to all ye LOVEU8 or CL3Hicr aaip CI5 o x dl G3 AND To Ye Advocates or F-co&omtH! L. M. COUTH I ET lias jtist opened a New Sjore, one mile above Lccontca Mills, tn Qirard township, and it prepared to SELL A LITTE LOWER THAN tliey can be found ANY WHERE ELSE IN THECOUNTY. His stock consists of DRY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Ready Mado Clotliing, Hals, Caps, Bools and Shoes. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS AND of the very bent. quality. HARDWARE, QUEENS IFARE of New Styles, and Tinware. Liquor of all kinds, such as Brandy, TTino, Hum and U'uisky. Plough, Plow Castings, Cider Presses, Fifcb, Kail and Salt. Dregs, Medicines. Taints, Perfumery, Glut and Vamuh. Also, Agent for the Celebrated CHOLERA LITTERS. Call and see for yourselves before pur chasing elaewbore. May 9, 13G0. 3 ni. EDUCATIONAL Theunderaigned intends opening a school in tba Town Hall, Clear noid, oo the First Monday in Jute to eoctiuae for a term of eleven weeks, TboaroughnPEi will be timed at in alt for in itrnctioD. "Not tow much but how wall" ia tba priooiple upon which the exoreiset will be con. ducted. Particular atteution paid to Penmanthtp and Sook-Keeping. A daily reenter it kopt of the attendance, de . portmeot tnd reciutloni of each pupil which it tent weekly to parents, thus furnishing them with constant inlorinatiuu of kit standing and progrest in school. Public exhibitions art not beld at any stated j time, but parenta and guardians are reapecuully invited to visit tbt school and observe tba mau uer in which tbe daily work it performed. TERMS UK TUITION. Spelling, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithme tic and Ooography, Si 1)0 Grammar, Ueugranby, History, Arithmetic and Hook-Keeping $i 00 Algebra, Philosophy, Geometry, Mensuration nod Surveying, (7 00 Latin and Greek with any of the abort branch es ft) 00 For further information epplv to May 13, 1SC. C. B. SANOK0RD, Principal Jf STOKE AND NEW GOODS! JOS. SHAW J- SOX Have just opened a Nw Store, on Main St.. CLEaani;i.D, Pa , latelr occupiea by vm. r. ntwis. Tbeir stock consists of DI22.2r (23-CD COLE) S3, OaocEitiKs of the best quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, and every article necessary for one's comfort. Call and examine our stock before pur chating elsewhere. May 9, 18CG-tf. cnntj JJalional Janfc; CLEARFIELD, TA. fTMiit Hack ii new open and ready for business, X. Office on Soeoned street, in the building for merly occupied by Leonard, Finney 4 Co. wnrcrons in orriems. JA. T. LEONARD, Trcs'l. JAS. B. GRAHAM, WM. A. WALLACE, A. K. WRIGHT, Jon SSth, RICHARD SITAW. WM. PORTER. GEO. L. HEED. WM. V. WBIonT, Cashier. 1 OrVCudhela of prime Cloverneed. for aale by llJ IRVIN A IlARTsHORN. Curwentvillt, Febrntry J8, 1868-tf. II ORSE 5HORS A Ilorse-Xails, at ' F.RRF.LL T LltJLER'S. 1ISH J ALT and PLASTER in large quan . tities. at J. p. KHATZlill'S. March 22, ISC5. CI. F. A R FI K 1.1) M' K S V. R Y-Kwror n a n s Howt IitnriTitr. Tbe undoratgntd baring tttabluhed a Nursery, on the Pike, about ball way between Cleared and Curwensville. it pre pared t furnith all kindt of Fruit treee, (Stand ard and Uwnrf.) Evergreetie, 6brubbery, Grape Vinos, Gooseberries, Lawton Elackberry, Slraw berry and Raspberry vines. Aleo, Siberian Crab treat, Quinct and early acarlet Rbeubarh, Ao. Orders promptly attended to. Addrees, 6ept 20. '6i-ly. J.D.WRIGUT, Curwensville. 171 OR EST HOUSE-P.loom township", ; OiiNER P. Bloom, Proprietor. Tbit Urgt and commodious House it situate! oa tba turnpike, 7 mi La weat of Curwensville, and 6 milet sast of Liuberaburg. Tba Propria tor will tpara no tOort to make hit guests com fortable and their stay with him pleasant, -and thereby expaoU to receivt a liberal ahare of pub lie patronage. Deo. 20, I8( DR. J- lURCHHi:i.I)Lte gur aeon of the SSd Regiment, Penn'a Volun taera, having returned from the Army, offers bis professinnal services to tha cititins of CloarfielJ and vicinity. Professional ealla promptly atten ded to. Office on South East corner of td ft Market streeU. Oct , lSoS.