Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 28, 1866, Image 2

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    Ejjt f hatful!) JupnMican.
1H1 it I 1 i I 1 1 n
Clr.fiRfif B. (.oopi.amf.r. Editor.
Wednesday Morsix(S::Marcii27iVb(J
. . . ' .i -
George's Answer.
''Tho Clmrfi'ld llrmbliran denoun
rca Gen. Gean-as a political renegade.!
How about II tester (. lynier, your can-;
didate for Governor, w ho deserted tho
Whig party a few years since? Is he
apolitical renecade too ? Let jour
readers know, George.'W.urn,.
The editor of the Journal should
not reproacti Jir. ciynier, iur uomg
t r "it r
what ho done himself desert "the
Whig party afewyearssinco." There
ia hnircrer tln diflrrnrn Pctivcpn
, : 1, n,
the two gentlemen. Mr. Clvmer in
joining the Democratic party, joined
a jatriotic party the old "Union
and in ndvocatinrr its doe-
tnnes, obeyed tho injunctions of
George Washington, Thou. Jefferson,
Ha. l 1- ,ft,,n,;nW,Bl.,,Jr.m
nnn i m ninop liiiiiifiiru rr in iunniLi
iXl . ,7 .
I..I U IU- .- ,..l,:t
neighbor after "deserting the Whig'
party," joined in with a sH of ,,0!-:
J ' i ,
calharlots-a mere cabal, who have'
no more respect for Constitutions, or
years, tho editor and his new allies,
have disobeyed every injunction of tho
fathers, and in the language of inspi-
Ahe prescribed rights of an American " . " . "7 iinc8e Ban, mon-t,a,m ll!U cs.ucn was Hlbm,tted at a meeting in il- vViTTa",,
citizen than a twine has for pearls I Werc S,ven- Such "" mZht f,c;Johnson, because con-rtss isin scs- liamsport, January G, has been pub- JJ!l?!if!!i: M'wb u-
.,i i ....'overlooked in a private, but vhenl;on . l,s,s Lut limited nowrs. and that! lihod. It is priuciiially occupied by -ioronKli rdliianre.-Tha attention of th.
And in their wild crusado against lib- . . ' ; ' 1 ' '. L.ttr from J McMinn Civil J13 lt bidert of tba Barough of Clearfield, i.
n. nn,1 I,.. Hnrln,, tU r,n.t fiv 'committed by a Major General, of tho everything belongs to coigrcs. Thc; J ,r " . " ' ' Ml"-! action of the -SupMe
"V - I . , 1. il r I . . r.iimeer, in iniii uv v-. v n fl.j ,
ration, wo aro led to exclaim, "when! Black & White. The Hump Con.
the wicked rule, tho land mourncth."jgress had a high time, over the I.egu.
Every battle-field and fortress, are so lar Army bill. It was always expect.
tl-.rtY r AriAO fiml ..ii!tn 1.(ihiIu :".! flint tl'llalt r.faC? I M' Ml 1.1 a. .til. IT.
, , . 1
1 . . . il i:i:...1 I : ..I. -.a
r . .l ' " nj "l url
oisiraciea iana,oeanng witness to tlns(eomjM)bo mo regmar army, in me
fact. The differenco therefore bo-,future; that those soldiers who had
tween Mr. Clymer and tho editor ofjhecn wounded, and desired to join tho
Ka .Tntimnl la lliot u-Ln Ml,: nrmv. could do so? but thin in nnf. Ilin
partycommittcdsuicide, tho former; fact That whole' body of soldiers,! An,1' Jo 'nson- Our opposition friends
joined hands ith those who advoca-'known us tho Reserve Corps, has been i8et'ln tV'aVC 09 muth trU-'le lTl
ted tho Constitutional rights of all, 'rejected. Senator Fessendcn of Maine rr"ciplcs as their party name. They
and exclusive privileges of none, nor a very "loyal" man, denounced thojare impelled to change both every
of any section, and is now put into request of tho Reserves, as iclfi&h fl,1(f!yr,nd still against tho I n.on every
tha field a tho standard bcrPr ftl.
friends of tho Union and of tho white
race. Tho latter has seen fit to id
tify himself with tho dis-Lnion party
a party which has been waging a gi
gantic war, against tho Constitution,
ond for a dissolution of the Union, for .
tho past five years, which has now.'Tho re-Milar arm y' is reallv lar-'c!'11 11,0 1IumI' nale, on Friday last,
however, been transferred from Ihe'cnomrh now. composed of whito men. the iorum, by way of variety;
and a war of races has been substitU'
ted for the fields of Bull Run, Frcder-
icslurg and Gettysburg. Mr. Cly-
mer, is, with all his influence, in favor
of ',ho Union of these States, and the
supremacy of tho white race; while
our neighbor, in connection with that1
'difo long Ilcmocrat," (ien. (Jeary.'tho reserve corps, that they were
Stevens k Co., is laboring to destroy
They Want More Blood.
