0 If 1t vY ti, . B- GOODLAHDER, Editor and Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, no I luLU. to . UrftUbV V VOL. XXXVIII. WI10LK NO. 1905. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, Al'HIL 18, 18G6. NEW SERIES VOL. VI. NO. 39, REASl! RER'S SALE OF U.V. SEATED LANDS FOR TAXES, ff'R S(S5 ADD PIIKI.IUH8 TBAKA. I0TICE is aaiitir give, that In vuanre ot an Art of Assembly pan he 12th day of June. A. D. 1S15, led "An Act to amend n Aet di iog the mode ol selling unseated is, in Clearfield county," and the srnl supplements theretu, there will exposed to I'ubllo bale or outory , following tracts of uuseatsd landi aid county, for the tuxes due and Kid thereon, at the Cuurt House in Borough of Cloartteld, on the Beo I Monday of June, A. D. lstirt: USCCAlilA TOWNSHir. i Fer. Watrmiees, eic. Taxes. t 43 .Toll i) Mailer, . 2 P. Mysir.eope, S 82 John Funk. 3 Fred'k Iliiulpy, 3 SO Michael Muster, Q Johu Ii'udy, 5 Wm. Hi adv. 2 J.BIuin i EiBlaio, 9 40 John Winner, 9 40 Heury Wilruer, il 112 Wm. Wilson, )5 40 Herman Wittner, 2 110 Jacob K'Ug. 52 116 John Gilmon, 15 73 Robert Wilson, 94 91 Jeremiah Mobher, D2 llti Peter On, 30 153 Martin Fantx, ' JO 125 Jacob Funis, jr., 128 153 George Musser, 54 32 Thomas Gibscn, 33 153 David P.uilon, 33 153 John Fordney, ;u3 290 300 424 311 208 111 100 93 150 I Ac. 58 Jan. Chapman, 110 25 348 ' Joseph Harmon, Bei.j.'1'iBf.nel!, 10193 100 CbHrlea H.ill, J. Williamson, 10167 41 C. J. Ajlport, Mary Crawford. 123 27 431 114 HymanGrat, T.Spackman, 174 47 330 114 Robert Shaw, Rebecca Biown, 153 80 100 Robert Shaw, Chi isiioii Stake, 34 33 60 John Skvron, 44 71 ICO r30 I2G S0J 42K7 .427 t 4788 , mi $59 6G 114 50 82 04 49 38 34 40 152 32 08 49 11278 197 04 185 94 112 17 44 81 55 58 48 91 f 0 80 37 90 62 57 101 04 91 1.8 101 03 9 90 119 II 14 04 21 74 35 16 145 17 141 02 28 54 30 Leonard Hollis, 17 55 John Birch. . Co 02 John Ournmings, 30 71 CHEST TOWNSHIP. fer. Warrantees. eic.Tnxea. $80 13 48 22 32 05 78 82 100 84 10 04 100 John Donaldson, (56 104 frt. D. Nchoonover GL'F.LICll TOWN-HI P. Ao. Per. Wartatiieeit, tc. Taxes. 113 37 32 58 10 38 189 30 141' 71 43 71 4 17 13 88 9 14 413 John Head, 2 114 Kudu'pli l,lt, VII James Hot, 100 3W,Uenrv Pole, HO . . Fulion. 190 1C4 Christian Koher, 25G Miller A Christ, I 22 Miller & Ch-iat, 108 Jon.Kephart, I 50 Nicholas Hngv, ,? 18 S0 M'uttHviMiiollU. 05 48 J'-hn iigerl. 0 70 ,100. Jno Brenreenmn, 3 32 01 H A J. Breih, 12 57 i COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. 'No. Ae. Per. Warrantee, etc. Taxe. ! mi 610 72 Morri A fcilewart.S75 42 18U.1 43 47 Morris A Stewart, 67 7 I liflO 175 122 Morris A Stewart, 2U M 36I9 70 80 Morrii A -Stewart, 8 28 225 John Witnier, 31 C4 Pigot Shaw. 305 4jGeo. Baker, 48 114 George Moore, 349 90 Geoige Moore, 134 Philip Glonitijver, 158 John McChIxsd, 27 05 '433 153 Edward II and, $101 01 12 02 123 81 21 07 141 xo i 53 72 50 103 52 6293 726 4298 1167 4297 1213 285 102 13 miF.A.lI!ti:R'S SALE of Real I? 13 I K.tjLtA r.irniid til the eountv llobert Mitchell, fl 51) ' i vmminsiunnr. t.v the Collector of ih. Jamef Alexander, 4 !0 ,trrA town.hii and bortiuirhi for 0 : thn Taxi'. Hn. mnA itnnui A throl fnp the year 1 80 j an I previoua ytara, and in purtuanoe of Iho Aot of Airemhly ia fuii eiKei made and provided, 1 will prueerd to (ell at Public Sale, at the ' Court Home, in Clearfiold, on Vondvy the llthdayof June next, toullowing tract o.'luad, to wit I VKWA HI A TO WKSIIir. Acres. To U'hom Afceked.THXF. 09 Emanuel Keigart, 134 25 140 74 117 39 44 20 171 S3 lit il3 JuO 43-1 142 155 102 820 J0 263 1(18 767 ittll I 4287 I 5i 6 6419 J42SH limi louo f 10K lOtO I 6J07 l'lOO I 5918 lluO tin a m i 5007 i 5901 I ton , 4813 1 5815 ' 4921 1100 57d6 K'bO Hit 603 BOG Ac. Ter. 9 ' 208 34 413 440 429 429 119 132 45T 427' 409 75 53 200 49 CO 205 100 300 100 Brown & ru ion, 80 Johr. Jutland, Jacob Krug, Wrn. Pljr.ket. 40 J. Muersmith, Wra. Miller. BELL TOWNSHIP. JTo Ae. Per, Warrantees, etc. Txi tM ll Henty Beck, 19 70 79 120 Henry bock, 19 21 330 7D Henry Deck, 90 69 Henry lletk, 81 36 98 Henry Book, 7 42 Henry Beik, 18 26 97 Henry Beck, 12 OS ' Ji. M. Ghfe, 66 66 13nJ Oitb, US 83 20 Henry Beck, 84 43 Ir A. Sebin, 14 12 97 Henry Beck, 12 06 VI Nicklin A (Jnffiih, 16 45 171 118 Henry Beck, 22 I luO Henry Bock, .24 21 Nieklin A UriT.th,242 It Mcklin A Urimth,2IO yn Ni.