M:! 1 T: v ti I'm i ; lit T I' She iUiniMir;ui.U k -'. . I distil "C"rTT. Ip.r..,, '-J- V Soliloquy of a Southerner, ny "iiiik-k" rrMi.tioT. Dog j'on in v buttons if us folksdown CiroHUK II. (JridliLANHVIt, KditOT. t"t.r,),nl ficorftatif j one of the ivpreseiilalives of the "I.ovkIisH" , otcia wc find the name of M. ?. Mrs A I .,,,.,. . ,.l'..-.rl llir IVil.TSl BltllV YlvtllMilT .' I cave ua the ntw.lfi.tii of this K-ntlcnien mi t lie J,,.,.,, don't lint. Hint (0 a llttlfl III Ot ft "inarch to the tomb of Lincoln, In I Mil, he was lm,0(.- fer fill. W o WCI 0 but a editor of the UniJui imit (Conn ) .inner, i paper J I 1 r tl, .,. rttiiki'viiiU..vr'in'in.ryni.i,in,iiii.tii..-o.i.li handl till ol cowards bcfi.ru the war I in that your n-pard.-d the !Vid,-nt as "the gov- killed off half of US, y ot I llO grand big eminent." Tin- tiinn a-ailvil I icui.'iu i.ii coin so a- m.,l. I, ,.., I, t) IIIVO US 111 I lie )f.T. I vi','. Union ! Wo tins helped make theCon- iintiuiii; tu do vith i (dilutions iiinl helped our common .,. i..r-otH1..iiy l.i.MiKiit ' 'c.nntry irrciit, and when we saw dan- c-aiiic ediiur ol a lalud scisi-ion ; J . ' , . ,,.;, r govr.mii.nt d, t.au.incd upon ger of Olll' 1'lghtS Ultdor tllO CoilstllU- land that tho fouth'liuii nlll" t.riiorctl II I If 1' WO Were OilU- i.ineoln on the f'onitltnHon. Tho wM Proclamation dealer in It Is 1'otirif of Tt vt Votrtothin. Tlio rriniH of I ho country in no im minent, tho ilunger of m il w ar Jny occnsionally naiil something Hint was I'lucticni aiui tateHinan like. Wo i-ommcnd tho following language from his Inaui;tirjil A tilings lo tho at- I. lit l.ini'iiln in I I.I I.. - .,...). , I lli. 11.' flil 8uutli, mid tcti.li'iv.l lii bcii.i to B llO fill. I li nt Ik1 Klllll.'l 'r.Mn ;iiU Norlli in lii ori:!. uiul l ulirit. W hen our g.ivc rimnir too ncsri.is, no um tlirfiitoning, that it in iminwxiltlo to kcfji good nifii in the party traoou, if thoy liofomo satisfiod that tho arty ... t.:..i. it..... I ... l. r...i.,..r :'J llll rtlllili lii iuhu umi lining i",, , i n i- i i i . .t . ' ... ii, :. , ... " . r tention ol the Kadicitlis, who liavo in the wrong. A riotaolo itn-lanco ol . , r i' lliwhasrm-ntlv occurred in Illinois .V"UI", "" 1 1 ,l. '"' lho dcl ... . i i -,r , .. ...i .,, ... i iiiiiiiicanisin aim ufiiouiuo i rohUH'tii octio-tit r.verviiuiiv IU IAIIIOIIHH I Hllill ii 1 1 i , ., ... ,., . i. i . . , i :. ,t . i Jo niNon lor carrying into v licet jlr. inuneiiso htirrii was raised in tho Kud-i , . . . ,. J n , ical .State Convention of Illinois over! ," : ."" 0 l'u" -v Wl "Y" the nomination of tiencral John A. JUir flfcrtiscmruis; 4 iMiMiit aiok Mini ffn ttit Irttfrp ofA.lni:tiil lion, on t fUI of rmoiin Owrri, dfrj lite of liwrtnei townrhip, Cli irlirld u b tlili tiny tiron duly iirantnl to tu i ult-ntd. lo bmn all rri. n in.Ifbtf I tu Mil -(. In I" will plfMe link .HTincnt, ind thtim I J p olmmi or donmnili util pronon; tiinn ..r id Sbc AMI10M -i . . i ii .i.u... l n.. ,,.i Ki,....t down fvi.rv' . , T i ... . , l.O'Mll lor oiiirressai tan'o. jio wits n'i.,nndin the I'riioti bliK'! W iHiitlic. loilfiul . . . , , , . liroiiOHed to the t-OllVCItt ion for 1101111- .noy'fiiptuiul A..p..t., b r-rfi tlmt l;is;hid tho i.ght to sccnk and o o , jirc(:ken ridge, ofli.-o would lie dH..Vfd l.y our foldiom, mid lio OlllVel VC'H UIU HCCftlf, UOg gOIl US II j ,' nf;,.m,l I... ,1(.1 , . ;!? fcoundrcl jiroclivitics ol llev. James llarlan, IT. S. Senator from Iowa, and late Secretary of tho Interior. This innn "ITiirhm. ten vears ao, was a - i Wv.nNF.MtiAY MoIlNI.NO::.:t'et. 10, 1?0U. f01- ft tim.