Zt Republican. (Jr.oiuiE 1. (iOuin.AMint, Editor. Wednesday MonNiN(i::::Oct. 81, lsijil. Mad ami Figures. The treason-monrrcrs. under treason-mongers, under thei guise of loyalty and philanthropy ,have made gigantic strides towards nation-1 al ruin. They have not been satisfied I with nearly abrogating tlio written J Conatilution of tlio natioji, and of the, several States, whieh they wore sworn j to "protect and defend;" but theyj have also directly, through numerous! channels, assailed both tlio lives and; liberties of the people. They have,. however, in their w ild crusade, suc ceeded in remTjving the "curse- of sla very," as they termed it, and substi- tutcd in its stead the humane process . . .. i i i i ,t mi - ' of starvation and physical death. This is the legacy these humanitarians havo bequeathed to the negro race in the South. While they have instituted a System by which they entail death and destruction on four millions of, that race, they have not been idle in l-cferenco to the rights and liberties of white men. To illustrate this a little' ,.,.c-r,f 1. r.,,.i ...wl' 1 ' . "v r""",t,,l lo uSnm 0,101 "r l"e11' uyuiL-a in rciei t"iicu uu inu ujipornoii ment of members of Congress, Sena tors and Assemblymen in our own Stato and wo know in many other States tho partizan discrimination is worse than in .Pennsylvania. The Democracy of this Stato, at the recent election, polled 290,000 votes, while the enemy polled 307,000. The former party elected six Congressmen, while the latter elected eighteen. The majority against us was but 17,133, by which our opponents succeed in electing twelve. If 200,000 Democrats can only elect six members of Con gress, why should 31)7,000 Union-slayers elect eighteen!1 If we livo inn free country, why hasoie Abolitionist as much power in Congress as tiro and a half Democrats ? Why can 35,000 John Erowniles send a repre sentative to Washington, while it takes 78,000 Democrats to do the same thing? Isthis Constitutional libortj' ? or is it Klavery in a new form. To il lustrate this still farther we will be come moro domestic, nearer home. Tho next legislature will bo composed i ol twelve Democrats und tcenty-one. 1,!lV0 elected Capt. Charles D. Koush Opposition in the-Senate; and ftrty- t? ll,c Legislature, from that benigbt eight Democrats and si.vty-tico Opposi-c(1 district. In lli4, Lincoln's tuajor tion in the House ; yet tho majority j'ty ll'O State exceeded 20,000, and ngainst the Democrats is but 17,135. lust 3'cur HnHi'imfl, tho Disunion Is it possible that this meagro major-j "omincc for Auditor General, carried ity can elect 9 Senators and 24 mem- bers ? We are compelled to confess that, when our laws aro administered by demagogues, our boasted freedom becomes n mere sham. Tho minority has ruled this country f r tho past five years as effectually as it does in Ilussia, but in a far more expensive manner. Under the sway ol this mi nority, it takes 23,(iTr white Demo crats ,o elect a Senator, and 7,500 to elect an Assemblyman, while it takes but 13,000 loyalists to elect the form er, and 4.870 the latter. Glorious equality ! These are some of tho out rages imposed upon the people, by thoso conscientious individuals who Gen. Howard, the head of the ncjrro believe and declare so implicitly that bureau establishment, delivered a lec all men aro created equal. tare in Kcw York on the 23d, in nid ZoyoTttirr of his establishment. In the course As an illustration of tho manner in of "'niiirkB, he declared that "the which modern loyalty administers and Powers that be aro of God, and we controls popular government, we need must n(;t "I10" 1,!,sk" AVc hut refer to the recent election held in tl,c r'cn(,,-il1 wi" R't Stevens. Sumner Jialtimoiv,for mayor and city council- k loWlievclhis tit-l.it of infornm men. The local laws of that city have 1 tionvHO ll,at in 1,10 ,,,t,"' ihci' ,,ot Soon so manipulated during tho past .... .i... i i . I rtu jeillfl, l'J- tliu Ji'J 111 llliu IK;il i'.ll minded Plug Uglies, J!ip Daps, kc, that an election amounts to a farce. An insignificant, mean, degraded mi. nority now controls the aflairs of that city. Although Baltimore contains 85,000 voters, at the late election but 7,079 votes were polled 2,574 for the Conservative candidates, and 5,405 for the loyal candidates; thus demonstra ting that, although tho city contains 35,000 voters, less than six thousand control its