-6mo.-pd. COPARTNERSHIP". Tba undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership under the Grin name of Irwin A Hartfhoro, for tbt transaction of a General Mer chandise and Lumber business. A large and well selected stock of Ooods has been added to those already on band at the Corner Store in CurwenavUle where we art now prepared to sbow Customers a completed vaortment with prioet low as the lowest. Tha highest marital rates faid for Lumber of all description. Tha patronage of tbe pubiio is respectfully aolioited. EDWARD A. IRVIN. W. R, UARTSHOttS. CnrwentvlUe, July 2d, 1814- EOEQK FALK takes this method of inform-! a ing me watermen of Clearfield eoonty that be hat refitted and reopened tha hotel formerly kept by K. Scbreiaer. at Cosestown, where ha will take especial pains to render satiafaction la all who favor him with their patronage. Cnetwn. ArmUt. 'M. fliT t-o. gohing nc,v.I, SMITH, & C0.;.l'3 O. SUMMFRFIF-l.D F LEGAL, Manufacturer il Tin and Sheet Iron woto, Philipsburg, Penn'a. I would respectfully inform tbe Publie, tbat I have opened a room in tiiti borough of Pbilipfbtirg, fir tbe manufacture ar,J (sale ot Tin Ware out of tbe beit material tbe tnaiket will aflord, and made by experienced workman, all of which 1 will Fell at either whoW'mle or retail prices aurprlKingly low. I ask those in need of anything in Ibis line to call and examine my are end satisfy themselves tlint it is made for use. Country Merchants desiring lo purchase small lots of Ware will find it to their ad vantage to buy of me. Stoves of all sizes and shapes, for burning either Wood or Coal. 1 would call particular at tention to that well tried and popular Cooking Rloveealled, tery appropriately, the IRON SIDES. This Stove has all the advantages possessed by others, besides tbe oven is larger, ami the ash pit deeper ami more top surface llian tbat ufnny oth er Stove in the market, and is without a rival. 1 also keep on band all kind of Stove Pipe which I will tell as low as it can bend r chased west of the mountain. I also keep constantly on hunlhovels, carriage Uilts, grates, firebrick, stove linings, sled voles, Waffle Iron, Sheet Zink, Sad Irons.Brant and Porcelain Kelilea, together with a variety of ware too numerous to mention. Also a large slock of tbe best kind of Stoneware. And last though Dot least in my lire of business, is that of Spouting. I am prepared to fill all orders in this lineoothort notice, and manufactured out of the best mnteiial. I want every body that conies to town, Income and lake look at my show, and see for themselves. I em going to noil the cheap-' est and bel Wares ever offered in this vicinity. I have several "Tropic Ilest- inc" and "Patlor Cook" Moves that I will sell at cost, to close out tbe stock (or the Seaon. Trv me. Feb 7th 1800-1 f- G. S. FLEGAL RICHARD MOSSOP, FOREIGN and DOM ESTIC GOODS MUSLINS DELAINES CO BURGS at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices ALPACAS at Sensation prices Just received at MOSSOPS'. GINGHAMS at .Sensation prices CHINTZ PRINTS GLOVES CRAVATS SHAWLS BONNETS COLORED 1 MUSLINSJ at teneHtion prices at Setisatiou prices at Sensation prices at Sensation prices at MOSSOPS' at Sensation . price at Sensation prices at Sensation prices All to be had at MOSSOPS'. LINEN. at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS at FRINGE at SunRUtion Sensation prioet prices prices prices Sensation Sensation Serration prices at MOSSOPS'. LACE st HOSIERY at RIBBONS at TRIMMINGS) of nil kinds k V at in any qunn'ty I Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices Sensation prices Always on hand at MOSSOrS'. CA SSI Ml; RES at Nensation prices SATTINETS at TWEE US at JEANS at VEST1NGS at SHIRTINGS at Situation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices Sensation prn at MOSSOrS" ces CLOTHING atichl as Coats, i'an in. Vexts, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirt, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, at sensation prices Now for sale at MOSSOrS. HARDWARE! such sh Saws.ntiils Forks, Knives, at sensation prices ' at MOSSOPS'. at sensation pricei Spikes, Hinges, LIQUORS, snch as Wine, Brandy, Gin, W h iakcy, Uy nao, etc., etc., J rttui is, sued as rrunea. Raisins, Figs, Filberts, ic. at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. at eeutation - prices GROCERIES, say") flour, liimi, Shoulders, Sugar, Molassos, Collie, Tea, Crackers, Spices, Candle Coal Oil, etc., etc. Always at MOSSOrS'. tiLAUiviMi at senaatmn prices ROPES at sensation prices POWDER at sensation prices SHOT at sensation prices LEAD ut sensation prices CATS at enntion prices At tbe store of RICHARD MOSSOP. XTfKSnn Always keeps on hand a lull ; assortment of all kinds of goods required for the accommodation of tbe public. Nov. 12. l.iss. DR. A. II HILLS IRES to In- rro his pat- Ibat profencion- al business confines him to his office all "Aeja. f TV, . a. i u 11 111 O, UI1 tig IVkiiTfttVJ i hrefore ba unable V? 'ri j "eke Professional fci S5 ' Vitita to any of hit Viwj'jw' accustomed placet this summer but my ba found at his offlge on tha Northwest cor ner of Front and Market street, directly opposite tha "Clearfield liouae," where ba can ba found at alt times, ready and willing to attend to all calls in tbe line of bis profession. Full setts of Teeth only Twenty Dollars. Jnly tilth IHSS-ly . pd. jibe time, aud ba will CARPETINU Ingrain, Cotton, hompj tair Floor Oil-olotis, rocaUlle, Door matt, At AKIi OPENING AND Selling the Cheapest and BEST LINE OF ofiered in CLSiunri.n county. Having been the latest lo purchase we have the advantage of lb decline in prices, and offer ibis advantage lo all our customers and all others. IN LADIES DRESS GOODS, WE bring the latest nntl most fashionable styles. A L P A C A S, which are now so fashiouaulo, we have good qualities at low as 45 cents, unbracing every shade. Wc offer also a Novelty which has just appeared in Dreta Goods, called PERCALE ROBES. Thete Goods come in Patterns, compri sing all shades and designs. Being already trimmed they requiro only culling and fitting and can be done up at any time. FANCY DRY GOODS Ladies Super Kid Gloves, Lndies fancy Lisle) gloves. Ladies Mohair Mitts, Ladies fine Silk Nets, Ladies fan cy Chenille, Ladies Magio ltullling, Ladies Lace LADIES THREAD EDGING, Ladies Valenciennes Fluting, Ladies feilk tassel Buttons, Ladies bilk Scarfs, Ladies fancy Ties, Ladies embroidered Handkerchiefs, Ladies Hem Stitelicd, Handkerchiefs, Ladies Lawn hand kerchiefs, Ladies Empress trail Hoop . skirts, Ladies Hoop Skirt covers. SHOES if- GAITERS. Lasting, Goat, Glove Calf, Morocco, Cloth Opera Slippers. STRAW GOODS. SUNDOWNS, Shaker Hoods, SUNDO n'NS, Canton Straws, Braid Straws, Derby Ilrts, .Split Hats, Luten Hats. Trimmed Hats, : Straw cords and tiecexsary ornaments. all MEN'S IV E AR. Fine assortment of fancy Cas simercs in patterns, extreme ly cheap. Abo Ibys wear. BOOTS AND SHOES Mcn"s heavy Monroes, Men's fine Calf Hoots, Men s glove calf Gaiters, Men's Cloth Ojera Slippers, Men's fino patent leath er Boots, YOUTHS AND BOYS SHOES all sizes and styles. Straw Hats, Hosiery, Kid Gloves and Collars. STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS FRUITS! FRUITS! Seedless Raisins, Layer Raisins, Prunes, Can Peaches, Can Tears, Can Corn, Can Tine Apple, Can Sardines, Italian Maccaront. Almonds and Figs, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Oranges Lemon and Pickled Oysters. CRACIvI.RS ! CRACKERS!! Sugar Bitscuit, Lemon Biscuit, Egg Biscuit, Fancy Biscuit, Wa- tcr and Butter Biscuits. OILS AND SPICES. Genuine New Orleans Molases, Sup. Extra Syrups, Sugars. Cofleo, Rice, Teas. Candles, and Soap, TOBACCOES AND SEGAXS lloeb and Rakes, Grass Hooks, Trowels and Mops.