Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 19, 1866, Image 3

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' Oefrt.
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.1 fVii.
I-AWRtNrn Tr . Sent. S.
a v,.qrTt.i.i.ftn,Tii,nl. 1 nu.r.i.rmo piuh i am
.ra is a s-r ..r ..s .... . u ....... I, UllKl lUnrl.
m'-ris nun iiiinru im a- ' ., s-.. a,.,t, efth Commnnwr.lin ol imn.y It
Sheriff's Sales.
o ."ending, shall he dl guiltf ef sais.l
- ....I ...tfl,.ln Iheraitf. la an. eotirt
.f .' I... M Ihl. .nrrmon.r.lh. hull. lit VIlUt K '. Writ "f '" ' ". I"'l I
. . IV ml. r .r i',. i, ,.i i'i...
.n ., - . ft it l.. r..,-. ... 1- ....... ... I... tli.ii .... ........ ......i.i. ii.. . j. ...... I r... ..... it.... k. ft,nlshft in l.ka Manner at 1
ioine Mtviroune ji,msmin iJovrnn: ' rum-funy , imm mv ,m mmi a. .n ..,,..-..,.. ... ,,..,.,. . .-, ,.,, ,,.,, t ,,,,, i.n,i i. .tcen d. th.n iii i
rrm idRii in imp i.rrrr-iiiiM hh iumi - mv . - ----- -
Xss meetings!
iitc Freemen, to your Posts
Sm ; In tho last issue nf vnnf tin. steamer Fulton, IS (110 Jlon. . Aft-
ncr. in rcadine the list of the names ricr. brother of Lord Napier, late
(of soldiers belonging to tlio (Jeary Hriiish Minister to the United State.
Club of tins place. I find my name, ile intends to seme permanently in
ou will please w.lbdraw it, as I can- me nuca maies n winner.
not support n party that considers a
Election within Ihit Cnm.nonwe.llh," it ll en
State or States out of the Union, hav
innr nlwni'O Irk1,t nn1 f,-isi t f.-i li i
III" HI t IM D ill I utiu IVUUb IUI HIV I
(doctrine that no State had any right
'New Oilcans telegram fays : "tuner-
!nm W ell' rvrnelniriiit ion Orderm"" 1111
TTJTtrn i Tur iiMiftM i 'doctrine that no oiato hau any rignt " " . ,.. ., , .
l0!l, CLYMER & THE UNION ! ... . , noncoahlror ho fow-ed elocliou on tl.C 3d oi September, to
nTTn'l Conservatives out o( the Union ; and Twill not sup- i the convention, in the unrepresentoU
M.UOCratN J"1 I UllSU,,lllU! Lorl General Geary.orany other n)a'n;pnnshes, has been totally dma.ded.
f Ai.ain.-t ;i;t ,.,t-;i nnii- ci.!o election has been held.
f ... - . . .,! , l I II
L r.l,f ilu- '("!. ivrtmionf n-l tn i nion ; country "Bliysiers, COWBTOS, hKUlKCrs,
I"Jth.M . JUm " " j hospital bummers," &c
-HV.'Vur' w. k.) die 2,.h of S.'j.ti.m.KT. , ...tfllv ' p 1
I.'r.r"iij-8' ,l:- i"uw of th" T'c . m JtSrTho nboro note
-N.VII.lL Weilii-l;Tcvtnin2. Si jil.19
ri'l.-y. si-jit. .1, i
r YVII.LK. wii-day. al
if - isVH.I.I-. '"" at
?i V-IL'l., tlriu"i.) Saturday.
crt. 22
I F W 'IIN'C.TON", nine U t 7 . m.
" t'.r.Kriis. hx-Uov. UiRler. X. L. Atwoo.l. T.
WultiT IlaiTvit, tiiqs., nd Vr.
was handed to-
tho editor of the Journal last week,
but, for sonio reason unknown to us,
he refused to publish it.
An Immense Bhipoe. The Victoria
o , ruhlle n.,lic, of .urh .ler.lun. lb. .I.,M U,(ul b.l!..l. or b.llot. ! lb r. ph nf Cl.yfirlJ ,m Mo1( ny ll,c
wl rr. I '. b, hrl.l, unJ Ih. oll r.r. l b. olrctvll. I Sfcli..i 4. Tlmt II ny person .hall ! 'i Ull day ;l Hr-lr mbrr, IH,l M I o H.h b.
TimnrK.-nK, t, Jiroa A. Ki.t. Ilith Sheriff 'rr.u..l., or mtvl-. any .fr...n or !'. - P oll-li.d df.oti brd Kr, . to il :
f Clr-rtloM rounlv. d.. hereby r.v. l'ul.lio No- ,rivd of cilir,.hiP, and rfi.,u.lind at .lrf. A corOiin Ijarl of U.-, iiu. In I Ik torn
lico lo ll.. clerl..r.'f bo county of l le.tfi,.!,!, 'tM, (Ter any ballot, or b.liolt, to th. omccr. , I Ic.rfirld count,- I . hcMnnin, at a h.t.
