Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 03, 1867, Image 4

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    Till hsiiav::
::::.laiuiiirv .'!, IStiT.
Wo iv the attention of -n jiit tilist h
to tin? fiirind iiiul timber luiuls offered
f.irstile ly Mr. ln'Klor. Sec advertisement.
Mr. M'Divit t, of Lumber City, offers
llrAvr Stock It in Muted I Imt lit !
the ri't ciit New York Out rul rniliicul
election, J.o (.nihil I.m k vt titnl voleil
on e i.iiimi.iuiii (ii Hock; Henry l.rj
on e ,:iiii.i t ami I
hilt on f 2,;"'Kl(li(Ml all MninliiifT oh tlio
book of tlio coiiijinny in tlieir own
SherifT's Sales.
Wkiimno. One yenr from iniirriagc
miilcen n m per wedding; five years u
wooden M eddin; ten yenr n tin w ed
diiiix; t wentv livo years a silver wed-
' .1: . i:r, .. . . .. ..... I I I i: i
.. ..1....l.l l,B nr., I l.,t .,....,.,ru,,,K f""" " h""' "COIIMl-, unci
B 1'"" ; ...,., ili'iinfiii.l ......I.
property for bale. JteuJ liis adver-
lie Cakeiti..--A clium of ours run
foul of a sprig widower ami a spruce
olJ bachelor, on New Yuiir'tt night,
ptlling tlio widows whoso oriels are
buried and the uncicnt Indies of the
The Oil City Jtnjistrr maintains
HY VIKTl K vt sundry writs or IVH.(,n'i
.V t.aucd mil of Ihe court of Common
''' of ''Icarnol I rcunly, and til directed
rnelliiH Yaiider- b',MV, " ITH 1.10 saI.K. m th.
n..u iii me uorougn ol n.-artiei I, on
1,1 1y, tie lllh ilnv r January, Imil,
' l I ..'clock, p.m., Hit fu.loiog doacnued Heal
hstate, lo wii :
A Mi-tain tract of land situate in Jordan
township, Clearfield couniv. I'. . hounded
by land of John Hunter, loutb by J. P. Jordan,
wot hy Khcrt Hunter, and north l Samuel
Unrbell, containing about Arty-six acrei, with
about it acrea cleared, and having a ainall log
home and etable erected thereon, belied, taken
in execution and to be sold at the trupertyof
James Smith.
Aim. a certain Iraclof land situate In Ferguson
township, Cleertiold county, I'a., bounded on the
ran ny mil oi orange lliurston, eeutti be .Mnr
that tho truo iietrole'him basin linn not I !i" iu,u"; J""1 bJ Joseph Straw, and north by
yet been readied by any of tho WcllJ.UB7&
that it lien directly under tho sixth
mnd-Htone, at a depth varying from
oou lo z,wv led
Notiixation without roiirenentalion,
Ho says they had a roll ofjay tho Tribune, in a battlo cry that
forty-two names twenty-seven of the
former and fifteen of tho latter, lie
failed to j;et a copy, us they "gobbled"
up tho lint, ono widow and an ancient
maiden, and ran off.
15oiioi(ill OiTicEHri. Tho following
is a correct list of the borough officers
elected on Friday last:
Juslico of tho Peace Julni AV.
Sliugurt, re-elected
UurgcSK V. V. Belts.
CoiiKiablo John McClellan.
High Constablo Andrew Shugnrt.
Judge of Election James Wriglev.
Inspectors James A. Moore, C. j.
Town Council I. G. Larger, L. II.
Assessor James T. Leonard.
Assistant Assessors Win. JJigler,
James IS. Oralinm.
School Directors T J. McCuIlough,
3 j-ears; D. F. Ktrw filer, 3 years;
0. W. Gcarhart, 1 your.
Overseers of Poor Francis Short,
James L. Leavv. i
Auditor C. 15. Saudford.
cannot bo permanently resisted. It
is exactly for this reason that all good
men awattllie downfall ol the Itaiiieiil
liepublican party.
Tho Itochester 1'iiinn, of 'Wednes
day, states that Louis Fox, tho bil
liard player, left bis home in that city
on Tuesday of last week, logo to his
billiard saloon, and bus not binee been
seen or heard from.
A wagon containing four men ran
off a bridge near St. Paul, Minn , on
Monday night, and was precipitated
with its occupants a depth of one hun
dred un (I fifty feet. All the men were
injured, but only ono was killed.
Tribute of itttptcl.
A meeting of tho members of tho
Clearfield liar, relative to tlio decease
of their professional brollrer, J.ohkrt
J. Wallace, Esq., was held lit the
ofiico of T. J. McCuIlough, Esq., on
Tuesday evening, December 25, JsiiU.
On motion, j. 11. McEnally, Esq.,
was called to the Chair, and Win. 1).
Bigler, Esq., was appointed Secretary.
On motion of 11. B. S woo) to, Esq.,
tho following preamble and resolu
tions were unanimously adopted :
WHEr.KAM, The Ulctnlien' of the linr heve heard
wilh irol'(.und rrtfirt of the diaih of l'.nHKrtr J. c, Ej., one of tln-ir nuuilxr, with wlii-m
they have Ihtii amfviiitcd in jirulVional lile fur
muny years, and belii-i ins; it litftit and projiur lo
testily our reffieet to hie memory and our nvnif.a
thy lo hie liereaved faaiily and fi ieinl. lliert'lore,
.Vauerr, That in hie death the ll:ir har a
tnr-nS'T who lo exei (lent liutiinil al.i.'itim a 1 led
nniroria cmrtey aul kindneur in hip )irofe).,
interpouree, and in ell the fvUtion of lite.
oer!, 1 hat wc extend lo the ailirted fmoily
aud frirnli ur eineere eyuijiathy aad condienie
in their Itereavenietil.
iwlrtH, That in rrjecl lo hie memory, wr, ae
member of te Bar, attend hie funeral in a lidy.
and wear the ouaJ budge of mourning for a jieriod
of thirty duye.
Hrwlvrd, Tlml a Ciijiy of the mci,edil)g of thif
netiiii; he furuiehed lo bib family.
lltilxd. That the proceeding be alio riuhlihtd
iu the county i:ijere.
On motion, tho meeting adjourned
to meet at the same place, at three
o'clock, p. m., on Thursday next,
whence to proceed in a body to the
house of the deceased, and thencowith
the funeral to his grave.
J. 15., Pres't.
Vx. D BinLKR, Sec'y.
i'olitmbta Lumber Slnrkrl.
Eeportcd for the Columbia 'Herald.
Cot.ruHH, January 1, I'-ftT.
K nile l ine Lullint, or aAlnpIte,
44 " M I'ou.mon,
14 '' Vd t'onjmoii.
" " lat laatnuiou,
' 1'nnel.
M Joiat and Seanllinj;.
ri'-DjIark, Joiat and Seanthug,
14 Lnng length,
A ah and Oak,
Ltreaeed flooring hoard I,
I herry,
ItlM tai l.l-The auWarrilier hae fiir juic a
new "hull" SI.KI, for either une or
lo boraea ehnfta and tongue made to euit
which he will aell cheap. lniii,r of
declaim JAS. A. MOIIIIK, Clenrdeld.
