Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 05, 1866, Image 1

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An Addr to Irishmen anal friends f
Ireland IVon 111 unrrnllon ul t Irrlrs
ol I he F. IU, of I'lillanrlrhla.
IRS: At a Convention of Delegates
from tho re'poctivo Circles of F. li. of
l'hiludelphia, it was resolved to ad
dressy on on t best irringevents through
which wo Imvo passed, tliut by ro
viewing tlio events you may bo in
spired with renewed liopo and confi
dence in the future operations of our
movements believing ns wo ilo thut,
from your energy, mini berBnnd wealth,
you should occupy tho foreground in
a cause that ban lor its aim tho rent or
ation of the long lost rights of your
beloved country. Early in February
last, our Congress met in Pittsburgh,
in Extra Session, to doviso menus to
carry on our movement having to
replenish an empty exchequer the
result of tho Molllt-Mansion swindle.
From that period to tho last of Slay
in ull, not qtiito four months means
were collected nnd men enrolled to
invade. British territory an exhibi
tion of energy without a parallel in
tho history of revolutions. Estima
ting at the lowest, thero were notles
than thirty thousand men from the
head waters of tho Lakes to St. Al
bans, and twenty thousand moro on
tho move from their respective locali
ties ull hastening to tho front, not
for bounty and pay, but to offer their
lives on the ultar of their country.
Tho first campaign of tho Fenian
Brotherhood closed in tho early part
of June; tho ndvanie guard of the
Irish army ought its first fight nnd
won its liistvictory on tho enemy's
territory. They fell back, not before
tho prowess of the focuinn, but in obe
dience to tho laws of the United States ;
and in falling back, they were neither
defeated nor disheartened, but only
proved their fitness for self-government,
by relinquishing the golden
jirize, that had been tho hope and as
piration of years, at the voice of their
adopted country, satisfied that they
would yet have tho long looked for
opportunity. They loft a bright rec
ord on tho field, and one equally bright
in the camp ; each man feeling that
lie bud Ireland's honor in bis keeping,
nnd sacredly it was kept; for, though
sutl'ering hunger and thirst, not one
case of pillage occurred, nor was a
blade of grass destroyed. Our most
grateful thanks ure duo to our Amer
ican on tho border, for
their hospitality to our men, giving
them both food and shelter, aud God
speed. At the commencement of the organ
ization in this country, twoditliculties
presented themselves to earnest think
ing men : first, could an exiled peo
ple, hard-working and poorly paid,
contribute from their scnuty means a
sufficient amount to effect anything
adequate to ho stupendous un under
taking. And, secondly, could a peo
ple so scattered over this continent be
so organized us to unite tho numbers,
energy, and bravery of the raeo and
when so united to givo this union the
proper direction for tho liberation of
Ireland. All this has our organiza
tion accomplished our people have
been united, ami like the "Dry Bones
on the plains," "have been infused
with new lilo, and have gathered in
their might to take vengeance on their
oppressor. For the first timo in the
In story of our race, tho peoplo have
taken their affairs in theirown ha.ids.
The sequel has proved that not only
is the national sentiment fresh nnd
true, but, from being despised and re
puted the "hewers of wood and draw
ers of water," they havo at a single
bound assumed tho proportions of a
nation, battling the crafty diplomacy
of England, and arraigning her before
tho tribunal of mankind for her crimes
committed against Ireland. They
have unmasked her deformity to the
world, they have exposed the hollow
riess of her pretensions; they huvo
shut her out of the councils of Europe
as first-class jiower; and have placed
lier at the mercy of the United States,
c hanged from a roaring lion to a cring
ing spaniel, tagging permission to pay
the damages committed by her pirates
on American commerce, or, as the
London Times puts it, "It is our poli
nj to pay the li id." They have bum
Lied the enemy of our race tho eno
my of American institutions, Ameri
can commerce and manufactures and
ure now forcing her to seek an alliance
villi America, that her valuable pos
sessions in Canada may be saved from
the much piiEAnrn Fkniass !
Countrymen, if our organization has
accomplished so much under difficul
ties almost insurmountable, what may
we not accomplish now that we know
our own strength and resources, and
England's weakness. The destiny of
a nation is in the hands of its own
people if true to themselves, no mat
ter how rich or powerful tho spoiler,
lh?y cannot bo held in slavery but,
nationalities, like individuals, must
pass through a fiery ordeal ; ns gold,
they must bo purified, to wipe away
the stains of their political degrada
tion, and to fit them to take their place
in the great familv of nations. The
work of reennst ruling ancient nation
alities is going on around you, and
wbilo the legions of humanity are
msivhing on to tho music of liberty,
will you alone be satisfied to lio on the
highway among English robbers, wait
ing for some good Samaritan to pour
the balm of lrcedom on the bleeding
wounds of your country f No, coun
trymen, tho hour of Ireland's redemp
tion is now at hand. Listen no long,
cr, then, to the cant of false friends,
who tell yon that they would be with
yon, if they f-aw an opportunity for
Ireland ; tell them that you have made
the opportunity and are going to reap
the benefit o it for your country ; tell
them too, that when tho Irish gained
the victory at Fontenoy, it was for a
French King, in a French cause, but
tho victory Bt Limestone Bulge was
for Ireland ; it was Irishmen fighting
thcirowncattse nerved bvthe wrongs
of seven centuries; and if tho flag of
St. George is to-day floating where
our green flag was unfurled, England :
may thunk tlio United States. Ito-:
taining, as you do, tho vitality that J
proves tho indestruclability of your
national character; with five millions'
of your race on this continent that
were born in li eland, independent of:
moro than a third of the American!
