Zu gcpnUiranJ rs r' . .i ' iv v i .(ivniikia " mfi in I imauL inuiii usi. imi io,t i.ht hi 11.0 I'romiioni Hiua : t ii.'-r-.:;i!.v71 i , ' . ... ru rianpbttr,ii.4thaldiat.oi iiiictn.no( tii,doe not mince maltorn at lJ, J,-',r-V,r S .j, pian, ior tour uus, w i j"j v- Mot f tl. fnion. anl thwf.. ouM j walks ri-'ht up to tho iscuo iV'K'rCCq$ih' ) W ! the tnodcrn cow-boys and tho Con-. rhw Masirtm... ? i 1"'"?.: fliiicliinff " In his sneooh at i, . y V1 - 4 1 mi in ill I mini or a ciuavn .u w'.t " j ?T- .-11'.7 f (stiiution-burninir fraternity. lhcro Ti,rfr. aii that m nrrarv t d.risrriiiB.nionico banquet in tins city, - '- Z... :- 1.-- '.. , 'of iir.jK-ailn.Hnt, and thus th ltvt.vi.iimi wno oc-i r,.r t0 rr,.,.,, t it . ht I have laid - - Wi-.i)NESLUY"iloiiNiNu:7:Sept U, 1800. ; Democratic State Ticket. FOK GOVERNOR II I ESTER CLYMER, Of lierka county. Democratic District Ticket. FOR ASSEMBLY, Col. JOHN D. IIUKT, of Forest. Democratic County Ticket. YOU ASSOCIATE JUDGES. JACOB WILHKLM, of Gruhntn. kAMUEL CLYDE, of Lawronco. FOR COMMISSIONER, 1IENKY STONE, of Clearfield. FOR AtTPITOIt, JOUN A. L. FLEGAL, of Goshen. Juoyulistn itwulMtipr thc"tiorcrn tnent.' The loyalists of tho present day Rfpm in KiiHtnin tliA cnitin vulntlnii In the government, that their fathers did 14th of AoSu,8,t' a"d lhe cnsPira duringthe Devolution and the Ad-jtor6 to ouable tl,e reader ioJorm ministration of George Washington. ProPcr inclusions. Compare Gcucr They are as violently and openly op-a,B Dix- Custer nnd Stcadman, as a posed to our present system of gov-!fcw of tho80 PreBcnt and Generu,s crnment to-day, as their fathers were Gr"nt' Shorman flnd Thomas-though in the youthful .lays of the Hepublic,!1101 Psent-who endorsed tha Con w hen British gold out-weighed their Tention' vith tll08 above named, and patriotism. For o practical iUustra- tbe contrnst 13 60 "tnking that the tionofwhatvvohere assert, we need most ffnnt is compelled to de only refer to the open insults otTered '"ounce the Nef Orleans robber and to the President and his suite at rhil-ihi9 bftnd of conspirators. The civil J.ielphia and Cleveland, Ohio. person was ever so openly and con tiuually insulted in this country as the President was, last week, at the latier place. The indignity was so gross, thnt the Disunion newspapers re-fused to publish the proceedings. Vo elsewhere publish the speech made by the President at Cleveland, to gether with the insults offered to him, in order to show our readers how the "five speech" party treat the 'gov ernment." The Democrats have had lour year's experience of the hercto f:.re boasted ,;free speech" and "free pres" party. Not only were they imprisoned and their property do- tt roved for exercising these Ameri - can privileges, but a large number were murdered by these canting hyp ocrites. But, notwithstanding all this, little did wo suppose that tho wrath of an Abolition mob would so soon be vi.sit.ed upon "the best government the world ever saw, and that, too, in a j est by his brother, t.en.rrank I . fity like Cleveland, where everybody Blair, who was A. L.'s special friend is educated in the school of "free jin the field during tho war. Frank is speech and a free press." For the just now dealing more effective blows j-roof of what we say, let any one read 'for the salvation of the Union, than the President's speech in anot her col-1 Sherman did in his "march from Chat tiinn, aud then reflect upon the treat- tan ooga to tho sea," while Montgom mcnt lie is receiving at the hands of cy ' a successful in tho East as Gen. the Disunion rabble. lie linotrs. Tho Democrats, during the war, always believed and often made the charge, too that Jo. Holt and E. M. Stanton were the real authors of the many crimes committed during its progreps, while Mr. Lincoln only played "second fiddle." .That these two men fiends in human shape . .... . . e.e mo uireci cause oi mo death ol thousands of our brave soldiers, in the r,,u.nftl,n i ,.. vi ,uu .UUuu;, mm; u can ho no doubt. lllnfn.,.e T.I,,;.. . . . " , " , 'i- " one of their associates in the Cabinet, 'certainly a left-handed compliment to' i - , . ... i rill. tlllAh A , f imnlur. 