(hat a cncr.l election lll b. h. d on Ih. Ur.c- ;o( any rlcction, bcrcalt-r to b. held in'thlt co.n- , ok, tbinc. north ninety f ur j.crcb-t to pM s or O.-r.-i.tR pT, lb Vih i mot.wm.Hh, r tball pornudo, or advi,., any , co eaU five , to a hem lor k i aut.tli
,i .h. mm,.!, I .1,. ....r.l elMiiun (In- !..h nTorr to rcccltt any ballot , or ballot., from forty-three pcrrh, lo white enk ; cu.t.wcnly.
met. In county,. I which litu. and pl.c. t ny pert'.n dcP"d of l..., act d.t.iu.ll-; two pen u . . nu j wm ,w. j .,rn
U,o nu..lilk'd voter, will vote- '.fleil a- aforctai.l. trh J rrfon ro oflendlnR. .I..II percho. lo tl.o pl.c. or beK.nnln : e..t,t...nloff
lor one perM.1. tor lovernor of llic Com- be guilty of a rni.iemeonor, and upon conviction "In. ncr.t .and tuty nr. percl... ...d al ow.ne0.
moi.wrnllh of I'entivlvnnia. ,thereor, iny court of quarter teflon or th.. hcod, taken In execution, and to b. told u. ti.
niotiweiillll 01 I etlhf) iviinm. ..,ll h i.nninl.ed in like manner rrnncrty ef A. Honl.
I- or ore penoii to 11.6 countiei BrnrldB(i L th, ,econ,, ,fPli.n of thi. act, Auto, on. other trvl of land, tlluat. In Morria
01 1 timeron. Ulriitliel.l, iak, j.ritr.roip.i. i . r ffi of ,u,.h ci8Ction rociviue
.'rlleison, McKenn ami warrpuin i tie . , , ow ful httUlll or i,luia.
House of I'LPiireseutalivesof the United Notice Is further hereby
HndgO over thO l iver i names at Ij.U- ,Kormil,rersonlo r,rment(t,eicouhliMOf .hall bold an olllc. or appointment or tru.tundor
tall per.on except Justices of tho Peace, who
townchip, ClenrfloM county, Pa., bounded and
docribed n. lollnwn, to wit : ili'innin; at stone.
clvcn. That I at tho northwest corner: thence by land of
Edward Bates and tue President.
Imprcfsicc Scene. One of the
most interesting events connected
with the Btay oi' the President in St.
Louis was the occasion of his visit to
. rr the Wane of the meeting" will t.c the venerable ex-Attorney deneral
of t In-. I nited Stntos. lion, r.dward
j.Jal.U l'.liU-G f....ml1,y, fcopt. at l p. m. W , g .
. Mine oay, e!
i'ji.i;V'r .-CllM'-'L. Iinr;F.. nn.eilny, Tp. ra. It i known to most of our citizen, that the
-' . fr.-' i'r - " rii -of nir-. tmi1 bve been agreed J,enlth of Mr. Bate is vcrT prccariou". lie in
i'l it i- lu'i'c-t the Caniinittoe of Viji-, guifcrinj; from a iliseu.e of the lunpt that is linblc
tersea. is nine hundred and twelve feet
long and one hundred thirty-two feet
wide It is the widest railway bridge,
in the worid. It will have four rail
way tracks.
2 r in tiie n-pcetire boronpb and mwnhips In jto produce death ut almost any hour. On Funday
-h th.-y are to be lul.l. w ill be particularly nt onP oVlocli, Rewniins to previous
if in britu'ins atpout
a r..r -.,.d inceti.ic.
er V im-.ri ,1 v. ti" u ... ... ... , larv , 1 1, , mm mill I mm yiry vTjij,-., , i iti- ii"tn
locaimc. rut named In of Mr. Date.. The latter teemed much affected on
we tt i I! be thankful it they will in- ' .oein- hit ditiiiEninlied afnintc, and tiiHtikeil
e. At lea-t two of the aforenamed . t1Pm mot frclinirlv for their visit to one;
tho ncces
iccetsary arranse-' taplain James U. Kudu called at the Lindell Ho
ld any one of our t,. fr t. President, SeiTitary t-eward and Kccrc-
J. T to hold loc-tir? in
. ' .. . - r.-' v, ivill be
a. at :
A Contradiction. It has lccii ru-
norcd in ditfercnt sections of the c-oun-
that the Agricultural Fair was
F.rstponcd l'"r thi reason, ue are
retpifSted by the olliccrs to contradict
:he report, and to state that the Ex
ecutive Committee arc making nil the
necessary arrangements to make the
exhibition a success.
nktr will oe prvwm ai u
Ut o.-Jer m the lcinoervtie Cenuulltcc.
(i. B. UOiil'L ANL'Kit, Chairman.
Hair Bestorer is
See aJvertise-
t-2-Lindi'9 new
i.r sale at Watson's.
; wat a ilying; man. He rpuke, however, w ith
; the grcate.-l che. i -fuln'wt of bit cxM-cUd ditwiln-;
I tin. Having hv,d three .corr year. and thirteen,
he had had thme more years than be wat entitled
'to. Mir remarks to Mr. wrre cxeeedinsly
i touching. He had never expected t tee him .live
' ..rain, and this wat lust ao much clear gain for
Mr. Wellet lie addressed at one who wat nonr to
him by tiet of friendship and mutual tri.l beyond
what he could exiirest. tic tpokc to tnc rrcs.neni
. one who h.d a cri-ater wcicht of caret and re-
snniibilitiet than nv nov men in the ntt.on, ami
tuauki-d Hod for belirvinp; that he wat one of the
most worthy that could bate liecn .elected to per
form 1ns ohlisatioDt to tho whole eouutry.
The I'retident at purtinj nssttred Mr. P.ates that
hit Ui-t interview with him in WaMiinpton w
I're-h in hi nieniorr. at well as each word of pooil
advice and cncoiiraseincnt be had then (,'iven lul...
and that he eonld not cypress the pleasure it pave
of h vine it in his power now to do himself the
h'ini.r ol culling to tee him.
