Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 12, 1866, Image 2

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ittiluco i.i t'i. ir i tt'i ' v "' " 1 '
olrint M! , ihi.I i, i , i-" h I'loii. -I v
nit i.o eie in !.,U'l in tin- neve
mint. Counsel lias li, n employed by
the ImVl THIIll'Ill Ul ill li'llJ itl7.IIS "I
the L' nit imI Matt-son trial I r capital
(Ib-iivs in Ciitiiidii t Hinl a iiicmiiiini
iuu " of the prosecutions which were
insiiiuicd in tlu cuins of t lie 1'iiited
Mates against those who toolf I'Jivt in
tlie expedition, lutt been directed.
I have rcirurdcd the expedition us
not only political in its nature, hut
also in "a on t inertsuro l'oreii"ii I'roin
tin- United States in its causes, tlmr
inter aiul objects. The attempt a
understood in bo mndo in sympathy
with un insurgent party in I relnuil,
nnil, liy htrikinr nt a l.iilish Province
un tins continent, was ai'KiniMi toui.i
in obtaining redress tnr political piev
unces, which, it was assumed, t lie
people of Ireland hail sult'ered (it the
hands of tho Hritish Government, ilu
rinu n period of several centuries. The
persons engaged in it wore chiefly
natives ot that country, some of whom
had, while others had not, become
citizen of tlui Ui.itod States under
our general laws of naturalization.
Complaints of mis government in Ire
land continually engage the attention
I tl... flritlsli miiiiiii unit an irvent nil
agiiiition is now prevailing in Ireland
that the Urilish liovorntneiit have
deemed it necessary to suspend the
writ, of habeas cornus in that country.
These circiiiimluneeg must necessarily
niodily the opinion w hich we might
otherw ise have entertained in regard
to tin expedition expressly prohibited
by on- neutrality laws. So long as
thoe laws remain upon our statute
books, they hlmuld he faithfully execu
ted, and it they operate, harshly, un
jii"tlv or oppressively, Cnngriss tdutie
can iipply tlio remedy, by tiioir modi
lii at ion or repeal.
. .Political and commercial interests
of the United Stale are not unlikely
to hetill'ccud in soino degree by events
that are transpiring in the eastern re
gions of Kurope, and the time seems
to have coma w hen our Government
ought to have a proper diplomatic
representation in (.recce.
This Government has claimed for
all persons not convicted, or accused,
or suspected of crime, un absolute po
litical right of self-expatriation, and
a choice of new uatioiial allegiance.
Most of the European State Imve
dissented from t his principle, an I linve
claimed a right to hold such of their
subjects as have immigrated to and
been naturalized in the I'nilcd S. ales,
and afterwards returned on transient
visits to their native countries, to the
performance of military service in like
manner us resident subjects. Com
plaints arising from the claim in this
re-pect made by foreign Mutes, have
heretofore been matter of controversy
between the United Slates and Some
Ol the European l'owers, and the irri
tation consequent upon the failure to
settle this question increased during
thu war in which Prussia, and
Austria were recently engaged. While
Great ilritnin lias never acknowledged
the right of expatriation, she lias not
practically insisted, npon it. France
lias been equally forbearing, and Prus
sia has proposed a compromise, which,
although evincing increased liberality,
has not been accepted by the United
States, l'eace is now prevailing ev
erywhere in Europe, and the present
teems to be a favorable time tor an
assertion by Congress of the principle,
so long maintained by the Kxeetilive
Department, that tialutalizalinn by
one State fully exempts the native
born subject of any other State from
the performance of military service
under any foreign government, so
long as be does not voluntarily re
nounce its rights and hem-tils.
In thu performance of a iln'y ini-
fiiwed upon me by the Constitution, I
mve thus submitted to the Ilcpreseiil
atives ot the States and of the people,
such information of our domestic mid
foreign affairs as the public iiiicrets
seem to ivqiiiro. Our Government is
now undergoing its most trying or
deal, and my earnest prayer is that
the peril may he successfully and final
ly passed, without impairing iis origi
nal strength and symmetry. The in
terests ot thu nation are best to be
promoted by the revival of fraternal
relations, the complete ohliicration of
our past dillereiices, und the re inau
trunnion ol nil the pur-nits of pence.
IHre ting our t'Hnrls to the early ac
complishment ol these great ends, let
us endeavor to preserve, harmony be
tween the co-ordinulo Departments
of the Government, that each in ils
proper sphere m a y cordially en operate
with the other in securing the main
tenance of the Constitution, the pre
civuiion of the Union, sud the perpe
tuity ol our live institution.
Astiiuw Joii;:hiS.
Washington, Dec. ,'!, l.Mid.
Ai Inhuman Doo. Sihnvler Col
fax delivered a sneechiljat K-troil,
Mil long ago in which he said :
" h 'hrr lhr s.ilili.T liBd in.vomrs Tsr
tiunK griiiM,:, r or ihk Soon, ii miil,.-,
w... liuui, chip, 1 linn! iiniy ivi-ry Htill .i
,h I'nrry ill OUP lull., I ,.icli, in , .i...p B
..i.l, n'l ,wuj Itip fu of Uie cuuuir) wall a.
Such an inhuman dog should l
Kiv. n one hour to leave every town
in which ho showed himself, und on ar
riving at the jumping oir plueo. be
ought to be kicked into the pit. Such
a tiend is a disgrace to the nation.
Ho i more inhuman than Wvrz or
I', and cowardly ns be is inhu
man, for while war raged he kept his
i lU'i io-s clea rot danger and only yelped
!:r blood Out on all such diV-s!
A ilesjier-ite infanticide was enact
ed lit Parker's Hotel last evening. A
married woman, mimed Nugent, from
V arietta, Ohio, murdered her little
(. rl. three years of age, sud alter
wards iillenipled to commit suicide
by taking opium. The cause is sup
posed to be domestic trouble.
John S. llin k, the ell known color
ed lawyer, of lioston. died in thatcily
Oil Monday, ol consumption, lie w as
tiie fir t colored man ever admitted to
pi act ice ill the Supreme Court al
Washington. We suppose Sumner wear crape on account of the de of -Mack I'.x-k"
William A. 'I'll 1 1 hi, a lad of i.ixtccn
ten, was killed in a paper mill at
Maiden Center, Mass., last Sat unlay,
ly being caught in a bell and ce fried
TV asl ton fiftf r suj- limv.
(I he ycpubliran.
ir , U :-
S a v vvy 1
Gt:oiiiiK 11. Giiom.AStim. I'.ditor.
Wednesday Mornir:?, Doc. 12, 18G6,
l'ltKSilltN T 8 MlsSAUK. Wo this
week lay beloro our readers tho second
annual message of President Johnson,
ai d tisk for it un attentive, perusal.
'1 lie document reads like some of the
old Democratic State papers, that
originated in the Whito llouso while
tho Government was iidminutored
according to the CnnstitiUion. It
seems bard for tho President to got
rid of his education, although be foru
series of years associated und acted
with a herd of political debauchees.
such ns no country bus been accursed
with since the days of Ibibespiere.
when headless bodies wero more plen
tiful in France than honest "loyal"
politicians aro in this country. Air.
