film nil iihiiii niu tu Mi moon. "f h it asMest, but Hot bashful, FrM end mrr, but not bold j l iii rr'' Hp wiic, Not loo yount and not too old , Ft'( initios', half repulsive, Now advancing and now shy There ti ml'-hff in her dimple, TUtrt u tUugt-r in her eye. "Fh has studied human nature, Klie in schooled in til her till , Fbe b. taken her diploma ( Al tlic mistress of ull hearts ; fcli can tell tho renr moment When to liph end" when to smile; 0, a maid it sometimes charming, hat a wi Jow all the while ! Mr yen sad ? how very serious Will her rtkiitttom face become! Are you anjrry 1 she is wretched, Lonely, friendless, tearful, dumb I Are you mirthful ? how her laughter, PilTcr eon inline will ring out I f he can lure, nml catch and play you, Ai thv augliT dues tho trout. "Ye old bachelor of forty, Who have grown en bald and wiic, Youne; Americans of twenty, With the love-looki in your eyei, You inny practice all tho lessons Taught by cupid since the fall ; But I know a little) widow ( Who could win and fool you all. A BEVEEEND SEDUCER. HE DRUGS TWO YOUNG GIRLS AND THEN OUTRAGES THEM. rrom the Portland, Oregon, Herald. A correnpondent nt Salem sends us l!io iullowiiicr stui-tlinr ravelation of a i liocking crime perpetrated in Yam i HI county, which, did we not poai- dvely know the veritable character of 1 ie writer, we should be inclined to 'loubl its truth ; but we are compelled !o believe the6tatement,notwitbstand i.ig its diabolical nlrocity "Salem, April 20, 18GG. "Rev. W. F. Boyakin has finally apped the climax ofhis infamous and amorous career, by drugging two cirls ;;:id debauching their persons. The outrage, for cool, deliberate, diabolical itrocity, is unsurpassed. Boyakin, who has been residing in Salem dur i ig the winter and otliciating as pas uroftbe Baptist Church, recently went to Yamhill county to deliver a i ries of lectures on the revelations, llere he became t he guest of a worth' minister in the same church, and for toino weeks partook of the hospitali ties of that good man and his very 'timablo family. Tho family consis ; .d of the minister's wife and threo daughters, eldest of whom is married, :md was at her father's homo, sick of Confinement. The parents had chang- I their sleeping room to one adjacent to that ot their sick daughter in order to administer to her wants, and Boy :;'dn was permitted to occupy tho va- ant room, which was of convenient recess to tho chamber of the young ;-ii-Ja, who are about 13 and 15 years 'of ago, respectively. Into this cham ber Boyakin introduced himself in the night, and with the aid of drugs, over tame their innocence and outraged their person, as stated. iNight after night did this lecherous old ruflian r.atiate his infernal lusts upon his pow rrlesss victims, until the crime speedi ly manifested itself in the appearance t f tho daughters. It was with difficul ty that tho lives of the unfortunate sufferers were saved, nover, however, in rwinrn" frnm th time i Koyakin's crime has broucht UDonih.'9 protestations, kept possesion of themselves and their striken parents. "Boyakin escapod tho just retribu tion prepared fbr him by the neigh borhood, by fleeing from it. Ho is supposed to have effected his escape on the Sierra Nevada, on her last out I a i A ward trip. Ho is about fifty years of ago, witn nair and beard gray, ile was guilty of soino impropriety in Salem last winter, while at tho thea- Ire. and nnlnn mi irnntmn irm nmn f vhich ho was pastor nestled him injrobbershadnot been captured. her lap and screened his unworthy .7t .. . r. carcass. 