Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 13, 1866, Image 3

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4 1
: ,f
0, .
tin )aJ
P tor,?!
I'loiituri t
lan or i,;f
CDtr.f( !
of ,,'f
death -J
wo trur
d,nksav,:::::::":"::::::::Ji Itf.JSljO.
Attention-A Proposition.
I'lio undersigned proposes to furii-
tho 'Charjidd liquUkin," during
annroachins: campaign to new
i . 'I Allt t.Al.rtJhOW.A Mftllll.J
ii ' ...
.pcnui.i .cuuwu -u ... iw v. ,
tho period of our months July,
S . o..,4 1 I fv.i,.l, ,v
BgtlSl, o.-piemL"-. mm vv.iv,uL1 u,.v..
,e following terns.
a conies to one addrsi, cash In advanoe $3 0(1
j , .. .. .. fln
" " " " " " s.oo
jl thus ofl'er the paper below cost, be-
jr nttho rate of ei.SOfl. 50 S1.20 per
4ar, for the purposo of getting it into
loroRoncialtirculation. There nro!
tOO democrats in the county, who
i .1 rri
i nnt tuke the count v nntier. Thin
j. -j
tnall bo avoided; if our Democratic
"fiends sacrifice as much time as wc
.& money, in trying to get their neigh-
iiDrg to subscribo for tho Jtepvllican.
4 Club often (So. 00) cun bo raised in
township in the county if some
epic will upend a little time. Wc hope
our friends in the different boroughs; A Victim. George L. Brown, one
lud townships will bring this matter 'of the lending and most enterprising
icfore their neighbors. If we receive ' citizens of Coojieitown N. Y., died
Iropcr encouragement, at this , time, from disease contracted In Fort La
irowillbeforetwo months pass around, jfnyct to. Mr. Brown was tho first
$dd four columns more to our payor. ( citizen sent to Fort Lafayette by tlio
fhe Press and necessary materia! tOjWpenal nod of tho late Presidential
ho thie, will cost us about $1,200.
I So attention will be paid to orders.
pnless accompanied by the Ad-
CiEO. B. GooDi.ANDi:n,
Clearfieh!, Pa.
Butter in Five Minutes. Mr. I
M. West, ot Ulno, nas invented a
Churn, patented June 27th, 1SG3, by
wincn cream can uc lurncu nuo uut.
W in fire minutes. The invention is
very simple, but combines every principle-
necessary to produce a perfect
iChurn, and uccds but to bo seen, to be
appreciated. AVe understand that Mr.
J. M. Moorebead, of Indiana, has the
jright lor this county, and is now bore
for the purpose of disposing borough
iunl lrtnn(.ln'n rwrht Wr lofil'n tliot
... i t . t .
James McMarray has purchased the
! right for several up-river townships.
Joseph II. Kirk has secured Brady,
Union and Bloom, and John Thomp
son has Jordan, Beccaria und Gulit h.
ThisChurn possesses another feature
that recommends it to the public. It
only costs from three to six dollars,
according to size, and any mechanic
can make ono for himself, providing
he secures the right.
How to Gain a Competency. Tho
wisdom and .ingenuity ot ull civilized
men, is constantly taxed, in devising -
means ly which to better their con
dition in this world; of .accidents.,
hazards and uncertainties. There is
but one effectual remedy by which
want and trouble can be banished
from the thoughts of tho needy, and
the chamber of the dying; and that
is to place those of our houshold, be
yond tho bounds of want, and t hat too;
can be done with but a few dollars,
und a little prudence. The system of
Life Insurance, is u imjdo but sure
remedy. A little money annually in-'
a a . . It HI 1 111 aUt I HIM. Ull i Hit VI a 'III
vested in tins vnj. will provido al, . 1 . ' . A .A . '
J 7 1 (!(.( it-no liitrnr 111 Hint r.'h' nn h t .1 1-
Competency f n- thoSO ClltrilSte 1 to Our
care, and lor whom we must provide;
and will measurably soothe tho fever :
ed brr.w .,nd li'ini-.h the terrors of the
01 0 , .Ul'l oan i.U IIIC vcrroi S OI liic
vine couch iieaiurcB. j 1 upp in.ii. u.e r ...
;.1b. . , ,. 'statement ot the bank made January
A I inotlir es Unon the subject of,i... u-cr- .1... .1 t A..
1 . "
Life Insurance, either in person or
Sec his card iu another column.
Patriotic. A delegation of negroes,
appeared at tbC 1' email liead-qiiaiters
by ettor; vvil be duly answered by fill) Some tune in Feb. t he Treas- ' V. s "'r " c,,vt f"
J ' J ' i. .i .iii Ilndpe, with good stone abutairnts, across the
II. IfuciiSR Swooit., Ksq., of this i.hieo ury Deparimor.t drew upon the bank niouth ,lf Al,u,.rf()n, PBk, inlll0 liut,mil ol
... tin . r ' for f '15.000, but the draft WCllt to pro- Curwen.-ville. I'lana aid specification enn be
Who has bed! appointed Agent of one 'illt seen at their ofiic. or. and after 4th day of June.
of tho best Companies in the fStntc. wlicn tiie bat.k failed, on tbo 1'sth of lst6, "i'J f'.'t p 1 ?
i l. II l.l II li V .i.-'l ii .1 1 ii. i n , , , - , , . , ... , .