Johnson is making an berculeun effort
to rescue the country from tho bauds
of tho parricides, who have disrupted
and murdered ita inhabitants, for the
purpose of plunder, in the regular
freebooter style. If be succeeds in
saving it from unarchy and threuleiiud
despotism, it w ill be a miracle, and he
will receive the thanks ol a grateful
people. Ho was uiialo President
through no effort of ours; but while
he attempts to administer the uiluir
of Slate upon a Constitutional basis,
and in a direct line with his predeces
sors, (with the exception of the lour
years of the "lamented,") we will bus
tain It i in in our feeble way. He has,
and is stiil doing specific act that we
condemn, and wish it were otherwise ;
but if the Disunion lluinpers would
allow his policy full sway, the country
would soon bo united and at peace
This i all wo want now, as oilier
healthful symptoms woulk soon follow.
Our views on "removals" found
in another column.
. thtir .Uiktrnbrc Work.
Tho Central Directory, undjr the
lead of the hero of tho ''Buckshot
War," assembled in' Washington on
the Sd instant, in the Hall where
tho American Congress formerly met,
for the purpose of tnakin- a "mure
perfect" dissolution ol the Union, uuj
to further ronand plunder the people.
Tho Pumpers have labored eealously
for tho past six years to separate
these Slates, and to build upon the
ruins of the Republic a Despotism; but
their ungodly work is only partially
accompll-dii'd, and for the next throe
months every efTort will bo made to
complete it. The old Union has en
dured nearly as much bombardment as
Sumter, but the enemy is still at work.
On the second day of the session,
Rroomall, of this State, introduced the
following disunion resolution :
JUvlrtd. 'J 1,1.1 U.e t'un.millH. cm Tniritorip be
illtiru -I, .1 In ilnj iirt, ii, t r, Uio I'ljil diciicy ol n part
ili? ImI! r. iu. I, rritontil K 'V','iU I.,' liii
arvurnl dmtrio f 01 o .ut.trr wiiiiin ILc juiii ii.-tiou
11 IUK I llllfli tS, H ll-M, iill teiurl V S'lljlta. 1 y Otl.T
i auiig SiK b ol i.-.iua, .N arlti I Soulli
Cirolina, lifti-fc-tn, t-lur,.!:., M in.ii!j,j i, All'mii.t.
Lima.. mm, ai.d 'Jt-sai. an. I i..inp t ali
.'lull niioe iiioao.tani a horn Milan lU- iiuoll ol
1 1, a I unci Miii'-p, r uuly i.a'iuai.z, 1, au.i not
(,nrt:.iutif in Ilu- lult- n t llioti. full, t i('.al boliti
cul riliia in au li.tiTi itorial govfrnluinia.
This firebrand was adopted yeas
107 It.T.licals, nays 37 Democrats.
A bill also paf.ed the House, taking
the pardoning power from tho Prcsi
dent. resolutions were introduced
giving the appointment of revenue
officers to the Supreme Court, and to
reject all appointments mado by the
President during the recess. Tbey
seem to bo about as craz- as their
witch hanging grandfathers were.
A Ini Ai," DixistoN. It appears,
since the election of licusl Tlutlcrto
Congress, that bo is not now, nor
iicv. r has been, a citizen of tho Fifth
district, in which bo was a candidate.
And upon this point Mr. Xorlhend,
hi Democratic opponent, compelled
the "loyal'' Attorney General of the
Siale to n ndcr un opinion. He has
decided that a majority of the voters
of the Filth district of llassin husett
having expressed their preference for
ISciijamin F. llutlcr, bo is therefore
duly elected. Should some Democrat
elected to Congress bo found to boa
tioii-resideiit ol bis district, tho loy..l
1 .ii in
soiin send him home.
Uul as tho lcast is one of their gang,
it would make no diilerence it he resi
ded in Canada or Furope, us equity,
law and right have been stricken
from the old catalogue, and "loyally"
substituted, and whoever wears this
cloak at this day, can perpetrate any
crime with impunity, it done in the
interest and behoof of this kingly
Ciirlin, last week. ii'iointeil P. Frn7.1T
Pinilli, Ksq , of West Chester, Slalo
r.i'iorler. The term for w hich Mr.
Wright hud been appointed
in July, lsi;.",, und the odice has bin'n
vacant until the present time. How
many were promised this position wo
know not; but a more, radical one
could not bo found. The term, we
beheve, is five years from tl day of
('('inwinii Shool,
A Cnneention of Coiinly !
emli iiis inl'li'd nt ll.irr;-!
mi perin
in-;' lal
week, for an intcrc'iango t.f views '
ttpoii the system, and to reeointiieiirl I
such chaii-es in tl.o law as in their !
n i
ii'igiiient was necessary lor a mil un
velopinent of the school system of tho
State. Mr. Snyder, IVom thlspoimty,
was present, as well as about filly
Others. This, wo should judge, was
rather a success for the Cist attempt,
and will no doubt result in similar as
semblies; w hich will soon perfect and
make permanent the system, or hasten
its downfall, if not acceptublo to (be
The Convention adopted and reject
ed, in our view, some jood sllggi-slious,
and if acted upon by the Legislature
would soon bo tried upon their merits.
Tho recommendations that tho schools
should bo kept open six months in the
year, and that tho tax should bo equal
throughout the Bute, and that three
(instead ol six) persons should consti
tute u board of directors, all tend to
put tho system on 'lu foundation in
tended by its blunders. But the re-1
joetion of tho resolution requiriug
each count' to adopt a uniform set of
books was wrong. The present mode
of each district selecting its owu books
is expensive, and one ol' the cLii f coin
plaintsagaiust I lie system. Kextto tho
tax, the book-feature is the most vital.
The founders of tho system culled il
"common" alike in its features and
its operations everywhere. but ibcir
successors Lava failed to put it in
prae ice.
The very fact that the "Common"
School System isitoadininislerod, that
the people, of Deluware county need
to assess a tax of but Jive mills to keep
their schools open nine months, while
we iu Clearfield must assess sixhen
mill, and only keep our schools ojien
four months, is enough to condemn it
in the minds of all fair-minded nier.,
and especially thoso outsido of Dela
ware county.
Under this "common" system, as it
is termed, we re coindled to pay
two thirds uinre tux, and have less
than one-liaif the si howling our neigh
bor enjoys. To our Ujind, if the Legis
lature refuses to pan a law to compol
an equal asse-wiuciit of the taxes
throughout the Slate, they had better
chango the liuiuo tu "Un-C'jiiitiion"
School System, to make tho Uiing
The Dotmuurd &lrp.
The "was to bo" gi eat reception giv
en to the "loyal" Congressmen on their
return to Washington, was a misers
bis failure. Tboso present declare
ihut tbree-fuurtliS of the crowd were
negro bucks and wenches. A corre
spondent present thus refers to the
supper :
"(in Maralay inln Ilia aujator eama off. si tlir
Fair Itu.j.ling. ll' rr'a irbrra. tua fun look lo.
ine vinluaia lo.ifJ litfa a riulroad aiwiiiiii.l 4if
bog tram all ot J outa. W'lH.tji licaii, 4 nvgns
a.n.1 wli.te ui u ol a.taaJ tati.- a.U fctiia 1V a.l",
and aln-n Uollneui a a ina nrpm to T'atm n liit
.a,.r)iaiift..ana, au.-noj ttniibv Uia ttcnail ol a Jlo.
