Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 05, 1866, Image 4

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    She lUpubUrim.
' . '- ,'.-VT
(Ikoiu.k 15. UooiiLAXDKii, Editor.
Wednesday Jloi;NiNa:::::Sept ;", isiiO.j
Democratic State Ticket.
Of Berks county.
Democratic District Ticket.
Col. JOHN 1). HUNT, of Forest.
Democratic County Ticket.
UAJri'fiL CLVDE, of Lawrence.
IIENUY STONE, of Clearfield.
JOIIX A. L. FLEGAL, of Goshen.
Col. John It. Hunt.
By reference to the proceedings of
the lleprescntativo Conference, pub
lished elsewhere in this number, it
will bo observed that this gentleman
has received the Democratic nomina
tion for Assembly. Mr. Hunt is one
of the pioneers of J effersonjeounty, re
siding in that portion erected into
Forest, and is entitled to the suffrage
of every Democrat and conservative
voter in tho District. His nomina
tion surprised none more than our
self ; yet he shall receive our undivided
support. Our county havingdeclared,
by a large popular vote, for one of our
own citizens, T. J. McCullough, Esq.,
wo desired and expected that the con
ference would give him the nomina
tion; but for reason entirely satisfac
tory to all parties concerned, the
Conference saw fit to nominate a citi
zen of Forest county. To show the
Democrats of tho county in what
spirit Mr. McCullough takes Lis do
, feat, wc need but refer them to the
column in which the program mo of
our meeting are published : and if
they wwth to hear him, they need but
attend those gatherings to learn his
opinion in reference to tho nominee
and tho action of tho Conference.
".Tftiir, Voir, Ttktt ryirtrli."
The wailings of such impenitent ren
egades as Forney, Kelley, Cameron
and Geary, arc enough to frighten a
stranger and alarm ino timid, l heir
vile abuse and elander of the Presi
dent and his supporters is unbounded,!
and is driving tho gOOd Substantial j
men out of their party by scores. All
who desire neace. harmonv and Union 1
.. I'll
to jiieau imv.i3 inure, umi wimi iu ui
hold t'ie high tide to which political'
mountebanks and agitators havecaus-!
ed the political elements to rise, sub
side again to their original bounds,
must forsake the party of the Padi
cals, and unite themselves with that
party which has steered tho ship of
State for sixty years safely ncross
every ocean.
Thc organs of these disturbers of
tho public peace chief among them
the Press in noticing tho departure
of thc Presidential party for Chicago,
last week, says: "The great Pardoner
packing his trunks be takes a few
blank pardons along," "thc bread and
butter brigade in high glee," Ac. For
ney is one of thc wretches who de
manded, in the palmy days of A. L.,
me itt iTsi nun mijii iMtiiiiiii'iii in e eiy
. . . n
"Copperhead who Fj.oko disrespect
fully of tho "government." And A. L.
himself, went eo far as to declare that
thc individual who remained silent
that did not laud and praitc the "gov
ernment," miint. be marked as an ene
my silence was treason. "Wc won
der what would hecome of those
woundels if their own rules were en
forced agains', them. Ah ! tlic day is
not far distant w hen the knees of those
political prostitutes will pmito each
other as violently ns Belshnzar's did
when he saw tho hand writo on thc
wall, ''Mono, Mcne.Tekel Upharsin."ltin(.aUl8 of (,ilizcnshi Ifanvhavcto
Tho days ol their power arc number-
vll. A 111 V liU VU VII VIUUVU J I J U
balance and found wnntinrr. Their
party is being divided by tho Demo
crats and the Conservativpf, and "Da
rius" will 6oon have full
command of.
the"KingdDm," and will proclaim to
.b ' . .
Ml people, rations, and languages that
dwell in all thc earth: 'Tcacc be mul
tiplied ncto you, nod bis doiiTinion
ehall 1 e even ll end."
Oitr itlf tropotix. J
Wo are indeed a-hamed of tl.o con-,
dm tot tlic muiiuipal nmiioniuM'i
... .1 . .. .
our irrcnl citv. They refused to ex-'
tend the hospitalities of Philadelphia
to the President, Gen. Grant, Admiral
Farragut and their suite, upon
advent last week. The reason for
this gross insult to the Chief .Magis
trate, of tlic Nation, and to tho heads
!.,. a im ' nii.i "nw. is heeatiso llie
. .. ... . ..(.., .1
iM nv mnuleil creatures w no iuui,
the municipality, are accursed with
more "loyalty" and fanaticism than
reason and patriotism. Nowhere on
.i ,.,...(. a... ..i AViiKhinn-ion to
U1U M liviu 1 villi-, o
Chicago, was tho Presidential parly
and the Nation insulted, except at
Philadelphia. A general welcome was
extended the party along the whole
route, New York of course, as iu ev
erythingelae, exceeding all. Wo hope
that merchants and business men, who
havo a spark of patriotism left, will
make a note- of this insult, and when
they go East again, leave "the city of
brotherly love" either to their right
or left, and pass to the Monumental
city, or to the great Metropolis.
