fft (flfarfirto JJlfpaHitan, ::::::.::()ct. 17, 1 , AN EsiEnpnisE. Mews, I'.eming jt hiivo determine'! to fill a va-1 ' ! 1m business enterprise onsvillc, in the form of a clothing w. the nftention of the'-?." oro. "u """v ,,1,110 to their curd elsewhere. 1 hey e,erve tho patronage of the public. tt'isii Clean. We direct tlia of uic ui-,, .;,.n nf the PUuIlC tO thO "bllOW enlion ui i j i'ojrdcr" advertisement in another lumn. mere is uu uu m miiig 'y when ft wholo family can bo asl0( cioan for fArfe cents. jIfprestntalitt-'Olittat. The Heturn Judges for this Reprc nUtivo District met in the Court huse, in this place, on Tuesday, and a-sented tho following returns : Countr. icartielJ r,!k purest - Hunt, D. M'Kav, A. . . - 2,788 1,048 - - 920 353 16 1)9 Total 3,791) 2,100 Majority for Hunt, 1.090 for (be Republican, Jlore Potatoes. Pennville, Oct. 4, 18GG. Mr. Editor : I have noticed lately ny your paper, that some potato growers have been doing a little Rowing. We can do a little of that in this section, and beside, we have Mt l!u pyi ;!, too. My neighbor, rii(iin:is A. Hoover, on the 10th day of Uiivht-t, planted four pounds of Good rich potatoes, and on the 10th of vpteinber he dug them, and found '.:.:tt tho yield was 103 J pounds. He i!so planted four pounds of Harrison, .it the wne tune, ana the yield was w3 pmiids. As I was passing by .is corn field the other day, ho called ...y at;cnii:ii to a pumpkin vine, vhieli had two brunches, ono east and ho other west, to which there were at ai htd sevi'iipumpkins, which weighed ; pother 120 pounds. It will bo recol eted thnt"tliis yield has not been , reduced in a well cultivated garden 'jt, but in a common field, near this village. Your town-lot formers will ave to try again, Yours. Grampian Hills. The lAle of a Slate. Will 11113' sincere believer in tho pro rieiy of tho position assumed by .unless towards the Southern States, ivicrtake to give himself, not us, a ar e.vpl iimtioii of the present posi .on ff u-Liit in citllooi West Virginia i r he American Union? How came ov Yolk to be tonally matched in ie Senile .of lUa United States by ) Senator re presenting a now State ' inu the boundaries of old Virginia? i secession iuid rebellion deprived irginia of her locality in the Union, i her representation, or right of rep- s.uitation, in tlio councils of the na- i n. huw could she irive that couseBt'ProiaiQUJlt iu lho lrial of Mn- Siirrutt which by the Constitution was neces- .iry to the erection of a new State Aitliin her boundaries? No better illustration could bo need- e l than this of the inconsistency of lie Radical politicians. Virginia was ganled as a State for all their pur- jp'wes, but is regarded as no State Mien they bavo another purpose to Scurry out. She certainly is no incre jtidt of the Union now than she was in 1!ietimeofwar, when fckmthern armies Id her northern frontier. If the t'dicy of Congress is to bo .mado the vv of the land, does it not follow, us I matter of course, that .tho State of est V irgmin vanishes ont of exist- iee J llow can terniH of readmistuon o the Union, extra-constitutional, be jinpoHed on Virginia, without treating eras a unit from tho hour of her pretended secession ? How can she be kept out of tho Union as "a rebel State," without keeping her all out ? The only possible answer is revolu tionary. Some of tho more violent Radicals acknowledge that West Vir ginia exists only by tho effeetof revo utionary measures, both in thatStato ma in Congress. Ono Senator dis in ft U- r1.rlr.vt ir.nt V. tnH fnf t.n 1 dilution of West Virginia, knowing1''' dcN(;1'ls wl)l,n h ca"" to mind the itobo unconstitutional, because the j Jonstit-jtion was suspended by tho' -ar. and nil tl,;. ,. in ,-0.-r'. 