(Tartu w. rc rua.r'i A.
AJ ilia 4'mji, ui lue wr.
lirown u'll'vari ttLar u,n oulv ;)i'.i thtr
anrv k, if vuy for U; oc"aai"n.,
who ko.-nt a ootul at Itii cornor ol J uirlis titn an
V amsla, luni.HljiJ Uie t,s.l. llie lluTua.a or
Tian.l r"a.'U.i.l. 'I a.-rT o'o.c'y llman oaJJ aulk ivt-n
to l (rrw a; ilu- ),a,.k tutraiu'a to rrat-al. li.a"l :
bul it aaa rooU tiiiu:th lor U'-K.-ia an:l their wLi',.
utli. 'ltiia rwai..n anj ytoal ItM hi-va Lnt
town laa lor tl.a Slioa1 S,..k."
This is an inside view of the con
duct and usaociutioiia of thoso w ho
occupy the seals of Clay, Cass, Web
ster, Jackson and I allioun. V ere
tbey ever found in such "a mix,"
Instead of using their time and encr
gies to again unite and cement the
element of our disrupted country,
our Ii. prescntatives spend their Jicg
islative hours in bacchanalian revels
with l egroes, in tho slop-shops of the
Capital. What ''grand moral ideas 1"
What a deluded and egregious!' hum
bugged people we are I The Kepre
Mutative is always a true index of the
The Democracy of Ohio propose to
hold their Stale Convention, lor the
purpose ol nominating a candidate for
Governor, and other Stale officers, on
the celebrated Sih of January. The
i' um her of ib legates, according to the
apportionment made by tho Stale
I otuniitloc, will bo 615. They have
assigned one delegate to each county,
and then one for every ,rt HI Democratic
voles polled for Governor, and one for
every fraction of -,"0 or more votes so
Il sriTKli. The Fenians w ho were
condemned to be hunjj on the Kith
inst., I13 the Ciinudiiin authorilies,
i Imve been resnileil until the llith ol
! i ..,.,.!. ti. ...,i ., c .
, , ,. , ....
oura;, imve t.iuiiil true l. ins nj:aii)s
loiirlecn seven til" them t'utiiidiiins
und seven citizens of the United Suvtes
The number of pensioners on the
rolls tin tho 1st of July last was
2u,7JJ. Over fi'l,(lOC) names were
added to the rolls the juisl year. It
lu 1.4.1 i,i,ui ...I l,..i i... ..... i:..i u tii
, ,. V ' ; ' " "' 1
" J 1
million dollars mid no Union still.
Two buys at llollidiiysburg, named
Stevens and Jones, got intu a quarrel,
when Jones struck Stevens on the
temple with an iron bur, from the ef
feet of which bcdiil in thirty minutes.
at is announced from (alveston,thal
no lcs than SiU'l families ol the Scotch
wo iking classes had sailed from Liv.
erpool, destined to that point. They
will find in Texas an excellent field
for thrifty industry
Hnnarnl Otim ttHfrr. j
The follovi in-' .it tiele taken In-m the
o i i i.. i j . r ii..
ii idavsbuig .Vit.iir,f, so luliv ex-
' !
pressea our view on tli ui-j.H-t ol re- s
nioviu, tnai we nespeim inr u um in- j
tentiva perusal of our read, is:
We are not loo inodot to say, that
it, Pn.Hi.b'iit ,!,.,. iw, i .vono no to our
... - ...
standard of whiU h ought to in the
matter of removals from offli-e- It
has heretofore been the doctrine, and
wo believe it to bo right, that if the
President wishes to have a successful
administration lie must have men in
,.li;..a iinili.i, Itim ti ansliiill bistlolil'V.
Mr. Lincoln act od upon this the. ry 1 1"'"- l'c were terribly mangled,
when be came into power. Ho was : SI") uflerwanlscut her own throat,
barely warm iu his seal beloro be "eiirly s. vci n.g her head Iron, her
commenced a wbolo.-alo removal, and : oody. One ol the children w ill j.roba
in a coinjiaralivcly shoit lime hardly oly die.
a boot black wan left in the employ of j Application of the counsel of John
the government teal lhl not sing the ! Moriin, lor commutation of sentence,
chorus to the tune sthrted in the Uiite ''as been denied by tho Executive
House. In this general slaughter men Council, and bis execution is lixel lor
wero removed troiu petty otlices who; January lo. Moran murdered Mary
ui. tbu first alarm had volunteered to Kilen Kearney, in Poxbury, Mass., in
tirotect ilr Lincoln and his Cabinet
I . . . ....
liom being urtvou into tlio l otoinac.
Ho und bis party tolurated nobody iu
oliiuo who did not endorsn in loto ull
thu measures of the administration,
good, bad and iudifloront. All the ex-
ecutive patronage was used to sustain
bis policy, and ttieolhcials bieut tlieir; gain'", uou more a u siruggiu iu
timo und money, finely, to this end. j p'U h'i '"t, i hi( h knives and ra
JS ever before wus there such bitter wrs were freely used, and be wa
proseriplioii pruw.-ud toward those j slabbed to the heart. Many w ere
who ilillered iu omnion with the ad- severely wounded rti both sides.
ministration. Tho influence of bis
office holders did a great deal towurd !
enabling Mr. Lincoln to carry out
his policy, as chjeelioiinl-ile us it was
in many ol its leal u rob.
Neither thucoiidiliou of things nor
tho necessities of the occasion have
chunged since then. It is us necessa
ry now tor 2c r. Johnson to have the
places of public trust tided wiib bis
friends us it was for Mr. Lincoln w ben
he was in bis oitiee. Yes more so.
The present executive has u hostile
Congrei , while bis predecessor bud a !
fiieiiuly one. President Johnson bus j
a policy which he wishes to cany out '
because it is a good onu, Whom doe j
he sup lose will assist him to carry it
out. bis friends or hi enemies f Of j
course be must look to (be lurnier for
whatever success be expects to
achieve. But bow au they be expect
ed to exert their full influence in its
behuif if bis enemies, those w ho are
kuottulobo bis opeu opposers, are
retaiued in oilico and allowed to dis-:
petice the public patronage to count. I destroy ed. Il l said the pns.l i a.
eract I hi ir exertions!' Vet this is the ! iive. Mr. Culler tried to comiuil su
c.o to day. More than four-tilth of; icidc by jumping out oi a window, tut
a llbe puoiic ortices iu the country d"l not succeed. It will be reiu.-m
are iu the bands of tho I' t s j l-ered that the cleik lost tueir lives
ntiiiiical eiiMmies. and whertj tlo-v do !
