Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 08, 1866, Image 2

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    She I'ciniMiciut.
i ..'4 ft.
; A-
(iKol'.C.K 1). (ioolit.ANPKl!, Editor.
Wepseppay MouNiNO::::Aug. n, iHiii.
Democratic State Ticket.
Of Ecrl county.
Democratic County Ticket.
T. J. MeCTLLOUGlI, of Clearfield.
(Subject to llir action of tli'' District convention.)
JACOB,of f.V.iham.
SAMUEL CLYDE, or Lawrence.
IIEXKY blUL. of CleariielJ.
lull Al-'PITOR,
JOHN A. L. FLiXiAL, of Goshen.
Yatiomil I nion Vom tnlion.
According to ji notico published in
he Journal, and by posters, a meet
ing was called at theCuurt House, on
Saturday last, to endorse the restora
tion policy of President Johnson, and
to elect two delegates to represent
those w ho voted for Lincoln and John
son, in the aforesaid Convention. The
meeting being called t3 order, officers
elected, and the object stated, on mo
tion of A. S. Goodrich, James I?. Gra
ham, I'sq , and Capt. I A. Gaulin
were unanimously elected delegates,
(with power to substitute,) to repre
sent the Lincoln and Johnson element
in tho Philadelphia Convention. t The
friends of President Johnson, in this
county, could not have trusted their
interests to bettermer.. Mr. Graham
is too well known to our readers to
need any notice at our hands. Capt.
Gaulin, enlisted in the early part of
the w ar in the d Pogiment, P. Y.,
where be soon attracted the attention
' . " ' yr i-l tvia nroiiifitfd to
V. Itj'UUIiej . U'l U JUUIIg J 11 U 11,
but favorably known in the lower end
f f the county, as a prompt and ener
getic business man, and is likely to
tote just as ho shut for tho Union.
NoldUrb' Slate Conmillon.
According'to previous arrangements,
a Convention of tho "Boys in Llue"
assembled at llarrisburg'on Wednes
day last, to express a united opinion
upon the political issue of the day,
and to adopt such resolutions as should
harmonize with their feelings and de
tires throughout the .State
The assemblage was tho largest
jind most respectable gathering of
foldiers that ever met together on
this continent, purposes.
Every cour.ty in the Stale was fully
At 10 o'clock tho meeting n as called
to order by Gen. J'avis, w hen General
Sweitzer, of Pittsburg, was made tem-
porar-Chairman. Gen. McCandles, of
rhifa, was made permanent Chair
man, w ith a long list of Vieo Presi
dents and Secretaries. A set of capi
tal resolutions were adapted, endors
ing tho reconstruction policy of Presi
dent Johnson and adoptii.g Uiester
Corner as their choice for Governor.
We will publish the proceedings in
full, just as S'K")ii as we can get a full
list of the names of the delegates.
nitirk Stnlistfcs.
The Pins and other '.'loyal" jour
nals fire publishing, with eulogistic
Myings, the nets and heroic deeds
committed by i-our sable d-.fenders"
the negro soldiers. This is in proper
keeping with the toiio and conduct
c.f all those newspapers. Whenever1
question of patriotism or veracity'
nrises- between a whito man and a
negro, they always take the side of
tho darkey.
According to n tabular otatement!
published, we observe that 11,013 ne-
' ' . . .' . ,
cbar-ed. and tho losses bv disease"
amount in tho aggregate to 3.G.-.S.
Thepublishod tables give no column
of those killed in battle; but if we are
to aetej t tho sayings of those self-
iviikuiuteu loyalists ior iruin, wc
i i. r . . .
presume ino naianee nil leu
front in bayonet chargea on the
groeswere muMcn-t ,n o v.,e c. . cUd Io i(( Uip 1 either at Saratoga or Newport, whero
aervue during he war at Camp ,1- t ihcy are rusticating
bam I'enn, rhiladelidiia. Ol tlusir ., . , . e , ; ;
ri i7 v i f ,,,i uc i I1" c "or(,SiS. irvin Ibis State, and it' I.alit from i.urcpr.
ruimnrr ill died of wounds, bsG do- .,, , . . i t n .
. ,wri .ij't, ,1 , ' will bo a serious reflection uiion tho Iomo, Aug. Jl. A IVaco Con
r ed (we bad no vi a that a niggor ofthe ,,0lrIc of ll0 gre is to bo held ,.t Prague. The
rrin I.I ih epvt 1 nn.I thn iiiiiiil,.-r fli, " ' . .....1 .... . .. ,
wv..7 - .x . -. . . i . i .1 . oii-iiiciuaiies iiiiit (ill!
,Vcio M iff .IVh i-.Vitim. I
Th's hist tr:i.".' Iv ill the M"'"lv !
