. Ur . ! .li .eesw" ...T..U-1I. icfifi. .oiasnAT,:: -"V " I New Books. fit TBISON Lll E OV J EFFERSON DAVI8. !y Pr. John J. Craven, physician to iho'Confedcrnte thief, find lnte J'ost Surgeon nt Fortress Monroe. Published by Georgo W. Carloton, U3 Broadway, New York. There nro two editions of this work. Price C2nnd$3. i This is ft remarkable book. It jtails the incidents connected with )6 enpturo of Mr. Davis, interesting irticulars in reference to his irnpris lmcnt, health and habits, with con izations of deep public importance, to extraordinary narrative this book valgei has created a demand unpar Itied in the annals of book making, ir. Craven has performed a work for hich he will receive the congratrfa iens of a grateful peoplo. , The devil ry of the War Department is again jtid larnjjind for which the Doctor Ost his position. ITo having incurred ie condemnation of Stanton, will in ,Wn receive the praise of a grateful jmblic, which is far better than all the Jiower and patronage that could be Conferred by that w retched creature, who still reigns supremo in that De partment. We only wish that every toother in the land could read the fetter of Mrs. Davis to Dr. Craven, detailing the treatment of herself, Children and friends, on their passage h-om Fortress Monroe to Savannah, and while penned np there and watch- Vd by Stanton's Massachusetts blood- bounds. 2?ono but heathens ever acted so beforo. Everybody should buy this book. , Stomwall Jacksos ; a military biog rarbv, with fine portrait and maps. Uy Col. John E. Cooke, formerly of don Stuarts stall, rublished by D. Appleton & Co., 443-45 Broad way, Now York. Price $2.50. This is undoubtedly the best biog- raphy yet published of this remarka 1 ble military leader. Tho book is ae fecpted by his friends as in tho main I correct, and is not assailed by his en- i emics. It is producod in ' a very at tractive style, ably written, well print ed, and must bo accepted as a stand ard, in a military point of view; and is arrangod in three parts, vii : fron his childhood to battlo of Bull Run No. 1 j the campaigns of the Valley; from Port Republic toChanccllorsvillo whoro he was killed. This mo9t prove a very fascinating book to those eoldiers who, for two or threo years, trampled up and down the valley after this military chieftain. With all the hardships of tho camp and the field fully sot forth by tho author, who often removes the veil and fully displays tho rallying points in atruo eoldior's life. There are several other publi citions purporting to bo biographies of "Stonewall," but we deem Mr. Cooke's the best for tho general reader.- Tho book is bereft of everything partizan or sectarian, and deals only with the soldier and statesman. 31ouoam and nis Mf.n. By Sallio R. Ford, author of ' Graco Truman," "May Bunyan," etc. Reprinted from tho Mobile edition, with a fine steel portrait of Morgan. Publish ed by Charles B. Richardson, 540 Broadway, New lork. 12 mo. pp.420. Price $2. This book has been accepted as a truthful statement of tho raids and expeditions made by this southern' pnrtizan, during the war. Morgan attempted to imitato Marion, of Rev olutionary fame. But tho odds were against him becauso of the improve ment in the art of war, and the dis approval of many of the Confederate General of this system of warfare This is a good book for boys, and &V.ows to what pinnacles of prido and fclory men may rise, when possessed cf energy and bravery. If mon can te educated to embrace fatigue and danger with a smile, while engaged in deeds of doubtful propriety, what in to prohibit them from becoming bravo and noble in the direct lino of tbeir duty? Tbcso things can all be taught in the first lossons of youth. Attestion, Veterans. We call the attention of the discharged soldiers to a notice published in this issue, by the', r.