Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 25, 1866, Image 4
A PHAYl'.n 1011 PlViCU. ! it n. clay rusts.. The war Is part, lik a horrid dream, i Hut leave In crimson (dim ; Tho wound ba closed with a ghal!y war, And the tirvi Bt ill remain. Ftill o'r thi lovely Eden land The serpent trail i teen j T'ic vtitiit of blood will not fade out While a million grave arc groin 1 The deadly feed of mortal bate Are (ralti-rcd for and rear ; Our vrry-llihlet tnel of blood ' V Chri.t I Thou'rt wanted horo 1 to! tome are maddened wilb revenge, And some grow dark with doubt ; Come down, oh llltned Son of Uod, Aud drive tho demon out I Ye Christian men, and women Wo, Who worship one true Clod, Can ye not walk apnin in pence The path your futher trod? Whv hate ye o your brother man, While all must pardon crave, When lummoDed by the angel death To the land beyond tho grave 1 Ah, Vfhen we cant aside the veil, And turn our eye within, Can we presume the (tone to throw, Or judge a brother' ein T Why should we still "diminution deal On each we judge our foe t" What know we of the bidden ceuBe The fate that made them o 1 A light reflect thro' colored glas, Truth glimmer thro' the soul ; And give a glimpse, in broken parti, Of one grand, perfect whole I To ome it ' red. to oilier green And to each oi believes i But truth, like tiod, is ever one "lis man' weak eight deceive. How shall I judge my fellow man, With mortal light so dim t ' What eoems to me a cloud of lies, JIuy shine a star to him. Oh ! burning that haunts the (oul, Oh! wisdom deep and true Tho words that fell from .lesus' lips, "Ty I note nut what they do 1 Could higher beings from the stari Our poor, frail nature senn, Bow pitious would seem to them This puny creature, man 1 A poor blind worm, e'en at best, A jewelled soul adorns ; Whilo blindly groping for the flower All mangled by the thorns 1 Cod of our Falhenl hear our cry, Our blind eyes ennnot see ; Eave us', or we perish, Lord I We place our trust in Thctl TVaSaiNOToJC, May, ISM. COUNT VOX BIS5IARK. This Prussian statesman, not inapt ly named by his disnflucteJ country men "tho man of blood and iron," is as noted for tho Binular vivacity of his language and boldness of opinions as for his absolute tendencies, which recommended him to his king so etrongly in 1851 as to have him called to. the diplomatic service, whero he has since gained a world-wide repu tation. He was born in 1814, at Shochauscn on tho Elbe, and is of n family whioh claims lineal descent from one of tho ancient chiefs of a powerful Sclavonic tribe. lie studied at tho Universities of Gottingen, Ber lin and Gricfswald. It is a notable circumstance connected with tho ca reer of this despotic statesman, that one of tho very first theories with which he entered public life was the favorite one of Thomas Jefferson, and after him, of a powerful school of bouthern politicians, the text of which is familiar to every one, '-that largo t citieiraro great sores on tho body po litic." The opinion of Count "Yon Bismark that largo cities were cen tres of all that was mischievous and wrong that they were obnoxious in the highest degree to the general wel fare of nations, and ought to bo de stroyed as hot-beds of evil principles, was discussed by him with so much ability, vigor and audacity as quickly to fix tho attention of political people, and serve him for his stcpping-6tonc to famo. It was not till 180:2 that ho was called from the diplomatic corps, as ambassador to St. Petersburg, to officiate in the double capacity of min ister of foreign affairs and master of the King's household. Prussia was at the time a prey to internal conflict, and Von Bismark, always inflexible and headstrong, concentrated in his own hands vust power. His adminis tration was distinguished for