Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 13, 1866, Image 1

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yyA Ay Ay
I $eo- B GOODLANDEB. Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS: $2 00 Per Annum, if paid in advaneo
turnilda tp.,
feoggs tp.,
Bradford tp.,
fcbest tp.
JL'ovingtoa tn.,
Jieeatur (p.,
Uraham tp.,
jGoshcn tp.,
iirard tp,
Tuston tp.,
Jo.-dun tp.,
1 "
Knox tp.,
Karthiiu tp.,
Xawrenes tp,
Morris tp.,
tl'nion tpv
Jan tp.
Clearfield bor.
14 00
20 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
12 SO
7 60
7 00
7 00
7 00
r r
10 oo i
7 oo
7 00 ,
10 00 I
r oo ;
ilST OF RETAILERS of Foreign
j and Domestic Merchandise in
Jleerfield eountv, for the year 1860, subject to
fee payment of License :
IHitrict and JVams.
Jeeearia tp., L. W . W eld,
Thomas Groom,
W. C Welly,
W. J. Xotigent,
Horace Patchin,
A. Patchiu A Hro,
McMurry A Kiine,
Irvin, Brother,
Ebin McMasters,
John Snyder,
Lewis Smith,
- - Robert Mahsffey,..
William Brady,
B. W . 1 nompson,
Ed. William.,
11. Albert A Bra.,
George Wilson,
I). Ooodlander,
F. K. Arnold,
Carlilo A Son,
Arnold a Terpe,
Joseph Catbera,
Arnold a Carlile,
K. II. Moors,
William Hunter,
Edward Rote, .
William Hewitt,
F. Coutriet,
8. 6. Cranston,
W. W. Retts A Co, 14
T. II. Foroy, 13
jllulich tp, r. A. f ijnn, jo
J II. Allman a Co, 12
" Elliott a Miller, 12
... i T : t..:i- L n l.
R. 8. Stewart, 14
Augustus Leconto, 14
L. M. Coutriet, 14
A. 8. Dickinson,a2't 14
William Bradv, 14
Pavid McChcihan, 14
Henry Swan, 14
M. 0. Stirk, 11
W. S. EmikcT, 11
I. C. MeC'lo-kyACo 14
James Forest, 14
Lcan.ler Denning, It
J. C. Brenner, 11
I. W. HrfH, 14
Leonard Kvlcr, 10
D.E.A J.H.'llruhakr.U
I. a J. Wall, 14
Woodward tp., Thot. Henderson, 11
Miinuel itageny, n
George llagertv, 14
C J. Shaft, 1 4
Richard Mossop, 9
II. V. Smith Co, 13
C. Kratier A Hon, 12
Wm. F. Irwin, 13
Wright A Flaniran, 13
H.'Bridifc, 14
Ilartswirk A Irwii It
1 trustees sale of heal estate j LETTER FROM GEN. SHIELDS.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan'! Court rri : i i : jt.i
ot Clearfield eonnty, F.nn'y. th. following T1"8 oId war VCtcran, 18 TO doubt
Estate, situate in Brady townahip m said eoun. ! well remembered, by many soldiers
ty, lata the property of George Ellinger, dae'd, I . . . . , . .
will be oid ti th highest and beat bidd.r, at who participated in the Shenandoah,
LCTUEP6BURU. on Saturday, the loth day 0r a b tho80 wJlo witnessed hi8
June next, all that certain tractor piece of laad " ' ,
aimate in the county, townahip and atate afore. ! daring valor during the Mexican ur.
