ov tlmt the benefit of the ha.no elans hero : j 'Thin reminds imoln little story 1 as tlio government lined to eny." Say, von rmliciil. iii'L'er-lovin. Anna Diek- enpon, Fred l)oulaa, Hen iiuiltr stylo of Republicans, bow do you likoj llr. JoIuiboii ! How tloyou like going out of the Union for ft l'lTHidciU ? How do you like Tennessee states manship '! How docs it compare with your former flat boat style? And God said let there bo ligbt,and there wns light. This is bible. "And being in torment, they lifted up their eves and m" not Abraham! iu the bosom of Lazarus, but Andrew, Johnson in the YY lute House, i'retty; picture, lsn t you ireeuom bimcKing, . . . . i 1 I press mobing, ucmocrni Hanging, coi ton stealing, woman robbing, plunder loving, prison advocating, Democrat abusing, ballot-box shilling, office holding sepulchres lull of nigger's bones? ' How do you like the new President? How do you like the President? Wouldn't you like to choak gently on liooth s wiudpipo, it lie were euil, alive? How do you liko .this going into the Democratic party for a horse to hitch up in the place ot your form er mule! The seed of white, men shall braise the bead of Republicanism, and Johnson shall be the next President. Verily we say unto you, now is tho time to repent ? It is a bad time for vou fellows to swan horses when, crossing a stream ! Why don't you Republican, wench hugging, freedom shrieking, law breaking, union hating members of the only treasonable party ', in the Union,get drunk and parade with torches? The President is the Gov ernment, you know. He who speaks against the President i is a traitor. .Let trailers be hung! Why don't you get drunk, burn print ing offices, murder a few Democrats, throw a few printing presses into the street, stop your newspaper, hold prayer meetings m barns and get ilruuk as owls, as you did when the other President spoke ? '-Who's pen hero since l'sh pen gone?'' Who elec ted Johnson? Why in tho name ofj thunder don t you get out tho ide Awakes, burn Democrats in effigy, shoot at them as they go around corn ers, waylay them in post offices,shout 'rah for Link Johnson, and hold fust to tho prize you found down South. "Way down South in the Ixnd of Dixie '." Ain't that a pretty little song ? How do you liko this ''expediency dodge ?" Why don't you catklo when your President lays an egg? Why don't you celebrate, jubilate, investigate, opcrato and the arid tonsils iarigate as you used to once ?" Why don't you laugh smile talk, say something, if it is not so allured smart ? Grucious, butyou fellows aro busy about now ! This isyour Presi dent. God gave him to you. You selected and elected him ! What's tho trouble in your camp ? Oh, but you are awet set olroosters ; VYclrnevcr mind. We won't mob you prison ! you ban; you abtiso you harass you in business malign you insult iur uvu years uscu us. iuu Iluvu" look scary liko when you seo a rope, a prison or a gun ! Get out tho Wide Awakes. Call out tho loyal leagues 1 Gel up some eani-l tary fairs. Appoint a few Brigadier Generals. Raiso somo colored troops. Turn your prayer meetings into clec - tion returns. Control tho telegraph. Lio to tho nation. Open your mouths ; and guffaw when the President sneaks. 13o sociable. Don t act liko wandering drops from a grand funeral procession. Why you looked plcascdly good, joy struck, happy, angelic when Lin coln died, compared to tho way you look now 1 Poor Republicans how dreadful grief wears on you. 'The Lion's ilotTii." All who nro familiar with Vcnitian lustorj' know what a terror was caused in tho minds ofthovcojdo of that Republic when tho infamous "Council of Ten" insti-, tuted tho "Lion's Mouth," to facilitate aceusaiions nu cnaoic every niaiicious creature to revenge himself upon his enemy by sneakingly intimating that ho was unfaithful to the tyrants who then ruled unhappy Venice There is reason to suspect that tho recently unpointed reconstruction "committco !.',.,.. .. .... . . 