4 I ,1 .. . u ...... u.v wiiiiui nittiiijBiuitiB tiiat., T- ifri n rmml.n . . ., 1, .... ' . ' ...... .iu.ui ,.i uoiiuLiii uuiiure tiumc inc pniiTiui mcmwi'8 ol liind s UTS, "rT' wi" r v?7? VNero the chief instigators of the war,l"Negro is the issue" in this campain. unu iuu rcai nuuiors oi mo unneurd-ol. crimes practiced during its progress He sax s that Holt is tho tnimt. f.i.1,1. blooded villain that ever walked th tarth. That he fuborned witnesses in order lo banc an innocert woman ui u.uu io tiling an innocent woman, Mrs. Surratt. He also charges Stan - ton, and Ins bloodhounds in Ncxv Or- lonna m1i 1..;,,.. l I r - ".'J "ilw fc-iii mo J till airtliOlS OI thelntetcrrible riot in that city. The rayings of Democrats, and the state ment of Mr. Blair, aro not tho only evidence upon this point; but Con- gressional committees have mado re- ports pointing very plainly in the fehme direction, while the historian is co.nn.lV.d in uZZSZ ,T. "I toinpel.ed to adorn every page of his' look with the Bame fact. I Ve rather like Mr. Blair s style of, warfare; it is of tho aggrcssivo char-! actor the only Ruro xvay of scttlinrr'3 anv ..sua in wh;ph rer.av . ar involve... it. itorfirni vMifHfoi. A conglomeration of thing in the inpo oi no lorniuc mm piiv black and white pus-snns, composed ol j j-rMJuuiprn invumio ....u v... .... ... n .1 .1 ,lJUtellUapeanaiier,eiC. - iJUUer; lueio Icy racer, lied Red River obstructionist, !etc. Bajiks; there was' mnsked-lmtterv exterminator. Haiti- - w ' Imnrn snnrrrpr. Beai'thcr Of ladies till-' I . . , , . , der garments, tllO lellOSV WhO VOiea hiiuscls Sl.OOO extra pay and ?JUU bounty to tho negroes Sclicnck; there was the Fredericksburg butcher, Val-landingham-baninher,bayonet election holder Burnside; there was the white wench (gay and festive cuss) of her sex Miss Anna Dickinton; there was the negro-buck Fred Douglass ; to gether with a lot of less noted nig gers, and a number of white-cravatted fellows in male attire. These consti tuted the performers. It opened and closed to the disgust of all ex cept the clown Forney and the ring master Stevens. It needs but an momenta! compar ison between tho men who met from all sections at Philadelphia, on the V ""N .. . .. . . v., . i . . r7 . . .. .. . ... L.nfl 4). A Vpw Orleans robber r1"."! rT I win ffat, anl I thank God that I y0list still presents a greater contrast. I Compare Cowan, JOoolittle, and their hundreds of eminent statesmen, with Tilton, Anna Dickinson, and the ne gro Douglass, and their admixture of 'genders and races, and how glaring tho treason of country and race be comes. Developing. Montgomery Blair, Posmaster Gen eral under Mr. Lincoln, is stumping tho New England States, and a por tion of this State, for the Deinocracj'. Having been one of tho most active members of the late A. L.'b Cabinet, ho is enabled to detail strange facts. He occupied a prominent place in the real encmy'b camp, at Washington, during the war, and is now vigorouslj' engaged in firing hot 6hot and shell into the citadel of treason occupied by Steven's, Sumner k Co., and their bjack and white allies. Mr. Blair is being ably supported on tho same line in the i - Grant himself ; and with tho com bined hosts of the "old Union-savers," will soon compel the cohorts of trea son and Disunion to surrender the Government into the Lands of the white race. No Dodging. Tho bell-wether of the Disunion party, Thad. Stevpns, in a public speech at Bedford, last week, said tbe "NEGRO IS THE ISSUE, . . GERMANS, IKISIIMEN AND AT- R1CANS WERE ALL EQUAL. SO'11" ""J" I'X'gor attempt to make j.olit- 't,iv ,r. v ,LUiHl iia i xaxLii nihil i.ai.- U. TV nTriC wprmvc sr..:.. ... l.i . . . , . , - . ino "uutcn and Irish. let we lire- .1 rs Uut he must be obeyod. iiE S done IT. It is now generally understood that Thad. Stevens has' ! dunc wbnt he ndvised tLrce of llis lfri,M,ls to do in U'rown con- I ,ec,P"C0 t0 tbo lk'v'1' Lcnce 1,18 K'g"-,Il0W . " ' 18 lu Lai"J ll0 country witu - llllH ti:i.lTfin CI .n..rn IT Pnl. A n t lnin mm .vil. UViriL. AX. 1 VUUIl IHtC -..v-.. ... v- , candidate for Vice President on r' .,,r n, . . iwitu the Disuniomst and wc are jnst ticket with Gen. McClellan, has been I BOW in .... .... L nj nominated by tho Democrats and ccnscrxntivcs for Congress in the first district of Ohio Old Traveler. Ralph Hill, 91 ;(with ten States asking for reeo-ni- i -CHr8 olj. and R nwidont 'f FoLHtlionA ,,, l,,f,llfM(rnt Br.? n'S-JJh v ' - - -- -- - countv. 