The parting of Mr. rates and Mr. frcwarl was
extwlinzlv toi.rtiinj, hut the kind words of each
cannot le recalled. The ere. of both were moist
ncd. and the deep feelings with which all four of
these "tati-sinca were nll.vte.1 win lone ix
rrnici.iU'rid bv thos whs witnewd their faiewcll
visit lo the revered ud honored patriot of Minsouri
Music Store.
H M. G REENE has opened liis Mu
J . sic Store, one door west of W.
Lewis' Hook Store. where ho keeps conslnntlvon
hand Pteinwuy A Pons' and Gacl.le't 1'iano Man
ufacturing Company'! Pianot, Mason 4 Hamlin's
Cabinet Organs nnd Car hart, Needhum it- Cot'
Molodeont j Ouitark, A'iolins, Kifct, Flutot;
Guitar and Violin strings.
Jlcsic Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower,
Golden Conser, Golden Trio, Ac, Ao.
Shkft Mi'stc Ho It constantly receivinK
from Philadelphia all the late!t music, which
person, at a distance wishing, can order, and
have ent them by mail, at publisher', pricor.
r-Piano. and Organs Warranted for live
y"r- .". . . . ... ,
Those wishing to tvt.y any oi tl.e armve
art invitd tneall and examine mine before pur
chasing elsewhere. My price, .re the tame as
in New York nnd Philadelphia.
Circular, of Instruments sent promptly upon
application with any additional inform. lion de
ured, 11. M. OHEKNK,
II 1 11 street, lliint.ngon, ra ,
One itoorwest of Lewis' Hook Store,
or Mis. K. A. P. RIXPFR. Clearncld.
Dee. , lS8ilf Agent for Clearfield co Pcnn a.
A Freih Lot of
Alto, a superior article of
All siies an.l extremeiT low. f jejfl
p1.HI. LASH'S Improved Kive Holler
to the publie as the cheapest, tiiuplo-t and ; a'n -" I
Ck'iirlit'ld.Klkattd Forest in the lloueot
Kepreventntive of this Comtnonwealih.
For two iPtson for the ollice of Ajsociute
Judofa of Cleutlicld county.
For one j.prson for the office of Coinoiin-
tioner of Gum (it'll county.
For one j enon lor theotlice of Auditor of
Clem lidd cotiniy.
Tin' electors of the county of Clearfield
will lake notice that the t,id goncrul elec
tion will be al held the following places,
At the Union Hotel, in Glen Hope for
Bi'iH'arin townahip.
At the house of Asejih F.llias for Bell
At the house of the late James Bloom,
senior fur lilooni township.
At the house of Edward Albert for
Uogjis tewnbhip.
Ai the house of Jacob Tierce for I5tad
ford township,
A! the house of Wm. Scliwem, in Lu
thursburj:, lor lirady townthip.
At Young's School house lor Durnside
At the public school bouse near Simon
UorabaUith for Chert township.
Al the Court Hotue for ihe borough oi
At the house of J. Maurer for Coving
ton townstitp.
Al the house ol t lie late itsac i.oom,
for Curwetisvi.le borough.
At Centre t-chool-houee for Decaturlp.
At the hu-sof John Gregory lormi-i ly
occupied by Thomas I!obion (Broadway)
for Ferguson township.
At the house of J, 1. Bundy for Fox
A l Congress Hill school-house for Gi
rard township.
At the public school-bouse for Goshen
A it he house of Jacob Hubler for Gra-
A Disgraceful Scene. We cannot
iiltinrlv characterize; tho indignity
and insult that were offered to the
President of the United States nt Iu
diauapolis. It wa not only disgrace
ful to the persons who proved them
selves so lost to respect and decency,
but it was disgraceful to tho city which
permitted the outrage, and to tho po
litical party to which the Indianapolis
mob belong. It is lamentablo indeed
if our country has approached so near
to the point of anarchy that its Chief
Magistrate tho successor ol i-sii
ingtt.n, Jackson. Lincoln, und the rest
most efficient W.sbins Machine in the country.
The exclusive right for th. tale of this ma
chine in your own State or county can bu tooured
bv applying soon at our ttrc,71'7 Market Mreot,
Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. LASH A Co.
Also, the best Clothe! Wringer in the market.
Wholesale and retail.
very liberal discount to country mer
chant! and dealen generally. Jo.OfWt
Maouiacturerf of
Tur lb. foiled Sta'es Perriee.
Also. Pockot a.d Belt Revolver.. Ilepeating F'n
tolt. Rifle Canes, Revolving rifle, Uille .ad
f hot Gun b.rrcls, .n I gun material,
generally. Sold by Gun Dealers
and the trade generally.
In (hrso dnyt of house breaking and robbery,
every house, store, bank and offic. ihould hav.
one of
Ilion. New York.
No. n, Courtli.nd street. New York.
Cireu-lars, cont.ining cut. and description or
-cannot pass peaceably through it. I " " ' b fu.i.,1h'1 1u.K",!,'li?!,.a"'
, wuiiikt inai, lis: ii I'iiyiuu oiiu
political hatred run so high, the re
maining old statesmen of tho Jack
sonian era should come forth from
political rctiracy to uso their cfTorts
in stemming tho tide- oi radicalism.
It is not a long step from such scenes
as were enacted at Indianapolis to the
Head Off." Tho announcement ,.
of the removal of S. B.liow, as special
agent of the Post Oilico Department.
j made in the paper said Bow owned
and controlled during the campaign
of ISvO, when A. Lincoln was elected
President. We would like to know
to whom S. B. Bow was indebted for
the influence which caused his ap
pointment? Will the writer of the
item above alluded to pleaso state
whether tho '-pitiful medium" was not
"tho best friend'' Hi: Bow had ? And
if "Senator Cowan" did not urgo and
obtain the appointment for him ? In-
1 -V- . ' A .
graiituiiC is a oase crime, .-sever nut;
the that has fed and sustained
you fr six years. It won't pay as
well as tho special agency did. Si-
lenca would have been best as to the
f Mill IJi fS.