Mr.iinn . f th. Al..!iun programme, i
hi, other demoiKniti'm uf tin rcvlii- i
!.:. ..... i.. i.i ... l.- ..K.i.i.M.i
;U''iiui v u :: 'i iiiv "
this country, "when l-n-UoI and a--'
jsito.l by thotdab sided, nasal-twanged
I Puritans. Theleading listinion
nals of l!io country denominate this value of tho furniture and government
elbVt nt revolution in which thirty-'property in tlio Mansion, for its sale
th e negroes and tivo white loaders' k i-t-jiin during tlie tinio ho occiipius
lost their lives an a 'Massacre,":that post. Tlio creation of this otliec
" Border-Kutlianisin as practiced, in j Ims been rendered necessary, from
Kansas," ''another slaughter of hyal the fact that during the time the
men' etc. It is well known that the j
hody of whites iA negroes, styling
(themselves a Convention, whoassem
i bled on the Ulh nil., in New Orleans,
had about as much right in that room
as a common burglar would have;
and tho investigation reveals the fact
that a majority of thenudone just ex
actly what they intended to do cre
ate a riot and sack the city. Tho
city police have discovered that all
the negroes and every New England
Yankee in the city are armed trav
eling magazines. To still farther
show the '-wolf in sheep's clothing,"
this body of desperadoes opened their
proceedings with prayer, and but a
very few hours alter, this same room
was filled with human gore and dead
bodies; all attributable to the teach
ing of Stevens k Co. In order to
show what Gen. Sheridan, .vho was
on the ground and of whoso loyulty
there can be no doubt thinks of the
matter, we append his report to Gen
eral Grant, viz :
New Oiileav. Aup. 1 1 ..TO, V. M.
Tof'.inirnt V. S. (iiniit, Wat-lii:'!"", P. C:
You an- d'.nl'tlff' aoiiir of thf wriuui! riot whirli
OTuri'rU m tliia cilv on I tie ..inn. a iouiuai
:oJy, ruling ilx!f till' Convent inn ol l'-ol. mil
lore on tin- ii.itli, for, as ii in g"J, the .ur)"'M
of ii-tnoili 'iinj; liif imn iit ouMituliun of tlic Slat..
Tlii loiolrr Hi'ri! pulilical and n-volutimmry men,
mil the action of tne L'uiithiiIiuii :t liaMe to
brvuelie of the J.uMic peui c.
I liinl irri'le uj. my mind lu riTt the hen I men
if thn nH-eediU!" ol tlie C oin i nt ion were etileulnted
to ti r-t iirt. llie tiHiiijinlity of t,ie di jmrtiuent, l.ul 1
1m1 no euu-e I ir ti'.ii until tliey coiiiiiiim.-.i wn
overt net. Aliotit 1":1.V hite and liUek were
killed, Hod a I. out one hundred and Jixty wound' d.
KverMliiiiL' in now ciuiet. but I dueui it lot to
maintain u ii.ilit.irv Mipreuiwy in the riiy for a
lew iliiyf, until li e nli.iir i fully investijrHt.Ml. I
tnlieve the fiitiineiit of the ceneml t luiiity if
sreatly a jr:i 1 i t tliin ullll.1vfar.v cruelty, ond Hint
the police enuid have Hindu any arrest they m fit,
tvi:hjut fiii-riticiiig live. I'. II. SiiKimiAV,
.Major (iem ral Coinuinndiiig.
Thad. Stevens & Co. have lately
.1 nnrtnrtmiit V la IHT.IV tlie
IriMi citizens ot this country against
the restoration policy of President
Johnson, because of his proclamation
enforcing tho neutrality laws. An
Abolition Fenian meeting was held at
Washington, several weeks ago, at
which an attempt was made by the
leaders to denounce both tho Pre.-i
dent and tho neutrality laws; but it
proved as miserable a fizzle as the
Canada raid.
This meeting, however, excited the
ire of the better portion of the Fenian
and fur the purpose of counteracting
and repudiating the proceedings of the
Iirst assemblage, a second meetmrr
was held, nt G rover's threatre, on the
2d, which was probably the largest
meeting ever held in Washington.
Speeches were made, and letters read
from nearly nil the prominent Irish
men in this country, denouncing the
conduct of those at the foiner gatber-
. Ilio lullowing arc amoii'' tho
number of
adopted :
a series of resolutions
' lirt'ilvnl, Tin! wo ilfuouiu'e an ! repudiate the
pnliti-'al" who pr"l lot to be lendi r ol
the lii-ii pe'.ple; and we d..aie that lliii e"n
icntii'iiof Irishmen neiio'hin to rotnl. mil, but
eveiuliinc to approie, in the w i-e, buuiane, nioi
m4uoi;iiihim' hiiiiv niii'-n rreeiiiom .loo.iMitn ,M t
hi3 r.ooii.'mrtion'poliry, i. purMiiiiK: and 'we'.l
iherilnie. pledge him our inipiirehaMd aupporl
hilt ndlnrilitf to that line of pi, lire, po thatevny
1k autv Hi'l r'jinib ur.