'onary condition. But even that bold ,on ftS il 1H remembered. Were the lea for liadicul legislation was denied .hundreds whom ho has ruined nnd nn V tbemnioritvol th IJurlir-.l ln.irl.Ts. poverished by f also imprisonment to nd there is no pretense for it now. II is peace, and tho Constitution is tho Constitution is hich Congress rests Dwer?. Is Virginia war is ended ? Has ' .e only law on which r any of its no and beeauso the war ! he ceased to bo a Slate because tho outhem Confederacy is a thing of wou,d but a portion oi the punisn aepast? ' I mcnt Holt deserves tho apparation In the hasto with which mon follow of ll'.e Nemesis ho has invoked. OAt'o olitical leaders, they forget the inju- Crisis. '7 done to great principles on which v; - u .,,.,,.,... . VM . .. .... tbe Union rests. It is time to regard V 1 . J , aw ond establish its supremacy over ShP- In CletrGeld. rennjlvania. 11 the land. It isof vast importance! (Immediately U rear of Maohina Shop,) to tho North thut the supremacy of' ,i.u(v.. . . , ' ne LOnsiltUtlOn as it 18 Should bo once riore assured, and that without delay. We drill along from one grand error ta another, and are rapidly loosing f'ght of the only safe anchorago for the ship of 6Utc. Inconsistencies maiK the whole courso of tho Kiidicitl politics. It is not law. but mad de-i fcire for success and nowor- niK power, seems to cuide the .- -.W.. .T...W. course of those vrno bo tuolishly accuac tho President of "uHurpution," while thov advocato nothing Ut usurpation : .tYtnritt Jo Ilof. Wo hnJ aupnonpd tlial thethinocer- "loshldo or tho notorious Jml-o Ad jvocnto Joo Holt wns impervious. and ''Woof Birftintt tho indiirnntion andron- tcmit which li is infamous career has excueo. nmoniriionornDie men inroucii oul th() worj . ,)Ul jt MfmB llint tho flood of deserved exccrMion nnd mal edictions of mankind win too much even him. The conseieneo-striuk- man ls outj'.n an TP0"1 for "Lerfy. o copy the following Irom tho Loyal Cincinnati Commerciul : W have rceeived a light pamphlet, entitled '"Vindiotion of Judge Advocate 0 en era I Holt .... j. ... I .i..i. .r.l : -i Hum iud iuui n.uuciivi vvu i dodoj vnnurBii BUU uborner, acting In tin interest of Jefferson I Davis." The matter of the pamphlet li prefaced iby thi( t,rl,f DOte, which shows how intensely .luag 11011 uas suuerea irod) iu aianuora mal he reionta WjianiNOTOM, Fort. 4, 1888. "To nil Loyal Me : In the name of eiinple justice whicri ia all that I clutn frem friend or toe Tour attention is respectfully invited to the ubjoined article from the Wellington Chronicle, of yesterday, m presenting a perfectly truth- lul vindication of myself from the atrocious cal uicny with tiioh traitors, confessed perjureri ana lubornera are now 10 bmely punning ine. J. Hum." The X. Y. Tribune condenses the pamphlet into theso Bentenccss : "General Holt tti duped by the arch villlun who called liinnslf Saolord Conover, mi othem bad been boiore him. Deceived by Conover'i lie, he gave that tcoundrel oredenoe and money w Inch might have been better bestowed. Coo over, thug aupported, nuborned other villain! to commit perjurict oonUrmatory of bit own all of them received and accredited in perfect geod faith by Judge Hull ; but, when ine liuuie Cuuiuiutee proceeded to investigate them iniae of the iccont-hand rascals recanted and conleM ed their perjury ; whereupiu Conuver, thuugh he ttoutly reiterated and ttood by his origin .1 iuipotturo, eooa tuuk occasion to vanith, and bua unce tvmained invisible. Uf coutm, bia wbuie fabric of villainy lltt to (he ground, fcuch are the uaterial luota in the taxe ; and they nowiae iuipeacb the iniegrity of Judge Holt, He waa imply the viciiiu ut an atruoioui aaouudrel," 'That is all there is about it," adds the Cummcrcial, anxious to get rid tfi a subject so disgraceful to the "loyal. It is enough, heaven knows, but it is not all. It Mr. Joseph Holt had come out, immediately upon the discovery that Conover was a perjured knave, published the truth about him, and stated that he was deceived, there