Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 26, 1866, Image 2

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    She ilcpubUcan.
r - -
(ijoiuiK Ji. (iiinnr.ANnm, Kditor.
irx: - - - - - ' ' - " : ----- -
v j-.psehiiay M(UNlN(i:::Si'it 125 , lhlili.
Democratic State Ticket.
yon ciovT.KXon
or P.i-rks county.
Democratic District Ticket.
ron coMiiiKss,
Full A.-SF.MISI.Y,
Col. JOHN J). HUNT, of Forest.
Democratic County Ticket.
JACOB W1UIKLM, of Hrnliam. .
.SAMUEL CLYDH, of Lawrence.
IIEXHY STONE, of Clearfield.
T''Tt AUMTim,
JOHN A. L. EJ-llCAL, of Goshrn.
Insurrection .linoitg the Tailors.
The long mooted question, whether
wo havoa(lovernment,is being amply
illustrated in this section of tho county.
Tho "Government" during tho past
week has removed Daniel Livingston,
the Assessor of tho l'Jth District, and
appointed Michael A. Frank, in his
btcad. Mr. Frank was the Postmaster
in this place, which ollieo has been
filled by the appointment of one of the
"boys in blue," Capt P. A.'Gaulin.
Tho novelty of this raid on tho dis
union "bread and butter brigade," by
tho government, is that not n "copper
head" is engaged in it, either directly
or indirectly, but all arc of pure plo
benn origin. Mr. Livingston is a tailor
his deputy, Hemphill, do; Mr. Frank,
and his deputy, lladebaugh, and the
appointee, Gaulin, as well as the
''Government" itself, aro all tailors.
Although the appointees aro all lle
publicans,thcy arc not of the disunion
Stevens class, who, in their despera
tion to retain llnir places, aro willing
to sacrifice the Union, thus striving to
crunpleto tlint. whifh JofVornon llnvi.
and his friends faTled to establish a
Heparalion of theso States. Messrs
Frank and Gaulin both sustain the
reconstruction policy of President
Johnson, whilo tboso removed arc
Disunionists. Mr. How, the mail agent,
whose removal we noticed last week,
was u secessionist in 100, and has
never retracted hi treasonable views;
henco his removal was proper and
jast, and in fact bis appointment
should never Lave been made, not
withstanding ho and his friends shout
ed themselves hoarse on "the war for
the Union." .'f'
ratling from flracc.
Tho editor of the Shirleysburg Her
ald, in removing the name of General
Geary from tho head of his columns,
declares bo is now fully convinced
that negro equality and negro suf
frage aro tho grand objects of the
Radicals, and that he cannot and will
not disgraco himself and his paper by
giving countcnanco to tho movement.
Tho Northampton County Journal,
hitherto a Itadical paper, has aban
doned tho"torcl)-and-turpentino" par
ty, and supports Hiester Clymer and
the Restoration policy of w hich ho is
the representative.
Tho I'nion llcpubUcan, published at
"Williamsport, has dropped tho name of
the Disunion candidate Geary. The
issuo was too dark for tho editor.
The Juniata .h'epubliean, published
at Mitllintown, l'a., has taken dow n
deary's namo from its mast-head.
"Wc notice also that scores of old
and consistent opponents of tho De
mocracy are forsaking the black flag
of tho Radicals, and are uniting their
fortunes on tho side of tho party that
carries tho flag of tho Union. .All
thcscthings aro indicalionsof a change
of public sentiment.
Dl'.STItl'CTION OF Titol-KItTY. The
late equinoctial rain storm has made
sad havoc along the valleys of creeks
and river.; in Ohio, Inij'ana and Illi
nois. Tho bottom lands in those
States wero all overflow ed by the cx
cesfivo riso in the streams. Thous
ands of acres of corn have been do-Btroy-'J.
In many instances the tops
of the corn could only bo seen. The
Ol'io river, n" Cincinnati, rose 2? foot
on Wednesday la-t .
.iof l.i. Srotiild.
Tno 1 ; ?-1 ?.'n lajm in t!ii l.ur
r:tve tlio follow in,:, wli'uli wo truut-IVr
if,i(V. nml nil. In H'taKii.t; cf Mr.
Si'nTr, tlto (W-vrvative cnmliilalo for
( 'micros, it cays :
' After Ihr nutl-rviik of Ihc I!.'' i lli-m be rnii .1
Hil l riiii.n-l a splindi.l ballon, which did g I
reiii.c miiliT (ii iu nil Hiiiuiiin. Mr. A'-.-ff (.-o i iir. A.iMurr, tli.M.i ijn into Oit trnr Hmulf."
