THE EAGLE HOTEL, rrnwrsKViu.r;, ta. I.. V. TEN l:CK, !'ttrmrTnii. TIIIR wndcrslpned, having become proprietor X lit Ihe above hotel, wishea to plve notice la tlx citin'in of thin county, as well to the tmvvllinc public, that the house tin been refitted ii J rfi.rmhcd tor the entertainment of his fCttcHts, ln table will lis furnished with every, thing the inniket efiurds. At bin tr will be luuni the best I r n rl n (,f ill kinds of Liquors. U'iDl' MAULING attached, and buna but careful liuntlura employed. Jjtl-tf L. W. TEN EYCK. RAIL KOAIt IlOtlXi:, Main a't , Philips burg, l'enn'a, Hobkbt Lloyd, I'rnprieiur. keeps constantly on band the choixtcf t of liquors. Hie table is alos supplied with the best the Market afford. Tho traveliug pulic, will do woll to give biin a oall. uv 1st, I8ti5. GEOKGK FALK taken thij method of inform ing the watermen of Clearfield county that be has refitted mid reopened the hotel formerly kept by li. Bchreiaer, at Cosestowo, where he will take especial pains to render satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. (Vxcstown, April )i, 'fi5. dr1y. "I)ure Liberty While l.eatl. wil do tnoro 1 and better work ut a given Coat, III mi any other ! Try it! Manufactured only by Zkiulk a Smith, W holcsaln Drug, I'aint dins? IVnler. 'o. i:i7 North Third t., l'hil'a. March 2 l,'6(l-ly 1)ure Liberty V hlte Leail, proforred by all pn ctical Hinters ! Try it ! and ou will have no other. Manufactured only by Zikulkr A Smmi,l holrsale lrug, faint Dealers, No, 137 NorthThird St., 1'hila. Murch 21,'tiii-ly. A i'KOt 1. AM ATIOX 11 GOING IT ALONE!!!! Nobody Prohibited from ntiylnjr my Hoot a and shoes on account ul Mace or Color. Being thue liberal minded, I tako this method of informing the citiie.m oi Cleurbeld and vi cinity, that I have opeued a ahop on Secuud at, next door to the County National Dank, over Watson's Drug Store, where I am prepared to make to order everything in the BOOT and SHOE line, out of the beat materiel and in the most workmanlike manner, and on abort cotico. All I ask ia a trial. Done at Clearfield, this eighteenth day of July, A. D. 1886. 11ARKY ROSS. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The exer eiaes of thia Inatitutioa will ba reaumed on Monday, the luth day of September, A. 1. I. Pupila can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the cloae of the Session. The course of inatruction embracea every thing included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education for both aexea. The Principal, having bad the advantage of much experience in hie profession, assures pa renta and guardian! that his entire ability and energiea will be devoted to tbe moral and men tal training of the youth placed nnder hia charge. 1KKNM OK I L I I IO.V Orthography, Reading, Writing, and Primary Arithmetic, per Session ( 1 1 weeka) - i 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and History $8 00 Algebra, Geomotry, Trigonometry, Men auration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physi ology, Chemistry, Uook Keeping. BoUny and Physical Geography - . f 8 00 Latin and Greek, with any of the above Branches . . . - . .$12 00 fijfho deduction will he rnM for absence Tfif Per further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A. M., Clearfield, July 11, IS68 tf. Principal. PETER A. GAULIN, AND GENEltAL CLOTHIER. Graham's Ilo. over Naugle's Watch Jewelry (Store, Market Street, CLEARFIELD. FA. The subscriber having permanently loca ted himaeKin the Borough ot Clearfield, has dntettnined toengngein the business of .QimajranJI (Djlta)tM3r. J intend to keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Cloth, Caenimeres, Salinetts, and Veilings, of the best qual ity and latest styles, which I will II a ii ii fact ii re to order, to suit customers, on short notice. Particular attention will be paid to Cutting and Fitting tenllemeti's,Boys, and Childiens Clothing; and in fact, everything