Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 03, 1867, Image 3

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Till ksday:::::::
:.l miliary H, ll7.
Wo c.ill the Rltcntion of Miitnliriln
to tlio fiirniH Hint tinilicT lands ofl'ercil
f ir salo liy Mr. DivshIit. Soo adver
tisement. Mr. M'Divilt, (if Lumber City, offers
a valualilo liouso nnd hit and personal
property fur balv. Houd his udver
inont. . m
1!e Cakeki i.. A clium of ours run
I'uul of a Fprig widower and a spruce
old bachelor, on New Year's night,
pilling the- widows whoso grietx lire
buried and the ancient ladies of the
borough. Ho says they had a roll of
forty-two mimes twenty-seven of the
former and fifteen of tho latter, lie
failed to yet o copy, as they "gobbled"
up tho list, one. widow and an ancient
maiden, and ran off.
Loiioiou Omctus. Tho following
is a correct list of the borough oflicers
elected ou Friday last :
Justice of tho Pence John W.
Shngurt, re-elected
liurgess V. V. Jielts.
Conslublo Johr. McClclhin.
High Constable Andrew Shiigart.
Judge of Election James Wrigloy.
Inspectors James A. iloore, C. J.
Town Council I. G. Larger, L. il.
Assessor James T. Leonard.
Assistant Assessors Wm. Jiigler,
James IS. Graham.
School Directors T .J. McCuIlough,
3 yearsj D. K. Ktzweilcr, 3 years;
G. W. Gearhart, 1 year.
Overseers of i'oor Francis Short,
James L. Leavv.
Auditor 0. 15. Sandford.
Tribute of Jtenprct.
A meeting of tho members of the
Clearfield Jiar, relativo to tho decease
of their Jirolcshional brollrcr, JioHKUT
J. Wallace, Ksi., was held at the
oflico of T. J. McCuIlough, Esq., on
Tuesday evening, December 25, iMiti.
Ou motion, J. i. McEnally, Esq.,
was called to the Chair, and Win. 1).
Bigler, Esq., was appointed Secretary.
On motion of 11. 1$. Swoopo, Esq.,
tho following reamb!e and resolu
tions wero ununimously adopted :
Wiiiiitf as, Thf uietnhi'rs of (lie I:ir linve hoard
with profound rrjjri't of til ilialb of J'.imrnT J.
AVll.l.A E, Eq., one of tlit'ir duuiImt, with wliotn
tbrj liav. bom a'siittH iti mt-p.ii)il 1 1 IV for
inuny years, and boJiovins it li'hl and proper to
tofltifv our recjMt to 1 1 1 n uiMnorv and our svinpa
thy to his licrravi-d fiimily anil hit'inK ttiontoro,
Itfotitti, That in bin doath the llur lins lort a
tno-nSr'r who to ex'-i-llcnt natural aUliti'S n-1 tod
uniform cmrtor aud kindness in hit
intcrronni.', otid in all tin? relations of lite.
Iltmtlwd, 'I bat we extend to the ufuVted fmuily
and irirn.ii our siucere pyuijiathy and condolence
iu their Iwnnvrnn nt.
ltttlrtil, Thai in rejeet to hip memory, we. an
Member of the Bar, attend hii funeral in a body,
and wear the usual budeof mourning fur a period
of thirty day.
.V.r.r.rf, Thai a eoj.y of the iirwetding of Ihia
ai'i'titil be furtiinhed to hit family.
JItaulvtd, That theriHeelitir.-be alio published
iu the county paper.
On motion, tho meeting adjourned
to meet at the came place, at three
o'clock, p. in., on Thursday next,
whence to proceed in a body to tho
house of the deceased, and thence with
the funeral to his siavc.
J. 15. McEnallv, rWt.
Wm. P Bitarrt, Sec'y.
Columbia f. inn or r Slnrkct.
Reported for the Columbia 'Herald.
Col.ranu, Junuary 1, 167.
While I'ine CulliiiK. or mp!t, I7 (II1
" .Id Couanon, 25 on
' 2.1 Common. On
" " I xt ajpinuiuu, rW Cn
" I'nnel, VS (mi
Joint anil Scantling, I'll
tl-uilo-k, Joist and FVntliu. IS I"'
" Long length, 20 III)
Ash and Ojk. Olifj 10 On
llroMed flooring hoards, 40 00
t'herrv, :0 On ft Ml 00
l'opla'r, 24 Oo(.:ij 00
W alnut planll. T.O IIO(,:t., 0(1
l'iekitu, headM, IS 00
riaMennj: lath, . oflf'i. 4 76
Fliintfta, SliiiTeli, "owed, tl, tO, t 0"fi 1" 00
Huneh, 8 Od(.i.lo no
Roofing lath, I0
The Democratic youn men of I5o
ton have arrnnoj for a uvriv of jml)
11c locttiroH to lie ircn hy gontkiiifi.
t'iniiioiit in literattiro as well um jo!i
tiefl, wlio hold to tlio dnotrinrw an
liontifod hy tlio lnllicrftof the country
and reullirmed hy t!ie rcal Jlcmo
frntit! party. We trut that the Doni
ocrnts Ihrotihout llio several State
will follow their example. Iladionlism
ltnit l0 coillhatteu Oil t lie plattorm M
well as on tlio slump in order to in-
nuro its tltifLint at tlio polls. WurlJ.
The Itudifdl Icuilorn nre playing vpon
and lying Cnno;ri'ss to imjieach.
' Wendfll l'hillipn h out in a lout; let
ter for it, iilidi-r Imh own nimitiirc,
(Icnount iii"; Sciintors for want of pltu k,
mid njmrrinu up tlm HoiroHciilutive8
of tlio IVo'lo. I'liillips and tlio like
evidently want another civil war
riiiUipd, as a stormy petrtd, to live in
typhoon, others to Imvc a frewli op
portunity to roh and steal.
Mr. lianerolX u lust volume linn ;iv
en oft'ensc to n pi-eat many sludenla of
our revolulionary liistory. I'rof. (ieo.
W. (ireenc, a gniiidson of (Jen. Na
thaniel (ireene, has turned aside from
the memoir of tho fienernl, on which
ho liu.a la-en vtifiatred, to prepare a
pamphlet refuting Mr. liiinerolt' as
MTtioim respecting him.
It would sem now, from tho con
duct if parties and individuals, that
holding titliee was tho chief end of
man. Wc do not mean to depreciate
tl'O importance of tho subject. An
oflico is sometimes a very jfood ;liin;
for the inenmhent. lint the old in
habitants tell us that respectable peo
ilc Ued t0 JivO Olid dio Without liold-
' m 1
lli milt l.
J his or"-ni7.alion Ii.-ik cpnfl tn utin!
under thin title. 'J'ho rcoiiioito limn
her o( votea has hecn ohtained for tho
change of name, and it w ill hereafter
bo known a the Kpiwopnl Methodist
Church. Laj; delegation lias also been
Mr. Frank Moore, whoo "Women
of tho War-' has jimt hecn pul.lished,
is about to jitihlish "The Negroes of
ino ir, a work explanatory of the
j nrlnhiidi negroes tuuk in the war.
llfAvr Si-ih:k. It is staled that at
the recent New York Central railroad
election, Eo Grand Lock wood voted
on i? 1 ,;((," K Kl ol stock; llenrv Keep
on ?:l,.Mlll,(MKI, ami Cornelius Vander.
bill on 8J,;Vn),0!MI all standing oil the
books of tho company in their own
Yi:iiiin!. One vear from marriage
makes a paper weilding; five years a
wooden wedding; ten years a tin wed
ding; twenty livo years a silver wed
ding ; fifty years a gold wedding, and
seventy-live years a diamond wedding.
