Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 18, 1866, Image 2

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    S?t filtatfuft Upub!ican,
V .-- J4"
Georgk 1?. (joom.andkr, Editor.
Wednesday MonNiNu:::July 18, ISM-
D emocratic Tick e t .
Of Berks eounty.
T. J. McCULLOUGII, of Clearfield.
(Subject to the action of the District convention.)
JACOn W1LIIEL1I, of Graham.
SAMUEL CLYDE, of Lawronco.
HENRY STONE, of ClearDeld.
roii auditor,
JOHN A. L. FLEGAL, of Goshcu.
Tue Ticket. We place at our mast
Lead, tliis week, tho ticket nelccttd
by the Democracy of this county at
the primary election, on Saturday last.
The gentlemen chosen as the standard
bearers in October, are all truo Union
men Democrats in thought, word
and deed and all possesB tho require
ments necessary to a proper discharge
of their respective duties. We will
refer to this subject, at length, in the
The Infamoui Forney.
This vilo creature has lately written
one of tho vilest and most malignant
letters to President Johnson, that has
ever appeared in print, becuuso tho
President refused to appoint a reno
gado named Wulbndgo Collector of
tho Port of New York. Soon after
Collector King committed suicide, ho
posted over to New York, and found
that this man would give him half the
procodi of tho office if ho was appoint
ed. The following is a copy of a love
letter to the President, soliciting this
appointment. Mr. Johnson not com
plying with his request he, as with
Mr. Buchanan, turned to slandering
him, becauso tho "government" re
fuses to be mado a tool of, for Forney's
special ubo. Read the beggar's letter:
"Nkw York, Jan. 2, 1S80.
"M tEi Ma. rrinEKT 1 Jiv hn In
this city fur two day, and now write under
nd impulM which I caunot restrain, and bcaiu
I feel it to be for your own good and that of the
country. I take it for grnt-d you are re.
olved not to bo unmindful of your own fame, and
that you will not allow your friends, who heartily
uatain your policy to feel that they aro without
your aid and encouragement, whothor yon are a
oanditlafe for I'rosidcnt or not, and if you
are not I shall be greatly surprised. With
the wonderful fuvor that has crowned yonr
restoration policy you should not allow tho great
office to goto indifierrnt men, or tho clearly in the
interest of your foes. I nci d not n peat to you that
I am now, ai ever for twenty years, as shown In
my writings, and sine your great act of patriotism
in 1860 especially, your opon and avowed friend.
Where I am to-day my two newepapors both daily
ihow to tho world. Uinee, in what I now say I
rpeak no idle word, but mean nil I say. The
Collector's Office at Now York City is a post that
you should dirposeof outside of all the politicians;
not that I mean to defy them, hut to select your
own man, who should be free only to help you and
serve the Government one whom thny could
neither attack nor use. Such a man is ,
of this city.
"He was elected to Congress in 18 as a,Pmo
wrat, but, like yon, refused to follow the party In
(reeflon. He served a short time- with great dis
tinction, and resigned on account of ill health, lie
was a member of the Committee of Ways and
Means, and won great applause. He Ii a very able
man, educated to finance, intensely national, honest
and independent, and could furniih millions of se
curity, lie has an organising mind, would make
you a party, or would fight your baltlo single
handed. He is an Andrew Johnson Democrat, in
abort. I write in the knowledge that ho would
aorept, and that his appointment would be received
with joy by this whole oommuni'y. "Yours truly,
"To the President, ac."
Had tho President appointed For
ney's creature, the "government"
would be vehemently supported by
him, and tho columns of tho Press
would teem with eulogistic praise, and
the "Eread-and-Butter Brigado" and
"Johnson treason" would not be heard
of. Forney undertook to treat Presi
dent Johnson as he did "honest old
Abe," demand and get everything he
wanted but ho has ionnd a states
man in the place formerly occupied by
the jester ; Hence his rage. Tho "loy
al" papers that used to call it treason
to abuse the President, now make
merry over the meanest things that
can be eaid of that officer, by the
meanest man too.
WriERE HB ovonT to EE.-Thi Hon. C.
