NEW STORE. J AVISO 1JOUO UT OUT THE EN I re Clock cf Good of Jimn E. Watson, - I AM PREPARED TO SELL .toode of all description, Cheaper than THE CHEAPEST. 3'rvt bim a call before purchasing else where. JACOB M. KEPLER. l'hilipkLurg, January 3d, 18ti0. X NEW FIRM. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, Druggists, Clearfield, Penn'a. Having refitted and removed to the room la'.oly ecu pie J by Richard Mosop. now oiler, low for cash, a well se lected assortment of Drugs and Chemicals, AUo, Patent Medicines of all kind, Oile, Glass.Putty. Uye Stuffs. Stationary, Tobacco and Scgars, Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stock of varieties ever offered in ibis place, and warranted lu be of the best the Market affords. J. O. HARTSWICK, Deo. 13 . C5.-tf. JOHN IRWIN. II. Bridge, (Store out dcor East of Clearfield Uouso,) Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Keeps on band a full assortment o GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts, Linen and Woolen under Shirts, drawers aad socks, neck-ties, poeket bandker etaiefi gloves umbrellas, had Ac, in great variety. Of piec Goods be keeps the beet Cloths of all "sbadei and colore, such a BLACK DOESKIN OF THE VERY best make. Fancy Cassimer in great variey; AUo, trench Coating, Heaver, 1'ilot, Chin chilla, and Fricott over coating, all of which will be sold Cheap for Cash ; and made up according to the Intent Styles by Experienced Workman. Also Agent for Clearaeld co., for I. M. binder, ! Co , eel ebraled Sewing Machines. H- BRIDGE Clearfield, Penn'a, Nov. 1, 18Gj.-tf. Music Store. 1 M. GREENE 1ms opened his Mu eic Store, one door vest of W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keep constantly on band Stclnway A Sons' and Guehle's Piano Man ufacturing Company's Pianos, Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Organs and Carhart, Needham 4c Co.s' Melodoons ; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Gnitsr snd Violin strings. Music Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Goldon Conner, Golden Trio, Ac, io. Shkst Music. lie Is constantly receiving from Philadelphia all the latest musie, which persons at a distance wishing, ran order, and have tent them by mail, at publisher's prices. "Planos and Organs Warranted for Ave years. Those wishing to bay any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the ssme as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments sent promptly apoa application with any additional information de sired, B. M. GKKENK, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., One doorwest of Lewis' Book Store, or Miss E. A. P. KINDER, Clearfield, See. 6, ISOitf Agent for Clearfield co., Penn'a. lLMRHElDSTORf NEAR Philipsburg, Pa. WILMASI W. IISTT8. CEOHOt L. BRED. JOHN F. WIAVEK. WILLIAM POWELL W. W.HETTS,$CO., (Successors to Munson A Hoops) Have just received a large and well se lected Stock of all kind of Staple goods, such ai Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hals and Caps, No tions, Hardware, Glass, Naili, Oils, Painis, Queenswarc, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, Feed, io., which we are olfering at greatly reduced prices, For Cash or in Exchange for Lumber and Shingles. We hope to make it to the advantage of Timber Men, in tbelowerend of Clearfield county and on Clearfield Creek, to gel their supplies from this point, being on the line of Hail Road can Sell goodH on better terras than at any point in Cleat held county, and we are selling our Stock at such f trices as to make it an object to thoe buy Dg goods in this market to deal wtth us. Advances of