Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 27, 1866, Image 3

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'I tli
ibl r
Clmflftd fjmMiratt.
NrsnAT::::::::::::::::-: J imo 27, 1800.
Attention A Proposition.
o undersigned proposes to furn
!io "Clearfield Republican," during
approaching campaign to new
ribon at a reduced price toclubs,
ho period of four months Jul,
ubt, September and October upon
ollowiug terms.
tipiesto on address, cash tn advance $3 80
It M M MM M 6 (JO
thus ofl'er the paper below cost, be
at the rato of $1.80 $1.50 81.20 per
, lor the purpose ot getting it into
e ccncial circulation. There lire
;) .Democrats in the county, who
.iot take the county paper. This
all bo avoided; if onr Democratic
ads sucrinco as much time as we
money, in trying to get their ncigh
3 to subscribe for tuo Republican.
Club often ($5.00) can bo raised in
township in the county if sDmo
3 will spend a little time. We hope
, ? friends in the different boroughs
i townships will bring this matter
1 ibro their neighbors. If we receive
j 3pcr encouragement, at this time,
9 will before two months pass around,
5d four columns more to our paper.
1 be Press and necessary material to
t's this, will coet us about SI, 200.
2s o attention will be paid to orders,
vuless accompanied by the cash. Ad
dress. Geo. B. Goodlanper,
; Clearfield, Pa.
"Your Tickets." Tho tickets for
the Primary Election will be ready
i'lr deliver', to tho proper parties, by
Monday next, of which candidates
and members of tho Vigilance Com
ilittees will please take notice.
I Pic-Xic Tho ladies of St. Francis
hurch, of this town, intend holding
Pic-Nic on the coming 4th of July.
t will be held on tho same ground
icy used last Summer.
They take this opportunity to rc
rn thanks to their former guests,
ind invito them once more, and as
: nany others as wish to attend on the
Three Persons Mcrdered.-A man
tamed Donovan, residing near Eoss
rillc, Warrington tp., York county,
vas arrested on the 19th inst., and
:onfincd in jail at York, for having
murdered a family of threo persons.
tappear that ho had entered tho
OU60 of Mr. George Squibbs, for the
urposo of robbery, and having been
issailod by the family, bo killed Mr.
quibbs, his wifo and a grand-daugh-:er
named Selfirt. The wounds on the
!lfad bodies wero either inflicted with
m axe or hatchet. Mr. Squibbs was
icventy-two years of ago, and tho
girl only eleven.
A Seat Awarded. Tho enso of
Fuller vs. Dawson, of tho Twenty-first
Pennsylvania Congressional district,
has been decided by tho Committee
on Elections. The conclusion reached
is that Dawson, Democrat, is entitled
to tho seat. This is certainly a re
markablo decision for tho Hump to
mve at.
Congress. The majority of the
Kump is etill busily engaged at their
CilJjob dis-union but the weather
and the subject aro waxing so hot,
that tho dis unionists "at tho other
end of tho line" will soon bo compell
ed to surrender.
The Democratic Creed.
Nowhere are the principles of the
Democratic party better defind than
in the first inaugural address of Thom
as Jefferson. lie defines them thus :
Equal and exact justico to all men
of whatever State, or persuasion, reli
gious or political; pcaee,eommerce and
honest friendship with all nations,
entangling alliances with none ; the
support of Stato governments in all
their rights, as the most competent
administration for our domestic con
cerns, and the surest bulwarks against
tho anti-republican tendencies ; the
preservation of the General Govern
ment in its whole constitutional vigor
as tho shoot anchor of our peace at
homo and safety abroad ; a jealous
care of the right of election by the
people ; a mild and safe corrective of
abuses which aro lopped by tho sword
of revolution when pcaceaMo reme
dies are unprovided ; absolute acqul
osence in the decisions of the majority
the vital principle of republics -from
which there is no appeal but to force,
xue viiai principle ana immeaiate par
ent of despotism ; the supremacy of
civil over the military authority; econ
omy in our public expense, that the
laborer may be lightly burdened ; the
honest payment of our debts, and the
faithful preservation of tho public
faith. The diffusion of information,
and tne arraignment of all abuses fit
the bar of public opinion ; freedom of
religion ; freedom of the press ; free
doui of the person under the protection
of the habeas corpus, and trials by
juries impartially selected.
New Ytnii. Jnne 2.r. Gold, 153
A loyal Ncyro-Attempted 1Up and
I CU Ul Ul l .