Ol (( ItrtVAKUaa-OiiThuredayrTciiiiift.
a V "llleeemlier lit. a man. pi vine Lip name a
Jutuea i'heatnilt, hirfl a miiretiolii Ihe uti'leraift;ued.
to ride hie nulla, to llloom'a, in thif county, to
return Ihe neit moimii): before 7 oVIoek, ahicii he
failed to do. The aaid hetnllt ia about 6ve leet
ten inehea hiich.dark tolnp!rxion. and wearebeary
black whickeie, and had ou a Ion; black ovcrro:.t.
bl.-k p-inta. and wore a cap. The mare ia a dark
ehe.lnut eorri'l, aith white luce. one fore Toot white,
and 7 year ol I. The a'ove n ward will 1m; piitd
lor the return of the mare end thief; or f .hi for the
return of the mare, an I Jjll lor the apprrheiiion
of the thief. IIKiJ. . V, K.UUI A HT,
d 'eiO ( learneld, l'a.
fpo ( IHMIL IIRI;rTKS-Thr7ha7,
lierlnipa, been no tune ainw the eal.ibhahiueul
ot Ihe 1 otuiuon SehiMd System, when a mi-etiti); of
ltin-clori of the county wn more d thiiu at
praent. It ha, therefore. Ihcii eonaidered practi
cable to hold a itireetora' Convention, on 1 ueadiiy
evening (I Jib) of January court, at the office ol
I. J. il.-t ulloiigli, K(.. in Clearti' Id, for the pur
poaj oi iineretiiininir viewg nn l opiinnis npun
ediieational topiea. 'IhcSebool Sytcub:i reached
a eri.-ia in Una county, which we can in liu wiit o
riln-tuiilir meit. It ia hole d that all Diretl
attei.diti court, and aa muny otherl aj can make
it convenient, will be present.
;KO. W. fi.VVDKK.
Qfcl'-ot County Superintendent.
Down I Down ! I
ed thereon. Kruel, taken in everulion, and to
bu told ai the properly of Peter "utuinore.
Al.o, a certain lot of land eiluale in Oactola
boroush, Clearfield oounly, l'a., bounded on the
outh by Cuitin itreet, weat by II. 11. Kephnrt,
norm ny Aaron llotlirb, ant) eaathy Vouni;
wiln a larfe frame houae and liable ereoled
thereou. belied, taken in elocution, and to be
old m the property of Ktaington Kephart and
ii u. Kcpnaru
Auo, a certain truct of land eituata in tteooaria
towuihip, Clearlield county, l'u., bounded on the
eal ny land of Joieph llarria, on lb- aoulh by
Samuel bpanogla, weat hy John Lightner, and
on lie north by Adaui lleuderaon, containing
erenty-aeven acrea and une hundred and oue
perchee, about lilty-lireacrea cleared, and haviug
iwo riary nouee anu large trame barn erecled
thereon, alao a amull tenant home erected upon
lame premiaea above deecribwd. tieiaed, Uken
in eiecutiou, and to k eold aa the property of
aanuu aiyere.
Alio, a certain tract of land iituate in Wood
ward townahip, Cleurheld county, Pa., houuded
on the caat by Mary I an by, aoulh by W. II.
Alexander, weat by buuiuo! Mitchell, aud nirlb
by lluat Alexatidrr, containing ninety-one acrea.
eeiiua, taken lo exeouuon. and to be aold aa the
property ol Jalnea Alexander.
tf-Uiddere will take notice that Ii percent.
or the purchase money muat be paid when the
property ia knocked down, or it will be put up
gam lor aaie. JACOb A.
P'niiirr'l Orrirn, I bhenff.
Clearfield, i'enn'a.Uec. 211, ISM. j
nit I 't.' i in i I't!
On Main ft., one door weat of Hippie d r'auat'a
Hat bow au head larra aaiortmenl of
Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye
Stuffs, Patent Medicines,
Trueara, (i honldc r-Hrarc, l.laatlr Mlurk
lngre mid eviiprHirtera,
;laaa. I'tilly,
Perfumery, Toilet (looda, Confectlonerfea, Spieea
Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigare, Uooka,
butionery, Peneila, Pena, Ink,
and a general variety
of Notiona.
Ilia atock embraeei all articlea needed in a
community, ia entirely new, and of the beat
quality, and will be ei Id at reaaonahle nrieea.
(.all and examine tne gooda ; they cannot fall
A Youth lllatnrv of (lie ;rrt t'lll Hr,
One Vol., alll pagee, I'ri.e l All. I llu.tri.ted I
Willi III eti(rnnt Wm.d, by the lieat erliala,
of Lincoln, iaia, lirant, Lif, Sli.Tiiiun, Jaek
aon, Kleplll lia, Si watil, lloolh and othera.
This l.o..k i adapted to all rcadera. Thoiu-h
called a 'Vouth'a lliatory," it ia not "baby talk''
hut giica, in clear, coneiaa and racy at vie, a lull
aieounl of Ihe aar and ila enu-ca. It la jual auch
a iKiok aa buaineae mell, lucrchanta, lunueta, Inc.
ehniiiea and hihorcre will want to read, and after
they have read it, give lo their children to rend.
Wur Pticlry ; bv Wat. tiauonit Siwua.
It i cry limiily will wont a copy of thia work. It
ia lilled with all the patriotic eiitliuaiwm produced
during the war. No man ia lietlcr oonlilicl t,,
eoiniiilM ai.i ti v.,rk .1,... l :
A aluut ptnnk.
lVki'ta. headed.
IMaateriug lath,
Fliing'ca, "ft inch,
Roofing lath.
SI 7 00
Ki I'll
4H 0"
'! IH'
;s mi
: i on
is on
!(i oo
oof, to on
40 oo
TO Otia fill 00
II Ooi.i. :t.i ou
.",0 Olibi. .'tj 00
" 19 00
4 MU 4 75
H, fC, J1 Out i 10 00
a Oe(.i,lfl on
I oo
AXI OK COl'll.-li THH CliUAI'Ii.-T!
A Proclamation against High Prices!
AV"E rc now opening np lot of the heat an I
1 f moat acneonnhlc li.x.da and Warea aver
otforrd in thia market, and at priera that rymnd
one of the jrood old uiiya of clienp thinga. Tuoae
who luck futth Uon thia point, or deem our all
gationa auperfluoua, need but
1I.f, .IT Ollt STOUV,
Coru?r l'rout aud Market atrccta.
Where they can ace, feci, bear and know for them,
ai'lvea. To ftilty understand w hat are cheap g'da,
thia nint Ik dortc. We do not ibeui it me aaaiy
lo cuuuter.ite and lleiuirc our rtiK k. It ia enough
for ua lu alatc
We have Everytliing that is Needed
an 1 cnniimi 1 in lira innrkel.anl at pricea llml
aatoniab lioth edd ntii young. V.'c arc flurli of
g'Knla auited for holnluT prcciila.
! .lll.-l.l'll MI.IW t FOX.
TI('K413 (iOTKiX-TbT following
i named peraona have (lied in the office of
the Clerk of Ihe Court of Quarter rirarioue of
t learneld county, thc.r pelinona and bonda for
Lirenaa, at the Jaaunry aeaatnra next, agreeably
lo the act of Aaaembly, entitled "An Acl to rcgu.
late Uia aale of Intoxicating I.iiaorfl," Ae.:
Tavana li naata.