peoplo who havo Irish blood in their
veins ; with five millions in Ireland,)
and five millions more ec-iltercd
GEO. B. GOODLANDEE, Proprietor. PR.INCIPL.feS NOT MEN. TEEMS-$2 per annum, in Advance.
through England, Scotland, and Aus
tralia, what is to prevent you perfect
ing tho glorious work, so gloriously
begun 1 Yes, countrymen, when the
news of O'Neill's victory flashed over
the wires, not tho Fenian Brotherhood
only, but tho whole Irish raco, from
Canada to tho tin If, and from tho At
lantic to tho golden shores of the IV
citic, f'olt the shock, and, with one im
pulso, joined the grand army of Lib
eration, mid will never falter till the
independence of Ireland is achieved.
In tlio face of these accomplished
facts, wo would eny to our country-fin
men in Ireland, have nothing to do
with tho English Parliament ; turn
your face from that pesl house of in
iquity, whoso breath is worse than
poison, whoso smile is the sting of the
serpent. Trust not your enemy in a
new dress. She may come to you
with tho old palaver of Parliament
Reform; but tho woo, the ruin, tho
desolutiou of your country, is an evi
dence that tho voice of tlio stranger
prevailed in jour councils, and re
formed us out of Ireland. Trust not
tho imi putriol that solicits a scut in
the midst of a conclave of your ene
mies; his first act in that conclave is
treason to Ireland, by swearing to
support a government whoso throne
is cemented with tho blood of our
people. You are now able to do your
own reforming, nnd England can prom
ise you nothing that you arc not able
to take.
Itcnicmber that God's truth and
providence are ulwuys in truth and
hiirnioiiy, and tho right has never
been delegated by Divine authority to
the English government to extermi
nate a whole people,. No ! it is UoJ's
providence that tho Irish raco shall
live ; the "hand icriting is on the trail ;"
nor will tho eloquent inconsistency
put forth by tho erafly tools of that
government save her of the blood stain
ed robe, from tho vengeance of a long
suffering, a bravo nnd heroic people.
Countrymen and brothcrs.we would
urgo on you the necessity of more de
termined nnd energetic organization ;
the awful memories of the past come
up like frightful spectres imploring us
to embrace the present glorious op
portunity; our fathers, whether they
perished on tho battle-field, in the dun
geon, or on the scaffold, bequeathed to
us their sorrows, their sullenngs, and
their wrongs to avenge, with tho old
land for our inheritance. c arc face ; to tax distilled spirits high, so as to
to face with the issue, and from it discourage their use t Therefore they
thero is no escape, save in tho disgrace-1 ux tho rum made in Now England
ful abandonment of tho lofty position j only fifty cents a gallon, w hile the
wo now occupy; leaving the future I whisky made from Western corn is
historian to inscribe on the page of j taxed two dollars a gallon. Is'nt it
infamy the deep degradation of a do- glorious to bo under Yankee rule ?
generated race. , . J,,Iie f;, Swisshelm writes a letter
Countrymen and brothers, wo know to the Fitlsburg Gaitttc. She advo
this will not be. We appeal to you i cates fire and sword as tho mildest
in sincerity. Wo feel that wo huvo nl remedy for our national gricvancer
claim on your confidence. Our past j If Juno and l'ursoii Brownlow could
efforts and their results prove the j only hitch teams and make n prof'es
stronglh ol our position and point the' sional tour, we Would tit bo much
true nnd to liberty. We cannot too
strongly impress on you tho dutie$ of
the hour and the necessity of meeting
these duties promptly, lienietnber that
a cruel aud relentless war is going on
in Irelund, all on the side of the op
pressor. It is truo you do not hear
tho thunder of artillery, nor tlio clash
of arms: nevertheless. t'lO acents of
extermination, degradation, and de- j daddlcd to parts unknown, leaving
basement, thoso terrible instruments , behind him forged paper to the amount
of oppression, are doing their fearful ! of ?.1,mi0. Tho Mechanics' aud Broad
work. Y'our bravest and best are con-1 way banks are tho sufferers. The
signed to penal servitude. In Canada forger is connected by marriage with
tlio gallows is yearning tor now vie-
lulls. jien.i-iii ut-r iin vi-u, in wic
... i .1... , i- ., . n ...'
year 1410, in denouncing the crimes
of England in his day, speaks thus:
"They, the robbers, have driven us
from our cities, towns and villages, to
tho mountains and caverns, like wild
bcusts, leaving us not a foot of ground
nor a blade of grass to call our own ;
but wo will fight them, and our chil
dren's children will fight them, to the
latest generation, until we drive them
from our country or wo arc extermi
nated." Y'ou aro living witnesses cf
this resolve of our raco to you is giv
en the fuliillment of this prophecy ; to
you is given the glorious work of re
generation, of restoring the ancient
grandeur of your ruined Isle.
