I i t" ' 1 Ole,i i "'Ti Pr, 'I kri Y.1 rxriAV ::Ainu. 4, Sf,C 1 on of I ... ifar,i. v- r-.y o are ViltlCSted tl) state tllltt ' o.. , .i r wil I -ono iivat- nnir in Hie l res. rb fAe"l I u-ri:i:i Church, on next S:i Tie pastor l-oin.i absent. lofe:- I " 'ou. ; ft-ji-The Pennsylvania Legislature, v.kJ I,., n J.iir.t ivlnlirm n.nwd fo jiiiourn, on Thursday tho 12th inst. tfo think this is about the wisest act ev have done tins session. ,. ,. ,, ... . i v .Candies, Hum Props, Hearts. N upo Cun-' Hotel for Sai.e.-Yy call tho at.' diLS- hH,riy' 5nUie ! fntion of the public, to the vnluahlo Hotel property, advertised iy j . inane, Walters, in another column. in , I oEr.D UNIONS. itioso WlSIling a rime arilCIC 01 seed unions, Will call it II. YV. Smith A Co'.S., who haVO 1 i p .1 i' i i l e teccivcd from tho Last a primo lot of SiVhite and Ked Onions. mi , lion. J Solomon Foot, U.S. Dead. honator, from Vermont, died at Wash i n ir.li..l,i 1....I ;..ilrl Ington.on Wednesday last, in tho Cd rear of his aO. Mr. Foot, occupied a I. , i i tt i iigh social relation. Jlo was in pub-1 Sic life for main- years, yet as a States- . , , man he occuj)icd but a secondaiy po- iiiUon, never having originated a sin gle idea in the interest of Lis race. Ho was a devoted follower of Sumner. A Change. Tho travelling public J will pleaso Lear in mind, that ihc( ; f I prrinS enanges have been made by the j "fw f fsereral Hailroad lines. Hereafter the; ! tbt ' fears will leave rhilipsburgat 1.10 P. 51. :Thc stage will nnv leave this place, at j 7 o'clock A. 51. Those who have been fin the habit of mailing letters at this;hie 'cl-'r,i1 her,e he ;,ciir ':e lu"ni 4 . all titni, ready and rillinj; to attend to nil calls 5 Office in tllO morning, Will bear 111 in the line ol bis profession. Full setts . if Tcelh mind the fact, that tho eastern mail will close at 0 P. if. Tassed. The "Fish Bill," has pass ' ed both Huuses of the Legislature, nnd now awaits the signature of the Governor. The provisions of the bill, extend from the Xcw York line, on the Xortli Pranch, from the niuuth of Bennets Branch, on tho Sir.ncmaho mng, from Piitchinvilie on the "West Branch, and from JIo!!id.tjl tirg on tho Juniatta, to tho Maryland line The bill co:n't !s the owners of dams on all those streams, to erect sluices, or such devices as will allow the free passage of fish up said streams, ly the first ot November next, under heavy pains and penalties. VOTEUSol Cleaitield co . remem ber that Gen. John V Geary, the op position nominee for Governor, is the especial stool igeuii,of Thad Stevens. .A, Co., and endorses every word and ac, that, that disunion cabal suggest or docs. The 'Government," having denounced them as ''traitors," it be 'hooves every friend of the Union, to .rally to the standard of Iliester Cly imcr, and tho "Union savers."' ii iKKir.i). On thel 1th ult.byjohn P.iish.Usn., '3ir. James IU sii, of Woodward tp., to Miss Jane IMxon, tf Hoggs tp. ' mm ; The Markets. P.eported weekly for (he Republican. Ci rsaririn, Pa., April 4, I ."!. Vheat, Y bus. $2 ..n Apples, dry "rl bus 3 t'O Hye, 1 4(1 Applcbutter, al. 1 5' Corn, fid MooL r lb fO Oats, f,( Lard, 'r1 B I Buckwheat, 1 CO fork in Hog, "f It IS Potatoes, I (in Tallow, p lb li Flaxseed, 2 On Putt. r. " M 40 Timothy, i (To Flour, f M, 11 SO ("lovsrseed, R On Kggs, Y d .sen, 15 V'. Ueans, 2 (10 shingles. ( 18 inch.) 6 00 "UUIi IMJICLS AUK EASING ' WITH THi: TIMIIS." Mew (&ood AT THE Cheap Cash Store OF WILLIAM F. IRWIN ! 'South Second St., Clearfield, Ta. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF .Spring &l Summer Goods - AT THE CHEAT CASH STORE. I . . . am jnst receiving and opening a carefully j . l r r i 1 1 u a i; .elected stock of fashionable spring A rummer 1 G, ft fn '1 15 1 r3 l;i V4 3 IJ II j Ij i S ' mviLM I'ii w of almost every description, E3 A'iPiL'iJ $3 SilYf sLs'jC A beautirnl assorlment of Prin(s and Jry unod. f.f th. ...... t .nrf l.i. i.. ai.1! ereat variety of useful notions. DKY-tiOODS AND MOTIONS ,Boaneta, Shawls, a Hats and Caps, Boots nnd Miors, a large quantity, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Taints, Carp.l A Oil Cloths, G II O C 12 U IKS, Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel In i J and a barrels, ,ef the best quality, all of which will be sold at " toe lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the public generally, are respectfully invited t call PS. II. All kinds of Oli A IS and approved COl'XWr J0OLCE Uken in exchange for OTVVUS. . WM. F IRWIN. ( Ilullfy Klorba, all sires, and best aianufae C3sri'i, May SI, ls,l. I JL lure, at Mt'RRtLL A UIGLEK'3 A 1 1 Wholesale hud Hetail Grocer, Corner lilnlr nnl Montgomery Sis, 1 IUiI:iy olu i-jr, liliiir toiintv, lYiii'u, HAS A I, WAV ON IMN'DA Fl 1 I. S t TH V OF VTVr.vr ov-)-nf;MP vinp'. of (ha Choicest lirands. Cirar. French Conl'o.i- liouciiis, Foreign Nut and Candios, Ao,.to. C 0 N F E C T 1 O N E It I E S . u",,"",t .if. Dates. Piunes, Oranges,, Lerrtons, Alinoiuls. Fill.erls, Pecan, j English Walnuts, Cream Nuts, 1TI ,.;"' vV:?,,, ; Feb. 14, fSfi.i -;;m. II. H. MARTIN. ' ' YVSMU1 Ad.Hil TTAUPT A i'o., iiik TTAUPT A Co., manufacture four borne sweep I A. power Threshing M achtnos, with thresher, shaker and simp fir $lfiU ; and two-horso tread I powe,r Threshing Machines, with thresher, j shaker and simp f.ir Jinu ;and two-horso tread P",,r Threshing Machines, with (hrcsbcr.shuker, mid strap nil oouiplete, for $ 1 75 at the sbou. or dcllMrcj to nSMU r.ilm. nation, w.mmed In pivi autisl'.iuiion in tbrt'fhinir, and kept goud to threh ona crop frt'O of chnrsro. Thy have at MUeburjr, Centre county, ill titkc jol8 to make new, or ropiiir old mill, either water or stnain piiwcr, ot n aite. taut- , . ,,., ,':,.,,, . ,h-r. Prices for c:i.h us cheap as cub be got any pluce in the county. ljlllia Haupt i tiil ant for all the Io """ Companies 01 the Stute in good atnnJinR, who do a Cash ilutiness. Alutunl eunipnnioa not Two'uimendpd. inn 2s, isf.j. BE. A, I. HILLS pvUSIUES to in- t- ) ' "V-- A' f"rm PMl" V'Y 'A t' f. rnn that pmfeaaion ' i t l buainea confinef , i htm to bis oCice all Tkntitf' j? S j- C 'V-"C-; ':; ;' s-' ' therelore be ununie niHke Vrofoffional Us to any of his accustomed j!ace this m in in w: but may be foon.1 at bis oftise on tho Northwest cor ner of front and Market street, directly opposite T"epi7 I,ulUr" J,"T 2hl1.liJI:! FRESH ARRIVALS, y AT THE CHEAP STORE OF JOrXTOX, SII01TCRS & GR.lII.t!I. Spring Goods, And Very Chcdy ! ! BOYXTOX. PHOWEKS 1 GRAHAM sue. ces.-ors Io Doynton A Showers respectfully aunounee to the puhlie thai they are now open ing an cxtetisiv nstoidncnt of r A l.h GOO I)S, At the old stand in Graham's new haiMing which ihcy i.fl'er to sell at astonishingly lw prices, (considering (heir cos( !) for cash or apj -roved coun(ry products. Their stock of Dili GOODS CANNOT r.E SURPASSED 1 Customers can (here finds CALICOES WITH FAST COLOR! MUSLINS! DELAINES! LAWNS J CL THS I CASSI M ERS 1 VEST1 NGS! LADIES'SilAWLs GENTS' SHAWLS II ATS A CATS I ROOTS A SHOES CARPETS A OIL-CLOTHS! OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embraeing NOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs! Head-Nets! Neck-Ties Satchels! Port Monnaiea ! Brushes Photographic Albums ! I" I TES. TO It A CO I A R EG A US ! rEREL'MERY OF ALL KINDS! Or anything else in tho Notion Lino ! ALSO, HAKD-WAltE ! Q u c c n s av a r c , GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ! All nf (he Lest quality, and selectad with'special ! regard lo the (rade of Clearfield ronnly. a i r . i 1 i'..i JOsl-PIl rllOlVKRS, ri'WARD UK A II AM. ClearCeld, May 10. ISM. PEACE rPJfJCLAlMED. .THE WAR OVER. 