i if t i u I.. Vrcffwlonal & y.uslncjtf Cards. wu. A. W At LAI I, - AKIi WAITrt-. - 11 nrifilNO. J. 1' WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING, T10RXKYM AT LAW, Clearfield, la. Legal business of all k jroimly aittl ci ' rfttely attended to. May 'i-o-ly.j THOS. J, McCULLOUGH, VTTORNF.Y AT I.A W.ottioe nlj'iiiR lh Bank, formerly occupied by J. II. Mck'nally, k..,., Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Will Attend promptly to Collections, Sale of Laud, tc. Lea. T. 'f2. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW ami HEAL KSTATB Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office on Market surer, opposite the juil. Itcsfocttully oilers his nrvivft in felling and baying hinds iu Clearfield and adkiinina counties ; nnd with hii experience ofovertwenty yeursasa Surveyor, flatters himself that he can render satistaetion. ten. 61 tf I i "rTrtncDT I a A I I AfC ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry RObLrl I J. W ALL AO , carefully repaired and Warranted. VTTOKNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Penn'a.1 A continuance of patronage is solicited. CIEee in Shaw's Hew, opposite tho Journal j November loth. ltii H- f. NAL'tiLE- otlieo. Leo. 1. ISiS. i'IOI I) Il IT. T. 'AL'(1LK has just WM. M. McCULLOUGH, VTTORXEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Penn'a. Office on Maiket Street, one door eat of the "Clearfield County Uank." Mny 4, l(Bl-tf. jon.N n.oRvia. t. ai.examieii. orvis&Ta l'ex a n d e VTTOBXEYS AT LAW, fcept. 13th IStia-ly. lielle'onto, Fti. "d r7j"."p7 burchfTeld , I ATE Purpeon of the 8:;d Beginient, Penn'a J Volunteers, havin; returned trom the Army, oilers his professional services to the cilir.cns of Clearfield and vicinity. Professional calls prompt ly attended to. Office on bouth Last corner of id and Market streets. April 4, lS0i'..-tf. DENTISTRY. J. P. COKXETT, liESTtsT, offers his profeysi'jnal services to the eiti- lens of Curwensvulo and vieinity. Office in Drug Store, corner .Main and Thompson itreeta. Curwcnsvillo, May 1 1, ISO'1 ly pd j. BLAKE WALTERS," SCRIVEXEIl AND COXVEYAXCEB, und Apent for the Purtiiate and Hule of Lands, Clearfield, Pa. Prompt attention (riven to nil business connected with the oouuty otliees. Oilice With Hon. Wm. A. Wallace. Jan. 1, lT,ii-tf. JOSEPH II. BHET1I, Justice of the Peace, and Licensed Conveyancer, New Washington, Clearfield couoty, Pa. r:n 1 la i i. JAMES C. BARRETT, Justice of the Peace and Licenced Conveyancer, Lnthersbiire, Clearfield county, J'a. Collections and remit tancea promptly uia le, and ill kinds of legal in etramonls txecutued nn short notice, Lnthersburg, May 9th, ISfirt.tf. i. R. U'UURRAT. f AMl EI, MITCHEI.I.. I)alers in Foreign and Domestic Merchandise, Lumber, (Jrain, d c. Now Warhington, October 2i, lSC.i.-ly.pd. Clearfield Co., Pa. 0. KIIATZKIl & S() X , ME R C II A M K, dealers in Hry Goods Clothing, Hardware, (,'ultlery, Queensware Groceries, Shingles, and Provisions. At theold Und on Front Street nbnvo the Academy. Clearfield, December 13th, IW-tf, J. I KKATZER, M mCH A NT, and dealer in Dry Goods Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, Uroceries Provisions, Ac Market street, opposite the Jail, Clearfield Pa. April 20th ISt t, . LEOX M. COUTJUET, Mnittll AM'. nud dealer iu Dry Goods, Keady-inade Clothing, (jroceries, Liijuors, ' Drugs and Mcanines, Hats and Caps, li iota and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Ac Frrnrhvillo Clearfield coutity. P. May 2, 'fill. CEORllE F. tVARDLS. CHARLES N. REED, vlwtU Uasrl & Go., WIIOLKSALE GliOCKHS. Tuliucto, Tea, apices, CvC, cv'c, y V.. cor. olh A Market Sts., Feb. 14, lSOij-Orn. Pill LA DKLTII A. CYREMI'S HOWE. Justice or the 'i;ace. For DacATrn Township, will promptly attend fo all business entrustod to Lis care. P. O. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. 21t ISM THOMAS M CltlSMAN. Agent for tho Singnr Sewing Machines. Philipsburg, Centre Co., Ponn'a, Oct. 11th, isss-tf. onnln Jhlioual 3nnh; CLEARFIELD, VX. This Hank is now open ami ready for business, Office on Seconal tlreet, in the ImiMiug fur u.oriy occupied by Leonard, pinncy t Co. ninr.CToRs Asn oPFicrrts. JAS. T. LEONARD, Pres'l. JAS. B. GRAHAM, VM. A. WALLACE, A' K. WKIOIIT. Jun 2th, tr5 tf. RICHARD SHAW. wm. roRTrn. CE(i. L. K KT.D. WM. V. WUKillT, Cashier. CI. I Alt I I K I I (Hl'XrV MVMv. Thel Clearfield County Lank as an incorporated , Suatitution has jrure out "f exigence Lr the eur-' render of its charier on May 12th, All of its stock isoued hy the fub-criliers. who will contiuue the hanking loi-iness at the same tl-ice as private Imnkers uudor the firm name of the " Cloarfield County Hank." We are ro-poriMlilo for the ijelits of the Hank, and will pay its notes on demand At the counter. Deposit received and interest paid wheu mo. net is lel't for a fixed tiint. Paper discounted nt six per cent, ss heretofore Our personal rcspon-ilnniy is pUded for all deposits received and husiness transacied. A eontinuanee of the liberal pa'ronaea of the kisiness men of the county is retpectfuily mlici ted. As President, Cashier and Officers of the late Cleiirfield County Punk, we rerpiire tho notes of raid bank to he presented for redemption. James 1. Leonard, llkhard Shaw, Wm. Porter, James II, Oruhntn, A. K. Wright, t;. L. Heed, Willinm A. Wallace. ?The busines. of tho Hank will he condu: tej hy John M. AJaius, K.-x., as Cashier. Jun 2V:, tf. DRESSMAKING, ETC. SPECIAL NOTWK. Parisian DUES? and CLOAK Making. Ladies can have their Diess,s, Fuits. Coats and lla" piines hand,oiiolv made and rimmed, at the shortest notice, at the bid-established stand. 1031 I hesttut rWevL fancy and plain Fans, Mantilla Ornaments, dress and cloak huttons, Uihhvns, C'uny and Onipnre Laces, Bugle and tlitnp lircss Trim nings, with a large variety of Siaple and Fancy bonds, from 2i to ( per cent l-.s than eUewhero. Also, receiving daily. Paris Fashions in tissue paper, for Ladles and Children's Dresses. Fale of Patterns fur Merchants and Dressmakers now ready, at Airs. M. A. HlNDhU'S, Jy4-ly 1031 Chestnut sL, Philadelphia f ' Ft. lomlll;o, llulbell's, Irake's Hoof- It, land's Herman, Hosteller's and tJrcene's Oxygenated tiHters, also pure l.iqiiers, of all k .ids for medicinal purposes, for sa! hy II. if-1. C" loal, haln and Linseed Oils. Familr I)v. varnishes and paint of all kinds rround In oil For sole by ), i , II. V. AUGLE, MAK EH, Graham's Bow, ClmrficM, Poan'a. Tlie inbseril.er respertfjlly Informs hU old riiKtomers at d the r-uUie, that he hns on hand,; and eoii'tntitly roeeivinff new an anions, a large dock of Clocks, Watehe. nnd Jewelry. i Jewelry of erery variety from a single piece tn a full Si'tL Watches, a fine assortment of silver Hunting and open ra-e, American and patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. Clocks, a larj;o variety from the best Manufac tory, consirting of Eight day ai d Th'rty houi spring and Weight, Lever, Tixe, Strike and Alarm. f-pectnelos, a lnri;o assortment far and near siL'lit, colored and plain glass. .1 . f l,A,t. Tint. aii, a line hfioiiuihtui. " - ..v..i, ter. knives, olo.. ulated on jeuuine Alauuta. I .JT received an Klegnnt assortment of the bet quality; also silver extension and Oe6K Holders. November, 29 lSfiS. JEW STUKK ANH X r GOODS! JOS. SI I AW & SON Have just opened a New Store, on Main St., Clearfield, Pa., lately occupied ly Win. F. IK WIN. Their stock consuls of ZID 112 r' 'r-CDCQ!