The Oil City lu-ijistcr maintains
that tho true petrolclum basin basnoi
yet been reached by any of tho wells
that it lies directly under tho sixth
sand-stone, at a depth varying from
600 to 2,5H0 feet.
Notaxation without representation,
says tho Tribune, is a battle cry that
cannot bo permanently resisted. It
is exactly for this reason that all good
men await the downfall of tlio liadical
Republican party.
Tho Ifochester Union, of Wednes
day, states that Louis Fox, tho bil
liard player, left his homo iu that city
on Tuesday of last week, to go to his
billiard saloon, and has not since been
seen or heard from.
A wagon containing four men ran
off a bridge near St. l'aul, Minn , on
Monday night, and was precipitated
with its occupants a depth of one hun
dred and fifty feet. All the men were
injured, but only ono was killed.
IMiH HI I Tho ruhrerilier baa (or lale a
' now "Hotr SLKII, iiiitalile for either one or
Iwo hone flinftH and toti);uo uiade to puit
whioh he will aell ebonp. loiiuire of
doeL'll :it JA.. A. MOOIIK, Clrartlnlil.
Ol ff Ki:W A Kl-OuTliur.lay evening,
O 1 V'vDm'inlH'r 1, a man. gi ing bin nnuip j
Juuii'D t'bcfdnit, hiri-d a in un-trout iht- un-t'TiniriK-d,
to ride five uult-H, to I'M Itloom's, in th.s county, to
return thi' next uiornitig ln-l-irc 7 oVloi-k,bi.b he
fniltd to do. The Mid ('hermit ir about live (cet
ten inrlicp high, dark fiimplcxion, and Wear hrnvy
blat-k wbkcjs, and bad ou a Ion; hUrk ovurr..t,
blm-k p:in(i. and wore a cap. The umre is a d.irk
chcilnut sorn !, with white faev, one fore foot white.
And 7 years ol). The aixivo n'wurd will tf paid
lor the return of the mare nnd thief ; or $.0 lor lac
n'tnru of the man., and $.!! for the apprehfimion
of thi thief. iir.t). . tiKAKll.AK T,
d'T?U t linrtii-l-l, l'a.
M M IHHIL DIRl;C TOH Th -re has
irrh:iit, H'n no time sint-e the ctst;iKlifhun nt
ot the Coutiuitti bi'hM bvritt-m, nhrn a luct'tiug ol
iMnrtors of the euouly was morr iiifdt-d lhau ut
prem-nt. li hits, tlM-n-lorr, bt-rn eonsidcrt-d pnn-ti-c:ible
to h ld a liircrtorp' Convention, on 1 int"lny
criniug (Ijth)of January court, at the oflii ol
T. J. M.-('uIlouj;h, in Clvarfi'-ld, for the pur-
p-mj f intcrclningiiig vinvs nn 1 opiiiiiaiin npm
ednciitioiiHl tnpicH. Thebfhool Syntt-ui ha- n-adud
a criris in thip county, which we ran in no way so
rflW'tmilly mcrt. It is Imp'd tliat all I)irxirr
afteiiding couil, and a tnitur olhi-rs as ran tuukt
it couvciiitut, will be preent,
;k. W. HXYDKH,
dit'lfO-t County Hup'-rinU'iidi-nt.
Down I Down 1 1
A.0 01 COl lli THK CliliAI'K.-T!
A Proclamation against High Prices!
"ArK ar now ojKn:ny up a lot of the brit an 1
T f iiiort omiM.rinble (mmmN and WHrwt ever
otfered in this market, and at prit-rn that ruiind
eta- of thr god old day of vlit-np thiligfi. 1 Uic
who luck f:it iu upon Jhin point, or dmu our alle
gation fttipt-rflumiit, n-ed but .tr ori srom:,
Corner l'roiit uud Market ftmts.
Where thiy can tve, fctd, lirar and know for tr m
wlvia. To fully understand what on rrmnp goda,
thin iniift bo dnrlr, Y v do not dn-ui it net Mry
to riiiiiiifriite and itr.uiz our sU k. ll ii tnuub
f(r up to staii- tint
Wo have Everything that is Needed
atil oon-iiTii'l in tlr m:irk"t, onl at pric-a I lint
atniiih lx'h ld nn 1 yonn. W'v are flufh of
giKMln huitcd for holidnT prrcnt.
uV.2 Jh.M.I'U n.VW4 iSflX.
IK I ASi; KtlTll'l-:. The foil-wing
J named perrons hare filed In the office of
the Clerk of the Court of Quarter besoinns of
Clearfield county, tbeir petitions and bonds for
License, at the Jnnunry senior next, agreeably
to the act of Assembly, entitled "An Art to regu
late the sale of Intoxiciting I.i'iuort," Ac:
Tivans i.ii r.RHKs.
C J. Phoff, Woodrard township,
A. J. Iraueker, Curwenfviile bjrUf;b,
Milo II -tI, Oxceola u
. N. Colborn, Clearfield
Ifsac Itieketts. Vtshville,
A. b. Ildden, 11 loom township,
Henry tloss, O-ceoU borough,
laac IK'nnett, lJurnside township,
T. 8. Wahburn, lioecaria '
John Stone, UopRi '
t'hilander tmitb, Chi-st
Lewis C. Cardon, Murris M
John Lit i, tlulich "
BncAXTii.B i,irrnr.s,
L. M. Coudrit-t, Cmirgton townhip,
Joseph II. Jones, M rm
Angittui Lccunte, (lirard
dct-20 - 1). F. fclZWEILER, Clerk.
"11 II KK Hon. FAMl'KL LINX, Pros-
idt-nt Judge of the Court nft'ommon I'leas
nf the twenty fifth Judicial IMr-trict, composed of
lb eounties of Clrai ln-ld , Cen tre and Clinton
and Fon. KAMI Cl-VOlI and Hon. JACOB
WIL1IHLM, Associate JuJgos of Clearfield co
have issued their prerept, to me dirertod, for the
noiuing ui a v nun ti v immn J urpnau a
Court, Court of Qjnrter besiiiftns, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of Oor.eral Jail Delivery,
at the Court Uoue at Clearfield, in and for the
entmty of Clearfield, ewnmenrins; on the Nerond
Moti lay (l lth -Uj) ol January, intiT, and to
eontinoe wn weeks.
NOTICE IS, therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, J unties of th Teare, and Constables,
In and for said county of Clearfield, to arpear In
their proper persons, with their Kolls, Hecords,
lnibiitions, Kxaminations, and other Hemem
b ran res, to do those things which to their offices,
and In their behalf, prrtain to bo done.
GIVEN under my band at Clearfld, thls2ih
day of September, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eilit buudred anJ sixty-ix.
Snaairr'e Orrira, I AC011 A. FAT'PT,
Cleaifield.Den. So. lfiA. 1 fikrviT.