extreme rigor ngainst tho press. Personally ho is soldierly in appearanco, with a largo head, capacious forehead, firm, resolute mouth, brilliant and singular ly restless eyes, with a remarkably fascinating power, lie is decidedly one of tho most astuto statesmen of Europe, and, though hated by the liberal party in his own country, he is equally if not more implacablo in his own enmity towards Austria. Up on this point ho finds somo congeni ality with the liberals; for whilo they dread and dislike Bismark much, they detest Austria more. Under his in-. Prussia's present policy is vir tual secession from the German con federation, or absorption of its smaller States, bo as to dominate the whole. Austria had been long pla3-ing at tho same game the two States being rival members ot tho confederation but Austria finally submitting the questions at issue to the Diet, and bo ing governed thereby, her cause is the federal cause. Baltimore Sun. JfcSrTho annual income of Wendell Thillips, tho notorious Abolition lec turer, is sixty thousand dollars. Tho Cleveland Naindcalcr remarks that tho statement should go with it.which will hardly bo denied, that Phillips inherited his wealth from ancestors who accumulated immense fortunes by tho manufacture of and traflio in i ew England rum, and by the African slave trade. tuThc wife and daughter of a New Yorker boarding at Union Hall, Sara toga, were robbed. of diamonds and jewfclry wortli soven thousand dollars, last-vTwek. John W. Forney as a rJisinttrntcd Patriot. I Tho Washington correspondent of. tho Cincinnati Commercial is very so-, vcre upon .Mr. Forney. Listen to him : , "Every orreo in a wniio mo grent American toady. John W. Forney, sneaks of the party which supports the President, as tnatie up oi "Hire lings," a word which lie borrows from tho vocabulary of his htto Southern musters. Tho public may like to k-tinw how ntire v dihintercstca ror-i ney is, and has been in support of the Republican party how much self sacrifice ho displays in the premises, in fact. Fht!y, then, there is John W. For ney, tho dead duck in propria persona, Clerk ol tho Senate, $3,5U0 a year and stealings. Secondly. There is J). C. Forney, publisher of the Chronicle, cousin of the dead duck's, in pay of tho Senate, drawing a salary of about two thous and dollars a year, for work which he never performs a clear swindle. Thirdly. There is another Forney, a cousin of the dead duck's, mail agent bet wen here and Philadelphia. Fourthly. There is a brother-in-law mail agent on the Pennsylvana Cen tral road. Fifthly. There is a junior Forney, who.all through the war,was an otliccr on duty in Philadelphia. Sixthly. There is another son of the dead duck's, who, early in the war, was got a commission in tho navy, under a solemn covenant never to be sent to sea, nor exposed to tho rude fire of rebel guns and ho never was. Seventhly. Forney is carried about the city of Washington in a vehicle owned by the Government, drawn by a horse owned by tho Government, and driven by a man paid as a laborer in tho capitol grounds. All of which may bo strictly patriotic, i but is not Eighthly. Forney has for a private servant a man who is paid as a labor er for the Senate,. which is contrary to tho law in such cases made and provided. Ninthly. Forney gets the Chronicle edited by men who arc paid as clerks to the Senate, which may bo patriot ism, but looks like swindling. Tent hly. Forney will employ no body as clerk or messenger in the Senate, who will not help to edit eith er tho Chronicle or Press, which is good economy but bad morals in tho dead duck. Eleventhly. Forney wroto a begging letter to the President about six months ago. Tho President did not grant tho prayer of the pctitioncr,and the Chronicle immediately come out against