-kUn A Crilliib,32 33 Nickhn UriiTiih.Z(7 05 Nicklin A Urimib,233 75 Nicklio k 0ri!liih,210 52 Nicklin A Urilliih, 81 S4 Nicklin A (infllih, 81 54 Nicklin A Oril'lih, 26 61 NUklin A Onmib.lHj 03 Niikhn A Urillith.268 U Henry Beck, 4 12107 Heury Buk, 4 21 3.S TOWNSHIP. ' Warrantee, eke. Taxe. Jrhn Thomas, $3 42 John Thomas, 45 59 Joseph Drinker, 43 03 Wra. M'Cortnick, 98 57 Nancy BogtfB, 10' 93 M. McDonald, 103 24 John B. era, 103 24 B ii bain Snyder. 28 00 George HooTTnan, 33 7 1 George Ay re. C5 00 Wm, I routwine, 05 CO John Kean, 01 50 John E. Shaw, L3 80 Luke Kvler, 4 37 Joseph Ball, 7181 H:itbniR Snvder, 1 1 7-5 Wm Wilson. 8 25 Tnomaa Smith. 40 90 John Kepharl, 15 43 J. a Thoa. Meeeo, 42 00 Kirhnrd Waple, 1101 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. Ko. Ac. Per. Warrantee. to. Tnxer ' 822 J. v.Smilh, 49 99 109 John Scrler, 24 3S 68 T.en. L. Head, 12 19 M Levi Cleaver, 16 51 1611 111 lUl.ertd A Fox, 25 03 1590 1005 113 Itoherli. A Fox, 17) 19 8618 100 Jacob It Igor, 24 Si 20 Parid Irvine FkU. 31 25 75 Nccpcr A Harteock 9 92 "0 John P. Dale, II 10 BRA DFOKU TOWNSHIP. Ac. 1'er. Warranuea, etc. Taxea Hugh Ely. . $52 92 John Campbell, 109 HallJk Iluck. 24 90 Polly M!i.anahnn,18 23 Mai. Slayrui ker, 8 94 Mat. Slay niakT. 3 81 Wtu.'GrahMU, jr. 10 79 ,1no. Ilanra, 10 79 rotj. Oliver, . 14 .17 Mo.e B'.cbh' H'rs. 4 31 37 250 5377 1100 350 1941 m 108 81) 127 Ac 83 130 433 CO 152 CO 391 159 100 108 37 49 70 99 303 147 99 M0 300 281 100 50 200 I2S 200 17 4(4 50f7 i?rt3 4244 4199 6672 4257 4WI2 4236 4225 mo 7S 41 41 90 il George 'Mead, 49 ticorge Meud, . 130 OS John Uriel, 12 62 Ilarwoy A Barnot, 9 S7 Jno. J. Pickardt, 15 16 Jno. J. Pickarit, 1144 Eturry A Kciler, 9 OS PECATUK 'lOANSIIlP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxea. Jo. U'hiiehall, $18 75 John Anderaon, 109 C3 Gilbert Vought, 59 42 Thou. Billingion, 152 89 Thos. Stewrartsto. 39 07 Jacob Downing, 39 24 Joteph Sanoin, 10 05 Woj. K)n. 3 80 T. Kdmunkon, 125 4 John Di iiiker, "5 17 Jona'n. Kepharl, (7 47 Camper II ainea, 140 31 Gilbert Vaught, 10 80 Wm. Hoover, 40 07 Joteph Uartiann, 0 45 Jonathan Ne-bi, 45 20 A. J. O . 8 5 Sam'I.MX-'larren, 45 20,5063 Joeepk Sanom, 3 84 1 1'hariri Hi-k. 78 92 FEBGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. l'er. Warrantee, tic. Taxes 51 I'.enj llartehorn. 5 53 233 159 Jno. dJambiighi. JS194 Daniel Turner, 50 04 Ma'thine Slough, 22 57 George flo 117 50 Lew is Jordan, 24 0.1 A. Scott, 40 70 Abraham Ogden, 2 45 Henry Swan. ' 14 18 'no. ilan.bi ighl. 30 50 FOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Warrantee, etc. Taxea 42 Ju. Wilson, $ti0 99 200 Ja4.Wilaon.wral J 22 95 41.48 110 JasWiUon. weal p 23 14 4W 50 J as. Wilaon. 41 32 4ll 495 Ja WiUon.wrst 1 51 72 350 108 eoiire Moom, 10 John MdJuhen. ! 98 John Lampblack, 111 11 iiiiaiinu o a t-, u. h 193 122 Maiibiaa Young, 87 55 433 153 Christian linger, IK C5 ; 433 153 George Minwur, 195 05 1 237 48 Thoa Yedler, 107 01 '210 Daniel UHley, 91 83 215 75 Geo. Baker. Jr. 97 08 430 145 Timothy Pnxioo, 190 84 433 153 John Burg, 195 04 210 153 John Mu-eer, Jr. 97 51 4 30 1 45 Jos. A 1. 4.i lit. 190 84 214 W. D. Hageny, 5,4 41 400 F.ix .t Sn.idr. 30 40 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. Ae Per. Warrantee, a us. Taxes L. J. Cram, (Jeorge Mead, 62 V5 47 George Mead, 101 13 67 George Mad, 106 0 U'u. Moniomery,8H III 36 John MuPbersou, 7 94 74 J. M. Maoumber, 16 2 9 M. W. A'nyder, 1 at 41 J. B. Mcfcnallf, 4 22 41 J' K. A'baav, 8 22 153 E Irwin A Sunt, 14 ! 