'OTIC I' An Kleetiitn for !ireetnrs will he
hr dt the Itnnkinir hone of the CU"NTY
AlhiN A1. HANK, t'learfteld. IV, i, 'a, on the
sernr.d Tnecdiiy of Jnnitnrv. I si'7. nt ? o'elo k.p.nj.
afon-snid dny. JAKS T. l.KcNAIih,
ib-el? St ' I'rcMdcnt.
(11 l:ltl II I l ((M M., l-ln the
i drphiins' Coqit of Charticld einintv, at Sept.
Term. A. U. Ini.
In the mn tier of the renl estate of lit nre Kwpp,
late of Kiadt-.rd !ouhip, Clearnt-bl en., dee d,
n-'peetitrj- tbe appriiitinent of rral ette re
tamd by 1'iillr hnepp, widow nf said Henry
Knepp, deecMM-d, eotilNininir 27 acres of hind,
bounded as tolltiwa, vis: ltrninirif at stnneeor
ner. thence west, by bod of .Mm J -file, H7 4 Id
perches, to a stine-hoap: tin-nee can I In perches
to a stone-benp : thence south .17 4 H perche to
pine tree: tbenre b , land of 'John Iale. wel 1 1 H
ifreties. lo pI:oeo tteninins;, Iteitifr part nf Jtdin
Vest fturve :
Vest survey :
Now, Sentfinfi
r J.i. A. Ii. Ifft.the rep'irt brim
d-il l-n;i--l.tlie. 'rl direct notice ta:ipattb-s
iim ri'foro. ot i.uoiKniirm in imp ni'w.itniMT imio-
l,.ir, in ( lonrtii M rounl v. that Ilia aaiur iil I
apfirfiTtil nnd Rontirnit'it -iliwilut.'lv.iiiilf.. a iifTii irnt
N to tilt cmlmry be flmwn l.t I ha Drat ilj uf
J,m'r.' ,,'rm. '"" III tin-1 onrt.
I. Ci. n.-rk.
r AI;OMJ i-llH .I'.-Tli. anl.arrilirr
ll," two Iwu-lior, WAliONSfor M'r, nn
a-onnoif Irnna. HKH. W. IIKMIII MIT.
..f l'larltH.I. l'a.
-Ilo I M.I
I 1 the ll
oTl, 0 W,
Kl I I'KIIS w. M,l,l do will w riaimnr
larpp ,t(,-a ol Qiirotifwanc tilaaawarf.
an-. lVtllow u .n. lio Man, now ,,-ll.
,n' " r,'"V V J. I'.Kha I .Kit .-.
1 ( 1
MlPKiS llrii.w-l., Inaratu. riiittan. llrin,
anil I i;moh I a, iifllnir. !r "' i,t
! Im
,i. I . hill I ,ii l, .iiorai't t.
A larirr .link ol fur. rloatra oot nl ll
'vr, of .1. -. KIIATZKR.
Sheriffs Sales.
HY VIKri Kuf fHD.lry wnu of 'f4iiioi
f'.rffmn tMtltl mil of I he routl of (Vn)MB
1'it-u f Clfurflcl'l c unit, nr to m dirfrlrd
i Ihera will bn otp-vcl to J'l M1.10 K 4 l,R, nl th
' Ooiirt ll(.uo In lti l.nnii:h of ClfurbVI'l, on
MoiMlay, ttie Nth (lav... January. I-MH,
. ftt 1 o'i-.,rk, ',ui.( lu.iuwtijjt det-cribi'tl Jlo-I
brtUK, to wii :
A ertin lrt-t of land tilutU In Jordan
townvhip, Clcftrfipld county, V , bounded ot
by land uf John Hunter, n.ulh ly J. I'. Jordan.
wct by Hubert Hunter, nnd north by Samuel
Mitrbvll, CHtniaioihg about fifty acra, with
about six acrea cleared, and havtnjr a -urn II log
house and itable erected thereon, belied. Uktn
in execution aud to be fold as tbt iropertjof
J a Tien LSojlih,
Ai.i-o, a certain tract of tan J vituate In Kerfueou
tonebtp. Clearfield county, l'a., bounded on the
eaat by lanj o Orange 'Itiureton, w.utn by Mnr
ttn Nolan, mutt by JuiepU (Straw, and north by
(Jeorge Williatua, oontniiiin uinoty five acrea,
and buving a iinall Irauie boune and liable erect-
ed thereon. Snxui, Uttcn in execution, aod to
be aol as the propeify of IV-tiT mninera.
Ai,o, a certuio lot of land ailuate in Onocola
borough, Clearfield county, l'a., bounded on the
aouth by Cuittn street, by 11. H. Kffibart,
north by Auron iWtlieb, end by Vounj;,
with a larne frame huua and stable erected
the ruou. buiicd, taken in execution, and to be
old aa the property of Lining ton Kerbart aud
11 II. Kepbaru
Alio, ai erUrn tract of land aituate in Jleconria
towuilnp, Clearfield county, I'., buuodvd un the
east by land of Joieph llarria, on tb- aouth by
bauiuel bpanots, weat by John Lightner, and
on ite north by Adam lieiiderion, containing
eerenty-Mven acrea and one hundred and one
perchea, about tiliy-fiveacrea cleared, aud having
a two-ftory houae and large frame barn erected
thereon, alio a iiimII tenant huute erected upon
aue pretuirei above deacribed. 6iit'd, taken
in execution, and to be sold the property or
Jacob it yen.
Also, a certain tract of land situate In Wood
ward tuwufhip, Cleurtield county, Fa., buuuded
on the eal by Maiy Canby, tuutb by W. 11.
Alexander, ett by buntuel U itch el I. aud O rtb
by Boas Alt-xaudrr,rontaining ninety-one acres,
bi'isod, taken in execution, and to be an Id as the
property ol James Alexander.
-trlJiddert will take notioe that 15 percent,
of the purchase money mul be paid when the
property is knocked down, or It will be put up
again for sale. J A CO Li A. " Alibi,
bnaairr't OrrirR, bijenff.
Clearfield, IV-nn'a,Dec. 2u, ISoA
SherilT's Sales.
1V VIUTl'K of a writ o( Lrmri FnrU,,
X3 Uaued-uut uf tba Cuurt of Ctioiinun 'lvaii
ul Cloaitied county, and to m dirfptod, tbfr,
will be ,xpued to I'l ill.!!.' PALK, at tho Coort
liouie ia tba boroueb of Clearbld. oa JMi liday,
the llth da) ol January. IMI1. at I o'clock
p. m., tba fullowing proert, to ait :
A cfrUin tract of land aituate in beo:aria
towntbtp. Clfarfivld eonnty. Fa., beginning at an
'ronwowd; thonca aoutb. tit degroea aat, lti.1
pcTbpfl, to a duwood ; tbanre nortb, ona degrfe
vmft, 72 prrcbfii, to a brrolork luetira wept 1 btl
pernbtR, to ubitpoak ; tbenre aouth, fivt dtgrttt
writ, tu tba place of beginning, rontnining ir
euty aiz acrofl and alluwance, being part of a
lam'r trart mn eyed in tbt nam. of ai. Hall.
iii'd, uken in eircution, and to be told aa tbe
property of Jnonb Myera.