, -1 , to but fifty thousand dollars. lhi;
i Monday last, nnd.lho mnnncr in wilk.h .'loyalty" plat
erviccs to President ( the government nnd the people.
in JNew lorlc, on
tendered their serv
Atooeris. 1110 negroes -CIU iumii j
Cheered bv tho Fenians and Huberts
1 . mi 1 i 'l
" '
thanked them, and Stated that ho
Ii.iVht. bnvn nnoil fur Omm ii, mrv
"o " " '"rf
fihort time, but Said, that Colored men, '
were almost to good to be used to
fight British tyrants This ia certainly
a compliment to tho Irish material
now used to fight those tyrants.
IftirWc call tbo attention 6T our
Fenian friends, to tho card of Presi
dent Johnson, in another column,
which may be rather interesting to
them just at this time, when their j
lnaderK lfohrrts and Gen. Swoon v
. . . , , , ., x, . , .
UT being gobbled up by tho President.
a . aa
laTTho Lewi6t0W0 pniiers bOR6t a
great deal about the Urge calves they
raise in that town.
Fne nits mrt In
passing throuch tho place, we never
I .1. ... ....
Saw any above tho ordinary size, but
ville exchanges, that some of the cap-
i talis! a. of tint uriiiTfuitlvn in,-.. n.l
our own , have united in establishm"
a liank, to bo called ''Tlio
Lank. It went into bperation on,
tho 1st instant, by electing the follow
ing ollicers and Directors, viz : Pres-
ldL'llt. VilH:llil Til.rl.vr. I
Cashier, J. S.
... - '
Jv . 1)ircct0,. Ion G K .nrrutt
Hr... r f: r,wnn if..,. v.
' . ' 'o,v'
t.)lJlt K j'.. Means, A. 0. I innCV,
Capt. J. 51. Steele, C. D. Evans, "J. S.
r , ir . .... n T' ,tt . mm
Jung, andlleury K. I-ullerton. 'Jheso
gentlemen possess ample means, and eii- names are n sufficient guarantee
to the public,
tsT,,e "P'ionalllumpers arc
to 'nnlturo a 1;ew Lurcau,
l"c I'u'l'unu lurn sill vm lur
11 l J
ment for two or three thousand more
"loyal" office holders. Tho
is a Bureau of Education
in the iuterest of all, but more pariic-
lllarly tO learn tho IfroeS tO read
, . " "
and Sing OW hrgllUld tracts and
psalms of the "grand moral idea" class
JB-riio conscience Bureau of the
Treasury )opartincnt is daily receiv
ing remittances at the hands of tho
Rational robbers, but all from the jr.
class, the 6ums amounting to only a
few dollars, while thoso who stole
.their thousands, tstill withhold it
Pr.AD it. The reader will find on
our outside, an able letter from the
pen of that Soldier and statesman,
Gen. .Shields, bearing on tho oucrtion
of reconstruction, for which wc ask,
an attentive perusal.
BC'Ji.Danl. Connelly gives notice that
ho will manufacture and repair the
understanding and soles of our fellow
.iti..n; in r1,en mii.1 L-mi,i;i:
' ' I
maimer, lie also wants an ajipiv-n
tice. See bis advertisement.
Viiure JIl Uctiirr To Be. The!
P..nC:,1r.r. r.f i I n t.,1. . ,1 , .,1 ,.1 v..
Resident ot the. late exploded .Na-
tional Bank at Washington, has been
. , , , . .i . .
arrested by order of tho Secretary of,
the Treasury, and confined in J Hi
I'JT ueiiuuuiiig me uuvcrniueiii.
An Order. Tho President through
the Attorney General, hllS Order the
arret-t of every leading IVnian. wl...
o i
bas lit CU Cll'';iircJ ill violating tll-C
c a
neutrality laws.
t'irWo call tho attention -of the
public to the card of James 1). With-
crow, win) lias opened up an estau
'nciu ,or ino repair oi ''S:yfnnu(uapXiff ?fn5UWnCf (TO.
iioiij liiiiu jucLer., tvv.
tJ)uThe Mercantile Appraiser pub-iH. B. SWOOPE, Agent,
lishes a liht of names, which will be fleji field, 1'cuu'a.
found on our outside, interesting to' A'""" V,M" r"r Losici ti,.'oo,pno
, . . , ' Receipts for I "Ci ."l.'.T.Ol.'i
tho nyrchants of tho county. Lo,ea paid in idoi iiu,P2j
' . ." . .
J""Antoin I roi'St, the murderer ol
. n c...;i ..p t
v ' . , , r . :
Tin- Vrv ivrai Itivu Tim ifixiif
of the examiner of the Venango Ma-
tlOlial liank reveals 0110 or two CtiriOIIS
..... .... ,
i't'-""i r "--
posits in that institution amounted to
March, it was diseoveieu Ibal tlie gov-
ernment dejiosits hnd increased lo
SJU3,000. Tho securities III tho L lllttd
'Ktnina rVvtii till rv D.Minrf mi. n iiniruiiit.
, 1 ; . -1 . .. . .
US in
I VMblcd Men, Attention! Wanted, one or
YJ two men iu I leirfield county, who have
lost either an arm or leg, to sell Wdsworth'
w",rr l'ro'" A""e Healing riaster. ttie ..est in .
cheapest Caurt I'la.ter in the
market From $5
to 111) per day con be made. Addiess, with 2i
cent lor rumple ami nil- lniormation, n. r
..... ... .1 . . r . . . ., , 1.
i. r
a 1
DELCIIKR, llox45. rhiladelrhia, I'a
All agents and prd Her would find It to their
interest to answer the above. April 21, 0(1 Sta.
