Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 02, 1866, Image 3

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    filfarllfta lUptibtlrta.
ad'-1 " "
May 2, 1800
.,., Cur Time, on n J efier
April 1st.
I IbCS trains un tht Pennsylvania Uil lload,
d!l stop el Tyrone, at follow! ;
I r. .! a-
Anclnnsli Exprts,3,S5 'Ralllmnra Kxprci', 7,15
?biladl' Express 10,07 Philadel'a Express. 8,20
., rtf.oi
Finrrkl. A.M.. 8.31 r tSl lln.
r,y l'ongrr, " ,4& simi irmn, P.m., 1. 14
1 Tk. rn lb Tyrone A Clearfield Kol,
irrirri l TTroiie t 3 o'clock, p. m., tnd leavri
I; VhiliDbunr. . heretofore -,S J . m. The
irorer train for I'aMenKorj from tliia lection f)
Lit. nhogo F.atward,ii tue imcinnati txpresa
J nr. ...n r ..
i jiaTMOfau mo oii.uiii.iuii UUi
fenders, to the advertisements of liar-
ris & Chapman, Jioston,anui3arueson
Co- Philadelphia.
Ntw Store. We direct tho atten-
iion Of thO public tO thO Ciird Of lv. il.r,.
jCoutriet,ofGirardtownship)whoha9iWl)0fclatif,1Jethd. It lia8 ,,0 happening to be at the city of New Xc'n. ""'In" tl
Jbronght a largo stock of goods to that become a largo and cflit iont body. Orleans, induced a colored girl thero t0 jm per day coo be di.U. Ad lre, with 25
laec. which ho intends to sell as The warrant for its institution was 'to leave her home and accompany tho ,f"f '"P1' ' "" .C"1' l"''lll,ll, A-r-kiheap
as they can bo hou-'ht in the 'Kruiitcd by the Grand Lodgo of the wife North. Through tho persuasions ;
All agent and peddlcra would find it to their
1 . ... , ,. . , . , United States, but at the last session nnd promises made bv Ibis chaplain jnt ereitto answer theaboeo. April 24. 'fiR-Sia.
connty. S o will puWtbU .us aer-j0f that lodgo it was recommended that ' that tho girl should be sent home if rt Anierl;' rurF.nTe'dby
'tiscmont in full next week. it bo turned over to the jurisdiction of she at any timo desired it, tho mother Vw yuiwp mil. irxporter to Fancy od. 253
; r , the Grand Ix)di;e of Virginia,in consc-
Fob SALK.-lbo Propr.aor of lheqacnce of iu bng witllin lheir teni-!
IndianA Democrat, offers the euLscrip-'tory.
tion hst, good will," press, type and This transfer of authority was con -
fixtures for sale. Tho iobbinc is worth
. einii-i , which promises tno Happiest results, .
$500, advertising SIUU'J peryear, analand wlliuh leucJrt t0 ti)e bt-liof thftt the!
and a list of 600 subscribers.
Tire. The dwelling house of Mr.
Levis McCulloojh,of Lawrence town
ship, was entirely consumed by fire
one day last week. The building was
nearly new, and will entail a heavy
loss upon Mr. McCullougli. The larger
portion of hi household . goods were
also destroyed, ho being down the
river at the time. The origin of the
fire is unknown.
Fire. "Wo regret to learn that the
Louse and barn belonging to Elam
rassiaoro of Pike township, wcro en
tirely consumed on Sunday last. It
is supposed the firo caught from tho j
stovepipe, and was ommunnicntcd
to tbo karn. Nearly everything in the
boitso was burned up.
Ova New Map. We understand
that tho Surveyors are already on the
ej-ia n A iM-iL-!n t oiirirvfl ii ncl f-rt-f-t J n r
ft . , m J ,r
...i.-. ,a. iU. JU1 i"
iir. 1 Jeers under whose direction the
surveys are being made, has been
Innrr in th biisinriis and understands
Jong in the business, and understands
what is necessary in order to make a
good Mnp, and together with his as
sistants Messrs. lioe uuJ CooJLuo.
will sparo no pains in makingoursone
which wo may feci proud of. We
hopo the citizens of our county will
aid them as much as possible in their
efforts, by furnishing material and
giving all necessary information to
that end.
tjyTho aggregate amount of cotton
goods imported at the Tort of New
York, for the first four months of 1800,
amount to liftj'-two million of dollars.
Bgainst thirteen million for the same
time last year just.four times, while
tho shipment of flour and grain has
fallen off 300 per cent. This certainly
looks like bankruptcy.,"
The Faillue. The Venango fyre
tatcr says that tho general impression
in, that the Venango Eank, and the
Oil City Bank, will novcr resume bus
iness.' The Directors are all worthy
citizens, and had no hand in robbing
those banks of their funds, but aro the
Tictims of misplaced confidence.
6A conflict has occurred between
tho Civil and Military authorities at
Louisville Ivy, in an attempt to arrest
Gen. Jefferson C. Davis, for interfer
ing with tho cause of publicjusticc. At
tachments havo also been issued
against Generals Thomas,Johnson and
Whipplo. Tho President has been in- mamui iu u. m..e,i.-.,u . m
. , , , ,, , , A partmcnts aro being remitted, nnd all
lerogatoa ny com. parties, mu no
answer Has neon returnea.