1 a.. Tiassed thrrnch l;nrrv 1 ij - o . - - j recently, on his way to Boston to find fl'io,,d9 be ,,a9 not seen for fifty tu. Jie ncvcr Bnw "camboat nor, l ot ,tt"1 wctk- has ,. i . .. . , 1 lived ten in .lee from any neighbor for theiat fiiy yeais JIarrieburg Tel , JHE fRESIDENT AT CLEVELAND. Excitement The Crowd, &c. CtrvM.ANP, Onto, Sept. 1. n...ki0 croeiitic from the cititcns ""I"--" . - i r cii the una .unsmmcr w io uo a.-rrn. y f-r the presidency uuii uH,n "lM I Intel Wl II a lllsllllltlllSIICU n.low-CHIHIi, uu ir tho ienna;Bl.w ..,. I know .hero arc ..; ho o...n - l"11"' VM'-T , ' . . , ' """"""", , tor some nun uou ruiee ou 1111:11 auu utm m i-jim. Cheers. Yes, unfortunatcy the wayi of 1'iovi- dence are DivaU-rioui and inn)niiri'hi' ( trulling all those who exclaim "ui ticnsiuiu, COU uiilortuualc.' f'Hullv lor vou." from the crowd. 1 I wiu goiiijt to any, my eouulry-men, a short time iincn I was ei'leeted nd iluocd upon the tickot. There wo a jilatfonu proclaimed aud adopted, otwithstundiiig the tubsiditcd franir of hirelings, and tradueers. 1 hnve dim-howd all my duties aud fulfilled all niy ple.ljrca, and 1 say here, to-nirfht, that if my prodeeeiwur had lived tlieviuis of wrath would hate l"n paurtd out upou hiui. Cries of "Never." "jThn-e cheers lot tua Con gress of the United States." I came here as I was pasting along, and have been called upon lor the purpuso of exchanging views and ascertainmi;, if we could, who was wrong. Cries of "It's you."J That was n.y ohject in ap pearing before you to-ni;ht, and 1 wunt to say that 1 hove lived among the Au.erieaa pe-iple, and have represented thcui 1.1 some puld.c capacity for the lust tweuty-hve yc.r-; and where is the man or woman who can pla his linger upon one single act ol uimo deviating from one pledge of mine, or tn violation ot the oontututiou ol the country'- Cheers.! Who can come and place h;s finger on 1-i.ns!" Another voire "linng Jeff. Uavia; hang, Jar Davis. Why don i you hang him? Cnes 'Give m the opportunity." Have you not pot the court? Have ou not the Attorney General ? A voice Who iu'vour Chief Justice, who has refiiked to sit njion the trial ?" cheers. I am not the Chief Ji'stirt. 1 1"? m .h J'rrln ney. Chrers. you what I did do. I called upon your Conpress that is trying to break up the Government. Cries of "Yea be d d." and cheers, mingled with hisses . a a - .... and (areat confusion. A voici Don't get mad, Andy." Veil, 1 will tell you who is mad : "Whom the Guds w iidi to destroy they first make mad." Did your Congress order any of them to be tried ? "Three cheers for Congress." Then, fvllow-citi-seni, we might as well alluy our passions and per mit reason to resume her empire and prevail. In presenting the few rcmu.-ts thut I designed to make, my intention H to address niyseU' to your common sense- your judgment and your bet tor feeling ; not to the passion and malignancy of your hearts. Checrs.J This was my ohject in presenting myself on this occasion, and to ask you uow you do. aud at the same time to hid you good bye. In this assembly here to-uight the remark has been made traitor," traitor." My country men, will you hear mc ? 8houts of "Yea." And will you hear me fur my cause and fur the Consti tution of my country t" Applause. I waut to know when or where, or under w hut circuinstuneca, Andrew Johnson not as Chief Executive, but in EL .TOr , ZrXZSZ , I0' i; "Never." 1 ou pretend now to have great reepect and sym- painy lor me poor nrave leiiow wno leit an anu on h. i .t.i.tiBii to,... ,.r.. i., i,i..i;i I-....I vi T uuderstaud you. You may talk about the dijruitv of te President, Cries of "How was it about his speech on the Tld of February ?"J 1 have liein w it h yuu in the battles of this country, and I can tell you, furthermore, to-night, who have to pay these brave men wbo ek4 blood... Vou it , '- J in it, and now the pe iple have to wora it out. Cheers. It is time thut the great mass of the people should nndrrstnnd whut you design. And luU did Genera liuticr say? Hisses. What did Geuerol Graut say 7 And what docs General say about Gcucrai Duller? Laughter and cheers. What does General riherman say? (A voire "XVhat does Geueral Sheridan say ?"J General Shcriilnn says that he is lor'the Government that Sheridan fought for. "Dully," and renewed cries of "New Orleans" aud confusion. 