Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 06, 1866, Image 2

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    2h tftottitfo Jltpnblirsn.
VtiiJ.v . '?
Wednesday MonNiNc:::::Junc G, 18G(.
JU X' - i - -
X .'.1 IJ-l. .1.. 11 -
Primary Ilect'on.
Tim Domorrntifi I'rimnrv V.leetion
1 .'1 11 bo held, Miis year, on Saturday tmcnicnt to oar columns, for the ben
ihe 14th day of July. As tho rules ofit of tl,0 pul)c
; I'.juire n candidate's name to appear 1 1 m
k thrco issues of our paper, previous j A Qcebipt. Our "brother chip,"
i t tho eIection,to make him eligible to !(jown street, last week attempted to
1 ? voted for: all names must bo an-1 . ,, 1 r v,,. ,1;
, ', P ., ri cct np a military record lor tno ais-
ounced on or before the 2 1 tli of June. b ' 1 ,
'.Vc must, to protect ourselves, require nion candidate for Governor, and
ilio fe3 to accompany the notice, viz :' excitingly exclaims :
! r Assembly $10,00, Associate Judge j "And while all this glorious ttrng-
. r.00, Commissioner 84,00, Auditor j.'jrlo wf.s going 011, where was ilr.
1 Ins will pay lor card una tickets lor
ilic primary election.
Attention A Proposition.
Tho undersigned proposes to furu
i .Ii the " Clearfield Iu-jwLlkan," during
.:e niiTiroachinf enmnnnm to neWi
. a reduced price to clubs,
.. il . - .1 P jl . 1
i r me penou oi jour momns juiv,(
j ugust, September and October upon
; l.c following Terms.
3 cne ddresf, b lu adraoce $3,00
. 0 ' M 4t " - Ififl
1 1 " - 8,110
I thus offer thepapcr below
i 'g at tho raloof 81,S0 $1,50 $1,20 per
vvnr, lor me purpose 01 getting it into
lore gcneial circulation. There are
i .100 Democrats in the county, who
!. not take the county paper. This
i an all be avoided ; if our Democratic
iends sacrifice as much time 83 wc
.') money, in trying to get their neigh
bors to subscribe fort tie Hepullican.
A Club often ($5,00) can bo raised in
r ny township in tho county if some
. no will spend a little timo. We hopt
ur friends in tho different Borough
:md townships will bring this matter
I ifore their neighbors. If wo receive
i roper encouragement, at this timo,
-0 will before two months pass around,
j dd four columns more to our paper.
he Tress and necessary material to
lo this, will cost us about SI, 200.
No attention will be paid to orders.
1 i.less accompanied by the cash. Ad--ircps.
Geo. B. GoorLASDEn.
Clearfield Ta.
It ATII F.n IlEFIltsIlI.NG. To pick lip
i n exchnnge, and read a column de-
lairaing against crime, discord and
i lie godless proclivites of the ago; and
then cast your eye over an adjoining
;-ago, and seo such advertisements
"Sir James Clarks Pills," "Errors
T Youth" "Strango but Truo" "A card
30 Invalids" "Saved from the .Taws of
Mcath" To Drunkards" Ac. These are
.1 few, of the infamous advertisements
1 hat appear in two thirds of our ex
t barges, emcnating most of them too
i n order to give them a religious tone,
from the Biblo House New- York, and
.ire the parent of more crime, than
r ould be committed by tho Devil and
":11 his hosts if turned loosa 011 earth.
)no of thoso noticeB starts oiT"aClcr
man while residing in South Amcr-
, as a Missionarj, e another,
AhjmeiHi whose sands of l.f. have
nearly run out, discovered whilo in
The East Indies Ac." Tho reader will
'lir-cover that while the Parson and the
Doctor appear to advantage hcrc.they
are two of thc greatest scoundrels out
;ide of a Penitentiary ,and are employ
ed by "old nick," to operate through
tho professions, and succeed better in
lebauchine the human race. than nnv
.... .
ten, m mo original mocK, cast out ol .
"The Boys is Blue." The soldiers
ot "Mother Cumberland," assembled
in !'1- .l t. n.i .r '
..wuvmu. ciu .uaj, io me
number of nearly 200. for the i.urnose
4 i - -
. r .. : . : .1.1 ,,...
"t Jii'wuiitng u:i'gaies io ine i uis
rmrg convention
Devolutions wcro reported, den ounc
ing everything in tho negro line Pu-
reau, suffrage, loyalty and all. The
(tump Congress was censured for fail
ing to restore thc Union,and endorsed j
licy of President Johnson, MdrT' I
mination ot Hon. Hiester Cly 60 "ith
the policy of!
the nomination
mer ior ttovernor. The resolution
wero adopted by a vote of 113 vea,UllT,nc)of lhc lorkCitizcn.who town of Havre dc Grace Md called 1? A,L BOA, ,IO,",p- M' s rbiitr
to 21 nays. The 21 dis-unionist,; like cn. ataff, alledgeS that -Lower Woomab.rr," ntainin 216 K V--" - ZXZMJXC
their allies belore them. Seceded, and 'dot cct ire Baker, has robbed the irov- tL an m Ar".n nnn .-'"t-k ' rr ub th
set tip for themselves and the military
bummer Geary. This scene happened
within six miles of tho residence of
General Geary. Bad for StverV
pet for OoTertior.