Tho Now York Methodist Troles-
tant Confercnce,now in session in that
city, is very much dissatisfied with
tbo 'rrovcrnincnt." Thcv ranil nacr.'lnil n rliiimn in llio m,i,iv,i,rnilim I. ill I
ies of resolutions of a nolitienl t Lru-nrJ
ter.'ono of w hich declares, that,
pediency, constitutional law, justice
and tho Biblo, all demand that at least
,.,.,...,., . ..
KMinA fit Mm nr np nnl ,rw1nta nP II.a
somooftho principal leaders of tho
rebellion bo jiunisbed with death." jDcm., moved lo amend by also appro
Wo presume if Ho whom they profess priating alike sum for the poor whites;
to follow, wero upon earth, would but this was defeatcd,and tho bill pass
ngain exclaim ; Fathcrfiirgivo thcm.'cd allowing tho worthless, lazy nc
they know not what they do. Why Igrocs in tho national capital to be fed
they puf'cxpediency law and justice,",
before tho Biblo; wc cannot conceive 'summer. We arc surprised that those ;at'll'at' l,'at dlt"ir"011 "gg't
unless they aro more carnal than philanthropic souls in tho New Eng. rr (ku"- I,,e ,,&wcriiment,M having
righteous. We think that tho Bible, land states, should allow their "color-M0"111 t"CI" "traitors," it he
justice, constitution, law nnd a proper cd brethren," who are so intelligent,! CCT M1 f Union' 10
respect for their calling demand, that industrous and energetic, to bo fed and 'rft,ly l 11,0 Btamlar1 of 1I,eslcr C1"-
f bev Bhnti , n. r.d the rown btifiincRf.
- - - - - - - - -
nnd quit meddling with that of their
neighbors- Theso first class hypo-
crites only ono year ago, proved by
the forgoing catalogue of ethics, that
it was a crime to opposo tho govern,
mont. now ; tfior fiirn nrmiml nml
...wu.iu ...ii,
prove from the samo documents, that
:"...,,,,' .
it is rignl. Wo wonder how lonirthoso
'long those
self-righteous bummers," will sue-'
, f , . . . ' . '
coiiotrv " 1,10 I,, (T' w i
wMl is reported that C. C. Clay,
confined at Fortress Monroe, with
Davis, hits been his parol
of honor, the freedom of tho grounds
inside the walls during the day lime.-
lUther TJnexpfted.
... .1 tv-'
i ...
e n, who preside over the destinus
'of a Church, Sunday Srhool, and tho
columns of the Journal, would know.
Innlv publish anything devoid of
, b.. 1,U h... -f b TOk, if
there were no of ft sum-
lar st'He of things heretofore, entirely
di.-ptl this idea In the number of
his naporalludcdlo, he publishes some
1 . .t.V. ... a
01 inc proceeuingii oi me niuic oiiiaiu
I n
1C4, to show that tho
," lliester
head candidate for Governor,
Clymer, voted against increasing the
Soldier's wages, and that ho opposed
a vote of thanks to Gen. Grant, and
thcoflicers and soldiers nder him,
'giving tho yens and nays, which stood
.... ....... i. w 1
1G to lo. The reader will pleaso rec-
. i
. t,)o limc
' ? i
the Senate was unorganized, when
the seeds of dis-tmion,wlnch had been
60Wn years before, were just begin-
ini,)g t0 m Uirough tW ground) Lutj
arQ now so ful!y devt.loi,cj that I
y ucvkhi tnai,e:ider9f()r t,,e past. fiv years have
calls tho leaders of 8,lint,orcj an(j ttbascd EvVresident
t)C .ovcrnmCnt'
the then conspiracy, traitors. I hus( iuc)linan without Btiit, bec-4use he which yielded him fifty or sixty thous
while Mr. Clvmer. and his fifteen '. a , ,n.wr ..rlnrr nnil dollnrH and finallv. how. after he
. .
JJcmocratic co workers were trying
f 1..f,.it tl,Po "trnitnrH" in lf.t bv
to defeat tlicsc traitors in ISO, "
endeavoring to make them elect
Sneaker, as the aw reou red. and in1.,, ' v ;,.',. . .i...,.tl..i tl.t i
.-, .. t. ......... 1 . I
wnicn 1110 ins-unionists naie since a
fjuicsccd, because they have not
d ;m;orporato Hny act lhcv
.... . . n
d'd'dUnng 11,14 Um',n?t,.'eC0,,r
las, thus openly confessing, mat
1 whiit thev dif was illegal and wrontr. '
- - - o o
. . Lmer' W.M r' ft" V'as but a cipher in tho t-mity of tho
' 10 1W mW '" tato ; r.ow however; v.thout any
(Muxlirtn nonrl.Trv nm ua fftrna flint I a . . 1 .i a...