Itrmugoffue rs IttmiiRoguc.
If ever there was a calibash ached
for a brick-bat or a club, the one car
ried on the shoulders of that parasite
Forney is the one. We have less re
spect for W. II. Seward than for any
other living man; because wo belive
hini to bo a demagogue of the first
water, who has committed crimes
enough against tho personal rights of
his fellow-man to consign him to a
felon's den for life. Just now, how-
.over, ho is making partial restitution,
and wo will let him alone while he
proceeds on this line. But lor a
creature like Fcrney to announce
through his organ the Press his re
gret and sorrow at Tnyne's failure, to
murder secretary Seward, in April,
10"), is certain' an outrage and a
crime that none but devils can en
tertain, or desire.
.Tlorc Trouble in the I'Hdiral
Vamp. vi
The following copy of a letter, sent
to tho President of the I'epublican
Convention of the Second Ward last
evening, explains itself, and is a bitter
reflection upon tho city authorities,
and all others who refused to pay duo
respect to the President of tho I nited
States. Coming as it does from a
working man, it but expresses the
sentiment of thousands in the Fame
walks of life. Wo give the letter to
speak for itself: Ayr, "t'th.
rniLAluarnu, August I!', ISfifi.
To the PrrMtdrht and Mrmbtri rtf the A'nmiMfffiily
(tlNTLKMES : Notwitlislamliiiii tlic fact of hit!
Willi; miiuuiiKMi-ly I'lcrti d a IM ttiiiv to ur ('
ventimi, having ln-en jilnrcd un tin- ticket of tuith
tlic 0iMiting (llai'k'iil) fiM liounof hit mvim t, tlif
Sixtli, I am nrvrrtin'W'!' iiiuinlk'd to dwliiu' ttik
in a neat or any jia'rt liiil ir in your Conven
tion. J have licrn iixlucrd to tiikr tin My on acinnmt
of tlic Ai-tion of tlif Kadiral l'nioni..h touurilt the
Chief iltit' istrnte of the nation.
ou ine oeiaion oi
to-day. IlxVinn wilnctd in w.rm
hif arriv al and noiourn in thi ritv, vi fterdnv and I
I ur u iiii e.--
iui ni'tioii ol llie jiarty ot wineli I nave l,een an '
aetive iiieml.IT all mv lite, I lilt I could not longer;
"filiate h rwh
politirnl organ i rat ion ! I
hare therelore joined
the Club of tliif j
wnrd. intending hereafter to aet with a party who
appear to have fome eeiife of honor and deeeney.
Very re.peetfully,
(Signed) Sauitl U. Iti.i vt 1:11.
Tax Pavers Col. Francis
Jordan, located at Washington, act
ing as State Agent upon a salary of
?.'i,O0O, we learn from good authority,
has not done a day's work in that ca
pacity since tho 1st of June, the duties
of the office, however are not neglect
ed, as Col. James Gilliland, his insist
nnt, does tho business. The reason of
this dircliction of duty upon the part
of Colonel Jordan arises from the fact
. . ii. , i
Of his being detained 111 thc StalO V
the Stevens-Gearv men ns the Chair-
man of thc Ntatc'Ceiitral Committee.
Wc find no fault with tho Colonel for,.:!.
exenising himself in advancing the j shall aet c-usisteiit ith om prores.-i..ns."
jiolitieal interests of his nolitical party, We arc j.leased to know that there I
but wc do findlitult'with HisnitAwiNo nP fi.w f.fii. ,.l.i
I-AY for i.aiior THAT another ITR-
I rnnlid W1,!1a i i. tl.A unxi-liin r C i 1 .
I rt'll.ilt-. II IlllVj III V Ul 111V
; ,CT(S (;oa).Y
men, why not resign
t lin unst fiC St nto A p-ont .V Assit ktim.Ul
ho si.stracts from the Treasury of the!
United States S:i.000 which ius'.lv be-
Ion its to men who remain 'and toilpnw- hen the call was made for
early and late to make up his portion ;thc Soldiers Convention at Harris-
of labor. Tax payers of IVnnsylvania,; the Press ed ot her newspapers
. . I. I IX- I 11 :l . 1 fit t llilt. Kt n ll II tllll till (o 111 I liiUMni.a it
wuivii your money ; 11 e wwtiitiiihc 10.
know whv Frank Jordan s nad ?:h(Kl0
a year for doing nothing J Is not , "owned military leaders." Now the
our taxes heavy enough to ay whnt;11110 lepers tako exie.tion to the
is necessary to bo ' raid, w ithout or the National Soldiers' Conven-
wiuanderinif monev in stvlo.