J A colorotl man rmmod Henr
I f " " . . -.. . nidi, . tuit JvilUPl UH inim
jhm former master Mr Gilbert ros.- Pennsylvania voted squarely against
ding near, in Harford negro suffra go, while every Keiuibli
couuty, previous to the .adoption of La cxcrpt ,vll0 do() j iIm'
the anti-alavery constitution of Mary. tlol voUa for it. L(t , '
land, and a short timo tberenaer was ,; ilft i:ut ,.nA i
i.vv. -., iuii iinav in m
arrested for the murder of a man near
miiiiouuig, iur wuieu no was convic
ted and sentenced to a short term in
tho Pennsylvania Stato prison. Ho
was released a few weeks sinco, and
immediately returned to tho vicinity
of his old home, and has sinco been
lounging about Jarrcltsvillo. On Wed
nesday of last week, Johnson, it is
alleged, made an unsuccessful attempt
to commit a heinous outrage on a
daughter of Mr. Nicholas Hutching,
(the young lady escaped by flight,) in
order to accomplish which, ho says
himself, ho concealed himself in tho
woods for two weeks. On Friday
cvoning last, whilst Mr. John John
son, a farmer of Harford county, was
driving his wagon up tho road, on his
return from tho Baltimore markets.
and when about threo miles above
Araos's tavern, the accused passed
and repassed him several times, armed
with a gun, which aroused his suspi
cions, until finally Johnson got in the
rear of the wagon, and placing tho
muzzle of the gun, which was loaded
with gravel, within a few feet of Mr.
Johnson's person, fired, tho entire
contents taking effect in the back part
of his head, he then jumped into the
wagon and beat the unfortunate man
over the head with a stone until he
thought him dead, when he rifled his
pockets of some $23 and tho loose
chango about him, and made his es
cape. Mr. J. laid in tho wagon, and
the horses procooded down tho road
to Mr. Amos's, where they stopped,
and Mr. Johnson was found lying in
the bottom of tho vehicle in tho most
pitiable condition and entirely insen
sible, his head being shot and pounded
terribly. He was taken out and prop
erly attented to, and yesterday morn,
ing was still alive, but in a very pre
carious condition. A number of the
residents of tho neighborhood at once
started in pursuit of the robber, and
after scouring tho woods in every di
rection, a parly headed by Dr. Martin
Jarrett, succeeded in effecting his ar
rest. Ho was taken boforo Justice J.
F. Curtis, who committed him to
Towsontown jail, tho offence having
been committed in Baltimore county.
The affair caused much excitement in
tho neighborhood, ami at one timo it
was feared the accused would bo sum
marily dealt with, but better counsels
prevailed, and ho is now in tho hands
of tho law. Baltimore 6'un.
Tue Issue. Tho Radical dis-nnion-ists
in Pennsylvania are perfectly hap
py, because they have at last managed
to get the negro issuo nqnarcly before
the people. Many of tho temporizing
oretnern were anxious to dodge the
question, and endeavor to "go to tho
country" on a Janus-faced platform,
but tho arrogant leaders would not
permit it. Mr. Stevens cracked his
whip, and tho timid and temporizing
immediately fell upon their kuccs and
begged lor mercy. Ho demanded a
square is8ne,and put Geary fairly upon
liis platform. Ul courso they all con
sented, nnd now we have Geary and
negro suffrage on one hide, mid Cly
mer and n white man's government on
the other. Age.
That's What's ?he Matter. It is
proposed by the friends of William
Lloyd Garrison to prcsenthim 8j0,0U0.
Chief Justico Chaso heads the list
with a handsomo subscription. Gar
rison is chiefly memorable as tho au
thor of the sentiment, "The Constitu
tion of the United States is a covenant
with death and an agreement with
hell." Mr. Chaso's subscrintion mar
therefore bo regarded as Lwtokcning
his appreciation of'lhc sacrcdnoss and
value of tho supreme law. He talks
of trying Jefferson Davis for treason.
Wo suspect that the jury will bepuz
zled to decido whether there is most
of it on the bench or in the dock.