Countrymen and brothers, gather
in your cities, towns, and hamlets
be vp and doing take council for the
safety of your country--wipe away
the death sweat from her brow pro
sent her to the nations of tho earth
clothed in the robes ot liberty, woven
by your bravery ; and when slio sits
down to tho feast of freedom, sho will
remember with d3ing love, the devo
tion and self sacrifice of her exiled
children far away.
Jamf.s Moan, lluon Davis,
Alex. Nkwlt, Iiios. Mkmian,
John McAttle, James tiinnoxs.
Committee on Address and Eesolu
tions. A sick man was tellinir Jus s
elf, of
tonis which appeared to himse
course, dreadful to a medical friend,
who. at each new item of tho disorder,
exclaimed, ''Charniiui: ! Delightful!
fray go on : and
when he had finish
ed. the doctor said, with tho utmost
llc:isiitn ''Till vnn Lnnir mi flitnr sir
Do you know, my dear sir,! we say that Mrs. Morton rid ly de
got a complaint which bus! serves punishment. Sho not only
you have
been for sometime supposed to bo ex
tinct" Alter a little explanation
from tho Poet it he got better.
suit has been commenced beforo the
Supreme Court in New York, by John
II. Lester, against (ieneral lluller,
charging him with false imprisonment
and with fraudulent convertion of
property. Tho damages aro laid at
one hundred thousand dollars for the
latter. It is alleged that Mr. Ics
ter received a five pass from Sec
retary Stanton during tho war to
bring his family North. The Beast
disregarded the permit and impi isoned
lroKrts ofthr Krtrlry He form
Mrs. Itev. Dr. I'restly, of Pittsburg,
bus sued for divorce, churging her hus
band with udultery.
Somo of tho colored ton of Hartford
havo been "doing" the brokers of that
city with stolen bounty papers.
Anthony Williams, his wife and two
daughters, were recently murdered at
lfomo, Ou., by two negroes. Object
Y m. hoegan, a plumber, residing
8d Avenue, New York, killed his
wife on tho night of tho 20th ult.,and
is now in jail.
Noah M. l'roctor, a respected citi
zen of Franklin, X. Y., comnii ted su
icide by hanging himself in his barn on
Wednesday morning. .... ,
I'ursun Brownlow threatens to dis
perse with tho bayonet any conven
tion that shall assemble in Tennessee
to changetbe government of the State.
A female school teacher of Ebens
burg, Cambria county, I'u., recently
whipped a little child of Mr. J no. Blair
until it was hardly able to stand, be
cause tho little fellow would'nt sit be
side a darkey.
A young lad named Deiu'liam shot
and killed a Mr. Sheppcrd, in Frank
lin county, Iowa, a few days since.
The boy called Mr. Sheppord a liar,
in a dispute. Mr. Sheppcrd attempt
ed to punish him, when tho lud leveled
his gun and fired.
A white man named Schulz was
murdered last week in Detroit by two
negroes, at the instigation of the wife
of the victim, she being desirous of
marrying one of his murderers. The
negroes and the wife are in custody,
u ml nil confess their guilt.
IIenryHertert, of Houghton, Indi
ana, was murdered by a half breed In
dian near that town some few weeks
ago. Suspicion fastened on tho Indi
an immediately after the disappear
ance of Herbert, and at length he re
vealed .where the body was hidden.
During the night of the 10th ultimo
two largo cases of black laces and
other valuable imported goods, valued
at tS.'i.tHUt, consigned to Messrs. llice A
tioldenberg, of No. 891 Broadway,
were stolen in somo mysterious man
ner from tho Hamburg lino of steam
ships at Jersey City.
1 lielankeo member of Congress
aregreaton tcmtioranco I They want
alarmed on the fire and sword business
from the people beforo whom they
would appear. They are both ugly
as mortal sin and just as bail.
Swindle in Boston. A supplement
to tho Federal street swindle lias just
transpired. A schoolmaster sent in
his resignation to tlio school hoard on
! Xiitiii-ilnv liml. soil then aiidilnnft- ske.
one of the first families of this city
and bad taught school for nearly twen
ty years. Embarrassment is supposed
to be the cause of till his troubles.
