Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 20, 1866, Image 2

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    She jttcimMiran.
(immiiK B. (iiMini.AMiiR, Kditor.
Wednesday Morning, Dec. 20, 1C66.
To Our itrudrr.
The old yeiir Inn iihont pu.-wd nwuy
Beforo wo ndilrerw you iijji.iii, tlio llii-
nuulund hallowed influences ol'ChriBt
mis and New Years will, wo hope, be
htirud by us ull, cither to our profit
or loss. All other people and Govern
ment seem to enjoy themselves bet
ter than we do. While they nro ac
Imppy uh mortals can be in thid life
we aro unhuppj-, divided, separated
The monster that crawled into the
nhades of Eden, ban evidently draped
bin slimy eareans across our li ratline ;
and if thu ugeneieg be has employed
re not expelled from the (iarden
very noon, the occupants will bo driv
en forth, like our first parents, necurs-
ed of God und man. The old serpent
uceeeded in destroying the social
and very nearly the eternal, Imppiness
of our race, through the professioa of
great wimJoni, "a higher law," and
the innocent amusement of eating of
the fruit of tlio Garden. His agent-'
have been cealously at work in our
political Eden. While claiming great
isdom, with its numerous cunconii
tants, they, at this day, six thousuud
years later, also proclaim higher
law" than that delivered to us by our
fathers ; this last deception has nearly
proved as disastrous ub the first, and
if we arc not miraculously furnished
with a Jicdcemer, our last state will
be worse than the first. A way has
been secured to us by which we can
escape the dreadful associations and
punishment of the "Father of lies
but thut our country can ever escape
tho horrible results of the teachirgs
of Abolitionists, civil war, disunion
aud the blending of the races, is not
so clear now.
The best we can do, is to wish our
readers all the happiness that can be
enjoyed in our distressed, oppressed
and dissevered country, hoping that
through the interposition of tho Gov
ernorof the world, and the intelligence
of the people, we may be able ere long
to rescue our Eden from the hands of
tho despoilcrs.
The Infamy Consummaikil The
Pump Congress, on Fridiiy htl, pass
ed tbc bill confeiring the right to vote
upon the negroes in tlic I'istrict of
Columbia. The vote of the Senate
stood, yeas 37, nays 13 j in the House,
yeas 11", nays 40. Our byal mem
ber, Scofuld, acknowledged by bis
vote, that ho is no better than a ne
gro. We should think so too. Ashe
gets 12,000 u year extra pay for his
services, he is as much entitled to live
in the Bureau as the bluck niggers.
The other infamous feature in this
mutter is. that there aie.not ten citi
lens in Washington, that have askod
for this legislation, while at an elec
tion held in reference to tho matter,
over 7000 votes were cast against it.
Kcverless, this is done by the partv
that bowls si lustily forthe "majority
to rule." Tho distinction between
theory and practice, i rather clear.
Unoratkfi'i.. -The Albany Juurnat,
and a score of other loyal newspapers
in Xew York, pitch into Philosopher
Greeley, since bis announcement for
Senatorial honors. They all pro
nounce against him because he is not
blood thirsty enough for them. . This
is very remarkable; for while Horace
and bis piratical crew were cngnged
in shooting, burning and extermina
ting for four years, until thev become
sick of their bloody work, not one of
these loudmouthed shysters ever took
a band at it. Wo have no lovo for
Greeley, but we believe him to be
less of a skunk than any of bis com
petitors. Although blood thinly, he
is nevertheless a moral coward, and
can be scared off.
Ma. Culver's PAMrni rT We have
been favored with a copy of a pamph
let of thirty-one pages, entitled, "Let
ter from C. V. Culver, (now in jail at
Frnnklin.).ddrosed to Thomas lloge.
Jainos S Myers, and F. I). Kinnenr,
in Relation to tho Failure of Culver
Penn & Co." It goes over tho whole
ground, ni.d states Mr. Culver's views
or tho case, which of course, is not
the view entertained by tho gentle
men to whom the letter is addressed.
In this controversy we have nothing
to say. All mutters nt variance be
tween the parties will bo settled by
th Courts, and to whom we lev the
A Ccrtai n i Danger. The pnlit
leal mules, under the lash of old Thad,
have made a damaging raid upon the
fH'tiatonal prospects of tho ' Soldiers'
i nenn. x ne -government ot 1'enn
aylvania had better look to its radical
laurels, or the Johnnies will plunder
his baggage train before bo reaches
Washington. Go in skunkiet; we
ion't ear Ti.iuh whips
tl riinhlHf Loyally.
Tho ltumpers have actually organ-
ixed a prayer-meeting in the House
hall, nt Washington, bereft of all sec
tariHiiism. The dcsimtchor niiirlil
have added "and religion" too. Tliil-
ty members and senators participated
tho fust night. It is run b Itepre
sentativo lhidge, of New York, on the
part of the House, and Senator Wil
son, of Mass., on the part of the Sen
ate. Thu former is the man that
ousted Mr. Drooks from his sent,
through bribery and corruption. Three
checks were produced before tho coin-
initteo dated on Sunday, signed by
Hodge, and drawn in favor of low
drinking bouses, lleand his brother,
during tho war, imported n large
amount of lead statuary, upon which
there was no duty, and cut them up
and sold thu lead. This is the way
he supported tho Government made
thousands of dollars by cheating it
out of its revenues. A pretty Dodge!
Senator Wilson rushed from the
Senate Chamber in May, 18G1, so
cured a colonel's commission, went
to Massachusetts, ruined a regiment,
got back to Washington about the
time somebody got licked at Hull
Hun, bunded back bis commission to
Cameron, and never afterwards cross
ed tho Potomac. It is reported that
bo lately joined tho Church. Now
converts ure often like young bees,
biggest wl ei first hatched ; hence his
enthusiasm. No two men could be
found better suited to run a Rump
prayer-meeting, than the loyal Dodger
and the saintly Wilson. Tlio former
is a knave, thu latter a coward.
Jl'st Liki Him. The loyal blond
hound who does the praying for the
Rump, in bis opening prayer on the
morning after the District negro bill
bad passed, ''thanked God that there
was one place under tho full control
and jurisdiction of tho United Siatcs
where, all men bad been enfranchised
and be trusted thut this was but the
Leginiiing of a good (?) work every
where. " There was a fellow many
years ago, that went up into the Tem
ple and prayed similar to this ; but
wc are told the "Government" did not
approve it.
Imitation. The dead duck, in i mi
tation of his former master, has issued
a proclamation from his seal in the
Rump Senate, calling upon the "loyal"
in this State to employ every means
to secure the election of Thad. Ste
vens to that bod-. Forney would
have to employ more wenches than
ho does now, if Thad would happen
to go to thut place, or there would
soon bo a "loyal" rumpus in the Sena
torial closets.
Tho quotation editor of the Journal
is greaily annoyed bceauso of tho dif
ference of opinion that exists among
the members of our party in reference
to the minor features of party organi
zation. He evidently belongs to the
class of things that cau see a mote in
their neighbor's eye for which they
reprove him while they carry a beam
in ineir own, nnu a aagger in tncir
hearts, with too little courage to use it.
Goon at it. Tho toadyism lutoly
displayed by that political bummer,
Forney, towards Thad. Stevens, ex
ceeds bis best efforts during the days
he busked in the shadow of James
Buchanan. lie will ruin that corrupt
old misccgciiator as sure as the world,
if ho don't ke p his eye cocked.
A "Lotal" Thick To reprimand
the Democracy for divisions, etc.,
while your party has only existed in
one-half the cuntry since its organi
zation, and in a perfect Killkenny
fight kept up for two years. Look at
tho war between tho "Government"
and the Rump, etc.
More Perjury. 1 1 is reported from
Washington, that lloll and Stanton
propose, on tho return of Surratt, to
oiler him a pardon, if ho will swear
ihem out of their infamy and swear
others in. Thai's a grand moral idea.
None but a loyalist could ever con
ceivo anything like it 1
The State Canvassers of New York
return to the Department the lollow.
ing as tho oflicial vote of that State
for Governor : Hoffman, Democrat,
S52.5JC; Fenton, Disiinionist, 3i'ri.,31!i.
