business Jirfdcrif. JOB! n.C.Tl. C. T. AllIIHDM. OittIb Ala r. i.ild?, - ATTonKEY AT (,4Y, ..1thJM, I y. BeUefuiite Pa. ttr M. M'CI.'LI.OirCII. AtroRaaT at , La w, Clear, d, fa, Offieo oa Market' P.treot on door east of lb Olr.rfi.1,1 County B ay 4. ISM tf Kv .j 1. 1 . if iiAitwnvtti a. " 1 Clrt)eld, Pu, Cf6 in fchaw' Row, p I posit the Journal ollce. , - dee. I. lis. ir TIIOM H J. M C t'l.l.OUCIl, Attorney at l.iw. flic djolning the Bunk, formerly occupied by J Ii. McSnnlly, K.q., Market street, Clearfield, Pa Will attend promptly to Co (lections, Sale of Lands. A". "cc. IT. 'HI. JOHN 1j. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law nud Heal i-'atate Agent, CLEARFIELD, PLNN'A. fffirf. (in Murlitl St. Opposite the Jail, RESPECTFULLY often bi i rviee !n sell. Ing and buying lands in Clearttold and ad Joining counties ; tind with n experience of over twenty year ai a Surveyor, flu Her himself that ke eaa render satisfaction. Feb. '63 If. ' cvrenius howe. Justice of tux Peace. For Drcatu Township, will promptly attend to all buttoes entrusted W tu eare. r. J. Aildross, I'uiltpsuurg fa. Aug. Slat Ml J OBEPH II. BRETII Justice of the Poare, and Licenred Cun'eyanoer, hew WefhinrtoB, Clearflnid county. Pa, 1. B. U'lf CURAT. tA-LEI. MITCHELL. Dealers in Foreign and Dninertin Merchaudiae, Lumber, lire in, e-e. New Wkehingion, October 25, leJf i.-Iy.pd. Clearfield Cj , Pa. iR. J. P. m,RCIIFIi:M).-L'te Cur eeoo of the Slid K'eiment, Penn'a Vulun tctrs, having returned from the Army, offer bij ftrofeesiunal services to the cilirei.s of Clearfii'li and vicinity. Profesiional calls prouiptly atten ded to. Office on South East corner of ii A Market itret. Oct. 4, lt4nj..fn.o.-id. JRLAKR WA l.TP-RM, Scrivener and Con t vcyanoer Agent fur tbe Purchase and Sale of lands, CLEAnriBLD, J'ux'a. Prompt attention given to all buxiness connect ed with the couuty offices. Office with Hen. Wm. A. Walli.ce. Clearfield, Jan. 1'l,l6fl if. C. KKATZEU &, SOX, ve jaauiaiii4Ali way A ' f I MriK. " u1 dr'T i0rjr 04od, I Jn reeeWIng end opening a carefully Clothing. Hardware. Cultlory. QueeDswarel.i.j .,.knf r.,h ...kl. Rnpi, A fi . (jeiurltt Khi,irrlMc anit Prapi.i,... A. tka .tj i tend on Front Street above the Academy. Clearfield, December 13th, lSSJ-tf, J. P. KRATZER. MF.nCIIANT, end dealer in Dry Goods Clothing, Hardware, Qutoneware, Uroeeries Proviiinns, Ac. Market street, opposite the Jail, Clearfield Pa. April 20th 181, IV, .ACK.1IITIIINXi .Theundrsitrned res- pectfully bcgi leave to announce to the nub- lir, that be carries on lilnck jioilhmg in the Bur "Vgh of Clearfield, where ho will execute prompt ly, in a workmanlike manner, all work entrus ted to his eare. Special pains taken in shoe'inf sxea. Shop adjoining Town lln.l. formerly ocoupied Mr. Huff. WM. SI EVENS. November 8th, 1813 -ly. CI.KAKFIEI.l) NURSERY EacotiRAaa Hone l.ibrsTRr. Ibe undersigned having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about half way between Clearfield and Curve nsvillo. is pre pared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (Stand ard aud Dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, Grape Vines, Ooeseborries, Lawloa iilaukherry. Straw, berry anci Kaepberry vines. Also, Siberian Crab trees, Quince and early scarlet llbeubarb, . Ordvrs promptly attended to. Address, Fept. 20.'t! J D.WhIUUT, Curwensvilla. GEORGE FALK takes thij method of inform log the watermen of Clearfield county that be bos refitted and reopened the hotel formerly I opt by E. Scbreiacr. it