lUiigiiris MlMTlI.iny. A Solemn ftiuiiuui iu ll.c Till, ol the lo be, A' tmrfli'rt hear tlie ,'.it.,e r,!l t,.l-.rc tliry roe, h I lie 01 "1 the p. imlly r per, In tin Inul ho,! t nl iire, To SLl Imr. almh siHHM 't fsde Are Ivii n oi set, I ( 11. o r. ! Tli-. liriM.'.t cluinif nti Hr-U'Ul rve t itli ni'liiie Msi'i on, Ate only ci, tviii.uit sl,y U l k-niiil ltit, aiegl.c! Tlii're it no frroiiler obstacle to nuc ((! in iiny Hjiln'ro, limn tin-liiij; l'nr ."iitnt'iliin to turn up, iiiili'iitl of "iiig v.'.'uU mid turning up Honu'lhiiijj. Tlio events of lifo, ordered y the cliiMt unci cuiiMiint euro nf tlio Al mighty, luivo each n voice from him lor llio hpirit's ear, u lesson of truth, a iiu'ksuho of duty, a word ot warn ing or relniko, comfort or encoui'ttfre iii tut. How near, how incessant tlio watchful presence indiealeil hy our .Sa viour's words : "Tlio hairs of your head tiro all numbered." Modesty is tlio assertion of one's liojieri, and a genuine humility of feel ing, are Christian virtues. Any thing like BiipercilliousnesH or i.oisy self Millii iency detracts Irnm, rather than corroln rates tho evidence of piety. Hut unbelief sometimes calls itself modesty, and under that disguise, ef fects lo depreeuto conlideiice in self, whilo really refusing to confide, in tho explicit and unfailing promises of the Lord. If tho time spout by ministers in preparing Bennoiis on tho evidences of t hrisiianity, and the reality of re ligion, were spent in direct personal hiijor for the salvation of their ion greatbm, there would be vastly less f infidelity in the world. The argu ment which convinces people of the 1 ii' hl'ulncss of C'hiistia.iity is w hat i.'iiri-tiutiity does not w hat it is or se 'ins to be. Jt is the visible iruit V liich the)- nee in the lives of its pro t 'v.iim; it is the real conversion of the sinner, which carries conviction in 1 lie tulhfulfiess of On istianity. It i- the iiovrer that transforms men, i'ijit before their ow n eyes. Now that you are a Christian, w hat i.incl of a C bricfum are you gout lo in-! Are you going to t one modeled tier men's opinions, or utter the lii- ii- siand.irdf Jlen have a wav of uide the point of livine ir.itli, on this subject, from their ou "t iences, by enying, Christians ought li ilo so and so; but the word of tiod noes not spenk in this way. It does not say that Christians ought to be Hie light of the World, but that they are so. It does not say that they ought to bo holy, but that they are posessinl (d thai character. Jt is not merely that they ought to be bold and li'ithltil witnesses for Christ in this durk and sinful word, but they really are so teslifyi ig. We honor the Spirit, and show our faith in God, hy acting as thoiii;h He were always ready to bless our labors, and sve mo'i and venturing out, talking and praying with them, ex pecting Iheir conversion. It requires Very little faith merely to preach, anil aiieno me puunc meet nigs, aim wail for a revival, ns though Uod were not ready now. Jlut to go from house to house, and labor and pray with the people, requires some faith. This is showingour faith by our works. A man who thus carries with him ii lo the a character which gives him p ,wer, and which puts him into a right attitude before God and men. In properly adjusting himself lo hu nnin lui urc as it is, ho adjusts him self to the power of God, who alone can convert the soul. I would not be unjust to the cour age of the soldier ; but does it deserve to bo named in comparison with the courage of that leader, under whose cross as a banner every Christian war rior is enlisted f AVhen I contemplate that young Suzanne, singly and ulone, daring to confront his imfinn and the world, beset by discouragements at every step, opposed by the men of power, or property, of learn i i g, and of reputed l.iely misunderstood, mis represented, betrayed, denied, or for naken, even by the few who were his chosen companions; clcarlv foiseeiii" from the Cist the terrible termination which his enemies would put to his me, ami yet going steinlily, zealously . i Ill onward, without wavor ngin bin marc to calvary : hen I contemplate the courage of Jcmis, nil that the world calls courage looks to mo tame and si.kly in comparison. Gi.onii.vsi Slntisii:.t. 'f,o pro,,,.), to blocks and stones, ye who believe that Love is Clay I Go preach to the Iead, ye who deny the Immortality of the A flections ; (Jo reason with the trees or hills or images of the wood, or with your motionless, icy souls, yt' who be'iieve because there is no marry ing yonder, there shall bono embrace- nig. or oec-iu-e w e may not iis the t ; gt line worus, "mv wile," wo luav no .... Nun niH-u nirniH in our own nrnisl 1 f,H y(,u ninlli ,lt jn Uinrlaliu- woulil iM iiyloi imim vwut jf wuli . ,ur t lnv, tliol all ourfirt anv,c. tn'iii. 1 f.