Aliu, all tbat rortain Saw Mill aituate on tbe
Three lluna, iu kartbaua townabip, Cleartield
roanty, l'a., being fifty feet in length and thirty
foet in width, and ibelutof ground and eurtilage
appurtireut to auid building. Heiaed, Uken la
exiTuiiun, and to ba aold ai tba property ol
Edward .MclJarver.
4ri!iddera wilt take notiea that M percent,
of tbe purebafe uwncy muit ba paid wbeo the
prupcrty if knockod down, or it will be put up
again tor aale. JACOB A. iAl'.sr,
hOKRirr'a OrrirR, I bbetifl.
Clearfield, Penn'a, Uea. 70, lSf.S. J
lTAXri.l) AliKMH $75 to Jo(i p,.r
month for grtiiliini'n and f-.i to Kb for
l.tfillin, vvfryn ht-re, to IlilroillKW tlio t otitmou
N'li-r I'iimilv rrwihg Matljiiie, iiiijmii cil anil pcr-li-rMrd.
It will lum, fi'll, aliti'h. qtiilt, bind, bund,
and t ruliroidor in auliloMv prit-t-oiity inukiiig
the tiinttio lot'k atili'h, and fully aarnniti'd lor
tiiri-c Ciita. S e pay the attve auirca, or a cotu
inixioti, Iroiu aho-h laii-o tlut amount mn lie
nnile. Ad.lrm or mil on t". llllH I.IIS A f(l
tlrhce No. hoillh Flltb Mroet, Philadelphia,
l'a. All Icttor uuMtiTrd promptly, wilh cirruiMn
and t. nn a. uoil'f lia
18C7 i,:T Ll V1 ! t,L,,si
A Democratic Morning Journal.
Tho Ihnlr Aje eontnitis the hifrM nrws from all
paitsofthe woild, villi rditor:al arti -Irs on 1
erniii'Mit, I'o'ilit-H, '1 rn.le, Kin a nee nnd U-nml sul
jrris. 1,'M-rtl ,New, Mntk' t Kcpirts, Hu'k Quota
iioim, Kcliirious InTiliicentT, l.rifiil rummarv
I'on-icn and I iniut-s' ir t 'orn-'pnndrnre, Conimercij.1
Irit'-Uifii-M. itr ports of Cuiilic Mpptinj-s, 1 h"atnrnl
Cii!ii:ifti.s. Ilrvn ws of l.ilf ralure, I'ru'i-s Curn-ni,
li!e-rary Notice, A(fr:e ulturnl lufonnation. Art,
Music, ele.. etc. lit mdi-s Special TiU,)ri,n 't bus
all tbe di't'-ht'f of the Afi)(l l'rrP from
every part of toe I oiled Malta, and nli-o the dis
pat--lir recciml by the Atlantic Cable: and tbe
nrwii frotu all p-irtw of l.'orope brmiiiht by the
ti-anier.-, is invtuiitty ti-! pniplR'tl frui sthaicver
piMiii iii" fti'itimr lirr-i loui'li.
'J tie -cklf A re will be a roinpb te eoinifnd;i m
of the news of the week, and Wi-ide tbe leii-ltiijl
t-'litonals from the. Patty, will contain a lri;t
Amount of intrrf-tin matter, prep trod expn-o-iy
f.r the wtklv irw. ll will l in ail rifi.eet" a
first class Ktiuitly Journal, partiettlnrly aduptel to
the I'olitieitin, the Kainu-r, tlx' Meehiiiuc, tbe
lutiiily Circle and the tieneml Reader, hnvinir
v ry t-harii',lerir'ltc of a Live Newspaper! Km-li
niiin ler will eon tain an intensely int.-rentinz seruil,
by me of the mont p"pitlarnd liiciiinlitit' authors,
and il is olfo the intention to publi-h, tntm week
to w-k. in the rour-e of the year, three or four of
the b-"t and lit test Nivl.
Tnr. 1AH One cuj.y, one yenr. f"; sm months,
$t ill; tbrpe rn'-tiths, 2 .'; fur any es pi-nod. at
tin rat of ti.NK ImiLLAK per nnnth. I'oMntre.
thirty cnt per quarter, tu Ire prepaid at the ohVe
of d llvrry.
Tiik Vi:eki,t One rope, nne yenr, $2: fire
eopie, one Tiar, $Ht ten e"pies, one vear, H7 Stt;
i twenty copies, fine year, Toeltibs. where the
piipcrs are sent lo one address, the fnllowinc re
I duct ion will Ite made : Kivr copies, one yar,$A
i year. $lfi All; twentye-ipies. one year,
j $'ttl. A ropy will le furiii-hed (rriitin for eai-h einb
1 often, or more, to one addren, bironc year. lot.
ajr". fie cents per quarter, prepmd at the offiie of
iti-ltvery. rpeeiiiienenpie" ol the .imlyand nnekly
sent irratii". ou app'ieiilton nt this cfh"e.
A.l-lre, V..i A llflim.
dee!2 4 ft Cbe-lmit St.. IMu l- l-lplns.
A Great Discovery.
ONE of the ftrentest and most discoveries
in medical science was made by llieeelebratcd
r. J. limnne, of I'nn, Chief l'li. nirisn to the
Imperial Innrmaryof F ranee, in iHfil, Th'tsewho
hne leen afHietei wilh the piiiuful disease known
ns Piles, anil effect im II v enretl fv the use uf 1 H
111 M AS' 1 HUM II V.V. SAI.YC, cannot speak
too hiphlv d the henelits conferred upon them by
t lie of this n-incily. It bit never leen known
to fait in eflcctuiK a " riiianent eerr in a smjrle
ca"c. In this rfpect it surpasses all other medi
cines of the kind. It will do jusl what il is reeom-inetnb-d
1-t: if nt t, the money "ill lie refunded,
due or two Ixnes i sufficient t effect a permanent
cure in loiir ir sit diys. if the directions on the
boxes are Mlowcd. I'lti, one and two dollars per
lix. according to nire. hi nt by mail or eipre- to
nn pnrt d the 1'nited States or Cnnada. ho'd by
ltriitfiMs generally. A litenil dieonnl made to
the trade. Address 1. S. HI NIIAM A C(l..
V MlinntMport, Pa., ote Proprietors and Manutnc
lureisfor the Cniled Stales end Canada. d.i T
ON 111 Si) W X J 1 JOK
VtTOrLD re-pectfiillT announce tn the eti-
sens of Clearfield and vieinity, that be
has tken the rooms ffirtnerly occupied by P. A.
t.nuiin, in Urnhems Itnw, immediately over II.
F. Naoflf ' Jewelry store, and will eontinoe the
A full Mnrtmnt of Cloths, fassimeree and
Vesting ronsiantlr oa hand, and mde to order
on the shortest notice.
Particular attention will be given to CCTTIXQ
Mn's, llnys' and Children selnthing in the most
fahloratle st' lra, (live hita a call,
deoft-tf W. F. CLAUK.
llt. AND will 1m- pnol in t.r.-o-
beeka to anv person who has os-d I'r.
lnman' Pile Suite a'-cordmg to direct ion and has
not heen cured, Addre-,
l. H. I'l'NII AM i CO..
deefi-1.T V iHiamrt, Pa.
MH'H ANiC? rail ? i per eent iy I.UYlttg
& or III gallotm of COAL (Mb at
Jrf5 1m. J. P. KKATZKH'S.
nnlv pi
8 Anli ltu-t PAian.t PTtiVKs. the1
crfeet a-rpfrm,nl for hnrning enl, nt
ai J. T. Kli A 1 Z.KH'S.