might havo been some credit given to the excuse. Hut iustead of doing this, Mr. Joseph Holt busied himself, long after tho character of tho Conover crowd was known, in screening them from justice, in hunting up other per juries to support their statements, and in writing talse nnd sophistical argu ments to tho Judiciary Committee of tho House, to support their issuo of perjuries, which statements decided the Abolition majority of that Com mittee in making that falso and ma licious report in reference to tho case of Mr. Davis, which still stands a mon ument of wicked and libelous accusa tions. Mr. Holt combined with the A olition members of that Committee to conceal tho papers belonging to it, and to prevent Mr. I'odgers lrom making u jut und truthful report in reference to Mr. Davis. Mr. Holt used ibis villain. Conover, not only to poison the minds of the Northern peo ple with his perjuries against Mr. Davis, but in various other persecu tions and trials. The same gang were and irz, and tho testimony given by them served as an excuse for the .execution of theso victims of Holt. Liko tho hired perjurers ol Titus Oates, theo suborned witnesses were put forward by Holt upon every occasion that it was profitable to es tablish some scandalous lio about a Southern man or a Northern opponent. With their aid, Holt and Stanton took tho lives of some and held the lives ol of other citizens in their hands for moro than a year. It was only after lho villains became notorious, and tho co-laborer and instrument of Holt had escaped, and when iSlair denounced Holt as a villain guilty of subornation and perjury, and tho charge had been echoed all over tho land, that the Judge Advocate comes out, admits his gulit, and pleads that ho was duped into it by other and greater villains man nimscir. "Units all there is about it," but in tho namo of all that is decent, is that not enough to socure to Holt tho "simple justice" which he asks, by an incarceration in apeniten iary to which ho sent bettor man by his plots and perjuries? It is not surprising that Holt otters howl of acony when ho thinks of ,,iltrc'1. expi ration and contempt ir wIirI' 1,0 l! ,ield' nnd 11,0 ,lcr,nfi lamy winch will cling to Inn name its dog his steps by day.andthoso whom he hus '""'dercd by tho same instrumcn- 1 U8 ,I,u(1ercu oy inosame insirunicn- talities of corruption, perjury and de P's,n to haunt his dreams by night, a9 l''0 victims of Titus Oates and l-,o"gbficld haunted those protolypcs.it ,.Th ,Ml""ib,r. dre'P.ctfuily inform th. eituena of Clearfluld, and the publio in general, that he Is cr.rar.d to da all kinds of work en CAItHIAOM BUGGIES, WAOOXS. SLEIGHS. 8LEDS. Ic. oo short node and in a workmanlike manner I yiir Ail vraera .rompiiy anoDuva wm, lucrv.iuiJi. February 14ib. 1HG0.-Iy. Clearfield V m It a flsv Lll. i J V J. urfiiciPiiiurti Try ii!ndottwu. AUnufotnrd ooir by 'l 'KSKS1 Ulaslealert, M.y. INEW HARDWARE STORE rhilipsburg, Contro Ct, Ta. G. II. ZEIGLSR & GO, DEALKUS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Wood Willow and Tin Ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, k., &c. THE attention of Mechanics, Builders, Farm ers, Lumbermen, and Buyers generally, it invi'ed o the fact that we are offering a better assortment of goods In our line, than ean be lound elsewhere in thii p trt of the State, at Prices to Suit the Times- Our stock eomnrisei a renernl assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon Makers, Join ers, Ac, o.; together with a large stock of IRON", NAILS, STEEL, SPIKES, MINING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, ROPE, CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, CIR CULAR, MILL, &, CROSS-CUT SAWS, ENAMELLED, FINISHED, AND PLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CABLE CHAINS, LARD, LINSEED, COAL, LUBRICATING, AND FISH OILS, TURPENTINE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, COAL-OIL