Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 25, 1866, Image 2

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    An Important Act of Aiiembly.
New Election. Law.
Tha Pnh ttf AKnlillnn T..A 1
- ------- Hwutvn mrn
8)t Ctatrficlb gtpuHitan.
Thr-luhibfrmen of our county .have
rf following If tUw election . """ "Jf
frl.A ...w.' in il.n T ulrir. or C;o. ' Tl, ! U.IIiilftn liiaioritV In cn
J IIU III LI 1 1" n in nv - - - . wiu - j
. . ... ""'I
Tho FonrtU Anniversary. I Againit th. Union and fcr th. Negro
1 .w
'r aiiw iivliv ... - , - w . j - l-lwwi timing crrnAL law IT ?u aunt? imo mouo l VUUUK
t " . - . . . m .Jil. .! a Mil Att I a lur 111 HUT i v H I rt, w . J" . I nmwtp fitU'tmhih Una wt....v 1
11 lamb a, ce cbrateU tno lourm year oi gross, aro truo xw invir i mi uprmmt a I c action, in Vho .cverai countie. oi :i . ll1' i , . l
jfjS&r ) J company with a lot of whites, pa- people, Mowed. H'lth, peace, pro-penty constructed as ' L 1. fc ft enact el ic, Tha t- ni , t ,Mi J
aV T Vtdcdlbo irt-ctBof WaHhlngtonUli .nd.ltrjU.cii.dth voter, of the . aetm ali j out from JUJ.I
tfft ilm anil banner, demanding rryVtadccd the tf-n on of. tho State.,-and to allow but o no rail ata tin c ,to pa s .untU of ... roiumonwenlthj.t all , t,,W uo the road ci
(U V r , nS RD1 0,?.n, . , B , ... . f ,,-. ,i. through.- Th e expensive difllcultyla general, township, borough and .pec- . rovioua arranireinehtanrf ,i
Vis -it!r&i VJ "'thinir that wh to poop o ftre entitled i ,e Constitution ot our rather. , tno ., . ' , hnrebv and herenHcr . V rt 8 "rr nci ineniaiid tllt
fvT .?S7J l U i mi ' I i lnnl I.A mho? vilified l0W about being removed, and might ml eledionn, aro iierinj una nertniicr nigllt wajied to Johnatown, 18 ,
2 LZj I10" Theysay: ,.ono was .denounced , the other tlhhcd. had a nulliorizi'd and required to vote the ,,ttt(lt wllh a view of
t ;v - i & "We are loyal to God and our conn-.Concord, am.ty and forbearance the .J m3ftdc Te public t,ct8 !,rinjed fwn.t'I r '1,U' y morning train ibr HarrUburg
W.u. t ., Bilver cord9 that bound our people in proper effort been made, ll.o pub c wHUen d pr y rnnid, aevernlly tll,y wre t0 bu lnarrivd.
""rroRO. B Goom AKOta Editor. r "Thi. I. tbeLdrd'a doings." J ft common deBtiny. were rudelr.un. mainly . indebted for th.a, to our c, ifle, a9 follows :-)no ticket dil)C'ovcri nR lhe abgeMCC of tll ',
Oeqrok B. GoorT.ANQttt, ixiuor. , the ,ibcralor of mil ions " ft J J y0ung fnend A. W. alters, who went .hall embrace the names of all the , j 8U eti, their jnU,lhi
- ;7-rrrrr::r.... .k, ir. Vt tftfiod.hewasourbestfricnd..llelcaa,,ainu,cirBltBUa". . . . . ..u w (qii iinf. Pt.iinn- rre- nidges of court, voted tor, an lubelled ,.,.1.ii1i LwI.mI.I,
WEDKE.DAY J10RMlno::;ArBiu . . , .,.... -.-i P uot- !trw.i-nl on &n t) OOdHhoU : -
m, i. . .., Somebody Liei-
Mr. Jpha'W. Forney, delivered an
address for tho benofit of eomo Aboli
tion' Institute, in Philadelphia, lnrt
week, and used for bis text, "Has tho
.War fr human freedom been fought
in vain?" -. ' : ' ' . '
c In alluding to Mr. ' Lincoln', clan
destine flighi from Harrisburg to
'Washington, 'on the night of the 22d
of February, 1SG1, be says : , .,
'! i "The list of the names of the con
.pirators included an array of persons
high in' Southern confidence. The
Tilun was concocted with the . knowl-
. . t I1.J C l.