;ow, what tliJ Mr. S.-olieM do?
lAVIici'o is tlio 'vjili'inliil lattery that
lio raised and ftiuijijied ?" Or lailiii-:
' to do that, did lie go to war himself,
and if not, why not? Will the organ
tell ns? Or will it tell us how cer
tain other gentlemen kept "out of the
wur," who now boast of having Bent,
an Irish or uteh battery, at a cost ol
sumo three or four hundred dollars, to
save their own cowardly carcasses ?
No, no ; -Mr. Seofield preferred com
fortable quarter at Washington, at
5,000 a year, whero ho could vote
for Negro sutlrago, and to degrade
and insult the white soldier by giving
the negro ft bounty of thre hundred
hilars for two years service, while
the w bito soldier only goto tUo prom
iso of unr, hundred dollar.
And yet they- claim to be the real
friends of the soldier !
.Value ".Ml High!.''
Tho Radicals are crowing trcmen
lously over tho result of the recent
election in Maine. Do these gentle
men fonret that on two celebrated oc-
casions heretofore, when tho power
ful Middle and Western States gave
overwhelming Democratic majorities
in October and November, Maine did
this very same thing in September ?
In 1850, after Maine had given tho
Abolitionists an increased majority,
and had set the whole pack to crow
ing just as they now are, they were
overwhelmingly defeated in the Mid
dle and Western States in the follow
ing months. Tho same thing occurr
ed again in 1802, and is almost cer
tain to occur again this year. So
that it may hereafter bo said "as goes
Maine, so don't go tho Union."
CrGlenni W. Scofield.tbe Disunion
nominee for Congress, is in favor of nc-
;ro BUtTm-rc.
JteirThad Stevens' pocket piece,
Seofield, has not, like Mr. Hubbard,of
West Virginia, returned his 2,000 ex
tra pay to the United States Treasury.
Tiihahoh will bo mailo "odious" on
the second Tuesday of October, by
tho old "Union savers" rolling up
25,000 majority forlleister Clymer.
Democrats, do not fail to go to the
election on tho not-olid Tuesdaj" of
October. The salvation of the Union
depends on your votes.
Thkason, in tho shape of Radical
ism, must bo squelched or. tho second
Tuesday of October, and tho cheap
and effective way of doing it, is for
every Democrat to go to tho election.
Tub hero of tho Buckshot war and
his treasonable band can only be made
odious by all Democrats going to the
polls on the second Tuesday ot Octo
ber. Scokii lh, the Disunion member of
Congress from this district, having
voted for negro suffrngo in tho .Dis
trict of Columbia, is of courso in favor
of establishing it in Pcnnsj lvania.
John AV. (jf.auy, is tho candidate
for Governor of thoso bold bad men,
Stevens, Cameron k Co., whonrtnow
attempting lo enforco negro suffrage
unon, and rcdnco tho whites to, the
degredution of the negro
Timf, Fixkd. Tho lato Congres
sional Convention, before adjourning,
pnssod a resolution designating I'idg
way as the place, and the third Thurs
day of August, lsdtf, as tho time, for
holding tho next Conference. The
see-saw programme is therefore ended.
VOTKIJS of Clearfield county, our
Iladical opponents ask yon, at the ap
proaching election, to reduco your
selves to the level of tho negro. Will
you do it ? Your votes on the second
Tuesday of October, w ill show wheth
er you desire your children to associ
at'o with, and become the equal in de
gredution of, tho black African.
C-aT Our Congressman, Seofield ,waiits
to dodge tho responsibility of tho bill
allowing 51,000 extra bounty to Con
gressmen, by Btating that he was
asleep when tho bill passed. AVhy
did ho not sleep when tho Negro I)u
reau bill, Civil Rights, and other infa
mous bills passed 1 . Io is w ide enough
awake when the interests of tho dar-
key are at stake, bw when the white
j t ax payers' interests comes p, he
onitr.ns. 4
Tl lnl mid mitt It-1 ti.ii i'l J ml i;r ami lpi-r-lor
In ('rntrr Cmml) , liir r'lntR
tlm Vote lit' mi Bllrgt'il
Two members of the Election Joard
in Snow-shoe township. Centre runty, I
Pennsylvania, have been triecand!
convicted for refusing t ho. voted nn
'alleged deserter," at the eleetim in
October, ISO."). j
J I cm. Samuel Linn, a Kepublit n, is ,
tho I resident . I iidge, and was ouiged
to declare the law as it really is. Wo
annex u statement of the case:
The trial ol'Josiah 11. Brown, ,). M.
Belts, and D. H- Venger, Elotion I
Board of Snowshoo township, fir il
legally refusing tho vote of JohnDay
ton, at the October election, lNtj, re-(
suited in tho conviction of Browi and
Belts, and tho acquittal of Yeagatho
Court having instructed the jurythat
. I i i . . : ... i i. . i . l '
iiiey i-uuiu not con wet 1110 uiuc un
der tho evidence.