-,,rtD0;nflfo rKif. tr,o ! JJiA.lliJl vvlll tiiirjljl Vil'l t.'O, 'I U1VM stm provo of interest to those Trho have not been exempted frem tbeir bounty tax for 18C6. C-3rWe call the attention of tho public to tho card of Dr. J. V. Cornett, who has opened an oflico in Curwens- ville, where he offers hi. services In' ho dental Jirt to all in reed of laen Sohool Exhibition. It was our ..iwuro to bo present at tho really prund exhibition riven . mthoU.llrtlou(o,OllFridftyeveninff!,,"ml,u,l,,w, J'cinwr"uc TnY 01 , i... .i . c i . i .. ,",sl. i'y i"o"ooi unucr tuo suner- !.......... ,r . ... micnuency oi rroi. iiamson, and ins assistants. Tho building was filled to overflowing and the beat excossive; but everything passed off harmoniris, ar.d all Beemcd satisfied. Tho pro gramme was entirely too longfour hours, in a parched room like this, adds to tho health of no one, and to jtho pleasure of but few. On this point there can be nn improvement. Upon the whole, this exhibition was, a, decided success. Not a singlo "fail ure" occurred during tho timo to cause a blush from child, teacher or friend. Somo of tho scholars, how ever, excelled the mo&t avaricious ex pectations, for which they won uni versal applauses, while none failed to fulfill the whole duty assigned them. In this there was illustrated again, tho fact, that the infantile mind can be cultivated to perform every function,1 with nearly equal precision of that of mature years. Ilenco the wrong, and danger, of perpetrating in the presence of the youthful, that which is evil. In awarding full praise to all, wo must not overlook and fail to condemn that which we believe to be wrong. We allude to the dialogue entitled, "Gen ius of Liberty," purporting to bean argument between a northern and a southern statesman many years ago, probably during the days of nullifica tion. It was out of time, out of place and to uso the mildest term un truthful. If the dialogue is contained in any school book, it should bo dis carded; or if original, history was terribly perverted, nnd the young statesman will no doubt do better next time, and tho principal will wo presume sco that neither timo nor tal ent is again wasted in this manner. gSirMr. Scofield, our M. C, professes to have an intense admiration for the doctrines of tho Declaration. Will he have tho goodness to inform us how ho reconciles his proposed policy to wards tho south with that clause of the instrument which declares that all government derives its legality from the consent of the governed f lie thinks with suffrage tho negroes may in course of time become elevated to a level with himself. Wo sincerely trust tbat whatever may befall tho black rnco, they will never suffer such a calamity as that. Erie Observer. i a J&2yMr. Forrest's receipts for his first ten nights at Maguire's Opera House, San Francisco, aro said to be $22,000 in gold. JtJConnccticut and New llamp shiro have ratified tho constitution amendment. luJohn Morrisey, tho pugilist, is said to be a candidate for Congress from the fifth district in N. Y. city. Railroad Time Tables. PIjXnFyLVAN "iTcFNT RTLRAiIi0AD, Car time at Tyrone. On an after Monday, July 2, 18(18, passenger trains will ran as follows i LEAVE EASTWARD. LEAVE WESTWARD A. M. 6 (It I 02 r. A. k. - t it Way Passenger, Day Kxpress, Bait. Express, rnn a express, 1I Emiersattrain r Mi o.Axf ., "i . Mail train, 7-40 Local Accom'a, S.Oi Cincinnati Eipress, S.li Phll a Kipress. 10.07 SrThe 9TThe proper train for Passengers from this on to uke, who o Eastward, is the Cincin- section i nati . rpTKONK A CLRARFIELD RAIL ROAD. X Hummer Arrange ment. LKAYE EASTWARD. LEAVE WESTWARD. ST4TIOKS. r. M. STSTIOSS. A. M. Philipiburg 120 Tyrone 0 15 Lunbar It) Interseetion 9.25 Osceola 1.42 Vanscoyoa 9.1b Poweltnn lit Gardner 1 ti Sandy Ridte 1.68 Mtl'liasant 10.00 Summit 2.08 Soomit. 