'IN CLEAlinELD. KNOX lOWNSIIIl' QUIKT. NEARLY ALL THE CON1 RAP AN D.S GOING RACK TO THEIR OLD MASTERS. RtT NARY ONE GOING RACK TO OLD MASSACHUSETTS. W1I EUE THEY WERE LOVED SO 7NG AND SO WELL. In conarflui nee of (he above facts, F. Short ' of (he old short Shoe Shop ; would announce to bis numerous patrons, and the people of Clear- '", , ' , ' . , . . . ' ' . , field eonntv at large, thai he has now a first rate "i'u""".j lot of good melcnal; just received from the east, 1 and is now prepared on shoit notice to male, i and mead b..t atds'oesat his new hhop in (Irnhams row. lie is tatisGcd fiat he can please, .,i.. i. i,,),. I . .,,m ii.t.o.elv mval Slav at . home Pa4ri.4. ). He is prepared to sell low f.r L..k K, C.Mhlp IV,.,lutik .(..n't fi.rifet lha shon 1 ... i:r.li.M X ll..vtnt.a itiom nn mark. et S(ree( ClearOeld Pa. A kept by a follow eom- n,",n,J' 'lle , ,,.,..... July 2, 'C5. It. "RIIORTi. T.-ISII ISALT and rLASTF.lt In large nuan I1 tides, at J. P. K B ATZKK S. tides, at March 22, lSfi5. I It FT IIOPIX of all sire, for sate at Dee. i:i, lsfii. MKRRE1.L A lUGLKll. L l)IUi:H tUTTI'.K at I WKUHKLL A BIULER'a. I)00TS and PLors a complete assortment of ) Indies', (lentlemen's. Misses'. Hoys' and I C bildren's Bowls Shoes and (Jailers at 1 J. P. KRATZER'S. 1 adies' Furs, Purchasers may rely upon jst- J J tmg tbs best Furs at Cil AS. UAKhUUU M.N'S, Cm(inrnlal Hotel, Philad'a. jan. II lable I baill a snnerinr .rtiole. at I j WKRRF.LL DIOLDR fl. (II r.MII It t II ('II.MV Tbs Tblr,t ; Kcsnlon rf (Ms Inslilniina wi'l i-omtpi'tice on Moiolny, tbs t2ih ilny of March, A. II. lMi. Pupils ran rnlcr al any lim. They will be rbsipod with luitinn from (he (imo (bry riili r (o (hn close of the rrrtnn. 1 hn Course of iniitruction ctobrri-s rvsry thinj; that is Included In a thoi..o!i, prn'Mirnl unit ao coinpli.hcil rdiiculi'in for In! h lli Princii:i. hHiin lad the pdvantnRa of much experience in his pn Vi.-inn, arrurcs pa rents Htid pimrd litis thiit his riilirc ability and energies will bo ilcvolod to the moral mi I men tal triiinirg of the youth plsccd under his charge. Tr.it mk oi' Ti'i rioN. Orthography, Heading, Writing, nnd Prima ry Ai it liinolic, per PrsMou ( II weeks) $.'.00 (Iraiuinnr, Oeography, Arilhuictic, anJ His tory. Algebra, flponielry, Trigonometry, Mensura tion, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, CIimui intry nnd ltook Keeping, t'J.OU Latin and (iruuk with uny of the above I'rnnch es. $12,00 jp-fi-Xo deduction will he mado for absence. rCfc"ir further particulars inquire of Hev. P. L. lIAKlil&ON, A. M., ClcirCuld, LicccmberC, IWb tt. Principal EW CARRIAGE AND WAGON 1. Simp, in Clearfield. lVrin) lvtiniu. (Immediately In roar of Machine Shop,) Tho subscriber would respectfully Inform the citizens of Clearfield, nnd tho public in general, that he is prepared to do all kinds of work on CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, wagons;, SLEIGHS, SLEDS. tc en iV.ort notice and in a workmanlike Banner. X-ifAft Orders j romptly attended to Wil. MrKNIGIlf. ClnnrfipM Fetirjnrv 11th, 3M'ililv. (;i!Al'lli;it. D. MOArtillEV, having purchased the Photograph establish ment nriiierly conducted by 11. llridge, would rc.-pcclfiilly announce to the citizens of Clear field and odjoining counties, that ho bu recent ly made additional improvements io b'lth sky light and aparntus, nud he flatters himself that ne cun sntisty tnemosi uuueuui uifie inn .uin, and tili'liue liKcncss. i He also keens constantly en band a co4 is- j sortmctl of (Juilt,Kocwood, and Walnut frames Albums of all streji and slyles-and an endless ; variety of ciisia, lockets, oc . which be will dis- pose of at very moderate priB, lor cash- His gallery is in Shaw a row, (up Uirs,) Mar- ket street, Cloarfield, Pa., whore he is always rea-, ly to accommodate customers wno ma ne iu . want ot'a good Likeness of themselves or friends . ramrviar suouuuo psi i io copying a i Kinus of pictua'S, etc. Novvtnber I itli, 1 "S5. NVUINV'1.1 J.IiniHAV oonpojd A"jnino3 pjAOjdda jo nsYO uoa dvano rnv rfjols' il .t hi r - - - .LN3K1U0SSV 'IVH'iNHO VlJlOIIb'N: 1 (1-IM TIV 'O fMHis pUR BatJrfOOJj) 'aiBVpJIII 'OJAMeertQ s.wri y )OOjJ "sJnj T siffl 'uMili,' P'l ! -Aui(j sjidui jo iu.uu)jos-u any v 'O'W , 1ISV3 noi .WOT (HOS 351 T1IAV t.l'). jO M y.y ts umU "iw s ,.pcq iBJ in repair hy the wpectiv. 