SherifT's Sales.
11 Y VIKTl K of writ of iecurr Fa-!a;
J iaaued out of the Court of Common Pleaa
ol Cleai lie d County, and to me directed, there
will be eipoaed lo Pl'LLIC 8ALK, at the Comt
Houae in the borough of Clearfield, on Mi lidee.
a am nay oi aianuary, iistiv, at 1 o clock
p. m., the following properly, to wit :
A certain tract of land eituat in bee;aria
townahip, ClcarBeld eounty, Pa , beginning at an
ronwood; thence aouth, 6V degreea eaat, 183
pcrchca, to dogwood ; tbencc north, on degree
eaat, 72 perehea, to hemlock j thence weat leO
perehea, to wbitcoak ; thence aoutb, lira degreea
weat, to the place of beginning, containing aev.
euty ail aero and allowance, being part of
larger tract aurveyed in the name uf, u. Hall.
K. iaed. taken in execution, and to be fold u th
property ol Jacob Myera.
A Lao, all that certain Saw Mill aituale on the
Three Itune, in fe an Irnua tuwnahip, Clearbeld
county, Pa., being fifty feet in length and thirty
feet in width, and the lot of ground and cu'lilage
appurticent to auid building, bciaed, Uken in
execuiion, and to be aold aa the property of
Edward .Mcliaraey.
-Uiddera will take notice that IS percent,
of the purchaat m inry muat be paid wbra the
property ia kuocked down, or it will be put up
again lor aale. JACOB A. Jr'A CST,
Horairr'a Orfim, I bheriff.
Clearfield, 1'cnn a. Dec. 20, 1 Sfirl. J
I 1 . M'l;l-A(iK.Trl-$74 T. f-'otTrTcr
1 month for gentlemen and f.'t to ;i for
Ladiea, ctcryabere, to introduce the louimon
.cn c fain'ly M wing Mii-lane, ituproved and per
lii led. It will hiin, Ml, aliteh, quill, bind, In aid,
and embroider lieu ill jlully price only I'O milking
inc. tiuaiio lo. K allien, and lolly aarrunled lor
three tcaia. Wc pay Ihe aloio wagea, or a coto-una-ion,
from which laiee that amount can lie
mile. A Una. or call on C. llllUl.ltH
illhce o. a.ij fcouth Kitib Miect
All lettera uwcrcd prouit tly
In pleaae.
H. W. SltflTH & CO.'S.
Print, Ibat w formerly auid at 2j cent,
now aell at 11
Unbleached Muallna, foriuarly auid t 30,
w now eell at 2$
lllracbed Mualiua, formerly aold at fruua
J5 to 40, art duw aell at SO(g ii)
Alpaca, formerly aold at from 15 to 80. w
bow aell at ZSCq,fM
t lmerea, lo per cent above toeL
All.tVoul lie l.aiiiea, at gj
a.ommuu lie J.atnea, at 25
And all I'reaa (Joodiat th aau rate.
Of ti e beet quality, at an iumrnre reduction.
will aell Mackerel, Herrieg, Ae, AT COST.
till AWLS, ETC.,
Of rry deacriptlon, (really reduced.
The Democratic Almime for IrttuuT.
Thia .Manual for IM'.O, to be continued now regu
larlyeach yenr, routaina full election returna for
I MIO, 1 Mil and I HO.', i liatof newauipera aitpprcaaed
by the Lincoln Aduiiiiiatriiliou ; Chronology of
lMtl.'i, of battlea, acta of Congreae, Ae. It coutaina
matter to lie had nowhere 1 lac. and ia valuable and
iinportnnt to hare at anytime. The grout feature
for ISO" will be n complete LIST (IK Tllli Alt
lilTHAUV AKHL'ST.S m.ide by-.Mr.
piled for Ihe iJemoermic Almanac lor
1S07. 'i hia li-t will contain the name, cntiac of
arn-at and term of iiupriaonuietit of eiu-h prioner,
and be the moat r'-llllirkilhlo itocillllellt in the hia
lory of y.ateca tie Ctirkrt over pithli.-hcd. It will
contain heaolca the uuiil matter of all Ahuanaca,
full and olficial n-lnrna of all the elecliona lor thia
year, compared with previoua 01 the uioat im
portant acta of Congreae, Provident Johnaou'a veto
locaaitgea, liala of both the old aud the new Con
greaa, atatiatical and other information ludiapenai
blc lo overt politician, planter, farmer, merchant
ur mechanic,
I'A M I'll LKTS.
Abolition I Ilralli; or, The Attempt to E'ual
ae tio-ea nic i'cairueiiou OI coelelv
The Abolllioii ( onapliart ; or, A Tcu Yeara
itecoru 01 llie Kepubhean party.
llie re(rro' Place lit Nature ; Paper read
oenirc uic (.oiiuon nniuropologleal hoeletv. JIv
llr. Jamea Hunt, Preaident of Ihe hociely.
HolllMUt, by UnirK" I'ouKnor. of "A Horn!
holder," "A Poor l-'uruirr," "A .Mechanic." "A
Keturned Soldier," Ac. Ac. V pngea.
iMfr"AII Ihe above hooka are for aale at the llrug
More ul I.. 11. VI A I Ml., ou recnud etrect, neartv
oppoaite Ihe court bouiv, Clenrhcld. Pa. nov24tf
1 j deraigncd ha now on hnud a lot of IIOKSKb
ot large aiae, auitablc for logging or wagomng
purpoiica, wnieb nc will imi at renaoiiuiile rnlea.
He alaooflera for a:ile THH L K KLLKiilS, on
aitnilar terma. Thoac in need of cither, can call
peraonally or addrcaa him, at Clraifield, Pa.
nov2-tf JA.MKH 1.. I.KAVY.
MAI.I--A IKilSK and LOT, on Market
a aiivei, iu v icarneni norougn. Apply 10
nov?l-lf Aet'y at Law, Clearfield, Penn'a.
'i.iiii.ii"' ami VIII.M a recent act
haa paered both Houaef of Congreaa, and
fare Tlinel
Aa t c Mutiry I
Have Labor!
Mate riothcel
favr omeu 1
It la iaed hy eutt'ng Into email aharlnga and
diaeolving in hot water, then eoak th eiothea
Ave to ten minutoa, and little hand rubbing
will make tbem rtean aa houra of bard ma
ohin rubbing would do, with ordinary aoap, nd
lb meat delicat fabric receive no Injury. We
can refer to thouaandl of familfce who are ualng
it, and who euuld not b perauaJed todo without
-t-Sold hyll leading Orocera throughout
th Bute
Manufactured only by
Wholeaale ollic :
107 SoCTa Pirra Braaar,
tr-F-ir ! by Hartawlck 4 Irwin, Clearlield.
Koeeinher 7. 1 SA6-I0 mo.
3.500 Acres uf Timbor Land.
flilK uirili-iT, it'iilin)( t OIn !(, now
1 nft.-n for KIr one of llie I-. Ill M.S K.-H
M.VM'S f'r Min-ainii-lir-inf iml I.tmirMrni(( ia
ih tNiuiitv. or iM-Hitiiaj in tli-1 Hih1, vii : A Ur(f
lH Kl.l.i.N'J 1l"l rK, FldHK- liOdM, nU ail
necvry outl-uiliJiUK attki lml, togt-lLtT with
aigned by tb Preaident, , giving a three yeara'
aoiuier iou ana two yeara aoldier folt bounty.