10.13 Mi. Pleasant S.1S Bandy Ridge HI 2,0 Gardner - 2 23 Powelton 10 3 Vanseeyoe 2.38 Oseeola 10 to Interseotlon 2.J0 Duubar 11.09 ABR1VS AT ABRIVS AT Tyrone 2 00 rbilipshurg 11.18 JAMK8 LEWIS. Eup't T. A C. and B. E. V. Branch Roads. BALD EAGLE VALLEY RAIL ROAD. Hummer Arrangement. LEAVE EASTWARD. LEAVE WESTWARD. ST1TIOKS. Tyrone Intersection Bald Eagle Tina O.IOai 9.20 " 27 " 9.42 " B.ii " 10 01 " 10.14 " TATIOMS. TINS. Lock Haven 2.00 p. m L k Haven Int. 2 05 " Fleminfruia Mill Hsll Beech Creek Esglevllle IL.stard Mount Eagle Hollers Curtin Milesbnrg r.lr,i. I r 112 ' 2.16 2 32 ' 2 33 2 60 1.00 s e 8.1 S.26 J J6 S.4B l5 j Hannah Port Matilda Martha ful,"n I 1 1 Fit AfifI Ilea 0.23 n. a 8.8. Int., lo.xg " Milesburg 10.44 " f Af 10.62 I Le 10.67 " Bellfonle Milesburg 11.0) " Cartin Holters Mount Eagle HowurJ 11.18 " 11.22 " II. SO " 11.46 " 12 02k 12.01 " 12.20 " Mllesbnrg 1). A 8. n. Int., 4 0 Uniosvilla 412 Julian Martha Purt Matilda Hannah Bald Eagle Intersection ARRIVC AT Tyreno 4 2 4.40 1.6) 6 0 21 ' 5.30 ' I 48 1 n",k mui Hail 12 30 LB uvtn it. )2S4 0 ,. JAMES LEWIr3, f ajj I T. C hrd tt. V. B-sDil JtcaJi. Trimarj Election. , In obodienco to the requirement! of iHula 4th for conducting the Primary I I l ' I . . : . r 1 1 I . . ii'ii'urui'iu cuuntv. inn jeinorrnia ri ' , k . ... , ... , mo several oorounins ana lownmuim are rcquirod to meet at tho election1 J house in each district on thestvond) .W'imZTM nf .hi I it r Shrtinir i)a 14Kl . f J , H""" '"w duy of tho month) at such hour as shall bo named by tho Vigilance Com mittee lor each sepernto district, andi to closo at such hour us said Co in-1 mittee shall name for the purposo ofj expressing by ballot, their choico o( candidates for tho rennet-livo olllces, viz: one person for Assembly, two pevsons for Associate Judges, one per- son for Commissioner, and ono person lor Auditor, to bo voted lor and elec tod in October. The following rules, 6th and 6th, are given lor tho lntormation oi those concerned. ItfLE 6th. No person shall be per- a -i. ..u r: xi UlllieU IV YUIB Bl SUUU irilliaiV lilWlThmuJ. Me.r,ll.n..h nf flrll-M. . e.ndl. tion, CXCept those who have VOted with the Democracy at tho proceeding general election, or shall be of known Democratic Btandinc and no candi date Shall be placed lipon tho return aociate Judg'u, subject to the action of the lemo UlllesS 1)0 Shall have bis Card as a Can- cratic parly, ut tho Primary Election. didate inserted in the Democratic papers during at least three weeks lj.vi o uui ni0 ,v"" precccding the primary election. Kl'LE oth. rno townships com mittee or the election board shall des : A ! , l. 4 . . IgnatOOne Of their number tO act as ruiuru juugo, wiiobo uuiv ii buiiii ooj lO take Charire Ot the returns Ot VOteS cast, after having been duly certified Assouiatc Judge, subject t the action of the Dn io as being correct, and signed by a ! oc'io "l toMm, Election, i j We arc authorised to announce the name of majoriijui uio uuaru, unu unirjr vu them to Clearfield BorOUCU on the Tuesday following the election, and produce them at 8 o'clock, P. M., in tho Court House, when said judges will be called to order by tho Chair man of the County Committee, who shall preside. The votes shall then bo counted and the persons receiving tho highest number of votes casts at said election, shall be declared nomi nated for the respectivo offices for which they havo been voted for: Provi ded Baid persons voted for shall have complied with tho requirements of rule oth; in ease the person having the highest number of voteshas failed to comply with said rule, then the person having the next highest num ber of votes shall bo declared tho nom inee for said office. COMMITTEE OF VIGILANCE. In accordance with the rules gov erning tho Democratic party of Clear field County, the county Committe have solocted and appointed tho fol lowing named centlotnen, to act as a Committee of Vigilanco, for tho ro spectivo boroughs and townships, tho ensuing year. Heretofore tho com- niittco has consisted of but threo per sons, and it has often been demonstra ted that through causes impossible to control, a majority of this number could not always bo present, to dis charge tho duties enjoined upon them, and thus the duty ot holding tho pn mary election devolved upon those not t i mi n n aesignaieu. a no vouniy vuiuiumeu deeming it no violation of our rules, have enlarged tho committee, select inir tcven persons in tho large districts, and five in tho Finall. They would suggest the propriety of theso com mittees to hold a meeting a few days