-Q2t GhocEi!:rs of tbe Left quality, Ql'eexsware, Uoots and Shoes, end every article necessary for one's comfort. Call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Mny 9, 100-1 f. . 11EMOVAL. J. P. KRATZER, has removed to his new Wnre-IIooms, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., vhere he has opened very l.ugo flock ol Dry Goods, Merinoes, GiDgbiims, Cloths, Delaines, Trinls Casimeres, Alpacss, Silks, Satinets, Heps, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jenns, Lanellas, Muslin., Flannls, Hornets, Uih bons, Cloaks, Rulmoral Skirts, Hoop. Skirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Head Nets, Caps, Corsets, Gloves, Collars, ScnrU, Grenadine Veils, Table Covers. Cloth i n (T Coats, Pants, ests, Over-Coau, Gent s fchawlt Shirts, Hats, Caps, I'ndvr Shirts and Drawers, Roots, Shoes. Gum bkues, Cravats, Gloves and Collars. . IIARHWA TtE, H U KENS WARE, GRO CERIES &. MUSICAL GOO US. Groceries. Tea, Coffee, So;nr, Molasses, Salt, Csndles, Rice, Flour, Ilacon, Flfh, Tobacco, IlaUins, Currants, f p i c e s, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var liifli, Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Drugget, Looking Glasses Clocks, Churns, Washboards, Tubs. Buck ets, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Blinds, Wall paper. Coal Oil Lamps, in brellas, Bedcords, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and Stove Blacking. 0!A11 of which will be sold on the most rea sonable terms, and tho highest market price paid or Grain, Wool, and all kinds of conntry produce. Clearfield, December 1:1, OTIIER EXCITEMENT ' A FALL IN PRICES. AT THE Cheap Cash Store OF WILLIAM F. IRWIN! South Second St., Clearlieli, la. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring Summer Goods At Greatly Reduced Trices. 'Iam just receiving and opening a carefully selected stock ol fashionable rpnng A ium nief Ooods of almost every description. A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of the newest and latest styles. Alsi a great variety of useful notions. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, S'.iawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queenmarc, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Psints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, and Fruits Foreign and D.vineelie, such n Apples, Penehej, Cur ran, Piuni's, h'ui'-iiis, Oran ges, nnd Lemons. Fish, Bacon and Flour. Mackerel in and i barrels of the hesf quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and tbe public 'generally, are rcFpectfttllv invited t call. r.-N. 1L All kinds of GRA A.Vand approved COISTHY l'UUUlVEuV in exchange for Uds. WM. P. 1KW1N. Clearfield, May ,h, IRnn tf I)ure 1 Ihf rty Life If ad, The Whites, the met durable and the most econon ical. Try it ! .Manufactured only bv Ziir.ua a Suitf. Wholesnle Drug, Painl A li Ins" D,ialors, Ko. 1.(7 North Third Ft., Phil'a. Marcb 21. lSfiS.ly. Q01.PII--.RS' HO!TII...