1 care not for dignity. There is a portion of your countrymen who will always respect their fellow-citisens when they are entitled to respect, and thers is a portion hi. iPnnraT" I Itnr. Iuu of them who have no respect for themselves and consequently have no respect for others. Cries of "jraitor. J 1 wisn leouiu see that man. 1 would bet you now thut if the light fell on vour face. cowardice and treaehcry would betutn in it. Show yourself. ( ouie out here where I can. see you. Shouts of Laughter. 1 stand now where 1 stood when lhe rebellion commenced. Who has sacri ficed n. ore than 1 ? XVuo has run greater risks ? Uut the fa ctious, domineering and tyrannical party in Congress has undertaken to poison thenundsol the people against nie. The ('resident continued further in this strain, dwelling particularly upon the nature of the frecd nicu's I'tireuu bill. fir General Geary, the disunion candidate for Governor, xvasa member of the Iioague's "Southern Loyalist Convention." He and Fred Douglass the negro inarched in the name pro cession, lie has evidently changed his mind in refereneeto tiic lime when "negro equality is to be settled," and has determined to show that he is in iuvor of it now. We presume that none of the Radi cal disiinionists will noir denv, after they exhibition in our streets, that t hex-Tire in favor of T.pfrn onnnlltr' " . . ... t - J t Not even the most shameless of them iical enoital bv entlHtivorin-r to or,,,, 4, , ,' - - ,liat diH-lrine. lhe matter was clear-;,, ly rt'duceu to practice, in me same1 procession in which were the mem-' bersoftho Union Lchup, tho citi- niia' ik.rsfr( tn rwl f 1 4' tt iW,.n l . . . " " . ' . , ,"""lM J dents in that n(irU,orl.r.r,ri E "' ArS!5s vuirhc,l titIe by sil lc vith vhiu y1urn his going forth and return, ,n order to J hat there is any reascm whatever wliv tlii'Kii cnliir.'il fli.!i .T.,io .1,, ,,!, l not he in the very company they hap pily found themselves, we do not prc- V'' t0 1 ; 1 K'1 lh ,m:,lu'r, I'1' d,sll,KllJ' f.',own' V'"1 negro etpialily mnong the Radicals is .. a(.t.o.,,pl,8hod fact" in Phila- aolphia. Age. fcfWe were positive when wo left the Democratic onianization in 'CI. the Union nartv durinrr The xvr ,. Union party during the war, be-L ewe believe it is in Minnathv with cause1 I tho Disiinionists, Thad. Stevens, Sum-) & Co. As rmrti,. rmic atnnH - ' - ......v.m. hiiU ivnrl )UIM7 retiuli ienn nr 1 1, I .... -.. i.i n, j Union party the Republicans ss an 'organization, aro the Disunionistn. o Bimj.ly stand now where we stot. during the war-for the Toow-wit! A Ith . . - ...v., .. . m a National Union organization.-.- incdon Glole. IttMrHf .VAMtoti't Siecrhta. 1 Until nmHf the ltfphfln. After nil hi shoiteoming, INvsi-J Yc publiclt this-xxoek loiter Irou dent Johnson in really xvorth a txhcdVlletiry Ward JVocher, in which thnt regiment o( wohU kneed Democrats, rcnoxvned loruK r of tlip host of Ahrv It i R itolictahic feature of nil hislition gives in his adhesion io Prosi- peccm- t:;u ne uonouncc uic nmn- lorn Abolitionist in Congress, and nil nr.. Ho without, tho Pol - ho said havs the r'T io rr . elsewhere - hioh met , lb( ;o Aupi-t rmvei.ti.n ,),,.. smu., m to me ii cheering indication tht , .. ; ,l. ..,,1 Tl. 1 .,.,; ha, lw.n,.;M,I,ivcr,.,hrdintt,r?.H1.h.7P- , - ' roars and raves I intend now to fight the enemies ..f tho inion in the North, (lod being willing, ard w ith your help, .Nrrau O ptjm aa. ine caiiiv viim nwwrni i.ui (or. " Tho Tribune says, "Wo will not re ply to these atrocious calumnies." Of couiso you won't. You are not ac customed to this style of fighting. If you and your party were vigorously assailed on all sides by an aggressive! system of warfare, you would be beat en in this State in November by 100, 