The D!nnion leaders have, times
cut ol number, repeated that the Dem
ocratic party was dead. This btale
falsehood they will realize to their ut
most discomfiture within tho next
few weeks. No party leaders have
prcr resorted to tlio s.imo means to
, , . . ., . r 'duty of every temperate citizen to uso
miMcad and deceive their followers so 3ji)(iuon J J.
terribly, as those of the Disunion rar" spirit of turbulence which is now so
y. Deception, falsehood and negro 'prevalent, and also to aid in restoring
equality arc their whole stock in trade,; tho Union to its normal state of peace
and through this channel they expect a"J harmony. AVw York .v;i.
to accomplish their darling object Chekiuno Signs Everyday brings
disunion nnd irretrievable ruin. additional proofs, that the friends
We have FKcnt the "rcatcr Hart of of the President and his policy will ! travelling p..blie.tht the house ha. beenrefitted
" 1 i , i i .... ... ....... . ... !.. .1... j.iil.n.l rsfi rnishnd f,,r tha entertainment of his
- : , .... . l ,t:. staiiil snouiuer to Kiiouiaer in iiiu la.i - .,, , , , . ..r
iS in the Till at 11S- , . Hit table will be rurinslied with every.
At llieput.ltc school house in Janesville
forUulieh township.
Al the house of Jesse Wilson for Hus
ton towuship.
At li e put.lic school-houfce in Ansonville
for Jordan township.
At lit idgen's school hou.e for Karlhaus
At the Turkey Hill school-bouso for
Knox township.
At the Court Houso in tho borough of
iCleiu field for Lawrence township.
At the public school-house Jor Lumber
City borouicb,
Al thu.Lnu.o formerly occupied by
Thos, Kyler for Morris township.
At tho public shool-houso for tho bor
ough of New Washiopton.
For O.-cenlr., al the public House ol
II il o lloyl, in ni J boroufth.
At the Lotel formetly kept by W. W.
Andeieon for Tenn tonship.
At the house of Isnnc Itloom, deceased,
in the borough of Curweosville, for Fike
At the house of P. E. Urubaker for Un
ion township.
At the bouse of Tbos. Henderson for
Woodward tos nship.
Save Your Money
Something New.
The nndcrsigned perin.r.fntly eng.ged
scene SO eloquently ptrtra ed by Cb-I in the manurctureor.ll kinds ol voclen lioons, which w as depicted "a land h"f f '?V i,nI,'"n'P'
' -,i I e , , . . TUT. CARDING AM) 1 l l.IIXf;
rent with evil feuds or Bu,ine will .1,0 reeeiv. e.pecal ..ten.ioo .t
may be, in fraternal blood. there urhndt. The public are invited to giv. u. a
i ihincer ahead wdion WO SCO Pitch rail, or address ut by letter,
c;no tl,r,E nll..,lo,l in nr., I tho f:w 1 b answered prnmplly
the eovornaient of the L nited Slate., or of thif
State, cr of any incorporated district, whether a
commissioned olllcer or otherwise, a subordinate
oftiter or .gent, who is or shall be employed un
der tho Legislative Kxeeutive or Judieiul do
nartments of this Slato or of the United Statu.,
or any city or incorporated district, and alto
that every tnatnber ol Congress, or oi me ctaie
Legislature, or of tho common or reluct council
of any city, or commissioner ofuny u...rjiurated
district are by -law lneapanie ot nowing or
exercising, nt the same time, the office or ap
pointment of Judgo, Inspector or WtrK o: any
election of this Common wealth.
Ihe Return Judge, of th. respective dittrictt
..foresaid are requested to timet nt the Court
Houso. in the borou -h of ClearlUld, on the first
Friday next .Iter the said second Tuesday of
Octolicr, then and there to do those things re
onired of then, by law.
G1VKX under iny band and seal, at CloarAald, I
v. n thit twelfth day of Beptcmbcr, in
f KKAt, h( yeaT of our Lord ono thousand oi, ht
O-hiin'dred nnd sixty-six. and of the In
dependence of th. t'nited Stnts the ninetieth.
JAC-HI A. FAi:.ST. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sales",
1)Y VIUHiK of sundry writ, of leadVlt'oat
) Kjh'i' issued out enhz curt of Common
Plea, of Clearfield crunty. and to me directed,
there will be exposed to PUBLIC KALE, at the
Court House in the borough of Clearhelo, on
Monday, the aith day of Keptciuber, lmw.
at I o'clock, p. to., the following described Real
Ketute, to wit:
A certain tract nf land situate in Beccari.
townihip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded east
by land, of Groom A Co., north by Joseph
Bergs, south by Cle.rli.iu vreeK, containing
about one hundred end fifty acre belted,
taken in executien. sod to b. told at th. prop
erty of Henry W. Killmur.
