Cliild-Whipping in tho North. "A pnrilatiloal rWcTinsn r the name "f I.lmU liv, at Medina, Nrw ork, Imt wn-k lilpcd his little eon, two years of age, to dclh, tfcause th ' Infant wnuU or could tit mi tii pravers. Ve ill venture the rrmwk that be was one of tli !rlows ho was lor banging everybody who op j niicit I lit ar. Cvlumlut tVi'tie. Wc have taken a little pains to find cut. tho utilities of this reverend mur- derer, and can assure our coteniponivy that nil it imagines is perfectly true. Lindblev is nn austere, opinionated and bigoted religionist, who does not j think it pOHSiblo lor any ono to timer from him and bo honeet. no nas been one of the loudest yelpcrs in his section about whipping negroes down South, and never could find language suilicienlly strong to express ins uu nuueiations of "slaveholders." When tho war broke out he become ono of the most blood-thirsty of tho "Blood hounds of Zion" and hurled every ep ithet ho could command upon the "Cfconerhcads" and all who opposed Tiim'oln'a unconstitutional acts, all of which he heartily approved. Wo have tho n'bove facts from are liablo Bourco, and they are in perfect consonance with tho crime of whip ping his own child to death. A mind that becomes wrapped up in a delu sion is well fitted for any brutality which its perverted imagination exalts into a duty. Tosuch people the worst of vices sometimes appear to be vir tues. His brother Abolition clergv men will, no doubt, hold np their hands in holy horror at Lindnley for whipping his child to death. But they lire all just as morally guilty of mur der as he is. Tho Abolitionists have murdered not loss than a quarter of a million of negro children since the war commenced 1 Just think of that. It is estimated by good judges that a J million f negroes have perished by Abolition cruelty, one-fourth of these at least must have been children, and if there are a quarter of a million of Abolition clergymen in the North, then there is one child to each clergy man. We beg, then, theso men not to congratulate themselves over thoir brother Lindsley. Let them assume no airs of being holier than he. The blood of tens of thousands of negro children is crying from tho ground against them, and sooner or later a just God will call them to account for thoir sin in destroying tho creatnres He has made. Lay Book. Senator "Jim" Lane. The Herald gives tho followiug in teresting domestic epicode in the life of Senator Jim Lane : "31r. Lane was married in 1842 to Miss Idary E. Baldridge, a grand daughter of General Arthur St. Clair, and a very accomplished- lady. She accompanied him from Washington city in 1855, to Kansas, and 'squatted' with him on a claim adjoining Law rence, whero Lane built a log cabin. Accustomed to tho conveniences and refinements of a city life, Mrs. Lane found it difficult to endure tho hard ships, annoyances, and inconveniences of a pioneer's lot. She desired to re turn, and went to her home in Indiana. Lano was interested in Kansas, and had determined to remain, and so Mrs. Lano went back alone. She did not like kher lonely lot, and so she wrote to Lano demanding his return to Indiana. He wroto back that it was impossible to return. His wife waited a littlo while, and then wrote declaring that unless ho returned by a stated time sho would sue for a di vorce. Tho senator mado no reply, but cave a trlowinjj account of the "patriotic," movement in which he bore an important part, ino next etter ho received was from tho clerk of a court in Indiana, informing him that his wife had tiled a bill, with another from a lawyer offering to de fend him. Tho Senator wroto back to tho lawyer as follows : "Dear Sir: Yours to hand. My wife 6ays she will not stand my long ab9enco. Iflwerosho I would not stand it either. 