Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 17, 1866, Image 1

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l M Ua
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M II 11 .a f
4 frX
I" '
j. GOODLAHDER, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS:-$2 00 Per Annum, if paid in advance
he cntti ilcpuMirau.
Advertising am!
rnrion i ihbIii,
, enci, 6 iW,
. 6
id ,
8 Oil ,
12 00
IW "',tt
win", "
,,a imiIiVm, '"". "mM
),-CT,or a '''"''' ' J
linen, or () or J
ftnrh tuhsqntHt fitierlwn,
,,'.(.( tWi, 1 "".
nuii'rM, ofpr 6 (iwei, jer One,
nii'trlni'iiyi 1 7e.
do 2 rf -
do 8 o
-If airrt""9t I cohiinn,
u 1 "
, alovo rnic ar?ly ' advertisement.
' ....: Ailvrrtieeinenti not in lanr" typo.
"ith run, or out of plum style, will be cbarg-
jU,it, ethe above ntti lur fpace
li, tin-jit juire,
., 3 yMlVri, ftr JHlVc,
,, 6 irc:ierinirt
,t'iil, I 26 or '
i 25. or '".
) ec(, 25, or kf,
or let.
... i -s uf above at proportionate ratee.
-"ri. hnv ratoa were aitrced upon by the
iirficned, on the Hd dy ot Deceu.her, IsOJ,
1 ni'.i w Mficuy aaoereu iu uui mg m. r.
h tiriu-5 oi all kimla of pratilins WBteriula.
o ' .!L'. 11 ..llllllI.A MlKR.
PuWithen of U "ClmrjtM lte,mi,Hriu.
6. J. KOW,
rul.lisber of the "iil' Auriin."
ritl! f,f nnmmo'lcrp Stockton, t Ho wintt-r montl.H generally in PUhi-l Thcnci of L'Htli f July, ore
ieatH 01 UOmmoacrC totOCUOn Untk-in! of wnl-'ntcs no ri-H of inheritum beyond
oU 'iroiTm 1 1 J m"'!t - -l flnotsto,7l lie,I in tho Ihone ve.fed by the laws under which
otber of our st. mlai hU tHnitn , . f ,,n.idmblc Avenllh. He tho.e hoins received or were entitled
Uun.nodore holcit ImcKI M t.K,cU.(, a mcmLcr 0f the 1'eaec to reeivcj tho origiuul bounty, and
d.ed in r.neeton, - I J . s,n aml has B0VlI.a, JobaM tunt:,in clauses, brother nnl
ni.-ht. He had Ion- been identified , Un( . ''-' lin -. nr),,.ir i.l,. w-m titled to
liolll 1 villi' iieuii iiiv;iili'jijv.i v-..... ..v.v-.,. . -
... I with th,t tiominntions of his narty for 'receive tin; oriffiriar bounty, from nny
i - . . .. - i. . i' .1.- ' i..;... i,.. '( .. I l.n,.i..
tho viOHition Ot leo I'rCHiueni oi vue eiami jui nu uumuuuui muuuij jw-
3 oo : with the history ot this country,
in the naval and public service.
2 b deceased was born at Princeton, -'ew i
1 50 Jersey, in WM'i. He was a grandson
2 u0 ofHon. Jliehnrd Stockton, one of the
t ''iirin:i oJ tliu Deijaraiton ofJndnjiuu-
60 'denec. He entered tho United State
1 5u'"v3' 'hile at college, in bis fifteenth
year, ns a niiunhipnian, nnu was jiro
nioled to be aid to Commodore Kod
gers, on board the frigate President,
receiving honorable notice for gallant
ry in several b:ittles,und in December,
16 00,1814, bo was promoted to a junior
$20 oo j iieutcmincy, for bis brave conduct in
60 UOiVllU ueieuuo ui duiliijiui v.
In lh) be was sent to the .Mediter
ranean, in tho (Juerriere, in the war
against Algiers, but was toon trans
ferred to the Spitfire, as first licuten-
United Slates.