ii. it use the influence and patronage
of their ollieo against bitu openiy,
they do il secretly. Thousands of
these dispcusers of iatronuge laugh
itt their uleevusut their nuccea in cur
rying w ater u a both shoulder. The
coinliliou of things is such, that no
uau who is not un unequivocal sup
jHii ti r of the Prtwident and bis policy
sliou'id be sllowed to bold of!icu under
b: iu any longer thtin it w ill take to
Cud a in u n to till his place. The Pres
ident mast soon, if be does not al
ready , rocogniie the doctrine that be
who is not for hi in and bis policy ib
againsl hi in. . -
"Tnt Lr.AinH." This is a new pa
per started lit Hollidayshurg, by John
U. Kcatly, LVq. It makes a neat ap
pearance, and i to be devoted entirely
to the cause of temperance. We sus
pect that about '.be time the next elec
tion comes around ' loyally" will be
added to the list. It may be well
enough to again revive the temperance
cause, but if the same demogogues
mour t the bobby that rode il to death
in ISol, a similar fate aw aits it. Tem
perance, while advocated upon its
merits, done a great deal of good, but
it soon fell into disrepute when given
over to the control of half w illed cler
gymen and drunken lecturers. The
friends ol the cain-o w
ili have to keciia !
a.lo,r lo,.L. ii .l... ;k .I..,,-, i
, ,. .1
get nom 01 11 ngnin. it me euitor oi ,
the Lcitlrr jirevents this, be w ill have
wrought a good wmk, and will no
doubt attract the utteiition of all true
tetnjierance advocates.
Snix llrt.n. lion. Mr. Culver, the
loyal Congressman who ba been
, , . , '. , . , . ,
sjietuliiig tho oast six 111 tiie
0 1
t rankliu jad, lor Mbl.nif; the w.ld.eiV
widows and orphans out of hundreds
. , ,
lit I l.l illuu ,11 lu n,A tnln r..t.w, I.,.,
v.,,v ...... ,1,1V l."i
week, mid claitned exemption from t
arrest and inirisoiimeiit because ol."
being a Cmigressiuan. The court very
imjiorly iiilormrd his loyal liighness
that no man charged wilh the crimes
be was could be released nntil he was
released by a jury of bis countrymen.
This decision wiil make tho ' Inyai"
volo in the l!unii one short.
New rAi itt. "We observe that a
new religious journal is to be started
in J'tiilmlelpliia on the hrst of January
next, entitled J7.r M,1l,,,iu-t JJomi
J.iurihil." l!cv. A. Wallace is to be
the edilor, and O. L. lladdin-k jnib-li-hrr,
No. liiS (south od street. ISub
scrijil iitif 8J..itl per annuin.
The decreice ol the -National debt
during November, was only Sl.,Vi.i,(iOil,
to6--,lHiii.00ll in Oetnbi-r. The total
decreiiic since the K. of September,
lM.'i. is SJHS.172.-1 !!. bcine- about
1 l.-.,.HMl,Hlo per month, to 1st Xovenv
1,, lsfiiV v..
Cuiise is assigoej
the lulling off in this month.
On Friday nibt. Harney McQuade,
tieorge Freeman, John l'oolr, I'utriek
liegtian and Hubert (Jr-orgo, alias Hut-'
ler, all noirroes, ecaped Irom jail nt
Ciiniberliind, Md., ly, euttinj; through
the upper floors and roof. lal' free
dom, sure.
Someboby wants to know wlir
noiir was cneaner iili cold at "so
iih pold at
than it is with n.hl at 140 r Let Kim
I ri""'
'ask tfca Ramp (ng!
TPSS hwr it j.
frorrtu of Ittr .! y lit form-
Andrew V. Armt!'tirr, convo tcl
. ,
i it ,li,,,,t .ri ot, f 1.1 itt i .,, m ii'tter i ,1
wiJO) (.,, (.,lll..v., t.i U
imng on tlie -tli ol I el ruary next,
l'ct.r Hot la was bung at' William
pon. "'i.
murder of bis He. in Man h at.
i,.. .... .i.A i,i. r.
his conlessioi. be slate that be kiln d
wo ' Vr" '""" 10 tiding ol Ins
wife, ono in Hungary and the other
in Llinira, New York.
At Cairo, Illinois, on Saturday last,
a woiniin named l.ielunaii sttcmpled
to kill h"l' two children wilh an ax.
I March last a young woman to w hom
11 .. I I..-
bo was said to bo under engageiuul.t
of marriage.
At a colored Methodist meeting in
Hamilton, Ohio, on Monday evening
rowdy negro named t oopcr,
witl others, interrupted the emigre
On the 4th instant, iu the court of
Oyer and Terminer, at Poug.hkuipsie.
N. V., the jury iu the case of Kichard
Lewis, charged with killing the Lev.
J C. Lu hnioiid, returned a verdict of
murder in the lirst degree, whereupon
Judge Gilbert sentenced him to be
bunged on the .'dh ol' January, l'ti".
Ci.M'iiiui, S. II., Dec. 4th. Mark
Shinl'oiii', a noted bank robber, w bo
escaped from the priso.i last night, is
ol light complexion, has a lull round
bice, weighs one hundred and ciguty
("ounds, und is five feet eight inches
'''gh. -The nail upon the I'oreliiig.-r ot
l" band was split by a kntie, on
t'"' !"' of bis escape, and is the only
mark by which be may be icudiiy
identified. A reward of l,tnnj bus
bocu odercd by tho Warden lor bis
John Scott, G. A. Culler, and Dr
Wilder, of tho commission bouse ot
Scolt, Culler & Co., ol Kanta. City,
have been arrested on the charge id
set tin
tire to their store, wb,cb was
by this l.r
A wealthy firmer named HoU-rt
DiiiMiiore, living in II qiew. ll Tootn
hip, near Washington, Pa., was bru
tally iiuinlered in Ins o li house, on
the night ol the 4 ill iut.. by two men,
whosliot I. nil in the breast twice,
from w loch wounds be died in a !cv
hours after. A reward of i.lO is
tillered I't their apprehension. Two
men, Hubert Taylor and Hubert IV
land, have been umtcd a the sus
pecled murderer.
Si .sf.ciLti Mi'Blir.R. James WtUh.
a ineuilier ot the Columbian Com
mand, ry ol the Knights Templars,
who whs missed by bis associates on
the night !' the rtxviil demonstration
in this city, and lor w hom a large re
ward was offered by the Masons, was
lonii 1 iu one of the dock in front ol
this city, under circumstance which
leave no doubt that be ha been full y
dealt w ith. II i clothing had all U-en
taken from l.i'ii except an undershirt.
The deceasod was front Washington,
and is believed to have luen rubbed
and thrown into the dock. .',J(. .'.jn.
.Some three or lour erUs sinee, a
yoiin man unused to I. .bur, enirn.'d
, r .. , . ,,
to win ; lor lariner in Jlu httin.
quite delicate, he mi- kindly treat
ed by the l.iinily. About a week mro.
be requested nil interview with the
lurnier s son , hen, after exacting a
liroinirti fif weri'sv for t teeitl v.l ,,nr
hours, be told l.iin that he si one of
a bnd of rihlers that were to rob bis
,:lURr "'"iiey, Mil tloit lie Itail
l,l'l11 soKin.l.y treated
o.-eil su Kino., treateil lllttl lit. nu.l
abandoned the idea, and wanted him
to llH)k mit lur ,!ie ,,.