aaid, deacribed aa followa, via; All auch right, j i ,l
title and in th. .ntir. tract of ios acre. The General was removed from com-
and 69 perche. and allowance, of wLich George rnand, by tllO radicals, to give place
Ellinger. (now dee'd) waa aeiied, or piaesed of, ! , , , , in
at the time of bia death end not before that time ; to that band-box commander, tjener-
aold, or con.,ed to other peraona by aaid Oeo. I J Banks, whom Stonewall JncksOn,
a la the aame land conveyed to at id Oei. Ellin-
Jer dee'd, by deed from U.o Hockey and otbera,
I sated Feb. W'b 1838, recorded in tbe Kecoraera
i J!j! I Office, in Clearfield county, Penn'a, in Deed
I I Kook "R." Pg M, f Wnich ,he
7 uu n rn: . k.r ki. inM iKnnt fit
Geo. Ellinger before bia doalh, sold about 62
acre, more or leaa, to bia aon Alleman Ellinger
by an article of Agreemest dated the l&tb day of
April, 1857, recorded in Clearfield county, in
Deed Book, "T." pace 767. Ao, leaving bal-
i e v . ..ii . i t A t." 1
10 00 ' 1 auoui o acre, more or leaa, iu n
10 00 1 "D8(l ' tn tlsn of D' death, which ia the
12 1.0 DlaDce now offered for aale. Tbia land ia situ
10 0o'w wit,'in one of Lotberaburg; pnfclie
j 00 roau p.aaing inrougn iue central pari ui it, bum
7 00 : ' Wfll' covered wiUi timbor, and daairably loca-
oq , ted for adjacent owners,
j 00 1 Tkrus asu Conuitiohs ONE-TEXTH of the
7 00 PurCuft' money to be paid wben tbe property ia
7 n) knocked down, and the balance with interest at
10 03' "le eoiiErmation of sale.
10 CftJ PT ' iH take place between tbe sours of
one ana iwoociocn, r. ., oi sma any, wo.u u
where due attendance will be given by tbe un
dersigned. U. B. GOODLANDEU,
Clearfield May 21, 1SCH-4U Trustee.
Jospph'S'haw & Son, 13
H. r. Naup'e, 14
I. L. Rciirualcin, 14
C. D. Waton, 1 1
J. I. Km tier, 12
" Mrs. II. D. Welsh, 14
u lmac Johnston, li
" Men-ell A Hitler, 1J
.;rwfnsville, Joseph IV. Irwin, 14
" TcneyckiThonipson 12
" Hippie A Faust, 13
Moutg'iu') ailarta'k 12
" Jihn Irvin, I
" Irvin Hartshorn, 11
ItcnL Hartshorn, 14
If.Waabinrton, M'MurrvaMi'.;!.", 13
t Jacob Ake, 14
William reath,
t icaola, Alfred Phaw, 1 1
PtonerdiPnUaUE, 12, jitiaCo, 9
12 50
12 0
7 00
7 00
7 00 !
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
20 CO
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 60
7 00
7 00
25 00
10 00
12 60
10 00
10 00
12 60
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
7 00
7 00
used to run out of tho Contedert'y,tor
tho purpose of getting his Hupplies.
in Deed 'Gen Shields is now cultivating a farm
in Missouri. Read his able letter on
C'arrolton Mo., May 1.
Messrs. Clark II. Green, V. C li. Gil
lespie, 1). K Turk, Macon, Mo. :
Gentlkmen I deeply regret my
inability to comply with ray engage
ment at your plate on .Monday next.
The sudden and serious indisposition
of a member of my family Diukcs it
imperative on me to remain at homo
until it be God's will to relieve mo from
anxiety. 1 beg that you will make
this known to your good people
as m apology for failing to attend,
agents with which they intend to in- question whether that party is not ofliberty. It abolishes tho desllnc
undato the Sout h under this bill,wouId the embodiment of opposition to tho tion which God has drown between
bo an intolorablo affliction under any institutions the question whether races becuuso it withes to instituto
circuniMtnnces; but when it is rcmcm-1 rational government can exist upon others which defy evert- Dlviuo prin
borod that this brood of mean, petty, 1 tho basis of a denial of the distinctions ciple and sontiment, Iwcry sano man
hungry ofllcials, are to bo sent there established by Providenco, Without looking back on tho pat, can nee
to take charge of tho negroes and distinctions thcro can bo no thought, that our success in Republicanism
sustain them against tho whites, and nor any practical harmony. Vo hnve. waB mainly dependent on such a dis
to enforce negro equality, wo may t'nr.fore, every reason to believe that tinction ; and every such nun, look,
form some slight idea of tho pretty t God would establish fundamental dU- ing from the present into tho future,
littlo Radical pandemonium they mean tinctionstnd the preservation of which tan soo that unless tho spirit and leg
to establish in that devoted region. would bo tho conditions of human im- iblatlon of our government como back
To eren discuss the unconstitutional, provemont j and that the abolition of to an admission of tho ditl'eroncca be-
itvofthts bill would betrcating it with tlio unrestrained pruleana amnition tween Uic wiule and black man, .our
too much respects Soman who un- ot men, would tend to tue multipnca- republican expcnuict will bo over
derstands our system of government ion of otherdiiitinctiona unrecognized , whelmed. Our present troubles and
will dare to urjrc that Congress has by I'rovtdeiicc and mimical to peace, forebodings all ariso jj-om an impious
the power to enter the States, select , to progress and to good Government, attempt to deny, tor partisan purpo
out a portion of their citizens, change j Thus tho great opposition to slavery ' scs, a distinction which Trovidenco
their civil statu, place them under arose firht in Great Britain. Why ? , has mada so nlain that bo who runs
special protection, send special agents ;Je:ao8t5 in that country there arc J may read. Wo do not advocate tho
to sustain them against tho rt'st of : many artificial diainctions.and tlierc,:re-establi8hiaentofliereditaryslavery,
the citizens, and rcmovo them when consequently, a real distinction can-! The southern people do not ask. it.