01 n.tccn which is piaymg sucn. queer pruiius iu vungruss m 1110 pres- HARDWARE cnt time, desires to inspiro a bimilar BUCh as Saws.nails kind of fear in tho tnindsofthoAmer-Forks, Knivs, lean people. Armed with power to.Spikea, Iiinges, "send lor persons and papers," they nro making a very ridiculous uso of it, and it can hardly ho doubted that thepurposo is to intimidate tho friends of the administration and keep them c iit..i.: . rri - nnny iiuni uriii ntuii. jliiu uniy information which that committco re ally needs may ho had without a sub poena. Its members may readily pro cure ft copy of tho Constitution, and a careful perusal of it will show them that Congress and congressional com- miuoes nave no authority to destroy nor to reconstruct State, and if they win report 1111s lact to both houses their work will lo complete, and they will deserve the thanks or tho whole country for having done ono sonsible thing. aTA 3 ounglady down east, who lately collided with an ice-bound nido wulk, remarked, as she assumed a perpendicular position. 'I'll have a man to bang on to before another winter, ernes round. ..... ....,,. i.y koiyamy m.puc ' in IUV l'iui,ii we v.-- r has been put in full blast, end they are now ready to ccimmodato tha community wlin anytuwg peilaining to their line. Thsy keep constantly a I. . n .1 m itanriil anrttuffllt of Cook, Parlor and Ten Plate Stoves, for burning EITHER WOOD OR COAL l Hrmf StnVPS. Number 3 and 4, , ,. Wash KettlCS. 16 nild 20 CallOnS, FireGratei 20 and 2 inclie, 3 FARM DIN X Kit BELLS TWO SIZES, '.J riows and Plow Castings. y0 to make al N aro, also, prepared kinda of GRIST AND SAW MILL IKONS, and iecial attention i paid to tbe re pairing of Threshing Machines. fi lO t5 Prrions in want of aiiythine, in our line, would do well by giving ua a call. All kinds of country product), and old'rj Metal, taken in exchunge for our llanu- Q faciure, at the highest mai ket priori. HAKLEY & SONS, Clearfield, Ta., November 1st. 18G5.-tf. New Goods! MRS H. D. WELCH & G 0., Have Juat Received Their Spring and Summer Goods, Which were purchased during tba prevent de cline, and therefore are anabled to tell very cheap. Our Stock Consists in purtof Merino, Alpacas, Top Una, Wool, Artnure, and common De laines ; PrinlB, Ginghams, Shaw It, Hoods, Hosiery and Gloves, Nubias, I'almoral and Hoop Skirls, Flan nels, Lades' Cloth, Slieeliogt. Muslins, Toweling, Tiching, Sontags, Breakfast Shawls, Capes, &c. Also an assortment of Millinery Goods, Among which a'O llati, Bonnets, Feath ers, l-.ibbona, Flowers, I.accs, Frames, Matiness, Velvets, Silks. Crages, BtrngeB, Veils, etc., and a large stock of Including China, Bronze, Tupicr Manhe Tin, Rosewood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian aud Candy Toys. For Ladies, Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandnlina bloom of youth and Paints, Kougn, Lilly White io. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a con tinuance ot the kind patronage of the people of Clearfield Co. Cgy-Remember the place Second Street. next door to Vint National IUuk. Deo. 20, 'tb RICHARD MOSSOP, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS MUSLINS at Sffnsntion prices at Sensation prices at Sensation prices DELAINES 'CORURGS ALPACAS at Sensation prices Just received al MOSSOPS'. at at t at at at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation price prices prices prices prices ifjIUNTZ pjuNTS (g LOVES CRAVATS (rM'J?5j Q()f ohfd ! MITt, i vo f at MOSSOPS Sensation prices Sensation prices Sens9t.ion pricef All to be had at MOSSOrS. at at nt Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prioos CRASH CURTAIN'S fABLK CLOTHS nl FRINGE at prices at MOSSOPS'. LACE at HOSIERY at RIBBONS at TRIMMINGS) of all kinds & Ut in any qunn'ty I Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices Sensation price Alw avs on hand at MOSSOPS' CASS1 MERES SATTIN ETS 'f'1'3 ykstINGS shirt! NGS at at at at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation Scnsalion Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices prices prices CLOTHING such M