Toe letroit A lmtix'T stiites that
quite a large number of the fashiona
ble Indies of that city "make tl.eir
own shoes," but the edilor laments
that this is done, because "it is fash-
ion, not economy
, , 7 , ".'
j John Jlitchell. bavingn tiinied fn"m
. . . , .
l.urou, lias beeoine cditona lv cuii-
,, ll with the Hi. hmond l.),jt.-h.
, .J : .,, ,
1 he j.oinilali.m ol l.ouisv ilia in
. . . '
,,. ,,
six years, the nresenl csti-
le bein. l."it'.""il.
Icx itvfrtisfmruts.
tlKall.ll UK s-iail K.V A l itl.i ts l
Ian y, r ,,t niulry lilol 1 11, tnotimn eir
1. . a I ' t . r h ip n II.. hrr a, . a Iri.inrirnT
wl il" r. ,1 i,n ili a. l,-. Any inl.Ttna:i..n ,.: twr
atiii Is- 1 i.i-tviu'iy r.wivr.1 anJ ail ni.'nit,lc ex
j.r'.a. ? .nul .r k.,.r is-itnii tu
I r. I U CTt Tl F.
""OI'll I'. An K.,r:t..n l,.r l'i:t.-'..r i.;
1 I I al Ihr ; 1...,,.. t or fill NT 1
N A rt'N A I I'. -INK. Sarfrit, f. . , a. on ihf
a,snnrl Tin Hilar ,1 January. Ir- 7, at ? n' ti-k .t..n
j l'"',,.lJ1"-r
JAMLS T. Ll-.oNAi.ll,
l'r,--!.!, nt.
I ii imp ' uri of tltarii.U cuiii.n.
'I trm, A. U. istiti.
In tlie n-!-tier f tbe fv-al r'atr of !ITry Ket'i f. f
iaTf tu itra diim m ii;., ;sr; -;J n.. ,i,v ,j.
r-'tvl .tiff tl.r n i 1 .. ttciit e.f rr m'artf
tmiM'-i l v i'-.' v hi. j'fi, W tbiw t.f
Kit- H.iw-a-.' 1, r"i 'h i T'I s.ttt ..f t.
li Min-if i ac tt'H.', tr : b-t .ftT-j; f at,, ts,,,r.
I;r, tin-lirr nt. t v inn.l ol J..ti,i 1 1 1... ,,; 4 It
M-r-li.. t a ft'-nr b.t.j; tt'J, --r 1 v y . ,
tnl fli'llf hiti: Itiei.t KVbl'i " J. t. ,
i lie t'W ; t ti i ii b Ut.ti ('. J.i'in l;v nt-. 1 t '
... i,J.',.fT A. IV ls( rT l-r-Jr-j
dull jin- ritt ., il.f f tiurt il rta-i a .Uce t- a I jia"i
int r fiM. b rn.H-aMia in one uriMum i uS
hfh'! in t Irr.n td rouniv. thai lite anitte iil
Hlrri-,1 nn. I ."iriinni-. .l... 'y.arb ri
r !.--n to ihe oitntmrt he hwa b the hrnt trJ o)
January lorn. iM'-i. lit Hi t ..ti-t.
Wli-M I. Ct. 'itAKM-ll, 1 Irrk.
Orphans' Courl Si
Y .n'srf at nislrf ,.f l,r 0-a.Ssr.,' t'..rl.
S ll.t r- . ' i. l. . ... I -
l-i,ul"". 1 l"AV, 1,. 1.1, isi.ts all Hat
j CertUn Trsrt er Plisr nf B(t,
lata Ihr J-riprrlT nf Frr.l.-i. t ', V1, ,,1
" l N-wna lni.hiiv t'lrarfir lrl aanii . I'a.
an,... a. r jun s,a ,.n,T. ot Has. trat
lnuuinlnc aboat SIO Arrt-a.
; 7 m ' """" ' wurtsrina w
i a.n inr i. . tm,. i.itn,K
' s. ZIZXL
aod wicf a the
oaillAKIMl Stlrl.
'-tan '
. a 1 .
.'- II ' l " : .-'.
1', l -ini... lo-iil.. 'r
Ji:...o.- I rai l, tin A , il
t J,..i..rf 1,i'i,.. alwtnt .r. - Ai I'. 'is.
lira t - J 'M. .lr. J in It . rlr
ltimt. .1, I'ari.l tioiuian, l'..,iaii AaLraf',
Wiiliam Ai. t, t..n
I h-l I.J.K- N, .hT
l.sirfeM Tli.nnaa l'.,'itli'J
C.ivir.fton t iaur.1 li. l'-y
t ura. ,.p, ill Jio- Aii'ttm-S
l,r.,hio jal.T U' Tdmtf
liul.rli S II lluri.
II :,'nn J .liH i 1 Itr W i'l 'B Ti ll
K..". l'l.- A I'.omi'-r
I.twi nr. I l.on, a l:..t. Lacnia Ancrroi-t-
I. units r (.'i't W.l'.tain V K-..
l'.av Mni. ai I:, a 1
Tmrrlt'r ji rora rirsT wckk.
Flpis.ana T ti"-na M ill. n. ir
II. 11 Ni.--. ii V'.ui.?. Il-i.i l .M.Tra-teo
lira ll..rl. Mi!,u-I W iIwju, Sco t ,'al, Hc-nrj
Ur..fiiu J..;.n !'ir k
l,ru lv ! i I I'.i-atal, lk-crv, Jau.-a
In ,ii, lniirj( J W iir
I, .jn,.,.. Kr, I ii -it K -li-1 hrr l. J'.fco KiU-hcn,
J..I.U ll..llins.i. J..l,n Kin.;, y, Jam-.-a Weaver
Cl- Wil'.ain II a,i,r
I I, -mr .'!) H.i nai-a l..o. fleor?f C Pan'-nore
t iirw,-n. ti , J.-,,1, l', hauivl Cualuovra
li.s-a'iir W illiatn T Tti"...poa
F.rir"n',- iu 1 uuta
li:.:.i Mil -b-il sti,a
tijla-h A"rtitai ll :a ,
llu-ton W i:l a:n 1 Wo..Jwar4
J..r.. n I'.lin lliiuirr, Joa-j.Q I Jonian(Tbonaaj
.Simlb, Nichoiaa h'.-aar i
Knul Otsi.-v .Vet, A L Hiv-aox, Orwnwood
r. a
LawrMifs- J,.lm Iloa.'trt.. jr. Martin Klin,
J .t.n M,l,-i,.-!l. ii.K-T Aui'tisn .au.h j
M-irri Jus.ii ll llioa.u. Lci.j .suat-Lniaai j
N. w ;e.: .Inilir, j jL j
P,nn lavtoal Uotti-rt, iioaa Hoorpr, Jaxnc
Tl.a.T )
l'.at Thotn-.f In;
t nun - r, t-.r II l.o., Lfvi K Iircs.'lw, lloraw
A Con-T, ll. n-T l',-n:i
liiretot jrftuiu aicoiiD Krs-
r.o.-tra J.iu 1'. 'n
llra.ii"rd -JutiN Livlr r'l-'il
lira i J-'li'i ll"'r i' t:. liHt-f, M Tb.Ti:-w.n.