Maj. for Fenton, 13,7sf. The major
ity for a State. Convention to revise
tho Constitution is 0(1,400.
If tho decapitated "loyalist" who
does up tho heavy work for the Journal
comes out. from behind bis works, we
will givo him Homo attention i but
while bo barks from behind a screen.
wo will not bother with anything of
the kind.
Mr. George C. Wilson, late associate
editor of the Clarion Jtemocrat, has
withdrawn from editorial life, and
turned the paper over to R. U. Hrown.
who in tho future promises to
devote his time to that staunch Dem
ooruiie organ. Success to both.
Nearly all tl, ,.erks in tho Depart
menu al Washington are praving for
higher wagea. It is singular that
loyalty should run on this line all the
Artemus Ward says there aro no
daily papers published in his town,
but there is a ladies' sowinir circlo.
i wih answers the me pnrpnn
IVorrf oflhr Uritlry llilorm
niton. Robert Anderson, a nieihanip of
Albany, blew his brains out on lust
A sleel, corset saved tho liln of a in Louisville who was uccidently
shot by her son.
J. r riedei berg, of Buffalo, was
sirippcdaiid robbed on a roud tui6ugh
a swamp near Bergen, N. J , by Unoo
Threo robbers were taken from a
Kent in ky jail last week and banged
by the people.
A young and vry pretty dressma
ker of Columbus, Ohio, has ubsconded
with a large number of "rich fabrics"
belonging to her customers.
A colored preacher, named Win.
Harris, has been arrested in Uicliiiiniid
lor alleged abduction und seduction of
the daughter of J.onwtx D. Smith, a
colored barber.
A Hartford special snys that Mr.
Leach, grocer, ol that city, was stab
bed four limes on Thursday night in
an encounter with u burglar. Tho
robber escaped.
A young man in Clay county. 111.,
attempted last week to shoot his fath
er, bul as his revol 'cr missed fire, the
father seized a shot gun and shot the
young villinii dead.
An indignant mother found her
hopeful daughters in u low place of
umiisemcnt in Chicago tho other
night, aud taking each by the hair of
thu head led them out of tho house
to tho great astonishment of the
In tho suit of Repon, charged with
counterfeiting, now pending before
the courts of New York, Mr. Spencer
in pleading for the defence said, "that
threo-fourlbs of the detectives engag
ed to break up counterfeiting were in
league with tho counterfeiters."
Julius Thompson, of West Hurt
ford Conn., was brutally murdered on
the 1:2th inst., near his residence, by
an unknown man, who called him out
of the house to lend assistance. No
urrests have been made.
lirigum Young says tho Gentiles
are tilling Salt Lake city with bar
rooms und other dens of vice, und
thereby attempting to drag it diiwn
to the level of their so-called civilixed
cities Denver, San Francisco and
New Yoik.
Mrs. Julia Thoman, formerly "Miss
Julia Pell'V, a well known actress
committed suicide at her residence in
Cambridge, Mass , on Saturday night.
Icy taking laudanum She hai recent
ly returned from a professional engage
ment in California.
Pardoneil Hubert Riddle, who
was sentenced on the DHh ot Novem
ber, IStj.'i, to five years imprisonment,
at labor, in the Schuylkill county jnil,
for the murder of Dennis Huggerty, at
Mount Carbon, Schuylkill county, has
been pardoned by Gov. l urlin.
At Poitglikeepsie, N. Y., Richard
Lewis was convicted of murdering
Ucv. J. C. Richmond by shooting him,
and sentenced by Judgefiilberl to be
hung on tho 26tli of January. The
father of the prisoner, who was charg
ed a an accomplice in the assassina
tion, committed suicide in jail.
A Chicago showman of European
Circus" notoriety, was lately "corner
ed" by his faithful wile, who, as he did
nut return nt on ..Mrir liiotr,' cnt
forth into the cold and chilling blasts,
anil through tiio assistance ot a po
liceman "corraled" Mr. Howe as the
registered occupant of a room at a
hotel in company with a benuliliil and
celebrated equestrienne, which cir
cumstances lidded some what to the
statistics of marital iutiJulity of thai
model municipality.
Almon P. Lord, a resilient of Pavil
lion, Wyoiningcotiuty, wasloiurd dead
in bis own barn, with a pistol in his
baud and a bullet bolo under his left
car. It appeared on nn inquest held
that deceased wanted to marry a girl,
who refused him. On the refusal of
the girl to accept a ring, he made the
remark to his brother's wife, where be
boarded, who urged him to change
shirts, that be w ould never w ant an
other clean shirt. Soon after break
last, on Friday, he K-ft. his brothers
house, and was not Ion ml tint I Sun
day morning. The verdict of the ju
ry was "Shot himself."
A horrible stabbing affray occurred
on Thursday alteruoon in Jersey City.
James Meeliannnd John Friery, two
firemen, were drinking in a place in
Newark avenue, when a quarrel took
place between Friery and the keeper,
in which Median interfered. Friery
deliberately took n knife out. of bis
pocket and plunged it into Median's
side. Eye witnesses say bo turned
the libido uboiit in tho wound. He
then walked oil' with some of biscom
panions. Many persons saw him go;
but us be was understood to have a
revolver in bis pocket. and was known
to bo u desperate ruttinn, no ono ven
tured to stop him. Half an hour af
ter ho was urrested. Median will die.
Concoiiii, N. 11., Dec. l'J. George
Maxwell Franconi, was brutally mur
dered on Saturday evening, lie lied
in A farm 1h uuv hy liiniuuli', quit m
distance from any other dwelling
The body was found in bis house on
Sun hry morning, horribly mangled.
The condition of tho lurniture in.
dicated a terrible, struggle. A knife
and a billet of wood were first used
by tho murderer, and finally nn axe,
the whole blade of which was buried
in the victim's neck. It is supposed
the crime was committed for monev.
The murderer fled with the horse and
wagon of tho victim. He was of me
dium height, mid had w hiskers mid a
moustache, und was. apparently, alsnit
thirty years of age. A reward of
S'idu has been offered for his arrest.
A young man named Teiuiey. in
Greenfield, Mass., not long ago "took
tJfi.oiHi in securities, placed for sate
keeping in thu bank in which he was
clerk, and gambled the money away
in slock speculations. Tho tact of
the theft seems to have been proved
beyond a doubt; hut the defaulters
counsel eloquently urged that the
clerk inennl to iV'lare the bonds, mid
that he therefore did not steal Ihem,
but, "only borrowed them for a tem
porary purpose." This plea (hurled '
the minds of the jury, toother with i
the affecting facts that the accused j
wus a handsome young man, a favor- j
ite in local society, a jjood dancer, and
a Sunday school teacher, and, to thoj
astonishment of evorv body, theyj
brought in a verdict "of acquittal.
AUurnif .Inttrnnt ' irr.ns.
Peery county is invested w ith high- -
i i l
way ii.'uocrs. I
A man in England was lately beaten !
tu dentil while boxing with gloves on.
A brother of President Pierce is
making temperance lectures in New
The colored ladies of Buffalo use
rouge to heighten tho color of their
George Peiihody ha given 95,000
to tho Five Poiulii Houbo of Industry
in New York.
There aro at this lime in South Car
olina eleven cotton factories in suc
cessful operulio i.
Mrs. M. L. Fowler, wife of Hon. J.
P. Fowler, Senator from 'lonuessee,
died on Friday night.
Impeachment does not appear to ho
u very popular measure w ith tho most
sagucijus Republican leaders.
'Iho authorities of Macou, Georgia,
lire obliged to furnish from nix to ten
collins per day to bury negro puupers.
Two years ago churches were closed
for not praying during service for Iho
President. But now it is changed.
This is a Radicsl change.
llis now stated that the female
Treasury clcfka will ull be discharged
on the Inl of FoVuury, instead of Juu
uary next as previously stated.
Said a gon'iunn on presenting u
luce collar to his idolitrada, ' do not
let any ono rumple it." No, dear, ill
tukciioff," said the naughty beauty.