4 50
8 oo
Railroad Time Tables.
d lar time at Tyrone.
In a after Mndy, July 2, lS'ifi, pafaunger
The Equalizatioa of BouiitieSr -The
following rules nnd regulations
for tho jiaymcnt of bounties, the act
to equalize bounties, uprox'd July
2Sth IMiil, have just been issued by
the War Department :
I int. All iiplieations shall io niea
within the period of nix months from
ihc first day of October, lxr,G,Kiid be
fore any payments are made shall be
classified by regiments, battalions or
other separate ortraiiizations, and no
applications filed alter that period
shall I'C settled until the lormer snan
have been paid
Second. No application shall bo en
tertained unless accompanied by the
original discharge of the soldier and
the aflidavit required by tho 14th sec
tion of the act, and the further affida
vit, that btf has not received nor is
entitled to receive from tho United
States, under any laws or regulations,
prior. to the net of July HMh, lfeGG,
more than fpKJ bounty lor nny and all
niilitarv servieo rendered by him dur-
coast of Africa, with permission to aid ing the" late rebellion over and above
the African Colonization Society in tl,0 amount therein claimed.
ocuriiiLr a new site for Us settle-
. ... t -
ment. Accompanied fy ir. -3 res,
Theiihore having tocn referred by
tl Wj ti.iry EfV ar to ibo Attorney
General for his opinion on tho point,
whether the ruleh and regulations
above written ro in conformity with
law, tho latter ha3 given an affirma
tive response.
Process of Preserving Meats.
An official report of the different
methods of curing meat has been laid
before tho English PaVliament, from
which we tako the following
A tilt-containing ono pound of this
extract can be sold in London for 12s
(id. Eight small tins will hold the
concentrated alimentary matter of an
entire ox, at a price of IHis, and will
make over 0110 thousand basins of soup
good strong soup ; one tenspoonful
to a large cup of water, nnd either
oaten alone or with tho addition of a
little broad, potato and salt, affords a
good repast. The small bulk taken
up.Aiyv4.hts excellent,, preparation re:
commends it especially to the army
and navy ; and us purity nnu enure
absence from grease particularly adapt
it to the uso ot hospitals unci lnvitous.
Hitherto tho almost exclusive expor
tation of this excellent extract bus
been to Germany, where its consump
tion is already very treat : but a new
company Liebig's Extract of tyent
Company, (limited) 4:J Mark lane is
about to ho formed in London, when
2 50
2 00, nn. :n .which lm distinguished himself
l by boarding, with a boat's crew, an
( tolAlgcrine war vessel. In February,
2 so ; iuiy, ,0 was ordered to the 1 aslnng-
ton, the flagship of Com. Chauncey,
cruising in tho Mediterranean, and
subsequently wus transferred to the
In 1821 ho was eent back to the
United States, in command of the
Kiie. nnd was then ordered to the
ay Pasienger
taj EipreMi,
A. M.
Cult. ExpreM, 6 4
0 (12.1'hil'a Kxpreai, 7.47
. u IX. Y. ExDrora. 8.2:1
,cl AcWn. 3.5 iKmlgraul trii, r.u f
il a Exi.rc.. I IU'7 K' il rin. Ul4'!
"ifTlhe p"rpt-rTra:nT.Vpu.'U'n)!i-r from this
mon t Uke, wdo go r.iMi
iti i xpre.
'cut of the society, ho succeeded, af
ter some difficulty, in obtaining from
tho native chiefs, a treaty ceding a
tract of land around Capo McsuraJo,
hith is tho original territory of the
present rcpuhlic ot Jjioeria.
DuriiiL' his cruise on tho African
coast, Lieut. Stockton captured a con-
siderablo number ot slavers, anu
Snudy Hidge
.Vi. Pleasant
Ve nyoo
r. n.