Koiiiikry. On Wednesday night,
the -1st ult., the house of Oliver Jack-
son. West Bradford, was entered, and
?!G..r)0 stolen from tho pantaloons'
pocket ol .Mr. Jackson. -Mr. J. had
received a pretty good sum of money
the day previous, but paid it cut again,
soon nUer receiving it. Tho thief was
probably aware of its receipt, and
thought he would make a good haul.
The fellow was heard descending the
stairs, and on being asked by a lady
in tho house, if it was Mr. Jackson, he
answered "I, I!" and passed on out.
HVif Chester Ji fTersonian.
Miss Julia A. (ioodman, a school
marm from Massachusetts, a teacher
in one of the public schools in Freder
ick county, Maryland, was last week
held to bail on the charge of inhuman
treatment to two of her pupils, each
about eight years old. It is alleged
that these children, as they were on
their way to their homes from school,
were guilty of tho heinous and unpar
alled crime of throwing acorns at a
negro hut! For this, it is said, the
amiable, merciful and tender hearted
Julia administered upon their hacks
fifty -four lushes 1 Why don't some
one marry these old maids pud civil
ize them J Vttersburg Index.
CusvirTKn. We cannot but express
tho satisfaction of tho community
that yesterday in court the jury pro
nounced a verdict of guilty in thecase
ol Mrs. Morton, alias (irozler, indicted
for keeping a bawdy house. The do
tails of tho case are too disgusting to
publish, aud it will be sullicieiit when
kept a liawjy house, nut oneol acluir-
actcr not usually found in a communi
ty. The fact of Mrs. Morton being
a good looking white woman not over
twenty or twenty-one years of age,
naturally excited sympathy in her be
half; but when the Commonwealth
proved by its witnesses that the houso
was habitually a resort for negroes,
who there engaged in the most licen
tious practices, sympathy was turned
into abhorrence. Sickening details
migh have been proven, which tho
Commonwealth let pass. It is to be
hoped Mrs. Morton will receive tho
full punishment of tho law, so thai
those engaged in disgusting business
. like hers will lake warning.
At Valley Falls, near 1'rovidonco,
IJ. I., on Tuesday evening, Hufus W.
Cowden, a young man whohad parted
from his wife, called at her residence,
and after an cfi'ort to induce her to
enter a carriage, attempted to cut her
throat with a razor. Sho struggled
desperately nnd successfully for her
life, although terribly wounded in the
face, arms ami breast, until hcrgrund
father canio and drove off the murder
ous wretch with a club. The surgeon
who attended tlio woman was com
pelled to sow tip tho gushes mado by
tho weapon. Tho husband eluded ar
rest until this forenoon, when ho ap
peared near hisfather's residence, and
cut bis throat so thoroughly that he
will proliably tlio. He was partially
intoxicated. '
A !ffLAOtiwyif, most, rcyol ting tiag;.
coy is detailed in the In as .Detroit pa
llors. A Mr. Shurtz had a wife and
several children, and also a near neigh
bor in tko person of ono Walker, a
negro, with whom his wife had, with
out bis knowledge, become most dis
gusti ugly intimate. After an absence
of two diys to visit her grandparents,
Mrs. Shartz returned, stopped at
Walker's first, for some hours, then
in company with him went to her
home, arused her husband, who came
to the door, and was murdered by
Wulkcrjuid his wife. The body was
carried avay from the house, and then
the guilty woman returned to her own
hou ae wliere Rhe passed the night with
her black paramour. They intended
to sell the property, and abscond to
Canada, but they were at once arrest
ed, nnd using confronted by her sis
ters, Mm. Miurtx confessed the above
facts. Fuluredevelopments may make
this inhuman crime still blacker. .SJ
lem (Afi.l) fitatexman.
A LADT JtKSCl'KO ritoM A IIouiu
iii.k Death. Tho Ouincy (III.) Her
ald of the 10th inst gives an account
, u 7;" , r
1 II. Mctlure, tho who of a fanner
living some miles east of the city, was
taken sick on the Jd inst . and the 4th
she ceased to breathe, and it was up-
parent to every one that she was dead.
Un the otli she was buried in the
family vault An old lady, in company
with tho children of the deceased,
visited tho vault, when they were
starllcd'by bearing groans issuing
therefrom, which so frightened the old
lady thut she fainted. Tho children
becoming terrified, ran homo and re
lated the circumstance to their father,
who with Unco or four of his neigh
bora, repaired to the vault, broke open
the door, raised the coffin lid, and
there what a sight to meet a bus
band's eyo was the living, mangled
form of his w ilo. Tho flesh on her
fingers was torn aud bleeding, her
face was mutilated. and her hair partly
lorn out by the roots, in her clloi ts to
esca)0 the living death to which she
bad been consigned. What horror
pervades the mind at tho thought of
being buried alive. What must have
been her suffering, her imaginations,
and her thoughts during the timo she
was confined alive in that lonely, nar
row prison-house of Iho dead. The
mind wundors, and reason itself is
prone to Uko its flight at the bare
contemplation of such a horrible situ
ation. Sho was immediately removed
to tho house and medicul attendance
summoned, ami wo understand that
she is now in a fair way to recover.