-:i y.iii tlmt atiniliiliitinn w.iulj l,e Hwiven, it I b.-liove tlmt wben my liea.l at l. nirtl. rest r, its ciflin jiiilnw, and mv nink to ni leiitf iind rcpuso old -alii, tlume It.v mi: ryes would never lo. k into mine t n.n I i...,. l-......,:.: I r . . ' a',tlmt i.iire , H., never lye around : HIV Iw.eb tl.ul '...1.. , "ivi never Ness me more. Linger not. O man, whoever tliou art, lor tl,c furnial o-.n.iiiij ol il.c preat Ju.l-e iul Savior of wayward. Kii.f'ul men. or while yon lire ir,nuirinc and soi'l;mK for liiin be it. near thee iiii.iin.l you knot Uiiii;; Vet,, knoi kii. ' in . very door of your heart th'e laily am bourly evenia of life he in ma far f rom nnyofuH. While we arc cTar.iiif; into lliehcaveiikOveronvl,....,U or d.-B cndini; in our imiurination into llie d.-(l. .-.,.. ..r .1 . . . .no iiainintion .,1 Iub tlirono while 1 we nre Miyin; lo hero and k. there, and : ,7"1 "uo "'e mcnurelesa llbv-l t.f v ,.i inn we iii7.e, ne :iv, in fnnee ; ... ..,. s-.'i.-. s-, i inn uili "II Clllo Hie end (if tbe Wurld : 1 r, the ftlil,.,. un, I lorii.if Mnaler ia will, int l"m "f Go-i ia will, in rn .-road , trouble and in joy While',,,, r.K.H,,,,,.- Kill strccu ll.V... Ins Im'ut roMdence we nnxiotisly eock, t I i h-vr ,or . ps .,,,'T.i, r. ,, -' ' l.c-i. Ho.,k su,n, he S-k8 in Unrruairo unniisiakable st ti.mor v,. u'Mi , , ,',', D , " K- A- BIM'KK. riearHeld, HQ Clour, anvintr : "lit' in d the Kino-. ""' w on Icnr... Ao,,i, to r " "Ml. I k. f hf tflraitirld t'fjiuMirau. CLs .( uln i I.U.h i, Ad.erti.liig est A.itihlng. XlUcm't (,',.. in rniir.. ... I) lit, " f' jwti w,i,' i mphtW, 3 &0 i.l nttii tyirr Ik .r,'. wnmif tur pt.'iil4, 3 01 .lift' itntt t tW SrtftVfa, ic4, S f.'iscf, 2 liO A mOffiF' wfif.rM, r.i. A. - - - I fril ft.'iit unit Ktry. .irit, S Itnlr, 1 lil ltaiilutuin nntirtit, rnrht ,1 fisf, . 3 00 TYaHMrnf A-irtrtt mrtit fttr ynp 10 1. (,... .r ..i-S (,,.. f j For tnt-k tuliTOurmt itrtun, - 0 flJUriitl a'trerhiiiHj, tit ftck fywnrr of IU ttr . 3 timet, or It-Sf, For rrtrA miitrifutttt inttrttvnt (,iir.l I jrrar, - -..."if M..c. per lNr, OKitun-y ntttt-rt, over ft ,'.i, per ,'h, l.irjf uifiTrftclf.., I, . . do tin t do do Ho S Hn - . i 1 40 I 40 . 5 00 14 . 10 I Oil li 00 14 Oil f .'II 00 IVfirji adrtrtititig, J cufunin, - ' " i i. J u . 35 00 00 00 Th ahovs rates afply nut- to silvrrtixetncnt et up plnin. Ativfrtitamenla tot in larr tjpe, it volh i-uiii, or out uf plain style, will be charg- en noutjieine aoove rntus lurpaca. Ulnnkt, lifjle tfuirt, - . do 3 qitrtlt per quire, do 6 qnire, jier quire, -do orrr B qmrtt.per q aire, H'thdhitU, i ehret, or tree, do I heet, 2 J, or Irnt, do ehert. 2j. or lee; - do tekole tieet, 25. or tent, J 50 i Oil 1 75 1 411 1 50 2 40 4 40 8 00 Over ?6 of eab .if aliove at proportionate rates. r-Tbe rates were agreed upon by tlie unilrrvieried, on the day of I'ecemlier, I S5 1, an.l vriii be efirrly a'iliiTfd lo during the present high priees ol ail kinils of printing niatriuU. (.K(.. II. (ioofiLAMlEU, l'ulllinhert Of the "Vlenrjield ftephlirnn.'f S. J. HOW, Publisher of the "f'fwotr J'tumot " I'roffsSiontl & justness (f.artts. a. A. rUL I UN, VTTOUNr OfS.-s ii KV AT LW. I'urwemville, Pa. !ehririe's buililinr. on Main St. .4-f rnuiut attrnitoo yOa- to the eeeuntif atJ coll. coon ol Claims, aud to all IrpHl hufti ncss. novl J.'liO-ompd WALTER BARTT VTTOKNUY AT LAW. Clearfield, Penn'a. Office on Seeonil atreeL Not, 21, 1SO0. . iru.LaCE, i B'uAKK WALTERS. D. I1II1I.ES. FS AN K TirLIUSO. WALLACE, BIGLER L FIELDING, tvs at law, cifrajeid, i-a. Lpiml hufinnaiof all knir ftnitrpMj and H.vuriitely attndfd o. My 15. 'rttf-lir. THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, VTTOK.NKY AT LA W. ottice atlj.iinitijt the Hank, f.irmerlT occupied by J. B. MuVnally, K Urkel street, ClearOeld, Ha. Will attend pr.itnptlT to Coliections, Sale of Lands, An. s-e. 17. 'KJ JOHN L. CUTTLE, VTToliXEY AT LAW and KKAL t'sTATB A(ffnl, Cleartipl.l, I'a Office on .Market street, . pp. .rite the jsil Heficttully offers his s rvirei. it. srllir.f; and buying lands in Clrarlield anil counties ; and tritb an eipericnce of user twenty rears as a surveyor, Butlers hitnscll thai he can render satisfaction. Feb. 'M it. ROBERT J. WALLACE, VTHiHMlV AT LAW, Clearbeld, Penna Cff.ce in btaw'i Ke,opoaitn lec. 1, ISi8. WM. M. McCULLOUGH. VIToHSKV AT LW. Clearfield. IVnna. ( f ee on Market Mrcet, one door east of the "Ckarfi ld County Unk." Way 4, lsf4-tf. jnnN n onviit. C. T. ALEXANDER. ORVIS & ALEXANDER. 