Coxehtown, where he will take eepeoial pains to render satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. Coxestuwn, April II, 'flj. drety. r .1 OR EST HOUSE--Woom townshin. Gainer p. Blooii, Proprietor. This large and commodious Ilousa is situateJ en tba turnpike, 7 mile wet of Curwensville, and 0 miles east of Lutbersburg. The Proprie tor will tpare bo effort to nuke his guests com fortableand their sUy with him pleasant, and thereby expects to receive a liberal share of pub lio patronage. Dee. SO, 18fii. tf, onntj Ihtioiial anh; CLKARFIftLD, TA. This Bank is now open and ready for business. Office on'Fecuned street, in th building for. Uierly occupied by Leonard, Finory I Co. DIBrcTOKI AMD OrriLURf. A8. T. LEONARD, RICHARD SffAW. WM. PORTER. geo. l. nr.r.n. wm. v. WRiont, CaHhittr. Tm't. JAS. B. GRAHAM, VTM. A. WALLACE, A. K. WRIGHT, Jua 2Stb, DR. A. M. HILLS .vS5t---x.. nmiRES t la- pi rona thut profeasinn al businens confines ' hi , , it ra i.i 7 V? "i'7 . i wiiirt an V, - -j iho lima k. !ll 1 t - nil, i2 therefore be unable ZlZttt& 3 Professional JfV' ivi"-V y",lt l"By of hi siJ?-' v "e- cutomed places this summer j but snay be found at his offis oa the Northwest cor ner of Front and Market street, directly opposite the "Clearfield House,'' where he ean be lonnd at all times, reads and willing to attend to all calls In the line of hi profession. Full setts of Tseth only Twenty Dollars. July Isei-ly.pd. COPARTNERSHIP. The r.nderlgned have this day formed a Co. partnerrh n under the firm nam, nf Irwin A Hartshorn, for the transaction of a General Mer chandise and Lumber business. A large and' well selected etck of Goods has been added to ! those alrendy on bend at tbe Corner Siore in lurwensvllle where we are now prepared to show Customers a completed assortment with price low as the lower. The highest market rate aid for Lumber of all description. The patronage oi tbe publio is respectfully olicited. EDWAHD A. IRVIN. W. R. UAltrSUOllN. Curwensville, July 28, IS 'J- Tnre l iberty Hlille Lead Tbe Whitest l th mo't durable and the Mmmn l.l Try It! Mnnufactiired only bv Zieolrb a Sunn, Wholesale Drng. Pmt A Olnse Dealers, No. 1J7 NnrtU Third St, rhil'a, March 21, 186 ly. nOL' Glassware, Woodenwre. Looking Glasses Clocks, Nails, (Hast, Oils, PainU. Lamps, Wall J. P. KIUTZER'S. SEWINU MAtlllM;t.p.r,on,d()rolll or havltg a Superior Machine, should bay Wheeler A Wilton' enmnt Maehinee. oa hand. e ,. - . "' NALGLK, AgenU Clearfield, February J, Trl.-.ATC03T-roar IrhToTTood 1 J. rmily Plnwr. to elowt nut th ... -1 a i, iw - .. MEKREtL A lWLKn. .'oif J. HECAULEY. iTHOS. Ntw Slot. Tin end Pheet Ironware Maaafeeto ry, Market street, East of Jil street, CiiAtrui d, Prnn'a. Till etlab- lUhmc nl being now in full operation, for tba e ins ud of Ooode. aucti I at Stoves. Tin and Sheet Iroo wares, Expren.y for thl Mar ket, which will be sold Whole-side A Retail, Cheop for cash. The lubicri ber Respectfully solicits a hare of tbe Pub lic patronage, Pledging himrelf to labor to make tbu EMablUbmenl, The People's Depot, for . . ... lb procuring of Onols, And huvioj their out door work and re pairing done on reason able terma. ,N. B A Newly conatruoieil Bto-e, Ex ireaaly for the Haft ing Trade. Call and lieeil. - TUGS. J M PAULEY, i flam field. Fer.rur- 28. lSjfi-3-m. I'KICES AUK EASING WITH THE TIMES." If cw oods AT THE ; Cheap Cash Store WILLIAM F. IRWIN! South Second St., ClearfielJ, Pa. A FRESU ARRIVAL OF Spring Si, Summer Goods AT TIIE CHEAP CASH