professional &$$ Cards. WK. A. W All A' r i, BLAKE WIMTRS, M M. It, MblM, r 1 A ML ntl.hlM). ALLACE,BIGLERjiF!ELDINGL 4 T10HSKY! AT LAW, ChrllfU, fa. J business of ill hirds promptly md accurately attended to. May 1J, rtt-iy. THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, I TIOUKKY AT LAW. Office adjoining the j I.ank, formerly occupied by J. B. MrV'nally, s., Market street, Clrnrlictil, Pa. Will attend prowptlv to Collections, Sale of Lands, Ac. Deo. 17. 'n2. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW and REAL ESTATE Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Cflioe on Market street, ippofite the jail. Hespecilully offers hit tvices in selling and buying lands in Clcartiold and ailioiniDC counties and with an experience of over twenty yean a a Surveyor, flatteni himsolf (hat he can render aatmtaction. leo. "' ' ROB EilT "J ." W A L L A CE, ATTOHKEY AT LAW, (learneld, Penn'a it fcktw's how, o posite the Journal ollice. I'"0- It 1853- WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cleiirfleld, Penn'a. Office on Market fcitreot, one floor east of the "Ucarfiold County Bank." May 4, lo4-tf. JOHN U. ORV18. C. T. ALEXANDER. "ORVIS & A LE XANDE Fl7 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Sept. 13th lS651y. Bi-l'iefonte, Pa. D rTJ . 1 B U R C H F IELD , I ATE Surgeon of the Md Kegtment, Penn'a J Volunteers, having returned from the Army, otters bia professional services to the citiiens of Clearfield and vicinity. Professional calls prompt ly attended to. Oiliue on South EaBt corner of 2d and Market streets. April 4. ISfto.-tf. DENTISTRY. J. P. CORNETT. Desttst, offers bia professional services U the eitl 1 tens of Curwensville and vicinity. Office in Drug Store, corner Main and Thompson streets. Curwensville, May II, 186fi-Iy-pd J. BLAKE WALTERS, SCKIVEXER AND CONVEYANCER, and Agent for the Purhase and Sale of Lands, Clearfield, Pa. Prompt attention given to all business connected with the county offices. Office with Hon. Wm. A. Wallace. Jan. 1, 1860-tf. TOSEPII II. BRETII, Justice of the Peace, and J Licensed Convey aneer, New Washington, Clearfield county, Pa. T?f) l.Toil. JAMES C. BARRETT, Justice of the Peace and Licensed Conveyaacer, Lutbersburg, Clearfield county , 1'a, Collections and remit tances promptly made, and all kinds of legal in struments ciecutued on short notice, Lathersburg, May tfth, 1866-tf. J. 3. .'Xl'MUT. FAHIEI. MITCHELL. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Merchandise, Lumber, Grain, fre. New Washington, October 25, 18C5.-ly.pd. Clearfield Co., Pa. C. KRATZER & SON, MF.HCIIAM!, dealers in Dry Ooods Clothing, Hardware, Cuttlery, Queensware tiroceries, Shingles, and Provisions. At theold stand on Front Street above the Academy. Clearteld, December 13th. 1865-tf, J. P. KKATZEIi, H, TEKC'IIA NT, and dealer in Ooods .lVlClothing, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries Provisions, Ac. Market street, opposite the Jail, Clearfield Pa. April 20th 1864, LEON M. COUTMET, H TERl'IIANT, and dealer in Dry Goods jjX. Keady-inade Clothing, Groceries, Liquors, Drugs and Medicines, Data and Caps, Bwte and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Ac, Frenebville, Cleatfield county. Pa. May 2. ' GEORGE F. WARDLB. CB ARLES N. EHD WHOLESALE GROCERS. Tobacco, Tea, Spices, &c, &c, N. K. cor. filh A JIarket Sts., Feb.H, 1800-Cra. rUILADELl'HIA. CYKENIVS HOWE. JCSTICE OF THE PEACE. For DacATra Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to bis care. r. U. Addrei, ruuipsuurg is. Ant. list ISM THOMAS M CRISMAN, Agent for the Finger Sewing Machines. Philipsburg. Centra eo., Penn'a, Oct. 11th, l5 -tf. PHOTOGRAPH EH. D. MU AUG HEY, having purchased the Thntngraph establish saent 'ormsrly conducted by H. LriJge, would respectfully announce to the citiiens of Clcar ield and adjoining counties, that he has recent ly mads additional