" ZY "
"l " " . -
to dissent from the inculcation of such
. 4t , r it . t P,
nolo .hi. Mini .Mif man i 1 n f cKruiIiI ;
I " "w , ..w....... . eunuuci, oi oie run o, vu,iw uuj ,n ii' m
f li0' impudent. The reader would no doubt limc- v itti unu ''r ran jmicrwouia oc a centra, point, U.sianl(
1 hiLr. in Lnn w l.v ilfl,i,. f the machine, tho latter was preserved, 0I6 miles from .New 1 ork, via. Kala-;
rltc like to know, why, this body of sol- 1 44H via,innUUc an1 yj!Xhtnn .
iden- dicrshavo been thus treated, by their fo long time but under the lead ;J ri.,.K, via MeadvilI(!
arty, I special friends. It was just tccnuwiof tcvensand Sumntr, nothing rc n1( Corry n1(, fa yia s.inb.iry, or
' impudent. The reader would no doubt
Uhose "loyal" senators and members
wanted to have a lot of buck negroes
incorporated into tho regular nrmv.
but in order to billet a lot of the "gcn-jSPy'
tlemcn from Africa" on tho govern
ment; Congress has added thirteen
regiments of negroes, to tho regular
army, and for this; the wounded, but
otherwise competent white soldicr.hns
been excluded from tbe arm-. It was a
misfortune for the soldiers composing
whitc.bad they been black,lhick liped,
and their heads covered with "loyal"
wool ; they could have got" into the
"Loyal" Charity. Tho United
States Senate, on Tuesday last, inser-
IL. in.r ll.o r.fli,w l),n ln!l
"cx-'reau, to draw out of the United States
.Treasury, tho sum of $25,000, for the
support of the indigent colored people'
i. ,. , ,r c , I :
in .i tin i. i .n " I t S.inluluir.'
in . Washington." Mr. Saiilsberry,
out of tho Treasury, during tho next
l,.U,l,f.,l l C ,1, T f ;
v iviiivvt vuv vfi vnv A It un,i j Jl 411 V
country. We arc surprised that Bos-
ton has not had a lnillio.
shipped to that loyal depot, to
clothe and make them religious men,
and women like themselves.
" ' "
. - . , .
w 7 t .. . .
iashington, by tho disunionists to
c- . c. , . x- r
Inrn Notinlni Sfnf'l.-1in nfXnu. Tiiini-
,..-,;.,-. Sfnf.Ll
, m o . u .i t r
out of the Senate: though the Judiciary
.V... V. A. V .1 W . . - J ,
, , , ...
committee, hiul somo time before tho
I x rcsiuciit s iuio ppvecu, uiihiiiiiiuusij
'decided that bo was clearly entitled
'to his seat. But a two third voto is
(bndly needed in the S-nate, and tho
Radicals will try nnd make it, if poss-
iblo by turning democrats out.
I Mouk Kr.PVi.Ti1 IemHTtie
...r.l ...... I .I..,,,!,,. .it
i i u
tho but. The towslnp, trough
nnd city, flections h-l throughout
thestatcduringtlio iiKithhow great
gains lor tho old "Unin Savers." In
,li,i. ,,,.. . . It .k,
MC have the following jln huston tho
AlMjlilion uujority hi fall was 45
tho Democratic majoiiy now is 110-
niti lf.5. The Abolgon majority,
T , ... c.-.. .... i,
m jmnvmo, wnsu.i, nw mo
' '
cratic majority is 4!). In Mechanic;
io the Abolition majesty, was lf;;
tho Democratic majotfy is 2. This
vh is within sii miles of the
,of Gen. Geary, the dis-union
candidate for governo jn ijcuioru
the home of tho latej and present
Chairman, of the dis-uifcn state Lorn-
t I)cmotTutrtdoubled tlit-ir
. T- , ' . i
majority. If the goTnment does
pot go back on tho "U ion Savers, ,
all will bo well vet
, .
tl I t-
Ab0 , "
t, f U of )Gl) ailj til0 ,,,-ingof lsCl,
.1 c, .1 f. . r
to ,,revent the Southern States from
a'ficccdin Coerce them was tho cry.
1 ... 1.
fr n,,,. inrinri ,. -;nPA
had no
in ses-
at-lautl0rilV( and Congressbeing
sionattho time, failed to grant a
sheltered and warmed him.-
of tIlC difmnionists ; tie Executive
the Atlantic and til real Western
forms of our system ot government, 1
compared with that of 101, proves'
that they arc either knaves or fools.