Eaton Sttitinel. 1
fie Natiralizkh. Aliens who do-
sire tovotc this fall must attend dur -
llll l.'l'llllll'li V Will i. iu t lllUll in-
titicates of citizenship. If any have to
declare their intentions, let them do
lr. t,.t,i.- r',,.,-. .... i
" -'.a v fiimivi vuui t, UNU
?01 V,.oir ,uU I''ers ready to vote for
I'resiaeiit. Aliens wlio have been in
the fsorvieo of tho United States dur-
. ..... . .
i iiiji i ue late w ar, icr vne period oi ono
1 - 1 .. . i . I ' 1 r
year, and been honorablvdisehar.'ed.
I can obtain their certificates of eiii.en-
i.l i . ,t..i..- :
'"7 ,:: ;' :? 'V'l., "ll"
tentious Olliccrs of Clubs and other,
uemocrais w in please attend to such
matters, and render fcuch ast'stancc or
advice ns may bo necessary.
trrtrifnffrr f Vmii rtifn.
Tlic iVlegatc of this Afscniitiy
. l.fll... i .unit irs nf
I l -it I'll I.. IMMI. "tr-l'U VI IMV w ,
.,,..,;.,,, i r k- und l'oret-t. nut
.. , ' xhui.l.;y ,A
( nominate a candidate to be i"'p-
ported by the Democrats and ton-
servatives at inoniiroai iHngiivA i.vM,.
. . .i 1 .A. ...I ;.n
The following Delegates woiopuM '
( i.E.r.nn.i lion, u imam
it ii' n: i;..ri.n .
1.l,n l.Mwsho and William 1 . Gilbci t ,'
l-'w.ii'c it
- I ' . - . -
I'Mv-Dr. W. J.F.lakcly,.!. ji.Jones
and Jacob m taulev
,. ,
Forkst Daniel Jlack,Jon.lrocioj,
Esq., and Col. John D. Hunt.
Un motion. Kx-Gov. liigler was call -
ed to tho chair, and Dr. F'lakely made
cretarv. . .
On motion of Mr. Lawsbe, tho del-! 1Ists i,.ive Jlcn iu tl0 j,,,,,, of l)l0
cgatcu proceeded to ballot for a candi-1 prj1)U.riJ j0Ilf, enough to have been
date for tho Legislature. (printed weeks ago if containg no
Un the iirst ballot Clearfield cast ,)U),.C t)ian 30.OGU Fven though there
thrco votes for Thos. J. McCullough,iinay ho (jo,OUO, time enough has
Eso,.; Elk threo votes for Dr. U L. :t.i;i)S0(i t0 have had them printed mow
Early, and Forest three votes Inland readv for distribution. We believe
es Painter, Esq.
Four additional ballots were taken, !
without any change ; when the Con
vention look a recess of thirty min
utes for consultation.
At the termination of tho recess,
tho Convention reassembled", and cuhiLj.j ,d thc a 8 f 'tl0USan,js nf 7',i-
fifteen additional ballots, tho result
, i i ...1
being eacn lime as ncretoiore ' - l' - i:,i -
Jieloreuio iwoiuy-nrsi oaiioi uioiWOUjj bo oxk sixth of all thc VomhuI
name of James Painter was withdrawn
and Forest cast two votes for Col.
John D. Hunt; Clearlield threo for
Thomas J. .McCullough, and Elk three
for C. it. Early.
Or, tho twenty-second ballot Clear-
held cast three and lorest two votes-,, Kervi(.e have been added princii-ally
for t ol. John D. Hunt, of I-orcst, and,,,, iuCautitil:S where Disunion election
E k threo votes for C. L. i officers preside, bo that, unless the ac-
whereupon John D. Hunt, having a L-uscJ IUy be able to furnish proof, at
majority of all the votes, was declared L moment's notick, that they 'were
the nominee of the Convention. never in fiorvit.c thl,ir vota can be re.
un motion oi ir. j.iakeiy, oi j-.ik, !
the nomiration was made unanimous
On motion of Mr. Jones, tho place
of mee'ing for the next Convention
was fixed at St. Mary's, Elk county,
on the third Thuruy of August.
The following resolutions were then
unanimously adopted, and the Con
vention adjourned, sine die :
JUtutved, That we kaili'd with delight the a?
inl.liii(f of thc recent .National Convention at
l'hiliiilt Iphiii, composed of dolegrateii from all the
State and Territorien of the l iiion, an eviiR'itijr in
a IiitIi diirriH! returning ronlidenrv 'i J j;iKd
ainoiiRjit the lieotile of all wrtioin cf 'ir eoinmon
eountry, and that we cinhrw and ratily the orin-
etde and pnliry einniciaUd hy thiil lxly a tlioe tloll Id'CS (if tlC htdte, AND WAtlNlNU
U't caleulnted' to all Ihe States to their TMKM AUAIXST REJ ECTI NO Til E H ALLOT
former rehitionn to the edeinl (irerunient and to I ....... i
each other, a. l.-o to In gel fn. ' T anion; tl,ef,F AN. WAN JrhoSe amC maybe VpOll
.e..j,ie, and thu nfurni to the i uittd si..ii !
future eaec ierumuciit i-nifjiiTity.
etuhrti. That in llo I i.vvkii, the P.uio
eratic nominee for llovenior, e reeonirc a juililic
uiun of ample it itr, kIitii integrity ami hi;h
purpoees n alw. thc gentleman and . lic.lnr.