"Uiflml, (here mat be nomitke in the
f it uu i, and tho more clearly to define our status on
ine oucMi'Mis oi me (lav, we io. iiiiiv ninl cneoiir-1
aeint'y hail the eontMinplt.dKr,at Nationall on-1
" ' I hiladelplim.ou August 1 I. and feeliuci NlluiOrS ! W hat do VOU think of VOIir
cm.nd'iit that it w.ll adopt aio and patriotic' . ... , ,
platform of principles, we bepenk for it the cordial 'PfOjt .S't lriCIUIS I hell yoil COHple
out Vile land'''1'1'''7 'h ri,b ci,i",n"llr""Sh- this treatment with the fact that these
a- same fellows have fur four years re-
XoMi.-Aru. llii-h W. Wier, q., fused you all nulitiral position in this
of Indiana, has been nominated for.
Longress, by the Democrats of Indi-
ana, ravettennd Westmoreland. lie '
is tho best man that could have been Ho fashionable Churches in
selected at this time, and bis election P0"' York' liko 1,10 Hioatros, have
is sure. His competitor is tho fellow, ! "dosC(1 (or ll'c 8-,ason." The sheep
Covode, that telegraphed from Wash-jof fl(H'k' '""''l they become bun
iiiftr.n in IVirt ,li,.-inn, l, ..,. ! KXY f"i' spiritual food, can bo renh'ti-
, . . r ,, , ,,,
bio contest for Sneaker ''Ulorv to
. . ' "n) '"l1""
..I. i ,1 r
ni..:. :....:.. i i t .i...
i " .,or, ,.y e.ecc-
i1"" J,,n f "M,p' ,ns,ca(1 of Mr' Witr
fe.v. ,
A Xick Tai.m. The r.oston Cvm-
. . .
monweallh, Senator Sumner s own pa-
.Mur .Vnr OfKtr.
Kiinu t'on rr.-s.l'ct'i 'it'll'!
ing, t read d the olhVoi el' Steward (
tho Presidential Mansion, with ft hul-
'iirv .!' f.'Mi.iO. Mid the privilege of
, ' 1
iIhv,m lerks at live d-dlar a day. The
iStoward is, however, compelled to give
jour-;htnds, to double the imumiit of the
While House was occupied by "llon-
est Oil Abe nearly worm oi
government property was removed
from tho premises, and nobody knows
where it went. It was left (notwith
standing tho building had been occu
pied by twenty ditl'erent Administra
tions,) for the first "Pcpublican" Pres
ident to plunder it. In noticing tie
creation of the stewardship and the
cause thereof, a cotemporary asks:
"Who will dure to tell the truth nlmut thif
'ho!eMile iluiideriiiK ?' Who huuied t b. -- luxe,
iiv tlie smile uud let llieiu down hy n fill, ri .! '
the baek of the White Hon? Who ns.d Ihee
paekaen put up "hirh .Mr. Slanloii or.t-r. lo oi
letumid? Who had the linen ol the Wln!B ll'.u '
cut up for iinder-clolliin-:' Who p:u-ud tip and
enrried oil (hose handHiiiui vaiifKof the Clue r..m '.'
Who dole the (told fjiooua pua-h:ied if Mr. .M"n-
r..e uilinmiMtralion, aim tate uuin .nr. i.iueom t .
In it di.-loyal to teli ?"
The Caulk. The Atlantic Tele
graph, now reaching from continent
to continent, is finished and in com
plete working order.- Messages are
coiL-landy being sent back and forth
over the line. Twcntj- messages were
sent from the New York ollico to Eu
rope, on tho 1st instant, realizing to
the lino the snug sum of $3,040 in gold.
President Johnson nnd the Queen
of England have exchanged compli
ments, promising each other the peace
and good w ill of their respective na
tions in the future. Tho President's
message to the yuecn, containing sev
enty-seven words, passed through the
Atlantic cable in eleven minutes. The
tariff fixed by tho company is as fol
lows :
From nny b leprniph ftntimi in r.u"p t any
tel. irmph tlutiou in Ainerien, twenty ord oilei,
inelu'bng addreii, dale and icnaturc, tint ea-ed-ii:f
in ail one hundred letter.1 e-1 '... lor arrr
a iditii'iial word, not exe-linf. five h Iter.
twentv will u eoiiiited and divid. ri i v fi. p, a:'h
fl.u I. .11. in .ill u..,.l. .n,.r III., firtl
ftve or fraeti.mnl remainder will bo charged a a his party, SittCr that YlTty haS Vast
word, ah in r cipUrr vMthftse acts of political outlawry caainst;ed double the tun-going rate. All Si'um ' ,, . , J, ' ,
intended lor trannni-fion tnut be written at fuit ( It IlilS been Well judged, by the
de.tiood .vr'V.. , .irJ'"'" taction, that an "JtcpvUan-
toligmpli fysteui wiillw f irwarded by mail.