176 E. Irwin A .n. la 76 240 E. Irwin A A'oue, 22 bd 1.17 ' K. Irwin Aoi.e, 1 40 490 E. Irwin if' &Y.n, 4o 33 MOKRJS TOWNSHIP. A e. 1'er. V.'arrni.teea, wj. Tines 402 George Weiiel. $10041 00 William Werti, 5140 327 Chiietian Werli, 8105 373 David Lauck, 9313 421 JMie I'amell, 89 i0 440 05 Joseph Turner, 109 J 440 109 Joacph Turner, 109 ?9 440 20 Jocepa Turaer, 109 89 423 Geoige llubecker, 104G4 300 Peler Yart.ell, 7493 170 141 Patiick Haya. 4247 71 10 Kobert Glenn, 5783 ' 13 Francis Jolu.aon, 3230 ! 133 Robert Rainy, 1000 4X 153 Tt.omas Morris. 10829 4.13 153 William Morris, 10829 433 153 Samii'l MerexJiiii, W29 $11 85 2 75 23 00 IT 94 171 07 7 5 100 B A. Byera. 20 Llvina Borte. 140 Jetetuiuh pooper 150 1). Douglaaa, :UttJ Thos. WeMon, 43 Jamea (iill. HELL IVTKsriP. 100 Wm. M. Barrett,' $12 90 100 John Christ man. GO Samuel T. Hoover. 7 74 75 Mechtley t Paioille, 9 08 bogus row-xMir. CO Blake Grey. $8 58 104 Lvi SfbIv. 14 71 BRADFORD TVWXSI1P. 1 Lot II. TJiidekotler, J10 89 1 Lot Thomas fuller, 4 77 44 John Harrier, 9 70 2 Heiirv Ui deihofTpr. 4 77 B UBXSWE TO WKMI1 P. TERM W THE nEPUni.lCAN. TheRaecaucAK is published every Wednesday, BY GEO. W. SNYDER, fc CO., at $2. CO per iuuw in advanee. If paid within six monthi 82 JO; and if not paid until after tb ex piration of six months. I3,( 0 will be charged. No paper discontinued 'till all arrearagesare paid Wrltton for the "Republican." DEATH OF JACKSON. ITl.T, Dread is the paute that reu;n When the star ruihei from the field of heaven And deep tbe silence ou the foruit plaias Wlieativa hue oak li riveo. Thas when tboisual of-ura, . - , , Tbe immortal Jackton, left bis hiHi eareer ' Bad glory sighed for her departed sire And wept upon bis bier. AUe! the sad minhap J-; ()() I That brought tbe fearless chicfrsln his doom, reaniiig uie woiui news oi aoaui,iuat wrap Tbo hearts of all iu gloom. But be was undismayed, And cheered bis frieuds with words rapturous swell, "I'll erose Uie stream, nd rest beneath lie slais, Weep nut; fur all is wtIL" IIowalsslf lid be leave The luring call of glory's trumpet him ! He sunk to rest ai Hesperus sinks at es, To Uud a brighter mora. No 24)0 .. U Kidder, $7e 7.1 lti IWid Caldwell 06 4S (673 1041 Moore Drlnney, 399 20 5674 I 041 Moere A Helanev, 399 20 5675 1041 Moore A Delaney, Si 20 6066 900 Wra 'ow era, 379 69 e77 Wra Powers, Jt36 40 9'JO James Wilson, 17140 990 Jau.es Wilson, 171 66 9'.u Jmnts WiUon, KIM 317 27 Moor and Delaney .91 95 SH7 15 James W(l-n, 237 99 4.U 153 William Miller, 433 L)3 Hutt) Morns, 433 153 i"hoH. Fiimony, 433 153 George CI yuier, 433 153 Robert ii i ay, 433 153 Patrick Moore, 433 153 Mar Morri. 433 153 Mavnua Miller, 433 153 Nalbio Fiazey, 433 153 58 433 153 74 150 . 100 21 100 No. 4272 4.100 420 Milbelm Wiilink, 143 12 ;yu sinei itfoa,. 740 James W:l.n. U Wilhelin Wiilink, 6061 1113 Willium Power, 875 E- hlivemskrr, 101 K ShoeuiaJter, 2'Ji U rn. Powers, 94 82 250 James Wilau, 71 07 4236 awes Wilron, 146 14 i 2000 1029 Koberta and Fox, HAS 44 j 20I liihl) Koberts and J-'oX, 3 'J I 29 ' I 3502 900 Kuberta nt.d Kux, 2 2 12 lb8 429 33 Kohena A Fuk, . 125 36 llHO Al.c) Dulloia, 121 25 , JORDAN TOWNSHIP. ! Ao l'er. Warrantee! etc. Taxea. i 433 153 Richard Peters, $179 IX 433 153 FreU I Wale. 10-5 50 433 l '3 J.Ui Dune uod-xfJ.lOS 58 , 274 AJatu Kuhn, 1M 58 ! 202 fcbemxer BirnLam,71 90 103 A.iaiu Kuhn, 41 12 433 153 Thomas Martin.. 15151 333 UirWett Manin, 433 153 Richard Martin, 91 135 i'luUp Loa-it, 400 483 4:3 413 170 418 105 100 John Houston, Clem S locket, John Vaughn, Ji'lialhan .Neebit, Blair M'Lanuhan. William Siewatl, J allies WiUoxi, 90 Rnlrt Morra, 143 21 2l6 27 22 63 157 65 1 IH 70 90 122 V illiatu Morris, 31 7 407 U'J Richard U. Smith. 