000. It is only the weakness and cowardice of Democrat' that gives you stre igth. In the josition now as sumed of equalizing with negroes you have made j'ourselvcs tho vilest and most villainous monsters the world ever saw, and it only needs an expo sure of the horrible and disustin objects you have in view to reduce tho nri'sont RO-enlli'd "Tlnion Kenub II party" to dimensions of the Old John BrOVVIl-Garrison-Abolition party, j made up of a few sickly white men, i ni;..ttoPH nnd uieasv old OlStasca niUiclUOes 11I1U U3Csy OIU maids. e believe President John- ; son's speeches will do more towards delcating the Mongrel party this fall I . .. , . . , w- L Willi UHJ JL Ull UbUVlDVUIUUIUVU. Book. Pbesidf-n? Johnson's Pnoonr.ss. As Mr. Johnson moves west waiol-, his speeches increase in vigor and de termination. At one or two places the .Mongrels have, in a low and vul irar spirit, thrown out taunts and in 'suits, and the effect has been to rouse the sleeping lion in Anoys nature. He tells them that he shall not stand upon dignity when attackedt but give back all they can send. At Cleveland, he denounced the Mongrels as "bloOd Enckers and cormorants," who stayed at-home from the war and 'peculated while brave men fought. Jle also in- tormeu mem mat nis purpose was fixed, and that "neither the powers of I hell nor old 1 had. Mevens and all Ins gang. Could turn hmi from it. This r. ,.L ,.; l., ,,. . ,. .. is lough, plain language, such as ap- peals to the rlrOligCet feelings ofthp ! people, fJT there il nothing SO popular f t . . - - witn the masses as rijint down de- tenninod "pluck." It is very evident tl.ttl if l Monsrcla don't want to hear the truth, tbey better let Andy aione. No Pledge. Geary made a speech at Huntingdon on the 25th ult., in which be used the following language: 'I have been asked whether I would turn traitor like Auurew Johnson, because I was a Democrat malt nv pitfljt; as pledges make no difler ence." That is to say, Geary, the "Demo crat, without prefix or aflix," as he styled himself in his Maguire letter, will turn traitor to tho "IJepublioan" party if it profits him to do so. Should the Democracy get into power, Geary expects to hang on to its e-kirts Hence he "will make no pledges." If that is satisfactory to "Eepublicans," we have no right to complain. LtJforJ Em.crs of Philadelphia Radical ism. A correspondent of the Rich mond Lira (!' writes from Baltimore as follows : The recent conduct of the radical officials opon the visit of the President to Philadelphia is at this time iwiving its just reward in the punitive refu sal of Southern merchants to go there for supplies. An instan. was to-dny furnished of this tact, by the return to Il.iltiinurr of a nunilwr of merchants oi South faro'. iua. representing a capital of one hundred thou.-iu.d dtdlars, who had intended to purait se tbcti, bnt were d-tcrred from doing so tiy liie disgraceful and datardly action of the u D it'cipal euthuritiev, when the city was bonered bv the preeniT ot the Chief Magistrate, 1 his threw quite a large share uf cai-b into our merchants' hands, and it is to lie hoped they will improve sueh and similar eirruinstaneeii. lirFred. Ilouglass isstojiping with n iXH'USl street. above .Seventeenth. It aroears that ,... . J ' . - , , p . ' '"'" i ora aua nn ana art Irwa XX art.. cf! x . burl. "rm ,n fe'0,rS from or'.ry d-scriptu.., mannfactared from the West returning to her house, has excited a great deal of scandal, and the resi- witness tne aove-iike operation Every one to their taste, as the old i woman said, lieSunday Mercury. Wn it's , . V . . v. l . " ... -,-ar"1-- -ov JUIIfj ago, a V irgltna farmer having lost his wile, but wishing to keep heralwax s in tnsmorr ,.li,.,l l.ia ,, "iie unu-; mary. iMiortiy ailerwards, a neigh- oor met with a similar afiliction and determined also to name his farm af ter the dear departed. Irun.cina th . o K,maJJ tbnslei.ed "Glcnbotsy 2 ' . was .a ow. -L,ie !Gncrf a p'hint soldier L .'Raws Show. Lieut. AV. Hays of the late . - war, has withdrawn from the editor- snip oi tne .uiumtiiti pi, Decause he i Prut .1 i-.t ..