-. n-lraiiiod Irom cxiircH!iiii dii-lovul ji ntinu'iits. Ily drRrei-i lio bc.'iinni bolder, until TliC Dlrltte llarlntl. tiimlly nil ollin r of llio nny, now a riKidint of Wo bnvo hcretotoro reterrea to trie ;tuk(, hi, ,,, V,rn Kvi.iniiiit J..i oiii.c, and uppirsi his pnper, if lie fnutiiiuod lii violoiil soci'ii!.ioii nrtii'lri i und nl'ter tlmt cut.', .Morte mibmittcil hii L-.lituriaU to tlio oHi"or ii-foriTd to, biTore he pulilisliud them I lie. at lfii;lh, "played out" fiiiKUeinlly, mid to raiif Hie wind, no iliiulit, raiiidlT bceam'e "loynl," nnd now, like old John I 1) .,..1 I... ...n...!.;.. tt;tl, ltlV1tVI.ll.n- ilethodist preacher, at .Mt. Jl leasant, g.ok,,8 to- acr,iund fhimhnUr. A largo portion of the delegates to the lato lladical Convention at Phila delphia, were made of just such stuif as this man itorso Hamilton and their lieterogenious crew. A more diabolical set of men never assembled on this continent, hinco Gen. Wash ington dispersed tho British hordes, than those headed by Brownlow, nnd his Mack nnd white allies. Their re cent demonstration nt Philadelphia, was as effectually aimed at the destruc tion of this Government ; as were those made hy the Tories and Cow Boys under Cornwallis, daring the early day9 of tlio Republic. IA-n n rwl lii'O.I mi II SIll.ll'V of SHOO. I i ' 1 i ' " - - ; nnd tho charity of his neighbors, lie was soon after picked up by the Abo Utiouists for Senator. It is said that ho now owns 530,000 real estate, and S20,000 5-20 bonds, and that his wife floui'is-hcs $5,000 worth of jewelry, etc. The following telegram from Wash ington, on the 8th inst., will probably bhow how this divinely minded fellow creature gets hold of money, land, etc. Ho appears to be stf'.er the Indian. But instead of being tlitir agent and defender, ho has become their seducer, and while acting U3 a Cabinet Minis ter ho has been the ngent of a Yankee emigration Bociety. Read the tele- -ram 'It is already known that several .lays beforo -Mr. Harlan retired from the oince of Secretary of the Interior he executed a contract on tho part of tho Government of tho Uuitcd .States, through himself as its representative, passing tho tillo of tho reserve lands of the Cherokee Indians, in the State ( jf Kansas, to tho Connecticut emigra tion society for eight hundred thou sand dollars, or one dollar nn.acre, payable in regular installments, with llio privilcgo of taking tho whole, the f.ociety to receive tho deed upon the payment of stipulated funds. This subject was subsequently referred to Attorney General Stanbcrry, who yesterday rendered his opinion that tho contract is not sustained by treaty with the Cherokees, and therefore ought to be ignored. 1 his will doubt less bo done." Lotal Economists. Every reader knows very well, that cur country hns been miserably governed, and out rageously taxod,for the past fivo years ; and all attributable to tho Greeley reformers. To illustrate ; Butter i3 nelling at 40 cents, divided thus: for tho butter, 20 cents ; for the support of the Negro Bureau, 10 cents ; for stamps, taxes, and the extra bounty to "loyal" Con gressmen and other government rob bers, 10 cent. Total, 40 cents. Cofi'co costs 33 cents, yet it can be bought for 10 cents; but by tho time tho gold gamblers, Negro Bureau and tlio tarilT nnd ttamp duties aro paid, arc charged 33 cents. And every thing else wo oat, use, or wear, is ad justed in precisely tho samo manner; and all this is done through tho tom foolery of "loyalty." these same men who wanted uh out and was confirmed by acclamation. "Wo cannot seiutrate. Wo cannot removo our respective sections from each other, nor build an impassible wall between them. A husband and wife may bo divorced and go out of tho prescneo beyond the reach of each other: but tho different part of our (country cannot do this. They cannot ! but remain face to face; and inter course, either amicable orhostilc,must Sun. i i i . ..: i.:.. ....... didn't want ns back again ! They said "K"" 8 "I"'."5" "",' wo were a bill of expense to tho Union, '' "!u , tn Ti ii -that it tost more to furnish us mails,! '10 ! v,,,,.onV. ""d rI!;ll'i'Um S . (. V,. Il.r, id.nmn ' U C X 101 111 I Hit 1 Kill. J. Ill's U n ii f V. 1 U' .-. revenue omcers, c , Ac., than itcame,,, . , ' , lo, and when wo wished to reliurc thel" "ynir";'?v ' . ,, continue between them liberal North of this taxation on our-") , ' r Ti.' , " poso you go lo war, you cannot fight account, dog gon usbut they incurred " ".""U' 7 , ,Vf n,r,n o f' iulwa; and when after much loss on more exponsluo, keep us in thai, wo cm of sue botlsides, and no gain on either you were worm w into wein in. imunnj " ,. , . i,,,! 