'. ,
.. . . . . . - " -
iuki, VyOiiirens iiiai a. uib j iiiuii ncv-
er shall with my consent, be restored
., -i. . r . TI...I
unoer ne consi.iut.on as ,t ,s at,
is vhat Thad is now drivinir at, and
ho has secured Gen. Geary to help
him firht against tho Union and tho
Connt itution. Like the dis-unionisls
at tho Southern end of the line, they
will tret badly thrashed, if they don't
behave themselves. '
. .t.rtn ir .1 It ono ol the tiest maeninea now ou.u.u .
ee resided in It S1I1CC ISOO. IiO was the hiB I k them on band. Any person
Sc TEE I NT F.N PENT. In conformity fallK.r 0f 1 1 children, tho grand father railing at n.v residence can fee them operate.
with tho School law, the Directors of; 0f 1 1 .V tho great grand f ther of CU0. ! 4. .rw.n.Vii...
this county, assembled at tho Court and tho great great grand father 'i rLxmr v,-- w-r-ttr-v-
House on Tuesday last, and elected j10. ni0 ?f wl,om ar0 livi"1? '"(RtTdS.WM
,.r , , i , 'county. Ho was an honest upright m n u I1 1 1 VI l i i 9 H 9 II I B Vi
George W. Snyder, on tho first ballot,, anJn ft ho ftf ..pJIJS
County Superintendent, and fixing1 member of the German Informed! For ue .gain.t Moihs in Clothing. Uett. lit
tho salary nt $1,000. Wo will givo chnrch.nnd died respected and mourn
thft Trnpr.rf1iiura nmt tepek. led by a largo circlo of relatives and
t4irThe National Bank at Cadix,
Ohio, was robbed on the 20th n't, of
tonnonni- I I. ,1 tt(r)ln ,1..
,umi,w " "v,vv v- njjv0 nt jVauVOO, III., and isrepresent-
posits. The Cashier was gagged aud 1 cd as stubbornly taciturn and u devout
u , . , , ...t.i- Jr r ..t t-i
bucked by six men, who eommHted believer in tho Mormon faith, bhcia
the robberry. 'now 62 years and has been remarried.1
1 VI V.a V I w,JVKVUIaVVal W U N4k bilV n I
Fortress Monror, April 14. Tho ;
visit of tlio representatives of the
Greble Lodge of Odd Fellows, at this
jilnoc, to the Grand Lodge of Virginia,
in session at Kichmond, Vn , u few
days ago, affords a very noticeable hi -
cident of the genuine good feeling mid
the general desiroofan approximation
" i i ..... .
towards a hotter understanding he-
tween both sections of the country, so
jong separated by internal dissension
on(l tvnvf u-n ni nl in-nconf nvidinir
1W., ., "mi.?
lg io J.-wiio ui ,u .... i
geiltlOillCn Comprising thO UelegatlOll
Who vifeitod Jiitlimond Fpeaks very
highly of the cordial welcome extend-
P..' . .... , ... .
ca them ny tncir oreinci n ot tno uia
Dominion. Tho Grehlo Lodge of Odd
in,"'""-vvi,,"J'u ;
;war, was organized by persons
intiifu in tuiiuus i:.iLiii(.HiLn iu mo
Government departinonts oa the Point,
and was named after tho lamented
.,. nf PI.;I..,UI.I..
:ummatcu tins wee c, in a manner,
Grand Lodge of Virginia, by their ac-jnlio has beer, ever since. Although
tion in the case, will bo solely govern-j this girl is anxious to return to her
cd in their deliberations by the high Jiome,and has made her wishes known
principles on which the Order is found-' to tho part-, she haB received no re
ed. I spouse, and is entirely neglected by
n- . i-.... t... rri.!. I Ml
it ils(i n ami Dili.. linn oiu,
which passed the Ttump Senate on the
Hin Lv a vote ot ayes Zi, nays ;i
absent or not voting. 18 provides for
Jive regiments of artillerj, tirrh'e regi
ments ol cavalry, (tiro ot which are to
be made v of negroes,) and fifty regi
mentH of infantry, (thirteen of which
are to Ot made up of negroes. ) Promo
tions in nejro regiments are not to be
confined to the negro corps ! No pro
vision is in.ido for the Veteran lie
serves they were entirely counted
out. FoHscndon, Iiepublican, of Me.,
said : "The request of the Ilescrve
U.,,,, rov retention in service ho con
selfish and impudent 1" In
all, the
provides lor a standing
army of about seventy-five thousand
men and niggers. What earthly use
tl.iu iifinv itf f. t.i the cnmitpv n v 1
' "j j,
cepi to ron up taxa.ion, caniioti
sco. God knows the public burthen
are heavy enough already. Should
th0 bill pass tho Rump "House, wc
j hope it will get a prompt application
)of the veto. Patriot it Union.
A Mass Meetisi in Bkooklin. A
grand mass meeting under the auspices
at'ttiu Andrew Johnson f'lnh of Kinir
county. N. Y., was held on Wednes
day night at the Brooklyn Academy
of Music. Tho large edifice was filled
from paniuette to amphitheatre. I he
meeting was lor tho purpose ol givingaj,i to bo tho longest in the world.
substantial testimony in Javor ot the
reconstruction policy of President
Johnson.. Ataong the speakers were
Major General J'osscau, of Kentucky ;
John Van Bnren, Mr. Dawson, of
Georgia, and Postmaster Cleveland, of
Connecticut. A letter from General
Dix was read, ci dorsing tho objects
of tho meeting, nnd expressing the re
grets that prior engagements prevent
ed his atteiidimco.