Pup't T. A C. and B
Tyrone 9-'5
lntorfoctiori 9-25
Vanfcovoo -:i5
iurJ'ir ' ".I
Mt. l'lmfant 10.00
.Sdnmit 10.11
sndv lti-lce l' 2.
I'uKulton 10.
OaucoU !'' 11-00
E V. Ilianch Koada,
Summer AirangiMiiciit.
Tyrone 9.10 am
Ipti rictinn 9.20 "
HaM E.ttU 9.27 "
Kaimnh 9.12 "
Poii Matilda 0.55 "
1 fa 111
f Julian 1015 "
I I'nionville 10.23 "
I B.i 8.S. InL, "
? MiU-fburg 10.44 "
' f nr . f Ar Id 52 "
t rp,,f'nt iLe 10.57
J Jibs,urg 11 05 "
s Crtin ll.H "
Ilolton 11.22 "
Mount Eaele 11.20 "
: Eagifvi'fe
f l.i rrh Crook
f Mill Hall
i 1 leinitiuUin
; L llnvon Int. 12.S5
Loclt Uaen 12.40
fTATl'iNi). T1M
Lock Haven 2.00 p
Ik Haven lut. 2 05
1 1.45
12 02m
12.08 "
12.2 "
12.30 '
Mo illinium
Mill lliill
Ileerh Creok
Mount Eagle
Rellfonlo J
2. .".2
a. 13
3 IS5
3 55
Third. All applications tor tho ad
ditional bounty authorized by this act,
from surviving soldiers, shall bo in the
form hereinafter prescribed, and the
evidence of identity shall be tho same
atomv 111 tho Koyal College ot rsur
trcons in Dublin, Baron von Liebig, of
Munich, nnd Mr. Sloper, of London,
btivo, by siinplo nnd efficacious adap
tations of the principles of science to
material purposes, made discoveries
which open new fields of industry,
and which, if carried out with proper
energy and spirit, will work iucalcu-
lUOio oenvnis on iiianuuiu, miu uv lhu
same time develop tho vast resources
of tho South American republics.
The preservation of meat by Mr.
Morgan's nrocess can hardly bo said
to have gone beyond the stage of ex
periments, which have, however, been
attended by tho most signal success,
nnd it is a source of regret that the
Mr. John Jirgun, rroiessor .-.. .:,wl-vlli n,ln,,ied.
.113 ciiviaiM n 'jutMui1
The cstablisliment at Fray-Bentos
naturally, almost unavoidably, lead to ,
a divided authority, a divided alle-.
fiance ; to a house of York and a house
of Lancaster; each sulo anathemati
zing tho other ; the partisans 01 eaen
shooting and hanging those ot tne -other;
divided States, cities, counties
nnd neighborhoods, friends and rela
tives nnd fellow-citizens, and kindling
such fires in the human heart ns such
feuds have never failed to light up.
Each side would denounce tho other -as'
traloroiis, and its ndhercntTlts tral
tors. Each would declare that trea
son must lie made odious ; each would
be very likely to take grounds in fa
vor of an extreme course in tjie spirit
of retaliation, and not a few would fa- -
vor the extermination oi the "enemy i
In Boston, tho adherents of tho
President, or Conservative party,
would be seized, impris oned, shot. In
New York the Jacobins would share
rt similar fate ; and thus the fires oi'a
consuming vengeance would rage over
the whole country till the consump
tion should make it desolate, till
nothing should remain hut a blacken
ed and bleeding country, covered with
i,1h"-uc snots, atllicted with famine and r
disease, with prowling bands of men
in pursuitof flying fugitives, with ships
rotting at tho wharves, with railroads
torn up, nnd business smitten with
paralysis and death. In one State tho
majority would overcome tho minori
ty, and establish ft Stato government .
recognizing one of the parties in tho
General Government, and in another
State the 'majority would establish a
State government recognizing tne op-
II, A S. . Int., 4.00
Viiionvillo 412
Julinn 2" "
Martha 40 "
I'urt Matilda 4.5:1 "
Hannah 6 M "
Paid Eagle i n
Iiitcr.eciinn 5.110 "
Tyrone .49
Fup't T. A C. ti l B. K. V. Eranch Roads.