-A recent bill O I"'"1' 'h Houses of Congress and sicned bv the Presi Ji-nt, gi ing a three jean," soldier $ 100 and a two years' soldier $;.0, "-norXTIK-J and PENSIONS collected hy me, for those entitled In them. WALTKK ftARRETT. su-tr Alfy at Law, Clearfield, Pa. .i"ifi. U:lM W AXTI'P. T Pie I I II II I. ...i. I vrH.v ll.x.k. I1 lnWishi'd i..l,,n, .rxin.lt descriptions i'l otlane lions ..I the maimers and ru-l.-ail the " 'r j nation, nt ai,tl lr. """' "J ",ri,,u rites, frnditiorsp, cvremu!c, implements of ar- f.re; their modes or w,.r.hip i explanation, or. manv portion, of the Old and New Testaments. , lorios- doscrintlonofthe aniraals, plant K(lBtT r-itt. IlltistraU'd hy nearly nirraifis. !t is arranged- fur ecll Heading on EVERY SALIlATUof the year. .. , .u nn, thi, ,n t xce.lent el.an.-e ; ti make uinev, as the criaraner oi uie - suel, that ministers of the tio.pei, cnirone..r. and cnnvas.'e-swillbe frue to rcoiuuiend it. lr terms, 4e., ahirh are ery literal, a.ldren CHARLES S. (iKKENK 4 Co., Putluhera, 4 IS Chfstnut street, Aug. 29-4t Philadelphia, Pa. Grape Vines for Sale. I LI 1 'I' L tho leading hardy varieties of urst liiality. Concord, 1 year old, 2j cents, or per luu Concord, t years old, fill cents, or $IH per ll) Rebecca, 1 year old, VI cents ; best white grape. Iona, 1 year old, ?l 5" i best amber grape. Any other varieties bolow Nursery prices. Orders solicited as sooa as convenient, and filled inritaiion.br A. M. HILLS. Clearfiell.'l'a., August 22. lhtif-tf. N. II. Vines ready for removal by the lith of October. Music Store. M.(rJM:i';XEh!isoiienc(lhiH .Mu- 9. nic Store, one door wur-t of V. Lewis' Hook Store, where ho keeps conktuntly on hand Steinway & Sons' and (iaehle's Piann Man ufacturing Company's Pianos, .Ma.on A liaraliu's Cabinet Organs aud Carhart, Xeedbam A- Co.s' Melodeons ; (Juitarh, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; tiuiiarand Violin strings. Mt sic Rooks Oolden Chain, floldcn Ehower, Golden Conner, (Jolden Trio, Ac, Ao. Shkkt Mi'sic. lie is eon'tuntly receiving fnun Pliiladelphia all tbe latest music, which persons at a dirtanee wishing, can order, and have sent them by mail, at ahlisher's prices. rPiniios and Organs Watrantud for five years. Those wishing to bnr any of the ahnre a-ticles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are tbe same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments sent promptly 0)o3 application with any additional information de sired, 13. M. (JUL EXE, Hill street, ilimtiiip'or., Pa., One door west of Lewis' Ho'ik Store, or Mifs E. A. P. KINDER, Cleirticld. Dee. 6, l6ilf Agent for Clearfield co., Penn'a. JUST EECEIVED, W. SMITH & CO.'S, II. A Fresh Lot of i'EAS AXI) CAXXEI) FRUIT. AUo, a superior article of GENT.'S PATENT LEA IT I ER BOOTS, All sizes and eitrerneiy low, je20 CARD. LASH'S Improved Five Dollar WASHING MACHINE, is now offered to the public as tho cheapeht, simple-t aud most efficient Washing Machine in the country. The exclu.ive riirlit for the sale of this ma chine in yonrown State or county ran be secured by applying soon at our store, "27 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. LASH A Co. Also, the best Clothes Wringer in the market. Wholesale and retail. Z-C.K very liberal discount to country mer chants and dealers generally. je.ll,'C9 E. ItlAllNCID.N w MI.VS, Manufaelurers of REVOLVERS, RIFLES, MUSKETS AND CARMINES, For the United Sta'cs Service. Also, Pocket and Belt Revolvers. Reputing Pis tols, Kirle Canes, Revolving rifl is, Rifle and fcfhot (Jun barrels, and gun materials generally. Sold by dun Dealers and the trade