STOKE. r a of almost every description, 31?A3P2iI. (2? IPilSlW A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of tbe newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. LltY-GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Sbawls, Hats and Caps, Boots nd Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs and Medioiaei, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and Floor, Mackerel in i i and I barrels, of tha beat quality, all of which will be soid at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the publio generally, art respectfully invited te call. prN. D. All kind otOllAfXtnA approved COUXTK T MODUCE takes in exchange fur Goods. wm. r. iRvriir. Clearfield, May 31, Hot. FRESH ARRIVALS, AT THE CHEAP STORE OFi Borxm, snoras & gbauaji. j Spring Goods, NEW And Very Cheap ! ! BOTNTON. SHOWERS A GRAHAM sue. j cssiors to Uoynton A Showers remrctfull announce to the public that tbey are now open ing an extensive assortment, of FALL GOO OS, At the old stand in Graham's new building which tbey offer to sell at astonishingly low prices, (ooueldering heir cost !) for earn or approv ed country produce. Their stock of n 1 - TT -v -r- -- J XX 1 If 1 I I I I ?S CANNOT RE SURPASSED! Customers ean there find EgH CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS ! MUSLINS! DELAINES! LAWNS f CLOTHS! CASSIMERS! VESTINGS! LADIES'SHAWLS! GENTS' SH A WLS HATS i CArs t BOOTS L SHOES C, A UP KTS l ntt rtftTtisi i 1. 1 I f i, i OUR STOCK OF FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY.embraelnc NOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs! IIcnd-Neta 1 Ncck-Tiea Satchels! Port Mommies I Urunhcs 1 Photoirrnpliie Albams ! PIPES. TOUACK) ft SKOARS! PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS! Or anything elso in tho Notion Line ! ALSO, HARD-WARE ! Queens wa 1 GROCERIES Q 7 PROVISIONS ! All of tba best quality, and selected with special i",ra rR Clearfield county. i r . iv I n lu.l, JOSEPH SHOWERS, ... EDWAHD GRAHAM. Clearfield, May 10, 1884. riirue and abdominal supporters ef every 1 kind of the l.ti..t . . i -I 1'irMi... in i.rug Store or H AllTSWICK A IRWIN. fTS round M it UHprviiitirl .i.t.n. t. . lifh Currants, Jix. Coll. and Vinegar of , tba bes; noaiity, let sal bv it. A I. 1 Clearfield. January 10th, IRflrl, CwBlroa panacea. Kennerf. . .,.i m.. O sov.ry. Hembold'. Ducho. llL7.;.T.:e'v"TV,0,,l "(, 10 ", for furniture. I ! For JrfcV"i W - khi " - - a.ib. uil. family Dy. -arnlsbe and fitits ef U klod rroBBd ia I Per r-r by NEW STORE. HAVING B'A'GllT OUT THE EN tire Stock of Goods or Jsmea E. Wslion, I AM PREPARED TO SELL It en Good of all description, Cheaper THE CHEAPEST. Giro him a call before purchasing el where. JACOB M. KEPLER. Pbilipaburn. Jan jHry 3d. 18ti0. BAiUJAINS! In Cunvcnsvillc. The Subecriber has just opened at the Cld Stand, in Ciirwcnsyi.'c, a large assort I ucvnp iti.vtvno nr nnnns ME NT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS and Ware, suited In (hie locality, which HK WILL SELL Cheaper than they can be Bought !n the Conn1)', for Cab, CALL AND SEE Ladies and Gentlemen, BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. and I'm aatiefied you will find it TO YOUR INTEREST rO PURCHASE. No. 22 IG5. JOHN IRVIN. A NKW FIRM. HABTSWICK & IRWIN, Drugi-ists, Clearfield, I enn a. Having refitted and removed to tbe rovta la'ely wccupied by Richard Musop, now oiler, low for cash, a well se lected assortment of Drugs and Chemicals, Also, Patent Medicineaof all kitide, Oill, bias Folly, Dye Si off. Stationary, Tobacco and .Scgar?,, Con feci ion a ry, Spicea, and a larger atock or vanefiea ever ollered in luia place, and warranted to be of the best the Market affords. J. a. II ARTS WICK, Dec. 13, 'Cb.