affairs; and they aro the men who formerly shouted themselves hoarse over "free speech," "free press" the right of tho majority to rule. This is modern Itepuiiliennisin, as ad ministered by Greeley & Co., with a "loyal" aflix, borrowed front England. Agovcrnmcnt commissioner has been fi-rfointii to investigato the late Eut'nj 'ar disaster. The Southern ,ytitft0Hl. . Tliis body, nt tho Into notion of their Central Conference, nt Now Op. ...... iii.,. ......rU. " ' i"1" ' ' uimt.im.uly,ch;uiging tho name from " Methodist Church South, M Umt ol "Episcopal Methodist Church." This question, as well as that of Lay K, p- ' ... reseniauon, ..as rccci,. .u,h,u, attention since the adjournment of the ( it'tipi-'il ('iiiilVrence. Until o nest ions lias reecivod considerable'. ,. . , I . I i , ii.., ,l,.i..,..i ..... ..... HllU MIMIIULllll IU lliu mioi.i.u vv.....- leiices, when they should meet. Ii ve ;oi ti.eso homes navo me , ana ,o cnange oi name is oeing ami pieu nv a , . ... . ",. t ii-i-K- niirth vnl.v w.n the vole or Lay 'eprescntation is nearly unani nious. Th , .. T t, . .. eadopt.on of Lay Representation l.o Southern branch of this de"- by the nomination, will popularize it very nnicli in the minus of ' the neoi.Ie und 1 1 ' o talent ami cir - it will also infuse more cun.specuon ... u.oranKso! u.e urffl, ... ' ...I.. 1 1 1. . i A I. . . I -- anu remoo one oi us unu-tieniocrauc features. a Tftr .tiiiuial Opportunity. The President, by his proclamation of the 8th instant, has designated the last Thursday (20th) of November KH,m1.?.Mum. ' , i","" "l1. UUU . . . . ,'u it they either take itasitis, and next as a day of "thanksgiving and ; mH.Vi.0 flwu mt theory, or if tlioy praise to Almighty God." A number i take it as it is not, and practice upon of the Governors havo also designated this day to bo observed by the people of their respective States, This will u fiord a rare opportunity to those loyal clergymen, who have for the past live years manifested such enthusiastic zeal for "the Govern- .. . to Him who rules among the children of men, for special aid to assist the Chief Magistrate in defeating the de signs of wicked men. In no particular is the hypocrisy of modern clergymen so manifest to the public, as the withholding of their pnryers for "tho Government" since Andrew Johnson has concluded to ad minister tho laws according to the Constitution and his oath. .Vol . Lost. The returns of the late election show that tho light of Democracy, in some of tho darkest sections of the State, begins to illuminato the hori zon. The Judicial District composed of Clarion, Jefferson, Jlercer und Ve nango, was last winter cut in two, by the Disunion Legislature, for the pur pose of electing another loya'ist judgej but their scheme failed. The new district, Jlercer and Venango, has just elected John Trunkey, of Mercer, an uncompromising Democrat, juo'ge, by nearly 1 ,700 majority. The Denioe- ''aty 111 In coming, Union and Snyder UC 'SUUo ''3' --V'liU majority, while at tho late election the hero of Sniekers- villo has carried it by about 17,000. Tho Bread-and-Butter Clerk of the United Stales Senate, in trying to get up another rebellion, becauso ol the action of the Maryland authorities, cries aloud, "Pennsylvania, be ready!" This would be so, if necessary, but the sneak Forney would not be among them. Ho would act as he did du ring tho Into war, stay at home, and rub nnd burnish his litlo of Colonel, which ho thrusts so profusely before tho public. fo!""i to Mp1onio the "powers Umt Lo. Tlil'E TO Til t ill St'lTOSKI) riUEXDS. Tho negroes of Xew York assem bled in solemn State Convention, at Syracuse, on Thursday, the 25th, and unanimously adopted the white Iladi cal Stale ticket. The negroes in that State who possess real estate to tho valuo oi SaoO are allowed to vote. Sambo nnd Greeley nlike. Ihe former ' ' a little ahead, because lies stronger, - TTrnno JrnvvcM. The Boslon Coniinonwenlth states that at present there arc four colored Jury, men serving in tho various ennrtsof that city ; one in the Superior Court for oriniiiial business; one in the first session of Ihe Superior Court, for civil business; and two in Ihe second session. If tho whito people of Loston think themselves no better than negroes, they ought to he boxed in a jury with ( limit llllt 4 1 1 A llOTTri - r 4a ntilr ' " p tle nhitO folks inotlior SUtOS tOadoitt their taste-nnd inclination-. 