1 nhall offer no op position to her suit. Yours, &c, J. II. Lane. Two years later, when tho divorce hadlongbeen granted, Mr. Lano re turned to Washington as Senator from Kansas, visited hi.i old homo in Indi ana, and found his wife still blooming and handsome and surrounded by ad mirers. With the rest of them ho visi ted her from timo to time, became presently the accepted lover, and was eventually re-married." His late sui cide makes a final divorce. Couldn't Stand Ir. It. M. Do France read the Declaration of Inde pendence to a promiscuous gathering guco g Sas,nails in Mercer on the Fourth. When hejForks, Knives, catnc to that part of the document Spikes, Hinges, which declares the colonies to he free, ir.TTAr)C, sovereign, and independent States, a LIQLORS.such great sensation was manifest among q j ninv bUkev' the sharp-nose portion of the audience, iognao. etc., etc.', Ono individual, with an umbrella i FRUITS, such as under each arm, said DcFrance was a ' Trunes, Riiisins, copperhead, and he didn't come there j Figs, Filberts, 4c. to hear a secession speech 1 Several blue bellieB retired from the audience, OROCERIES , say indignant at what they conceived nn j J'n s J attack upon the Ireedman s Bureau j Molasss, Collee, and the majority in Congress. Ye- j Tea, C r a c k e rs, nango Spectator. Great Trotting Matcii. Tho bay gelding Dexter won the purso at the trotting match, under tho saddle, atlRuTES the Jrashion Course, L. I., on Thurs day beating General Butler and Tor onto Chief, when ho made tho best time on record, Flora Temple's famous three heats being beaten. Tho second mile heat was mado in 2 19, which timo was never beaten, except by Dexter himself in Lis trot against time, when he made it in 2 18 1-5. Tbo Empty Cradlo. Tlicro in a wlinlo volume of rootry in tU ftill.nvlns,' little Kkckli, wliiih wc find in tho lust numlicr of Mis liarlier's Wei-kly. I Wo met John on tlio Blair. Ho' was currying ami old crnddlo to lo stowed avvny anionji wlmt do termed !,,innilir .' in tho lumber room. Ono rocker was jrone.nnd tho ic kcr work 1 !0f tho tide broken ; it wub an old ' u-illovv affair, but we could not re-' frniu from casting a sad look into its empty depths 'tjono !'' wo said dreamily, "all golden heads were Ijione!" What onco pillowed here,headson which the curls grow moiwt in 6lumber, and tho hceks and lips flushed to the lino oi roso leaves. v hen sleep broKo, tno gilkcu fringed lips opened heavily from the slumberous eyes; smues nuieu like sunbeams overthc face: tho white list was thrust into tho mouth, when mamma lifted tho muslin and peeped to see if baby was sleeping, cooing and crowing were heard. Tho little feet began to kick, out of pure delight, and kicked on until both of tho tiny red shoes were landed at tho foot of cradle. Whero are those heads now ? Some that vero embrowned by vigor ous manhood aro sleeping on battle fields, some arc bleached with time and cares ; and the feet havo grown sore and weary on the rough paths of life. Perhaps some little one, once tender ly rocked here, is sleeping in the cof fin. Over it grows heart's ease, and vigorous box, and white candy tuft, and the starry jessamine. Tho blue bird flutters its bright wings through the willow bough ; and tho cool sum mer winds whisper 10 tne green leaves and grass blades on the grave. What oH Perhaps immortality. Sleep on, little dreamless one. Prisoners Discharged. Ihe war Department has ordered, at the in stance cf tho President of tho United j States, that all persons who are under-; going sentenco by military courts, and havo been imprisoned 6ix months, ex cept those who are under sentence for the .crimes of murder, arson or rape, and excepting those who are under sentence at the Tortugas, be discharg ed from imprisonment, and the residue of their sentence remitted. Those who belong the military service, and their term unexpired, will bo returned to their command, if still in service, and their release is conditioned upon their serving their full term, and being of good behavior. The Horse of Mr. Lincoln. On Saturday last the family horse of the Iato President Lincoln was sold at public auction in Chicago. He was bid in by the