pertaining to this BRANCH OF BUSINESS. A liberal bhare of public patronage is, therefore, respectfully solicited, and I would advise all, to give me a call before fturcbasing elsewhere any goods in my ine. T. A. GAULIN. Clearfield, May 16th, 18GG-tf. II. BltlDGl (Store one dcor East nf Clearfield House,) Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Keeps on hand a full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, auch aa Shirts, Linen nd Woolen under Shirts, drawera and socks, neck-ties, poeket handker chiefs glovca umbrellas, hata Ac, in great variety. Of piece Oooda he keeps tbe best Clotba of all "shade and colors, 'such as BLACK DOESKIN OF THE VERY best maAe, Fancy Cassitner In great variey; Also, rrencu Loating, Heaver, i'llot, Cliin chilla, and Fricott over coating, all of which will bo sold Cheap for Cash ; and made up according to the latest Style by Experienced Workman. Also Agent for Clearfield CO., for I. M. Singer, tf Co , cel ebrated Sewing Machines. H- BRIDGE. ClearGcld, l'enn'a, Nov. 1, 18G5.-tf. "TEW CARRIAGE AND WAGON Shop, in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. (Immediately in rear of Machine Shop,) The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and the public in general, that he ia pmpared to do all kinds of work on CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. WAGONS, SLEIGHS, SLEDS. 4e. n abort notice and in a workmanlike manner. rT"All Ordcra jromptly attended to.f VM. MrKNIGItr. Clearfield, February 14ih, ISOO.-Iy. gTl l)Y YOlR IMEIIUMn -HOOTS A: SHOES iudr AT LOW PRICES. The undersigned ia prepared to manufacture everything in hia line, at the lowest Ggures, and will warrant hia work to be aa represented (Jive tilin a call, at hia shop on Market atreet, second donr wost of the Post Office, and he will do all in his power, to render aatislaotion. Some fine Gaiter tops, extra French calf akiua, As., on hand, ready to be finished on short notice at low pricea. DANIEL CONNELLY. June Llth, 186-1 yr. C-1 KtIL lilt Ml" to te had at MKREEiL A ET3LER'S. rpilI.MIII.i: IXkFIN-i A Pips Boxes at X Aug, I3,'5 MERRELL A BIGLER'S. V. NAUHLH, MA Iv Kit. Graham's Row, Clearfield, Peso's, The subrriher repecifslly Informr Ma old eoatnmera ard the pnlilio, that he haa on hand, and contantly receiving new ad lilions, a large Hock of Clitrka, Watche and Jewelry. Jewelry of every variety from a aingle piece to a full rett. Watches, a 6ne assortment of silver Hunting and open cae, American and patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. Clocks, a large variety from tne nest .iianiitae- torv, consisting of tight day and Ilrrlyhoui pring and Weight, Levers, Tiire, Strike and Alarm. Spectnclea, a lnr(?e assortment far and near eight, colored and plain glass. Also, a fine assortment nt pponns, forks, uut- ter knives, etc., plated on jenuine Alabata. ALL kinds of Clocks. Watchce. and Jewelry carefully repaired and ll'iirrnalci. Aeontinuance of patronage is solicited. November 1Mb. 1865 II. F. N A HOLE- lOLD I'HSH.-II. F. N Al:ULK has just X received an Eleuant assortment of the bet quality i also silver extension and desk holders. November, ZD IHoi. JiTEW ST015K AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hove just opened a New Stork, on Main St., Clearfield, Ta. lately occupied by Wru. F. 1UWIN. Their stock consists of Ghocer:e3 or the best quality, Queensware, Ioot3 and SllOCS, t and every article rjecessarv for one's com Tort. Call and examine our stock b-.fore pur chasing elsewlipro. May 9, lBIG-lf. REMOVAL. J. P. KRATZER, Las removed to his nev Ware-lloorus, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., where he has opened a very Urge stock ol Dry Goods, Merlnees, Oihghami, Cloths, Delaines, Prints. Caslmeres, Alpacas, Silks, Satinets, Ucps, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jeans, Lanellas, Muslins, Flannula, Iionnels, Rib bons, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirls, Shawls, Dresa Trimmings, Head Neta, Caps, Corsets, (llovea, Collars, Scarls, Grenadine Veils, Table Covert. SI t ' U I O t II I 11 g . Coats, Pants, Vesta, Over-Coats, Uent's Ehawls tjbirts, Hata, Caps, I ndor-Shirte and Drawera, Boots, Shoes. Uuui Shoes, Cravats, Uluvet and Collara. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GRO CERIES & MUSICAL GOODS. Groceries. Tea, Coflfee, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Candles, Rica, Hour, Uacon, fish, Tobaceo, Kaiaine, Currants, 8 p i e e a, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods, Carpets, Oil-clnths, Drnggot, Looking-Glasaei Clocks, Churns, Washboards, Tuba, Buck ets, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Blinds, Wall-papor, Coal Oil Lamps, Um brellas, Bedcords, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and Stove Blacking. (fA of which will be sold on th e most rea lonnlile terms, and the highest market price paid or drain, Wool, and all kinds of country produce. Clearfield, December 13, I8B5. OTHER EXCITEMENT A FALL IN TRICES. AT THE Cheap Cash Store OF WILLI AH P. IRWIN! South Second St., Clearfield, l'a. A FRF.SII ARRIVAL OF Spring Sl Summer Goods At Greatly Reduced Prices. Iam just receiving and opening a carefully aelected stock of fathionable Spring A Smn mor Uoods of aluiott every description. A beautiful assortment of Prints and Ilry goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. DRY (JOOUS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, .jr. atEc33caacic38 and Fruits Foreign and Domestic, suoh as Apples, roaches, Cur rant, Prunes, Raisins, Oran ges, and Lemons. Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel In i i snd 1 barr.K of ths beat quality, all of whieh will ba sold at tbe lowest cash or ready pay pricea. t ur: 1 i.u i.i j uki irienut iqu me puuuo generally, are respectiuiiy Invited te call. It. All kinds of ffRA.Vand arproved COUSTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for uoon'- M. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, May th, ISnd-lf 1)ure Liberty titte I.ea'dThTwhiTeT, the mot durable and the Try it! Manufactured only bv a a ith. notesaie irug, faint t (Jlass Dealers, No. 137 nenu inird M., J'hil a. March Jl, lsBrVly. V'''-'" IH'I M IIX-J recent bill I""""1 b",h Hses of Congrea and oj ,ne rresiucnt, giving a three years soldier 00 and a two years' soldier 50. BOLNTIES and TENSIONS collected oy me, lor loose entitled to them. . , WALTER BARRETT, 8-lf Att'y at Law, Clearfield, Pa, 11. I Ul llnHal riuda) JnM pt.bll.bed accurate itricrii'llom and eple- il'.ni l ih maimers and cu.t" of the retcrn nations of nnli.ii '.. ,h",r 'nf nl """ rllca traditions, ceremonies, implements nf war firej their modes of worship! explanations of many portions of tin Old eud ew RiUnnnu, and pssr'' """curving in the Hcripturcs Inter- j $Z iTllT.Jff lories; description of t ne mras, anunais, ritu, Ac. i by KoaKRT SaAaa. Illustrated by nearly engravings. It ta arranged tor opeciui It... ,!,.. on KV K It Y SAIIItATIIof the year. Kncrgrtic men will line thia a excellent chance in make meney, as the character of the wora ia such that ministers of tha Gospel, colporleura and canvassers will be free to recommend it. Per 'cruia, Ac, whi.'h are very liberal, addreaa CIIAHI.KS K. Ultht.tS lu., Publi.-hera, 413 Cheatnut atrect, Aui. 29 At Philadelphia, Pa. Crape Vines for Sale. VLL the leading hardy varietiea of first quality. Concord, I year old, 25 cents, or $2(1 per 100 Cnnenrd, 2 years old, 80 cents, nr $10 per 100 Kcbocca, I year old, ou cents ; best while grape. Iona, 1 year old, 1 1 60 i best amber grape. Any other varietiea below Nursery pricea. Orders solicited hi aooa as convenient, and filled in Miation, bv A. M. HILLS, Clearfle! I. Pa., August 22, 180f-tf. N. U.Vinea ready for removal by tha 15th of October. Music Store. f M. (i RE EXE has oponod hi. Mu- 1 Hie More, one door west ot v . Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand Stoinwoy A Sons' and tinehle'a Piano Man ufacturing Company's Pianos, Mason k Hamlin's Cabinet Organs and Carhart, Kecdhain t Co. a' Melodcona i (iuitara. Violins, Fifes, Flutea; Guitar and Violin strings. Music Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Consvr, Gulden Trio, Ac, Ac. Sukkt Music. lie is eonstantly receiving from Philadelphia all the lateit music, whieh persons at a distance wishing, ean order, and have sent theiu by mail, at publisher's pricea. Tr-l'iuuos and Organs Warranted for five years. Thore wishing to buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My pricea are the same as in Nfw York and Philadelphia. Circulara of InstruiaenU eent promptly upon application with any additional information de aired, B. M. GKEliNE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., One door west of Lewis' Book Store, or Misa E. A. P. KINDER, Clearfield, Dee. fi, lS65tf Agent for Clearfield Co., Penn'a. JUST RECEIVED, II. V. SMITH & co:s, A Freeh Lot of PEAS AND CANNED FJIUIT. Also, a superior article of G ENT.'S PATENT LEATHER BOOTS, All aiiea and aitremely low. jc20 c AKI. LASH'S Improved Flvs Dollar WASIUNG MACHINE, la now offered the public aa tha cheapest, almploat and mot efficient Vt ashing Machine in the country. Tbe exclusive right for the rale of thia ma chine in yourown State or county ean b aecured by npplying soon at our store, 727 Market atreet, Philadelphia, r. J. 8. LASH A Co. Also, the best Clothoi Wringer in tha market Wholesale and retail. X-tfK very liberal discount to eountrv mer chants and dealers generally. je.O.'oo E. HI'.Ml MiTOSi & SON, Manufacturers of REVOLVERS, III FEES, MUSKETS AND CARBINES, For the United Sta'ee Service. Alan, Pocket and Holt Revolvers, Repeating Pis tols, Kifle Cunes, Herolving rifles, Ride and f hot Oun barrels, and gun materials generally. Sold by Gun Dealers and the trade generally. In tt.ese days of house-breaking and robberv. every house, store, bank and office ahould have one of JtEMIXO TOyS 11EYOL VERS. Circulars, containing cuts and description of our arms will ee furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON A SONS, Ilion, New York. MOOTtE A NICUOLS. Aienta. jj4-ly No. 40, Conrtland atreet, New York Save Your Money Something New. The undersigned have permanently engaged in tne manufacture or all kinds ol Woolen Uoods, at their new Factory, on Bells Run, In Penn tp. Till: l AHDINt; AXD FULlIJiG Business will also rceeivs especial attention at our bands. Tho rublie are invited to givs us a can, or aaaress us ny totter, when all inquiries will be answered promptly. The Tost Offine ad.lrosa of TI1K HKIX'S Rl'N WOOLEN FAC TORY is uRami'Iak Hills, Clearfield 00., Pa. JAMES JOHNSON A SON'S. Penn tp., June 4, 18R6-6 tno.-pd. OR EST HOUSE Bloom township, (vainer P. Bloom, Proprietor. Thia Inrge and commodious House ia situated on the turnpike, 7 miles west of Ciirwenaville, and (l milos east of Luthersburg. Tho Proprie tor will spare no effort to make his guests com fortable and their stay with him pleasant, and thereby expocle to receive a liberal share of pub- 110 patronage. Deo, 20, IilERRELL & BIGLER, DEALERS IN HARDWARE. ALSO, HANITACTUREIIS Of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. jeT-y ci.RARriEi.D, pa. A LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES HARNESS, COLLARS, Etc., For sale l.y M KRRELL & lUOLEK. PALMER'S I 'A TENT UNLOAD 1NG HAY FORKS, For sale by MEKUELL & BIGLEIt. OIL, PAINT, TUTTY, GLASS, NAILS, Ac, For sale by MFRRELL 1 BIGLER. HARNESS TRIMMINGS & SIIOK FINDINGS, For sale by M ERRELL i BIGLER. (J UN'S, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES, Ac, Ac, Fot sale by M ERRELL & BIGLER. STOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND SIZES, MERRELL k BIGLER For sale by iron 1 1 Ron 1 IRON I I RON 1 For sale by MERRELL at BIGLER. IIORSFj