1 1 ecasu uiiiiiio-, mo lueniieai out qneo diOu't "vant us to wonc inggcn ei , i , ,,,. t. ,,,. .:n;,.., i 1! I lii.i.i li in. inw ,JO' iioiiiuiaL.uii, uy u..."- " lion to bo to support Logan's oPpo-!nE" "Pon you." , i ..ii.i : WU) -""'-"KB ." Z'neut. Colonel Dickey. On tho --Ui us n trimcraeiis ior mo mum'. -i"i.) i ' . ,, n , : ..,i x'..- t i i c.i rri,.,. u:j u t., at tho Democratic nntl iNutional drove us out of the Union. 1 hoy said -..i v. ,, 1n. .... f iv ,,. Vw..i Union Convention of tho bixth llh- wo nan ui i.n i lio oiu. i iu., vi.v.111 . ii ii.., ,i, -l i at their word, lor such good chiistb.nsi 0'9 ,'lr,ct Mr- nndgc being as populate the North must bo hones' J ' f out in a speech, ... and they sent armies here to drive lie which he declared, that at the time ho lions, p.s to terms of intercourse, aro Wo fully endorsed tho sentiment of theso words when they were uttered and us fully endorsed them now. Mr. Licoln continued : Many patriotic and worhty citizens aro desirous of having tho national constitution amended. i- UIU Ail NEW HARDWARE ST0 Philip-sburg, Centre Co., Pa, G. H. ZEIGL5B & C HEALtltS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, We! Willow and Tin Ware, Stoves, Oils Paints, Glass, &c, &c. T I v k 'i i 1 w e ' 1 1 a r i i d i t to s e ' 1 11 0 v ' H' nomination of Logan in n a 1 le3 Kud wed ai'gWtta fct- (.1IlVenlion. he sun- 1110 tho uvrntum mode seems prefer vf0 the lladiea! State Convention, ho sup- " " V. J; "I posed Logun was opposed to negro ,J.le ,n tha. "" IUJ i ...- i.... '.. 'ui'igiiiito with the pe suffrage and in favor of a restoration s amendments to people themselves, permitting them to mated r 1'olilirs in the Vulplt. The parsons having returned from their summer vacation resumed their pulpits on Sunday for a new political campaign. The- appear to be refresh ed with the waters ot fashionablo re sorts, salt and fresh; but the "waters of life" do not appear to have inspired them verj- much towards the fulfilment of their supposed mission tho fapi rit ual regeneration ot their flocks. H itli few exceptions tho sermons preached on Sunday wero political harangues, some covert and insidious, sonio open, bold, antl almost blasphemous. Dr. Mellows, while taking his text lrom tho Bible, dencantcd, not upon tho du ty ot man to Ins Creator, but upon tho elections, dragged into tho pulpit "the glorious news lrom Maino und er- monl, speculated upon tho prospects in Pennsylvania, Ohio ami Indiana, and concluded by a prayer to tho Al mighty that llo might guide tho peo ple to vote llio Radical ticket ut the coming elections. Such language one might expect to hear in the gatherings atslreot corners or in bar-rooms ; but your political parson thinks that they uro subjects good enough for the house of God. Theso rejoicings over elections past and prophetic auguries of tho result of elections to como wero mixed up with the most undignified abuse of the President of tho United Slates and his Administration. Aro there no souls at ail to bo saved in Dr. Bellows "Church ot All bouls ; Are tho ways of the politicians of moro importance to his cono-rcgation than "tho way tho truth and tho life," w hich ho is ! supposed to lead them to ? Rev. The odoro L. Cnylcr, too, opened Ins dis course with a prayer that tho 1 resi dent may bo led "through darkness inti light," that is to say from the darkness which envelops tho uphold ers of the Constitution to tho ethereal ligh. of Radicalism, will, its synjbols of blood and fire and a new civil Avar. I.- ntln'ou riiif tf'rilii'f-lii it- rl.OKrti til that he not on y lavoreu negro ui- ' , . ,, - ,,r, fra'o.but was opposed to restoring tlic l',irPf. ( Uo case of Con hot" of the Onion except upon B.