f rill,' liriMiHT IT l X I J,111J lllil -'a.HBV..Bl. VVri.NrspAT::::::-"""::"":"!lco. t(U. ,Jo,riart oflVni two w.iryon. for J ' , .. . , - I aa'o Sl'e BllVTtl-Cllltll. ' . . I U IVsm..!. The Associate Ju.l-s ; elect, Jacob Wilholin nnd Saml. Clyde, 1 . - n: At ... ! sworn ititootlice on Mon-1 Knur., wcra i. i.,.t nnA lit oneo took their avaU I ujKin the liench. j F.ddvllVHtt.K.q .one ol the pioneer .., ' .Vvii, ,i;..H uioi.. .1 RWnui J his residence near CVntrevillc, at an ! advanced ngo. j Fatal Accident. A child of Wil-j Jiam Hoffman, about three years old, on Saturday last, pulled a ketllo ot boiling water off the stove hearth and scalding himself so seriously that he dioJ from the effect a on Monday morning- m -Ox His Owx Hook." Ky refer ence toour advertising columns, it will be observed that Mr. W. F. Claik baa! taken poseosion of the rooms former- )v occupied by P. A. Gaulin, and will 1 -onlinue the buinetd of t lotluer on , his own account. Game urforesUecm to hoover- talked with all kinds of gamo this fall, and tho huntsmen are bringing , 1 venison down at a rapid rate. Our neighbor, T. J. McCullough, Esq., last week aocccvdcd in capturing a mam moth buck, a "hunk" of which we had the pleasure of consuming ; it almost persuades ns to turn Xiinrod too. Corar. A fiKTial court commenced in the Court House on Monday last, ; with an entire new set of Judges ; his honor Judge Wood, of Leah-town, acting as President, and the new as sociates, Messrs. Wilbeliu and Clyde, on the bench. The attendance is slim, its but few cases were put dwn for trial, only mich as Judge Linn had acted in as counsel, previous to going on the bench. Thk IIktirino Associates The commissions of lion's. John D.Thomp son and Wm. C. Foley, as Associate Judges, expired on Saturday last. Mr. Thoinps.ni having served tho full pe riod of five years, while Mr. Foley succeeded the late James Bloom, by appointment of the Gorern, for a period of about filteen months. These gentleman filled their positions with honor to themselves and their friends, and in ptswng from that honorable position they have their bet wishes. A Want Siwlied We call the attention of the public to tho adver tisement of our young friend. Joseph IX. Irwin, in another column." A drug tore at Curwensvillo wns a necessity that the citizens and surrounding com munity have long felt, and now that ilr. Irwin has met them half wuy, we hope they will patronize him, when in need of the medicines and goods he keeps on hand. Alunys patronize those who hare public spirit enough to advertise A New War. The excesses and de baucheries of professional politicians, it is well known, involved our happy country, in 101, in an nnholy civil war, and the evils entailed upon the people cannot be abrogated for gener ations to come. The crimes of Avar adhere with as much tenacity to the people who engage in it, as ivy dm to the old tower. Put we are glad U know that this new war will entail none of theso results. Where extor tion has heretofore trespassed, cqui'y and moderation assumes the sway. The grief of tho widow and the wails of the orphan, will be turned intojoy. The highway of war has been turned into a path of of peace. Drafts have been abrogated, but the war still goes on But to fully realize ivhut we here describe, you need but step into the store of C. KratzorA Son, on Front I street, where they aro waging a war of extermination on high prices. Lv erything in their lino is down so low, that you would supposo they would "break up," but it is 110 such thing. A Cl'Rious Case. A curious pig rase was lately tried. A woman be ing about to purchase a full-grown pig for the moderate sum of M.nft, I akcd tho render whether the animal was "all right 7" "It's s precious sight Tighter than you," was the re ply an assurance which tho pur chaser, considering her own sound ness unimpeachable, appears to have thought perfectly satisfactory. The pig, however, in a few days, died, and j the question then arose, and was tried 4 ' I before the local magistrate, whether 1 a "warranty" had been given with it. j Thewomnn laid great stress on the ; .0, . ...m w , flaaa-.l 11. aat flan a.... l.u.i a.aaan rlAH nrntl ' "ri.rlt.jr-flvcnthnnsliown; Imt the ... r .1 . .1 . I magitrau were or npinion Hint tlmt diiin'l aninnnt lo mut:li. nJ ilium :."eil ' l t.- .L- r 1 , r! tnet-ttae. r .mi.r. tm- j....ti.. , had irirette! the nunler-ale "' f f H "U in ttometliinrr more Riihtantial t!in jH.rk, for instanre, in tlio cheap J dry trotnU, proccrif, Ae.. to lw found at the Mtre ol Mcssr. Wright A Flan j igiin, on Reeontl street, she would have ; et nreJ a Rufticienl "warranty" in tlic material without bavinif to to law for redress. Thi firm ltave made a ! piraiitic Rank movement ou high ri- er Their new nrii-ea atotiish the ibt atajni! and inf mtwl inh Uigent. lx'oMlmt-KinJroilor.voaimiv hav l.t mny i...un of swct-t i-tihw, 'mid ufTVivl an cgtvgimi delist on WiO ftitlil or tlic lull or Novctiiher ! ! ht.t. hin von khI nn nil ni..hl i.i ht. I ,mM a , j. , f ia, ,ivr0. 