Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 04, 1866, Image 2

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m-f!i!g '.n.ct I it at if 'rB Nl'.lii
Armi"', a:roii wire maintained en th ialand, lo
j.n-Tt'tvt nv whit man from landing. Fam gi:n-tii-men
fi.m r-ntiTlTni, m atiripted Inland,
tlmprcprriy, I nut ey,) were airerted ty the
frotJn, .n i I haJ placed a guard en each wharf to
T-trraiit thm bung moluled, but they chejo lo
-ti.e 4 on i p rl or tiic Irland where no .
f wai I'ntumcd. Th negroe! had been MJ,
at:.! beilevid, that a Inyo fnio of rrbrl cm airy
ti!l ocur.ied the woodi on the ai.iiitnud. t iler '
..wlermc prevailed, and cattle-Healing raid.i
.0 the tnaiul.ird wire of fioqnrnt oivuireiiee. '
" 1 went orc and Iirokc up their military liand. :
and told tlirm Inn wnr war over. I then it lu
woik to orjtmito a ij tim of labor. 1 found the,
foety-acrcallotmrnt under General hcrmau'r otii r ,
of the inort elntic dimrniotii ; the (arrc-t I raw
raj thrr hundred and (illy acre in extent, and
the mllcl three and a bail' acre. Manv freed-'
men who had laiid-ordrra for J,,lin'i Island liad
on Jamr-i Inland, und rartilicatri for
Iai'&id vera plentiful. On V'.ilmel.w Nlaud
carcclj any aitciupt had torn made to cultivate j
the land. There aeie Dot more than lo ecrei 1
luted out of any one patch on Ediito Irland. 1 1
had todisconliiiiieflicinio of rntioni before I could !
get them to work at all. 1 had nearly auocoeited I
in getting them to work when the bill ic'curiiit; th, ir t
land titlea panrd Coiifrrr ?i, and evirytha'g was I
again thrown into coiilin-ion. Matters art in., i
iwwevcr, jetting alralght again." j
Ad important comparison of the J
viuvnv vunuiiiuii ji mu iilimiiiuij ujj i . , .
thoSo.ilh fVmli,,,, I-!...n,U und tlif-ic.' '
m Florida and
5jt tflcaifitto 3fpub!itan,
rrcstdml's Bpecial Meisnge.
Tito Rump Congress lining desirous
of obtaining an expression from tlio
fTLi President, on the Constitutional
.-riry..:. al --;f . . . ...
'(J5,t'b'.",;tijr- 'sS. (amendments, adopted h resolution in
v Vivf''-i;' a; ' ,-. ' 'v tboon forwaHcd to the Hovoral States ;
t) which II r. Johnson replied n thefo'
lowing l)emoera1ic Mylo :
To tlic Snuite ami Jloure of Keprc
ri iniRty rioction.
(iKoiior. ). (roorti.ANDr.ii, Editor.
::.::July 4, lW
I Jforn'i Wm, Jutvnaon, Jetfmti h llnnTer, lr,
O 1" t..ii t.,.h U ... I'ullmnr ll.
In ohcilieiico to the reipiiremiMits of rid im. n'avti , u.
4r It mii(jfn j. M. I uminiiigi . II
Brelli, Joo. I'. Kaith, II D, Ri, llrury NT, jr
Owrort. Oeorpn M. Ilrl-Kin, L. 0. Liii);l A
J. l.Ti her. lUnii'l flanneiL I). 11 timid.
'nH.- Drier Hull, Jni. II. Clara, Uatlil Lt,
J. I'. l!neriT, j. no .i. junni .ii.
J'llt. Illontn, 1). It. Ritlrr, Klihard
Freeman, 11- W- Mnilea, Jainea It. Caldwell,
Irtina llanev, John Owcin.
('Hi'n. Wm, F Jhnon, Pavld Wclty Jr,
l?ulo 4th for conducting llio I'riinaiT
l'.loctions of the Domocratto Jiarty of
Clearflold county, the Doinocrats of
tho eovoral boroughs nnd townships
nro required to meet ut tho election
liouso in caeh district on the Strnnt
SttttrJiiy of July next, (hcing tho 1-ttli
l.l.i, (if lliil .. t uili.K linill fid
.7 "" ' iiirnrtr. John Urer.ler. lienrr Whlt.