V. Culver, M. C, is now in jail at
Franklin, instead f of his cushioned
chair at Washington, with Stevons 'follow in tho footsteps of our forefa -
t Co. This is a bad place for a wither.; and after having established a'
,,, tv j ri ... ,. - . . . "
1' Congressman. If this man doeS( Constitution an Organic Law re-paragcniont to their competitors, wo
not Epnd the next ten years in acquire ajl subsequent laws and statutes unhesitatingly eay that they havo
penitentiary, tho lawof frauds may as, to conform thoreto? This is whatall no men in tho county better qualified
will be wiped out. wise statesmen, in all civilizod na-to discharge tho duties encumbent
Highlit Hcnork'd.A Vienna cor-on9' in ftI1 flg09' have do"- The upon them, than those two rn. un
respondent of the New York Citizen xd of ouanSing organic law to Tho balanco of the ticket, we presume,!
says, that Gen. McClellan is the only ,BU,t ever transiU)ry political excite-is of this class of Dctnocrata. Tho
foreign military officer of any note nient might do for the untutored sav- Congressional Conferees aro Dr. D. A.1
who is allowed free acccss at the Aus-i age, but for our boasted civilisation it Elliott, L. A. Grunder and Edmund
triaa military headquartom - lis d graceful. TEnelich, Esos.
Tho re for the the Union t
ui m.i .. 1 !
, ' .,' i. ' f J.,ii!voi of the
United States, rflerci. resolution, do- ....,- ..., " 7 .
oh in,, that i State or State, "vhnu tion. declaring tht the Nate, re
Z ( I haUJctire to return to the "Mlionan not out of the Union, and
' Z ' L. ration 0f " should not he hell as Territories and
"pursuance thereof, have a right to
WM o-j"6
"cession oeing vnconsiuuuvimi. "
. lr.f,r(A(lfl!!llW,
.. ,7,,,,' t0roi Drogfcuffon
u fnrth, rnn,ar,nforcini)
"the Constitution of the United Mates
" and a restoration of the Union under
" the Constitution."
Mr Rtovens rdisuniouist') moved
that the- Bcries of resolutions bo laid
upon the tablo; which motion was
carried, by a vote of seventy-eight dia
nnionists all Republicans to forty:
two Unionists all Democrats.
See Home Journal, 1st Session 38th Congrcn,
pago 115.
" What does this vote mean ? What
does it assert? What does it defend?
It means that tho Republicans in Con
gress, and the radical portion of the
constituency they represent, were in
18G4, as they are in 18GG, and will
ever be, opposed to the return of any
of the rebellious States to the Union,
no matter how submissive and repent
ant they may be; it asserts, that they
(the rebellious States) havo no right to
come back, although wc lavished mil
lions of treasure and piled up whole
hecatombs of lives to compel them to
come back; it defends a war, which,
by their votes, they declared should
not bo prosecuted for the enforcement
of the Constitution and the restoration
of the Union. In a word, this vote of
tho Eepublican party in Congress,
proves them to bo secessionists, dis
unionists and traitors.
What else does this vote mcan,assert
and defend ? It means, that the Demo
crats in Congress, and tho conserva
tive constituencies they represent,were
in 1SG1, aB they are in 18GG, in favor
of the return to tho Union of all the
States who obey the Constitution and
the laws ; it asserts, that this submis
sion being shown, they have ft right to
come back ; and it defends the war,
as one which was carried on for the
sole purpose of bringing these States
back, under the Constitution, tho
Union and tho laws. .
Tho Republican disunionists Bay
they shall not come back; tho Demo
cratic Unionists say they shall come
back. Geary represents the Republi
can disunionists; Clymf.r represents
the Democratic Unionists. Geary
represents Stevens, Sumner and the
"boys in black j" Clymer represents
Johnson, Cowan, and the "boys in
blue." Stevens, Sumner and tho "boys
in black" aro disunionists so is Geary;
Johnson, Cowan and the "boys in bluo"
are Unionists so is Clymkr. VOTE
Returning1 to the Eark Ages.
Forney speaking for his disunion
Radical confederates tells us that
without the adoption of the proposed
amendments to the Constitution the
Civil Rights Bill which secures to tho
Negro equal rights with the white
race will be a dead letter, a mere
nullity as every judgo who has yet
pronounced upon It has declared it to
bo unconstitutional. This is an im.
portant admission, and men of sense
should not fail to make a noto of it.