-0 f J!? w?sl T!o a nolicy of eternal hate. Mr. Breek-h?, wlc, 10r,olllJ Wlbh lo joiner accqii it rcjuc. back. cede, and advised us to do so, loo the North at tho word. Then they said we could not secede. . L.p .'1 tt..: ... .Xir' i. Z itcad or only aiiu nicy seni soioiers anu tuieveb, - - , - ... take or re cct proiiOMliuns on , n-i . i .. . . . i jni'ii 'i li-fini i id r ill n i kia-hi, p uul is " . .. down anioii'r us. . nuo oravo u'.eiii"" ---- i fought us, thieves ttolo from Us the things w o bought of them, arid now insist on selling them ove;-l We could stand their fighting, b'U dog gon 'em, not their stealing I When we sent our wounded homo, wo found our homes wero burned, or our goods slolen. They destroyed or stole all we had. then blamed us for not caring fur their wounded! They curried on wr.r against us to drive us back into Iho'Uiiion. Andwheii wo were driven back, they discovered that wo were out of the Union ! They wanted us to 6cnd members to Congress, and they sent thorn back home. They said the war was a brilliant sueeess. They say fighting, alone, can restore the Union, and still, when the fighting is over with, say war divided tho union. v o nave been subjugated repudiated dispos sessed disfranchised contrabanded reconstructed and desolated. Wo have quit fighting, yet are war- will iiimiii VTji ii ntif i.inwia nin I lvi ii i v ii v tin b i' tv V j v v , . . . , " . . j ' . ... 1 ' y . . un .rcii.xi i tA litt in-llOl'lfV iltUl .ironuseil sir Ho want to Ue in the aiv y nvnn tvlinni f iinV Ml'imi' llll'Il II, Will BT-Will sonio of our "Torch-and-Turpentino" cote mporaries inform the public whethor Judge Pitkin, the man who before tho election, went about policy enridgo said ho could not consistently, with his ideas of duty and patriotism, nupport a man who held such doc trines. Thcro aro thousands of patriotic citizens who will do just as Mr. Breck enridgo has done abandon the Radi cal party whose success promises hate, Llood, and war. Cincinnati Enquirer. .J "Loyal' Threat. A Republican paper boasts that "neither the President nor the Cop perheads havo any remedy against tho decision of Congress not lo admit the southerners to seats." What wo say is, that if they havo no remedy against such a usurpation, it is because they have not the pluck of bravo men to ussort their rights. This usurpa tion, if ucouiesced in, ends the repub lic. I f Congress can reject those who On tho 27tU Scptriuljcr, lbCC, by Ittv. A. II. Sfxuower, Mr. J- 1HVIX McBlUDE to Mi AltMIXA H. NICHOLS. On tho 2Hth Bi'ptcmbcr, 1SG8, by Joskth W. Li it., F.sq., Mr. WILLIAM W. KILLMER to Miss MAUIAII AVAS-UBIKXE; all of Ileeeiirin townthip. On tlin 27th ?ptcmbrr, liCC, at the house of the bride's father, by Itev. J. A. NiNi n, Mr. JOHN l?. JL'ltV, IhI Lieut. H'li IteK-t, 1. V., to M: KKIlFt'CA Mi t'OHKLK; nil of thi eoiinty. rfillE ittention of Mechanics, BuiMeri, FuJ rs, i.uiuoeriuen, iinu uujern runerii,u invi'ed o the fart tbut e am olTeriu u Wm assortment of goods in our line, thau tin found elsowhore in this put of the Suit, Prices to Suit the Times- Our stock comprises a (jenonil susortoient TOOLS and MATERIALS used by Carpeuit: liliicksiniths, Carriape and Wagon Mnkers, Ju; era, Ac, Ac; together with a ltue nock IRON, NAILS, STEEL, SPIKE MINING SUPPLIES, SAD DLERY, ROPE, CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, CIR CULAR, MILL, & CROSS-CUT SAWS, ENAMELLED, FINISHED, AN:I PLAIN HOLLOW WARE. CABLE CHAINS, LARD, LIXSEED, COAL, LVERICATIS AND FISH OILS, TURPEXTISE, ivx ilffiliiSfrafBts. nion, yet arc told wo shall not conic in. l hey call us inhdeis, yet lorget Christianity themselves. 1 If wo aro not without money, influ- enco power or prestige, why is tho Mortl. afraid ol us r It wc aro expect ed to bo good citizens why do not the Radicals of the North set the example; If wc are not in tho Union, where are we? If this is our reward for dis banding our serried ranks, what was tho uso of disbanding ! Why not keep on fighting ? If wo aro conquer ed, why not accept us us such. If we arc not conquered, why not go on with tho war, renew tl.c mur derous crusado for cotton, mules, nig gers, jewelry and furniture " 1 he men become a self -created and a zelf -existing holy. For this monstrous wrong there is a remedy. Tho southern States havo tho same rights there that the northern have. Every conserva tive