Also, a certain tract of land tituate in Jor jun
township, Clearfield county, Ta., boundod on the
east by land of Robert Patterson, south by land
ot Peter P.tterson, west by l.nds of John Glat
gow, and north by land of John McNeal, con
taiuing about one hundred and ten ocrci lixty
fne acre, cleared, and having a log house nnd
barn erected tbcreon. t iiiied, tiikeu in execu
tion, and to be told at Ihe property of David
Robiptcn and Tbotnat Robinson. s
Also, two certain tractt of land filnate In
Knrthaua township, tlearoeld county. Pa., one
thereor bounded cast by laud of Edward Mo-
Garvey, south hy land of J.eob Michaels, and
west and north by landt of John Vought, con
taining ten acret being all cleared, and bavmg
a frame house and log barn erected thereon : the
other thereof hounded east by land of James
Kouoh, touth by UPver Jloore, west and north
by land, of Isa.e McCloskey, containing one
hundred arret beingnnimproved. Seired, taker,
in execution, .nd to be told at the property ol
William Michael.
Also, a certain trnct of I.nd .lluate In Hoggs
township, Clearfield county, P.., bounded on lhe
east, west aud north liy l.odt ot James u. ora j
ha'u, end on tb. aotitb by land of Jacob,
containing eleven acres with one and one-half
acre, cleared, nnd h.ving a .mail frame bouse
and stublo erected thereon, peireil, taken in
execution, .nd to be .old ss the property ot
Bnoch U. Gray.
Also, a tract or land situate In Morris
township, Clearfield county, ft., bounded by
land, ol John Will on tb. east, on the south by
iani of Peter Schw.rU, on th. wett by land ol
John Ho-kenbury, and on the north by hinds ot
Z.chariah Jones, containing sixty two acres
with forty live acret cleared, and a log house
and barn erected thereon, Seired, taken in ex
ecution, and to be told at the property of John
Also, a certain tract of land tituste in Wood
ward township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded
on the south by land or S. f hofl". west by Innd ot
Gratz, touth eigbty-nino degrees, east one hun
dred and forty-livo perches to ttonej, by chest
nut ; tht-nce by land, of Samuel and John
Hoover, couth one degrco west one hundred nnd
seventeen perclict to ttonee; thence by land of
Uratt, north eighty-nine degree!, went ono hun
dred and furty-liv. perches, to stones; thence
hy land of the same, north one degrco, tuat ono
hundred und seventeen the place of bo
ginning; containing one hundred acres and the ullowanco of six per cent for roads, Ac.
rjeit-d, taken in execution, and to Lo told at the
property of John Strasser, W illiuMi Zimmerman
and Surah Zimmerman.
WlJidders will tnko notice that 13 percent,
of tl.e purchase money must he paid when the
property is knocked down, or it will bo put up
again for sale. JACOB A. FA IIS f,
Si. Kiui .'s Omen, I la'aeriff.
Clearfield, Pa., August 22, J J
hen all inquiries
The Post Offine
j .... .. .itiiv r.i-i i tti-v wnni.KX K ac.
. . I . .. .I-
should noi do uisiruisea. ii is me tory is G.AiiriA Hn.i ... cie.rfi.-id co., p..
Tenn tp., June 4, mo.-pd.
I,. W. TKN KYCK. PimrnirTon.
riIIK undersigned, having become proprietor
JL of Ihe above hotel, wishes In five notice to .
the ritiion. of this county, at well at to the
bboff, and north nd east by township roads.
containing alout one torin or an acre, .nil nav
ing a large frame house nnd stable erected
thereon. Weired, taken In execution, and to be
told at the property of Kanty Henderson.
A a certain tract of land titunte in I'enn
township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded cast
by land of Reed A Weaver, touth ly hindt of
B. Fenlon nd 8. Derrick, west and north by
landt of K. Fenton, eonttinlng about one hun
dred and tlx .ere with forty .cret cleared and
h.ving a frame house and log barn erected
thereon. Soiled, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the properly of George L. Fullerton.
Also, a certain tract of land situate In Chest
ounded on the
Stnc.'l nn tre
south, II. H. llurd on the west, and illiam
Wood on the north j containing abnt fifty acres,
.-.l.w.t iniio n milter luirlv
trkts of the county, and wherever we they wi,h ilcrcU)fur0( tt
encountered tl.tir prnjecU or tnen, common enemy and a common catis-e
the sar.-.e thing always revealed itself, will induce every true patriot to make
but in the bhape of a masked batten-, any sacritieo to restore tho Union,
, , . i . ,i nnd save tho country front another
n, I m.-.rn ime iiinl f.'i ent H waste in . J . . . .
attempting to niisjead and deceive the
honest yeomanry of the country, than
in attempting to h' .'tl the wounds in
flicted by fanatics on the body politic.
thing th. market affords. At his liur will be
found the best brands of alt kinds of Liquors.
GOOD STAIILIXil attached, and none but
careful hostlers employed.
jyirtr U W. TEX EYCK.
If.ORFST HOI 'SE Hloom tnwnthm.
(liiNta T. HiwM, J'ropriclor.
Thit large and eominodiout House ii J
nn the turnpike, T mil, west of Curwensrills,
.nd A mile. st nf l.uthoribiirg. The froprio
ter will spare no effort to make hit guests com-
;,,, I tonaoie ana meir s.y win. nun ,ii-si;ini, ai.n
j. nine i-ui '"" ,ieroby expects toreeeiv.a liberal share of pub
war. l he iron neei 01 jaiiaueisin in
its mad career is now attempting to
crush out Stato rights, and if success
ful it will soon seek to extinguish
State lines
looked 1'u,t c,orna' v'ila'co wa8 i""'00 f
The I'olitical
brighter to our yiow than at
writing. The Democrats arc active (,f the. country will rally against any
lilo-rtvit is nt. tho nroncnt lnoinont.
this' - i.;i;.,.- n.o, ,'ntn;,rrni inn 4oa
nud di'.lirrent. end of couris' all in favor attempt at centralization
of the Union and Constitution, while','"' (-v- Y ) fi''1'
the enemies of loth are divided in
lie patronage.
