Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 23, 1866, Image 3

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    WlP!itsPAr,:::::::::::::::::::::MAT 23, 1S"G
Notice. The Clearfield County
Medical fwivty, will meet Hi the otlue
of Dr. Bunhtield, in Clomtield, on
Tuesday, Juno 19th, at C o'cI.m Ij P. M ,
for the purpose of electing oilicers for
the ensuing year.
May 23-2t. II. P. Thompson, Scc'y.
t aa i
Dead. lion
George K. Badger,
.died at Raleigh, 2s. C, on
1110 lit It
inst, in the "ltt year of his age.
Badger was mado Secret Ary of the
Navy, by 1 resident Harrison. He i
was also elected U. S. Senator in IS 10,
to fill a vacancy, and re-elected in '4S.
Niw Goods, Persons in want of,
Cheap Goods, will find it to their ad-''1'';
Tantage, tO Call Oil Wright & Flatli -
pan. as they are now or.eninn- n p-en-!?
' " o c .
a A JW I
oral asBCTimerii ci ail uitiad 01 eoous.)
which have been purchased since the
Jato decline in prices and can be sold
very low.
"Tho President has ascain been
compelled to place his ct-wbich ...
twill be found elsewhere upon ailOth- 'againat the uae, will pre.aat them duly anibtn- 'about One liuudred and fifty acres, ."foiled, ta
... , 1 , ticaled for reitiewent. A1ELINDA CAR LEY, I ken lo execution an J to be eold a. the liropar'T
tT dlS-Umon move, m the Shape Of the iUy Md. ISSC-Ot. Administratrix ' of Henry W. Killmar. '
Colorado bill. This is a trick, b-
13 a tritk, by
-Iw.t. tU VnJTr-U nltomnlml tn
two more to tueir number. lrieJVles-
ftaT VC call the attention OI this
t . ,, -
comrnunitv, to the Adverlisrmcnt ot
Mr. bandfjrd, in this issue, w ho is
about orcr.i no- a School in the To - .vn'D
Hall. He is too well known to those;! WIS I. BLOOM, VwKKiSABr,.; u.:
la this COmmUnitV to need nv rcCOUl-' CCRGEO.V, Offers his 6er-Ce8 tO , perchce to white oak corner, theoea north 8HJ
- - the ruYiite. at fb f.ilt.iwir hUiw, ,i 4t, Amtm de?reea wnt br Jimuthnn tV..iBA.a tit
raendalion at our hands.
XaTA destructive fire Occurred at
ranklin On Saturday last, destroying
tbe Grant Ilouse
to escape, jumped from the fourth
f tory window, but died in a few hours
from injuries received; two servant
girls also perished in the flames. The
fire was the work of an incendiary.
Loss $00,000, partially insured.
a a
AM'tfiTisEMENTS. The Conimiss-aoners-of
JYfferson connty, advertise
proposals for a new Court House.
-A house and lot in Paradise; a desira
ble property in Osceola ; and 6-' acres
ol'land in liradv iownpLin. U Citf.-red!
ml i 1 " I
for sale. A. Scho!jp tells through
aT.ti r fwdnmns ll.nt Km tutinwij 4 Ivi..!.1
. ,.lUv
FOme TOod thintrs in bis Saloon.
Lewis 1. Bloom offers his professional 'I1.'!',"4'!: li lUrrfurt Lcrrb' ?,,Nr,J;
. . , i , . that all pereon. clatinin exemption uoder .nid
SmcCH tO tliCSJ in nceJ ortliem. An;Aa. ttaJl apf-earin theirfroprperauo. or, f.r
A?8tray 13 inquired aflcr by Mr. Kecd. "ard meir di.eharge. to taia vfficf, between the
, ,j , "in and iO:b Jay. of June next, that the .anu
FaTL fTII.rT Wp rndiT tihI ' mJ b "id l Uced on record, and the
that on Thursday last, the boiler in -r the Erd. tv. s Lit ADLET.tK-rk.
. i . c, c, lf... , , . . N. P. CoI'erUrt will pl-aie brio- t!ti notics
the Steam Saw Mill, belonging to , to n. .ttenuon of u,oc intereMed.
Jcsfnh C. Brenner, in Moms town-l '' .
, "vrptiaua C ourt $ale. By ir!ue of jin or-
fihin, CKuloded, killing WO men ntld , V der if the Ort kan'a Court of Clearfield eo..
injuring others, and of couree tearing1!'" puardmn rT Ellen
J . c I Jen, Cunor diilJ of tieoigrj Mulien, dec cl.
the Mil! to pieces, scattering the frag-
ig me
mcnts in everv direction. The names
i. i-:iti t..i. t. .j -
Fulton county, and in. Sauntmao
f Greensburg.
A Change. The schedule on the
Tnn R. R. underwent a change on
Monday. Tho fat lino in the future,
Will not Stop at Tvrono. TI.O 2ew ,
York Express has been substituted,
and the Day Express going wct, wiil
bcreafter etop loo. Thus making five .
trains which cow stop at that !ac
The train on tho Tyrone and Clear
feld road, villlcave Tyrone at P,15
h ere after.