A Grfat Chan(;e Itis now said,
that a large number of our '"loyal"
neighbors, who used to iwcar, that
tho President was tho "government
D '
(and denounced all who dkl not sub-I
scribe to this faith 'as ttaitors; are
''going back" on tho present "govern
ment," and term it no more, than
l,mc- " u ikomit, ran
mains Malionun. not even Iho colon
ot tr.o niiiirer.
ft . 1 a I
Faii.f.p. A great effort was made
lo turn Stotklon' 1)cm- of cw Jcr
' ,a .
oul 01 1,19 cnl in ordcr 10 rc"
ducc tho number of Senators, who
now support the Presidents policy, it
however failed. But Mr. Stockton
was complied to vote for himself.
Tho voto stood 21 to 21, his making
22 yeas, and this ho did only, because
Senator Morrill, w ho had paired off,
voted before him, violating every prin
ciple of honor.
fiayIt appears that some time du
ring last August, a Democrat named
Mctiuire, addressed a letter to Gen.
Geary, asking him to become a can
didate for Governor. The General de
dined being a candidate "AT PKI'S-
"9 1,0 tllJ ,,0t FSS0SH t,ie
WJ5ALT1I, which it seemed necessa
ry for a caiuhdato to possess. We
wonder whero ho found tho "green-
, , , ,.' .. .
backs to make him wealthy since
.... J
August last.
VOTKUSof Clearfield co., remem
ber that Gen. John W. Geary, tllo op
position nomineo for Governor, is the
especial stool pigeon.of Thad Stevens,
Si Co., and endorses every word and
cr, mm tnu -1, n ion ers
BrSomc of the dis union blow-horns,
uro trumpeting tho fact that General.
Geary, captured .'550 soldiers, 114 Can-
,u",fl anJ 3,500 bales of cotton.when
Savannah surrendered to Gen. Slier-
!mnn. The soldiers and runs bnve'.
man. Tho soldiers and guns have'
been accounted for, but tho cotton is
..... . . ' ft . tl
p ill huned. 1 hose 8;0 rcbs must have'
, 1., . .. .., ...
and 114 camion. No wonder it took
100,000 Yankees to capture that city.
' m m
fc-Tho Legislature has passed an
act. authorixin? tho Managers of tho
Philipsburg& CurwensvHlo tnrnpiko
road, to collect tolls on the bridge
over Clearfield creek. i
A rhotomi-h.
J. Y . IoriHV. P. I' . SPOSIM Ol
President 1 icrco repmm litul! , as
.hi("i,1on KWnv from human sight and
n,fmorv" When remember tho
eagerness with which Forney traveled
from lYnny Ivani.t to New Hampshire,
Borvi(.c t0 t)lC incident fleet the
per((jtctK.c wjth whic h ho followed
him fawning and homing hint roeog-
nition as a confidant his anxiety to
be chosen Clerk of the House of licn-
. . ,, ,,. nr
rnar.iit nl 1VI n III I thO TCO I!?nai)tO 01
1 V. V.liV... .- I , '
mcmb;rjl t0 voting for,
r0,gnance wasovercoi
him how that
repugnance was overeonio inruuu me
. .t i. .i.
exertions of tho l'rcsideiit' nearest
friends, friends by effort lie
was at last chose,, clerk its large
Viliummv in-? . v .
Cll Olll
mill,jwien wc rcCoIlect to,how as
Kijuollsly ,o labored to gain the per
sonal regard of ircn. i icrce, ins
i - u.- nuut..
'confidence in all respects by nssunting
to be bis most devoted advocate how
' ... f( a(,
nijnlstratjonh0w sycophantic ho was
Uo every member of it, and how eager
' ho WHS for pelf how he teased for lion hara tbia day been granted to the under-
- more" until Judge Xickolson was..;
d Jim a percentage
' r t.c rvrofilf, froni the l.ublic printin-,
.1 1 l...( ..,a 4,. t.n.l
1 nu ooia. .eu .. i.,ai --..,
t hrOUgll tllC innUCIICC OI tne l reMueiu,
, ,, fil ., .ifm i.
, vi,iin.,v said had been a father to
"flttiicr" WC Bay, when WO remember
'oil ll.U find nun c f f the S-une Chirac-
u"s and moie u ti.c same uuiac
.. . ! .. , ' 1
.. tv in fi.ot nnlv crmti'tniit fur an
. , . ,. . the bosom
r - . ...
Hoston Pod.
A. & 0 W. Bail lload.
The report of tlio Committee np
itointed to pro-urc information rela
tlVC tO the different proposed routes
Eai,road thr0 ,
I . 11
Several routes proposed since 127,
nn(j nrirnes in favor of a road from
. .