1 I IW rowl. IVur IM. , J Amonir tho other rdim and false.' '":" '"-' ticpnhlit an party isll.cir; nmi'V'i roimrhtmcn mnj-.nty, nt iii uitr.cnft oi tin; tuned Mitn. 'n.oy Imvo never b.-cn nnvtliin luit n minority, niid are ho to this very day. Claiming Hint tlio principle of our J Mem is tl.o nuniler of hoses, not a VA'l'll f Oil I lltlMt it lit Will llll'V Illlt'A IK.i'.ii h,(, w ym furllicm nnyiora ,),., facts 0r tlio law. A party which pvts t ho reins of nower siinnlv 1 hnniirli , .... ..' ,, ., .... ., i.i . u, ,,, , :..... i I e .M.'ite sovitim" it v in-mi- iln nn.l ---.-.-- 1' 1 "I "." men lerins mat principle a Heresy, ., .,....,. II.. ........ 1,, ..... . .. i .. ...... -i in. y ri.n ()f rOMSlituliun ovt.r ,,i 0..N Jonv the sunrcni'icv ovnri Z . V . , , , . ' uyuJ. UUJ B'lp'ui.K. OVCI i0, A tract of lan. nitiiato in I Vffntiirtoirn - tm f Li.i.. ,.,.,. i. ... i.i if n vote of citizens could have been!"1 taken at any time in the last ten years in niv; v mien m.iivn, 11 'ii'k iituio ui ! liori'iii', io u maple on tlio ni ;t5tntt.H tliatiK, tlio vote ol the people, tbent, foiii.., the, not ,h0 voto as tho vote of pnkloZ' mil III the I tilted Mates, irrespective Of 1 peoples wo should never have- heard of the martyr Lincoln, r the asserted j Ijiss-issi 1 IWvis I j ... .. : , . J I mI..-. 1 I... Hi ll.ut 1 1 .1 1 1X.i.i 1 o ... n.. .1 ... . I hw (..rirm.(, 8 a ...V . Vl.l.L.bltl.lV.I.11 UI1.L..UIIIUIIL , i J here IS i a (.tUr halt-million masontv iii'ainst it :n the United States 'if wu are oil(iltol H" P0 tli5h uiiicieiit in people uiuf vote as citizons ofonena- jtion ; but if wo arc ant-Union, there rro more than two States to one in i"vor ol it. uur system U a very j that theory ; but the juggle and the swindle of the tepublican juirty is taking it when it suits their purposes as it is, and when it suits their pur poses as it is not. 1 hero is no wonder that the Jlcpuh- jhcari party rolls up such majorities in the Eastern , States at.d is so dear xr.. n .. i .....i- I l" -ur. ji;i muiiu, lor ii i Kim ny U "Yankee trick," with half a continent fr its exhibition and fifteen millions oi ciLize.is oi me unueu mutes lor us victims, viz : all tho Southern States ..x . : . . . . i . t v . j c . . and all the citizens of the other Slates who are not Republicans. It took the nineteenth century to exhibit to the world tho astonishing fact, that in Democratic America little more than one-third of the citizens could violate the Constitution at pleasure, force a great war, hold power eight years, and brag all the time about equality, loyalty, patriotism at.d that the voice of the. pvnule was the voice of God. World. Tiik Cotton Tax. lion. Itevcrdy Johnson, and a number of other Con stitutional lawyers, have decided that the three cent per pound tax imposed on cotton, by a late act of Conirress, is unconstitutional. It Congress has the right to tax cotton growers, they certainly have the same riVht to tax ..t,..v i j wheat anu corn growers. Jt they doll1""'! thenee anuth4;ide:nie8caat.C2-iu peivhen not possess tlio right to tax the latter, they can not impose it upon the former. IXnv ;Adrfrt.$f meats. ,L'ltS, MklS, tWc, W AXTi:!l. The subscriber will pnv the highest nnces. 1 X CASH, for Fox, '('null, Musk rat, ami other fur skins ' Clearfield, (let. M.at . KEIZLXSTEIX. XtlTK Ii. Tlmsewho buy their roailr inc. 1 hereby no. ilied to imv no bilis to nnv Her-: sou w illiout my oijlcr lor tuc suinc, or to me per- j snmillv. ocl."l-:il) lOVATUAN MCIIol.S. VJ.l t 11 A'l io.N- Ju the hiirs iind pcr-i A" ""' ,M,V dfrilied land is supposed lo be sons i cstcd in the rial estate of JulIX i ul"l, rl'"d w ith bituniinouscoal, nnd is w ithin nlwut M oTT, bile of Cleui field cumtv. l'a., deccii.cd ' i nI"1 " "r "ln' of Tyrone and t Icarlicld Comity, as: The Youiiuniiwralth 'or' ('lonr,i''1'1 ruilmad, at I'liilipsburg, Cenlre eo l'a. I'liin-ylniniii, to N'niiev Young and (ireenwood S. ff"Sa,,' '" commence at 2 o'clock, I. M., on Young, her htisband ; and (Ieorge W. Scott and i Tllllr,l" v' ,l"' "-d day of November, I Mill, to Cortes Hell and John I. Miller, and all others! TffT,',tMS '"' ALK. Oue-third of llic pnr claimiiig title or possession to i'urpurts No ll ''""'"' """' be pu id on the cinlirinntinn ol the mid 2, taken by n.id Xmicy Young and (Jcorgi-""'"' ,liml ln "n0 v,'ftr nI"1 """"-third nt tlio W. Scot! ; j death of Mary (iearhart, the