'ortuguesc privateer, the .Marianna
Flora, of twenty-two guns, which had
attacked him. 1 Ins vessel ho sent to
the United States, nnd a scries ot
trials followed in tho United States
courts as to '.he propriety of her cap
ture. Lieut. Stockton was r.nany
justified in the Supremo Court, but
the vessel was given unioiortug.u
as an act of comity. Ho also cap
tured a French slaver, w hich led to a
long litigation, but was again jiislined
by the Supreme Court. On his re
turn ilie African coast ho was
ordered to tho W est Indies, to hreaU'i
un tho nests ot pirates preying1
' .i. .- . : l.i. I.
upon our commerce uic-ie, m ."
enteipriso ho was completely buecusa-
From lS'Ji'i to 1838 ho was absent on
leave from servieo, and remained prin
cipally at his homo in Princeton. Du
ring this penod no toon an ucmrpin 1
in politics in favor of Andrew Jack
son, working in tho J.hree States ot
Pennsylvania, New York and New
Jersey, w ith wonderful success lor tne
old hero of New Oilcans, who was
bis firm friend, llo ulso interested
himself extensively in the internal iui-
. . . r X T
nrovenieni 01 -vn jvist-j.
In ls,"S he was again sent to the
Mediterranean as flag-officer of the
Ohio, Commodore Hull's ffiig ship.aml
in ls:i'.l was promoted to a post-cup-t
iiiif-v. nnd recalled. After this be
took great interest in tho employment
of steam in the navy, and tho famous
sloop-of-war Princeton was built under
his direction. J t was on tne occasion
of displaying her that the party was
triven liv him on tho JSth of Fubrtiary,
tslt nt. which President Tvlcr, the
Cabinet and many members of Con
gress were present, nnd winch was
destined to become so memorable.
Several of the company were on deck
to witness the firiiia; of tho new guns,
which bad been cast expressly for the
I Princeton, when one ot them, tne
!'IMif.tii!iker." exploded, killed Mr.
1 '
working of the system should not
ri'nuired. and applications have been more actively lollowcd up,
from the hc'ns of deceased soldiers I as aii sample of the meat already tor
shall be in tho form required by the warded to Liverpool havo been eager
Treasury Department. fly purchased. Sinca tho month of
fourth. As soon ns tho examination ! May cf last year, when operations
of tho claims wf any regiiuentorothcr; were commenced, fivo hundred thous
ind 'pemlent organization shall have! and pounds 'of beef and mutton have
been properly acted upon, tho Pay-J been shipped to Liverpool, and met
will soon bo worked on a very exten-
1 , . 1 r. 1 ..t
sivo scale, and orancnes lonui-u hi
Buenos Avres and Hio Grande, when
un averasro of three hundred nnd fifty
head of cattle to .ho three places w ill
be slaughtered daily. 1 he process hy (
which the essence ol tho meat is cx-
tracted is simple, though requiring no
small amount of labor and machinery.
The meat of the animal, after being
killed, is allowed to cool for twenty
four hours, it is then placed in round
iron rollers armed inside with points,)
which, being revolved by steam.reduco
nn.i ..n-.v,l in a,Z,m '.,. an hour. and '"'ihhy turns, as should best seive ,
. . v v., , .1,1 r,, , nniiKT 1'iiri ips
is then passed into a reservoir (si niped ju.- . flronnd
1P.GG. 18GG-
Y JHILADELnilA AND ERIE It AI L , Upsher, tho Secretary of State,
i UOAP. TliUjm'at line traverse the , Gilmer; tho Secretary of tho N
Mr. Gardner, whose uaugiuer
altcrwards married,
?riv'i i 1 1 1. un i it ciil PA NY.
lime of pHHtenRor train at Emporicw.