Philadelphia Age. ,
Installation. On tho 16lh inst.,
the Kov. T. W. Gilmer was Installed
pastor of Presbyterian Church nt
Fredericksburg, Va. He is a son of
tho lato Governor Gilmer, of Virginia,
who was killed on tho Princeton,
while a member of President Tyler's
cabinet. He is thirty-two years- of
ago, and at ono tiuio a practicing
lawyer in St Louis, and a member of
tho Missouri Legislature
Mcnur.R ano Lynch Law. A few
days ago a respectable citizen of Car
ondelet, Mo., named John Augustine,
was wantonly attacked and killed at
Columbia, Mo., by John Lane, a no
torious '"rough." The murderer was
soon arrested, but was rescued from
tho hands of the authorities by the
excited populace, and immediately
hung on tho ppot.
nip;ht, tho rcsidenco of Dr. Webb, at
Little Kook, Arkansas, was entered!
by tome one knowing his safe con -
tained over 875,000. Tho Doctor was
at tho time deeping in his bed with
his ton, a boy of tf Ivo year,. Both
were brutally murdered with an axo.
ine assassin men procured the key or
mo eaie, oui couiu on 13' open one floor.
ItifReport nays Mr. Belmont, of
New York, has mado over two million
in gold operations during tholast tbre
dars '
How TentiylranU ConifreiMnen Voted.
It will be seen from the listof Pcnn-
ressmcn which we civo
.i .tu .n tv ..-m n.K.. j-
Congressional elections let them rnurK
those who voted to prostituto the bal
lot-box for tho purposo of securing tho
supremacy of u party which shows
itself ready to degrade tho white man
to tho level of the negro :
1st Diat., Samuel J. Randall.
Gth Dist., 15. Markiiam Boyer.
8th Dist., Sydenham E. Ancona.
10th Dist., Myer Strousk.
11th Dist, PniLip Johnson,
12th Dist-, Charles Denison.
15th Dist., Adam J. Glossbrenner.
21st Di6t., J. L. Dawson.
2d. Charles O'Xeil, Philadelphia.
3d. Leonard Meysrs, Philadelphia,
4th. Wiliam 1). AeZev-Philadcluhia.
7th. John M. Broomall, Chester & Del.
9th. Thaddeus Stevens, LaLcaster.
13th. Ulusses Mercur. Bradford. Wvo-
niing, Sullivan, Montour, Columbia.
Ilth. George F. Miller, Northumber
land, Dauphin, Union, Snyder, Ju
niata. 17th Abram A. Barker, Cambria, Blair,
Huntingdon, Mifflin.
18th Stephen F, Wilson, Centro. Ly
coming, Clinton, Potter, Tioga.
I9th. Glcnni W. Scofield, Erie, Warren,
McKcau, Forest, Elk, Jefferson,
Clearfield, Cameron. ,
22d James K. Morchead, Allegheny.
23d. Thomas Williams, Allegheny.
Butler, Armstrong.
24th. George V. Jaurence, Greene,
Lawrence, Reaver, Washington.
Tho "Republican" member from the
20th District Crawford, Mercer, Ve
nango and Clarion Charles V. Culver,
is not recorded as voting.
Will our Democratic colcinporaries
examine this list, and hold the (mis)
Representatives of their various dis
tricts to a strict account before their
constituents ? Patriot S Union.
IsirTho Girard Spectator, alluding
to tho call requesting Dan. Rico to
become a candidate for Congress,
says, it Jan. Mionld succeed in get
ting there ho wouldu t bo tho only
clown in that body.
The Difference. Forney is sere
naded by negroes, and tho President
and his cabinet by white men. Every
one is known by tho company they
..Speaker Colfax is a candidate
for re election to Congress from Indi
ana. The Ponitentiary would bo the
proper placo for him. Ho is one of
the greatest political knaves alivo.
ftairWhilo men should not complain
of taxes nnd hard times while the
Freedmen's Bureau agents are ablo to
dispense white sugar to their ''pet
JteirTho Boston ZW snys : "Forney
cxclaims"God defend the riirht." This
is generous, for it loaves him unpro
H IS A it
Philipsburg, Pa.
)onx r. wiayih.
wn.i.un rowiLL
(Successors to Muoron A Hoops)
Have iuat received a Wee and well se
lected Slock of all kind of Staple goods, j
sucn as ... t , . i
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Boots and Shoes. Hals and Caps, No
tions, Hardware, Glass, iNaili, Oils, i
Pninis, Quccnswarc,
Oroceries. Flour, Bacon, Feed, io., which
we are olfering at greally reduced prices,
i'or Cash or in
Exchange for Lumber and Shingles.
V hnn Inm.ka li Inl1, a,tt-Bnln nt
r.. t ln
1 imUCr IMCn,
in the lower end ff Clearfield county and
on Clearfield Creek, to get their snpplieil
frnm iki. noint Lain., nn I h. lina nf .
i) i i ' I r.