Andrew Johnson and his poli cy. Which may bo disinterested, but doesn't look that way; looks rather liko an unsuccessful attempt to Crook the pregnant hingi-a of lliu knee When thrift may follow t avHry. What a self-sacrificing patriot For ney is, to bo sure I The Philadelphia Election Fraud. Tho contested election case between -Major David P. Weaver .and John Given was decided in tho Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, on Sat urday last. Our readers will remem ber that Major Weaver, the Democrat ic candidate for City Commissioner, was elected over John Given, by a majority of 7-0 votes, on tho home voto. Thereupon somebody forged on behalf of Mr. Given, a lot of "sol diers" votes which afterward turned out to bo spurious, giving him a ma jority of 322 on the home and soldiers' vote. Notwithstanding tho glaring frauds transparent on tho face of theso returns, tho Kcturn Judges who were largely Abolition, awarded Given the certificate of election, and ho has ever sinco October last, pocketed tho fees of that -oflice. Major Weaver then instituted a suit against him, andafttr a lapse of nine months, justice was at last done. Judge Allison decided that David P. Weaver was duly elected City Commissioner, nnd ho will now tako chargo of that office. Horrible Accident. A most mel ancholy accident occurred on tWed ncsday, at a small place called Gaines turif. on tho York county sido of the river, near Middletown, Pa., resulting in tho death of a young lad' named Caroline Sweeny. At tho time of the occurrence she was lying sick in bed, when her brother, younger than her self, picked up an old gun, nnd play fully pointing towards her, pulled the trigger, when a terrific report follow ed, and a bullet passed through the head of Caroline, killing her instantly. When will people learn to guard against tho careless uso firearms ? liow many lives must bo sacrificed before tho evil will bo abolished? Jlarrisburg Telegraph. Exit Speed. Tho Attorney-Gener-al of tho United States, evidently with great reluctance, has given up his portfolio. Perhaps, of all men in tho 'Cabinet, ho was tho weakest and of the least consequence. IIqw ho ever got there puzzled everybody, and his ."going out" will occasion no serious .loss to the country or tho President. GUX SMITHING. ETC. I WOULD just Inform the citiien of Clearflsld and vicinity, that I hare opened a shop in id borough, near Mr. C. K ratter's More, for the purpos of manufacturing and repairing GUNS, PISTOLS, WATCHES AND CLOCKS. I guarantee all my work, aad eipaet to secure my patronage by promptness and attention to business, and executing my work In the but tyl if the ark Give me a eall and test my capacity. JAMKS D. WXJ.KH.0Y7. I I Jon IS, Ufi8-tf RICHARD HOSSJF, J.KALUH IN FOREIGN and DOMESTICSOODS.vrSjs CLKDCD-D-3 MUSLINS at Sensation prices DKLAINES at Sensation rieot COHU KtiS nl Sensation price ALPACAS t Sensation price Just receive.1 tit MlHSOPS. 01 NO II A MS at Sensation price at Sensation prices at Sensation juices at Sensatien prices al Sensation prices al MCKSOFS' at Sensation prices at Sensation prices at Sensation prices CHINTZ PRINTS OI.OVKS (IAVATS SHAWLS BONNETS COLO U ED) MUSICS J Ail to be had at MOSSOFS', LINEN t Sensation ' prices CRASH at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation price prices prices CURTAINS at rABLE CLOTHS al FRINGE at prices at MOSSOFS LACE at Sensation prices HOSIERY at Sensation prices RI HIM INS t Sensation prices TRIMMINGS ) of all kinds iht Sensation price in any quan ty ) 1 . . t !