LAMPS & LANTERNS. An excel'eat assortment of FINE CUTTLERY. comprising Knives, Folks, Dessert, Tea, and labia t-pouns, frcissori, ltaiors, to. BRITTANIA ND SILVER-PLATED WABE. TIS WARE IN GREAT VARIETY and best Manufacture. Houiohold, Horticultural, Farming and Rafting implements, or ine latest and most improved latterna. Blacksmiths can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, And all kinds of IRON AND KTEEL. Carpenters and Builders will find la our estab lithmeat a superior stock of rianes, Saws, Augers, Hatchets, Single, Double-Bit and realing Axes, Hammers, Files, Hinges, Chisels, Seracs, Bolts, Lochs, Pulleys, Sash, Cord, tc, &c. Farmers and Riftmen will find avervthina? la their line, and cheaper than ean la bad else- wbera. r-Particular attention Is invited to OUR STOCK OF STOVES, Comprising Fpear's Celebrated Anti-Dust, Cook and Parlor Etures, of all sites. Also, TUE NIAGARACOOK, PARLOR COOK, BRILLIANT, DAWN, DEW DROP, ARCTIC AND COMMON EGO, POCKET, ., Ao. fcaTAll of tho above Goods will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH.f G. II. ZKIGLEIi Co. rhilipsburg, Oct, 10, 1MI.y rp ka v 1 1 1 r,x a m i atk xs- a n X plicants fm Pi'hiinU, in ClrarHcld cnunlr, will mart at thn following nnnml placra, at V o'clock, A. lliiKlon end roi, Oct. lilh. at o. I school house in liurton; Curw navillo and Pike, on the Hth, at Curwimsvilli's drarrii'ld and Lawrcnuo, on lho I nth, at Clearfield I Covington and Karlhaus. on tho 11th. at Miilrnnlnirg ; tiirard, ond (limhcn, on Kridny, tho liieh, at Cngrr Hill; L'ninn, on the IjiIi, at Horktn; Bloom and llrn.lv, on tho 1 (It h, at Lulhrrsliurg ; Peon, Iinii Iwr City and Ft'sguson, on tho I "III, at Liinilwr City! Loll, on tbe lKtli, af llowcr; Ilurusiilc, Nrw Wafliinglon and Chost, on tho IWIh, nt N. Wasli ini'lnn ; Jordan and Kncu, on (lie L'uili, at An.m villn; Jlciugs and llradford, on tho 2id, nt Wil liams' (Irovo; tiniham and Morris, on I lip 2.1.1. l Kylcrlown; Ilccatur and Osceola uor.,nn the 24th. at the Ontm Sehoul llmmc; Wnmlward, on the 2.)th, at Tin. s. Ili n.lersnn't; Ouelirh, on tho 2dth, at Janesville; llceriirm, on tho 27lh at lilen Hope. By t he new f orm of ihc Cert itlentes, t lie Siiperinten dcnl certifies to the good moral eharwter of the hol der. Tho applicant are, therefore, required to pre sent a written testimony, signed by two or more res ponsible persona, known in the community, befon certificates will be issued. Pireetorsand Cuiteiis an requesKxl to lie present. (1KO. W. iSN V PKK, Bejit, IBth, lMifi-HL Ciiutity Koperintendent. VDMIMHTRATOR'S NUTICH. Notlei Is hereby given that letters of Administra tion, on Ike estate of Kmeline Owens, deceased, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield eo., Pa., have this day been duly granted to the undor signed, to whom all persons indebted to said es tat will please make paymonl, and these having laims or demands will present them for settle ment without delay. ANTHONY UILE. jBotKMIt Adai'r. rpruaaei and abdominal supporters of aver) JL kind of tbe latest Improvements, for tale at the Pnig 8Uire of HAltTSWICK A INWIN. I)urc l.lbsrty VhHe Lead. wil da mart other 1 Try itl Manufactured only by ZaioLB Switii, H holesala Drug, Paint A Olass Pealars. V. nf..Ltl.t-.B.-. k.a. m . . . rn. inrvn Anim ki.9 roil a. .vrrn JI, B0 ly FARMERS, MERCHANTS, AND CITIZENS, Iiflok lo your Interests! G. S. FLEGAL, rhtllpabur;, Centre roiinty', Prun'a, MANUFACTURER OF Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, AV TOCLD respectfully inform his friends and ' the publio generally, that be Has Openkd Large Sale Rooms Id tbe borough of Phil psburp. Pa., for the man ufacture and sale of STOVES AND TIN AND SHEET IRON WAIIE, Of every description, manufactured from the best material, and Sold at the Lowest Cash. Prices. Merchants deilng to purchase will find it to their