previous to the day of tho election, and select from among, aud designate, tnrco Ol ineir nuuiuer uj aiienu unu J,,il.l uiii.l el..f t inn nnd nf tliA Rnmfl time appoint tho return judfio, so, that u 11 i . .iKu:; A?.... ...I each mnyunderatanJ his duty, when tho time of action nrriVCS. It IS hoped timt All will ttlko a livelv interest ill maintaining and upholding tho rule, and organization Ot thO Only .party i that ha, and will, govern this coun - .,, U,i,wlinn In Ihl rnnulilntmn nnd I tho laws enacted in harmony thore- with, and thereby restore us Union nml nrostiont v to oir diHtfftCtt'd conn- try, which has been SO torribly afflic- t j by domajrogueH nnd traitors, undor thO gtlisfl of patriotism and "loyalty." O. B. Goodi.ani.er, Chra'n, T. J. iueCCLOUOH, Sec ry. ieeeir.--A. W. Lee, fUmuol Hiodman, Wsn. Dons. John W. Davis. Christian Orooin. BtU. Wm. T. Gilbert, Henry L. MeOhee, Adam Breih. A.J. MeClincy, Wm. Mehaffey. - lh It Itn.l.i. Franeis MeBrida. George Bloom, wm. Liuee, Wm. Henry. lUM.jt Charles bloen, Wilson Hoover, John Bish.Jnhn W Kyler, John Miller. ZrneyW Samuel P Wilson, Jacob Pearee, Robert Louasbery, Alexander Livinxstoo, Thoe llney, Mark KUer, James L Stewart. Jrorfy Lever Fie gal, Samuel Postlethwait, E U Hays, Daniel ltishel, Jesse Lines, John V. Oswalt Joseph H Kiik. iiurniidi Daniel Gorman, Matthew Irvin, Fred ebrpherd, Joseph L. fr, John Weaver, Thomas loung, Olhe.o eioiead. fk..l Win. Tucker. Jehu Wood, John Connlv. Lawrence Killian.John Hoekenberv. Joe. J-bnTPicld ."5hrt..l BT.rL I i M riHJ Pi T t tur t Vlr n,nrfi.l--Wm. P.rter. J. M. Ketlleberirer. Jr llV MKUHELL .1 DIGLKK. J. P. h ratter, Daniel Connelly, It, Newton Shaw CiiritfiyeiMe. James Thompson, W. P.Cham bers, Benjamin Broome, Erampton Bloom, Uenry Kerns. yVoilMf, Richard Hughes, Dr. D. Kline, W. A. Reams, Cyreniue How, David Gearbart. Ftrywmn.Vi m. Wise, George E. Tubbs, J. A. Rowles, II. k). 6lraw, Lewis MsCraeken. W. Joseph B. iieaib, J. T. Himei James MoCUIIan. Uirard Justin Pie, Daniel Krise, A. 8. Dick inson, Eranois Tearny, Charles MignnL fr'ixsra. Wm. L. bhasr, A. A. Read, George A. Morrison, A. N. Marks, B. K. Shirey. Urnhnm. John Turner, Amos I'ubler Samuel Fiegal, C. W. Kyler, M. V. Eroncb. ,uiir. Elijah Conrad, Edward Flandors, A. P. Height. Joseph Fry, Benjamin Stevens. Unn. be wis iiere'eli, Samuel Cunoway, Chralfbion Wandall, Klijiih Burns. U. Burkey. Joiiieii. D. W, Wise, Isaao Bloom, Michael, Qilrun, Robert Pativ.'son. Kuuert M. Johnson AiirtAuHt, George Heekandorn Isaaa U. Mo. Cloik 'y, Josepi Uiililaod, Charles Eohnars, R. J. llayo'S. Jinvx Robert Wltherow, Lewis Frbard P. A. Rowlos, II. J. bioppy, Levi MoCraeken. wre. Clark llrown. It. II. tihaw, 0. L. Reed. J. M. Rowles. Jamas Motllsoghllo, Rich 'ard Carr, Ea Ogdm. . 7" lumltr Cf'y. Anthony Jlile, Andrew Werts ' Jpo. A. MeDirill, n. M. Uff ry, W. W. Keily. ' ni-Win, Johnson, Jarsn.'b llmiver, Tr, ?1iuJ,il"V.PI,ko1" V' av w-.ssiWea.-L m; Cummlngs, n. It. l t l. i'-. . v. it r it ti .... kj. ir i. iJa nrge M. Ilri.hln, U 0. Llngla A. . . . J. t.jvw, im Ir-I nnntlt, I). K Hood. 'ni.- Urler Bell, James II. Clark, UaTld Lea, V. Haflrrty, John S. Jobafin. ti. Levi Monro, D. l. Ritler, Richard Freeman, li- W. Mullen, James 1U Caldwell, Isaae Uanvv, John Owens. i;Hiv, Win. F Joiinson, Parld Welly Jr. Fred Ilollopeter, John Dresiler, Henry White- '' I MV.cori-Tliomas Ilendtrsnn, C. J. Ehof, Wm. Kiln., Henry ilaughrnap, Wm Lmhor JL .. . , I PRIMARY ELECTION. To bb Held Saturday, July 14, 1800. PRINTERS FKK Assembly $!0. Associate Judge 15. Commissioner $t. Auditor 12. The C'o.ih must invariably ncuouipany the notice to iosuro insertion. ASSEMBLY, E are authorized to announce the name of Dr. J. W. l'otter, of Covington tp., as a w candidate for Al.oinbly, subject to the action of the Democratio party, at tho Primary Election. " We are authorised to announce the nsioe of date for Assembly, sul.jeet to the action of the p"y." "e rnmary ..eci.on. XV t are authorised to" announce the nam of ' T. rtAMrv f Pann In mm m A.nl41,B 17. r A Wa r authorised to announce the name of ''". ;tt",i,m p- ,or AoeMite Judire. subiect to the aotiun of the Dcjn- ouratic party, at the Primary Election. We are authorised to announoe the name of Burauul Clvde, of Lawrence tp., as a candidate fur Asociau juun sumoci lo me aciicin oi lue icui- Uc party, at the Primary Election. We Kn) Mthurittli to ,nnoune. ,u, namo f Gooree Jirhard, of Kuo tp as a candidate for VinBcn, M. UuK of Bedford tp as a fur Associate Judire, subject to the candidate action of the Democratic party, at the Primary Election. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We are autboriaed to anuouueo the name cf William L. Hisliol, of Lawrence tp., as a candidate for Co. Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratio party, at the Primary Election. We are authorised to announce the same of Ilunry 8une, of Clearfield, as a candidate for County Comiuittioner, sulijcct te the action of the Democratic party, at the 1'ruiiary Election. We are authorised to announce the name of Frederick SUolT, of Iieccaria township, as a can didate for the office of County Coimuinsionsr, sub ject to the action of the Democratic party, at the Primary Election. COUNTY AUDITOR. We are authorized to announce the name of John A. L, i'lciriil, of Ooshcn tp., as a candidate or county Aliuiior, sunjeei io ine action ui ice Democratic party, at the Primary Election. GUKSMITHING. ETC. I WOULD just inform the citiiens of Clearfield and vicluity, that I have opened a shun in sid borough, ner Mr. C. trailer's store, fur the purpose of manufacturing and repairing GUNS, riSTOLS, WATCHES AND CLOCKS. I guarantee alt ray work, and ex poo t to seeare my patronago by promptness and attention te? business, and execnling my work ia tba best f the art. ae a eall and test my capacity. JAMES 1). WIXHER0W. June 13, I8 f Adnilnistrctor'a Notire. T KTTERSof adim'mistrntmn on tho estate of I J Ueorgo Rom, Isle of Pike town'hin, Clear field county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all pemns having claims aKainst the jam estalo are rctjtientcd to present them pro perly authenticated lor settlement, and those In debted to said estato are requested to make pay. ment without delay. D. K. MOKEL. Knox lownhip. June 1. 1E(16 fit -pd. D' laablod Men, Attention 1 Wanted, one or rneld eounty, who have lost either an arm or leg, to sell YYadaworth's water oronf Araiea Healing Plaster, the best and cheapest Ceurt Plaster in the market From ti to $10 per dsy ceo be made. Address, with 2J rents fur sample and full Information, A. F. BRL.CHF.il, Box 4-1. Philadelphia. Pa. X. B. All affenta and peddlers would find It to their interest to answer the above. April 25, 'OO 8m I A .... n-i.rt ,.,H Ottmn Vim jf iuh Currants, kx. Coffee and Vinegar of ' the bost nuslitv. Fer sale by 11. I, , ,rf n T 1 n sreTHAl BUIJ Caaie trespassing on the prtmUf of 1h ,ub,orilM)r; (n i township. Clears. Id eo-tnty, about the middle of ; Juno, one yrar aro, a small brindle CULL, sup- .21 2 way.or he will be disposed of acnrdin, to law, i Je27-Jt lydia lri.nard. rwiti uiriitL'y r u O inform the public, that I have been appoln. TJ&ftti. i. r kM ,.ir.A in iha poblie. I keep thea "V,B r!?n,4o, oa Hand. Any pereoa done ean see them operate. Titnu i a 11 it ti , May 2. mt-i mo-pd. Kear Curwensvll 'Tre , rm t.u'u'i ."r... ; J tarant,oa Merket stre.Just abeva tte Brew. ery.Iaa now prepared t furnish lee Cream every afternoon and ereniag.to nllea1!rs. La- dies aad Gentlemen are respectfully Invited to eall. A. SCUOLPP. Clearneld, May 23d, IKS ItlERRELL & BIGLER, DEALERS IN HARDWARE. ALSO, KANirACTCRCM OF Tin and Sheet Iran Ware. I Je"-y CLIARFIELD PA. A J.OT OF SADIHiES, It J IDLES, l'ALMKIi'H l'ATKNT UNIiOAD INO HAY FORKS, Foraalehy MKRKELL & BIGLER. OIL, TAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, NAILS, kc. For sale by MKRKELL A TIIGLER 1IAH1SESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE FINDINGS, For sale by M ERR ELL k BIGLER. GUNS, riSTOLS, SWORD CANES, Ao., Ac., Forsnleby M EUR ELL A mOLER. STOVES, For sale l OF A Lli BOUTS AND' SIZES, MF.RKKLL A BIGLER. UiONl IRON! IRON I I RON I Forsalelijr MEURELL A BIGLER. trrToT? crr-t?c s. tTr-T)cTK citat? ll.JikOXj OUUM OL tLVHOU OiAVii N AIT.H For sale by MEURELL A BIGLER. 