8 A family in LaCrosso, Wiscon- "Tke family in which ho has wrought 'sln ,in,ve b,Cn missin? filove wood for this ruin is ono of the most estimable ;Sfveral weeks past. On the return of in tho State, and it is a pity that theyl . e ,d the f;imi1, a few da'8 gave such implicit confidence to a man i Bl.nt: lhe c:lso wa3 8tated' nnd Sunday about whom tho world had rumored '.n,ht V0! P1?11 8tick of fucl was bad things, even if he was grny-haired Wlth.the otl")rfl on te wood pile, and a minister. But what is most to n th,e uckwcre eightounces of pow be regretted is that tho Baptist church .', lor 8 , 0 kecping. Monday the in Salem did not, when his notorious '",ck was1th,erc. Tuesday the stick was conduct in tho Salem theatre had ex-i110'?' and ih 1"8' was now getting cited such universal comment, put its 0n 1 . ma? who ?xcd ll AN cdncsday foot upon the monster and crush him ."10rn,n tho 8ll was gone. Wednes instead of giving him a passport into . y orenoon Rn explosion was heard homes to blight and destroy them I in a hou8fl noar' and a tilcheu window "boyakin "was for some time editor .V9 pl,arcd .n, r""". On going to of thoCorvallis Gazette. Ho wnRnpr.:fhe.slot a. s,ht ws BOcn- The stove ambulated tho vallov Hivr. onri 'ni ji vne oi tno niniiDs. lie was a great favorite with the editor of the ttxtcsmiin,who was eager to chnvnpion him. JIo was a 'burnin' nnd shinin" lirrht . in I hn ITnisn nH o .mil na ......... ..w v, vu 3 in tho church. Ho was vorj' pious, loyal and luetful, incessantlv har- arv limes, Jccturui" on lorn tv v jmm vuuuauo uuu up inro -P c- T. r,. . " . Sainbo i-t . interne S!" teemed nnd worthy correspondent of Fslatw: s stewing on the store !Mn he had an, where else, at the Clear the Orcaoninn. over thn mnrmnmpn rXvo the i ceiling tho appearance of'the field Store, riiilit.sburir. Penn'a. an nil no- on nolitica and l.,,,u"ue." n tuu,r ,0f,t i'tco legs, mo copperheads throusrh his favorite me.?."" looks BK'I tllC roof of. (lium. me uretionmu. , . . l- ,.it: - - i , . . in AAis services nau oocn procured to stnmn Yamhill count v f,.r h '.ITr,!' ticket the present canvass, and his timely flight will be a severe loss to the ticket in that county.'' The old devil was seen in this city about the time of the sailing of the Sierra Nevada, and we hear it stated that some ono lAd him arrested for debt just as he was going on board, but the matter was settled, and wo suppose ho has made his cscapo. We hope however, that steps will be im rnediately taken to sccuro his Hrrest, if possible, in San Francisco, or any other place where ho cna bo over- 4.1 ,f nn in the POth rximont Illinois, vol Utiteora.w hen that regiment Ural wt nt 'out, nnd wan loyal end rioim to a do Irreo. Jlitt home U in lWllvillc, Illinois, where he ha or nnd n lanuiy living. Ho has probably had to leave the lV cific coast, and Is doubtless in Illinois at present. Ed. Chij) Times. " Confidence Game. The Teoriii Xat tonal Democrat has the followim; account of a swindle which has recently becomo known in that city : A roving band of gipsies hau Bcttlcil near Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, and one of them, and old woman named Fhillis Bosmcr, had become armiflintnd with Mr. Einerv.who was labonnrr under some disease, one speedily won his conlidenco to such an extent that ho confided to her ull his business affairs. Ho even showed her eight thousand six hundred and forty-two dollars, and believed her statements that by some mysterious black art conjurations she could double the sum, and was prevailed upon to give his consent to the trial. While Mr. Emery, in obedience to her re quest, had stepped for a moment from the rom, the gipsey adroitly substi tuted a package of white paper for the roll of greenback and then left the house, tirst promising Mr. Emery to return in threo days, when the monej' would have time to double itself. Mr. Emery locked the package Of