1.4 bolder. -ctitji V.ou pu nviir.'sn-o,) '-itis; befiire hiiv ltl Iiie j,tH, ,,,, in de ,M!P"'l 'JiU!'""lO 'sopnudnof) '111101(1 f.ultofany lot holder kerpirg the diU-h in rr.mt 'iauutij J0. I'u U110 ,U!H'1!.I. of bis lot open and in repair, that l! shall be the p.inr.-(inn pus .at Hfj aatisnjc; ,ijintl'u!;) '(iuit-j 'Ki. ) ly 'suirtf -0(2 'siujjj . tj.mi 'XiipmO w (i jo POOr) fU( r, un I tii ijvtiiiino j.cf Jt-iT.I, HsVJ UOJ A(T AIIJA a iOiJ l.rfl( AlOU si rpirjAs '. ipuntj u. yt luniaijossw ipu.iilj ji-'u o ApauAd O'll'M B'll jo uotitidiin eipaiuu; Xnji.ijdsrtj p no sjuin oi iuiijjjaI 'D "! 'ibtfJuuiiI -03 v pjinao; Suiabij p.iur?ij.'iun ertj, S'JPUIJ AOT ' .UIHA J.V spoor) Qi.?r pun siNMianxvini v WWN 'K5IIJ -v v.xfcii.x 'tn:ii.niv:iT,") tl a XMHllJ.ri CI KOJIS I)ure Ubcrly iVhlt l ead. will do more and belter work at a given Cost, (ban any other! Try it! Manufactured only by Zrini.a Smith. V bolesale Drug, Paint atiUihS Dealers. No. 1ST Nordi Third H., Phil a, March 11, 0 ly HEMOVAL. J. P. KRATZER Las removed to Lin new Ware-Rooms, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., rhere he baa opened a very Urge (lock o )r;j Goods, Merinnes, Ginghams, Cloths. Delaines, Prints, Cav.inierea, Alpaca. Silks, paUnets. Rcpa, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jeans. Lanellas, Muslins, Flanneln, Itonncts, tub. boni. Cloaks, llulmoral J-kirta, lloop Fkirtt, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Head Kc(, Caps, Corsets, (Doves, Cullais, Pcrl", (irenadiue Veils, ' Table Covers. Clot h i n g . rn.i. Pants. Vests. Over Coals, (.cut's Shawls i wi.ii. Il.l. f'.t,.. l'niUr.Sbirta and w 11 1-1 . - - - - Drawers, Bouts, Shoes, (uul frkoes, Cravats, (j loves and Collars. HARDWARE. Qt'EENSWARE, GRO CERIES k MUSICAL GOODS. i s Groceries Tea, Coffee, Fugar, Molassrs.Fall, Candles. Rice, Flour, Haron, Fish, Tubeccn, Raisins, Currants, Spices. Crackers, . Vinegar, Oils, Var nish, Alcohol. i TIN-WARE. GLASS-WARE. WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carrels, Oil-rlotha. Drugget. Looking Olasset Clock, Churns, Washboards, Tubs, llnca els. Flat Iron., Pans, Window Plinds, Wall-paper. Coal Oil Lamps, tin brellan, lledcords, Knu.es and Folks, Spoors, Crorks, and ttovc Wacking. ' T-f AH of which will ha .old on the most rca eonnble terms, and th bichest market price paid lor drain, Wool, and all kinds of ennntry produce. Cleaitield, December 13, 1 sift j. Buflalo llobra.Knee and Horse Blankets at Nov 1 5, V 5. l i: R R KLh rf- H lULF.lt 8. nOKSF. SIIOl.w A Horse Nails, at WHKHELL A IilGLER'S. M M IIIM prrsons ilrtln.ua kl rf hsvlre a Hui-rti'-r Vncfcliie, should buy W hechr Wilson's sample Ms. Imirt, on bsnd. II. I . N A.I liLt, Ac-lit. ClearllclJ, rrbruary S, !KH tr. I)nro I.lltrt ty lilto I rl. 1 he W hitr-l, the moM durable and ti c iimtf reoiion leal. I ,y 111 M.inula. lured oiilv bv ZikiI t n D siiitM, H ii.ilct.de I'rug, Paint a (Jlots lii Klers, No. I;(7 Norili Ihlid r'l., I'hila. Micl- n. lM'.. ly. HENRY HARPER, -ti o:.N I Anni Sr., Pnii.M.'A.Ct: WATCH l-S, Fine (io!J .1 KW EERY. . S,,li,l SILVER WAKE, nml Superior SIL VER Tinted Ware, H Rldici-D 1'uices i Marrli 21. IStit'c'lnio. 1 heed. (iKOKIIE WAKIil.K. niAKl.KS N. i.7T.JrJiIc9t to (Do., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Tobacco, Ten, Spices, &c,&:c.,' N. E. cor. Cth A Market Fts., i Feb. 14. lsOO-C.m. I'll I LADELPII IA. N' Tew ;mid for Sjirlufj Snlea. KVHK it LANDKLL, Kotirih 4 Arch Sta., Phil'a. Are Opening Tor hi'wxu Sai.k rnsliionaiilo new Silks. Kovdtios in Iress (loods New Styles Spring Shawls. Now 7'ravelling press (ioods. I'ine stock of New Hoods. Magniljcont Foulardt. Splendid lllaek Silks, Ac. li. k L , have Iheir usual assortuier.t of Staple Goods. Abo, Cbths, Cassiumres, Vestings, A.c. P. 6., Our prices are now arranged to meet the views oS Bayers 1 March 21, ISfilS-bt. Vmi is I DMIMSTIIATOIl'S NOTTC'i:. Notice J, is hereby given that La'tcrs of Ailminisiro. tion have this day been granted (u the no de signed, on the F.stato of tieurge Kowles, iee'd, late if Lawrence township, Cleariield courjly. Pa. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Kstate ere rruesttd to in i. lie immediate paymeni, ar.J tiiose liavin rluuns against the sni.,0, will proseut tliem eroporl auiliontioated forse'ilcmenl. XAVl.OR KUH'LKS, March 14ih, ISBC-fit. Adaiinistralor. 1"XI'.CUTOK M NdTIC Il Notice is here. J hy given that Letters Testamentary, have this day been granted to the undersigned, on (lie Ktftute of John J. Howie", deceased, lale of Lawrence Uiwnship, Clearfield co , l'onu'a. All persons ni.Jei.le.l to said l-.state are requestca to make Immeduiti payment, ana mote Having claims against the same will present diem duly authenticated for settlement, ' AlaTIN lu.JM,, llu ..... . -wjoxiCHThe stockhel.lers of the Penn i- township Oil and Minini Companv, are hereby notified that an afsessuien( of 60 per cent. ir on (he Canid.l stock of said company has neen mane; payaoie io junaiuan .i i reaau-. rer, al his Ofth e in Pcnnville, on or before the 10th day of Aprirtuxt, fur the purpose of pro curing an Engine and tools, creeling works, ao., preparatory to an early commencement of ope I at io us. Ft order of the L-.oi-d ot Manager. PAMl tL W1UE.MIKE, President. Jon RvsBitLL, Src'y. Man-h 14. IStiflHt. Asnnr-h f lrjt In nrii TliA atteolton of lha lot holders of the IUrongb of Clcarfiel.l, is colled to tho following section of (ho "supple- --.lti uient to Ordinance tl April I'th, ., ru'Bi.n t.i Sidewalks " Hy a resolution of the 7uai , Council, jaiscd at its last meeting, the said sec-( " lion was ordered to be republished in the llor ouyh papers, for three tuTessive eeks, and) then, the ftreet Commissiuncr he rciuired to i ttrictlv enforce (he same. l Fpcri.ia 3. That all ditches now opened or wl ii-b may hereafter be opened shali bo kept dutv of the Street Commissioner (o gire such lot bolder a written notice to open or repair (le same within (en days, and in default , if such lot holder to open or npairitbe tmr, the s'trec( Commis sioner shall oprn and repair the same at the proper er.sis and charges f (he respective lot holders which sha.l be Collected with 20 ;.rr r-adiai adiled, in the ssrne umriner as provided in section 4. of Ordinance to which this is a supplement. Attest : ilarch 21, J6 Jt W. D. UI'JLEU, Sc;'y a CM: ST V.Ti:i IN EVERY TOWN fi) SELL TBIt fOLLOWIMO U V A L U A D L E RoU TIIERN II I T0 R I ES. ' j Southarn Hi-tnry of the War, by K A. POL- LAUD .'.(. (fr JHihwimrl I'xnmiji'r. t ols., 8ro.. 1 about 67S pages eaoh $.1 bit per Volume. Willi iU .pleiidul Steel Portraits.' This is (he only complete and authentic histo- ry of the uthern side published, extending as li uiirf, iroin uir k ' ' n "ir ,v uiv nl surrender of the Confederate ariuiea. ; Mr. Pnu.ABit'a prMiiinent position in the Coa- federacy bat enabled him to prepare a wric un- equalled in accuracy and interest, and which Is - . . ...... 1. ...L ......l..i.il n ha ilia stR'TH FUN generals: Their Livrs and Campaigns, by ('apt. W. TAniira Ssow, wi:h 17 splendid steel Portraits, I Vol., I!vr.: MO rages. I on. Conlaiuing Biographies of (he distinguished Southern Ureterals, with: full and graphic accounts of the vario as esra- 'pnigns in which ibey were eagnged. It is a roost i important and in(cres(ing volume, and basboenj prepared wilb ins uitnort care ana iiioroiinnei... HI Life, Services mid Campaigns d Sioucwall Jackson : by a VimimAH. 