improvements to both sky light and aparatus, and he flatters himself that he can satisfy the most fastideous taste in a rai l and lifelike likeness. He also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Guilt, Kosewood, and Walnut frames Albums of alt siies and styles and an endless variety f cast a, Uckets, etc , which be will dis pose of at very moderate prices, for rash- Uisf allory is ia Bbaw'a row, (up stairs.) Mar ket street, Clearfield, Pa., where be is always rea dy to accommodate customers who mav be in wantof a good Likeness of themselves or friends. Testicular attratiea paid to copying a'l kinds of pictures, November I5lh. lrt15. CLEARI ir.l.ll ACADF.MY. The eioi eisrs of this Institutioa will be resumed on Monday, the 10th day of Septcn-ber, A. I). 1S(!. Tupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the Session. 1 be course of instruction embraces every thing included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education for both sexes. The Principal, having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guard' ans that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the moral and men tal training of the youth placed under bis charge. ir.K.M4 OF Tl mux. Orthojrrnpl y, P.eading, Writing, and Primary Arithmetic, per Session ( II weeks) - f i 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetis, and llinory $ 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men suration, Surveying, Philosophy, Pbysi oloirv, Chemistrv, Hook Keeping, Botany and Physical Oeogrjphy - . - $9 00 Latin and Greek, with any of the above Branches Ill 00 jefSa deduction will be made for absence. JUT for further particulars inquire of Rev. p. L. HARRISON, A. M, ClcarJeld, July 11, 1866 tf. PrincipaL Coal, W hale and Linseed Oils, Family Py, varnishes and paints of all kinds ground in oil For sale by II. A I e Ol.M IM; MACIII.l:s. Persons desirous of havirg a Superior Machine, should rny Wheeler A W ilson'a sample Maehinea,on hand. 11. . NAUOLK. Agent. Clearfield. February IS, 18f.n-tf. rinispei and abdominal supporters of every I kind of the latest improvements, for sale at the Inig Flore of lIAKTcWICK A IRWIN S' 'walms panacea, Kennedys medu-al Iis- eoverv, Ueuibold s llurha, Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Jane's aod Ayer's mediciaesof every kind for sale by II. I. Qff A Month 1 Agents wanted for t"x tn- J VJ hi , . . ... O. T. GAREi, City Building, Bidleford, Ms. sy It, 0 A Mi YK IsOVKl.S OF G3lticiaaip C co cd tH o AND Ye Advocates of Economy!!! O L. M. COUTRIKT Mm jsut opened a New Store, one mile above Lecoiiles Mills, in liirard township, ami it pri'i'ared lo SELL A LITTE LO.Vi.ii 'liiA they can be found ANY WHERE ELSE IN TIIECOUNTY. His stock consists of DRY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, llcudy Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boolj aud Shoes. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS AND of the very bem quulity. HARDWARE, QUEENS II'ARE of New .Stylus, aud Tuiwaro. Liquor of all kinds, ouch as Brandy, IPine, Rum and H'uisky. Flougha, Dow Castings Cider Tresses, i'lsli, uiis una e?an. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, rerfuraery, (Jlusb ana varnin. Also, Agent for the Celebrated CHOLERA BI1 Wilis. Call snd see for yoursolves before r-ur- chabing elsewhere. May ), 1P00. o ni. JEW STOKE AND NEW GOODS! JOS. SHAW 4- SON llave just opened a New Stork, on Main St.. Clearfield, IV, lately occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Their stock consiats of C hoi eries of the beet quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, and eirery article necessary for one's comfort. Call and examine our slock before pur chasing elsewhere. May 9, ISfiG-tf. NOTIlEREXCJTEILuNT A FALL "iN TRICES. AT THE Cheap Cash Store OF WILLI AH F.IRWIN! South Second St., Clearfield, Pa. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring Sl Summer Goods At Urcatlv Kcduccd I'nccs. lam jnst receiving and opening a carefully selected stock of fashionable spring bum mer Ooods of almost every description. K beautiful assortment of Prints and Irj goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, ' '". -c -c-v r f"Hji. fTa f .-m-v t-m ana rruits, roretga ana uotnestic, tuch Apples, Teaches, Cur raos, Prunea, Raii-ina, Oran ges, and Lemons. Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel In I 1 and s barrels of the best quality, all of which will be soid at the lowest cash or readypay prices. My old friend! and the publio generally, are respectfully invited te call. .T-W-N. H. All kinds of OJM.Vand approved CdVSTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for Ooods. WM. F. IKW1N. Clear6eld,Jlfaytb. ISM tf II All LEY & SONS F O U N D E R S, Clearfield, Penn'a. They hereby notify the public, that the Foundry tn the Borough of Clearfield, has been put In full blast, and they are now ready to accommodate the community with anything pei tainmg to their line. They keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Cook, Parlor and Ton IMato Stoves, for burning EITHER WOOD OR COAL Salamander's, Number 4, Base Stoves, Number 3 and 4, Wash Kettles, 1G and 20 gallons, Fire Grates 20 and C indies. FARM DINNER BELLS TWO SIZES, riows and Flow Cut-lings. We are, also, prepared to mako al kinds of GRIST AND SAW MILL IRONS, and special attention i paid to the re pairing of Threshing Machines. Tersons in want of anything, in our line, would do well b giving us a rail. All kinds of country produce, and old Metal, taken in exchange for our Manu facture, at the highest market price. II A I! LEV k SONS, Clearfield. Ta.. November 1st. I8f.5.-lf. 7 re rrsm Paloon. listing opened ates- X tsurant,on Market street, just above the Hrew ery, I am now prepared to furnish lee Cream ...... . r 1 1 ..ti i dies and Uentlemea are re.neetfull Invited to leal). A. itUCbPP. J Cleareeld, Vaj 23 lift SPRING GOODS. rtiosi mw toh a ruiLAPrirniA Aa Cheap tlie ( lieapcat aud ;oo4 the llt kt. f. KRATZER & SOX, Have Just received, and are opening, at their Old Jtand on Front Street, atiove the Academy, a large ai.d well se lected eisertuient of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are selling at very low rates. Head the following eatalojue and profit thereby. Especial pains hss been taken in tb selection of Ladies Dress Hoods, while Goods, Embroideries M illinery Goods, Prints, Kerchiefs, Nul.ies, Uloves, ic. FO It GENTLEMEN. Always on hand Mack Cloths Fancy and lllack Cassiinercs, featinets, etc., Keady Made Clothing ol all kinds. LOOTS AND SHOES, 3 n -3 Nsa-4 (A -5 "a- 73 O NECKTIES, and a variety of thor articles, which they will sell at a small advance on eost. Particular atteation ts invited to their slock of Carpets, Cottage, common In grain, euperbne Kngliih Ingrain and llrnssels, Floor aud Tablo Oil Cloths, Window shades and Wall papers, eto. FLOUR, BACON. Fish Salt. Plater. A i. tiles. Peaches and 'A Prunes kepi constantly on hand. ALSO, in Store a lot of large and tmall Clover seed. We intend to make It an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from us; because we win sell our goods as low as tbey can be bought in the county and pay the very highest priee for all kinds of country pro duce. V's will also exchange goods for 6rnnoi,, Road and CorHTT aiders; Shingles, Hoards, and a II kioJs of Manufactured Lumber. Clearfield. March 14. lUGti.. Something New. G.SUMMERFIELD FLEGAL, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron waro, riiilipsburg, Penn'a. I would respectfully inform the rublic, that I have opened a room id the borough of riiilieburg, for the rLunufacttire anj i5ale of 'I in Ware out of the bei.t malerial the matket will fiord, and made by experienced workman, all of which 1 will sell at either