The investigation ol the recent Par
liamentary elections in England shows
thai in Lancashire alone, seven hun
dred aim seventeen electors bad been
The Petersburg (Vu.) Exjircss has
arrived at the conclusion that "the
U HI led Slates liuvet iiinenl in tlic luont
HUijioinioUH und umuiiiciplid humbug
on iiie globe." j
Ex-.Seii.itop OUham, of Toxan, is I
1JOW in Alt' XI t'U. I'll jU 111 Writ iltg U I
jiHtorv vt the 1 ebfllioh. und ru.iiiii.i'
a I'hologrujili aion, tu rmso the
lunds tu 'ii' his bourilmg.
Aiiioii the cui'iusitiert to lie shown
ut tho l'uris Kxiiihiiion in the niotkl
of uu oil well, ilei-nck, tanks, lu:, il
liislrutin the entile iiii'Cliunicul iru
cesM of tlevi'loiing petroleum.
Hon. John biicliT hart heen ilahlisi
etl Hi the ollitt ol the L niteil fMalfs us
bt hnor for the 4th liintrit t ol I'alilor
1 1 i 11, his iii'-UefrsMir huvin lieeu ijc. t
ed by the L imed .Stairs marshal.
(.'rippled soldiers are constant I- ur
riving in Washington, expect in;; to
;t-1 into the Invalid (. orps, out as no
more ilisahlid men ure reitived, dis
appointment and HuhVrnig ure the
'1 lie X. Y. llrntld favora Ci reeley
eleelion lo the U. S. .St tiate hicanse
it Wants ono .Senator who cull keep
Bolier during the lon niht K-ssioiis,
und who ill uvoid 'rorne' liour
bon bottle."
Tin i.l Vt..i... M..ta .w, l ,i ii
7, i r""" " , ' !
milium UuilurHMtiik-d lO tliCCIirniiry, I
HImJ w ilt.' It JjuJtl jOfH lip, us il Ci'hne j
iliientiy would, ho wouUl lavoMitru-
, . . .
latum in it iiiiKio u tTluiu. 1 had It U
tjiu'ur HtaU'Mnaii. unyhow.
AIIOIU 1UJ WHO Ita.l IllSlsU'U On lulj
llilnlntti's I'lVUl lul raill. liaU iuT
tubtiai s cut up by a hail fttonn, ami '
on viewing lliu wittk niiiarkt'd llial
Kill" "III'VIT KllfW ll I 111 Id UIHlflllllif
uiij'lliiuj; wiilmiit tivtrJoiii it.
Wctuk-ll l'liilliw is tint in thin ncck'n
Anli-fliivcry .V,n.,i;-, in favor of
1'ivl. lliiiiliis.s, tlio n'i;ri, ut Unitril
Sluics St nutor Ircmi New Yurk. m
il;ue cf Htm. lru llairis. Anlhirris
Vdlt-M lor tlio iiijii,'!'!', ho might us well
givo him liiri seat.
mi .... , .,1
iht'i-e uro iiiiio million jmiiiidn ol ;
Pennsylvania iron in tho doiniMil the 1
l-ftleiul (.'iiiiltal. N.ilw iilitnuiliiijr
, 1., V .. L . il . . .1 I
the 1 ttiiki'in rmo tho I'oa-t, tlicro i
liu iVnyiii)r that tlio t lid Keystone'
lias HO1I10 Weiirlll tintVII Ihero CVCll if
il in only in iiano inotul.
J'.n'ortH nro now Iti-iiiij iniulo n'wv
theunvHl oi" Joint Jl. Surratt, to p-t
liu' jit'rjuror.Connvor, ri'lout'd. i m i
miv ijallu'rin loo taxi t niako it coni-
tfH'tol.lf. t..P a.l.,1. I,.t II .
w, . , t , a j I . '
tunlOU tV I O. J-riht ry Mid jXTJury .
is coining to liiiMhirk illlj tat.
. . l,.r l i- f-
I rt'lltlt 0 HjU'rl KM of 8; iu-n- J
tilt kiali, ho WilH nrair ulout how !
lovul lie felt, mid who, U-ii.ij iUqk 1
u ii.ii Laa .. . l.i It . i; i I j
... , . , , ' ' I 11 11
IIM IF I Ulllllll.l I L-'O ll kin... I fit ..I.. '
ioiIv, :
hi on l M'liietliini:, tir lieirnv my
lior.' J his in nliniit the lont tlclii.itioii
of -"loyall y" wc over sitw.
I'erlcy tele ;riili lo tlio IloHton
Jourmil llnil wiinc thief linn Htnleu the
khkjii ot'.Mr. lliuee, Uriiih Minister.
1 liu mine itHuteh miyn Cien. Ilutlei
U'uxii: Wimhinirtnn Sulom Slijlcun in.
-Mr. liruco will certainlv Imvo no
trouhle lo lind Ilia hiiooiis, il liu known
where I'.ntli r ulnvn. i
Colonel Henry Wilson, of Ma- ,
with n purl y of friendx. hurt avmled
, . ... ',. ., . ., .
Illlllfll ol tho (ii(ll tUlllty Of the (.'on-
greMtioiiiil l eecsH to visit iho Imttle ' mmr liiUiiimid. Tlin ( 'ulnnol !
j . . . ;
never Immd kn ,.o,orliin,ty to visit
llio-e fields w hen lie tris u Colonel, '
and Ihey irrrr battle-lieldH. I
1 he I.d 1 tnr ol the Itnu htir nv :
'A millionaire of lint eiiy reeemlv i
p,vc H tlinner ,,t hi, el,...,i re,i,l,.ei !
to whicli lofty ifiicst wcii! invited I
0110 hull ot whom wore ladies
v.M-v rmet iiiti.i I.l.. i.ii.t
worth live hundred dollar was laid:
'J 1 " in-sent
e, n iircse 11
hesidf tho I'hilu of each of t h,. 1,.,!,.
' ' j
It in Hinted llnit the iinnie of the
Frem lmiitn wlioeii.ra.'eil with Weich. i
,. . , , . 1 " "
man in te.nelnnc in W a-limtori. timl
who tnnii-hed the information lend-
in ij to thr Hrrent of John ( Surnitt
it Sill III I'liriini ul le ist ll.,. I ;u .1 '
... . .. .. : . . ' . , 1,1
nine t'y viiiiril lie 1 11(11 ill -! ,. IH
n titll, ttond-iookinrt innn, with Lhu k
I , i . , ,
limr mid nitmstnt he, and inuniicrs
ttoineu hut tlllMllllt'd.
A. t'...., .pi p . I'll k 11 l 1 auj. ail in.l itiuib .a Mill hump d. th.
l M Al.. The firt lull Culled iip.Ti., h. in L.h. ..,.. . ,..i.,.i
ill the Iilinill ScllMte, WII" to pkIiiI linii
llt'ltto dlllll'Hsre ill the lltriit ol t'o.
i ii i . um ,. '
n.nliiil. Sumner rnlled it. 1 he hrat
hill in the Kunip JlHie im to repeiil
Ihrtt Korlion of the net of lM'iJ. whieh :
ompotvoifd the Prehident to pmrit
inriloii und nniiii'ity. A not In r .Mutt.
ttiifhiiiettn lellow, Klliot, introduced
tlio bill. Tlie firxt Stale tluit Iried to
et out of the I iiion nt tliiaaitnio
Mumsiii liUM-tU. Slut iff ulnnv Hhend
when trtMiooo nd plunder re the re-
iUw 'Advniisnufnts.
" I II ml I '.Ti-- fgi .nl.. r !-. f-r Mir
, h,
lioli" H-f l, i l lif I ir ruin r ii or
ium phAllf atiil Itin'U irinat Id null
uln.-lt he vi!l uli i-li'-n.. l...iiir-
!..! :a Jas. a. MiMiiiK, nHi.-M.