widow of said ace'd Also, to Sarah F.. Looker and .1. K. M. Looker, her ""' ,""''r ,w" pK.vnients. with their intcresf paya- liushaiiil; and to lieuiiimin Hurtshnrti iiml A T ; Lane, anil nil others claiming title or possession to Purpart No. 4, laken by said Sarah I'.. Lookur, fin -ly Sarah E. Scott ; Also, to.lolm M. Scott, nnd lo Jbivid Mitchell, and Jlctekiah Patterson, uud Joseph Patterson, nud nil others claiming title or possession to Purpart No. 6, taken by John M. Scott. (J iivi-Tin "h:T"s , nn Orphans' ("..nri. held and kept nlTWENTY TEH CENT. I.OWEU THAN Cleaili. Id, lor the said county ,, ("barlield, on the ...,.,,.,. ,.,t, -'lit h day of June, A. ll. ISlili, before the Honoiulile A A 1 11 Eli L l.l.SL IN TIIE .amnei i.nin, rresnlent Judge nf th ('llrt f Coniiuon Pleas, and his n.-sooialcs, judges of the said Orphans' Court, the petition ,M,-y 1. Scott was priscntcd, citing li.rtli. that John Scott, late of said county, died ubout tlio 11th day of July, A. lb I siil, lesiate, leaving by bis will certain real eslale in said county to bis two sons, Nathaniel and (ieorge Scott, share nnd share alike; nnd that the share of (ieorge Scott, by the death or said (ieorge Scott, hicainc vested in his six children, vi : .Nancy wile of (ireenwood Young (ieorge W, Scott. John M. Scott, Sarah E. now wile of J. K. M. Looker illiam J. Scott mid said Mary II. Soott ; that en the pnrlition of said real estate, under the authority ol the said Orphans' Court, the said William J. Scott and Mary 11. Scott received nothing, nnd that all the purpart were taken bv Iho titber heirs; that said Court did, on the 2'iil day of ScptemlK'r, IS.ill, order nnd decree, that the respective part ies secure the amount due for owelty of partition by mortgage on the premises taken ; am. that said heirs, not having paid or secured said owelty as Hloiesiud, said petitioner prayed the Court to grunt a citation, Ac; which was duly granted, by order of the Court, as follows : 'On million or. I. p. M'Enally, Attorney of Marv "11. Seolt. Now, June 211, A. I). IStili', citation " awarded, directed to the parties Trout whom snid ' owelty is due, vi; Nuney Young nnd (Ireenwood " fining, her linsliiin l; (Ieorge W. Scott, Sarah E. " Looker mid .1. K. M. Looker, her husband ; John .11. Scott, it nit to tin- tenants or occupants of the pinpiiits under their title, to uppenr before the on rt , nt I naili.ll, on the 1st day of Sei nberi T.. I Mill, thin is, n.c 4th Monday or September, A. ll. iMiti, and par the umoiints i.ne iv... n.n.r and pay the amounts due from their respective purparts its owelty of partition, or show runs., wliv the said roneolivo i.oio.h. " should not be sold, IS V ynv. f'oriiT ' '!.".. .'V. m""" " T r" iUn "'"", K'ao.e.i an urucr .or an Alius Citation, as ! follows: I "Now, fSeiitenihcr 2(1. lSIM. nn At;.. rii...:.. " awarded, returiinlile In the ild dnv nf lltwmber "A. 1. I Slid, ut Ihe adjourned special court, nt " Ciearfield, to be served by publication in tWo " neT.papers, ,iil,islicd in ( leurriehl, for four " weeks previous lo the said court. "' IlY Tllf CllfRT." Nowyou.the said persons ,,c,,,,re named. 'or referred to, all "ferrcd to, all and each of you, arr hw,v rolll led to be d appear before the said jud'c at . '.plums' Court,'.!, be held a. Clear ie M r tt?o ' . "nunty of Clearfield, on the 3d day o, l.leemV' (being tho first Monday or December.) Infill "l"1 . " . V" nmnunTfi nur irom Vour rrpocivp ."""I"4 w owelty of partition, or ihowoftu why I icic Admtiscmtnts. PUBLIC SALE or vai.iahi.f. mrTirp mat ritm ram AAMCLK' LUAL & AltM LAND. Ileal I'Mnto ii f Jacob Ceni liai (, lite llcrattir tow iiklilp, dt't i iiM'il. IN pursuance of nn order of tie 4i-Iiiim Court l flcaitichl county, (lit tiud.'Migu, d, Adminis liaiorol' Iho estate id JACOll tir.AUllAHT, bile if Dcviiliir township, deceased, will olli'r lor ulr, "t Ki-plrr'i llnl.l, in tlio borouub uf I'Liliiisljuri;, " L lllltl'l.' 01 iv I',.. 'a mi j t t, no torn Ull iUUlbUaV. lHUVeiUUUI 66, lOUU, c fuiWi.,, dHM kkal rn.UE.to .Holnth'ov;; J "v"' n,ul" 111 )at,,1 oiiirimrt j j!,,,.,),,,!,,, ciii.,; B,)Uli, .i,.,,,-,.,., w,.,t, i'iiiIn I)ec,,lr township, ciearGnid cunty, lioumird ' piTvlie, to a maple on tho nm-tli ni.lo of the tiirn- ouru ol I no turnpike, thriR-o liv liuul lonit- noi'tli 2 lii'Krecii cant, isas pert-lie, to p.iu in iavid Ki.ottM' line; tenL-e hr 1,,na r lvid .sp..tl louth iw di-Rrr etu-t, 73 pcrcliun, uuil two liiiku, to pllwe of beBiiuuiig, ud Contaluliis ioi Acres, ,-. , . . I I 1 llori; Or lt.n.. ..n.t.v .