1 lie lacts ol tlio case, as givci in
evidence on tho trial, aro about ai fol
lows: John Dayton, a man of foi'igiii
birth, presented himself at tho witdow ;
at the October election in 105, ilfer-i
in;' his bull"'- i" n l.nnd, uikJ his I
naturalization paper and a reeoiiit for
taxes in tho other. Ho was challcir-
ed by one of the Board as a deserter,
as lie had been absent lrotu the town
ship during one of tho draft They
ctused to allow mm to voto unlets bo
would take an oath that ho had not
left the township to avoid the draft.
Mr. Dayton relused to do this ani his
vote was rejected, Mr. Yeugcr pntest
ing against the action of the l.oard
and being overruled by his conpan
ions. Mr. Orvis assisted tho Diilrict
Attorney in the prosecution, ami Mr.
M'Allisterconducted the defence, The
jury wero out but a hhort time, when
they returned with a verdict ol ulity
as to Drowu and Belts, and not guilty
as to Yeaflrer.
The attention of tho Stato o(icials
at Harrisbiirg, who aro sendiig out
lists of "alleged deserters," and in
structing their political friends ii the
various election Boards throughout
tho Stato not to permit theso persons
to vote, is called to this trial andcon
viction. It covers the wholo ground,
and is sustained by 'he principle laid
,i i .. t. A . .. 1 t ..
uunu i'v iiiu rMiiiremo vui -i oi me
Stato in a kindred case. .EleHion
officers have no right to sit in judg
ment upon ueseners. ji a man is
challenged upon that ground, the
challenging party must produce legal
evidence that tho person offering to
vote has been tried and convicted of
jtho oll'ciico before a proper tribunal.
ji sucn prooi is not submitted ana tho
vote is rejected, the ofliccrs are liable
to arrest and punishment, as wan the
ease with the parlies in Centre county.
That is now settled as the law, am
tlierc should bo no attempt to prevent
legal voters from depositing their bal
lots. If there is, thoso making it will
suffer tho consequences of their illegal
and unlawful acts.
1oic the Tlcktts are to be Voted.
The Legislature, last winter, passed
a law which changes tho manner of
voting. All State oflieers voted for
will be voted on one slip, labeled
"STATE;" all county ofliccrs, mem
bers of Congress, and members of the
Legislature voted for, will bo voted
on another slip, labeled "COUNTY i"
and all Judges of Courts voted for,
will bo voted on ptill another slip, la
beled "JUDICIARY;" which divides
the ticket, at the present election into
three slij'S. All tiel.ds should be ready
rut, folded and tied, before ileetionilaj
Let Democrats attend to this every
where, and see that all the tielet is in
cluded in their ballot. The ticket w ill
he printed as follows :
Ilicstcr Clymer.
tYilliam L. Scott.
John I). linnt.
Henry Stone. .
A ud it on
John A. J. I-Tcgal.
-fls-soi't'iif' Judtjes
Jacob NVilhelm
Sit i mid C'lytlo
Tho ticket must lo cut apart at
each of tho wide upac-os, with the
words "STAT IV ''COUNTY," and
"n'MClMlY" folded out.
JraTror five or nix years tho Indi
cate contended that tho States la'.ely
in reliellion were not out ol tho Union,
and never should go out. Now they
boldly nnnert that they tvere out all
tho time, and shall not conic back to
iarticiiatc in tho blessings of tho
l ieneral Government. Strange tellows.
JMrTho Uadicalrt profess great love
for the defenders of tho llepublic, yet
when (Ieneral (Jrant and Admiral
I'arrairut visited riiihidelnlun tl.ov
grossly insulted theso hcroos by re
fusing to extend to thorn tho
u-it'Tj ui me city.
On Hi Ti'lli il . ol h-'H'liiiilwr, I ""ii, nl tlif r i-ili-nop
oflli.. Iii.i.' ri lor, I'V !. T. Win. it, !'.!.,
Mr. N Mil N 1 1.1. I' KTIII.IIMAN. f 0..!..-ii
t.iwn.lili., In Minn hol'III A f-MlTIi, of liimr.l
toinliii, CIcnilli'M poiinlr, r.
On Ki-rl.inl.i'r l, Isiifl. Iy .1. t. Miii kTi,
Mr. TlloM AS II. l.l'.W ISi,, Mip, l.l.l.AIIKTII
Mi (.'It M'h K.N ll of rcrgiiunn ti nilii., ("Iiar
fliM cuuiity, Pit,
fly Ilia Ili-v. W. O, WitimiT, nt llio'i. fii
tlor, on llii Huh of i'.ti-ni!nr, iscd, Mr. (!. W.