member, North and South, has as good right there ns tho radicals, and they should tako their seats, and "light it out on that line." It will bo tho President's duty to see that tho laws aro enforced. It will not take long to legally squelch tho Stevens and Sumner insurgents if they attempt lo forcibly eject members from their seals. In our opinion this is the duty of the conservatives. Tho southern and northern conservatives are a ma- who fought us like brave men now say j'"ty of even the present Congress, if that fair play shall bo the order of the day. J he cowards, thieves and plun derers w ho robbed and desolated and desecrated us, now aro anxious for another war upon us, that tho balanco of what we have may bo slolen from us, and their pockets still farther filled, egally organized. Wo say let them go there, and together refuso to be put down by the "radical'' revolution ists. The soufllo would bo brief, and would end right. It will be fho Pres ident's duty and his pleasure, we doubt not, to recognize tho legal ma riM i 1 1 o rot. it a t 1 1 r.ii for sale. X 1 h' for mlo a riiotoj;raph (.'All, in g'io.1 onicr, now at Warrior's Murk, Il.intiir; Inn co. It will he nil.! on reasonable terms. Apply to Mr. Hamlin, Warrior's Mark, or C. I. Watesn, C'.eiu liel.l. iVtlO-.'ml JOrf. HliT.l.lt. ii tv c i.o thin ; s i'tiit ic FLEMING & HOELr ('riHYKXSVIU.E, l'KSN'i, In the Tost OOi.-o builtling, liavo just received ami ooeneil a lurre anJ Guv asrorlinonl of irmly made Clothing. For Cn they atll cheaper than the eheape.it, and are constantly receiving rrcsh sup plies. Call anil foe fur yourselves. Oct. 10, TiB -St. Ladies'Fancy Furs, AT JOHN FARLIR.VS OiJ FiKal, HfIkmI Fur Manu factory, No. T1S Arch Street, abovn 7th, riIILAPF.L'A Have now in store, of mv own Iuiporliiti.iti nndMan- luni'ture, one of the laiqrst anil nio-t beautiful im-Ipc- " Imlirs' anil children's wear. '-vi-vxin tne city. Also, a tine Lent. I ur Ham. I am 1m ennhlctl to ilispose of mv coo, Is at vcrv reasonn'ile pri'e, and I would thirifoie solii-it a cull from my fri. nils of OosrticM rnuntr an'l vi cinity. Itemembir the name, mmlw anil ttrcet. JOHN FA It Kl RA, Xo. 71S Arch Plreet, ahove 7ih, south si'le, Thila. i-1,1 have im iiartner, nor couneclion with any other iitore in rhiiHili-lphia. octlO-tm BEXZIXE, VARXISHEf. COAL-OIL LAMPS i LANTERNS An excellent a.ortment of FTXR CUTTLERTi euinprising Knires, Foi ks. Ilessert, Tea, rn Table fpjons, Scu-nors, Haiors, lo, USITTAXIA IND SILVER-TLATED WABil TEN WAVK IN GREAT VARIETY ai.il best Vanulactur. ""' i ;,5 s'rtment of asr;!E8.-S .Moves and Co ilousehol I, Ilorticilltoral, Farming anil Rafllsjl laipUincnts, ol the latest ni uoal Improved iiatterns. riackimiths can Ve luppliei wilU ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULL SHOES, IIOIJ.SI3 NAILS, And all kinii of IIlON AND STEEL. u ii.l wo urn I, hum. , I Inn u. A 1 on ,rUi n ,r I JOH t V BS tllO Coil'imS. A glUll.UU, II OS HOI, U ll-.ll UUUV. now or at our own funerals. Wo aro asked to sing melodies while sitting on bay- ...I - i. ...I .1 ...i.:i n-i .i i i i iuiiiis; i u ui u UMiai in u.iiiiu iinu 1 ho olher riohcal preachers wero more i . . . , , . . . , . , .. . ,. . . '. ',, . m ' the slow match is burning brightly in de hcato in their a minions. Dr. Tyngi -,v i i. .-n ... .. .i.ii ,J, our tela rs. e aro asked to sit still luiormeu ins aiiuienco inai no uau ins I VOL It t IIOICIU We will send bv The I'tiblie Ittbl. Tho following is tho ollicial state ment of tho public debt of tho United l.n ;.,,,1l..l 1... it... .i.l.i Vl.,l,.i ll,i 11 lnl.11,1 . , . i , .. 41 HU IlinillLLVI UV LIIO llllll ll IIW BlUll IJlillli? vn bill Ifl I nri ,1 u ii tirade bottled up, but would open it : ugwjo iup woincn . ,)K ,r 1EAlUNU C0IN 1NTKlu:ST. on a future occasion. W itli such an,.,,,,, ,-, u u U , ckw on 1 no , I p .i . . . 1 nnu pumu niiuu viui-i a luuiiiib u u t j'ti mn. uwimi tfii'i'.v.'iinj retailing staio liadicat piai.i.mes in l" I'-l"" arc asked to believe others who willl -crct. bonds '07-f.S IW.