Marriaoe. Voltaire said : "The
more married men you have, the
fewer crimes there will be. Murriago
renders h m;ui muro virtuous ane
wise. An unmarried man is but half
a perfect being, and it requires the
other half to make tlio thing right;
and it cannot be expected thut in this
imperfect Ktuto he can keep the
straight path of rectitude any moro
than a boat with ono our or a bird
with ono wing can keep a straight
course. In nine cases out of ten, where
married men becomo drunkards, or
wliere they commit crimes against the
peace of the community, tho founda
tion of these acts was laid while in a
single state, or where tho wife is, as
is sometimes the case, un unsuitable
match. Marriage changes the cur
rent of man's b -clings mid gives him a
center lorbis thoughts, his affections,
and his acts. Hero is a homo for flic
- I .t t .1 rt...
onu.e ma-.,.,u to cou. sei.uM,
his ''better half ' keep him fn
p lii in lrom erra
tic courses, and from fulling into a
thousand temptations to which he
would otherwiso bo exposed. There
fore, tho fiiend to marriage is the
friend to society and lo his country."
aw ssi
The United States Armt. Tho
President has completed his appoint
ments for the new regiments, uud they
sre now being recruited tr the mini
mum strength, viz :
If' regiments of infantry, S.I men earh. 37.12(1
T'-n iisnnents of eaiittry, l.e'.'s iuen ea-h, l",Zn I
Five retriments o( .rlillery, 1,1,'UI nicn ratih, A.n.iU i
Corp of engini-era, I
Corps of Indian ecnuts, 1.01'U
Total minimum strength of the army, 6.'i,:M'2
The total maximum strength would !
bo 7(1,;:! men. Tho latest returns!
show that about 11,000 men were nee-'
essary to recruit the regiments toiheir !
minimum streng:h; but since theiu
probably at least (1.000 men havo beetil
enlisted; so that the actual strength i
nf the nrmv is about -l.'i.lKHI men. Two
of the new cavalry regiments mill four
of the infantry regiments nro com
posed of colored men, and thero arc
four regiments of Veteran Ucservcs.
These veterans are employed us clerks
in the departments, watchmen, guard
iuns of national cemeteries, ie.
A confederate soldier, named Olstin,
supposed to have been killed ut Mur
frcsboro, turned np at Nashville, and
fitund his wife remarried. He sold
out his share in tho bride for two
Ilnw liilifii1 th quid hour
Which cioiuiiff daylight bring' !
Whin uVr Iheuirlli . frulilrn thower
The -ilili-n iinii'i-t UiiihI
Ppon thr lufly nmnntaiu'i brow
A faltnir Klury Hi;
While iD thv trr. tliwk'd rsle In-low
The drwy r.oori riw,
A f earvful calm brrolhrs through the .lr
Thill lullfi the .hing hn-axl :
Thut poolhfp the'd ehild of ear,
And girep the weary rvnt I
The aDxiotia thuuftlit' Hint cloud tho day,
Like startled ftindowi gliili-,
And fade beneath llie ftiflrning raj
Of tranquil .rvntide.
We lore to pate npon the a,tene,
Jn changeful Wanly dreav'd;
And wau-h the latent dying beam
Thut trrtuliln in the Wrat ;
We linten to the farewell note
The laat awoet warhler ainga t
While ineeat murmur, gently float
Ou aenhyr'a balmy wing I
Now bright act g.'ldefl.baillcr'il .fond
Jn flteey fingment mam,
And we.tward sail in g'trgeou. crowd,
Like angela going home I
And yet reluvtaut mill to go.
They linger in their flight,
To turn a kindly glanee lielow,
And auile a tweet "tiood mght !
So, when tife'l toilsome work ii er,
lU hard-fottgbt battle won.
We. too, wuuld qutl earth's dark'ning shore,
Like yonder setting sun !
Fumiunted by an angel band,
Like him would take our flight,
To seek the spirit's better land.
And bid I lie world "(luod nilil !"
Written for the Clearfield Ki-pnbliean.
A I'erp into a Mlarlulor't Hall.
I havo ulwuys had a strong pro
pensity for peeping into other folks'
domicils, and don't know whether it
arises from idle curiosity, or a desire
to know if everybody is so happy
as myself. But, spring from what
soiireo it may, I have peeped before,
and, like the thief, if I steal once I may
steal again or, without criminality
aud misgivings, peep again ; and what
is this kind of privilege but a moder
ate, self-excusable, polite taking"what
j dJn t M l
Very unfortunately for that old
, jn thal o(, r00m of
hj , Mk)VC hw pre8Uni)tion
. jt t,ie Bi nifif.anl nj j,,,.,,,,,,,.