-tf. JOHN III WIN. II. Bridge, (store out ai or East of Clearfield House,) Market St., Clearfield, Ta. Keeps on hand a full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such as Sbirla, Linen and Woolen tinder .Shirts, drawers and socks, neck-ties, peeket hiodker chiefs gloves umbrellas, hats Ac., in great variety. 01 piece Goods be keeps the best Cloths of all "hedei and eolors, such aa bla:k doeskin of the very bet ma'xe. Fancy Casiaiiner in creal variev: Alo, French diaiiny, Heaver, Pilot. Chin chilla, and Frirott over coating, all of which will bo enUl Cheap fur Cah ; and mt(n up according to the latest Styles by Experienced Workman. Also A(ienl far Cleat del. I co., for I. M, Ringer. C l Jo . cel tbraiel Sewinii Machine. H BRItMJE. Uleut field, Peiin'H. Nov. 1, 1805.-tf. JMusic Store. HJI. G RKKX E lias oiened liia Mu- sic Store, one door went of W. Lewis' Book 8t"re. where he keeps ronstnntlyon band Pteinway A Sons' and tiaehle's Piano Men ofacturiBg Company's Pianoa, Mason A Hamlin's .isninrl Urgsns and Carliart, Jverdhem Co s' iMelodeons; Guitars, Violin, Fifes, Flutes: j Guitar and Violin strings, j Music Boms Goldon Chain, Goldsa Shower, uoiuen mneer, uoiaen ino, A.,Ae. Sarr.T Mi-sic He is eon-lantlv reeeivlt.- from Phila lelphia all the lateit music, which persnns at a distune wi.hlng, ran order, nd have sent them by mail, at pehli.her's prices. PiaBos and Organs Warranted fur five yeers. Those wishing ta buy any of the a We a-tides are invited to call and eimilne mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same al In Aew Vorkand Fhlladelnhia. H'ea'ar of Instruments ent promptly npm ppliealioa with any additional lnf..ruit'ion ... '"d, II. M QKE.F., Hill street, lluntinproa, Pa , One diHirwestof Lewie' flook Store, r Mir B. A. P. KINDKK, Clearfield. Da. fl, lsfiitf Agent for Cleatfieldco., Peun'a. Clienp Furniture! 9ontr viLieiB DESIRES to Inform hi old friends and ens-t- mere that, having enlarred his ih.r. .-J increased his facilities for manufacturing, he Is bow prepared to make to order furnilur as may be desired, ia good style and at cheap rates for lln mostly has nn hand at his "Furni lur Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made Furniture, among ahich art Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and hook-Cases : Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfast and .lining Extension Tellies. Common. French-Post, cottaje, Jenny I Lind and other BodsT.arii. SOFAS ..I all, KINDS. WuitK-S TANDS HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, lo. I Hocking and Arm Chairs, Sring-6eat, Cane-Bottom and Tartar Chair , and Common and other Chairs. LOOKING-OLASSES Of every description en hand; and new glasses' for old frames, which will be put In nn ve ry reasonable terms on hort node, lie alsu keeps on banc', or furnishes to r der, Hair. Corn-Husk. Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, (if every kind, Mad to o-der, and funerals attended with a Hearse, "vhenever desired. Alio, Home Painting done to order. The aatsoriher also manufactures, and ha constantly en hand, i lenient Patent Washing IttVhin. The best now in use. Those n...7 iki. ...i.i. Rer need b without olean clothes! lie also has Ll.. II... . t r iy ur a i mciii i.mirn ' . V .. ! -. ! hum n. k- i . L L.... . .. ... v... n leioiiv using mi tnurn All the abov and many other articles r fur. t for ittifirAvari ...,, w. a .." ." '-.?7m w vHBiuiimri vu-an mr Li nr at riiatifa.i JrT . ",BWOd and other Lam her suitebl. for CiCSff ' '""v JOHN UULICU. n.. j RtHCRIL Io tJhadliT )ure llbcrfy WM'e I can1.