Xr.f,i;TOIl'. XOTIC K. Notice ia here.
by given thai Letter Testamentary, have
tin. day hern granted to the subscribers, on
the Estate of June Jackson, deceased, late of
'Jordan township, Clearfield ri.. Peon a. All
persons indebted to said Estate are requested to
make immediate payment, ant those having
rntVcM.dVlr e" ,,r,"Ut '
james jackson, ,
U.. n Hrl .J lmiu ii. . 1-1 TS.
. a, i oi", p. -u tfuji.i SAiaUll,
Jk Udllor'a Biutlcc. The undersigned Audi-
! A lor appointed by the Orphan Court to make
distribution of money remaining; la baud of
i"" U,-Jon"' Ltq . Adinitrater of Daniel
M ill. A nr. A a .11... tt. it.. A..tin. f Ma n.
puiotuept on Friday, the lt-th day or Juae.ibfid,
" 0 'oc' P' n,- l lh ol1104 r " allaea, li.g
lor and tielding, la Clea-fieid, of which all
tie interested win take notice
May H0,'.3t J.RLAKEW
Hey Uloetts, all sues
aod be.t manufao.
tars, at
vrp!Fii, a mot vt's
ToU Held .t..rdy.J..iy II. Ih.
1 '" " ' -'
wtiNTrn i kk
Igc '.'. Connn:
-.'einb!y f0. A.irmo
m-r i I. Auditor ?. I'll
accompany the null., til
.. -i. .. t t i..
Jn,im. insertion.
arc authorized bi
nn mo of
In., ii' it
T Dr. J. W. Putter, of 'iviiiii,,
raoili.lllti. f.if 4........I.I.. ...1.1....I l.i ft... ....1. r
the Democratic party, ut the Primary Election.
1 Ve '
0 Bid ailtlllirill'J to aiinouni.'U llm lllllllO of
James llcary, ol IVun (p., an a candidate, lor A-
ocitc Judge, suhjeot lu the actio., of the Pctuo
emtio ( arty, at the i'limary tlcctiim. Jry UOOC13, LlOtllirifT,
Ve are auilioriicil to aiiiHiiinoo tlio tiniiic of T.oota and .Sliocs, llnta and Cups, No
JikioIi W ilh. lii., oi limlium ti., as a canJMutt. lor tiorjB UurdwaiP. Glass, Natl.1, Oil.
A"m inlo JuiIs to the action ol the liiui- .
ocrntic jinrly, at Iho l'riiniiry Klwtion. I 1 1 II 1 3. QuCCnSWfirC,
H'o arc autlioritod aimouiicB tlio name of Cirocerie1', Flour, llueon, l' erd, ito , wliicli
Kuniucl Clyd.. ol'l.awniii-o tp., as a caiiJiilalc lor e Rre otlcritic at ereallv rmltioed prices
AfiH'latt' Judfto, pulijcct to tlie notion ol the l)ciu
oci-atic party, at the l'rimarv Klcotiun.
We are authorized to announce the nnino of
fioorfTP KilittrU, of Knox tp., as it candidntu for
Ao(?iati! Ju'l'c, tiliiict to ihp aolioii of the Dem
ocratic Jiartv, at the I'riiniiry Kleclion.
Wc urp nntliorizi-d to Himoiiiipii llm n.imp f
Williiim L. Itishfl, of Lawrence tp., as a candidate
' '"""IS;,lullvri su''l'ct to the action of the
Democratic liiutv. at the Primnrv ICte'tioii.
YVe are authorized to announce the mime of
,ll'''r Stone, of Ck-n rliol.l, an a candidate for
t'otinly Oiiiiiiiiii.-ioiiei-, nn'ijiot to the uelion of tlie
Democratic party, at t!u I'riiniiry Klection.
We nrr nuthm izfil to Hiinuiuieo tlio nmno vfi
A T l. t. ...1 ..C .1 II. 'A. ,. nl.,wiMal..!
"unit a. IS. J II 1:41, Ul tlW-lUU l"l vaimiiuu
for Count v Auuilor. subieet to the action of tu
Democratic pnrty, at the Driumry Klection.
.. .. ... . . -
HOitOM.II M'lltM)!. VV Nl.-A.,uual J Flour of different Brandt, can be hnd at
statement of the Kiuanceso. Clearliuld Hor-;imu at very Tow pi at the Clear-
ol. School District, for rehool year emhog.jj S ri,ili,,burg. IVnn'u.
Jlny Slit, A. D. lidd. J. M. lwtleibargcr, Troaa- .. . .,' . fc', . . .
ntcr. in aeeount with said fund, Dr. 1)r "oo.Jh-Notion, An., in prel van-
To balance, due atlast eettiettont $22S C3 ' etV, nt the lo.veM price lur ash. al tUe
To ain't ree'd of Henry Kloue, Col. 1,04(1 14 ! Cleartield Store, l'liilipbuig, Venn's.