1 promiscj by the aMrvno- mors luit you can do better now, 110 1 ; deception ilntt tunc, your eyes w'iu mi.atliizo with your oul, you will think 0f friends far and nenr, you w ill 1 . . ... . 1 whisper to vour nciL'hltoru what vou ! l.,v ....... ..,,1 Van. , n,. .. ill ..t , ' the old and young, that Pern. Kratr.or ,,as 11,0 Ilioet "nd 4"t gd tho county. Vir Hook, i'Ac. A Nrw 15oK by Mrs. Kmma I). E. ' X. Soi'TiiwoRTii. T. IV Peterson 4 Brothers, Philadelphia, have in press and will publihh on Satnrdaj-, Decem ber loth, a new book by lira. Kinmn I). K. N. Sonthworth, entitled "The Bride of Llewellyn," which will, be yond all doubt, provo to bo the most popular and successful work that lias ever been written by her, for he in ',PJ'"d uM 1nc.sli"n tl,c nMt Powerf"' female writer in America, if not in the -I 1 X'.. .1 1 "ur,u- u --l'ir , , , , , i 10 rcau tne wnoio hook, ana nono ever ! read one of her hooka without admir- n the rare genius of its author, and wisbing that die mi.'ht soon write an- olhcr. Her scenes aro lite-pictures, her incidents are f umded on liicts, nnd her sentiments ure characterized by a (lingular purity both of conception nnd expression. .She has the rare faculty of saying what she moans, nnd of say ing it in such a manner that her moan ing cannot be misinterpreted. In short, she possewtes in an eminent de- gree those qualifications which are the eeuliar prerogatives of a good writer ; and while slio delights tho reader's imagination with her descriptive beau ty, bho applies home truths to his un derstanding with the force of rational conviction. The ''Bride of Llewellyn" will be welcomed by all such readers especially; nnd those who have never rcud the works of this gifted woman should not fail to buy and read this new novel by this talented American aiUho'.css. J An Infamous Hook. We observe that some of our Democratic exchan ge, not satisfied with puffing llaq er's Weekly, have taken to eulogizing a book issued by the 'National Pub lishing Co.," entitled "The Camp, the Battlefield and the Hospital." It is a compilation of fugitive newspaper ar ticles, taken from the Tribune nnd its kindred, dining tho Mar, by a Dr. Brockelt, of Brooklyn, who is either a negro or a fool. The book is filled with praise of the nerro soldiers, and. very denunciatory of "Copperheads," just like tho Tribune itself. It is of no historical value, whatever, and the man that buys one had better contri bute his money to a disunion cam paign document directly, and not do it in this humbug style. It in the grentest imposition at book-making we ever met. The publisher!) have done their work well enough, but they de serve censuro for printing this abor tion, and if they have not got their pay in advance, they desciTe to In choated. Tiir AmkUiCan Aoihcumtrist. The publishers of this popular periodica! promiso more for next year than ever before, and wo bavo no doubt their promiso will bo fulfilled to the letter. We would suggest to our readers, that after subscrihir.g for the lit publican, they also send tor the Agriculturist. No citizen in the county ablo to pny for these two papers, ought to be with out them. We understand that a lan;e number of subscriptions: to the latter, expire with this otolith, and by send ing one liillar, their name and address. to I). F. F.tzweiler, Esq , he will have the paper continued for another year, although the price is 81.50. Do you jure the point ? Tiik Day-Hook kor 1 7. The New Yord JJ nj JSiml proposes to treat its readers, for 1W(TT, to a new and origi nal story, by Prof. Peck, author of "Bertha Secb-y," "Beatrice," tic , en titled "The Confederate Flag on the Ocean ; A Tale of the Cruises of the I Alabama and Sumter," introducing the reader to the story of those Avon derful and mysterious voyages. To all oar readers who desire a New York paper, animated by sound Democratic principles, wo sny, take the Jhiy-llnok. Sec ndvert temcnt nnd terms in anoth er column. , ,- T, ... , . . A New Pater. We have received co,v ofn n0Ht ow pn(i,i0ll ,,, "(,',,,.,; v,rjt published at Columbia, Pa., by Lieut. W. Haves . . . . a. .1 t.nor, loruiorlv 01 Mil ivnnsvivittiia Re,ervcs slul alc aasistant editor of n"" "r'u """" ' '"V4: All of iu .m.k i. owned by the fuhtrnharr, ()ie culu,ia ,vy,y ,aml George Young. I who win eontma. the b.nkinr h.iino.. at the t- f .1. . . ,r.i..!a. u pnrate banker, nojer th. ra lu""r- ' ,um UK Jcr t hc p" Ho' rt doterntitted to ptir the I.Hnralcr county loyalist. 1 with a Domotratic role. Snccesa to ,,lC ctoriirie0i j , pecuninrj and. i,eni(M.ratic B0IINe. f;,.Hil the ailvertinoment of Vea,nt. T. IV retero'i k Bros., in nnother roumn, announcing a new book enti- il...l "Tim scoldifr'a (irnhima." l.v that favorite author, Ann S. Sti'phen, who, j lll-e il, .,..n,i,li.l.,l nrtir.n nlrrarai ni:tk- tlie liil jih tha heft. Tnwn-1 nte for .nln rpinc ....