SalrlluLNTmS and PKNS10NS eollected
by me, for thoae enlitlrd lo them.
aa.f Alt'y at Law, Clearlield, Pa.
and t. rilia.
A Ci I.,
w ith tirculara
Tlio Doniocratic yotuifj rnrn of Ron
ton have nnanod 1'nr u riiios of jml)
lic k-rtiiron (o lie i.'ivi'ii lay gentlemen
eminent in literutnro as well n j oIi
tics, who hold tu tho iloelrines an
nounced 1 13- the fathers of llie count ry
and reutlinned ly tlio irpeat lienio
cralie purty. We tru-t that the Iem
oerats throii;hont tho Keverul States
will follow their ejcntnplo. lindicnliMin
mtit he eoinhatted on Ihe platform n
well a on tho stump in order to in
hurc its defeat at thu polls. HVrW.
a aaa pi
The Radical leaders nrc j'hnjinj Upon
find plyini; Cnnirressi to impeach.
Wendell l'hillips in out in a loner let
ter for it, under Ion own fcifjiiiiture,
denouncing Senators for want of pluck,
and purrinir up the Representatives
of tho I'eopie. riiillip. and tho like
evidently want another civil war
Phillips, as a stonnv nelrnl, to live in
A typhoon, others to have a frenh op
portunity to mli and steal.
c J Phoir,
A, J. Iiraurker,
M1I0 II oyt,
(1. N. Colburn,
laaac Iticketta,
A. H. II IJcli,
Henry (loaa,
Iaaae Rennett,
T. K. Waahburn,
John htone.
Philander 6uilh,
Lewie C. Card in,
John Lila,
Woodarard townahip.
Curwenariile borough,
Clearfield "
llioora townahip,
Osceola borough,
llurneide townahip,
Ileocaria "
llogga "
Mirria "
Uulich '
(tlctxriL I K ra-ra.
I.. M. Coudriet, Covirgtoa township,
Joaeph II. Jonei, Mirria
Aiiguatui Leconte. Oirard
dc."0 - 1. P. MZWEILER, Clerk.
"llTlir.R-..i. Hon. UAMl'KI. L1X.V, Prea
1 ident Judge ol the Court oflommon Pleaa
of the twenty fifth Judicial liiatrict. couipoaed of
lb rounliea of Cleai field. Centre and Clinton
and Kon. FA.Ml'Kla CLVHK and Hon. JACOB
W1LIIKLM. Aeaociate Judgea of Clearlield coM
hav iraucd their precept, to me directed, for th
holding of Court of Common Pleaa, Orphau'e
Court, Court of Qmrter Seeaiona, Court of Oyer
and Torminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery,
at th Court llou-e at Clearfield, ia and for the
county of ("learneld, eemmeneing on the Mernnd
IMnn lay 1 14th daj ) ol January, IH4II, and to
continue leu weeka.
NOTICE 18, therefor hereby given, to Ihe
Coroner, Juaticea of the Peace, and Conalablra.
in and fcr aaid county of Clearfield, to at near in
their proper peraona, with their Holla, iiecorde,
Iniiaieitlone. haaminationa, and other Itemena
hraneea, to do thoae thinga which to their othcea,
and in their behalf, pertain to be done.
U1VEN under my hand at Clearlield, thia JHh
day of September, in the year of our Lr-rd on
thouaand eight buudred and eity-ai.
BHuairr- Orru , I ACOII A. FACT,
Cleanirld. Pee. M, lS. ( SkrriiT.
A Democratic Moniiug Journal.
The T'uilr Age emitnitia the hitct newa from all
pane of Ihe world, rtilh editorial arli lea on llor.
eniuieiit, Polciea. I ra.le, F:-raed lleiieralauli
jicta. laical Newa, Maik-t K cporta, P'.oek Quota
tiom, Keligioun Intelligence. Lcgivl eummirv.
I'ore.irii and I loinea' ic Corn-pondencc, Cominercial
liit"llig.-ii : llrponaol Public .Meetinra, Thcatnenl
l.rnicicn.a. lunewaof l.ileiHture, I'rieea Curre
Literary Notice.., Agriculturiil lurorination. Art,
Miiaie, etc.. etc. Ikudca Special Trlcgruu a. it bar
all Ihe diapjtehea of the A-"Cile.l prc-e from
every part of the I uited Mali a. and alao the di.
p:it.-l,ea reccivnl l.y the Atlantic Cable; and Ihe
nes fnnn all prta of Lnropo brought by the
ateainer. i Invtanlltr t-l grapnel frua whatever
poiiu rue aieiiiiicr? urM lonrlt.
1 lie Weekly A:rewiil be a compute eointnJIun
of the ncaa of t lie- week, and hcri I. a the lea. ling
ciiioriaia innu me liatly, will contain larire
amount 01 intcrcMing matter, prepared expn-ilv
for the wckly laaue. It will be in all rcpeeta a
nrat-claaa Family Journal, particularly adapted to
the Politic inn. the Palmer, the Mechanic, the
rainlly Circle and the Orneral Healcr, having
every elmracterialic of a Live Ncwapnprr! Ka.-h
nntiilier will contain an inlcnaelv ilit. reatinff aerial
hyoneol the moat popularand laacinHtinir authora.
anu 11 ia alao (tie intention to piibhah, fnnn week
lo week, in the cour-e of the year, thri-e or four of
the beat and lateal Viv la.
Tnn 11 vlt.v One copy, one yenr, $ 11; aix tnontha,
II 5H: three molitha. 1 Ml: for anv leaa i..tii1. at
the rate-or ONE DOLL A It per month. Poalncc,
thirty eenla per quarter, to lie prepaid at Ihe oDIct
ol d. It very.
Tiik Wtrai.r One copy, one year, S3: Bve
copiea, one year, f .1; ten, one year, iU S:
twenty copiea, one year, 1.1. Tocluba, where the
papera are n nl lo one a. I Ire... the following re
duelinnwill lie made: pier copiea, one year. $ ill;
ten ropier, one year, finite, twenlycopiea. one year,
f III. A copy will Ik- fomi.hed gratia lor em-h'rlnh
often, or 111. ire, to one abln-aa. torone year. Pnat
agc, five eenta per j narler. prepaid at the nfnee ot
delivery, epecitnen e,,pie- of the Dally and Weekly
ecnl gratia, on application at thia rbVe.
Addrcaa, KI.SII k ItOIin."
deel'J 4:in Cheatnut M.. Philad'-lphi.
offer our itock of Dry (looda at th above
figurei up to th, t of January, W,l, Tbey are
all of th drat quality, New and faahlenable.
Any on can now hav an Alpacca for Ihe coat
ofa De Lain. Thia o8er ia made in good faith,
nd all deairoua of econointaing in the proper
manner, hav now aa excellent opportunity to
apply theuieelrc at th cheapeat rate.
Htiirtly for C'ah.