Bhall bo named Ly the igilancoLum- i,,Bj '
(mitt co for each seperate district, and iiWmi J Tboma Ilcndcrron, c. J. hoff,
i to close at such hour hh baid Com- WiU- Kliu. enry vxiuu, Wm Luther
iHuhmitto ConrcBa a re)Ort of niittee shall nnmo for tho purpose of Ar) v T-,r T?r,TirTT
the Secretary of tStato, to whom was cxiircssinir by ballot, their choice of
referred the concurrent resolution of candidates fur tho respective ofliees,
i tho lelh instant, respecting a Bitbmis-! viz: one person lor Aceinbly, two
To bb Held Katurilay, July If, 10(1.
ii. w. sMini
A rrttl Lot of
Alao, a rtij,rior atll-la l
All 'rf and atiremoiy lew, ;
7S 1AKI. LAlirS lmproTTd TiT7T,
........... ""iii.'i., in no ue
to th Publio a tho rhenrent. .
rnnut eftitient W,,blri Machine jn '
TL. . . ..I ...I ... -. I . r . . K1
' '"" ir in rilo of ,
china in jour own Stnta or euiinty omi Uift,,
"J 'VV'J "'8 "'wr nore, ill Xl Lot n,
,it!l.l-l.l-.. II- f c T
I uuaueiijuiv, i a. j. n. L.ASU Co
Aliio, the bct Clnthei Wringer iu the nirk
Wholesale and rntitil.
fi-tfA very liberul tlnenunt to country r.
i.:.... i.. il..l.,.l.l.liii.i.nriUUitili nf t ....,...:..(.. I.. ' rhanu and dialerr p. usrallv
joivit ui iuiriiitiii.iin.iwi uiu UI..UV.1 u, u:isuh3 iui iiputiiuu uuva, unu Juiljrc ( ominiiiMinr 51. Auuitor r. inc; "
f an additioiial article to theconstitution son for Cominis.sioner, and one persouji'ah imut iuvuri.ii.iy noiompany the uotico to, TO ALL HOOK
oi : lie united Maiea. lor Auditor, to oe voted lor ana eicc-i""' " tas. k. sision. 33 South Sixth
Constitutional Amendments
We call the attention of our read
era to tho special message of Prosi-
this issue, on tho
Southwest Georgia, ("nhjee of CoitHtitutional nn.endincnts
bow tho President continues to asso
ciate with sncti knaves as Stanton,
Holt A Co. Probably if we were be
hind the scene wc could iiintify him
jonetratioiiB oT hatred was manifested tion of Texas, they have been entirely to take char
clearly demonstrate! that the trued 'The principles laid down aro so broad
peoplo who have remained on the and Democratic, that wc cannot see
plantations, and have been aided by
the advice of Bensibltj and practical
military and Uurean o Ulcers, are in
finitely better off than those who have
been assisted with rations and cloth
ing by tho government. In our opin
ion the most emiitablo solution of the
question of the occupation of the said I
jsianas and the coast, under the order
oluen. fsherman, will be to surrender
the lands to their former owners on
the first da- of January next, requir
ing tho owners to pity the freed men
inmony the value of all improvements
maae uy tucm while occupying the
lands; this to bo determined by a
commission appointed by the govern
ment. Of course we do not mean to
suggest by this an interference
with any of tha freedmcn who may
desire to Burrend-r the lands they are
now occupying, at any time prior to
that period, by arrangements between
themselves and the owner of the laud.
Generals Tilson and Scott both concur
with us that this arrangement will
givo general satisfaction to both the
ireedmen and the land owners. Should
this recommendation be adopted by
the government, we respectfully Bug.
gest that the order be issued before
the 1st Sept. next, so as to give both
parties time to mako their arrange
ments for tho next season's planting.
The Eight of 8afFrag3.
The Supremo Court f Pennsylva
nia has just pronounced a dec ision on
what is familiarly known as tho "de
sorter'e law." Tho decision does not
take cognizance of tho question as to
the constitutionality of the law, but is
chiefly confined to the point at issue,
to wit, the right of a Judo of election
to reject a man's voto when I ho word
"deserter" is written opposite his
name on the list of voters. Chief
JusticeM ood ward and JnsticesStrong
and Thompson decided that thejudye
of electiotis could not refuse a man's
vote until he had been tried and 'con
victed of desertion; whilo Justices Jiead
and Aenew. on tho contrarv. hold!
71i are authorized to announce
It will be seen from this report, that ted in October.
the Secretary of Stale had, on tho IGlh The following rules, 5th and Cth.are
instant, transmitted to tho Governors given for tho information ot those
of the several Slates certiiied copies of concerned.
tho joint resolution, passed on tho 13th j J'ctK 5th. No person shall be per
sistant, proposing an amendment to mittod to vote at such Primary Klec
the. eotstitution. ilinn. rveont. thosn who have voted
Even ir. ordinary times, anv ones-'with the Democracv at the nreccedin"! 1)c,nocli! vty,ut tho lTimary Wectiou
I inn f .immirlimr tl.. ..f niulit ut inn mnut '.,n,...l !..,.( ;,. 1... nf bmn.'til V authorised to annouti'-e the nam of
be justly regarded as o( paramount
importance, lhis iniportanec is, at
tho j'liiuont tiiim, mu'liniKod lv tho
fact that the joint resolution was not
submitted by the two Houses for the
approval of the President, and that of
j.'v ill yj j i ii i ivj cliiiiuii'w.
delpbia, ia aijent for IU following ru.r
the natneof . v. . .,,. .... .
l.r.J. W. I'o..r, of Vovl..Ptu lp.. a, a , r u 'l n ... ""V w .1 7" T:'"
candidate fur .Wmblv. iuliinct to the action of iionBr, f Aleeh ' -2 "
tho Jtauoemtie party, at the Primary Election. j ,b,uion Ke, b yrMlk M"B '?