Itteiustiino Decision. Colonel W.
J. Willey, brother of United States
Senator Willey. of West Virginia, and
who had received a pardon from the
President, was tried last week at Fair
mount for bridgo burning. Jlo wns
i.idicted, says tho Videtto for a viola
tion of a law of tho State making it a
felony to burn bridges of a certain
description. Tho court, however, de
cided that for an act of war commit
ted by a soldier of tho Into rebel army
under the order of his commanding otli
eer, and in accordance with the usages
of war, tho pardon of the President is
a bar to a prosecution of tho soldier
in a State court for tho samo act as
a violationof tho Stato la.
Hf.i.eask of Tho unex
nired portions of the sentences of con'
linement in cases tried by field officers -
regimental, garrison or general courts
beloncin to volunteer
I VII1ICH M nvKiHUii'm
(organizations held in confinement and
where commands have been ordered
I . I ,,,,, r t n ma
, , ,. , ,
Men who havo been
-i.i r. a ... ,i. -
' mvu ur nro nriu n
larceny will be released
.... -. . . J
; from coiifiiicment.
Almost a Ckntknauian. Mr. Val
nntii.A T'.i-ci-m mwil fl.'i vanm Un died i
vinn.u f"
!Bt his residence in Gregg township;
ilm 1.riih of Anril. was nrrhniis the'
(oldest resident of the county. havin2!
j frfonda. Jiellcfonte Watchman.
A MortMAN "'' in Illinois.
",VJW, "'-""P" " -...
I ha It'irt,., nl 1......1. VJmilli IB (ill 1
"They Don't Cat for m So "
flllj tVl'll Vi ivi ta 1
A poor little negro boy .named John
Alexander, eamo to the Mayor s office
Ia.t ntf fr lodging. Tl. little fed-
low Mated ho liaJ hern taken from
his father and mother nt New Orleans
hv nn oflleer of the United Suites
army, and when the officer got to thin
place, ho loft him without acrnt.with
, ,
poor clothes, with nothing to eat nud
nowhero to sleep. Tho little follow
bum in ft pitilul tono ol voice, "(ley
liltnil tw dnu'ii ilnr hut rliiv don't, rnrn
ft (!, ; i, i... Al.,.i;i, '
lslS llOWIS lor tree BUnrngO anil FOCIIII
equalit-, but when it conies to real,
ac ts of kindness and friendship, they
. o.. " .
are tne oittcrent enemies oi mo aii i-
ll.n TTxKi.ia.'
" --"I '. : "
at-brg Patriot Lmon, and reproduce ;
it, in uur vuiuiiuio iui iiiu inniwna ui
alluding to a himilar case in this Bcc -
.... -t .... 1 n 11 ..I . . 1 .'.I in n 111
!il,.m,. ,.....,v,..i,l l.v l.i- v,;fn
of tho girl was induced to give her
consent, and she was brought to this
I county. Shortly' after her arrival here
jthegiri became afflicted w i t h . rlic m a-'
uhinanu in m p-ec m pa.r u uuv
manuanans immediately sent hit uj
the Poor house of tho countv, where!
thnm. This lionr !'hl has been brought
n . . v r.
two thousand miles from home and left
' . . II. .1 1 IV A
to BuOisiBt on )UDiic cnaniy icii i
BitfTcr and perhap, to die amongst
strangers, wiinoui h eurcor iiiuuf;iii,
irom tlio numanuanun wu unuigni;
irom tlio numnmuinitn vwi uniini
her away from her home and kindred.
And this man, forsooth, is a clergy-
. '
The "CoMMtMJ Max." The follow.
ing resolution nas oeen passeu Dy
the "Republican" convention of Law
reacc county bv those who support
Jonv W. Gl.vry for Governor. White
men lead it: .
RcSolccJ, That justice, konor, good
e.-.i. II - ... I f-
Iiiiui, as won a pu-i-i ...wt i -
tll0 pu)lic safuty demand that in tho
district , of Columbia, and in that por-
fim. 0f tho country lately in rebellion.
. i - .! -. 1 1 I t.
tnc I'lCCliveirancniHehiiouiii nrguiiinii-
teC( (f) ()yB citizens alone. IitUl.-
srEcnvKofitACEOtt ooLou. Z:" u. r
;; " T m, , . ,, 1 l'n from other Uanka I IJaokerf,
fiaurOur loyal Incnds used to talk a Fxpenera. it::
great deal about tho "boys iii blue ;",Te paid, : i t :
but now all their gab and . capital , rUur, and Figure., :
- i :.. . l .. I .
seems 10 no invcsiou iu mu vvya in
black tho nigger.
(WTU proat Pri.Jo flCl'OSS tllO
Ohio river nt Cincinnati is said to bo
nearly completed. It is two thousand
feet long, and ono of tho spans, mcas-
ni inrr nearly eleven hundred feet, is
On tho lClh ult-, by Win. Porter,
Esq., JACon Amon, ot Gpper tanada,
to .Miss Martha of Goahcn tn.l
On the 22d ult., by D. S. Moore,
Esq.. ilr Matthias Stuoart, lato of
the U. S. Army, to Miss Jennie K.