1 l lVlllVI VJ A f t a c- I i "Ii .1 I. 1 il n I LAI), fept. 1 Ith IM!i ly. Belle'onte, Th. DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, "I AIE hurfrtxn of thp 8;;d H Tim rut, prnn'a J 4 V'-lan'ofrn. bnvinr rpt!lnd from th A nor. Urrr bit fcrTiPBP to the rit.ti,g of t lftrLifl.1 nod TicinttT. Frofeiitioiiitl eall prompt ly ttrndfd lo. ftip on tSoatb Kant rornor of id and ildrket treeta. April 4. 18A6.-U. DENTISTRY. r"J". S J. P. rOllXKTT, Dmtist. offers r-.a Lis rrofj.ional services lo the citi sens of CurwcnTiIle and vicinity. Office iu llruf Store, corner .Main and Thompson streets. Curnensville, May II, llf.a-ly-pd J. BLAKE WALTERS, SfifVENnil AND (ONVKVANt'KK, and Arent for the Pur. base and Ssle of Lands. Urarnrld, l' Prompt civen to all hu.inss connected with iheeouutv offices, oflice with Hon. Wm. A. Wallace. "jn. 1, lsfiti tf. JOSKP1I II. IIHETII. Justice of the Peace, and Licensed Conveyancer, New nrhinfflun, ':iearnc).l county. Pa. 1 r i. .T VMES 0. .A KHK TT. Justice of the Peace and l.icsneed Convnva:.cer. Lu'.heisburc. l lesrfield county, I'a. CollectiiHlt and remit Unces pminpilT made, and .11 kinds of legal in struments i xecutui-d on short notice, Lulbershurg. .May Ulh, liiin tf. . 'ih r it. nm ii. mTnitLi.. l. TT T Jl T r " , I- Ii Dealers in Fureijrn and Dumritic .Mtrchandiae, Lumber. Oram. rfe. Sis Hahiti;ton, Octobet Jo, ISr.i.-ly.pd. Clearfield Co., Pa, V. KKATZKK A SOX, K ( II A N 1 M, dealers in llnr flood. Clolfamc. Hardware. Cultlerv, Ourensware nes. Sbmirles. and Prorisii.ns. At thaulj stund un Fr .nt ctrcl above the Academy. Clcar6.ili, llrceml.ei Ulh. Hfii-tf, V. K l( . T Z E K. Kf llHT.i.d dealer in Ilry flimd. Iiiilnri. Hardware, Uuecntware. Urorerie. I n-v ipions. c. Market street, otj.osite Ibe Jail, ClearDeld Pa. April ?nih Inf I, LKON M. (UTLTlfi MI:HCIIlr. and oeaier in flrv floods, KssilT.made CiolliiLr, Uroeeries. Liqu-.r., IJioit. an.l Medicines, lists and Ca s. 11 .t and -b..e.. Hardware, Tinwara, Ac Prrncbnlle eld county, fa (Mavl, 'M cumi r. r varhli. rnan. k. tto WH.iI.EiALE (iltdCKU-i. Tolmccti, Tea, Siccs, &c., &c., I N F. cor. (tlh it Market Si... Feb. 14. lHiitVOcn. 111 1 LA DKLI'II I A. CVKEXM'S Howe. Jl'STfCK OF TUK l'EACE. for lrtTr Tovmrhif, srll! promptly attenif to all husitieis entrusted lo bis care. f. O. Address, l'hlliritiiirg I'a. aist i mii llltl.MAS M CKIS1IAS, Agent tlie ,sinir.'r r.einf .Varhinet. rhil'..liiirj. Centre co., I'rnn V Oct. f Ith. IRo -u. JCSI KCtIVED. . II. W. SMITH & CO.'S, A Fresh Lot of TEAS AND CANNED FEUIT. Ato, a pnpcri'.r trtirle of GENT.'S rATl.N T LEArilER BOOTS, All ir sd extremcT lw. (, Jo Every One SlfnVMi i II. . s A; m own .I.M.KIG. 8 m tn SM1I1I A (OS-nil Inr nn ll:,t . 1 ') K; I tin i mi iiianr tni. Utmni Irmn "" '"".: so l .rtmlee that. I flllT. mrv m t f' W. , , v , ,. . , V I.I II It ' ir .air si Sl it I li-r' II 7IT at AI.ITl Ol 1IIM.U 7 ept l i.T.iri.r H.w.smiim IJiirc noc-li tilte I ead. prrterred by H all pn encal I'aicfr. ! Trj It ! and i.a will bareno oib.r MannfaeMired nlr b Zirot a i S Smlt. U K,.ImI lln.. !..-... II .... FliM AlllilVALS, Tin; cin-Ap stokn or showers & graham. Fall Goods, New and Very Cheap I SHOWKRS A (IHAHAM respeeifully an nounea to the public thai the) ire now open iuf an eitensiTe assortment of FALL GOODS, At the old stand in Graham's new building which they ofler to sell at low prices, (cnridcrinir Iheir eont !) for csh or appro? ed country produce. Their stock of DRY GOODS CANNOT UK HUKPAS.SED! CUKtomcrt enn there findi CALICdKS WITH FAST COLORS ! M USLI NS ! Ii 1XA I X VJi 1 LA W NS ! CLi (TILS ! CASSI M BUS I VKSTI N()S! I.AI1 KS'Sf A VVLi ! (iKNTS'Sn tVLS HATS H CAVS I Him ITS i, (S110E.S c a n p fis ft o i L-r u t 1 1 s i OUlt STOCK OF FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IX STYLE AND VAHIKTY.pmbri.oine NOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs ! IIoud-NetH ! Neck-Tim, SulcliuU! i'ort ilonnitieR ! JJruHlieg l'liotoi'r!iiliic AlliuniH ! firCS, TOHAO' O A SKfiAKS! PEKFUM EllY OF ALL KINDS! Or anything eltie in tlio Notion Line ! ALSO, IIARD-TTARE ! GRO( VAUES AX I) PROVISIONS ! All of the best quality, and seleeteu wftb special regard to the trade of Clearfield count. JOKPH S. rlloWERS. KIlMAKll W. UKA11AM. Clearfield, Fept. So, lh(l. Cheap I'ti in if tire ; TAESIHKS to Inform bis old friends and en. YJ t'tne.-nbat, having tnlurired his sbep and increasod his facilities for njaucfactorinn. he it now prepared to make to order fumiiure as may V d. sired, in food style and at cheap rate, (ot v lie mostly nas on hand nl hs rurni- tura Rooms," a varied assortment of Kcidv-medi Furniture, among wbtchare Bureaus and Side-Boa nls, Wardrobes and luck -Cases ; Centre, Sofa, Parlar lireakfasl and .lining Kxtenmon Tables. Common. French-Tott. cottnfre. Jenny Lind and other Bedsteadi. SOFAS d ull, KINDS. U i IKK-S I ANDS UAT-liACKS WASH-STANDS, Ao. . Isockimr nnd Arm Chairs, Spring-Seat. Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. lo ok j a a . ( ; a a s a ; .y Of every description on hand; and new ulasser for old friu,v, which will le put In on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. Ho alnike.pB on buin'. or furnishes lo or der, Ifmr. Corn Jlu-k. llnirand IVitlon t ip CnrilNS, uretcry kind, Made to o-dcr, and fuurrals attended with a lUarse, whenever desired. Also, llnu-c I'alulliiff done tnordcr. The eu! tenner Uo maiiufactures, and ha. constantly en hand. i limei.t' Patent Washing Ma-hine. The heat now in ll.o. Th.e urn i tine machine nover need be without clean clothes ! He also has Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior art cle. A family using this Churn nover need ha without butler I All the above and snanv other article, ere r... nnhed to customers cheap for Cash or elrhxnired for approvrd country produce. Cherry, Ulnple. Hopiar, l.inwood and other Lumber suitable lor Cabinet work, taken in exchange for fu nitura. SMT-ltemi-niber the shop is on .Market street. Clewfield, l'a..nd nearly opposite the "did Jew Slor" JOHN UCLICH. Kov. JMSf,J.y A NEW FIIJM. IHARTSWICK& IRWIN, llrutrojs, Ucjirlielil, IVim'tt. naring refilled and removed to tha room lately occupied by Hieiiui I Mivnoji, nosr oiler, r for cutis, well te lecled axiirliueiit of Drugs and Clicniicals, Also. Talent Mo.licine nf nil kniile, Gill, Ul 1'oity. Iye Stuff. Siatinrntry, Tolmcco and Scg.irs, ConfeclmriRrv, Spirw, anil larger (lock of vnnetien ever rillereil in lint plnre. kiuI vrnrrnriieii to be of the best the Market affords. J '. IIAHTSWICK, Dec. H. C4.-if. JtiHX IUWIN. Accidents I Accidents I North American Transit Insurance Co. Pnunpal Cffic , l:i;i ri. 4th hL, Phil a, ( liarTred -lanital - - - Marrli nil, 1li - - '.IMI.tMM) I lrar and locks, nerk-iies, porket kandker fpilK nn'r Accident Insurance Company of ; ehiel. gloves amhrellas, hats ae., in f real variety. 1 IVnn.vlrsnn. y pi,P (iiid, he keeps the Ken l imbs or all Annual I'.lii ies Isso'd trains! all Accidents "shade, soil colors." sorh as at eirceilmelv low rales. Insurance efl-rt. d in ! ...... v ,. u ,u , lliuo. No medical .,. j Umpenratio. giren each j awn j pit ui 1 1 HIM T " IV t I It.WIIU, an imii'in ffxiutrd. C ftnalf in i.f fniiiew cmpsnv bw paid m.ny losses, proapt'ly and satisfactorily, and its Officers and IMrerlors ' are widely and ( knowa throughout Uie ; Malt. OrrirtRi t.ouit 1.. Ifoupt, President. Henry (. Ilrown, Secretary, da tn.'s M. Coorad, Treasurer. K. f Keler. lleneral Afent. Uwis h lliiupt. UteHen l TirVel Ax-ot I'enn a Kat r-.a I Co.; Matthew ll.trd. firm ot ,M. W. Ilaldin A Co. f'liilad'a: Kston-I C. Palmer. Ca.ticr Cmm-ri-isl Nat. Hank, PbiCa: Richard Ho.d. Srn, la.w,d, M'.r.b A llarward. No. jo Market si, I'bil a: Jan.. I. (:,.nradi hrro Conrsd A Walton. f,:i Ma.Set It, I'hilsd a ; J. K. K lOe.lrT, Ciint'ornlal Hotel, If. II. ?:i; A ?::y Iiock st. " tleorpe hlartin. firm Martin. Toe A Co. No. 3?J Cntnnl st. 1''a , Knocb Lewis, la tlenernl Hop't !. Hailrosd: li. C. Krancircus, Uencral A-ctii Per.n'a bsilmad CoirraoT. 1'oliries issu.'d soil triturinntt" fumirhed by JUII.N L. CllTI.K. Acnt. sepi-tf Clearfield. Pa 3iusi(rsfoin:r I il . (i 1! l.i;N E ii-neil bin .M u t, sir Slort, one tloi.r Vt si nf W. Lewi.' Honk Plnre. where he teep. con-tsntle on hand Steine-ar A " ami liaeble't Piano Man iifartoririr Companr's Pianos. Mason A llsinlin's ah'net Ore. n. ami Carhart, e. lhara A- Co.t' jMcMeon. ; iluiiar.. Violins, . Fifes, Flules; (itiitaranl Violin string.. H,K.,,i)i,(..r, chain. Oolden Shower, ! llot,l-n deer, llolden Trin, Ac, Ac. r-or- t .lle i. con'tarillr reeeirinr from l'i.iladl.hia all lb lalr.t snosic, sibich: Ip 'aorie at a ili'tance wi-bmc. ran r l.r. and hare .enl thrui b mail, al l'. ptlrea. 