-.e....d.i,.i.nf .1 t.ien n..p.,. ' .'T''' :'" ".. M in a.Htti.a mat i ihe nll.r oH.lea ll .p. A1S0, iUUIJ-IlVfl ACTOS 01 Laild, .ijoima, th, ... All ., , ,,,, ,,,,, er T"- ir. i,.r.. An. forth, r i.if. rui ''n -n he ol.lnine.1 l.y n.ldrri.iiig birn, at lilil; iii. 1 iiwritrM aiy. iwa. ii.hkmi ah nmrKn. V " OTIt'nfi. I'rrmna de.irinr lo treii.art im.i- .at I not be n.un.t'wtih ci n.i,i .1 home on -i. i".t MoMU, ..,.1 tvtTl ttl.AY. wiil. Ji-ll. w m. I'oin KH. I'ltlt'llTt: S.iLV or vai.uahi.k REAL & PEESONAX PROPERTY, INCLUDING 3,500 Acres of Timber Land. '"I'MIE MibitcriUT, rwi-Iing at (JImi Hop, nw 1 ultVni for Mir one of tlie bwt lH'rU N K.S MAN US fur Mrrrliantliainjc and Luuitsrnufr; iu ihi MHintv, or prhnp in liif Stati, vn : A larjrr IMU.LUNU HlK, riTOHK-KOOM, and Decenary outLmiiiiiigi aUactmi, togrtiiur Kith Ten Town Lots in Glen Hope, AIm, a LOT CONTAINING TEX ACRKtf of crmk bottom laml of ttift very lu-it qoalitv, on tlia et iiit of Ck-ai-arld Creek, uppoaitc 411m Hoje. A Tract of 200 Acres of Timber Land, Ilt-avily tiuiHml with pin? timW, tituatt one and half mile fnim (Hen lli, un the turtipikv lead inc tii Antonvillt-, mImiuI tvu fti-rrg of uiih art lvrfii and undi-r caltivaliua. Tue undivided One-third of 3500 Acres of Timber Land Of the TerT best quttlitr. fituatc on Clearfield Crei-k, Dear Ihe niuulu ul dinner Kun. Also, the entire Stock of Store Goods, N'i on luml, coi.mlinr of JiY (JOODfl. (JHO t'KKIKS, lUltliWAKk. yl KKNHWAilK. and everything fuuud in a place of general aeroban difiug. The f'lrrirtiinc property will tie mid topf-thrT or rparat?lr, ti ami puruuawni, and ujiun rcaaouable ?tAnr iufurmatiun in rtTi pence lo the pro perty , fir term, can be obtained by applyiuft ti the umlersi'.ned. either in penMin or by teller, at (ilen lliipc, t leartield eountr, I'enn'a. li...M-.lm THOMAS (IllliOM. rim. if utLiL, Manulaelnrer and Impurter of Lidics' Fancy Jet Long Chains. IATKT tyle Ladten Jet lng Chain, fl W jLateat ptyle Laiiiei' Jet !'iun. 2o ljteft etv le lAitiee' Jet Kar lliuga, till t.a:eet nle t.ul.' Vel I'bama, 6(1 S-All arliclea aent br mail. Mnniifaclnred by I'll I LI I' MILL, nn3t Im 5i Mrket itr.-t. I'hilivlili.hia. OOI UIICIts- Hill NTIl A reeent aet O hi paired knth ltwuaei of CoDfren. and lined by ttia Prenident, jrivinr three yean' uMier f I no nj a two yearn' mlilier $ ill bounty J5"H"LNTIr:S and rtblUNtj collected by me, fur thoie catilleil to then. M ALTER liArtRETT. u If All y at Law, Clearbeld, Pa. NEW BOOKS. ueai! i:eai:i kead::: A outha IIUtnr of the Great Civil Uar. (iit- !., 4i pjt. lnw ! ill. lf,ulrnlrl With H rtiraviii(f nn wom1, Iiv the V.i-it artmln, of l.:mol(i, Ipuvi. (imnt, l,t, Khrrtnau, Jark )D, htpphen, toward, itouth ajid o( itrr. This book in a-Nptf) In ll mulprii. Thmrtrh raited a "Ymitii'i Hictor," ti in not "twlty talk" but (tivrn, in vWht, rnriw ami rry utrle. a lull act-ouut of the war and its eaivi. It if jat fuilt a book bj huin4M mill, mrn-tianU, la rut cm, mr hantrM aott laiMirert will want to read, and attrr tin j bare read it, girt- to their children: to rvad. Iterollrrtiom of llniry V. Allen, Uir rnt trol Louisiana and tniradir nfral t'.S.A. Tbi work wilt prrriit tbf npt arftiratc arant of tbr late war iu tlir Trarm-!M tfniKiippi lrpart mrnl tbat liaa Imtii jnvru to tbf pn-lio fam a St.itht.-ra point of vww. tlovruor A H-ii pohti cal life ai:d iutvipph are no inTnmtrlr wound op withib biMnrr ot'thr l'onhdiratr ftovcrnmrnt In lltr aoiithwcot, tliat ttir n-lmion o' ni Vfrvicri ne tarilv inrolvpi tliat of tlic manaffinrnt of the war in the Trant -Mmiippi. lWiirr-rnrd, Ituok nrr. I'fiulN-rtoji, and ctlitr prominent liiulrn in the .Hnithweffi liarr rt'tuwrd ana crnvtcd the bia.uri cal part of tbe work. Mar Poetry; hv Wm. (ln.nnwr Sunn. h'.vcrr tnirilv will want a copy of thin work. It i tiltrd with all tbr pitnotic rntlinvtani pro titord during tho war. So man in betlrr qualiltrd to compTlo ru-H a work than Mr. Ftnioii. The ouurratir Alinauar fur iMfttt-?. Tbii Manual for ISHfi, to b eontinurd now rrrn larlr en'-h Trar. roiitAinn full el ration rtjirnn l.ir 1-tiil. 1 ".t'ti and 1 Sri. : lift ot firwpapTw upnrrM'd h tb" Lindn Aiininiftrntion : I hronoimry ol ti, of battl". "tP M Conarrrnn, Jlo. It enntain matter to in b'i nowrrrv T-J jind i ralunbb and iinnortunt to hare at anr timfi. The r"at fatnrr f,.r' . T will Ik. a pomplfte LIST Hi TIIK A li lilTUAUV AKHKS 1 made by Mr. Lincoln, pow ndfd. cxfrwcily tr the lirmoratir Almanac for iA7. Tbt lint will contain tbe name, eanw if arrt .tl term ofilnprtnonmrnt of each pnininer, and be the mot rrmarkatde doetimcnt in the bin tore of Lrttm Vekrt ever pulihhd. It will ou.ain )Hid-ti the nftml matter of all Almnnncn, full iu. 1 olfiuml rrtqruK of all the election tur thin yenr, eft.iarrwl wilb previous one, the mott im pnriant actn ol Coiiirre, l'riidi'nl Johnnon'f veto tmfffn, li-tB of loth the old and the new Con frr?, ntut Kticil and other inlonnaimn mdipenai ble to ever p littiian, planter, (a.