Goods, Feed, &c, made on account of Square Timber, which we will either tell on commission or buy at fixed rates. Flour of different Brands can bo had at all timuB at very low prices, at the Clear field Store, riiilipsburg, Penn'a. Dry Goods Notions, Ac, in great vari ety, at the lowest price for Cash, at the ClearGeld Store, Philiptburg, Fenn'a. Salt by the Sack or load, cheaper than can he had any where else, at the Clear field Store, riiilipsburg, Penn'a. Call and Examine the stock of goods, at the ClearGeld Store, at rhiliphburg. Pa. Highest prico paid in Goods or Cash for Lumber and Shingles at the Cleurfield Store, Philipsburg, "Penn'a. The cheapest goods of all kinds are to be had at the Clearfield Store, at Pbilipaburg. Call and see if our goods and prices don's soot the timei. W. W. BEI TS. CO. rhilipsburg. November 15th, 1805. tf. 1 T)nre Liberty White Lead. wil do more1 a ann Detter work at a given Cost, than any other! Try it ! Manufactured only by Zsinia a ; Smith, bnlesale Urog, Paints Glass Dealers, Ko. t. 17 North Third St., Phil'a. March t.'..j -. . . a rnrv?n . . . , . t - ngeuis wauieu lor at e lirrly litis mrlirln, just out. Address. 0. 1. OA KEY, City liuilding, Biddeford, Me. Mey 18, ly ljea. rpIMMni3"tiKri! A Pipe-Poxes at, w i.i WKKKKI.L- niOLKR'B. I Baftalo Kohee,Knee and Ilorse Dlankeu at NovU, '14. klKRHELL BIULBR'8. t SPUING HOODS. rno mw Tom k rnii.nri.rHi As Cheap as the Cheapest, ' AND AH GOOD AS THE BEST. Have JM received, .nd ar opening, at their Old ?tsnd on Front Street, ebov the Academy, a targ and well -lecled assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which thev ara lellinz at very low rUa. JJead (he fallowing talalngue and proit thertly 5 ,C 'J) Pi TPw OTrm lf.iniTfi'Rffi I 7. Knirinl nains haa been tuken in toe election of Ladies Dress Goods, while 4od, Embroideries Millinery Goods, 1'riuU, Kerchiefs, Nubies, Gloves, e. FOIt GENTLEMEN. Always on hand liluck Cloths Fancy and lllack Casiinercs, battneta. eto., f-j Keady Made Clothing ol all kind. rj BOOTS AND SHOES. and a variity of other articles, whloh they will sell at a small advance on cost. .- MJ v Particular attention is invited to their stock of Carpets, Coltiige, eoramon In grain, superfine fcngn.n jngrnin sou l'l..n .tl Tnhla llll Clutha. Window shades and Wall papers, elo. o o 2 FLOUR. BACON. Fish Salt. PliiKter, Apples, Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on baud. Pure BRANDY, Whikkey and Wines ; for medicinal uses. ALSO, In Store a lot of large and email Clover seed. We intend to make It an objeet for Farmers and Mechanics to buy Irora ns; oeoause wo win sell our goods as low as they can bo bought in the county and pay the very highest prioe for all kinds of onontry pro duce. We will also exchange goods fur School, Road and Coi'Xtt oidere; Bhingles, Boards, and all kinJs of Manufactured Lumber. Clearfield, March 14, 1806. FRESH ARRIVALS, VAT THE CHEAP STORE 0 BOiNTOIV, SHOWERS & GRAHAM. Goods, NEW And Very ! ! B0YST0S, SIIOWKRS i, GRAHAM sue cvssors to Boynton A Showers respectfully announce to the public that they are now open ing an extensive assortment of FALL GOODS, At the old stand in Graham's new building which they offer to sell at astonishingly low price,, (considering their cost !) for cash or approv ed country produce. Their stock of DRY. GOODS CANNOT BE SURPASSED! Customers can there finds CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS 1 MUSLINS! DELAINES! LAWNS ! CLOTHS! CASS1MERS! VESTINOS! LADIES SHAWLS! GSNTS'SUAWLS HATS k CAPS ! BOOTS & SHOES CARPETS &. OIL-CLOTHS! OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMINED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scurfu! Head-Nets I Neck-Tics Satchels! Port ilonnaies ! Brushes Pholornpliie Albums ! FIPES, TOR A CCD k S EC, ARM I PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS! Or anything clue in the Notion Line ! ALSO, IIA11D-WARE ! Queens ware, GROCERIES AMD PROVISIONS ! All of the best quality, and selected with special r.gard to the trade of Clearfield county. A I r. UOYNTON, JOSKPH cHOWERS, EDWARD GRAUAM. Clearfield, May 10, 188L HA 11 LEY & SONS FOUNDERS, Clearfield, Penn'a. They hereby ootlfy thepublie, that the Foundry In the Borough of Clearfield, has been put in full blast, snd they are now ready to areomino.Ui. the community with anything pet taming to their line. 1 hey keep constantly oo hand a general assortment of Cook, Parlor and Ton Plato Stoves, for burning EITHER WOOD OR COAL Salamander's, Number 4, Case Stoves, Number 3 and 4, Wash Kettles, 16 and 20 gallons, Fire Grates 20 and 2fl inches, FARM DINNER BELLS TWO SIZES, Tlows and Tlow Castings. We ore, also, jirrpurcd to make al kinds of GRIST AND SAW MILL IRONS, and special allenliou ia paid to the re pairing of Threshing Machines. Tersons in want of anything, in our line would do well by giving us a call. All kinds of country produce, and old meiai, laaen in exchange ror our Manu facture, at the highest market price II ARLKY k SONS. Clearfield, Pa.. November 1st l805.-tf. BOOTS and Shoes a complete assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses'. Boys' and Children's Boots Shoes and Oaiters al J. P. KRATZER'S. RAIT HOPES of all sires, for sale at leo. 1.1. 188J. MERRKLL A llldl.KR FODDER CUTTF.R9 at MERRKLL A BIuLKRW. HOW TO SAVE MONEY, The times are hard t you'd like to know How you may save yttr Hollars The way In do It I wi'll shnw, II you will read what lullows. A man who lived not far from here, Who wniksd hard at his trade ; Hut had a household to iu port. That squandered all he made, I met hlin once, says he, "my friend, I look threadbare and rough ; I've tried to get myself a suit, But can't save up enough." Save I, my friend, how much havs you f I'll tell you where to go, To got a suit that's sound and cheap At HUrKXaTUI N S and Co. Be took what little he had saved. And went to Itclzenstchi t llrolhers And there be got a handsome suit. I For hall be paid to others. Now he is home, be looks so well ; And ihcirefloct Is such, That when they Uke their daily moali, 7'bcy don't eat half so much. And now he finds on Baturdny night With all their wants supplied ; That he has money loft to spend, And some to lay aside. Uis good success, with choerful smile, He gladl; tells to all j If you'd save Money, go and buy, Your clothes at Iteizensteiu Clothing Hall. Where Ihe cheapest, finest, and best Clothln g and food furniKlnng g'lods can be bad to sui every une and in every style. April II, 1886 tf. ; PETER A. GAULIN, M-siroIhamft !T fill air AND GENERAL CLOTH I Eli. Graham's Ro-. over Naugle's Waicb tf Jewelry Siore, Market Street, CLE A RF1 ELI). PA. The subscriber having permanently loca ted hinisefin the Borough ot Clearfield, bus detet mined loengage in the businetis of Qjm&jrjJl (OilMlhlUif. I intend to keep constantly on hand a full asHorlment of Cloth, Caisiiueres, Satinetts, and Yeslings,of the best qual ity and latest styles, which 1 will M a bi u f a c t ci r c to order, to suit customers, on abort notice. Pat liculur at trillion will be paid to Cutting and Fitting Gentlemen's, 1'iuys, and Childi-ens Clothing; and in fuel, everythii.g pertaining to Ibis BRANCH OE BUSINESS. A liberal shure of public patronage is, therefore, respectfully solicited, and I would advise all, to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere any goods in my line. P. A. UAUL1N. Clearfield. MavlGlh. IhfiG-lf. New Goods! MRS H. D. WELCH & CO., Have Just Rectiivid Tbeir Spring nnd Summer Goods, Which were purchased during the present de cline, and therefore are enabled to sell rerj ektnp Our Stock ConihU in partof Merinos, Alpaca, Pop lins, Wool, A rniu re, and common De laines; Prints, Uiitghams, Shawls, Hoods Hosiery and Gloves, Nubias. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Flan nels, Lades Cloth, Mieelincs. Muslins, Toweling, Tiching, Sonlags, Breakfast Shan Is, Unties, Ac. Also an assortment of Millinery Goods, Among which a'e Hats, Bonnets. Feath ers, l.ililmnH, I-lowers, Laces, Frames, Madness, elvets. Silks, Crages, IWages, veils, tc, ana a iarge slock of Including China. Rronre, Tapier Mache I in, Kosewnort, hihss, i'ewter, Wooden Parian and Candy Toys. For Ladies, Such as Pomades, Oils, Bjndolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac Thankful for past favor, we solicit a con tinuance of the kind patronage of the people of Cleat field Co. 6j?Remember the tilace Scond Street. next door to first National Bank Dec. 20, '(& Save Your Money Something New. The l!Tlrl.r.l'r,nrrl li.v.!. mmirmA . w - J ,. h i u In the manufacture nf all kinds of Woolen Hoods, at their new Paotory, on Rolls Hun, In Penn tp. TIIK C AUDI NO AM) IT'LL I KG Cosiness Villi also receive especial attention at our hands. The public are invited to give u: a rail, or address us by letter, when all inquiries will be an-werod promptly. The Post Ofline address of TIIK BKLL'S Kl'Ji WOOLEN FAC TORY is 0 run run Hiug, Clearfield co., pa. JAM KS JOHNSON A SOU'S. Venn tp., June 4, lHnfi-fl mo.-pd. II. iOaTugleT MAKER. Graham's Ttow, Clearfield, Pean'a. The subscriber respectfully Informs his old euKinmers aru mo puniio, mat ns has on hsnd, and constantly receiving new additions, a large stork of Clocks, Watche- and Jewelry. Jewelry of every variety from a single piece to a full sett. Watches, a line assortment of silver Hunting and onen csso. American ami 1 plain and full Jewelod. wiocks, a large variety from the best Manufac tory, consisting of Kihtday and Th rly hour Pprine and Wcicht. Levers. Ti-r. .-.i Alnrin. Ppectaoles, a large assortment far and near sight, colored and plain glass. Also, a fine assortment of Spoons, forks, But- v, .i.- i jrnuine Aiaoata. I ALL kinds of Clocks. Wlr-h carefully repaired and Warranted. a continuance or patronage Is solicited. November ISth. 1864 II. f. NAl'ULE. Q"'1' IM-.Jt-.-II. P. NAUGLR baa Just! - ...,. vl ul quality ; also silver extension and dosk holders. m i.rriiH ma n prim nr,.aH. r u i t KORftK i.t.. ,1.1. I-.i-.j . . r , " "" ummoa oi iniorm- VJ Ing the watermen of Clearfield county that he baa refitted and reopened the hotel formerly kepi by K. Schroiaer, at Coxestown, where be I ,k speeia-l pains to render satisfaction to all who favor him with their patrons. Coxestown. April II. 'A. JOH MALI A ihlfting-top Buggy. An. Something Ncw.B. W. SMITH I G. SUMMER FIELD FLEOAL, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheat Iron ware, i I Philipsbure, I'enn'a. i . I would respectfully inform public, rnrll.? that I have opened a room in the borough of Philipsburg, for the manufacture anJ hale 01 lin Ware 'out of the Lest the tnaiket will I afford, and made by experienced workman, all of which I will sell at either wholesale :0r retail prices sutprlsingly low. I ask those in need of anything in this line to call and examine my ware and satisfy