'e are authori'd lo annonncu the nauio of Waibinr;Uin Irving'a Worlir, 21
TboruimJ. .MuC'ulloupli, of Clearfield, ai a candi- Coopar't Nuvalr. Dicken H'orki.
iliitc lor Auivnilily, ruiyuct to tho action of the Mrival A Oilbon'a Home.
Macauley'i Workr.
L're'i Piclianury of Art! and Munufacturii.
Uarcroft'i Unild State) H ac
I furnirh all Books publinhad for public
!..-. , :i -. .i...i i. . ,
irivaTe A.iuiurinf av nuoiciaia firieer. btlli
lirt of any tonka wanted, with a ttamp, !
pric9r,wluch trill be (cutty return mail, joiil
uiiu nu timui- jir Aeneinlily, auijjcot to the aulion of the l'cuio.
in his course. The reading ol this ",u thirl) -six Mates, which constitute
Message gave occasion of much com- 11,0 Vuu"' .l',eTcn "t,,udcl 'om
. . , , . representation in eitncr House ol Lon-
date shill! be tllaced upon tho return crulic iiaJty, at the friary Kli-ctii.ii.
tinloyw l.u aliikll hnro hid turd ua a oatl- ASSOCIATE JUDGE.
didato inserted in the 1 leiiiocrnl if; 'e sre aulhorired to announce tho name of
TiniPi-R flttfin.r ..t h unt (Aiw ...,,.,.,. Ja"i bleary, of l'ciin lp., as a candidate lor Aa
papcis auiing at least iruet. w ctks(,, Klatu Jud)!l.t ui,j,.ct t0 ,i,e ctiou 0, the Demo
proceeding the primary election. jnatic pttrty, at the I'riumry ticttiou.
KCLK t Ml. I lie townships COlll- iVearc aiidioriced tu aimoiince the name of
mittee or the election board shall des-''aC0,J W illl,'lin' r,iri1'"1"1 tp., candidate for
ignateono of their number to act as ii"!": ,'t-J0lTofiU'l,'!m-
'-' "V Jai j , ti b tHV llUia'-V iiJI.Vfcl'Jllr
against the "government," on tho
part of tho radicals. This was to be
expected, because the principles enun
ciated in the mcssngo can never be
Btiecessfully contradicted, as they aro
the very lbundation of our system of
government. That tho people have
tho right to pass upon every change
of tho fundamental law, cither through
the ballot box or the bayouet, is so
plainly expressed or implied in tho
Constitution itself, that none but a
fanatic or a fool ever denies it. If,
however, their servants deny them
the former, they must, in self defence,
accept tho latter. This political chol
era Padicalism must bo eradicated
from the body politic, or, as a Repub
lic, wo will die, and become a race of
mongrels and slaves, liable lo bo swal
lowed up by some kniix iuli despot.
Tin: ro IJiueac Again. AVc
publish this week the report of Gens.
Steadman and Fullerlon, in reference
to tho conduct of loyal generals,
clergymen, and their "pet lambs" in
South Carolina. Tho Uev, Messrs.
French, Campbell and Tiffany, ficem
to be engaged in tho laudiblo business
of cheating tho negroes out of their
rations, Fupcrintcnding their "inar
ringo relations," and trading them
whibky for their cotton and rice.
restored to all their functions as States,
in conformity with the organic law of
tho land, and have appeared at the
national capital by Senators and Rep
resentatives, who have applied for,
and have been refused, admission to tho
vacant teats.
Xor have the sovereign people of
tho nation been afforded an opportu-
gle exeep- rut urn judge, whose duty it shall be
'c of tho returns of votes
cast, after having been duly certified
to as being correct, and signed by a
majority of the board, und carry to
them to Llearheld JJorougli on the
Tuesday following tho election, and
produce them at d o'clock, P. M., in
the Court House, when said judges
will bo called to order by tho Chair
man of the County Committee, who
i This Pev. French is tho same loyal
that the judges of elections were t1(i scoundrel vi horn Rev. Dr. JJachman
proper persons to decide the question.
charged during the war with robbing
the peoplo of their silver-waro and
pianos. ow, that tho war is over,
ho seems to have turned his clerical
Una is an important fudicial an
uouncement. Tho law in question
put into the hands of any political of
ficer making up tho list of voters the
power to disfranchise a freeman bv
writing against his name the word his own brethren. Grand moral ideas !