It l-'.Vt A Hl On Hiur Inr in-tin,;.
lf-v!ntrr 1.1, IGxu. ((O lll' tn inline
.lum p Cti p'riut, Iiiii.I a u.Ar.-litiii tin- iiiuJi-ipijikO,
lo rule tiv Ulll-P. 1.1 hli IIIihdi, iu lh:l'
n-luru tliv m il tnnrkil-c ' rl. ire T uV-l't-k, ln ii lit
fhiliMl lu il. 'I he fij CL.-.ltiul i a-M,ul five lt
l.-n uirhit birli. lrl. oimi mn, nn-l m-urp In ii)
lilft'-k wliik-i, mu4 SaJ .u ft lour; lWs-k ovcrooHt,
Ijlark p-iiilr, and svrt- The luurv tp m tiatk
oliettuut toirvl, Willi sliltF lu, oik- 1-irv tout mImIi-,
nd T yr ul'i. 1 lie iMire n-wtifl Will l,o JJ
fir the rvturn ot lb lunrt- mi J tbu-f ; or i -It t-r 'lie
rvlum ( lii Ulan-, iii1 fjil Cir tlm Hirin-iii.iuii
ullhrlhit-r. 01.0. W. (JKAIMlAl; '',
?n-2U ( l.-nrli. I.I, r.
io M ii mi, iiiki-. run n,. ii..
prrlMi,., !ti not me mnoe tliu e.,41.p!,uiiil
o, tliv Common boli,,,,! s,v.uiu, hi-n a uo-.-lti.jf oi
llirnctorn of the oouti'y tuti uiore n 1 I tti:in at
preiH'ril. It han, thert-lo:?, Imh h conftiuVrtJ prut-l.-ualilt;
lo LoM a Jlirt-morV Cuiivtrnlioii, ou iuinlij
rreiiii);; Hath) of .Imiuiry couit, st tim olh -e ol
T. J. M.-Oullou'li, Kh'j.. lu t'lt ariii'l i, lor llie pur
'. of iiit.rvlmiirf.iiir. ii-wn an 1 opin.wn. opuii
educational lopirp. 'J be.S,-Lool bv.tuii lia. nucia .i
a rripip id IIhp wlnrh wt- l-.ui in no wuv o
elli-elu-illy rji.s-1. It b-., -.1 that ail 1'inctnrF
altvioliiiK eourt, ami i luuoy u:bi-ra a cnii luaki
it c mi vuu uu will no pripeot.
ui-.o. w. pviu:r..
tp"-?ll-.1t t ounly Hiipi-rinh ii'li-tit.
Down I Down ! I
A Proclamation against High Prices!
"llrE rr now opf-nintjr up ft lot f tlt enl ttn1
mupt ftouw.i,rtt.. i-K,fU him) Wnnf ever
ofli-rr 1 in tbic murkt't, n 1 r prn-i ttmt r'-it ui l
one of 1 1 14' jj-Mfl ultl dv of c( up lhiii;a. i lumc
uliu IhcW laiiili i.pun Hi n mmlI( ur tiwui our itli--
((HtlOlJr! UJU'l HUUU, tlt'cJ but
t.l,1 .IT Ol II STOIlt:,
Corner Front au-J Itarkot plitsjlp,
Vlitrr tliv enn w fw, hmr an-l Vti'tw for them-n.-lvcii.
'iu I'tiMv uii.l"-r-!aii't ti;it ar fh-lf,
tlm niut be -m. W v .. tit-t dniu it h.t swil
i eiituneraic mi'l itt-uiixu our m--tk. It i em-Hb
fr u tu mmc ttmt
We have Everything that is Needed
w,P,nirii in tbii nark-it. . at ri-.i. t.M
U' ImiU h ani yi-uiv. We in ttub ol
,,r i. vT: .
1.1'tl MtAW A SON.
K NOI It . Ttio foil whip
hauied -rnn.i hive fticil in tbe offici- at
t; Mr of the Court of ijunrUT (SMioiiii ot
Clearlii-ld tt"iii..v, .heir petit mi. t and boo U for
Lit-tiite, at (be Januirj trti(M f !.(, ufieeutiiv
tu tilt ant of Atltiiiilt . entitled "An Al lo rrrn.
j late tlte i-tie of lnuk.ctiinc Liiuur," Ac:
C J Flioff, H tMidwArd townhip(
A, J. tiiaurber. CurwtnTilla b irnub,
.Mtlo II -yt,
li S. i-.iiiurn, ru-arflrld
U$mc llit hetla, t l-h.i!le,
A. 8. 11 o I den, hlootn t'lfrifhip,
lii'itrv, (eida. Iiofoiitcli.
lnai Iteniiett, luriiii.le townatiip,
T w ai-tiliurn. Ilfflrari
John Mou", H")ftci M
I'luiaiHifer ninith. M
Lei C. Crd.n, M rn '
L. M. C -u lrii t, ( oil, fctou toWOi-Viip.
Joetti li. Jttiief. Mi rriwt
deiu ll. f t.Z KILKR. f'lerk.
1UIII.HI.A, Hon. t-AMl KL LI.NN. 1W
ideTUJude o1 the Court ( t'otntuon V:t
t( I lie twentT Ptih Judiriml iMHtnet, eont)wwd of
ttie rountiet of "li'rht ld , Ten Ire and Clinton
mv I;. n. HMI'KI. Cl.VI'b. and Hon. JAi'OH
WIlillhLM. Annoeinta Judifpit of ricarflxld rn..
bate ii-aued tbeir prerept. U ane direetrd. for the
....Midk l a rurt .f I'leae, Orphan
L'immi. ( uti of unrtrr hvioit, o 0r
" , T"11,. . u.,,,,
al the ( ourt il 'ii-e at C.aurbeld. -n and fir thr
pimnlT l t'lt iirlii ll. rt.iiintt-i.rii.f en Ilii Krrtiml
Mm in 1 1 ila, i ul January, li-Mil, auil u
l(,r.tin,in .n KPi-k.
mi-eeinr hmrmVj E-n. tn the
Cjmum, Ju-tie. of the iVnr, and to nn I a Mm,
1,1 " r "u"1? ,,f tu mynr n
lli,-lr ri(H?r firiMiii.. wi'h thrir lt.'IU, ilt.r.r.p,
Itiuipitiun.. Kxaiiitnationa, ami ulhiT ltfinrin
hraucrp. t dn ttmpe Ih n;i bu-b t lh?ir oSievl,
la tlieir hchiilt, fxtruiD to be ilnn,,.
tllVl N un.liT ui hand at I ' ! r!i i J, thi, .th
dny f Mtftu bf r. in Id. jraar of ur Lord on.
Ihirti.and eti.'bl huuilmd an i pixiv-.ix.'a Orpin. I JACOB A. FAt'ST,
rt -.i.i...ia I'd. !-'. I .Mrr.f.
Sheriff's Sales.
1 )
I it I I K of aundrv writu of 'nlittti
w ined oat nf the rotirt uf t 'oiuinon
1 o mi 01 v. trunifiti nt nun, nnu 10 me uirerrcq
tn,.r, , 1 1 rt rii.K. .1 ih,
t'-an limiaa in tha i..irurh uf n.-nrti.-M. .,B
Wm"'' Vl" "1" '"' aiiuar),
' 1 "'ai"a, i. m , iba lo,l,inr hoal
K.iate. t.iait:
A a-nain tract .. land piiunta in J..rd.n
""""M- rnunt;, I'a, t..i.n.l,.d aa.l
liar .if l..ka K a. a. I 11 1.
w.-.l l.y It. .ben lluiit.r, and tinh by SniMun
HUchiil "i lajitimjr ab .j Ht, pit arrs.. aitli I
als.ut pix ai-rn. rinNrrd, and bevmc a pnialt b.y 1
b.u.iaiid ,iab.r ar.rt.-d thirvtia r--ia,-d. UHt n i
in rli-ruti 'li and to ti pulj aa tba , ri'pirt; ol j
Jan a. smith
Alii. a r.-naln Iran nl land ittiuv In Pi-ryu'iin !
luwuftiip, Clt-artield eouiit. I'a.houndel on the
eaat hy land ut Urania Thur-ton, i.uio by Mar
"n -NoUn, went hy J-n-eph itraw. and noith hy
'ianrire W ilhaina. roiitaininx Inn-tv h-e icth.
fcnd having a email hamrhou-eaodhleerrel
eti lufn-tm elIei. uken in n-o utton, and u
b fuU ,h vl''r -.umw -r-., a e-rtin tot ol Und aituni in Oceenla
horounh. l learlield onnt. I'n
a Ibr I
ai'Uib bjr 1'uitiD plrtHL rpt hr II. II
Dorth by Aar llOLh-h, and aa.t bv Vnunj;.
with a latfrc Irame bnusa ami , labia araoin.i
ttnri'(iT, biixcl, laan lu ax'u lint, and lu b
inilap th. ,r.iiartj- of ha.iugluu kr.bart and
11 II Kr.bari.
Aiau, aiarta-R tract of land pituat. In B-waria
,..,ipi,. v iv.TiiaTU n.iiiny. I a. , D un ICI UP (lie
apl by land ul Ju,v-b lUrrip, un th- . .tnhbi
amuol b-anu.t. .! bj Ji.l.n l.itiinrr, ami
on il.e rinrttl bf A.laiu llvntlt' foulaiuin
aar.aty-p.iaD ai'rac and ana hiiuitrt-d and vli.