SHOES A HORSE SHOE NAILS, For sale by MERRILL k BIGLER. D. W. SMITH, & CO, AII13 OPENING AND Selling the Cheapest ami BEST LINE OF ottered In Ci-mari-iilo county, Having been the latest to purchase we nave the advantage of tae decline in pricea, and otl'er this advantage to all our customers and all others. IN LADIES DRESS GOODS, WE bring the latest and most iashionablu styles. ALPACA S, we have which are now so fashionable, good qualities as low as 45 cents, embracing every shade. Wo offer also a Novelty which lias just appeared in Dress Goods, culled PERCALE ROBES. These Goods come in Patterns, compri sing all shades and designs. Being already trimmed they require) ouly cutting and titling and can be done up at any time. FANCY DRY GOODS Ladies Super Kid Gloves, Ladies fancy Lisle gloves, Ladies Mohair Milts, Ladies fine Silk Nets, Ladies fan cy Chenille, Ladies Magio Rutlling, Ladies Luce LADIES THREAD EDGING, Ladies Valenciennes Fluting, Ladies Silk tassel Buttons, Ladies Silk Scarfs, Ladies fancy Ties, Ladies embroidered Handkerchiefs), Ladies Hem Stitched, Handkerchiefs, Ladies Lawn, hand kerchiefs, Ladies Enipresn trail Hoop skirts, Ladies Hoop Skirt covers. SHOES & GAITERS. Lasting, Goat, Glove Calf, Morocco, Cloth Opera Slippers. STRA W Shaker Hoods, GOODS. SUNDOWNS, SUN DO H'NS, Canton Straws, Braid Straws, Derby lists, Split Hats, Luton Hals, Trimmed Plats, Straw cords and necessary ornaments. all MEN'S WEAR. Fine assortment of fancy Cas simercs in patterns, extreme ly cheap. Also Boys wear. BOOTS AND SHOES Men's heavy Monroes, Men's fino Calf Boots, Men's glove calf Gaiters, Men's Cloth Opera Slippers, Men's fino patent leath er Boots, YOUTHS AND BOYS SHOES all sizes and styles. Straw Hats, Hosiery, Kid Gloves and Collars. STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS FRUITS! FRUITS! Seedlets P.aisins, Layer Raisins, Prunes, van readies, T,an 1'ears, Can Corn, Can Pine Apple. Can Sardinia Italian Maccaroni. Almonds ard FI Cream Nuts, Filberts, Granges Lemons and Pickled Oysters. CRACKERS ! CRACKERS! ! Sugar Biscuit, Lemon Biscuit, E''ir B.Bi'uit, Fancy Biscuit, Wa ter and Butter Biscuits. OILS AND SPICES. Genuine New Oi leans Molasses. Sua Extra Syrups, Sugars, Cofleo, Rice, Tens, Candles, and Soap. TOBACCOES AXD SEGAItS. Hoes and Rakes, Gmbs Hooks, Trowels and Mops- Oil Cloths, Willow Srare, Fish, Salt and Ilanw. May 9, 1866-tf CLEARFIELD STORE n i: a u Philipsburg, Pa WILLIAM W. nSTTS. JOHN T. WIAVM WILLIAM I'OWtl.L UEORlit L, RKHII. u jr.nETTs,$co., (Successors to Munson A Hoops) Ilitve just receive! a hirpe and well se lected Slock of all kind of Staple goods, audi us Boots and Shoes, Hals and Caps, No tions, Hardware, Glass, Naih, Oils, rainis. Queensware, Groceries, Flour, Bucon, Feed, &c, which we are ottering at greatly reduced prices, for Cash or in Exchange for Lumher and Shingles. e hope to make it to the advantage oi Timber Men, in the lower end of Clearfield county and ou Clearfield Creek, to get their supplie- irora tins point. Oeinu on the line of Rail Road can Sell goods on heller terms than at any point in iieariieiu county, ana we are sellini' our Stock at such prices as to make it an elijpct to those buy ing goods in this ninrkel to deal with Ur Advances of Goods, Feed, &c, made on account of Square Timber, which we will either sell on commission or buy at fixed rales. Flour of different Brands can be had al all times at very low prices, at the Clear field Slore, Philipsburg, Penn'a. Dry Goods Notions, io., in great vari ety, at the lowest price for Cash, at the Clearfield Slore, I'hilipbburg, l'enn'a. Salt by the Sack or load, cheaper than can be had any where else, at the Cleur- field Store, Philipbburg, Penn'a. Call and Examine the stock of poods, at the Clearfield Slore, at Philipsburg, Pa. Highest price paid in Goods or CkhIi tor Lumber and Shineles at the Clearfield Slore, Philipsburg, Penn'a. 1 he cheapest goods ol