Strange l.r.TnKsctiMEXT.-Soonnfter
tho Pump Congress assembled, acom
mitteo was raised on "retrenelmient
and reform," and the result oi" the
whole thing is, that besides speiding
twenty millions of dollars on the ne
groes, and the Purean agents, the
members abo voted themselves two
thousand dollars each extra pay An
exchange1 savs :
The nilnriesofilf iinniberi will form nn snnll item
in.the burden whieh the brmd bnek ol the nu'iun I
nia.iwt : coom ou. nilv lite nol. e n -t i f eitn h
nient, to whieh tin y ha. c given b'j;-lunvownetioii
will only drain tj pieket oflhe people id' the
palf-y luui of fix hundred tt (. ntv ei-hl
iiiou-aiKl ilo.iurtt per aiinuin. That uiniuut
1. 1 in,- in e'ei, in us pr r,.hti a
e.npital of 1II.4I'.;.IIIUI, or, nt fin. per oeiv., una
ellpital Ol ll'.jlMl.llllll; , the vote by w ll,, !l tlie
t'oinreniuin have inerea". ilo-ir raUriea i
e(tiivaleiit to ml linctnthr milional debt tTie ten
or twelve millioiiK oi l.,lHr!. lb rewr hnveinolher
iiulai oe ol iha a I d.ffi-n nee ih re in betimn the
proniin" and p-rfnnn.iii of a reitain ea- ol
politician, and iimiiiolnliithle rvideuea if bow
pertiimeioiifly they si i.-k to the priueiple of 'head",
I win tailii, you loe."
VoTi:ns, Pkmi.mi!Ku! That Clenni
W. Seollel I, our "loyal" memiier ol
Congress, voted himself four t h:isand
dollars extra pay, fur twelve months'
. , . , ,
lll"n' dr:f, lug froi.l t'.tl 1 IV.1S-
ury over ten tliotisa.i.l dollars -w hile
ho refused to allow the ihreo years
soldier, who had received no bounty,
OI1C h II 11 tired dollars.
This is ' loval-
1 , -i ;n. ,. , t i
V UlUstiated 111 njiraclieal Way
county, you ought to east about for
those who are your friends.
l.v nrliln-in.r ,... ..
' aoorcssing their pastors,
us follows:
n-eeu upon are
Austria i u i r. . 1. .1 .... ...
. '
)rom (i. rman Confederaiion, and
f 1o0VVait.itt UI"' ,,l,r 1,1
...... ........... ,
;u pay len million ol dollars Inherit
adversaries as the i
lie espouses of the war.
.ri. 1 . . , . . . .
1 "v v,ill"" suites nurili ot the Main !
Etcry Man Quilifu'tl mulortlio StJvto
'Election Ijiws Shall Veto.
No Vnvr In IiK.till(lrl (liro.tsh l-'nlluro
In Iterort n or C oiuriipl
to Provost Mnrlial.
Lists of deserters and non-reporting Hind w arm tho patriotic heart w ith
dratted men are being printed at the joy ! Alter so long a time of dintrnc
Stato printing ollice in this city, under, (ion and strife, how happy one feels
instructions lrom tho State "otlicials. jat the prospect of reconciliation and
riieso lists, it is said, w ill average 'peace I The great heart of tho people
about one hundred and fifty to each j beats and throbs with exultant hope;
regiiiicnt,t hus aggregating from thirty (and from that power from which there
to thirty-livo thousand names. They . is no appeal litis gone forth the decree,
tiro to lie sent, with copies of tho now that "America shall yet bo free;" free
dijvhct act of Liyixlttturc disfranchis-lfrom usurpation and tyrannical power;
mg flesorters ami non-reporting tlratt-
ed men, to nil the election oflicers of
tho .State, with orders to refuse the
votes of all w hoso names appear upon
tho lists. Covert threats and induce
ments, as circumstances may rcpiiPe,
will probably accompany the lists.
Tho 1 Msunionisls seem determined
to make what little they can out of the
State act, notwithstanding they know
full well that the 4ate decision of the PrenidenL work with a free heart and
Supreme Court renders the State act willing hand; and while tho work
ii and void. Gov. Curtin gave as a goes nobly on, radicals stand amazed,
reason for his ihlay in signing tliej One of our most zealous advocates
Stato act that the decision of the jof unadulterated democracy, is Capt.