-.s H support rO SurTrarrC. Grirr fought bravely for the Union and believes in it Appointment. Colonel John Han- cock, Major Gen. Hancock's brother l.. l, .. :..j , ' ""u sNinm auu ft U'tvu UTmtl hia Hull,., na r.r. 11 r. .... . . ma uuuv-. ..a vwiict tt'r oi tniernai rev- enue for the fourth district of Penn-1 avlvania i "jivanii. , uent jonnsoii. .xir. jieoenor a idler roads as il lie had just awoke Ironi a lone; sleep, or as if he was juf-t return- all, buting to sanity after a period of intense lunacy. Hence, ho does not seo thin,r (clearly. Men appear tohim like tiees walking, hut tho letter inspires tlie hope that this invetcrato Abolition 1 lunatic my yet pit clothed and in his . ... ... ... n ....... . ... .: 1 1'lvtnoutli Church and in tho Momrrel I " wirougn inreo columns oi auuse, con Vludili " ttt folloW8 : ".Mr. Beechtr has aehipve-d a sudden and wi-Ie popularity. In the conception of evrrv blackleg, I duelist, negro-killer and rowdc from the !-t- John to the Uio Orandc, he has ail at once ceased to be lanatic, a bigot, a disuuionist, aud become an en lightened pntriot and statesman. His praise are lreety mingled with the bhispheuiK-s ot tho Hook and tho ribaldry of tho tinmXtiy UtrtUry, There is not in ail the laud oik who considers 'nitrgcr very well in their place' but that plaee undi r the feet of the whites, who does not thauk him for his letter. The Thugs of New Orleans are bv this time enjoying it, and Gen. Forrest would gladly preside at a meeting called xjire?-ly to ratify it." Mr. Becchcr, perhaps, begins to re alize into what an awful gulf his prin ciples, if logically-carried cut, would plunge our country, and though the basest and most mercenary may fay go on, in hopes of political rexvard or plunder, he starts bac k from the pros pect before him xvi'.h affright. And well he may. Would to heaven that some power would tear the veil from tho eyes of many others, and cause them to halt in their mad career, be fore it is too late. The corn crop of Pennslvania, this year is estimated at 30,000,000 bushels. In Katlhous townthlp, on the l?th day of Ao gut,lSCC, Jlrs. LUCI.VDA FANKEY, aged 16 years, S months and i days. JT-ifCcDtni county jinjiers please ecj'T. At Whitmore, Pa., on the list of August, 1S65. of consumption, atur a lingerin; illness, ilrs. ALMA GKOOM, wife of AntBrsi A. GKOost.ajcd 23 years, 4 months and 14 days. O'er the cold, silent grave we may weep, broken hearted. Where slum Iters the corse of tbe loved and d"pnrted. And the tear wij away that fond mco.'iy ta'.h started : f But we wo-p and we sigh, oh, bow vain ! j The loved one that sieej-eib shail awaken, no, never! j "m me suuiicauis siiaii uauc U-tu iime s rv.l ing river ; Yet Alua lives sleepless for ever and ever, Away up in the starry domain. Then our hearts let ns warm with the sweet conso lation, That n joii-iug in Ilcaven snl-jtu the translation Of her spirit, which causes our great lamcntatioa, And iT'mketh our giief, which ia aiu. With tearful eyes, how we would long to caress her. While the angels above are singing to bless her; Dut bo would ret-all her to eanh to dirtrcs bcr, With its anguish of no end of pain ! W. E XI UA FAMILY KI.Ol It f. r sale at U. XV. Siimi A CO'S. I7IKsT (iL'AIJTV OI' Mli(;LI ke.,1 tor rale v II. XV. SMITH A CO. tOTICI A meeting of the puSscrioers to j .L i tbe fund for the iniprtivtment of the naviga-! uon of ClcwrSeld Ciwk at Spruce Island, will be ' held at tbe store .if James porrest, on Tuesday, 1 Scptcmlier IS, ISGfi, at t o'clock p. m for the lur-1 pose of appointing a oommittee to superintend tbe I wora. JAJltstOKKlfT. j C41 1 l(A!l persons are hereby warned j against harlioring or trusting n v wife Litis, j as she has left my bed and board without any just : cause, and I will pay no debts of her extracting. ' I-cpt li, IM.ti.-st. LL1JAII Bl RXS. F2rm for Sale. THI' undersigned offers h:s f..rta at Triva'c Sale upon r.