Northern end Nntihwest cuntio ol Fcnniylva
ilia to Ibc ntj of on nake line. 1 , , . 1 , 1
1. 1... i-.i 1 1 ...1 1. r....i,,i i,t the l lesidchi
Bcverui 01 11 vis.
Iu October, ho was sent with
a reinforcement to the squadron oper
, . . , 1 1 1 1. . .
masters tienerai snail iim.e mo neces
sary tleps for iheir prompt juiyment.
Fifth. A register shall bo kept in
the Paymaster General's office, and
also in tho office of the Second Audi
tor, of all claims presented under the
law. in which tno claimants will bo
classified by regiments, if. If the
claims bo allowed the amount of
bounty paid to each will bo noted, and
if rejected the causo of rejection will
bo distinctly stated.
Sixth. In the application tor bounties
isrcoiiired bv the third of these rules.
the affidavit bhall state each and every
period of service rendered by the
claimant, nnd also that ho never serr
ed other-vise than as therein stated.
Seventh. Organizations irregularly
in tho service of tho United States or
called out for special purposes, as
State militia, homo guards, etc.. unci
not included iu tho government boun
ty laws, aro not included within the
meaning of tho act.
JCiylith. Soldiers enlisted for three
years or during tho war, who wero
discharged by reason of tho termina
tion of the war shall ho const rued as
having served out tho period ot their
enlistment and are entitled to bounty
under this uct.
Xinth. Tho minority of heirs, claim
ants for bounty under this act, must
1,1. nmve.ii to have, existed at the date
of its passage. Parents shall receive
jointly the bounty t'j which tho may
be entitled as heirs, unless tho father
has abandoned the support of his fam
ily, in which case it shall be paid to
tho mother. Noii-residenco in the
United States shall not bo a bar to the
claims of heirs w ho should otherwise
legally inherit. The provisions of tho
act excludes from its benefits tho fol
lowing classes :
1. These who, after serving the lull
period of their enlistment, wero dis
honorably discharge ''nti s expiration
2. Those discharged during enlist
ment by way of favor or punishment
3. Those discharged on account of
disability contracted in the service,
but not occasioned hy wounds receiv
sale at fourpencc per
price, it is caieuiaieo,
w .hiof'tnins. tho wretched HCO-
ton,,) whence the npuid ot 101 ax, - biUernoof
oozes in to niiOllicr vat, irom . .uitn,i v , j ,.,.. ni7terms
the fat is C'rawn offi The pure gravy , their souis l"&
suppnm ',-,. 4nm Vnni their illtfller
CI1IVIIIIU il-lii- ' v . . . , ... -
'1 1. ..a. ,r!ll Killiiu-a in
1 I. . 1 . 1 1. .....1 n.Ii i miseries
tho suriaco wnicu prouueo aiuummm,--; 1 e,.i:.,i,t in
,,.rrv steam, thus helping iho rcsi as ax v,r " -
j ... , , ..
Thev would prnv for
. ,
of blood
with a. ready
pound. The
will ho Lardy remunerative, owing 10
the hcary expenses attendant on the
establishment of a new business, but
it is believed that it will leave a fair
profit wheu once the working is es
tablished. Mr. Morgan's iirocess is based on
forced infiltration, nnd ho has adopted
the circulatory system ol iho L-ody ns
a means of introducing the briuo into
the tissues. Iho method w simple,
demands but little labor, nnd no ex
pensive machinery. The animal, if a
sheep, is killed by a blow on tho head ;
if nn ox, by tho insertion of the point
of a knife at tho back of the head,
which severs the spinal cord, and
1'niises instantaneous death. The chest
is then sawn open, and kept so by a
cross-piece of wood, and the heart is
exposed. An incision is made in the
right ventricle and another iu tho left,
th"e blood being allowed to escape;
when it bus ceased flowing, a pipe
with a stopcock is introduced into tho
incision on tho lelt
.( I 'If.. I ...,.!