-m io eihrrl Try III Manufactured t'r by Isi.t-t Piiti, W holrsal Drag, t'atnt 4 t.lea Dealer, i No. IIT Berth Third at , Phil a. Mirth V,'i6 ly j C m:rkm.i. it 4CAnr.Mr.-n Third I Fersioa of this Tnrtllulin will tin" oa M.indnr. lb ttth dxr of Mareb, A. U If . I Pupllt ten enter at any time. Tbey will Be tDa,lr' w,lh titi"n from Ibe tlia Ibry enter to tbe close f tbe Hereion. The ernirse of instruction embraces every thing that is Included In a tlmi' uli, tiraetical and ae- ..... ., , . ' omplmbed education for both setes, The Prinripal. having had lb advantage of aaueh eiperieuce in his profrerinn, aeeur-a pa- reuts and ruard ans that bis entire ability and energies will be ilevoU'd to the moral and men tal training of the youth placed wmler his charge. TKUM-. OK TUITION, Orthography, Heading, Writing, anj Prima ry Arltbuittio. per Srsolon (II weeks)' ti.OO Kic, per Session (II weeks) $i.00l ir, oeograpby, Aritbrnetie. nl,(1li0,(j , , Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensura-1 I Urammar, tory, I Alcebrs tlnn ft.rvtn-. I'hi lowit.b v. IK i ftiulurv. Chem :'tT ni W""" "pi". Latin and Greek with any of the above Pr-nrb- es. 1 2.00 JW'No deduction w',11 be made for absence. Wecr further partirulars inquire of Kev. P. L. JIAKhlSOM, A M., ClesrHeld, December (, U6J tf. Priaeiyal N EW CARRIAGE AND WACON Shop, in Cleat field. Pransylvania. ' (Immediately la rear of Machine Shop,) The eubseriber would retpertfully inform the ritlseneof ClearS. ld, and the public in general, that he is prepared le in all kinds of work aa CARRIAGES. BUGGIES. WAGON". tsLEians. SLEDS. Ae.. en shert iintlee aad la a workmanlike manner. JSA11 Orders promptly attended m -ORt - WA. MrkNICilir. fl-aifi-'d iFel.arv I4 h. 'RtUi-I. PIIO n G It A Pll i:K. D. M'O A Ui H ET, having purt-baed the Photograph establish went orturrly enndurted by II. Bridge, would reepeotfully ananuaee to tbe eitisens of Clear II id end a'lj .iiiing counties, that be has recent ly made additional improvements io both sky light and nparatus, and he flatters himself that he ean satisfy the most fastideuus tasta in a tbvr and lifelike likeness. 11a also keeps ennstastly oa hand a good as sortment of Guilt, Rosewood, and Walnut fraiuec Albums of all sites and styles and an endless variety ef rune, lockets, etc , which be will die pose of at very moderate prices, for card itis gallery is in chaw s row, (up stairs.) Mar ket street, Clearfield, Pa., where he is always rea dy to accommodate customers who tnae be ia wast of ajrood Likeness of themrelves or friends Particular attention paid to copying a'l kind. of pictures, ete. riovember liih, I tss EEMQVjVL. J. P. KRATZER baa removed to hi new Ware-Ronmi, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., where Le ha ojened a tery Urge itock o Dry Goods, Merianes, Glnrhams, Clothe. Delaines, Prints Ca-sirneres, Alpacas. Silks, Satinets, Reps, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jeans, Lanellas, Muslins, Flannels, Hoc nets. Rib boos, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop. Skirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Head Nets, Cape, Corsets, tlloree, Collate, Searls, Urenadioe Veils, Table