Ts Tax Mn,i-The,nHrral
Kcveinie Ace'ior.ofi:.' diMt uM R'vca
.mice thit an nnvd will Voh.U at
notice, tnai an aj p ... in .
I ;., l,roilh ,v on II. c ..111
if Juno, ami tliat the Awe-smciil
Look, will rcnum open to He
.n 1 r.m
11.111 VI Bll Vl'IIWIIIVU, l.v... - -v ...
t. the, 20th instant. &
Thfl Nitii liuiTauitcs. wlio nin.rvacunio.i mo rvni.
tnx niHcliinc in this district,
l,avc a rcculiar way ol Mnngmg uicir
doings before the imUio, alwty aN
vertisinir inthopancr havinc the ItMbt
cirenhuion, hen the law, their oath, ,
nnd public justice, demands the re-
. verse. j
In order to bring the time of the
appeal before u large majority of the
(people of thU county, wo will next
week, transfer tho Aftsensors adver-
llicstcr Clymcr:
Yo will answer : ho was just where
tho editor in question was at home.
With this difference, while he through
the corruptions of the Provost Mar
shals office of this District, secured
exemption, Mr. Clymer sent a substi
Itute to the field a man that wanted
to fight-practiced just wat be Fenians advanced on the double quick,
prenched-did not bellow for warfilli fixed b.aroets bnt tlio Cau
and want all his neighbors to go, and jadlaDS wcre ra,,cJ in an Prd,,irJ on
then stay at home Limself.
more questions
II.ARD TO Uxdeustanp. TbediJac
tics of our neighbor, aro certainly
hard to understand. Less than one
cur njo, lie wuuiu lljve innreunni
n. b,l,,! iUmn. fnri
' . 1 0 1
opposing the "iT'iVCrnmcnt, it Was
"treason, now he supports a man for
Governor who is more "fernenst" the
A , .
-governmont than any Copperhead
ever was, and be wants his neighbors
to consider him loyal. History re-
cords but one sommcrsct that equals
this, and tliat was, when a ccrtaiu
ngel turned Devil.
ExrLosiox. Thc steamer ITity of,
Memphis, on a trip from New Orleans
to St. Louis, ou thc Slst nit., when
near Memphis, Tenn., exploded one
of her boilers, tearing the boat nearly
to pieces and setting it on fire. Neatly
all the person on board wcro either
killed, or, badly scalded. Tho boat
and cargo valued at $100,000 are also
a total loss.
Tuk Dead Hero. Gen. Scott, lie
veteran of manj- battles, met the con
queror of his race at West Point, on
thc 29lh ult in tho 80th year of Lis
A becoming resnect Las l.o.-n !
o i i
paid to tho memory of the deceased
throughout thc country. A more ex-
M,l,lA(;...:'ll..ft....J! .....
HVU V 1 ill i.V JUUI1U lllttUUtUCrr
a :. j ,,
H-'j-l 'uiiiu ..iiiii,, IIJIltll.-u VllTMlU, !
. ...
uu us a itiiiuiT in ono oi iiiei
ii. i. c . . )
Uiacii bCHOOlS, Ul JHOtUlO Ala, WaS ar-
.lt(a) 1 1 41 .. .
retted last week, tried, convicted and i
sent tothe Penitentiary, for five vears.l
for Lorsestealirg. Ve are surjiriscd)
that the ' Sainted Howard," docs not'says, the new five cent pieces, nrCl'
take his place, and grant this persecu- about the size of the three dollar Gold '
ted man ins liberty.
The Plaoie. Th.
liltct TOWS
irom Europe, is to tlio effect that the
lhlc CaUjo
L , d subsiding. 1
unwelcome intelliirence is also broiifht
that the disease has broken out in.
Ireland, in a violent form Two
,. i , . '
n.iivi-. vi uic u'uu iu- in X'liiiutm nave
reported no new cases for two weeks'
fcjWo olK-rve bv the last Journal'
that mc while negro recommends
ttin nni..;,,..;.. t c... r. .1 1
"'..i4ui.u m jii. ov..uLitj,
for Congress. He is ccrUii.1v one of
the greatest ...rn Ar.l.innrl ; iL.
body, and j.robably as inefficient in
everything, except in bis excessive
natc ior tho white rare, and Lis ove
r-,r .v, :
.w w..ut.i-f,i3uii out in u,
fcaJ 1 ho asiiinrtfin l.nmtra r
... , ,,
still engaged at their old job trying
people, in order to cnfranchins three
I'.' Imillion blacks. This is carrvingout
f"'1 I,., t , r , "
,.iinc Uf,clnne oi the Declaration, of In-
esrnn vi isu.y, (L ol. t. has,-Cf.