-nir, tatrchant r mechanic. P A 3k! I'll LETS. A hoi il Ion liratli; or. Tbe Attempt to Kqnal iff Kacen ihe letrnction ol Focitty. The Abolition C onspiracy I or, A Ten Tea n' Keeord o the Itepaldiran party. The ecrNi Plaee In Mature: a T'uprrrmd In-fore the London Anthronotojrtea' Soeu-iy. By lr. Jauted Hunt, l'rrident of t lie Sieicty. olllnqtty, ly "HarcK" nrnoT. of ''A tlnnd holder," A Poor Kantifr." 'A Meehanir." . Itetumcd h'.t.lir," ar. S3 pajren. Xtf All the a'ifve ttotik" are for sale at the I'riiB Store of I. M ATSttN, on S'-id nlreet, nearly tp--mte lb ponrt non, t 'oariiet.i. ra. ao.4M Ladies' Fancy Furs, AT JtillX FAHKIRA'F Old KitaMmbed Far Manufactory, No. 71H Areh Street. aSo.e 7th, ntlLAIlKL A, Hare anw in tnee. of wiy own Importation and Man- uli.'turv, one ol ttte l.rire.1 and m. bcftr.iiliil ariee. ion. of FAXt' Ft US. tor and ehiidren'. wear. he ellv. A l.i f'ne 1 ar aV'r aar - . l.Brtnieni of Uent ," .w: tiltirc and Collar.. 1 am al. enel.N-il to iii.p.e ol nir p.Kid. at rert rra.i.iial.le priee, and I would tlirrelnre ...lirit a rail friui nit Irieinlii of Ciiarfild e.nntt and tl emitr. Urinemlier the n.me. noioiwr .ml atrot-t. JOHN FAHIMIIA, No. 71s Ar.b Street. aWe ilh. .mlh rule, fhila. JV-I h.rr n. partner. nor mnm-etton with any other etnre In I'liilHili-lpliia. oetlo am I I-.II1.-IPI 11 f'fil-v rt' II .'L, Th. ! j Cle.rB.I.I County hank a. an Ineorrmrated ; .-..i, u, ,.,.,,,.,, f PI,.,,r br taa ar- ,m,.r tha" Cle.rh.l.l County Il.nk we re renpomiMe fnr the d" bta of tbe Baafc, and wilt par it note an demand al tha eoaater. t Hrpo.it. reoeirrd and inter..! .aid whoa Bio. i .y lift for a tied tlma. ! l'aWr di.r"urlrd at .11 per real. a. b.retnfnrr Our peraonal re.pon.il.ility i. pledged far all ep...n. rereirea nno na.ine.. tranmeiea. i A oontinnanre of the liberal patroa.a of th. i b. nine, men of t ho ronnt i. ee.neellullr aoliei. : ..B...H... r..vi A nia r i. w 1 t leortleid t 'Hinly tt.nk, wa rroaira Ike aotaa al aaid bank lo be praaaated for rademplioa. i j Jaiar. T. Loonard, ltiehard 8tiaa P-rter. Jama. B. Ii rahaw, 0 L. Head, rih,w m A. W allara. Tbe bo.ino.. af the Hank will ba eondae tf br Ji.ha M. Ad.ai, Ei-, B. Caabirr. Jan u. a. Ti.:,' : .3 GOODS REDUCED 1 GHKAT UEDUCTION IN TIIK 1T.ICE OF CJOuDS AT H. W. SMITH L CO.'S. Prluta, that wa formerly ftoid at Ji eenla, we now aell at S) I'liblrarhcd Mualln, formerly mid at 10, wa now aelhat H ntearhed Mualltta, formarla told at fro a li to oO, wa bow Mil at SIHfO Alparaa, formerly told at from ii to SO, wa nowMtlat SrtjOI Caaalnrrea, lo par eent abort Mil AlUWoot Oe l.ainea, at SS Common I)e I.alnoa, at US And all Preti Ooodaat tha u.i rata.. 1500T.S AXD SHOES, Of tht bait quality, at an la.aao.t reduction. fish. Wa will tall Mack.rel, Ilaniag, Ae., AT COST. 11KST COAL OIL, 85 CENTS. HOODS, NUBIAS, BREAKFAST .SHAWLS, ETC., Of every daaeriplion, graatly r.dueed. Wa ofler oor lloek of Dry Ooodi at the above tfuret up to tha lit of January, lri7. They are II of tha firat quality, K,w aad faakionabra. Any on. ran bow Bare aa Alpaeca for Ue nut of a Fib La in a. TbU oder i. made in rood (aith, and all deiiroai of aeonomiiin); ia tat propar manner, hara aaw an xaal.eat oppwtanity to apply thenaelraa at tha ahaapait rate. Htrlrtly for dab. B0.21.J n. r. Eiinii a co. ANOTHER EXCITEMENT A FALL IX miCES. New Goods at the Cheap Cash Store or WILLIAM F. IKWIN, Soo'b Second ilreet, ClearSeld, Pa. A FKE.SU AltKIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods, AT GItKATLY liKDl't'Klt rHU'Ej. I an juit raeeirior and aye nine a ear fully altoicd itoeb of farbioaabla Hpriar 4 Sam mar Uooda of almust attrj daaerlptioa. A beautiful atiortatBt of Prima aad Try (Hida, f tbe aewast aad lataat flt.vlaa. Atau a great rariatj ef uceful autiuaa. 1UY GOODS AXI) MOTIONS. BoDDets. P'aaali, Tlati and Capf, Poett aad 8 hoot, (a iarjfp qaamttT ) Hardware, Wueent ware. Inip.Medic. oaa. Dili Painta. rjtU OilClolba, (KOCKU1ES AND I'JiUITS. Foreign and Donettie, aurb a Aprl, Paacbe, Currauta, Ti uneN Haifina, Oraapea aad licaioDa FISH, I1ACOX AND FLO UK. Maekarel. In J and i barrel., of tbe beat quality, all of wbieb will be .old at lha lowerl oa.h ar ready pay prieaa. My old friaadi and tbe pnblie generally, ar rarpaetfolly inritedt aall. All kind, ofti RAfXinA approved COCSTK Y fUUVOCt: tait.n In airhanre for Uoodi. WM. tt. II. 1X. Clearfleld, Nor. SS, Ifeo tf ILllAj;j JlU.Ul' lfi Belling, at half tbetr araa! prtea, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, BKOWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY. MEN'S CLOTHINO, GtNTKKMKN'S FVRNISHIXG OwhU LADIES' B(X)TS AND SHOES, RENTI.EM EX'S HOOTR ANTl SHOES. BOYS' da do HOOP SKIUTS, itALMor.AU. LADIES' OILt.AKS AND CVFFS. ItAlSINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND Tl'RS. CANNED FKriTS, BEEF AND POKK, FLOfU AND FEED. Ac . Ac. Ac. Real Estate for Sale. THK antM-rrihrr eflrre tbr Kal.wtag ralaaMe I AH arre- and 1 1.. jwri. f Uran Jaid. nnri ! '"'-" "x"" Ihrrr-a a r-.l frame hnorp Bo t Utg bara. 1 in it Ibe rrn brei ral Uiitl. ,iltnldtl iti W aoiiirarj tinUa, ir bat Bute frucn I'swrtilk. j Alan. KMI arrta af Tiiu-er Utm.. aitatfd , Mnrran ltim. tn W ow-t want UwRt4iip. ad a , half nulpf frai laeTTitf. tvrti arrra, witb a Twa rrrr rUnk War fmr ,,., th. tntamiMl t WrmbttH ! tnwn.h'p. oa Ibe road b-admr feoe. Trmae to ClearfieM town twowi.le. ftaaj l-ao-rrilte: a rwd loratina for a rra4erri al ar r nei i Alan, twa lot. ia I'warralllr, w.lb all boaee. j r. w.ia all fcewre. j be two M. Kmri lyaeoroerUtailb! ...nh. of an arrr. , ftn one bam erertert thenwa. tbe a.iuinini. Tbe r. Nu. If. bony ... ....J ..