Derrick., all of Tcnn township.
In Osceola Mills, on the 22d ult..
Sharps Edwart). vonnirest son of
William andElizabeth Shaver, aged
years and
The jMaiikets.
Reported weekly for the Republican.
Cir.AirriELn. Pa.. April 4, IfM.
Wheat VX but. ti 50 tp.ilee. dry Hbu SCO
Pve, ' I 40 Applebuttcr, fl gal. 1 50
Corn, Sl'H'ool, l lb fO
Oata, erLatd. r Ik 20
Ruck wheat, 1 00 fork io Hoc, $ tt 15
Potatoe, 2 60 Tllow, V lb 11
Klaxaeed, J PO;Hutter, " " 40
Timothy, ftOIFh.ur.'fJ VI, 11 SO
Cloveraeed, B 0c Fgga, 'j doien, 25
W Henna, J Of :hinlea. f IS Ineh.M 00
w dvrrtiimrnt.
The CASH mufl accompany the following noticu
lo inaure attention : Adininiatratore' and Eaecn
tnra' notice! each, $2 40 1 Auditora' notin $2 40 1
Hi,.f,luliun notlcci.$2 00 Cautinnt l 40 1 Stra)t
i I 60,ard all other trenilent Notice at ihe entne
ratea. Other advertiecmenta at II 40 per i-itiare
for 1 or leat intertione. for each additional inn,
tion 50 rente. Ten lineaor H'. count a Itfuare
Clymrrt Giaryl We have Pholngraphe,
large and email, of Clymer and fleary. A
genti wanted lo aell Iheia. Fend 75 eenta far
portmen eopiet by tnall, poatage paid. Addrrat
UAim.ICSON A CO.,611 Chettnut at. I'hilad'a.
May ?,-2 mo,
M EH f HA XT. and dealer In Dry Onoda,
Ueady-made Clothing, (Iroeeriea. Li(nort,
IiroKa and Medicinea, llala and Cape. I) iota and
Shora. Hardware, Tinware, Ae. Frencl.villc,
Clearfield county. Ta. Va; 2, '0.
S '
F.WISt. MArillXE4 I would hereby
inform the public I hat I hare been appoin-
ted a,,ia Auent. fo
r I earfuld county, lor me
c"""Vf;':'" Kanay 8awta MArtiixa. This
odor lo theclothee.and sure to leal twelve mnnlha
Every Driigr'H bat it. Ii AKIUa A CHAI'Mn,
May 2-1 me.
Viriuii wiiui ttnni-ci'R Next
V CJOVEItNOR'-Wa have a oorrcet aad
ir,htn nbotnirrnnh of lAe sicrl OovefMr cf
" ' . ... ... :t r
p.nnaylvanta, wtucb we will teni nj man tor
24 ernt. If we mistake the tum. lh. money
refunded immediately artef
October. Ii it Cljmer or fleert t Write and tee.
Addreat BARTLKSON tt CO.,
May!r3mo. ti Cbettnai rt. rhil'a.
tiled 1 Agenle: Kale end F.m.U at lt
W . a e .La lilt I.t,--. J
r()n,moI. p,,? rmr sewing Machine price
tio. m Machine win do.n kindtr.f wrk
rninB n,, world. 8.'nd fir dcecriptiv i irc.
ura. Addrrra FF.COMB A CO., Chicago, Hi..
ArriM5ih, noa-im. or Cleveland, ohk.
rpiie aUm I eg;. t'nder the Patronage of
1 ft.ic. u..vomn,nt Model. f
i , mperlor Irg n ay l e n en at the Agency or
,h.Slli'n rvi.n.anr. Nn. is louih seventh
street, Philadelphia. Uiill nn seo inrm, ortenii
,i"r r"'y" iscY'i
April 2 ui, l. i0-lmo.
cirri. lur coLtMinirg lull Inloraiaiion.
"T7antf Ajrtliti To canran for tli o Sol-
W dicr'. Individual Meinori.l " Orfutor
inductments oft, red tlmn tiy arT other fbliKh
era. Anenta
era. Ajtenia nhvo an ennro moonpoiy iu m
territory atiirncd them, as there haa betn notb-
. . . . i . . i . i.
nirof the Hiid yet lutrodu-a.. mteii mm uni- .
Te, npt,ro,i,r, it omamaDUi. io a re eord of
taiue to tho?e ho he cerred in our eountry'i
defence, and to frinndf of deceased aoldieri. Kur !
circular., ao , .ddre-i, endowing umPl
LaKkr; uoimnhu., o., Lock Uo 8;.
11. C.
April ZJin, isoo-iiuo
,M",,ed Urn. Atti-ntiuut-Wanted.oneor
I I . 1 f r 1 j . t ..
li eiiher an arm or lee. tn eell Wad.worth'i I
Market tt. Phii'a. l'a.u one of the """"K-
0,j ,n(j j0Un(f. price an cent forectof iix
ambvr. ."'f ,tQ b V'iui-V.
Lii.M m of ib. fac.t
n.c.iici, .ent by mail on receipt or s;i centi.
April Sitfa ..
. K1';eI liauk of Clearfield, Ta., April 1S61.