When he ia el.tled, an ho will be, the right man
will be iu the right place.
Jlctvlrrd, That bavin); thi day aleeted (ol.
Johk J. Hi sr aa the liemoerHlic nominiT lor the
limine of K pniM'iitnlivi j of tlnf Slut", we enni
ently eommeiid hiiu to the ftipporl of lie elrelor
of the dttrirt us a eitizen ol fair alnhtH-e, jr,od
hahitK and pole ehunu-ter, and one who will n.iike
a diligent mid faithful pul.iic servant.
Seirard on yitlirliatl.
Mr. Seward is Hometimcs jocular.
tho cares of State, nor
"Payne's mistaken stabs," have made
him sullen and morose. Ho occasion
al! v savs a good thing, and on AVed-
neMj.i- last in New York, he thus dis
posed of "his old friend
vt hen we eiune to J'lnlii'leliihia the onlv eilv
ion our way wuen tne aiiitioriiiee l ,l nc.l tender
hopitalilu to the l'rindeiit of tlw I nited Statef ,
w c ii'umi n env
I filler. J it linii tin poveimm
oiineil, no eitv aiiliionliea, and
we found a eity hi loyal, ro ean.e-l, ., peaeeuhle
mi Kiiloue iu the eause ol national n ..toration and :
! riwrntfiliult.,)! llmi.i.,ui,in ..,.L. I I
aelf Laughter ; and I eaid to eir. .'Hleed :
that eity hu h ean dii-penre with a ruler." ( l.Uj.-h-
ter.J I was rcuiiuiled ol John l.ilpiu ride, and
of the w Mi that
When John (lilpin net doth ride,
May 1 be their to nv ;
and I applied it to the .M.ivor. noil faid,
Lone live my old friend M'.Muhnol,
And the 1'riKident, lone live he!
And when we next do ride way.
May M'.Michael be there to km-.'
V2fThc Huntingdon Globe lias low-
ered tho Geary flu
and says:
'We could support t
enry a soldier, as a mnn,
ns a friend, loit we eannot sin nort bun a the
candidate of the Radical Hcpaliliem piutr. No
iv; i ..r a .. i i i... . ... . .
. u 1 1 1 w , ioi ii Mm eit ii mil ! r I III, liearv.
X M ...ibl,. man. . true friend ..f Jl,.,,u p..'iev
io n-tore this 1 nieu. ean vote f..r tiearj, and by
""' lin ' .a'ingan insulting
. . H ar M va IUV Viva V III V 1 1 fill. 1. Ill in
i i n.i t . ,
leu no nuve some respeci lor, con-
!K1u'n(,y. an1 Hoir country.
" ' "
. 11 AUD T0 1''f AE The liadieals are
1,1 c "ardest men to please wo ever
i - -s
Wlls Mgci ".V any 01 our "re-
lK,n, I'ccause it is signed by ' all o'i
(Y7, no i.ririUis ainoiio-tiictn. several i
a .1 aa
of whom are "renowned military
" " What will satisfy them r
iuskn"w.g' - '"l1' - 'men -Doyhstown Dem.
eJ. K. Moorehcad. who voted
against an increase of duty on bi -
i i.nn..BA (
u'"ioui v mi nmu i uv m?U fill IU
. . .
amiiy own coal mines in .Novabeol.a,
"as neon reno.i.inntc'l tor Comrrcss bv.1
.i i .
the D;s inionists of Allegheny couutv.
I , I ' . . It -v- I I r.
ou t ui iiiniu, o. -t':rciv. WHO. Iiml-
in.' there was no chance f,.r n snhiier
.against tho political bummers, with-
.i i :.. ' cm . . ..'
".,:,B;. '"l.'A
"brave soldiers" are treated, and trai-
tors to l'cnnsrivania a interests re
1 warded, in strong Abolition counties!
,101 districts. Drm. Start 3rd.
rut: t.rTi.fiitt irro.r c..-vi:.!
ff,)rm lfsrrfr r.iffri Vrtpnr
Wo under a:;J that the Disunion
'in an .vera have iriron orders to tho
i - 'tato'p
,iMs ,
rintcrs that they must Lave the
Deserters and Nonreiortinr
..... .. i- . -i .
J)r.lIUlJ m(M1 rc;l,,y i0r uiMimuiion in
two Weeks. I he printers arc accord
k ing da ' and night to get
e. SonieMime ago wc slated
mtriy wor
, i,' in Ann
lint tint i-iirl nii 1 wnrn Ktiliinnti'il rt
"-?- I
ayc uLollt m j0M.rtl.r8 and ll0n.