-.,.... ikn 4... " , ' " ' . " " ' . 'T' rran arana n.- per . eroio w. , 1 , m foot on (ronl aire aad l?C foot e. witb tw,. plank bo ereai..i thon. well aaital for raer i eant.le oraar rablw haeiweae. 1 rTbe air property will be eoM . 1 i ,?IVZ , T. p . fj , . r. M... Amrpd N.d-r, T. ft, ( learaeU ra, Ta RAFT Bfil'liS af all .Lea, r rale at ;t n, imj Mrnr.ELL a nK.LCiL .news itkv.. )OBBIN8' r.LKCTKIC X wk If . aewa Timet rara Money I kavca l.iborl Kavra C lothe. aitntioari! AND ALL GI.OCKH.S SELL ITi; It . r h tV, l.f .mall abaemp diaaotwinir t waur, then a..ak tha t nt.ea lira to tea miBotea. and a little b.t.J rl biu 1 kill mare ttiea a. rleaa a bouri of b.ra ni.. 1 ni- j ,ar.d ! DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP. -6old byll leading Oraeart tbroojboul tha Slate. Ilancfaetarad only by DOBUIXS A LOVI. H'ho'eaala offioa : 107 Soutb Pirn Sibcit, PatL.DKirBta. rFr ..!. by Uart.wiek A IrwiB, ClearSo'id. Koreaabar 7, lafa-10 ma. t- rrn it nrrnn r TXir Iirnni r kEEP IT uLtOUE THE I LOI LL Til AT THOMAS J. MECAULEY, aatrArrraaa or Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Mare, an band, at Bl. rin-a and faetary. on ir: klark.t r, aaat of reeoad, ( iaarbeiJ, fa. Tba larrert aad Lett aarortmect af TLNT7AEE ALT) 0TEES GOODS, Which will be told, Wholaiale aad Brtall, CHEAP FOR CASH ! STOVE-PirK, ALL SIZES, AlvaTi ca band, at low prioaa. Hoom work. aeb ai Oatttn and Caawlaeteri, faraiabtd aad pat at at afcart aoiica aad VEKT CUEAP! jr-Rrpalrlnj; Prtm.pt I y Doae." CiMrfiald. Kor. 14, y, D. LKtiN'S CELEBEATED rELTAEATIOXS. 77ic Tcrfeetiun of Mdiral R-imrr. DR.LEOS'F ELKCTKIC HAIR REXEWEB. It I. a po.itir ear. tor tUldaeea. It raatore. fny bair to it. onrisai aotor. It i. a u.oic, aot a dya, aad aria apoa the aa aretiona. It iHiaeriialely arrart. fall inc aat af tba Bair. It alienate. Nearaifia aad lieadaeba. It radieaily euro, dandruff and baaiara. it keep, the aaaip healthy, eiaaa aa4 aaaL It t. an eler.nt and aigaimely fraraal bair draaelim- It raMiore., aaliiratea aad baaatinea tha bair. It ai.kee kar.h bair delioie aad Htttrawa. Ilr. Laon' Eteetric Hair rl .newer baa aayoyad a hljtb local repre.enUtmn tar ai.ni yaara III Wundettal re.loralireand ioT'.pnratlny pr..rartiea are wall knows to the Madloal facaiiy a) 1'Bila delitbia. heinjr fully rati.Bed of IS. Beritf af Leoa. Hleetnc Uair Reaew.r, we h.ee proeared .irlaa Ira awnerhlp aad ara deteraatned taat arery booMhuld in our laad thai! bare appartaalty ta reap It. baaeBta. Dr. Leon's Infimt Eemedv. A aioat dehibtfal aad eateaeiaae ear. for th. eniae rurnm woo. a oo, wnn oro n.ry .o.p,av.o . ..o.. i oe oraraiiaj pw.ie, wiu a. wail . Lieer Coajflaiat., Bel Haart IttaeaeM. tha w.r.1 delie.., f..rier.eei.ai...ajory. W, ;w i.a bi. a rail. , !,!. TnrAraa'a r?aaa.r.aiLA-a, aad aaa foe rowreehT eaa n-ferl lo Iboa.and. of f.nnhe. wba ara ,,wg j K(,KoK FALK take. .,., wTetUd of ifr" ,,7 rprMt ae.:y wit wbieh rt etwaaaaa tka It, and who suuld But be per... Jed u. do a .tb nl lTj ,he wtutmet rf Clearteld rowarr that LIJ ... rare. lk didera. rarwa. ilU lo whieb intaau and rown ehiLtren : ""- '-M"'" eoaiw.ameatwa. aa are.oV.leet IN V Al.l A ULK I OR 1 EETH ISU peoaaptly. luarba-wea ncriptnl tor. Poat ntlLDKES! It wiftaae tb. raa. akataa la flaasmatloa. iBriffjralaa the .fomerh and bowela, e..rretu aridity, aid it a ee and rr-eedT rare f .,w m i m aramn mr A aa. i r if T frA W a A tJM T - eelleat preiae.n-a fr ehiwirea af a mile aad freitolbabuaadiaailea.eiof loma (.rir-t. VoBtnnr vr aitier u ward rr.rf.it (tirea iamftli ate aaee V4 lor aaore ttiao balf a eeatarr ia the prariiw of aae at tba -Boat eaiaeat ib.rti- ctaaa af t'taiUich-hi. la aow piaeia tfai artiete witfcln tbe rea rb a! all oar eouatrTaiea. wa woald maark thai wt krstw U to be a rmif af aanraW vsetiUaee aad taai It baa prartaJ ia tbaaad af aaata, aa w ara raattTea it aaail ia aiiltiawa, a anotieaa baon. For aale hy ln.ggifU trarywhare. AadraM all anitr to ZEItiLFR A FVTTH, Sole Prinetort 13: North Third Ureal, Pblladelphia. SllVCT 'VTaSll Powder. ..." S..ea near l.bor. mo.ey. -be. wa.h,., . paitiui. and Uonday a lortiraL Boldaaery. wber. Irylt. aorU-ly CArSV - V KTlil TO OUU aeU ir JK.SMNUS tirwatwet, "Tlin l4nrro anrl ntfior I iua 5tnl " The Horse and other Live Stock. The boat aabarriplioa baak ia tb. BMrkat. rei- t tainina arar Ufa Pa rea. wilb aaora than tl ; illaatralioBa, troocly a.iand in hMtber. It viva. ' a mmplete birtorr at Heraea. Cattl. baaep. j Swine aad Paaltrr. with their wanoa. diaea.e. j aad raaiedtea. tiood and reliable ajrear. wanted j IB amy reirl.borod. Koreirrwiarv terai-.. . idreM UAfclLESUX la., all thr.laat at j Pmi.Jelpbia. ri-at Demorest'g loung America. 