Lewisburg to P.ellefonte, and says
thai J'.mcigll 8 lilip IS tnc 11101 prucu-
callvofall between the Susquehanna
1 rri. r.A y..- .(
and Juniata. The Cold Stream route
to the Muthannon, lip Beaver and
Laurel Bun to Wilson's and Roaring
Runs, and thence to Clearfield, to Cur-
iiuii. , . iu . ,
wensylllo, nnd up Andersons trcek
tO Slindy Rid"e 8Ld Shaffer's, is re-
commended. Ho says that a road will
, , ., . . ...
be built from Driftwood U riatlklin,
which should be a link II) thO great
chain between Kan Francisco and Phil,
adelpnia. IIIO Hgnigranicnis oy -Jen-
net's Branch and the Susquehanna aro
cheaper and nearer than any other.
Tho road would becxtended from Ben -
nol-a r.rnn.l. tr, Kmriklin. and tho
rr, a . . . . vj
bitter would be a central point, distant
EtO r. x- X' , C'....
33 miles nearer to PInludeliiKia than
I .. .1 l..i,.o , v v,.,.l.
by the shortest rou'.o to -New oi k.
lllC rriort VCiy Strongly favors the
construction of the Atlantic and Great
Westert Bailroad through the West
i xr I. i. t ii (
branch alley. It IS II ValliablO ClOC-
ument on tlio w nolo sulject.
A Good Ciianck. We often hear
the remark, "I wish I had a good dar-
key.' Ibis want seems to be
plied now, by Gen. Deacon Howard,
' , . lr , ,
Of tllll Negro Bureau. He hasopened
an agency at Philadelphia, llarr.sbnrg,
Pittsburg, and Other Iiorlhvrn Cities,
for tho purpose yf retailing negro scr
vants, to good responsible, and chris
tian men and women. Go in loyal-
nd .,, Jorrlv, .ill,
iif,.n. n!rP..liUn.l... ,.,.,.,..
,,i,.i,", . . on,...l
. m i - ! Wen prepared from Official hemrt, eontompo-
TllEAB8AHHIJIATI.M.lcIingKinl;70",J;lr,M, inianc., and
.1.1 1.'.. .... I... .l ,1 I ...
uui i vii i tic k j uuimiier, i.Sr.
.-i-.T -it r
rcsicu ai iouisvtiie, on inoisi, lor
a burglary he had committed in Ohio, i
after his arrest ho confessed that ho
was the man that attempted to assas
sinate Secretary Seward, last April,
and that Payne knew nothing about
it. llo attempted to commit suicide
in prison tho samo night by severing
a blood vessel in his arm. His recov
ery is doubtful.
Arroi.v.-H). Tlio loyal union Re
publican etc., party ,has at length,after
great tribulation eceured n chairman
for their State Committee lion. Frank
JSrdan, of Jlcdford, bad this honor(!)
confercd upon him. Air. Jordan, has
been ono of the military -state-ngents
at Washington, lie is the undisnis-
od enemy of tho
lato Chairman, John
Xominatf.d General Burnside the
. m .if r, ,,,fci.t. ., ' ...
.... .... .
tnrv.MoHes'' of tho frenllr nnn, from
.. , . . , . al
Africa, has been nominated by the
.,,,., f , T, .
tl S-UniOll SI S fit Khruln Itlnml fin. f n
- ' .... V. v , -
jernor tho right man in the right
itilficp nmt mnv tinrn t,inir,a Ann,. ..I.
7 ,7 v"""ii"
,to govern that potato patch. '
feifWc were pleased, last week, to
,sco that our neighbor had copied so
largely from tho Jtrpuhlii
'week previous; but are
we cannot recinroeate-..
'can, of the
torrr that
we cannot reciprocate
1)rf I lbrly Ulill I rit.-frrm y
til fn r,ifl PilMr ! Trj II ! ni yn mil
hit no iihrr. Mnnfi-:url tny Vj mill
A SmiTH.W h.ll tirnp. ril ilM p.ln,
Nn.M7 Srth TblM St , I'hiU Mr'h !. ly.
Dure IlbrrtTMhUe l.od. wilt do nnrt
I ant rUft work al a girra Cot, Oinn iny
oilir ! Try il ! Moarrtur4 only by i
Sith, W holl Uru, I'ainl k I'alr,
No. 137 NorthThiri M .Phll'a March II, '8 )y
lrTllberty It. j White.;,
I ih mft.l durmbta and tha noil coboil ical.
try It ! Mmufarturrd only If Zikhlik a Smith. '
WholfMle Pru;. Paint a illm Paalcra. No. 1371
KnrtU Third St.. I'hil a. March Jl. 16 ly.