AHA MS, of M;iry ill.-, to M i.M KM M A V. II A It T
M AN, of Wi-ct Ho.-ntur; nil of ('li-nilii'lilco., l'u.
In lVon tonn.lii., on 'liolHli of Sc jili'inlior, ISi'id,
XAM'V .NUWr-'MK!!, il.nil.l. r of J.ihkimi niol
M.niv kwcomi:h. iieml 2i' ycnii. mol U duvs.
"TOTIt.'l'U IViwiim ilrsiriipi to rmisin-! husi-
X 1 nop.illi no lit my oilier, are lirreliy notilicd .
I M lit 1 will llol lie l iillol nun imtihiiiiv mi oooie on ;
mi, v I. t V- I U I'l l IMl ( V
BOV UIIV!. lAC'lll .Ull.. 11,1 . i,lll .'. . iw.i..
r!,.,t: M-tf. WAI.JOI'.TKIt.
Altl'I 1-1 III SAM:-Si-ven yeais old
i 1 1 cood to work every way. You can have
your ehoioe of three, lly
neiirliMl,l, Hep. l!i!-;it ISIlAKT. MflKM
Public Vendue.
riUIK undersigned will oiler hi pemonnl pro-
perty lit l'ulilie 'ndue, nt hi roideiiee in
I'ike towiihiii. on Til 1 HSIlA V, il... Ilthcliiyof
OCTOIIKlt, I sun, consisting in part of
1 BAY MAltll.
1 MAKE mol COLT.
I two-year-old COLT.
1 v-ke ol tlXKN'.
I'fiW'K mol YOI'MI CATTLi:.
Ahout 4U he:ol of SlIliKl .
1 tno-horse WAOO.N. 1 two-horse CAKItlA'JIi.
Timber Sled and Chains. Link Chain.
llor-e Hake and liorne tioani.
And a lot of finall urlieh-H, too tediouii to mention.
.TO' iale to eommi-nee ut 1 o'cl-iek, V. M., when
the terms will be mn lo known.
Hrpi'ti-st jo.r.rii (IOOX.
:r.. i8f,o. Mi-. n ni.cips.
To all Book Buyers.
TAS. K. SIMON, 33 South Sixth Street, Phila-
if delphia, ia agent fur the following valuable
books :
Appleton'i Now American Cyclopedia Ifl vols.
" History of '.he Hohellion I large vol
" Dictionary of Mechanics 2 vols.
Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore 9 "
Washington Irving'a Work a, 22 "
Cooper's Novels. Dickens' Works.
Merivale & (iibbun's Home.
Macanley'a Works.
I're's liicti mnry of Art! and Manufactures.
I'arcroft'a United Statos 8 vols. te.. A.
I all Books published for public and
privo-e uiliranos, at holes-ale prices, bend
list of any hooks wanted, with a stump, for
pricas.wbieh will he sent hy return mail. sepIB-St
ADMIM-TIt ATOU M) I ICi:. Notice
ia hereby given that letters of administra
tion have been grunted lo the undersigned on
the estato of Mntthow Savage, deceased, late of
Lawrence township, Clearfield county. All por
sons indebted to said estate will ploase make im
mediate payment, and those having claims against
the same will present them for settlement, to tbe
uu.lnrnlL'llvil. KAVAOB,
New Wai-hinjton, Pep. 2fi,Hfl8 fit Adin'r.
CAL'TIO'. All pel miiis are hereby cautioned
ayainl pu relishing or in any manner meddling
with TWO llOltf-'F.S one a large iron gray horse,
and the other a dun uiare now in the poyseHi.ion
of l.oreiuo 1. Curry, ill Junlaii township, I'loiir
fn bl county, as tho same belongs to me, and are
left with Ii ini liu loan, subject to mv order.
f'V-J "i?1!"1- I I.M A M (TRHY.
Vegetable Ambrosia, or Chemical Hair
flMlIS preparation restorrs CRAY HAIR to its
natunil color, frees the Iirn4 Irom dandruff and
humors. and gives the hair a Moist, soft and glossy
npiioiirancf. rncc n.ini per IkiIHc.
For sale by ('. It. Watm and all Druggists and
Fancy liooils llcalei, and by the proprietor, l.ock
llave i, l'a. Sept. 12-4t
VVi l:i lirsi-eli. SAlFSMAX, iifa"
Miiole .ile Notion House, who has a knowl-
lifc of 11. t. husinms. ami can command a a-nod
trade. Snlarv liberal. Address Til KO. 'F.J 1. A
CO. X... fit N. Third Street, l'liila. pep 12
l'lMII.Y Vi m It fi raTe nt
I A II. W. SMU'll k CO S.
i niivr ii;ai,ity oi--siiin(.i.i k(1,
V lor sale by II. W, SMITH & t'O.