"deserter." The amount of proof)
accessary to substantiate tl at charge "Sham" Loyalty. That notorious
TOwaaoiciy Willi me persons who dis-nnion journal , tho New Yoi Tri-
nay ot expressing their views upon , shall preside. The votes shall then
important question w hich the amend-1 bo counted and tho persons rcceivin"
: ..if.... e
uieiii involves, cuavo uouuis mere
fore may naturally and justly arise as
to whether the action of Congross is
in harmony with the sentiments of
tho people, and whether State legisla
tures, elected without reference to
such an issue, should bo called upon
by Congress to decido respecting tho
ratification of the proposed amend
Waiving the qne.'tion as to tho con
stitutional validity of the proceedings
ot Congress upon the joint resolution
proposing tho amendment, or as t
the merits of tho article which it sub
mits through the executive depart
ment to the legislatures of the Stales,
I deem it proper to observe that the
steis taken by the Secretary of State,
as detailed in tho accompanying re
port, are lo be considered as purely min
isterial, And iu uo Hoimo whatever enin
naitting the executive loan approval or
a recommendation of the amendment
to the Stale legislatures or to the peo
plo. On tho contrary, a proper ap
preciation of tho letter and spirit of
mo constitution, as well as ot tho in
terests of national order, harmony
and union, and ducdefl'crcnce for an
enlightened public judgment,
lhis time, well sucest a doubt whetli.
the highest number of votes casts at
said election, shall be declared nomi
nated for the respective offices for
which they have been voted for: Provi
ded said persons voted for shall have
complied with the requirements of
rnlo oth ; in caso tho person having
tho highest number of votes has failed
to comply with said rule, then tho
person having tho next highest num
ber fd votes shall be declared the nom
inee for said oflico.
In accordance with tho rules gov
erning the Democratic party of Clear
field County, tho county Connnittc
have selected and appointed tho fol
lowing named gentlemen, to act nsa
committee ot ignance, lor the re
spective boroughs and townships, the
ensuing year. Heretofore tho coin
mi t loo La consisted of but three per
sons, and it has often been demonstra
ted that through causes impossible to
control, a majority of this number
could not always be present, lo dis
charge tho duties enjoined upon them,
and thus tho duty ol holding the pri
mary election devolved upon thoso not
designated. The County Committee
deeming it no violation of our rule,
have enlarged the committee, select
ive arc authorircd lo announce the name of
Buuiuel Clyde, of Lawrence tp., as a candidate, for
Aciutc Judge, ulijert to the action of tho Peril
ocnitic party, at the Primary Election.
We are authorised to announce the name of
tieirp;o Lrhard, of Knox tp., as a candidal lor
ARsociatc Judge, mihjwt to the action ol the Pc-iu-ocralio
party, at the Primary Election.
Wc arc authorircd to announce tho name of
Vincent n.Ilolt, of Bradford tp., a a candidal
for Aumciate Judp-, aubject to the action ol
the Pcmocratic puny, at the l'ruuary Election.
We arc authorized to announce tho name of
Willinin L. Kihi'l, of Lawrence tp., ai a candidate
for Co. ComiuiHi-ioni r, sulieet to tli action of the
ocruoeratio party, at the Primary Election.
r e are authorized lo announce the name of
Henry Kone, of Clearfield, a a candidate for
County Cotnmis ioner, nulijict lo the actiou of the
Peiuocratic party, at the Primary Kkrtion.
r e ace autlionred to annoum-a (u(. name of
r red crick Suu.T, of Hcocaria town-hip. ai a can
didate for the ollicc of County Cotimiiiiiiunrr, sub
ject lo tho lu-tioii of tho Democratic party, at the
rriumry i.ieeuan.
We are aittlmrired tn announce the name of
John A. h. I'lepil, of t.ofhi-n tp., as a oandidute
fur County Auditor, mbject to the action of the
Democratic party, at the Primary Election.
ralTTCR WlX'i; OK lltOY-An riM,;
L impregnation of dry gpanirh Wine, wiih U
activity ol Ualisiya Dark, and thcrx.oi: corH
of all the ferrupinona ralta, Citrate of Magnet
Cxlde of Iron. Il has a vlnoui flarer.verj rru,
ful to the palate, is withont chalybeate tnite, u
win not uiacoior me teetn.
Itexoitea languid apprtite. ylvei xoit to fu,
irnproTos digeatlon, increarei the rtrnQgih, ,tl(j
iei the circulation, take of! uiuacular Uabbiom
rciuorci ttie pallor or debility, tirci ErmDcn r,
precision to the (ctioi of the nervoui tTctrr
with power lo endure fatigue and ruiri direait
ilAtiillC ClI KATt. OF IKON ir new r
peculiar, iliSering from the ordinary Soluble C.
trate, in containing an equivalent of Protoiii.
of Iron, in place of the Ammonia. It ir neutri',
tartalcrt, without aatringency, hj prompt at;
energatie ar the Chloride, and unlike that, U
ducea na local inflauiinaSory action or Leadaoht
CALISAYA bAKK i pre-eminent amori-
vegotable tonici, baa no t.jual a a itrengthea
or lemorative, nor riral ar an and-periodic.