cdfe or wnai were -oouineiii
gentlemen," and endorsed by Southern
bankers. The most reckless adven
turers and assassins were employed
and paid to put it in execution.,' The
murderer, were bound under solemn i
oaths the leader being an; Italian I
refugee, who assumed the name of
.Orsini. T&o method to compass Mr.
Lincoln's doath was'doliberately con
sidered.! Supposing! that he; would
leave Harrisburg, at nine o'clock on
the morning of tho 23d, tho cars in
twhich ho travelled were to be thrown
rtom the railroad near Baltimore ; that
failing, his carriage -was to be sur
rounded oii the way from'one depot
to anothor (precisely as the Massacnu
aetts troops were assailed two months
later), and tho conspirators, mingling
Avith tho erOwd, were to shoot him
down, or to throw into bis carriage
hand-grenades filled with detonating
powder, similar to those used in the
attempted assassination of Louis Na
poleon some years before, i . . ,
i lie was driven to the Pennsylvania
railroad depot at Harrisburg,' carried
thence to Philadelphia, and that night,
at a quarter-past eleven o'clock, took
the sleeping car at Broad and' Prime
street; and, without being: known,
passed directly through to Washing
ton, where he arrived on the morning
of tho 23d . oL February. 1861. Mr.
Lincoln woro.nodisgaisa, butjourney---VI'rrftTsOIcmsaveJ
Lis life."
. It is indeed .very remarkable, that
these "oath bound murderers and -
'.assins," have 'never been arrested.
We hope Mr. Forney will inform' the
.public, why, those "Southern gentle
men and bankers," huve not been
brought to justice, or at least giro
their names to the public. There is
' another circumstance which the apcak-
. er should have explained. The train
did) leave Harrishurg at 9 o'clock, on
the morning of the 23d, with Mrs.
Lincoln, and tho whole Presidential
party (except old Abe,) on board, and
; entered and passed through Baltimore,
but nobody was huru: If Forney &
-Co. were in possession of the plot, and
'allowed the train to pass over the
road, knowing that it was to be thrown
i from the track, they were just as guil-
.ty as the principals, and should bo
held in like contempt. But the fact,
" that the train was not molested, and
that none of tho "murderers and as
sassins" have been arrested, isconclu-
eive proof that Forney docs not tell
the whole truth.
ti Mr. Forney also says, that Mr. Lln
colu woro no disguise , This is a ques
tion of veracity betwoon lura and a
" numler of tho historians of the rebel-
lion, who Bay ho woro a 'military
cloak and a Scotch plaid cap," which
is undoubtedly correct. Tho balanco
of tho address ia devoted to the valor
and virtue, of New England, and the
beaut', intelligence and patriotism of,fr quarter of tu" century. , This
the Negro, and to such "incorruptible
patnots" as Sumner and Stevens, and bond." The Star also says that when
the unstinted abuse of the govern-j100 wbites applaud, tho presiding offl-
' merit.". The gallant Colonel's lauda- cers invariably enforco tho rules and
( tion of New Englandors, just now, is frequently cloar tho galleries, but
, about a. excessive as his condemna-jwhon the niggers .end up a shout,
tion was a few years ago. IIoishow.(those dignitaries' neve hoar or notico
ever consistent in th!., he will always them. We presume H is beeauso they
1 praise the hand that feeds him, but ftro black and "loyal."
when this stops, his principles change) T-rtT7I rt . 7
i ir t : , , JtEMOVED. On Thursday last, tho
.also. Mr. Forney, is evidently ap-' m uriun3 iubi, uic
. '.u i jiu-j. . ofllco of 1,10 General Superintendent
preaching the last ditch," from which of ti,a p.,;.,,!..!,;. v: r,:,.7
hfl ann hia rorrrr ltia mf AtA 4
the white racoj for tho Buprtntacj eud
it., v.'. r . .