- .. . . - 1 , t no nor nio puaiiiupiiiiiii-
cvapora ion and preveiu.ugeouuc - - nl)J rppubli.
wide-spread ruins crflhe Republic.
.... 1 ...:n
filtering vat' and drawn off in tho form , military
. - n . 1 . . .1 U llll'-MM
of extract 01 meat; wnencooi u par
tially hardens.and is ready for packing
in tins and exportation.
The First Gun of the Conflict. ,
. Ourdispatch from Indianapolis sayi
What, we again ask, will the people
of any party gain by civ.l convulsions :
They will gain white slavery. They .
will gain poverty consuming, fever-
stiicken, plague-haunted poverty.
Thev iv lose their liberties, ineir
1 -
a man was killed thero by a mob, and ' , . T..0.)C..,.. Tho cbe-ilul
several others wounded in front ot h 'of buPiIlc9S ad of industry will
the hotel where tho President and bis jo.sake tu luml. They will lose tho
party wero stopping. It 1 the (.nmmon i,u.Kings of civilized society,
gun of tho contlit t 1 The shadows ot ( ... oso cvcrvti,injr that makes
tho coming night begin to lengthen, , 1 . r. . tlosij-wl.Io. Fct them remember
to crow darker and more gloomy
The men w ho were shot at Indianapolis
were1, of course, fired at by their own
their fellow-townsmen. We
may see in those murderous assaults,
as in a vivid and bloody mirror, a
miniature picture of what is in re
serve lor us through the progress 01
iIia finises now in operation, unless
thoso causes arc arrested by tho bulk
of respectable citizens, without refer-
ventrielo of the enco to party lines. Tho Indianapo is
heart, and so into the aorta, or great riot is a loretasto 01 wnuv vno ,w.
r-..A l...i;..,r tl,rnu.rli the body. an.Uin every considerable town and in
l eave Kaiitwarti
Erie Mail Train 6.02 P. M.
.Erie Kiprest Train 11.48 P. M,
I.crvc H est ward.
tErie Mail Train 12.00 M.
Er e Ejtrrf'H Train 1-M A. M
I'aawneer car run inrongn on mo r,n kii.ii -- , ,p
.-j u...r... r :. nk..n Iw.lh Curfrt of not nVIT l.DHU lllCn. C1
IUH ILJIII,PB ,,i,n,pnii.i..-.H....fc-
oetween Philadelphia and hrin.
ew Vnik t'oiinepttnh.
Leave M. York at 0 a. m nirive nt Erie 1.30 a.m.
Lav Erie tt 4.45 y in., arrive at N.Ynrfc 4.10 y.ra
.o rlunse l t'ttis between I -He A N.lork
atingon tho Pacific coast, in tho com
mand of which ho succeeded Coinmo
doro Slont soon after his arrival nt
.. .JVmiiniw. (!:ilifornia. Here, with a
nail in oiiv-vi yi -
is there firmly retained. 1 his pipe is
connected by a gutta percha flexible
tube to u barrel containing tho fluid
to bo injected, which is composed of
water and salt, (one gallon ol brmo to
the cwt.) nnd a quarter to half a pound
of nitre, carefully refined, nnd fixed at
nn altitude of from eighteen to twen
ty feet.'