. A TKOrrST. Th MlddletOWC (X.
, ...
1.) Conner protects against Calling
as the Abolition American Lille
Union have douo in their new edition
of the biblo; for, as is argued, the
principle, if carried out, would allow
of many queer t hanrres. Tho "cen.
tnrion'night ItCCOme the 'captain of
an irfantry company. Instead of (ha
simple beheot "Thou f halt not kill,"
' .. ,1,., li 1 t ii ,,ti li. .
W6 rhould Le told, "Thou balt not,
with force of arms, and dircrs eticko,
elones, clubs, and with tui.m!tuous
nd offensive carriage, beat, maim,
destroy, kill, wonnd, or cause to be
iilled." The fubject grows as it goes.
Sr.5TF.5rE of Basic RoBtrns. The
three men who recently robbed tho
bank at Cadiz, Ohio, have been tried
and convicted. Two of them Lit h
ard Roe and B. M. O Conneli were
sentenced to the penitentiary for thir
teen years, and the other, A. J. Jones,
forJeven vears.
On the 15th inst, by
ReV. I L. I
narrison. Mr. AsiErvr J. Jacksov
V, Of
Pittsburgh, Ta., to Jliss Sarau C.!otTf-" of E '""P c
AjtLiCH, cf L learl-el J, Pa.
On the lfth inst., by Josiah Evans.
Iq, Mr. WiLtiAV Fkffmas, of Pike
towr.ship, to Mi?3 Aehaellla Eloo.v,
oi Curwensviile.
On the 17th inst , by Rev. T. Tan
Scoyoc, Mr. HljaKiah Pattfbson, to
Misa Sophia Swar, both of Jordan tp.
On the 22d inst., by Rev. D. S.
Monroe, Mr. Jou lawix, to Miss
Alt!t P.iams, both of Clearfield.
If i?-m alnr.n Having cpencd lies
tsiirtr.t.oa Market street. Jntt at me tl Drew.
ety.Iam tew , rr tr. d to fumHh Ice Cieaia
every a'Kiaoon end evening , to ali raller.
dit ar.d Uentlciti a r n; erlttllv ii itrd to
"H- A. C1I0U'1
Jatraxed .Atxu the I. ft week hi April, a
J red Lull, On year old with ihnrt horns,
ttrajrd away from the subscriber, residing ia
l-aar.nre township. Any person giving tnfr
rneiion (a hit bf rralx.irt. will be reasonably
rewarded. A. HAMILTON' HEED.
Wit i:td, lF.6ft.3t
I Xl all! ln a 'I I I .. 1
1 J apaintkarLi,rincrtruBlinrmvU Uib
! cd my iwcnurt, m fhehai left m bed nd board
I Wtlfinilt awfAV stilt MtlM Mi
j part, i win, ihrrr, pay no debts of her ron-
Mrnciing after tbl. date. J. HOCK LNBfcUY, Sr.
Pergosoa town'p, Way S3, lSdft-Jt.
III the lioron.rli nferv.l.. Pl..nrJ
fi.ld county, ona lot iO by liO with an elogantj
c.oruUU,o ,0 oy si, two ana a ball atone.
on eorcercf ,h8 "" 'in alreet, fronting the
. ai itonroom upper portion f,,r dwell-
PrP'- V,nr.ui' ..i"fr: ..Ap
jiij on to B A until. UttUTUtllb.
A . . '
iy zjj, isec Tt pd,
i. hereby rieeo Ibat Lettera of Adminia.
iUaiionhare thia day been granted to the under-1
igned. on th E.tate of Jamea Carly, ileoeaaed,
, late of fcarlhaua town.bip, Clearlield county,
Pcnn a. All perwn. knowing them.elve. In-; will be revived at the '
- Ummii.lal..l I
L Cmi..iun.-. OILctn lb. lorough of ,
ltrookvtlle, Jt-fferaou cuunty. Pa.,
waoti ountv. P... until ,
the 2Uili day of June, next, for i he build-
,S ' CXJL'KT Utir.SE in taid
of a Nwr tXJL'KT UtlU-SE in taid
: lVroucn. 1 Irtns ori(t pecibcatinn eat)
be een Rt the lm raw inner' Oflke, tt
an Utue. JOEL STYKKR. ) r.
" i, nrrrnf v I
- T - nst,scs'C:('rii - May 3. lciio-lt
jnained. Tit: New .Vil'pwrt 1Mb' id ;fth oj
may, Bin, vin. 2d ar.d z.ra or June; trfel(Li
JuB ''. J11-ih, llh, IJtband StJih ; lather.-jdeKe.
borg 51 and 4:b of June. 1 pay ?pe-ial ntten -
tin to Oclding nd the jring of Itinj bone,
A lilf in liTiii!'S. Dr,lle '' prienir oi me e:tortea tlorre,
lauy in liyillj Cnr.Trti l.i n. I may be found at the tiu:-. and !
pi 're.ahoTe dcirnated.