1 1 11 - - 1 flllDubtli if rtlM Clowtl, fnt ills b; 1 VVJ v IRVIN A HARTSHORN. Cunrersrllla, Frkrpary tt, 1899-U. Music Store. I 1 M. GREENE has opened bis Mu- I J sic More, onC door west ol W. Lewie' Book Store, where he k.ps rnnitimllyoa hand Ptetnway A Sons' nnd 0lil'i Piano Men afaeturlng Company's Pianos, Mo A Hamlin's Cabinet Organ! and Cerhert, Needham it- Co.l' j McjdooDi Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes) Guitar and Violin string. ili no Uooki Ooldun Chain, Ooldea Fhowr, Golden Coniar, Ooldn Trio, te.,lc. Eikkt Miiaic 11a ! conntautljr rareuine rrn. pv,!i.,i..:.,ku .11 iv. . .. .,., ,.,. .i.hln. latait muaia, which I g.T nt lhal by mail, at rbll.har'a prica.l fT I'iBt) and Organi Warranttd for fivt i l noaa wiiQing to Day any oi ma aoova arimiei ara invltad to call and axamlna uiina befora pnr- icbaiing alurwbare. Jkty prieei ara tba lama at j In New York and Philadelphia, Circulars cf Instruments sent promptly npoa apbllealUn with any additional In formation de sired, B. M. GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, fa., One door nest of Lewis' Book Store, or Miss E. A. P. RINDKR, Clearfield, Dee. 8, 18CStf Agent for Clearfield oo., Penn'a. ALL YE OF LOVE US AND 'J?o Ye Advocates of Economy ! ! ! L. M. CX3UTJRIET Has just opened a New Store, one mile above Lecontes Mills, in Girard townebip. nnd U prepared to SELL A LITTE LOWER TILAN they can be found ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTY. Ilia alock coniiats of DRY GOOD3 OF ALL KINDS, Heady Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boot and bboes. GROCERIES OF ALL KIXDS AND of tho very best quality. HARDWARE. QUEENS IFARE of New iSiyles, and Tinware. Liquor of all kitvda, such as Brandy, Klne, Hum and. IFbibky. riougli, Plow Castings Cider Tresses, Fitb, Nulls and Salt.. Drugs, Medicines, Taints, Perfumery, Ulaea and varuisb. Also, Agent for the Uelehraled CHOLERA iJITlLltS. Call and see for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere. May V, IbOU. 3 u TNJEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! JOS. SIIAW 4 SON Have just opened a New Srosi, on MainSt.,CtiiriELn, Pa., latelv occupied by Win. F. IRWIN. Their stock consists of . Ckocix'.Es of ths best quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, nd every article necessarr for one's comfort. Call and examine our stock beforo pur editing elsewhere. May 9, lSGG-lf. BITTER WISH OK IRON. An exqisite impregnatien of dry Spanish Wine, with the activity of Culisaya Bark, and the most energetic of all the ferruginous salts, Citrate or Magnetic Cxide af I mo. It has a vinous 8aer.very grate ful to the palate, is wllkcut ehalybeate taste, and will not diaenlor the toeth. It excites langaid appetite, gives seat to food, improves digestion, increases the strength, stead ies the circulation, takes off muscular flabbineis, removes tbe pallor of debility, gives firmness and precision to the aetioa of the nervous system, with power to endure fatigue and resist disease. MAGNETIC CITRATE OF IRON is new aad peculiar, differing from the ordinary Soluble C'i irate, in containing an equivalent of Protoxide of Iron, in place of the Ammonia. It is neutral, tasteless, without astringenoy, aa prompt and eaergetie as the Chloride, and unlike that, in daces no local InSsmraaUiry action or beadaobe. CALISAYA BARK la pre-eminent among vegetable tonics, has no equal aa a strenglheatr r restorative, nor rival aa an anti-periodio. Retails in $1 and $2 bottles, quarts and gal lons for dispensing. O. 8. HL'BBELL, Je201m Apolheoary, 1410 Chestnut St., Pbila, 1 DTJCATIONAL. Theundersigncd intends j opening a school ia the Town 11 n 11, Clear. held, oa tbe First Monday in June to continue lor a term ol e tvsn weeks, Tbouroughners will be aimed at in allatur In struction. "Not how much but how well" is the principle upon which the exercises will be con ducted Particular attention paid to Penmanship and