V(ITI( l;.ti Electron for Dio-etma will be
j .4A h. bl at Ihe loinking hioiae of theCOl'N'TV
Mr. Iianerofl'u lat volumo has iv- i
rn ofiense to a irreat many sltidents of
our revolutionary history. I'rof. (ieo. A A 1 '"s hank, cicarfieid. Pc.i.'a, un the
W. (ireenc, a irrand.son of (Jen. Na-! 7, . ''"'."T' 1 ; I: ol" V1 P-ra
thnttiel (ireene, has turned asido from
the memoir of tho General, on which
he hits been enajced, to prepare a
pamphlet refuting Mr. Itiincrofl'a a
wrtions respect in him.
j aforcanid de
dee 1 5 SI
It would soem now, from tho con
duct if parties and individuals, that
holding ofliee was tho chief end of
man. Wc do not mean to depreeiute
tlo iiiijxirlanee of the subject. An
ofiico is sometimeB a very jrood fhiiif
for the inciimhent. lint the old iii
liahitants tell us that respectahle peo
tile ued to live and dio without hold
ing office.
A Great DiscoverVt
A E of the grcHteal and moat nadul diacoverii a
f in medical acieneewaa uialc tiy theoelebrated
Dr. J. Dninaa. of Paria, Cuief Ptiyaician to Ihe
lmKrial Intirmary of Pranee, in ll. Thoae who
hie len atltielni wilh Ihe painlnl diacaae known
aa I'ilca. end cftcctuallr enn-d bv the uaa of Dll
Dt MAS EHKM II lil.K H AI.V K, cannot peak
t.Ki highlt ..( the conferred iioon tbeia bv
the uae of thia remedy. It baa never lieen known
lo tail in elleeling p, rmancnt cure in a amgle
eaa... in inie n-pi.t ,t aurpaaea all other me.ti
cinea of the kind. It will do juat what it iareeom
metnleil lor: if nit, Ihe monev will be refunded.
One or Iwo luivce ia .iifbYo-nt io,.fle,-t a permanent
cure in lour or ail d iva, if the dircctioiia ou the
l-.ea are followed. Piiev-, one and two dollnra per
tan. according to aire, e, lit by mail or cxprc- to
anv part ol Ihe fnitcd Stater or Canada, hold by
Dnuiata generallv. A liliernl diaeonot made to
the liade, A lln-a D. H. IU MUM A Co.,
illiamapnrl. Pa., aole Proprietor, and Mannfne
turera for the I nil. .1 Stslea and Canada. di t
New Goods at the Cheap Cash Store
8ou-b Fcood itreet, ClcarBeld, Ta.
Fall and Winter Goods,
11 i.titi ii i d ( timi, nm-in
J Ornhuna' Court of ( bartield eounlv. at K..f
Term, A. II. 1m.
In the mailer of the reul eatatc of llinrv Kliepp,
late of ltra.ll .rd townahip. Clearlield eo.. dec d,
reapeeling the appmiai menl of real ralate re
tain'd by Polly hnepp, widow of aaid Henry
Knepp. deeeaaed, containing 2TT acrea of land.
Iioundnl aa follow a, vie: lltinning al atoneeor
Her. thence weat. hy lend of John Dale. .H7 4111
perehoa. to a atone-heap; thence eaat I lltpcrrhce
... . e.....r-enp; ineiiee aouiu .1, 4 in pen ne. 10 j naa taken Ibe rooraa formerly occupied by P. A. .ree: inenc ny in ni oi .1 one i late, we.) 1 1 lla uliu, in Urahani't ll ow, immediately over 11.
- .-.r,uc...op,acrHi .K-gii.ning.iK-ingp.noi joim r. .llgle. Jewelry atore, and will continue the
Fill.. . , I
Now, S, pieinber !:., A. D. lf o.lhc rricrt Vein
duly pn.-nle.J. the Court direct notice Uiallpaili.
11. j .' 1 p , ,n "nr ""'VV' )"-1 A full rii,rtm.nt of Clothe, Caaaimere and
li-hed in I leartiild rooniv, thai the eanir will l ! Veatm.. ,.o.,.n.i. 1....1 .j j. . ...
D rnpwtft)T nnnnnnre to th elti
T A 1 LO i; I NG L I'.SIN KSS.
I approved mid confirmed ibaolulely.unleaa auf"i inn f aa the all or leal antic.
T at .
.UhTHtllilrT LllinCU IITII. 1 rvaaon to the contrary be al.o.n by Ihe Drat davof
a 111 organisation litis censt'd to exil I "ry ienn, ei.,. iir the c..nrt.
underthie title. Tho reipiisito num-! -1'"'-2 "' I. LV.,,,-!V"-.
ber of votes has been ohlained for tho i AV 't,H I I-Th. mbrrrilw
1 V oaa iwo iwo-horre iiAi.uai tor aale. on
i-onnblc lerraa. t.KO. W. (.KMilUKT.
Clearlield, I'a.
t hanjro of name, and it w ill hereafter i
be known as the Kpiseopal Methodist
Church Lay delegation has also been
Mr. Frank Mooro, whoo "Women
of the War" has just been published,
is about fo publish "Tho Neroo of
the War," a work explanatory of tho
j art iicgrocs tuok in the war.
would do will en examine
of (Juei-neware, (Jlaaaware.
are, Tin A are, ww aell.
I I ul ?l.hl.l.PKItS
1 he large alock of
W oTTJen Wan-, Vt ilbiw W
inf ao cheap at
(iAUI'MS ilruaarla, Ingram. Vinilian. Hemp
J and Cotton Caipetinira. for aale be
doci lm J. Phll TZH1, Murkel al.
11 lie1 A large et'xk ol 1'nra iloairg ent at (be
' of J. P. KIIATZEH.
Particular ltentioa will he liren lo CITTTINO
Men'a, Iloya' and Cbildren'a clothing in Ihe molt
faahlonahl atrfa. Uir hita a eell.
"" If JV. F. CLARK,
la? )l ) - A K II will U p,Mn lir.i."
'"''baeka to any prrwm who hae uacd Dr.
Dninaa' Pile Halve according to directiona and baa
not been cured. Addrcaa,
D. r. lU NII AM CO..
rlee'.-l, Williaj,rl, p,.
Mil IIAMI ,5 can aevr 2.. per ecu! bylluying
or 111 gallona of COAL OIL al j
tlec'i 1 m. J. T. K UATZKR'S.
utcj itn
I a in Juat receiving and opening a carefully
elected atock of faahionahle Spring A rutn
ar Good a of almoit every description.
A beautiful aaaortment of Print and Dry
gooda, of th neweit and lateat atylea.
Alao great variety of useful notiona.
BonaeU, Fhawla, Hate and Cap, Boot and
Shoee, (a large quantit ) Hardware,
Oil A Painta. Carpet
Oil Cloth,
gi!oci:i;ie.s and ri.riTs,
Foreign and De.mealie.anch aa Inrl.. r...r..
Cnrrante, Prunea, Haiaina, Orange
and Lemon,
Mackerel, la i 1 and 1 harrela. Af fha haaS
quality, all of which will he aold at th
lowaat earn or ready pay
I rice.
My old friendr and Ihe public generally, ar
reppeetfully Invited tl call.