..;.,.., 0f..fluit j ,nv ontics have
M , , ,n ;,., ,;,.,. u,wnK
... r .'. ....... , ,i i." ,i, :,i "i
his dirtv old lump, I may bo able to
liscovcr some of the curiosities, con
veniences and styles of his bull, or
learn something of bis manner of
Well, (as Mrs. Partington some
times says,) tlio most attractive piece
of furniture in the ball is he dear, old
bachelor himself; ami, of course, a de
scription of him follows my imperti
nent peep. 1 wonder what he would
think, did ho know a certain pair of
eyes wcro peering into his dusty,
gloomy realms f As I look at bis
commanding form thus kindly and
luxuriantly endowed by nature I
think, pior old bachelor, you know
not the responsibility, matrimonial,
attached to you, or you would not
thus a'one piikam life away, when you
might live it away with some amia
ble domestic angel. But ho don't
know my thoughts, and can't see out
of his window ho has only one, un
less wo bring Urecn, or somo other
mathematician, to our relief, and
enumerate his eyes nnd "the window
of tho soul" so thickly has tho dust
gathered on it, (oh, if only he had,
kept that soul window clear !) while
tho disappearance of the moon under
a kind veil of clouds, and his bright (?)
oil-lamp, aids me in my noble project.
Now for a delineation of my (iue
old friend, which must not bo too flat
tering or profuse, nor too singular
tor probably this is bis debut. Ho is
tall and finely proportioned, hair nf
red ; what color is it f I don't liko to
say a bachelor a man who never
tried lo make a woman happy has
hair of so fino and popular a color as
auburn, but it m reminding one that
there is something sweet, soft or femi
nine, or just what you please to call
it in his disposition. His whiskers,
so luxuriant, must be dyed, for they
aro browir Oh, my friend, you are
dreaming of somo fitir face and grace
ful form, or you would not paint your
whiskers ; but may bo they had silver.
threads in them, making yon look too
venerable. The lolly brow, "on which
sits thought enthroned," js fit for an
artist's picture. Surely be is intel
lectual, if not domestic. His eyes arc
ft ,m(.,R.,)r w;,,
brown eyes! they should bo punished
with grey ones, nnd "black spirits ami
white, blue snirits and irrcv." besides.
to drive them from their hulls. Those !
fine eyes aro bathed in the liquid light,
not of a "sweet homo," but his own
hull dear me, how sell-imporlnnt !
Tho "prominent feature" gives evi
dence of nucli character, if eyo is tho
criterion. His mouth isconviniently,
very conveniently, large, rat her like
an extensive mouth, as mine is not of
th'o "mailer dimensions.
But whilst nature endowed him so
kindly, ho hns no wife desolating
sentence to enable him to keep pace
with nature; therefore, his dress is not
in keeping with bis physical upnenr
t . i r . i i ii..
unco, runtaloons repaired, probably
a dozen limes, by his own hands,
if'air ones, pining for companionship,
don't you pity him f) vest faded nnd
worn ; collar not immaculate, and with
sundry corrugations in it, (wonder if
it is a Byron, enamelled collar 1) his
coat, liko "Father (J rimes' " is "bllio,
and buttoned down before, (only
where t lie buttons happen to be tirss-
ing.) and completely dust covered; bis
hat how shall I describe it, (that
which perfect a gentleman's dress
all but bachelor!') all I can say, is,
in form it is horridly shapeless, and j
..i . i - . i .1..... ..e ...
nrown witn ino ago ami uust, in ihhiij
years. "Handsome is he, but forlorn
still." "
Bui his hall must not bo slighted ;
anil as I glatieo into one corner, what
do I see but a three-legged stool no
i doubt tho one be carries with him to
weddings, (if ho, in his prolific selfish
ness, attends any,) and tho very stool,
I fear, be will sit on at his own ! Not
far from this, his necessary piece of
upholstery, is the only comfort of Ins
sad life a rocking-chair, in which he
has recently ensconced himself, (and
who so unwilling as to wish to deprive
him of it, although, if I wero inside
rocking, instead of otilsido peeping, I
would feel moro comfortable, though
"less nt home," must bo confessed.
But ho, doubtless, would object to a
married lady occupying his great
chair which does not look very state
ly for bachelors, as a class, aro un
feeling, lie might bo an exception to
the general rule. Hark! bow that
song astonishes even mc ; be is sing
ing a lullaby song; probably one be
remembers bearing bis mother sing
long ago.' Who dure say he does not
think of the future, as well as remem
ber the past? Ti'ke courage ye pining,
coinnanionlcss ones of questionable
age ' Listen ! I hear the measured
tick, tick of a clock. Verily, thero is
one fastened to tho wall ; it is his only
company forgetting that bachelors
sometimes enjoy the luxury of think
ing. I'll submit quietly to the fact
that they do think.