It is nothing more nor less than a
confession that they propoto to reverse
the order of human government. All
wise statesmen, alter devising a Con
stitution an Organic Law require
all their subsequent laws and statutes
to conform thereto. Thone that con
flict with that instrument aro either
repealed, or treated as dead letters. 1 r, ty C0" by 6rand nioral
But tho disunionionifits of our rfflv',,dea8, Nono but pbilosophcrs seem
propose to reverse this order, and first!10 undc8tIn,1 thil mysterious phe-
juins m no tu duii iiiu lliuu BI1U truil-
scient passions of tho hour, and then
change the Constitution to conform
1 ...: ,t j . 1 ,
thereto. This is their proposition.1
Nothing more-nothing less. Is this
statesmanship? Yea, is it not dis-
graceful to our age and civilization 1
How much better would it bo to
The Cranin(f Record.
On th llthdnyof December, 1M.3,
ii r l?..nfntivriiCt
Washington, Mr., of lnu,.i a,
" condition -' fr roa. iAojW
vnconddional submission to the
Constitution and laws of the United
- , .
ni that when this xs aeconv
upUshedt the war ought to cease."
ed to lay the resolutions on tho table;
which motion was carried, by a rote
of eighty-eight disunionists all Repub
licans to sixty-six Unionists nearly
'all Democrats.
See House Journal, I at Bossion ooia i.ongre.
pago itf.J
The voto on this resolution estab
lishes beyond all cavil and -dispute,
that tho Democracy aro not only tho j
truo friends of tho Union, but tkat
they endouvorod to preserve inviolate,
the faith of the nation as pledged by
the Crittenden resolution; while the
Republicans aro tho bitter and unro
lenting foes of tho Union, who reck
lessly violated a pledge, given with a
unanimity that should havo sanctified
it against infringement.
White men ofPcnrlvania, remem
ber this record ; read it to your neigh
bors; post it, in printed placards, in
public places, where it ean bo seen
and read by all men 1
Eighty-eight Republicans voted
that the States in rebellion were out
of tho Union.
Sixty-six Democrats voted that
they were not out of the Uniou.
Eighty-eight Republicans voted
that the rebellious States shonld be
Territories or subjugated provinces.
Sixty-six Democrats voted that
they should havo all their rights, un
impaired, by unconditionally submit
ting to tho Constitution and laws of
tho United States.
Eighty-eight Republicans wanted
tho dismembered Union of Sumner,
Stevens and Geary.
Sixty six Demociiats wanted the
unbroken Union of Washington, John
son and Clyraer.
Eighty-eight Republicans violated
their oaths of office, by acknowledging
secession M i "fixed fact," uml cliatig
ing tho war for tho Union into a cru
sade for tho subjugation and annihi
lation of tho States.
Sixty-six Democrats preserved
their oaths unbroken, by repudiating
tho heresy of secession, and demand
ing that tho flag that "bore on its
azure field a star for every State,
should also havo a State for every
Thcso eighty-eight Republicans are
for Geary and disunion.
These sixty-six Democrats aro for
Clymf.r and the Union.
So we G.o. A mysterious murder
case is being "worked up" in Warsaw
tp., Jefferson county. A man named
Marchand has been missing Binco last
October. Tho neighbors aro now
pretty well satisfied that ho has been
aW, 4 9, a sintl
murdered, and burned up in an old day ,1Iu8tratJ,n t,,e propriety
4(.u. rrL , . i , and necessity of tho National Conven-
stable The wife, and a man named tion of Conservatives, called to be
Coardman, soon after left for Ncwjheld in Philadelphia, in August next,
York. Circumstances point strongly! to the examples of national and broth
to them as tho perpetrators of tho foulcr,y feeling displayed since the war
deed. A kind of a shooting-match
was had near Bcllcfonto some timo
ago, by eoino rowdies, in which a associations, whoso organizations cm
constable was killed, and tho party! brace tho area of the whole republic,
arrested in this county, last week I wns 0,10 of 1,10 brightest instances in
for committing tho deed, and wa; thisrcgnrd which history affords. The
taken back, after first being IX
through the shoulder. It is peculiar; nearly a ycarago,when was summoned
that theno horrible deeds should bo up from the States of tho South the
committed all around and amoni us, brethern so long absent by reason of
while tho country is governed by a 'O hostilities of the sections, their
A Good Ticket. Tho Democracy!