-.. a .i..i.u, . n ui.iai - ..r...ir.l tl..'non. the l.uliinre of tho hind uciut? well limliered with pine, ok ami hemlock ... --- -, - J li- I situ to flout fiiw 1ok. No. 2 In n trui't of hind itu:ilo in Pecatur towiirtliip alnremiid, bi rinnins f stone-hi'iip on thf miiilli aidv of the "Old ISlute Uoiid ;" thenw along aaid road, aouth 37 ileert-os east, .'I ti perches, to port; thcnui) hyhuiilof Aliuibum Kvlei, Hiutb 40 di-crees east, ll)j purring, to a pout; thenee h)' land formerly of Iliirilinnn l'hilipn and oilier... aouth SH deifrees went, l'.IO pereht. to an unpen: tin-nee by luud fiirniurly of llniiliuan l'liilipa, north j5 depreen west, JIM) pcrchcH. to a hciulouk, oil the lino of Jiitmn J houip.'on und llavid Spottn; nortli :'j depruea east, 2.IU pi-relies, to toiio-henp, or pluce of bogiuning, Containing, in all, 2tM Acres, with nn iillcmanee of aix per cent, for roads, Ac; deducting, however, out of the above denerilied traot 'M Her....,...) It t.ereheM. eolivev.-d to W. A. Wallae , ., ,.,.,.i...., ,L. .....) ,i wilo, by deed dated October T.l, lMii, roeordod in C'lciirtiuld coiintv in lleed Uook X. Inure Ho.'i. The above described preiuim's having thereon erected a two-story plank dwelling null hiiinlicd, with a well of water convenient, a olio und a half glory ing dwelling, spring-house convenient, and a bunk burn ninety lint by forty feet. Also, two good bearing orchards, with cider mill and press. A limit l.'IO ueres of this land is cleared and under good cultivation ; the balance is well timbered, with pine and hemlock. The building arc ubout one-liulf niilo from the Erie turnpike, on the road lending from said turnpike to KylcrtoHU, und ultout two miles from l'hilipsburg, now the terminus of the Tyrone and Clearfield railrcad. Scliool-him-e within three luurl lis of a mile, and grist-mills within one mile. N il. 3 Ts ti tract of land sit mile in Morris town ship, Clearfield county aforesaid, beginning nt a Ktonc-lienp in the corner of Jneob (iearhart survey, und adjoining the lauds of the Into Adiun llrnv, and (ieorge Sliiiuiuel; tlionce by hunts of said liniy, north degrees west, .'ifi perches, to a post ; then by hinds of (ieorge Shitniuel, tiorfh lis J de grei'S west, 27J perches, to a hemlock: tlienne by lands formerly of (leorgo Shiuiiiiel uud llurdiuua l'liilipa, south 2C.J degrees wet. Ill perches, to nn old ilefid pine; thence by lands formerly of llard mun I'hihps nnd James Thompson, (now Jacob (irarhart,) south fi:!J degrees cast, Kl perches, to a large stone on the liiieol Jacob licarhart's survey; thence by hinds of Jacob (iearhart, north 21'. de grees east, lllil perches, to pluec of beginning. One other piece, adjoining the above described piece or tract, beginning ut stones nt the roud on line ol George Shiuiiiiel, deceased ; tbencealong mid road. Tlh Ti cM' :i" 2-,".'.,;.1,"" "' r"": tbenoc soulu i'j d.'greeH west, 2 S-lll pvrehea, to a lu a post: thenco north 2o decrees west. 2 8-lu perches, to a post ; thence south 47 J degrees east, 23 4 10 perches, lo a stone in the roud; theuoe south 2."i degrees west, 37 l-lll perches, by land ol Aiirahutn Ivyier, to slones ; thence north, 4(1 de grees west, by hinds of Jacob (icnrliHrt, fid 9 1(1 perches, to stones ; thence north, .r2 degrees west, ,,lo"K ''d lust described tract, ;ill perches, to a post ; 'hence by hind oi Miimiin-l, north, 2.7i degrees east, percbes, to place of beginning. The two .aat ilescrilied tracts C'o.itulii U Acre,, and k,(, Porrl.ca. The said land has theri un erected nnotwo-storv loc house mid slulile, with u good spring of watci near the house: ulso. n good beurin? orchard tlinrcm "" "uniiaiiy, in oe securen ny noun nnn niorigagr on (he premises. . L-llAlil.l'.. M.OAIN. Administrator. I Oct. Ill, lHlili-4t OV h'C ( Y 7 CI J -L -1-4 KJ V 1 JiOi COUNTY. JOHN S. KADKBACII, HAVING opened a new store at Ihe "Blue 1111," in Clearfield county, wishes to notify the puhlio that lis Is determined to sell all kinds of (ioods CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST, in defiance to the county. Now is your Time to Call and Examine, Whilo he la placing on his shelvos a full assort- ment of Pry floods, (Irocnrioa, Queensware, Hardware, Earthenware lrnga. Oils, and Taints, medicines, Ao., 4c, ao. HATS, CAl'S, LOOTS & SHOES,' n. . . , Uf all kindl, eonsuntly kept nn hand. A general assortment of pn v . , A A J) A 1) E CLO Til IX G - ' Fur Men and Boys' woar. -All to be scld at a yery LOW PRTC1! for CASH, or exchanged for all kinds of Marketing. -BAWED LVMBF.lt k SHINGLES take., in exchange fur guodi. oct2t.tr JOHN B. It ADEP.ACIl. 4 Dill M.