-i wr.oc "lT)C!l Always on nanu ai wyixuio CASS1MERES at Sensation price prie prices prices prices S ATT I NETS at Situation Sensation TWEEDS t JEANS at Sensation Sensation Sensation VEST1NGS at SHIRTINGS at ii iricri t Mosson: CLOTHING such' tts Coats, ranis, Vests, Under Shirts, Flaunel Shirts, Boots, Shoes, llalji finrl f'llIIS. at seusation price Now for sale at MOBSOFS'. HARD WARE such as Sas,nails al sensation price; at MOSSOFS'. at sensation price. Forks. Knives, Spikes, Hinges, , LIQUORS, such ' as Wine, Brandy, Gin, Whiskey, Cognac, etc., etc, FRUITS, such as Prunes, Raisins, at sensation prices at MOSSOFS'. at seusation prices Figs, Filborts, Ac. .J ... , DJ Flour. Hams, Shoulders, Supar, Molasses, CouVe, Tea, Crackers, Spices, Candle, Coal Oil, etc., etc Always at MOSSOFS'. BLACKING ROPES FOWDEU at lentmtion price price prices price at at at ut sensation sensation sensation sensation SHOT LEAD pricei CAFS at sensation pricet At the storo of RICHARD MOSSOF. M.OSSOP Alwnvn lippin .m hand a lull assottment of all kinds or goods required r .1 i . - . t . i 11:, lor iuu ai;cuujiiiouaiiuu ui win jui'iu;. Nov. 12. 18. CLEARFIELD STORE K E A 11 Philipsburg, Pa. Wll.l. I AM W. HtTTS. GEOKUfi I,. REED. JOHN r. WEAVER. Wll.l.UX POWELL IV. IK BE TTS, if CO., (Succestor to Munson i, Iloopa) Have just receive a large and well o lected Slock of all kin') of Staple goods, such as Dry Goods, Clolhin Boots lions, and Shoes, Hats and Japs, No. Hardware, Glass, Naih, Oils, rainis. Quecnswnrc, Groceries, Flour, Bacon. Feed, Ac, which we are oilering at greatly reduced prices, ror Cash or in Exchnnca for Lumber " and Shingles We hope to make il to the advantage of limber Men, in the lower end of Cleat field coonty ami on Lleaiheld l-ret-k, to gel their supplies from this point, being on the line of Rail Road can Sell goods on better terms than at any point in Lleailii'ld county, and we are selling our Mock at eucIi prices as to make it an object to tboe buy ing goods in this market to deal with us Advances of Goods, Feed, &c, made on account of Square Timber, which 'we will either tell on commission or buy 'at fixed rates. Flour of diflerent Brands can be bad at all limes at very lowr prics, at the Clear- held Store, 1 uilipsburg, renn a. Dry Goods Notions, Ac, in great vari ety, at the lowest price for Cash, at the ,CIearheld Store, 1 hilipbnrc, Ponn'a, Snlt by tho Sack or load, cheaper than can be bad anv where else, at tho Clear field Store, I'liilipfcburg, Penn'a I Call and Examine the stock of goods, at jibe Clearfield Store, at rhilipsburg. Fa. Highest price paid in Goods or Cash for Lumber and Shingles at the Clearfield Store, Fhihpsburg, renn a, The cheapest goods of all kinds are to be had at the Cleartield Store, at Fhinpfhurg j Call nnd tee if our goods and prices don't soot the limes. W. W. BETTS, & CO. l'hilipsbtirg. November 15th, IKlKV if. CI.I-.AU l-l l;i.l MIltM'.ltY-EsomaAoa lions lsnrsTBT. The undersigned hnving eotauliihcKl a JSursery, on te Tike, about halt way between Clearfield ana lurwentville, u pre pared to furnirh all kind of Fruit tree. (fland ard and Dwarf,) Evergreen, Shrubbery, Urape incs, Uooteberrie, Lawlon Ulackborry, Straw berry and Raspborry vine. AIo, Siberian Crab tree, Quince and early ararlet Itheubarb, Ac. UMor promptly otion lcil to. Address, BcpU 20, '65.-ly. J.D.WHIUHT, Curwentvills. I jure Libert) White Lead. wil do more and better work at a elven Cot. than anr other 1 Try it! Manufactured only by Znoia ""ITS, W holesale Drug, Paint tllan Dealers, J-i7Jruviniril t.,hir, March Il,t -ly I)ure Libert White I7sd,-profer,c"d"hy A all prrclical rainier. ! Try it ! ,d ,,, w;fi hav no other. Manufactured only by tn in iiuiui ' .