ol Jeflerson county have nominated
P. Jen ks, Esq.. for Assomblv:
Cupt. J. M. Stock, for rrothonotary
N. Carrier, jr., for SItlriff; J. A. Min-(
ish, for Commissioner, and Robert
Dougherty, for Auditor. With Mr
Jenks and Mr. Steck, wo aro person-
ally acquainted, and without anv din.
democratic rimnuY Kitmox, iseo-orncuL vote,
P X ? v ? 5 ' 7
s g -3 5' a
K I- cr "1 i c n rr
c 5 2- 5 n
f. : B 5- ,
5- ; : : : r : . :
f .
42 12' 40 4" 6 10 2j 20 3 2C
35 2i 24 2 21 - -I 35 5 3
2.'; 27 4H C 4;i " fi 27 21 U
21 J 20 10 5 l'J 21 2;i 6 2
2!) 28 35 2:i 11 7 3j 41) C 4
137 24 152 21 70 75 W 117 39 2
10 32 43 8 10 3 1!! 31 10 I
40 2 40 41 38 2 4 40 1 1
CI 47 43 10 2 4 40 8
45 50 05 64 35 19 2(' 04 31 3
5 IS 15 14 10 4 5! 21 2 1
10 5 10 11 3 - 3 10 -
10 12! 12 14 15 4 -20 - 4
10 15 15 15
12 h 11 18 3 2 f,i 15 5 -
42 19 39 38 25 4 22 45 10
12 - 12 - - 12 - - - 12
37 37 37 37 - - 27
9 1C 21 10 2 9 2 5 22
35 35 34 1 1 - . 33 2
17 35 33 9 17 49 J 1 -4 3 40
133 64l 133 108 77 40 13j 143 40 5
17 10) 24 4 25 2 2 27 J 1
01 371 97 47 11 2 45 hi 22
17 13 7 22 7 2 27 - 3
12 13 19 7 - 17 1 21 - 4
45 7 30 14 4fi 4 3! 47 7 -
15 4.r. 30 25 41 13 11 30 5 2G
1 It 19 15 c: 18 -
10 4 14 3 4 10 lj 3 14
810 049 1108 722 537 340 225 1072 234 191
Brsdy ........
Burneide ......
Curweniifille . . .
I)camr ,
Karihaus ......
Lumber City . . .
Now Washington
OceoU. . , .
Woodward .
County Auditor.
Flegal received 1,235
county for Auditor
si tion.
He had nooppo-
Resigned. Hon. W. L. Dcnnison,
the Tost Master General, has resigned
his place in the Cabinet of President
Johnson. Ex-Gov. Randall of Wis
consin, has been appointed in his
placo. The reason ho assigns for this
uct, is, that he thinks more of Thad.
Slovens & Co., than ho does of the
President loves the negro more"than
tho best government ever devised by
man." We hopo that Speed, Harlan
and Stanton will soon follow his ex
ample These "traitors" should all
be cleaned out of the Government De
partments, as they aro constantly
furnishing information to the enomy.
A Relic. George K. Robinson,who
happened to bo in Mr. Seward's room
tho night Payne attempted to assas.
sinato him, has had tho knife used on
the occasion, assigned to him for pres
ervation, by tho-order of Holt and
Stanton. Tho names of thoso two
Haynaus will flguro as prominently
in tho future history of our country ,J
and bo treated with as much contempt,
as Payne's knife.
Boy-Hon. Fitz Henry Warren, As
siatant P. M. General during Taylor's
administration, has announced him
self as an independent candidate for
Congress, in tho 1st District of Iowa,
on tho Johnson LTnion platform. This
bare announcement has caused "loy
alty," in that State, to flutter like
wounded doves.