(hi Kh ID Mfll fill. U innMn.n.. J
i ." " 1 "v oui.hum. v nuu
cuuwuivi mis vununeni, nence ne
f the Puritan table.
.l- !..'.. . ii.
uu umt lau rom
Tttt.v.te wa. on .'"Wednesday ockholdera and tho traveling public,' Btevet."nd Tom William, of Pitt. Mlt! 0 my ay bottled. , , , '
, last, visited with another destructive what has long, inco been desired- burr, wr Utl ' ',-v.ti p ? V' . . '
t. fire, los. about ,P0,000.,. Scarcely a'profitablo inLtment to h" a,nUd
week now-passe., but some town in Ld a pleasant avenue fir hJnZ l tl W 0FraDkh.nd Jeffer.' Walter B. Scales, Adjutant to General
the Oil Regiou, rce,rM a fire wourg,. Ce, '1 1 ui YfT?l v'1' ClerDand- Ptor at Chicago, in
g travel. .... en hu0M!f Patnek It.nry. '.the room pf a Etev.n. dispniontat.
jmu,uv nwovuiwuv...
".Ye nave received our uuc iu
,'wSia (I'wa ii a tKn rirlit of fiuflrafTO
. i i : . i - A a n.
and tho work is d on o.':,. . ...
jusoivca, anai wo. ar m.-i.u.u 'lthoni theirprogresi nU a desiro
the fact, that we are .engaged in , a ..lovation rjuaed th'cm
stubborn war with Humorous and un- J?r L .- lnA
m pm ncr Iocs, wl.icli. 1V me nci
God, we mean to fight on our native
soil, aiming to complete the establish-1
ment of our rights and liberties; and ;
that our weapons are; tho fpelling
book, the Bible, the press and tho im-
plements of industry; and our Im- cates, they now violate tto clomenta
plements of industry and our impreg- ry principles of the Consttution, and
nable tortihcations are Bcnooi-HJUBLB!refu(ie rCproBentatlon to leoplo who' ow or mny be hereafter , erected in'tbe bher.Hn in the several counties oi Mrg ci-ifflcli and other female n,
and tho Church of Christ; and our . : , .-nd ttit,liful to the Susquehannnr.vcr.from the mouth (this Commonwealth, to insert in their Uer8 0fthe family , eleigh-riding.
watch words are unconditional loyalty m , Th e p acainst of Sandy run on tho West Branch, in election proclamation hereafter wrood,! cn a I)0rfcct equality with I
to God and our Country, - . BOn X J ' J Clearfield county, to Marietta, in Lan- the first section Of th.s act. - . f!imilveat at tl.e same 'table, b',
These fellows eeems to bo as holy as the Dn.on at the begnmng, and they C0UDt uU bo uireJ lQ ; - ullde? the .imo roof und enjoyed
ii t.i c.ik.. ,) !!,.:.,,; aoH tn are but consistent in oiiposing it now. . 4, . . . .omil a, . oot a Bunch of I ives. Geo. W like., i... j nm.;in.M
ik ii i n r i rn ni u i nai lovva uuw tv , -i lunnc liiu n iiulcd i if ntuu utaiiio Mb i vun i
be, and as familiar with God and the Aticy aro ior me gr, ...u .s..t
political affairs "of the country, as the poor whito man, and their policy
though they were "bred and born" in of to-day is but the roflexof their sen
tho centre of holiness, loyalty and timcnts in the past. ; Ther true rally-widm-Nkw
F.n.rlnnd-inatead of "g ry is: Up WJTli lHK NE6K0 and
just having emerged from 'the'-barba-
nsm ofSlavery." Thecrowd Wnsad -
dressed by negroes and whites, among
them grave Senators. ! Tho Lord,
John Brown, Lovejoy and Lincoln,
were kindly spoken of, and God was
commanded to send his 'Apostles of
liberty throughout the world, begin
ning at Washington, the Jerusalem of
America! '. Wade, Wilson,' .Kelly, Ste
vens, Sumner, and all the dis union
leaders were deified. ' Ono of the
Speakers said that the feet of tho Mas
sachusetts Sentor?were "planted up
on the Rock of Ages, . from which
they would not bo removed until the
darkies had the ballot. The Senator
wo think, will 6tand a lpng time upon
bis rock, and will likely1 get his feet
frost bitten if it is handy to Plymouth.