4200 (ii'.O 41M2 990 4188 00 4211 937 4238 917 1534 1535 4242 4: 199 1340 43il8 210 100 18 372 188 241 217 31 100 lol 207 137 44 375 Jau.es Smith, Waller Stewart, 10829 l(r 9 1129 1029 108 9 108 9 108 29 108 2V l'lf 29 99 90 8909 10j 9 lol 9 392 9J 02 i 19 4 98 2 4t 71 80 32 23 8J58 ( liriaiopber 4(aker, XI 49 Isaac 1 in low, 19 Patrick Hays, 40 t.oniuJ Saarll, Nu'li. lieideunur, 95 Robert Carton, 91 Mai bias Slough. JG9 J43 Joheph IJubJey, Jas. Wilson, . C3 20 .Lis. Wilson. 120 33 .!s. Wilson, 45 0 Jas. WiUon. 85 11 Lrt. Wilson, 87 94 0 J as. Wilaon, 0 09 Cm) Jas." Wilson. 182 55 J as. Wilson, SO CM Jas. Wilson, CI 49 In. Wil.on. S5 9G Jas. Wilaon, 11 38 Lane & Hyde, 13 13 4)3 Ball town Lol, ll 82 02 Hulet Lot, 6 51 107 Firman Lot, 11 4 50 Oilrs Lol, 5 5 4100 100 Hyde BidellCo.l3 13 5 BaMiown Lol. 2 94 G IRAKI TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warranto, eta. Taces 1924 5D8 lot Morris A Slewart,62 39 114 Morrii A Stewart, 16 26 254 1 20 Morris Slewsrt, 70 100 100 150 100 11235 78 38 25 39 19 47 9 05 30 00 23 45 15 03 3IG 102 159 437 48 30' 5 85 75 43 225 100 4 100 50 20 50 25 175 109 CO 35 17 1918 l90 3647 535 6366 19.9 1HS 5352 10 60 5J 140 60 790 67 99 1 15 6 23 64 15 24 75 5370 IH'O 5363 1101 63..7 1 100 James iruncnn, .si i i m NeliemiahMaines.lO 601 m 1 7 .114 Ho. 492 308 1674 102 626 115 .8861 678 S77 -6H79 '8I 8886 396 7.7 2I 6I1 3 HP 856 ' 13(21 119 878 80 ! 100 . 5 '" 100 60 Thomas Uolt, 1 11 Pavid Maine, 9 8 Joveph Powell, 6 35 Daniel Graha'n, C 7.i Luciiida Graham, 2 54 Horaiio I). Hall, 0 35 John Harrier, 2 18 John Vauchn, 2 23 AndrJ-w Pot tit. 29 99 BRADY TOWNSHIP. Ae. Ver. Warrant, ?. Tswes. Win. tirkp.itrick. $87 82 34 Huberts A t ox, Conad Lnng, J. B. Smith Morris A Mewart, George Mead, George Mead, Morris A biewart. Morris and Siewat, 8 27 George Mead, 61 22 George Mead; 10.17 George Me4, 160 51 George Mead, 89 13 62 Morruand S(osrt,.15 41 93 Mo.ria and ftrrl,l6 49 Morrisnnd8iewart.il 52 81 Morris and Stewart, A 7s 22 Morn and Stewart, 8 72 Mnrrisand Stewart.16 68 77 Morrisand Slewart,s6 05 22 Morris and Hwart,37 42 44 Morrisand Stewart,48 60 9 Morrisand Stewart, 6 67 Morrii. and Slew art, 1 1 97 F. Bertbaud's Es't.,10 75 Moris and riiawarl.Oi 46 , Morris and Stewart, 29 M ' Morrisand Stewart. 1 5 76 Morrisand Stewart,67 18 Morri" and Stewart, i 95 j GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 1925 1926 1936 3617 1939 1930 186 1916 1x37 1927 l!'2S lltWO 345 lit 123 194 30 1X4 271 828 337 63 4o9 W WilUa 11 Joliuton, . Plnhji Loasl, Jivnaihan Jcoet, Willium Wilson, liichai-i Mariis), KAtlllAUs TOWNSHIP. No. Ac Psr Viarrantee, etc. Taxe. 1914 613 95 Mum .Stewart,! 11 08 1129 550 120 William A'oii.h, 9iUt 35S2 573 120 U'llliain S nWis, 98 62 1091 79 Cbarlr U'illink, 7 76 lu.'.l hi Cbarlss H illink, 13 11 3463 I X175j 68 147 Cbsrlss H'illlnk, 193 J -I I i9 Charles U'illink, lo5 124 103 4'basies M iUIimi, 1096 t65 Charles H'llliuk, 1097 436 113 Charles H'illiox, 3465 68 62 Charles B illink, 3166 25'l 1U Chsrli U'illink, 210 0 400 loo JUO 222 150 90 130 50 02 Jacob CiiaiT, Jul. 11 Giatl, 29 40 0 55 CO 87 -24 19 'J 45 79 08 W 24 38 57 I 25 100 100 KtO 10 4 30 31 323 125 C2 100 0 35 Lentiuid Hollis $27 45 fcrnmurl Snyder. 23 30 John Kmg'a Estate 14 03 lame Met 'lesiy, 3 51 SaahOake-. 147 BRADY TjWXSIIIP. J. II. Adam.. $0 31 Uichaid Anlnwt, iy 70 Rubt-rt S. Cat hen, 75 59 Alex Dunliiti.jr. Yet, though the hero's dead His name i( Drt in every kindred heart : llnaiiiBory fill tb land fur which b b'.ed, And never can depart. Peler Hoover, Samuel Gelnet, 11 70 5 85 015 17 55 5 85 lienrv liana. 1 0 David McGas-vey, 1-Lol I'eier H'.over. VURWESiiVlLI.E BOUO 2 Lol James Locke, $1095 III EST TOMXSUU $4 27 4 28 18 53 12 45 2 (Hi & 47 5 15 Fiedeiit k llubley, 2 20 William Uigler. !4 70 Mull &. Johnson, 8 85 Simon Giuiz, 48 5 llil.ary Raker, W 92 loat ph Potter, 10 92 . rauci Johnson, 1191 Joseph Nicholson, 4 40 Joaeidi Poller, 5 44 TENN TOWNSdlT. No. Ac l'er. B'arranie, Tixea. 