I sec a superannuated stand propped
tip in ono corner, a chair here, and an
old writing desk thero. J wonder if
he writes! and if he does, I'll venture
to say, that same desk has proved to
bo more a curse than a blessing to his
hcurt and life, if from thenco has
emanated no billetdeuux, no a flee Jon
ate, wunn 'sentiments, to cheer his
own heart and that of one of the gen
tler sex.
On ono side of tho room (I must not
forget it is denominated a hull) is a
dilapidated cupbourd; tho door has
long bince lost its hinges and spring
clasp, uud leather ones seem to bo ull
the substitutes be can think of having,
(I don't suppose his mil d is creative
or ingenious;) within are a few dishes,
End fewer palutaplo eatables not to
mention Itixuriousdishcslor Ins dainty
appetite. On another sido is a rickety
tunic, from n hich be eats his lonely
meals, but where I now see some
books; and among the number is the
"History of England ;" I presume ho
studied it in his brighter school days
his happiest days; "Webster's Dic
tionary, "Timothy Tilcomb'g Letters
to Young People" of course be reads
"Timothy," and finds, too, some things
therein that cut "liko a sharpened
tooth," as docs "tho memory of a
thankless child," as some jniets say
(ho has none ;) "Dr. Magic's Advice to
Young Men" doubtless ho rend that
years ago; and there is one thai suits
him just now "ltoverios of a Bache
lor;" nnd under tho table is a eat! I
know old maids as a certain class,
passed a certain age, are, in derision,
called were given to nursing these
dour little animals ; but r.evcr knew a
bachelor guilty of tho habit; leossiblv
he keeps his for tho solo purpose of
catching mice. Jlo has no bed, only
a lounge; for who would "shako it
up." and adjust the comforters and
quills, as a servant would bo a super
fluity in a bachelor's ball? Do my
my eyes deceive me? Oh, no! for
there is a vase of flowers in tho win
dow how could 1 have so long over
looked that! Some despairing or
sympathetic fair ono must have left it
there when he was "down town" for
cigars for ho smokes to "kill timo"
or ho has some taste for the beautiful,
left os a precious remnant of by gone
days ; or has a far-off vision of better
days, and a lovely wife. Just see! ho
bus a mirror, hanging in quite a con
spicuous place, nnd on something un
derneath, which serves the purpose,
most inconveniently, of a bureau, is a
box of "hair the," (didn't I think he
colored his whiskers f) u bottle of per
fumery, (ho makes an attempt to be
lushionahkO hair brushes, nail and
clothes brushes, (pretending to clean
liness;) but, alas! hair, nails and
clothes look as if tho brushes were
never called into service, neither thai
piece of "(iiraud's medicated soap" 1
seo has fallen on tho sand less, carpet
less floor.
An old rusty, dusty stove, which he
generously allows to polish itself,
stands in the centre of tho hall, us il
to supply the place of warm hearts
un affectionate wife and merry, sunny
hearted children ; yes, supply ull de
ficiencies, if it is old fashioned, and
almost worn out with long use. 1'oor
fellow ! bachelor, I mean ; he sits
there looking so dejected that I pity
him. But see, he bus fallen into a
reverie, nnd I'll lenvo hint lo his
thoughts and lonely life ; although the
former I woulJ like to know, but, in
veterate peeper that I am, I cannot
SeO llielil.
And now, maids, old and young, I
have left tho hall, to write down for
you what I saw. "And what benefit
can it possibly bo to us?" yon ask.
Why, take the hint, and so beautify
your lives, cultivate your best affec
tions, and ornament your minds, thut
there will not so many bo content
to live "old bachelors" because they
will not be doing better by marrying
you. The fault is yours.
Aud, should a bachelor's 03-0 full 011
this "peep," 1 will bo a friend to you
ami say go not and do likewise, but
find for yourself a twin spirit; for
there aro many such, notwithstanding
the impurity and selfishness that reigns
in the hearts and over the lives of loo
many of our sex
A western editor strikes ihe names
of two subscribers from his list because
they wero recently hung. The pub
lisher says he was compelled to be
severe, becuuso ho did not know their
presont addres. This editor must be
green, if ho dont know wliere people
go, when tho refuse to pay tho printer.
If tho escape hanging, they can nover
eenpe 'tot her pls.
ttnrtnt linhhrrfi.
On Saturday evmiiif?, sU-ut flUt
nVh'-k, James Srllnrs,' of I'plrview
tounsliip, received an unwelcome visit
from a party ol atrangera. The facte,
is related to " by Mr. Scllors aro
about as follows: At the hour almvo
nnmed.ns Mr. Sellors, with his family,
consisting of Mrs. S nnd three cliilul
ii'ii, was sitting in the room adjoining
tho porch of bis residence, he heard a
step outside, which hn supposed win
thut of a neighbor. The door was im
mediately opened, and a stranger
stepped into the room nnd asked (still
holding the door knob) tho road
to tho coal mine, at the sjiino timo
opening tho door and spitting out
threo times. A suspicion crossed Mr.