paper carefully in his desk, not having no ticed the change, and waited paticntry for Wednesday. But Wednesday and Thursday passed, and do gipsey wo man came ; and then, growing 6omo- what alarmed, be examined tho pack age, and at once discovered the decep tion. The matter was put into tho hands of a detective, who soon found the woman, and sho was taken to Fulton county, and, strangely enough, was put in the watch house instead of the county jail. One of the officers of the calaboose, seeing tho woman in the morning, and being informed by her that she was there tor no ottense, but simply as a lodger, he allowed her to leave, bmce that time sho has not been seen. Remarkable Eobbert. Nelson Bristol, a wealthy farmer of Florence, Huron county, Ohio, was robbed of over $14,000 on Tuesday the, 28th of June, in a very 6incular manner. e condense tho following particulars from tho Cleveland Herald. In Mr. Bristol's safo were 59,000 in United States bonds, belonging to himself; $2,000 intrusted to his keep ing by a neighbor, a Mr. I'earcc, and 83 027 in. gold, ho property of Mr. Bristol. About dark five men arrived at the house, claiming to bo govern ment detectives, who were on the track of some government bonds which had been stolen. Hearing that Mr. Bristol had a largo amount of securi ties, they demanded to see them. He reluctantly opened his safe, when his visitors declared that tho numbers on his bonds compared exactly with those of the missinir ones, and in spite of them. They then arrested him and his wife, and three hired men, for their alleged suspicious conduct, handcuffed them, and "confiscated" the gold, as proceeds of the missing bondn which had been sold. They then withdrew, ostensibly for consultation, but, it is hardly necessary t.o say, did not re turn. Tho hand cuffed victims wailed several hours, and arrived at tho con clusion that they had been frightfully taken in. At the last accounts the had joined a piece conference. Aket- man of California. A cataleeninfrun der tho slovo vent through the win dow as if after tho devil or doctor, and has not been seen or heard of 6inco, but a smell of burnt cat-hair ,1.j. , , l iy"u.LO ery inorongniy. A fla1t",ron wa.9 hoiHlcd into a pan of. T II n hnilua lr.r-.lrm ! . 1- 1 4.l 1 I V - io uucteu apple- j , rr.. : i 4 . 7? , . ..j...,,,, , uigmius,! m i inrr innMitnnni..iik.. mini Bn3 : "i-ucn Guilder never comes po- un-ifore' or 1 R ''ghtcnin' rod." A Slit roa Services. A church in Salem, Ohio, has been sued byitspas- uir jor uis naiary lor services render al, tho amount claimed being $1,000. duys, to support himself.and to ,-rench on bundnva. roeeivin-r wlmint- '"r er the congregation would raise for him. Irt ri ,.. I- ,wl .... V K a a V PIV. HL Llltl lOWPHL Tirim Irtf ' uslll ! Ilism y.o ucience sei up ny tho church is1 rnn.-v V TwT. that tho congelation is Pmall. nnd lr ,T?L? V,U, the preacher, who is also a earnpntAi-. -. . . " agreed to work at his trade on vcckl'XTJ'.?. RICHARD UOSSOP. DKALEK IN FOKKIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS MUSLINS I ELAINES COHUROS at at Sonnt ion Svnnlion Sonsnlion Srnnntinn price piioei ALPACAS pneoi .Tuat reccipt nt Mt)S.S0l'S', GIXGUAMS at Sensation rrioei CHINTZ at aenention prices at Sensation piicoi at Semnlinn prices al Sensation prices if-QVES ,FR5N TS CRAVATS SUAWT,S BONNETS COLORED I MUSLINS) at .Wution $ricu' at Sensation price.! at Sensation prices) All to be bad at MOSSOrS', LINF.N at CRASH at CURTAINS at r A I1LK CLOTHS at Sensation Sensation Senfaiion Sonsntion Pr!cis prices FRINGE at bersntion prices at MOSSOFS. LACE at Sensation HOSIERY at Sensation RIBBONS at Seniialion pricea prices pricea Tit I M MINGS of all kinds t V at in any quan'ty I Sensation prices