Leant k Diaenunt, : :
V. 8. Bolide to eecure eireulation.
Due from other Itauki and linnkert
l'rruiiuint paid. 1 ? !
f 70,455 20
74.000 00
27.NS 0
O.tnl) 00
p."!!'', hn"d"' : t "
! 3.306 CO
l.nsn 40
J.47ft 00
0.535 03
6 .11ft 00
J -a I f I ... .
i.n. icuurrnin,
tu.T' . , ! ..' '
j $:.: i 2f.
Capital Stork paid in,
$100,000 00
bi 000 CO
n....n.i... , isncn si
! Dim fctber Uanka A Baakera, 4,707 63
! Iutereit A Exchange,
7,063 61
I209.SJ1 -20
' I hereby certify that the abore ttatement ia a
true eopy of the original lent to the i ompirouei
0f tn, curreney.
April 25th, ison.-st.
!ruRTKRl.Y kepoht of tub fikst
Kl atioual llankof Clearfield, Ta, April 1S66.
. . ; hUgt.ariUit
$SB.S2S It
0w irni
V. s. liudi Dcpo.ited with V. S. Tre-
' Circulation.
100,000 00
. peele, . . . .
l.flfll 61
13.609 3
B 0:10 00
1.225 00
3,745 81
; 2,072 :3
371 39
S04 91
t T 41
"Si0,43 76
i-gnl Tender ome,
Compound Interest nnt-t, t
Cnpilal Ttock pain io, $.00,000 00
Surplue fund, i : !.- 00
l.'ine; notef, j ' :t.J ft
Individual Ocpu.l'a, I 2I,'-'H )t.1 unpaid, t . 3S4 56
Iue National Uai.kl, : 7,2S 16
Due Danka A Pankere, ; 31 40
Interett and Exchange, 1,842 11
I certify the above lo be a Irn abatraet (rum
the Qunrterly report made to the Comptroller o(
the Treamry. A. C, FI.N.VEY, Laehler.
April llth, 15f....1t.- r
, -xUisoluiloti r l'aitncililp.-The C-part
tienhip heretofore exieti'ig beiwven H. II.
.Moure aud T. J. Coyer, under the title of Moore
A lloyer, doing hunineaa in I.utheraburg, Clear
field county, i'rnn'a, hni thie day been dietotved
by mntunl oon.'cnt. Tho Hook account! Ac . are
left with Mr. Moore, for tettleinent and roll.e
lion All peroni knowing thcuarlvet Indebted
t tald firm: will pleate call and tett'e.
. It. II. Moosn,
T. J. UOYtlt.
r-fr-The luiinm will hereafter be eondacted
; itn.
Lutherakorg, Pa., April llth. I860 61.
ntoji M..y o:c k i-niLADr ltiiia.
As Cheap ns the Cheapest.
Have jiiet received, and are opening, at their
Old flanj on Front Street, a'.ove the
Aoademy, a largo and well to
lected a.-aertineut of
which they are telling at very low ratei.
Head the following catalogue and profit therely
Fjt ftlba JCaTf?.ttTff-
K-pecwl peine baa been taken in Ihe
eeleeticn of l.a.lict Ureal Oooda, white
lliKidt, Knihroideriea Millinery Oaoda.
Printa, Kerrbiefa, Nuhira, Ulover, io
Alwayt on hand IHerk Clntht Fnnet
and Iilark Caarlmorea, riatineta, etc..
Heady Made Clothing ol ail kindt.
nd a variety tf other arlirlea, which
.bey will toil at a tiuall advance on coat.
'Particular attention it Invited tat their)
ittockof Carpets, Cotlige, rominon lu
igrain, tupetline F.rcli.h Ingrain and
Hruaaela, Floor and Table Oil Uuthl,
Window shadts and Wall papers, eto
riaater. A utiles. IVacliet and
I'runoa kept oonalanily on linnd
Tine fill ANDY, Whikkey nnd
Wtnea; f.r uaea
'j2 ALSO, in f toro a lot of large ami
'S I uninll Clover aeeil
We Intend lo make It an object for Farmer and
Morbanirt to buy from us ; because we will
tell our goods at low at Ibey etn be
bought in the county and pay the
very b'ghest price fur all kinds of c luntry pro
duce. Wo wl'l also exchange gondt for
, Srtt'.oi, ItoAn nnd Cot'STr oidera i
fhlnglee, lloarit, and til klnjt 1
of Manufactured Lumber. :
' ClrnrfHd. Marrl-. H, lEdi',. 1
STAPLE Dry Goods -Clotha, Cesaimeroi
Cloak-clotht, Tweed, Palluetta, Pllkwarp
Flannelt, Tickinr, Muslin, Llnon, Printa. at tbo
I eld pricet at . l XI A ITER'S.
a of Clearfield county: fletlemen
In pursuance of the fi.rlj-lhlr l tretloa of tho Aet
if tha f) i h of Mev.lSit, joy are hereby holificd
In mort in tnriu li(n, l the lourt lloiti. In
ritaiUMd, on the f iaT Trranar in M, fill.
IciiiH the llrl day of the month, at t o'clock In
the aliernoon, anl elect rim iw, lit a moritjr
of the whole nuiiil'i t of IHrectirn 'reeut, one
ppmnn uf llierarjr and ecicntifio acuireinenl",
n'l of elii:i and eaperlence in the art of touch
ing, ai Ouuntjr Kuperintvtidcnt, for the throe
ut'coedi;,g jeara ; determine the amount of
conipcDhHimn fur the moo ; and cniiri the ro
ault u the State guperintcnd,'nt, at Hurrinl.urg,
ai rc.iuired by tlio thirty-ulnlh and futtlcth o-
' .... r ti I, l
tioni 01 (Dill ACV K., U, OJHIIIUIVU, ,
April llth, IsfiC-St. Co. Eup't. J
1'. S. Director! will bear In mind that the day
cfhoMiuj; the election ii changed from the Srjl
Monday to the first Tueiday in Slay.