Coals! Tants, Vests, Under Shirts, j Flannel ShirU, l18. Shoes, I lata and Cant. at MO&S0r&. at actuation priceB Now fbr sale at MOSSOrS at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. . us Wine, Brandy, at sensation prices at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. at sensation prices c0(rn'aC e ntU ITS 1 n ' Ufn, W b iskey, eto., etc, such as Prunes, liaisins, Figs, Filberts, 4c, GROCERIES, say Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Super, Molaases, Cotl'ee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spices, Candle, J Coal Oil, etc.oto. (CLACKING Always at MOSSOPS'. at sensation sensation sensation sensation sensation prices prices J X,,.,,, at t at nt at 1 POWDER prices pi ices SHOT LEAD CArs prices prices sensation At the Store of RICHARD MOSSOP. r o-n the best quality, For sale by U. ft I. ' Clearneld, January 10th, lHftfl. l 'r.1?8 k?er! 00 1n, ,ul! Cwalma panacea, Kennedy's medical Dis assortment of all kinds of coods reouired t nr.r it.mhAi.r. tinnt, h.l.,'. rn t.tF . for the aocenmodaliD of the public. POT, it, 19 , im. i i A Srtlt lUll, I V - Vlf Have just received, and are opening, at llinr Old ?tand on Front Street, above lbs Academy, a large and well se lected nuertiuent of SEASONABLE GOODS, which thoy aro aelling at very low rw. ( Head the fallowing catalogue and profit thcrely. Especial paiin ban been tnken in tno C: selectiun of Ladiet Dress Goods, white (loodii, Enihroidoriea Millinery Goods, CJ printi Kerchiefs, Nubies, Glove, Ao, o o o o FOK GENTLEMEN. Always on hand Blark Cloths Fancy and liluck Casfiineres, Satinets, otc, Heady Mado Clothing ol all kind. BOOTS AND SHOES. NECKTIES, and a variety of other articles, which tbey will sell at a small advance on eoet. I , Particular attention is invited to tlieir iitwknr I irneti. uoll.'iiro. eomniun iu- prrain, superQne jsngii.n jngram pu.. llruuel.. Floor and Tablo Oil Clotbs, t-3 N P3 Window shades and Wall papers, eto. FLOUR. BACON. Fish Still Plaster, Apples, Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on baud. Pure BRANDY, Whiskey ana I Wines; for medicinal uses O w a ALSO, in Store a lot of large and yr small Clover seed. We intend to make it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from us; because we will sell our goods as low as they can be bought in the county and pay the very highest price for alt kinds of country pro duce. We will alto exchange goods for School, Roao and CorKtr mders; Ebingloe, linards, and all kinJs of Manufactured Lumber. dearfieldMarch 14, 1806. THOS. J. HECAULEY. New Store, Tin and Sheet Ironware Maaufaoto- ry, Murket atreet, Last of 2d street, Clearfieid, Penn'a. This estab lishment being now in full operation, for the g ing up of Goods, sucti as Sloecs, Tin and Sheet Iron wares, Expressly for this Mar ket, which will be sold , Whole-sale ic Retail, Cheap for cash. The subscri ber Itespec'.fu51y solicits a share of the Pub lic patronage, Pledging himself to labor to make this Establishment, The People's Depot, for the procuring of Goods, and having their out door woik and re pairing done on reason able terms. N. B. A Newly constructed Stove, Ex pressly for the Kafting trade Call and see it. THUS. 1. MMJAUbtY, Clem field. February 28, ISOO-.l-mo. FRESH ARRIVALS, A AT THE CUEAP-STORE OF R0YXT0, SnOWERS & GRAUA5I. Spring' Goods, NEW And Very Chcat 1 1 B0YNT0X, RIIOWKRS A GRAHAM suc cessors to Boynton ft Showore reapcctfully announce to the public that they art now open ing an extensive assortment nf FALL GOODS, At the old stand in Graham's new building which thry offer to sell at astonishingly low prices, (considering their cost !) for rarh or approv ed country pruduce. Tbeir stork of DRY GOODS CANNOT BE SURPASSED I Customers can there finds " CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS 1 MUSLINS I DELAINES 1 LAWNS ! CLOTHS ! CASS1 M ERS I VESTINGS1 LADIES'SHAWLSl GENTS' SHAWLS HATS 4 CAPS 1 BOOTS 4 SHOES CARPETS 4 OIL-CLOT IIS1 OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS ! NOTIONS I NOTIONS