The Patriotic Example of the
Oio Fellows. Wo referred jestcr-
by the people generally through such
agencies as have been available. The
1 nromnt reunion simomr t Im ,n nornlnnt
liberality of their treatment and snlu-
tary and wholesome effects, soeiallv.
commercially, morally and politically,
is an event too good and t lorious soon
to ho forgotten. Since that time the
work then so well begun lias not gone
oaeKwaru ncro in Maryland. Hat ,,h .U!0 co!,ntr' a.1 .larS0 '
tl "JT
ton would imply differently, wo are
fain to believe that the samo is tho
ease among people everywhere; and
J-hisnow proposed national convention,
a,'"L t.(,g-eCr.Lgni,,
uvea, iruiu mo ionn ana ino fiouih.
the East and tho West, afford tho
neodod opportunity for' its full and
comP,eto demonstration, to tho whole
n,vantrtKe politically and materially,
f a rCU'"tca Baltimore Hun.
KaTAnothor "loyal" follow, George
J- Carloton, it. seems, has IcR the
f1ernml:.nt J"a9ury minus about
i million dollars, as special sgent
.nd .a tnt iurrejor of custom, at
Memphis, TennesBee.
lrTho monstrous Tariff Bill that
passed the Rump House bo flippantly
on tho 12th, was postponed in the
Senate until December next.
jtijwA house burned lately in Augus
ta, Mo., was tho headquarters of Ben.
edict Arnold when on his Quebec ex
pedition. yew gsdrfrtlSfiufnts.
X the Clearfield County Afrrlcultural Ho-
ciety will meet at the Itegiai-er's office, in the
u -ill ... . Ik. Ii l it..
borough of Clearfield on eaturuay, the Zlst day
of July, at S o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of
determining whether a Fair will be held the en
suing fall. lly order of the President
July 18-lt I. Q. HAMPER, Seo'y.
"VyOTICFAII persons knowinr themselves
1 indebted to ISRAEL COOT till, on beok
acconnt or otherwise, are requested to come fur
ward and settle the same immediately, at the
books have been let t in the hands of Ksqulre
Lee, of Glen Hone. And also, all persons having
claims are requested to preseul them, duly
anthenticated fr settlement, to Samuel Wide
mire, of Grampian, liills, acting agent.
July 18, 1866. SAMUEL W I DEM IRE.
ed against purchasing, or in any way med
dling with one tmy horNC and one aorrrl mare
and Jjcars. now in the possesion of Jesse 11.
Applotun, of Pike lownsbip, as the aforesaid
property belongs to me, and is left w'th hiui on
loan, auljoct to my order.
Cnnesnsville, July IS, lS6A-3t pd
Nobody Prohibited from buying' my ftoots
and riioca 011 account of Hare
or Color.
Being thus liberal minded, I take this method
of informing the citizens of Clearfield and vi
cinity, that I have opened a shop on Second st,
next door to the County National Hank, over
Watsuu'i Prog Store, where I am prepared to
nuke to ordor everything in the BOOT and
SHOE line, out of the best materiel and in the
most workmanlike manner, and on short rotioe.
All I ask is a trial.
Ione at Clearfield, this eighteenth day of July,
Vl'DITOH'M NOTICIWrbe undersigned
Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court to
nuke distribution of moneys remaining in the
hands of Samuel Howies, Adaiinietrator of Titus
II. Howies, deo'd, will atleud to the duties of his
appointment on Friday, the loth day of August,
18tl6, al 2 o'clock p.m., at the cflice of Wallace,
lilgler 1 Fielding. In Cleaifold, of which all
parties iutereUed ill take notice.
JU- AudUor. i
TS TflU COMMON TI.UAM of Clearfield!
county, Pennsylvania)
Henry BrokorhofT, 1 w n r . ....
vs I No.97, Jnnnary term,186C.
P. T. H.gerty. J roro'S inent.
Now, June, lti6, (he Plain tiff enters a
rule for tho Prothonutary to asaesa damages on
the judgment in this oase,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The claim In this ease is two thousand fire
hundred and one dollars, a of Juno, 164.
Attest: D. F. Etswiiubb,
3ay ""JjA'f'1 l'relhonoiary.
fSi TI1H COMMON I'M.: AS of cTear field
X county, Pennsylvania 1
William Hagerty,
D. J. M'Cann and
Rob't Alexander,
ramisht 0.
v e t . . n . .
i.v. a, muiiir; im, 18t)0.
Foreign attachment.
Nn, Jone. ItfiO, the FlalntilT entera
rule for the Prothoootury to aasese damages on
the above judgment in this ease.
Attorneys fur Plaintiff.