Tbo tlmea are hard j you'd like to know
How you uiiiy envo your Duliart J
The way to do it I will (how,
It yuu will read what followi.
A wan who Heed not far from kere,
Who worked hard at hit trade;
tut had a hot.fohold to ,uj port,
1 hat fquandured all he made.
I met bini onco, iy be, ''my friend,
I look threadbare and rough ;
I're tried to get myeelfaeuit,
liut can't tare up enough."
Fy I,-my friond, how much hare yu ?
I'll tell you where lo go,
To get a tuit that'a a.iund and cheap
AtKUlZUStfTEIN'! and C. .
Qe lok what little be had fared.
And went to Ketzenelclii A llrolbere
Anc there he got a handaome auit,
For hall be paid to othera.
Now he ia home, be looki ao well ;
And their effect i auch,
That when they Uke their daily rajala,
7bey dvn't eat half to much.
And now bo finde on Ea turduy nigh t
With all their wanta mppliod ;
That he baa moaey left to tpend,
And iouj'j to lay uiide.
till gd eureM, with cheerful loiile,
lie gladly telU M all;
If you'd aave Money, tn and bar.
VourclotheiktHelMiietelullo hlngrllall.
Where the caeapeit, fine.t, and beat Clothing 1 Pronipt Btiention given to all buiineta eonneet
andtood furnithing g.iodacao be bad to iu i with rt.e county officea. Office with Hon.
erry laate and in erery i tyla. , A- Wallaoe. Clearfield, Jan. lrt,18!6-tf.
April II, iNiiii.ii.
i cents Wanted ! J 175 per month.
f lliinc entirely new. The Photograph Caee
and Family Record. Thie ia a great opportunity
for enterpri,mR pereoni of energy to mke mon.
ey. tt ti aa attic! of which the public have
Iclt the need. It rctaila at a low price, and ita
beauty and util'ly la onivertally acknowledged.
The auncen which b aa alteuded Ita ea'.ea wtr
ranta the aa.-urance that o.M can be (old te al-'
inoat every f.imily. We aro prepared to ehnw
that we bi t e agenta who are clcarir g I If 4 every
month. Ai.lreaa f..r Circulari an4 Terma.
KAYMOND ACO.Manufarturera,
April 4lb, lifiO lino. 614 Cheitnut M., Phila.
XTfmitcd, A:ciit-$75 to g200 per iwnnth
for Hcntlemen, and 135 to $73 .,r Ladiea,
everywnere, io iuir..uuce mo vomiutni
Family fiewing Machine, improved and perfett-
ed. It will l.ein, fjll.etitch, quilt, bind, braid
and embroider beauiifully. . Price only 20,
. . .... , .l- v c
makine the elnatlo lock ttirh, and fully watrau
ted for three jr. We pay the aVove wagea.or
a cominUiion, from which twice that amount can
be made. Addrcae or call on C. kowera 4 Co.,
OfHre, No. 255 &. Fifth it-, Philadelphia, Pten'a.
r-T-AII lettert antwered promptly, with circu
lar! and term. April 4in itu-imo.
"n ,
', ) male
ai vaiBera Wanted, at $200 per
1 We want relia'e egentt (none other,
and female to lake the exclusive agency in every
county aqd tuwnihip in tho I niied States, to
aell the Photograph F.ui;i!y KecorJ, a work
which every fami'y will buy. It it bound I ke
an albnm but haa a ptinted tlank page oppoaite
earh rho'ograpb. lor a r.imofVe record of the
llufbun l, wife and nch child of a family j aito
containing marriage certificate, and pagea for
military history of any member of the fninily.
Nothing like It ever puMiehed and no work Cat
pi-nte enn toil to readily. Old eanvaatert and
othen ahould tend fur circulars and torraa. It is
neeearnry to have copies of the work to eanvait
with; price by expreae $2 50, $3 50 end $7 00
(3 etylea); mot.ey may be fttil by tr.aiL Kaioe
the lowmLipi wanted. AdJrm
A( ril Itfe, lSCfi lmo. CI I Cheitnut al. Phii'a'
, I'DITOK S NOT1C1' Theunderaignod
Xil Auditor, appointed by the Orphene Court,
to uiatribute laoney in the baud of MutihewOg
den, AdroiniHrntor o John M. Ogd'-n, des'd,
will attend t the duliea of bia appointment, on
Friday, the 4ih .day of Muy at 2 o'clock,
p in., at the office el Wm. A. Wallace, to Clear
iield, of which ail parlies intcteHted will luka
notice. J. DLAKC WALTKR-t,
April llth, IS6H.JL Asill'or.