- Oil Cloths, Willow Ware, Fish, Salt and Hams. (May 9h, lP80-tf. Ibettv V hlte l ea. will d wort lr woik at a girea C-at, tbaa sr ! Wsnu'telnred It ly rsiots t hntrn. holeaala Prng, Taint I ! Pealert, Ke. W North Third H .PMI a. March 11,' CI.F.ARl-ir.T.Ti ACADHM V Tba Third Ketklon of this Innltutlna Will eemmenct on Mundav, (ha 13th day of March, A. D 19. Pupilt can inter at at.y lima. They will be rharged with tuition from tha time they enter lo the close of tbe Cession. Tba eoorie of instruction embraces every thing thst is Included In a thorongh, practical and ac complished elu'stin lor both sexes, The Principal, having had tha advantage of much eiporieace labia profession, assures pa rents and guard ans that bis tnlira ability and enereiea will be devoted to tba moral and men tal training of tba youth placed under his charge, TrRM OV TUITION. Orthography, Heading, Writing, and Prima rv Arithmetic, tier Sesrioo f II weeks) f V00 j Uratnuiar, Geography, Arithmetic, and His tory, .oo I Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensura tion, fnrveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chair- istry and liook Keeping, ,vw Latin and (ireek with any of the above Branch es. $u.oo r-No deduction will ho mads for absence. Xsr-r'cr further particulars inquire of Iter. P. L. HARItlbON, A. M., Clearfield, December 0, lS6a tt. Principal N JEW CARRIAGE AND WAGON Shop, id Clesrhcia. l'ennsj ivania. (Immediately in rear of Machine Shop,) Tha subscriber would respectfully inform tha eititensof Clearfield, and the public in general, that he is prepared to do all kinds of work on CARRIAGKS, BUGGIES. WAGONS, SLEIGHS, SLEDS. Ac. en short notice and In a workmanlike mannar. ft-All Ordcn i.romptly attended tn.frf wm. Mcknight. Clearfield. February 14th. 186G.-Iy. PHOTOGRAPH Hit. D. M'OACOHET, btving purchased tht Photograph establish ment 'orrucrly conducted by 11. 1) ridge, would respectfully announce to the citizens of I field and arjining counties, that ht bat recent ly made additional improvements to both sky light and aparatut, and ha flatten himself tbat be can satisfy tbe most fasUueuus Iwta In a Tat s and lifelike likeness. He also keeps constantly on land a good as sortment of Quilt, Rosewood, and Walnut frames Albums of all sites and styles and an endless variety af eases, lovkets, etc, which be will dis pose of at very moderate prices, for cash- His gallery ia in Shaw's row, (up ttairs.) Mar ket street, Clearfield, Pa., where he It alwayt rea dy lo accommodate customers who uav be in want of a good Likeness of themselves or friends. Particular attention paid to copying a I kinds am w copying a i ainas -bi!A of pictures, eto. GREAT EXCITEMENT 0 X SECOND STREET, Clearfield, Penn'a XtW FIRM. NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goadst AT VERY LOW TRICKS. . The undersigned baring formed ro- partnership, in tbe Mercantile business. wou.d reapeclfully invite the attention of tne rtiuuc generally to their splendid Msortemnl of Merchandise, vthich ia povr telnn SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. Tbeir stock consists in part of Dry Goods. of the best qtiuiity. such at Prints. Tie- ines, Alpneen. Merinos, Ginghams, Muslius Bleached and unbleached. Drillings. Tickings, Cotton and Wool Flannrls, Satioeits. Coiienadf s, Cus-i meres, Ladies' Shawls, Coats.Nubus and Hoods. Balmo ral and Hoop Skirls, ic., lo., all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH AIr. a fine assortment of tuen'i I'raw- ert and Shirts, Hats & Caps. Buot & Shoos. Quccnsiearc, Glassware. Hardware f!,r,rr;M ..A OF ALL KINDS IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of everythiDi; usually kept in a rs tnil Store. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH or approved country produce. WRIGHT d FLANIGAN. Clearfield, January 10th,, REMOVALT J. P. ERATZER, has removed to Lis new Ware-Rooms, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., where lie has opened a very Urge stock o Dry Goods, Mcinoes, Ginghams, Cloths. Delaines, Prints, Carimeree, Alpacas. Bilke, Fatinets, Reps, Ujhwere, Tweads, Cobergs, Mohair, Jeaos, Lane'laa, Muslins, Flannels, RneneU, Rib. bons. Cloaks, It aim oral Pkirfs, Hoop. Psirte, lhawla. Ureal Trlmmlnga, Iload JCeta, Caps, ''trseU, Olovea, Collars, Searle, Drvnaiiina Veils, laoie vorers. Clot hi n rr Coats, Pants, Vest. Over-CoaU, Kent's Fbawls cnirra, Hats, Caps, I ndnr-ShirU and Drawers, Rnota. Pboea, Gum Shoes, Cravats, Olovet and Collars. HARDWARE, Qt'EENSWARE, GRO CERIES ft MUSICAL GOODS. irroccrics. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasaei.Salt, Csndles. Rict, Flour. Cwxin, Fifh, Tobacco, Ralsint, Curranta, 6 pleat, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, AloohoL TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. J Carpets, Oil elotbt, Drugget. LooVing Olatses Clocks, Churns, Washbosrds, Tubs, Rock ets, Flat Irons, Fans, Window Plinds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps, I'm Wallas, Bedcords, Knivea and F oiks. Spoons, Crocks, and Stove Blacking. t-All of which will bt sold on tbe most rea sonable terms, and the highest market price Paid rr'Ln,,Mo'nd l""0l f country produee. Cjrldeeember IS, issj. THiMitiir: k-lsn 'TvTT, Aug 1 18b WKRRK1.I. ft lllGI.KR'R. Buffalo Hoet,Knt and Horse Dlankett at NovlJ, '64. NERKELL ct DIALER'S. SPRING GOODS.! ro mt tori a rim trti.rnu. As Cheap as the Cheapest. AfcT Aft OOOD AS Tftt PTST. & Itvahri' & .onf Have just received, and sra opening, at their Old f land on Front ftrret, above tbt Academy, a large and well se lected assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they sra selling at very low rates. Head the folloic'wj tatah'jMt and prl thereby. Pair th Ikffl'iifSE. Ktpccial pains bas been taken in tbe selection of Ladies Iireas Oooda, white lioods, Embroideries Millinery Goods, Print', Kercbiofa, Rubies, yioves, Ae FOR G ENTLKM EN. Always on hand Llack Cloths Fancy and Iliack Casiitnercs, Satinets, etc., heady Made Clothing ol alt kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES, NECKTIES, and a variety of other article., which tbey will sell at a small advance on cost. 'Particular attention ia invited to iheir stock of Carpets, t-otttipe, common in irrain, auperfine English Ingram and lirutselt, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Window shades and Wall papers, etc. FLOUR, BACON. FUh Salt. Plaster, Apples, reaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand. Pure BRANDY, Whiskey anu Wines ; for medicinal uses. ALSO, in Store a lot of Inige and small Clover seed. We intend to makt it tn object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from os ; because we will sell our goods at low at they can bt bought in the county and pay tha vary bigheat price for all kindt of country pro duce. Wa will also exchange goods for Scnoob, Ho an and Corsrr orders; bbinglea, lioarda, and all kind's of Manufactured Limber. Clearfield. March 14, IbCH. FRESH ARRIVALS V AT THE CHEAP STORE OFj B0TM0X, SHWERS I GB.n.3I. t 4A 1 bprmg' Goods, NEW And Very Cheap ! ! BOYSTOS, SHOWERS A 6RAUAM-su. rttsort to Iioynton A Showers respectfully announce to tha pubiio that they are now open- Inr an eitensiva a.sortment of I FALL GOODS, j At tbe old stand to Graham's new building which I they offer to toll atstonisbingly low prices ! (cnntiuering their coet :) for tah or spprov- ei uun'rJ produce. Their atock of ! T 1 " T C i S f T O U X JL JT J YJ JJ O j CANNOT EE SURPASSED 1 I Cu'tomerv can there finds jCALlCOES WITH FAST COLORS! 