Dec. SO,
ptlvsHI'IbM) ACAIIKM Th. exer
V J rise of this Inttitolini will be resumed on
AX ACT regulating the moJe of voting stall
elcctiuns in the several counties of this lotn
monwealth. 'J
Ssrvios) 1. Ur il runrtrJ by the Senate and
House ol representatives of th. Commonwealth
or Pennsylvania tn General Assembly met, and it
is hervbj enacted by the authority of ihe tame.
That the qualified voters of the several count ci of
this all pene'ral, township, boro'
an 1 special elections, are hereby, herealter au
thorised and required to vote, by tickets, printed,
or written, or p.rtly printed and partly written,
several y classified as follow. : Due lieket shall
embrace the nainet of all Judges of count voted
for, and to be labelled, autside, "judiciary j" one
ticket shall embrace tie names of the ttatc
officers volet lor, ani ne laneneu, .rate , one m f, Md cuntv ,
tiskct .lull embrac. the name, of all county, ',,,?, ,.M1ninpton, John S
,,n.,-srt voted for. including office of senator., . ,, ... .
member, and member! of etsrinbly, if voted for,
. . v . if ......l r .. i i..
.,,,1 o, nF.r, , ...... ., ,,... cU.rvd, and having
name, or all .ownsb p officer. , voted or, and be , execution, and to be told a, the
h'" r"o".Pi T ' Pt ? r ?' Properly of Willi.... W. Wilson.
tb. name, of all borongh ofneer. voted fr. .nd P V defendant', interest in a certain
l,.l.bellea".,orougu; ...u races, , Decatur township, Clsar-
deposited In separate ballot boxet. ! field Pa., conta ning about sevenly-live
Sr.'. 2. I SI .1 sua., op i n- noi j oi inr sncrius , . . , i u. - j
.ii... . i.l .. 1 acres, having a log house and log barn erected
,n the several coyni.e. o .u.. vo, ,.,,..Dwr.,,n, so tfi ,,,, fortv
msertln tne.r election , r.-.mi,o, UCreai,er r,,reJ ,nd hounded, vi. t on the touth
Ft. inker of the House of
Speaker ol the Senate.
Approved, Ihe 30th day of March, A. D. lSfifl.
A. (I. Ctunv.
Whoreos. Vf the art of the Congress of the
TJnitrd Sutes, entitled "An Act to amend the
several art. heretofore passe 1 to provide lor the
enrolling and railing out the national forces,
nd for other Mirt.o.os," and approved March
third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, I
.1. n hn hare dosorled the military or
" iWV
naval service of the United Sta'cs, and who have i I ?
not been discharged, or relieved from Ihe penal- J.)
ity or disability therein provided, are deemed
ntriliatr.AS, Hon. SAMUEL LIXX, Pres-
y ident Judge ol the Court of Common Pleas
of the twenty fifth Judicial District, composed of
U.e countiei oi ciearliclit, Ctentre nni Clinton
ami the ton. W.M. C. FOLEY and lion. JXO. D.
lliil.Vl'.SOX, Associate Judges of Clearfield n.)
have iaaued their precept, to me directed, for the
holding of a Court of Common 1'loa.s, Orphau's
Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer
und Terminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery,
at tl.e Court House nt Clearfield, In and for Ilia
euut.ty of Clearfield, on tl.e fourth Moniay
(2 Itli tlaj ) of epteml)Cr, JMUG
IsOlIth Is, therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices of tho Peace, and Constables,
in and lor raid cotinty of Clearfield, to appear ia
their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records,
inquisitions, examinations, and other Remem
brances, to do those things which to their ofiicot,
and in their behalf, pertain to be done.
GIVEN under my bond at Clearfiold, thit 22th
day of June, in the yenr of our Lord on
thousand eight huudred and sixty-six.
EiiBmrr's Ornca, I JACOB A. FAUST.
Clearfield, Aug. 2(J,lsen.J
REGIXTKK'S MiTICb-Xolire is hereby
given that the following account, have been
ex j.iini-d and passed hy me, and remain filed of
record ill this ofiice for the inspection of heirs.
legatees, creditors, and all others in any way
interested, end will be presented to the next
UiphanV Court of Clearfiold county, to bo held
at the Court 11 .use I.. th. borough of Clearfiold,
commencing on the fourth Monduy of September,
IStifi, for confirmation and allowance:
1. The final account of Chris itn Korb, guar
dian of Christiana More inc. minor.rliiM of Con.
red Morewine, late of Rrady towosliip. Clearfield
county, deceased.
2. The account of Thomas Mchaflvy, guardian
of Henry Clay I'earee, minor child of Jonathan
Pearce, late of Chest towasbip, Clearfiold county,
.". The account of Thomas Meliu.C'v, gonrJi.n
of II. M. Pcaiee, minor child of Jonathan l'carce,
late of Chest township, Claarlield county, dee'd.
4. The Ileal account or John Rorabangb,
guardian of Catharine Pearce, minor child of
Jonathan Peareo, late ot Chest lonnhip, Clear
field county, deceased.
5. The final acount of Jolm Rorsbangh,
guardian or Joanna Penrce, minor child of Jona
than Pearce, lato of Caer.i towctliip, Clearfield
county, deceased.
S. The account or llartwirk F.nck. aJininUtra
or or the estate of Chariot E. Due;, late ef
Bradford county, Clearfield county, doeiasad.