520 Arch St., riiiPAD'A.vL.
WATCH S, Fin Gold J KV tl.UY.
Solid SILVER WARE, snd SuperiorfelL
VKR IMatpd Wnre, at Redlxsd I'stcKs!
' Mroh 21. lff.
TVTw :MKla for prlii? Xalea. EYBK 4
i I.ANDELL, Fourth a Arch fti., Phila.
Ar Opninj for M-aiso baiii-raniona'.i
new Silka. Novrltiaa in Pre Oood. New turn, on tko kstate or Jaeob Uearbart, daccaied,
Stylea Spring Sbawla. New Travelling Preea lata of Decatur townrbip. Clearfield eonnty, Pa.,
(looda. Finaatock of Kew Mood. Magnitoant . have tbia dity been duly granted to tba under
FonlardL Splendid I'.lack Silk, Ac. jtigned. to whom all peraunt indebted to laid ei.
E. a L , have :heir uiual amortment nf Stap'a tale will please make payment, and these bating
Qonda. AIo. Clitbe. Camimeree, Vetinr, Ac. 'elaiaia or demandi will preeent them for etUe
P. 6., Our prictaara now arranged lo meet the ' ment without delay. CHARLES 8L0AV,
riewe of Il,er ! March 21, lS(i.L CVKKML'S HOWE,
.7... .,..,.- v,.Tif .- v...i.. Deratnr town'p. Feb 21, ISBSpd. Adm ra.
ia berrby giren tnnt La tere ! AHminn'ra-
lttf Lmwrnc townbip, CUarfield count y, P.
Alt Ire lhainal t nA !.( ti f A
" ' , "V
"""-y'"?. "urZ'?.
pereone Indebted to raid EMate are requeued te
n,,k ' l""edi' payment, ana thoaa kaTing
win th, lne wi1 Dl .Mta dulj
t. '
pre.ent :nem auiy
autlienticated fur.etllrmenU
March Hth 1SC6 fit. Kxeutor.
VOTICP The Unckheldor. of the Penn
IN townrliin Oil and Mininr Company, art
hereby notilied Ib.t an aeeiuieiit of iU percent.
.k. f' .f..k ,.r ami. I k.a
1 .r.kl. ... W. I T,.-...
rer. at hie Once ia Pennville, on it I e lure the
lOtb day of April neat, for the purpo.e of pro
" "-'. ""i'"8.: 4
IirrviltflOIT a Call I J vwuiunui cmvii. vi ruv
I4,ini. Jiy order of the IJnard of Manager..
Anr il Vtta. IS.iS. relating
lo Sidewalk. " ty a re.olutin of the 7uwn .ee.
linn ten. , .ImmA let Kaa r n n 1. 1 i h aa li 111 the
o)Kh for ,hre, ;ucir, week and
tben. the street Couimu.iot.erb. required to
Faerios S. That all ditche. nw ofned or
pen and in repair by the repectire M hclJer.
befora wh..- it the diuhe. pa. and in de
f""'? f '"' k,,,'i"K,h.M,iKh,M frT
of hia lol i.p'n and In repan, thai It hall l.e the
duty of the Street c.iniui..ioner m gire .ucb li
hnlder a written notice to open or repair the tame
ilhin ' d""; "l ln dei.uliof .,,ch loi holder
lo opu or rtpalr the eaine, the Street Comiui.-
,iuner b, 0n and repair the aama at the
proper rota and charge, nf the re.pectirt lol
'",l'1r, "hifh ,,hu,il b "0-ta " 20 ;
which may hereafter ba opened .hall be kept
k Mium auivti, o . ui uiKancr as proriueo
n tretin0 i o Ordinance to which tbia In
.uppieuienu Attijt:
March 21, 1S6-H w. D. BIGLER, See'y.
T KLL tH rotuiwa
I I.
F(,utliem nin,
LAUII ,Etiiot ,i
.b.u, stj
With 0 Sf
THrlory of tbe War, by E A. POL-
Htrhmoud Axnmi Hrr. 2 oil , Sto
re each ti 60 per Volume.
plcndui Steel Portraits.
Thuii th onij rompicu nd autheotio buto
TJ "' ci.iiinaro nua runiivticd, extending a.
doeit from lhf beginning of tta w.r i4 ib
final .urrcnoVr of the ConfeJcrata armi.a.
Mr- I'ollami" prominent p.iiion in tba Con-
""" .b',","1 l-ri;" w.,k -
t'i' In accuracy and intrre.t, and which i.
etary where acknowleileed to ba the
tnnd;inl Southern History.
Il thould find a place In every library.