-asmul.le terms. The fnn is sit uated on Pi.tis' Kurt, in Knot townshiu, about one' mile east of J'ruit Hill Church, ard i Contain I1G .frrrt, j About 16 of which is cleared. haTing theeror erect- ' ed a SAW MILL. DXVLLL1NG li'H SK and r.ANK r All V, with a larc APl'ir ORi 1U V. I. The uniin)roved portion is WLLL TIMitLltfcD. t Any furthiT information can te iituK-d l.v ca.l.ug upoa the prcmiaea, r by h-ttcr a l irtssvd to the j sut-scrilH-r at New MilljH.rt. Clrarfi, l, c.rietr. Pa.' r-ept. iZ, l.t-.tt pd.j JAJIl- J. JAl kS". FARMERS, MERCHANTS,: AND CITIZENS, Look lo your Interests! GT S. FLEGAL, PhlllpbBrj, Centre county, I'crta'a, " MAVCrACTlRf n OF Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, "lir0rLD respectfully infiflTa his friends and 1 the pn)lic getirsl'v. that bs bas erenei LAHSE t?ALE-KO.VS ia ths boroagh of Fhli-' psnnrg. ra., for tbe manufactory and aala f ! " Sold at ths lowest Cash Prices. Merrhaots slesmng to pn-ebass will ioi it to advantage toeiamins bv stock befora r. asiu eipewoerw. s-A1I orders for FPOTTIXG and OTHKR WOKK will b attended to oa ths SnORTKST i NOTICE.. ..,.is.,f lM I M 1 H A 1 K N uf 1 1 II N uci ! 4L nerety fivcn that Letters of Adaiinis. i tj.dnA Kara tlii. a.v Vu.. m 1 . - .v. ... ( . . " , - ..- u ,v iur uu irr- .,.et,eo. oa its tstate of Nieoemos So!ii4.. dw,'d.. late of Brady townsbip. Clearfield eoanty.) : L''?8 Ml knowing themselves in- j i r requested to m.k. im medial payment and thosa Icavirg claiais g'nst ths sam. will preuat them tal) awthea Ucated fur atuirtnecl. ji'Lirs a. TEnrr. WIlIIALL SHAf l'l P., Perd. 1, 1f.fi.-f.t. Admir,.tra:n, Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY. VL1. SOLDI I.K OK lC.-Ci-fi4 are entitled ta an INCKEAsLD lul'NIY. 1 u Bndcrs'gried is prepared to esdieet m'. ru- h rtnuntl.. wrli . tli iiM.rmM r A . I ' W.dows. All inaumes and evn.mni,iraii.. '" vroD,!'".t iw pied lor. post lOfiice a.i.lri-ss Cars ens. .lie, Pa. I s..,..tr J"?IAH EVAN-J. tH U'IIowa:! i.cm.n.ar hv eauT,ej V7 purchasing or ia any waV miihnr w,th two hay Jla-rs and Gewrs and i ........ r t . ... ' agin, . i . , .""uso.p, imniria eoun!v, as aaij Troterfv b4v- ior "4 kft "!, h' -Tsnt.iert on,w- J-'H. wuheeow. . Atnni; 6-r. Mu I Accidents I Accident1 North An-.crican Transit InsuraJ rnnrifal Cflc, l?i S, 4tk ft, Tlil iC"l!rt r-d - Mirrh .V P U4li - j airt a!l a' rilllK on'v Accident Insurwne I Pennsylvania. Annual Policies Issued against at exceeainj ly low rales. Insnranes e anv snm from t Ht to Sir) fti.u K . suinsiun required. Cempensalioa jir wrra in raee u injury. This eomr-anv has naid bisbv In.... and ratislactoriiv. aud it. oftnr. ..j u sre wiuelv tad favorable k Stats. " Crntf as Louis L. Houpt, President ' Henry C. Drown, Secretary Jsmes M. Conrad, Treasnrt K. Keoler. ta.n.r.l A ... ..... ,.s . omsnoiu lswis L. iioupt, Lau Gaol Agent 1'enn'a KailroalCo Matthew lt ot M. W. Uiditm a Co. Pbilad'a; rainier, castiitr lominercijl Nat. Dank, I Richard .J, firm Wood, Marsh A H i no. 2i.y Aiaraet at. I'liil a: Jiikh M . hrm Conrad X Waluu, bli Market st, th J. K. kiogsley, C'jnunental Hotel, il. G. Leisenncr. 1..7 A i.-a Dock .L Georga ilnrtin, him Martin, Toy Co, H Cnesinutit- Phil'a . Lnuch Lewi. la t. eup't Pa. Hailroad ; G. C. hrancircif, d A i-Hl.t lfi.r.n'ft H'iilr.ia-1 Pi.tntini-v - - r. - - - 1 -j Policies ittcid and ioforuiaiu-n furnithi JOU.X jL. CLULfc Ageu sepitf Cleiiiic! H2('f I'slILAUKLI'lllA lOUU WALL P.U'iUo. NEW FALL STYLES HOWELL i BOURKE, Manufacturers of Paper Hangings and Window Shal Cor. Fourih i Market S,, PhiladclphuJ X. B. Alwavs in store,! large stock of LI and OIL SII ADhS. asp ((I.i;Kl'IIil.l COL' ST V Sir;. Ia' J matter of th estate of Titus H. Dailcv. tj bioom township, ClcarCeld county, decejued the Orjjhtns' C ourt of Clearfield eonnty, npt the apira:. UHnt of real estate appraised ao out to the widow, oode the acts ot Assembly, r-.XTecu ayrn-s and forty-five jerchcs of lani prn.icd at the Court mads the folio-, order, Jnne i'7, 1"55 : Kiport rf appraisers and confirmed wi. i'., and oul-s ever.:ons filed on or btore the firrt dav of September d tse feme w:.l l confirmed abso'ute. Hvthee seit I. G. BAKGKK, Ck, LIMEX IiLSTERS-ll ngoIate'.st wp la J. P. KKATZU flArniZitiX large s?f:k of P.cady-tJ Clothing stJite ca cneap st 84-1.5-lm J. I. KRATZER'SI T7L IX fcriTS-Coat, Pants and Vest X mixed 'CsHimer, for lt. Light Caai. rants and Vests to match, all wool and well cui for $1W. Over-alls selling at Sjl : ai sprS lm J- P- KHATZER'S Tlltfk DRIS COATS Cassia I