Supremo Court in tho Franklin county !). W. Hutchison. Continual in bis
ease, rendered against the election j labors for the good of the party, he
officer, would vpset the State ai. The! has become a favorite of the common
Court having so decided that an people. We notice with pleasure the
election officer cannot bo made a tri- announcement, in tho Erio Observer,
lu rial for the trial of deserters the
Stato act becomes a mere nullity, of
no force or effect, except ns a bug
hear. The Court also decided that
Congress has not only noauthority fo
power election ojjicers, to dislranclitse
dtverters and non-reporting drafted
men, but no authority to empower legis
latures to authorize such otlicers to try
or disfranchise such men lor offences
against the Federal Government. The
Court distinctly stated that nothing
hut the evidence of a trial by court mar
tial, and sentence approved, can be made
grounds for diifranehisement. All de
serters and non-reporting drafted men,
therefore, otherwise legally qualified,
can vote in Pennsylvania on the second
Tuesday of October, and mi election
this bo distinctly understood all over
This sebemo now perfecting is ccr-tainl-
tho dernier resort of the Geary
Disunionists, knowing, as-they do.
that no deserter or drafted man, who
was formerly a "Hi publican," c an, by
my possibility, bo expected to vote
for tieary or any other enndidato of
non-reporting drajiat men win iieip vo
keep out ol office those who unjustly
and unlawfully attempted to deprive
them of their rights under tho Consti
tution of the Slate and of tho Union,
llenco the etfort which is about to be
made to deter men from voting, hy
sending out theso formidable lists.
Put none but ignorant and timid per
sons will tako any account of the
threats of Pisunionists. Somo of them
may be induced to vote- for Geary,
under proniiso of tho Geary politicians
that they will not bo thereafter mo-
lested or disfranchised, by tho indi-
vidlial W'llO shall ri VO lip his riirllt Of
right to
vote, (which, in bin ignorance ho may
think ho has lost,) is neither a free
man iitfr a man in tiny sense. It is to
be hoped that the number who can be
so intimidated and humbugged is very
The Democratic party having de
fended the membership oi all political
parlies from the attempted unlawful
deprivation of political rights, it is
therefore- no more than fair that those
men, irrespective of parly, should aid
the Democracy in upholding the State
and Federal Constitutions, through
ami by which their rights are secured.
11 lailllly ties, (lisa)'proval of the lie.
gro apect of the war, or other eiretim-
lailt es lllltl lnlllienct'B LeVOIld tllCir '
control, prevented them from strivin"
c, ,1 i ,e 1 .... I, r .1 it
on of bait lo for tho Union,
, (iney nitty now repair inai negieei
hy voting the union, hvory bal
lot that mny be cast for Uiester
Clymcr will boa telling blow for
ttie resloi ntioii of tlio Union no
cording to tho wise policy of Presi
dent Johnson. w hilt every vote cast
for John W. Geary will boa blow at
constitutional freedom and th Feder
al Union. Let this fac t bo kept con-
siaiiiiy in vieiv, aim let every man,
qualified under the Stato election laws
ui'iii.iiiii anu reetiru ins VO10. lltere 1
I .1 1 . f-i
is no law nor pou er to prevent except
1 . i1 1 . 1 , . 1 1 1 . . . ' , 1
1'i iiie loreu. 11 11111 snail ne auompied,
meet is ns best you can. Patriot if
Cm on.
fciVClearlield county has apiointed
F.x tJovernor Higler, lion. 'm. A.
Wallace and Hon. James T. Leonard
deleirates to the Democratic ('nno-rrss-
ional ronference at IJidgeway, with
poer to select their own substitutes,
'in t - .
i ins is ii strong ino, ana wo siiould
like to see the other counties of the
listrict display equal caro in appoint-
ing their d
egat es Observer.
(loon TuiMis. (Jen. Sherman has
given Ins opinion of "rood Ihinirs."
! In his speech at Cleveland ho naid :
"J see Unit the Allanliccablo has been
, . 1 1,1 B "K",Ml c'ling.
I1, " ZZV". 7?? ,,a1 .n,lJ"ru-
imi h fl n rrnnii i lit ... hh , r 1 1.. i. A.
... ,V " T.i. r"' V 1
Oflrrwi'Oiidf ti- of llie V I'tildieaa.