Covers, Clothing, Coats, PaaU, Vests. Over-Coats, dent's Fhawlt Shirts, Hats, Caps, Under-Sbirts and Drawers, Roots. Shoes. Gum Shoes, Cravats, Glove and Collar. HARDWARE, QUEENSWAPE. GRO CERIES ft MUstCAL GOUDS. Groceries. Tel, Coffee, Sugar,, Felt, Candles, ftiee, flour, Uaeon, rirh. Tuhacen, Itaisios, Currsnts, 8 p i e e s, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Vsr Bish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE. WOODEN- WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods Carpets, Oil cloths, Drugget. Looking fllasses Clucks, Churns, Washboards. Tubs, Duck ets. Flat Irons, Pan. Window Hlinds, Wall paper. Coal Oil Lamps, I'm brellaa, Pedrords, Knives and ' Forke, Spnnns, Crocks, and 6tov Blacking. er-AU of which will be told on the most rea- .ext.. hi. i.ri, od the hlghevt mark a priee paid lor Grain, Wool, and allkind nf eonntry produce. Clearfield, December IS, IMS, GREAT EXCITEMENT QN SECOND STREET, CLtARriELD, Te.NN'a. NEW FIRM. NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW TRICES. The nndereigm-d having formed a co parmerHhii.. in ,A Mercantile l.u.i ne 1 wou.H rf-peoifully invite the attention nf! uie inoiio penetnlly to their aplendid a.orteiimi of Merchandiae, which i now being SOLD VkliY LOW FOR CASH. Their mock eoneisti in ,rt 0f Dry Goods. of Ihe beat oualitv. urh as Peint. n.i Uines. Alpaceaa. Merino. Ginghams, AIu.liu Hlfaohe.l and unbleached, Drilling. T. , . . c- i ... ..., v.. ,iU,, runnel, Salinett. Cotieaade. Caa.imeree, Ladie' Sbawla, CoaU.Nubia and Hood. lMlmo raland Hoop Skirl. ft0 ftc.f all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Alao. a fine asrrlmenl of men 'a Draw era and Shirt, Uaia ft Caps. Bool ft Shoes. Qurcnsicarc, Jioware, Hardware, Oiocerie and nices i . B sit t.-i...... ' tu avi.lf.? i N SHORT A ubc,nai ansuHliutr wveryiniug iiMtiHiiy kepi iu are- - 11 U. . ai r lm n -. . r wiir-ar rUU UMI or approved country produce. WRIGHT ft FLANIGAN. Clearfield. January IfMs." mt iVUMni.R KVim pipePf I'in-Fnla i m. Aug jj moj .-civnu liltibkH S. Ulruunt. . . . . ;'IIAKLEY& SONS ar-uw iLJAiij.Aa.A-1 Tbry Veiebf aeilfy the public, that the Foundry In the Uoruugk al fleet field, hei been not In full hlmt. Mn thtx are now reedv i acoiinin-late the community with anjtlili g net laiutug lu their line. 'Ih.y keep eoneUuliy ; . , , , i on hand a general asoriiuciit of Cook, Parlor Alui Ten I'liltO StOTCS, , ilrtl:n- EIT1IHR WOOD OR COAL c . I I 1- xr t t Base Stoves, Number 3 and " " Wash Kettles, 1G and 20 gallons, fire Gralei 20 and 28 inohM, FARM PINNER HELLS TWO SIZES, Flows and Plow (bating. W ro, al-o, prepared to make al kinds of GRIST AND SAW MILL IRONS, and special attention i paid to tbe re pait ins; of Thresliirg Machines. Peraons in want of anything, in our linn would do well bv giving u call. All of country prnluc, and nidi Metal, laken in exchange for our Manu facture, at the highest nm ket .eir II ARLEY A SONS. Cleaifield. Pa.. November lai. l8C5 -lf. New Goods! MRS ED. WELCH & CO., Have Just Rrctivtd Their Spring mid Summer Goods, Which were purchased during the present de eliae, and therefore ire euabled to coil very & Our Stock Consist in pari of Merino, Alpaca, Pop lin. Weml, Armure. and oni'non 1) laioea; Pnni. Oinghania, Shaw I. IIootN Hosiery and Gloves. Nubia. Halmoial and Hoop Skir'a. Flau nela. Lade' Cloth, Sheeting. Muslins. Toweling, Tiching, Sonlag. Breakfast Shawl. Cape, to. Also an aaaortiuent ol Millinery Goods. Among, which a-w Hale, Bonnet. Featli era. I-.ibbona, Flowera. I