I Ty a I a T ivna .1 r,..... I .... I f Itr Va.
laid Kotate are reijueitca to maaa immeuuw , vihi'i" ........... ............. u
paTment, and tboae baring el.iine againet the eecapcaof Soldieri, Scout., Spiea and Refugeei;
-ai'ne, will pratent them f.roperly aottienticated daring aaploite of Srougglere, Uuenllaa, Perpe
for .e'tltment. TAYLOR KOWLES, ! redoea and other. ; Talee el Loyal aad Dulojal
March 14ib, ISBo-dL Adaiinirtrator. Woman ; Stone, of the Negro, Ae., Ac.with in-
cidecta of Fan and Merriment in Camp and
IXECL'Tt)!! ! NOTICE. Notice it here- I ielJ. it, Lieutatant Colonel Charle. B.Ureene,
li by giren that Letter. Te.Umentary, bare lr, o tilt tnited fclatea Army. Uandnomely
line day been granted to Ihe onderaigned, on i;0,trBted with engrat ing. on iteel aad in oil
tba Ktl of John J. Rowlej, deceaeed, law of colcrl. 8end fur circular, and tba libiral
sup-(8aow, with 17 .r Undid .tcel l'ortr.iu, t Vol ,
: sr ' p. Coniainir-g m0gr.Phie.
f lo dilinguilied Snuthero General., wilb
full and graj.bic account, of the raiiom cam-
; "n" h.. C'.1
' l'repaircJ with the utmost cur. and tlioruuibnen.
Life, Services nnd Campaigns of
Stonewall Jackson :
hy a YittGiiiAJ. 1 Vol 12mo; JJi paget $1 0.
a.cvsoVlir.'V;"...:.. 1.
: Ti.i. i. ..k...t. ,. t .i. .1 :.. -..
. tuifhed Leader which ha. been written It bat
i -
1 ho K.iiiU finil lwiiinnnnra nf
M i, c
DyMr.StyTtorBasTaaF.inn.with.te.lpor -
trait of (Jen. Morgnn. 1 Vol 12mn; 4"S pages
$1 li. A rotnplete hittory of tbis darinf Officer.
more thrilling and InterenMng than fiction
. v ...I i. ii .r r i tic oi'ii i i.
DiMinguirhtd in Literature. 1 Vol Sro; 511
... -l ln 111....... .J :!. cl l.j n .
on ateel. from Life, of M mo Octavia Walton La
Vert, .Min Maria J Mrlnlo.h, Mrs Rn.a Vert -
ner Jonrmn, Mr Anna Cora r.tti-hie, Slim Au.;
gusts J Evan., Mr. L Virginia French, Marion 1
llar'andi And containing full biographical
tketihe. and .peciiuen eitrarts fmm the nioet
cell brat'd wrilincn in tin,.e and rere. of !
35 litinguijhed Literary "M'omcn of the South."
All Ihe above work, are having in Irampnn
rale, and agent, are doing .plenpidly everywhere.
Many are making from III) to tla a day.
Wa want an agnt in every town In the I'nlted
State.. Heturned Soldier., I.adiea, Teacher, and
other., will find this mint profitable employment.
ment.oflered to For full perllrulart. lerriiory given, and libernl induce-
addros C. B. BICIIAKDSON. J'uhli.heT,
HO llroadway, Kew York.
FHiriTCAXS.-A large lol of self seating
fruit enns constantly on hand.
We would caution tbo.e buying Fhoit Cahs,
to ob.(rve that ihey art Soldered on the out.ide
oeeaure, If toldored on lha in.ide, there It al
ys melted enough that cannot ba remor
o. lo destroy the fruiL
Tho.e buying from us, will not bare Ibelr
fruit endangered In this manner, and our Cant
are all warranted.
N. II. Alo telftealing flla. Janon hand.
1 nf s B-'nel' f rri" Clovereeed, for .ale by
Curwen.vllle, February JS, lSIMI-tf.
rproaaea and abdominal supporters af every
ja. aiiiu oi ine inie.i imprnvement., fnr al
the I'rug Stora of HAKTSWICK A IHWIN.
1 ISH SALT aTI TLAS TER in" large qn.a.
tilie., at J. P. KRATZER'S.
March 22, IHi.
! QI'M l! M IIIIIH i: -NrM
k tf fnf f r Mkiin, ihoM bt
M htlt-r A W nmpli M h ' n , r dle
1 II. Y. N A I 'll.t, ArtnL '
CWfUM, fkrrj tfl-tr.
' T
j b la rrprntr Shfp, litiu' lo lb bnrnn(
limit). Tb limp U J hy 4 ft, l ,tn
bigb, and f", "iib litll diffli-ulty, b (hBr4
Irto a dwtllinj? hooia. Fur fur(kf j.ariirulw,
j''', ,,M; rb. ,Lh 1.;;fTU01lS- '
1 L T . . . ' . . ....... . . I '. '
WAUi i,ai,i:i:s.