1 II 'I ION. All iiersims arc hereby warned
All persons are hereby warned
J against harlmnng or tiustingniy w.le I.av.s.
I l ll'!'rV ""' .'"""'r Tl,h",,, J,,rt
use, and 1 will pay no of her eoYitra.-ling.
S-p. 12. lHWl.J,,. F.I.I.IAH BfllXS.
Farm for Sale.
rPH I. iiiiderisned offers liis frm at l'rivnte
1 Sale upon r.-iis-nialiln terms. The farm is sit-
1...- ll,. i i....... . , .
nnlc cast ol I ruit 11,11 t hiireb, n.,,1
ai . , r " H Iff.
, " ,1. "I l"''h, '"'li-iir.-.l.linvinit llM - reoiimvl -
cd a SA'A MIM., DWKI.I.I Nt) JKU si: and
HAXK IIAIIN, wiih a laruc AIM'l.lMUti. 1I A1;).
The unimproved porliou , AVl'I.l, TI 111 'ill
A, fi.rMiU tniv.r . V' .,.
. . r- uon, in uiiiia iiinirMiiii. anniti aim
" it inn nt uimiiini MT rniiinc.
Upon lite premises, or by letn-r Bd-lre-.-d to the
, aiinscrilmr at ew Jlillporl. t'!, urfieU ..imiitv. l'u. !
; f-e.l: 12. r.ii .,t p,. .TAMl'.J .1, .l At'KSiiN.
riM.AC III.KS- l:A.MIVtilONs. ,p.
, .1. plieanlK ..t ,S'hi.ol, in Cleaihi l-I ei Iv. will
- talatnl nt ll I. .11, .u. : u I a ......
..... . ... ., , ...,,..,,,!; nlnr ,m,.,.,, m v ,.,.k,
A. M.:.
Va h,,
Imii'e in Hu-lun
in wt'nsviiin uiin iiKe, mi tun
Sth, at Curwensi ille :
Cleardeld and Law retire, on
tbe Illlli, at ( lenrfli lil;
on the MulKoul.urg; tiirard, u the Uth.l
at (on en,. Mill ; (i,hi-ii, on tho i:ilb, at Hums-,
"e; 1 'I. on the l.'.lh. at Il,., kton: Uloomand, on tbe loth, at Luther-burg : IVnn.
iH-rlilvaml lirirn-on, on tho Kill, at Lumber
. w.inMiii mni minimus,
. ,.- ..i . .
- ..... in i, on me in, at Bow.-r: Burnsi.l;.. New
ii g . .. . Jordan nndhnox . on the 20,h, t A.isou
villi , Hogg, and 1 ra.llord, on the 2 id. nt Wil -
Ily tbe new furinof lbe( Vrlitii iiiei.,theSu.e
dent ef-rtities to the good morn! rhnrnctrr ol t
ter ol the hoi.
..... ..,,, .irii.iiiin ami .Horns, on the '.Mil, at tor any loss or damage that may ocp
hylertown ; n,l (is,.,.,.!. il,.r.,on (he 2 Ith, ciety desires exhibitors toglveperso
..... V, """"""r". " on- io ineir animals and i nicies, and at
..i i. at Hios. endersot. s; (io. lii h, ,, 2ftlh. the Fair to alien,, to their removal, as
" F.ui,.; ueeearia. on t n '-7ih ... I
ler. The applieants are, th. rel.ire. required ""1.n n""1, rvrn' M t11 "ia 'n 'r rl"r
sent a written tcMimonv. signed bv two or more res-1 , ' ' ih" time of n,ry- Tn lntity
ponsil.U. persons, known In the e'ommiinitv. Ire ?f K"' 10 ht plowed by each team to be one-ii-rtili.-ateswilllM-i-.s,ied.
1'ir.-tors ,,.! Ciiirns arc f"Ur. ,U cr- Th Xlm Hc"d to da the
i.'.picsien io ne present. (ii;l. W.SNYIll'll
Sept. Itllh, lsii(l-:u. rounty Siiperint.-tidi'iil.
t !"
WALL PA 1-j; Its. 1OU0
Manul'actiin-rs of
Paper Hangings and Window Shades.
Cor. Fourth A Mnrket h-ts., rinla-1. li.bia
N. B.-Alwsv, in rtore. a l,rr, 'r l t'vrv
and OIL HIAtiRH. " ,'
nntMini:i: or iiium;i.mi.t.
I. K. l:lZ 1 ILl.U. rhulrin!!.
It, W.Cmllli,
A. W. W ll.r,
''""-T J,"1''!' " '
A. V. Uni lfn,
j Kmln r,
II. 1). Tlnifnnt
Jodn MrClrlUn,
1.. M. Mi-rrWI,
It rglfiT (lurlurt,
Mm. A. M. Ililli.