all kinds are lo be had at the Cleat held Store, at rhilipeburg Call and see if our goods and prices don't soot the times. W. W. BEITS, Si CO. Philipsburg, November 15th, 1805. tf. SPRING GOODS. FROM NEW VOHI A I'UII.ADF.irillA. Aa Cheap as the Cheapest and Good as the I lest. C. KRATZER & S0, Have just received, and are opening, at their Old 5tnnd on Front Street, above the Academy, a large and well se lected araertmeut of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are selling at very low rates. Head tlie following catalogue and pnjit thereby Especial pains has been taken in th solection of Ladies Dress floods, white Goods, Embroideries Millinery Goods, Jl t'rinta, Kerchiefs, xvubles, U loves, Ac. FOR GENTLEMEN. Alwaya on hand Llack Cloths Fancy and 11 lack Caaritnerea, Satinets, etc., Heady Made Clothing ol all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES. P N E C K T I E S , and a variety of other articles, which they will sell at a email advance on cost Particular attention ia invited to their stock of Carpota, Cottage, common In. 73 grain, aupertine Kngliih Ingrain snd Ilrussela, floor and Table Oil Cloths Window shades and Wall papers, etc. FLOUR, BACOX, Fish Salt Fluster, Apples. Peaches and Prunes kepi constantly on hand ALSO, in Store lot of laige and small Clover seed. We Intend to make It an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from ua ; because we will sell pur goods as low as they can be bought in the county and pay the very highest price for all kinds of country pro duce. ewiil also exchange gooda fur Ben o L, Koad and Cotktt orders J Shingles, Hoards, and all kina of Manufactured Lumber. Clearfield, March 14, 180G. PEACE PROCLAIMED. THE WAR OVER IN CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIKT. NEARLY ALL THE CO NT 11 A BANDS UOlNG BACK TO THEIR OLD MASTERS. RUT NARY ONE GOING BACK TO OLD MASSACHUSETTS, WHERE THEY WERE LOVED SO LONG AND SO WELL. In consequence of the above facts, F. Short of the old Short Shoe Shop ; would announce to his numerous patrons, and the people of Clear field county at large, that be has now a first rate lot of good ineterial: just received from the east. and is uw prepared on short notice to make. and mend boots and al nes at his new Shop 111 Grahams row. He Is satisfied fiat he ran please, (unless It might be some intensely loyal stay at koine Patriots), lie ia prepared to sell low fur cash or Cuunty Produce, don't forget the ahop next donr to Graham A Hoy tons store, on mark et Street ClearGcld l'a. A kept by a fellow com uaonlv called Juiy 211, "fii. ly, "SnOltTT." COPARTNERSHIP. rIhe nndersigned have thia day fanned a Co ' X partnership under the firm name of Irwin A Hartshorn, for Ihe transaction of a General Mor - ehandire and Lumber business. A large and well aeleeted stock of Gooda has been added to those already on band at Ihe Corner Store in Customera a completed assortment with pricea as low as the lowest. Tha highest market ratea paid for Lumber of all description. ine patronage 01 tne public ia respectfully vuviwti. .n niiii n . mi in, W. R. ilARTSHOKN. Curwenavllle, July 28, 18 & 1 "iuusn,, ot rriu Cloverseed, for sale by IVU IRVIN A HARTSHORN. Curwensville, February 28,, 1)ullcy IMorks, all sites, and best tnanufeo. Jure, at MhKRKLLAJUGl,iR-S RFT ROPUS of all aiiea",for saleTt Dec.J.1, 18(14. MERRKLL A BISLKR, rpruass and abdominal supportera of every X lod of ths latest Improvements, for sale at tbeIrug Store of 1IAKTSWICK A IRWIN. CANS lib V'KtTlT oTVIi "kinds, at 1 MBRRffLL A BIQLER'S RICHARD HOSSOP DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOU mtslixs delaines at at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation I 1 I COliUMLS ALPACAS . J'l .lust received at MOS.SOI S 'ilXGHAMS at Sensation pt CHINTZ at Sensation pr PRINTS at Sensation pi i LOVES at Sensation pr CRAVATS al . Sensation pr at MOSSOP -ill AWLS at Sensation pri BONNETS at Sensation pri All to be bad at MOSSOr.S' LINEN at Sensation pii CRASH at Sensation pii CURTAINS at Sensation pri I'ABLE CLOTLIS at Sensation prii FRINGE at Sensation prit at MOSSOPS'. LACE at Sensation prit HOSIERY at Sensation prit RIBBONS at Sensation pric TRIMMINGS) of all kinds & V at Sensation pric in any quan'ty I Alwavson band at MOSSOPS'. 