The claim in th is ewe is one hundred and six
dollars and five eeots, as of June, ISnfl.
Atiesti D. F,,
J'y 'S. 18 t Prethonotsry
IN THE COMMON I'MiAH or Clearfield
county, Pennsylvania!
Juogerich A Smith, ) No. HI, Janaary term,
vs. 1 1S(I.
P. T. Hagerty. I Foreign attachment.
No", Jne, 1S6S, the Plalniln" enters a
rule for the PrthonoUry to assess damages 00
the above judgment in this ease.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Theelaiin in this rase tt three hundred and
thirty-three dollars and fifly eenta. as -f
June, KM. AUesti D. F. KriwaiLrn
JalJ '. ' oo-ot, Proihon 0 1 a i-y .
Ruaa' 8t. Domingo. Huhboll's, DrakeVhTof.
land's German, Hosteller's and Greeuo's
Osygeeatsd Bitters, also pure Llquers, of all
kinds for mediomal purpotes, for sale by H. I.
BOOTS and Shoes a complete assortment of
Ladies, QenUemen's, Misses', Boys' and
Children I Boots Shoes and Gaiters al
jOijItnl Ptrtr-V puldln,
I Notes In elrenlaM 'n,
. I'ue Ind, Iejintl(t,
' Hue Nat. flanks sc., 1
, Ditldsnds uoaid,
Sir lus Fun I, t
no? in
1 H'lt 7
1 Mull M
t 1,iii0 (in
Interest i L 1 change,
ersiii'ni as,
KotCS Slid hills dilCliUllleJ,
premiums ie : , s
V. S. Bonds ti secure circulation,
Due from Hanks and Bankers.
' '.."Hi
: T S .(-no n
1 U.T7H
. V rsKitiMffs ar.d ewh iumi.
Ppecle, r : .
I Due notes i-f National Banks,
: Ml'0 11
! 27.1U t
uue lCgui jetj(.or notes, 1
I hereby certify that the above stalen,,nt I
true eopy of the original sent to the Comntv
of the Currency. VM. V. WRIGHT
Cl.Kl..t5VILLE, TA.
L, W. TEN EYCK, Pr.orn.tToa.
rpilK undersigned, having become propritlo,
X fh ekove hotel, wishes to five ooiie t,
.Mr ..!..., ii,,. muiiij, u veil as to It.
""'"i"! I'uuiii.-. iiiav tu uuuae nai neeare5:ti
and rsftrnisbed for tho onteruinment of hi.
pueits. His tablo will be furnished with n,
thlnir the market aflordi. At his Bur will I.
found the best brands of all kinds of Linnow
GOOD 8TABLING attached, and none but
cartiui uoaiiera emjxojeci.
Jy" " L. W. TEN EYCK.
Munofactarers of
For the United f u'ei Service.
Also, Pocket and Bell Revolvers, Repeating Pia.
tois, mue Lanes, Involving rifles, Rill ad
thot Gun barrel, and gun umlerials
gtutra ly. Sold by Gun Dealers
aai the trade generally.
In ttese days of honre-breaking and robbery,
every house, store, bunk and olhce stiou.d hav
one vi
Cirenlar, containing cuts and description of
our arms win oe iurr,uri j nf.on apvlira iug.
Iliim. New York.
j) ly No. 40, Couriland street, New York.
a.; CLOAK Making. Ladiea rnn have their
Dre'e, Suits, Coats and I5a."iuines handsomely
roaae na irimmea, at toe shortest notice, at the
old-esUbliabed stend, 1031 t boftntit Street.
Jr.,V afnd eloak bniiiinj' UiM.on. "Ti
. ,r. t.-- r ,,il j n:I n....
1 " umn inn.
mings, with a lare variety of ftanle and Fanev
Goods, from 2i to iO per rent less than elsewhere.
A'.en, receiving daily, Paris Fiuhions in tiijut
paper, for Ladies and Childien'e Drests. Sits
of 1'attorns for Alerehanle and Oresiinakors Dow
ready, at Mrs. M. A. BINOEIl d,
J)Jm 1031 Chestnut st Philadelphia.
following property at ShvrifT'a sale, as
the property of David Michael, and left theisms
in bis possession, subject to my order, vii: one
bedstead, one stand, tne brass kettle, one bed
cord, ouo coffee mill, one box and sundries, oris
feather bed, one do. dj., one bed quilt, 61:4 do.
do., two pillows, one box containing two brace
bitte, 6 sleigh bells, one straw bed. I warn all
persona from purchasing or med lling with the
"""o- I. N. fcAINKY.