1 Vol 12mo j 325 pages $1 fO. With Aulhenlic 1'o-lraits of J ACK?0X.und his Successor EV tLL. en slocl. This is the only aulhenlic history ot (his dislin j!Uihcd Leader which has beca written It has been prepared from Official Reports, conteuipo. rary narratives, and personal acjuaiutance, and ia oomj.leie and full j The Pubis and Jloinnnceit of ' Morgan and liis Men : Py Mrs SAti.y Hoi nKaTKa Fonn, with steil por trait of (in. M..rg. n. I Vol llruo; 4 '5 pnges $1 75. A complete hi.tory of (his dating C15cr, more (hrilling and Lnteros'inj than lictn-e. , WtlM EN OE Til E SOUTH, Pislinguiihed" ia Literadire, 1 Vol fro ; 611 pa grs, ;( Ml. Illustrated with Splendid Por(raiis, on sieel, from Life, of Mine OcUvia Walton Le V ert, Miss Mstia J Mcintosh, Mrs Rosa Vert ner Johnson, Mrs Anna Cora f.iuhie, Mi-s Au- piis ia J Frans.Mrs 1. Virginia French, Marion Har'aiid j And containing Cull biographical ekelrhrs and specimen extracts from the u oft relebraled writings in prose aid rrrv, of 35 Distinguished Literary "Women of the Smith." All tbii above works are having in immense ralr.nnd agents are doing spUnpidly everywhere. Mnitt are making fiotn 1 10 lo $ I) a dir. n e wan( an agent In every (own in (ne l nneu states. Jleturnrd Soldiers, Ladies, ai ders and others, will find this most pro)) table en.pie ment. Fxclu.ise territory given, and liberal induce ments (Hired to ranvar.rrs. Ir full particulars, address C. 11. RICHARDSON. Publisher, 611) Lrosdaay, ?ew V. rk. March 21. 1S .It, IRIIT CAN. A large lot tf .elf eealing . Iruil cans constantly on hand. We would caution those buying FnriT Caxs, to observe that they are Soldered on the ou(side heeoute, if soldered on th imido, there is al ways mslied rosin enough thai cannot be remov ed, (o destroy Ihe fruit. Those buying frmns, will not have (heir fruit endangered in (bis manner, and our Cans are all w arrantcd. N. II. Al'o sulf sealing (llass .Tars nn hard. Sept. 20, ISri.Vtf. M Kit It h 1.1, A liltil.KP. 1 I l Ilushels of prim ('Inverse.!, for sal by 1UU 1KVIN A HARTSI1VKS. Curwensville, February JR, l'"-f rpmssca and ahtliimlnal nipporters of every I kind of the latest Improvement, for sale at (he Pn-g Store of HARTSWICK A IRWIN. I) ii l llhriM Wl.ll I rail.- irrf.trrd T all jrt rili ai Piniert ! Try 0 ! and on i I havennnlhir. Mtnu'snrnl onlvbv I'll nit a A rn.nn.W bi b tair Priie. I'einl a (l't. ., nl, rt, No. I: T No.lh Third St , Phil a Man li 51. (! ly. J O't l J-;. The tul... r.brr .fl r. f..r bis ( nrprnli r shop, ntui.tr In the borou-h I. mils. Tl o shi p is SO I V i" Icet, (an tt .rn s h'yh.arid can, with lillle iliflnul'y, be rhunged into a dwclln g house, for (utthcr .itiriilnrs, adti,.s (ILiHtOU 1110KM. rirarfirbl, Krh. 14th lf '.n .It pd lCr.. F II I L A U E L V II I A lM.o. HOWELL A I'.oURKE, Manufactures nf I'nprr Ilangliia and Window Sliaclca, Corner Fourth and Market Stree(s, riiiLAPEi.niiA. N 11 Always in Store a large Stock of Linen and Oil Shades. Morch 7, IPfid-Sinii. 4 lMIKITHATOKK' KOTIL'I Notice is here! y given that letters of Administra- j tion, on the Kstate of Jacob Uearhart, decearcd, Into of Decatur township, Clearfield county. Pa., have this day been duly granted to the under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said ta tule will please make payment, and those having claims or demnnits will present mem n.r aetue- went without delay. CIM R LKS 81,04 X, -' IG-.NIUd JIOWE, Decatur town'p, Feb 21, lMo-et pd. Adin'rs. 4 filiSTS H'AKTEDIO TAKE OliPKHS. for the betl selling book'now book now published, St.FTHEGREAT Til FILLING STORIES REBELLION CouprUing heroic adventures and hair. breadth I escapes of Soldiers, Scouts, Spies ond licfugecs; 1 daring exploits of Smugglers, (luenllas, Despe radoes and others; Tales o! Loyal and Disloyal Women ; Stories of the Negro, Ac, Ac, with in cUeLts of Fun and Merriment in Camp and i'ield. !y Luutei ant Colonel Cbailes S. (jrcene, la'e of the l'nited Sl.ilea Army. liundroiuely illustrated with engravings on steel asd in oil colers. Kend for circulars and see the liberal terms offered. CHAS. S. (iULEXE i IO.. Publishers No. 134 S. Third StreetPhila. Mar.-fc 7, l8f.B-4t, SPRING GOODS. 