On Main Ft., ona doer west of Hippie f- r a nit's
11 ai bow on hand a large assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, De
Stuffs, Patent Medicines,
Tr users, Miouldrr-Hracca, l.lastlr titork
Ina mid ifhirteraf
.lass, I'ttltj,
Perfumery, Toilet (Jood.i, Confectioneries, Spices
Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Hooks,
btationery, Pencils, Pens, Iuk,
and a fer.eral variety
of Notions.
Ilia stock embraces all articles needed in a
et.mtnunity. Is entirely new, and of the bett
quality, and will be at Id at reasonable prices.
Call and eiatnins tbe goods ; they cannot fall
to please. deci-tf
g o odsre : duce di
ix tjik rnicE or (,oods
H. W. SIfllTH & CO.'S.
Priula, that wa furmorlj aold it 20 eanta,
wa now tall at
t'nlileartiFa Mualina, furiuarlr old at 10,
we now fell at
llleaxued Mualiaa. formerlj agld at from
Ji to ill, wa now wall at 2Q, Kl
Alpaca., formerly told at from iS lo 80. wa
aowaallat 9S(a,Wi
Caaalmcrea, III par ernt aliora coiL
AH-WimiI He l.amea, at SS
Conimnu le l.alnra, at 25
Aai all I'rcM Uoodiat tba uue ratal.
Of tli. knt quality, at as Inmrar rtilurtioa.
Wa will tall Markarel, Herri. (, AT COST.
Of arerj deacrlpUoa, (reatl reduced.
Wa offer our Hock of Dry flood, at lb. aborc
figure, up to tba lit of Janaary, IHiIT. Tbej are
all of tba Hr.t qoalit , New and fanlilonalle.
An j ona ean Bow bare an A'pacca for tbe eott
of a Ie La it,.. Tlili oOrr i, made in inod faith,
and alt deairoui of eronnniisinir in tke proper
manner, bar. now a. eicelnt opportunity to
uppljr tliemwlrca at tb. cbeapeat rate..
Mtiirtly for Caab.
""2S-7 II. W. SMITH A CO.
New GooJb at the Clieap Cash Store
Sou'.b Feeond itreet, Clearfield, Ta.
Fall and Winter Goods,
I am Jn.t reeelrinit and npenln(t a carefully
lerted tock of taiil, ionable S,rint A hum
mer Uoodi of alinot erery description.
A beautiful aaanrtmenl of rriata and TJry
roo,, of til. neweit and lateat Uriel.
Alao a great rarinty of aieful notion..
Donnata, Ebawle, Hat. and Capa, Boot! and
Sboei, (a lari. quantita ) Hardware,
Queen warf.Tlrugi,. Med irinea,
OIllA Pain u. Carpet.
Oil Cloth.,
(;i:ocki:ies and fj:citk,
Foreign and Dntneslle, surh as Apr'", Teaebes.
Carranls. Prune-. Hais.ns, trarirei
and Lemona.
Karkerel, la i and i barrel., of tb. bfrt
quality, all of wbirb will ha aoid at tb.
lowest earn or ready pay
Wy old friend and tbt publle generally, are
respectfully inrited t call.
,e-N. D All kinb orCffA.Vand apprnred
COl XTI)' J'UUllVli ln in eaelianire for
U-nda. W M. F. lliHIN.
Clearneld, Nor. tf
Hilling, at half thoir unl prire.
HOYS' do ,lo
lo, ic. An.
r"priia,. and abdominal supporter, of erery
JL kind ortbe later! Irsprorementa, for .ale at
the ring f tor. ef Aft 16 ICK IWI",
HKAD! ltKAI:! 1KAD!!!
A Vnntlia IIMiirv of Ihc C.rrat ( hll ur,
tne V..I., sit. paii.s. ne?l S. lllu-tnit.-d
aith lit itiitrHV inn ou wot id, by the U-'t nrtiotn,
of l.ini-dn, lain, tirant, l.ii-, Hhrinun, Jai-k-siui,
Hlrphriis. Si-ward, Ibiolh and olheis.
This biM-k is adnpiod to all rmders. Thuutrh
ealh d a ''Vuulh's Jlmtory," it is not "baby titlk"
bul, in rlt-ar, eont'ise and racy style, a full
aiTuunl d tin- mir and its rniuMf, It is just siu-h
a bonk as hurMiit-rUi nun, iitm-hiuits, lurmt rs, m'.
cliKiiiis and hilmri-rs Mill want to nad, and after
they biive rttul if, givo lo their children to rend.
War Poetry; bv Wm. (.ilvorr Hiums.
Kvcry fiunily w ill want a copy of (hit work. Il
is filled with all Ihc patriotic ciithiiHiaum produred
diirinj: tho war. No man is iK'tter qoulilitd to
compile sut-h a work than Mr. Siiuuie.
Thr Iremurratlc A I man an fur lMtHU.7,
1' liia Mnnu:il for ltiil, to le rontiuut'd now ropu
larly each year, contains full eleetion returns for
(Mill, iM'il and l(d.' ; it of uewapers suppressed
br the I.inwdn Adminii'tration; Chronology of
lii.', of tuittlcs, ats of Con ten-Ac. Jt eontaiiis
mutter to be bad nowhere vlm,anrl is valuable and
import nut to have at anytime. The jrreai font nre
f..r l-'i7 will be a eomphti' JJST tK THE AK
esprt'snly for the lfeuiiN-rutir Altimnuc tor
l&7. Ibis hit will contain the name, enow of
arri'Hl end term d' iiiiprifontiifiit of em-h prinnr,
and I1 (ho inoHt r'inrkiit)le doruuiciit in tin his
tory of I.fltrr tir t'urket over publi.-hed. It will
coiiiiiin bfsides the U'liul mutter of all Aliiiainvus,
full and othv-ial returns of all the elections for this
year, compared with previous ones, the niost im at'ls of Cmiprenn, Prrxidi'nt Johnson's veto
uitNMt(-B, lil uf both the old and the new Con
irrwt, ftatisticnl and other Information indispensi
blc lo evert politician, planter, farmer, merchant
or mechanic.
Abolition la Itatli; or, 'ihc Attnnpt to Kfjual-
it Kiu'cs tho iF'-struntiou of Soeicly.
The Abolition oiiKplrar ; or, A Ten Years'
Kiword of the Hepublu-an party.
The Krjrm'N Place In Nature; a rnperread
Iwft.rc ttie London Anthropological Society. Hy
Jr. Juuicb Hunt, 1'rrnidcnt uf the Society.
Nulfl(Muya, by Ihii-k" I'oukhov, of A lbnd
holder," "A imr Fanner," 'A Mtwhanic' 'A
Jtcturncd Soldu-r," Ac, Ac. '.12 pnp'S.
if-ft-AN the above MKkK are for nale at the Irus
81 ore of ('. Ji. V ATS(A, on Swond strn-t, m arly
oppoKite the court house, Clearfield, )a. nov7-ltf
dcrsi;neU bas now on hand a lot uf M'lKHKS
ol lari;e sise, suitable for logins; or wagoning
puryMntri, which he will sel at reasonable ralei.