Scarfs I Head-Nets 1 Neck-Tics Satchels! Tort Monnaics ! Brushes Photographic Albums ! nrns, tobacco & regarsi TERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS I Or anything else in the Notion Lino I ALSO, HARD-WARE ! QuccHsware, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ! All of the best quality, and selected with special regard to the trade of ClearOold anunty. At F. 1IOYNTON. JOSEPH EHOWKIIS, EDWARD GKA1IAM, Clearfield, May 10, ISflt. Trnsaea and abdominal supporters af every kind of the latost improvementa, fur sale at the Pmg Store of HAUTSWICK A IRWIN. ground and unprninid splrea. Citron, Eng- , W. lih Currants, J. Cotfea and Vinegar of I Oil, Jane's and Ayer's uedioloes ef every kind For salt by B. I. admtiufmfnu. Main b( , Philips- lloasHT l.l.orn, Proprietor. I bond th cholslest of liquors. fi trtlh the hot Hi sling pullc, will da wfll lov 1st, THOMAS M CRISMAN. Agent for the Finper 8einif Maehlnet. riiilipflmri?, Centra co., I'enn'a, Oct. lllb, !6i..i(. C. . rOTI, IDW. I'lRKS, WM. V. WSIlillT, J. D. M'ciltK, A.K.wmflHT, W. t. WAI.LACB, ItlCU. SUAW, J. T. 1.EONAKD, J. P. CltAUAU, GEO. L. KKtD. linn & dollcdion joasc Or FOSTER, PERKS, WRIGHT & CO, Til 1LI PSBU RO , Centre Co., Pa. Sills of EiehsnRo. Notes and Drafts d'neonntod, DEPOSITS RtCEIVKD. Collections madoand proceeds promptly remitted. Exchange on Ihe Cities constantly on hand. The abovo lianking Hou is now open and rendv for businesii. Sept. 6, 186S. rwursatina, Centra Co., rnn a. CLEARFIELD STORE i'Philipsburg, Pa WILLIAM W. BETTS CEORCE L. REED, JnnS t. WEAVER. WILLIAM POWELL' mBETTS,f-CO., (Successors to Munson A Hoops) Have just received a large and well se lected Stock of all kind of Staple goods, such as Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cups, No tions, Hardware, Glass, Naih, Oils, Painls. Quecn&warc, firneerifcs. Flour. Bucon. Feed, ic, which - r. ... rinu-ii. nt frpallv reduced tirices. w... c- ' . 1 for casn or in Exchange for Lumber and Shingles. We hope to make it to the advantage of Timber Men, in the lower end of Clearfield county and on Clearfield Creek, to eel tbeir supplies I from this point, being on the lioe of T "! T A C II Kail KOftfJ Cfin oCIl goods on belter terms than at any point mCleaiOeld county, and we are selling our Stock at such prices as to make it an object tothoaebjy-' ing goods in this ninrket to deal with us Advances of Good?, Feed, &c., made on account of Square Timber, which we will either sell oti commission or buy at fixed rates. Flour of different Brands can be had al all timas at very low prices, at the Clear field Store, Thilipsburg. Tenn'a. Dry Goods Notions, in., in great Tan dy, at the lowest price for Cash, at the Clearfield Store, Philipi-burg, Penn'a. Sull by the Sack or load, cheaper than can be had any where else, al the Clear field Store, Pliilipsburg, Penn'a. Call and Examine tbe atnc.k of poods, at tbe Cleurfield Store, nt rhiiipt.burg. Pa. Hiphetl price paid in Goods or Cash for Lumber and Slurries at tbe Cleurfield Store, Fhilipiiburg, Penn'a. The cheapest poods of all kinds ate to be I .1 .1.- ' 1 .f. ..1,1 CIa.. nl Pt.ilin.Kiirff II liil di i lie viriai uciu 01 vi o, & ..w . g. Call and aee if our goods and prices lon'i soot the times. W. W. BUTTS. A CO. Pbilipsburg. November 15th, lSG.Vtf. JSonictliiiis: Ncav. O. SUMMERFIELD F LEGAL, Manufuciurerof Tin and Sheet Iron itaro, Philipsburg, Tcnn'a. I would respectfully inform tbe Tublie, that I have opened a room in tbe borough of Pbilipeburg, for the niunufiicture and Sule of 7 in Ware out of (he best material the maiket will afliird, and made by experienced workman, all of which 1 will sell at either wholesale or retail prices surprisingly low. I ask those in need of tiny lliing in this line to call and examine my nre and satisfy themselves that it ia rnwila fur imn Country MarMinnla riosirino In nnrehaae amall lota of Ware will hnd it to their ad vantage to buy of me. 1 estotcs of all sires and shapes, for burning either Wood or Conl. 1 would call particular at tention to Ihnt well tried and popular Cooking Stove called, very appropriately, ithe 1 RUN SIDES. This Stove has all Ihe I advantages possessed by others, besides the oven is larger, aud the ash pit deeper ami more top atirlare than that of any oth er Stove in the market, and is without a rival. I also keep on hand all kinds of Stoic Pipe which I will sell as low as il can bend r- chased west of the mountain. I also keep constantly on hand, shovels, carriage bolts, ' . c l 1 . 