Ketaila in $1 and f ! bottles, quarti and rC
i .. . r , . r. ,, ......... .
win lur ui.jjrii.iRr, o. r. ncat3r.LL,
j-20-lm ApotUoeary, It It Cheituut t, Phil.
ii bereby ciren that letter! of aJminirtri
tion bare been granted to the unjurrifmud i
tne eitate ol William a. bmiley, deceared, lu
ot orady torrnttitp, ClearCeld county. Alt per
aona indebted to laid eitate will pleat make im
mediate payment. nnd tlikre baring claim. ar,ait,n
the lame will praient them for rottiement, to tLt
uniurfiSnod. 6A.UAI1 L. S.MILE1',
je2U-Ct pd Adu.
On the 21th of June, iHflfi, at the residence ol
the bridee father, by ltcv. A. 11. Kevdowcr, Sir.
JAMES NOllUIS, lo Mix MARTHA A, daugh-
ler of Joski-h Caldwei I, Erq.i all of Pike town-
chip, Clearfield county, Pa.
At the residence of her fon, A. H. Ilrrn, In
Lawrence lownfhip.on the i:df June, JC8, Mrs.
MAROAKKT, relict of Ji Kkkp, in the 74tU
year ef her ajr?.
Tl,. ,i....ii. ..r .1. . . , .
. vriiinniMo iniiy newnrt more
mnipio aiinounermrnt.
itch: iTciii i rt ii:
Whealon's Ointment.
Price 60 cent. For falo by all drueyinr. E
lending 0 enu to EEKS Jt POTTER, $of
A genu, 170 Wa3b:ngUa tret, Rorton, it !!!
be forwarbed by mail, free of pimtaite, to ar.r
1'ui. ui iua I'uiura culler. June I A, tlrj-1 yr,
ror rale at Uart-wick A Irvln', Clrarlleld Pa
mind to robbing the loyal negroes
were to prepare tho official cnumera
tion and names of voters for tho dif
ferent election divisions of the State.
They could any what constituted a
desertion, and what was to bo called
by a milder name. If a man failed to
respond to a draft at precisely the
time designated in tho notification, no
notice need be taken of any cxtenua-
bune, which during tho war, constantly
how led "on to Richmond," and favor
ed tho hanging and quartering of
every "rebel," Beams now like all
dogs to be about nino days old. If
Greeley never had his ej-es open until
1 hate jiit fullcn on a g-iMen lentence In the
Arirn Fr,lmnn. "Our Conunir.ion," aavi
it ofln ial or(-an, "ii pledged to the uiauiteiian'ee
of the d.ictriiic of Eiin.l Right." That rentriiee
i worth volume of i,ler appeal for a letr emn
prehfiifive philanthropy, I gire you my heart
and lmn,i,(iii V'Aiiua nine Jytrr hi tan.'
Ever yotira, Tliauiuns TitTon
This is fheerinir to the nnnr Lln. L-a
It is ns full of heat and nourishment as
now, it is no wonder he lias acted in
tiniT nl l.nit maln.A.,. 1 I. ' ,.t. - . 1. .. rr., .
...b, ihi ins numojoui'u manner neretoioro. XM tm
could be marked in such a manner imprisonment of Jefferson Davis has sent
to close the ballot-box against him L:i .1 v . . .
and load his character with false in"-lnn economy through b,s brain,
putations. In the hands of Unscru-l,'d('m',eybo,d,'Jomai,d'',li,,I,c,oasc
Ioub politicians, this power could be,'" order that tho government mis
used in such a manner as to work in-gl rid of bis boarding bill. It is
Jmn! flt! Tll0j; C()dd Px- ngo that tl boarding bill of one
empt Irionds and punish enemies. t,, , , , . , . ,
They could usurp tho prerogatives of 1 ,'.e nan H,,0"ld ftn,'y ,,,m mnci,
tho judges and inspectors of elections. thousands of black perrons have
niuiu wis manner decide important j ocon eating government rations for; economically liquidated tho claims of
rjsqes connected Willi tuo welfare ot years, yet ho has never denounced it ciianty. .Mr. U ilton's lack of a purso
the peop.o and the perpetuity of tlio;a expensive or a sham. Hear what r.rc"nl him from throwing o0 into
free institutions of tho countrv. , . . . , tho pass ng hat, iust as his lack nfn.
But tho Supreme Court Undecided fe 8?.V8jn R lute WU0 ,n rcfero,,ce l musket conslruinei him tl, p,"l '.in
that, under the law of Congress.a nianiImv18 : substitute when ho was drafted during
must be legally tried and convietcd1 "Ve welcome tho news from Fort reus tho war. He could not fight for the
of desertion" bef'oro the officers of Monroo of the assignment of spacious! negroes then and cnnnotfied them
election are justified in refusing bis and comfortable apartments for tho'oow, but bis nravcrn and blossii-rr. in
Vfltl Til A hmiA liinlr...,.n . I'll.. hniitA.lrnAi,!n,. ,.r At. ....Ml 1 iT, 1 n 1 1 , a. . . . I !. 1 .