edvi.i,ini? to examine my stock before pur chasing elm where. , r-AU orders for SPOUTINO and OTHER WOHK will be attended toon tbe SHORTEST NOTICE. sep 1 2 tf HA 11 LEY & SON, FOUNDERS, Clearfield, Fewi'a. They hereby notify the public, that tbe Foundry in tbe Borough of Clearfield, bas been put in full bhist, and they are now ready to accommodate the community with anything pel tuiiiing to their line. They keep con. taut.y on hand a general assortment of Cook, Titrlor and Ten Plate Stoves, for burning EITHER WOOD OR COAL Salamander's, Number 4, Base Siovcs, Numlacr 3 nnd 4, Wash Kettles, 1G and 20 gallons, Fire Grates 20 and 28 inches, FARM DINNER BELLS TWO SIZES, Plow and Plow Casting. We aro, also, prepared to mako al kind of GRIST AND SAW MILL IRONS, and special attention i paid to the re pairing nf Threshing Machines. Person In want of au vthitis. in our line would do well by giving u a call. All kind ol country produce, and old Metal, taken in exchange fur our Manu facture, al the highest market price. MAULEY & SONS. Clearfield. Ta., November 1st. 18C5.-tf. PETER A. GAULIN, AND GENERAL CLOTHIER. Graham's Row, over Naucle's Watch t Jewelry (Store, Market Street, CLEARFIELD. PA. The auhacrilier having permanently loca ted htmeel'in the Korough of Clearfield, bandelet mined lo engage in the husioeeaof GitaairJil Oilottlhllair. I intend to keep constantly on band a full assortment of Cloth., Canaitnerea, Katinetta, and Vesting, of the best qual ity and latest styles, which I will a ii ii fact ii i c to order, to suit customer, on short notice. Particular attention will he paid to Cutting! and Fitting Gentlemeti'a.Iiny, and Children Clothing; And in fact, every tliti s? twtaining to lliia BRANCH OF BUSINESS. A liberal share of public pntrnnare ia, therefore, respectfully solicited, and I would advise all, to give me a call before purchasing el if where any good in my line. T. A. OAULIN. Clearfield. May 16th, ISGG-tf. A Pit OCLAHATIOMl GOING IT AL0NE!!!1 Sobwdy Prohibited from buying my Boots and Mluiea on acrount'of It ace or Color. Being thos liberal minded, I lake this method of Informing the citiiens of Clearfield and vi cinity, that I have opened a shop on Second St., n-tt rinir to the Coun'.y National Bank, over via men's Drug Store, where I am prepared to mke lo rrder everything in the BOOT and til ME line, out of the best mnteriel and in the mist workmanlike manner, and on short rotice. All I ask is a trial. Don at Clenrfleld, this eighteenth day nf July, A. D. I8nB. I1ARUY KOS3. CLKAnrir.I.n ACAI)I:MY. Th exer cises ef this Instiliitloa will be resumed on Monday, Ik lOih day of Mcptenber, A. D I8A6. Pupil can enter at any time. They will bo sharped with tuition from the time they enter to thn close nf the Session. The course of Instruction embraces every thing inoluded in a thorough, practical and accom plished education for both seios. The Principal, having bad the advantago of murh experience in bia profession, ensures pa rents and guard ans that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the aiornl and men tal training ef the vouth plneed under hi charge, II.Hr. (1' 1 1ll I ION. Orthography, Resiling, Writing, and Primary Arithniolc. per Sesi-ion (11 weeks) 01) Grammar, Oeography, Arithmetir, and IliMory . . . . . . $8 00 Algebra, Gcnmctry, Trigonometry, Men suration, Surveying, Phil 'sophv. Pht Si dney. Chemistry, Hook Keeping, Uulany and Physical tluogrnphy - . . (9 00 Latin and Greek, with any of th above Ilranrbes (12 00 rv-No deduction will be mad for abtenc. JWHn further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. IIAKR160N, A. M., Clesrneld, July 11, 18(19 tf. Principal Iiiotik: HAPIir.lt. DM'UAU0HEV, I bsvlng purchased ths Photograph establish ment ormerly conducted by 11. Dridge, would respectfully announce to the cititens of Clear- , field and adjoining counties, that he has recent ly