Tho briny fluid being let on, rushes
out at tho right side of tho heart, af
ter traversing all the circulatory or
gans, clearing Iho vessels and capil
laries, nnd preparing tho body for tho
second stage, which is performed by
closing tho incision in tho right side
of the heart with a sliding forceps,
and thereby rendering the circulatory
system perfect, with tho vessels freo
-'and rondy to receive the preservative
fluid. A few seconds suffice for tho
brine to infuso tho whole body, when,
by cutting the ear or hoof of tho ani-
1, a fit ream ot near, pnro urine, un
the advice of the great bard "beware
of the entrance to a quarrel" and
such a quarrel as the one we refer to
would be, and let them nse up now,
while they have power, and prevent
tho great calamity. It them vote
down every man who hints in the re
motest, decree at unconstitutional vio-
lence and civil war. i.cttno uiianv
hydra bo seized and crushed now, be
fore his strength shall defy dt'Struc
tion. Lcnm-illc Journal.
cd "in the line of duty" who shall not' tainted by a singlo particle of blood,
have previously served two or Ibrco
years respectively, at tho discharge.
4. Those discharged on account of
disability existing at thotimu of their
about (.) wero sailors nnd the re
niniinler mostly American settlors of
the ro"inh. be inndo a conquest of tho land in the line of duty.
, , , ...... n nil.. :. !.. - . 1 1:
whole ot t alilornia in
f. The heirs of those who hnve died
since their discharge of wounds or
I disease not contracted in tho service
every county in the northern otates,
nccy expect, unless tno great, mass 01
iho rrood men resolve that the un
healthy excitement now existing and
daily increasing shall ceaso. If no
efforts aro put forth by men who have
a substantial interest in maintaining
peace and order, to cheek -the head-!
long fury of unscrupulous demagogues
who are perpetually pouring oil upon
tho flames, bow long will it bo before
tho worst elements of society will be
iu the ascendancy ? llow long before
fiiuatieal assassins, too bigoted, too
brutal, and too stupid ever to havo bad
a thought beyond their own evil pas
sions, will seek to rone the vengeance
of tho mob against thoso who differ
from them in opinions, to waylay and
assassinate them r One base deed bo
nvt.n another In ono village there
may bo n majority on ono side; in the
next, a majority on the other. In ono
Stato tho masses may favor ono side;
iu another, and nn adjoining State,
il.ev mav favor the other side. It
seems to ho natural for unthinking
injected; of course, considerably less
in sheep.
. Lir.uiu'8 riiot'Kss.
Near tho small town of Fray-Ben-
.il.oiit, s r, T in siirvu in,r so dicrs and heirs o . tos. La 1 lata. Is I he csiaiinsnmenv 101
Eiea-unt sirei.iMrt:am on all Nichi trnina. ! , , ,,,,..,;,: ,r nnd established ! deceased sold iers. who. under previous , the working of Baron Livings lx-
Vor information re?pfti: Pameniter ui- ,i, 1 T , , ! i ,, !, rn v,.,l nn,l nP(, ;. ,,, i ! ..,.,. m Carina." This process Ulf-
, ...i- 1 v, ..1,.,, , m I'hii a. over 1 lhu 11 ulhiii 1 1 v 01 111 v j v.. ... ., , . ,
nn-i. Biiptv si v,(ir, niiin fiei iiiiii"' - 1 . 1 , p ,1 ei.i
And lor Freight himineaa of the C'.hipany'i St. 11 OS. ! IVClMVO tt DOUUty of IllOl'O llmil 100
Axonti 8. B. Kinciton.jr., Cor. l:th and Marker , lP.lhc resigned his command j from the United States.
in the n.ivv In ls.'il ho was elected 7. Tho surviving soldier ns 'cll as
will instantly be seen to flow. An ox
can bo preserved in ten minutes, the
pressure of the injection being from
in i. 1 ' II. u , tint u.muiwi inch, and
from 12 to 1 1 gallons of Iho fluid are. certain infallibility, to look only upon
. a 1 1 . . 1 . .s. ..4 I.-v 4 .-a 1 Vila 1 R
A Haity Ward. A negro sat on a
the curbstone bare, tho light of this
grinders showed freedom from care;
his lint was brimless and of full airholes
his shoes nearly minus vamps, quar
ters nnd soles, whilo his coat, pants
and vest into fragments were blown,
and excepting tho cellar his shirt
was all gone. " To nny ono passing,
'twas easy lo seo, this darkey was
happy, ns Imppy could be, although
wanting food, he seemed not to feel it,
but patiently waited a good chance to
steal it. No master tohector him now.