- -" uiviv, v uum ..Hi in ue puunu-nir ,li, V'l 'll.llllll J I p. m! I'lil-l-
cr any amendment to the constitution ig seven personsin the large districts
ought to bo projioscd by Congress 'and five in tho small. They would
and pressed upon the legislatures of. suggest the propriety of these com-
munevnai states lor Illial decision I miiini.a I.t l,..l,i n
until after the admission of such loyal' previous to the d
Senators nnd Representatives of thojand select fromai
of the election,
among, and designate.
number to attend aud
bold said election, nnd at the same
time r.ppoiirUhc return judge, so, that
each may understand his duty, when
the time of action arrives. It is hoped
that all w ill take a lively interest in
i .....i.i.i: .1 .
iriiuiuiuiuiji uiiu ujiiiUKimg 1110 1"UI0S
and organization of tho only party
that has, and will, govern ting foun-
f rr ut-nsA it t 4 r i la f.-w.i i
tea - , . J f V V VF Mill- HI , 1 1 j K' 1 1 1 1 I U 1 1 U 1 1 . U 1 1 U
winch, as it occupies but small space, the laws enacted in harmony there-
"tllAu"'" J with, and thereby rcstoro us Union
Thr I.nitrKiiacirr. Anril 1 flr.A i n,l r., ,d ., . , i:, . , . I .
MrPrinMa. Jl,K, ' ' ' i-yi'v-iiij luwuiuisirncieu coun-
now uiu ejiresented States as havo three of their
oceii or may Jiercallcr bo chosen, in
conformity with tho constitution and'
laws of Ibo United Stales. I
Andrew Johnson. '
"Washington, I). C., June 22, 1SG0. J
A S.wixn PiiiLAVTiiRorisT. The'
7'cnoylciia Fnrdman's Bulletin con
tains a letter from Theodore Tiltnn '
eiiiiiiren oniy nee or whom are now living. J,.r
whole life war one of the mort exemplary , l,a,,c
ter a kind neighlwir, affectionate and dutiful wife
and mother, anil pious Chrinliun. ft.
try, winch has been so terribly afflic
ted by demagogues nnd trailors.undor
tho guise of patriotism nnd "loyalty."
G. II. GoODLAN'DEK, Chlll'll,
T. J. McCcLoroii, Sec'ry.
n-renrim. A. W. Lee, Samuel llinduara, Vim.
Doll. John V. Davii, Chrirtinu Urnum.
Bill. Wm. T. Oilbert, Henry L. McQhe.
Adam Broth, A. J. SlcClincy, Win. Mehafley.
jfiin ii uowier, tranea AluUrda
the' leye warmed 1 'and "Bo yo fed !" 0 Ul"m, w. Line., Wai. lienrr
....'ll. ...1 .1 ll T-il . It I. tt . it,..
mm wiiuvi me rnariseesot Script uiv
... -.ui. . . . . . i
being plarnd oiiiio-1 eon Davis. Jly-nnd-bv. the farco will
for diu- nave Ik-coiuo too tlaring. nnd then ho
lavishes on tLeni with an ostentatious
munificence which is both "cheap and
word "deserter"
sito his name 13 no rround
irailCniSOinent. lie I -w hi ui vnlinre ! Wl bo lot rr lnt ia H.a na .r
of participating in tho all'airs of tho persisting in a f lwat whereby nobody . JUNK LonnrnT. Tho Villngo Na
nation, is of too much imnortnnca in is cheated ? Mr. I)ri ia nnt in. i, tional Pank of Howdenhatn. Mo . n
A political and governmental point of. tried at nil events, not with inipnt ''0,bcd on the 221 ult., by a pnrtv who
view to bo interfered with for pnrti-jor expectation of convicting himl ,oIlow(I the cashier hoine, gagged bis
Ban purposea. If men havo been rrnil- then why is ho loniTr suhNisij.J t ! fni"'Iy and placed n guard over them.
ty of desertion, they can be arrested, ho public cost ? Let us havo an d i ril ro5,bers then took the enshier
ana tried, ns they were after tho war, of tho sham. , to tne bank nnd after robbing the
01 xoit, ana men, it the law of Con- If ,0mo "Copcrhcad" would thus 1 7 lllcy 'cked him in
gress be constitutional, tho punish.1' ,.u V.j . j . j C'O vault and malo their escape wilh
ment will follow. But until that'81 U ' U,d J6 de,,ol,nccd n8- their plunder. They havo been traced
: , .1 - in in it. irnni.t V., rr. . . . . .,pv.u
pursued, tne omcers of dec-! ""'c' iu lupnm, anu it is supposed aro
tions are to follow the law of the! " " now making for Canada.
State, and disregard the action oft SThe Washington correspondent I t,. ,r mt .
those who have been preparing the'of the Baltimore Sun say: LbS7l!n!5S
: a r ik- - . '
tors. The action of the Supreme.hurry
4, u ,u .. .. . r - ' -j " " ' J " '""") reiurnea
probsion of the will of III JeopL at ' mre 352Stto?Jh!SS? OT"' WB Th W0U"da he inflk'ted
coming election.-.! . 11 "Si remit dogays upon h.tliBelf wore aerioua, and he wbb
Iremoved to the Bellevue hospital
Wit Cbnrle Sloan. Will,,. It,,,.,.. .T..I
Bih, John W Kyler, John Milior.