Jle alsuoflcrs for sale J il H K K M, KM. IIS. on
similar terms. Those in need of either, run call
personally or address btui, at Clearfii'ld, l'a.
no2 if JA.MKS L. I.KAVV.
IOK Ja AI.JvAliolVi; and LOT. on Market
street, in t'lcartield bonmch. Applv to
MAM Kit BAIiitl-TT,
nov?l-tf Alt'v at Iaw, Clearfield, I'enn'a.,' IKIIMII.S.-A recent act
bas pasred both House, of Coneresa, and
signed by the President, jiving a three years'
soldier f lilt) and a two yeara soldier f bounty.
XrUotNTIE.S and I'IC.VSIWS .ollectcd
by soe, for those entitled to them.
auH If Att'y at Uw, Clearfield, Fa.
by the Trade C-cucraJI.
A liberal IHfrountto Dealers.
Army Kevlrtr. 44-100 ih. Calibre,
Nht lleroleer, .Hfl-1.10 In. enlihre,
Ilelt KeeoUer, (self eoekin-.) Nary calibre,
lie It Keeolver, Kary rite calibre,
Police Iteeotver, Smrj site calibre.
New 1'ocket Horolrer, (with loading; lerer,)
Pocket Kevulrer, (self cocking.)
Kcpeaifae; Fiftol, (Klliot pt ) No. R2 oartridfre,
llepeatinir I'ismI. . Klliut ot.) No. 22 earlriupe.
Vest I'ocket 1'isfd, Nn. 21, Mi A H2 cartridge,
Gun Cane, usin No. 32 cartridge ,
Hingis Itnrml hbnt Uua,
ltvol inj Mile, -irt lint in, calibre,
Xtreeeb Loading hifle, No. JtJ eartridpe,
lireech Loaditig Carbine, Nn. 46 cartridge,
V, t. Rifle. Mre. barre'.j with sabre bayonet,
IT. fl. Kifld Mu-ket, Kprinplield pattern.
I pwards of Jun,uut) furnished the lr. S. Our
ermuent. Our new Breech Lnadinp Arms hare Just been
approved and ad"pt9d for nwlitury aerrice in
Europe. K. KEMINGTON k Fu.N,
Ilion, New York.
AorTa Moore k Nichols, New York; W'ni.
Re i-d k Son, IWm : Jot C Ombb k Co., Phil
a-lelphia; Poulton f Triinhle. Ilaltsmore; Hrnry
FoUoib k Co., New Orleans and Memphis ;
Johnson, Fprncer k Co., Chicnfo, L. M. Kum
sey rf- Co., Su Louis j Albert K. Crane, Sao
franeifco. 0 j-4 y
illK FOLMnVH (iltPIIWS. Hr Mrs. Ann F.
Sicphi'iiB, author of "pavilion and Painine,'The
tl'dd Pti.k." ''ibe tld ll'inestiad," "Silent
Ftruzirlf!, ' "Mnrv lprwrnt," 'Ili-ji'ted Wife,"
'The llrint,"' "'J he Wife's S"Tet," eto.
This now bunk, bv Mr'. Ann S. Hyphens, bftf
brn prtnoiinoid bv all to lie bv far tb bot end
j nioxt intrn-stins W"tk ever written by her. ll ap
! pcaietl in iiionililv ititiilincnts in Picrsin's
' mini1 ilitrinir I tin In at nr. hnvmir liiwn iwimi.ldti.l
in Hip iMTi-mln-r mimiii r, where it proved to ie the
iiohI p, p.iwcrtul ami nurcrp'-tul novel that
bus rrr uppi-mrd in that Miitrnrinc. and it i- now
publinhed t-onipb-te and unatiridfff-d, in one Inrpe
diiodt'cimo volunn, unilnrni with the "Hold Krii'k."
"I-aibion and Paitniif," and the other works of
Mr. Ann S. St' plu nd, puiihcd bv us. ll wilt no
don bl prove to l-e the inont p'ipiilnr and snrrre-ful
work that has ever lcen written by this talented
Ainorienti authorrs.
"Mrs. htephi-ns bus recently lwconie a fnvorile
with all Aim ru-tui rr.di'i ot pmM- to'tion, and ttie
annouiiivtuent ol a new work from her frraeci'ul
pen is r boor I ul news to thnii'snd- nf renders. And
there is a rare treat in store for them, for in 'The
Soldier's Orpluin'ii," Mrs. Htephnts ban, if any
thing, eclipsed all her fonnor i'f)'rts. I'bcre is lrn
rediindnney of scene and actom. but there is far
more aiti-tic rxeclh nee, at.d nn elalniration of
ojnie nnd efficts, atrninable only by prwtiH
writers. The net inn of this new nn- trnn.-piret
in I'hiladf tphia. and bryntid the limits of the city
the aollmr ilises imt penml here!f to Mray. The
tme l by Mrs. ltephrn is rrrent. the late
war, and she pictures with vivid disiinrtne the
domestic sutb riti(j and aacriftree entniler) hy and
made fur the jrrand aud henne struatrlr for na
tiornil imitT. The plot is one of absorbing inter-e-t,
tbe chameters are ffrnphic trnnneripts from
rr nl life, st finely individualised, nml tbe eontrats
formed by their imliuiliial p'iilmrities, mental
and pbysK-nl, eid a rare charm to this la't and
Wt'"l fioi'hed of Mis. Ntepheti-' tMMtks."
"The Ntl lier's Orphaun" i publn-hcd complete
in nne In r tre duodecimo votumn. Price $1 iV in
paper, or $2 in elnth.
Tbe (idd llri. k. $1 ;i0 Mnrv Hcrwent, 1 1 AO
Silent Siruczlcs, I Ml Pnthion Jt 1-amine, 1 t0
The W ile's eer-t, 1 .HI TbeUld Humesteftd. 1 AO
The H ejected Wife, 1 ftH The Heiress, 1 60
Above are in paper cmcr, or in l.i:h ui each.
The aluivr b..ks are for sale by rH hookfellers.
Copies nf "The holdn-r's t'rj'hiins," or nf any
other or all nf the attove popular books by Mrs.
Ann K. Stephens, W ill he sent tn any one, free of
postne, on receipt ,(f price. Ad'tn- all onlers to
T. n. i'i;ti;i:(n a p.i:otiii-:i;s,
.-.nfi i hi-inut Sfnt-t, Philadetpliia. Pa..
And they will reeeive itumedinte d.i
SPKTIAL h'OTlCE.-Paiisian MiKPS and
t'LOAK Milking. Ladies ran bare their
li etses, Suits, Coats and Bas.)uines handsomely
made and trimmed, at the shortest notice, at tbe
old established stand, liKll ( hestnnt sin et.
fmncv and nlmn Pane. Maniila Orsimfmli.
i dress and oloak buttons, Kibhens, Danny and
j Unipure Laces, ilugle and tiimp Preaa Tnm
! mine, with a large variety of Staple and Fancy
I Moods, from 2a to 60 percent less than elsewhere.
I Also, receiving daily Paris Fashion in tissae
paper, for Ladien and Chtldien's 1'reseer. hets
ot Patterns for Merchants and lressmakers now Mrs M. A. ItlM.KR'S,
j4 ly Cheftnut si. Philadelphia
Town-Lots for Sale.