Auditor, appointed in open Curt, (.1 dis
tribute Ihe proceeds ariting from the title of
ertate, under I'm. A, No. 74 Sept. Te'iu, ISfi5,
in tho ciae of Ferruaon ra John Gregory,
hereby given ouiice that be wili attend fa the ou
tlet of tai l aiipiiintment, on Saturday, the 23th
doyof Arrtl, I sen, between the hours of 10
o'clock a. m., and 1 o'clock p. m. ef said day, nt
hia otllra In tho Uorough or ClrArtieM , when and
where all parlies interfiled mat attend if they
ae proper. M. M. MrC t' LLUL'O II,
Clearfield, April 1 Ith, IKf.d t Au.litoY.
rii usnrs. "Seeley's Hard KutiberTruel 'cuiet
X I'liplure, frees the cord from ailprefrwrot
will t.ever rt.ef, break, limber, that'e, or become
April llth, I?lif. 4t
rfllN W A HE, "h'p fr Cirh ! The larr-
l 1. ett .Stock of well. Tin wire in the Nmte,
.; constantly kept en hand. Merchants and Deal-
j rs are invited to gire tit a rail be ore purcha-
ting elect, here. MEI.LOY AM It'll,
! 2.1 Market ,S't., betwoou 7th and fih,
' March 2Sth,'C0 4t. PhilnuVlphia.
. r:
it be-eby gittn, that Letiert of Adminit.
trillion have this day l.ccn granted lo the under
tinned, on tie relate efjohn .Vheff. deceased, 1
late otlleceaiia townthip. Clcei field count v, Pa.
I All pcranna indrhlrd to .aid e.-lnle are requested
to make imiurdiate payment, and those having
clnimi agitiiitt the mine, will pietenl them duly
autbenliuati d lor settlement
M.ncr.:3, 'eC.pd. C.S. SHOFF, Adni'is.
1.ISII-ALT and I'LASTKR In Urn mi.n.
V titles, at 1. P. KKATZER'S.
I March 22, IS65.
A IT IKU'ES of all aitea, for sale at
Dee. 13, 1665. M KKKKLL A LIG LhR.
rOI)lM;it I UTTERS at
, .i . - i
"I) 00TS and Shoee a complete aasortiuent of
It Ladiea', (lentleinen'a, Misses', lloya' anJ
Children's Boott Sbeea n4 Oultera at
J. P KUA l .EU'S. I
1 I V lWutlieli of prime sale by
Curwensville, February 2S, ISAA-tf.
Ceblc t lialil a superior article, at
")ulley Illerka, all sites, and beat tnaniifao.
tuie, at n;itKKi.i, PHiLbil s '
'7UU of el! kinds, et
n th v. (the fine steel mrmr bolae coated with I
Lard subUr) 1 tpring mad. any power , e ';"" '--fc'.'iT'f'.Si'-' W v , " l
ued in baflng, Cited tc f..imj reou.res no Vr"r L 'Jv VC lim' !nd h w'11
..ran-ingi cleaned lightctt., and be.t ! STljtlXj- '"v , T ?
Truls known. Fend fo? l ampblet. I K,' i!,.,k Ph"!
r It KRKI.EV. 1, is.e..t.e.,. 'J J '" to any of hia
1.147 Che.tnat St., Phila .w"
'Jtaiiuss Jlirftlorii.
" '
C. T. Al.IKDt.
?,rt. l!ili l'r., 1 f. tUlle funte T.
T M. .Ml l tlll. Attoaner
. 1, aw, Clears il, I'a, Office on Market
81 one dour et of the "Clearfield County
lnk." , rray ,JH4 tr
IkOniUtf J. WAU.ACK, AttoaaarAT Uw
IV Clearfield, Hi., Cffire in fckaw'a Row, p
p.ile the JturnaJ ii!lee.
dee. 1. tf
TIIOM tH J. Itl ( x'i.i,olk;ii,
Attorney at Law.
Orfce adjoining the llank, formerly eccnpled by
! J B. McVnally, Kq., Murket etreet, ClearAeld,
I'a Will altond promptly to Collcctiona, Sale
: of Lamli. A". nee. 17. '..
I Attorney at Law and Heal Mutate A (rent,
. OJ'r( ',nn Mtirltcld. Opposite Ike, Jail,
r ErECTFl"LLV offors bia rricea. In eell
i in,; un j it; ii.ic iJ.'idi in Cliarfiold and ad
juiuing cuunlica i nnd n iib an experienco of ova
; twenty yenre a a rmrveyor, tiattora hiineelf that
ho ean render aaticincliou. r cb. "J u.
. - "CVREXirs ,yow"7
For I'eoatur Townnhlp,
will promptly attond to all bu'iuecu entruited t
fail care. F. 0- Addreea, l'liilipaburg Fa.
Aug. ilt 1M1
TOpn II. SHTTH, Justice of the Peaee, aati
I f Licensed Von'eyaneer, rye-nrngtoa,
ClearOi.ld eoonty, I'a, 7ln 1 T?. i i.
i. n. u uLnitiv.
t ..liloHnrr.y & lilatslhsll.
j Deali-rj in Foreign and Domestic Merchandise,
Lumber, Grain, f c. Ker Washington,
j October 25, 1 Bf 5,-ly.pd. tlturfield Co , I'a.
H. -3. P. i:iTRCIinni.n.-Lv Bar
e-on of tbe 8:td Ucinint, 1'enn'a Volun-
leen, having returned from the Army, effera nil
profcMionnt rervicee to the eiticcna of Cloar&cli
I and vicinity. PiDfceaional culls promptly atten
j ded to. (itnee on South Kaat rorner of 3d A
Miirkot itrcet'. Oct. 4, lS5.-f.inu -pd.