generally. In these davs of house-breaking and rubbery. every house, store, lank and office should have one of , jimnxGToys revolvers. Circular, containing rots and iesertptioa of our arms will be furnished upon applica'inn. K. RK.MIXtJTON A SONS . Ilion. New York. MOORE k NICHOLS, Agents, jyl-Iy No. 4ii, Courtland street, New York. Save Your Money Something New. The undersigned have permanently engaged in the manufacture of all kinds of Woolen Goods, at their new Factory, on Bells Run, in I'enn tp. Till: CAKD1M. AMI I I l.l l(; Business will also receive especial attention at our bands. The public are invited to give us a call, or address us by letter, when all inquiries will bo answered promptlv. The Post OfTine address of Til K HULL'S RCN WOOLK.V FAC TORY is Grahi-ia Him a. Clearfield eo.. Pa. JA.MKS JOHNSON A SOX'S. Penn tp., June 4, lSfi-ri mn.-pd. 10 REST HOUSEPlnom township, Cainer T. I!i.oo, Proprietor. This larc,e nnd euoitnodious House it situate on the turnpike, 7 unlas c-l of Curwensvilia, and 6 miles east of LutuersOurg. The t'roprie ioi w ill spare no Mrt to make his guests com fortable and their stay with hiui pl.-assnt, and thereby expects to receive a liberal share of pub lie patronuge. Dee. 211, 1SI.5 -if. HERRELL & BIGLER, DKALf.llS IN HARDWARE. ALSO, MAM TACIT II EM OF Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. je'iT-y iTEARiirLn. ta. A LOT OF SADDLES, RIM DEES ss, COLLARS, Etc., MEliKl'LL k 1,1(5 LER. HARNi: Fur s ule by rauFer's PATENT UNLOAD 1 I a 1 Pi ttit' .1 IXC r II . 1 I . M, A.-., For sale bv MEKltELL IM) LER. OIL, HAIN'T, l'UTTY, (JLASS NAILS, Mh.lt UELL A P. Ifl LER For sale by HARNESS For sale by TRIM MINGS k SHOE IT N DINGS, MEURELL ft BIGLER. GUNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES, Ac, Ac, . Foi sale by MEURELL & BIGLER. ST O V E S70 FA T AE 61 f S A N D S1ZKR, For sale by MERKELL AV HIOLER. IRON I IRON! IRON! IMS I Forssleby MERRELL BI'iLER. HAILS, ! For salo try MRRRFLL o BTUJ.KR. B. W. SMITH, & CO. a in : Ol-ENINU AND thc Cheapest and BEST LINE OF UD til 12 CECDCElJES3 oflered in Clrarfield county. Having been the latest to tmrchnse we have the mlvBtitnge of I'm decline in prices, and otlvr ibis udvantne to nil our customers aud all others. IX LADIES DRESS GOODS, WE Lriur tho latest and most l'uMliionablc styles. ALPACA S, which are now go fuhiojia'ule, rve have good qualities as low as 43 cents, nubrucing every shade. Wo offer also a Novelty which has ju it nj'pcured in T'resa Goods, culled IMC It C A L E ROBES. These Goods come in Patterns, conipri- eii'g all shades and designs. I'.eing already trimmed IIihv requiro only culling and fitting and cun be done up at any time. FANCY DRY GOODS Ladies Super Kid Gloves, Ladies fancy Lisle gloves, Ladies Mohair Mitts, Ladies fftie Silk Nets. Ladies fau cy Clifnille, Lalies Magic Kutllmg, Ladies Lace Ed g i li (J, LAWKS TIIKKAD EDGING, Ladies Valenciennes Fluting, Ladies Silk tassel Lint tons. Ladies Silk Scarfs, Ladies fancy Ties, Ladies embroidered Handkerchiefs, Ladies Hem Stitched, Handkerchiefs, Ladies Lawn hand kerchiefs, Ladies Empress trail Hoop skirts, Ladies HoOp Skirt covers. " SHOES if- GAITERS. Lasting, Goat, Glove Calf, Morocco, Cloth Opera Slippers. STRAW Shaker Hoods, GOODS. SUNDOWNS, SUN DO H'XS. Canton Straws, Braid Straws, Derby lists, Split Hals, Lulen Hats, Trimmed Hals, Straw cords and necessary oruaiuonts. all MEN'S WE A R. Fine assortment of fancy Cas siincrcs in patterns, extreme Jy cheap. Also Coys wear. ROOTS AND SHOES Men's