wholesale or retail prices sutprUingly low. Task those in neeJ ol anything in mis line to call aod examine my v are and satisfy themselves that it is made for use. Country Merchants desiring to purchase small lots of Ware will iind it to their ad vantage to buy of me. Stores of all sizes ami shapes, for burning either Wood or CohI. 1 would call particular at tention to that well tried and popular Cook ins Stove cnlled. very appropriately, the IRON SID IX This Stove bus all the advantages iiosse-sed bv others, besides the oven is larger, aud the ash pit deeper and more lop surtiice than thut of any oth er Store in the market, and is without a rival. 1 also keep on hand all kinds of Stove Pipe which I will sell a low as it can bend r- chased west of the mountain. I also keep constantly on hand, shovel, carrhpo bolts, grates, firebrick, stove linings, cled soles, Wiililfl Irons, SLet Zink, Sal Irons.Brass and Porcelain Kettles, together with a variety of wares too numerous to mention Also a Urge stock of the best kind of Stoneware. And last though not least in my line of bii'in-hS. is that of Snouting. I am prepared to fill all orders in Ibis line on short notice, ami manufactured out of (he best mntetinl. I want every body that comes to town, to eome and lake a look at mv show, and see ior themselves. I m going to sell the chenp est and bel Wares ever offered in this vicinity. I Irave several '"Tropic Ileat- inn"atid 'TarlorCook Stoves that I will sell at cost, to cloe out the stock for the Season. Trv mo. Feh 7th 1 SGli'-t f O . R. F LEG A L. I'EACK PROCLAIMED. THE WAR OVEH IN CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. NEARLY ALL THE CONTRABANDS GOING BACK TO THEIR OLD MASTERS. RUT NARY ONE GOING PACK TO OLD MASSACHUSETTS. WHERE THEY WEBB LOVED SO LONG AND. SO WELL. In eonsenurnre of the above fnrte, F. Fbobt of the old f-hort Shoe Shop ; would announce to bis numerous patrons, and the people of Clear field eounty at large, that he has now a first rate lot of good meteril: just receive J from the east, and is now prepared oa short notice to make. ad mend boots and I ocs at bis new Shop in Grahams row. He Is satisfied fiat he can please, (unless it mi(ht be some intensely loyal stay at home Pstriuts). Ho is prepared to sell low for rash or County Troduce, don't forget the shop neit door to Uraham Iloytons store, on mark et Street Clearfield Par A kept by a fellow com monly called July 2VS 1y. "SHOUTY. COPARTNERSHIP. rThe nndersiined have thls'day formed a Co 1 partnership under the firm name of Irwin A Hartshorn, for the transaction of a General Mer chandise and Lumber business. A large and well eelefte'i stock of Hoods has been added to those already on hand at the Corner 8tore In Curwensville where we are Bow prepared to sbo Customers a completed assortment with prices as low as the lowest. The highest market rates paid for Lumber of all description. The patronage ol the public is respectfully solicited. KDWARD A. 1KVIN. TV. R. UARTSUOKN. Curwensville, July M, 185- 1 VBuehls t prime Cloversaed. for sale by 1VU IKVIN A HABTSIIOKN. Curwensville, February SS, lS6-tf. 1 )ullcy tllorks, all sires, and best tnanuraa- 2re, at MKEU k BIQLKK S IT nOPK3 of all sires, forTale7t Deo. 13, IMS. MERRKLL A BIGLER. R B analo Kobes,Knee and Horse Illanketa at Nevis, "Si. MERRKLL et BltLER'B. 