( i ak . i - ii
1 f IK II 1 111 U I ill lltl II1U1I. " II IV II 'UIU
InaiC ,l0 nrrM-('::ite upon tho lists
i about oU.OUU. We are told, now, that
itl0 nn.jrato will reach nearly sixty
;Tmil SASl, ! XLoro is strong reason
to bclive this, from the fact thtt the
tlie delau to be intentional JesiuncJ to
(.e , i accused no time to vrevarc
proof and hunt tip tatncusesl
Hut there is a more serious rumor
abroad. It is said that. since tho lists
r.iv. w.r..,w.,i ,1,,. i.nv
ocrof$ Hi,0
u-erc never in service. utl(i
Sixty thousand names
ranta soldiers nx service during the
whole tear. It is not possible that one
soldier out of every six deserted from
service. Nor is it probable that there
w as one deserter for every twelve men.
The names of persons who were never
(cdt T, m,blication of such
names upon tho lists, it is calculated,
w ill secure thc election officers from
punishment afterwards. There is but
little doubt that this desperate Disun
ion game is going on. The delay in
the prepartivn and distribution of thc
lints is strong proof of the fact !
To checkmate this deparato game
of tho Disunioniouists, we hope Mr.
Wallace, Chairman of thc State Cen
tral Committee trill at once issue a
circular to the election officers, defining
their poieers and duties under the (Tee
those lists, no matter whether he be a
Ihserter, Xon-reporting Conscript or
not! We hope that he will also in
struct the peoplo fa secure witnesses
against all election ojjleers who may re
ject suett, ballots, and assure all who may
suffer disfranchisement in thit way that
t Ik Democratic State Central Commit
tee of Dennsyluania will assvme the
diuting the lnjal proceedings is everv
colrt, from the lowest to the mon-
Tho Supreme Court of tho State
I having decided, in effect, that all men,
of laiejul age, who have a residence tn
in the State, and paid their taxes ac-
' ,.r I ...... r.
; , ..... A
in t., v"j i t'uviai or oiaiu law 10
contrary notwithstanding,) it is
lllC OUty ('I LllC parly Ot lllC
r d!MTRnui.d. -and Constitution to protect in and as
no ,,i!,.,,,Mii"ro t0 every citizensof Pennsylvania
I I.:.. : t ......,.'i,.,;,.).:.i(. ti
his just constitutional rights. Men who
b:i vo di-Si'l'ti'd ti-fim t1u niilit-irv
. "
"-l " "u M'giecuu or ICIUSCU
0 JK'I'form SCrVICO when drafted, arc
. . . l . . 1 i .... . i r j
certainly liable to punishment, but no
man can bo deprived of his vote or of i
. ., J--,-,. -i
ilt) CIVll Or political right Ulltll tried j
I'll court martial, tinder the rules ana
Jiegulat ins if the Army, found guilty,
ft ittt m en nun t int ikc approve.!. C
hope, therefore, that measures will he
at onto taken to urinc. to i-i nimimknt
assume judicial towers and dares to re-
J"'t the UatlvtS of tliC VU n Whose naillfS
apjiear upon those lists, cnlesh they
have been triko rv CoiUT mahtials,
rMonE STAMi-s-The Commissioner
of Internal JJcvcnue has called atten-
l'on 10 1'10 u'1 t'iat' the new law
makes the word "money" to include
1 . - . .
diet ks. Uralts and oilier
Idralts, Ac., aroto be stamped as il
given tor money.
v eriincaiesoi loau,
in which there shallannear anv writ.
ten or printed cvidenco of any amount
. , I isvitlilH'9, "I'll mv I IU I Iftr-VVa n IU CIMUKIB
given lor tho payment Of money, andjWidowa. All inqmriea and couiumnicalious au
thertfore the receipts for checks J swered promptly. Discharges receipted for. Foit
of money to be paid on demand or!-- ,0 ,hr 1",",eTn v i tate, win offer
at a time designated, are subject lorZ"
.!.., . " . 1 ' . J ' I
suniiji umj 11.1 jii utiiissory notes. HIS
also decided that t is the v nf the
maker ol tho instrument to aflix the
stamj.s thereto and cancel tho eamo
in the manner reiiuired by law.
I I lilt' irtll'l- j . t. . . - a, 1"
'i.r.i oii-n't jut.M. 1 or
lead-;11'1'''0 years service in tho battlefield,
abolition Congress voted white;
veterans 5100 bounty ; negroes, ?;H0 ;
..m..!,,.. 4-. .!:, . ;. ! i
i?mseles, lor drinking whiskey,
Feventuig n restoration of tho Union
"na s'l'''"Jering the people's money,
ur x montliP. So.nOfltf Sothov havo
, . '-. t
lii'iil.i tlia Cooln .. ,.a ' m
, " ";,;".?"'. " "'"fiO
eo "v"- " nn boiuh-ib iiimi.