Mrn. A. C. Kinm-y,
Mm. l'rink Mio.-l,
Mm. Wiliinm O. Foley,
Mm. John D.TliomiHon,
1r. lluripy Klpihinjr,
Mil. Jiinira Tlion iji.n,
Mra. llii v Ul .1 hn mid,
Mm. C. Ii. W'nton,
MrJ Henry Urid;,
Minn Mury June Koovrr
Min Jennie. Mitchell,
Mlm Af-'iim I.nincn,
Mix Lutiina M org. in,
J imf Tliniii'ton,
Jottn Ihnn lloynh u,
Ai ilrew A Jillrinau,
Tnylor ltnwli'i,
A. O. Tm,
Jnlm A. IIpciI,
.inroh (lulirli,
Wiliinm Mliorl,
Wlllinm l'ullcrlon,
(leorfi) II. Hull,
i tin I!. Hoover,
j;ici,arj g, Carr,
Martin 11. Luther,
William Tucker,
(). V. llnrton,
Joneph M'Kee,
A. W.,
Jamci Wriyley;
John 0. Loraiue,
Joneph C. llrenner,
Hiram Woodward,
Jdin II. Hewitt,
Jaeub M. Kepler,
1'. A. Ua,iH:i,
AI. Oruhain,
II. W. l'urk,
Mrs. Lewis I. Irwin,
Mrs. John O. Loraiue,
Mrs. H. .1. Wallnee,
Mn. L. II. Merrcll,
Mrs. John F. Koto,
Mrs. J. U. Waher',
Mim Luey Lilian,
Min Alice llurrett,
Mi Burah Mellrioo,
Miss lioiiha Wright,
Miss ii. Ward.
Mips Mary aue Col
i Wiliinm 1'. Johnson,
j,lC0, JJat k,
ilo..i.l"W II. .U
LIUMU IV. Jl'lll,
John Lawcho,
S. P. WilKin,
1.1. W. Potter,
0. It,. Foster,
Milo lloyt,
Isaae (lout),
A. P. Iiarger,
Kllia Irwiu,
Samuel A.Caldwell,
Geo. W, Uullwell, il.D.
John ratton.
I William Ten Eyck,
Jainoa K. Caldwell,
J. IS. W alters,
Marshal L. W. TEN EYCK.
Chief of I'ollce Uon. WM. C. FOLEY.
Family tickets - - - $1 00
Single tickets, during Fair - 50
Binele admission tickets - 2
Children under ten years old, whon accompanied
by thoir parents or guardians, tree.
Checks will be civen at the door to persons
desiring to pans out during the exhibition, but
will not admit the holder to any otner jxtiiui
tion each balf day counting an exhibition.
The number and class, and the number in tho
class, with tho name of the nrticlo, will appeal
on the card attached; but the Dame of tbe ex
hibitor will not appear.
Premiums and diplomas will be paid on and
after tbe first Wednesday of November, and until
the 1st day of January, ISA", a'ter which all
money premiums unclaimed will be considered
as a donation tc tho Society. The officers of the
Society and members of the Committee of Ar
rangements will wear a bade designating thoir
ofliee, and it will be their duty as well as pleas
ure to attend to the expressed wishea and wants
of the exhibitor and others, if it ia in thoir
power to to do. A select police force will bo in
constant attendance for the preservation of order
and protection of property.
The trotting course is level, well graded, and
cno-'Jiird of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange
ments will be uiado lor the convenience of spec
tators. Children under ten years of ago not ad nlttod
unless accompanied by their parents.
Every porion wishing to be enrolled as a mem
ber of this Society inunt apply on or bef. re tin
Qrrt day of tho Fair, and on tho payment of one
dollar to the Treasurer shall receive a certificate
of membership, containing the name of tho ap
plicant and endorsed by the Secretary.
fcvery person bi-coiuing a member as above
stilted shall, on the presentation of his certificate,
receive a ticket which will admit biia free during
tbe Fair. Any pel son complying with the above
regulations and pavinS $ I U, shall become a life
member, and shall be exempt from all contribu
tions, and shall annually receive from the tec re
tary a free family ticket.
All persons must be provide! with tickets
wnitb cuu be nan rrom tun Executive loininutec,
Trcaurer or Secretary, or at the offico on tho
ground. I'ersons acting as judges are l ipected
to tecume members of the it'oeiety. Fersons from
ether counties can become members by comply
ing with the above rulea. Ladies can become
members by making application as above, and
payiag into the treasury lifty cccts, whon they
will receive a ticket to admit them free.