owner at $05 GO being tho highest sum ottered. Ihe animal was eighteen years old. RICHARD MOSSOP, DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS MUSLINS DELAINES CUBUKGS at at at at Sensation Sensution Sensation Sensation prices prices prices ALPACAS price Just received at MOSSOl'S'. GINGHAMS at Sensation pricet CHINTZ PRINTS li LOVES f.JRAVATS SHAWLS BONNETS COLOKED1 MUSLINS ) at at at at at at at Sensation Sensation Sensatien Sensation prices piicns prices - price at MOSSOl'S' Sensation prices Sensation prices Seosition prices All to be had at MOSSOrS. LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS at FRINGE at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices prices at MOSSOPS'. LACE HOSIERY at at at Sensation Sensation prices prices prices RIBBONS Sensation TRIMMINGS) of all kinds 4 at Sensation prices in any quan ty ) Alwavson hand at MOSSOPS'. CASS1MKRKS at 8ATTT N KTS at TW EE 1)3 at .Sensation SfiiHittion Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices price" UFANS at jVESTlNfiS at SHIRTINGS at rices at MOSSOl'S CLOTHING such' as Coats, PaoU, Vests, LTnder Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Boots, Shoes, at sensation prices Hats end Caps, , Now for sala at MOSSOrS, HARDWARE at sensation " prices at Mossors. at sensation prices at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. at sensation prices Spices, Candles, Coal Oil, etc., etc. Always at MOSSOrS'. BLACKING at sensation sensation sensation sensation sensation at at at ut at POWDER prices SHOT LEAD CAPS prices prices sensation prices At the storsj of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP 1 1 i t i i A.way. Keeps on nana mu q0(. a Muulh uKgllt. WMniedfur .is assortment of all kinds of goods required 3.IU . ... r.v.. i,..i la. j for the aocommodtttion of the publio. nov. iz, ut). HOW TO SAVE HONEY. Th timet r Wit you'd like to know How you may aave vmir Dollar! The way to do it I will (how. If Joy will read what follow!. A man who live d not far from kers, Who worked herd l hit trade j But had a household (o lu -port. Tint squandered all bs made. I mat him once, says be, "" Mend, I look threadbare and rough I've tried to got myself a suit, But can't save up enough." Says I, my friend, how much bare you? I'll tell you where to go, To pet a suit that' sound and cheap At K limiXTEI V and Co. lie took what little he had eared. And went to Itelenstclii A Brother! And there he got a handsome suit, for hall be paid to otheri. Now be la home, be look, so well ; And their effort la iuch, That when they take their dally meats, They don't eat half 10 much. And now he finds on Saturday night With nil their want! tupplied ; That he bft money left to upend, And tome to lay aside. Ilia good success, with cheerful imile, He gladly tells to all; If you'd euve Money, go and buy, Your olothea at ltelstenstelu. Clothing Hall. WW. ihe aheuncit. 6neat. and beat CI nib in g and good furniihing goods can bo had to mi every taate and in every stylo. April 11, !8 tf. II. Bridge, (Store one dcor East of Clearfield House,) Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Keeps on hand a full assortment oi GENTS FUltSISUINO GOODS, such ai Shirt. Linen nd Woolen under Shirts, drawer and iocka, neck-tie, pocket handker irlnvi umbrellas, bats Ac. in great variety. 01 piec! Gooda be keeps the best Clotbi of ail BLACK DOEsKlw OF TUB VERY bet miwie. Fancy Cassimerin great vaney; Aim. French (Joatinc. tie iver, ruoi. nin- ohilln. and Fricott ever coaling, all of which will be old Cheap for Can ; and made ur accordinj! to the latest My lea ly Experienced Workman. Alo Agent lor PlPHrfield co.. for I. M. linger. 1- t o . cel- t-i, ruled Sewinir Machines. H- BKIIXiE. Clearfield. I'tiiio'a, ov. 1, 1MJ.