GinAtM., 1'a July n IPi'il.
lrAn Pn iiiMCAV : In these dark
political tim"s, (I hhouhl have caul
bliick liolitical times. ) how the rays of
oominir lay break through tho clomls
(reo from tlio rule ot goths anu vari
dais, who have made merchandize of
the nation's life. Tho principals of
truo democracy are again sought after,
as a halm to heal the tleep wounds of
fanaticism. In this part of tiie dis
trict there is a decided expression to
again return to thoso principles, under
the guidance of w hich wc have lived
land prospered. Tho supporters of the
of his name, as u candidate for Con
gress, subject to tho approval of the
Democratic Convention. He would,
certainly, bo a strontr man. His
standing at homo is nil that can be
desired ; and his record m uncpues-
tionablc. We hope that the party in
your section will seo in him the-quali
ties ol an available candidate and
an hono'rablo member. Should ho be
tho choice of the party, wo promise
our untiring ell'orts for bis success.
As an honest man nnd a working
Democrat, bo is well known to the
party throughout the district; and to
tho people- be can be introduced as a
lawyer of marked ability and an offi
cer ever ready to servo his country.
His nomination can but add to the
strength of tho ticket.
It is very pleasing to sec bow har
moniously our party works, w hile the
party of "great moral ideas" are
wrangling, lighting and brawling.
May wo not hope that by unit- ot
action wo may succeed, while by stiife
they waste and die ? May the coun
try be so blessed. Euie County.
toy-TiiE Paris correspondent of the
Globe says : A silver leg, on a new
model, is being made hero for the
Prince of Hohenzollern, who was
wounded at Sadowa, and su tiered am
putation. Kalher an expensive leg.
flsBTho Corry Ikmocrat argues that
Seotield is tho "very candidate Demo
crats should want nominated by the
Pepublicans, lor tho very reason that
ho is the man that we can defeat the
easiest "
Mis. 1?AUHLLA MITCHELL, relief of Joux
MlTi HKt.i., died at the residi neenf her on, At crs
MiTrni:i.i,, near this place, on tlio morning of tin
2d day of August, lSOfi, In the Stth rear of Iter age.
(The deceased was 1 nrn in the county of Heiry.
Ireland, in the year 1 7 v 2 i and, in company with
her htiliaud and faniiiy, h it their nativo laud in
ltlil, and crossed rlie Atlantic oeean, laniling firt
at St. .Inhns. Xew Hi mi! iek ; from th. nei1 1 j I'hil
ndrlphia, l'n., and from thence to l'hilipshurg.
Centre county, w here they liK-ated, n liiaiuinjr until
lSi.U, when they reiuove.l to Clearliil I eouniy.niid
tiled on the place known n the obi "Mitehell
Farm." Mrw. M. was a connistcut tiumlx r of th
Presbyterian Chun h of this place, an txitnplury
Chrifhan. and one who was a nubir attendant
uutil wilhin a ft ye.U'f of her death.
has rasred both Houses of Congress n,l
signed by the President, gieing a three jcara'
Soblier Hull and two Tears' soldier f .'0,
trllOLNTIES and PENSIONS collected
by me, for thus entitled lo tliem.
auS-lf Ati'y nt Law, Clearfield, Pa.
r imY.lITi17i7s Van i iVihliVe Vircci'or"s
L of Clearlieid Uorouph defire
lo employ
'!.lirrp ,,"i'et-nt Tenciirr. totea.h the pub-
lie Schools ol said lioiough , for a term of at
, mi,n,. k,.i,i. v i...
the loth of .S-otcmhcr. AluilieanU to be vx-
aiuincd by the County Sui rrintendent. on Satur-
(day, September 1. at the Town Ha I, jn laid
borough. Applic itioas to be made to the !" core
to ty. l'.y crdcr of the Iloanl.
a uS S t K . J . WA 1. X A C E, P e e'y
Q1H Hi:V AHI.Tlie above reward will
vli' be raid to anv reraon furni.hini, mrh
I Information as will lead lo the arrest and con
jvirtion of parties who lure recently defiled and
'abused the Public School II ousa in t'lcarfif.1.1
r.y order of tbe lloatd of Direeters.
K. .1. WALLACE, See'v.
iUl M'llill Ml l.M-l.are Mai.tlcs
' O Silk Coats closinp; out for coit at
I. 1'. K HA 'I 7. ER'S.
1 1 . 'i
1 (Mil kllTM. the lati-ht MjU-ii. (ai;
AX sons ana sues.; at
uK-lrn .1. P. KPA 1 Z E fi"S.
rpoHAH O Natural l.tnf. t avtiidMi,
X confresa, l-pun Koll, ary, hino-Out-Choice
brands of IsEUAKS for sale at
fttHdni J. T. Kit A 17. ER'S
Sl'tJAUS C'uba, uartinitap, Itrflnrd,
While, Crushed, Granulated. Pulv.rired
llJl,?n n"1"1 l l,,nl J-'. KKATZKli s. (
COl' l- l'.l Prime Kin. l.arjujra. Hint
Java selling at the lowest market prices at
ai)8-lm jlrKIIATZEK'S,
Ttu.r.s oh noHitdwi n.t n..
born H'ACJON was takea from the Premise.
of tha subscriber, on Friday, the ?0th f July.