Ct-itarttLD CwTr,.9:
In the niatterof the e.tate of Tito. II. Kowlea.
late of Larrenoe towofbip, Clear3M eoun'.r, ' the road oo line adjoining Janjei Aleaanda.-,
decaed. Ia the r;.han'a Cart of C!ear6eli i -iheoce by land. f Wm. Aloxuder, it, north
ennnty, rc'pe'tiog the arpraisement of Real 1 'e'eniy -eeTeu nnd hlf dYgrac. call ona bnn
E.tate, appraited and et ot to ILe Widow nn- I drti aoi ninety.fonr porche. to an old pine
di-r the aM. of AMcmbly, Tit : tbe one undiri. jalump, tbence muth one hundred and tkirty. two
dedonohalf part of 61 a're. oppraiied !0 iJ. ; rrcllM ' "bite oak. thence aouth forty-live
7"he Court made the following orier Iy 8, l.ifil, degree, weal .ixty-ono perchea to a berulock
read and eonfirmc 1 at W and enlta etceptiona J Hatiding in tbe centre of ittuS'i Jane, thenoe
are Eld oa or the 8iH day of rrxt Terui, iowtb thirty nine degree, west fifiy foiir percbei
will be con&rmed ato!utely. Iiy the Court, to a dogwood, thence by Rted AleXnndur north
Jiny z-t, iv 4t 1. u EAiOiLK, Clerk. .
i CA11D.
cuJ$?jrx. ! '
JSth day of March, A. D., lst6, and in atcord
wiu',,.r at pulwc i
will iiiT a l liulwc tn.e, in llm ikirouth o'
Cleat field. ro 1'tidar. June li, ZWi, Hie
r.ii. :.. L'..
8 wu: a cwiia
rtii and lot of rround, iiuate in liie
tillage of P.tra'i.sf, l.nru-o lo nliip,
county aforeaI. adjoining lots of Leon-
ardti'-den anrl Abrabam Carter.
Team of Sale.-One half ihe irehae
tDO,ia ln? b.1 "fi'ti" ot rale.
.and ihe residue in oao year Uiereafler.
'with interest, to U secured t tond and
niortg.ije on Wie premie.
orG!d, MaC3, i SCO It
... -
JL Py '
sai.i:fxj:al estate
virtue ef an order iff the Orphan "a Court
t t l iraraejj et oniT, I e nn y, the n-ilowtng Ileal
Ettale, sitaala in Lrady township in laid eoun. ;
ty, lat the propecty of tieorg Ellinger, dee'd. !
will bo a..U the Lipbett end bel bidder, at
LUTHEPSr,LRii.on ?atnrday, the lfth day of ,
: Jca text, all that certain tract or piece of land !
; ritwat ic tbe eonnty, township aed state elor. i
"'J. t nded nd Jeteribed a follow., vi. i On
Ih aenh by Und. of Thome Cereo heir, on I
the we.t by land of Conrad ilaerwln. Jr., oa j
: . . ACRES,
Bi'-ra or lew, having ab .ut POCK aerei cleared,
ati Uie ta.a aee amm roved. T,.ie land i. situ-
ate wilbin one mile of Luther-burr; apulliej
utq .H.iijc iiovr.u mi rtnirti pnrioi tl, ana ;
i. well covered with timber, and desirably loca-i
tef..raijaeet owoera.
rreh.t.sB.,ney to be, aid when th"trerertyU.n
a r wn - " vvrur-w L It.Ull Ol II. O
knocked down, and tbe Lilanee with inu-rctt at
the ror-nrmation ofsa'.e.
jtxr-r-'a.e will take I laeo kelween th hour, of
te and two o'clock, r. M , of .aid day, when and
.fc.r. due b. Vy th, un.
Clearfield ttsy 21, l-t5 L
Trut io.
"Ik IXlhTi:ir. MITICIKotiro i. hereby
rro that tbe following account, hare been
exacined and passed Ly me, and reinsin filed of
record in tbi. for th intpect'on of heira.
legates?., creditors, and all other in any way
interested, and will fee tira.etiteJ tn th
Organs' Court of Cl.arfield county, to be hold
at the Court He ia tbe borooh of Clearfield,
pctpseneiog on the Third Mocds of June ISCA,
for e-.rt.m.t.nn and ano-anee
I J be account I 7. MrSanl litmin iirin.r
E. B. I, Ute of th Borough of Carwentville, 1
Clraif.rU eosBty, d-reased.
i Theaceoant. Jame l'gerty, Guardian of
lisanah Jane billon, minor child of tirorce
llllloo, deceased.
j 3 liaal ae.-mnt of C. D Felt, Administrator of
William II. Matteoa, deceased, lat of Fi town- '
4 Final acc-nnt of Gideon Pme.l aad Kane
mp, Liearbeia eoanty. fenn a. 1
f !. Kr'i f th last Will and Teitament of
field county, deceased
i The aocosnt of Mary Spencer, Adroinistrm
trixoUsaae. Spencer, late of Pike town p. dee d
nnl aec.oot of Samuel, Adminia-
trator of Titu. IJ. r.owle. of Lawrence tp.,dee'4
T Aceownt of U. Il JIord aad L. J. Hurd Kxeo-
ou m ci in last ill and reiumeol of Eiia
Hurd, deceased, lat of Cbett Uwa.hip, Cltsr-
ld ecBCTT. PenniTlvania.