neecessary from tinder Ktate law s and not be tolerated. If tho leading minds j J5ut the main reasons why thoy do
State tribunals, and place tlmn under ' of Great JJritain wtira to admit a dif-jnot, are. firnt, their deliverencc from
the solo rruardianship and protection ' ference between tho white and black responsibility, and secondly, their bo.
of the general government, itwouiu races, u oiuu jnnmiit mo uuunuu nu iui. mu ucgro nu wocn nopeiess-
wronn-0 their intelligenco to suppose I white man to deny the artificial dis-
O . n a. 1 If.... I i I. T" .. 1-
that anv of the mn who voted tor ' tinctioi. netween nunseiianu uie i-uw,
that bill believed it constitutional,! Hence you will always find the hanght-
Presidont Jolinson could not act with j lost and most proscripme men too
ly spoiled by emancipation. How far
thcro reasons arc sound, we shall not
now inquire. Yc nay add. however,
that thcro is probably at bottom in
and i desire ihii tho more because I ' Bnch men. No American who has , greutcat opposers of slavery, at.d the the southern heart a conviction in fa-
RF.GISTF.R'S NOTICE-Jfotiee ia beroby
given that tbe following aeonunta bace been
cxuKined and passed by me, and remain Hied of
record in thia office for tbe inspection ot heira.
legatees, creditors, and all others ia any way
Interested, and will be presented to tbe next
Orphsns' Court of Clearfield county, to be beld
at the Court Hjuio ij tl.a bnrotigh of Clearfield,
commencing on the Third Monday of June 1866,
tor confirmation snd allowance.
1 7'be account of I McNaul, Admuiistrator of
E. B. Bmeal, Ute of the trough of Curnenavilla,
Clearfield county, deceased.
2 The account of Jstues l'egrty, ?'isrdian ol
Iiannah Jane Dillon, luicor child, of eurge
Dillon, deceased.
3 final account of C. D Felt, Administrator oi
William II. Mattfon, docciueil, laU of lt town
ship, Clearfield county, Putin's.
4 Final account of Gideon &meal and Kancy
Pmeal, Exr's of the last Will and Testament ol
Jeremiah Smeal, lata of Suggs township Clear
field county, deceased
b Tbe account of Mary Spencer, Administra
trix of James Spencer, late of I'iks town'p, dee'd
0 Final account i f Samuel finwlea, Adininia
t re tor of f lUia 11. Kowles ot Lawrence tp., dc'd
7 Account of 11. II. Ilurd and L. J. Kurd Rxee
nUrsof the last Will and 7'estamenl of Elia
Hurd, doceascd, late uf Chest township, Clear
field county, l'fuu Iv&n'a.