ace. Frame. Matinee. Velvet, Silk. Cre. B-ragea. Veil, elc, and a large stock of tacDr532fl Including China. Bronx. Pnpier Mache Tin. Rofccwood, Glas. Pewter, Wuodea, tariao ai,d Candy Toya. For Ladies. uch a r..made. Oils. B tndoina bloom of vouth and Faint, Rooga, Lilly While Jtc. Ibanklul for pat favor, we s-oiicil a eon tinuaire rd the kind patronage of the people of Cleat field Co ttT'Remeniler the itlare Second Street. aext door to first National Bank. Dew. J I. ' RICHARD MOSSOP FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS !.IUSLINS at at al at Sensation Sensation KciiKatioo price price prices pi ico DELAINES CUBUKGS ALPACAS Seneation Jut receive.1 al MtiSSOl'S. G I NO HA MS at KetiHitiiin t.ricer CHINTZ al at at at at at at Senaal ion Sensation Seneatien Senaation price piicee price PRINTS UlAJVES CRAVATS prices at MOSSOPS' SUA WW Senaal ion pricm Sensation price BONNETS COLORED I MUSLINS f Setisslion prices All to be bad al MOSSOPS', l.l.NN at Senaal ion Sensation Senation price price price price prices CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS at FRINGE at Benaalion Seraation at MOSSOPS LACS at al at Sensation pnoe price I'rice HOSIERY I RIBBONS .TRIMMINGS ol all kind ft Senaaf ion Seuaation at Sensation price in any quati'ty l Alwav on hand at MOSSOPS. CASSIMKHES ai Sensation price price pncee price price SATTINETS at TWEEDS at JrANH at VESTINGS at SUIKTINOS al S-uaation Set.aation Si'tiHaiion Sensation cvenMtott pru at AfUSSOrV rice CLOTHING uch aa Coai. rant, Vent, OnderShirta, at aeuaation price Flannel Shirt, Bool. Shoe. II at a and Cap. ... KoW r,,r l Mo.sors' n A it u w a U r. atluh aSawa,IMU r orka, Knire. Sj ike. Hinge, at tensatioa price LIQUORS, inch a Wine, Brandy, j"1". whhk-y. at MOSSOPS. pricM at enalion iTnc. etc., etc.. FRUITS, audi a Prune. Rujina, Fig, Filbert, Ac. at ensalion price at MOSSOPS. at eoiation price GROCERIES, y Flour, Ham, Shoulder, Sugar, MoInhsci, CotT'ee, Tea, Cracker. Spice. Candle, Ciiul Oil etc nie ... v.w., viw. Alwayr at MOSSOr.S. umi ai.xu at at at at tit ienatmn lenxation etiHaiion rniaiiort senaal inn prioea j.iioe price. iKOl'KS I tl, . II I t- . ;IIUl Lri.. - N LEAD M a ara. price prices rices at aeuaation . e I 'tV' of RIH ARD MOSSor. Riubsor Always keep on band a full . . . : vmt 9miw, -p aii. road nmmc, Mt. n, nD K reps aoaet aatl y e hand the ebnlt t ? Ills tehio ' aleavs eurn'ltd wlik .. . ' Ih tht L-1 . Mark'l aff.-.vdt. The traveling pu!. ;n j. " u give hiia a ell. K l,t,if,7 THOMAS M CRISMAN. Agett f t tl.o Finger N.winf uMl riiilip.liurg. Centre to., Peua's. Oct. Ilth, ltti if. c. r. roTti, I. D. H'OIKK, kicn. iuaw. IDW. Tint. .... A. K WilOUT. W. A. Wai.uJ e-A.nJ SCO. L. IKtD. 4, aum,,i' " uuuuil ()F FOSTER. PEEKS, WEIGHT & CO I ' PHILM'SHUIW.CiNTaECo.. Pa. 1 Sllll of Exchange. Notes and Drafts discoiiwj DU'ILM IS KM.; ft, I VED. Collections mad and proeaeds promptly rswltttl Exchange on the Cities constantly ea hand. The above Hanking Hons is now epai itj reaay iir uusmeps. fc'rpL fi, 164. PaiLtriRPRe, Centre Co., P(', CLEARFIELD STORE Philipsburg, Pa WIM IAM W. BRTTB. GIORCK L. RtXD. joum r. wiirn willia. r:wm 7 IK BETTSytyai (Saeeessors to Manson A Ueops) Hare jut received a Inrgeand well n lecied Mock of all kind of Staple ix4i such at Dry Goods, Clothinr, Boot and Slmes, (lata and 'Jnps, NV tiar.s, Hardware, ltlat, aili, Oil Paints. Qucetifcwnre, Grocerie. Flour. Bacon. Feed, ftc , whicl we are oll'ering al greatly reduced price For Cash or in Exchange for Lumber and Sbinj'et W. hope to make it to the adraniako! 