Spackiuan lo'. Col. 70 Oil'
' " ut. Draft, lstitl,
Uy Order-canecM $l,uo fl
SI 4(i
' pereeutum allowed Tlot, .1.7
' Dalauce d uo dittriul Vli
J 1,4:4 23
Due from IS. Sp:i-kinnn, fonnor Col. f I7Z IS
Amonnt in hands of Treas. KitU-lbi.rgor SVAV'i
Total iC'J II
Outalaiidiug orders 3 Ot
Excers of assets over liabilities J joo 11
Attest, O. IS. MEf.UELL,
li. J. Wallace Secy. JWt-
nrou'rli Ordiiianre. Src. 1. Be it enaftej
and ordainvd by tho liurget an 1 Town
Cuuin il of the lloruugh of Cleaifield, and it it.
hereby enacted and ordained by the authority ot
the lame : That on and after the dato f
Ordmanre, no person shall erect, or enure to be
eio.-lcd. any (table, cow thai or pig pen, on tbu
ride or lino of any lot ia the limita of rai l Dr
ough, which laid tide or line is or may be fa.
cing or adjoining a atrcct ; but it shall bo law'ul
to erect such stable, row thed or pig pen only
on the ir.ner aide or line of the lot. pr.c. 2. It
J'1'"11 the duly of the Street Coinmin-ioner
remov or eue to bo removed any Halle, cow
tht-i or pig p. n which umv bcrenltcr bo erected
ou lb ut aidu or line of atiy lot in the liorough,
abich said tide or lino ie tony be laoing or ad
joining a street. The Coat of laid removal and
tv. enty per cenitim a ided theretu to be raid bj
t he o w ner or oecupiee of the lot on which iuch
,.uole, COB tiiei ,vigfe0 ,Uity butt been trvct.
cd. to be collected in accordance wiiu the act of
A.eiably. Snc. K. No persoa tball be allowed
tu tliruw or COi,.ct in a ,,iitf tus n..ttliur,., or c,ri
any atriot or alley within ih.iiuiij.of
'nail llorouh, tut evi-y persoa to oHioding,
rliall be liucil lor em a oQcuee ia a sum nut len
tii a n one do.Jaj nor more timn five ilollari. tucti
flae to be collected as other Uoroagli lines are by
Ua ... ll.i.. 1.1a A All H.inr. r noil
lashes bareallor found on nny street or alky shall
!'" b' P'U.r.p..fth. Borough .n. it i.
i no re by made Ine duly of the Street CuuiikiFSion-
er to take such inanuio and ccal ahe and dn-
I ...... r . .. 1 .1 ..
i'u oi inn lu! M . noli tn itr ur ri phi,, loo
proceeds of such sail to paid be to the It or 9 ugh
1 rcaturcr fur the use f tho ilnrr.utrh.
JaVSS Willi! LEV, llurge.
V.'m. D. Rltit.KH, Sec'y. dune 0-.)U
Adopted May the l.itli lSGfi.
"hi EE IN S U 1 IAN CE A TTl O.M E !
OF I'll l.ADEM'UI A, I'A.
StltlLtS DlllliKKU
IltCLARKl) Axa.rAI.LT of
FirTv Fita c.xt.!
It. R. SWOOPK. Agent.
r"-J- "' ,l tT,'TsvvicK. Medical ri.i,i.,cr.
naMii.ii oou ..ou, .'INK, U.
. 7--- J
r A 11 If. V All 1 J.. .t ...
. j cd acainst ( or in any way med-
t'f'tnissory note, dated ah.ut the
n,h .k, .ru., isr.r. .iii- r
. ' . . : ' v '
dollar, payable ninety day after date, drawn
"y "'". Aicxaneor, ana i y my
order, as said note was sw.len from hit room.
.vn,.rai Wnv .,,, ,S(SH ;t C11AS imssia.
r zT T -,7Z ,
1 )rM'mal Seabd proposals .will be reeuved
1 by the Comuns.ioncrs or Clearfiold count ,
Ivnn'a, at their om-e. In ciearCoi.i, until the
Ww.S.l!RAntr.v,ci k. .o. . WuKii May :iuih.
AL'l ll. AH person are hereby warned
W ffinst purchasing or meddling with a cer
tain promisory ante, dated July I'tnh, ISf.i, due
vrnra after rluta ii,i.J Il..n.r M, l 1
(of Adam) and Adam Marshall, culling for one
hundred dollars, payable to mv order. Th said
t note was obtained from me through fraud, with
cut tuy endorsement, and Iain determined to
compel payment tu be made to me by law, if not
aono Veluntarily, or which the pavees will lei
take notice. HENRY MARSHALL
ill pleajo,
iirauy town p, .11 ay 2Stb, CO ilt-pd.
I a. . . '
i I.Kl H Ti IS r, and dealei
jlll Hvady tnade Clothing, 0
r tn lrv Ooods,
Groeeriea. Lioiiors.
1'iugs ana Medicines, Jim. SJ (,'ap. D iols and
'ihoea, Hardwure, lioaaie, Ac. Fn Dcbville,
Cleeifield counlv, 1
My 2, 'ffi.j
f. a. f O.-TRR,
1. D. It'clKK,
ii'w. rsitK", , v, wai.ii
btO. L. RL!.n. (
Fn!TPT? PFT?TC1 TPBTntTT rn I 0"'gci u., imu iiarnemer. All m'irr enrap
tVSlLli, lLZlLS, W RIGHT & C0,'m.irbir.fsar .'iinmcmri.rr ad the arr or user
I'll ILirLUIiCJ, (.AMlll Co.. Fa. I are ' roar-rear, Bo at.d inipiiwinment. II-
Silltof Kxclianga, Nolua aud Drafts discounted.
Collections made aud proceeds promptly remitted.
Kxchang on the Citiet constantly no hand.
Hi aboie Laukiaig House ia now open and
ready fur business.
SepL 8, 18HS. 1'Hiursaraa, Centre Co., Penn'a.