-U. PETER A. GAULIN AND GENERAL CLOTHIER. ahaui'i Ito-", ovtr Naugle'a Watch it Jewelry .Siore, Market Street, CLEAKFIELD. PA. ' The subscriber having permanently loca ted hiuisel'in the Borough oi UearUvJ, has detei mined loengsge in the businesi o! I intend to keep constantly on band a full assortment of Cloths, Cnsimeres, Satinetts, and Veslings, of Ihe best qual ity and latest stvles, which I will .11 a n u l'a cture to order, to suit customers, on short notice. Tai ticolur attention will be paid to Culling and Fillinft Gentlemen's, Boys, and Child) ens Clothing; and in fact, evervtliii-g pertaining to Ibis "BRANCH OF BUSINESS. A liberal share of publio patronage is, therefore, respectfully solicited, and I would advise all, to give me a call before purchasing eUewhere any pood in my linn. P. A. GAULIN. Clearfield. My lGib, 180G-tf. New Goods! MRS II. D. WELCH & CO., Have Just Recuivid Their Spring and .Summer Goods, Which wars purchased during lbs present de cline, and therefore are enabled to sell try chenp Our Stock Consists in pari of Merinos, Alpacas, Pop lins, Wool, Armure, and common De laines ; Prints, Ginghams, Shawls, Hoods, Hosiery and Gloves, Nubia, Balmoral and Hoop Skirls, Flan nels, Lades' Cloth, Sheetings. Muslins, Toweling, Tiching, Sontags, Breakfast Shawls, Capes, tc. Also an assortment of Milliner Goods, Among which a'e Hats, Bonnets. Feath ers, i-.iljuons, flowers, Laces, Frames Mfltiness, Velvets. Silks. Crages, Bernges, veils, etc., and a large slock of Including China, Bronan, Papier Msche Tin. Uosewood, Glass, rewler, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys. For Ladies, Such as romaoes, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rnugn, Lilly While Ac Thankful for past favor, we solicit a con tinuance oi the kind patronage of tbe people of Clearfield Co. ItiyReroember the place Second Street, next duorjo r'irat National Bank. Dee. 20, '( Save Your Money Something New. The undorplpnrd have prrmanrntly engaged In the manufacture of all kinds of Woolen Uoods, at their new Factor;, on Dells Run, in Penn tp TUG t AltDIMi AM) 1 L'LI IXG Business will also receive especial attention at our hands. The public are intitd to giro us a call, or address ns hj letter, when all inquiries will be answered promptly. Tbe post Ofline eHdreee of Til K HELL'S Kl'N WOOLEN FAC TORY is UsAMt'iAN Hn.i.s. Clcsrflt'ld Co., Pa. JAMES JOHNSON SON'S. Penn tp., June 4, 1806-f nio.-pd. prices 1 EOnOK FALK lakes thii method of inform price yJC log the watermen of CleaiMd eountt that has refitted and reopened the hotel fomerly kept hj E. Echreiacr, at Coientown, w tere to will take especial pains to render eaiiff oti'JO t J all who fanr him with their patronage, Coiestown, April 12, '65. drsly. fl HOCKHlIi Tt rs had at " MKhTKi.T, A r TILER'S. j 0. i. GARKY, City llnildlng, Biddeford, Ms. ' xj is, ly-ieoo. 'B. W. SMITH, & CO. OPENING AND Selling the Cheapest and BEST LINE OF offered in Clbariield county. Having been the latest to purchase we have the advantage of th decline in price, and otlVr thi advantage to all our customers aod all otbera. IN LADIES DRESS GOODS, WE bring the latest and most fashionable styles. ALPACAS, which are now o fashionable, we hare good qualities as low at 45 cents, embracing every shade. Wo offer also a Novelty which has just appeared in Dress Goods, called PERCALE ROBES. These Goods come in Patterns, compri sing all shades and deains. Being already trimmed llmv rnquiro otily culling and tilting uod can be done up at any time. FANCY DRY GOODS Ladies Super Kid Gloves, Ladies fancy Lisle gloves, Ladies Mohair Milts, Ladies fine Silk Nets, Ladies fan cy Chenille, Ladies Magio Ruffling, Ladies Lace Edging. LADIES THREAD EDGING, Ladies Valenciennes Fluting, Ladies Silk tassel Buttons, Ladies Silk Scarfs, Ladies fancy Ties, Ladies embroidered Handkerchiefs, Ladies Hern Stitched, Handkerchiefs, Ladies Lawu hand kerchiefs, Ladies Empress trail Hoop dkirts, Ladies Hoop Skirt covers. SHOES if- GAITERS. Lasting, Goat, Glove Calf, Morocco, Cloth Opera Slippers. STRA W GOODS. SUNDOWNS, Shaker Hoods, SUN DO H'NS, Canton Straws, Rraid Straws, Dt'rby lists, Split lists, Luten Hals, Trimmed Halt, Straw cords and