'B. W. SMITH, & CO., ARB orESWO Selling the Cheapest and BEST LINE OF mLLizr ced-cocdiss offered in Ci.rarfield county. Ilaviog'been the latest to purchase we have the advantage of fie decline in prices, and otivr this advantage lo all our customers aud all others. IN LADIES DRESS GOODS, WE briri tho latest and most labliionublo stylos. ALPACAS, which are now so fashionable, we Lave good qualities as low as 45 cents, embracing every (shade. We ofl'er alsoaXovclty which lias just appeared in Dress Goodrf, called PERCALE ROBES. These Goods come in Patterns, compri sing all chades and designs. lieing already trimmed they requiro only cutting and fitting and can be done up at ' any time. FANCY DRY GOODS Ladies Super Kid Gloves, Ladies fancy Lixle gloves, Ladies Mohair Milts, Ladies fine Silk Nets, Ladies fan cy Chenille, Ladies Magio Ku 111 in j. Ladies Lace Edging, LADIES THREAD EDGING, Ladies Valenciennes I'luting, Ladies Silk tassel liuttons, Ladies Silk Scarfs, Ladies fancy Ties, Ladies embroidered Handkerchiefs, Ladies Jloru Stitched, Handkerchiefs, Ladies Lawn hand kerchiefs, Ladies Empress trail Hoop skirts, Ladies Hoop Skirt covers. SHOES GAITERS. Lasting, Goat, Glove Calf, .Morocco, Cloth Opera - Slippers. STRAW GOODS. Shaker Hoods, SUNDOWNS, ' SUNDOWNS, Canton Straws, - llrnid Straws, IViby litis, Split Hats, Luten Hats, Trimmed Ilats, Straw cords and all necessary ornaments. MEN'S WE A R. Fine assortment of-fancy Cas eimercs in patterns, extreme ly cheap. Abo Boys car. BOOTS AND SHOES Men's heavy Monroes, Men's fine Calf uoots, .Men s glove calf Gaiters, Men's Cloth Opera Slippers, Men's fino patent leath er Boots, YOUTHS AND HOYS SHOF.S all sizes and styles. Straw Hats, Hosiery, Kid Gloves and Collars. STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS FRUITS! FRUITS! Seedless Raisins, Layer Kaisinjt, Ptunes. nii i rncnei, iHu rears, uan corn, Can Tine Apnle. Can Sarrli Italian Maccaroni. Almonds and Fics. uruui iuis, ruoeris, i 'ranges Lemons and Tickled ' Oysters. CRACKERS! CRACKERS! ! Sugar Discuit, Lemon Biscuit, Egg Biscuit, Fancy Biscuit, Wa ter and Butter Biscuits. OILS AND SPICES. Genuine New Oileans Molasses, Sup. Extra Syrup, Sugars, Coffee, Rice, Teas. Candles, and Soap. TOJiACCOES AXD SEGAIiS. Hoes and Hakes, Grass Hooks, Trowels and Mops- Oil Cloths, Willow Waro, Fish, Salt and 1 To r s I jl i4i tin. Mav ft. REMOVAL. J. P. ii A T7.ER. - :.-.---" In as removed to ii in new are-iiooaia, uu Market St., Clearfield, Pa., here ha has opened a vory large stock of Dm Goods. .7 Merinees, Ginghams, ClotLs, ilelalnes, Prints, Caslmeres, A I pares, Silks, Pntlnets, Keps, Cashmeres, Tweds, Coheres, Mohair, Jeans, Lanellas, Muslins, Flannels, Hon nets, Kib bons, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Head Nets, Caps, Corsets, Oloves, Collars, Scarls, Urenadio Veils, Table Covers. Clot hins. Coats, Pants, Vests, Over-Coats, Uent's Shawls Shirts, Hats, taps, cndor-bniru ana Drawers, Boots, Shoes, Uum Shoes, Cravats, Oloves and Collars. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GRO CERIES k MUSICAL GOODS. Groceries. Tea, CofTee, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Csndles, Rice, flour, bacon, Fish, Tobacco, Kaisins, Currants, Spices, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE. GLASS-WARE. WOODEN- WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, Oil-elotbs, Druggot, Looking-Olasses Clocks, Churns, Washboards, Tubs, Buck ets, Flat Irons, l'ans, Window Blinds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps, Um brellas, Bedcords, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and Stove Blacking. A11 of which will bs sold on the most rea sonable terms, and the highest market price paid or Gram, Wool, and all kinds of country produce. ClearBeld, December 13, 1865. II. Bridge, EIIE2SOIBIANT TAILOE, (Store one dcor East of Clearfield House,) Market St., Clearfield, Ta. Keeps on hand a full assortment ol GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts, Linen and Woolen under Shirts, drawers and socks, neck-ties, pocket handker chiefs gloves umbrellas, hats Ac., in great variety. Of piece Qoods he keeps the best Cloths of all "shades and colors," such as BLACK DOESKIN OF THE VERY best ma'fte. Fancy Cassimer in great variey; AIho, Frencli Coaling, Heaver, Pilot, Chin chilla, and Fricott over coaling, all of which will be sold Cheap for Cash ; and made on according to the latest Styles by Experienced Workman. Also Agent for Clearfield co., for I. M. Singer, i Co , cel ebrated Sevring Machines. II' BRIDGE. Clearfield, Fenn'a, Nov. 1, 18G5.