Cheever & Phillip. ,
Itev.' Goorgo B.; Cheever,-who was
publicly cowhided and imprisoned, in
Massachusetts, thirty years, ago, for
slandering his neighbors, and Wendell
Phillips who told President Lincoln
American Congress in 1862, that he
had labored 19 years to tako 19 States
out of tho Union, and thanked i God
that his work was being consumatod,
are still engaged at their unholy work.
Theso two New England Philanthro
pists CO are just,. now1 assailing' the
'government," in a way that none but
a knave or a fanatic can imitate. : The
former denounces the "government"
and all its supporters as ''liars and
hypocrites," and said that "if( God
was going to admit such persons into
Heaven, he did not want to go there."
Tho latter says: ! -
. "The campaign of Virginia was
fought against tho representative Leo.
The present campaign is fought against
Andrew Johnson, who leads the hostn
of the Confederacy Tho question has
shifted from tho camp into tho forum ;
it has shifted from tho cannon into
ideas. Wo ' have - crushed South
Carolina, and now thcPresident means
to crush Massachusetts. .Well, 'we
accept the war. : If ho succeeds, we
shall write his name higher than that
of Arnold or Burr, for the ronson
'which they attempted and failed Sri,
no carried; out wo .hall write it Bide
by 6ido with them the traitor that
tried and failed if we win."
So, So. That extra loyal newspa
per, the Washington 'Star, says, that
tne rules of tho Senate, and House,
i"ave been more frequently violated
during the past o!x months, by the
n n i rrren ta'
who haunt the galleries,
lhan they hare been' by the Whites,
."peaks bad for the "intelligent contra-
.-...v,vv4 nuiii il iiliuinsnori 10
. " "
tt-ll romntro1 W:n:. . .
Krin. w .Arn !n r....- .- t
TvJer. Fsn ulll DaAa
ii liiii II L II I n AllllHl Ii
uuuor 11)0 eillCient Mr
Tyler, is' beirinninv.iA;a A w.'k.... i a .u-. . ' m.
, o-
( ill. I! I
v M'"v . : - , 4 i '
InuA for thfl Neirro . tvomi)ted it. in-
t hoiA viriiTM.riii iiiii mill ijimjunuvii .
Ception, anxiety for bi. freedom wired ;
rennvcu t.wi B...vr ,
frionUs of tho Negro theynullihcd tho .
,ain px-ovitiions of the organic law,
-v.olate( lawg enactei under its
and violated
requirements. As his ewlous advo-
0WX wjih tub Unions They, are
:a's - n'on's ..i .
in word, auu , uu.
The Disunionists befibed to vote
In tho Senate of Pennq-lvania, on
the 8th of Anrif 1864Senaor Lamber-
ton, a pemocrat, offered tie following
resolution..' : t l : ' " i
."Resolved That tho conmitteo on
i finance bo instructed to blnginabill
authorizing tho governor a tins, com-1
monA'oalth to causo a sutable medal
in gold to bo struck and jresented to
General Meade, and euch other suita
ble testimonial as it may cesire, to be
presented to tho other commissioned
and non-commissioned" oliccrs and
private, of this State wlo wrought
for this commonwealth a great deliv
erance -from rebel invasim, on : the
sanguinary and victorious field of
Gettysburg." " . ' ; j'1- ! - '
. Senator Johnson, disunichist, moved
to amend by directing the committee
to inquire into (Ac expeJiercy of doing
J he . JJeinocrats . voted against
amending the'resolution and tho' dis-
carried. Theoommitlco iid not eon
sidcr it expedient and nevr, brought
in tho bill, Awi nq , medal was ever
presented to General Mealc, and his
soldiers, bocauso ' of. this vito of tho
dis-Ur.ionists. iiLook. at tie Record
page 595.