1 f Pianos and Organs Warranted for tee I years. Those wl.hint lo boy any of tbe aboee t'tlcles re loTiisn to call and riemuie mine before t ur - x elsewhere. ! . pnc. are the sama as in New York and rhiladelaia. Cirrulers of s-nt smm.ll. ..n. an.... ... . . ' ' -'"I Lntir,K c I'ttkhr at MrttHILL A BTOtrH 's, ' J . MERE ELL & BI3LEE, liMimn in HAIIDWA11E. ai.o, mwrnrnntn or Tin and Sheet Iron IVarc. je"7-y cmnrisi.n, p. OrofT)Ff)nrriniTV)D-is 1IAUXESS, eoLLAKS. Etc., Fnranlp,T MKRHKI.I, A KIlil.KK rALM EI!'S PATEXT UXLOAD IXli HAY FORKS, Foraalnliy MjCliKKI.L & KKiLER. OIL, l'AIXT. PUTTY. GLASS, NAILS, Ac, Fur anls. by MKRKKI.I. A Blfil.En ilAKXES.S TIJIMMIXCJ.S & SHOE FINDINGS, Fnrealetjjr MEUKELL i EIGLKR. GUNS, PISTOLS, SWOKD CAN ICS eve, Ac, Fo( snletiy M KUlf KM, A P.Idl.KR STOVKS, For sale br OF ALL bUJtTS AND S1ZKS, MKKHKLI, A TilrtLFII. IKON I IKON I IKON! IKON! For ! l.y J1ERHEI.L A iWiLKIi. UOlWIi S1IUKS A IIUKSL SllOi' NAILS, For.slaliy WEKKELL A P.1GLER FARMERS, MERCHANTS, AND CITIZENS, Look lo jour Interests! G. S. FLEGAL, Plilllpaburc;, ( cntre count j, I'cuu', MAXL'FACTUREIl OF Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, AY 0FLD ropctfu!ly Inform bit friends and tne public generally, that ha Hah Oi'E.ncd Laboe Saleh r.oosia In the borough of Phil'piborir. Pa., for the aaai ufactura and aula of STOVES AXD TLX A XI) SI1EET IIIOX WAKE, Of Yrr dM-fTition. muafrtqred from th beit Diitf nl. My TanetT n( oix.kini; ttowet eo. itU of thK'elfbmttfd Ironni. the bct eonkmr ttovM m th l'nn4 Siaui; Coniiocntal, Lcbigh, Farmer, l))liitait, Cfaarin, Ac. ad it tverj Tanctj of tt BEST riTTSBUKO MAXUFACTfRE. Parlor and flsllnr .Ktoret of every descriptiun, including r'pears' Anti Hutu Sold at the lowest Ch Pricet. iHcrchants destine; to purchase will And it lo Iheir advantage lo examine tny stock befora pur chsfiiij elsewhere. W-All orders for FPOI'TIXrt and OTIIRR millK will we attended to no the hllOIITkT NOTlt'E. aepll if HOW TO SAVE HONEY. The timet ar hard ; you'd like to ouifw How y.iu id it eave ymir lutlara ; The mmj It. tlo it I will ihow, U you will read what loliowt. A inao who Itred not far from hera, Who worked bard at bii trade, But Hal a buuM'.iuld to tuppirt, Tbat iiuandered ail be made. I met htm once, tayi be, "my friend, I lmk threadbare and rouyh ; i re trieu i j-et myneli a iuit. But can't ae up enough." 8ayn I. my friend, bow much bar you? I'll tU you where lo jo. To rt a nut thai'f ar..t and rhaap At Itl.l.l.Nil Kltd H and to, Ue took what llille be had tared. And went to ftelxriiatcln lirothcr Abd tKere ha irot a iWN.,n. huil, Iot half be aid to other. K'f he 1 home, be look au well ; AqJ (heir etlert ii iuch, wben they uke ihtr daily me all, Jtiey don't eat half ao much. And now be flndi on Saturday night Huh all their wapu up.iied ; Tbat he ha money left to upend. And aom U lay aij. Hii (rood euwM. with cheerful nioile. He pliJl.i telli I.. ! If you'd save M mev, gn nd hny. Yourelotheeat ItPlit-Mntclii ( lot hlnj; Hal. Whera the rheaftet, fineet and ht Clothinf and H'Kfd Kumihin tt.H.d ran be had to lutt every iaie, and In every it via, April Il.tKAA tf II. Uwdgi: 'J9 (Store one ilior East of TlearfieM Unas.,) Market .Si., Clearfield, Pu. Keeps on hand a full nnrtment ol UKMS KL'KMsUiNii ikmiD.s, su'h as Shirti, Linen and Wooleo under Shirts, Fl.A'Ji M lrKln UK 1 11 K VEKY i 1. a . iui"r..ii,n'jr inc. I r.i. l ,,,(, yHnPf t ,j,pr , proH, ,.,.,. A,.0i Kreneb Conl.n, heaver. Pilot. V.h,' c,llil. "ru """OoalinK. all of "hif'1 will I" ""Id Clieap for Cash ; and mad" on aeeor.liiift lo the latoel Slvlee bv Extiprienceu Workman. Also Acenl for C'lfurfir-I.l en., fur I. M. Siiigcr. f l. rel ebrnte'l Sfwinc Maelnnet. H- UlillHjE. ('learnelil, lVnn'a. Not. 1, IHt",,r, -tf. II. F. NAUGLE, MAKE It. Urahatn't Knw, ClearSeld, Penn'a, The tubscriber respectfjlle inrnnns hi. .M I cm-turners ard the pnl.hc, ih.t he bis on h.n.l I I tnd rntantlT receinnf new additions, a larse Isto.k ol Clock. Waicbe and Jewelry. Jeitelrj of every rarietj from a iinrlt i.iece to a full eelt 1 Httrhes, a Bne sssortment of slleer ftuntinc i snd open esse, American ant patent Lereri I plain and full jeweled. ' I Clocks, a lart-e ra.lety Iron tbe best Vsnof.o. ! tor., conn.tinn of Kiht day and Th'rty houi nruin Bill n CIJCDl, Leyers, Tle ' Alarm. ritrik't and ' ! tit ect.lcs, a 1aree ss.ortment far snd aear siptil, colored sod plain ias. ! Also, a bne acorlment . f Unions, rorks, Dal- ley ktilre., eir.. plated on J-ruine Alabala. I I.I. kind, of Clock.. M atches and Jewelr. carefully renair.d and Wnemmted. , A c.nlinaaoee of patronage Is elicited. ' ' ' II e. l A I I1I.K It . 