Hail KOad Can CCll.
(roods on belter terms than at any point '
iu Clearlifld eotinty, and w are selling
our Stock at such
prices as to make it an object to thoe buy
ing goods in this market to deal with us.
Advances of Good?, Fccd,&c,
made on account of Square Timber, which
. , . , irw vino niirui. ,nr virt&riioiu r.iuiiiv, iur ikv
we will ciihor soli on commisaioa or buy CoUMOH g.;., KlaT pIWI,0 Mac. Xbis
at fixed rales. , j is one of the best Machines now oflered to the
Flour oT different Brands can be had at public. I keep them on hand. Any person
all limes at very low j ices, at the Clear-. enlling at y residence ean see them operate,
field Store, rhilipsburg. Penn'a. iPiieeonly tio. THOMAS KEAU,
llrv Goods-Notion, to., in creat vari.l May , lHng-3 mo-pd. Near Curwenrville.
ety, nt the lowest price for Vsh, at the
Clearfield Store, Philipsburg, Ponn'a.
Salt by the Sack or load, cheaper than
can be had an? where else, at the Clear-
R.M Ctnr l').;lir.ilinr Ponn'a
r.ll ndKiaminalh' atock of ironda. at
the Clearfield Store, at Pliilinsbura, Ta.
Hichest price paid in Goods or Cash for
II - uraber and Shiogles at the Clearfield
s,ore. Fbilipsburg. Penn'a.
. "i1' I'Tr1 Sn R,f ki1"u,1B'Vb9
Sf)f)t ,hl timMi w. W. B ETTS. CO.
phjiipgburg. November 15th, lSG5.lf,
MAI 111 I'.S. 1 erfons drtlrous
O of havl
avir: a r-uperlnr Maehine,
sbonld bnyj
on hand.'
' 1
U'lmlAff A U'ilanfi'a a&mnla Alaohinea
II. F. NAl'ULK, Ageuk I
Clearfield, February 2S, tldS-tr.
Fish Msekerel, Fbtd
sited ysrkivpesat
i. P.
TTerrinr, la si
K.HATrifl S.
YrnTTT mn oAtrn tthmptt i
HUH 1U Oilffj MUUJili'
Th, timi r. h.rd . ou d iik to k.n I
now jvvmmj M,i your l'uurij
Th J to da It I will ihnw,
II you ulll read whm follows. i
A man ba not far from kr, .
Wbo wnrked bard tt bi traita j j
Bui bad a bourohold (o lupport, j
Tint aquamlercil all b mado,
I met him onr, tny ht, "my friend,
I look threadbare and rough ;
I'ra tried to $rt mjielf a auit,
Put can't aav up enough."
Ea.n I, my friend, how much hare you ?
i'll tell .you where to go,
To ret a ruit ihnt'i aound and cheap
At KKIZ.HMMTIilS('S and Co.
He took what little he had eared,
A"d went to Kelzeuateill A Jtrotllcri
And thore be got a handsome tuit,
For half be paid to otheri.
Now he li home, be looki io well;
And thoireQeot is aueh,
That when they Uke their daily meals,
They oou't eat half so much.
And now he finds on Saturday night
With all their wants supplied ;
That he has money left to spend,
And some to lay aside.
liis good luccem, with choerful smile, .
He (tladly tells to all)
If you'd sare Money, go and buy,
Your clothes at Kelzeustciu Clothing Hall.
Wber the ohwptit, finest, and best Cl'ithln g
and good furmctiing goods eaa be bad to ml t
Tory taste and in every stylo.
April 11, lSCfl tf. .
liis arcs it sunt XadEtfir
Graham's Row, over Is" nude's Watch (C-
Jewelry Siore, Market Street,
Tbe aubjeriber having permanently loca
led Liuiself in the Borough of Clear field.
baa dtttetmineJ to engage in thebusinebt of
I intend to keep constantly oo band a
full - assortment of C'lotha, Cimere,
Satinettg, and ettings.of the best qual
ity and latest styles, wuich I will
31 an u lac tu re
to order, to suit customer, on short
rjoliee.. Particular attention will be paid
to Cutting and Fitting Genllemeti'sjtoyt,
and Cbildiens Clothing; and in fact,
every! hii.g pertaining to this -
k liberal share of public patronage is,
therefore, mpeclfully solicited, and 1
would advUe all, to give tue a rail before
purchasing ebetvLoro any goods in icy
lin. r. A. GAULIN.