0ASS1MERES at Sensation prirt ATTINETS at S?nsation pric 'WEEDS at Sensation price JEANS at 'Sensation price VEST1NGS at Sensation price SHIRTINGS at Sensation price at MOSSOPiT. CLOTHING such" as Coals, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, at seusatioa pneoi Flanuel Shirts, Boots, Shoes, Haw end Caps, 1 Now for sale at MOSSOPS'. HARDWARE such as Sas, nails at sensation prices? Forks, Knives, Spikes, Iiiuges, LIQUORS, such at MOSSOPS'. as Wine, Brandy, V at sensation pncei Gin, W h iBkey, Cognac, etc., etc., FRUITS, such as Prunes, IiuUins, Figs, Filberts, &c. at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. GROCERIES, sayl Flour, Hams, Shouhlers, Sugar, Molasses, Collee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spices, Candle, at sensation prices Coal Oil, etc., etc Always at MOSSOFS'. BLACKING HOPES POWDER SHOT LEAD at sensation prices prices prices at at at ut at sensation sensation sensation sensation sensation prices prices CAPS prices At the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSQP Always keeps on hand a lull assortment of all kinds of jjoods required for the accommodation ot the public. Nov. 11, 186S. HOW TO SAVE HONEY. The times are hard ; you'd like to know How you may save your Dollars ; The way to do it I will show, II you will read what follows. A man who lived not far from here, Who worked hard at bis trade; But bad a household to aupport, That squandered all he made, I met him once, says he, "my friend, I look threadbare and rough ; I've tried to get myself a suit, But can't tare up enough." Says I, my friend, how much have you? I'll tell you where to go, To get a suit that's sound and cheap At lll.l.Ll.WI L;l VSand Co. lie took what little he had saved, And went to Kclzciistclii A llrothcrs And there be got a handsoin suit, For half be paid to others. Now be la looks so woll; And their effect is such, That when they take their daily meals, J hey dun'teat half ao much. And now he finds on Saturday night With all their wants aupplied; That he haa money left to spend, And euuie to lay aside. His good success, with cheerful smile, He gladly tells to all; If you'd save Money, go and buy, Your clothes at Kelzeiistcln Clothing HalL Where the cheapest, finest, and best Clothing and fcood furnishing gooda can ba bad to suit every taste and in every style. April II., GREAT EXCITEMENT O N SECOND STREET, Clearfield, Penn'a. NEW FIRM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW TRICES. Tbe undersigned having formed a co- partnership, in the Mercantile business, wou.d repectfully invite tbe attention of the Public generally to their splendid assortetunt of Merchandise, which u now being SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH, Their stock consists in pt.. t of Dry Goods f of tbe best Qliulitv. such aa Print. Tw Laines, Alpaccas, Melinos, Ginghams Muslins Bleached and unbleached, Drillings, ' lckinf' Cotton and Wool Flannel, Sattnelts, Cottenades, Cnsaimeres, Ladies' Shawls, Coats.Nubias and Hoods, Halmo- ral and Hoop Skirts. Ao., Ac. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Also, a fine aortmenl of men's Draw ers and Shirts, Hats & Caps. Bool k Shoos. Queensware, Glassware, Hardware, Groceries and spices OF ALL KINDS IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of everything usually kept in m re tail Store. ALL CHEAP FOR CASII or approved country produce. WRIGHT k FLANIQAN, Clearfield, January 10th,, IvOL. of ICS i jile" " ,w,ru(i"' F1 .ilr'"H ,x'l""' ac in Tbe l et 1 ur'i"' do' do do We ii -0v'' unoi hib 1: On 11 Wsl Dai Lcl