S Th final account of Elisabeth Cross, Ad
ministratrix cf Andrew Cross, late of Bogg
lowoibip, county of Clearfield, deceased.
Hie acoat of f. . taUiel, Uaardiaa of
Mary Ana Boa bluer.
I. Q. BARQEK, Regidrr
T.tfttn Oflco, Cleerftld, Pa Ja 23, IJ'I
IIHTATItHI M.. ThetHiiLmlftiait Intend
emr.g a arheel In Ilia Town Hall, Clear
t eld, en the l int Monday la June to continue
t.r a trim ol rrra eeks,
Thnuroochnrri will li aimed at In all onr In.
struen.n. "Not how mm h lint how well' If tt,
principle upoD dlilrh tli flertlnri will b ivn
I'ariiruUr at;cnl.n pi,l to rrnmanliln and
JJrk Krrpinf:.
A daily rKi'trr ll kr I of tt attrndanro, d
porturnt atid reoilaliona ut parli pupil which la
lent wkly to parnta, thai lurnlrLint; tlirut
with ronaunt information of hit Handing ami
progrrM in rrhmil.
1'uLlio fikiWltiona ara not hild at anv atnti'it
, tiino, but parrnta and Ruardiana ara rjprotfu!ly '
invited to the irhonl and obarrv tba tun- I
ner in whlMi th rf.nVw work li t'crfnriuod. !
PptlliDtf, H.adi'ng. Writing, 1'ria.ary ArilLmaJ
uoana uaofrapny, 51 ou M. A. WAM.A("K,
tirammnr, Oeography, Iliatory, Arithmetic and ' j d' AKI WALTKKl
(Uook-KMinc JM,,ri"iurr .',,,,
ni urvrying, $7 oo
Uun ,n1 ateek wilb "7 of ab, br"nch-
r ' 1 J I W I v-.
For iatlUt infcrm.ti()n ,pr1, to
Jjay 23, 1866. C. li. 6AXD10RD, Principal.
Sheriff 's Sales.
lY VIRUE of eundry writs of Vtnditioni
Ej-nnnm ietned out of the court of Common
flea, of Clearfiold etnnty, and to ma directed
'there will be expo.ed to PUBLIC SALE, at tha
,Coort Ho in th borough of Clorllflll, on
Mu,"T the 18th tiny of June 1864, at 1 o'clock,
" ' foll"lns deacribed Real E.tateto wit!
A certain tract of land iltaate in Uecearia
town.bip Clearfield eounty, P.'., bounded
,: 1 r-"" "".!" ''ata in Uue-
" VI, ?! - T'7, ' l"? 6U"d. '
T 7 .i"":!. .....'".
j vi i m , inn t linn,
:With frame hnu.A erei.fl fhr..n An 11
N'o. 1. in the n..rouch ai Oaceol. in.l h..,.'n,UHi
J lot of Ueo. Bualich, aoutb bjr Curlin atreet.
"f " uart, and north by alley, with
lru "ted thereon. Beiaed, u-
leu ln txtea '" ud to be .old, the prope'ty
A certain tract of land eitnuta in Bury.
I it-arueiu county, j enn a, boundea at
Pcfch a post corner, theace north 4 dogreo.
percnea, mnui ny Wu. Lewi, .errcy 831
eal 1CJ pctchea to place of beginning.
, containing Kioeiy eight acre, and one buodroC
and two pert-he. aaj allowance, with about 60
-" nnna, auu nartnj a log Unme anu fcara
erected thereon, Sir.rd.Ukii ioMacutinn.nnd
to be fold a. the property tf Albart Owena.
Aire A certain tract of land .ituato ii Wood
ward townrkip. CleArliuJd conaiy, Ponn'a, non.
taining One tuudred aad nine a.'re. and aeven
ten percbea, beginning at a p. .it in the centre
uny Eve Uegre.w we.-t ah me- the centre of the
I road one buadrej and thirty four ptr-hee to a
. no.t at lh ..r ....j ,l i - i i
!H Aiedf;r,;,;;n:r0AVi-re:;
houte and log barn erected Ibetesn. r-eiaed
j u ken to exei-tin, audio La told a the prop,
icrty ol C'tn.tiin Sho.T, tUeeaoU.
I Aleo A ccrtiu'a trnct of lcnl.ituale In
town?blp, Clear5eld eonrty, Pinniylrania. bonn
idud wot by uindtif U'iiliaa) Hunter, north by
land of t-u&h UHd, aoutb by land or Isaac
Vampale, and eaat by land of ll-ou:
eonumin; three hundred and fiftr acre.. Seixed. I
taken in execution, and to be eold a. the prp j
oily i f Jacob f. Reed, and Samuel Powell. I
jTirllidJtri wiil take notice Ibat I ner cent
uf th purchase money mutt b raid whan tba
money mutt be cald when the
4f erty ia knocked down, or it will b put up j
i " '
aain lor sale.