1 : : l . ' 1 1 prince, lirt'tii u:t, eiuvc lining;, rim Ftiire, Waffle Irons, Sheet 7.ink, Sad Irons, Brass and Torcelain Kettles, together with HARDWARE, QUEEXSWAP.E, GRO varioty orwaros loo numerous to mention, j CERIES 4 MUSICAL GOODS. Also a large stock of the best kind of Stoneware. j fynrrt-ic And last though not least in my lire " ' O v L T X C S of business, is that of 1 Tea, Code, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Ctndles, Rica, j I Flour, lUcon, Fish, Tobacco, Kaistns, .-iimiff '. am prepared to fill all orders in this ! line on short notice, and manufactured! out of Ihe best matetial. I want every body that comes to town, to come and take a look al my show, and see for: themselves. I am going to sell the cheap est and best Wares ever offered in this vicinity. I have several ''Tropic Heat ing" and "Parlor Cook" Stoves that I will sell at cost, to close out ihe stock for the Season. Trv me. Feb 7th lHCG-tf- O. S. FLEGAL. Great American PuzkIc. Patented by l'bilip Hill, Importer to Fancy (loads, 159 Market St., Phil a. l'a , is one of the most ing nious aud amusing articles of Ihe kind we bava everseon. It is calculated to afford diversion to old and young. Prioa 89 cents for set of six 11 u iu Lri 1. . .-(-ui, ui uibii .11 iftii iiai 11 vi ui. uiiiiu. try. PHILIP HILL, 26 Market at, Phil'a. v g..i 1. : I -11 . 1 . nr 1. . Ladies' Needle Book, containing 100 of the best needles, sent by mail on reoelpt of tu ecnts. April 2Mb ISM-lao, )nr liberty HhlU lend. will do I end better work at t given Cost, than any oilier ! Try II ! Manufactured only by r.rion Fmtn. M hnl. mU Drug, Paint a Glass Dealers, No. 1.17 Northlbird r-l , Phil March l,'C-ly CI I. All 111 It) ACAIM'.M V. Tha Third Fcsiion of Ibis liiMitull.ia will ooinun-nrsj in Monday, the 12'h dy of March, A. 1) I'upils cn enter at any lime. They will la charged Willi tuition from the time they enter to the clme f the Scraiou. Ihe course of inalruollon embraces everything thai i liii.liiilcd in a lliorou.li, practical and ao- eomplished education for both sexos. , The J'lincipal, having bud ihe advantage of Give him a call belore purchasing else much experience in hia profeaion, i res pa rents and guard ans that bis entire ability and wl1rP, JACOB M. KEPLER, energies will be dovoted to tbe moral and men- tl j ) t f .a-Imi . January 3d. 1800. lai training ui mi juu . . 1 RltlMf )!' TI'ITIO JI. I Orthorrephy, Beading, Writing, and Prima- ry Arithmetic, per Session (11 weeas) u (Jrainmar, Oeography, Aritbmetie, and His tory. "'0U Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mcnsura ilnn. Knrvevimr. l'hilosotihv. l'bvsiolugy. Chem istry and IJook Keeping, WW Latin and Gretk with any of lha abovs llranrh- jpVVo deduction will be made for absence. 0-er further particulars inquire of Kev. K I.. IIAKH1SON, A. M., Clearfield, licoenubcr 6, 165 tf. Principl V7EW CARRIAGE AND WAGON, J Shop, in Cleai field. Penwylvaniu. (Immediately la rear of Muohlna Shop,) Tbe subscriber would respectfully inform the citiiensof Clearfield, and Ihe public, in general, that he is prepared U do all kinds of work on CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS. SLEIGHS, SLEDS. 