5951 107 yicklin,(iri.'liili?l0 02 6902 047 NickliDAGti!luli,li8 80 6'.lU2 03 Elijah Heaih, 13 03 108 lGieetio:.d Hell. Z 03 TIKE TOWNSHIP. No.AcI'ei.Warraiitees.elc.Tixes 1U97 1 V0 1097 100 1193 79 3163 I 3175 f 151 69 48 5112 98 5412 100 20 C4.ar'.e U'illink, Cbsrles U'illink, Charles H i 11 ink, Charles li'illiak, C2 85 3il 30 12 23 75 17 60 27 8 21 SI 82 II 18 8 55 ' 13 64 ' 4 89 Ctittlea rilllnk, 109 88 Charles U'illink, 8 37 J. K. MCIiky, It 73 Arnold Custard, 9 45 M ilium Mu haula, 16 91 H iiliaui Miebaolt, 16 65 tf.56 I7 132 lser5iycja,Fihrl35 43 1097 Charles Wiilink, 19 19 Cbarlei Wiilink, 8 83 I i96 J 123 J 007 24 1097 I 11.96 J 50 1196 66 600 1.'2 133 f.1 700 89 13 5781 750 5778 09 4202 y.io 425 2 957 5777 510 5777 519 5770 529 1429 70 450 143 1S4 185 4020 470 90 5779 111 400 200 5770 270 5770 309 5770 475 J NichoUm. $Vi 80 J Nicholson, 1) 18 J allies Wilaon, '.1 35 James Wilson Ul 00 12 J. NiclioUon, '4 50 12 J. NirholKon, 5150 J. Nicholson, 0 91 S. Blodgel. 14 00 Daniel 13a. ley, 10 04 Thos. Jordan, 2 35 Thos. Mage-, 48 27 Thos. Mage. 19 13 W.S. Koberii', W 41 It. W.McNaul..O 79 t -1 :o 00 11 50 15 87 21 22 Charles H'illlnk, Chsrle Wiilink. 7 61 9 86 '?6j0 126 114 J 1916 75 3466 3467 Ae 437 435 W. .SVh.inrri A Co., 69 3d Daniel 1 other, Cbrisiia . llrown, Mary ggms, ftiJiard, T. and J. Vt bite, 1. and J. While, 16 91 13 44 10 64 4 94 1 00 Z Bailey, Z. McNaul, U. Kiauer. J. Nicholan, . J. NiclioUon, 80 J. XiohoUon. 7 32 UNION TOU'NHIP. 125 K iburia i. Fox i2 0l 3598 3s0 K.ibtirii'ol Fox 147 35 OODW A RI) TOWXSIW?. Ao l'er. WBiianieea. tc. Tax S3 David M'clWht. 25 Naihai if I Noble, 50 Ji.hn Wallace, 97 J- Ii" Bver. 10 Joseph l!reih, 90 Jatnea Si4?enaon, 8 Wm. Selfridtfe, HE' A TVJl TO WSSI1IP. 50 Divid 'iiephnrl. jr. $179 13 Jonathan Kepi, ail 0 81 10 John O. White, 4 0 81 Hnrv M Miiilin,;14 C2 tERUUVJS TUHMtUlf. 03 M'm. Barren, lr 40 50 Scott Lurry, C 55 150 John II- Ferguton, 4 57 200 Paul m.i'c. C0 G I HARD TOWWSJUF. 100 100 109 50 12 1(H) 49 SIGSS OF A STORM. The tj'jilioon which Bwccjtbc Chi- a eciis iho uieaa jI niuriners--it thrice terrible, because tlio skien srivc nn uiii'iiin.r of its .oioin". rituiaant ' " ' J - - j" ' r e.- s'ieo. Kllinger's heirslO i7 (.pliyrs liuzvlv flap the loose cu4ivas and gently swell tlio sails. IV 0 cloud, savo perluipi a fleecy tn-netsf vapor, dims (lie sjriftit suiiKhiiie. Tlw fccu in Minoothc, and there is not air enough to toss a white capon its waves. But suddenl)-, almoHt 44i the twinkling of 4tn eye, the shack the kurricune sends the vessel reelingover Hk: utormj waters. SajJs aud cordage arts rent. iiinsli go by the hoard, and the dis mantled hulk which lives through the gaJu k caftrly ither to ibe Bur pHssing Hrength of its timbers, or to the forethought, of tlio , seaman in 4t-t4hiii the fall of tho barometer, whlcli Hlwne foretells 140 coming ol lis mighty wind. . 'Xlisw V - p I ' I. KfiOtl taught tiy hard experience 11 lesson which they should have learned from biwtwry, that tlsere it such a thing hs a (litietil typhoon a storm which sends not 4-louds nor lightning (M its iuWht. and which makes its work of rnin.thrico disastrous, becauso the ua lion'whieh lies in its path is unpre pared to meet it. , It is possible, as we all kuow from the Woody lesson ol 1 HC1, that a nation shall be on the evo of a revolution in which a million of lives are destined to bo sacrificed. 11 i)d 'cX that its people shall ke blind to tWeonii of 'the destroying an gel, tho waft ol whoso wings is thun der, and the Lremor of whose plumes ii storm." And yet we bad warnings enough. The fatter of the Ih-publie, $10 15 anu ait inc great, stuioiueu mnn uim- i?"ii alter them, had foretold wanv times 040 that Iho contentions. of aectionul par- 417 tics, if mch were ever estyblisked, 18 00 w0ld srulmiuate in the terrible strife 5 Oi Jx( ,1.., l,oftl...flrl.r On the 4th of j-X'l Ulv I'lllHV HVsi - . - - - o-t March lHCl.the dav f which they Lu er i Lie Pig ..od,$9 t'5 Henry Marile AleX. Hiard, TI o Ltu er, Ai.r'm Laiisberry, M'ui. rinenix, Thomaa Sinn. GVELlCll TOWKSIUP.. 