theniaelves that it is made for use. Country Merchants desiring to purchase small lots of Ware will lind it to their ad vantage to buy of me. Stoves of all aise and shapes, for burning either Wood or Coal. 1 would call particulara! tention to that well tried and popular Cooking Stoveralled. very appropriately, the IRON SIDES. Thi&Smve has all the advantages ponsesed by others, beside the oven is larger, aud the ash pit deeper ami more top surlace than that of any oth er fctovo in lha market, and ia without a rivul. lulsokeepou hand all kinds of Stove Pipe which I will sell as low as it can bend r chsed west of the mountain. I also keep constantly on hand. shovels, carriage bolls, grutes, firebrick, stove linings, sled soles, SV'uflle Irons, JSLet Ziuk, Sad Irons, Brass and Porcelain Kettles, togethor with a variety of waros too numerous to mention. Also a large stock of the bent kind of Sioneware. Aud last though Dot least in my line of business, is that of Spouting. I am prepnred to fill all orders in this line on hort notice, and manufactured nut of the best material. I want every body that comes to town, to come and take a look at my show, and see lor themselves. I am going to sell the cheap est and bol Wares ever offered in this vicinity. 1 have several "Tropic Heat ing" and "Pot lor Cook" Stoves that I will sell at cost, to close out Uie stock lor the Seaon. Trv me. Feb 7th ISOli-t f- O. S. FLEG A L. RICHARD MOSSOP, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS MUSLINS DELAINES COl'.UIIGS at at at Sensation Sensation Solution prices prices price price ALPACAS at Sensation Just received at MOSSOPS GINGHAMS al Sensation prices CHINTZ PRINTS GLOVES CRAVATS SHAWLS HON NETS COLORED MUSLINS J al at at at at at at Sensalinn Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices at MOSSOPS' Sensution price Sensation Jiricos Sensation prices All to be bad al MOSSOrS'. LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS al Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sersation prices prices prices prices FRINGE at prices at MOSSOPS', LACE HOSIERY R1BHOSS TRIMMINGS of all kiuds k at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation prices price price at Sensation price to any quan'ty I Alwavson hand at MOSSOPS CASSI MERES at at at at at at Sensation Srnsaiion Sensation Sensntion Sensation Sensation prices prices price prices prices SATTINET3 TWEEDS I LANS VESTINGS SHIRTINGS prices al MOSSOPi?, CLOTHING such as Coats, Pants, Vests, i nner sinrts, al sensation prices i i ... I r lantiei ninria, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caos, Now for sale at MOSSOrS 11 A K D W A R K such as Saws.nails Forks, Knives, at aensalion prices at Mossors. at aensalion price Spikes, Hinges, LIQUORS, snch aa Wine, Brandy, Gin, Whiskey. Cognac, etc., etc., FRUITS, such as Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, ic. at sonsalion prices at MOSSOPS'. GROCERIES, sayl flour, Hams, Shoulders, Sugar, Molasses, Cotlee, at sensation prices Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spices, Candles, Coal Oil, etc, etc Always at MOSSOPS'. BLACKING Rones POWDER SHOT LEAD CAPS at sensation at sensation at sensation at sensntion ut sensation at sensation prices prices prices prices prices price At the rlflre of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP Always keeps on band a full , assorimeni ot all kinds or goods required lor the accommodation of the public. Nov. U. iris. DR. A. II HILLS ESIRLS to In- urra nis pat- tr'r.M-ri,y. roi .--h.t nstb.t profession- i ituniiir.i, roQunea Xi nim to his office all TC "'iLaiA ,h Umt Dd wi" k V TTTTniI therefore he unable V?';5' to make Professional . . 