-Wl 80 iii.'keil, a las hew inn .Mueliine, ruber " U'ller A Wilson or tlrover A Hnker, lo any person sending n, boforo tho firt of Jnnniry next, the nanus oi Sixteen New Fuhsenlwrs lo tho ".IVir 1'oiA- Obstrrcr,' with the tnoney, (J.'.S,) fur one year, in advance. "fX-On and after January 1, l1!?, we shall re quire Fighteen new ftihserilmrs (I OS.) We have sent nway a" premiums nearly TIII'vLF. It I. liltl.ll ol thiiic niaolnnes, and thev Kite uiu verfal satisfnetion. The new subscribers mav be iMi ill". i . .ill rii.v4 iu 1'iiu i i ui iii i ,i nil' ii mi u- ivi ii. ."Minn vi-'i'j i -,..,,,".. i i vi .u:v,. : ,!, , -u j.- hlletl by Into preachers wo cannot.,.,,.,.... . i .. . ,.,, t0i oun -M-r.anJ ' Miii mi ri .visi'il tlinl. tlin urmr l.lurkinl . . , I . . trom one or lrom various ilnee. Sinl the name? I ' : iiskpd to imiiw Ilnwi'if) in llio lino o :(i.iii'rct. ;i- Ml hnnrle. . IS Id'' ''.ill III) r...t n. ...... ..i.i; n, c i- ...a ll,T.r0,tK.iU Du ring tho A-ar was employed in ElmiraZion ,JharvUvQte entertained by their i! V0 10.y fltowl'r8 l".11'0", as a military clerk, but spent most of,m, pastor will, somewhat similar, ' l" outcry Mast yet piping from l , . . ... . , i.i i i i J north and to deck our gave yards wit his timo m celling up private theatn-l though much more moderato and ., , rj language nor that when that the Saviour had 1 as well as white bin- aa nt which li( nluvfil iho nnrt of, Christian " I l. . . . .Ml 1 I HI HI' HUIIlll I'll G.HS.pp.ns, unt.l ho was known lyUj for col()1, that name r Our loyal lnends have- IU,rSi on0 0f the congregation cried IIVIIllUUVU aisjts , a ua siss sj u .i v .s i i , V'U V Jills 111) aillll, tl 1 1 ' I 111 V t H'MU ' ,1 I . t I I O ) n,i - r , -r, i . . i . . ii t .repair the damages the war ins made. . 5-year (-G0 notes T, ,.!.,..., P.,'..uar,i.a i,(i ifTiin-il rnnn to thpir tiif (.limit inif .... 1. I lilL II IV 1 1 J UVItlVC-. 4. 1. I . . w . . . v.... - - ,.t fv,rf rlionn inntoiMiil We mmJ l'i"g SCi eamilig. This ... no doubt, most unseemly conduct in a nose that when thev pet the negroes . ... . .. J . ? .? ciuircn, inn, 1101 a wiiii worso than llio asked to grow flowers in the face o !(i-peret. S-"0 bonds ic i av' pension fund tl ... . flowers, while dogs are barking at our! AOlal. J,.iHi,0(i;j,!iU bU heels. The north claims the religion DF.nT UFAnixo cltiiienty intf.hkst. of the country, yet jabs and stabs us d-pcr ct. bonds 8!,rL,2,l.M,0 00 in puritanical hate. (Temporary loan 22, 500,000 00 All wo want is peace. o wish to .i-yr. comp. int. notes !;., ol2, 140 00 cireulni a si nt fiee. TLKM5 .t ,'ifl per vcar in advance. SIDNEY K. MollSK, Jr., A Co., oetlO.nt .17 Park How. New York. Carpenters and Builders will Cnd In our esUt li.-hiuont a superior stock of PLines, Sines, Augers, Hatchets, $in$li Double-II U and Pealing Axes, Hammers, Files, Hinges, Chisels, Screws, Lvlts, Locks, Pulkys, Sash, Cord, JLc., ic. n': Wo w ish to live as brothers of a corn- was, .. . iiidii ni l iini, )ii m i: ii riiif 'i tinsei v- ants. As one of the Soulhvrners 1 try to bo tiicir cqua'.s, their material will' !tun,lim .-,hn w.ilitI, ,vi,wnna u,,n to fear an oi iins-i iry to s.n.lo-l all bo Prof.,; introduce politics, profanity, a spirit rT, , r i i. .. i .-..I i .r nodi double, and they will Hon., ilc. t nice while our conquerors aro ing in drunken trice l urn in Total, Matured debt not prc- 74:i,nO(i,Of)0 00 o;!0,o:!o,ioo 001 Faruiersant Itiftmen will find evrryttiinj ill tbeir line, and cheaper than can be had (. win re. TiT-rarticular attention t InTiteJ to OUR STOCK OF STOVE, Coir.prlsinj; Fpear'a Colebratcd Anti-Du-t, CwV and Tarlor Stores, ot all siics. Al.o, j Til E NIAGARA COOK.rARLOU lilu bid A N f, D A U N. DE W 0 liOI". ARCTIC AND 'O.MMON tG 3, itH'KET, lo. ruii'tiii'ii m,i 'it, ti-tiu. Ihis Is in artirle T r wattling without ruhhinp, I r - . . . .in aa.i fii.i . I .a va.ri'i in lerv iiuiv I'lit-e, wnirn will re- semen ior ia. ineni c-',oj,.i i j n , (-,, TPry , ii:1 nih, ,ad unlike other ptepar IiF.llT 11KAHI.VG NO INTKIlFST. alions oirered for a like pur... win, ot no? United States notes SW.lfi') "02 00 T"" r-nT'"t. bu' "'" i ""'h "bitir It earnest in nsli liui,...l inlit lli, .it -,,,1,.!l .......... I. . a ,,lir,.,l "J llllU llllll Mil Ml r ilVllll!.. 