Cleat field. Ma? 16th. ISGG-tf.
New Goods!
Have Just Received Their
Spring and Summer Goods, !
Which were purchased during the preterit de
oline, and therefore are enabled to sell eery cheap
Our Stock
Consuls in partof Merinos, Alpacas, Top-
tin. Wool, Armure, and common de
laines; Prints, Uinghams, Shawls, Hoods,
Hosiery and Gloves,
Nubia, Halmoral and Hoop Skirts, Flun-
Toweling, Tiching, Sontags, breakfast
Shawls, Cnpej, &c. Also an assortment of
Millinery Goods,
Among which s'e Hats, Bonnets, Fealh
ers, Kibbons, Flowers, laces, Framea
Matinees, Velvets, Silks, Cragea, IWragns,
eils, etc., and a large slock of
Including China. Eronze, Tnpicr Much
1 in, Kosewood, Glaus, Pewter, Wooden,
Parian and Candy Toys.
'For Ladies,
Such as Pomaues, Oil, Bandolina bloom of
youlh and Paints, Kougo, Lilly White do.
Thankful for past favors, we solicit a con
tinuance ol the kind patronage of
the people of Clearfield Co.
aXjyKemcrr.litr the place Second Street,
aext door te r'irit National Bank Deo. 20, '84
Ci.r.Ani iKi.n coiXTr it iNK Th
Clearfield County Itank as an incorporated
institution has sons out of eiistonc by the sur
rendor of Its rhsrter on May 12th, 1S65.
All of its stork is ownrd by the subscribers,
who will continue the banking business at the
same f laco as private backers ssder the Arm
name of the " CloarErld Countv Hank." ,
We are rcrxinsible for the debts of the Hank,
and will pay its nitos on d'-aiand at the rounter.
t lopoili reccired and Intrredt paid when mo
ney Is loft for a fixed lim.
l'nper dircounted at six rr erst, as heretofore
Our personal rcpnililiiT ia pladged fur all
deponts Jeeeired ani buoinena tranracted.
A conliliaaneeof lb liberal palronnfe of the
jbiinos uieq of lb couply is respectfully solini-
As President, Oashlar and Offieers of the late
Clonrtleld County Hank, we require the notes ul
raid bank W be p'fsentrd for relvinplia.
James T. Leonard, . lUchard hhaw, '
Wa5- Porter, Jsroes B. Urakaui,
A. K. Wrisht, . L. Heed,
William A. Wallace.
Mr-The nine of the Pank wilt be eondue
ted by John M. A lams, Ksq., as Cashier.
Jun 28,'i tr.
SICsVING MArillXF.l.-I wTuldHereby
inform th puMir, that t have been appoin-
-.1 - .1. r - ci- Au - ... r - . l.
I) AIL nOAD 110Uf., Main St., Philips.
I V burg, Penn'a, Kosnnr L1.0V0, Proprieior.
Keeps ennttsnllyoa hand the rhnintrstof liquors,
liis table is aJaayi supplied with th bett the
Market affords. Tke traveling pulie, will do well
to give him a call. Nov 1st, 1S6S.
Agent for th Singer Sewing Machines.
Thilipiburg, Centre CO., Pena'a,
Oct. lllh, lfiCi.-tf.
cvrekiu8 i10wk.
Justice of the I'sace.
For Dacarra Tewnahtp,
will promptly attend to all businesa entrusted te
his tare. 1'. U. Address, Fhllipsburg la,
Af. tlstlSSI
Tbtnr and I' red Extra family Flour, Bolted
X Cora Meal, By Chop, As., for sal by
ias t arnAiistwn
June 1, 1866-1 mo.
Jas 19,
for Sale AT COST Four Barrels of good
family flour, to elos oot tb staes.
1(81 MEFj.&LL m PI'tLcH'
jo. to ft$l?y
X,.f HT i TlT li 1 J I
I f JL f JLsl. Ai Jli
Orabam's Row, Clearfield, Penn'a.
Th mhirrllier reneetfjtv informs Ms old
1 : ; ., ; , . v. . .
customer, ard ths p..l.ho, that he ku tn hand,
plain and full Jeweled.
Clocks, s larpevsriety from the best Mannfae-
tory, eonsistin; of Kight day and rh'rty hour
Spring and Weight, Lovers, Tlae, Strike ""tj
. I
Spectacles, a large assortment far and Bear
sight, eolored and plain glass.