'.rt-bna. about utiy-bri'arrvp rlarrd and bavin);
'"" ""' ""d bum
i!;"'""!'" ' T"..l.r" !""!" rm,r' u,"n
aao.. lri.nippa ab,iva d.pcr.bad A.irfiL n.h.ti
tu "'''' ",u"' lu b "iil th, iiriirtji ol
J""b ...... , ,
Alo. a ca'Uio traet ..f land .hu.te In Vni.i.
ward t..wnpbi,, Cl.rll.ld i-ounl,, !., kun Ird
on ' bJ laubj, .,uia ty w. b.
,b smu.l Aiit. -hail, aad n
hy l'"ii Al XHiid.r, i-oiiiMiiiitiL- im.rty imp acr...
s,d ut.B .. .... M .
l,r"l r'-' 01 '"'d.r.
'!' " "in i a.,u- ibat II parent
' lha pun bai.. m .ni-.v mti. braidnb.B ih,
linirmy i an-irard una, wr it will h put u,
"K"u '"' Mlr- Jacou a. t Al'si,
SheniT's Sales.
lvvvii .ii .., . ,
l i.,.,...i , f o,, (
111 Ul.llt. l a a, it i ;.,.,- r.
ru il J,ii- tnr'nt.
f tbc t'wnrl i.l I in.
wnrt i.l t..liiui -tt IMaip
' "unV d r.
iitilv. and tu ai ilTii.-U'd, Ih.r.
,. u 1.1 1-1 1.1. 11. .-m.k at ibi. t uit
H'.o.i-Ii nt I'lf.Tfi I.l. un HI niMT,
,he ' Jr. Iwtil. at 1 vviwi-k
p T" "" ,""'"," l'r"i"".'- '
A rrrtam Irart of laml attuata In llac-aria
to.n.b.p. t ,r.,-id ,..,,, p. .b.Tn,n,t at
r"nad; tbann. ...uth. mi dii-u.,-. r.pi, l-:i
l"rb"- '''d"C...l ; tnn n..nb. mi. d.Kri. i
"' P"t"ha. to a brm.,.. k li.rnr, mv.i I hll :
l'" h"- ".' ' ! " a"Ulb. v. d,-K,. j
wn, Hi ll.t plai-a ul Ir cii.iiinj. . mntainln
lar.r trrt auri.i.d i
s-i.-d.t.ktn w ai.rut
I .aiai-f . haini t-a-t nl a
in Ilia tiatoa It , I.l.
S. ii -d, taktn in ai.rutiun, and lu ha aum a lut
pr-.p.rtt nl J.nib llii
("Un-y. I ... bu l.lit Ir.t In l.ncih and thirlv
l "Iib. anJ Iba I.iti.l n.un I and cu'tilait.
ai'iiurtii.fnt tn ald hni dinir. Hiiitd, Uk.n ia
.4 ... , " ,;lwr " ",
bj..rd Mtoarraa.
."l'i'''a "U uka nuiirr that li par rani.
f lha furrhata tn inr v niu.t ha paid h n th,
pr.iurtt ia knuvkod d"in, i.r It mil h, pul np
again Inr rait. JACOU A. J-'A I S I .
Miimrr i Ornn, I bb.nff.
Clar6ld. P-iiu'a Kin in. ICII.
"Ont'lw IVrann. dmirilitr to IraiiMct butl
. 1 ni-.-wiih mc at inv nrVo. ar, h'rrbr nnthi-il
tu n I mil not be lunnd itnb cirtamtv at bnme on
a ir .Ih,. . ,,p: Mi.M.V and f All HI' AY.
. rw..t. t r. 'M. IH.K1CB.
JlfU' lAfiifrlisrinfutj.
1X14 I Kill n Mil , ( l. ..- U bera
J fora tlial l-ellrrt 1 ptiwteaia., bar
iI.ip-nv lo-.n rranlt-d to iltt Lleriltrrt, on
Iba Kpiatf uf Villiam wait, itee'.-api-d. late of
Lawren.-a town.b-p. t'learfleU ro , I'rna a. All
itpou. Inlil-te4 to ea-d I lta are reiui-pted to
ffipka liiniedit aloelit. ana Iboea baTU-tf
el. Im. tba pain will pteptnl Jiia 4ui
aulhi-ntu-ated lor aeltl.m ht.
llrelo t Klerul T.
'MAI. I.l-T V"K JAM AUVTtlt.M, ls67.
rot aitk.
li-n'tliarri-r i ftiaur. Jan. T-, 1C(T
I'.itlon t. Mnyi, No. 1-, June Isoi
IVitioii t V,t, No. I i, June T., f fl
llou. h i. Vtliitr, No. IT, alar. T., Ut
at-oD wri k
K ratter m l!a?n,
W .illiwwi A.kfT,
lii-uni v. K' naud,
l ulru.r vt I'lt.-lnn,
Jordan Iliaio-baril,
KiiKiaiid l a liu lioicr
Com. vp llnlh,
Smik'-T vi F.flit-r,
&tf. Jan. T.,
hi, Jan. T., 1-'-
7i, June T., Hf
2, h.p. T., I Mi:.
17, i. T
I, J-i.. T
N. fit', Mr. T
42, N p. T., Im.4
ho. 4H. June T., Io
ll-Mli,-innn t. riiT-h-r,
I'litterxt'iiub v I. aiiruntr, N. Ill), June 1., Itl.i
I r iivialnv h ilr um r.
Su. f t. t.. i oj
Hi'Mika vu 1 tjoiitpfun,
f a-vert xt 1 liouif.Min,
rr-'ifh iSi'hiiui.vfr,
Jl'-r-zli-r '1 b'nitp'ui),
h iirck vk 1 lMfpoii,
fllJ.i'-i HMll t lil.l)(MUf
biil fym bd'jol.
N.i, 4J. .Inn. 1 .,
Wu. 4U, Jli. 'J
Nu. IM, J... T.
Jun. 'i.
;v, .Mar. T.
fso. Vfi, June T.f
jNu, 77, June 1., IMjO
" r.MTI VOTK'I'a.Notil.hrrcV.T
J V r vr' lJ the followini- aeeoimts have (w-en
Jv.iiiinn d and p.i(d hy n.. and rt'inaiii filed of
tvew d in thin i.ffi -e for t inp'vl ou of lo ir, h
lfM'. rn- lil.rF, ai"l nil fh r in inr i-fhir nav ih
TcrcittMl, nial will be pn-wn-t-J to hr next (r7.l1.1n'
'ti't of I d nri'i Id couii'y. to U hel I af the d art
Hou-f. in tlif borouirli o( Clfarfie'., funiiieutrip
on tiie 4-eot)l .Mor.drv of Januiin-,
I'.irtinl a"oiitit ol Janin I! v:rtv. one of thr
f x. cuttirs of th- In-! !! ad tr-tun rni of I;, Jj.
Id"- T'.y, lute ..f linli.'h tp., ( i. a-r. :.i co.. dt-e'd.