1 .H- T- NAl"K b )o.t , n -.. oirrani assortment ..l tlie host quslilv . al, ,li,.r ,nd df,k Bolur. N. .Moiber ?v .i-,s -jroiind and licnwniplreirCiTro'eZ Kng '' Currant., Ki. V.,n sad Vmegar of toe oca- nu. il. a k. 1 Clearfield, Jaaoary lutb. Isf.S H. A I. iire 1 Iherty W hlte l.w-Th. Mr.. 1 tbe mo.l durahl. ,Dd ihe sno.i ..n..u ica 1 ry t ! Manufactured only br l.aui-sn M,,r, Wholesale firag. a ill.,. ...l,. , ,a, Wool, Thirtl Si. Phil a. Mare- II, 1-M y w alms' panacea, Kesneily s medical Ms. eorery. llembold , B.cha. Laker'tCod Llye, . Jane's a.d Aj; oi.diclut, sf .Very ki.J , F'T tsl'f br H- A I. . NEW HARDWARE STORE riiilipuburg, Ccntro Co., Ta. G. H. ZEIQLSR & CO., PEAI.UIS in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Wood Willow and tin Ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, tic. THE attention of Mechanics, Buildon, Farm ers, Lumbermen, and liuyers generally, 1, invied o tb. fact that wt are offering a better assortment nf (roods in our line, than can he found alsewhert lo Ihit p irt of tbt State, at Prices to Suit the Times. Our stock comprises a sTtotral assortment of TOOLS and MATKKIALn used by C'trpenlers, Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon Makers, Join ers, 6c, Ac; together with a large stock of IIIOX, NAILS, STEEL, SPIKES, MIXING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, HOPE, CHAINS, GEINDSTOXES, Clli CULAIS, MILL, & CROSS-CUT SAWS, ENAMELLED, FIXISUED, AND TLAIX HOLLOW WAKE, CABLE CHAIN'S, LARD, LISSEED, COAL, LICUICATIS0, AND HSU OILS, TUHPEXTIKE. BEXZISE, VARMSHE3, COAL-OIL LAMPS A LAX TERNS. An excellent assortment of FIXE Cl'TTLEKT, comprising Knives, Forks, lletaert. Tea. and Ttble bpoons, Scistort, Katort, Ae. BRITTAMA N'D SILVER-PLATED WARE. TIN WARE IN GKEAT VARIETY and best Manufacture. Hooter. ..Id, nortir-ilturil, Farming and Rafting Implements, of the Utest and most improved patterns. Blscksmiliif can bt supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES HAMMERS, HOUSE AND MULE shoes, house nails, And all kinds of I HON AND ISTEEL. Carpenters and Builders will Snd In oar estab lishment a superior ttook of rianrs, Siiics, Augers, ILitehds, Single, l'oulilc-ltit and Ptaliug Axes, JItimmrrt, Files, llmges, ClitKils, Sirttrt, Units, Locks, Pulleys, l&ish, Cord, ttr., fr. Farmers tnd l'.tftnien will And ererTthinr In their lint, and choaptr than can bt had else where. sr Particular attention is lnviied to OUR STOCK OF STOVES, Comprising Fpear's Celebrated Antl-Putt, Cook and Parlor Bleret, of aJI titet. Also, THE NI AG A R A (1XK, TAT. LOR C (OK, HRII.I.IANT, DAWN, DEW DROP, ARCTIC AND 'OM1ION LGU. I OCKET, etc.. Ao. IdrAll of tlio nlxive Gnods will lie sold CHEAT FOR CASHm CI. II. ZK1GLER sS Co. Phillrahorg, Oct. 1, 1S.71 O, YES! O, YES! TWENTY TER CENT. LOWER THAN ANYWHERE ELE IN THE COUNTY. JOHN R. HADEHACII, II AVIN'tl nr-ened a new store at tht "nine Hall," In riea'ftrld coonte. wishes lo netitr I l"e public that he . determined lo srll sll kind. I of Hoods CHEAPER than the CUEAPLST, In debanc to tbt county. Now is your Time to Call and Examine, While be ii plkwlnjt on hi ihelvei a full Mort mtnt of Pry Gondii, (triMPfrien. ttifpnuTAte, ll.rdwsr., Ftrthenware, f'ruc. tills, and Psiuts, Medicines, Ao., Ac, Ac HATS, CAPS, HOOTS SHOES, Of all kinds, constantly kept on hand. A (tencral assortment of II F.A I) I'-.U A Pi: CLO Til IX G, For Alen and Boyt' wear. A1I to be tclJ at a sere LOW r-nrrr f... CA1I, or eirhanfred for all kinds of Marketing. .c-s En li'mher a FnixiiLKs tk... '"hnge for goods. octJl tf jntfN P. r.AIiEBACH. Grape Vines for Sale. 4 1.L tii .Mitng hrjj of flrat V MUsiUIT. 1 ""-..rd, I year ol,!, IS cents, or fjri per led ' Concord, 5 years old. Ml cents, or $10 per 1 no j , BM.ST while mM ...o. i year old. 1 1 fei ; be.t arobi-ritraps. Any other eari-tirs below Nur.ory prices Orders sollc.ted as x.ue a. i a,,j u r.niioB. hy A. M. U1LLS icarnini. August IJ, lRtf. r. n ines i i ready lor removal by tht Ulh of Ocf.ber. 1 KHI -' M Hl H V-E.cora... Hs l.nesTny. The andernrn.d b...n. e.i.hli bed. .Vur.ery, onth, P,k.: aboutbalVVl"f'"A,!E1 li009 il SIlOC?. ;..n an.l Corwen.rill.. i. pared tofurni.h all kinds of I run tr, ,dj -rd and Lwarf.) Krergro,,., Mhrubbery, inc.. Hoeh,rries. U.l.i. Blackberre. Siraw- tr. o i l'rT7 ,"s Also. Siben.n Crab "72,1"" ""T Kheobwb, A. Sept IP. '64. -le. J tl -. m'u.c'... RICHARD KOSSOP. DEALKIt IX FOREIGN and DOM ESTIC GOODS MTSUNS IiF.I.AlNKS tunrmis at at at l Sensation Svnsitiioo Henialmn Sfniuitinri firirc. riet) Jirioen ALI'ACAS tirirea Jusl received at MOSSOI'S' OINOIIAMS at toniinn prlrc CHINTZ I'll I NTS fil.OVKS CRAVATS SHAWLS HUN NETS COUIHKI) ) MUSLINS J at af at al al at HenMtion Hf ntalinn Kensalien Herniation pneca pi cn iricj tirioei at MOSSOl'S' SentMlinn prioea r-etihtttion prices at EcDnitlon prices All to l.e bud at MOSSOPS'. I. IN EN at CKASII at CURTAINS at TABI.K CLOTHS at FRINGE at Sensation Sensation Sensation Kensation pricea pricet j. rices price Sen nation pricet a.t MUSSOI'S'. LACE at HOSIERY t RIKHiiNS at Bentation Hernial ion He ligation price pricet price TRIMMINGS ot all kinds & at Scneation pricet in any quan'ty I Aiwavon liana at mustUI'S . CASS1MKUE3 at K ATT IN ETS at TWEEUS al JtANS at VEST1NOS at SU11UTNG3 at tSentalion herniation Henaatinn