Henry Aurol, lan-l W i,eai!e, tanorge knMer,
tr.i.ti'k Karoe. C 1' Lull
llurlii.jL' J, rr Hull, ,tl
( a. ft A lam ll;i.v, Wilaaas P.-arlan'l, Juhn
K l:rL-r. J un f ra1', v. Lawn mx kiiikS
(',.Tii.'lm-1 V l ii'rn t
("i-a-liwl J-,-.b .-i..r
!-catiiT Wa.i..t:trt',n Klin
llt.Ftoa L II 1.. vrt J..1.D oniilaA't, Jtw-J,b Giliilaai
Km i J:r.- K ur
UastxY M-t.i F VVIitt, A. litai. W la:r. A.UU.IT K, - I. jr'-r I ilT Jn3i Ar'
tw Waji.'.glvn Lu.aul NLMuTrar, Frsna
t- kr Jaaa a R Calja,,); J Lisa Huaaer, Iraaf
'. a. ia--?l
I'at.n J..SQ F'
W.s.lwaH Kiiliu Lo-Wt, Chrifliaa Ei-iff.
!-,- woas
A Demccntic Kmi!: Journal.
t.tloX. K!
"4TloV. A Ml
CON ft II'-
Thtf Ii1t Ac con !i la-t tcwu f-tm al
pjiti : t s w ,i. 'h -i ; :.-.! ' f oiii'i-L-n.m
c. !'i.k !", I-, F :miu' rtl (t'tira k- I
. L. 'l . .V irWt-t K -'Ti, a Vjc-.ta- j
m- . ,zn ati-i i CD'fic " '"T-f-.rdn'.("iT.t.rr'.a. !
! ..-t;r .h ..r:it.I !'o ...cMevi i. 1 b--aiTn-
l-.vnrT Afr.cvrnTal Imnti.'M'B, Art.
.Vu:ri. T-, ft.-. B i- ."( -i. 7r.rrivf f. it tia
ttl tb . p.if fcof iS Ax t Prs ff-m
rrrn pari vt tl.f I a tf 1 l'at-a. ard i-4 tt d.-jut-b!
nv-: t ta :mi.i-e t a' f : aii'i th
j ..mi iivm :1 j f af Kun' i.-xa-rbt ly tut
" ul tb- r-aarii i.rta t"u ii.
Tb Vfr.k!5 A vu! lt a c ipj.l-t cjmpwJ.tni
f lii r.rn 4 liirk, and U t rbe kd.rig
rl;t'.-;'. frm t!if Ia: y. will ciaua a Urj,
iB'tatl ff itatr--t ;t -g ", y.rttl tpfrij
f.r tiir -kr iur. li w.'d bV ia a.) a
ftTt-j Kajniiy Jarnl, nin'ta'.Hy a-L.,cd t
tSf Potitirmn. the I tnn r, ti W'vbi.K tb
I a tui I y firfiir ar.d tb li-nrr-al r.talrr, harni:
rrry cbaranJerinffir ot t Lnt! i.-b
naa.brr will - a an inioi,T tnu r niiif ti tL
bvu;i-uf iBr wot! j u.a' a? -4 la ici'm ; ait bur,
and it i ale tb tiiifliti"B to .ainsb. fnn wrrk
t 'ri. id ihf nar t th Jfr, tbrr or K-UJ ol
tb W- and Utrirt ot !l
?t ihrtr 'r,'h. T tnr ai.y t- w-r.i. al j
be rau f LA li n.i::CB. i'lrtjiT, ;
titiii v -n?i -f quArtrr, lu tc J'i a.d at toe o .
Tnit UcriviT eyrt on year, trr
fj'i-f. oir yi-ar. t r"pifi. one ar. il.
laci.IT r wif Ti-tv. -,. lur.n' , ac.rt tl,.
i yv-rt arr aut n, u- ai in-.
; Ju I1"n.:i ii',.i.i,a.on. irar,,'
a r. i,T',:i is-
tor rs'i.i
a. one ar.5
M ri 1-; 1, nl r.. . ..ur- ,T,ar.
,yat.l Is- lunn,o,a ,a', l.trt-as-n rami
l Irn. ur In.'rc la orrf a i.lrva-. lwrartf rtl
ir. live crtta wr talrr. l.r- fa .1 al II.. ,t. v ol
livrry. fe?im- n cs.jar-a ul Ihr l' ana W b,y
arnt iritia, un afl tl,at. at lb ,.,-,.
A ilrr.i, V, 1L-II A
i ttrs-li
... ..s-
y t
Sold by the Tirle f;ritcr;iy.
PRirris REM'CEU.
A liKral DirrBnt w Paipra.
ArniT fT-Kff. jB Oa'trar,
Smty, I . in. ea.tbre,
Hr't K.-u.r-r. (--".f cwktnx Srj falibra,
liflt h"lfT. Nary Ml ca ir.r-e,
Pitiire H-T.-'Ttr, Nary fte, -a iKra,
NfW P-kM K'..:r. with 1. aticf leref.)
Paxket f.eT..Hr. Co.f MfMrr I
Vtr-atnf Pi-ai-.l. E i .t p ) No. T? mrtri.lcr,
P. .pt t put .( .i t-.t ,rt t 5 urirfie.
VrM P.raet Pt-t 52. A U cartridge.
tuB Cane. Biof rrjiJji ,
S rip (Urrvl ! itain.
Pe' iTiBt N fl , SA imw in, tOiVre.
llretTB Lsad j( Jdfia N. 21 ratrtdr.
Ireerh Indn g Car bin. N,. 4 rar-nlf.
V. K fl-. rl bm .( m th na'-re y -Bf t.
1'. fv h t Mn-kf. ."prinf6fd -;t-m.
l'l afj vf 2",Mt fumitsLvd ti L. t. Got
ri.ttiert. liiir t w B'er Ltuidief Krmr Kare jia Wee
r.i-r..,-d and ad r'l i.-r mi1 i ri .-nit in
Kiinp. K. HLXiSt.ln.v A h"S.
IllwB. .s V"fk
Acrt Wnnrt A Nirhit, Kr,; nM
ftr d A tn. B n b .- Jm C 5rl.!i. A Co Tbil
aolri(bia; P, alio 4- Tn-jiMe, lHit oi-r; H
f'ttiMfB A C., Ne Urlevna aBJ Mrarfai
J-fcKB. r.nM A Cm , Ikieafft. L. M Una
cry r., M. Lv4.i ; Aitaart . Crane, Sal
FraB--.p. j4 ly
DBICS! PRIGS! rCKiS! ii n:vix,
On Main St., ot dwT vet of lliffU f Kaast't
II mt te oa kat4 a lape a4-.-traf r.t of
Drug-,$, O 's, Pants, DjC-
Stu!T3, Patent Moncs,
rosv, iioBinrr-iirarr, .ia;ic Mock.