, ' Visit to fnc ''President A com
mittee of prominent Mirylanders,
headed by ex-U. S. Sonatot Kennody,
waited upon President Jthnson, on
Monday last, for tho purjxno of con
gratulating him in tho couho ho was
pursuing to restore the IhuMii ' "Tbo
President, in reply, itid 10 the' com
mittor that their txprcssior of confi
dence in his administration came ut
an opportuno time ; that tmro were
times when tho bravefct me. . needed
ericouragement, and that be felt grate-
conduct; 'zxrzT' ana 8hou,d bo,ookcd
committeo; that ho had alrunly filled ,nfte''- T"cr0 are a number of sta'-at-i
all the various station, in lifeto which , homo patriots, holding office, that aroj
ambition would aspiro; that lis career; committing acts of "disloyalty V every
would soon be ended: that .11 was hot' (hl- und lIll8 to6 nftfr Lav,
necessary for bun to repeit to tho (, , . ,f '
committee tho assurances vhich he
had already given to the country
that ho had no other motivt in the
t inrt inn nf ia nminial tAfiAi kn I.a
. ....u.,.,ot.llu, UUi ma men enougn in linn county, 10 till the
cood of tho nation, and that nith thn't..-i. Am , .
, , ... ,. . . ' , . , -- -
ho was determined to restore ho coun.
, V.X.V.,
try. These aro a few of tbo remarks
of the President, as repeated to us by
gentlemen of the iCommticc, and
S-rSin"! Z,' imly
that was said.'1 The commute assure
us that nothing could havobfn moro
impressive than the whelo manner
and bearing of Mr.'Johrson
tho intcrviow.CorrcnfonH
. . , J :
HarlhO negroes and' then 'white
dis-union .coadjutoT., . in Baltimore,
gnvoCliiefJustico Chso, a; tanquet
at the dis-union Club room, in that
A 0. TUnr.J,, ,.L .IU1. ,. ic,
irtr,in.. f. '.:
, iui iiiu Duifi.(wr 91 wn,
Marshall and Tanoy, to be found with.,
Niggers, Tliig Uglio. and Rip Raps,
The Judgo may preaoi-ve hi. reputa -
tion, bug.o had bettor keep art eye on1
hi. trunks, whilo he ! company
with those fellows,
I " I HIT 1 I TT - n r I nt Ih t. km
t . o
i vtic i.ivv rvoriuil Jtt urr!S-r
r,ir;l pnnnw noi ..,.. - . ir
tMm und lmd(
them!' circulated; nu- llJo "judiciary ; one ticket shall
embrace tho names of all tl.e f'te
rrofflcc-ra voted forlncluainFomcrof
wcroualy - wgned
da desiro'atornUiUcmDer'BlITamBBUra,u
, . . i r I . !. L
,' - ul
tho following result : ,
'.,aN ACT regulating the wi
reguiaiing tno widin oi.1'1
.chutes in the Snsquol.anna river.
gCTI0N j ,Be it emctl bij tye Srnate
. lBj jjouse of Jicpresentatives, of the
Commonwealth, of J'cnnsulvanict,' in
sixty feet wide, thus enabling the safe
transmission of rafts and lumber.
Sec. 2, That all individual. Or cor
porations, who shall refuse for a period
of three month, after tho passage of
this act, to comply with tho provisions
of section one, of the same, shall bo
liable for all damages sustained, either
to person or property, caused by their
rclusal so to comply, the damages
aforesaid to be sued for and collected
as other debts are now by law 'recov-
erable, and in all actions brought lor
damages, received at any of said dams,
proof of failoro to comply with- the
provision of tho first section of this
act, shall be conclusive evidence that
such damages were caused thereby.-,
If the provisions of this act are com
plied with, "double tripping" and ' ly
ing up!! will be obviated, a1 two raft
abreast can pass through tho schutes,
which will bo quito an itom ,'.tb those
having a number of rafls to run.
&rThe cis-unionists at. Wasbing-
ingten aro striving to see-saw ''an act
through Congress, compiling; the
State., which have tho word 'HVirte,
in their Constitutions, tostriko it out.