CtS-A dirty, illiterate, Abolition dog,
i f. ..." , lias ttXT.0 Uar?" I
t 1 - c
flipp '; 'V' ,,Ml K-ir u
,!orecrilllC waits until a Ponso of
UIamo prompts Lira to return it!.!"' con JV -
West cm Press.
lie who is indifferent to praise is
. i. i i . ,
(gonerally dead to shame.
of tho Pcrnocratio State
Pivot auc fcmTit Coa-nrnr-i Room,)
W'ALstt Strict, I'mii ao'a, I
Auguat 20, 1 SCO. J
To thc Picplc of Pennsylvania :
Tho issues of tho canvas arc made
Tho restoration of the Union and
t,1(" prewrviition of your gov
"ri! tl,c vilal V that i
now con-
access on ueau, uuvu.sun.on blill,
t ...... 1 II A .1 ?
I VCM. OiaVOrV IS exiinci. UUL liinnti.
Slavery is extinct, but fanati
cism survives.
The rights of white men are sub
merged in efforts to elevate the negro,
and the black man is sought to be
made a controlling element in tho pol
itics of tho J'epublic.
Centralization seeks to rear its des-
pOUC power Upon lllC ruins OI lUe tOn-
.1 J . I fA
stitution. and foreshadows ft war of
.. , ,
ranoa fir its nwnmn ikhmonf
.v w..v.
Proscription and disfranchisement
naiirii tlu liliifna of mn.rniintiiltv iiml
i ii- i "i i . i .
clemancy.arKl discord and hate combat
vin iMiuii cuui u v umi uuiiuiini uuiiuui u.
Congress refuses to nourish thcre -
, " u... ft ,.f.t.
.uuiiunu,,. ... ru, i nu, ino
ueui, oi me liCjiuune, aim utaus wuir
,. .l.f .l . .. lf.i.. . - I X -
Kixiuion me lnuusiriui liueresis oi me
NortL- Congressional extravagance
... ii. 1 . . . . ; ii! i-. -
ys!' - """"" - ' - j i'-v
the cxceiition.
A Convention of representative men
from each of the United States has
mei wim in ino pasi ween ; mey nave
forecast the future, agreed iu senti -
ment, and dispersed to their homes.
Their work has passed into history;
the impartial mind that woik is a
perfect answer tO the charge that the
South is not ready for restoration.
fV,m,.,.,Hl nfman nf pvpht awtirin
holding every shade of political on'x
y V . . . .. V . . '
ion, they have re-enunciated the eter
nal principles that lie at the huso of
our institutions, havo renewed fieir
vows of fealty and of brotherhood,
and have joined hands in an united
effort to restore the Union and pre
serve the government created by the
No man need err in this contest:
Support Congress and you Mistain
disunion, attack yourgovernment, and
elevate tho negro at tho expense of
your own race.
Support the President and you re
store the Union, preserve your gov.
crnmcnt, and protect tho white man.
On tho one sido are Stevens, Sum
ner, agitation and disunion.
On tho other, tho President, the
Union, peace and order.
By order of tho democratic State
"WM. A. WALLACE, Ch'n.
On tho 20th of August, ISOo, by Fnr.nrnicK
ifou-oiTTKii, Lq, Mr. WILLIAM l'EDKCKLIt
to Mm. ROSALI A PMILEY j both of Brady tj..,
Clearfield county.
On the 30th day of AuRunt, thcroidenee
of the bridc'i father, t y the Itcv. Jon A. Ncskr,
LE ; all of this county.
Ou the 2Cth of August. ISOo, by Exixt el Ila-
tf.biiaxd, Efq., Mr. PA MEL. XEWCOMER. of
Bell townnip, to Min fiOPIIIA JAXE SMITH,
of Tenn township.
At lii renideure in Cheid towm-liip, on the 21 ct
dny of Augmt, 1SCG, VILLUM McMASTEIt.
aped 72 year.
The deceased was a
, - , .,-.
Chureh, a devoted Christian, a kind parent, a be
loved neighbor, and beloved by all who knew hiin.
I'eai-e to hif n innins.
In Ooeeola, Ta., August 14, 1SC0, Mra. XAXCY
KEI'IIAKT, aged 65 year, 6 mouths and 14 days.
She gave her heart to fiod seventeen years ao,
and, though furmunded by rirx'iitnstnnees not en
eouracine, she showed to all, by her walk and
conversation, that the bod been with Jestis and
learned of Hun. Seldom did ehe enjoy (lie pn i-
icaruea oi iiiui. reiuoiu um ene enjov ine privi-
legos of the fanctuary that flic did not shout the
priu-e of 1 1 1 111 who timl reilecuied tier. H lien
speaking in class-meeting or love-feast, she invari
ably spoke of the power of grace to sustain anil
the confidence she had that tod would keep that
which she bad committed to Him even unto the
end. Ten days bcturc her dea.h, while in good
health, iu the bouse of (iod, she partook ol tho
t-acrajuent. r-he burst forth in about of praise,
giving glow to God, in her siekness, and iu death
she triumphed, giving ample evidence of the power
ol the nligion whu h she prolesscl. '
iUu drrrti$cmcnt5.
Attention, Soldiers.
mtitliil to an l.NCUEASKI luH XTY
'it... . l : I ... - ti.a, it i.
uuurieitiii'ii IB I'rriiiiivu cuiltvl Hll Flint
11 n , ; 1
, " ZT l","""tlllr' , vv.v
Public Vendue.