-., i niii March 21. S.y ground aud uugrouud splcea. Citron. Knir. VJT lisa Currants, Jix. t'oUe and Vineiar of Cloarteld, January lOib, I86, ANOTHER EXCITEMENT! A FALL Tx" TRICES. AT THE Cheap Cash Store OF WILLIAM F..IBWIM South Second St., Clearfield, Pa. A FRKS11 ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer Goods At Greatly Reduced Prices. I am just receiving and opening a carefully elected itocK or inionanie rprm cum mer Uood of almott every dencription. A beautiful aortmont of Prints and Dry good, of the newet ana laten tyie. Alao a great vriety of oeful notion. DRY GOODS AJSD JNOllUS. Bonnet, Ehawla, Rat and Cap, Boot and Shoe, a large quantity, Hardware, Queontware, Drug and Medioinei, Oil andTainU, Camet A Oil Cloth, and Fruits roreign ana uomemic, such Apples, Feacbej, Cur rant, Prunes. Raisins, Oran ce, and Lemons. Fish, Bacon and Flour. Mackerel in i 1 and i barrel, of the bet quality, all of which , will bt .old at readv pay price. My old friend and the aublio generally, r respectfully invited te eall. J&iTTi. D. All Ktna oi uhjiiii ana pprw COUSTHY PHODUVE taken in tichange for Uood. 1K If Clearfield, May dth, 1IWUT GREAT EXCITEMENT r.N SECOND STREET, Clearfield, Te.nn'a. NEW FIIIM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW TRICES. The undersigned having formed a co partnership, in the Mercantile business. wou.d respectfully invite the attention of the Public generally to their splendid assorteiunt of Merchandise, which is now being SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. Their slock consists in part of Dry Goods. of the Lest quality, such as Trims, De- l.ainos, A 1 parens, Merinos, Ginghams, Musiins Jilrached and unbleached, Drillings, Tickings, Cotton and Wool Flannels, Salinetts, Cotlenades, Cassiuieres, Ladies' Shawls, Coat, Nubias and Hoods, Balmo ral and Hoop Skirls, ic,, 4c, all nf which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Also, a fine assortment of men's Draw ers uod Shirts, Hals & Caps, Boot li Shoos. Quccnsicarc, Glassware, Hardware, Groceries and spices JNSIIORTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT of everything usually kept in a re tail Siore. ALL CHEAT FOR CASH or approved country produce. WRIGHT & FLANIQAN. Clearfield, January 10th, REMOVAL. J. P. KRATZER, Las removed to Lis new Ware-Rooms, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., where be has opened a very Urge stock ol Dn Goods, Merino, Gingham, Cloth, Delaine, Print, Ca-imere, Alpaca, Bilk, Satinet, Kepi, Csibmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jean. Lsnella. Muslin, Flannel, Bonnets, Hib. bnn, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirt, Hoop. Skirts, Shawls, Dre Trimming, Head Nets, Caps, Coriets, (Hove, Collar, gcarts, (Ironadine Veil, Tabl Coven. Clothing. Coats, Pants, Veds, Ovor-Coat, (lent1 Shawl Bliirts, HaU, Cap, Under-Sbirt and Drawer, Uoota, Bhoe. Uum - Shoe, Cravat, U love and Collar. HARDWARE, tjUEENSWARE, GRO CERIES & MUSICAL GOODS. Groceries, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molassoi.Salt, Cindle. Rlcs, Flour, liaoon, Fih, Tobacoo, Kaiin, Currants, 8 p 1 e , Cracker, Vingar, Oils, Var nUh, Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpet, Oil-clotl, Druggot, Louking Glasse Cluck. Churn, Wailiboards, Tub, lluck t. Flat Iron, Pans, Window Wind, Wail -paper, Coal Oil Lamp. Vm brellaa, Uedcords, Kniieaand F'urk, Spoonii, Crock, and Stove Blacking. .0-All of which will be fold on the most rea lonnble term, and the highest tnarktt price paid or Drain, Wool, aud all kind of oonntry produce. Clearfield, Dceombcr 13, ISflS, COPAItTNERsilU'. The nndnriiRned have this day formsd a Co. partnership nndcr the firm name of Irwin 4 Hartshorn, for the transaction of a tleneral Mer chandise and Lumber husines. A tare and well (elected slock of Uoud baa been added to those already .in hand at the Corner Store in Curwrnaville where w are Bow prepared to show Customer a eimiilitit iik n,in.. D low as the lowest. Tbs hiirbeat market ratoa paid for Lumber of all description. Ths patronag ol the publlo 1 respectfully soliuitod. KDWARD A. 1KVIN. W. 11, UART8110KN. Curwcnevlllc, July 28, IS i5 1 ( t ",li' f prim Clovcrseed, for sale by IVVJ IttVIN HARTSHORN. Curwenaville, February J8, 186R-tf. pulley rtlorks, all sires, and best manufao tur. at llERRELL A BIOLKK'd R APT ltnPP.9 r .11 t..m ..l. MO. 13, ISO. JifcKKtLL 1UGLER. 