QOfl Month I Agent wanted for Hi tn-
tJ yj ttrriy wrie oriicici, just out. Adtlress,
0. 1 O AREY, City Duilding, Riddeford, Me.
."'.ay 11, ly 1H1
Philipsburg, Pa.
win i w,
(,fflR(IR I.
(fucccKKorn to Miinton Jl Hoopi)
Have jnt rceeive'l a Inrpf nl well po
Inrlnl Sllli'li nf nil Liml fit' Slmil imrul.
lled !
eucli as
i Vox Cash or in
Exclmnpa for Lu rubor and Shingles.
We hope lo niok ii to (lie advuuiajjo of
'J inibcr Men,
in tbf lowprend of Clrat field county and
on Clemfield Creek, to get their supijli)
from lliis pnint, being on the line of
Kail Road can Sell
CooiIh on bcller term than ut any point
in Cleat field county, and we are selling
our Stock at such
price as to innko it an object to thoe bjy
ing l'imhIh in this nmi kel to deal with us.
Advances ol Goods, iced, &c,
i . . , . . t i
nmd oti amount f,f .Square I miber, which
M ill t Itlier tell on commission or buy
ni nvn.i rti us i
.Suit by the Suck or load, cheaper thnn
can be had any whore elfe, at the Clear
field Store, l'liilipshurg, lVnn'a.
Call and Kxmnir.e llie slock of pondy, al
the Cleoiticld Slorn, al riiilipsburp. I'a.
lligliekt priee poij in Goods or Ca.-h for
I.uulier and Shinplca at the Cleat Geld
Store. J'hilipf.butj;. PKtn'a.
The cheiipeMt coocU ot all kituls ate (o be
had al the Cleai field Store, al I'll ili peta r?.
Cull and see if our gnnda and price? don't
soot tlie'linies. W. V. UETTS. i CO.
I'h i I ; pt, bo i jr. N rive ml er lfith. t f .
-llavirTg opened a He.-
ilrect.ju-taloveUe Drew -
T re C icam Kaloou
I tauratit, on Market street
ery, I am new prepared to furnifh Ice Cream
very afternoon and all callers. La,
diei and (Jclillemtn aro tcfi cetfullr invited to
call. A. A'CHUH'l'.
ClearflelJ, Mny 3.U. lctO
slrntrd. About the loft week in April, a
red Hull, One Year old with short hornn,)
strayed ay frowi the subscriber, raiding in
i.iinrence ii." ii!i i i . nnj 'ui."ii KI,'"S iiiior-l
nuiion as to bis whereabout, will be ron mibly
rewardoH. A. HAMILTON KE1.I).
Slay 2nd:l,!r..St
Caution. A. I perrons are here by eautmned
guiLtbarboringirtrujtingi;iy wile MAfir
A)I perrons
m tny uociunt, as riiu baa ie.'l my bej and board
without any jut canto or provocation ou my
purt. I will, therefore, pay no dehta of herron-'
tracting after this date. J. IIOt'KENIlEKY.Sr. I
l ergusoo towrif, May I.i, lsog-SU
Ol M. A JS I) S l OLE J or SAI.l'j
S I In the Borough of Osccda, Clear-
held county, one lot ;0 by l.'O with an eleg-int
new blorcbjua 40 by M, two anj a hair stories
high, on eorrer tf the main street, fronting the
puhlio sjuare lower part titled up and Urcd
assturarvom upper portion finifhed f.r dwell
ing purpescs. Cellar lull size of building. Ap
ply on premises to SACKCrT, LROTllERa.
ilay 2.:d, isr, 2t J.
IIMIM.TJlAT01l,. M III Ci;. Notice
ia hereby given that bettor of Adiuiois-
nation bare Ibis day been granted to tbo under
signed, on lha Estate of James Carlv, deceiuod.
late of harihnu township, Clearfield county.
I rnn a- All persolis knuwing themsclve in
debted to said e.-tate are rcijtietted to make iin
mediate puyuicut and those bating claim
against the tame, will present them Jul v antlien
icated for settlemeiiL J1ELINDA CARLEV,
May 2-ld. ICfi Ct. Administrutrix
I )roptisalK. Proposals will boreeeived at the
JL Commitsionei a Office, in the
the lorough of
. 1 .. 'aU,Vi
itrn.lf L 1 1 1 u I .. 1 1'...-. ,r. ..iit
.uni,,,. I ... r , ,' ' ,i ' . i i
illti ."Ol uny Ol ewi.r ur.i, ii. lue LIU llu -
inc of a .Ne COURT IIUUSK in aid
Hnroui;li. l'hins nnd sptcilictiona cant
l.oeect. at tho Coumsioner'a OlJire. al!
anytime. .lUF.L Sl' IC
c. it. H U rcn FXVN
.lusKrri r. i.ccas,
T. n.iTis-c. Clerk. Mv 12. l'.ti-Jt.
A SfiniEON, offers his services to
the public, at lho following places, at the dates
named, via i New Millport 2Mb and Ifi.h of
May, 8lli, tth. Cld and iid id June; Clearfield,
June 1st, 2d, loth, 11 h, 2'.tlbund Ji'ih ; Luther
burg Si aod 4th of June. 1 pay especial atten
tion to fielding s.nd the curing of Ilin bone,
and tci!if firoprietur of the eelrbrntrd llorso.
Crkstfr Li..k. I may be fuund at the limes aud
IJ''''''.' if- ""! I May ft, lM'.fi.
r, . . ...