""PHE subscriicr, having determined to
irmncr ia. irn, consisting 01
1 mnut .Motia.r N.ia,
A do do Chairs,
1 do do Roeking Chair,
I set enne bottom Chairs,
) Card Table, 1 Pining Table and 1 Side Table,
1 Book Case and Books,
1 set I cdmoiu Furniture, Bedsteads A Bedding,
I Cuploard and Sink, 1 Farlor btove, -
I new No. 9 W averlv Cook Move,
1 COW, fresh in June last,
I new Sleigh aud Buffalo Robe,
ft . ..r I .. i.. . ... . .
iuii Bssoniiivui oi nouseuoiu nna Ktiencn lurtll-
l,im., ,n,i , gTcat v.rie.y of other articles.
.7.Tr-alc to commence nt 12 o clock. M., when
the terms and eouditious will be made known.
Sep. S. li; ?t M. WtiOliS.
Li:KKIi:l.l Ctl'!STY S.ln the
matter of the estate of Titus II. Bailer, late of
Bloom township, Clearfield county, deceased. In
the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, respecting
the appraisement of real estate appraised and Set
out to the widow, under the acta ol Assembly, rii :
sixteen acrea ana lorty-nve perches of land, ap
'lT i "vJe ur' u",;le ,hc t
order, June I., luG: KerKirt of anorwisers read
filed on or before the first day of September term,
i ae rame wiu on connrmra aosoiuie. hy the court.
epi-t I. t. BAHCEK, Clerk.
T l.i:X DL'ftTntRSk 8Uiug nB at cost at
Accidents I Accidents
North American Transit Insurant
Principal mice, 1.13 S, 4th St., PUi
t'harlrrrd -Capital
.March. ,1o.
J, l'cnntvlvania. 1
Annual l'lirii irsutd acainut nil A- I
t emadint It low rain, 1
any lum fruia I iOU to IO,OU0. ho nifd.
aiLimuon requirrj. Coiupcoialion girtu I
weca in cat 01 uijurj.
ly P w ininy jo,... m .
m . . . .
-..-..... .Hu m vui-rn ma hit.
art widely and favorublr known thrmuh,. 1
oiaie, i
Omcrm I.ouli L. Hoopt, PreiJent.
Henry C. brown, Secretary.
- i
Jamei M. Conrad, Treasurer
Directors Lewii L. Houpt, LaleUen'l t
Agnnt I'enn'a Itailroad Co.; Matthow baird I
ol W. W. lialdwiu A Co. I'bilad'aj bam J
, . . . .
runner, tMiier tjomineroial Nat. H.r.k oil
nitnara oa, tirm Wood, Wurib i Ha
Mr?e.'..,t' 'i ! Jmet ii. twJ
inrin Conrad A Yi alton, 6.3 Market lU Pbilil
..... .. .. ... . 1 ul"l
j. ti ivmgiiey, uounnental Hole!,
ii. u. LeuonrmK, ni t rsi uCk it,
Oeorge Martin, nrui Martin, Toy A Co. No
, C'uei'.nat t, Pbii'a , Knocb Lewia, la'a Uei I
;6u(t, F.. juiimadi o. c. iiancucu., u,J
i igeni i etu a nauroaa vouipany. I
l "I'ciet iud and inforuiation furnished!
"JUM L. CUITLE, A.ent,
,eI,5.,f Clenrlicld, A
Jlanufucturer of
Paper Hangings and Window Shad J
, tor. lourtu 4. aiamci bis., riniaaeij.tni.
i B. Aiwayi in tore,a lurgc atockof Lix.:
: l'il'JlL'-AiiH.: 'Jit
lAU IIU.V All itcrnong are hereby caul ml
aiunt purelianiug or iu any way ioe.1.1, J
witli tik-ri ltuv Mareii and (fenrx and itne li,
now in the ijoawemoD of Truiuun Root, of k"
I township, tleurlield county, aa said proH.rty
' '""K" to u.e, and i. left with h.ra on loan. fu. ,
, to my order. JOIIA
Anwnville, Sept. 5, ISCP-'it.
('ILOTIIIM; A larpe atoek of Ki-ady-
t'lothinj K'lliliK off cheap at
ner.5-lta J. t. KP.ATZER'S.
17L-LL Kl ITS. Coat, Ponts and Vest,
. mixed JCasiiner, for 13. Light Cps;o.
Panta and eats to match, all wool aud well n.
fur $10. Over-alls selling at i ; at
aepS-lm J. P. KKATZEIfS
1)L.U'K IIIS COATS Cissimer Ira.
I) ness Coats Ulnck doe akiocassioicr PanU-
neavy corded silk Vests at
wp5-lm J. P. KRATZEK'S.