7. The final account of Thoaias 1'. nirliel.
txecutcr or the last will and testsmei.t of Samuel
iiishel.lateor Brady township, Clearfield co.inty,
8. The partial accauat of J imet II. Clark, ad
ministrator of Ihe estate, of lVri'.-k. Quinn, late
of Penn township, Cloatfiold county, deceased,
9. The final account of Samuot llyers, admin
islrator of Wil.iaui II. Lloyd, deceased.
Itl. Tho final account of James Wrigley, ad
ministrator of the estate of Rudolph Lit., lat. of
Hoggs township, Clearfield county, deceased.
11. The final account ol A. S. Goodrich, ad
ministrator of the eslato ol Samuel Watson, late
of Rradford township, Clearfield eo., deceasiJ.
12. The final account of William li. Alexan
der, executor of tha last will and testoinent of
William It. A lexander, sen., lato of Woodward
township, Clearfield county, deceased.
RanisTHtt't Orion, l' I. G. RARGER,
Clearfiold, Ang.Ja, 1 800. J Register.
Afll'.KTS Y AX Tlilt. The Pic
torial Sunday Hook, just puhli.hnd.
containing aecuralo descriptions and explana
tion! ol the m.mnort and customs of the Eastern
nations of antiquity, their strango and curious
riles, traditions, ceremonies, implements of war.
fire; thoir modes of worship: explanations of
many portions or th. Old aud New Testaments,
and passages occurring in the Scriptures ; Inter
esting end graphic detail of the principal
places mentioned in the Ilible and aneient his
tories; description of the birds, animals, plants,
Ac.; by KonsiiT SrAns. Illustrated by nearly
40.1 engravings. It it arranged for Special
Reading on EVERY SAIiUAtllnr the year.
Knergetie men will fine this an excellent chance
to make insney, at Ike character of the work is
by lards of John Reems, on Ihe west by land of') ,u'-l h"l ministers of the Gospel, colporteur.
Walter Morgan, on tl.e north by land or Richard ' ' "rv
j Hughes, and on the east by land of Stephen
j Kephart. Selxed, taken in execution nnd to be
told as the jroperty or George Kephart, dee'd.
I JfMfr Riddert will take notice that 1J per
'rent, of the ,unlise n.unry must bo paid when
the property it knocked down, or it will be put
up again for snle. JACOB A. FAUST,
i SHKRtrr's Orrtrti. t Sheriff.
1 Clearfield, Pa , August 22, Ifftfi. f
terms, Ac., which are very liberal, address
Publishers, si t Chestnut street,
Ang. 23 tt Philadelphia, l'.
their fratricidal work; nnd on the
f ct ond Tuesday ol October w ill com
mit suit ide, if they continue in their
present infaa.ous course tow ards the
Constitution and ' ''Government
Pr-rrMAB Kind of Patriotism.
A gentleman, who declined to give
his name, called upon the Treas
urer of the United States, a day or
two since, nnd presented to tho gov-
i eminent eiiiht hundred dollars in livc-
Monday, tbe HUh day of September, A. D ISfill.
Pupils ran enteral any time. They will be
charged with tuition from tbe lime they enter to
the close or the Session.
The course of instruction embrace! every Ihing
included ia a thorough, practical and accom
plished education for both texet.
Tbe Principal, having h.d the advantage of i Section I.
much experience in hi. profession, . stores pa- Hous. ol Representatives of Ihe Commonwealth
rents .nd guard ana tint bit entire ability and ,,f pennrylt auia in General Atscmbl., met, and
energies will he devoted to Ihe moral and men- a j, hereby euacted by authority of the tame.
tal training nf the youth placed under hi. charge. Xbal in all election, hereafter to be held in tint
lEKMi OK TIIIMIV Irommnnwe.lth, it shall be unlawful for the judge
SherilTs Sale.
VIRTUE of a writ of Krrnri Fnrln;
I I Issued out of the Court of Common Plea.
ot Cleat liehl county, and to me directed, there
and taken, to have voluntarily relinquished, and "e ex Pose a to ri ..Lie, , at in .
forfeited their right, of cituen.hip. and their Iloo-. i-.U borough of IJcsrfieM on Mel . ay.
right, to become Ctisens. and ar. deprived or the 'iltll day of ept . ruber. .... at 1 o clock
exercising any right of thereof j P- m;, th. following property, to wit :
And W here.., Pcrtont. not eiti.en. of the I All that certain on.-.tory bunding and
United Sutes. ur. Dot under Ihe constitution asmrs, s..u... . o..,.. ...v.. -
and l.wtof Pennsylvania, qualified .lectors or """' ,10,," r. '.. i.
.1,1. ...,.m,.n wealth V"n '"'" ""....j - -
11. it en.cted by the Senate and
ALIO, Jl.tMTACIl Rr.Tts or
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware
ie."-y tiF.AR.neLi. r.
a7.ot or s .u )Th7ks7 n u wlks
For sale by M & ft 10 LEU.
Madera) said building being tixty.nine feet in ! PAliM I'M S PA 11, NT UNLOAD
length and sixteen leet wide, and the derrick) N'(. 1TAY 1'OI.KS
f- . anil AOs "Aft It i Vl Iniviithiiti 1 "
nmrcn .... , , xirnnvtt c niiit rr?
rniir ei ft nil II KliH IV I'lVl Ulilii
with fngin! machinery nnd lixttiri-n therein con-
tiineti, on a trurt of Innd ownmt by tho "'J'oITj
Union loving Democracv can saves us
from national ruin, and a largo ma
jority of the American people are
wise enough to discover this vital
point; and while the Union survives,
the Democracy will live too. There
will be no end to our glorious old
party while the Union lasts ; both
will survive or die- together.
tesTOld Thad. Stevens talks famili
arly of tho "penitentiary of hell."