Also, a One asfortmentof Bpoons, oras, uui-
ter-knlves, etc., platod on Jnuine Alabta.
A Lb kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
carefull.v repaired and IVarroatod.
A continuance or patronage te solicite.1.
November IMh. 186A II. K NALQLE.
fUHAi I'liNS n. F. NATJGI.K has Just
V T received an tlcrnnt assortment of the best
quality j also silver eitonoion and desk holders.
X.ovemur ZD, 186S.
M. a. WALLACS), WM. . BtuLKH,
Attorneys at Law,
Clrarlield. Pa.
Legal bnsinensof all kinds promptly and ac
curately attended to. Mny li, '6f-ly.
Vt ...... ,M....Ht "-Tit M..MM if
ZtllU auUtUU4 i-ltt ?MlUtlUt CV,
H. B. SWOOPE, Agent,"
Clearfield, l'cnn'a.
Assets Liable for Lossos f 1,100,000
Reoeipts for l6i 357,01
Losses paid ia ISSi liO.H23
S car lis Dividisd Dcclarkb Aiiscallv or
Firrr Pta Ckt.!
n. P. SWOOPE. Agent
Da. J. a. IIARTSWICK, Medical Examiner.
CleurnVd May 30th 1 80S. Srao, pd.
Sept. 13th 1S6S.J y. ncllcfuiite I'a.
ROBERT J. WALLACE, AtfoaatT at Law
Clearfield, P., Cfflco in Ekaw's Row, op
posits the Journal office.
dee. 1. 18S8. tf
WM. jrtlll.l.OLGlI, Attormst at
, Law, Clenrfl d, Pa. Oflic on Market
Ptreet one door east of tb "Clearfield County
Bank." may 4, 1804-tf;
Attornry at Law.
Off re adjoining the Rank, formerly occupied by
J P. Mctnally, Kq., Market street, Clearfield,
Ta Will attend promptly to Collections, Rale
ef Lands. Ac. Den. 17, '2.
Attorney at I. aw and Itral Katate Agent,
OJKcton Marhctit. Opposite the Jail,
RESPECTFULLY offers his s rvices in sell
ing an d buying lands in Clearfield and ad
joining counties ) and w ith an experience of over
twenty years as a Purveyor, flatters himself that
b can rsndcr satisfaction. Feb. '63 tf.
Dealer in Foreign end Domestio Mercbandiss,
Lumber, Grain, . New Washington,
October li, lt).-ly.pd. Clearfield Co., Pa.
1 1 Statement of th Finances o. Clearfield Hor
oueh School District, for Frhool yea ending
May 31st, A. D. 10U, J. M. kiltelbarger, treas
urer, in aeeount with said fund. Da.
To balanco due at last rettloticnt f2.i C3
To am't ree d of Henry Stone, Col. 1,040 14
" " " " S pack man foe. Col. 7 09
Stat Draft, 1S6C,
H is
By Orders csneeled $1,003 09
percentage allowed Ties, 1127
" llalance due district 8V d
$1,424 23 f 1.424 23
Due from II. Spackman, fmmor Col
Amount In hands of Trees. Kiltelbarger
Oulrtanding orders
609 II
3 00
Excess f assets over liabilities $ j6C 11
Attest. 0. II. MERRKLL,
It. J. WallaCS, Fec'y. PreiX
a fallTn rniCEs.
I .ncl) ftAVP
s -t -a r ,
South Second St., ClcarficlJ, l'a.
Spring Sl Summer Goods
At Greatly Reduced Trices.
I am receiving and opening a carefully
selected stock of fashionable Spring A Sum
mer Goods of almost every description.
A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry
goods, of ths aewest and latest sivles.
Also a great variety of aseful notions.
Bonnets, Shawls,
Hals and Caps,
Jloots and Shoes, a targe quantity,
Hardware, Qucemware,
Drags and Medicines,
Oil aad Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
S-T 4X" W VkP X -L A 60 Q
1 ' :. !.- :
ana rrutis rureign sou I'otnestic,
such a Apples, l'vflcbes, ('ur
raos, rrunes, L'aifins, (.'ran
cos, auJ Loiuods.
Fish, Bacon and Flour.
Mackerel In , J and barrols.
of tb bestqoality, all ot which will b sold al
the lowest cash ur ready pay price.
My old friends and the puhlia generally, art
respectfully Invited te call.
fr-N. P. All kinds of tfffA.Vnnd approved
COrXTar rUOVUl laan tn exchange for
Goods. WM. r. IRWIN.