125 Robert Hetideraon.$I7 09 338 Haslet.'! umci 0- 92 28 JOltDAS TOWKSUli: 12 S 10 77 5 75 14 03 11 73 C 91 50 Tlmm mi On etia, 400 irm. l'opy, 2-Loi Joseph M'ond, 123 Morgan, O r i Co 100 Thomas lies 98 79 23 2 37 8 24 29 87 KARWAVS TOUWSA1P. j 80 Jas. Akey, 200 Henry CuUtjr, 43 EHkIi Tirkner, 5 John llarteoci;, Ml) Andrew Lane, 50 , John McOmiig '1. A'A'oa' rvnwtu IP- IS in. Robison, I 106 Thomas Merera, KNOX TOWN Ml I P. Per. WarraiiU'e. vie. Ttr. 48 Iitieuben Haines, $ 179 94 3 0 6289 330 629fl 4 6291 ll0 6325 200 99IIS 376 1912 438 1SS4 I Wm. Mm pes. George Misd, Ueorg Mead, Georg Mead, llorge Mend, .6 83 118 31 167 99 376 05 67 13 MornsaiidSiewarl.18 0 Morris and Suiwarl,25 C2 329 87 844 Henry Wjoff, 155 12 Csaper "Over, OhriiaB Lower, Ilobrrli A Fox, Christian Lower, Christ Lower. J M Millet' heirs1! 87 J J. W Smith, (VYp. II 45 Z. S. '.Vrlch, 1 1 BantB, ' ' 23 40 MeOairy, II 70 IBURNS1DE TOWNSHIP. Af. Per. Wrrantre, eta. Taxea. 303 John Jones, $116 25 1 , 1915 j 300 158 Morri A Ptewart.101 08 200 69 80 1923 ,"3 Morri A Stewart, 111 92 7 1923 100 Morri ar Stewart, 11 70 1922 Morri p Stewart, 65 82 6324 1213 67 Uearge Mead, 242 56 6326 1100 George Mead, 229 35 6327 1114 120 George Mead, 21166 6329 1 UK) George Maul, 6330 IJ00 George Mead, 2:9 34 1911 100 Morris st Btewart, 20 85 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantee, etc. Taxes, 50 Luihcr Mmris, 433 153 Joseph Hilliatd, 433 153 Kubuil Gray, 429 41 Julm Bnnghurtt, 433 153 Saiah Ward, 433 153 tieorge Eddy, 433 153 Moore Wharioti, 433 153 Geoige Ail. ton, 129 John Doraey, 72 '1 boa. Jottlan, 25 ueiiigs Fox, 433 153-4sabelin Jordan, Silas Cox, 433 153 John Vaught, $I77 15 4:0 151) lohn U'..ll. lf 5i 433 Hi John Roll, . 177 15 10(1 Wm. Wilton. 40 90 ,412 41 John Cannon. 141 J4 413 153 Israel Wl.eelan, 11370 ; 208 Samupl E iilen, 63 17 153 5 Peter 11-iiny. V 21 140 H iich Uilatoo, 7 Hi 179 00 215 5 Thomas Noel. S8 10 179 28 203 Thomas MastoD, 33 40 179 29 355 Marv eil. 88 53 178 00 30J Mary OiBnell)-, J4 33 179 28 lin) Betj. Jolinaon, 27 40 179 28 ;i3 Hagerty, 91 59 179 29 100 R ilund Kvant, 40 90 145 97 :53 4 42 Pifiot Sl.aaj. 1 52 9 35 210 Sebatiiin Urafl, s 32 2 73 4.58 73 Thos. Kdmuneon, L9Ij 9 98 4:i Jij Daniel GllJey, 179 8 m Hi J,.hn Miis-er. jr. a urn. uouison, , ,,,; lin, ,mn LUMBER CITY BOROUGH 'A sectional j'arty had gut control ol IL.uean.l Iai D. Deninark.il 10 the general government. Mr Lineoln 2 Loti J W. Giav. 1 3J had been inaugurated as .President ol JiQRKlS TOWNSHIP. Istates nlrcady divided against each 50 Anson Jones, 4 .10 , 1 Hit hoMifh there had as vet been U s ' t . . .- . w no open war savo that whu ir John lirowii and bi followers, under the nanction of tho Abolitionists, had made upon the tvonjmonweaUh 4f Vir ciiiia. Ordinaiicet of secession, held 1 "6 t0 00 ppifrttly valid by the people 22 irbo hissed iLei-n. and br luri:e cum- I ----- r v . ISll Michael O HalPV. 1.4 Oj SEW W ASM MiTOS BORO. House A 3-Lois II. Oal!gVr.2 2 HoaseaLot J li vin's E'l.l I 00 1'EXX TO WXSMP. 