HK nndTlirned. iwuimt at tllen ll"ie, ofers
at prtvnte :ile, on rea-iiablc term. M.TV-
I I K tiV -LnTS,itiiatf and brinr in the new
addition made to the village nl tilcn Hope.
Also, Thirty-Five Acres of Land,
Adjoining tbe same. AH will be old together or
separate, to soit purchasers. Any further inform
anon ean be oi.uinml by addreing him, at lilen
ll"e, ( k nr tic Id eountt, I'enn'a.
vu :s.;t,n " JKKKMI AH rotippn.
Clnal. V lule andXinseed OtU, Family ly ,
J Tarnish and psints ef all kinds ground in
citTor tale by H. 4 I.
.' t Wuld
523 CO JCi. LP .
Karet Timet
ttatr. Mniirj I
Havr. I.tliorl
Havea Clotliral
Catra tomul
It U aaed hy eutt'ng Into rmall ahavlnira and
disanlrinf In hot wator, then Roak the eiothei
live to ten minute., and a little hand rubbing
wit) wake tbem ae etean aa hours of bard ma
chine rul'biua; would do, wilh ordinary soap, and
be most delicate ftibHc receive no injury. We
ean refer to thousand! of families who are using
it, and who oould nut be persuaJed to do without
-rSold bjll leading Oroeers throughout
the Bute.
Manufactured only by
Wholesel. office:
107 Eoctr Firm Strkit,
JXt-tir Ills by Ilartswiok X Irwio, ClearOeld.
Korember 7, lHoo-10 ino.
MiatirACTi'REa or
Stoves, Tin ii Sheet Iron Ware,
HAS on hand, at bis store and lueiory, on
Market east of trocond, ClcarGeld, Pa
The largest nnd best assortiaent of
Which will l. sold, Wholesale and Retail,
Aiwa jr. on band, at low pries.
House work, such a. Gutter, and Cenduetors,
furnished and put up at short notie. and
jrRrpalrliig Promptly Puue.-fe
Clearfield, For. H, ISM y,
7'he Perfection of Medical Mrnce..
It Is a positive cure for Ualdnesa.
It restores grty hair to iti original color.
It is a tonic, not a da, and acta upon tbe se
cret i 'ins.
Tt immediately arrests falling oat of tbe II air.
It alleviates Neuralgia and Headache.
It radically cares dandruff and humors.
It keeps the scalp healthy, clean and cool.
It is an elegant and exquisitely fragrant hair
It restores, cultivates and beautifies tbe balr.
It makes barsb Lair floible and lustrous.
Ir. Leon's Electric Hair Kenewer bas enjoyed a
hib 1 teal representation for many years Its
wonderful restorative and invigorating properties
are well known to tbe Medical Faculty of Phil,
Ueinpr fully satisfied of tbe aierits of Leoa's
Electric Uair Hcnewcr, we hare procured exclus
ive ownership and are determined that every
bouehold in our land shall hare opportunity t
reap its benefit.
Dr. Leon's Iafant Eemedy.
A most delightful and efficacious cure for tbt
various ills to which Infants and eonnp children
CHILDKEN! It aoftcDS the punn, abates In
flammaiion, invigorates the stomach and bowels,
corrects acidity, and is a sure and speedy care
for col io, cramp and wtedr pains. A most ex
cellent preparation for children of a restless and
fre UI habit and in all caes of Looseness, driping.
Vomiting or other inward grief, It pives immedi
ate ease Used for more than half a century in
the practice of one of the most eminent physi
cians of Philadelphia.
Io now placing ibis article within tbe reach of
11 our countrymen, we would remark that we
knnw It to be a remedy of unriraled excellence
and that it has proved In thousands of rases, as
wa are resolved U shall in millions, a priceless
boon. For tale by I)ruggtits everywhere.
Address all orders to
Hole Proprietors,
137 North Third street, Philadelphia.
Silver Wash Powder.
Fares time, labor, money. Makes washing a
f 4t line and Monday a festival. So.d every
where. Try it. novU-ly
Clearfield Academy.
riMIE second session of tbe scholastic rear nf
1, this Institution will commence on MUMMY,
tbe 2dtb day of NOVEMBER, leM.
Pupils oan enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time tbey enter to
the close t tbe NesMou.
I 1 he course of instruction embraces every thirg
I included in a thorough, practical and accou
; plixhed education for both sexes.
Tbe Principal, laving had the advantage of
much experience in his profession, assures pa
rents and guard ans that bis entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the moral and men
tal training of the vbih placed tinder his charge.
ii:km of ii iiki.
Orthography, Reading, Writing, and Primary
Aiithu.6tic, per iSesMon (11 weeks) - $S UO
Oram mar, Ucographj, Arithmetic, and
IliMnry f fi On
Algebra, 0 eome try, Trigonometry, Men
suration, .Surveying, Philosophy, Phsi
ology. Chemistry, Rook Keeping, Botany
and Physical t.eegraphy - . $9 00
Latin, tireck and French, with any of the
above branches .... $12 00
JjpeTNo deduction U1 be made for absence.
taFcr further particulars inquire of
Rev. P. L. HAH HlSON, A. M.,
riesrfleld. Jnly 11. Ia tf. Principal.
tin Markrt Street, one Veat of Mr.
Mildta HrTHCrj,
Ths pmprtctors bare entered into the ,
lt.ot k Fhe buiness at ths above
stand, and are determined to not te
oudone either In qualltr or pries for j
(heir work, special attention will be paid tn
mnnufarturirg sewed work. We hare on hand
a large lot nf FA KMC I! KIT and CALF rklNS ;
of tbe Terr beat qualitr, Tba eltiiens of Clear- I
field and the surrounding vicinity, are respect
fully Inrited to gire ns a trial. No eh 'pre for
calks. (Clearfield. Nne. 7, lfift-tf.
UIIF.I'.ir.H A WI1.0'
!ln-lift Premium. LoeV Stift b.
VI ,1. inquiries In reference to lbi A No. 1"
Mi, hi tie promptly an weird. They run be
piH-ured fritiu me at eitt priees.
net.T-tf Lnth-rliurg. Pa,
VI I. MII.DIICKH WY Mi::.(lt.1i3 arc
riititl.-.! to an INCKKASKU ImlMV
'1 lir aiiilcrsiirTiil is iiiTfiarKl In mllrrt all anch
B-Mintira, as well as thr ittemimil fiar to SoIiIiiti.'
M'mIows. All inifinniHi ami rotniiiuiiifaltotis an
swpml pnnitlT. lliik'liaviri'S rrwiptril for. Tost
tlftir. ail'lrrfs, I'urwpnsi illc, l'a.
ai-.i-H JtiSHH r.VAXS.
1)ullry lllorks, all sisrs. and host msnnfarv.
tnro. at Pit RE1.I. Mlll.FK
1ST MIAULS. fenta. Hoods,
Nut.ias, hearts, id frwl varirtr. at
d.rS-laa. J. P. KRA?7KR'R.
Hllalo Hnhea.Knee and Horse fllankets
Kprli, 'ok MLRhU:LL d DIOLLR B.
rtttt1TL JVf f.
or VAi.rAni.iE
3,500 Acres of limber Land.
rpilK subscriber, residing at (5bn Hope, now
1 offers fr sale one of tbe bl UIMNKmJ
M AM'K for MtnbnndiFing and Lumbering iy
thr count v, or perhaps in the Htnte, vis: A lar(f
IiV.KLI.lM- ll"Uli, 8T(HhV ROOM, and aU
necessary outbuildiug attaw-hed, together with
Ten Town Lots in Glen Hope,
crock bottom laud of the very brat quality, on the
east side of Clearfield Crock, opposite (.leu Hojie.