4c. en short notice and in a workmanlike manner. aeA Orders promptly attended tn.Jlrf Wtf, MrK NIGHT. Clearfield February 14th. lyiiG-lv. nllOTIiGKAPIIKIl. P. M'Q AUGI1EV, L having purchsfed the rhotngraph establish ment formerly eonducteil Ly ll. uriuge, wouiu respectfully announce to Ihe eitii;ns or Llcar field and adjoining counties, that be has recent ly made additional improvementa 10 both aky lirhtaod anaratus. and be flatters himself Ibat .he r.n Mtiitv the most fastideous tatte in a trie end lifelike likeness lie also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Guilt, Kosewood, and Walnut frames Albums of all sites and styles and an endless variety af casts, lockets, etc , which bo will dis pose of atvory moderate prices, for cash. ilia gallery la in fcnnw a row, lup stair",; ... itreet. Clearfield. Pa..wbereheisalwysrea dy to accommodate customers who inav be ia wantof a good Likeness of themselves or friend. Particular attention paid to copying a'l kinds of pictures, etc. November lath, lsS. """ 1 (l lit AT CAUlliiiUtriT 0 N SECOND STKEET, Clf.arheli, Tln.n'a. NEW FIRM. NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW TRICKS. The undersigned having formed a co- tiarlnerfclup, in the Mercantile buxiness wou.d repcctfully invite tbe attention of tbe Public generally to their splendid assorleiunt of Merchnndiae, which is now being BOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. Tbeir slock consists in part of Dry Goods, of the best Qiiulily, uch as Prints, De- Laines, Alpnccas, Mninos, Ginghams, Muslins Bleached and unbleached. Drillings, Tickings, Cotton and Wool Flannels, Saltnelts, Cottenades, Casinieres, Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nubias and Hoods, Balmo ral and Hoop Skirts, 4c., 4c, all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Also, a fine assortment of men's Draw er and Shirts, Hats 4 Caps. Boot 4 Shoes. Quccnsicarc, Glassware, Hardware, Groceries and spices VIT A I.L. JvlNDS IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of everything usually kept in a re in il Store. ALL CHEAT FOR- CASH or npproved country produce. W HI GUT 4 FLAN IG AN. Cleai fluid, January 10th, lStiG.tf. TtEMOVAL. P. KRATZER J. i has removed to his new Ware-Rooms, on Market St. Clearfield, Pa., where he has opened a very Urge stock o Dry Goods, Merinoes, Qinghatas, Cloths, Pclaines, Prints, I siineres, Alpacas silks, Sntincts, Heps, Csshn eres, Tweeds, Cobcrgs, Mohair. Jeans, l.anellas, Muslins. Flannels, llunnots. Rib bons, Cloaks, Hulmiiral Skirts, Hoop. Skirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Head Nets, Cups, CornU, (llnves, Collars, crl, (Irenadins Veils, Table Covers. Clot hi 11 Coats, Tants, Vests, Over-Coats, Oont's Shawls Bbirts, Hats, Caps, Vnder-Shirta and Irawera, Donts, Shoes, Uura Shoes, Cravats, U loves and Collars. Currants, Spices, trackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE. GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods, Carpets, Oil-elnths, Drugget, Lousing -Glasses Clocks, Churns, Washboards, Tubs, Duck ets, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Ulinds, Wall -paper, Coat Oil Lamps, I'tn brellas, Pedcords, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and Stove Blacking. JTW-All of which will be sold on tha most vea. sonablc torms, and the hlgheat market price paid for Grain, Wool, and all kinds of country produce. Clearfield, December 18, 18B5. UI Mill 1? V sai.m m nre-i'oxne at. Aug JS IStlS MKRRF.LLA lllOLRR'S. Dufl'alo RobeaKnee and Horse r.biekets at I Korli. '6S. MERRELL at EIOLER'S. NEW STORE. HAVINQ BOUGHT OUT THE EN. lire flock of Goodaof Jamci E. Walton I AM TRITARED TO SELL (j00( 0f aJ dpicriplion, Cheaper tbac THE CHEAPEST. 1JA11GAINS! In Curwcnsvillc. 1 1 -' The Subscriber has just opened at Ihe Old Stand, jn Lnrwensvilic, a large assort- MENT OF ALL KINDS OF COODS and Wures, suited to this. locality, which HE WILL SELL Cheaper than they can he Bought in the County, for Cash, CALL AND SEE Ladies and Gentlemen, BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE, and I'm satisfied you will find it TO YOUR INTEREST TO PURCHASE. Nov. 22. 