( C.UV l'H(t
' Pf rrnwerr. T'-ilet (JfJ Ctftioceriei. tc ej
taa.rr4 t rait, T"l.arrs, Cirar.. F.ka,
Mal..'rT, rrartl. Prpa. Iak,
... s crsrral ranai
I .ll..aa.
Ili. rtr-rk anSr-arra all ar:irlla Bjrt Is S ' rat.ra-srn Ihr rT.ra per ts-ttl. whu-h ia!!T al-rsnr-o-iiT.
ta aaliryla r... atd rf Ida bral J Sol" urra! A rm. Kaiirn.nrast ran, a"-r
a,o.l-iT. ai,J ,ll ts a. IJ al rraa.ip,) :.t rrirra. I .'! tbr a tianui,-,' uf i, aiti- d.rrtttlj i;h tha
Call a4 rlaattika 0 f.s-da ; tS.f fail ' I'O1'! lirra.
ta ( drrJ If '"air arnra rru1 rar. Il.t ,.t p j.u'ar acr'"' rs
'Wr.Ti.n-ArNT.s-rs t " f " j""; '"r"' 'ii. latfHt
ssmik for asntw-n, .! ... , Vi ,.I . 'k "J '- "! .T. E.a..n. ,:l th. ,1
L.a..a. ra,..T.-,rrr. t ,,, ,hr I -n,...
Fa'!.' Sr. ,, Vat riinr. i,rj.r,r j a-
trs-tr-l it . II taran. f- I!. Mil-h. ., ,. k..,,l
annaS,,,, In ar,rm,
' ri-.. i- atr. a.i i. t ..rrai.irst
Itirrr Trat r ynr Ihr aa-aa
t a r-JB- i
I ras h. '
a,,..,, m.. h rS ti. ihai
''t. - V
fa Atl trttrra Hiratrl Tmmrr. aru r.s .ara I
I 1 'il all t . , .T
t.: .. ti. ., m ... . ,
.... 1
f 1 U tUIN.-Aii ,-,-.
t 'I..
ai l a,:
V ' a at'l ai- l.":t a rsr.a.r, .. I
i I.. : I hi-.s.s.t H.r ly J. I a 1. Sl, .l. r I
1 , ,,. aa llta ..aii.r l.a n i.i I It t...
I a 1 .1 a ram, B-
-i ..I .,
U Ml' 1. kill
ot tli fatiu-r.! r, on Htr mtrt of lb- Z.'i f.f
taJsM-lt, It A 1 M.I.K, -ut 7 yinri o.J,
1 k4. l b'i.'h. t''k hsr, Ta;l n1 Wii, mi: it ft
-r rn ItU bir-l fi t "rk )"iut, :! an Bk ,
wr.h m I bi; fa"i on lorei--ii. A rrtl
Ml '0 ll t f-t-d lor iLe f1 uri ( lh tU.rf fcJ
fcrum of iLc u..trr to Jt-Ki'H liOl-i.'OV,
itf i 1 P rWt-h'O, C ltr fttutitl',
A Great Discovery.
VE of ttit ffrrl aifl ni"t o (til JIi-o'rf
,nmi'iiai i'.:i T, d ma t-T thf itKt,ri!,-.J
it.-. J. Iiihi, ut 1'a', ( Ui-f r!itii.ti to itsj
t Irrijp rta.! Ir;t:'iuarT fI rit v. in 1 . 7 -i"-bLo
! tffl J..'.!!''"''. .tD tlif pW.laful dlVs-fJ kfl'.n
HL MA' I'KKM'U 1 Ll- ALVK. cana-rt ipak
t-- bitilvnf tie w-iwrli:i rii.nn-4 upn ti.fui l-jr
t:,r u: ul th.n.-ir. It hiinfiir Ljiimii
ij in ri'.-.'itn? a rnoannI eurc in iiir;,-!
e"t. In Ibif rr-jHSTt it nirj'-ajMH. all otiit-r Ott-n-ciu'f
I tti kiol. I' will u it ikfrrjta.
iiM-uJ.i fr: if ml, th inun.-j wi.l be
Oi.e ur iwti itoxrt it 'iIKi'it tocf-s-rt a I'TUinrrt-t
rure tu ('"if r ill if tiie dirtctiof t un tb
tti- r l i!iwnl. i'n". one aii'i two iiiir r
bol, ecori.ny to lire. frtit by or txyn i to
an part oi tbc ttiitvJ or anada. r-M by
i'ru -.'iri fjrncrar. A I..-! .h-mr.t tua.lf to
I tho iruic. Ai irrw I. fc. IH'MIAM A l0.r
lilm -rt. I'a.. i'r prct'i' aii'l MjLiiufae-
j in-- ' r !! I't. " S'a.r mrvi Trina-ia. dj-T
flOL'l.O rpsfMifuHT annonTire lo the !!
f leu of Litmrbfii and tieioit. that fc
ba ian ih rtvimt I'ioitIv orruj it J by P. A.
Uai:n. in H. imavd-atlT orer H.
F. Nupie Jiwttrj tut, ud viii cou:ii.a tat
A lull luiinn-rt f Cl"bi. CmTt ltd
Vtii r eoiijiantlr in hand, and mad tu rdtr
ud tbtf br,rt bnuct.
rartieolar atffBfinn will ht f'lrru to CUTTIXO
MrD f, H-.' ard C'bi drro c.aU)tn io th nit
fab(..r-a- l ttlra. O rt fa. a rm A. " W. V. TLARK.
tS "T f Tit I .W AHI " iTTl f TTn" U mn
O tal J kt to any prrM-n bo Ka um d l'r.
lu ii' T: S-iive af'w uibj tu d rocUftii and has
b t ltn rand. AJJnw,
1. a. MnAM i CO.,
dw It V M.gryvrt. Vu.
MM HAM' S fan rmv ? p- r p nt ly lui.r.
or lu (w.vdi oi OAL !L at
uVl-tu J V KKA'I?ER'.
Sl EVfa t? Ar.ti I'Bft PAKI'R &ZA?, th
onl TKirfrrt arraii-ujtiit f-r bum, re fl, at
il-cil ii J. i. KHAlZLKaS
Il'KS A xgt sK-k ol I- or c'o'ir,c out it tho
4 'for r, J. P. K H A"! Z I.
Ah! A T H A W LS. Pmita, tWit,
:a. fcs-arf, 1Q criat virntv, at
d V I la, J. P KH"ZERP.
noi-i.KLi.j'i:H vmiij
do Till to fltm.M
r s--Jrn an-, ti ,.lvw are. I n i are. tif w mu
ntc w cbfitp tt J. P. KKA17.LK
"1 Vhl'I T r.n..4. nri:n, Venitlan. HtBp
J a n 4 v .it t '.'is t. arrt ; r
J. P. K
: K'IZl It. M
lil at.
. ll.PHIe.N' M.W
in.; ELMER'S Plil'HAX?.
Ann F.