Decenary ornaments. all MEN'S WEAR. Fine assortment of fancy Cas simercs in patterns, extreme ly cheap. AUo Boys wear. BOOTS AND SHOES Men's heavy Monroes, Men's fine Calf Boots, Men's glove calf Gaiters, Men's Cloth Opera Slippers, Men's fino patent leath er Hoots, YOUTHS AND BOYS SHOES all sizes and styles. Straw Hats, Hosiery, Kid Gloves and Collars. STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS FRUITS! FRUITS! Scedlew Raisins, Layer Raisins, Prunes, Can Teaches, Con Pears, Can Corn, Can Pine Apple, Can Sardines. Italinn Maccaroni. Almonds and Figs, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Oranges Lemons and Pickled Oysters. CRACKERS ! CR A CK KRS ! ! Sugar Biscuit, Lemon Biscuit, Egg Biscuit, Fancy Biscuit, Wa ter and Butter Biscuits. OILS AND SPICES. Genuine) New Orlenns Molasses, Sup, Extra Syrups, Supars. Coflee, Rice, Teas. Caudles, and Soap. TOBACCO ES AyD SEG AUtf. iioch ana Kukes, Grass Hooks, Trowels and Mops- Oil Cloths, Willow Ware, ' Fish, Salt and Hams. May 0th, I80f3-tf. ANOTHER EXCITEMENT a fallTnTtuicfa AT THE Cheap Cash Store OK WILLI AM F.IRWIN! South Second St., Clearfield, l'a. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring Si Summer Goods At Greatly Reduced Prices. lam Just receiving and opening a eareftilly selected stock of lashionable Sprint; A Sum mer Goods of almost every description. A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a groat variety of useful notons. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queeniware, Drug and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, IX CD C C CtC3g and Fruits foreign and Domestic, tuch as Apples, l'eachei, Cur rans, Prunes, Raisins, Oran ges, and Letnona. Fish, Bacon and Flour Mackerel in J 1 and a barrels, of the beet quality, all of which will be sold at ihe loweot cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and tbe public generally, are respectfully Invited te call. ,p-N. 11. All kinds of GRAIN ni approved COCSTJi r PltOVUUE taken in eiohan(re for Goods. WM. F. lit WIN. Clearfield, May tb, lSfin-tf GREAT EXCITEMENT 0 N SECOND STREET, Clearfield, Penn'a. NEW FIRM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW TRICES. The undersigned having formed a co partnership, in the Mercantile huine Iwou.d respectfully invite the attention of the Public generally to their splendid assuriemm oi mcrcnanoise, wtiicn is now being SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. Their stock consists in part of Dry Goods, of the best quality, such as Prints, De Laines, Alpnccns, Merinos, Ginghams, Muolins Rleached and unbleached, Drillings, Tickinp. Cotton and Wool Flannels. Satinetts. Cottenades, Casnimeres, Ladies' Shawls, Coats.Nubias and Hoods, Lalmo- ral and Hoop Skirts, ic, &C, all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Also, a Gne assortment of men's Draw, ers nod Shirts, Hats it Cops, Boot &. Shoos, Quccnsicarc, Glassware, Hardware, Groceries aod spices UF ALL KINDS. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT or everything usually kept in a re tail Siore. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH or approved country produce. WRIGHT i FLANIGAN. Clearfield, January lOih, BEMOVAL. P. KBATZER J. t,. i i . ... ua iriuuren io nis ner are-Kooms, on Market St., Clearfield, Ta., here be has openod a very large'stock of Dry Goods, Merinoes, Ginghams, Cloths, Delaines, Prints, vn.niores, Aipscas. miss, Satinets, Heps, lashmercs, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jeans, Lanellas, Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets, Rib. bona, Cloaks, Biilmoral Ekiru, Hoop. Skirls, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Head Nets, Caps, Corsets, Gloves, Collars, Scarls, Grenadine Veils, Table Covers. Clothing. Coats, Tants, Vests, Over-Coats, lient's Shawls Shirn, lints, Caps, fmler-Shirta and llruwcrs, Bouts. Shoes. Gum Shoes, Cravats, (ileves and Collars. HARDWARE, QUKENSWARE, GRO CERIES L MUSICAL GOODS. Groceries. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Candles, Ries, Flour, Baeon, Fish, Tobacco, Kaisins, Currants, 8 p I e e s, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE, WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Drugget. Looklng- GIassea Clecks, Churns, Washboards, Tubs. Buck ts, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Blinds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps, L'in. brellas, Bedcorda, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and Stove Blacking. Tfl-AU of which will bs sold on the mostrea. sonsble terms, and the highest market pries paid or Grain, Wool, and all kinds of country produce. Clearflold, December 13, 1865. COPARTNERSHIP. Ths nndersigned have this day formed a Co. partnership nnder ths firm name of Irwin A Hartshorn, for ths transaction of a General Mer chandise and Lumber business. A large and well teleeted stock of Goods bos been added to those already on hand at ths Corner Store in Curwensville where we are now prepared to ebow Customers a completed assortment with prices as low as the lowest. The highest market rates raid for Lumber of all description. The patronage ol the publie is respectfully solicited. . EDWARD A. 1KVIN. W. R. HARTSHORN. Carwensville. July 20, 18S5- 1 firiBufhels rf prime Clcrerseed, for sals by 1 J IKVIN A HARTSHORN. Curwensville, February 28. 18fl(l-tf. 1")ulley Blocks, sll sites, snd best mennfse. . "re, at MKRRELL A llfOl.KK'S RAFT ROPI'S of all sites, for tale at Deo. IS, 18M. MERRELL A EIGLER. II. F. NAUGLE, A K E R Graham's Ro, ClearHetd, Peio'a. Ths luWriber respcctfally Informs his o' customers ard the public, that he has oa barj ar.d constantly receiving new additions, a Urg stock of Clocks, Walfihe and Jewelry. Jewelrj of every variety from a single plsc to s rull sett Watches, a fine assortment of silver Iluntic and open case, American and patent Laven plain snd full Jeweled. Clocks, s large variety from tbs best Mannfad tort, consisting of Eight dsy aud Th'riy boo' Nnrmi ami U umhl I.AVn.a Tim. hfriita. .n Alarm. Spectacles, a large assortment far and astr sight, colored and plain glass. Also, a fine assortment of Spoons, lorks, Bot ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jtwelr; carefully repaired and Warranted. A continuance of patronage is sollolted. Koveinbor 16th. ISSj 11. F. NAUGLB- ("1)1.D 1'KXS II. F. NAL'GLK has just "X received an Klegant assortment of tbs best quality j also silver extension and desk holders. November, 2J 1865. Cheap Furniture ! DESIRKS to Inform his old friends and cdi kmers that, having enlarged bis shep and increased his facilities fur manufacturing, he it now prepared to make to order furniture at ma; be d. 'hired, ia good ctlo and at cheap rates for Lash. He mostly hat on band at bis "Furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready.madi furniture, among wmcnare Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and book-Cases; Centre, Sofa, Psrler Breukfast and Dining Extension Tables. common, rrencn-rosi, cottage, Jenny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS of all. KINDS, WORK-STANDS HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, 4o. Kocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Choirs and Common and other Chairs. Z 0 OKIN O-0 LASSES Of every description on band ; and new glasses tor old frames, wblcn will be put In on va ry reasonable terms on short notice, lie also keeps on han or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, llairand Cotton top M&ttresses. COFFINS, Uf every kind, Mads to o-der, and fuuerala attended with a T I . I iivarse, Toenever uesirea. Also, House Painting done to order. The subscriber also manufactures, and has constantly en band, dement Patent Washinir machine. The best now in use. Those using this machine never need bs without clean olothes I He also hat i Iyer's Patent Churn, A superior artels. A family osier this Chum never need be without butler! All the above and many other articles