( A (,u.s ivn( 1 ..l. Ailmiiiistriition bavinir Imv... r........i .1.. uiin..rsic,ii.il nn the M.I. r uZ n i. . u . .. " ',1 l i . . , . i tiooipsoii, '" "'""" -aid estate will make ' f",-V",1"'"' """' elainis ag, , ,V' 'll.I'"",Ut U'CU' PTn"'rl-v ZZt M) 1KT -' 1 Admini win nuiKe imiiiedi. against t Hied lor mrix. islrator. p ItOCl.lt 1 1. Si to l , hndaT " mkki:ei,l EnLErcs. rniiMi hi i. fK i:ix. 4rpiprit..,.t ' J. Aug, 23, '05 WEURELL4- EIOLER'6. Adrfrllifmrnts. lilH'M MI1K K-Nmiof It here- that Letters Teslairiertsrv, have llill iIh kp.H c.a.l...l I. id. ...t,..il.... . the i f'tntoor vwwum ooti, droeH, ulc ; MT-..IH lll-Milcl IO K.I.I, .rn ten,,.,,A . (,f HMkt ImmtMlmi, i vmeni, n4 Ihrnn. fcuvirg olninii eiinM ihe i will nrra.nt :hfm dulr tuihcntio.lril fur in I km. tit. ! Ol HELLO PMKAD. oct!t M nl Kirrul .r - AHminicf rilnrc' Cflln ()' c nr.Ai, r.sirtii in piirmniifd or an i v. "fJcr m I lie uri.liam I ourt .l I Icarrid ",n aH' '. t"'r,-"'nT. ". ' " "pnM-u io yuuue mm, in ine our- . m.. iho o ininc iin ! K,.i..r, ,i,.-.,i ... Kipliart, deccancd, vt: p. in., tho lol!i'inp ilcfcribad real e.t-iie of Uoo. ibart, deceased, vlt; . Villain Piece of Land, by land of John lWanii, Walter Morgan,StepheD ivepbart and uthera, Containing; 73 Acres and 69 Perchei r.u 1 a -1 1 1 and a lug house and log barn tbcreon erected. Cohdit.ok. of SaLE-Cah on confirmation of SIMON KL'l'llAKT, oct2i-tt Adin'm. CLEANSE THE BLOOD. WITH corrupt, or tainted Blood, yon are ait-k all over. It may bum out in Pimple, or Soree, or in roiLO active di.eane. or it niuy merely keep yoa liatletf, ilepr.im ed and good lor nothinz. Jiut tou cannot have good health whilo your blood is nn- ' pure. Avmi'e Sahsai arii.la purgea out tiei-e impunitiea ; it expels diteie and re;tore health and atiinuintei the organs of lile into vigorous action. Hence it rapidly cures a rariety of coin. plaints which are caused by impurity of the blood, such as Hcrofula, or King's Evil, Tumors, l'lcr, Sores, Eruptions, 1'iinpies, Llotchei. Itoils. fit. Anthony's Fire, Hose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rlieu.n, Scald Head, King Worm, Cancvr or Cancerous Tuninrs, Bore Eyes, Female lliseases, .... . ".oiar.iy, ruppression, bites, bterility, alao Syphilis or V enereal ilia .eases. Liver Coainluinls. and Heart Diicatiei j Try Aykr's Sakkafarilla. and see for yourself ! the surprising activity with which it oleansei the blood nnd cures these diaordera. lluring lute years the public hare been misled by large buttles, pretending to give a quurt of Extruct of Sursapurilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative ingrediunt whatever. Hence, bitter disappointments has followed the us n! the various extracts of Sarsapnrilla which flood the maiket, until the name itself hai become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cull this compound, "Sarupurilla," and in tend to supply auch a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy w hich rests upon it. "e mm n we nave crouna lor be levmir it has virtues which are irresistible by the class of diseases it is intended to euro. We can assure I the sick, that we offer them the best alterative we know how to produce, and we have reason to ' believe, it is by fur the most clfictual purifier of! tue niooa yet aiscovere'l. Ayer's CitKRtty P,:rTonAL is o nnirersull. known to surpass every otbor medicine for tbe cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenta, Hoarseness. Croup, Ilrouchitia, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief uf Consumptive Patient in ad vanced stages of the disease, thut it ia useless here to recount the evidence ol its virtues. Tbe world knows them. Oct. 24, lSBh. l'repared by Iir. J. C- A Ten Co.. Lowell, Mass., and sold by C. 1). Watson. Clearlield; W. 0. Me'i, (lien llepe; Irvin t lliirt-lmrn, Cur wcniville; Kirk Spencer, Lumber City. Coach-Makers, Attention ! nl'PBS, 6x7, f I iS ; f,x7 4 Kxfi. 1 1 40; 6x10, f26 I; 9x12. $: 35 j 10x12, J3 75. fct'oiiLS lljst hickory, per set. 14, at $3 .".0 U, lj and i j, ut a:;;. Lest oak, do I in. 4 15 FELLOWS Het oak, per lot, Wall at 2 nn 1 1 at 2 2.. Best hickory, 11 at 2 50 Finished Shafts, with cro.s bar, at I 40 Sleigh Hunners, 411 Tyre Iron at ii ; Thimble Skein boxes, 4x11 6 75 Kluxseed Oil, per galiun, SO Turpentine, per gallon, 1 (10 At f. J. 11 OKI' MAX'S Hardware Etore. Lewistown, Pa., Oct 17-:it Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY. VI. I, ni.I)l.I OK l-s(.l'(;2-'C1 an entitled to an l.MT.EAM.li Lol'MY. The undersigned is prepared to collect all sucl Hounties, as well 11s the iiicreas.