18C5. JOHN IRVIN A NEW FIRM. HAETSWICK & IRWIN, Druggists, Clearfield, i'enn'a. Having refitted and removed to the room lately occupied by Kicuaru llosaop, cow oiler, low for cash, well se lected assortment of Drugs and Chemicals, Also, Put en t Medicines of all kinds, Oils, Glass. Putty, Dye Stnfts. Stationary, Tobacco and Scgars, Confectionary, Spice, and a larger (tok of varieties ever offered in this place, and warranted to b of the best the Market affords. J. G. HARTSWICK, 13, '05.-tf. JOHN IRWIN. Dec. II. Bridge, (Store one dcor East of Clearfield Tlouse,) Market St., Clearfield, Ta. Keeps on hitnd a full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts, Linen end Woolen under Shirts, drawers and socks, neck ties, pocket handker chiefs gloves umbrellas, bats fte,, in great variety. 01 piece Goods he keep the best Cloths of all "shades and colors, " such as BLACK IHIESKIN OF THE VEHY best rr.as:e. Fancy Cassimerin great rariey; Also, French Coating, Beaver, Pilot, Chin chilla, and Fricott over coating, all of which will be sold Cheap for Cash; and made up according to the latest Styles by Experienced Workman. Also Agent fur Clearfield co., for I. M. Singer, f- Co , cel ebrated Sewing Machines. ID BRIDGE. Cleat field, Tenn'a, Nav. 1, 18G5.-tf. Music Store. r M. GREENE has opened his M"u- 61 c htorc, one door west of N . Lewis' Hook Store, where ha keeps constantly on hand Swinwsy ft Sons' and Gamble's Piano Man ufacturing Company's Pianos, Mason ft Hamlin's Cabinet Organs and Carhart, Keedham f- Ce.s' Mctodoons s Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flates; (iuiinr and Violin strings. Mrsir Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden C'onser, Golden Trio, fte., fte. Sokkt Mrsic. lie is constantly receiving from Philadelphia all the latest music, which persons at a distance wi-bing, ran order, and have sent tbeus by mail, at publisher's prices. Pianos and Organs Warranted for live yesrs. Those wishing to bny any of the abova articles ars invited to cull and examine mine before par chasing elsewhere. Jly prices are the same as ia New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments sent promptly upon application with any additional information de sired, B. M.GKEEKK, nil! street, Huntingdon, Pa, One loor west of bew is' Book Store, or Miss E. A. P. KINDER, Clearfield, Dee. 8, lSOMf Agent for Clcarlield co., rcnn'a- Cheap Furniture! DESIRES to inform bis old friends and ess t mors tbat, having enlarged bis sbep and inoreased his facilities for manufacturing, hats now prepared to make to order furniture as may be dosirrd, in good style and at cheap rate far . asn. jie mostly has on band at fai "furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made Furniture, among which are Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and Book-Cases ! Centre, Sofa, Parlor - Breakfast and Dining Extension Tables. Common. French-Post, cottage. Jenny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS t.r all, KINDS, WORK-STANDS HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, to. Rocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chain and Common and other Chairs. IOOKJSO-GLASSES Of every description on band; and new glasses for old frames, which will be pnt In oa va ry reasonable terms on short notice, Bo alaekeeps on bant", or furnishes to r der, Hair, Corn-Husk, lJairani Cot tun top Mattresses. COFFINS, (ir everj kind. Made to order, and funerals attended with a He arse, -vhenever desired. Also, House Painting done to order. The subscriber also manufactures, and has constantly en hand, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, The best now in use. Those using this tnachin. never need be without elean clothes 1 II also has Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior article. A family using this Cfcurn never need ba without butter I All tba above and many other articles are fur-. niched to customers cheap for Casi or siehaared for approved country produce. Charrv. Manle. Poplar, l.lnwood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken in cachanga for furniture, t"Remcniber the shop It on Market street, l. learueia, l'a.. and nearly opposite tba "Old Jew c. :, 1... - OHN GCLICB. -IROCERIES to te bad at MEREIbU ABISint'S.