T ni.AKK IV ALTERS, Ferlvener ar l Con-
J rcjancer Agent for tne ruronafe ani naie
" I E R C 11 A Si 1 S, dealera in Dry Qoode.
' --'A S"'"'!"?- "araware. vouiery, vjueenawar..
' urocenef. onrcg , .or, avoviaiona. i .oe...
! tn, on f ron' h Academy.
P"""b l-'lb H"-f, ,
-w r r.nfll A Vf. and daa'.ar In Dry Good
It 1 Cluihlnp, llardware, Quceniware, Urooeriti
l''lmia, Ae.
Market etreet, opposite lb Jail, Clearflald Pa.
April 20th 1S4,
W I 1. . . . . . .
"II.At KV.TIlit; .Tkosndemigocd rei
I) pcctfully bega leave lo announce to the pub-ti-
iKiit b. cvrrtci on niacV am t thinr in the lior-
,. f CK-arfield. where be will execute crotnnt-
r - : . .
Ti ;8 4 w01 jioanlike manner, all worn entrua-
tti , tii XKTe ppecisl pains Mken in thoeial
, 0Ief pi.op aHjoiulnc Town ' Hail, formerly
1 ot.,.uv,:Pd Mr. Hon. WM. S1EVEVJ. Pth, IBOS-ly.
I . E A It l'1 12 1. 1 ) X V RS ER V E coc bao
Home lunraTnr. The uudereigned having
eala'blithed a Nuraery, on the l'ike, about half
way -between Clearfield and Our.venaville, it pre
pared tnfurniah oil kinda of Fruit treea, (8tand.
I ard and Dwarf.) F.vergrena, Shrubbery, Qrape
j Vino?, Uoeaeberrief, Law ton l;ia.terry, Straw.
J II ,.n..n ; AI.IV K;i.-rii,n Prah
treea, (Quince and early e.-arlot Kheubarb, Ae.
Order, promptly attended to. Addreea,
Sept. 211, 'c.-ly. J I. WUIUIIT, CurweniviIIt.
GCor.OE FALK lakei thlj method of inform,
ing the watermen of Clearfield county that
he haa refitted and reopened Ihe hotel formerly
kept by B. 8chreieer, at Coxoatown, where he
will taKe eapedal p-iint to render aatiefactioo to
all who favor him with their patronage. "
Coxeetown, April H, '65. draly.
'OR EST HOUSE Moom township.
Gainer V. Bloom, rroprielor.
Thii liirge and com mod tout ft we it attuatel
on the turnpike, 7 milea wct of Cnrwentville,
and A mtlea east ef l.attierxburg. The rroprie.
I lor will spare no effort to make Ma guests com
fortable ami their muy with him pleasant, and
thereby expects te receive a liberal share of pub.
lie pairrnage. I'cc. 10, lSf 4.-tf.
..- j tv .- 1
f Ihie Tank It now open endready for busineti,
1 Office onVeecTiel street, in the building for.
marly eccapicd by '.eonnrd, Finney A Co.
MRirrina Aan orptrrna.
JAS. B. 0 !t A H A M ,
A. k. wsninf,
Jun 2St'j, 835 tf.
IllKS to ia.
rin bit pat. that crofesalon-
al bu.-iue.i coufinea
accustomed placet
t'u is t mo inert but
may tie fjiinl nt bit o!Tite a the Jfotlhwett aoe-
tier of Front and Markrt irctt. directly eppoiito
the "Cli-ai!U-ld Hunan," whore he can bo at
a'l times, roadv and rilling to attend to all calla
. in the line ol hia pri.rssid. n. Full setts of Teeth
. only Twu.ty 1) .liars. July 21th 186j-ly pd.
fthe nnlertlgned have th! day formed a Co.
JL pnrtnrrfhip under the firm name of Irwin A
Hartshorn, for the Irananciloh of a General Mer
chandise and Lumber business. A large and
well eelect'd stock of Hoods hai been added l
those already on hand a the Corner Store Ita
Cnrwtnsvlllo where we are now prepared to shew?
Cuat. Hiiert a completed a'tnrtment with price
at low a ibe lowest. The lushest market rejtca
paid for Lumber of all description.
Ihe patronage (.( the public ia respectfully
solicited. JCDWAP.n A. IRVIV.
! W. It. HA11TSU0RX,
lurwensvilic, July sr., is ia
I") tire Liberty iMil'.c Lead. The WhUctt,
the met durable and the most econoxlcal.
1 ry It t Msnnfannred only hv a SutT,
Wholesale Irug, Paint a tilass Denies, No. UT
Korth lhird 5t, rhil'a, Mareb 21, 106 ly.
Ot'SKHOLPOOODS Tinware.Queeatwaie
tll.Bsware, Wcodenware, Lookin Qlaatet
Cloeks, Nailt, tilass. Oils, Paint, lj,Bipi, Wall
Paper, at all prices at
J. P. KUA.T7.FJV8.
SEW I Nil M AC K I N I Peraoat deslroa'i
of bavii g a Superior Maekine, ebealil buy
Wheeler A Wi'.eon'a sample Machiura, oa hand,
U. F. N A LULU, Atav,
CleatCtld, February 14, !M.if.
"?lor Sale AT COST Four Barrelt of" ,
jTa 10, 13
a ramny rrnar, to eioae out tbe atook.