If nest Coats rla-k doe sain caisiaier I'ai lica. y curilvd silk Vests at sei-Irn J. T. KRATZER'S B UlS' CI-O I III NCi A fall line of E Coats, Jackets, Pants and Ve?ts at spi5-1oj J. p. KKAl ZER'S Orphans' Court Sale. BY VIUTI E ofsn onlerof the Orphans' C of C learfield eonotv. there will be eipotc PtBLlC SALL, at the Court House in Cicari Ob Saturday, ptember 21, IxtM, At 2 o'clock, the following described Real E, situate in Bradford township, Clearfield t"u: Pa., end late the property of Henry Corwell, de Iteginnipg at a re4 oak, thence north 2i deg east, by Ann JtcC'lenahan survey, 2i6 perches jHst ; tbtnee ly rraneis Johnson and XX MePherson runers. west S13 lurches, to a 1 at tba river: thtnec down the river, 76 perdl lo tne j lace ot tsrgmning. Containing 4 1C .fcrrs, Having about FORTY ACRES CLEARED Ui one large DXXELLING UolE and BAEX i: necessary outbuilding erected thereon, and s having a FINE OP.CIIAKD on tbe premises. Eic-pting and reserving 2J acres sold ly lie. Crowe 11 to Jsmes Dixon. T--This sale made subject to tbt pay meet balance of original purchase tnonevs. J"TERtS Cash. JOHN CR0WELL Aug. Zt. lsr.fi-tt A lministrit "VT OTIC hm I ' THE COI RT OF COMmT 1) Pleas of Chsrf eld eountv. Pa. In the matter of the Incorporation of tbe "Gem; r.varigeliraj Lulhrran alcm tongrerarioa Brady township, Clearfield eonnty, Pa." Now, June rt'th. A. 1'. lsiiS, on applicatiwj -j ea.ii . nun io grunt a ri.artcr ot incoq.. rit.oo. r. ordered l.y the said 0urt. that the writing ori plication f.r Incorporation be Cled in the oCk the Prothonotary, and that notu-e of thea;';: ti n be pubhshed in at least one new ppr priL1 in the county, for at least three weeks, aaa tra: o sufficient reason b shown to the contrary, : same w ill I granted. Bv the C'nnrt. Aug. f.fi-"i. D. F. KTZXVEII.KR. Pro'Vy Public Vendue. ''PIIE subscriber, having determined to X to the western portion of tho State. wU tf his prTial pr-.perty at puh'.e saie, at his rr- , , . . . . tcmlser Ii. lHsG, consisting o. 1 set ear-e .'tn-ra I hairs. - " , . . ; - - . a i . ir. it. , .'iiiima . -.... . . 1 B -K.k Case and Bks, B-'.;-a ;s and Bfdd.r.r, 1 CuplM.ard and Sink. I Parlor FtoV, 1 new No. Xt'averiy Cook f-love, Ha'f-liarr.-l Pare Cider Vinegar, 1 COW. fresh in Jane last, 1 new SU-ich and Buffalo Robe. A full ..ni-i,.t ..r l1.-...k-.;.4 t . -. .v s. tare, and a rrttt varietv of other articles. .......... ... - -- ..it. 1 1-lira lb. 'ir4i to rotnnicec at 1 J o'clck, M, ht the trrtns and conditions Will be made .news. S' 5. 1 s.... j,i WOoPS. ()(r ac;i;m liAMtiln? 1 viVlVJionj Sutdsy Book, just pab'.islfi eontaining accurate descriptions and tir-iaaa-tinns of lb B-asaers and ewstosas of ths Lastsra cations of actiqa ty, their rtranga and eanesi rues, traditions, ceremonies. ImcleBarats of war- firs; their modes of wnrh;p : eiplanatioss si tnaty pertmris f tht Old aud Sew TsslaBtsis, and isssages occurring ia ths Scriptures : iitrr esting aLd prsptie details of lbs prieeif! places ueetii oed ia the P his and ancient kav tvties; dtscrptitaof ths Urdu, animals, p sstl, le ly lUstKT Sras. Mrttratsd ky aeariy 404 ergravirgs. It is arrarfed for S,vecial Read-nts wn EVFRY SABBATH of ths ysaf. reri:et:e sea srill 6e this aa eves Wot tsates to stake tr.cry, as the character of tte wcrs it such that Biniftirs of ths Gospel, rotportes and rsnvawnwillbefrestoreeoraaendit. Tsf lerms, A., which are verr liberal, address CHARLES S. GREEN K A Co, Pttliiters,'41J Chestnut street, Anr. ?? 4t T hilsdelpfcia. Pa- Grape Vines for Sale. VLL ths leadmj lardy varieUts of Irrt qnal-.ty. x uncord, I year old, JJ feats, or per 1 Coteord, I yeara old, it cents, or Sit fe D"S P.sbeeea, I year old, i ce au , best wkiws j-p Iota. 1 year old, $1 it ; best amber grapa. Any oihrr varieties below Narsery prices. Orders solicited as sooa as roBvsaient. aid I.Wd ia r.tation. y A. M. HILLS. ClrarCt li, Ta, Aspist tS, IJM-tf. S- B. Vines rsadv for removal kv Lh U'A of Oetoker. Q( MonlU l Ageats wanted for sw - fiee.'w ew articiea, jast oL Addrass, 0. 1. OARKl.City taUdiaj, Biddaford. Ms. May la. Ia.l5.txa. FOIH1EK CLTTKRS at XIJiKELS. a EI3Lnt i if' M1; Llw r I I-'. fV. ' T ' t -: K- 1 J k- tr