made additional improvements in both sky-; light and aparatus, and he flatters bliaself tbat he ean satisfy lb most fastideou last In a ml a and lifelike likeness. , II also keep constantly on hand a good as sortment nf (luill, Kojewood, and Walnut frames Album of all sues and styles and an endless variety of casts, lockets, etc , w kick he will itii pos of atvory moderate price, for cash- i Hi gallery j in Shaw' row, (up stairs,) Mar-' ket street, Clearfield, Pa., where be is alwaveri a dy to accommodate customers who mat be in wantofagood Likeness of themlv or friends. Particular attention paid to copying a'l kind of pl'turea, ste. yettrnber litb, IUfS. t To all Book Buyers. TA. K. MM ON, f.l Mouth ritl, Vlreet, Phils, delphia, is agent for the following valuable books : Appltton's New American Cyclopedia Id vols. " History of the Rebellion I large vol. M Dictionary of Mechanics i vols. Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore 9 Washington Irving s Works, 22 " Cooper's Novels. Diekens' Works. Merivale A Oibbon's Koine. Marauley'a Works. I're's Dirtimary of Arts and Manufactures. Barrroft'a United States 8 vols. Ao., A. I lurnish all Books published for public and priva'e Libraries, at wnoieiale prices, bend a list of any bonks wanted, with a stamp, for prices. which will be sent by return mail. cp2r1 fit A I l I N I M T K A I t ) l H N 0 1 1 C i Notice is hereby given that letters of administra tion have been granted to the undcrM pned on the estate of Matthew Savage, deceased, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield county. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. and those having claims against the same will present them for settlement, to the undersigned. JAMK.S BAVAGE, New Wirsliington. Sep ?(UKM fit Adm'r 4 lII .MI )tA I()K' NOTICIv Notice jCV. is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration havo this day been granted to the under signed, on the Estate of Nicodeiiius fjolliday, due'd., late of Brady township, Clearfield county, Penn'a. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate are requested to make iin mediate payment, and those having claims against tbe same, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. JI LIU8 A. TKRPE. MICHAEL rillAFFr.lt, Sept. 12, 1XCG.-CI.J Administrators. i UDITDK'M NOTKT In tho matter the estate of Kud..lph LiU, deceased. ion unuersiguen Aiiuiior, gppntiiiea ov tne lt,,...n. t.: ill Court to make dialrilmtion of thiUl.nee rrmain-L. rr- nh00,''r!lI,h,? A 1 l),,,raS ! ing in tho bands of James Wriplev, administrator' T ORAC'O Ai SEG A RS ! of said estate, will attend to the duties of his ap- PERFUMER Y OF ALL KINDS! pointnieiii, at bis ohVe in cieartieid, on Friday, Or anythintr cleo in the Notion Line! the lltth day of Oetolier. im'i. at wliivh time and place all purlieu in inliTe-i ean appear, oet.'l.f.t J. p.LAKi: WALri.lH. Auditor. TN TIIL: )MM) I'LL: AS of Clearfield ccunty, Pennsylvania : li Henrietta Callihan.l No. 110, June term, 1SC0. I John Callihan. Sutror-na, sur divorce. The undersigned Coinmijf inner, appointed to take testimony in this ease, will tuko said tostl roony, at bis olbce in Clearfield, ou Saturday, the 27th day of October, I89, at 2 ojolock, p. m., when and where all persons interested may at tend. ISRAEL TEST, oct.3-4t Commissioner 1806 "'r'iS1 18GC5 NEW FALL STYLES. HOWELL & BOURKE, . Manufacturers of Paper Hangings and Window Shades, Cor. Fourth A Market Sts., Philndelpliin. N. B. Alwava in store, a tiovk of LINEN and OIL SHAl'iF.S. s. p.'