-tf. PETER A. GAULIN, AND GENERAL CLOTHIER. Graham's Ro, over Naugle's Watch if Jewelry (Store, Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. The subscriber having permanently loca ted himselrin the Borough of Clearfield, has detei mined toengage in the business ol .OjEiairjiJt (CJiliflllhiijiir. I intend to keep constantly on band a full assortment of Cloths, Casi meres, SatineUs, and Vestings.of tho best qual ity and latest styles, which I will M a n ii IT act li re to order, to suit customers, on 'short notice. Particular attention will be paid to Cutting and Fitting Gentlemen's, Hoys, and Children! Clothing; and in fact, everylhii.g pertaining to this "BRANCH OF BUSINESS. A liberal share of public patronage ia, therefore, respectfully solicited, and I would advise all, to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere any goods in my line- P. A. GAULIN. Clearfield, May ICth, lW0-tf. New Goods! MRS H.D. WELCH & CO., Have Just Rectivid Their Spring and Summer Goods, Which were purchased during the present de cline, and therefore are enabled to sell very ektap. Our Stock Consists in part of Merinos, Alpaca, Pop lins, Wool, Armure, and common De laines ; TrinU, Ginghams, Shawls, Hoods, Hosiery and Glovest Nubias, Balmoral and Iloop Skirt. Flan nels, Lades' Cloth, Sheeting. Mnslins, Toweling, Tiching, Sontags. Breakfast Shawls, Capes, 1c, Also an assortment of Millinery Goods, Among which ae Hats, Bonnets, Feath ers, Ribbons, Flowers. Laces. Framea Matiness, Velvets, Silks, Crages, Bersges, Veila, ela, and a large Hock of Indudine China. Bronze. Pn nine MbaIia Tin, Rosewood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, (.anna ana vanuy toys. For Ladies. Such as Fomades, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youtu and Cainta, Kouge, Lilly White Ac Thankful for past favor, we solicit a con tinuance oi me kind patronage of the people of Clearfield Co. IS-Reroember the place Socond Street, oor o rirsi national Bank Deo. 20 Save Your Money C 11-! Th understirned h. . , . i'"' w.""!! it eniraffea In he manufacture of all kinds of Woolen Ooods, St tllAl HAW V n , . - ,1 II " " , TIIK CAHDIXf; AM) VUI.tIG Business will also receive especial .tt.ntloo at our hands Th. puhlio art Invited to givs u a ea l, or address us by letter, when all inquiries will be answered promptly. The Post Offin. .TJ". 1T,1K BE,,L 8 Rl,h WOOLEN FAC- v. u unaaria iitu.a, Clearfield eo., P. s . JAMKS JOUNSON 4 SON'S. Psaa lfT Jaos 4t lttH-t mo.-rd. FRESH ARRIVALS A T TUB ClIKAr STORE 01 A JaW BOrXTOT, SHOWERS k GRAHAM Spr Goods 1112 NEW And Very Cheap ! OYNTON, SHOWKIig A GRAHAM B eessors to Uoynton A Showers respectful announce to the publio that they are now opeii ug fsu ratviisivg taur bill C II I, UI FALL GOODS, At the old stand In Graham's Dew building Mc( toej oner 10 sen at asionlsnlngly low priee (oonsidorins; their eost !) for cash or annn,. ed country produce. Their stock of DRY GOOD CANNOT BE SURPASSED I Customers can there finds CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS! MUSLINS I DELAINES! LAWNS LADIES' SHAWL3! GENTS'SUAWLS UATS k CAPS ! BOOTS k SHOES CARPETS k OIL-CLOTHS I OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs 1 Head-Nets 1 Keck-Ties Satchels! Port Monnaics ! Brimhes Photographic Albums ! PIPES, TOBACCO 4 fSEGARS ! PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS t Or anything elBe in tho Notion Lino ! A.LSU, HARD-WARE ! Queensware, GROCERIES AND PT?f VTRTnNS t a xnv v -a-sy jl. v- o. i s e All of the best quality, and selected with special reeard to the trad f Clearfield eouotv. Al V. IJOINTON, JOSEPH SHOWERS, EDWAED GKA1JAM. Clearfield, May 10, 1864. II. F. NAUGLE, maker: Graham's Bow, Clearfield, Pean'a. The