Alwavaon band at MOSSOrS' C A SSI MERES SATTI N ETS TWEEDS .JEANS VESTINGS at at at at at at Sensation Ssnsation Sennation Sensation SonMitiou Sensation prices prices prices prices prices prices SHIRTINGS at Mossorsr. CLOTH1NG such at voats, rants, Vests, Under SliirU, Flannel ShirU, Boots, Shoes, Flat and Cups, at sensation prices Now for sale at MOSSOrS'. U A II D W A 11 K Much as Saws, nails Forks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, LIQUORS, such as Win, Brandy, Gin, W h Ukey, Cokiiac, etc., etc., FRUITS, such as Prunes, Raidins, Figs, FilborU, Lo. at sensation prices at MOSSOrS', at sensation prices al sensation prices at MOSSOrS'. GROCERIES, say ) Hour, 11 a m s, Shoulders, Supar, Molassg, Coffee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spices, Candle, Coal Oil, etc., etc. at sensation prices Always at MOSSOrS'. prices prices prices prices prices prices Attha store of RICHARD MOSSO P. lfKSAI 4 VKJkw'VA. Always Wps on hand a full anoortment of all kinds of goods required or me accommodation ot Hie public. Nor. 12, 1865 CLEARFIELD STORE 2s E A 11 Philipsburg, Pa. WILLIAM W. DITTS. JOHN T. WEAVFR. GEORGE L. REED. WILLIAH PCWELL W. IF DETTS, if CO., (Successors to Munson A Hoops) Have just received a large and well e leeied Stock of all kin4 of Staple goods, uch as Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hals and taps, No tions, Hnrdware. Glass, Nails, Oils, Fninis. Quecnswnre, Groceries. Flour. Bacon. Feed. Ac. which we are offering at greatly reduced prices, For Cash or in Exchange for Lumber and Shingles. We hope to make it to the advanlago of Timber Men, in the lower end of Cleat field count v and on Clearfield Creek, ta get their supplies uuiu una imini, Demir on ine lina of Rail Road can Sell goods on belter terms than at any point in Clearfield county, and we are selling our oiock at such ... . o prices as to make it an ol.jpct to thoo bjv inggmxiein urn niarKei to opai with us. Advances of Goods, Feed, &c., made on account of Square Timber, which we will either sell ou commission or buy at fixed rnipa. Flour of different Brands can be had al all timas at very low prices, at the Clear- neiu Store. 1 liilipshurg. Peon a. Dry Uoods olions, 4o., in great arl Call and Examine the stock of (roods, at tb Clearfield Store, at Fhilipsburg, Ta. Highest price paid in Goods or Cash for Lurjber and Shingles at the Clearfield Store, Thilipfdiurg, Ponn'a. The cheapest goods of all kinds are to be had al the Clearfield Store, at Philipeburg. Call and see if our goods nnd prices don't soot the times. W. W. BETTi. CO. 1'bilipsburg, November 15th, is H.hAKi-ii.i ii si' v........ s .. . ---.-. "inu v ni JsnciTST. Tbe Undrrsivnarl hftrin eslnblished a Nursery, on the Pike, about bAlt waj oetwten i learseid and Curwensville, is pre pared to furnirh all kinds of fruit trees, (Sland ard and Dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, Grape Vines, Gooseberries, Lnwton lllackberry, 8trw- berry and Ilaspberry vines. Also, Siberian Crab trees, yuince and early scarlot Rhcul barb, lo. 1 '" I 6pt so, '6..iy. J P.wniiiiiT, Curwcnsvllle. urders promptly attended to. Addrei E Bloom township, wo, l ropnelor. odious House is situateJ 'and miiesW of luZuZ' nZ ! - hi rire no enori to make his guests com fortable and their stay with hiui pleasant, and tberfby cipeote torccnivea liberal share of pub lie ralronage. Doc, 20, RAFT HOPF.S of all sizes, fr sale at Pee. IS, 18(15. MKRRKLL t BIOl.FR BLACKING at sensation ROPES at sensation rOWDER at sensation HUT at sensation LEAD ut sensation CAPS at retention F oluiiiit cLrri'fiTJaT i vrvriirT? I'xriTrMRNT'! A FALL IN 1'Hlt lJ. at Tin: Cheap Cash Store WILLIAM. IRWIN! South Second St., Clearfield, Fa. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF spring kummct' uoods At Grcaty Reduced Prices, 'lam Just receiving and opening a esrefully I ialaetd utork of t'Rihionsble Sririm A 8uui- I nor Ooods of ahnoit every deicription. A beautiful assortment of Prints and 1)tj gooux, oi ins newest ana iRieai styles. ! Alio a grent variety of nioful notions. PItY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Sonnets, Shawls, lists and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardwire, Queotsware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, and Fruits Veign and Domestic, such aii Apples, Feaehei, Cur- rans, rrunes, Kaisins, Oran ges, and Lemons. Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel and i barrels, of the best quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest eash or ready pay prices. Sly old friends and mo public generally, are respectfully invited ta call. -N. B All kinds of GRAIX tni approved COUNTItY PHOWCEUUn in exchange for Goods. WM. . IRWIN Clearfield, May lh, 18 tf GREAT EXCITEMENT 0 N SECOND STREET. Clearfield, Fenn'a. NEW FIRM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW PRICES. The undersigned having formed a co partnership, in the Mercantile business. wou.d respectfully invite the attention of the rublio generally to their splendid astiortenint of Merchandise, which is now being SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASU. Their stock consists in part of Dry Goods, of the best quality, such as Prints, De Laines, Alpnccas, Merinos, Ginghams, Muslins Bleached and unbleached, Drillings, Tickings, Cotton and Wool Flannels, rlinetts. Cotlenades, Cnwrnere. Ladies' Shawls, Coats.Nubias and Hoods' Balmo rai inu iinop rsKirts, i.c A.C, all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Also, a fine asortment of men's Draw ers and Shirts, Hals 4 Caps, Boot 4 Shoes. Quccnsuarc,. Glassware, Hardware, Groceries and spices llf ATT T.'IVMii, vr AiiUjiiii un. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of everything usunlly kept in a re tail Store. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH or approved country produce. WRIOH? A FLA NIG AN. Cl.sarfiald, January 10th, KiaiOVAL. J. P. KRATZER. has removed to his ner Ware-Rooms, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., hcre he has opened a very Urge stock o Dm Goods, Merinoes, ainRbaiai, Cloths, Delaines, Prints, nicH, ciiias, punnets, Heps, lusliroeres, Tweeds, Cober)r, Mohair, Jeans, I.anellas, Muslins, Flannels, Ilucnots, Rib. bons. Cloaks, Balmoral fkirU, Hoop. Skirts, Shawls, Drers Trimmings, Head Neu, Caps, Corsets, (floret, Collars, Searle, Grenadine Veils, Table Corers. Clothing. Costs, Tents, Vests, Orer-Coats, nt's Ehawls Bbirts, Hau, Caps, I'nder-Shirts and Drawers, Boots. Shoes, Uum Shoes, Cravats, G lores and Collars. HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, GRO CERIES & MUSICAL GOODS. Groceries. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses.Salt, Candles, Rice, nvr, umra, risn, jodbcco, Kaisins, Currant. Spices, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, AloohoU TIN-WARE. GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, Oi!-eloths, Drugget. Looklng-Glasses wi., iiiurm, n asnoosrds, Tubs, Buck ets, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Rllnds, Wall ptper, Coal Oil Lamps, ITm. krella, Bedcords, Knives and ITcrks, Spoons, Crocks, and Ktore Blacking. All of which will ba sold on the .. sonble l-'mi, and the highest market price paid or Grain, Vool, and all kinds of conn try produce. ' ".111, lDUimu,r tPOJ, COt'AliTNEHSIIlP. fT,h nl'Rned hare this day formed a Co. n t"lr,n,,r'ni) nA'T ln "n name of Irwin I ll r I l Vi i m f,r .L. . . . r . . . . ,. ' 'u'kuiiio oi a ueneraiaior- ehandise aid Lumber business. A larie and well selected stock of Goods has been added to those already on hand at the Corner Siore in CurwensTllle where we are Bow prepared to show Customers a completed assortment with prices as low as the lowest. The highest market raUs paid for Lumber of all description. The patronago oi the public is respectful, ocHti. KDWAKD A. IKVIN. r t , . W- R- 11AKI3H0KN. Cnrwen srille, July lit, 1S ' Pulley Dlocka, all sises. 