8 Tbe final account of Elizabeth Cross, Ad
miniitratrix of ..mlrew Croas, Ute of iloggs
township, county of Clearfield, deceased
10 00 ) J 7 ho account of F. F. Coutriet, Guardian o'
make it a point never to fail in an cn-
u rider
gugement of this kind, except
the pressure of overtilinj circiini-
moat urdent sympathizer with "the vor of a formal freedom for '.ho negro.
poor negro." Ihey, you see, luivo At least, tbey will not stubbornly ar.
nothing to loose, becanso they inter- guo that the system which has been
Uou. many d'thlinciions, between them abolished was in all respects tho best,
I ... il,n l,.r nf eni'ictr lint. Tlinivifiimi iIi-t- n ,, ;!l;,.,. ;,,
a whito conscience can. The conscience
has to be blackened hi America, or
crimonod in Kurone, to make a Ro-
ct.!in4. 11 1 cm at anv time lireuiier . 1. irnn ftnfTi-iontl v L atKOr tiiiiCKitst-
atono for this LVilure. it will aflord me I v red to do tho woik of u thoroughly 'selves and the herd of society But Thoreforu, they aro williji'' in good
nleasuro to do so. radit-alitsod fanatic. the poor white man who has nothing ; mth to accept emancipation; but
1 have never teen wore thoroughly If thi country is to be saved from j to depend on, except Jiimscll, cannot; th.y h..!d thiit legislation for tho
convinced of tho necessity for exertion going the way o'fti.o other republics! bo permitted to indulge a pride of j negro must proceed on tho acknowj.
than at the present moment. Tho on this eontinent.wo will owe it under race, because in thfr joy ol that pride he . t-dgtuent that ho is n black man, and
tieril of the nrcsent hour can hardlv i Gol to A ndrew Johnson. If w are
uiihl fwtl himself as ('ood as an Earl
or as tho imbecile son of a Queen. He,
therefore must be kept down by the
oe o.crrated. In this I iiirree with 'ever rnrain to have anything worthy
llm 1p,..;,Ii.ii nnrl tliinlf it wmilil be ' fif ,.ii!Ii.1 u. Union, we will owe
treason to the Constitution and tho jit to his lovatty and intrepidity. But jden al of any differenea hetween the
Union for men who think a. I do to1 a Union kept together by bayonets, races. In oiher words, artificial pride
,,tiriiia kil..nt 'in. I i I I i ll.Tcn t II t. Klicll ! nr v In, t ! W'iPfciV bv It Stt'Urni of oHie- abolishes tho distinctions of race which
ucrisi. A few years of civil war doal vermis, t potutc 1 ttnder a t;tvil Uod U:u eroaieu.inui nm.13 juirouute 1 uucuon ueiweeu 1110 races is so plain
tbe the work of centuries in altering Rights t)il1s,to interfere with tho laws, others which the livino Government j that nothing but an ambition founded
and deteriorating the character of a : tribunals and rights of the States, and does not recognize. Timo will show . in selfishness could even attempt to
that the attempt to lemMlats f jr him
as a whito maij means, on the part of
those who attempt it, a design upon
tho liberties of white people, and upon
the constitution of tho government.
It could not bo otherwise. The dis-
7 00 , M.rv Ann BunUlliur.
Lumber City,
W. R. Wells,
T. F. Boalieu,
Jnlin Ferguson,
Kirk A ripen ;er,
!:- a ' .0,
12 50
10 00
i 50
12 50
15 00 .
1 nn 1
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
25 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
Clearfield bor. Richard Mossop, 4 S 00
" Hartswick A Irwin, 3 1UWU
C. P. Watson, 4 5 00
Clearfield bor.
S'Smber City,
Covington tp.
Jlrady tp.
aloihca tp.
W. Hoffman,
A. Pholpp,
W. E-itres,
J. F. ltotn,
Ed. Goodwin,
L. D. Hile,
Galur A Mechnig,
John B. ltongcux,
John Ilcbcrliiig,
Harrison Lingle,
I. 0. flAnGEP, Bci'.'cr
Rfgitters OfE", Clearfield, P., June 2J, I860
rpliau'ai Court Sale fly virtus of an or
der 0 tbe ( , au a Court of tlearlielu co..
tbe undnrstcned L'tihidian of rJlen Mul
len, n:it.. ' . ol George Mullen, dpe'd.
will offe' al public rale, in the IWnugh o'
Cleariltilc'. . .: ' ay, June 15, I8G0. the
olluwing Iteal K-tate. viz: A certain
Iioub and lot of "nuid, situate in trie
village of rar.Jias, .awrence township,
county aforesaid, a(ljoiiiini loia of Lejri
ardt)j.'deii and Abraham Cnrr.