1HOX M1V YOKi k rillLADELI'lilA. As Cheap as the Cheapest, AND AS GOOD AS THE 11EST. . Kixwim & '011, AJavr j.isi re,reiTeu, sim arc opemuj;, ai nio.r Old 5tand on Front Street, aliove the Academy, a large and well se lected afsortinsnt of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are selling at very low rates. He id tlte fv'luiring catalogue and prnfil iterily J F-J.eeial pains bas been taken in the selection of l.aofes Dress (loodi, white (londs, Kmbroiderie. MilKnery tioods, Prints, KerchieVs, Nubics, tJUrte, Ac. FOR (iENTLEMJiV. Always on hand lilark Cloths Fancy and lilacs lassitncres, satinets, etc.. Ken lv Ma. la CI .thing n! all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES. N I .n j -; c k r i ! : s , and a variety of other articles, which tbey will sell at a small advance en cost PariieuUr alteation is invited to (heir 'stock of Carpets, Col(ag, rommon In j grain, superfine I'.ngH.h Ingrain and ilirussela. Floor wnd Table Oil Cloths, Window shades and Yi all papers, etc. FLOUR, RACON. Fish Still Platfr, Applet), rae!io and Prunes kepi conatanlly on hiind. Tare CRAXDY, Whiskey and Wines; for nicvlioiiittl unos. ALSO, in Rtorp a lit of lrge and, ania'.l Clover avI, :2 If'iClenrfieM. March 14, ISr.O. If. 111100 T TJlUP TTT I? V iiiUDi Ji l'lLiUiiUljll I New Stove, Tin and ,'heet Ironware Maaiifacto ry, Market street, East of 21 street, C'i.tARi h i n, Penn'a. TLis ftlab- lii-hmrr.l beirg now full operation, for the in g ing up of Goods, ucli as inr,i Tin nntl Sheet OCl S, 1 III CUIU .flttl ' , , , . . 1" warei, Express.y for Una Mnr- ket, nhieh will bo sold Whole-aale i. Retail, Cheap for rash. The subscri ber Respectfully coiicila a share of the Jic pntronago, fledging rub hiinself to labor to make this Establishment, The People s Depot, for the frocurirg of Goods, anJ ha ir.g their out door wotk and re pairing done on reason able terms. N. R- A Newly eonslructed Stove, F.i- pressly fur Ihe Ksfung Trade. Call and gee it. TIIOS. J. MEC'AULEY. 1 Cleai field. February 'Jfi, lSt'ifj-3-ino. - - - IT 1? T A TU2T 1? J JL A. ft t i. L s JlJ JL J m !Zf ZJD m a k i: li. Oruham'i Row, Clearfield, renn'a. The subscriber respectfilly Informs his old ructoiiiers ar d (be pu'oli'i, that he has on hand, and constat iiiistantly receiving new additions, a large stoneware.' of Clocks, Watohe" and Jewolry. i1" . , . ' elrj of every variety from a siugle piece; Alul ,u Slack j Je nt.lrj ' , fut. W a tikes, a fine assortment of will er nunling and oprn ras. Amrrica.l aud patent Levers, j plain aud full jeweled. Cloaks, a large variety from Ihe best Manufac tory, consisling of Eigh( day and Th'rly hour Spring and W eighl, Levers, Tio-e, Strike and Alarm. Sprclaelos, a large assortment far and near tigb(, colored and plain glasa. Also, a fine assortment rf Spoons, t orks, Tint-. tcr knives, etc., plaled on jenuine Alnba(a. Al.L kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry carefully. repaired and M'nrrnalcrf. A conlinnnnce of patronage is solicited, v. ..... i i ..i, nt; II V vir.it I' til li Vl-.'y -It. F. KAVtlLK has just VH received an IMegant assottment of Ihe best quality ; also silver extension and desk holders. November S0.5u . rwHIMHI.i: K- A ripe-Pos al, I Aug 1S65 MKRRFI.l, A lllObER S. 1?orSaIc AT COST Four T.srrrls of food 1 Family Flour, to close out th sjoek. Jan 10, ISoS MERRBLL A IS10LER. Vhillji$luv( .fivfiilstmcnU. i n. HOlli lint'!'.. Main kt . Philips. bin if P.nn's, llor-n'T I i v n, Proprietor, h r. pi o. n,t rot'y i n band lbs rhoiles( of lupiora. Hit inMr i l s t s.i i lif d I'h (he hst lha MatUt stl it.lv The imrli;.g poll", will do wall i.i gi, r l.i'n a eall. ,V.if 1 at. I6.S THOMAS M t'KIsM AN, Ager.t ! r tho Mngcr Ssaing Maebinrt. Phillp.btifg. Centre Co , Penn'a, Oct. llili, lMii. il. c. R. lx)7t, J. I), m'cihi;. RKU. SIUW riH'. ITkkS, JI. V. WRIGHT, A. K. Vi nii.MT, W. A. WALLACE, J. T. l.ONAkl J. . GRAHAM, I CKO. L. KEI.U. i'anhinn & fiollfclion jousc OF .FOSTER, PERKS, WRIGHT & CO, I ri!ILIIIUU(G.Ce?TKCo.,rA. Di, 0f Exchange. Notes ard Prafla discoun(eJ. I) Kl'( IS I iil'Cl' 1 V K I J Collections nimleand proceeds promptly remitlcd. j Kicbnre on the Cities constantly on baud. I Hie abovo Hanking Hou-e i. now open and ready fur business. Bent C, ldt'i. Pnitirsiit.Bo, Ciotre Co., Pern'a. CLEARFIELD STORE in l 1 T riillipSbUrg, I'll. Wll.l.IAJI W. IIETT8. (itOKCE ,L. REED. inns r. h saver. WILLIAM