4 NEW . rery mertaiBm..mrraHtr. Aitirter aa.1 rpN-n'tKllv i.lwnr.teU btontLiv 1 aa.1 rplen'tMliy i.laMratea M.ntt,iT Mifuiar tor ben aaa but.; to rneinae plrauar iiioKra- and ititerravtinr Mortt. Mane. !. Bad ittrv entenaiiinp Litcraiarr, prrcntiBC a L f the prd. to ar-(ul. ana, ta if for rtry : Vounc AmrrmL.wilbnt friTrtliw-" MrfTarriaiwii. Mnrr ( ! at: Vfarl..$? Me, Ai-iiti-uiJ (Vitir. l tHi. t ftrf tor ..- v. A Urr'1 bb waa t tit uf rf)'rri eatTTaiiej: rr-a.tfl wh lb 4rt No.: o. to eweb unflf imh-trT'Sa-t- f jv. a gymi M ,rTYvjbrv.r r a parkajr f Mavr' rhrvijrTapa. Siafl' et'ltiM ana.. 4 ire i rt-r-ij- of rn-. ! fr a rrrmr-Ti Na. A J . JJINMNf m:mi.it. 4:3 HraadwaT. N. V. n-i4 Clearfield Academy. i tHE aoeaad aaarioa af f tbi. Uet.lat.ia wille. the arholattie rear of eaiai.ieewalluMiA. tae 2tb da) af KM Kill: DK. tt. I'apii. aaa aatar at aa. iiaaa. iaywiuaa ebanred with t.ma fro. ta. t... Ue eater to the eloea o( the Seaeioa. i Ib.eaarwofin.rrael I oa awiKr- t.tt tbiar inrladed la a ibarwab. praeura) aad ara 1 ,.li.i.ed adaption for b,.tb i, , The Pnaeinal. Farar b.d tbe ara.f: aaaeb .ipenear. IB k 11 pmrettv.a. aaiwrea pa. real, .aa ru.rj aa tha- bi. aattre anility aad roerioe win ae oerwiro w ia aierai ui wiea- 1 ia; traiaia et toe raa.a pi.ei ..... bu eaarga. 1 I '.It alw tlK TIIIHIV i Ortnorraphy, Headtar. wnuaa. aaa rriai.rr Aiuttaieiir. aer 84Hea ( 1 1 ert - $ w , firaiaeaar, txyraptT, AriLhatlc, aad j Iluiarej - . , - f ( a A Ipera. Offbttamr. Tff"Kaetrr. Mra. j aaratiaa, rrTif. I'a.BtbT. rht aidTT t'.iit7. bdhbk k -!. bta&7 ) aad Pbri 4aea-rapbr - $9 ( La' ia, Urk and Ireaeb. witb aay af la Uraarbea . - - I3 a dT-aNo deartia will We aiade for aWea). jlMffir ltrlba parliilart laatr ef He I' L liAKKbuN. A Crearield. Jul 11. I l Pn .-!. m tmi wn snns shop. l.mVARfl ( k aV (tb. larirt Hrrr-t. anr awr " .f 1 le- pjidl". Hrrwm. tt Ta. wraprrakara aawa aatarwA aaat taa If a , , u. 1 ' umi. aa ar ae.erw.uead a. aa. be ewdeae .itbrr ia aaalliy ar uuu. ka wawl k w. a. ' k,a 7??!Z. XV?i TT ,e .T ..1 rZviil ' ot tb Terr brat awalit. Tb rttnaar af Clear- B. M aad tba rarrowadiac finally, ara raaeat " taritaw ba rtr. a. a trral Ka aaarre tar rie.ra,a. Nr. T. l.-rf. 1)llrt Itlarba, all oie.. aad Waal aaaaala. tare, at tinr.RCLL A EICLEK THE EAGLE HOTEL, t t itw iwil it, n. L. W , 1K M( k. rr. tmi-.il r'flK iiireeiare4. twvtrf Vetr feT.ret( ' A, rt ibp iitntl noe, wivi.a a . j.;:rt le tf e e'"rew, of tbt rfnaT. at veil a e tr.e 1 ' traeellint r utlie. ttiat lit k.-af -a Kec rrttTea j at.4 rlitmhe4 f..r t e eT,trrtjtfceM f.f fett ' BTntla, toM wilt f wirTtlhel ;tk l jttirf tht tsailet P.m). At ti Par .11 U ' I (oari tfe leet ,,rra ( ;i lt&t ff tievrt. j 1 i.fM.lt f-TAlLINiJ a'tartirA, aid fccoe but 1 earefni fan; left njj.lfHeU. ! iy- I., w. tf FTrK. j AIL ROAII ft f t.l. IV tarj Pre. a, koatar Liib, It. iiei.. K ee. ooaM antly aa h.a4 tbe rbme lio..r. i lit. tahte ia alaaa aajpliew wita tba tbt be hae re'tte v raoprsed tba hotel Lraerli ! H kJ Pehreiaer, at Ceieetawa, wbera ka will take aepeeial pajaa to reader aaiufarlira u all who faeor bita wi'b tbetr patrouge. CoierfowB, Atmi 12. V5. drely. wKLVf iiuefc-.Woooi to. oabll., (UIMI P. Elmil. I'mjrirvr. Tbii larre and roactEodioa. Iloa.e it rttaata J ob tba tarepike, T aiile. weet af rarwea.eiiia, t aad a otilea aaat af Lather. barf . Tba Propria- j f.taw, j tt, ,y h,. ri,.wnt, and i thereby capaetj to rreeira a hbrai .Sara af pab- ' IteJa. IS tf. , .vl.." . ...... . , arr. I . . I, i , u . , -.-n,. . ' "o" JT .T" a on elkciaat Waibinx ki.et.ia. ia tba ewwauy. Tha aael..ir. nrbt lo, tb. tale af thi. mm ieb... i. yarawB Mat. .r caaa'T eaa bawaearad I rbam. aad dealer, reaaeally I -w -r yy I LUTIIl .VL bTDH U. FLEMING L HOEL. j CcBWEritLE. PejVa, ! Ia the Tut 0ee buiijcs, bare jait rceeived and I otened a tarre aoii hoe aAerteaent af ready aaac t'lulLinr. ror Cm Itier aril r Hearer taaa lac eheapa.1. and are esnajitly IW i ter freb aup pliea. aJI and aee fur yosrari... lMt.lo.W4l- ITC H f ITCH I ITCH I SCEATCH ! SCEATCH! SCEATCH '. WHEATOS S OISTMK.VT Hill f urr the Itch in 4- llowra. A ISO. rwrea Salt Rkeaej. tiear.. Chilhlaiaa. ad all Brapuan. of tba haia. Ptmw i u. Fur Uv all lrep'- hr ttmituf i nite atarr to K ttKS A F'.ITLK. it gau. IT HaftiiBpiaa atret iinatoo, it will aw fr warded by aaail. Irve of panaira, t any part af tbe laitrd Suti-.. Far aala at Hart.wirk A lrwia a. Char.ld, Pa. Ju'y II FALL STYLES Of BONNETS AND HATS JIYT LECUVED AT f-rt. . 1. "Ira. r.I.C'HI. otl 3I1E t E c T wnr.ri.r.it ek II.MiVS Hire hmiwi Iieh ilh- SEWING MACHINES. VLI. iamrie ia r(rnmcc t thi- A )tnbine proirp'T tu)wereki. TbT A No- I i.iwcaTeii Jrw. ar e; WM. T. HAilll.T'iX. Ami. LuthenMi'g. Pa. rt-Vlf Attention, Soldiers. ICQUALIZATloN OF IHA'NTY. I VII Pipit OK lr.l-i!?-'r arr' atitieJ tn aa INC1.EASK1' B"l lV.