That's right. Let every man diseus
bin favorite institution.
bonds. He stated
crcd that the government was being ,
. . v,.l- 1.1 T I. , , , - " ., Atithmetie, per MSsion ( 1 1 weeas; - J vv ballot, or nniiois, any person, or rrso..,
iiivvvuiii.j. .svi..... uv tur st i..- jiKjught lliCSO OOlsilS WliCIl 110 COI1MU- Grammar, Geography, Arithmetit, and
Madera Oil Company, containing eight acret i v , . 1
more or Ictt. Seised, taken In execution, and j j lirs, At..,
to be sold a. th. properly of the Madera Oil . For tale by MKUItKLL .t lUPiLF.R.
of !,,..,..,. I, ,.7. ,1a ITn ...i, !,, l,j Orthography, Reading, Writing, and Primary or inspectors of any such flection te receive nny
jis.M.j y.,.... .v "..' Atithmetie, rer Session ( II weeks) - fi HO ' ballot, or ballots, from any person, or persons,
enil.ri.ecil in the provisions, and tubject to the
1. A i. I . . 1 1. .:-. r I- ... . . .
. I t'SSKII"' '"'I '" J " ''" "I1 v h. -K.n Ih.
, , 'i i . :.i Alirebra. Geometry. Trigonometry. Men- r.n:4 March tinr.t .owe h.nrt aiiht hanrtrmt r" y -' . .
ii' riven, ii i i i a i n t o - s iici. . - . ' . . -
. . . , ..,,1 turation, Surveyirg, Philosophy, l'hsl-
Cd It bate, 1.0 desired to liiakC a gilt ..., Chemistry, llook Keeping. lloUiny
of tho panto bonds. The accrued in- and Physical Geography - - . "0
. i .1- l .. i. l .. . l ...... IT.mlin and Ureek. with tnv of th. above ( l.irs nt election, nr any
ici-CM on tue uonus n:tu rot oeen vut-,-- - --- - ... - u ...i..-i k.iin. I n; C r- -i
jr-No drduetion will he made for absence. 'or ballot, from say tueh disqualilijd person, hs, Ulapt. 1 HilO IWi JOiVi
rr tur hirlher particular! Inquire of
Rev. P. L. HARKISON, A. M.,
Clearfield, July II, ISfis it. Principal.
The Constitutional Amendment
Ratified pt New Jfrsey. Trenton,
Sept. 11. The Senate to-day ratified J
tho constitutional amendment bv a!
Company. I . v r T - - - .- r
MTliiddert will lake Dotice that i per ccnL l,. t,..T I iii.usii.M.o iV iMlt
'the parch ate money mutt be paid when th. ) FIXDIXfiS.
Lnd sixty-five, snd It shall be unlawful for any property is knocked down. " 't "ill be put np Fpf h MERKF.L L .1 r.IOI.ER.
!, ueh p.r,on lo offer to vote any ballot, or ball"!., aga.a lor tale. JACOB A. lAtsT. ,
)J Section . rh.ttf .ny.nchjulg.aad Inspee. I ,,M bh,r'ff' UiU.XS, PbSTObS;, .SWUKD CANKS
1 tort of election, or any on of tbem shall receive, Clearfield, 1 a.. Angust. 1. "0. ) i ,
I WV.t t.,
IFot snle by MKKKKIX K
orlhey.0 jflcndiog, thall b. iruilty ol a roisd.-. 4 LL the leading hardy tarietie. of BtlUT .... T1 .,,.,.,, ,T7
meanor, and, upon thereof, la any! quality. . &lUls.S, UP A I . I l.S A.U
MKUUKT.b ,t r.Tot.r.n.
. . .
walins' palinrfa. Kennedy . medical Dls- fine 0 B(lt 0M ,hn , ,a ,ared dollars, and to
eovery, llesnhold '. lluchu, B.k.r'.Ced Liver undergo an ImnrisunmenU ia th. Jail of the
J It, ...I , l - if..... .... n ... I ... .1 !.' M....I ;-l ... f . k In , . t .
VOUI Ul A ! tes ill, linu too JlUil?c o al,," ..v. - - proper coun.y lor noi less lamn .is. ons.
,( "t . ot ir:. U'ir.1 ! r"r tale by 11. I. I Section J. That If any person deprived of
prompt!; signed'tho joint resolutiom I ' K tsta,:,1 August 2,
1 liu niiiiu.iiieeiiieui, itn i cciru n lv" th best qnality. For tale by 11. a I. anoBweaim, vote, or icnuer 10 ineomoers .oermi,
great applause. ! ( learfleld, January 10th, ISM. 1 and offer lo vote, a ballot, r ballots, any prt'j4-
eourt nf Quarter sessions or this eowimonweallh, , Couoord, I year old, 23 cents, or $20 per
be .hall, for earn oPonee, be icntence.1 to pay a I oooord, i )ert oin, ou ceni, or i per n-w por ,ft0 ,v
ilehecco, i ota, ou ccnit , nest wane grape.
lont, 1 year old, SI 40 ; best amber grape. IRON 1 Ib'OX !
Any other varieties below nartery prices, i . solicited as sooa as convenionl, and filled I . L.
hills, uojib S110I-.S & 1I0KSK siior
N. il. Vines rsdy for removsl by the 15th .,.1115,
ofOetobsr. I For file by MEF.RELL A: Eir.T.ER.
MERP.ELL t r.Kll.F.n.