.a r- 1 . ,
ernmentofovertwc, hundred thons-
and dollars. No wonder he ia loyal,
edCrCp r CUrUn LM tint-
ed Charles R. Cobum, Suit Supenn-
tendrnt of Common Pfhooli
J i.o great in wMin'
da, bn at lorn ta taken place, scicrai
h .1
irscnumary n-tmii-un
crworu v..
.t . -..1 :.. t. -j .1 . ...! ..
i.aic, am. ... .a. . .,i.. s
W,Ur, on the Irtlnt and mccj. IoJ
iii tavitniiii? 1 oil Erie, on tno I una-
- - - l - c
' Ionian.,l,j
fought nt a lac calloa I.ulgoway, on
I - . i,.. :.!. hi. .is
1IIC 1..1lialll MUC (iiuui vi-uv .....c
vnnn n.u.
alKvc the hort, tl.o rrsalt ot wnicn
la$ not tmnfipircJ. The KT.tana cut
all the Telegraph wires and burned a
! number Of I'l ldlJCS. itlO liOVemor CI
1 . , 1 1 it 1 ,
New ork, has issued a Proclamation
calling out the m.I.t.a in the bonier.
' counties in that Mate.nnu uen. urnir.
has Ordered (ien. Head, tO Bend all
the troops under his command along
tlir. Imnlpp fl reat eicite mcilt Prevails
. rn v
along the frontier. The I-enians are
commanded by Cols O'Connor and
Scanlan Licnt. Col. Brown and Major
hi. . . , .
ular U. S. Officer. Tho report that 1
. . e
l ltZ Hugh Lee, Was in Command Of
il...l-,. la!n;,l Tt U ctntod
that the officers are about equally
composed of the late Federal and Con
federate armies. We fear tho Sham
rockers will get bloody noses.
Latest. An eyo witness of tho
fight at Ridgway, says that all the
Fenian troops were nnder the com
.,,l rv... T -... I ,1. '
' 1
parties fired eevcrul rounds, when the
viiuvr 6iuo uitcn anij, inu were srp-
arated from tho Fenians by a thick
brushwood, O'Xeill deemed a charge
1. . . u
OSS, and gaVO the Order tO halt
and fall back.
The Canadians, be-
Sieving this a retreat advanced from
., ... .1 1. . .... .
'""V""" " UU"
, by thO ienians With an impetUOQS U erect rb e.abie, ew thed or pig pen only
'. , . . . , o the itoer tida or line cf the loL
tle Fenian, pnrsujn- them for two reuoT. u, b. rcmored any .,.bie, co-
., , , , . . bed or pig p hicb may tcrcaflr be erwteJ
ItV.UCS, Wj.en Col. Ocelli Ordered a n ihat aide or lii.e efary lot ia the Eoruush,
;haJ Jhc CanaJ:an coralllctclj de- . facing or.d-
; v , ... t, . j.oig rei. The eo.t of a..d re.nov. Und
i moralized, Continued their flight to iwemy per ceotno added thereto to be paid by
Prt . r nrnn T. ,rth... .cr.rccupir. of th. Uon.bUh .uch
wonndod nnd thc c. I
auians 2.1 killed and wounded in ail
Tho Fenians fought bra vclv.t brow
ing off their coats, vests, and even
.shirts, and fighting half-nakod
. a
stoi'i'ini? the rnrsuit the main LoJv
XI rr I -
of Fenians
Cd toward r Ort
Erie, leaving a guard over the wound-'
. j
OU Of but !l sides.
Bi rr ai.o, rar 4 9.C0 a. m.
. . I
IliC fchowing I t-man oCiccrs are:
ciipttircd: bv V. S. Officer Col. O'Neill,!
Col Ilav and Lt Col. John Spanlding.!
Lt. C'ol"G nice and Major Moore. AM
quiettins morning.
k tin. ifiirn Tl.A fmrr.l! I'I.a. !
lrf.pnf Cnm mr-ro ll,.n vn,ra ;..'H. B. SWOOPE. AfTeilt.
j ... ,, , ...
a fit of loyalty, like thc Concessional i
- - ,
lumpers, passed an ordinance re -
quiring the members to take an
Jfli.,1 natli in .i.WlA ,1..:.
, ... .-v. ...-I., v.. ncil
loyalty, but tbeir feelings of hate hav-
iing pased awav, the Board on Thurs-,
. . ......
day last aboIjKhed the tet oath bv a '
' . -. -w. I
unanimous vote. Alius anntnor nrnn
, . I
OI the dis union fartV ha VldJed tO
n . 1 a; - UJ , 1 0
"""" "lv i'i-
fcirA Wabincton letter writer'
'piece. A such a thine has not been
I . inu
n this Section Of COUntrV, SlUCO
.t . .1 . .