...1in Ire Cream Saloon. Having opened a Res taurant,on Market street, just al ove the Ilrew. ery, I am now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every afternoon and evening, to all callers. La dies and Gentlemen ar respectfullv invited to call. A. A'CUOLPP. ClearSeld, May 23d, 18M II. lilllDGJ 3t (Store on di or East of Clearfield House,) Market St., Cloarfield, Ta. Keeps on Land a full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, sueh as Shirt, Linen and Woolen under .Shirts, drawers aad socks, neck-ties, pocket handker chiefs gloves umbrellas, hats Ac., in great variety. Uf piece Goods be keeps tbe best Clothe of all "shades and colors," such aa BLACK DOESKIN OF THE VERY beat mane. Fancy Cassitner in great variey; Alao, French Coating, Beaver, Pilot, Chin chilla, and Fricott over coaling, all of which will be sold Cheap for Cash ; and made up according to the latest Styles by Experienced Workman. Also Agent for ClenrGeld eo., for I. M. Singer, P Co . cel ebralel Sewing Machine. H- BRUXiE. Clearfield, Penn'a, Nov. 1, 1805.-tf. O U Blma panacea, Kennedy's medleil Dis kj corery, Hemhold's liueliu, linker's Cod Lir Oil, Jane's and Ayer's medicines of every kind For sale by II I "I round and uni;roiiiid aplcea, Citron, bug- W lish Currants, ti. On flee and Vinegar of tbe best quality, for sate by 11. A I. ClearSeld, January 10th, lBftd. FALL STYLES OF bUIliNijTb Ailil li A I S JUST RECEIVED AT Pept. 2(1, lSo. Mr. WriXIPS. JULIUS LIxNDICS Vegetable Ambrosia, or Chemical Hair Rencwer. A XKW HAIR RI.STORATIVK. rpiTIS preparation rrftores (,RAY HAIR fo its atiiral color, fir. s tho head from danilrufl and humors, and gives tbe hair a moist, soft and glosyy appearance. Price f 1.011 per bottle. For sale by C. 1). Watson and all Dmcgists and Fancy I! noils Dealers, and by the proprietor, lxck llnven, Pa. Sept. l?-4t " ti E T THE 11 E S T . " uur-i;i.F.R w viio'i lliirhest Preinitim, Lock Stiteh, ) SEWING MACHINES.; VI.L inijuiries in reference to this "A No. I" Machine promptly answered. They oan be procured from ine at eitv priees. Wll. T. 11A11ILT0N, Agent, octil-tf Lulhersliurg, Pa. Real Estate tor Sale. ' ' IK ...hril-r olTnr. 11.. f..!l-v. I... 1.1. ' flHK siil.criber oilers tbe following valuable X Heal r.slato at nrivato sale: IS acria and 11.1 perches of firm lnnd, sixty seres cleared, and having thereon a good frame house and log barn. This is tho very best eonl land, riitiiated in Woodward township, one ball' mile from Pusryville. Also, KM) acre of Timber land, situated on Morgan's Hun, i Woodward township, one and a half miles from Puscyvtllo. Also, two acres, with a two-story plank house and frame stublo thereon, situated in Woodward township, on tho road leading from Tyrono to Clearfield town, two miles from Pnseyville; a good location for a tradesman of any kind. Also, ttvo lota In ruNcyvlllc, with six houses and one barn erected thereon, the two lots lying adjoining. The first, No. Id, being corner lot, with tavern stand, containing tliree-loiirtbs of an acre, with over Sod feet of bank on ClearSohl creek; rent worth f 125 per year. Second lot, (No. 11,) CO feet nn front stroet and 110 feet back, with two plnnk liousea created tbrcon, Well suitable for tner cantile or any puhlie business. J. tl-The above property will be sold at reasona ble prices and fair terms, C. J. 8I10FF, (lot.3 finvpd Mailera P. 0., ( leartielil co pa. n nflalo Robea,Kne and Horse Plankets at !, j. MiRRrlL 'I- nlOLIMfS. FRESH ARRIVALS A T THK CHEAP STORE OF showers & graham. Fall Goods, New and Yery CheapI OII0WERS 4 ORAIIA.M retpectfully an O nounce to tbe public that flier aro now open- ing an eitonsive assortment of FA LL GOODS, At tbe old stand In Graham's new building whlcb they ofler to sell at astonishingly low price, (considering thoir cost !) for caah or approv ed country produce. Their stock of DllY GOODS CANNOT BE SURPASSED I' Customers oan there finds CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS! MUSLINS! DELAINES! LAWNS! CLOTHS I CASSI M ERS 1 VESTI NOSt LADIES' SilAWLj! G H NTS' SU A W LS HATS & CAPS I BOOTS &, SHOES CARPETS k OIL-CLOTHS! OUR STOCK OF FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY", embracing P.UIIO.NS! NOTION'S! NOTIONS