like a Turk, or mistress to hurry him
up to b:.s work ; no handling of plow,
hoe, shovel or spade, and nothing to
do but sit iu tho shade and starve to
ir Old John Brown, tho "martyred
saint," No. 1, was tho first American
citizen that ever fired upon the Amer
ican flag, and tho Jacobin party, to
day, sing songs in honor of his name
and deeds. Other prominent members
of that party have denounced the
Constitution as a"covene.nt witliocaui
ftreeta. Ptiilailelnhin
' I I ... rnrl
;lZi'iLT,' r , Tt.. Tial.imore. ' i to ,h Cmlod Sinte's Senate, where ho the heirs of deceased soldiers,' when : to an essence, and can consequently j as a
ll.H. IlornTon, Clenern! Froicht Act. Plnl
II. W. niicn. tleneral Tickel Ast. Phil a.
A L. TYLER, Oeneral Piiperintendont, Erie
Villey llloeka, all niref , and hrt wnrnfao 5IFUKKLI, liioi.l.icn
ured the passage of a law abol- such soldiers have bartered, so
g flogging in the navy. In 151!, signed, loaned, tiansferredxchr
signed his seat in iheSenato nnd or given nwny their first .disc
p roc in
I10 resigne
retired to private life.
.1 . 1 j 1 .. . I. . ... t 1 X n
fers essentially from that employed jlempicci, mere can .0 .0 .wuv .
by Mr. Morgan, for tho meat, instead that it would be regarded by a respeet
..I'l.,,;, r?..,,.,-..,! l,n!r. im-eduei.d'ablo majority In many other States,
Kol.l. n. onlv he used nn soup or stock. Itsiconst.tutionalandrovoiutionarymeas-
' . 1 . il.i AT .1 s .t,. iimlinA tr be ipve
ian"cd. ptrengtti can bo estimated irom inoiurv. """""a'j
HKtUV- lam liMV uimv I . .'flit . .L .!.. .vn,.
I papers, or any interest in tho buuDiy aro reduced to ono pound ol essence, a majority ot t no w .01. ..3 -
persons, carried away by their healed Und a league with bell," andtlm Jaco
imiiifihiitionii Anil bv ideas of their own hins. to dav.nre acting out that senti-
n....n. ...... j 1 . , .
ment by seeking 10 wipe ouhuj uei
instrument entirely, yet they deny
endorsing this doctrine. Theso aro
tho men, and this tho party, that aro
denouncing nil who do not act with
the Jacobins, as disloyalists and trai
tors, tfirTho immortal hero of tho Dutch
Gap Canal is to be set. to music. A
Lowell poet has writter. the first Terse,
and will soon finish the remainder:
Ran Hutlr-r a a eoldier bravo,
A soldier brave wan he j '
He had fur tilvor rpuoaa and ticb,
A par-ti-al-i-ty.
one sidocf a question, to ignoro views
from any other stand point, nnd to ro
gard nothing but immediate conso
quenoes. Tho President is threatened with
impeachment. If, under tho circum
stances, this should bo actually nt-
' M E u R e L L A 1 1 0 1. 1 K ' .retired to private 1. 0. 1 papers, or any uueresi ... tno oounvy nr , i"" "V;.; fj laUoii of tho UV.ted States as n 1 nn- Thirty-two foreign newspaper!
rr.T:,7T: T; Ti t Oommotore Stockton resided part provuled by 1 his or any other ne t of , is sufficient to nmke broth tor 1 I b,. j . Nev.York City. -
ono nunnrcf unci iwwutj -tm, mru. ju.-iiu.u..,,, 1,- -
KVV KOPr.S of all aiea. for 'n tit
Doc. hi, lSf i. A Ul'.LER.
of the time at Princeton, and during Conors.