A Tract of 200 Acres of Timber Land,
Heavilytiiiilcrcdwith pine timber, situate one and
a half mile from (Hen Hope, ou the turnpike lead
ing to Ansonville, altout ten acres of which arw
cleared and under cultivation. The undivided
One-third of 3500 Acres of Timber Land
Of the rerr best quality, situate on Clearfield
Creek, near the mouth uf Whitmer Run.
Also, the entire Stock of Store Goods,
Now on hand. eonsiMing of DRY ildODfl. ORO
everythiug f.yuud in a pla-e of geticrnl nicrchan
The foregoing property will be sold togrlber or
separaUly.tu suit purchasers, and upon reasonable
TAny information in rrence to tho pro
perty, or terms, can lie obtained by applying to the
uudersifrued, either in perwtu or by letter, at (iien
lioiie, Clearfield count v, Penn'a.
uovl.Hin THOMAS finnM
L. W. TEN EVCK, pKormuTor..
THE undersigned, having become proprietor
uf the above hotel, wishes to giro notice to
tbe citizens of this county, as well aa to tba
travelling public, tbat tbe houae baa been refitted
and refurnished for tho entertainment of bis
guests, Jlis table will be furnished with every
thing tbe market affords. At bis bar will be
found the best brands of all kinds of Liqoori.
GOOD STAKLIMJ attached, and none but
careful boslleri employed.
M'-lf L- w- TEN EYCK-
RAIL ROAD IlorK, Main Ht , Philips,
burg. Penn'a, Robert Litd, Proprietor.
K eeps const antly on hand tbe chnistest of liqaora.
llis table is always supplied with tbe be it tba
Market affords. The traveling rulie, will do well
lo give him a call. Not let, lSAS.
GEORGE FALK takes thij method of inform
ing the watermen of Clearneld county that
be has refitted and reopened tho hotel formerly
kept by E. Bcbreiaer, at Coxestown, where ha
will take especial pains to render satisfaction to
all who favor him with their patronage,
Coxestown, April 13, '6S. drsly.
I UK EST HOUSE Bloom township,
Gainf.i P. Bloom, Proprietor.
This large and eommodiona House is situated
on the turnpike, 7 miles west of Curwensrille.
and A miles oast of Luthersburg. Tba Proprie
tor will spare no effort to make his guests com.
furtable aod their stay with him pleasant, aod
thereby expects to receive a liberal share of pub
lie patronage. lec. SO, lHnS.-tf,
C1 A IUi7'TrMrfmpim
J WASHING MACHINE, is now offered
to the public as tbe cheapest, simplest and
most efficient Washing Machine in the country.
Tbe exclusive right for the sale of this ma
chine in your own Mate or county can be secured
by applTicg soon at bur slore,727 Market street,
Philadelphia. Pa. J. 6. LASH k Co.
Also, the best Clothes Wringer in the market.
Wbolesule and retail.
p4r-k rcry liberal discount to country mer
chants and dealers peneratly. jetOM
Ladies' Fancy Furs,
Fur Manufactory,
No. 71S Areh Street,
aWeTth, rillLAHKL A
Hare ejuw in st4ire, nf my
own Importation and Man
ufwtiire, one uf the lar?net
ih and uut tM-atiilful .t-lra-
i-Tf3,. . ' AM V r I IiS.fwr
t w 5!n'lies and children s wear.
zzz-1'-? in the city. Al.o. a fin.
Svv , (:assiirtini'nt of (ienu'a I'ur
-.Z' ' il loves and foliar,
lam alo enaliled to ili.fioiH. of my roods at eery
n'Buunalile prires, and 1 would therelore solicit
cell from my frirmis of Cleartiold rounty and vi
cinity. lUuiriulior llie name, numtier and atreet,
No. 71H Arch Street, above 7th. aoutb side. Phila.
have no linrtlirr. nor connection w ith Buy
other etore in I'hlladrlpbia. oetlO-4m
IT( 11 I ITril I ITCH 1
Mill Cute the lull in 4H Hours.
VLSn, cures Fall Ekeoro. Tlecrs, ChilWaina,
aid all Krnpiinns of tLe hkia. Priee 60
eenu. For sale 1t all ltmti.-i-ta. Py aendina;
sixty ecnts loWLUKS t Po l TKK, sole spent,
HO W. Iii ret. m street. Boston, it will he for
warded hy mail, free of f OMage, to any part of
lb. r tilted Statea. For sale at Ilartswick t
Irwin's, Clearfield. Pa. Julyl:!, 18fi-ly
ji'ft itcn:ivrr at
Pq.t. f.. Mrs. M.i ( irs.
Tn eon nf the a bore facte, F. Bort
nf the old iSbort rboe febop would annoance ta
his numerous patrons, and the people of Clear
field county at lare, (bat he has now a Bret rata
lot of good material just reeeired from the east,
and is nw prepared on short notice tn aaake,
ad mend boots and s' nee at his new Rbop In
(Ira ham row. Us Is sat i Filed t tat he ean please,
(unless It might be some Intensely loyal stay at
horns Patriots). He is prepared to sell low for
rash or County Produce, don't forget tba shop
next door to tirabata k Hoy tons store, en mark
et Street Ctearbeid Pa. k kept by a fellow com
monly Palled
July Jfl, 7!n. ly. "M10RTT."
P R O t I. A M A T I O K 1 1
XoIkmIv PrttlilMird fmn hu a I nc my llootn
aud liotm n irromii of Hare
or t olr.
Reing thus liberal minded. I take this met hoi
of Informing the eitisens of Clearfasld and i
eirity, that I hare opened a shop on Second Ut
next door to the Couny National Rank, ore
Watson's Ding Ptore, where am prepared te
mvke tn order arerytbittg In tbe BOOT and
Mi'lK line, ont of the beat ms test el and la tba
most workmanlike manner, and on short rot ice.
All I ak t a trial.
Itne at Clearftsid, this eighteenth dar of J1yt
A. P. iKfiA. HARRY R'SS.
- I JvVr everywhere to sell ear iwraoxaa
', 20Nwmg Machines. Three new kinds. I n
1 der and upper teed. Pent nn trial. Warranted
lire years. Aoore salary or large eommtsstoa
paid. The om.T machines sold in 1 aited Sutea
for less than o, which are fillf fteeasetf l-jr
Howe. W hrelerA Wilson. Urorer k Rsker,
i Kinder k Co., and Racbeider. Att oter eheap
machines are mfrnwmmt and the riirr or "
i are tint-i tf mrr$tt fane and imp' isonment. H
1 nitrated circulars sent rrra. Addrees. er fH
npon tShaw k Clark, at Hiddeford. Malm, wr
Chicago, III. May I. IM-ly.
Wil da more and hetter work, al a gir. n
Cost, than err other. Ty IH Maoafactnred
alv by EFltiLKR k 8M I TH, holeeale Ikri.
Paint and Glass Ieaera,Ko. 1ST North TMrd ttH
fhila. MarrbJl.lry