-d jiay to Soldiers Widows. All inquiries and communication an swered promptly. Jiischargrs receipted lor. Post Office address, Curwensvillc, Pa. ep;.-tf JUSIAH LVAXP. GUKSKITHIKG. ETC. T WCLLD just inform the citixen. of Clearfield 1 nd vicinity, that I have opened a abop h. said borr.ngh, ner Mr. C. kratser' tore, forth purposo of manufacturing and repairing GUNS, riSTOLVWATCULS AND CLOCKS. I guarantee all my work, and expect to secure my patronage by promptness and attention ti ho.lno.m ....I l .. . . at vie. . f Ih. .rt l,- . ' ,V . - ' "v vim mi ii iim n t capacity. JAMES t. WIXIlEliCW Juno II. ISfifi tf E ?m it a 1'amiLi i-i ah it iTerx.irr, 11. W. SMITH a ( us. Every One STIOI LH ilo his own SoLDElUNr,. Fo go lo II. W. SMITH d CO S. and buy an lliOX and STO E; thus saving many a trip'tnand Irom Ihe tinner's; and article that, by being repaired at once, an- made new. " - orj C LOTUS. l't:N( H MOItlMr,. CASSIMKIIES. AMEP.K'AN Mol'.INOS SATINETTS, WOOL 1'KLAINLS, TWEEI.S. ALPACCAS. FLAXXELP, HAUATIIEA PIIAWLS, IlALMoK ALS. iustopenH at ' "cta-lm J. J'. K IC A I Zr.K'S. New Gnndc T P- KUAT.I-.H h...i,t reeved, general "rtmont of FALL M;ESS (i((.i .t his """" Warcniotns on Market street, opposite the liposlte the inn. ... , Oct.. lm AUAMLIUA first-clus SALESMAN, ina wholesul,. Notion House, w ho ha a knnwi edge of the business, and can comnmnd . c,m trade. Salary lilKral. Addn-ss TI1I.O WI'lL CO. No. Til X. Third Street, Phil a. ',,,. jOl It T Persons doiriiig to transact bus7 nesswith me at my olhoc. are hereby notified mat I will not lie found with certainty t' home on any days except .MONDAY and SATt LhAY SepC 2n.tr. WM. PuPTl R. fM IMIOTOt.lt APII I .rtwKorT FKlFl X I have for sale a Photograph CAE. , -' oider miwul Warrior's Mark, llmitingdon co. It will be sold on rea"iimLle i..-..,. a....i . . Hamlin. .rri..r'. M..L . ,.' ... 1 1 field. iin vi ' !f. -r ; '-" fcHIl.K. I V..V';..i T I "''-' : ' .......... j.niit, rauna, (tine and ry enenp. i j. p. h K AT?.EIi 'S. Cui;i:t iNiTAT.ir.s.i,,,, ,.r,Tj 7 from the Eastern market I.t- i CQl A llltl"l-Agt. wanted lor .ii iir ha Z ,"'"". .m1 oiil Artriraa 0.1. OA11EY. City Lnilding, Iliddefurd, Me. WT 1, ly lSori. i; l ; w Ami; i) .f Camp, the Battle Fit Id 2nd t! i l" lW ,,a """"' T F'l- Thfr if icr'. in portion .f thi ,' r" '"lo T F'""r l.i.diril in rmirr or fuif trj, l'r ( ' if I Wfilirg pnrr.ii..i l.i-n.'r xita of the ronHici ilian inrr dr? rriil SrrtivM f enm rd thi rrt t.1 iilup-irn,. ine rhanclcr of the If-ndei i f liio talJim. th drr'.lior vf hli .try m men. the (incv erocr iir, . DJ Imriii-hii.n of th nervi.-e The olumc t trtifuft-ly illtiFtri.tr j 10.1 Hrrvinr I t th lirrt rtinb.l really bcautilui ; worthy of rianimj cimrui of, ait Ihe hoi k a cwt-J rominin-ence f camp, pii kft. f y, t- aiepe and battle tield aatemurri ; HJ of bravery, it, drollery, comical t adrenturv. tte., rtr. morn est i. Mru'ltoa may b found on rtt-ry p.p. dciail, brilliant wit ard tulLeulir tkil.'fully inu-rwoifB in tbii work of I Thia nrk aeha lUcif Ibe wn'i le i dry delaila and partuao work, and ' r"nI"l'c J for circulara, and e our terms and i J auora aaaenmn. Alii re. NATIONAL iTcnsnix octI7 t liS Water ft , I.fi. I'ateiued Mavlttl, liOU. i ca'epi id very amy piaeen. attic; c uire a very a ighl rub, and unlike otbe- ationa oH.-red lor a like porr-oee, will ! THE clothke. bat wid leare them muck . k. .. .1 . : . . and tear. It removos grease s..U aJ if by ci..