0d be manufa. AURHELL LI0LER'.4 rrnm rnn n ittti UTAirntT The times are harJ yca'd tike to know imw yes nay save vnr Dollars The way tn do It I will show, II you will read what follows. A man who I'.vrd net far from here, Who worked hard at bis trade J Cut bad a hotirchold to support, That squandered all bs made. I met Mm once, says he, ''my friend, I look threadbare and rough t I've tried to get myself a suit, But can't save up enough." Bays I, ay friend, bow much have yon t I'll tell you where to go. To pet a suit that's sound and cheap AtKKIZUNSTKIN'SJand Co. lis took what little ba bad saved. And went to ltelzeiisteln A llrotbers And there he got a handsome suit, For half be paid to others. Now he is home, he looks so wall ; And their effect is such, That when they take their daily meals, J'hey don't eat half so much. And now be finds on Eaturdny night With all tboir wants supplied ; That he has money left to spend, And some to lay aside. His good success, witk cheerful smile, He gladly tells to all; If vou'd save Mnnev. to and bur. Yourolothesat Itcizeiistein Clothing HalL Where the cheapest, finest, and best Clnthin g and food furnishing goods oan bs bad to sui t very taste and in every style. April II, 1866-tf. II. BIUDGE, (Store one dcor East of ClearCoId House,) Market St., Clearfield, Ta. Eecps on hand a full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts, Linen and Woolen under Shirt drawers and socks, neck-ties, pocket handker chiefs gloves umbrellas, bats Ac, in great variety. ui piece uooaa oe seeps lbs Dest Clotut of all "sbadM and colors, such as BLACK DOESKIN OF THE VERY best make. Fancy Cassiiner in great variey; Alo, French Coating, Beaver, Pilot, Chin chilla, and Fricott over coaling, all of which will te sold Cheap for Cash ; and made op according to the latest Styles by Experienced Workman. Also Acent for Clearfield co., for I. M. Singer, t Co . cel ebrated Sewing Machines. II- BRIDGE. tleurheld, Penn a, Nov. 1, 18G5.-tf. PETER A. 6AULIN, AND GENERAL CLOTHIER. Graham's Row, over Naugle's Watch & jewelry .More, Warket Street, CLEARFIELD, TA. Tbe subscribes having permanently loca ted hiniseir in the Borough of Clearfield, has detei mined to engage in the business of I intend to keep constantly on hnnd a full assortment of Cloth. Cassinieres. Satinetts, and Vestings.of the best qual ity anu jaiesi styles, which 1 will ,11 an ii f tic tu re to order, to suit customers, on short notice. Particular attention will hn nair! to v uniPg ani jilting Gentlemen's, Itovs, and Childreus Clothing; and in fact, everyinn.g pertaining to this BRANCH OF BUSINESS. A liberal share of publio patronage is, therefore, respectfully solicited, and I would advise all, to give me a call before purchasing elicwhere any goods In my V. A. HAUU5. Clearfield, May ICtb, 1860-tf. New Goods! MRS H. D. WELCH & CO., Have Just Received Their Spring and Summer Goods, Which were purchased during the present de cline, and therefore are enabled to sell eery cAto Our Stock Consists in part of Merinos, Alpacas, Pop lins, Wool, Arruure, and common De laines ; Prints, Ginghams, Shawls, Hoods, Hosiery and Gloves, Nubias, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts. Flan nels, Lades' Cloth, Sheetings. Muslins, Toweling, Tiching, Sontags. Breakfast Shawls, Capes, io. Also an assortment of Millinery Goods. AmonR which a-e Hats, Ponnots, Feath ers. Kilbong, Flowers, Laces, Frames, r.auiiess. eivets, MiKs. urages, Berates, veils, etc., and a large stock of Inoluding China, Bronze, Tiipicr Msche hi, nostwnou, uiass, lewter. Wooden. 