Herniation Herniation Benaation price priee price price pricet price at MOSSOPS. CLOTHING uchl a Coat, rami, Veala, Under Sliirta, Flannel Hbirta, Boots, Shoes, Hau and Cain, I lenaalioa price Now for tale at MOSSOPS'. HARDWARE such a SawB.naiU Korks, Knives, Stiike, Hinge, LIQUORS, anch a Wine,, Gin, W b iakey, Cognac, etc., etc., FRUIT'S, uch a Prune. Raisin, Fig9, Filbert, 4c. GROCERIES, say Flour, Ham, Kfiouldcri, Hurar, MolaiutA, Colii'8, Tea, Crtckf n, at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. at sensation price at sensation price at MOSSOPS'. at sensation pricet Spice, Candles, Coal Oil, etc, t'.o. Always at MOSSOrS'. PI.ACK1SG RiU'LS POWDER illuT LEAD CAPS at aeosation pricet at senxulion prices at sensation price at senaniinn pricet lit tenant ion pricet at sensation prim A I the etc-re of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP Alwny keef on hand a lull assortment of all kinds of poods requited lor tbe accommodation of tlie pulilic. Not. 12, 18t. GREAT EXCITEMENT 0 N SECOND STHEET, Cl.EAUFlELI), rEXS'A. NEW FIRM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and Ncid Goods AT VERY LOW TRICtS. Tbe undersigned baring formed s co partnership, in Ibe Mercantile tuques, wou.d re.eeifullv invi;e the attention of the Public penernlly to their splendid asaortemnt ol Merchandise, which it now licinrf SOLI) VERY LOW P0R CASH. Their stock consists in part of Dry Goods, of the best quality, surb at Printt, I)e- 1-aines, Alpsceas. Moiinns, (imtlmnis, Alualint lileached and unbleached. Drillings, Tirkinpt, Cotton and ""Wool Flannel, Salmons, Cottenadeu, Csskimerei, I.sdie' Sbawlt. CoHtt.Nubiaa and llnods, Ilalmo rul and Hoop .Skills, 4c., ic., all of which WILL RE SOLI) LOW FOR CASH Also, a fine assortment of men1 liraw em and Shirts, Hat A Caps. Hoot i Shoe Qucensicarc, Glassware, Hardware, Groceries and spices Or A I.I. KINDS INSHORTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT of ererythinft nstinlly kept in a re tail Store. ALL CUEAF FOR CASH or approved country produce. WRIGHT i FI.ANKJAN. Clearfield, January 10th, E lirMINt.TON A. HOS, Manufacturers of HEVOLTEi:s, Eiri.ES, MUSKETS AND CAIililNES, For tbt I nited Sit' fSsrrlce. Also, Pocket and Belt Rerolrora. Repeating Pis tols, Kifle Canes, Beyolrlng rifle.. Kids and f-hot Hun barrrls, and ran m.teiislt fjenerallr. Hold by dun llralert and tbe trade generally. In these days of house breaking tnd robbery, eyery house, ttort, bank and offiot thould hart one of XEMIXG TOXS HEVCL VERS. CireuUre. containing eult and description of our arms will be furnished upon spplica ioa K. KKMINUTON A SON, ' 1 1 ion. New York. MOOTiE A Ml llill.K 1...,. jy ly Ko. 4l.Cotirtland stre.1. N.n V.L Save Your jfoiict CT .11.! s oumeuiing iew. The nndersirned hare persnanentlr ensarrd In the manufarlurenf all kinds of Woolen t.oods, at their new ectnry, on Hells Ron, in Psnn tp! THE AKIMXi AMI 1 I I I Business will also reeeieo especial atUntion at our hsndfT. The nulilie ar tnrltarf to . call, or address us by letter, when all inquiries tdilre., ollilK IIKI.IS KCti WtlOLKN FaC ! HlKVit Uaiuns. Il.i.ta. Clearfl.ld co. p.. i JAMK-JtlllNMIX A SON S. Fens tp.. June 4, lb- mo.-pd. I Vi. r.'T. ,', 7tti.- ,7x- .'.".'.' VI" MUl.f.AMI.NLH liOODS: ! JOS. SUA W & SON Hsse jutt opened a Niw 8Tost, on Main St., CLitgniLn, P., latelr occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Their tock consists ol Gsotit!ts of Ihe best quality, H., - . . and erery article oeceasar for one's comfort. Call and examine our stork before pur chasing eliiwker. Jf,y oi XJSfJG-tf. CLEARFIELD STORE e 1'- A It Philipsburg, !- sriiListi ar otoaui L. niTTa. miu. wili.u rcwi 11 itr ttryti't-Ti J - (Pueetiicri to afuaios A Iloopt) Have jut recolred a Inrre an.l ..n lecieu .--iock ol all kin. of Htai, (Wi, Dry Goods, Ciothin-r, Root and Shoes, Hats and Urn N Ill v.-. ' ' , .... viase, mm, (Jjj, i aims, i,ueennwarc, urocerie. riour, liaoon. Feed, to. arLir weare offering at greatly rwluced pncei lor iusii or Ifl Exchange for Lumber and KViinoU We bope to make it lo the adranlage o iiinucr ftjen. id uie ii'werenu oi Lieoilield county an'i uu Licsiimni reen, 10 get iDeir auiiplicn from this no int. Laino- nn tk. i.. , . -. - --o ..