.May 2a,l64. JACOB A. FAt'iT, SlierifT.
A Irtoulh ' Ag.nts wanted for tU
'a tJJ 'irc'y uric arlitlt; jusi nut. Ad'lre.
0. T. UAUEY, City Luilding, Uidduford, Me.
May IS. ly. 1S68-
5 C. BAKKKfT, Ju.tico of tbe Peace
F at
and Liccnied Conreyatieer, La:h!-rtbur,
lance, promptly wade, and ill kinds of leeal in-
'- J',h"r' n"tio'''
intberiburg. May jt:h, lMSS-t.'.
a Zimixinthatoiis NOTICl Kotlc
i hereby given Liter, of Administra.
iTuu, on Ike Kuk of William McKee. deeeared. !
late of Knox townehjp, CUarfleld county. Pa.
Jiave llii. day boeji doJy granted to the under
signed, to wbotn a, I peraona indeAited to said e.
tale will pleas tnnk payment, and thos barinr
ciaimt or will present tbmn fur aettle-
ment without delay. P. A. A'O WLE.S, Adair',
ly 'Jt.h, IStiS u
rv all V 7" XT I ' ' sV'ta
I U A Ia U 1 h LUVLhiS
Ctt Vf fTa rTy rr- dT an rr ffl ryt
(To vE Advocates of IONnMv!!!t
Hm jut Openel a
New Slore. nn rnileaUivn I.rrnntp Mills
G,rard to1Tri!',"P. r"1 ik prepared IO
they can he found
Ilia atock eonaUl of
Ready Made Clothing. Hats, Cap, fcoot
and iSuoea.
of Ihe very bet (lUnlily
II A 2I W A R E. -QU EE NS H'A RE of New
r. , . I
l.e, autl Jinware.
, . , .... , , ,
Mquor of ,Uinds, jiiel. M Brandy, li me,
Ruin Mid JJ liwky
Ploughs, Plow Caslinps Cider Preatves,
Fih, Nitii and Salt.
Drugs, Medieinea, Tainl. Perfumere
G!u., sod Yarniah.
Also, Acenl for the lt .rated CHOLERA
, .
Call and see f r yourlre heforp pur
chafing eNewhere. May 0, lSdo 3 ni.
Tlertloii for Ilrertora.An election for
Mj reveo jireeiors oi mt p-antiy iick llrtJt
hoad Company, will he held at th offi J of Wm.
IK. Wallace in Clearfield, on Monday th 18th
day of .May, I'M, at 7, o'clock, e. at.
WM. A. WALLACE, President."
Taos. J. MrCrttorca, Prc'y. May la, ISftS
IohoLk lU iriTTtTal
STAVl.K Pif Cnnds Ctolh, Casslmeret
Cloak doilm, Tiili, Satinet!, Mthvarp
FUnneU, Ticking, Muslin, I. laen. I'rinta. at lh
old prices at J. P. KKA77.KU H.
i. "TriM II AKT, and deter in Pry flood.,
, Jll ILady-maJ Clothing, llrcreties. Lliiiiori,
lnug unit Medicine, lint and Cup. Biota nnd
Mines, Hardware, Tinware, Ac. Krenchvllle,
neatflrld county, l'a. V By 2, Mil.
Fur u, Salnt Mothi In Clothing. Ile.t lit
adantgfi Kdicicncy, Koonomy , imparu iwot
odor to tlieclolliei.and i-ure to lt twfl va niontlu.
Kvery IruK)riet bai it. 1IAUK1S i. C1IAPM .N,
MaT 2-1 ll """"",
wu. d. nini.Eit,
... .
Clearlield, r
Lcfftl busined of nil kind proioptly and o
eurutly attondod to. '"7 I. 'M-ly.
nROI'tMAl.xi. Tfce Huilding Committoo, of
the Pre.byterian Conirrecaiion of Clearfiold
invite Sealed until tbo Irt day of Juno
next, for tho furni.liing and delivering on or
near the proud wlioro the old church now
itaDd.,iateriala4or fcuildinjra new Ptoae Cbnrcb,
tu: Htono, Lumbor. Mine and Sand 1 according
to bill.. Specification., plana, and information
to be bod, teen and explained at the office of
A. M. HILLS, bec'jr of Couiiuittae.
May Hill, 1808 2t
Ul)IT()lt NOTICF In the matter of
A th. v.tate of Job Swan, lata of Jordan
fMvnabip, ia tbe county of CloarteU. duceand.
mo uujrMiuiiu who wan appuiuiou in open
Court to retiitte nml o'ljurt tho arcoun's of John
Swan and Hunry Swan Kxecitor. of fii l deoe
dent, will attend ia thcjlutioe of hu aaid appoint
ment, at hi. ofiico in the iJorongh of Cleuffiold,
on Thursday tbe I t'll day uf Juue at It) o'tiook,
A. a) , of raid day, when zzi n here, all purions
interested oin attend If thoT fe proper.