lienvy Monroes, "Men's fine Calf HootM, Men's plovc calf Gaiter, Men's Cloth Opera Slippers, Men's Cue patent leath er Root-, YOUTHS AND ROYS SHOES all sizes and stylos. Straw Hats, Hosiery, Kid Gloves and Collars, STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS FRUITS! FRUITS! Seedless P.aisins isms, I.syer haiams. Prunes, hes. Can Pears, Can Corn, Can Peach Can Pine Apple, Can Sardine. Italian Maconroiii. Altnonla ard Figs Cream Nuls, Filberts, Oranges Lemons and Pickled Oyster. CPvACKKRS! CRACKKRS! ! Sliritr Hiscmt, Lemon LlM-rit. Ei'rs Riseuit, I'uncy li-.(uit. Wa ter nnd Butter Rint uits. OILS AND SriCES. Genuine New Ot leans Molasses, Sup, Extra Syrups, Suca's, Co flee, Rice, Teas, Candles, aud Soap. TOBACCOES AXD SECARS. Iloei, and Rakes, Grass Hooks, , Trowels and Mops- Oil Cloths, Willow Y arc. Pioh, Salt and Hams. May lflrVUf CLEARFIELD STORE n i:a it - . Philipsburg, Pa WILLIAM W. IIATTH. (.K'jKi.K L, HIi:i. joiim r. wpiatm.' WILLIAM l-CWKLL 1 JF. ir.llETTS,$CO., (Successors to Munson A Hoops) Have iust received a larpe nl well o lecied Stock of all kind of KiMplo goods, GLOVES such as CRAVATS Dry Goods, Clothing, (shawls Hoots and Shoes, lints and 'Rps, No-: I',(JN N ETS lions, Hardware, Ghs, Nail.'j, Oils.Jc'OLORED 1 Tainls. Queenswarc, i muslins j firoeeriea. Klour. llarnn. Feed. Ac. which wearo olitTing at greatly reduced prices, For Cash or in , hxchanpe lor Lumber and ftflingies. i We hope to make it to the advantage of' limber Men, j in the lower end of Cleat field county and; on Clearfield Creek, to get their supplied 1 from this point, being ou the liue of , Kail Road can Sell goods on better terms than at any point in Cleat field county, and we are selling t;, ,.... -. i. uur oiucu. ui mjcii pricesas tomake itan object to those buy ing goods in tins market to deal wttn us Advances of Goods, Feed, &c, made on account of Square Timber, which we will either sill on commission or buy at hxed rates. Flour of different Brands can be had at all timus at very low prices, at the Clear field Store, Philiphburg, Tenn'a. JJry Goods Notions, &c, in great vari ety, at the lowest price for Cash, ul the Clearfield Store, Philipsburg, Tenn'a. Salt by the Sack or load, cheaper than can be had any where else, at the Clear field Store, Tli dipt-burg, Penn'a. Call ami Examine the stock of coods. at tbe Clearfield Store, at Philipsburg. Ta. Highest price paid in Goods or Cash for j LuruU-r and Shingles at the Clearfield Store. Philipsburg. Penn'a. The cheapest ponds of all kinds are to be hid at tbe Cle.ii field Storo. at Philipeburg. Call and soe it our goois ana prices Hon I : snot the times. W. W. BETTS. i CO. Philipsburg, November 15th, 18G5.tf. SritlNG. GOODS. iKOM KLW VOIlt I I'lllLAI'ELI'UIA. As Cheap as the C heapest and C;ood as the llest. ( KKATZER & SOX, Have just received, and are opening, at their Old ftand on Front Street, above tha Academy, a large and well se lected assortment of I SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are selling at Tory low rates. Read the fulkneing catalogue and prnjit thereby. 