14'm. Reck. 9 85 John Flvnn, A. K Wrmht, u.vitj.v rowsxiiiv ll'iu II. Rooxe, Leander Dennine prosporons, find thero had boen so much talk of tlis-union and wur, and it had beeu so long coming, and tho people were so unused to fighting.and bo habituated to minding their busi ness and making money, thataltbough we stood on the very edge of a ghastly four-years' strife, men would not be roused to see it. No capablo orpotent hand was streched out to avert its ca lamities and horrors. Tho fctorm found us unprepared becauso we did not choose to read the signs of its ap proach, and although we weathered it out, It was with fearful pcrjj to our free institutions, and u loss of life of which 110 man wishes now to think. If wc do not greatly err wo lay no claim to the gift of prophesy, but simply assert ail honest disposition to read the plain signs of the times we are hovering now on the brink of dan gers as great as any through which, wo have passed. Ominous bints begin to fill tho air. The Radicals regard the continuance of power in the hands of Andrew Johnson for the next three years as a fatal obstacle tothe scheme by which they proposo to seeuro the cuntrol of this country for all time to come. They hua trwd tha arts of conciliation to move htm from his faith b.il adherence to the Constitution; they have tried threats, too, and vitu peration ; but all alike in vain. lie will not chango a policy bottomed on the supreme law either upon the sug- gestifitm or stimulated friendship or under the spur of party dictation. Ho hits chosen Ins position cautiously and wisely, and he means to hold it farrufy and forever. It is not to be supposed that men as ruthless of heart and as void of principle as tho Radicals who ruleCongrewi, will suffer their assaults upon the Constitution to bo repulsed without seeking vengeance on him who keejrfiward over the great char ter aud defends it from spoliation. If they cannot iiialie away with the su preme law they'will do their best to destroy its gejirdian. Jleuce it is that we begin to hear whispers of impeach ment and dark threats of a revolution,, to be directed to tho overthrow of the Prid,mf Tbejv was a titne when wc might have disregarded theso ana. like portents of evil which are dovt abroad. Mat re have learned a lesson which we mean to remember. "Sixty-, day" skirmishes expandinto mighty wars. The bluster ol demagogues, if they chance to have power, sets bay onets clashiog and rules tbe tbunder of artillery. A bee may thrust its little "sting through a crevice in tho armor of tho strong man and smite him to tneearth ; aud small politicians, incapable to reconstruct or even to tarry oh uo established government, mas' yet bo able to precipitate a rev olution which will result in Us over throw. lti well to bo warned in tiuio. If the storm is coming let us not bo un prepared tor ie. If the President of tho United States is to be made ft vic tim of party malice because of his maintenance of the rights of States uuder the Constitution, and lis refus al to obey the behests of a lawless taction if ho is to be impeached by such accusers at Thaddeas Stevens, and tried before such judges as Charles Sumner, we have a vision, dreadful but distinct, that the decree which shall unseat him will be registered in blood vWe lloo'l, time aloue can sh'jtr. rhiUuh-ifihia Air. 57 12 10 so 00 tiieitiNelre Indebted in ar reuoestid to make payment, and those having rlsuns srsinst tb same, will rreseut he 122 95 properly jithenHcel for se'.tl. suenU 122 11 17 70 121 Kli llooiman, G. & M. M Coronck, 5j d 103 Mar Km Jwich, 90 Tlicni.pa ii4r.gelu) n 4-1 1 413 153 V hilip Loal, 433 153 Caleb Foulk, 148 10 4 53 153 J. It, Howell, 24 13 Iir, 58 819 81 156 88 84 65 297 149 145 103 109 250 Thr-t T. Coue. John Skyron, T. Cope, J11 Milllgan, George Moore, John fry, Jr. 93 George Weetcott, 100 10 173 153 liobwt Wharton, 00 39, 829 86 433 153 '.ieotge ShealT, 1 18 7 25 John IV.) d. 01 .m 109 Su-tnnah Ward. 34 08 255 U M. M Corniack, C5 04 100 Hem Trout, 4120 14 Geoige Bowman, 2 00 84 CIihs Senate 'a male, 8 85 I 75 Peter W hiteatde, 24 K3 1 09 George Ailnon, 33 30. 382 Joseph Simon, $77 4 . 47 1G 39 48 SO 71 38 53 CO 98 , 103 28 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Vt. Ae. Per. Warrantee, et. Ttxei.j . , J21 , Hugh Jordan, 1 54 93 433 153 Wm. Johnson, lOO 03 Geoige Beckham, (8 Charles llislil, 237 Daniel Turner, 170 Peler l.nwden, 91 Charles l.nwdeo, 130 Mary Sandwich, 189 " Isaac Wilson. 