There was a loose bed on it, and a new lock.
Both shafts have h -en broken arvl mended
Any one Riving information leaduTu to the dis
covery and return of tho wron. will be lihemily
rcwardel. fau2 31 JAM KH A MoOHK
IV -''-
trespassiiijron the premises
resniniR m tlo.hcn In.
. . . . .
' nninie iiciirr. with Htumptaii
wnite star n tnc fori head. The owner is
hereby notilied tocoine forward, prove his proper
ly, pay charpos and lake It away, or it will be
disposed of according to Law.
tbawfvtllf, An,as! 1st nra. St f 4
If Tin: Mnwim pli:ai cwtti,
I n iiuit, P''tin Uni t
lleiirii'lla Callilian,
N. 44, Frt. term, ttt,
AllM ub.a'Ba, lurdirgri.
John Callihun.
! CrarfiiUI I'ltHll. M :
Tb Commonwealth nf Potin'ylranla to tU
' f'heriltof ( lorllilil county. dreMint,
j Wheraat Henrietta ( allihiin did, on tin Jj
day of March, 1 " C , prefer her petition u,,,,,
'.ludjn of our Court of Common Plaai for ik.
'eouiitjr of Clearfield, praying, f,,r tho ran,,,
therein ei lorin, inai ni unpin ii divorced fruta
tha hor.di of n.iitri ninny entered Into iia
Mha aid John Cailihan ;
I Wa do, thcreforr, roininimd you, the mid Joba
Callihun, that retting elide all bunneit and .
jeuMH whiitpoerer, you be end appear n yCUf
1 proper person ueiora our juugee at cienrCold
at our Court ol Common Plear, then to bt bolden
at Clearli 'lil, tlio lourtu aiunctay ut P"?liteuibr
A. I. ISKfi, to ar.ewer tho petition nr libel fiu
eaul Jleuiietliv eaiiinan, ana to mow caure, if
any you lidvo, why tho aaid Henrietta C'ajlibaa
ehuuld nut be divorced froji the bondeof malrj.
uionr. agreeably to tbe actel ueneral AmiaMv
in euch case made and provided ; and hereof
fail nut.
Witnata, tha Hon. Fftnuel Linn, Esq,, Prenidtnt
or uur (aid court, at Clearfield, thit
f SKAI. pvib day of June, A. v. it'j'j.
Aug. 1, 1 Er.rt tt 1'rothotjotary.
IT Til 13 COMMON n.CAS of CleatficiJ
county, Pcnnylania:
frederick Cauipman, 1 Allial Snbpwna tnr DI,
v. Vorce.
Ilonthor Campman. J No. IS" j June term, T86B.
The undereirned Coininiiaioner, appointed in
open Court, to tuko teetimocy in the aboTe caee,
hereby pi'ee entice that he will attend to tbe
dutiei of bin appointment, at hie oSice, in the
borough of Oarlield, on Friday, tha 21 h day
of August, IStiti, between the bouri of 10 o'clock
A. M. and 3 o'clock P. SI. of (aid day, vrbssind
where all perfuna interented may attend, and
crnm examine. WM. M. McCULLODlill,
Clearfield, Aue. I,IKM-Stj Cominipfioner,
1" xlluItJoMMOX I'MiAS or Clearfield
county? Peniifvlvavjia
J. Wallace Long, gabpwn, ,nr DiTorce,
tu. iTI1t No. 10, Juna term, l$68.
. rho.b Long. J
Tho underi;;ncii Commifiioner, appointed la
npen Court, ta take testimony in tha above can,
hereby girei notioe that be will attend to the
dutiei of hia appointment, at hii office, in the
borouirh of Ciearneld, on Saturday, the 2ilh day
of August, 18R8, between tha houra of o'clock
A. M. and 3 o clock Y. M.oi (aia Qjy, wnen ana
where all peron interested may attend, and
erM examina. . WM. M. McCULLOUOH,
Clearfield, Aug. 1, l66-3t ComtniiiioDer.
IX-Tlli: COMMON PLliAS of Clearlieid
county, Pennsylvania :
Henry ltrokerhoff, No.fi7 Januar, tenn.lSCO.
P. T. Il'agerty. J Foreign attachment.
Kow, June, 1866, the Plaintiff enteri a
rule fur the Prothonotary to asaeaa dumagu ea
the judgment in this cue.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The claim in this ease it two thonsand f re
hundred and one dollars, as of June, lSGfi.