U1C ' uuots ai uie ouier en.: ot the
line. aslliP rr,-vppnnnf tA.-
vnarge oi me macinne, we find
5t impossible bv tctinr over immaci--
""ion to its utmost capacity, to real-
lZQ 0 the bastard coin would
. According to a letter
pub!ishel in the Paltimoro .Sun, bv
1,on- "T Johnson, thc U S. Su
rmc t ourt c.,i that the Jhs-
test oath is unconstitutional,
nd ltn !tl V the tourt
wou,,i ,,aT en delivered but for the
-nort timo it w as deliver before the
a,1journtl10nt of tho Court.
S.iunr. irr.ria; a i
r ar :i. r.i. 1
v.. . a ii i. iv it, t i M.r i uiumrvr arm v.
. .. . . . r . . . . - :
.1... .1 - oc.t ..i. . .
t..i- iv: i . . .
1-uii.c, iM-t.nsin, iy iv. a. linker,
rashier of the Mechanics and Farmers'
C"10' received twwounds,nei;her cf
n r 'Jl , !T'V
He fell at the first fire, and was shot
aeoc.r.d timo
imn, iiisiiioujni win privc lata .
eWS bUl nl ""rating his skull.
Sale or a Fin-Elisha Lewi,
v . ,,. .nvi i.:. r,-m .i::- ....
' - wr -
pubois. of AVilliamspoH, ra.-i??!-
more Sun., isaaid'to be a deeend !
ant of tho Caw. He is ccritU
iier of Mexico.
to tXt rtUfWUtl .
-irol (.( 1.-Itt.otwt poond.of w,l
..Mrd-f. aV.ih h. c,t-ir,.riM rr.o
..V. . j. r. kRAHKR.
- .... - , -..
lrltim - lU tif rime Peatl.ere fi r )
- ' j. p. kraUKVS.
I '
Frcih ground rUf.rrfor --'a by
j. r. ajai inn.
lh Mackerel, f
Wits turd ala(Trat
Ilfrrinc. (n U
-i,)UP tl,4 FcfdKiTf.n.ity nr. Bwlua
m v oro mra 1. pti vuui. 7
1 , W11ATZKR. I
jun i, luoti-l wa.
TTam Peon. .r. We'iTJ
tp,n,t h.rb.rinff r in.Min my if
mined to py no more debt or 6r cooirnciuig
ifter this die, nnleM eompelleo vj
,,lJiiM joun U. ROVER.
t N ot ho is heriliv L'lvcn that JjCt-
cr, of Adininintration have tl.n day Ikh Rrantcl
'jtuZ vZJl 11
All nrrrana knuwine tlirmrrlrra indebted lo aaid
Katato are reouenled to make immediate payment
n(J ,how haJio laim, inti tlie .H...e m
prut them duly autu ,..r -.niu..
June lSoft-tit. AJminiitrutor't
1 1 iibol-cii cno(ii. J'r;"?"1
I l.utement of the linance.o. ClearOold Wor-
sU hool lii.mct, for tchw.l year ending
JlaySl.t, A.D. 1C6. J. M. Kitlc'.barger, Treaa-
nr.r. in aecount with Mid fund. U".
To balance due at lat aettlenert $2.3(13
To am't m l of Henry Stoaa. Col. l,l4S 14
- ppackman fo'.tol. 7U 00
" " " lala l)raft, 18Ku, si 45
By Order, eanw'.ed $ 1,003 0
- perrenUr allowed Ttea, 21 27
- FSalanca d o Uiitrict 3!6 B8
t.424 $i.m 23
aut and tuaiUTiea or butrict. ati.
Due from B. nicknian, fotuier Col. $17J IS
Amoont m lianiU of Treat. KitUlWger
Toial I6J 11
OnUtandiog orderi 8 tO
Eieeofaet.rerlUV,litiet $M 11
... O.B.llE2BELU
S. J. WALtaci, See y. 1WU
" " " i
viuiiuau a-j iuf ituirv'l H Alwaj
ttiwieil of tb Uoruurb cf C!ei field, sad it ii
uric a w run' irj ttiu vmniiru vw iur uiuunij
iit,mwt. That oa and after the date of thia
Ordinaaea, bo peraua ebail crael, or cane to be
lide rli ofary lut In the limUe f nid B-r.
uch. whirh raid tide or lina i or dit ba fa-
ar adjoin, a r, : b0, U Jll ba la, ul
P -
'AMCinVy. Src. 3. No erfoa tLall ba ailuwed
I to throw cr roller t in a pile any ozanuree or coal
i aabra on any atreet or alley within the Kiniti of
aid liumnth, and erary pereon aa t.Henuin;.
,haii b Sued fir each a'ffrac ia a um cot le ?
ud one oouar nor more iuao nve ui.uara. cucn
til to baclleeted
.. o.h.r fine. ar. by ,
SkC. 4. All tuamrt or foil,
Jw collectable.