- aoftMfi. Ih. flirt It r mj.u . r. rr mn l,Bt -. . . in ordinarr cases entirely remove it. This powder it prepared is accords! chemical science, and tipoa a process jr t'irh " ured by Utters 1-a i " 10 n" lor mon l-" fttT b.swvm fcrvn mi ti li l v vi rati vvsait w uv has been naed. A hiolj the advantage, are the follnwir. r, vix. It saves ail the expenses cfaotp bsol on cotton aau liren rooda. It saves most of iiie inbor of n.Ua nj ., Auio, iur eleaninc windows it i buss- mi one quarter ui time ua utttr usui. quired it imfiatta a beaut. !ul floss ai.4 much superior to any ciiier Bioue. S si quired except lo moisten lit jowder. i- . . ... j' tree nun wiui eaca f.e-caare. And cue be readiiy aj'prw id Yy a : trial. Ttae.Hituf washitif f..r a famt'y j ur ' persons will nut exceed men crsr iuD HJwiui.cuiirn. vi uia wnvirt J that many useless comnimnd bar bwa tar ed to tbe public which ttav rotted tie ci. tailed in removing tbe dirt, but kte jtr t: triusic excellence uf this avracle. tberuit. proclaim it a being adapted i net a Or which has loiig exis'ed. and w Lirh Last fore remained unsnrt ii'd. Kancfacttrt. UoWK a tltM.VS. if.t' Lroadway. W Also, Mariuracturers ef ran!y 1'ye t Fur sale by rrorers nnd I'Ct,e-i every le-i OcU Ihih lsf.S. J Bit m. tivitigpurctiasea tte I hirforraj a emit m . . . ment ornierly ronducu-a h II. briart. res.cctfuiiy announce to tLe eiuteri bf C field and adjoining counties, that be La 1: iy made aduttiotial iirprovrmexu 1 loiiti usui una Hitarauis, sua uc enert t.-. t.e can sti.,;y the most ial.ucoai taFie a. and hlt like liktne. lie also keeps eonstacCy a tawd a r:.i. snrtment of Guiit. Kosssnna mr.A V'.'.ni '-b Album of all rue and s'rles ana uno variety of c. a, lockets, etc , which le wi pose of at very niuderate pric, for ri- llis gallery i in Sbaw'e row. (up ia.r.) X ket atrect, Ciearfield, Fawbore be is a'waiir dy to accommodate customer wb xta i want ofa good Likeness of tnrmsrltri ur l.-it Particular art eo lion paid le co t-ij a t in ol pictures, etc.. ianlst lain. Wi, I1C II f ITCH I 111 II! WIIEATOS'S OIXTTCtXI -.Mil C'urr the l;b In Iliwrs. VLeO, cure Palt r.keum. Tierr, O t'b.a and all Erui.tioti n lfa 'I 1 fr.. vein. F. r le by all Pmrptts. Tr m s'Xtv cents toVMI-KS A Pt'lTl 1: .',.., ! 17l Wasl.ii g'on treet. l:.-s;..c. it i:l in. ( I ward d bv mail, live of rorrare, to ary 11-; I Ihe r.ited i-talr. Fot sa.e at Lam-ei-t July li. lr in s, Clearte'd. Ta. CI I.AItl II I II ACDI.MV-Tb ciser nf tbii Institmioa wiU bt resain M.mjl.t V. 1.1 i. au ..r . t. Pupils can color at any t.mo. They wii; charged with tuumn frnat tbe time u.ry rtius the cloae of the Sessioa. The course of instruct ion en bra-e crr-T ii .a ;nR..ri..j : - .1 -i , - . . . .... .uuvh iu m t.wM.iu, 't t...rm. sola v:tiie pushed education lor W ii him, Tbe rribniL 1 aymg bad tbe adt-atttrt . mnrh experience in bis protcinon. urn-urn i , renis anu gnara ant u.t a. enure at.iity enerpie. will be devoted to tbe miai ma.i Ben tal truinirip .f the you'b t iarsd wndeT hit rtt-ft ii,Knnr ii i mix. Ortbogmpt y. I'.cadirg, VnMr.f. ai d rritra-r Arithmetic per Seinn ( 1J weeki) . J.- ! t.nimniKT, lieofTapty, ArsLtmetr, a-nd I'.i-tory . . . . . . f .f Algrbra, Geometry, Tr-rotioaiietrv. V juration. Surveying, I'biloiwipry. rtyM ology, CbeiristTy' Look Keeping. I.iuiy and J'hysical Owgrapry - - Ii 1 Li'in and tireek, with arr ol tbe tlvn Drancl c . . . " . . . $ I s Jbu didurtina will Ve made ft nwcin. CtT further particular tio'.re of Ley. I: L. IiLLlM.X. 4. , Clearfield. Ju'v 11, ISO U. rrrnal ""KW CKlTIIIM. ysTflUt FLEMING &. HOELs C. r cxrvii.i.r., Ttsy'x, In the Post fiffioe Imildiiig. bar ian! ssiwua at.J opened a larrr and fine aumirtnxnit i ss.lv wiaae Clotbiiig. i or Casa they well theii,st tint it' cheapest, and a-r eonsituiilv rrne-t mr 1--t in plio. ( all and we lor ynurelroii. s i cv 1 1 . '!'-.'.'- VIMIMTR ATtlR'fS OTICH. Xirir is hereby given thai letirr ed AB. ir:r-a-tion, on the estate of Fmelipe 'wti aerseaea, law-of Lawrenee tnwnsmp, Ciearbt-id es. I a, have this day been du'j f-raMed to :t. ti aer igned. to whom all persons indebted tr sun' -tate w ill pit? tnakr ray menu al d Lhesst t.a'-it claims or demands Will pr.rt tbem t.r wcuie nient witiuiut delay. AMEC'M liJLl, ociK fit " Adn. Truesi anal atMtoanliial erif.one-t of rrr-r kind of the lat.net in-e-'tsai.sl. f.-T-a lrnt Stnre f H A KTS If S 4 I IT. 1)ure l.il.rny W hue l.r4vu o. .rer and better work at a g'vr fms, thai al J oti.er t Try ii ; Manufactured oti'y ty Initi a Smitb. holeaale I'-ng. I'ait.t a va.i. No. 13, Nortfclhird t,rti: a. Harri, II. ff Jy I - - l.n. f wfluU Itt.nr ksss t.a n flTjM I 11 t T aaJ U Ha TrlRini n-iU!.'s II I Kl IT of ,rt il0. vri-T.FLL 4 ni rr.- c "Vial, hale and Lmetwa fi.i. . ' rr rn.he and riain of all kirds r-"io:ti' ; 'A' i oii For '7 fi.IL