41 1 Maiy Connell, 85 - George Asbton, 40 . Jobu M'Connell, 150 John Low. ' P W. MOOKft Trcas'r , Msrch 1 1800. 40 83 0 17 14". 49 140 49 140 49 33 K5 107 70 103 00 C5 2G 3 01 17 78 42 51 18 83 6 00 . 4 94 17 53 "n' ! ,crs of persons in the Xorth of whom ;'..n 1 ' I Mr, ' tli crlr t 11.1. iliviiwii LuJ rnntiwAun TOWXSinr. itemporarily deranged the relations 50 J K.Davis, 1 u; OI llifl u niairsi vu mt p..io..Sv.- 80 J mea Mcley, 8 40 ' eminent, although, as the Democracy One LoiTttitnan Rxt. I 41 j held then, and hold now, these ennct n. w. MookE. Tressurtr. wouU wera ttl together impotent to iWr oaot. April 4. ISM. J. .,)Cm Unm Therc VniUMiTlt A14M4 SXOTICK was arming nnd drilling all over the Nou i hereby given that u- ,,1),. 'j' lircaU'tMHg and angry words the la,n-agoof the donunant tbt tait .f Goarne itowiu, dee.!, pjrtj in lhe J ortli. Kadicnl .senators late if Lawrence fwnhim cienr ieid , Hmred at honorable comvinjmiso.and r.a-,ty. Pen,,;.. All persons knowinK , j ..rj (l lotting," immediaM; without which they 'd'.-clared the "JJiiiosi would not be worth bo worth a rush." Madness ruled supreme cv. ervwhero, and tho bravo and good and eoiiservative men m oom.eciions. who lilted their vo;ces iu behalf of peace and good will, found themselves either despised as visionary lotus, or threatened with popular violence as public enemies. This was the slate ol things when Mr. J.incoln became President, nnd for six weeks after ward it grew worse. Tho political haromler kept falling, falling. TUe mercury sunk into tho bulb. But thero whs n bright sky overhead, and not a cap full of wind to ruiso tho fears of people who relied on mere material and outward signs of storm. We wero no ricb, and so strong, i and so TAYLOK KQWLK. March 14th, lS6-6t. Adm'r. IOK A1 I- The U'estera kin. 1 le." Pruiiorty. K)lwU)wn, Clear. Ii. id eoimty, Penn'a. TWs old. well es la' l .died and fiivotably known Uou-t. is now oflered fm tale. It it ne nf the beat lucktient in I ha Coun'y, and BAords rsre Imlueeinenu for aey per son wishing to engaf -ia that banineas There is about 0l Acre -f Vm4 Inched lo th hLust, aipoe whi.4i I. erected a Isre Iraia biabla awl all lieeesaary bui.ding for aa it blih me.it ol till kiml.tog.-tber with a coin miihnui two auo-v Sier lious well Snikhed and la rood repair, lininedl alt r"!:rjiB givea. For prl and term uf tlale, apply tt tr address, I J. BLAKE WALTKKS, April 4 lb, 1866 U. CIr8IJ, Pt, The Takitf litKOEN. As a subject interesting to all consumers, wo ob serve that Congress is urged immedi ately to pass 11 resolution for increas ing "the presentariil' fifty per cent, for the period of ninetvyJays. Journals wedded to the claiming of advantages for tho manufat luring over other .in terests are eager for tho adoption of that policy, nnd some of thorn, speak ing lor, particular inauuiauiutvs, -He ctare Unit a higher tariff is nccessnry to savo tho country from financial ruin, liotwveen npprcbeudod panic, and the incroaso of fifty per tout, on tho tariff, we think panic rather thp least of the two evils, as the ndvanco wculii 6-hut out the competitiou cf for eign manufacturers, enable thos at horns to' increase their prico perhaps to the extent of fifty per ccut. and const mer .would be obliged to pay jiift that fifty percent, more for their goods than they now pay. J-it the '- ... . I I! L....l ...I,.. peOplO.8 LUIMcnS l llgiimuoj, isivin-i tbnn increased. With the reduction of expenses an J of values, tariffs and othtr taxes sliouia go uownwaru in stead of upward. iyA man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, whiih is but saying in other words, that he is wispr to-day than bo wo. vesterdav. ' -ax ass t ' ' jtThe whole membership of the Meth odist Church, Xorth and ' South, is given as 1,628,320; of the BpUV Churr.t 1,010,003. -