Theso men will find out before .they
get this accomplished, that tho while
nooplo still Kovern " this country. We
howevor warn the voters of. JYnnsyl
vanui, ni tlmoand ibo losoon tauKt
us , by i the dis anionisU ' of ' WIh-
consin',' where tho - people .defeated
it, but thpi courts bavo forced negro
suffrage upon the State, should r.ot be
lorgouen uy ue. i no leaders oi the
negro party, would, bavo ns believe
that they are controlled by "grand
moral ideas," whilo the, Father of
lies.i. their Chief, and with them, is
seeking to destroy tho white race on
this continent, .o as to enlarge the
1 J ' i I . ' , . r.. '
ooununnes oi nis aomintons. A lie
ftcliemo was concocted in Topholjand
Sumner ; Stevens & Co., aro but the
temporary agents,to carry on the work,
of devastation, ruin and national
death. . '. .'.
i -
Attention.--Soii)o of tho national
oflice holders in this county, aro slun-
dcring tho "government" in an oira-
V,JVV"VU u' g p"p
;uvt )'earS- We would suggest to tho
covernmcnt, that there are "loyal"
. .
x osi winces, Assessors, t;o icctors.&C.
,anu u,al 11 18 ve,7 to our re-
, . . .
fonstructo cars, to listen to those
"traitors," 'declaiming against tho
hand that' feeds them, ,'W.'i.y.
sign ; or become loyal and support the
. , - ,
government, and cat the sumo food
J'ou cooked for ns.
-; "arr
Xiepartment, for tho apprehension of
I.. -. 11 j.l ' It-
the assassins of Mr.1 Lincoln, have at
length been awarded to the parties
cntitM, by Holt A Co ; and amounts .
to about ?L'00,000.. Some of tho par.
U ,o .mount
A ll .l 1 ..I-J
n"'&'i iiii-iii, ni,v iiiiTu piii;uiuu iv
Congress, for tho purposo of upsetting
the arrangomcnt of tho War Depart-
mcnt' ' . . .1 - ., '
WTBottlod Beast Butler, has post-
ponod the publication of his annihila-
.tion of Gen. Grant, to .omo future
-period. Thi. has been Accomplished
beast has been bottled airnln. and we
. .., 1,1 .
" " " vnwn v uviitivuiuii. xuutuiu
. General Assembly nvl, and it is hereby norovgn omccif v hcu iui, ..u of taste and bmell. This
... enacted bi tlie authority of the same, i oeneu -uorougn ; unu vw ciar , been , tlje cmpj0y of Jlr. rj
innt mo owners 01 an uuras, wneincriy vr. ... - n0me ume. curing iue mi
. i- i . Rro .9. Tli'nt. it. khfll hft tho dutv of t r -...t- l: j u..
. . i r n i i - t . ' 1-Li ilnnnr.i f irl in Bonn rn t A liti I fir IiOxfiH. t i
r inn vi i mi im or in iriiiinu mi ii wnii'ii iire.i -- " j iiii i i-wnif-iiii v LfiiiH. inn i a ipti
. ' . - . ry . I
AMCmbly, it vote.l lor, ana mcnioc s
.!, ,. If. ..-.I. .A VK iwl 1.1. I.llu.ll.
'- r .
;cu. - counij , uncuo....,...
tho nai
lor, an
ticket i
in hi mi iuiimi iiiv.
d bo labelled "tewnflup ; ono
of the fipirit of the 7 ones, tho organ of,
iorso-raccrs. iramoiers nnu bi.omucr-
hitters, quacks at tho President in the
following stylo i -1 ' ' ' " (
' -"But if no .djustment fchall be made,
and tho President, ignoring Congress,
shall press on the issue which we have
foreshadowed, we give him warning
that the, muskets which now hang in
honored ease in every household north
of the' Potomac, may soon be hurried
ly unslung, and a rumor pas. through
out the land which may break; into
the1 roar of battle before this year
bus closed." .!". . i ;
It would be slrance,' indeed, if the
men who perilled their lives through
four years of warfaro . to restore the
Union and maintain tho Constitution,
should join with the plunderer.'. and
demoniac fanatics in dcstroyinr that
very Union and Constitution. Wilkes
must mean the John Brown muskets
and tho arms which the Hartford Con
ventional, prepared for a Northern
rebellion, but which, through coward
ice, were put away and ever tinco
have been hanging in dm-" honored
ease." ' They aro not : dangerous
nejtbcf aro the plunderers who might
chance to he their "carriers in a war
against the President and tho Union.