Exhibitors must became luouibors of the Soci
ety, and. have their animals and aniclos entered
on the Secretary's books on or before the 2d
day of October; ard all animals and articles,
except hor-es, must be brought within tbe en
closure as early as Wednesday, at 12 o'olom:, M.,
and all perrons eutering animals and articles for
exhibition w ill procure car-Is from the Secretury,
with the class and number of entry of said arti-
clc I'revloiu te plating said arliclo on the
ground, llay anu alraw will be luruisticU gratia
lor all aniniula entered for premiums, and grain
will be lurnithed at cost for liiuto that desire to
No horse shall be entered or allowed a premi
um unlesa he ia free from disease. llores will
be received nntil Wednesday noon, but mu.t be
entered previously. All persons who intend to
exhibit borsos, cattli, sheep or swine, or who
intend to offer stock or any other articlo for sale,
should notify the Secretary of such intention, on
or the 25th of optombor, and have with
him a lii-t and full description of the lame.
Fersons intending to exhibit blooded stock
must produce authentic pedigrees, and are earn
estly requested to furni.-h the Secretary, by the
; 24th of Kentciuber. with a list of their .lock and
tu, r.digrca of ,ach,
1 Preparation, of entries,
I ,eJ,.r,- :i. .,,. ,i
L. W1" 'ffr4 "
This will facilitate the
and in caso of dchcicnt
the owner time to correct
the same.
liiKtnirtlon lo Judge-. No animal to re
ceive an award in more than one clan.
Judges are expressly required not to award
nr.nkiiim.1.1 m... f.,.. i X' .. :
'. ,.iv,u,u n.e
tn h. i.. ,i t .
,ha ttrre.r to hlv, b Un,BeA ,.. , lhc
j claisol lat cattle, the object or the Society being
'lo hare superior animals of thia description for
! i ..i ti. i i
1 Th. Jadf!e M cattle will
I rtionUr attention to the animala rubmit-
iaJ .;,. a , ,
,vw riuii'tniu. 1,1 ii DenTa. ft i other
thlnrf . riiic; ei uhI, ihn are tho bektrmitlo tht
j httv thprirrfttfttwoipht ortr tb nmllottup3r-
Union. ThM IihI
to bo weithed, and will uae meusurea to Rive
the supettieies of eai b, and ublih the result
- Him uieir rrporis. xncy will also, before award-
tnjr any preuuums, rc(iure of the competitors full
siaiemcnia aa to I lie in miner and cost of feeilim
as required by the regulations of the nrow.utn
l:. .
W hen there ii but one exhibitor, although
be may show several animals in one class, onlv
oae premium will be awarded-that to the first,
or othorwise as tho merits of the animal mav be
judged. '
1 ho superintendent will take every rrocaution
on exnihition .Her thoi. arrival, and arrange
' ment on th. grounds, but will not be resi.ouMble
ur. Tbe So.
n ul attention
the close of
the Soaiutv
cannot take lurther cure of them,
Hulrtt of 1U. Iiijj The name of tho plow-
work will be three hours. The furrow .lie. i
j all eases to be hipped The (easts to start at tbe
same nme, ana each plowman to do bis work
without driver or other assistance. The promi.
urns offered by the Society will be awarded to
uie lnuiviuuais wnn, in tbe judgment of the
joommittee, shall do thoir work in the best man
ner! provided tho work ia dona io the time al
lowed for iU performance. Eaoh plowman is to
!?,n,?r "' in,n ' within th.1."
i rourth of n rred plowed each plowman will be
u' " bck f""d huua and
, Brln " w l0ll rurrow 'a 'be middlo.
I laformation riuire4 in rtgarJ to matters
r.f the Poelrly rsn V f slns.l by ,,,lr,,;r
FCMilh p Commit!" er lb Feersurv,
be pleased to gh any lul. ninsin n n,,lt '
r at any lime.
Any art lei nnl eniiinpia t4 In thsl.n
and placed upon tthilulion, if wortbj of m
Will be suitably awardsd.
Tha Kiecuti Committe reserve a I,.
tlnfiitr tinwnr tA nwpril Ili tilo.i. in -. -
second best article, or for articles not njti.j,
preiniii.ns oy ine ruies.
All articles way be entered free tf ft,
except horsut for ploasuro, and for the tro:
Fall Good!
New aid Very Cheap!1
QIIOWEU3 4 GI1AIIA.M respectiullv
nounco to the public that they are now ojn
..i; hi. ciiui a ve assorimeni ot
At tbe old aland In Graham's new Building- wli'
they oiler to sell at astonishingly low unci
(considering thoir cost !) for cash or appruil
oil country prouuee. xuwtr biock oi
Customers can there find
AND VARIETY, emlracine
bcuris ! Head-Nets ! Neck-Tics
featt-helH! i'ort JUonnaies linmhoa
rhotOL'raohic Alhuma !