JUi iieivaifcri l'BIIU VO 1111 ft VCI VI lll'j I.'"
be deemed the prtnertp of th Boruuth an . it ia
.i... ..--. r ..... j n. a . n . v i
htrt,,.T " tf lh fucet com.lniuB-
er to take (urh maoui and ccal aihei and dia-
pw of tb aam at pab.ic or ptna eiiei the
1""' ut M" u ,kU4 Cur,r6h
Iroaaurcr tjt the f tha liomaxn.
jamei wrIijlly, Barp.
w-1- tictra. sc. iao -u
P' May .he Uth u.
i iV na Huiuat -ifr U msuranr f tfo.
or niiLAMLpniA, ta.
,r .
. . ' "
biwii uin wr uini a I.oni'.njiu
1 Reee.pta f.r issj 3:.7.i5
iron-j1"' ,,,iJ 'a ,fi ,iP-23
w t. . . ""'
n. Tl. SWOOPE. ArenL
Ti T n 11 1 vTr r..i' . , . ' .
- - ii-inK'.iLn, jseaai examiner.
Clearfield May soth is...
Seao, pd.
All pereona ar hereby eaulinn
,i i
-l , . . .
- fc.i, 'b w.vii'r. ,i m n t w.t rn -
j :.u . . . .-. r- . . i
rrouiin.ry mil, la h.ut ttie
"lh y- l?BS,ealliag fir Serent? Fii
d. iur., P.y.b:, ni,.ty d.ya .firr d.t.. dr..
It Willi... Il 41... ...... J .....1.1.1. . .
MJ!'-MT ciias hensel.'
Mr aB tBIlt ala at . w Fm.m mm.m m.k
Tn e! '.Vibe"" TnTclTrZ
ill ta reie.l
ar-firld county,
Clearfield, until (be
I 'V7 ". ,.f'"i;J
Bndire. with good ftone ehutmenta. arruf the
niouth of Ander-.0 creek, in the Loroush of
.DrwBri le. Ilui aLa eperincatione fin lie
,.. t their offic. ot and after 4.k d.y .f j,.
If. AMOS Kt.AI. r
w P.rtn.rr,nv C. s. worrelu.
- c,"ri,Id :0lh' ,s-.
v?j dated July 2iuh, isti... due
, tw year after dale, aiitned by Henry Marehall
(nf and Adam Vanbell. eailirj t..r aa
aanarN uuiara, payaoia to my order. The aaid
Bote an obtained from m through fraud, with.
"1.T dnrri, and law determined to
-ipel peynent t be made la ma by law, if not
", a.luntanly, of whirh the parcel will pleaie
take noiice. HENRY MARSHALL.
Lradj Uwn'p, May 2ith, 'Cft St-pd. ,
Mr.-CIUXT.aB4 dealer In Pr, flocda. Clo.hig. iireri,Ai,w
V.HTu.r Ac
j ciearficU cunty. r.
I'iei and Midieire. Ilaia mnA r., n - t. ....
rrtal eille,
(May 2, f
c a
ttitr. riSKi, wa. v. waicaT,
a. a. waicBT. w. a. WAi.t.act,
J. T. l.OMlD, J. a. Cltm AH,
can. l. a led.
a- cis
". ua"
v f r n -v
iaiUUlin A' CcIlCCtjOu )0USf
riIILIPTtl'E.1 ('..... P.
TUUef S"." KM ardPf.. dieeou.Ud.,alI tin,, at aery low r,ir.e,, ,t He Clear -
Collection Biad and proceedi proaiptly remitted.
mift oa lb Clie eoue oa band.
H.n rnkicr Iloai i bow men aad
for barineaa.
f,rt e.isfti. pBiuwime. Ctre Co.. PaenV
rari avtrw!. tul VATVilDr FQ1I4V Will UO WU
10 " ' " k1.i.i,i.
Aject f th Fiager Sewing Machinal.
Pbilipbrg. CeBtr e , Pena'a.
Oe. Uih,
n"eymk, all . wi. aad bex ai.i.ufo.
T "l i:r.TAll.KM of lyi
cifuwj M.Mr, fr the year Ufa, "'j.
me r.i
I"1"-" rMe. ....
Wni tp., UW.WVM, II II 0
Tlnn 11 room.
? fafl
Hell (p..
W. C. W!U,
M'. J. Nrpn.,
llnmr 1'nlflun,
A. Tiildiin A Itro.,
WcMnrry Jl kime,
In in, Itrollirr,
K'lin McMnMru,
John t'nvdcr,
liMid It. II,
rtoU'rt MulialTry,
P. W. Tliompxui,
K.l. Willimi..