Book-Keeping. A daily register Is kept of the attendance, de portment and recitations of each pupil which is sent weekly to parents, thus furnishing tbetn with oonstant information of his standing and progress in school. Publie exhibitions ara not held at any stated time, but parents and guardians are respectfully invited to visit the school and observe tbe man ner ia which the rfWy wutk is performed. TERMS OF TUITION. Spelling, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithrse tis aad Geography, (4 00 Grammar, Geography, History, Arithmetlo and Book-Koeping fi 00 Algebra, Hiiloiopby, Geometry, Mensuration and Surveying, $7 00 Latin and Greek with anv of ths above branch. " 19 o I For further Information applv to May 23, leCO. C. B. SANbrORD. Principal. EW CARRIAGE AND WAGON Shop, in Clesrfiold. Pennsylvania. (Immediately ia rear of Machine Shop,) The subscriber would respectfully Inform the ( dltiivniof Cleartit?M, nnd lh publio In geralv I CARR! AU KS. BUGGIES, WAGONS. SLKIOnS, BLEDS. Ac. en short notice and In a workmanlike manner. XdrAll Orders (romptly attended to . " C narfi rl Felinir ldih lKtit, I Pur " I-cad-wil do mora a "un n m x1Tw voer, man any ethsrl Try III Manufactured onlv by Zsiolb a , Patirw. bolesale Drng, paint Glass D.alsrs, 13T rtb Third St., Phll'e. Marsh Jl,-3(l ly II. F. NATJGLE, -JESSIE) (: ;S MAKER. Orahani's Row, rirarfirlri, Peaa'a. The subscriber rcspeetfilly Informs hit old customers ard the publie, that he has bn hauj, and constantly reeeirlng nsw additions, a large stock of Clocks, Watch, and Jewelry. Jewelrj of erery variety from a single piece to a full it.lt. Watches, a fine assortment of sllrer Hunting and open ease, American and patent Lersri, plsln and full Jeweled. Clocks, a large varioty from the best Manufac tory, consisting of Eight day and Th'rty hour Spring and Weight, Lovers, Tin;, Strikt and Alarm. tpectaols, a large assortment far and near sight, colored and plain glass. Also, a One assortment uf Spoons, forts, But-ter-knlres, etc., plated onjenuine Alahata. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry earofully repaired aud Warranted. A continuance, of patronage is solicited. November 1Mb. 1S05 U. F. NAUOLK- GOLD PUSSir. F. NAOULK has lust received an Elogant assortment of the best quality also silver extension and desk holders. November 19, 1815. Cheap Furniture! DESIRES to Inform his old friends and eus-. timers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his fuoilities for tnannfaeturinc ha la now prepared to make to order furniture as may bedoaired, in good style and at cheap rates for Cash. He mostly has on hand at his "furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made Furniture, among which are liureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and Book-Cases ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfast and Dining Extension Tables, Common. French-Post, cottage, Jenny- Lina ana otner Jieasteaas. SOFAS of all. KINDS, WORK-STANDS HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, &c Rocking and Arm Chairs, Spring. 6eat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common and othor Cnairs. IOOKIXO-GLASSES Of every description on band; and new glasses Tor old frames, which will be put In on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. Oo also keeps on hant, or furnishes to or. dor, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, Uf every kind. Made to order, and fuuorals attended with a Hearse, vhenever desired. Also, House Painting; dons toorder. The subscriber also manufactures, and has constantly en hand, Clement Patent washinsr Machine, The best now in use. Those using this machine never need be without clean clothes t lie also has Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior article. A family using this Chnra nover need be without butter I AU the above and many other artioles are fur nished to customers cheap for Casb or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplsr, I.inwood and other Lumber suitable fol Cabinet work, taken In exchange for furniture. &fr Remember the shop is on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JOHN GULICH. Nov. , 1881 y I8G6. 