- nus g nail Koad can Sc! good on better term than at any point id Clearfield county, and we are selling t. . -1. t our oiock at SUCH prices a lomake it an object to those buy ing goods in tfji mntket to deal avtth ut A tlvetnfna rf flrtrAa I. Vi , t. made on account of Square Timber, which we will either sell on comminoion or buy at fixed rales. Floor of different Brandt can be bad at all time at ery low prieet, at (be Clear field Store, Philiptiburg, I'enn'a. Dry Good Notions, ic., ia grest ari ety, at tbe lowest price for Cah, at tbe Clearfield Store, I'hilii.liurg, I'enn'a. Halt by tbe Sack oi load, cber thsn can be bad any where else, at tbe Clear field Ktore, Pbilipeburg, Fenn'a. Call and Examine tbe stock of goods, at the Clearfield Store, at Fhilipaburg, I'a. Hipbet price paid in Good or Cah for Lumber and Shingle at tbe Clearfield Store. Fhilipaburg. Penn'a. Tbe cheapest soods of all kinds are tn La. had at the Clearfield Store, at Pbilipeburg. Call and tee if our goods and prices elon'l oot the time. W. W. BETTS, A CO. Philipsburg, November 15lb, SPUING GOODS. 'son Kin toii t rniLiniLrmA. A Chesp as the Chespest and t.ood at the lie st. C. KRATZER & SOX, Ilast jnst rreeieed, and sre optninx, al their Old fiend on Front Street, abort tht Acsdemr, a lsrce and well M lected arttrtment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are tolling at Ttry low rate. Head the t'uHotring catalogue and prntl Oterr&y. Kspecis! paint hat been taken in the selection of Ladies Dress (roods, white tloods, Ltnbroidtries sfillinery Uoods. Prints, Kerchiels, Kubiet, tilores, Ac. FOR GENTLEMEN. Always on hand Black Cloths Fancy and Hleek Cassitneret, Satinets, sns., heady Made Clothing ol all kinds. BOOTS AKD SHOES, 2 o ii NECKTIES, and a Tariety of other articlel. which they will toll st a small adetnet on cost. sJ B ?3 Particular alualion is turned to Uitir stock of Carpsu, Ootu-, eosamoa Id rraiu. tuperhut Inirrain and Itrneselt, Floor and Table Uil Clotht. Window thsdet and all papers, ese. FLOUR, BACON, Fitb Salt, Plaster, Apples, Tesches and I'runes kept conslanlly on band. ALSO, in Store a lot of large and small Clover seed. r We intend to make It an object for Farm era sal Mechanics to buy from us; becsnse wt will tell our foods at low si they can b bought in the county and pay ths rj highest price for all kinds of country pro. dure. Me will also eichsnje -ood fur fccnooL, HnAn and Corurr otdert ; bhinplet. Hoards, tnd all kindt of Atanufaetured Lumber. Clearfield. Mnrch 14, lMiii. HEMOVAL. J. P. KRATZER, hat remored to bis nest Ware-Rooms, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa here be bus opened a ?ey brpe slock of Dry Goods, Merlnnes, Gins-hams, Cloths, Delaines, Prints, Cs-simorst, Alpacas, tvlka, Sslinett, Heps, Ctshnieras, Tweeds, Coheres, Mohair, Jeaat. Lanellaa. Muslins. Flannels, lloentls, Kib. bons. Cloaka, Halmonl Pkirta, Hoop. Pkirtt, hhawls, Iiress Trimmings, Head Nets, Caps, Corsets, tl lores, Collars, rVarle, tlreoadint Vsilt, Table Coyere. n t . Kjioiiixngo Costs, Pants, Vettt, Oyer-Coale, ilent't Rhswls (ihirlt, HaU, Ctpt, toder-8hiru aaA Drawers, Boots, Bones, Una bhoci, CrsTtls, Olortl snd Collars. IIARPWARE. VfKENSWARE. GUtV. CEU1ES A MUSICAL GOODS. Groceries. Tea, Coffee. Sugar, Molaseee.Salt, Ctndlet, Rica, Flour, liaoon. Fish, Tobacco, kaltint, Currants. Spires. Crackers, Vinesar, Oils, Vsr aish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE. GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, OILolothe, Pmjrrt. Looking Ol.sses Clocks. Churns. Wathlxiards. Tubs, hock sts. Flat Irons, Pans, Window Klindt, all paper. Coal Oil Lamps, l a. brellas. Bedcords, knives and Forks. Spoons. Crocks, snd (More Blacking. re-All of which wiil be told on th.Bui.iia.. eonahle terms, and Ihe niche.! marks! price savid. v, ..ram, 001, ana an s mil. ot eoaarry produce. Clearheld, December U, ltMlj, C'OI'A KTN EKSH 1 P. fhe nnderined hare this day formed a Cr 1 parlner.hir under the firm name of Irwm llart.Sorn, for the trsnaartios of a HewerslMec. shandis and Lnmher business. A Itrre and selesteil stock or t.ood. bt. been added lo those slreadv nn hand a. L. r An... b. Curweusrillc where wt are sow prepared to tb Customers a cimletrd sssorlmenl with prices as low a- the lowest. The hifbei! aiarkal ratct paid lor Lumber of all description. The patronage ol Ihe public is roepeetfuilT Solicited. KUWAnll A. 1KVIN. " W. K. HARTSHOKS. Curwensrille. Jnlr JS. I! is- s U'DY llll'H lTi:RKTt.. 1h-iTSA SHOFnins AT LOW PR1CF?,. The undersigned Is prepared to asanufarbara syerytbing in his line, at the lowest Igares, tad will warrant hit work to bt as represented, him a rail, al his shop oa Market street, second door west of the Post 0ae. and kt will dowiiin hispowtr. to render tarts tttttoa. Fweue fine 11. iter lops, estra French sail skins, Ac, on hand, re.dy lo bt gnl.herl on shrrt entice al low priees. 11 AM EL CONN KL1 T June I.Kh.tSSA-1 yy. ! I. land t "ermaj-r fti,,', Uonf. 0,T,",,ri,fr;.. tetter'. kied, fet-.. ... ,, ... -'Ti-i p. .,. .arv, .1 letrrttl pnrf ores, tr sale B. e"l..