1 . VI. It. ..... r 1. 1 . accustomed pianos this summer I but may be found at his offiie oa the Northwest cor ner of Front and Market street, direotly opposite th "Clearfield House," where he can be found at all times, ready and willing to attend to all calls Id the lin of his profession. Pull setts or Teeth only Twenty Dollars. July jHth 185-1 y.pd. CARPETING Ingrain, Cotton, hcmp.J uir Floor OiUloths, Broeatolle. Door mar. . J. T, KRATZER. 1 & CO ARE OPENING AND Selling the Cheapest and BEST LINE OF BEST LINE OF CDDLi "2 Cl CD C3D I2D 5S3 offered in Clbarfield county. Having been the latest Io purchase we Lave the advantage of tie decline in prices, and ollr this advantage to all our customers and all others. IN LADIES DRESS GOODS. WE bring the latest nnd most fashionable styles. ALPACAS, which are now so fashionable, we have good qualities as low as 45 cents, embracing every shade. Wo offer also a Novelty which has just appeared in Drees Goods, called PERCALE ROBES. These Goods come in Pulterns, compri sing all shades and designs. Being already trimmed' they requiro only cutting and titling and can be done up at any lime. FANCY DRY GOODS Ladies Super Kid Gloves, Ladies fancy Lisle gloves, Ladies Mohair Milts, Ladies fine Silk Nets, Ladies fan cy Chenille, Ladies Magio Ruffling, Ladies Lace Edging, LADIES THREAD EDGING, Ladies Valenciennes Fluting, Ladies Silk tassel Buttons, Ladies Silk Setirfs, Ladies fancy Tiea, Ladies embroidered Handkerchiefs, Ladies Horu Stitched, Handkerchiefs, Ijtiuies Lawn hand kerchiefs, Ladies Empress trail Hoop skirts, Ladies Hoop Skirt covers. SHOES tf- GAITERS. Easting, Goat, Glove Calf, Morocco, Cloth Opera clippers. STRAW Shaker Ilood.t, GOODS. SUNDOWNS, SUNDOWNS, Canton Straws, Braid Straws, Derby lists. Split Hats, Luien Hats, Trimmed Hats, Straw cords and ' necessary ornameala. all MEN'S WEAR. Fine assortment of fanev Cas- f suncrcs in patterns, extreme ly cheap. AUo Boys wear. ROOTS! A IV II SSTini?? O JLU &tlUlL,& Men's heavy Monroes, Men's fine Calf Jioots, -Men s glove calf Gaiters, Men's Cloth Opera Slippers, Mon's fino patent leath er Hoots, lOUTIIS AND HOYS SHOES all sizes and styles. Straw Hats Hosiery, Kid Gloves and Collars. STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS FRUITS! FRUITS! Seedless P.niains, Layer Raisins, Prunes, Can Teaches, Can Pears, Can Corn, Can Pine Apple. Can Sardines, Italian Macoaroni, Almonds and Figs, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Oranges Lemons and Pickled Oysters. CRACKERS ! CRACKERS! ! Sugar Birtouit. Lemon Iliscnit, Err Biscuit, Fancy Biscuit, Wa- tor and Butter Biscuits. s i r t -mr. Jl IX It NI'lf?l?R -;,, -,, , Genuine New Oilcans Molasses. Sun. Extra Syrup, Sugars. Clifleo, ' Rice, Teas, Candles, aud Soap. TOBACCOES AXn SKOAltS Hoot, and Rakes, Grass Hooks, Trowels nnd Mops- Oil Cloths, Willow Ware, Fish, Salt and Hams AN0TI,ER EXaTEMEX? A FALL IN miCES. I AT THE I Cheap Cash Stoi I OF I WILLIAM F.IRWIN .South Second St., Clearfield, I'u. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring Sl Summer Good At Greatly Reduced i'nees. I am Just receiving and rpcrdng a carefo; selected stock of fashionable r-pruig A bum. mar Uoods of almost every description. A beautiful assortment of Prints and II; goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. DRV GOODS AND NOTION Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Pais ti, Carpet A Oil Cloths, and Fruiu Foreign and Domestic, such as Apples, Peacbej, Cur runs, Prunes, Kaitina, Oran ges, and Lemons. 