Ci.r.Ain iEi.n Corxrv. !
IlVin H...M.. ..I ll.n . f Ttl... tf 1. 1..- 1
.H...W .I.ITI VI" 1.1,1. kl 1 .IU, O, 1111,111,
lute of Lawrence township, ( learGeld
deceased. In th Orphan's Curt of Clvarl'eld
county, n-f, acting Uio aipraucaient ,f Real
Estate, appraised and set out to tho Widow un
der the acta of Assombly, vii : the one undivi
led ono half part of i I acies appraised tlis0 0".
7'be Court rua.lo the following order May 8, I Mi ft,
rend and ronlirined ni si nad utile's exceptii4i
are Died on er before the first day of net Term,
w ill be confirmed absolutely. 11 v the Court,
May 2H, lSt;rt.4 J. u. RARUER, Clerk.
A "
CoMMissHitirr.s Orrtt it,
CltnrtiJd, I'a.. Mtt !. ItU. I
Wiir.naAS, by an Act of Assembly, parsed the
Oth day of March, A. D.. ISofi, and in er-eord-
anco Ihercwith, it is tlicrefiro hereby ordered,
Hiatal) persona claiming exrinption under said
Act, shall appear in their proper person, or, fr
ward tneir ilist-liargo lo this tflu e. between the
Sth and Uttlh dan of Juno uct, that the saino
I""1) "m riuinra ana f iacou on reeoru, anil :iie
: I'fper eoiu ratiou made and tied. II v order
"o'u, n . S lili.MiLLV, Clerk,
N. H.Coileclorr w ill plcato bring thii notic?
10 "1B aiienima ul those interested.
"l r ear I We want Agents
,i tJ V every a here to sell our im i-rovkp
-U Sewing machine. Three new kinds. Lu-
dcr and upper teed. Sent on trial. Warranted
fir years. Aonve salary or large nou.missioni
paid. The OM.V machino.i to!d in Untied Slates
for less thnn SKI, wliieh are "y icciid ry
Howe, WbftlcrA Wiban, Orovcr A Raker,
; lustratea circulurs sent rar.s. Address, or call
upon Shaw i.
Chicago, III.
Claik, at
Maine, or
Mav 1,
1 Mill It.
yon wi.' a
ebifiltig tnp Dtigtr. An.
11. W. SMITH 4 CO.
I ft. LITTLE ROYS. J'atterns ..f llaribaldi.
Zomve, French uits, or any clher styles de-
atreil, can be bail at low rales. Call at P. A.
Oaclim, (irahsm Row, above Niugle's Jewel-
iryitor. I.lut -4t.
Save Youv Money
Something New. J
Tha underflrned lin a Jcrtimiiently tt cuR' d
in tlio inanufaetur uf all kui l" of Woolen OuoJh,
at their new Faotoijr, on lie 1 1 Hun, in 1'inu tp.
I IIP. I'AltltlNti AM) ll'IJINt;
l!ufini'n mill nl.-n lereiro iurcial tUutioO at
tnor h.hrlj .Tim t.uliltrt arA llivitil In ivm A
eall, or addreM tia by letter, when all iniiiiiiui j
will ka antwered prnmpilv. Iha l'.xt Olfina
d (r..a of TUB EEl.lS HI'S FAC
TORY it O'rihpmn linn. Clearfield co., I'a.
renn tp., Jtiua 4, lHAO-A uio.-pd.
Af ill I a 'JVoiitcd everywhere to cnnvaan for
the grent Hook of 18(it), "THK SOCTII !"
A tourof ita battle-lielJa and Ituintd citiea : a
Jounier tlirouch tho dotolatud 8tate. and talks I
with lha people. Uy J.T. Throwhridjo. From' The iubacribcr renpectfilly infornia bit old
peraonul ohicrvationa and experience during cuatomcra ar d the puhlio, that ha h ou haaud,
months of Southern travol. The Author has nd constantly reeeivin new adilitions, a large
hud lettora of introduction from ueu iu hi'h stock of Clucks, Watehat and Jewelry,
taifdinx, to the head ol all Ooverntneut depart-1 Jcwclrj of every variety from a single pieoe
mints in the bouth civil and military. What-; to a full aetu
ever is known ly thoKe men of the suilcrinus vt Watehea, a line ansortmant of silver Huntinj
the paat, present condition of thiiipa, as noil as and open caao, American and patont Lerers,
pluns for the future, will lio made known io this pl"" "d full Jeweled.
book. The great popularity of the author, end 1 Clocks, a larj;e rariety from the beat Manufae
intenae iuterest in the subject, combine to uinko ' tr.Ti eonaiatmfr of tight day and Th rty hour
this by far the graateit soiling book before the ! Spring and W eight, Levers, Tine, Strike and
public, while our vuty liberal inducements pre-'. Alarm.
eularare chanco lor Agents to make money. Spectacles, a targe assortment far and near
tor o'rcu ars acd tnnin, address tho
June S-l mo. 702 lueulnut Street, l'hilad a
1 IIM1UTP tTllllX VIITin,' V..
f .
XV is In-ruby given that I.ettera of Adiniui.-tra
tiou have this day been gricitc l to the undersign-
eil, on the K.'fate of (leorge J. Kvler, dee'd., lute1
of Ilradlmd town-
Cliarfielil county, I'a. All
laiowiiig tbenici Ives indebted to said F.s -
i lute are rc(m.tcu lo niake linnieHinte payment.!