Tims or Sai.i. One half the purchase
mnney in hand at confirmation of sale,
and tho residue in ono ypar thproafier.
wi;h interest, to be pet-tired by bond and
mortgage on lkeprmif.
Clparfiftld, May 2,1, I80t-4t. (iumdian.
5 00
!V T7IJL'CATHKAL. Tbennderaigned intends
till! ii , 1 :. ,k. T.. 11.11 CI..,.
, IlTOIIK I ,UIINI IU XII V A'.nw a...., v..n-
tioid. on toe First Monday ia June to continue
6 00
5 00
a oo I
5 00
i 00
i (X
.Clearfield bor. John Feeny, 10
1 - W. Entres, 10
2 " Casper Liepoldt, 10
Clu4eU County Bank
i An appeal will he held at the Commissioners
Ciffiee, in Clearfield, on Saturday the 30tb of Juno,
J8C4, when and where all parties feeling tbeuaelvos
sagrieved, will nlrnse sttend according to Law.
WILLIAM IlChtll, Mer. App'r.
Clearfield, Pa, Jnne 6th. 1 ROB.
15 00 I
15 00
15 00
SO 00
neonle.and none bJt stronr and priv- the hereditary constitutional liberty
ileged races ever fully recover from 'of the people, is not worth an hour s
such deterioration. It. reservation 'o, let us havo a real
ilost nations havo to pass through Union a Union 01'.. earls laws,right
a second conservative revolution to ; and privileges, or no Union. The
recover their lost position, and if we people will have no radicalized Union,
escitpo from that calamity it will bo with Ncw-lngl;i.ul fir it h head and
by a violent political struggle-amount Taxes tor its Lnil. Wo will have no
ing in subslanco to a rcvoijutiou. Tho Union with aslevTi States ott or Afri
bnd passions of human nature oiua '?ani-pd.
biimulatvd by war, survive the ocean i 'Hie war, U is truo, has made us a
sior makes the period that sue-'pat in t 'efple, and taught us to suc
ceeds oju, .-1 U reveni z... - . it to any kind cf gosernmeut, but
persecution. It was at iirt honed this l. ust not be mistaken for n blind,
and believed bv the friends of human ' ignor.v ' or slavish submisn. r
freedom every where,that ur new poo j start u,) v ..0 ouako sonio bnglit
pie, educated under tho benign and cle-; morning, nj conciuao inai a rumi
vatingiufluenceof liberty,wo'dshow to Congress and u rum) Union at the
the world that a U?fcai,cd parti in a same time aro not quit tho thing for
civil turn to their natural nlkgianeo :this countrj- and so furo as wo open
that tho party in this .country men j neglect 11. just us a laction in a
has abolished (da very is tho greatest, eity, bt-nt on tilundcr and destruction.
enemy of freedom. To-day it is cn-j would open the prison doors of felons
without any lecJiug of disbftuor or
degradation, and that the victorious
party, uisdaimn ' base and cow
ardly gratification of revenge, and,
confident in their owa &!rengu, justice,
and u... ..lanimitv. could welcome back
their erring jci.ircn, without seeking
our eve to thi fact wo will do w
dcavoring to consolidate tho govern
ment and to create nn aristocracy ot
permanent ofliee-hoiders through the
instrtiinentality of the public debt. It
is seeking to establish precedents of
isrljal and tyrrunnical legiflation,and
tas been permitted quietly to proceed
111 this OiiTClion 10 nn cxietn
would havo alarmed and aroused the
proceeding get.L 'ations of Americans
through ho whole extent of the
co intry. 'e quietly submit to things
which our father would MX have suf
fered to be proposed and, at this ri-ie,
the day ma ton e w hen we would
miietlv submit Loan aristocracy of
blood to get Hd of au aristocracy of
party rale. The blood aristocracy of
hament send tho rump Congress to
seek the devil anywhere else except
in Wnshjngtofl, ad bring back a
whole Union, in nli its beanty and
majesty, t.o greatest and noblest po
or desiring to ins'-lt, bur liliatc, or do-j litical structure in the world. Toe floe
urado them, or render them un wort by tUifi. peacably wo must havo a thor .
of that high destiny w hich should bo.orgamraton of tho people. Ivvcry
for a term of e even wcetts.