Mi ( r.a!'a rM 4' J-l..n and r"an.e."'Tl.a
....J" -I Le Ui lJ...a-rad." l,:enl
Smc;!".." "Mr I.---r.t," 'K;fciei W .ft,"
TlU iitirx s,' "Tia V ift't S crrt," etc,
7b: re x k, l y Mr. Arn P. PtcjiVnn, but
t-n inDvn'rd by aU tu l ly far the t- ft a J
mi at iu.-tre'ir,f trk trrt wntttn ry hr. It p i io B.OTI uly lot-ta'oi ia iVir-rtHiu'i M
antte HuraL (he Ut year, bariov bteD rm jleiri
in tbe lwiuirr nam tar r. htir it pnrrl to le tta
bi-4t fHtfti.Ar. piarlu! an.i faccfiiul Burtl tkat
bav utt aj mt- ib that Maitiue. acd it ir nuw
puWi-k-'l vi piete ar. ona'-n-l-T'd. B ore ia-
(1a'lfimoTo'UR:e,nilnB vith !lMtioM Brirk,"
r r v ii icn bj 4 bibib." ami the other worka of Attn 8. St f'bet.a, fal).brl by . It Wall d
iiB t rwt to te the taufl p"ri'if ami mere!ul
k that b ever bni artiUa by this taictttoi
Amertan ajihrnxfi.
rt.t-o,. b.x rerMy if-ns a favor. fa
iib all ..Btrnnii n irn tf j'n. t -ti"B, anj ib
anru.ut.fU) --st 1 a new mmtt tim her prartfui
ivn i ftwrfut n t to tb'ua&l nt rea.l ra. And
ti' it a rare tn.1 ib f-.r ibem. ib
'!... ar On hn ," Sir. P'rjih oi h-, if any
tJin;.rc','vJ ail b !ruitr rtin. tr. linrt if hm
rt iuifli. t of Kfie atxl actiya, but there if far
Uiore arttft.c ci.iirtr'M, ar.U an elaWntitiB if
' no-e as 1 tftuMs attttt-a1' e orMr by rartd
' nrrie--. Tbe a'tiuc ol tbif oe ootri intrfinnt
i ,n I'"11- r- Ujuu-I the liu..fa u( the c y
utr Jii-'T dtsi rn pmin oeri u i um. I 0
ti rt arl.-rtesi t y M:. St.j Vera it rerrpt, the la-a
war. a.-i f rr it .if v.iii d.f . .Di-i.x tb
ittMi-a-t c L,fli.'iJt kb j aasTitWa eiita.hrti t y and
male Kr t'-c ir,'iii ari bviMx wTpi't tvt oa
t.iDal uQi'y. T.h i ' in ire ot a'trti,np irter
et. fhe cltamrreni are -ijihic t;antr .u fftBl
n aJ ate. atrtril.t in l.r, iuai.ttii, aiaJ tb roctraoTa
I'Ttitl by it t iciiri.tuat pvt-Jiariti. f, aecfal
an.i p' yx!. Sen I a rare rLarra to tl.; Usi atd
' in -tii4 ot .V-n. itrf Sttifa btk."
Tt rHr-:ie'a t'tpfcai." i fa'-;i-hij p-'wjleta
in one U;p- ti Tuloute. i'net il m
f-j-'.r, ot ia c."ib.
lte ti -ld Ilfi.k. fl 'P Mary I,-rfT.t. fl
Tnw rx 1 19 liiett liK.mfiuai.1
1 lie l j. v-U-a ,ir. I !. j I ne Ht-in , 1 j9
AUvc are it f aprr cvrr. or in cVh at I- ea-b.
Tbe abaovf Nvik arr fr unle be a!l'Vr.
tf of -Sum
o'hiriir a.l of tbe aoi t -pa.iAr Kxi bv Mr.
Ann St-h'"n?, till )w kui to any , ttt i4
;av, on n f ( f -no. A . (-). a! ri' ra ta
T. H. I LU.K-uN A l li'-li.l l.S.
.V f C lTtiH: !"f-rt, I'liila u j li;, Tt,
Ani th- y imr j ale autiiUu. i
Zinsl h u-m on baa a t ol Hi'lKS
wrptf , ,.r h vif or BAvOinJ
'U(. ai..-ii Le . II iui at ..:v 'e rs .ft.
lir ai-o oi r? ..r e . e 1 it K i. V. ci.i.lit US, pb
fimuar t nni, 1 ... in n t of ert. t, ran call
jM-m'r.'y or lUrtM biin. a: t ia 6 Kt. IV
if JAML L. u;avy.
1 11 1 It. A.l f r bit are he n -y raiitnia
BafAin.t nrvi.a-wi vr in anv av a
..a t:.c I .1 - ,r g -b i.;riV,i . :.. Lii .r.-j rty. v.i :
V:.r dan b'T. or bay a. , oih- ti.t. ai't t '-'k
jt ini Baiare. one art t.u-ut whwif, '-ne two h .
f"iv.M t-i.vr an-l chaitia, now m tbe
p ..!, n of Jaip- r:tor .i,o( Jonan town?., rs
j a 1 1'U-vhji.v-d itte mi ii m bin on ibp Mb nt"U
mii it t tetl v.tti himsu tn, u-itif to inv ia.
orJ..t:4 IliO.MAS t.)"t'M.
Cl il n All rrni arr ht rrby,cd
J BirtinM haHorib or u.y wue 1 A
tiil V. who hfi let ir.y bet an! bar1 B.tb at
ai y jut MUf, aa 1 am 4etritne4 to ty B
lt .t ot hi r couira t.n alVr tUn .lair.
i.":t y,,I1N w- rifWl,:.
S'WKW l i l.UOBie trr a ne on tha
prem ot tbe ,A r 1 . r. in hfraittr t wn-
( t.ciUr la;, a KE1 AN U I KiM'l E
il-LH, a -nt too ari o.l tn c ;Ur mrk.
Itio owver i bm y r -i-j. I to forward.
.-xt j.; (.rrty, yyy c)x' 5, a i l f-he him mij,
f h- wtia lv d.-j A ol iir 'aw .Itrf,"--
M M I ii. M rl.AKI.i.N.
3' H i lNtur l'. O.
NT- AVri.l-KM- tho o
r.l brat Mni.f M I.Mlti.'ui'.S
KS ru '.-h-M. We aiv the r'n in
t-u. r in th, t le'r t Stst, . L:. in c m l,.,i.m.)
at, t i ,rrrt..ra ran at'.M in a, 11 uM.a, rhf -r ar.i
rav .v:,., a iv.,r Lls-ral is-iiu.aa...ii fciir
i Oar ,lo tint psM throrgh Ihr tiar. Ir cf
j ...-nsrl .j,.n;s, im Brartr all olltrr aiii.-rtp'toai
t ai.w-La ,lr,.t itirrrtxr arr .m .nail,,t In a vr .nr
. ? . . 1"""
. ra.
.,1 far rir-'-a .
ill f lra
I ar'r t'tir t,
n a. ai,,i r.... t,.-
, " D '" rlalrv Irr or n, k, . h tt,,P f
othrr ul.i Vr.
N4TI0NAL I't Tl tslltVii ..
rhi' IV. 1I.....H, M,, . m.-itmjii.'ii
... , 1,. s-, M,rti, a.rt. nr l.i,
. V
Dir l,rr.,.
liai'r ajt ima. b" ;