, and tlioM' having claims ng:.iu?t the same, will
u"m aj, mmVLllK 71 yv
June (! lar.C-o'-i.i' ' " A'ltiini-'rutor
' " V , ' : , T
ilyuier! C.earyi We Lava Photographs,
larpe1(J SU1UIJ. of Clymer and Ue.r. A-
, gt.ntI wuntcj to sell them. Send 76 cents for
Upeeimen eopiesly mail, poftageyaid. Addrecs
t llAKTLtSON t CO., CU Cbcatuut ct. riiiiad'a.
Muy '',-2 mo,
I.ure l.ibcrly IVhlte Lead, preferred
X all pn eticul Painters ! Try it ! and ou wiil
have no other. Munufactured'
A Su.itii, Wholesale Drug. Paint ( Ulass Dealers.'
No, l:t7 North Third St., l'htla March 21. 'flfi-W.
For use agairmt Moths in Clothing. Uerl.
advantacea Efiiciencv, Econoinr , imparts sweet
odor to tlieclothes.and sure to last twei ve month.
Ev"' V6l'Ul b4' ll'
! Ma' " . ,
For sale at llartawieV A Irvin'a. Clearfield, I'a.
iV.lLL.Vtr lllGI.r.It A llULKIVt;,
Allorueja at I.ait,
Cleatlicld, Pa.
Legal business of all kil.d' promptly and ac
curkle;y ,ttcuded to,
M iy lb, V.f-ly.
CUA1I1.E9 X. ar.tu.
. '
ctOIKiS f- wakdi.e
rp i T . - K- K-
N. E. eor. elh Market Sta ,
14, ISiiti-Cm. riJJLADKLrillA.
TAMES C. 3 AT. RETT, Justice of the l'caoo
and I.icansed Conveyaneer, Lu'.hersbure,
Clearfield fousty, I'a. Coll-etiuns and reniit-
tances promptly made, and -II kiuds of legal ia-
strumon u i aecutucd on short notice,
Lulhertburg, May 9th, Mi(l S.
is hereby givea that letters of Administra
tion, on the Estate of William .MoKee, deceased,
late of Knox towiifhip, Clearfield county, I'a.,
lave this day been duly granted tn the under-
signed, to whnin all persons iudekted to said M-1
1 tale will please mtke payment, and these baring
n'&inti A, H..n.Hn.t. ntll ttf-Mcant thin fur .attll.. 1
tuent without delay. V. A. i'lMVLL.-1, Adair',
j May Vth, 1SC6 li. .
Gtaham'a Row, over Nntile'a U'atch
Jewelrv iStore, M-irUet Street,
TLo having permanently
led hiuiscD in ll.e liorouck of Cleai
led hiuiscl' in llie liornuck
. . , . . . .
loenrace . ihebuMtH
T.L li -8 llaTi
I intend lo eep constantly on hand a :
l intend lo een consiunllv on hand a
full R4oriracnt of Clot ha, CiiRiuieres, Consist in pnrl of Meiiuos, Alpaca, Pop
Satinetts. and Vestinps, of the b-t ual-1 litu, Wool, Aroiure, and cotutnon
lty and Iates.i tit les, which I will
si ii ti I it c i ii rc
to nvdiT, to suit, cutituntcis, on thott
ovuct, to tuil, cut.10 no is, on more
. r, . I .. nt i
ulice. I ai Ucular a lention will be paid
. ... , r- .. .1 l.
i CutttPiT and f itiinji den enien a.Kova,
,d Childte., Clothing; and in fuel
icrvthi. g per.ainitH. lo ihia '
In 1
si-erv t h ii. f I'm
r- i e--
would advise ull, to pive me a call before
puichasing tcivhtrt' any good-, in n.y
i..... i a ii ti iv
a. n. v. , . . .
MsvKuh. isr,fi-tr.
lh time at, hard ; you'd like to know
How you miy save your Dollars ;
Tbo way to do it I will show,
If you will read what follows.
A man whet lived net far from lore,
Who worked hard at his trad ;
Tut had a household to ru port,
That squandered all be made,
I met him once, yt he, "my friend,
I look threadbare and rough ;
I've tried to get myself a suit,
Rut ctn't save np enongh."
Says I, my friend, how much have you 7
I'll tell jou where to go,
To git a suit that's sound and cheap
At ltl.l.i:HIl:lN !and Co.
lie to-k what little he had saved.
And wont lo IU IzeliMf lu 41 ltrotlirr
And there he got a handsomo suit,
For ball he paid to othsrs.
Now ha Is home, he looks ao will ;
And their effect Ii such,
That vi hen they take their daily meals,
iTncy don't cat half so much.
And now he finds on Saturday night
With all their want supplied j
That he has money left to spend,
And smut to lay aside.
His good sucrrsi, wiik cheerful niile,
He gladly tell In all ;
If yoa'd av Money, go and tiny,
Your elrvbesit Kelzenatclu I iothltig; Hail.
Where lh cheapest, finest, and best Clsthin g
and good furnishing goods ran be bad to mi I
every taste and In every tjle.
April 11,
t0 Am u Sr .Piiilad'a
WATCin s, Fine Hold Jr.WhLRY,
Solid 8ILVEK WAKE.and Superior HI.
vco tn i i t. , .