5 B Especial pains has been taken In th selection of Ladies Lress Hoods, whilp tioods, Embroideries Millinery Goods, Prints, Kerchiefs, Nubics, (j loves, As- FOR GENTLEMEN. J i Ui 2 Always on hand Black Cloths Fancy and Black Casriinerea, Satinets, etc., Ready Made Clothing ol all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES, 'i ar- srV m r'O tr nr ro C3j st -a St s-3 p: K V3 O c5 NECKTI E S , and a variety of other articles, which t hey will sell at a small advance on eost. KjTsiIhsE'iu1 Go 2. Particular atteation is invited to their stock of Carpets, Cottage, eommoa In grain, superfine tnghth Ingrain and Brussels, Fluor and Table OU Cloths, Window shades and all papers, etc FLOUR. BACON. Fish Salt. riuter, Apples, Teaches and TruDes kept constantly on hand. ALSO, in Store a lot of large and small Clover seed. We intend to make it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy fruin us; because we will sell our good, as low as they can be bought in the county and pay the very highest price for all kinds of country pro dura. We will also exchange goods for S-nnoL, Road and Cot srr orders; Shingles, Hoards, and all kinds of Manufactured Lumber. Clearfield. March 14. lstjti. PEACE, PROCLAIMED. THE WAR OVER IN CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. NEARLY ALL THE CONTRABANDS GOING BACK TO THEIR OLD MASTERS. RUT NARY ONE ciOINO BACK TO OLD M ASS ACH US KITS., W 11 ERE THEY WERE LOVED SO LONG AND St) WELL. In consequence of the above facts, F. Short of the old Short Shoe Shop ; would announce to his numerous patrons, and the people of Clear- AaU .mini, nt l.r.d I 1. t V - k . - . lot of good meterial: just received from the east, i and is now prepared on shott notice to make, and mend boots and s' oes at his new Shon in tirahams row. He Is satisfied fiat he can please, : (unless it niight be suuie luteustly jojal stay home Patriots). He is prepared to sell low for cash or County Troduce, don't forget the shop nest door to tiraham A Hoytons store, on mark let Street Clearfield Pa. A kvpl by a fellow com I monly called Juiy ..&. 1y. 'SHORTY." COPARTNERSHIP. rn undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership unJer the firm name of Irwin A Hartshorn, for the transartion of a ticneral Mer chandise and Lumber business. A Lr,.. well selected st.:k of Ouods has been added to those already on band at the Corner More In jlurwenswlle where we are now prepared to show I va.niioi'11 completed assortment with as low as the lowest, Tha hirh..i ,..!.. The hirheat norkm paid for Lumber of all description. The patronage ol the public is respectfully olioiied. FDWAKD A. IKVIN. W. R. HARTsIlOnji. Curweusville, July 24, 18 ijr S TIIJ1 lOlR 1!TKH1TS. iUUlTS . SHOFS u.r, ITIme rr,ir, . . " ' " l "IViV!(.'ftl0..... ii.. i -ine undersigns is prepared to mnnufaetur ...,.l-,. - . . v.. t . . k . - .-.,. , ... ,,., Bl luo en figures, and .... -i.u. ma wora u d as represented. ive hiui a call, at his shop on Market street, second dor wen of the Post Office, and he will daall In h is power, to render satis laotion. Some one C.aner tops, eitra Jt rench calf ,ins. Ac. on band, ready to be finished on short notice at June 13th, 1869-1 yr. RICHARD MOSSOP, Di',n;i: ix FOREIGN and DOM ESTIC COOL MUSLINS delaine; COKURGS ALPACAS ftt at at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation pric. pne at l'f Just received at MOSSOI'S'. GINfiliAUs at Sensation pric CHINTZ PRINTS at at at at .venation j.ric sensation pnol .ei)Hattnn pnrJ bunsation prirJ at MOSSOI'S" at al at sensation prie(J tiHulion pric.J Setisilion prictjj All to be had at MOSSOrS'. '''. at ILns 2 Sensation pricel Seiisation pries, Sensaiion pric Sensation price Sersalion price, at MOSSOI'S'. r. nrv CLOT11S nt pmCE at LACK IIOSl ERY at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation prices! price. I prit'eil HU'diUNS TRIMMINGS) ol all kinds & V at SoDeation in nv ntinn't V I