POWKLU IV, W. 1!ETTS,4-C0.9 (Successors to Muusun A Hoops) Hhvp jut rweived a lnrpe nnd well se lected Slock of all kind of Staple goode, such as Dry Goods, Clothing, 1'oola and Rhnca, Hats and Cups, Xo (ior.g, Hardware, Glass, Xaih, Oils, I'iiinls, Qticcnsuare, Groceries. Klmic, Il.ieon. Feed, Ac, which we ate oll'eriiig al freatly reduced pricee, For Cash or in Exchange for Lumber and Shingles, We hope to make it t the adeaniue of Timber Men, in the lower end of Cleat Geld county and oo Cleariield CreeJc, to gtt their auppties from this point, being on the Hoe of Rail Road can Sell gnrin on belter lernis ihan at any point in C!eai field county, and we are selJin our Stock at such prices as Io make it an obj,A to Ihous bjy ing goo.ls iu this niiiiket to dctl with us. Advances of Goods, Feed, &c, tnarle on nceount of Squate Tiaiber, fi hich X we will either tell oncociawsion or buy ,at lixed rales. I Elour of (lrilerent Brawua can bsthad at , all liir.ws at very liuv piires, at tlieClear-t-j.tielJ Sure, I'uiliptburg, Penn'a. Fry Ooods Notions, ic., in great vari- i ... . . . pty, Rt tiio iinvtfi rice nr asu, at iuo Clearfield Store, i'lnlipvbuig, Tenn'ft. Sail by the Sack or load, cheaper their can be had anv where ele, at the Clear- held Store, Philipsburg, renn'a. N j Gdl nnd Ei-amireihe Block of poods,! riUie Clearfield n.re, at rhilipshurg, Pa. Hipheft jniee pnid in Goods or Cash fr I.uuW 'anil Sbinplea al the Clearuekl, j Store, rhilipbu(g. rnn'a. Theheppest e?(xU of all kinds areloba had al Ihe Clearfield Store, at Philips burg. Call and see if our goods nnd prices tVn soot Ihe limes. W. W. REITS. A CO, Philip'.bnrir November loth. ISfA.tt. Something New G. SUMMERFIELD F LEGAL, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron ware, riiilipsburg, l'diR'a. I would respectfully inform the Fublir, that I have opened a room in the borough (.f Philips-burg, for the nianufac(ure nd Saba ol 7m I Fare out of the 1'O-t i.viterial Ihe market L afRird, nntt made by experienced workman, all of which 1 will fell nl either holeule or retail prices aurpri.-ingly low. I as?s those in need of anything in this line to call and examine my ware and satisfy themselves tint it is made for use. Counlry Merchants desiring lo purchase small tail of W are will I, ml it to their ail vantage to buy of mo. Stores j of all sVs an.l shapes, fiir burning eliter 1 Wood or Cotil. 1 would call particular At henian to llir.t we'll tried and popular iCooking Slovecalled, ery appropriately, 'tho IRONSIDES. This Stove has nil tho advantage posi-e.ed l y ethfr. -besides I tho oven as larger, aud ihe ah pit deeper 'and nnre lop surlaeo thun I lint of o:y o(h- er Stove in (he market, and i without a ' rival. I al.u keep on hand all kin U of Store Pipe which I will e!l as low as it can bend r chscd west tif the mountain. 1 also keep constantly on band, shovels, carriage bolts, grnies, fiiehs ick, siove lining', sled soles, Wiitlle (roes, Sheet Zink, Sad Iirns,Ura-s and Porcelain Keldes, together with a variety of wares ton nurcerous to mention. Also a uiue slm-k of tho best kind of tbouch n.-l lenst'in tuy Rpq of buin"se, ia that of SpOUtilttr. I am prepared to till all orders in this lineonthott noiiee, and ninnufaclured out of the best material. I want every body tlmt comes to lown, to come and take a look at my show, and see lor themselves. 1 ntn guing to aril Ibe cheap est and ho'-l Wares ever offered in this vicinity. I have several "Tropic tlesl inc;"and "Pallor Cook" Stoves that 1 will sell at eoM. to i lo-o out ihe stnvk for tho Season. Trv me. FehTlh l-0'Vlf- G. S. FLFOAL. l)IA(kiIITIIIMi .Theandersigaed res. t r ps ctfully begs leave (o announce to the pub lic , (list he carries rn Ulacksuiithin; in (he llor cugh of Clrarfield, where he will exeeule prompt ly. In a worktunnlike manner, all work entrus ted to his care. Special paint taken in shoeinS exes. Shop adjoining Town llsil, formerly occupied Mr. Huff. W It. P 1 EV K NH. j Nprember Slh, 1SR5 -ly. i