Mcyl6, 'M at X. J. il ti LiLOL UH, Aud.
I860. P II 1 L A D E L I' II I A I8C0.
Manufacture, of
Paprr IlangiiiK'a euid Vluduw ISliadea,
Curner Fon'tb and Mnxket Ktreeja,
N B Alaayi Store a Lirge Stock of Linen and
Oil Ehiwictt
Marco f, 1SG 3.i.
DKwiluliim of Partiicraihlp. Tbe Copart
nership heretofore existing batwoea H, II.
Moore and T. J. Dover, anilor the title of Moor
A Boyer, doing bnrine. ia 1.1,'tber.burg. Clear
field eounty, Penn'a, baa tbia day been dissolved
by mutual consent- The llook account. Ao , are
left with Mr. Moore, fur .eliloment and colUa
tion All persons knowing thtmaclvei indebted
to laid Drjp ; will pieaae call and sett'e.
K. 11. MOORE,
T. i. DOVER.
7-f?Tlie tutlness will hereafter fce comlaotel
by it. U. Moore, who, thanklul for jia.t patron
o;;e, iuiites continuanee-tf the Hist,
Lufiicr.Wg, Pa., April 11th, ItttO.Ou
rilymerl CearyL-We have Photograph,
J i J 1 1 .. r n 1 ,i a
gent wanted to .ell them. Send 75 cents for i
.peciinen eopie. bv mull, postnee paid. Addrea . -
UAllTLE.SOX A Cti.,iiU Chc.tuut it. Philad'a.
May V,-2 mo,
1)ure liberty I) lie 1-eud, (.referred by
all pn i Heal Paiijtrra I Try it ! and ou will
have no other. Mamiractured only by ZiKct rn
A riu.iTH, Wholesale Drug, Point a Ulara bealeri.
No. U7 North Third St., J'bila. March 21, 'tO ly.
rt-w vrin Trr Year UWs want Agentl
vlaijUU everywhere to aell our iJtrnw att
a. a. . . a.
$2i) SewinK Machines. Three new kinds. Un
der and upper teei. Satit n Mat. Warranted
fire yev. Ajove (alary or large commiuiont
paid. The ou' machioej sold in United States
f " leJt than $10
wbiuh are xi'y hceiunl Ay
M ilton, A Ukoc,
nc.we, vt nteier
I Dlltrer sr vo., sun tciiei ici, yiyt I'ljcr giikiv
. a f . . . J T . ..... 1 l , . ... -I. ......
utwhinei ara , iiirment and Ilia seier or r.
are liutU lv r.i.t, fine and imt..isi.mjieDt. II-
'u' trated circuLif. lent tirx.
.-i I. . I. . 1, : .1
Address, or can
i upon chaw A liiddeford, Maine, or
Chicago, III
May in, lsoo-iy.
TTT Tr- "T 4 TT f
ar . bTT bVW nT poeriesa ana aione among an lis competitor.
il I 4 i Ej 19 ! The Valiant and Drave Hearted, the Picturesque
IT flu I 1L JX. 1. a
Crabarn'i Row, CloarSeU, Pcna'a..
The .ubscriber j-espai-tfxlly informs hi. old
customer, ar d the public, that he ha. n hand.
ari oonsianuy teeeivin new auaitiuni. a larva
'''"'k of Cloeka, Walrhe and Jewelry.
, . ... .
r i m . , . , -, , ,
to a full ..!, . I
Watckei, a fin. ...ortmentof .ilver Hunting .
ytT?,YZ D1 P'1"' Lev.r.,1
i r i .L. i . -t r .1. . . .r e
I Cluck, a large variety from tbe b.Ujt Manufac.
I , ' tj r tri "v. j j , . .
I Fpring and Weight, Larefi, fixe, Strike and
FpertAclca, a large assortment far and near
tight, colored and ujala glfcts.
Also, a fine assortment of Spoon. I orka, Bat-ter-knlves,
ete., plated on jenulne Alabala.
ALL kind of Clocks, Watrbr and JeWolry
carefully repaired and H'urroatcJ.
A continuance of patronage I solicited.
Nnvomher IMh. 1VC5 II. K. NAl'OLE-
OI.U I'MXS H. F. NAUULK has luct
received aa Elegant assortment of the best
quality; nlo silver extension and dosk buldcn.
Aortuibor 211, lsr.J.
Tl times are hard ; you'd like to know
How you may aavo your Dollar.
The way to do It I will show,
II yna will read what follow.
A man who lived not far from her,
Who wuiked barj at bis trade ;
But had a hon-eholj to i upper t,
That squandered all lie mado,
I met Mm once, y he, "my friend,
I look threadbare and rough j
I'r tried to get myself a suit,
JVit eaa't save op enough."
(lay I, ay friend, kow much bav yoa f
I'll tell you wber to go,
T get a suit that's sound and ohaap-v .,
At Hi:ir.n;l jJandCo.