I Mini a'Vfiiirii ot 'r d'Ti'-k i; iltt-r. a tmiiintrtor
of fiM arid lintrnlar the f.,o In and rha'lt-lr'. rijr'it
and cn-di'n. aluc-lt wfrl aroline 1 routwine. late
ol liral.v t)wiit :p. C nrrdd eounty, dtx-'U.
A- i-o.iiit of J ilm Witlicrow, rnnrdian of Irdia
!! :irty, our of tlf liir of it. li, llfirartr, late ol
tolt Ii lown-liip, inri.-ld rounlT. d"wait-i.
A v mi.t of .lol.n M Itlirniw. Tynrdiin of Mat
W. Hi '!trty, oin-o! th'- Li-'n of U. l-eartv,ate
oi (tuli.-i fU-ii'-fn Id count v, lee-ted.
A'-nnt of Jol.n Wi-h'Tinr. rtmnhan of Sarah
A. Hi-t'.iri, out- o the in it? of U. II. ll'-arty. late
of (iiii ifli timn-h.p.'i'arfH.ld rounty. dm-d.
account nt Ii'h'l FhiU'fr, adminif'riHor
of all and imulur tie i'm.'1 and ehitH'U. n?hf
mthI en-ti'i. at;l' h ure fit Kp-dTH-k unf.-r, Uu
j ot fliady tiwiii-ij 'p. CN-arf;' id rounfv. dwawd.
I III II BCHT:OIUI t'i afoiin li'lin IIIMrmiOT OI
all ntid iiiilur the poodf ami pbittol. ri?ht nnd
endifn wiii h wrv ol I'etr (tweru, lute ot Luiiilier
t'i'y horooL'li. Clearfn'M etun'y, dtcnawd.
Finitl a-oouiit t John f'rowell, ailinitiiettrn'oT if
all and ainnlar the en"!" and ehitrrln, rith'n an 1
nredilf. li'b wrrr ol li nrr (ron-i'U. Uti- ol ll rad
io rd townr-lnp. Clrarfx-ld r,uiit,v, deTned.
The awnnd pur' ml frtiniitan' account of 0. L.
Itit-d and Jhuo B. tirahaa., ci ecu ton vf iimry
Lorn 1 nr, diTia'cd.
Tit tmal a4T?ouiit fif .Ttuiim B. Graham and O.L.
l!fd, IrtiHitr of .V;trT K. ( ar.nle, UDdtT the Will
uf fii nry inrainr, daH d.
Tlu- hintl aot-otuit ol .laiiM-s B. Gniham and (1. L.
It-'d. tnintrc ol J. V. Iaorume, under the will ot
Il-ti'-y I.ominf, diwiid.
The a.cimit of 'J'hoinn Cnn.pV!l. eifcutor of
'li- 1h! wilJ uf J. 11. Simlll, Uti- o( Itell towii'lnp.
t'h-arti.ld enmity, iti enard, fiir l ly Jac'i V .
C.imjii 11 .f Im adiiiiiiifLnitorol Haul 1 bouma ( otnp
hi'tl. eitvu'or.
The ni'cuuiit of Ju!m T. Rote an I M. Livrvnod.
- ruoraoI ih - lun' will and (f-n'Mnii nt uf Abraham
Kvli-r. htte ol (ifiahen tp , Cl'-nrfi"d m.. dpoewm-d. 1 i. lMi:iii:n. K'ffitiT.
Qodej'r Lady V EookTor 18677"
ITKHATTl! F. Finf Ari. and Fnahion. The
niont uuuih'f-nl ttcel Kntfraruij;.
I .is mm plati-n. immI f-.mrrj v iti ou rvrry auh
vt thut enn in'onat Indu. t'nU-b't ktntiitic.
HtCinfT. eml.Midi ry. artulra fur thn toiVt, tor tin
parlor, the Kiudoir. and the kiN brn. Kvcrith ne.
iu lM. t, to make a eximphte laa-ly a Uk. Tut
Iji.Iv'h Iftviirit lor tlur: v.'V- vnr N U.ia.
auir ran ooiiiti-te with ii. N mr atli-uipt it.
(to ley a ll.wtpt tor e-rr ih parttnent of a
hoiiM'holt; th-"e alone are worth llH-priont tin
ilm.k, Mt'ii'l Coitaee, i no n'her Mjnnr g vca
tliem.) with tftaireatiif. Ir'i-t( lefona f, th
Mtattirr imcu '.intv witn ttti.if. Uneinai
I iunn wurtii a ya.r. ti ht-r tuair mn puol ah
oi l w-irn out nmu ltn th" au')?rwHri to tiodf
- it lu'lore the niti7ip at. in a, tiiir Iimhiic tnr
Lvlira : armttvrpvuliHri'y With (lod- v. luh'nii.
from M aaia. A. T. MewArt A to., ul Sw
j the unlnoumre inen'hano. n'p'ar to t.odty, tu
j only ni.iuriiie tl::it h i th m. Ladoga' li .iii.i to ;
i we tie iiiin hI thftn in a yew th in any oim-r
inij.mnr. In tavt. tin- Kadi a fNiok vtiM mwitj
U.ii to 1m her own l-onin t Uiktr.
M nuf II 4iii author- of "A lnr.. 'IIid
d n T h," "Mo!in S.d" Nem .a" and "Mu ia'i,
writ- lot tn.ili v raifa month, and lor bo otter Aiowiio.el hyhi-rwiil he puh:iM., o
in iMi'. We have bIm rriamfd all our old and
Uto-ito fvtntrioiiiora.
'1 Lli MS, i wIih U thrt-e can lie nod viation :)
One copy. out- year, f.l; two c ipi-t, one year, $ i o
three -.p ... oitr y-:ir, f7 ; lour c-po-fc, 010
yt-ar. fjltfcre e p . . one yvar.4anl an tstra to ll.e ptraou petting up the duu, ui-ktng
fix copit-a.) f U : ei-ut opn-, one yt ir. (a id an
xtra ropy to the p -r.i.n pt ttinjr up the cluh, mak
ij( mnr copira.i . i ; rir rn ,-opip.. one yi ar. (and
an cjira cipv ti lb. ii.'rn ic'tuir ui. Itie piuti
nukinn l-,va npii.l:J, All aiiilnmp'u
''I"1" it rluli r it-a. I'lith puWrilirni a .11 if a.-i-l
r" I1 nth,,p abi-n- the aiiii-r-'s'r riht rrp.d,-.
I ".t l-a l( IbniL and Arthur', lluiiic .MAjt.iinic
" '" ''"' h yr, M-r:il n ft vi,
l n m' no club ail h anv iitnrr .V.iirinr or m-w.
W'T- Tl"- ""? M'l h a. I m,uI at our tiuii
iui Itij Ul me c.U't. A.tilrcim,
ili-clfl X E cor. F and 1'Um nut Ms, I'hil'a.
IHT lf JI KOK rr Janui-j Term. ls6T.
J t;aAsn jt K,,n.
i(Narin II -n-r ll Wright
ll.-il II. nry lln-th. ir
lib mm Italiklin Avil
llnj. li..,,,- Inrnir. Wij,on n(,orct
lira ll.ird AliPiil-.m roar.-r
llrady Jaiui-a M i i-i. Julm II S,-vli'r
lluriu, -In lianirl ti.innan, Hiciiard A.liorafl,
W 1 1 Ii am Aiiib'rin
t b".t I -s;ir Ni'Wpbnr
t'b-arhi id Tlimnii l.nj;hrtT
t'.n nii:tiin l'rnii--i K.; .jr
I urw.'ii.villr J.inii r Alt icrpon
(.mlmin .Inbn W Turni'r
tinlirh rl i lliirl.-v
llll.tnu .I.-bn 'i vtir
K.irrbati. t -ll.aiu K'dcr
Kn.ix rrir- A Howie
Lawn-nr- Thorn.. Iti-n.l, I.araru, Armatroi.g.
I. uintM-r c,'v .lliara W kt-llj
J'lkr Mill.m lira.l
Ttiamar. jrti.ia. rimt wrrtt.