.rt-K. n. All klnla of ORAIX.A
Cut XTKY I'HOlilVS taken In e a chain, for
un""- W.M. F. IHh IN.
Clearlield, Nor. 2N, Iftrlel tr
iniAi:D xossop is now
(old by Ihe Trade fieue ralh.
A liberal Diaconntto Dealer.
Army llevelvcr, 44. 100 in. Calibr,
Navy llevolvee, Stl.1,10 In. calibre,
Hell Revolver, (aelf cocking.) Navy calibre,
Ltelt Revolver. Navy rite calibre,
Police Revolver, Navy aire calibre,
New Pocket Revolver, (with loading lever,)
Pocket Revolver, (aelf cocking.)
Repealing Pim.1, ( Kl liot pt ) No. ! cartridge,
nepeaung riatoi. (r.iiiot Bt.i Na.12 earlridge,
Veat Pocket Piat"l, tin. It, 30 A 31 earlridg,
duo Cane, uatn o. 22 cartridgt ,
Kingte llnrmi hbot llua,
Revolving iille, .ID lull in, calibre.
Breech Loading Rifle, No. SI eattridg.
Lreerh Loading Carbine, No. 46 cartridge,
I'. 8. Ride, (aire; barre',) with lahr bayonet,
at a aj . ... ... '
.'. a. niuro laiuaaei, nfiringnold patter.
Cpwarda of 100,000 furnished th V. 8. Gov
Our new Breerh Loading Arms hare Juat been
approved and adopts.! for military aervle in
Ilion. New York.
Aorvra Moore A N'irbola, New York: Wni.
Reed A Son, linatnn l Jos. C Oruhb A Co.. Phil
a lelphia; Poulton Trimble, llalumore; Hrnry
Kolaom A Co., New Orlean and Memnhia :
Jobnann, Pp-ncer A Co., Chicago, L. M. Rum
aey ef- Co., St. Louis; Albert K. Crane. Han
Itanoiico. i jj4 ly
SJi . t!:piien kevt ikmik-
i 1 1 K SfiLDirit'r! ORPIIAXS. Hv Mrs. Ann 8.
iiJ lirifl. Thu MJ ll-tini-attji..," "Silpnt
Finijrelr," "Mnrv Irrwmt," "HrjwtoJ ifo,"
-TLf H irT.s,' "'J lir Wifi-'i fiyrct," t?tc.
Tbm row hfnk. y Mir. .Ann S. tStplirns, hnn
lnm .rtmimol hy nil in I liy fur the (h'h and
nmi mli rri'tiiic wjik ?vtr wiiitrn tv lnr. It hii-
irifl in iimtiihlv injihufnt!i in lVlrrm'i .Mbh
nuno diirins Iho InM Tfr. hnvinjr wn eomyvtn
in tl: ltrrrliilfT n inn ''ht, w litIT il )niVcl to Ik III?
iuo!i j t.iilar, pVecrtiil mill tufcpfflul nvH thai
.inn imt uppt-aiT-l in that Mncraritx. and it if now
ulli(ird iiiiti.)rtr mi l nnatiriitj. J. in onr larpt
tliH.jtciino vniiitiif, nnitorm wild the "liuM Hrick'
"l avhina ami Faunm,' ami tlio other worka of
.M. Ann Mi-'Iichr, niiIirl(i-ti liv ur. It will un
donhl ymv to I tho mot 'pulr and mii-tf -fnl
wnik UiiU ha evt-r Ih-cd urittcn lij tint tnUntod
Aitiorican aurtiorotD. I
"Sip. Stiilitm lias ncontlv Wcinic a favorite
with all Au)TK-nn re ul. r ol nniw liftion, and tho
annnuiiivtiirnt of a nrw work fnm her graortiil ,
pon i rhcvifut nma t thnu-anlr. of rrnhn. And
thrro i a rare troat in More f-tr them, fur in "The
Suhticr'a Oq.hanV AJru. Htoph'-ns ha, if an?
thing. -lii(tl all hor funncr ti-r(n. Thrrr inIrM
roHiindnnrv of arono and action, but I how ia far
more arti'lir rxwIUiioc, and an flaliorittioii of
cau-ir an 1 rffirts, attniualile only hy imi-tiod
writor. Thr aHii-n of thin now iin( truo-pin
in rinUdftphia, and lSytind tho limite of the nty
tho author dm nt p. rmit Iicpn If to ray. Th
tinif rH-lonlt hy Alii. iStophcim to rorrnt, the la!c
war, and pIio pirtim-t ith rivid diinctnoiii tho
domoptto piiffvrina and nac-nti.. ontaih-d hy and
iiiado for the prund and heroic ftruifelo for n
tionnl unity. Tho plot j. ono of a.ior.inR intor
opt, tho rharnoterK arr rmihir trnnicriptii fit mi
rrnl lifo, Ptnmcly imliviiiunhKod, and thr o-ntrt
forniiil hy their indi.nlual piruharitirn, nirntal
and phynioal. Irnd a rnro rhrin to this lu.t and
aio-l f.m-hoi1 of Mm. Mi pliPti.' twMd,."
"Tho rvel lirr'f Otphaun" ir pnhlihod ooniph'to
in one Inrffo dnodo4-:ino volume. I'rK'O $1 i0 in
pi-por, or 1! in nloth.
h AarfaCTt RCH or
Stoves, Tin & Sliect Iron V are.
HAS on hand', at hia tn-o and fiirtorT, on
Market -, eait of rocond, tkarfieid, l'a
Tbe iargeit and Left Uiortiaent of
Which will be aold, Wholesale and Retail,
Alwayi on hand, at low prioea.
lion work, ueh as Gutter and Conductor!,
furniibed and put up at ahort notic and
0-Rrpalrliifr Promptly Dutie.-fa,
Clearlield, Nor. 14, ISM y,
The JTfretitm of Mrdiral Seiince.
Il is a poaitiv cure for Ualdneaa.
It reatorea grey hair to ite original color.
It ia tonic, nut a dy, and act apoo th se
cret nr. a.
It immediately arrests falling out of tb llair.
It alleviates Neuralgia and Headache.
It radically cure dandruff and bumur.
It keen the aoalp healthy, cieaa nd cool.
It ia an vlegant and exquiaitely fragrant hair
It restores, cullivatca and heajtifles th hair.
It make harsh hair flexible and lustrous.
Dr. Leon'l Electric llair Renewerhaj enioved
high Lical repreeentaliun fur luany yeara lu
wonderful restorative and inviguratinc tirorertia
ar wen anown to tag Medical I acuity or Philadelphia.
Heing fully fatisfied of th merits of Leo 'a
Electrie llair Ucnewer, w hr procured exclu.
iv owncr.bip and r determined that every
hoQrho!d in our land lhall hav OTportUDiLy to
reap iu benefit.
Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy.
A most delightful and efficacious ear fur the
veriou ill to which Infanta and vounr children
I 11 11.1! nr. ! it eortena tb gums, abates In
Bammation. invigorates tho stoiuarh and bowels,
enrreeu acidity, and ia a sure and speedy cure
for colio, eramp and wiridv paina. A most cx-
ecllent preparation for children of a reetlrse and
rrelfaHbahit and in allea'caol Looseness, (iriping,
Vomiting or other inward grief, it rives imuiedi
ate ease I'sed for mor than ball a century in
to practice of one ol tne moet eminent pbysL
cians of Philadelphia.