1 D. W. SMITH, & CO. ARE 0FE.MNG AND Selling the Cheapest and BEST LINE OF offered in Clearfield county. Having been the latest to purchase we bave the advantage of tae decline in prices, and oftvr this advantage to all our customers and all others. IX LADIES DRESS GOODS, WE bring the latest and most fashionablo styles. ALPACAS, which are now so fashionable, we bave good qualities as low as 45 cents, embracing every shade. Wo offer also a Novolty which has just appeared in Dress Goods, called PERCALE ROBES. These Goods com In Fatlerns, compri sing all shades and designs. Being already trimced tbey requiro only cutting and fitting and can be dons up at an time. FANCY DRY GOODS Ladies Super Kid Gloves, Ladies fancy Lisle gloves, LtJies Mohair Mitts, Ladies fine Silk Nets, Ladies fan cy ClienilU, Ladies Magio Kulllingj Ladies Lace hljiinp. LADIES TIME AD EDGING, Ladies Valenciennes Fluting, Lndics Silk tassel Buttons, Ladies Silk Scarfs, Lades funey Ties, Ladies f mbroidorcd IlandkerthiefM, Ladies Hem Stitched, Handkerchiefs, Ladies Lawn hand kerchiefs, Ladies Empress trail lloop skirts, Ladies Hoop Skirt covers. SHOES if- GAITERS. Lasting, Goat, Glove Calf, Morocco, Cloth Opera Slippers. STRAW GOODS. Shaker Hoods, SUNDOWNS, SUN'DON'NS, Canton Straws, Uraid Straws, Derby lists, Split Hats, Luten Hats, Trimmed Hats, Straw cords and all necessary ornaments. MEN'S WEAR. Fine assortment of fancy Cas simercs in patterns, extreme ly cheap. Also Boys wear. BOOTS AND SHOES Men's heavy Monroes, Men's Cno Calf Jloots, Men s glovo calf Gaiters, Men's Cloth Opera Slippers, Men's lino patent leath er Hoots, YOUTHS AJil) 130YS SHOES all sizes and styles. Straw Hats, jiUMury, ivm U10VC3 and Collars. STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS FRUITS! FRUITS! Seedless Raisins, Lsyer Raisins, Prunes, Can Teaches, Can Pears, Can Corn, Can Tine Apple, Can Sardines, Italian Macoaroni. Almonds and Figs, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Orangei Lemons and Tickled Oysters. CRACKERS ! CRACKERS ! ! Sugar Biscuit, Lemon Biscuit, IW Biscuit, I ancy Biscuit, Wa ter and Butter Biscuits. OILS AND SPICES. Genuine Near Oileans Molasea, Sun. Extra Syrups, Supars. Oflee, Rice, Teas. Candles, ana soap. TOBACCOES AyD SEGARS Hoes and Hakes, Grass Hooks, Trowels and Mops. Oil Cloths, Willow Ware, Fish, Salt and Hams. May fh, 16fJ.tjf. ; J Tb time er hard you'd lik u, liow yon may va your lolUr Ilia way to do it I will show, If you will rad what follow. A man who llrsd not far from litre Who workd hard at hi trade ; ' Bitt had a household to tupptyt, That iquandered all ha inado, I mct,hlm one, y h. "my friend 1 look threadbare and rough ' I've tried to get myaclf a suit, Hut can t save up enough. Say I, nay friend, how much hav youf I'll tell you where to go, To pet a mil that' sound and ehean AtKlJZK.VSTIilN'Sand Co. He took what little h had And went to ltclzeiiateiii A lirotlienl Ann mere ne goi a nanuaouie mit, for half be j aid to othar. Kow he Is home, be look iu wall ; And their eHoct ii uch, That when they take their daily mea'.j 7uey don't eat half o much. ' And now he find on Saturday night With all their want supplied ; That he ha money left to spend, And om to lay aside. HI good success, with cheerful taiila, Ue gladly tell to all; Tf Vnil'd HV. llfnnAV . anil k Vour clothe at Kclzeiisteiu Clothluelhj Where the eheaneiL finest. nrl ht m,i.:l and good furniihing goods can bs had to u,l yery wu ana in CTory style. April ii, isoo-tt. H. Bridge, (Store