'MUSLINS 1 DELAINES 1 LAWNS ! CLOTHS! CASS1MERS! VESTINGS: I L A D I ES' S II A W L i ! G E X TS ' S i i A W LS HATS CATS ! BOOTS .1 SHOES CARPETS & 0II.-CTX)TI1S! OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs! Head-Nets! Neck-Tics batchels! Port Mommies ! Rrusl lies PhotoTrtphic Albums ! ium, ioiiAUJiJ ft Shis A Its I I TtRIUMERY OF ALL KINDS! i Or anything else in tho Notion Lino ! ALSO, HAItD-WAIlE ! Queens w arc, GROCRRIES AND PROVISIONS ! All of tha best quality, and selected with special regard to tha trade of Clearfield county. AI F. HOY N TON, JOSEPH SHOWERS, EDWARD OK All AM. Clearfield, May 19, ISM. HARLEY&SONS K O U N D K IS S. Clearfield, Penn'a. They hereby notify tht public, that tat Foundry la the Borough of Clearfield, hat been put In Tull blwf, and they are sow ready to accommodate the community with anything pettaininj, to their line. Ibey keep conaUnllv oa hand a general assortment of Cook, Tartar and Ten Tlate Stoves, for burning EITHER WOOD OR COAL Salamander's. Number X. Base Stoves, Number 3 and 4, Wash Kettles, 1G and 20 gallons, Fire Grates 20 and CS inches, FARM DINNER BELLS TWO SIZES, Plows and riow Costings. We are, also, prepared to male al kinds of GRIST AND SAW MILL IKONS, and special attention is paid to the re ratrinir of Threshing Machines. Tersons in want or anything, in our ','"e "0l'ld Ao welt b? tT'ving us a rail. AH kinds of country produce, and old Metal, taken in exchange for our Manu- luciuro, av me nicest market price , HAKLEY A SONS, CTearfid. P.. November ltt. ISG5 -tf VkOOTS and kv,-. . J) Ladies'. Gentlemen's. Mi.TaJ n?T.. ' J ! uliW.tii. ck.-j . v" ChilUraa't ISoott Shoes and Gaiters al J. P. KRATZER'S, RAIT ROrF.S of all sites, for talsTat Dea. IS. 18(14. MKRRKLt. A rn I Dea. IS, 18i. MKRRKLL A E1GLF.R. FODDER CUTtl.RS'.t MKRRKLt, A EIOLKR'J. NEW STOltEj HAVING C0VGIITOUTTDE EX tirs) Slock of CrxnJt of James E. Wx I AM rRErARED TO SELL Goods of alt description, Chesper U. THE CHEAPEST. Give him a call before purchasing ti where. JACOB M. KF.PLEIt. Pbtlipsburg, January 3d, 18U3. NRW FIRM. p RIRISWICK & IRWIK C' Druggists, Clearfield, Penn'a Having refitted and romoveJ to tha room la'.s eccupicd by Richard Uoop, now oiler, low for cash, a well se lected assortment of C5! Drugs and Uicmicals, ' Also, Talent Medicines of all kinds, 0i! Glass. Putty, Dye Slufu. Stationary, Tobacco and Scriars, Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stoc'J a ol varieties ever oncrecl in this t place, and warranted to be of the Lest the Market afford: J. o. n ARTS wick. ! Dec. 13, Ci.-tf. JOHN IRWIN. n. Bridge, (Store one dtor East of Clearfield House, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Keens on liana a lull assouaieiit il GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such at Shirls, Linen snd Wooleo under Shirts, drawers and socks, neck-tics, pocl.jt ban iter l chiefs gloves umbrella, httt Ac., ia great variety I 01 picct Uooda ht keepa tbe best Cloths of a. "sbade, and colors such a BLACK DOESKIN OF THE VERY beU make. Fancy Casaimcr in great varisj AIo, 1 rench boating, leaver. A llot, chin chilla, and rricott over coating, all of I wbirb w ill be sold Cheap for Cash ; anu I made up according to the latent Styles It Experienced Workman. Also Agent fori ClearlieLI c., for I. M. .Singer, if- lk . cel ebrated Sewing Machines. H- BRIDGE Clem field, Tenn'a, Nov. 1, l.Cj.