of'Xt;ar,'sl Head-Nets 1 Neck-Tiea I Satchels! Port Mnnnnieu f Tnilina ALSO, HARD-WARE IL li li II S AY al, I i GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ! AH of the best quality, and selected with special regard to the trade or Clearfield county. JOSEPH 8. SHOWERS, EDWARD W. Gil AH AM, ClearfleId, Gept.2rt, I860. Cilia p Fut'iiiturclT DESIRES to inform bis old friends and cos timers that, having enlarged bis shop and increased his facilities fur manufacturing, be is nt,w prepared to make to order furniture hi wity be desired, ia good style and at cheap rates for Caah. lie mostly ha on hand at his "Furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-mad Furniture, among which ar Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes aad book-Cases r Centre, Sofa, Parler Breakfast aad Dining Eiteasioo Table. Common. French-Post, cottage. Jenny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS t.f all. KINDS. WORK-STANDS IIAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, La. Uocking and Arm Chairs, Spring. Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chair and Common and other Chair. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description ea hand; aad new glass ' for old frames, which will be put in on ve ry reasonable terms on short Dot ice. II aisokeeps on bant, or furnishes to or dor, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair aad Cotton top Mattrese. COFFISiS, Uf every kind. Had to o'der, and fuueral attended with a Hearse, -vbenever desired. Also, House Painting done to order. Tbe sul son her aieo manufactures, and Las constantly en hand, Clement's Patent Washing: Machine. The best now in use. Thoso using this machine never need be without clean clothes I lie alto ha Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior art cle. A family using this Char never need bo without buttorf All the above and many other article are fur. aished lo cuatomors cheap for Cash er exchanged lor approved country produce. Cherry, Maplo, Pop!r, l.inwood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken in eschange for fa-niture. jr4fKeuioiuber the shop is on MarkM street, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Stors." JOHN GULICU. Nov. 28. ISM. y V NEW FIRM. L HARTS WICK & IRWllf, Urugyists, LlcorheM, l'cnifa. 'navins refitted d removed to the room lately oiler, low for citsh, a well so lecied assortment of Drugs and Chemical-, Alo, Patent. Meltcinrs of ail kinds, Oili, UIhss. rutty. Dye Sinrla. Siutionary, Tobacco and Scaurs, Con feet iotiary, Spices, and a l.iror took of vnrieiie ffer nfiVrpd in tbia I'lace. and warranted to be of the best the Market 4t fiords. J.U. MAltlVWlCK, Doc. 1.1. 'O.V-tf. JOHN 1UWIN Ladies Fancy Furs, AT JOHN FA R LIRA'S Old : t.il.h.!iej Fur ilaaufactory, No. 71 r, !i ?lrect, above 7lh. PUILADEL'A H ive now in alive, cf my e'.vn Iinjrtairn and M-ui-ufa 'lure, one o( I lie Wgcsi and tno; lo..j if ii m U r..M' I I. ilS. lor r V xr ,; S TV " M'v ilrtu s wear. Also, n fm ) i iKfrnrtnirnt tf Uvn!. l"ur ' li loves mi l t'oilnrt I tm nKo crildel to dispose of ny "oo.lf tit tt? rea.onaole prim, and I woold llureliire solieit t from my fneu'lj of U arlieUI ooi.tit an. I vi cinity, jliiuiuibor the Peire, nm.i'k n:. sinet. .I'lii.V I AbKllU, No. "18 Airh Strert, above Ttb. s niUi si te. Puila, rI have no partner, nor runueelion with soy other store in Philadelphia. -ociiO- ini liU C I. O I'll I N G Ht llKlU FLEMING & HO EL. ClBWf.NSVII.LE, PCMS'A, lath Post WfSco building, have just received ant pened a large and tne amrtmei)l of ready mail Clothing. ForCasa they soli cheaper tlinn th.'! dienpeat, and aro constantly receiving fresh snii plies. Cull and swtir yotjrwilroe. Oct. 1, 'CMi. I -wo-.". lt)l)Ui;U lUTI tilt at " MKHHELL A IllQLKK ft r'i ItlsCI'.lt I to Ve bad at MF rul. A PI1LF.R- riMUMiu r. hhi jnh a piP, oxe. at .1 Acp. T3,-aj MPKKEM. PMLElt'C