one dcor East of Clearfield Eouh,) Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Keeps on hand a full assortment J GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts, Linen and Woolen under Shirlif drawers and iock, neck-tie, pocket handkul chief glorei umbrellas, bat Ac, in great raricttl UI piece Uood lie keeps tie beat Cloth of tl "shade and colors, such as BLACK DOESKIN OF TIIE VERY best tDHice, fancy Cassimer in great variey! cbilla. and Fricott over coating, all of' rnicti will be sola Cheap lor Cash; aoil made up according to the latest Styles bjj Experienced Workman. Also A ten I fori ClearnelJ co., for 1. M. Singer, C- Co , cel ebrate! Sewing Machines. II BRIDGE. Clearfield, Penn'a, Jov. 1, 18f5.-tf. PETER A. GAULIN AND GENEHAL CLOTHIER Graham's Row, over Naugle's Watch ill Jewelry More, Market Street, CLEARFIELD. PA. The subscriber having permanently loca ted himself in the Hornunh nf CIparfioM I has delei mined toengapein the busiuestofl I iniend to keep constantly on bands full assortment of Cloths. CniimerM Satinetts, and Vestings.of the best qual-1 lty nna latest styles, trbich 1 will Ma n ii f act tire to Order, to suit custnmnra. nn thnrt notice. Particular ottention will be paid to Cuttinc and Fitting (ientlemeti'a.KoY. and Childrens Clothing ; and in fact, everyuiii.g pertaining to this BRANCH OF BUSINESS. A liberal share nf nutilin nntrnnnca is therefore, respectfully solicited, and I wnuiu auvise an, to give mo a call before purchasing elsewhere any goods in my line. p. A. GAULIN. Clearfiold, May 16th, IRCG-tf. New Goods! MRS H. D. WELCH & GO. Uaye Just Received Their Spring and Summer Goods, Which Wire rurchAsnil riurlntv t Y hmmiiI elioe, and therefore are enabled to tell very ckeap, Our Stock Consists in partof Merinos, Alpacas, Top lies, Wool, Armure, and common De laines; Prints, Ginghams, Shawls, Hoods, Hosiery and Gloves, Nubias, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Flan nels, Lades' Cloth, Sheetings. Muslim, Towoling, Tichine. Sontacs. Breakfast Shawls, Capes, Ac. Also an assortment of Millinery Goods, Among which are Hats, Bonnets, Feath ers, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Frames, . Mali ness, Velvets, Silks, Crages, Berages, Veils, eta, and a largo sioclc of Including China, Bronze, Tapier Maeh Tin, Koeewood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys. For Ladies, Such ns romaues, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youth and Paints, Bouge, Lilly While 4c. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a con tinuance ot the kind patronage of the people of Clearfield Co. BtaJ-Rememher the place Second Street, "xtA""rlti"t National Bank. Dee. 30, '64 Save Your Monet Something New. Th underslirned i r- r..nn. u,ij rilKBKPlA In the manufacture nf all kimtanr U',.i.. at their new Factory, on Ilell Run, in Teain tp' TIIE CM K 1)1 NT. AM) I-'ULLIXG Butine will also receive especial attention at our hand. The r'blic are invited to iv us a call, or adJrc us by loiter, when all inquiries will be answersd rnmpt!y. The Tost Offina sddres of T11R tkl.lS KV WOOLKS FAC TORY il Uraki'uh Hit i s, Clsarnsld co., Pa. JAJlbS JOIIXSON A 60S S. Tena tp., June 4, 1860-0 mo.-pd. . CI EOROK FALK take thl msthod of Inform T in the watKrnion nf fin. rS. 1.1 n.. .v.i be ha refltud and reopaned tb hotel formerly r(.i of c. ccnreiaer, al loxrslown, where ne will take especial nnini in mnil,r A.i.r.Aii.... a ' r " - vw.aa.nv.ivM .V all who f?or him with their patronage. HI ' " ' "' drsly. rlHtCKKIU!torhadat MY-U rK..I. A P t3T,FR'3. QCUl Moul11 1-Apsnla wanted for ix ra- tT?Flf firu nIA M rfixa. lint nni 1JJ . O. T. QAREl, City Unildinf , Biddeford. Me. .- is i. las " HOW TO SAVE HONE t1 k'toH Will' s 1 ii 1 Hi Inn Wt Idol h1 Kb ea tnc iili Jul tai nt 4