Ha took what little ho had aaved,
And wont to Heljciikltlu A Itrothcr
Aid ther b got a handsome suit,
For ball be jipid to other.
Kow It U home, da look, so rctl
And their edict it sueh,
- That when they take their daily moils, ,
'bey don't at half ao much.
And now be finds on Saturday night
With nil their want supplied ;
That he La money left to spend,
And loir to Iny asldo.
Hi. good suocrts, with cheerful (milt,
He gladly telle to all (
If you'd save Money, go and Luv,
Yourclodie. i ItclxcMstciii ClothtaiUali.
Where Ihe cheapcit, finest, anlbeit Clotbin g
and (,ood furnlhing good, ran be had to u! t
tNVery test and in every ityl..
April 1 1, WQB-tr.
1 ytfluthel. of prime Ciomsoe.l. for sal by
Curwen.vlllo, February 28, lS6fl-lf.
HOB8E FIIOES A Horse-Katli, at
520 Arch .Sr.,Piut.Ai.
WATCH FX. FlnodolJ J KV hl.KY'.
Solid MLVEli WAKE, and Superior MI,
VEH Mated Warp, M Kriackn Paten
Mnrr l. 21. iSf." 3nir.
qcoro a r. ttAitm.i. tu a mm n. anu.
Tobacco, Ton, Spices, Arc, Arc,
N. E. eor. till A Market Ft..,
Fob. 14, iKtW-f.m. PIIILADELnilA.
Ixalilcd Men, Attention t Wanted, oneor
two men in Clearfield county, who bare
lost either an arm or leg, to .ell YVadiwortb'a
water proof Arnica Healing Plaster, the beet an J
chenpeat Caurt Plotter in the market From (5
to $10 per day can be made. Addre.r, wilb 25
eent. for .ample nnd full Information, A. F.
BKLCIILR, liox 45, Philadelphia, Pa. N. U.
All agent, and peddler, would find it o their
intcre.t to un.wer the above. April 25, '68 3ut.
IXnCUTOH H NOTICIi Notice 1. here -
J by given that Letter. Teetamentory, have
tin. day been granted to tho aubaenbera, on
tho K.iate of Jane Jackaon, deceased, late of
Jordan township, Clearfield co , Penn'a. All
person, iudehud to laid Estate are reijuo.ted to
make Imiucdints payment, and those having
claim, eeuinst the mine will preient them duly
authenticated foraettlouient
May 9,18B4t-id JOHN JACKSON, 111 "
aOKWISIt; MAriUNF.KI woula hereby
inform tbe public, that I have been appoin
ted "lo Agent, for Clearfield county, fur tbe
Comwor SKfrp Family Machink. Tbia
is ono of the bett Machine, now cflered to tbe
public I keep them on hand. Any person
calling at my roeidonoe can tee them operate.
Piine only tin. THOMAS UK AO,
May 2, tSfl-g ujo-pd; Near Curwen.viljo
UOVERNOR! We bave a correct and
striking photograph of ( next (iorernor of
Ponnrjlranin, vrbioh are will send by mail for
25 ccuts. If we tnictiihe llm tain, liie money
kill be refunded iuimediately after el ecti-jn next
4kuber. It it Clymcr or deary? Write and aee.
Addrc.a HAKTI.ESON d CO.,
Mayt.-tmo. 611 Chestnut at. Phil'a
Uave jijst opened t
fjigw Store, on Main St., Clearfield, Pa.,
klelr oeeupied iy Wm. . IRWIN.
Their atock consiata of
GkotxR:u of the beet quality,
idj every article cecessarv -for
one's com-foft.
and examiaa our took before pur
chaanng elsewhere. May 0, lSGC-tf.
T)ROt'(;ll IMt 1)1 XA SiCIi Iwitenaeted
i x) and ordained by the P,)irg. and Town
Council omr Hornngb of Lkwfield, and it ii
barely enacted and-ordaiuod by tbe authority
of tbe lame, lbatoo ieri-on atta.II be allowed
to carry on the busincsa of slnoghtaring cattle,
abeep or hogs, within tbe limit, of raid Borough
and all meals oBerod for sale, within the 1W-
ougo iiniia,nu aop ia tuia iree irom
all filth, .mail, or other Impnr'ty whatsoever.
lao t.s aanaa a, t . .1 n t t W I Vi I Jl A. fiMbRrta akall La
ough limiu, rhaUl kepi clean tuad free from
Any person violattsg tbia Oidinance shall be
fined for each offense, in a mm nut lest than
live, nor more that- twrntv dollur.. Provided
however, tbU tVn Ordinance ii not intended to
Interfere with the butchering of hog, ajibio
th Borough, An the winter leasoo.
JAMES VVRlULEr, Burgesa.
WX.O. BattU.H, Ceo y.
CloartleH, May Vth 1S68 SL
Agent Wanted for our new and beautiful
work, ti.0 Pictorial Book of Anecdotes and
icneI, 0f 4h Rebellion..- Iltroic. J'ulriotic.