11 . I .. .. t ' .1.. was promised ' u Donin -"K ui in i "I ii M ii'Mi Hill u ' hum- .- , , ,. . , . . , , , XllO 1'IHIO- r .. . HI' lilt s 1 ilTIl I Mill III I tlin nv h riess ot niiniNti'i-s nt n-hirimi m tn suvn ... ' ... ' I ill.'!, Ol llll II ll-l VI 15 UI ll-i!l!lll l."5 III HilVli ... , . X- .1 "II .1 , ' I , i . .i i . r yet the Ninth wi not Keen fai h with .souls and promulguto the doctrine of , , , , ,, ... 1 . , I . 1 .. " . . . . UK ytl(l I to fun. ll ivn i'iii t liui-.i . ..11 l... i ...... ,.i ; i Mill ll I 11 nil IHvll , I'll b llllll iniv.1 n oi . , , -. . . . . .' thll tlOlU'O llllll lit I'hl ltd lil'oliouiwl na nnd :, r .. . . ... . inu i u uui uii'ii uuu o iKoi ueiier .m i in i rcas v coin Unity and Harmony. crats and Conpervatives of Massachu Bctts, havo put the following State ticket in the field : for Governor Gen. Dr. Bellows' and Dr. Cheever's Horace C. Leo; Secretary of State,1 Dr. Tyng's stamp dosj.isc all such old Col. Luther Stephenson ; State Audi-!1a!,io,1K,,1l ,1"io."H' 1'1'ey cvidci.lly . n . ., T. , . i regard the pulpit as a political ros- tor, Gen. Arthur 1. Devceaux; At-jtrn n(J i',,,,,! of being the. moulh torney General, Hon. A in. C. Endi-j ,,it.ce o(-t10 Gosi,t. lluy llilV0 i,ccotno cott. lion. John Quincy Adams, jr. ' t ho agents of the politicians) and tho eon of tho cx-rrcsident of thafnamc, Evil One. Xew York Herald. was the President of the Convention, king for tho pcaco which ; Fractional currency 27,020,'j: Ins, if wo disbanded our Gold certillc'a of deposit 11,057,1)1 .1)10 00 Ihun (Sfl'inurv nxl!...r4 .ilk..... a..l 3. HUM xn inini in niv'i up w i xa wu u upiiu nvui f anil Irar. Total, us. And 1 tell you, if we cunt have .Total Debt 4;;7,252,20.) 3 1 1 reinovoj greae sptj as if l.y magic, and soften the dirt by soaainf. so that nosing will in ordinary eases entirely remove it, , This powder It prepared in accordance with IkiTAll of the above Goods will l sold CHEAP FOR CASHea G. II. ZKIGLLR cyCo. rhilipshurg, Oct.. 10, l.i.Mt-ly rpr.i 1 x v "1 iv i rt if. ui v m ii ii tn '(ivi-"! Tvui in r I ll " ' ilnrlr. mliirti fru-lt.l hv I.fllxrt l'stntxt It 701,.ri.)H,7O!) has been in ue for more than a year, an I has fSf).2;0.0('0 C.') rroved it?e,f an universal fuvoriio wherernr it Lose it at one. But 1 will wait awhile Am'tin Treas'v-curencv 41.!l."):!.S.'S l2 I has li.en ued. Am. m the advantages cUiuU for snri'lv ihiiMi'tisii nf mi:;, .mil ! are the lollo. irg, vi. honor has not quite died out'in the! Total, 128,-lo.7t)7 W) North I hero is a better day coin ing onother year will tell tlio etoryj The I'hoi its. By tin a' ,.-ouiit Cled in mo rroiuito l ourt at l ii.cao, in Vt lir.ISs' l .X A Ml N ATION!, -Ar iilienitts IhI S.'hoolfc. i.i rUrf,,.i,i cour.tv. nni-1 et the foilowini; tiatoe-i plaoi s, al 9 o t A. M.: lluton and I'm, ii,-t. oih, ai No. 1 1- house in llii!mi; Cui ,ns illv and oa u Mh.nl Curwensville: I ar,.i id and La reniA the lliih, at t i. itield ; Co intrt in and Ksrthaui, on tho Ilih. ut Mi, !.,., '.in- - O.r.ul. sri I are the folloairc, vi. llo.h,.,. on 1 ri.lv. ilm I'M, ."i r,in.-n- Hill; -It saves ail tho expense of soap usually used Inion, on the l.'nh, at KikWoii; illoom an! en cotton nnd liien goods. lliudv. on the Kith, nt Lnttn rsliuru : I'mn, Lt-T- rf '1 l nn l.tlMK'QIU nii rrmll i' ,,t ...l,., x i il . . ..t . . 1 . a -a . s a . xrhii.K xx-iik tbn lurrer-ot fver nuaombleil ! . , v ui auui eonneetKin witn mo Belli 'inelil ol 1110 ripleilllier. SHOWS llllll during tho . ,, . e. nni . ' .y rri'lc'1" to consider a crime, cstato of Trussell, tho owner of half month tho debt has been decreased to in the State, nearly .000 dcleg.ilcii J hey make "invidious distinctions on of the famous race horse Dexter, it the amount of S22,:t Di,22ti M. being present. Radicalism is being account of color," they give ft blak appears that, from Juno Rith, lttili, environed even in tho citadel of it 'soldier, because he is black, thro times to ihn , bit , i,l' t Im ii,.,.,,iit lo-a ilmn1 i lMINIi H AToir N)i'K r.