-j j I aaa; BAaTTrn-i t pTXpami la Cwlt alt -! f j Katiea, .,u a. the imcm-A pay to Soiaien aa-treaa, iorw.ro.iiia, ra. ( " u J'IAH EVANS. j GUKSXITBIKG. ETC I T WOt'LP t lafora. tbe eilitta of C!earflld ' 1 aaa Ticwit?. taat I ba w4 a ahoa; ta aid tMranrb. tea 34 r C. kratawr acara, for ta pwir a at awBavaafmeiwrroe aaa rrpainadg GUNS, PISTOLS, WATCHES AND l 'LOCKS . ,, . , , . I awarular all -y wt. d paat to aarar. my patroaafa by prcmptnra, and alt..t.oB to Kunae.. aad aieratinf Biy work ia tb. bt -i ia. an. U't ewi. .no ij it. JAJIES I). rrliULKl'W. Je 13. ! tf J'KACh I'JlL'CLAlilED. ' TEE WAE 0VXS II CXEABJIXLTJ I rvnr nnirYCiminl'll'T I I U .N II 1 VJ L I L I . l -, , ,,. . . . trup r-. iv-i r n . -r tAlil. Al.L THE O NT K A P k N I)S (..UlNli ii ATK 1 1 TH tl R 1LD JjASTr.nS. : Rl'T XAKT ONE 6OIK0 V..CK TO I Ol I ! ASA( HtKTTS. Mi Hit ! THEY WKKE UV El' SU LONG AND SO WtLL. Ia roaeairaeae. af the abora fa-ra. T. ftanar of tba aid &ben rbaa Saop : waaM aaaoaaee ta bi. Baaierowa parraet. aad the peopla af Cerar held eaaty at hirae, that be bar Bow a Brat rate lot of rd aieiariai.yaat ramrod Iroaa taa l ard m aoa praaarea aa abort aotiea to aiake. a4 aiawd boat, ard a' are at hai aaw 6bop ia OrabaaM raw. 11. la aalubed t ia a eaa pieaaa. laaer. n wiiaai we wai mhwi.. mrjmi .' , . . , II. . . bi I a ' . . . eab ar t'aa;r Prodae. A b..lo..u.ra. aw aaark- Bait door ta tjrabaai tm Caaaraatd Pa. A b.pt by a fallow taat Jair W. ti 1. "SHORTT " proclamation:! goiko it alokk' m Nubbd Inhibited frwaa tMylur a aad f-lwwr aa arrwaat al karc ar C oior I k t.1iiiit.r nrbB at aMr mum T?T Markdrf HpmL A lea. the beat Ck,tb Wn.ge, I. tb. .wk.t. Brwaebl... l...pt.at Coaa.pt.... Bad w . , for Ul rebel of CaBawatatl'a Panewt. IB a4- I Mr-A rerr hbaral d.want t. M.trr wear- " M . " " r" l.. drra. and aloab baltaae. Kihaaaa. Claaay aad Belaf tbaa liberal winded. I rah. tbi. Bretbad on ara Laeo.. fiuie aad Uiaip lrraaa Tr.ai -af IBfarwiiaf ta. emaeaa al f laaraald aad wt. Baiaaa. with a rarer vanaty at fctarie aad Faaew eaaity. tbat I bar. opaaad a .bp oa rtaeoad at.. wa..fraa 3 u9 par root hw Ihaa aiaawbara. won anar to the C.Mia'r riannaaj Rank, aro-' Alea rarairtrif di' P.ri. Fa.hioa ia ttaawa thataoa'a Irrax Stare, wbera I aai aewaerad te ' parar. for Ladi. ... Cbiidior'. Iiraaaa. Sea. w.e to arder ar.rrthiaf la tba tOl'Taaa fUt liaa, aat af tha beat watertel aad ia th avt waraaeaalibe Bum. aad aa abort rot tea. an 1 aa i. a .r... U.ae al Ctea-beU, thU .ijhtalb d.r af J.y, A. 1 !' ti A K F Y K 'SS r PHIi.AIX.I.PHI 1 CV P I Nltll ... i. 1.1 I rl')l 1 CU U ALL rAI'I.K.-. 1 V U M T W CAII RTY1 F 5 . ; - ( IIOWlLL A ItUl'KKE, ; Itaaarartarrr. af Paper Hangings and Window Shades,, t f ia A aara.i i,, : aii-vwiynm. X B Awtw i atim.a aarre aca af LtNF adil. MIAI'F. ei- ' I ,.jVvl .Taeywkw ta aell awr twra.TBn $- Sn-wibc btaebiaea. Tbeaa aaw ktna. Fa doe aad ar..r lead. Seat aa trial, w arranled bre vo. Aor. aai.rr at la-re eoaiBii.4ia aa.d'. Tba oatr aiaekiaoj aaid in I wlea Sraree f'e ban ibaa ..ri rai( i.eeweea a II -we, WbralerA u.a. Ororar A Kekn. Si.fwr A Ca.. aad Itaehetdar. A't ot.ar ebaap airfi'tw ara i.,o.en.oaraed tba wJ. ar we." ara Im. . a. aM. bar aad iaip-i.aaieat. 11 atraia .irewian went r.it. Aajree.. at rail aroai Skew A Ciart, at Kf,4-i. Jl.ioa. ar i'iea-a. l V.i l. Ia y. 1""l"R. ia.lH. atr ATI:fk. The nwie, wil' r-ir the krM pa. IN I AII lorlw f ., la-Wa-art.aa.).itiwif.r tte.rtt.ki. fMi ti t, 1 i r cTrrs-Trrx. 1 kaMalo Ft "bea b a, aad liar. tiUlie lwrlt.'av VKKkBI.L Fttiil.F.E'9 Ofl Maatll I - A jaat. waated Nail I ..-J, a ....... Iit . wiaath ; Ajatr waated far e.r aa A'lieaa t f ritRCT. City Faildtaf, kiadaforw. Ma. Har It. Ir 1. I- atHKklM b.TrbS a. t Blr-RrKi.L A rill.ra'S 'TIIItini.t'. kl IX A Piw. H i a. 1 j,,:',' MCrr.TLL A MJLER'5. Clcame the DlooJ. V I T H erw, I a t .hi tea Mm4, yert wwt ea r .!. ae rm ar ri j t e.a aenra Bia.. e it 'ana a-! aerf yo ltirt ' r r4 el rnriil f.r ottte.r. Pat i MM Jc rrri Mfc e.;le mw tre-i t. t. p. A T.a f -" -T Itw itr.;ief ; It etlf 4tie t-4 iwetore baatia ftrJ4 nimte4 Ira a-rfint of Ira ia t. f i- Heitre tt n ' 1 rtre a rrtet nf.noa. p iu wMrfc artrao -4 y tmfah f tht rJ, urk rSrr- tBia. at U ti r I. Tan, I ieera ' twt. Frpt, I huuh h...... s- j VVtaV fW H?t .vJZ , a tn. ,.iF,aiii biaeaaai. j1 awrwrww . . . ..i.,,,. r m uae.i.nT ( ' " t , . - Vwfc . i I, .nee lata raaro tha wabiie bate Baa llea I by lanre B-tiee, preteBiti ta r" a awart vt j tatraet of araapari.'!. fur aa tfobar Moat af tbeaa bara baea fraaii apob tr rkk for ttey 1 a.t aalr eeataia InUe. if ac, faraararilia. Bab !" awrat.ra uttradiait wbaterer rJeaea, j n9 rmrivu traeta af oareapanlia wbieaiacftt i tBV aaarbat. aa'il tba itMlf baa bactaa i ,.Bor.Ti-at wtib impoemoa aad rbeat. Sail j wv eall tbte roatrworvd. -SarMparilla " aad ra- laaaaelroai tbe loid of oolwjuy abteb rrata apow ii. Wa thia a. kir. rret&t f.ir baliariof tt airtaaa wkiek ar. irranftibla by tba Bbua af i .t u ,mu ear.. . M r. I tha iwk, taal wt oBtr taaat taa Wt aJttraiiva I wa kaaw bow la prodaea. aad wa hara reaaoa la halter., il i. by far tb. aaoet HKaual BwrUar af . ' 1 tb. blood yet aier4. (. At" C""' 1 " world kaww. tbeaa. !'