II. Albert A lire.,
(icorfce Wilwn,
I. tliMi.llaii'lcr,
l K. Arnol.l,
Carlile i rion,
Arnol.l k Tfrjie,
JllR'pIl ChIIutii,
Arnol.l A Carl ilr,
U. 11. .M.iorr.
Wlllimii Hunter,
Kduanl Ily-c,
j HQ
12 Q
12 JO
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
i v
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 no
7 00
10 00
10 00
12 iO
10 00
7 00
7 00 j
7 00 I
7 00 I
7 00 '
7 00
nreny .p.,
William Ilenitt,
r ... ,. , V. Cuutrief.
l oU2''on ,p- ,
roinlon, 14
W. W. lletta A Co., 14
Uintiain tp.,
Uulicli tp.,
T. II. Forcy, 13
I'. A A. Hvnn, 15
II. Al!mnn A Co., Vi
Klliolt A Miller. U
Irwin, lliiily A Co., 14
It. B. Ktcwart, 14
Aiifruitut Leconte, It
L. M. Contrict, 14
A.H.'t 14
William llrady, 14
lluvi.l McUherban, I t
llrnrr Swau, 14
M. ol tstirk. 11
W. P. Hanki-v, 14
I. C. .M, ( k.kTACo 11
Jnuire Forr-ft, 14
cander Denning. 14
J. C. llrrnner, 11
I). W. Holt, 14
Ionard Kvlcr. 10
C.,,L iP,
i , '
u '
ou tp.,
7 04
y 00
1 co
Knox tp.,
K art haui tp.,
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
20 00
I-aaronee ti
Murria tp
fniontn., 1).E.4 J.II.Urubakr, 14
7 00
Pcnnfp., I. A J. . i", Jl
Woodward tp.. Thur. Ilcudcrt ju, 11
" Hamad IlaRprly, 12
" ieorFo IlaRcrty, 14
llt W'Z' : i
7 00
7 00
12 40
2j 00
10 00
12 M
10 00
10 00
12 SO
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 oo
7 00
12 iO
7 tiO
T 00
10 00
7 00
12 ii
10 Uu
12 SO
12 id
11 00
7 00
10 00
7 0l
7 CM
7 00
12 SO
Si 08
7 wo
7 00
10 Ct
10 00
10 oo
, u- b". i,1.
1 L.HIIHI V Wf a w
V. Kratvr A F-ju, I!
Wu. l Irwin, 13
W right 1 Klauigan, 13
lkiv nton.howeriCo.lJ
ll."rid-c, li
IriK-k A Irwin, II
Jorb Shaw t- Son, 13
II. r1. Xnigle,
I. I.. Rt'iicuttcin,
". 1). Wateou,
J. P. Kraticr,
Wre. II. I. Wcl.-h,
laac .Iohnttin,
Mcrrull A Iliier,
Josrph It. Irwin,
Curwcninc, Jowi.h It. Irwin, 11
TrnevrkaThnmpStjn 12
Hippie A Faust. 13
M.m'f'ui'iallirts'k 12
Juhn Irrin, 12
Irvin a Hartshorn, 11
rT.i. Ilartaborn, 14
Ja,'obAki. 11
' ,
William IVaiU, 1 1
Alfred haw, 14
r-tonorMAPridaur, 12
I.nwlr, U'hitiaCo., V
W. 8. Uolld, 14
T. . Biialich. 14
Jnha Frr;uun, 13
Kirk A SiH-nccr, 13
L f
" llile. Kirk Co., 13
Clearfield tor. Kirhard Moreop, 4 5 00
" A Irwin, 3 10 Ot.
" C. I. Walton, ' 4 4 00
Clearfield bor. W. HuTman,
A. Pholpp,
" W. Eii.ri',
J. F. Uotc,
Curc3 illc. Ed. (l.xMlnin,
l.mnUr City, X I). Hile.
tljcc;.;. (tutor A Mi-chnie.
s on
5 oo
i oo
6 00
i 00
5 (.
6 Ki
J Pi'
5 0:
i CO
j Oivirijrttm tp., Jclin H. Iluugt-ux,
1 llrady fp, J..I
bn llriicilinr.
Uarri'on Ll:ii;'c
i ClrarficlJ bor. J.-bn Fc.ny. 10
15 0(
Ii 00
li 00
JO 00
, u.
c.'-reri icmiidt
! Lankeus.'
Clrarficld County Hank
j 4l.1...willlM.l,.ll,U- A.m ,
! 7 j.. .-..".., J , V
' . v unirm, ou i-niuniny uu" .vnn oi J une.
ISOfi, when and where all partin frcltiig Ihcmtelvei
agricved, will plr alini.l amvinlinp to Law.
WILLIAM TICK Kit, Mrr. Arp'r.
I . I' MrK. .1 .'a i..nn r.ti,
jni lllimlniTn Tl
1 '
wiLt.lilt w. BSTT. Jonx r. TKATKB.
csorci l, turn. willum rcELf
w . rr
H . y JlEl J S. if CO.
' '
(urceaon to Munica A lloupi)
Ilace jtiat rreeivpil a Irpp nd well ae
Jccied Siock of all kiud of StHplu gooda.
auch at
Dry Goods, Clotliinnr,
Root and Sheet, llu and Cops, N.v
lion. lUrdmre, Ulasi, Naih, Oiia,
Paiitis. QuccriMvnre.
r.rocpripa. Klnur, P.Mcn. Fted, Ac , whirl
we are offering at greatly reduced prices.