fe-Ex-Gov. Win, F. Johnson,' has
taken bold ground against tho Rump
Congress, and in favor of the govern
ment. In a speech at Pittsburgh last
week, hfc reviewed tho course of Thud
Steve... & Co., and proved, clearly,
that the aVsigii of !hose men was, a
dissolution Of tLis' Uinon--Cnal and
unconditional separation
unu unlcHB
tho people rallied to' tho supiMjrt of
Weuntor and mcmnecs or tno uencrni
Bupisart of teachings. I
ii5;..fil3' tho gold
. j n - t . . " i, ... . .
iiu ivniviciiL. 1.111.-, nuu u uiLiiuuii'i
i mi. i . i . v
Nni'i'i'nu. . i r nf w f vpinrd inn vaf
...j v.. ....,
dis-Union organ, the Pittsburgh Ga
HSr"A Good deal of trouble is taken
to prove that . Andrew Johnson is
another Andrew Jackson, because ho
has tho courage to handle the danger -
on weapon of tho veto. lornev s
Yes, and no paper labored more
zealously to establish this fact, until
was slavery and freedom ; now it is -Land is a fair example of tho rult of!
treason and loyalty.; . , ' such-teachings' . Similar cases are , c:
' Mr. Johnson has just been appoint-'frequent occurrence -'throughout tli
ed Internal Revenue Assessor, of the'.Nur',h- 7?' il ' dangerous teach--
i n- . . . .i ing God Almighty for Homo mscruta-
2id Congressional, in the; be ,.,,0, i-rcated the blacks und
place of White, editor of that tho whites different and placed befo.o
within a few months, than this same' T "nnu.-wi.en ma uaugDtrt wa.
. . . .about to throw herself into the em
J. ress. liut as heretofore, the sow ha.
returned to her wallow. Forney is
paying President Johnson in the same horrible, lleaven-dfying God-insult-coin,
ho paid Pierco and Buchanan, I nS doctrine. before your families may
i rnoliniif fliaA.l..AHi.. 4- 1. -
" VV 'Vlu "'HvaiiuiSo io mo:
rrmni. i.a
former, the treason ha. revealed itself.
much sooncri - - . '
- Jg1jJ.. ..... ,- ,
tjf"Scnator Sumner, on Tuesday
Inst, accidently, gav9 the reason why'inond, resident of AceomacXor.r.ty,Y&
t. iiww rUHtn or Colorado, w.. mtw- h"",aly murdered , by ; n
admitted into - the Union, because ! "nSS T"? lQ Uie
. , .. . ., . -the Jew lown Jccord sa3. :
tho word white wn. m their Con.t.tu-j jIe ais0 aUen,ptcd the murder of a
tion. It will Boon bo a punishment colored "Woman at tho same time. llis
for n person to no whito in a eommu-
nity mado up of nigger, and loyalists,
C.nn T II.. ..n
mnnih, . iWrnf!rt
Jackson. hn been nominated bv the
TT,liim " 1 r n i c
' O
A number of dis-union exchanges,
. allege that tbo laU Legislature, was a
d'o to tho State. Astheyalludo
to 1,10 ni"jri,y coarse agree
' .w,th them upon thi. point. ' 1
Tho frauds and finos collected
BxaitMwa,xiu il 1 1 (IK I 1 II 1 1 'I ' I I'l I
Treasury airenfa . nhm.i . ikm
' - J
1 orK. WHO Wero arrpttiil hi- K
Ago, amounts to over 1200,000. . ,
. Asotiier' YtAR. The legislature
ha. again legalUoj the Bank suspen-
aioo, for another year from the 1st of
April, " : " , . " ' "
gaph roflice., and
tUi Mliei'JolniHj
at ia i OHiif..l u J
tw ti I ou hi viia 'M ,av u WHMUI, !l
wu. accordingly dono." Miss Gni
a uke t0 ,a.p (ati)er8 ho 1
. . ..... 1
tl0 ,,,jrer w88 on iue 4m inst., t
niitted to the jail ol tbut counn
awnit hl(, trm( ftt tiienextcourt.wi
.,, ,, Bimnlv to noLlmi
" --1"- 7 I J
Griffill?8 children did
ilr. unnltu is one oi the ortcit
..... . . . .