Scllors' mind that (his act of polite
ness, if a man will spit at all, was a
signal to some one outside; and he
was right, for two fellows at onco
sprang into the room, nnd the three
placed six revolvers at bis breast and
demanded his money, telling him to
keep his bands out of his pockets. Of
course thero was much alarm and con
fusion for a moment in the house of
Sellors. Tho children screamed and
Mrs. Sellors begged for the -life of her
husband. One of the rubbers, in a
very polito manner, assured her thut
there was not tho least cause of four;
that they did not come for blood, but
money. Mr. Sellors told them that
they were welcome to all tho money
he had, taking out bis pocket-hook
and laying its contents, about thirty
dollurs, upon the table. They were
not sa istied with this exhibit of Mr.
Sellors' finunces, and leaving one of
their number to stand guard over him,
tho other two rascals proceeded to
ransack the druwersund places where
money might bo concealed, ond in
their search found a bank-book show
ing a handsome balance in the Mercer
and Greenville bunking houses, but of
course it was of no use to them. They
then demanded whero that box of
sovereigns was hid that Mr. S. had
received from England, but as Mr.
Sellors intimated that if there was a
box of sovereigns about the place it
was "unbeknownst" to him, they gave
thut up, and finally nettled down on
bread and butter. If they couldn't
get money, they "could be revenged
ou his wittlea." After pertaking of a
hearty meal they left, taking with
them a revolver, which they hud found
in a bureau, and a fowling piece, and
warning the family that if any of them
moved outside of tho bouse inside of
six hours, they might expect to be
hurt. Mr. Sellors kept his seat until
day began to break, fearing that a
violation of orders Inight lead to a
return of his unwelcome guests. The
next morning his fowling pieco whi
found hailing against tho bam and
the revolver lying nt the gate-post.
They took nothing but tho money
which Mr. S. counted down and paid
over without taking a receipt.
Mr. Sellors says that these were
very gentlemanly thieves, as they did
not use a single rough or threatening
expression in bisor bis wife's hearing.
Tho same gang had paid a visit to
Nathaniel Huzcn, who lives in the
same township, on tho same evening,
beforo going to Mr. Sellors'. Their
procedure thero was about the samo.
1'en dollars was all they got, as
had hi irreenhucks secreted in a corn
pilo, and denied having any more
than he had given them.
The robl crs sro described as men
of medium height, with very- black
moustaches, and the appearance of
laboring men. Mercer rnss.
Sonator Wright, of New Jersey, too,
it seems, died of paralysis. Wright's
disease of the kidneys is a malady con
sequent from the drafts of the energies
of men who lead sedentaiy lives, and
at the same timo aro mentally active.
It curried off the distinguished divine,
Dr. Hawks. It struck down Dean
Eichmond, John Van Buren and
Simeon Draper. louis Napoleon is
now afflicted by it. and in the moro
obscure walks of lif'o il is equally de
structive to our men of intellect, and
affords the conspicuous lesson taught
by these facts that we must have moro
leisure. Honrs of recreation ought to
boas sacredly kept as tho time for
meals and sleeping.
A Western paper tells a story of a
distressed agriculturist thus : A farmer
droped in here on Wednesday last to
pay bis rent, putting on a long luce
to correspond with the times. On
entering the house, he told the land
lord thut times being so bad that ho
could not raise the money at all ;
and, dashing a bundle of greenbacks
upon tho table, said : There, that is
all I can pay." The money was taken
up and counted by Mr. , the land
lord, who said j "Why, this is twice
as much as you owe." "Dung'ce !
give it V) mo again," said the farmer.
"I'm dashed if 1 hain't took it out of
the wrong pocket!"
"Is there any person you would
particularly wbish mo lo marry ?"
said widow expectant to her dying
spouse who had been sonic what of a
tyrant in bis day. "Marry tho devil,
ii'you liko !" was the gruff reply. "Oh
no, my dear, you know it is not lawful
to marry two brothers "
A man was complaining that each
of bis visits to church cost him ten
dollars, because be paid filly dollars
pew rent and attended but fivo titius
a year, wns effectually silenced by tho
suggestion thut if ho went to church
moro frequently the average cost if
a visit would be smallar.
M l- ilenr Viitimr Imlv." pvclnimet! n
gentleman, ' I am astonished at your
.. 1 ........11.. I. -
seiiiimenis. 1 ou iiciuanj iiihmi iho
start upon my word you do !" "Well,
sir, replied tho damsel, "1 vo lieen
wanting to start you for tho last
"Madam," said a gentleman to his
wife, who was vainly importuning him
for money to go shopping with, Met
me tell you. facts a re stubborn things "
"You don't say so," quoth the lady,
"why what a luct you must be !"
"Oh, aunty, mako Freddy behavo
himadf. Even time I happen to hit
him on tho head with the mallet be
bursts right out crying."
A Radical editor ask, "shall we kill
tho fatted eulrr" That fellow evident
ly fnterorlatc ank ide.