LR Ilaled Riprcio TRICES I
March 21, l?66 3mo. . I
bkamcii of busimkss. Mdhncrij Goods,
A liberal shurs of public pationnjze is,' Among which a'e llats, Honneta. FeOJi
thcrefore, respectfully Kolic.led. and ( er. Lilbonn, Flowers. 1 aces. Firdmml
PHIL A 1) Kl. r II I A IKZ.
waiJi ivii:ks
Manufetnrr nf
l'.iprr ITatifjiK and Hlnrtow Mindra,
I'troir I oiiiih an I Maii-t ftret,
I'M i j. a j i:i.iii 1 A .
N H Alkji ia Sior a liK Riook of I.ina aiiS
Oil t:Ult .
Murnh 7, Sun.
M A K E 11 .
Orabam'j Row, Olcurfirld, rccn'a.
signi, coioreu ana pi&m glass.
Alio, a One assortment of Spnont, lorks, Dut-
ter-knivea.etc., plated on jeiiuine Alabata.
, .. . . ... v"v..j
.caroiunv repairja ana Warranted.
A eontinoaneo of putrona?e ie anlieited.
Novaniber l."th. l6i II. F. NAUfiLK-
Otl.l VKttH If. P. KAITiil.K I... .,.t
I T rueaived an Klemnt .anrt....nt ,.r n,. h..f
1 (.UI.i,T : aUn .i,n.i,m r.,ij...i, k.u...
Aovomber2J, I St. j.
a fall in trices.
5Cheap Cash Store
South Secvud St., Clearfield, Pa.
Spring $c Summer Goods
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
I am Just receiving arid opening a carefully
!cctcd itockof fashionable Spring A Sum
mer Ooods (if almost every description.
A beautiful assortment of PriaU aod Dry
goods, of Lho newest and latest style.
Also a great variety of useful nation.
Bonnets, Shawls,
Hats nnd Cop,
toots and Shoes, a Urge quantity.
Hardware, Wucentware,
Drugs and Medicine,
Oil andl'aiou,
Cs-pet I Oil Cloths,
and Fruiu Foreign and Uouieatio,
tuclt as Applet., I'eaciiei, ("ur
rann, Frunea, liaUim, Gran
(jeif, and Lemons.
Fish, Bacon and Flour,
Mackerel In 1 1 and t Urrels,
ef the best quality, all of which w ill be aoid at
the lowert cast or ready pay price.
My old friends and the public generally, ar
resjiei tfully invited to tail.
,Jf-N. 15. All kind of LVffif.Vaad approved
COL'STllY rUObVCK uUa in exchange for
Go0'1- 'M. F. lfiWIN.
Clearfield. Mav Uth. Wt tf
New Goods!
Jlaye Just Ilectivid Their
Spring and Summer Goods,
",ulc" wrro rurruasca aunng tne present a.
U'L. ! .1. 1 I , . . , . .
i-imv, iuu lu.ruiure are auacica 10 sou iry clitap,
n . o i-
" ' OlUCa.
i laines ; l'nnls, Uingliams, Shawls, JJood,
Hosiery and Gloecs,
v..l n i. i n ll- . ...
Nubios. l'i:il moral and Hoop Skirls. Flao-
... T , ... wl , ' ,
nels, l.auch ciotli, Slieclinct. Mu tin.
iv.k. t; i- w . n il-
' I !"f: , il''Ut ta 1 ,Mjif
khl; Also ao Hssorttoenlor
i ..
Matines. Velrets, Silka, Craees. UoraeeAt,
Veils, etc., aud a largo slock of
, t - . ,
! CJvJir,3530
inni.,.i;.i. r1!,;.. i). vi . -... .
ft :'
For Ladies,
Such a romades, Oils, Hnndolina IiIcxmu of
youth and Fuinla, Kouge, Lilly YhitAe.
Thankful for p-t favura, we tolioilKcoo
tinutiicepf the kind patronage of
the people of Cleat field Co."
JkjKeniember llie place Second Street,
next door to 'irst National Rank. Doc. 2i, '6i
SP. !(; MAC IHXI ..-1 would tiorely
inform the public, that 1 have been appoin
ted ..le Agent, for Cleaifield county, C the
Comuor Suss Kaviiv Si .win Ma iitvt. Thia
Is ono cf the best Machines now C .-i r ( the
puhlio. I keep them on land. Any rsoa
colling at my residence can see there operate.
I'l ice only fO. THOM AS REA ft,
.May 2, lSf-0-3 mo-pd. Near Curweusvil!.
l.OVEKNOR! We have a eorreet nA
! striking photograph of ti nrj-t Uovonior jf'
1 Pennsylvania, which we will rend by mail for
j 25 cents. If we mistake the mm. the money
wili be refunded imaiedialjlj after election next
! October. 1 it Clymer or Weary T Write end tea.
Adiires 1! A KTLK SON CO.,
Mav 2.-2 mn. I Chestnut t. I'hit'a.
All. Ktlll) IIOIIaE, Main St. rhilina.
burr, Prnn'a. K"1ii:rt Lloi a. I'rt.wriainr.
Keej ieonstantly on hand the cJioistest of iiouora.
I'l. ,.V.I. 1. 11. a -I.. . . .
...... ... .I,,.., ,.. rur , mi io cei ine
Market sflords. The travoling pulio, trill do well
lo give him a cr.ll. t t, j sji.
Agent fnr the Singer Sewing Maobinn.
rhifipaburg. Centre Co., Pena'a,
Oct. nth, lses.-tf.
JfsTrc or the Peace.
,, , . ,, lc;rK1,CAtcm
'ill pmmptly attend to all businesa entrfljud t.
fci ear.. P. 0. Ad Ires., rhU.r.Wf T?
Aug. :iit lsl