. l. 11 Jra Preparrd br IB. J. C- Araa A Ca.. LaweiL Maaa. aad aoid by C. It. Waiaoa. Claarield; . C. ate't, tilea rlap; Im. A Hart Bora, Car wceerill. : Kt'k 4- rpa.r, Lwaibwr City. I8G6. 1SC6. IJIIILADZLPUIA ANLiEUIE KAIL T.OAD. Tbia wral linatrarvrwaa thw Nortbant aad Kortbwa.t Mwatiaa ol PeBaaylr. I Bta lo tha etry of En. on Lab. trie. It baa brew l.aaad aad 1. aperatrd by tba PESX'A RAIL KUAl) CUM 'ANY. T.UM af Paaaraarrr traiaa wt EaraaiBM, Ixate I-a.l war Erie Vail Train S P. . Kna liprew Train 11.44 P. M. I eav c V eatwara. Kria Mail Train 12 K. Er a fciiweeaa Trata l.3 A. M. Pa.en?er rare rwa tbrawrh aa tba na Malt j and Lxprtea Iraia. wttnowt abajif. Both waya between rbitadflptota aad Eria. firm orfc C tiiirttia. Leare K. Tark at a. b arrive at hrm ill mm. Laaav Kneat 4 4$ arrive at N. irt 4-It) a.ai Ibo rhamre at Car betweca l-j-ie a ark Klerani Sleeptnr Car we all N'lftit traiaa. Far lafaraaatitm recpaetta Framrr boai. aaea. anp'r at Cut 3th aad Marbea hi a, Pbil a. Aad for Feeirbi binan ef tba Ciaipacv1 A treats fi B. Ktartoa,jrn Car.Utb and dlartb treeta. Pbiiaiipbim. J W. RejanUt, ferie. ax Iinra, Arnt, K. C. R RH Ba!i-wjra. II II. Horeroa. tieneral Prrta-bt Afu Pbi'. H- W. winirb, tieaarwl Ticaat Aru Pbil a. A I. TVl.f.K. Otnrai SapfTtitia Aot. Ktm ratru.ca Mi. t. lr-4Hi Tbta if aa art tele for wafami: wubom rtihbma;, except ta rerr airnr pkaeea. wbib will r t ai a rare a ubt rub, ami unlit utber pimpm aiiawa af rfivai I t a like farpoea, wit4, a e asT Tits CLiTTRaa, bat will ieave tttaa. m-k wairaa tbaa ardiaanr BiauiiMta, wttitaac tb aawal wrar aad tear. It itaorw pre pti at ii hy a.tta aad abftew tbt dirt taakaiag. aa tbat naeiaf wUl ta ardiaary ra tatiraty remove it. Tbi pwwdar t preparrd ta aacardana 4itk ebeaaieal eeteaea, aad opre a pree aa peeaiiar ta itelf. whirb i -rared hy Letter rmtweit. U baa be) to ae fr mr thaa a waar. aad waa pnrrad iti-aif aa varrwl iwrwrti wbaterwr M baa baea aaed. Aatoag tba adraatafae ei.aaad arv tba foliowir-it, ris. It aaraa al! tbe exa af aoap aawalfy awed aa euttaa aad lir aa yad It aHi amu af Ibt imbor af rmUbmg. aad wear and tear. Also, for e lean in r wtadow H' Is vtwrpasaaa. qaarter ue tias and aibwr irr ra I qaired it laaparia a b-jauliful alaa aad watra. ' aaea auperiAir ta aae atfaar atoda. n a water r. , h. 6 hnemT.,,k Mk n.r.ar. And aaa a. raadily appracialad by a Birirhy , , ...... ,. . , 1 -- " " "', ""." Tb. BaanataetBTera af that pawdar ara awara that aiaay aaalaaeeowipoaad. ba. baea inmwtaa- ed la th. naoiie whih bare r4te4 tbe elntb. ar tailed ia rewiorinf the dm. Vol kwowmr tba la- , mce .leellear. at tbi. aruela. tbe aoauMuy j proei... it aa bnt aOapt.a r. mw aaa which ba loaa asi.i.d. and wLirb baa brrrta . f ....d Umtatmmn4 by Ut I tslb'i KKS. ja hrwadwr.. Baaloa. ; Nanafaetarrr. af Faaiity lira Clara. j ' S.7rtT,.2lf rhw .. WttjaiMV C. t. Fwr, kjw. p.rka. a.. V. H rVhk, J. II. bi tiirb, 1 k.l:bl aai A.Vaiiaaa Rieb'ri Shaw, J. I. Lauoard, J. L. tirabaai, l. L kawL Canlin? & (ollmion House E F0STX1L PEMS, VUGET & CO, rniLiPsr.rK.,rk-.T.r c.. r. Billaaf Eiebanra. Notaa and IWaft. dieaoaataa l'UMri KEl'ElVKD ; Collatioaa atadeaad praiaedi prowpllr rranlted i -"h.ar. the Cll.e. eoa,taat.y oa b.aa- . a. nuiiB nww ai an. i aaa raaor I Sew. d, Ii 1'aii.ieiiBraa. Centre CWw Traa'a EEXSSMAKIKG. TC ; CfFriAL KPTICE r.ri.iaa aat 1 O CLOAal Maktny. Ladrea aaa baaa their halu. (. aat. and rlaiaiBa baadanaaery raade and mwese4. at tbe ahortaat aaitea. at taa ald-eaaaltab.d ataad. lul I baataat atrc.t. faay mm4 piaia Faaa. Xl.B'ita tiraoBMala. at : Patlaraa far Marebaate aad lrearBMheea Bea a dr. at Air M. A blM'tK s. ) j..w-ly iaat Ckeomatwi.. rallaa.lr-l.au I wa. 1-ti- i-Arrtarr a v Ti 1r.r-.1V 1 "V CA1.LIAL.1. AM) AbU 1 Shop, in Clerfiold. rnoj lraDab. I ' (IaiwMdaHalj ia raar af U.cbiaa Sbap.) . .. ,j ..... . , Tb. aahaenhar w.ld rwwwrtfolly iafar. tba j araa af Lr U. aad tb. pwa. ta fewerai. t that b i a-trd fa do all bird- f wart oaj I CA Ki.1 A't KS. Vlligiis. SI. EPS. a. aa ebort Mi-e aad la a warbaiarTike twaawat J4T-AU Urdart f nN' aitwi-d ta af V bl. ii( KMui'. Oearfiw-ld Felenarr Uih. ltK. -Iv. 1r iibi:i WT' da a.r aad betir wat. at a rrea. 1'oat, tan arr he. T- JHaa-,u oai. by iRIitLFH A FVITH bnlx.le luf. faint aad titan I'aaiara, Sa 1.V WMl. Tnrd ai Pbil a. ilarrb St. If ly (Lcr.ntn Jlsticcsl iad; C LEAHFILLP. TX. nPhia Haak a. aow opea aad ready for baalaaaa. X OCiee aa reeoaad ttrewt. re the baiidiaf l..r- ""J aeaapead by Leanara I inwer a la, aiBBreoaa aaa arncaaa. i AS. T LSOV AH, RICHARP SKAW i I re L. WM. rtiKTKR (iEO. I SU B. WM. V. WKK.HT, Cjtshter. Wll. A. WALLACr, ! A' K. WKItinT. . JM s.rb .... if - - 1 'T'rwwara tad abaoealaal awaawlaiaat ewary L bioa af ta lalea- la.f'ea.-ora, -a'e aa , I"l--f HKTS1. 1. AlbWIS I rmml. W b.lr aad l.taa. 1 d fliia Faaiil; Iy. waraaibaa aaa fuatt af ail bud. raad la . 1. f t anlr b B a. Til) 1 .' A ... 1 her. ta reroast tba .Tidaaee ot tr. rirtaea. lha