Clearfield, May lh, ISM tf
)urc liberty White l ead, The Whitest,
the root durable and th most economical.
Try It I Manafatlured only by a Siiith.
Wholesale Drug, lVmt a Glass Dealers, No. 137
North Third tit, r In l'a. Marcb 21. 1 f6n 1 w.
HOUSEHOLD OO0U8 Tinware.0.ueensware
Glassware, Woedenware, Looking Qlassei
Clocks, Nails, Glass, Oils, Feints, Lamps, Wall
Paper, st all prices at
Pulley niCtsTsll slses, end b mnnnfaa.
Savc Your Money
Something New.
Th nr.drs!f!nd hare prrmetienfly rrsi4
In the mannff-iureof all kindiot Woolen Moods,
at their new Factory, on belli Ran, In Tena tf.
I thi: ruiniM; ami l ri.nvo
l OdKiners will also receire rtpeeiul attention at
our nanus, inepun e are tnr ted to civ as a
w , , .11 Lquir .i
""""Hi'. The Po.tVa'a"
our hands. The publie srt fnrited to cira ns a
cents IVanted everyahereto eanvasi for
lhe frcut uook of i860, -THE SOUTH!"
A (our of 4 rjattlo fields and Ruined eitieei a
journey throngh the dos!ald Slates, and talk
with the people, liy J. T. Throwbridtfe. From
.! ,,..,:. .,i ...,i. ,in
'months of Sotitbora travel. The Author has
v.j iAr. i,,j,;0 4.1,1,
iUnjin- t0 th, bead of ,11 UovorBm,n. d,krt.
,.:,),. c,.,u i: .., uh.t.
ever is known ly these men of the sulTerines of
th, p,tti ,,relent 0O0dition of things, as well as
pal for the Iutur,( will be made known in thi
book Tb great popularity of the author, and
!,.. i,.r., 1- . ..l.
th b f the ereatost sollinc book bfor th
puhlin, h,l. n..r liberal inducements pre.
J cLano for A eents to make money.
Jane 8 -1 mo. 72 Chestnut Street, Philad'a.
y GOVERNOR. '-We have a oorreot and
striking photograph of Ae next Governor of
Pennsylvania, which we will send by mail for
2a ceuU. If we uilvtake the man. the money
wm "e "unuea immeaiaieiy uner election next
1! L . . l ... r .
October, js it Clymor or deary? Write and see.
Address J1ARTLESON & CO.,
May 2,-1 mo. 611 Chestnut St. Phil'a.
XX. ? hurcljy givcu that Letters of Admioiftra
tion have this day boon gruntnl to the undersign
ed, on the Katatc of Gem go J. Kylcr, dee'd., lato
of Rradlord township, Cloaifiuld "county, Pa. All
persons knowing tlii mwlvrs indebted' to said Es
tate are n-qnet-tod to muke iinniodiato payment,
and Ihone having cluims against the Saine, will
present them duly authenticated for svtllruieuU
tfVJi.l 11. IV 1 Lj i. J,
June 6, lS66-0t-pd. Admiuistrator.
Clymcr! Geary 1 We have rhotograpu,
large and small, of Clymor and Ueary. A
geut wanted to sell them. Send 75 cents for
specimen copies by mail, pottage paid. Address
RARTLE.SON A CO., 011 Cbostout st. Pbilad'a.
May 2,-2 mo,
1)ure Liberty White Lead, preferred by
all prretical Painters ! Try It ! and yon will
L. . . I. 1, r . I rr
uiivv uu unirr. jwuuiuc;urtfu only nj iisuh
A Sm its, Wholesale x.f. Paint t Glass Dealers,
No. 1ST North Third St., Pbila. March 2l,'My.
Wsurills 3So(2l ft (Do,
Tobacco, Tea, Spices, &c., kc
N. E. cor. Clh A Market Sts.,
JAMES C. BARRETT, Justice of th Peso
and Licensed Conveyaaeer, Lutbersburg,
Clearfield county, l'a. Cullortions and remit
tances promptly made, and all kind of legal in
struments (lecutued 00 sbort notice,
Lutbersburg, May tfth, 1866-tf.
2V. is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration have this day been granted to the under
signed, on th Estate of James Carly, deceased,
tnte of Karthaus township, Clearfield countv.
Penn'a. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate are requested to make ins.