'o.'sVen f, KoMantic, llumerout and Traijiral,
'Splendidly Illustrated with over 300 line Por
trail, and beautiful Engravings.
Tbia work fur gonial hou.or, tender pathos,
itartling Interest, add altraotire beauty, ttaode
and Pramatlo, the Witty and Marvellous, tbe
Tender and Pathetic. The Roll of Fame and
Story, Camp, Picket, Fpy, scout, bivouac, and
licg. ; startling .urpriersf wonderful of rape,
whoI. rsnorim, ,b. r u her
fauiou. word and -oeeds of women, and the
i j s.. - '
i mi vn
war has called forth.
pitMti o(fiperl ,ni ,UiBr ,,Rche .
t 0 young men. and all in want of profitable
euiplojmcul, will find tbl the host chance to
1 . ' j .. ... .
iir.ko money ever 3 oi oueieo. mi.u ur ciron-
Irv. and see ou,- trnis. Addresa,
May 9, ISdfl it. No. 51)7 Minor St., Phil'a. Pa.
Chciip Cash Store
Sulli Pecond St., Clearfield, Pa.
Sprin g Su m m cr Goo ds
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
I am ju.t receiving and opening a carefully
(sleeted atock of fashionable Spring t 8urn.
toer (loud, of alniott every description.
SttfillPaliSl 9 Q'iirill
A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry
goods, of the newest hod latest style..
Alio a groat variety of u.eful notion.
Bonnet., Ehs.wle,
HaM and ap,
Boots and 8hoe, a largo quantity,
Hardware, Queon.ware,
Brvg and Medicine,
-Oil and Paints,
Carpel A Oil Cloths,
a CD CE Cti II 1 CEi C3 8
and Fruits Foreign and Domestic,
tsuoh Apples, reachc.t, Cur
rant, Prune. Kaiains, Oran
pes, and Leuinus.
Fish, Bacon and Flour.
Mackerel in and barrtla,
of the best quality, all of which will be sold at
the lowest rash or ready pay price.
My old friend, and tbe publio generally, ar
respectfully invited to eall.
rirfi. 11. All kind of OffA.Vand approved
CULSTS Y PROVVCB taken to aiehang for
Uoods. . wm. jr. iHWi.
ClfarllelJ, ?Iy Pin, If
.$mj, W. SLIITH, & CO.
Selling the Cheapest and
offered in Cliiepikld eounty.
Having been th latest to purchaae w
have the advantage of tbe decline in
price, and otlVr tbia advanlaa
to all our cuxtorneri n&4
all others.,
bring the latest and most
fashionable styles.
which are now ao fashioua'ule, are ihava
good qtialttiea as low aa 45 cent.,
embracing every shade,
Wc offer also a Novelty which baa
just appeared in Drosn
Goods, called
'V J? R C A I F
Theae Good come in Puitern, oauipri
iinc all s-hades and deeigns. Being
already trimmed they requiro
only .cut ting nnd fitting and
can be dan a up at
any tU&o.
Ladies Super Kid Gloves, Ladle fancy
LisIp gloves, Ladies Mohair Mitts,
vLadijes fine -Silk Nets, Ladies fau
cy Chenille, Ladies Magi
Jiuiiim. Ladies Laoe '
Ladies Valenciennes Fluting, Ladies
Silk tassel Buttons, Ladies Silk i
Scarls, Ladies fancy Tics,
Ladies embroidered
Handkerchiefs, Ladies Um Stitched,
llandkerchiofs, Ladies Lawn hand
Jierchiefa, Ladies Empress trail
iloop akirts, Ladies Hoop
Skirt coveys.
J,nstiHg, Goat, Glove Calf, ;'
Morocco., Cloth Opera
Shaker Hoods.
Canton Ktraws,
llraid Straws, Dett-y
litis, Split lists, Luteo Hats.
Trimmed Mats, Straw -card and all
Deceafury ornomaats.
Fine assortment of fancy Caa
simerc3 in patterns, extreme- .
ly cheap. Abo Boya
Men's heavy Monroes, Men's lino Calf
Boots, Men's glove calf Gaiters, ,
Men's Cloth Opera Slippers,
Mon' fmo p.iteqt lauh
ep Boti,
all sizes and styles. Straw Hats,
Hosiery, Kid Gloves
and Collars.
Sredlejs P.nisins, Layer Raisins, prunes.
Can X each, Can J'ears, C'an'Jorn,
Can I'ioe Apple. Can Sardines,
Italian Maeearoni, Almonds aid Figs,
Cream Nut, Filberts, Oranjjes
Lemons and Pick led
s Oysters.
Sugar Biscuit, Lemon Biscuit,, Egg
IJisouit, l'aney liiscutt, Wa
ter and Butter Biscuits.
Genuine Yew Oi leans Molasses, Sup.
Egtrn fyrtina, Supara, Coflce,
Eioe, Tens. Candles,
and Soap.
Iloeh and Rakes, Grass Hooks,
Trowels and Mops- Oil
Cloths, Willow Ware,
Fish, Salt and -ITam
Mayfrh, lW-tf. ,