In now placing this article within the reach ol
II our countrymen, we would remark that we
know it to b a reanody of unrivaled excellence
and that it has proved In theuaands of cases.
w ar resolved il shall ia millions, a priceless
ooon. ror sale ny urugguii every w Here.
Address all orders to
Mole Proprietor.
137 North Third street, Philadelphia.
Silver Wash Powder.
Fare time, labor, money. Make washinf t
farttm and Monday a festival. f.i,d every
wher. Try iu novll ly
g, at has" their price.
cloaks asd shawls,
bkuwn sheetings,
flannels and blankets,
woolen g(kd,
hosier v,
GENTLEMEN'S rcnxiSHlNfl Ooo.l,
l AtiiKs- mnr: and shoes,
HOYS' do d0
o. 4c. o.
SPUR S Auti linat I'ARI.oll FTllVES. the I rrrn.. .HVKa7l. '.
. . orlv perfect a-ra-ment rr hurnin. ., i "T ?4 "-olBal .npporter. of every
- r i Kinaoiin. i i.i iaansva...i. . i
' KRA7itH'J. t the Vmg !?t(.rt cf HAJtleU 1CK 4 IP. WIK.
Tho Oold llri. k, $1 :.n
Silrnt Stro-aTcIc, .Stl
The W il'r .-rrn-t, 1 ;.U
Tho Hrjoftrd Wife, 1 St
Mnrr HiTwont, $1 .0
r nliM.n A Ktimino, I t0
ThotMd Monx-itcad, I .'
Tho llrircna, 50
A hove arr in P;iikt roi cr. or in oloili at ? rarli,
Tho alm'-r ho.,.., are f'.r aalo hT all lookfoH.rt.
Copiog of 4,Tho holdur'n lrphn," or of any
other or all of tho almve popular Irooki hy .Mif..
Ann Slrphoiift, will ho n nt to any one, froo of
poFtn;f, on rooipl of prioo. Ailn -n nit onlora to
T. ii. f'KTKiisux a rittniii:i;s,
.t"ft rh,-Mm.t Sti,Ht, riiiladi-lphia, Pa.. I
.inn nu t "in rrrpivo HlimO'IUlIO aHiHIIn. il.i
Clearfield Academy.
rPIIE second aeasion of th schulastie rear of
.1 this Inatitutio will commence on MONDAY,
tne iota uay ot A ij v r. j li r. It, lunn.
Pupils can enlerat any time. They will be
charged with tuition from tb tin they enter to
tbe doe of th Measion.
1 h ooura of inatruction embraces every thing
included in a tnoroua.-!!. practical and urooin
pliahed edueatiuo fur both aexea.
Tbe Principal, t aring had the advantage of
muen experience in Hi prnlession. aaaures pa
rents and guard ana that bis entire ahility and
energies will b devoted tu the moral and men
tal training of Ihe Youth placed under bis charge.
t i-:km'm ok H lilt).'.
Orlhography, Reading. Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per Kraaiun ( 1 1 weeka) . f i 00
Grammar, Uengrapby, Arithmetic, and
lliatory . . . . fa Oo
Algebra, Oeometry, Trignnomelry. Men.
suratinn, Purveying, Philosophy. Phval
ology. Chemistry, liouk Keeping, Dounj
and Physical Ueegraphy - - . 9 00
Latin, (Ireck and French, wilh ny of th
hove ltranches - . . f 12 00
jT-vv-Na deduction will be mad for absenr.
ftvt further particulars Imiuir of
Rev. P. L. HAKK180N, A. M.,
Clearlield, July II. Idfl It. Principal.
i.iv.nn m u k ( o.,
On Market fttrrr., nun dimr M nal of Mr
Hal1t'a Hrcurn.
Ten Town Lots in Glen Hope,
crod'lt .Kt torn land of the wry lovt (juahty. on tha
riut ride of Clear field t'ntk, ojpomte (Jk-u U
A Tract of 200 Acres of Timber Land,
Iloavilytituhorod with pine timhor, iituate on and
a half utile from fikn lioo, on Uie turnpike lead
ing to Aii"oii''illf aMut un wrti of which aro
oleured and under cultivation. The nndmdi-d
One-third of 3500 Acres of Timber Land
Of the rtry bx4 quality, nlluaH nn Clearfield
Crock, near the mouth uf W bit wo ltuo.
Also, the entire Stock of Store Goods,
Now on han I, o-m-(tioir of PHV (ioOJfH. (iHO
fhUIKfJ, IIAltJ Aitt;, iil hl.NUAKi;, aud
cvcrythiu f'jund in a plo- e of gt'tKTnl mcrclmn-
The foreftoioR property will be aold toother or
aoparaU'ly.tu ami ptin-bawrii, and upon rcaKtuahla
term a,
TtAny Infrmnation to iWrrcnea to tbe pro
perty, or term, can be obtained by applying to the
underiHfriit-d. either in peroii ur by letter, at tilon
llofso, t'lonrflvld countv, I'oiin'a.
iiiitUI-.Siu " TlloMAP nrtooM
fllltt I.N-Vll.I.L, PA.
L. W. TEX EVCK. PaofiiitToii.
fTHR undersigned, having beeom proprietor
X of tb abor hotel, wish to gir notic to
the cititens of thi eouoty, as well aa to tb
travelling public, that the buu ba been refitted
and refLrnished fur th ntrtatnment of his
guests. His table wilt be furnished with very-
thing tli market affords. At his Bar will b
found the best brand of all kinds of Liquors.
UOOb bTAULINU attached, and Bon but
earcful hostlers employed.
Jyll-tf L. W. TES EVCK.
burg, Penn'a, Kussav Llotb, Proprietor.
Keep const an tlyoa band tb cboistestof liquor.
Uia table is always supplied with ih hett th
Market affords. Th traveling pulie, will do well
to gir him a call. Nov 1st, IMS.
GKOROE FALK Ukes this method of Inform,
ing th watermen of Clearlield eounty thai
he ba refitted and reopened th hotel formerly
kept by E. Bchreiaer, at Coxestown, where be
will take especial paina to render satisfaction to
all who favor hita with their patronage,
Coxestown. April II, 'ti. drily.
IUREST lioUSE-Bloora towrjihip,
Hum P. Bloom, Proprietor.
This large and commodious House is situatai
on th turnpike, 7 miles weat of Curwensrille,
and 0 miles east of Luthersburg. Th Propri
torwill spar no effort to make his guest com
fortable ud their atay with hint pleaaant. and
thereby expect to receive a liheral ahere of pub-
lie patronage. lie. 20, iS.-lf.
LASH'S Imiroved i'tv Ilollar
II I.N (J U ACU1NK, is now offered
to the publie as the cheapest, simplest and
moat efficient Washing Machiri in th country.
The exclusiv right for th sal of this a,
chine in youruwn htate or county can be secured
hy applying soon at our store, 727 Market street,
Philadelphia, Pa. J. 8. LASH A Co.
Alao, tbe best Clothes nriaaer in tbe market.