are fur nished to customers cheap for Cass or exchanged for approved country produce. Cberry, Maple, foplar, Linwood and other Lumber suitable fos Cabinetwork, taken in exchange for furniture. irUemomber the shop is on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Stors." JOHN GULICE. Nov. 2, 1862. j I? DUC ATION AL Theundersigned intends J opening a school in ths Town Hall, Clear, held, on tbe First Monday in Juno to continue for s term ol eleven weeks, Thouroughness will be aimed at in all onr In. rtructinn. "ot bow much but bow well" it ths principle upon which the exercises will bs son. ducted Particular attention paid to Penmanship and Book-Kceping. A daily register is kept of the attendance, de port incut and recitatlona of each pupil which is sent weekly to parents, that furnishing them with constant information of bis standing and progress in school. Publio exhibitions are not held at any stated time, but parents and guardians are rospectfully invited to visit tbs school and observe ths man. ner in which ths dnt7 work is performed. TERMS OF TUITION. Spelling, Beading, Writing, Primary Aritbrne tio aad Geography, (4 00 Grammar, Geography, History, Arithmetic and Book-Keeping $5 00 Algebra, Philosophy, Geometry, Mensuration and Surveying, $.7 CO Latin and Greek with any of ths abovs bran:h. ss 9 09 For further information arjnW to May 23, 18S8. 0. B. SAND! ORD, Principal. f heagle hotel; CURWENSY1I.LE, PA. ' L. W. TEX EYCK, PnonrtiEToa. rpnE nndertigned, having become proprietor L of tho above hotel, wishes to give noties te the cititens of this county, as well as to the travelling public, that tho house has been refitted and refurnished for tho entertainment of his guests. His Uble will be furnished with every, thing tbe market affords. At his Bar will be found the best brands of all kinds or Liquors. GOOD STALLING attached, and none bus careful hostlers employed. jjll-tf L. W. TEN EYCK. RAIL It OA O II OI r R, Main St., Philips burg, Penn'a, Rosenr Lloyd, Proprietor. K ecps constantly on band the choistest of liquors. Hit table it aUsvs supplied with the best tbe Market affords. Ths traveling pullc, will do wtU to give him a call. Kov let,18J. IT OR EST HOUSE-Rlooru township ' Uainbr T. Bloom, Proprietor. This large and eommodious Honse it situated on ths turnpike, T miles west of Curwentville and t miles east of Luthertburg. The Proprie tor will spare no effort to make bis gnetts eom fortable and their stay with him pleasant, and thereby expects to receive a liberal share of pub lio patronage. Dec. 20, lSSi.-tf. s TL'DY YOUR INTKKliSTS. LOOTS A SHOES madr AT LOW PRICES. loo undersigned is prepared to manufacture everything in hit line, at ths lowest figures, and will wanant hit work to be as represented. Give him a call, at hit shop on Market street, second door west of the Post Office, and he will, do all in bis power, to render satisfaction. Some fine Gaiter tops, extra French calf skins, Ac, on hand, ready to be finished on short notice ai low prioee. DANIEL CuNXELLT. Arrnrsnca Wasted. I will give a liberal ehanoe to a boy or 18 years of age, to learn ths business of Boot and Shcs making, if appll cation bs made soon. D. C. June Uth, 18SS-I yr. A DMlMSTRATttU-S Mil ICC Noiir. ! 2. is berrby given tbal letters of administra tion bars been granted to the nndersigned on , the estate of William S- Sevley, deoeatod, late of Brady township, Clearfield county. All per- j sons Indebted tu said (state will ploase make im. . pajenl,ana those having claims against the lame will present them for settlement, to tbe adreigned. SARAU E. SMILEY, JM-t pd Adm'i. JKVI.U MArilI!,K-.I would hereby sJ Inform tbe publio, that I bare been appoin. ted sole Agent, for Clearfield eounty. for tbe Coao .Sasst Familt 6iwiss Msrntsi. This is ens of the best Machines new offered to tbe pnhlio. I keep them on band. Any person calling at my rsiidenoe ean see them operate. Piiee only $20. TU0M A3 READ, Nay 2, lf t B-r. Ksv CnrweYUle.