77ic7i Jtnrnn ntti 771 Ml M. A'Mlwm lilt -A lu U; I Maokerel In 1 and a barrsh oi toe oosv quality, an 01 nuicu wm oe sola tt the lowest cash or ready pay prioes. My old friends and the pubiio generally, an respectfully invited t can. 4TJ V II .11 Ir mill Of lw It A V . n , ....... COUXTllY PX0VUCE taken in exchange b, Goods. WM. F. IRW1K Clearfield, May Oth, 18(8(1 tf GREAT EXCITEMENT QN SECOND STREET, Clearfield, Fenn'a. NEW FIRM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW TRICES. The undersigned having formed a co partnership, in the Mercantile business, wqu.d respectfully invite the attention of the Pubiio generally to tbeir splendid assortemnt of Merchandise, which it now being SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. Their stock consists in part of Dry Goods, of the best Quality, such as Trints, De Laines, Alpaccas. Merinos, Ginghams, Mualins Bleached and unbleached. Drillings, Tickings, Cotton and Wool Flannels, Satinetts, Cotlenades, Cassimerea, Ladies' Shawls, Coats. Nubias and Hoode, Balmo ral aud Hoop Skirts, Ac., 4c, all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Also, a Gne assortment of men 'a Draw ers and Shirts, Hats A Caps. Boot 4 Shoes. Qucensicarc, Glassware, Hardware, Groceries and spices OF ALL KINDS. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT or everything usually kept in are tail Store. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH or approved country produce. WRIGUT i FLANIOAN. Clearfield, January lOih, lbGO.lf. REMOVAL. J. P. KRATZER, uas removed to Ins new Ware-Rooms, on Market St, Clearfield, Pa., where he has opened a Tory Urge slock o Dry Goods. lJTlawt' 0inPh"". rieluines, Trims, Ca-simeres, Alpacaa, Silks, Satinets, Reps, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jeans, i.anellas. Muslins, Flannels, Bonoeta, Rib bons, Cloaks, Balmoral tikiru, Hoop. Pkirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings Head Neta, Taps, Comets, moves. Collars, Pearls, Grenadine Veils, Table Covers. Clothing, Ceals, Pants, Vests, Over-Coats, Kent's Shawl Shirts, Hats, Caps, Vnder-Shirta and Drawers, Boots. Shoe. Gum Shoes, Cravats, Gloves and Collars. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GRO CERIES k MUSICAL GOODS. Groceries. Tea, Coffee. Sugar, Molasses.Salt, Csndles, Rica, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Tobacco, Raisins, Currants, 6 pie, Craokers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, Aloobol. TIN-WARE. GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, Oll-oloths, Drugget. Lcmklng-01as Clocks, Churn, Washboards, Tubs, Buck, ots, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Blinds, Wall-paper. Coal Oil Lamps, Ira- oreuas, iieanoros, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and Stov Blacking. vAll of whloh will he sold on th most rea onable terms, and the highest market price raid or Grain, Wool, and .11 kinds oreonntry produoa. Clearfield, Deonmbcr 1J, 18IS, COPARTNERSHIP. m U . . . : i . .i t j . i I "iiviui.ikuou oare una a ay lormed a Co. IX trtnerehin under the firm ,. .r ii. a 11 srtshorn, for the transaction of a General Mer- enandise and Lumber bueiues. A large and well selected (lock of Goods has bean mi 1,1 a A . 1 "" already on hsnd at th Corner biore la I Curwonsville wber we are bow prepared to show """"" eompieieu assortment with prices as low as the lowest. Th highest market rua paid for Lumber or all description. The petroaei ol the public I respectfully solicited. FDWAR1) A. IKVIN. W. K, HARTSHORN. Curwensvill, July l 14. pulley Blocks, "all a7d bet wi.nufa. , --"'" " "wumiit lilGLLT.'S GROCERItatot.haT " UERREU. ABIUER'S.