Tliosirouirbness will be aimed at to all our In
atruelion. "Not bow anuch but how well" la tbe
p-inoiple open whieb the exorcises will be oon
Prtiul.r attontion paid to P.otnanship and
Book Keeping.
A dailv recister is kent of rhe attendance, de
porlment and recitaiions of each pupil which if
sent weekly to psrents, inns lurmsaing mem
with constant inlurmatiuu of bia standing and
progress in school.
Public exhibitions are not held at any listed
time, but parents snd guardians are respectfully
Invited to visit the school and observe tbe man
ner whjj-h fheViiaVy work ia performed.
Spelling, Beading, Writing, Primary Arithme
tic. -d Oeoeranhy. S 4 00
Grammar, (jeograpby, History, Arithmetic and
Book Keet'inr 5 00 1
t ai ui uiiro maau ui ( u vs pbii, tuu ia l 1 v as in aa DUMrrir aar-
dU U lb city of Eri on Lake Brie.
n W t. a 1 i.3
Time of Psssenger trains at Earonica.
Leave l'stward.
Rria Mall Train & 01 P. M.
I Kris Express Train 1 1.48 P. M.
I Leave Westward.
I Erie Mail Train 12.00 M.
Er e Express Train 1.53 A. U.
Raasenrer cars ran through on the Erie Mall
I and Express Trsins without change both ways
between Philadelphia and Erie,
New Suit Connection.
Leave K. Tork at 9 a. tn, arrive at Frls .X0 a .(a.
Lesvs Erie at 4 45 f m, arrive at N.Y.rk 4.10 r-.ia
Ho rhanf,e or (Jars between l:ilc N Vork.
Elsgant Sleeping Cars oa all Night trains.
For information respeetin. Passenger buai
r aiess, apply at Cor. tOtb ivnd Market St's, Pbil'a.
And for Freight business of the Company's
Agents 8. B. Kingston, jr., Cor. lath and Market
Streets, Philadelphia.
J. W. Reyaolds, Erin.
Wm. Drown, Agent, N. C. R, R., Baltimore.
H. H. Uodsto, General Freight Agt,Vuil'a.
U. W. Owmaia, General Ticket AgL Phil'a,
AL. TTLER, General Sup't, Williamsport.
J BLAKE WALTERS, eWhener and Coa
a veyancer Agent for the Purchase and Ksls
of lands, CLlariiL, 'car'.
Prompt attention givea to all Kuain.s. eonoMt
ti with the county offices. Office viih tion.
Wm. A. W. Clearfield, Jan. Ist,lsfl6 tf.
. WALLACE, Art laaar at Law
bhaw's Row. op
rotnte tbe Jcarssi tSee.
is, t, iiii.-tr
the price and boast of tho freo-boi n
citizens of tho only great republic in
tho world. This would havo exalted
our national character in tho estima
tion of Christianity, and, like all pub
lie conduct which is truly great and
noble, would redound to tho highest
interest and advantage of our own
country. But all of these bright hoprs
hvo been doomed to sac and outer
disappoinlmpBt. The leaders of the
present Congress are giving the tuott
convincing proof that a single despot,
Iowcver cruel, can bo mow mrgna'.i
mons and merciful than tho inflamed
j fanatical representatives of a free peo
ple. They aro not vconteut with try-
$7 00 1 IBS humilialc,degradc,and dishonor
1866. 1866.
s-. ttt TtTTt a 1 vn rotr r 1 -
JUItaWtuiiiA Aur.xwii nsu A)(( IhiJosopby, Geometry,
IXJ A A. ill IE Ci liiitsiiRrri 1 ii , mu iTtirvss i;ik, ' i i ti I I
ISorlbero ud Kortfawett coo&tfM t raonijlVsl Latin and UrccK wun an oi lot boo to orn ".v .-vi,.. ... rvr.w
ai vwi loyal nn reuoi, dm iney nre uoicrm-
vllTAtvA lined to perpctualo that degradation
m., .0. .0UD. v. u. --zLlr-Z- Unt faslen p0n their innocent postcr
JkTEW STORE AND NEW GOODS' by divcs'ling t)0m of aU political
ito ciliw; crtV i power, atd investing their slaves of
Colonel Prido did with the rump Par- Kngland condescendingly allows isome-
lljing to me j.orer anu ltnitiieu class
es ; but the Black Republicans of this
country den; Jl favor before God or
ujen to those who differ from them
selves either in spirit or opinion. It
is tho party rf selfishness gone mud.