Vanufrtorf t of
Paper llauglnga and Window SUadti,
Corner Fwirth and Market Etreata,
X B Alwayi in Store a larra Slock of LIbcb aai
(Id tlhadaa.
March 7. le 3mn.
ia bcrrly airen that letter! of Adtninitira-
J fur tha but felling book now pulhihtd,
...; .4.-, n.l..k...J,l
fr..r.,l f HAS. 8. CP.LEN'E CO..
Fublirbert No. 134 S. Third Street, Phil'i
M.rrK 1. isftn-at.
rsoa sr. it Tom a rniLiDELi-HiA.
is Cheap as the Cheapest,
Hara jum rece'iTed, and are opening, at their
Old f tand on Front Street, abort tba
Academy, a large and wall se
lected aftortment of
which they are aelling at Ttry tow rate..
Head tftt Mlotcing catalogue and pmjll thertly.
Kipecial pain. ha. been taken in the
.election of Ladies Dre. Good., white
(iKde, Kmbruiderie. Millinery Good.,
Print.. Kerchief., Nubiea, Olort., Ae
Alway. on hand Ii lack Cloths Fancy
and Iiiack Ca.fiuercs, tatinett, etc.,
head Mada Cl.,thir.g o! all kinds.
5 tSiaiasa, (Z33i3DiS38
and a ariMy of other article., wbieh
they will icll at a aioall advance en co.t.
I Particular attention is inrited to their
; ..took of Carpet., Cottage, torn mon Ia
igrain, .uperflne Engliih Ingrain and
lliranel., floor and Table Oil Cloths,
I ik, i i . . ... .
Yj " muow aoauea ana nan papers, etc.
O FLOUR, BACON'. Fish Snll.
I luster, Apples, reaches and
FiuDes kepi ccrvManlly on band.
Ttite CUAXDY, M'biakey nd
Wmes ; for medicinal ueei.
ALSO, in Store lot of large and
email Clotcr sfed.
Clearfield. March 14, lCO.
Xew Store, Tin and beet Ironware Maaufaoto
ry, .Market atreet, Eaet of J l .treet,
C'LCAsriEiD, TesnV
This eslab
liali men t Icing cow
in full operation, for Ibe
g ing up of Gocds, lucU
Stoics, Tin and Sheet
Iron wares, Expre.y for this Mar
ket, nhich will 1 told
Whole-sale Jt Retail,
Cheap for cash.
TJie tubscri
br RMpcctfully
toliciis a tdinre of the Tub-
r . r.. . .
' 110 pnironnce. 1 leucine Himself ,
labor to tuuke this KsUbli.hmen t,
'flc People's Depot, for
the procurirg of Goods,- and hariog
: .,.. B
their out door work and
! r"n"g n r,0n-
ble terms.
N. ft A Xnnrl cnnal rnnlo.l Sln. Vt.
ipressly for Ihe Rafting Trade. Call and
'.see it. TI10S. J. MEOAULEV.
, r i i t t io ... o
!, field. February 23, lgub-3-mo.
II ti f A I I -J- I l-T
' XA - vXJJXJ,
Tr . I
Graham's Row. Clearfield, Peana.
The sub.eriber redpectfally Inform, his old
cu.tnmer. ard the publio, that he ha. on hand,
and constantly receiving new additions, a Urge
stock of Clocks, Watche and Jewelry.
Jewelry of erery varietr from a ain-rla ni.
I' f"" setL
f Watches, a fine af.ortmenl of silver Hunting
and open eae. American and patent Lever.,
pmin ana tun jeweiea.
Clocks, a larg variety from tbe beet Mannfae
tory, con.i.ting of Eight day and Th'rty hour
Spring and Weight, Levers, Time, Strike and
Spectacles, a Ini'ge asaortment far and near
light, colored and plain gla...
Al.o, fine arrortmenl of Spoons, forks, Bat.
ter knlvea, He, plated on jennine Alabata.
ALL kinds of Clock., Watches and Jewelry;
carefully repaired and Warranted.
A continuance of patronage is solicited.
November ISlh. 1S64 II. F. NAV OLE-
fUi.U PKNJl-n. K. NAIQLK haa ju.k
vT received an Elegant a..ortroent of the be.l
quality j aleo .liver extension and desk holders.
November 19 Suk .
fMJDnl.K 1 l)TT-.Rw.
WKItRKI I, i riGI.ER'i".
ROOTS and Store a cuu.plcM of
Ladies', Uentlemea's, Mie.'t Soys' aad
Children'. Uoota Shoes and Oaitersat