- J L . - 1 J i. L.I -1 ! .
against th same, will present them duly authen
ticated far settlement. MULINDA CARLEY,
Msy 2id, lfi.6t. Adminlstrstrix
EWIS 1. JJLOOM, Veterinart
Scroeox, oircrs liia Eunices to
the public, at the following places, at th data
named, vitt New Millpwrt 2Mb aad 26th of
I May, 8th, Vth. C2d and 2H ot Jaae; Clearfield,
Juue 1st, 2d, 15tb, 10th, 2ih and 30th f Ltbi-
1 burg 3d and 4th ot June. 1 pay ef renal atten
tion to Gelding and the curing of Kiug bone,
ind being proprietor of ths celebrated Horse,
Chestcr Lii.x, I may le found at the times and
pi ices above designated. May 2-t, 18(6.
I.. f Sewing Machin
cr Year I We wsnt Agents
everywhere te sell r israov(D
! der and up iev teed. Sent on trial. Warranted
l...k;nM Thr... ... Lit. I. 1T-
five years. Aoove salary or large commission
paid. The osi.v machines sold in United States
fr less thaa 40, which are fully lieentfH bf
Howe, Wh'clrr A Wilson, G rover A Biker,
Singer A Co., aad Racheldcr. Ail otier cheap
miiehicrs are iorinrjemexlr and the erller or rr
are linble loarreet, fine and impugnment. II
luetrated circulars sent rasR. Adiiress, or call
upon Shsw A Claik,at L'idJeferd, M.iiM, Mr
Cliicago, 111. May ri, lS(j-ly.
a Ittl I rV If I I) rPl V IKt X' d" I t
Notice is hereby given that Let
ters of Administration have this day boen granted
to the uniiumgwii, on tbo l.stulc of livnry M.
llro.ks, dee'd lute of I'jiion tp., Cvutre eo Pa.
All jHTfeus knowing themselves indebted to said
Istiue are reiincsted to mnko immediate payment
and those having claims againtt tho same will
present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
June t, l66-6t. Administrator's.
"T r t rnm n 1 nnn I : rt . .
I tauranLon Market street, iu. i l nr th 11r.
ery, I am ;.ow prepared to furnish In Cream
every afternoon aud evening, to alleallerx. La
dies and ticnllenien ar rcepectfullv invited to
esll. A. 'CUOLPP. .
CUarfioJ, May 2:;d, 18f
, C. KUATZFJi & soxT
IIIICIIAMS, dealers in Drr Goods
Uruceries, Shingles, and Provisions. At tksul
stand on r ront wreel atinva lb Academy,
j Clearfield, December l.tlh, 1885-tf,
M Kit CHANT, and dealer ia Dry Goods
Clothing, Hardware, V sceniware, tirooeries
Pruvisinnc, A :.
Market street, opposite th Jsil, ClearScld Pa.
April 20th D-H,
" LKON Mrcoiff UlW, .
MKKCIIANT, nnd dealer in Dry Oooila,
Rsadv-made Clothing, tiroeerles. Liquors,
I'rugr snd Medicines, Hats and Caps, I) wis and
f-lines. Hardware, Tinware, te. Frenchville
Clearfield county, l'a. May 2, '( 6.1
Goods CU.I lis, Ca'siineret
O Clna
ak-eloths, Tweeds, (iatinctls, ti'.kwarp
Flannels, Ticking, Muslin, Linen, Prints, at lb
old prices at J. P. KRATZER S.
MUSICAL GOODS riukViolius7"rifii
Harmonicans, Preceptors, Musis Patwr, Vi
olin Sows, Ilridges, Strings ufth beat oimlitv
J. r.KRAZER'3.
I.ACKSMITHIKG.-Thenndcrslcncd re.
peetfully bees leave to announce to the Pub
lic, lost ne carries en lilarssmltTiiiig in th Bor
ough of Clearfield, where ho will execute prompt
ly. In a workmanlike manner, all work entrus-
I . rl tn kla mm. Rn..l.l Malm. I. .l..:..a
oxen, Shop adjoining Town Usil, fr-rmerlj
occupied Mr. Huff. WM. BI EVENS.
November 8th, 1865. -ly.
Swalma panarva, Ksaasdy s medical Dis
covery, Hembold'i tucha, taksr'sCod Liver
Oil, Jan' and Aysr's medicines of rrcry hind
For sal by H a I.
Coal, WhsJo and Liaised Oil, Family Dy
svsralshe and paints tf all kinds i"-d
U sale Ivy K. I.s
jut attta.