'l"imlcr Men, in the lower end of Cleat field county d on Cleat Held Cieek. l: gat their (upptiei from tin point, being on the lines! Rail Road can Sell good on belter term than at any point in Cleat field county, and we are eellir.j our Stock at such price aa to make ii an nliject t'thoebjjr inggnodsin this market to deal with lit Advance of Good, Feed, Arc, made on account of Squat e Timber, whick we a ill either sell on commission or but at fixed rate. Flour of different Brand can bahdt a!I tin:. al err low price, at tbel'lcir- fieH Thilipsburg. Pt-on'a. Dry Oooda Notion, io.. in great rir'r Ihw loweel nrire fur Cat h. at lbs Cleat field Store, Philip.bntg, Peun'a. Salt by the Sack or load, cheaper thii can l liit'l any where ele. at the Ueaf field Store, Piiilipaburg. Penu'a. Call and Examine the ainck of tbe leat field Store, at riiilip-burg. Ps. Higbet price paid in Good nr Cash frr Luuber and Shingle- at the Cieai&eld Store, Fhlltpaburg. Penn'a. The cheapest giod of all kinds are lrU had at the Cleat bald Store, at Phi!ipbur(, Call and ee if our good and friee don't aoot ll.e time. W. W. BKI r. A I O. Pl,ili, Nnreeiher IStll. ISCSlf Somethinir New. G.SUMMERFIELD FLEGAL. j Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron ware, Piiilipsburg, Fenn'a. I would respectfully inform the Publ!, that I liave nprnt'd a room in the borough nf Philips berg, for tbe manufacture and Sale of 7 ij Ware out of tbe bkt material the watket will afTird. and made by experienced workman, all of which I will fell al either wholesale or retail prices uiprieingly low. I k tboee in need of anything in this litis to call and examine ruy ware and saiialy theniaelres that ill made for uae. Country Merchant dei-iring n purchase small loll of Ware w ill find it to i heir ad f antage m buy of me. Stoves nf all ie and adapt, for barring either Wood or CohI. 1 would call pAtlicular at l Hion Io that well tried and popular Cooking Stoveralled. lery apprnprin'rlf. ,lhe I RON SIDES. I'liii Stove ha all the advantage pi-eeed by other. lule jthe ov.ii ia larger, aud thea-ll pit deeper I and more top iirUi-p than that ol any oth er Stove in the market, and is without a rival, lal.nkeepon hand all kind of Stove Pipe which I will ell aa low aa it ean bend r ched went of the mountain. I also keep constantly on hand.hovela, Canute bolts. fr"'M- M'ebrick. stove lining, aUsl aole. I Wnftle Iron. Sl e-i Zink, Sad Iron,Br ,ana torceiain Kettle, together with a lariet ofware too numerona to irteniion. , Alao a large alock or the bei kind of Stoneware. auu iai though not feast in toy lira cf bu'in-ta, is that of Spouting, t am prepared to fill iir.rrlo.t.. iki. line on short notice, and n-anufaotured out nr the bel maleilal. I want every body that ooiue to town, In come and lake a look al my show, and ee foe Ihetneelre. I am going lorll the choep est and hl Ware. eer ofTVred in this ctnity. I have eeveial "Tropio Heat. Ing"a.rl 'TarlorCtwik" Stoea thai I will eil at cost, to close out the stock for tba Sa nn Tr me. Feh Tth l8G6-tf- ' Q.S. F LEGAL. G T.?m. Amc,,f"n '"-s,-PttBte4 by I hilip hill. In porter to Fancy Goods, ii iikel n., Phil's, Pa , I on of lb .( lag. Biu and amusing article of tha kind w. bar. ever eeea. It is calculated to afford d ver.ica t. nldandyoang. price II cent forwtf tig number, font bruiailto all parts or tberoaa- irv. I'll i i.ip im i. ls ...... a. t is MEHrL ABT3LCR. I w. 12,181k. April tk lf !,