1866. IjUILADELmiA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. Tbis great linelraverses th Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylva nia to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has ben leased and is operated by ths PENN'A RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Tims of Passenger trains at Emporium. Leave Eastward. ' Erie Mail Train 8.02 P. M. Erie Express Train 11.48 P.M. Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train 12.00 M. Kr e Express Train 1.63 A. M. Passenger cars rnn through on ths Erie Mail and Express Trains without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. . New York Connection. Leave N. York at 0 a. m., arrive at Erie Ml a.m. Leave Erie at 4.45 p.m., arrive at N.York 4.10 p.m No change of Cars between Brie A N.York. Elegant Sleeping Cars oa all Night trains. For information respecting Passenger bo. si. aess, apply at Cor. SOtb and Market St's, Pbil'a. And for Freight burinesa of the Compsny's Agents S. B. Kingston, jr., Cor. 12th and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. M m. Brown, Agent, N. C. R. R Baltimore. II. II. Houston, General Freight AgL Phil'a. II. W. Gwi!tsen, General Ticket Agt, Pbil'a. A L. TVLLR, General Sup't, Williamrport. A OMIMSTR ATOM'S NOTICE. Notica J. is hen by given thni Letters of Administra tion haro this duy been granted to the undersign ed, on the Estate of George J. Kyler, dee'd., lata of llrndford township, Clrarhcld county, To. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate are requested to make imuicdinto payment, and those having claims against tho same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN II. KYLER, June 6, lttCo-Ot-pd. Administrator. 1)ure Liberty White Lead.ZpferrH 'y all prsctieal Palntere 1 Try it I and tost will have no other. Manufaoiurod only by Zicolsr A miTH.Wholesale Drng. Paint a Glass Dealers, No. 1.17 North Third St., Phila. March 21,'f.My. TBWIS I. BLOOM, Yeterixart J Scrgeon, oilers his porvicos to the public, at the fallowing places, at the dates named, vis i New Millpert 2Mb and Iflth of May, 8th, Vth. Hi and 2.1 d of June! Clearfield, June 1st, SJ, l.'ith, Kith, 2Kih and SOtb Luthsrs burg 3d and 4th of June. I pay especial atten tion to Gelding and the curing of Ring-bone, and being proprietor of ths celebrated Horse, Chester Lion. I may be found at the times and pUcei above designated. May 23, 1S6S. $1,500 Per Year I We want AgenU everywhere to sell our ixraovsa 120 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. V'n- Her and upper leed. Pent on trial. Warranted five years. Aoove salary or large rnminlssioni paid. Ths oki.t maobiuoj sold in Untied States f"r less than $t6, which are fully HetMttd Howe, Whreler A Wilson, G rover A liker, Singer A Co., and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are t'ltyWiiaementrand the nlltr or ur are liablt lo arrest, fine and impi isonmrnt. II luifrated circulars sent FRra. Addreis, ot eall upon fchew A Clark, at Diddeford, Ataine, or Chicago, 111. May Is, 1804-ly. 4 DMINISTRATO US NOTICE. f Notico is hereby crivrn thnt Lot- ters of Aduiinistrntion have this day been grante.1 to tbo undersigned, on tho Estate of Henry M. Urooks, deo'd., lnte of I'nlon tp., Centre eo., Pa, All persona knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate arc rruostcd te make immediate payment aud those hating claims against the same will ' pre scut thaw duly authenticated for fe(t, nuut. JUlia II. RROOKS, WILLIAM L. PUAW, unafl,J Po-Ct. Aduiinitretoi '. II AIL BtlAU Htmsu. Main St , PbUlps. JLV burg. Peru's, Ronsar Lt-orp, Proprietor, Keeps const ently on baud the oholstest ef liquors. His table is alwa.ta supplisd with the best tba Market alrdi. Ths traveling pulie, will do well lo giv hius stall. hov 1st, .ttS. THOMAS U CRISMAN, Agent for the Singer Sewing Maohlnas. Philiptburg. centra eo., Ptna'a, Oct. 11th, 1SSJ if. Tiikvini: s Aug 23 nit Kttl IN4 ' A Pli e-Pexes at. MERRELL A SIGUF.'S.