IVhulcsul and retail.
af-atA very liberal discount to eoanlrr mer
chants and dealers generally. jeiO.'ntl
Ladies' Fancy Furs,
Old Eatsldiahed
Fur Manufactory,
No. 718 Areb 8trwt,
almve 7th, PIIILAIIEL'A
Have now in atore, of my
own Importation anil .Man
ufacture, one of the largest
and muat beautiful selec
tions of FANl'V Ki ns.for
I M 12 ladies' and children's wear.
'rii5t-X?-T. i Ihe city. Alao. a fill
i -. aaaortment of lienU's l ur
.' i'l- J (iloves and Collar.
I am alao enabled lo diapoae of my goods at very
reasonable prices, and I would Iherelure eolirit a
call fnuu uiy friends of Clearlield county and vi.
cinity, IU memlior the name, numlicr and street.
Xo. 7IS Areh Street, above 7th, south side, Phils,
I have no partner, nur counedion with auy
other store in Philadelphia. Oct 10 4m
111 Cure the Itch In 4 Hours.
VLSO, cures Fait lUeum, rirers, ChilMains,
and all Krnptinns of the h'kia. Price 40
cents. For sale hy all Drugii-t Py sending
sixty rents lo WEEKS A Pu'lTEK, sole agent.
I7tl Vtashirgton street. Boston, it will he for
warded by mail, (re of postage, to any part of
th United States. For aale at llartswick A
Irwin'a, Clearlield, Pa. Julyl.l, lftfn-lv
Cl tills. i
aar ' ,"i
Sept. ?d, lstiA. Mr. r.l.C'll'!,
O PKCIAL NOTICE.-Parisian DliKS? and
tl VLOAk Making. Ladies can have their
Dieaeee, Suits, Loata and I)asitiines handsomely
made and trimmed, at the shortest notice, at th
old established stand, 10:11 t bestnut strict
fancy and plain Fans, Manilla Orwamenla,
drcaa and cloak bultone, Hihhens, Clonny and
Uuiur Laces, llugle and Uimp I'reaa Trim
minra, with a large variety of Sta le and Fancy
(ioods,ftom Si to 0 per cent lesa than elsewhere.
Also, receiving daily Paria Fashion ia tisane
paper, lor Ladies and Chililien'a Ureases. Sets
of Patterns fur Merrhanta and Dressmakers now
dy, at Mrs. M. A. MINDER'S,
j.'-ly 1MI Cheatnut at, Philadelphia
Town-Lots for Sale.
fl'IlK mideraigne I. residing a' Ulen oTera
at lirii nte a:,l... on rt-H.onelilc lenna. SIXTV
HVK Til'X-,tl S.altnare and Wing in Ihe new
additiu male to the village of lilen lor. j
AIbo, Tliirty-Five Acres of Land,
Adjoining the same. All will lie aold together or
separate, to suit purchaser. Any further inform
ation can h iilitainril bv arfdrreaing him, at tllen
Hope, ( learrlcld county. P etin'a.
tun :s..1ea JKKKMIA1I COllpEft.
The proprietors have entered into Ih
Hoot A Sho boatnes at th ahov
stand, and ar determined to act h
ou'dnn either in quality or prie for
their work. Special attention will b paid to
manufacturirg sewed work. W hav on hand
a large lot of FAKNCII KIP and CALF SKINS i
I of the vers heal nualil. Tha etliaana nl Hu. '
. .. ' ' ... .
field and the surrounding vicinity, rs rcapeet.
fully invited to give ua a trial. No charge for
ralle. Clearfield, Nor. 7, 1 Sfifl-tf.
they were loved so
long and so well.
In ronseouenee of the bov facta. P. !!
of tli old Short Sho Shop ; would annoonr to
his numerous pstrons. and tha people of Clear
Held county at large, that be has now a (rat rata
lot of good material: just received from tha aa.r
and ia now prepared on short nolle to make.
d mend boots and al oes at his new Shoe In
Urahama row. II Is satisfied fiat be ran please,
(onlesa It might he sums Intensely loral auy at
horn Patriots), lie is prepared lo sell low for
rash or County Produce, don't forget Ih ahop
next door to tiraham A Poytons store, on mark
el Street Clearlield Pa. A kpt by a fallow eom
monly called
July !fl, t6. ly. "SIIORTV."
Mill I ITH At Mll.t!4
I! i irlit lrrminm. T.oeV Slid h,
A LL innuiriea in reference to this "A No. 1
x V .wiehiiie promptly an.wrrcd.
piK-iirrd lium lue at eitv prices.
oet-1 If l.uth.Tal.iirg, P
P K O V 1. A !H A T I O M I
00IN0 IT ALONE!!!!
Vibody Pmlilhltrd from hinltirf my Boot
and Shix-a on arroiiut of II are
or l olor.
Being thus liheral mindrd. I take this method
of Informing Ih eitiitna ol Clcrdld and ri
einlty. that I bar opened a shop on Second SU,
next door to th Couny National Bank, ovf
Watson' Drug Store, wher I am nrcrared to
Therein be!"" " V"'1"'" ,0 '..BUUT "
nno. obi oi ia oral mate rial and ta th
most wotkmanlik mannr, and oa short notic.
All l ask la a trial.
Cloal, vVllale and Linseed Oil, Fmily ily,
J varnisbe aad naint of all kinds around la
ci.1 ot sale ay
H. AI.
Attention, Soldiers
VI I. K(II.I:tH tle lH4ll.(l2.li3 re
entitli-,1 lo an 1NCKKASKH lllll'MY.
I lie nndersigned is pn parod to rollei-t all such
Bounties, aa well aa the increased pay to Soldiera'
tViilowa. All inquiries ami coiniuuniealions an
swered promptly. Discharges receipted fur. Port
Offiee aldrras, Curwcnat llie. Pa.
a.-.i-tf JOSIA1I EVANS.
I)ullry lllurka, all aires, and heat manufao-
I tnrc, st MRRHKl.L A IIIUI.EH'S
I It K A K I'A ST SUA 1.S," Soulaga, llooda,
X t Nubias, Scarfs, in great rarietv. al
-l. J. P. KRATZER'R,
Iludalo Hobra.Klie and Horse
rovu, x MERgELL
at EIQLEK'6.
Don at ClearHel.i, this eighteenth day of July,
A. p. IKfiB. HARRY R')S8.
O r,fA Prr Vrar I W want Agent
a -. J vrywhcre to Mil our laraovao
I 2I Sewing Machines. Three new hinds. I'p.
der and apper teed. Sent on trial. Warranted
tire years. Aon? salary or large enmmleeioaa
paid. Th oslt machines sold ia 1'ailed Stat
for leas than t0. which ar ,!! (ic.a.rW bf
I How. Whrcler A Wilson, Orover A Raker,
Singer A Co., aad Bachelder. Ait other cheap
machines are t ariaeaafa and the elr or ware
ar nudtr to (eeesi, an and imprisonment. II
ottrated circulars sent rna. Addrrsa, or call
noon Shaw A Clark, at Uiddeford, Main, or
Chicago, 111. May 1, 186 ly.
I)l'HK LIltr.RTV nillTE l.KAD
Aii do more and l.'.Ur work, at a gir. a
Cost than any other. Try II I Manufactured
oaly by lEIOmR A BMltll. holosai. Drug.
Paint and Glass D(j!,No. 1ST North Third St
" HartkJl,lf.rH