Or anything else in tho Notion Line!
uce ns ware,
All of th oualitv. and selected with si,r;,,l
regard to the trade of Clearfield county.
JO.-tl'JI e. MlOWhltS,
Clearfield, Eept. 26, lSliG.
farmTrs, merchants,
Look lo your Interests !
g. s.'flegal,
Phlllpsburg;, Ceutrc rounty, I'enn'a,
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware,
Ar OL'LD rospectfully inform his friends and
II the puhlio Kenernlly. that bo baa opened
LAK3E SALE-KOOM3 in the borough of Phil-psbiir-,
Va., fur the manufacture and aale of
Miivra and Tlu and Slicef Irmi 'are. of
every description, manufactured from the best
material, and
Sold at the lowest Cash Prices.
Merchant! dcsi'lnr to purchase will find it te
their advantao to examino my atock before pur
chasine; elsewhere.
r-r-A!l orders for PPOCTIXO and OTIIEll
WORK will bo attended to on the SH011TKST
VI ) M I M iT!t A TH ' N i I I C li.-Xotiea
is hereby piven that Lettors of Adminii.
tration have this day been prantcd to the under
sicned, on the Estate of Nicodenuis Sollidar,
doo'd., lute of llra-ly township, t'lcarDcld coldU,
I'enn'a. All persons knowing themselves io
debtedto said estate are rciueeied to make im
mediate payment, and those having claim)
ap.'iinst the same, w ii! present thorn dmy authca
I cutc.l for settlement.
.iri.rrs a. Trr.rn.
J! U 11 ALL rIlAn'LR.
Sept, 12, ISfni.-r.t. Adiiii:iit-iitor.
Attention, Scldiers.
VI.I. SOLDI P.ltS l)K lr,I-' J-T..1 are
entitled to nn IM'lU'ASKll I'iiI NTV.
TIki iindcrKipncd is prepared to collect all s...k
llonntics, as well a the im-r. ax-d pay to Soldi-n'
Wi'.ows, All inquiries and cotmnu!ii..itioiis an
swered promptly. IlNch.-irgr rc-eipted for. Tort
Offiee adilress, Curwcnfville, Pn.
Accidents 1 Accidents!
North American Transit Insurance Co,
1'iinoipal Cfficc, l.tll S. ii'u Su, l'bil'a,
( liartcrrd !arrli 30.
Capital ------ 5tiO.Kil
rMlF. only Aoc.i.lent Insurance Company of
1 Pennsylvania,. .
Annual Policies Issued analnst all Accidents
at exceedingly low rates. Insurance effected in
any sum from J.iOO to $10,0110. No medical ex
an ination required. Compensation given each
week in rase of injury.
Thia company has paid many losses, promptly
and eatii-faclorily, and its Officers and I'irectora
are widely and favorably known throughout the
OirtcERs Louii L. Houpt, President.
Henry O. Ilrown, Secretary.
James M. Conrad, Treasurer.
E. S. Keeler, (ieneral Agent.
rtRK Tona 1-ewis L. Iloupt, Late (i en'l Ticket
Agent Peun'a Railroad Co.; Matthew llaird, firm
of M. W. Haldwin A Co. Pbilad'a ; Fnmuel C.
Palmer, Cashier Commercial Nat Itank, Phil'a;
Kirhard Wood, firm Wood, Marsh llarward,
No. Still Market at, Phil'a ; James M. Conrad,
firm Conrad A Walton, Market at, I'hiiad'aj
J. K. Kingsley, Cuiitiiieiilnl Hotel, "
II. U. Leisenring, 2:!7 A 2; tf Hock at, "
Oeorge Martin, firm .Martin. Toy 4 Co, No. 312
Chestnut at. Phil'a ; Enoch Lewis, la'e General
Sup't Pa. Tiailroad ; (1. C. Eranciccus, Uencral
Agent Pecn'a Railrnml Company.
1'olicica issued and infortoation furn-shed by
JOHN L. CL'XTLE, Agent, Cleaifield. fa
Wheaton's Ointment.
will cmr Tits i-rrti in 48 liot tss.
Aleoeurea 8 ALT KIIEI V. T.LCKHS. CI1II.
11LAIN8, an I all EKl PT10NS OF THE SKIN.
Price 60 rente. For rale by all drurglsts. Uj
ending 0 c-nta to M KEKS A P01TEK, Pol
Agent, 170 Waerfngton street, ltosu.n, it will
o. lorwarueu ny mail, rre of postage, to any
part of th. United States. Jun. 1.1, '06-1 yr.
) for aale at lUrtrwlck t Irrin', Clraraeld Pa.
'I .
; .1