sobscriber respectfally informs his old customers and the public, that be has on hand, and constantly receiving now additions, a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Jewelry of every variety from a single piece to a full ietU Watches, a fins assortment of silver Hunting and open ease, American and patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. Clocks, a large variety from the best Manufac tory, consisting of Eight day and Th'rty hour Spring and Weight, Levers, Tine, Strike and Alarm. Spectacles, a large assortment far and near sight, colored and plain glass. Also, a fine assortment of Spoons, lorks, Butter-knives, eto., plated onjenuine Alabata. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and Warranted. A continuance of patronage is solicited. November 15th. 1364 It. P. NAUGLE. GOLD PUK.B. P. NAl'GLK has just received aa Elegant assortment of the best quality ; also silver extension and desk hoi dor . November, 29 18f5. Cheap Furniture! DESIRES to inform bis old friends and cos timers that htrin .1 v. : - .1 - -, (. -" ft L b 11 v Bna increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make in nrd., fnpni,nM be desired, in good style and at cheap rates fur us mom j oas on nana at n is "Furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made Furniture, among which are Bureaus and Side-Bon nls. Wardrobes and tlook-Cases : Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfast and Oininc Extension ThU. Common. French-Post, cottage, Jenny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS .f all. KINDS, WORK-STANDS UAi-KACAS WASH-STANDS, Ac. Rockinu and Arm Chairs. Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom and Tarlor Chairs sa m ri rnn.A J . l . vwmuiun mutx oioor voairs. LOO h'fxn- ar. a .cere Of every description on hand: and new ilassei r...u f .Ll.l . . . " u. iiuudr, wuico win oe pui in on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. IIo also keeps on han?, or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton tp Mattresses. COFFINS, Of every kind. Mads to order, and fuuerals attended with a Hearse, vhenever desired. Also, limine I'atntiiifr done to order. The subscriber .tu n...r..i.u. ..J v.. w .11. tl constantly en hand, Clement Patent: TOaa)iin W.A;. M.svuuif Ths best now to use. Those using this machine . , wiiiiuui riean ciotnes I lit also bat t Iyer's l'atcnt Churn. A superior article. A r.mll. .v.-. n -- j .,111. ,U iuuiu never need ba without butter I All the above and many other articles are fur- n IS bed to Customers ihun f,. r. 1 1 for approved country product. Cherry, Maple, - ana outer dumber suitable for cabinet work, taken la exchanct for furniture. r4S Jkn...... Y... .L. i . z.,- , . C "r ,noP " " Maraet street, Clearfle d. Pa., and r...ri. :.. .u. ...u , . otors. jnnv ,itti leu or. ill, 1Se,y gr'V YOUR ISiTliHICssTS. ' bUjTS A SHOES HaDR AT LOW rRICE-S. .iU.nd,',r"if ned P'Pared to munufatturt erythlng In hit lint, at the lowest figures, and will warrant kit work to be as represented. Uva bin a oall, at hit shop on Market street, second door west of the Post Office, and he will do all In bis power, to render satisfaction. Somt fine Uaiter tops, titra Kronen calf skins. 4c, oa hand, ready to bt finished 00 short ootiot at " l'""- UAAlbb t'OHNKLLY. Junt 13th. 1868-1 vr. Kftfl Pfr Y''-Wt want Agents r everywhere to sell onr mraovto Z0 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. l n oer and upper teed. Sent on trial. Warranted Vi' Ao0T salary or large commission! paid. The ohlt machines sold in United States rr less than $40, which are u ,- J, Howe, WheelorA Wilson, Grove'r A Bker, Singer A Co., aad Bachelder. AU other cheap machines art 'i".v'"Mand the $rlUr or sr are Imbl. to orresf, fine and luipi isonment. Il lustrated circulars tent r. Address, or call "r"n Bh, Clark, at Jtjddeford, Maine, o taleagt, 111 Mty 1, J8-ly.