-Utters , , , ... i as much bouiltv US the' rive to n fmo. o..,il.u l... I.. ..!( ,. 1 : "f A,lininitiatioii having Jx-cu priinled the that many useless compound have ben intrmluc- dor. The aiip'.l.'ams are, thin lore, n-niiitvd to pre- power, by those who love their coun-."8,.1""1 ,.,"u," Us lM Suo lo ftb)ur nionths:Uie hoi so earned for his ,,,,, rsiened o the ..ute of i.e. it. lvihompso,,, ed . the ,.ui.i,o bi,h have ro.ted the .loth, or c.,t . tdl tmonv. ihilort- try more than pdf. . owners i7 O.I, Whilst his expenses dee d, lute of Curwen.ville, ClearfieM eouniy, all failed in removii g the dirt, but knowing the in- ponsihlc pe.si ns, known in u10 eomiuurity, M 1 it,..,. .r ii,n nin. r ...vi.: . . a , , ,.. , . . . .i ...... ( 1 I ( 1 -.-1 ' 0. . ... ....... v. iui.i(i aim mr . ,iv nn.i reruson, mi ue i.tli, ni bui'"" Am t Of debt, loss rash (wear and tear. Ci-v: it. 11. cn i!n ' tn.at llowsr; rurnsido. Set II) lieasliry tJ.Oi.I.ti.iti.Oll bhl i". Mr cleaning windows It is unsurpassed. V'ashiiigtoa nuj v h, m, on the ltliii. at N. asa- . it ..u .... .... .... ..... i ... . . ... . . . and hnnx, on the .iHh, al .Mi' I llra.ll'or.l, on the "-., al , . , " i .i t ...... .. r..t , n,i , .,,,.,', ,,i. .-m nuur vw- ,iains uruve; urmiam aii'i .Morris, ou tne ...u. ilHiren eKCept to luuif. u the jowdir. , hylertown; Hcalur an t Oaeci.a iior.,or. the itt&i DMi-etions with f h package. 1 a t t lie Cel. i re Softool House; Woodward, on ta And ee n e reaaily approeialed ly a sinite 5.ith, at Tims. IIeadersou'i ituelich, on the W trial. The c,' r washing for a family of five t Janeirilie; liicaria, on tlio i'7t'.i a' ti'.rn liue. or six persons wi'l not exceed tupkr itstx. ', I'y then, w fnnu,il Uieteit'.t!i'ntea,the.iiperinti'i- The inaiiufacliireri of this powder are aware dent c riil'.rs to the cood moral character ol the ho.- II) ireaslirj' t,;)i.(,,;.iti,Uli 1M tor cleaning winnows it is unsurpassed. Washington nuj A comparison of this with tho blto-!'i.,hJ,7,"lqu"T,.'r ,ll0lti"" 1"',,'r u'" 'n.eu'u; J""lll 1 .'. ... , . .ii. 'quired it Impaits a beautiful floss and lutre, villi-: Itogs and niCilt Of the JUllllC debt On the 1st Of ( much superior to any other mo le. No water re- limns' drove; ItTA Southern paper bays that during tho war thousands of Union which had been stealino- her chickens'. fciTA woman in Butler.Bates county, r, i,r,i j-V Mo., caught a wolf, the other day,, ' were $."),783 10, tho net profits being V"' indebted m sail e.tnte ... , . . ' X o mtf. i.avnient. and llmu, Imvoifl ill make Iminedi-, trlnein excellence ol this article, the Confidently ccrtiflcaus ill bo is;jed. Pin-c'orsai, !( iiis.inar ate payment, and those having plains against the j proclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand rciuested to be pr. sent. (iUO W.SNYDF.K, sanio will present thorn priiper'v aitthentiented for . h;oh has long existed, and which has hereto ' Sent. 19th, lbiii)-3t. Co-riuii,rintcniirnl. , f.oiv iiM'ii' r . .. ....! m,. . . . ' . ' L tho men I settli-inent. i Oi-tlO-fit JOHN 1UV1N, Administiatnr. r-t.n c-t. soldiers wnro UilloH ll,ro,rh ,,if.i,.iJ I... .v .... .1 ,.: I L V v : w ' ir. ,i. wi ii J -"'& iii.iinS miuugii who sKiiiKea on 1110 neid aro very ton givon to the rebls by negro B fence, and held him till another.bravo in their denunciations .of tho ()0B"h" 'r"? V,7:n'0"'evbjr pv.oman killed him xrith a club. R - vsav -'-- "iV "VUtf. V l TTHTT I i, I ITUBfT I Z ((. fur 'u iuui;, nuu neu niui nil a j-w.omftn killed him xrjth a club. remained unmpplied. Manufactured HOWE A 61K ENS, Also. Manufacturer! of Familf IH r..ln'e. t.h. 1r" t't"- f For sal by mcorand Dealer! everywhere. lAJSNF.n VKUIT ef all kinds, al f-rnsca and nhtl.iml.ial tur--t.-rs of ev,rr ' JL hind of the latest improeenonn, for ,i at IlAKfMVli'K A Ih'VlN. Oct., imh 1SS. 3 . ivy MF.KUF.U. Wt'lLFnr CAt-1' is- ect) -rericj fl W l1l .hnrch, fees. unin. j er in 1 Arch 8tj grPBsm .hftt St. miiDin tho bu A.G taryo ceived tcca ii T7o i Thord to im jt wrd It vi lcr, amou balad