Cheat (p., June JS, ISfid. jyll-Sfpd
To Discharged Soldiers.
VyOTICE is her.,ly given, that all persons
y who aro entitled to exemption under ike
late act of Assembly, and have lulled to present
their discharge papers at this oBico, will please
attend to this duty on or before the 2Sth day of
Augmt next, as the Conioiirsionoie are deter,
mined to close out the Collectors' acoounts by the
1st day of September next. Those failing to
respond will to compelled to boar the penalty in
curred by neglecting this notice.
Tho discbarge papers can either be presented
in person, sent in by a friend, or transmitted
through the mail to ibis office, whereupoa the
exempti on papers will be made out and delivered
to the proper parties. It .ill then beoome the
duty of those claiming exemption from bounty
tax to at once present their exemption papers to
the proper collector, so as to enable him to settle
bis duplicate without delay.
By order of tho Commissioners.
W. S. BRADLEY, Clerk.
ComnsMoxsns' On-icit, I
Clearfield,. Pa.. Jaly II. infill.
CM: MU li:i I) ACADEMY. The exer.
rises of this In5ti:ntln3 will be resumed en
Monday, the lOih day ot September, A. D. 180S.
Pupils can enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from tbo time they enter to
the close of the Session.
The eourie of Instruction embraces ery thing
included in a (borough, practical and accom
plished education for both soxes.
The Pi incipal, having had the advantage of
much experience in Ins profeuion, snnru pa
rents and guard ans that his entire ability and
energies will be devotd t- (he moral and men
tal truiniug of the youth placed aoder his charge.
Orthnrrsphy, Roadiog, Writing, and rrimarr
Aiitliuietio, per S-snon f II werk.l . ti Oil
; Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and
'1,ft"T 0
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry.' Men.
suratinn, Surveying, Phil n,.phy, Physi
ology. Chemistry, Hook Keeping, Bjtany
and Phyainal Geography - . .$90)
Latin and Greek, with any of the above
Branches ...... J 00
.-No deduction will be made for absence.
Sy-rr further particulars inquire of
Hat. I 1. 1I11M. A r
Clearfield, July 11, IsOU tf PrincipaL
SCYTHES. P.l.-iif Snntha S.lK.
Stoues, ltakes and Forks, fir stlo at
J r. KUAiztrs.
aj csins, moroccos, l.tniriK, Itindings. al
1'. KK.MZKIfS.
CARRIAGE WHIP , Wagon Whips. ftiinS
Whips, l;ahiJes, Lahcs, Ae., in great
vanelv, at
J. P.
XA ri.l, ki l, velvet and laninir, child
ron a fancy Shoes, men'. VUlkirg i-hoes, fin
Uoots, Gaitors and Brogaas, cheap, at
)y.'l-lm KHATZF.R'S.
pure Liberty While l eadirTuT,
X the ino.t duruble and the most eeonoaical.
VI ',l ! ,SBfft'"'d only bv Zitoi.ra 4
W holeMlo Drug, Paint . Glass Denlora, No. 137
North Third Si, l'hil a. Marc- 81. l6ft y.
Ilonr and Fred-Ex'ra family Flour. Bolted
Corn Meal, K,e chop, Ac. for sale br
Juno 1, 1860-1 mo. J. p. KRjTErtR.
Flolt-Mackerel. Shad and Herring in all
used package. at J. p. KRATZER'g.
1VISI1 f ALT and TLASTER In largo nuaa.
tines, at J. p. KRATZEK R.
&Tarvh 22, 1S$.
THIMnP. $kl:tM Pire-Potet f
Aug 2.1 fg5 MBRRKI.t A BIOLFR'3.
1 nCs",Btl1 eflJti,nCloTneed. for sale bi
r U , v. v 1HVIN "ARTSUORN.
Curwensrille, Tebrnary ?y, lB tf.
I)leMer Frhgrcnd Plrsterfor sale b