)VS CLOTHING A full hue of tov
Coats, Jackets. 1'anti and Vesti nt
er.5-loi J. P. KKATZER'S.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY VIKTl'E of an order of thc Orphan' Cwi
of Clearfield countv, there will bo expo i t
1'LBLIC SALE, at thc Court lluuse in Clearfieic
Ou Saturday, September 22, I (.(;,
At 2 o'clock, the following descrilK'd Real E-ts'i
iiu:ite in Bradford township, Clearfield eoue'i
Pa., and Into the property of Henry Corwrll, dec'u
Beginning at a red onk, tlicnue north -.1 rt. it-eai-l,
by Aun MeClenahan survey, 2i0 peche to:
pot thence br Francis Johnson and Willint
Mi l'herson aurreys, west Sl.l perches, to a loous
at tho river; theuee down the river, 7tC pcrvbii
to thc place of beginning,
Containing 41ft .tcrts,
"laving ahnnt FoRTY ACKES CI.EARKK
onelart" HWELLIXO IIOl'SE and EARN at.
ncccshary ontbuildinr erected thereon, and a'.,
having a FINK ORCHARD on the premi.-e.
Exci'iiting and reserving 23 acres sold by Heiir;
Irowvii to James 1'ixiui.
.T'TThis snle made subject to the payment i
balance of original purchase inonevs. "
Aug. 2'.l, loC-4t AJuiiiiistratui
i l'b as of I learfield couutv, l'a.
Iu the matter of thc lncoq.nratiun of the "Gennnt
Evangelieal Lutheran J-alcin Congregatiou ic
liradv townslnp, i learncld countv, l a.
Now, June 20th, A. 1. 1SG6, on application fr
taid Court to grant a charter of incorporation, it i
ordered bv the said Court, that the writini; i.r aii-
'tnt ' ..vvi ., , ,.,u m iiiiu ill llie lo.ui el i
..i...u;..n r.. l.......-....t;.... l. ni...i i- ..a- r
: the 1 rottionotary, and that notice of the appliis-
tion 1st published in at least one newspaper pi nitH
in the county, for at least three winks, and t lint if
no sufficient reason be ahown to the contrary, iht
same will he granted. Bv the Court.
Aug. 2!, fi0-3t. D. F. ETZWEIl.Ell. TrothV.
tnrlal Sunday Book, just publishel
containing accurate description! and explana
tions ol the tranners and customs of the En'tcrn
cations of antiqu ty, their ttranee and curious
ritct; traditions, reremnnies, implements of war
fire; tbeir modes of Worship; explanations of
many portions nf the Old and New Testaments,
and passages occurring in the Scriptures ; inter
esting and graphic details of the principal
places mentioned in the llible and ancient his
tories; description of the birds, animals, plants,
Ac; by Rokrt Siakh. Illustrated by nearly
401 engravings. It ii arranged for Special
"'""'" "'V"1
""K'"" ' '
to make rnancy, as the cha
Headings on tlbltl 64 till A 1 11 of the vcar.
aa excellent chance
nancy, as tee character of the work is
.such that ministers of the Gospel, colporteurs
and canvasser will be free tn recommend it. 1 r
terms, which are ery liberal, address
( Publishers, 413 Chestnut street,
! Aug. 29-U Philadelphia, Ta.
AMT.D AGENTS $75 to fino per
T month for Gentlemen, and to tTS for
Ladies, everjwher. to fntruHura tb Cornmo
SetlllA Fattnilr swiniy Virhin imnwtrAfl ind
. - ---. .
perfected. It will hem, stitch, quilt, bind, braid
and embroider baantifully piica only Un
making the tlastie lock stitch, and fully war
ranted for three yeara. We paj the above wages,
or a commission, from which twice that amount
can be made. Address or call on
C. BOWERS i Co.,
Office No. ?5S South Fifth t., 1'bil'a. Pa.
AJy-All letteri answered promptly, with cir
culars and terms. u?t-lt
I.!:!! ll.l.l) ACAIU'.MV. The eier-
eises of this Institutina will be resumed on
Monday, the 10th day of Sptcn.her, A. 1) lflft.
I'upils can enter at ny time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
the close of the Session.
The course of instruction embraces every thing
included in a thorough, practical find accom
plished education for both
The Principal, having had the advantage of
much experience in hia profession, assures pa-ii-iiu
and guardians that hia entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the moral and'men
tal training of the youth placed tinder hn charge.
ir.U.M 01 TLI IIOX.
Orthography, Reading, Writing, and Triinsry
Aiithmetic, per Session (11 weeks) - fj 00
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and
History . . . . . . $3 09
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mcn-
turation, Surveying, Philosophy, I'hjsi
. dingy. Chemistry, llook Keeping, Bolauy
and Physical Geography . . . f 9 00
Latin and Greek, with any of the above
Braoehei - . . . . . (13 00
stS deduction will be wade for absence.
trtit further particulars inquire of
Clearfield, July II, 1866 If. Fnncipal.
A Month 1 Aecnti wanted for e ra-
'irr'y nev arlulii, just out. Address.
O. X. GAKEl, City liuilding, liidde.'ord. Me.
May 16. ly-Uftft.