-tf. Music Store. O M. GREENE has opened hia Mu I m tic More, one uoor west ot Lewis' Rook Store, where be keept eontantlyi hand Steinway A Sons' snd Gamble's Piano Mar ufacturing Company's Piano., Mason ft Hamlin'- lar.inct Organs and Csrhnrt. errtbam af Co.i .Meloleons : Ruitsrs Violins, Fifes, Flutes butter and iolin strines. Mreic Eooss Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Uoiden tonser, Golden Trio, At, e. . enrvr .iifsic. tie is constantly receivicr rmm Philadelphia all tbe Iatet music, whicli pereona at a dieunee wi.hing, can order, and have sent them by mail, at publisher' pricei. Vl'ianos aud Organs Warranted for five years. Those wiOiing to buy any of the above artirl-t art Invitei to call and examine mine before par. chaaing elsewhere. Jly prices are the tame ai in -vew lorsana t'h iladeipbia. Cirralnrs of Inatru aenta tent promntlv nne application with any additional Infor-nation de- Sra, B. M. OltEFNE, Kill street, lluntinri'oc. Pa. On. Onorwe.t of I., wit' Rook Store, or iMiaa n. A. V. Kljptll, Clvarncld, Dee. C, ISCitf Agent for Clcaificld co, Pcnn a. PEACE PROCLAIMED! THE WAR OVER IN CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. NEARLY ALL THE CON! R BRANDS GOING BACK TO THEIR OLD MASTERS. RUT NARY ONE GOING RACK TO OLD MASSACHUSETTS. WHERE THEY WERE LOVED SO LONG AND SO WELL. In concqn'nce of ibe above facts. F. Shut "f the olJ fchort Shoe Shop ; would announce to his numerous patrons, and the people of Clear field county at large, that be has now a first rats lot .f good metcrial: just received from tha east, tod it bow prepared on short notict to make, aod mend boots and s' oes at his new Shop in Grahams row. lit Is satisfied fiat be can please, nless it might be some intensely loval ttay at home Patriot..). lie is prepared to sell low for caah or Cnnnty Produr. don't forget tha shop nest door to Graham A Boytone autre, oa mark et Street Clearfield Pa. A kpl by a follow com monly called July :r,,7i5. 1y. "SRORTY." Cheap Fur ni (nrc! 570S2S? B1Q':&283X DESIRES to inform bis old friends and eus t mart that, havinr ealarveit hi. .V.n i.l increased bis facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order furniture as may be rleaired. tn gooj atyle and at cheap rates for taah. He moatly has on band at hia "Furni hire Rooms," a varied assortment of Readv-medt Furniture, among which art Bureaus and Side-Hoards, Wardrobes and tiook-Cascs: Centre, Sofa, Tarlot Rreakf.ut tnd Dining Extension Tablet. Common. French-Post, cottaee. Jenny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS of all. KINDS. WORK-STANDS HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, Ac Rocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom and T.rlor Chsltt and Common tnd other Chairs, LOOK ISO-GLASSES Of eTry description en hand; and new glasset for old rratnes, which will ba put in on vt ry reasonable terms on short notice. He alsokecps on bant", orfurnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Ilusk, Uair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, ortTfry kind. Madt to o-der, tnd fuueralt attended with ft Hearse, whenever desired. Alto, House Painting dona to order. Tha tub tori her also manafacturts. and bat constantly en hand, Clement ' Patent Washing Machin. The bast bow in wsa. Those aaing this machine never need bt without clean clothes 1 lit alto has Flyer's Patent Churn, A snpertor A family using this Cbura -'never nee never neea te without bulter I ,A,! 'h hnrt Md "any other articles sra fur- nisnea to easterner, ebean for Caaw nr .viIi,.mJ 1 tn, ,nnM.J . ( . 1 ... . i i'.vtu n-Huiry iniuur. a. aerry, mapia. ropiar, I. in wood and otner Lumber suiubls for C,bint ork uk"1 ,B "fhangt for furniture. ..-fKemember tha thop it oa Market ttwM I y--.- urmrmoer me tnop it oa a;artet street. , Liearneld, Pa., and aearly oppoaites the "Old Jesr Store." JOHN QULICH. Nov. J,ISt-7