Abolitionists of the county, hasvoii
that lifcket for the last twenty w
years to our' certain knowledge, t,
ha advocated the cause of- no'i
eauulitv in a.xealou. manner.
often said before his family that
"nejrro was plenty cood enough foi
poor white girl" and similar exprcJ
ion. snowing me onus ui ins iiiil
The daughter having confluence
her father: imbided hi. teachings a
concluded to act upon them She wJ
perfectly innocent and noblame suon
attach to her. Sho supposed she it
doin fiirht" inasmuch as her fall
her dearest friend bad , taught h
that a negro was aa good as a wbi
man, and had his own house set do
example of sooial equality betwee
OiacK unu wniie pconie,. e unac
stand, she says that she loves him a
is bound to have biiu. .. Mr." Grillii
is One of the best citizensof this coat'
ty and we cannot believe that be tvt
had the remotest idea u. to the ton.
ency of hi. teaching, or he BuH
would huve .pared bis dwn ; fumil;'
This bad'example should bo avrnii
to ' the people of this county never t
be forgotten. ', i
In a majority, of families bf tl.
county thisdocirice ef'negra equttlitv
utki.iM 11 v ft nil utili I ! II tr ia lw.i iifV f unrrlit
because it is the doctrine of the 1U
pnblkan party, and they may not
revuill,lS u-uirvi imiui iney
that some member of the family i
one who confided in tbejr ternim,
is about to enrry their teachings -i':t
practice, And if they do not v b
their owu children to follow tUu
teachings, how as christians, boun
nv tha miiilpn ml. run lhpr Af"-r,
v t . -
III . ... 1 . , . '
v" -" I'
ouiers to .practice wuat tnty vl
I . t . m.
-)rM f f too, Ihomselre. i 1 li i-ms
you tho evidence of that -difference
and when you attempt to reverse r.u
decree, you can't expect to fare bette:
than did our first parent, when they
iimimlit thomsplr..a u-Uor tl.nn (im
, aid lire the people to think of this
f matter. God never intended tho lo-
:rAV1 ,,,,! w kii.u rt h nnl n.i
when you come to make A personal
'application of the doctrine Of equality,
J'ou shrink from it "with horror as did
. II.. l .! I i .
braces of a Ah:n,fon..nnnfe
and abjure at onco' and forever tbib
i' 1
, . - tj .
' Murder and Lynch Law. On
Thursday evening of last week Mrs
lrummond, wife of t;apt. John urum
purpose was robbery. ' He asked Mrs.
ll'rummond for some money supposed
,'to be in tho house, which fcho refused
tO H V O ll i 111 W ll O l-O II lin n l,i nKn,...rl
an axe and burst bcr skull, onen and
Jr"SgCer,t.? tb .etal,!es- lle ih'n
u.l?,,""u,oi me colored woman that
- . u luurw IU WIJ
falsehood, and ho then struck her with
.me uxo in the same manner, and eft
bor for dead. Tbo colored woman,
thongh dangerously wooi.ded revived
."SS' . l? F"9 afye, ftct"'
f0 'V. J ""'"i'nr'L
!Tho ritixen. of Tongotcacue went in
Boarcn. of the "thor of the fiendish
... -
A,Eff- dk. 1 hi. oflieer, together
tth somo Iroop., has been ordered by
tho government, to tho eastern fron.
tier, to look after th. Fenian excite-
ment in that locality".- II. hai been
invested with full power to .nforoe
the neutrality iMr. ' ' '
nenreHt , (e,r
, . i .