Self-conceited beyond everything
ever si.en in tho .listory of idiosyncra
cv. it holds tho most absurd doctrircs
with a tenacity which is duo to estab
lished principles alono.
Hopelessly debauched in morals, it
would hang as c riminals tho best men
who should ch.dlengo its godless su
nrcmnev. and defend from U punish
ment the most unmitigated scoundrels
who should choose to be called by its
name. Heretofore men havo associa
ted in nartics with a view to conve
nience in carrying on tho pracucal
polities of tho co.tntry, dill'onng as to
measures of policy, but recognizing
certain established p ineiples as con
stituting Jhe foundation and the safe
guards of the government. But the
11 jw p'U ty denies all principles and
ignores all policy except tho pursuit
at all hazards of its own abnormal
greed. 'Jtlier parties w )uld never
push antagonism to tho extreme of
ttiitctlluig tho country and emianger
to gain help in their designs, o a po-
litUttl part my be known as despot
ic by iis overriding all natural dis
tinctions under tho plea of philan
thropy. As tiie faction would abolish
the distinction betweon innocence and
crimin. lity, bect.nso tho latter would
side with its deliverer, eo the party
would abt lish flic d's'inction between
tho sujicrior ami jtiforior race, know
mi; that its action and its aims would
alike tend to draw tho ignorance to
wnicu it thus appealed to its own sid1
of tho conflict. Alroudy tho Atlantic
Monthly and tho Black Pepublican
organs havo said that the ignorance
of the negro was more avail.tblo to
them than tho wisdom of tho whito
man, by which tl.oy could moan no :h
ing clso than that they intenaed to
abolish Constitution government and
to tiamnle civilisation itself into tho,
dust. Ualeestoii Aj'etrs.
man who wants to prcser 0 tho Con
stitution of the Union ought to enter
a Johnson club. Wo owo it to the
koW aland taken by the Presidents
sustain him ; and what is more, wo
owo it to ourselves and to tho country,
and tho principles of c.istitutionul
liberty, to sustain hi policy so long
ns ho sustains the Constitution and
the Tnion. Tiiw radical faction must
bo put down b' apcaceab'o organiza
tion, or the country will drift rapidly
into a social civil revo.utmi.
Gentlemen, I have tho honor to b.,
youx oUedie.ut servant,
James Shields.
Tho following articlo is tho ablest
wo havo yet seen upon the grent issue
now beforo the country.
"Fight tor the negro" Buid a northern
soldier the other day. No wo fougtit
llave just opened a
Xtw Stori, on MainSt.,Ci,KAitriiiJi, Pa.,
lalelr occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN.
Their ttcck oensista ot
ODinT C2 CD CJD IX) 33,
GkoCER'.ci of the best quality,
QuEENswARCf Uoots and
a. d every article) ceeesaarr for
fine's comfort.
Call and examine our stock before pur
chasing elsewhere. May 9, 18("6-tf.
power, axiu investing tncir slaves oil lor mo uignny 01 lanor. hittvcry ue- "ii i" -1- j n !""'
yesterday with full political power to graded tho laboring man everywhere, rejoiced in their power to precipitate
dnr.iinntn ovpr them. Thev inimrinc. itnd esnociallv it tinu'wiil eil noriliern tho countrt into a war, and did it,
- j r, - - 1 - - - - - - . . . ,
o.tensioiy 10 new mu miu, uui nui-
I ) OBEKf J.
