left with the said CarenB on loan only. Jo-t AC8TIN CI'RRY. Rise' t Isonluirw, Hubbell's, Drskss Hoof, land's German, Hosteller' aad Greens' Oxygenated Bitters, also pars Liqoers, of sll kinds Tor edmnnl purposes, for sale by W. ft Pulley itlocksTsilTiiesTMd b"estnfa: lure, st lUhRKLL A B1ULLR o I 1704 41 2 K : 127 ti ilftv ;dmtisfmrnt. CLEARFIELD STORE a k a 11 Philipsburg, Pa. friLt lK . MTT. jnn ,TI, utoRot l, r.tD. iriLLui rowan W. W.liETTS,$CO.t (flueestsors la Munsoa k Uoopi) line just rereive'l Urge ind well ,,. lent e J Slock of all kid of Staple joods uch a ' Dry Goods, Clothing, Booti end 8 hoes, 1 1 at, and tap,, Mo tioc, Hardware, Glass, Kaih, oils, Paints, Queens wore, Groce'iee. Flour, liacon, Keed, Ac, which we are oll'cring at greatly reduced priori, For Cash or in Eichange for Lumber and ShingW We hope lo make it to the advantage of Timber Wen, ia the lover end of Clearfield county and on Clearfield Creek, to get tbeir eupplje, from I his point, being on the line of Kail Road tun Sell gondii on belter terma than at any point 10 Clearfield county, and we are aelling our Stock at such price aa lo make it an olject to tboae buy tng p noils in tbia market lo deal wttb us Advances of Goods, Feed, Ax., made on account of Square Timber, which we will either fell on coiumiuion or buy at fixed rates. Flour of different Brand can be had at all time at very low price, at tbe Clear field Store, Thilipsburg, fenn'a. lry Goods Notion, Ac, in great vari ety, at tbe loweat price for Cash, at the Clearfield Store, I'hihburg, Venn 'a. Salt by the Sack or load, cheaper lhn can be had ariT whero else, at tbe Clear field Store, I'bilipsUirg, l'eun'a. Call and Kzamioe tbe tock of good, at tbe Clearfield Store, at Tbilipaburg, Pa. Highest price paid in Good or Cash for Lumber and Sbinglee at tbe Clearfield Slore, Fbilipabuig, Penn'a. The cbeatiest pood of all kinds are to be bad at the Clenrtield Store, at i'hilipsburg. Call and ee if our grxxliand price don't ool tbe timea. W, W. BETTS. 4 CO, I'bilipsburg, Nofember 15tb, lH(S.t, WINTER GOODS. riOM HIW TOIK 4 MlLaDILrBlA. Ae Cheap a tbe Cheapest aud Gtw4 aa Hie lleU C. kRATZER & SOY, Have just reeelved, anil art opening, at laslr Old Stand ca Fruat (Street, above th Aeademj, a larg and well lecled atsertraent ef SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are selling at very low rat. Head the following ratalojvt and projil tkerrly. For it lL(2ijB y. Especial pain has Soea takes la th Q jseleetiea of Lsdies Press Uoods, wblte j Mlnods, Embroideries Milliner Goods. rrinu, Rercbieli, Kgnies, Ulover, ae ! i.' -1 r v,fT Alwsjs sa band Black Cloths Fancy and Black Caasimeres, ffatineta, etc., sieaay Haas L'lotbiag ol all kind. BOOTS A5D .SHOES. NECKTIES. aid a variety of stbsr articles, whleh they will sell at a small advaaee sa eosl n 5 Psruoular atteatioa is invited to lesir stock sf Carpets, CotUge, soaiwwa Ia grain, tuperan .ngliik Ingram aad Itrnssels, floor aad Table Oil Cloths Window shade and Wall papers, t FLOUR, BACON. Fish Salt, Plaster, .Apple, reaches and Prune kepi constantly on band ALSO, in Store a lot of large and man t-iorer seed. We Intend te make It aa object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from ai beraase ws will sell onr goods as low as they eaa he bought ia the eounty and pay ths f srj highest pries for sll kind of sosntry pro duce. Wo will also sichsngs good foe ScaooL, Rasa snd Coi arv eiders; Shingles, Boards, sad sll kinCs of Manufactured Lnmbsr, Clearfield, March 14, lht.ti. REMOVAL. J. P. KRATZER, ha removed to hit new Ware-Roomi, on Market St., Clearfield, Ta., where he ha opened a very Urge elock of Dry Goods, Merinoes, Gingham. Cloth. Delaines, Prints, Catsimeres, Alpacas, Bilks, Satinet, Rep, Cashmere, Tweeds, Cobcrgs, Mohair, Jeans, Lanellas, Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets, Rib bon, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop-r-klrts, Shawls, Dross Trimmings, Head Nsu, Caps, Corsets, Gloves, Collars, Ecarls, Urenadins Veils, Table Covers. Clothing. Cssts, Psota, VeiU, Over-CoaU, (seal's Shswl Shirts Hals, Caps, llnder-Shirts aad Drawers, Boots. Ehoss. ttum Shoes, Cravata, tl loves and Collars. HARPWARE, QUKK.NSWARR, GRO CERIES k MUSICAL GOODS. Groceries, Tea, Cotes, Bugsr, Molneees.SsIt, Csndles, Rlee, Flour, Baeoa, Fish, Tobseeo, Raisins, Currants, 8 pi , Craeksrs, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, Alcohol. TIN-WARK, GLASS-WARK. WOODEN WAKE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, Oll-oloths, Drngget. Lsoking-dlasse (locks. Churns, Washboards, Tubs, Bnek sta. Flat Iroas, Paws, Window Blinds, Wall paper. Coal Oil Lamp, I'm hrrllas, Bedcorde, Knires and Forks. Hpwons, Crocks, and Stove Blacking. .r-All of which will bs sold oa ths most res. onabls terms, and the fcijUsi mark! pric paid nr Drain, Wool, and sll kinds of cons try produoo. Clsaraeld, December It, ISA. CO PA KT X E RS II I P. flhs andersigned have this day formed a Cc. J. partnership under the firm name of Irwin A liarlshora. for the reananctl.m r.r. ,.... i w. ehandise and Lnmber business. A lerre end well seleeted stock of floods hss bees s.Med Is . otkhu . .n ivisir oiore I n CarwensTille where ws ar sow prepared tesbew vv.n.Mn, eempieieo aaaorimsat with pnees ss low as ths lowest. Th. hl.t,.., K..k.. ... paid for Lumber of sll dsecrlpilos. ins aatroaafs oi ths public Is respectfully o'le"-- BDWARD A. 1RV1N. , . W.R. HARTSHORN. Curwensvlll, inly It, 13 'V gTljDY Vtt;R INT1.RESTH. 1H)TS i SHOES a api AT LOW TRICES. Th andersigned I prepared to manufacture everything ia his line, si the lowsst figures, aad will wanant hit work to ha aa represented. Glrs him a call, at his shop on Market street, eond door west of th Post OfBce, snd he will ds all la his power, to render satisfaction. Some fins Mails, top, tltra Freach calf skins, ae,, oa hand, ready to b finished on short notice at low prises. DAMhL CONNELLY. Juas Uih,!U4-l yr