1 'n t k r I .. -n - ' For Ladies. Such as romades, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youiu ana raints, Kougo, Lilly White ic Tk.l,fl r. r . ,. .. .u..n.u. (n invur, we solicit ft con tinuance ot the kind patronage of the people of Clearfield Co. lOTRemembcr the place Second Street nest floor to First National Bank. Deo. 20, "65 Save Your Money ouuieuung iew. The ondersicned hava M,m.r...n. . , In the mcnufactureof all kinds of Woolen Goods, " 'iis nun, in l'enn tp. Till: C.tliDI XG AMD I ULI.IXr. Business will also recede especial attention at our hands The publio are inrited to sire us a call or address us by letter, when all inquiries will be answered promptly. The Post OfBne "f,8 BKLL'8 RUK WOOLEN FAC TORi is GaAmit lliLI., deardeld co., Pa. JAMES JOHNSON A SON'S, rena tp., Juns 4, 18B8-U mo.-pd. an who Taror him with their patronage. Cnscmown, April II. 'S5. drsty. h.Lli.-A I: Ply to QQfi" 'Utll l Ageots" M . 1 1 II A I . wanted lor six fSOROK FUK taH thU m,ll.l of inform. Ing tho watermen of Clearfield countr that kept by B. Bchrawar, at whers be will take estteoial naim Ln f . ,.i iiorunn in ust eut. Address. l n m niunire j ARE 01T.MXG AND the Cheapest Selling EE3T LINE OF offered in Cliakiiud county Ilavingbeen the latest lo purchv uavo me nuvantnge ot I3fl rlpcline prices, and offer this advanug v ii uui vumuniers anu all others. IN LADIES DRESS GOODS Dung me juicEi anu most lastiionable Btylcs. ALFA CAS which are now to fashionable, we good qualities as low as 45 cent embracing every shade. We offer also a Novelty -which juBt appeared in Dress Goods, called PERCALE ROBE These Goods come in Patterns, com iug an puaues sou designs, tfeiod ucnujr trjujujcu nicy rwquiro only cutting and fitting and can be done up at an lime. FANCY DRY GO OR Ladies Super Kid Gloves, Ladies fat Iisl gloves. Ladies Mohair Mitts Ladies fine Silk Nets, Ladies fan cy Chenille, Ladies Magio Ruffling, Ladies Lace Kdeine. LADIES THREAD EDG1N Ladies Valenciennes Flutin, LaJ bilk tassel Buttons, Ladies Silk Scarfs, Ladies fancy Ties, Ladies embroidered Ilandkerchiefn, Ladies Hem Stitch Handkerchiefs, Ladies Lawn hand! kerchiels, Ladies Empress trail Hoop skirts, Ladien Hoop Skirt covers. SHOES tf- GAITER Lasting, Goat, Glove Calf, Morocco, Cloth Opera Slippers. STRAW Shaker Hoods, GOODS. SUNDOWNS, SUNDOWNS, Canton Straws, Braid Straws, Derby lists. Split Hats. Lutnn Male Trimmed IUls. Straw cords ami necessary ornaments. MEN'S WEAR Fine assortment of (Wv CM . j i suncrcs in patterns, extreme ly cheap. Also Bo)s wear. BOOTS AND SHOE Men's heavy Monroes, Men's fine Ca! iioots, jj.en'8 glove calf Gaiters, Men's Cloth Opera Slippers, Mon's fino patent leath er IJoots, luuilis A2D LOTS SHOES all sizes and styles. Straw Hats, I Hosiery, Kid Gloves I s".,il I STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS FRUITS! FRUITS! Seedless Raisins, Layer Raisins, Trunes, Can Teaches, Can Pears, Can Corn, t. AIT'e. Can Sardines. Italian Maccaroni. Almonds and Fies. Cream Nuts, Filberts, Oranges Lemons and Pickled Oysters. '. ' CRACKERS ! CRACKERS!! Sugar Biscuit, Lemon Biscuit. Ere liiscuit, fancy Biscuit, Wa tcr and Butter Biscuits. OILS AND SPICES!. Genuina New Oileana Mol...M ... l.xtra Syrups, Sugars. (Joflce, Rice, Tens. Candles, and Soap. Hoo, nnd Rakes, Grass Hooks, Trowels and Mops. Oil , Qoths, Willow Ware Fish. Salt an1 ' TTamsi GROtERjts tola bad at " MEJtmiiI3I.ER'3. MERIlEll ABIOLER'A