XV Clearfield, Pw, Ottae U
recent slaTcs with power to decide
upon their defeti iy. There is n coldly
calculated, refined vindictivencss in
1 this that wouid do credit to tho citi
, reus of a darker region than J,hoir
1 Kthiopian policy can ever ntMko the
ti South. And besido tho gratification
1)OC9 of impish revenge, this policy prom
ises them peculiar political advant
ages, for it is ono of the characteristics
1 of this cold-blooded faction, that in
'even gratifying their revenge they
never loose sight of thtdr own immnd
ato interest. The w hole political pow
er of the South, when once Africanized,
:au be mane available bv suiiuuie
nnrl nrrlitmi rit'lilK flint no hiimttn hihorers from cni'irrul.illir to tin. Sniilh
punishment coulddegmdo t!.o South-, where, whilo slavery lasted, they J b" w' tin design of enalanng
crn whites lika that of investing their would have been classed with tho no-! whites.
gro V Was there ever 11 greater mis- Wherever there is variety of races
lake? During the days of slavery a ' j.) a t'ountiy, ihe despot and tho an
working whito man was a great tleul archist can bo known by bis bidding
inoro respectable hero than ut l!,o for tho fav r of tho inferior lace. Ue
North. Tho fact ofelavtry created a knows their ignorance and ferocity
brjad distinction between whidc and needs just such instruments fo
and black, and thus prevented petti ilo further his designs. Iu South Anicr
difdinetions union" tho whites. Itut lea, everv new usurper, wlr wishes
wo q totod the expression as allowing to put a chain upon tho necks of tho
that Emancipation and Civil Kights wbites.coinniencts by preaching equnl
biiJs and kindred proceedings do not ity to the negroes, and ends by put
spring from any peculiar good will ting the bayonet into their bunds and
lor tho negro, but from hatred of tho using to intimidate all tho whito
whites in tho South, coupled with a intelligenco and patriotism which ap
dusiro to uso tho negro for the further- prebend and desire belter things than
anco of Kadical party aims. This is despotic-rapacity. This is tho spirit,
EbROK FALit takes ifaii method of lutorio-
he has refitted and reopened tbe hotel formerly UCentS, Under their Civil UiarhtS bill,
kept by it. tscnreiaer, at Coxestown, where ke and auch other kindred measures, a.i, tato entirely all that has been done ism in this country
.JiwhoVvThm they may bo ablo to pasa over the) ostensibly for the negro by tho black with tho negro because it wishes to
prftrw, April 12, '. lrly. I resident 8 veto. Tbe Bwarro or xtepunncan party it also raises ln use htm w a tooi ior vno aosunouou
o plain and so iniquitous as to viti- policy and aim ot Black Kepublictm-
spotio rapacity.
ism in this
ll sympathizes
$1 000.000 000 Beward.
LOST A UlUeal-. Tnc sole prop-,
ertyoftho poor freedinen, who aro
inconsolable. SuM bureau contained
six drawers, in which were deposited
the following vuiubles :
No. 1. JL'.OUO.tHlO acres of public
land and rmfiscnted estates. Swio
of which is vtry vnluablo for ralsirg
Sea Island cotton.
No. 2. Daily ration? for 1,700,000!
freed men f t ton years, with priv
leges of removal.
$.o. 3. Clothing outfits for tho same
number orireedmen, of the samo rual
ity, anjgot up without regard to cost,
including fine tooth combs, sor.odont
and night blooming ceret.s.
No. 4. 100,000 irst class residences
ft ieeedmcti : Government, pattern,
with r.'.l the moderr improvementa.
No. 5, 400,000 eol'eges, schools,
chnrchrs, (ortlioJox of eourstt,) nospi
tals, - bus hciiscs Ac.,all in the highest,
stylo of art.
No. 0. Government commissions
for 00o,000 salaried agents to super
intend the distribution of tho iJove
property. These commissions aro
very valuable and eagerly sought; for
tho emoluments and lucrative per.
quisites aro abundant, duties light
an:i character n object.
Tho last scon of tljo bureau was irn
tho hands of tho liopresentativo- of
tho pooplo who is st ppoted to hftTte itp.
in his :t,its pocket. Any informa
tion which will lead to tho impeach,
iticnt and conviction of this audacious
usurper, by which the bureau may btv
rccovered, will bo rewarded as abovo
by Stevens, Scmneh, et al
,.s ,
tvayTho Pennsylvania raili-oad com
pany havo a corps ot photojraphcra
now engaged in taking jihoAograpli
viewR of tho roatl from Philathwhiato
Pittsburg. They are tranprtrted fyoc
point to point on a special train.
feGov. Morton, of Indiana, baa
been given up by his physicisT. Tber
ia no hopo 0 Lie fecorary.