! . I
ror Q?n or in
Excliapfw for Luniher and Shingle
Ve hope to make il to the advantage of
i,..,.. M
r k . , L weatlielil county and
?" "' Ueek L. gl Ibe.r aupplin i".ini, iieing on t o lrje cf
Kail Road enn Sell
poorln on Lei lor teirn than al any point
inCleattield couniy, and we are telling
our fcStock nt snrli
pricet aa to make it an ol.iect to the !,.
, ... , , ----- j
Advances ol Goods, teed, &:c.,
made on account ol Square Timlier. which
Flour of different Brand ran V Y,A .
RnA Ci T l. . 1 .' . l n .
Prv C..HHi.-Nolion.e,A in -I,..!
elv.Althe. Inwe,t r',;. f rl.l .1'
r-i c lie. , , " "i
Clearfield Slore. rhdipfburg, Tenn'a.
.-van t.y me acK or load, cheaper than ' Th. account of Mary Ppencr, AdmlnUtra
can he bad an? where ele, at the Clear tril "'Jam Spencer, late or Pik town'p, deed
field Store, rhilipahurg, Peno'a ' Final acoount of Bamuol iiowlei, Adminii-
Call and Examine the .lock of aooda, at UViri!U,.n u'u" h'?rD? ini
the .Irar6eld Store, at rhllipaburu. V. JTtlvT'--
H- . . ... i c. a. uteri or thaltil and Tenement of K Lai
.chf.l prie raid in Good, or Caah for Hurd, d.e.a,.d, 1... of Che.i to.hip,
Umber and Mnnf lea al th. Clearfield -ty, PeBB.ylrania. P
More. FhilifMiburg. Fenn'a, The final account or Klia.beth Crc-M, Ad-
Theeheapeet cood fall kinds are lobe' lln',,r,ri ef B,lr Croaa, lat of Boega
had at the Clearfield Store, at Philinbur ',P "tJ of Clearfield, deceai.d.
Cll .nda-ifotirKorKU.nd rricJW, M.'.'S'l.t "fJ'M ef
.vot lbe timea. W W FCTTS CO. Boaulliar. BARQER, Kegiater
Fbil.pburg. Norember 15tb, Sittn Ofla, Clearfield, P. JuBe is, lti
d oaairig , u r.iier..
. ti.tie.. ar, r-reetruii, (ni
oil. A. avi.olii
Clearfield, Way Ml. 1f.
,'Mrijn,-roiM mi week la Anrfl
red Hull, Ooa year aid with iWi
00 - -
. .V- . . t -----.u
"T" aw.y irora id funiermer, reiidif. 1
l.awrnra Inaaabip. Aay pertnn llr (J
Ba'iB ai to bit whareabont, III ber,,,,,,
()q may, irno-.ii
Caution. All paraonaara hereby eautienj
acaintt barborinr r trottlor wife u...
oa ay account, a ah baa laft aiy bed and aottj
without any iuit eaua or proeocation o. ...
nart. I will, inerc.ura. car na nithla r k.. -
.radio after tbii data. J. IIOOKENLEUY Si
Fargnaon towo'p, May 23, 1S6S-SU ' '
T- nrsrc and store Ff.r rat?
1 1 In tho Borough of Osceola, Cloar-
field county, en lot 60 by 15 wltb aa aleraM
new Storehoiu 40 by fc(, two and a half atoriai
high, oa corner cf tha main atreat, fronting tb
publio inuare lower part fitted np and m
ai itorerooii! upper portion fioitbed for dwell,
ing purpceet. Cellar full aiie of building, Ap
ply on to SACKETT, BROTllKES,
Ma y 23d, lS60-2t p.l.
J ii hereby given that Letter! of Admiaii.
tratioa bare tb ia day been granted to th nadn.
10 00 ' tigned, on th Eitate of Jama Carly, deceased,
10 00 : lat of Karthani townabip, Clearfield county,
12M)'Penn'a All pereona knowing tbameeleei ia.
12 DO ! debtad to aaid eitate ar requeued to make Id.
7 00 mediate payment, and thou baeing claim
7 00 i againat tba tame, will preaent them duly aothea.
7 00 j heated for aetilemeat. AIELIN'DA CARLKY,
7 00 I May 2.'.d, IS66 0L Adminiitratrix
AA '
fjropuaala. Propoaala will be receired attlie
I - Commitiioner'i Office, in tb Porough of
j lirookville, Jefferson county, Pa., until
oo itue -urn any oi dune next, tor tno -u!ij
noroutn. xianiaDQ specihcationa can
beaeenat the CoinrniiorieV, Office, at
any iiroe. vutu Sf 1 KLK,
j B. T. ITafTisoe,. Clerk. May 23. 18GC-4t,
1 1 J Scrgeox. offers bis servieoB tn
00 , the i ublir, at the fullnwiag place, at th datei
y namoa, tix : new ililipxrt Zilb and 20th of
May, Stb, Vth.(2dand 23d of June; Clearfield,
June lat, 2d. Uth, Kth, 28th and 30tb; Lnthtri
burg 3d aad 4th of Jon. I pay erpaeial atten;
tioa to Geldiag and the curing of Ring-boo,
and being proprietor of th celebrated Hone,
CictTKR Lu.. I may b found at th titnei aad
pi cei above daeignated. May 23, ISM.