Ilis-r iria Tlii'tiias Mullen, ,ir
II, -ll Ni-Ipiiu I11U112, i,-v .1' .M. rra. krn
lira Ib.r l, Samuel Wilniu, Votl l b iral, llrnry
(i affiu.. John IUi-k
lr..l3 li.. -nfti, llnM-7 RaaBs, Janpp
Irvui. tii-dri- .1 t rarr
H.irn-i I- Kr.-.lori,-li K .hopb-r l. J,,' BK,l, h, n,
J.din lliiiluiin. Jubn Kinr. jr, Jamin n larrr
('boat William IfT-.n-r
Cli-arli-Id lli. liard op. Cmrgr V P.pnnurr
t'urw. i,r.'l.-.U,.,l, I',:,,,,, I bamlRT."
llo-a ur William T TImmii,iq
KcrU.iin li.-iirr 1, Tulib,
lii.ard Mil, h b Shnjia
tiiiiit-li A"i.iii.v: IU "-'a li ' .1.1 In-ard
,lr, n l,.lin It.inlcr. Jo.. 1.0 I' Jordan. Thnm..
Pmiili. Ni.-b.i a S'raw j
kuox (i.-u ! S,u, A L llndfik. (irarnarmd '
Hill I
l.!twn-ni. J.ihn loii.-lnTir. Jr. M.irlio Klino,
J.ibn Milcb.-U. ll-nrv Aujlu-iil.aiiti
Voir.- .l.... pli ll li.-nmni. li,., j Spvlman
N-w W.'Iimiiim .InnifP t 11.1k !
I'. nn Tiimn.. liaflvtty. Hum llnorrr, Jama
Cbnry I
, p ,, n,,,,,,, n
A I'orin-v. llrnrr IVu:i
uvt,i i, , ,rro.
l ik- 1 buns. I.nnr
Ilira.lf r, Ilira(Y !
ftrroti Witt.
Itur--a .l.inn. l'-t.'m
lira II, ml - J,.iin l.ivnir"lon
lira. It J,,l,n llnl., l.. OiHirin. M Thim-Mn.
llrnrt Ii.ui.-l IImiii., tli-on-o krinrr,
1 ml-r rk h.irl t' l l.ur
I'.iirf.i.b- Ji-p-i- liullim ,
t'b,.l A. lira ll-iiy. William Unwland, Jobn
Klmyr. J'Uin I'r.iii,-!. l.nwr.-uoc Kuliau
t iiilllii'un-r V t'uu'nrt
t'li-arli.-bl .l.ip.-pb Sbnw
li-atnr n.niugtua kiina
ll tit ui I, II lttt.-iirc
KnrtliAii. .Infill tiilhland, Jiiarph (litfilanrl
ninit rfainp. iiaii-T
l..wrn-r M-'Tip F Wallara, Jnhn A. Il.d, !
Jnha W law. Ali-tandcr Kn-d. .ir I
l.unilMr I 1 1 y larui-. Arthur. I
Vw V a.liinjtua 1'iiiraull MuMurmt, Frauk 1
Naff I
I'ika Jamrl R f aiclwrll, J Linn liixirrr, Iaaaa
I''nn J.ilin PI nn 'i
" '"wd-Wiiirani LnthT, rhrraSan lbnr, i
lanna O-ak
5tftr lAflrrrtisrmrntf.
N 1HI An I itn tion l,,r hirMnn ,. ,
h d at ihf lijii.auK l oot" of lrt (.')lV
. A f MN A!. iMVk., IV,. a a,
Pat tiD'i i ue'iiay ot d ihiko , i , . mi t . . j
aijri'iii hit. f ji m r.r a . i-r.'r. A i. i,
l.f I? . t ' I'M-ao...
j Oiyhnna i null uf lliaitirid Count v, a. 8Lt
I nn. A. K iM.ft.
lu the ti ai'er ot the r al eata'e of H"?rT Kat-r
nn 01 nr-'ii-mi iowuitti. i M-amnij c i
rne-tiiijr tlie pp. aie u:il tif r al e'aie rt-
t-iite-J l.y Colly K ,i. in, widow ol nail lltfj
kn pp. df-M'a'J, t'4iitiMin.i.f acrva ol ikl
DouiK.t-4 a loin. at, via: i. itmuip at aii-nf.
m r, thfin wi-ft, by land ol Johu lUh, .,, 4 )
Mnahcat to a n- hrap; them t-aat 1 1 , p.-rrt,f
lo a ft 01 -heap ; Itwni Mia'h.'t? 4-h1 p-rdi- to
put- tree; lix tnf hy lai.'l ot Jobn I'alf. act Hi
iierrhett.lo plv'rol hegiuuiog, Uin part ol Jfea
n eei Ponri-y
Now, fMptf nibr A. I. If.6. the rfrt Le,r g
duly pre.eiilvl, the t!vort direct Bo tie lfa.lpar,Ma
int. r Ud. t'V pu'iieaiion in one nea r.n., r ,UI
Itflifd in (-It'Hrio'ld rmnty, thai the nm a 11
approved and confirmed a'ailutdy. unit m aufiji'ta-nt
r aon to ih contrary be tbown ly (he titu 4 uf
JaiiniirT term, 167. Ii v the '.int.
d"-li If rr..'lArliKH.CVrk
hi.a twu two-tor.r M A(iNSf..r w
roAMjfiabie torn. a. iiLO. W. OliAlillA Kf.
dt e-Vtl lleartcld, F.
iirAMi:-AK.TH-t;i t tr
l Uiontb for ciith'im'ij an 1 to $;i lUt
l a lit f. tery wlo ri , to mtro-lU' h: I uum.a
.ken-i Fain.ily ttntuf Wa"hiiH. inproTi-d uj jr.
r.rnd. ll will h'in. I 1 1, sllt.U. quiit. bin I. hr,-L
auJeinSri.iJiTlwAui.iBlly yrt? only atk.Ljj
tin- e;ut c lo-k atiich, at -J luily aarmut.-j ,ur
t .r. Team, e py the atoe wa?'-. or a cjtn.
iiiiiiou. trcin nb.'.'h that amount can 1
utHle. Ad tnai ur CjII n ( . iJnWLKS A CO,
rnea No. '2.-J Ktttb ttree 1'i.iUd-- j,La'
I'a. All letter auiwcnd promptly, witb ain ulira
and Ufin. )
A Dcmccratic Morning Journal,
Tba Iai!y Ak" eontmni tlie Litrat orw$ f aa all
parte u( tftc world, with editor:! arttrir ii oi
tmment, ratiMrs, Trn-lc. rmnnw and 4t D r
jeeta. L! Ni-fca, Marktt Ii-port, Krock Quut..
niiin, Hflipoui lui i ijrrnr. Lt pm eub.B.a-A.
l on-irnanJ Ioon-giic ' Trti.oT!denw. ( eum.eic, I
I nit duriuic. K-fnira ol i'a'du 5!e,i'in.7h'sai kz
C iticun.. li nrmn of L iterator. Fi ict (nrrrt(
I at i era -7 )o!irti. Agricultural In(, Art.
Mu-ir. etc., elr. lit d- e iS.nul 1 eit prar a, t bm
all (tie iii..i' hnr of the Aola1 Pre fr,,ia
evrrv .a1 ol tlte I'nittsl e'alea, and al-e I at di
iatciie ret'iied by th- Atlantic CaUe; and Um
urn? from a!l rt vf Lurojie bronj-bt hy u
i-Atnrr, if iiWatuttr t l jrrativd fruiu abatercr
point lb- ateanieri lirft touch.