Irnrfon Samuel P Wilion, Jaeb Pearee,
rtnbert Lounrhery, Alexander Livingston, Tho
Itiley, Mark K)ler. Jamei L Stewart.
firmly Lever Elegal, Samuel I'oitletbwait,
li U Ilaya, Daniel lii.hel, Joaae Liner, John F.
Orwalt Joreph il Kiik.
IlmmtiiU Daniel (lorman, Matdiew Irvln,
Fred r-hephord, Joeph L. Neff, John Weaver'
Thnmaa Young, Oiie.o Suiead.
laerf. Win.Tuiker,Jeh Wood, .Min Connly,
Lawrence Kill inn, John Hockonfcerr.
CortMyf.m.-Kraneji Coutriet, F. i. VallenionL
John Enel, John J, Piekaid, Chrintinn Hrown
(Vrory;trfWm. Ptrter, J. M. Keuleberger,
J. P. Kratrer, Daniel Connelly, R. Newton Shaw .
rrtrewifp. Jamea Tbouipaon, W. P. Chain"
ben, Benjamin Iiroome, Erampton llloom, Henrr
Kern. '
'ecntur. Richard Ilugbei, Dr. D. Kline, W.
A. Heami, Cyreniu Mewe, David Uearhart
ryio"". Wm. Wi.e,Ue,iri;e K. Tukb, J. A
Itowle. 11. B. Straw, Lewi MjCVacken.
fur Joiei'h B. Heath. J. T. Ilun.. T 1
friroerf Juitin Tie, Daniel Krie. A. S. Dick
mon, Frnrii Tearny, Charla Mignot.
Oiwaea, Wm. L. Shaw. A A H.-.I
A. , - -". ..vw, MCVIK.
. aii,r,i..n A V II l f , - f.
L. V. TEX EYCK, PHiu,rTt,n.
mnr ..-j i m t . .
L "" ""uerngnea, raving ooeome proprietor
of the iWi hotel, wi.fac to rive notice to
Ui ciutcn. of thie reunty, ai weil a to the
travCinn public, that the home ha been refitted
and rrftrni.hed for the entertainment of hi
guMta, Hi. UM will bafurni-bed with everr.
Ibtng the market afford. At bi. liar will t,
ir.i.rV' brn" of 1,11 kiai iq-'.
OOOD STABLING a.t.ched, w,I UM but
careful hoatler employed.
The undersigned it prepared In inunufattur
e-reryming in hi line, at the lowet gurw. aal
win wan. at hi work to be a repreient.
Gire him a call, at hii ihon nn M.-ii
She waa the j second door we.t of the Pcsl Office, and b will
uu .ii m uu power, to render ia
no. U. H. I, . L . I. i,- .... .
. : i i fivuv-u cnii mini, ac,
on band, ready to be tnished on rhort notice at
iow price. DAM EL CONNELLY
APPitaxTK-e Waittfo. I will give a liberal
cnance to a Hoy 16 or IS y,ar i.f agr, to Uara
.... .-uruiea i,i uooi uhJ s.nce inakiug, if appli
cation be made oun. p c
June 13th, 1S68-1 yr.
than iti
.,. ,. - r. '"IH I1ITUI
of t Irarfu-Id eounfv. K(,c tian tlir ut
m:MINUT(. A S()a
Mauufacturr of
For the United Sta'e Service.
Alio, Pocket and Belt Revolrer. Repeating Pi.
tola, Rillo Cane, llevolring rifle, Hide and'
fbot dun barnlr, and gun material
generally. S.dd .y i1R Dealer
and the trade generally.
In It.ere day of faoure-brenking and robberr
every l,gue, atore, bank and office hould bare'
on of
XK.vrxG ro.v. nj:rcL veks.
Circular, containing cut and description of
vu. .in,, .ui oe nimifhrd upon application
Hi"". New York.
MOOTkK Jt Vtriini a i
JMy No. in, Courtl.nd .treet. N.w VrC
Rau T'CE.-ParUi.,, DUES? and
1 CLOAK Making. Ladic can have their
Drter, Suit,, Coat, and Barqulne. liandromeW
!! .'11. Vrin""d. " hort.t notice, at the
old-e.tal.lisbed .tend, 1081 ( be.tnnt itreeU
fancy and plain Fan., Mantilla Ornament
ri and doak button, Ril.b.n. Clunr and
MU,I' t-ace. liurle and tlimn Dr... T.;
1CLLD.iuit inform the citiien of Clearfisl.l
and vicinity, that I bare nnsnHfl aV rn lea
aid borough, near Mr. C. Kralaer'. itore, forth
purpone of manufacturing and repairing
I guaranteo all my work, aid expect to recur
my patronage by promptne and tttertion to
bunnei. and executing my work in tho bail
lyle f the art Gire me a call anl teit my
June 13, 15f8 tf
Administrator' Notice.
vr vi..,.,.., ....