Viirinc rn CDPhiTnDj
CLiAartELD Covitrr, ii:
In the matter of the eatat of Titoi IT. Rowlei,
late of Lawrence towoahip, Clearield eonnty,
decaaeed. Ia th Orphan'a Court of Clearfield
coonty, reipe'ting tb appraiiement of Real
Eatate, appraited and ret out to the Widow un
der the ecu of Alterably, i : th one andiri.
tied one half part of 61 acrei appraiied $250 40.
7he Court made the following order May 8,1569,
reed mnd nnfirmit.! nA nnlti. ......i...
are filed oo or btfore the firrt day of next Term,
will be confirmed absolutely. By the Court.
May 23, lSC6-4t I. U. DA KG ER, Clerk.
AC AltO.
CovmiMoMtBa Ornct, I
Clrarfeld, ., J.y 2.H, lf6. J
Wmnxit, by an Act of Aeaembly, pcued tha
30th day or March, A. D., 1S66, and in accord
ance therewith, it ia therefore hereby ordered,
Ihat all peraona claiming exemption under raid
Aat, rball appear In their proper pereoo, or, far
ward their d.tebargei to thia idee, between the
Stb and 30th iaya of June text, that the earn
may ba examined and plaoed on record, and the
pri.prr exunrration made aad filed. By order
of .he rlourd. IV. S BKADLET, Clerk.
K. H. Coilectort will plraae bring tbii Bvtic
to the attention of thore iolcreatcd. Court f-ale. By rlrtue of an or
der of tba Orphan'a Court of Clearfield co.,
i tie omlt-reigned guhrdtan of Ellen MuU
len, minor child of Oeorpe Mul'en, dee d,
will offer at pul.lic tale, in lue Porough of
Clearfield, on Friday, June 15, 1800, Iha
following Iteal F.tate. ii: A certain
house and lot of ground, tituata in tba
village cf Taradise, Lawrenc township,
eon my a foresaid, adjoining lota of Leoa
aiil O'dfii and Abraham Carter.
Tibms or Sale. One half the purcha.
money in hand at confirmation of sale,
and the miduo in one year thereafter,
with interest, to be secured by bond and
mortgage on the premise.
Clfai field. May 23, 18C6-4t. Oua.dian.
tQfk A Mouth ! -Agent wanted for at'x .
iV tirrlf ntK artitlti, Jut out. Ad.lreii,
0. T. UAREY, City Luildiog, Biddeford, Me.$
j ccninp a achool In the Town Hall, Clear
held, on the FiiM Monday in June to continue
for a term of e'eeen wetka,
Tb. urour bnen wtil be aimed at la all our In
itmrtion. "Not how uiuch but how well" ii th
principle upon which the exercirci will be con
due'ed Particular altentiua pail to Peooianiblp and
Both Keeping.
A daily rcgieter t kepi of th attrndance, de
portment and recitationt of each pupil which ii
tent w.ekly to parenta, that furniihing them
with cocetant infurmation of bil Handing and
prrgreni in tehool.
Public rxhibitiona are tint held al any atated
time, but parenta and guardian are repectfnlly
invited to vUit the actionl and ob.erre tha man
ner in whirh the oWy work ia performed,
Spelling, Heading, Writing, rilmary Arilhme.
tio and Gengraphy, (4 00
Oroiumar, Ocography, Uiatory, ArithmUe aad
Honk-keeping $J 01
Algehra, i bilo-ophy, Geometry, Meomratlon
and Sureeyi-ig, f- 04
Latin and Uieck with any or th abor branch.
, 19 09
For further inrcrmallon apply to
May 23, lef.B. C. B. SANDEORD, TrincipaL
RI.filSTF.R'S NOTICK-Notlc. I. hereby
given that th following acecanta hare been
eaattined and pawed by me, and remain tiled of
record io this i.Bic. for th inspection orhe'r,
legatee, creditor., and all othera ia any way
intere.ted, and will be pre.ented to tb next
Orphana' Court of Clearfield m...i. k.
at th Court 11 ju. U th tnrongh of Clearfield,
S":5!l?5..!? ,A,J"rd Momly J .
, v. uu. uiBuun mi allowance.
5; B-fLtaoftha Borough of curwnijii,
I ITht iJ.t""."!7.'"" . .
union, ueceaeea.
i ' 3 Final account of C n r.i u.i.i. .
; jIHV; W,,"". -a.d, laU of Eel to... .
fllin. rlBirfiiM ennni. n
' rll QiJ'on Smeal and Ifaacw
K"'. 9f V W' Teetauient of
-ereaiian Bmeal, lat or Bugg. tow nib ip CUar-
, field county, decea.ed