price, I Alwavson hand at M0SS0PS' ICASSIMEKES at I gAn'is KTS at .Sensation i?nsHHon Seneation Setihation Senf-ation Sensation priwt pric priM priee, j yyy kEijS jeans VES'lTNGS iSlilliTlNGS at at at at price' pnea at nosson. CLOTHING such-) as Coats, Taut', Veets, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Cans, at eensatioB prices I Now for sale at MOSSOrS', HARDWARE such as Sa'S, nuils at sensation F o r k B, Knives, Spikes, llinges, LIQUORS. n-b M Wine, Brandy, (j Bf W b iakey, pricei at M0SS0PS'. at sensation pricet Cognac, etc, etc., FRU1 IS, such as Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filbei ts, ic. Vat sensation pnea at MOSSOPS'. GROCERIES, sayl Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Sugar, Molassos, Cotlee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spices, Candles, Coul Oil, etc., etc at sensation prices Always at MOSSOrS. BLACKING KOPE.S POWDER SHOT LEAD at sensation sensation sensation sensation sensation price! at at at ut prices prices pricsj pris CATS at sensation prices At the store of RIC1IARD M.0SS0P. MOSSOP j Always keeps on hand s full assortment of all kinds ot poods reiuirea for the accommodation of the public. Nov. 12, ISM. HOW TO SAVE HONEY, The times are hard ; you'd like to know How you may save your Dollars ; The way to do it I will show, II you will read what follows. A man who lived not far from here, Who worked bard at his trade; But had a household to support, That squandered all he made, I met him once, says he, ''my friend, I look threadbare and rough ; I've tried to get mysoif a suit, But can't save up enough." Says I, tny friend, how much hare you? I'll tell you where to eo, To get a suit that's sound and cheap At lU-r.KXvrKIN S aDll Co. lie took what little he had saved, And went to lleizcnstein A Profiler And there he got a handsome suit, For half be paid to others. Now be is home, he looks so well) And their effect is such, That when they lake tbeir daily meals, J'bey don't eat half so much. And now he finds on Saturday night With all their wants supplied; That he has money left to spend, And some to lay aside. His good success, with cheerful smile, He gladly tells to all ; If you'd save Money, go and hor, Yourclothesat Keizenstciu Ciothllif;HalL Where -the cheapest, finest, nnd best Cloth's! and knod furoi.-hing goods ran be had to si't every taste and in every style. April II, lMoVtf. GREAT EXCITEHElil 0 N SECOND STREET, Clear fiet.p, Pf.sn'a. NEW FIRM, NeV ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW TRICES. The undersigned bnvirc formed W at partnership, in tho Mercantile I'U.-iress wou.d respeetfully invite the attention of i the Public! r-nni.rllv ir. fl.-i- .nlrmlid assorlemnt of Merchandise, which ii now be i nt? SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. Their stock confists in part of Dry Goods, nfthe lies'l quality, such as Prints, B Laines, Alpneens. Merinos, Girghsiitf, Musliua Pleached and unbleached. Drillings, Tirlcinca Colinn n.l m.nasl. ... T atinei;s, l-Ottenades, Csi meres. I.adiM Shawls, Coats. Nubia and Hoods. Balmo ral Slid Hoop Skirls. Ac., &.C., all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH" Also, a fine a-snrtment of men's Draw f rs and Shirls, Hats & Caps. Boot A Shoe. Quccnsicarc, I nrJWre, "roeeries ana spur I I N SHORT A G EN E R A L ASSORTM ENT of everythicu usually kept in a r tail Store. ALL CHEAT Foil CASH or approved country produce. WRIGHT fc FLANIUAN. CUai-Jsld, January 10th, i?t3Vtf, a 1 : of 'TTT