I r. iir.n.-soi auminirtration on the eitate of
ueorgc uot, lute of l'ike towu-hip. Gear
field rnunty, diKeased, having been grant' J to the
nnder.igiie.1, all perwn having claim againrt the
raid estate are requested lo present tium pro
perly authenticated for ottleuirut. aud those ia
drbted to aaid estato art requeued lo nvik pJ
....... ,-.,. r., aioklLh
Minx towinlnp. ,Mnti isfift Bt-H.
Disabled Men, Attrntlou I W anted, on or
two men in Clearfield county, who have
loet either an arm or leg, to roll Wadtworth '
water proof Arnica Healing Plarter, the best and
eheapert Curt Plater ia the market From J
to (10 per dy raa be made. Addre, with IS
rent for aample and ful! Information, A. V.
B1.LCI1ER, 110x15, Philadelphia, Ta. N, B.
All agent and peddler would find It to their
intere.l to nwer th bov. April JS, '6t 3a.
Ground and uncround aplcea, Citwn, ETg
hrh Currant, Kx. Coffee and Vinegar of
the beat quality. For rale by H. I I.
Clearfield, January 10th, lSflfl.
S Tit AY nCLI--Cmelrpaing eutb
premiae or the nbcribcr, in Lawrenc
townihip, Clearfield eounly, abont th middle of
Tune, one year ago, a email brindle BULL, .up
posed to be one year old. Th owner i requeued
to prove ; property, pay charge, and take him
way, or he will be disponed of according to lw.
School Direeton of Graham lownrhlp will
let to build, by publio outcry, at Graheruton, ci
jning. with, large variety of St. pi, and F."", ! si" , ,h 'V' ef f . w
Uo,,di,roi2ito50p.rcentleriiLa.l,.i," r Pob001 Hau,M- ContraeU to be given to the
Al.o. receiving d..V .ri K. l " i" tiu 1:,"' TT''
per, for Ladle, and Cbildien'. Dre,' Zl VS?? M" .
of Patl.rna f,ie U.Mk.., a t.
.....V,,..,,. .uu iremer now
Jj-in 1PM Cheitnutrt, Thiladel ,hit
'".. Aiaraa, a. a. Miieey. il , , . , i""" uerooy caution.
6rnom.-John Turner, A mo. Publer Samuil 'dT . !5 " r.nrch' or in any way mi.
r-iijan uonraa, t.lw.rd Flandert, A
K. Height. Jorepk Fry, Benjamin Steven.
inform the public, that I bare bi
M.m.wH. !.. uenlell, Samuel Conoway,
Cbreigbton Wandall, Elijah Burna, D. Burkey.
Yorrf,D. W. Wire, I.aae llloom, Michael.
fJilon, Robert Pattereon. Robert M. Jobn.on.
Aarika: Ueorre llerl. t.... n u.
Clo.key, Joreph Oilliland, Charle. Suhnar, R.
J. llavne.
A"o. Robert Willi
Rowlea, H. J. Sloppy, Levi MoCr.cken.
.oierrnc. Clark Brown, K. 11. Shaw, 0. L.
Reed, J. M. Bowie. Mem..,i,i;. di.l 1
rd Carr, lae Ogdta. ;
LVOvs V T .,uro",u1re '' " cr of JOHN
l. ,'. J' "tlp.tMeet lomr ordera.
V n iT" ,h" '
ion, on Ik. e.tate of Frnnci. Pearee, E.q d.e'd,
a.gned, to whom all p,r.on. Indebted to aid er
late will plea, make payment, and th... having
elalm. "lomand. will pre.ent them for .ettle
ment without delay. HANNAH PE1RCE,
j.-ei-P Ai0JT.t
Plan and (pecifi-
ft.w nf l.ltinv P
order of the Board of Direelora
. A,l. C. W. KYLER,
June SO, UlCS St 6ecrury.
ould hereby
Kaan annnin.
ted ole Agont, for Clearfield county, for the
Coimoir Skkii Famiit Skwino Macmm. Tl
ia one of th, be t Alaohinea n.w nir.,.,1 ta lha
publio. I keep th.m on band. Any pertoa
calling at my retidence ran re them oparata.
Pileoonly J0. THOMAS READ,
May , lSf,S-.1 mc-pd. Kear Cnrwenvill.
RAIL ROAD IIOl E, Mala St., Philip
burg, P.nn'a, Roaiar Lloyd, Proprietor.
Keep eooitantlyon hand th, choiateitof llqnor.
Hi table I alw.yi tuppllrd with th, bevt th
Market afford. Th, traveling polio, wiU do well
to gir, him a call. Not lit, W
Agint for th, Sirg.r fitwlnr MaeklaM.
lTilllpbnrg, Ceatre ee , feaa'a,
Oct. 11th, llSi. tr,