Attest; 1). F. Etiwkilkr,
July IS, lsfid-Pit Pralhonutary.
X TIIL; COMMON rLl"AS of Ceartcid
county, Pvaut.l.auia:
'Villiatn Ilaterly.
D. J. M'Cann and
Kob't Alexander,
i .i. .
AO. Z, January term, 1SGG.
Foreign attachment.
psrniaut v. -
Now, June. 1 '66, the riaiutiff enters a
rule for the Prothonotary to asseas dumag ea on
tbe above judgment in this c.
Attorneys for TlaintiS.
The claim in this case is one hundred and six
- oU. u of June, ISM.
Atlest: u. r. o , . v ,
July IS iAM ITithonotary.
IN Till: CO.MmToN PLlitX of Cleaifield
county, Pennsylvania:
Jungcrieh i. fmith, ) No. 141, January term,
vs. V lRfifi.
P. T. Uagcrty. J Foreign attachment
Xow, June, ISliO, tha Plaiutitf ettcri a
rule or the Prtlionoiary lo assess damagea on
the above ju.le-mcnt in Ibis case.
Attorneys fjr 1'iaiuliJ,
The clai-n in this rase It three hundred and
:hirty-lhree dollars and fifty cents, as of
Juue, IStttt. Attest: 1). i Etkwfilcr,
July IS, ISC6 6t Prothonotary.
is hereby riven that Letters of Adminis.
UMtiuii have this day been cranted to the under-
Mined, on Ike LsUte ot Xavier Miller, dee d,
Inle of Cuiiiton township, Clearlieid county,
Penn'a. All pemous know ing themselves in
debted to said ertate are requeued lo make iin
mediato payment, and those bavinr claiuis
against the tame, will present them duly authen
ticated fur BeUleUH'Ut.
Aug. 1, ISO Ht pd Administrator.
Vl'DITDK'M XOTIl'l--The nndersipned
Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court to
in, ike distribution of moneys remaining in the
hands of .Samuel Rcwles, Administrator of Titus
II. Howler, dec'd.will attend to thedutics of his
appointment on Friday, the Hth day of Aujust,
I Mid, at J o'clock p.m., at the office of Wallace,
Litfler A Fielding, in Clearfield, of which all
parties interested will take notice.
j)'8-4t Auditor,
(l.liltl ll.l l Af'AOI.M V The eier
J eiscs of this Institutloa will be resumed nn
Monday, the KMh day of Septeitber, A. 1) I860.
Pul'ilscan enteral any time. They will be
charged with tuition from tha time they enter t
the closo of the Hesaioa.
The course of inMruction embracer every thing
included In a th,iroU;h, practical and accom
plished education for boih sexes.
The Principal, having had the advantage of
mm h experienee in his profession, assures pa
rents and rnnrd ans that bis entire ability and
energies w ill be devoted U) the moral and men
tal tr.iining of the vouth placed under bis charge.
H.IOlM tl' 11 I IIOV
Orthography, Heading, Writing, and Trimary
Atithmelic, per Session ( II weeks) - $1 00
Grammar, Urography, Arithinetif, and
MiMory J 09
Algebrs, Cleometry, Trigonometry, Men
suration, Surveying, Philosophy, Phtsi. .
ology, Chemistry, Book Keeping, Botany
and Physical Urography - . 00
Latin and Greek, with any of the above
Branches J 00
rrXo deduction will be made for absence,
ffi r further particulars inquire of
Rev. P. L. HARltlsON. A M.,
Clearfield, .Inly 11, Isf.n If. Principal.
C"L. Alt I I Kl.l) U H'M H ti M The
ClearOeld County Bank as an incorporated
inntitmion has gone out of existence bv the sur
render of its charier on Slay I2th. ISR5.
All of its stork is owned by the subscribers,
who will continue the banking hu.-inrss at the
eaine place as private bunkers uuder tbe fit in
name of tha " Clearfield County Hank."
W e are responsible for the dehis of the Bank,
and will pay its notes on demand at the counter.
Deposits received and interest paid when mo
ney is left for a fixed tims.
Paper dir.countr'd at six psr cent, a hsretofor
Our peisonal responsibility is pUdged fur all
deposits tercived and business transacted.
A coniiuuance of the literal patronage oflhe
Visinrss men of the atiiinly is respectfully sullri
tea. .s President, Cashier and Officers of the lata
Clearfield Counly IUnk, we require the note o(
said bank to be presented for redemption,
James T. Leouard, Richard tnaw,
Wm. Potter, James II. l.rabain,
A. K. Wright, U. L. Reed,
William A. Wallace.
TtyThe business of the Bank will be conduc
ted by John St. Adauia, K"j., as Cashier.