I be Weekiv Ajn w lJ l aeomnNte rompodiua
tf the nea 'if ttie we k, njid be-i it titt itauntK
i ditortn'it from tlie J'uiir. will rntiTam a lara
amount of ir.terentiiig nutter, (r pared exretiy
tinr lu' Wtvklv imr. lt vll i-e in aii m j ert a
tiMt-clMer l-itmliT .Ji'iini;.!, pArticul .r.T a i ad ta
the 1' ihtu ittn, I lie Ya'nit-r, tbe W--vLut.ic. tLe
l amilv Cirrie and the Ut nra! Rad. r, a Tir.jf
ever. eha-a--;ena'ie of a Lira Nt r ! t-fh
nuui'er wii! dn'mn ao inteu-e!r int. rv tenal.
bron- ot the moxl popular aud Ut-aiA.ii autLors,
ad it i a I mo the intcn'Mu to pu,'llh. It- as Week
to wii k. tn th- eouw ol the year, tUrve ot tour af
11. It MS. (AI.WAri IN APVANCE:)
Tnr. Iailt jiar. $ J; t.a ttiot'bf,
1 in; tline mon ta. 2 for ai y lra prruxi at
theratrof (i.M iKii.l.Ait fr iJon'.h. IV pa,
t'iirt ernt per quarter, to be prpid al the it.i
of ib ltr-T.
Inn WrrrtT One eopr, on year, $2. tea
coj iea, one year, t'Jt; te.a r.-pien, one year, 1 17 ;
twe nty eopift. one year, t '-i. Toelooa, atiere t:
pip -ra are a- nt to on- ad Ireea. the (o.iowinc tv
tiu.dion will Ire miHr : eopo-a. una year, it;
tMieopn'B,one yrar. t If. .Si'; tw n'y wipiea, um yar,
$ :tt, A Oopy wilt I tun.iah-d pratt tor eavb el .b
l trn, or niorv, to one a ldn-. lornne yrar. Frtt
ae tire rentf pT quarter, pn-paid at tbe ofbrvr of
delivery. aSK.'ino'ii "ofuen ol iht Ihtilyaiid Vativlj
kuI r a, is, uu apjiMMai tvti 'Li t-C -v.
AddtTM, KLStl A linpB,
decU 41" Ci.ri.tnu' Ki., Tbiladt ij.bia.
(1 Al I IONrXli pi TM.i.a an- h n-Ux wan.ei
araint pulo.-ii a certain bank atroauut
it- ia u-hiomi ur ij Jl u J. hotf-nd. ol ( tin) toaa
n;p. a tne aaun- h itfen poi uy mt, ana Ui
nul le pvd aa.a, uolr t-ir: prfk.l hr I iw.
HeKw-:ifpV W iAXT C. KIT( HEN".
HOlli; ittll.r.x-sti.i.n frMn the rlidi
id tlw nu'tairi't . on th- mi.t ot the 21d af
V..,-mMT hwt. a I'.AI l A lit. aut 7 ytar? nid.
15 baud- hvi. k b c. tail and Biatie, with a
nr on ) It UivA b tio.-k joint, and a rear n nerk,
ith a email ab.te nie'r on torrhaJ. A reward
ol il! tar paid tot the enp'u-r nt the thirl an4
re iirn or the Uare to .lii.-!:!'II httLiM-X,
lw-'it P"f-;ion, C( tirretn!T. Pa.
A Great Discovery.
ON'K nf tlw print, a: and tiu-et uwial di'-vreriei
in ninl'vil j.-i. n'e made by thvce!en.t'-4
J. lMimn". o: rt"ta. Chi-f rtiTn:r-n tn tbe
Imperial In'tnnary ol France, in l-fil. TniMK wtio
U.iw Wn aiViu't-d a ,lli the pA,i.lul d.rae lvi,.wa
m Vi and rflM"ui!h rnn-A hr the ol Mi
ll MAV HitV( H I'll.L FA1.VF., rannot pU
I h bUlvot the bfm lire foul-rnd n iha
tiie urn- ot th: n-m dy. It hnum ver tiren kboan
in tail in ting a jo-rmnm nl eore in a aiiiijre
eaao. In th a rr.p-el it anrpui a Rll other mrii-on:-
nl tne liitiil. 1' will no ;ut what it
il n I. the iu.iihtw!! te rrjai i.i.
Cin' o- two boiof is ,i t,,to a jruiifi.t
cyrr in fo-ir or i d a, if the itir.v? (,n the
.e r. n.Howtd. IV oh, onr and two d'-harf nt
Un, at'trdi"!; t. an?. Hint b n.a i or rip- to
p in ol ibv I i tt .1 S;t? ur t unada. mM by
Ipru'ifi non'lr, Jii rml dtiint Wncle ti
the tra-le. Addn-aa I. 8. J'VMIAM A iK
W iilinm-pArt, I'a.. alr Prop-ieto-a and Mitm:e-
jjv t.f fi-.t. -t "-"nt,. h rl Cnt- M. ft1. T
1T rrrtriillr tu the rtt
t ton. nf I'lrarhrld and rH-iait.,, ih.t ka
ha. taken tba rmi li.rni.ilr urrni-trd' h V .
Oai.lin. in t.mhain 'a H... laimrdml -It nr.r II.
f. aul, J.w.-lry atnra, a ill ctiiii.a. tka
A fntl aunrirnrnt r.f fl'.th,. Caimpnn ari
Vratinr. tu.n.iaail, 1.0 band, and an.da lu anlrt
n tba ph'inrtt nutii-a.
Partirnlnr attcniim will ba pirrn to rVTTIXa
M-n'.. Ib.t.'aml Cbildran a oli,:hin( In tba ntoft
la.hiuiia la atvl.a. Utra bimar.,1
drca-tf w f rr.tR
o xry i ki-.w ami u. i- p. ,u
t.. t)l to .nr prrann b.. ha. ml Hr.
Huniar' Pile .Saiv. ai rir,iiug tu d roctuitw aud uaa
n-it been Cttrnl. A.l'ir.-pn,
i. s. nrvrtAM 4 rn.,
l'-'t-l V H,nn-M.r.rt Pa.
t-t OA N (( .s can -v
p t bi t.t utla( Ibf
or III ol I ('Al. OIL at
"'' l'- .1 V K!iA l7EU'S.
OrKMlS Anti liuat P.Mit.oR f TOVKP. tba
O o-'l.i pi-rfwl airaliruinit fur burninc roal, at
ili'c"' 1 ii .1. C KH.A l.l ICS
"1 IIS A lurr a!u k ul 1 ur r...
ii hi iua
V:i:.tKFA.T Hiawls. u.tai, iio...i,
) Nu'.iaa, r.-.irls ill gr,-a' rri.ti, at
I" -'tn J. P KIM f.KR'S.
oOl bKI.I'l.lls arnuld tin arilj to rxannna
Ibf Urci- pi.ii-k if tjufi ntwani. tlla.paarr,
li n Wan-. tVillnaj V u-f . Tin W aT. mia Pi ll-
V. ...
mi rb nip at J. p KKAT7r.K'K.
A 11 PI'T S r.ri,. i.t ltlf.-a n. 'i mlian. IK n n
and Cniiun t a-in-tm'-., m taV l-v
N J i' I, I' -?' It ",.l ri .i
Town-Lots for Sale.
fpili; nndiTPifm-d,rai.linx nl tllrn lln-. nrT.i
ft a' pi-ii atr .nl,-, nu mi-uuablc trrnip. 1XTY-
i VK 1 iiw N l.:i rs.p.iuair ami Iwinr; in tb, arw
a l Mi. .ii nialr lo lb. v,lls nl (il.n llnpa.
Also, Thirtj-Fivo Acres of Land,
Adiain rit lha am.. All aiill W auld bulbar nr
arparali-, lu auil pnn-baarra. Any turtlur inlnrm-a-in
n cm lie nl.laiunl bv ad-lrrwuig liira, al ti ns
II (, t'li nrli, id miunlv. p.-nn a.
mn ,iin '.niiKviAii ronprr..
Clnnl, tt lulr and riiTTTanii'rlitT
J t.mi.h-. and paint, nl all kind. r"'nnd in
"ii Ft a-U. a- nt
UflHliiH.ihoa.KnF. aid llura Ulnik-i.
Nntl.S. 'V MKHUKI.I. Plul ril'S
A Mitlilli 1 Ar.iiti aauli d Inr ur
... tJtf i !' . arxrlra. iu-l out. Ai'drr.a
Ii. I H HK . Cut I aililiiif, HiJdrlurd. Me.
Var In. ly lalla.
Tumi n n Kki i t ptp, n.
Aug. T tr. MKBK1U. t TTlUtl,