$t tilcarfltld UpWlcaa. Aocitl.lii; and Ratea of VuWripllun, JotiMllg, 9Werto, fsl orfrane, - t J PO if paid within t'iT snniiflt, 2 AO fior mil lilt'i ntrr lit e.ri- rndi.no s snuMfAs, I 00 .lnrt' on.I IVie' amices, cnii, 0 It'iass, AtKrVrora aorirrs, eni-A, -(YiNlt'oae ain Enrvyi, enr)l, 3 limt; 12 2 1 Oietnlution nofires, ( , 3 flllH . 2 CO JVamiK (.'rerfiWMmlf, ;r lyimre 10 I j (ins, er fe 3 fines, or j Tar -m ti,trf7Hd,( insertion, 50 50 CfUial adrertiting, Jot each equare 10 J j jq hues, or e-3 limes, or less, J For each euhteqnent insertion, Proeuional Card; I year, Loenl notices, per line, - - Obituary notice; ocer i hues, per line, Yearly udcertieiuy, 1 eqnare, do do 2 do - - do do 3 do Yearly advertieing, J eomnn, m J " - - 50 . i 00 15 . 10 8 00 12 00 11 00 120 00 35 00 60 t'O 1 Tha abore ratea apply only to adTertlteinenta .. .i I ...... aet nn nlnin. Advertiaementa aet in large type, or with cute, or out of plain atyle, will be cbarg- d dooble the abore ratea for apaee. DianL-e, eintjle quire, - - . 2 50 rfo 3 quiree, per quire, 2 00 do 6 quiret, per quire, - - 1 75 do orer 8 quinn, per quire, -150 UandhilU, eheet, 25, or leu, - - 1 50 do i eheet, 25, or , - - 2 60 do I eheet, 25, or lee, - - 4 50 do ukole eheet. 25. or le - 8 00 Over 25 of each of above at proportionate ratea. 1 SJTbe above ratea were agreod upon by the, nnderaigned, on the 3d day of December, 1 Sfl4, . and will beifictly adhered to during the preaent high priceaolallkindaofprintinemateriala. Publiabers of the "Clearfield itrpuhliean. b. i. RU, Publisher of the "RnftHman'e Journal." nt t-, i n-nrr'T t nn TT7?V1Tn7V LZZ'JLlZ 1 TIME OF H0LDIN8 CCtl?. Id Moirfay In January, I 3d Monday In Jura, Id ilonday in March, 4th Monday in Sept of each year, and continue two weeks if neceaaary. COL'KTYAXD DISTRICT OFFICES Prea't Jndre on. Sumuol Linn. Bellcfonte. Ai'te Jttdgci Hon. J. I. Thompson, Curwensville lion. Win. C. Foley, Clearfield, Fheriff, Jacob A. Faust, " Prothorxtary, D. F. Etrwciler, " Reg. A Bee. Iniah G. Barger, " Diatrict Att'y, WM, M. McCullongb " Treaaurer, D. W. Moore. " Co. Surveyor, S. F. McCloskey, Curwenaville. CuwuniEsioners, AmoaP.ead, Clearfield. Conrad Bnker, Anaonville. Cta'a 8. Worrall, Ilurd. AudliorB, F. F. Coutcret, LeconteiMill M. L. C. Evsca. Curwenaville. Levi F. Irwin, Clearfield Coroner, Henry W. Parka. " County tup L C. B. bandford, " LISI OF rOST OFFICES. Tawnihip; Pout OJJicee, Poetmftere, Becearia, . 31enHope, Wm. 6. Wrigbt " TJtahville, Theodore Weld, Hcgarty'i X Roada.Paml. Ileparty, Bell, Bower, W. McCracken, " Chest, Th. A. M'Ghee. Cuah, J. W. Campbell, " Oetend, H.L.Uendcraon, Bloom, Forrect, Jamea liloom, Bogga, Clearfield ilridge, Jamea Forreet, Bradford, Woodland, William Albert. Brady, Lutberaburg, R.H.Moore, - Troutville, Chaa. floppy, " Jcffemon Line, John Heberiin, Burnaide, Kew WatLirgton, Jaa. Gallaber, Cheat, linrnaide, w. t. Jrvin, Patchinvilla, Jack Patch in, Eaat Ridge, Hnrd, McGarvey, " Weatover, Clearfield, Clearfield, Covington, Frenchville, Kartbaaa, Jacob Boice, O. Torer, jr. Win. McQarvcy, S. A. Farber, M. A. Frank, P. A. Gaulin, J.F.W.Schnarra T. W. Fleming, Centre county, B. Raduhach, T. F. Iloalich, Ed. Williama, J as. McClcllan C. Mignnt, William Carr, A. B. 6haw, T. H.Forcee, Jas. A. Hcgarty Curwenaville Curwenaville, Decatur, Philipabure, Wet Decatur, Osceola Mills, Warren, Little Toby, Letotte'a Mills, Bald Hills, Ehawsville, Grabamton, f-'milh's Mills, Madeira, Tyler, Pcnnficld, Ansonville, Salt Lick, Kew Millport, Kylcrtown, Morriadale, Lumber City. I Grampian H:lla, Curwenaville, Bloomingville, Reckten, Jeffries, Ferguson, r-i, Girard, u Goaben, Graham, Gnelich, Ileccaria, Huston, M Jordan, Kanhaaa, Knox, 11 orri a, Tenn, u rike, i TJnion, Woodward, Chaa. J. Pusey, David Tyler. H. Woodward, Elira C'Snse, G. Ileckadurn, M.O.Stirk, E. C. Brenner. J. C. Brenner, H. W. Ppenoer, A. C. Moore, T. U. Fleming. Bcrtj. F. Dale, D. E. Brubker, Jamea Lockctt, Thil Post Office will do for Chest township, Will answer for ierguaon townthip. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor ; A. G. Cnrtin, Centre county $1,000 Pec'y of Com., Eli Slifer, Vnion conniy l,7t'0 Dep. Sec'y of Com ; S. B. Thomas, Del. eo. 1.500 Auditor General; Isaac Blanker, Union co. 1 ,710 Surveyor Gen.; Jamea P. Barr, Pituburgh 1 ,'VCO Attorney Gen.; Wm. M.Meredith, Phil'a 3,000 Adjutant Gen,; A. L. Ruesell, Bedford co. Bute Treasurer; W, U. Kemble, Phil'a 1,700 Superintendent Common I bchools; R. C. Coburn, Bradford county 1,500 j Deputy Bup't; Samuel P. Bates, Crawford ee State Librarian, Wien Fornrv, Uarrisburg EOO ' SUPREME COURT OF PENN'A. Chiel Justice ; George W. Woodward of Luaerne Associate Justices ; Jamea Thompson of Erie " " William Strong of Bucks " " John M. Roed of Phil'a " " Daniel Agncw of Beivnr. Tbe Court holds its sessions in Philadelphia en tbe first Monday of January; in Uarrisburg on tbe fourth Monday of April ; at Runbury on the first Monday in C c.tober; and in Pittsburg on the third Monday in October. All returns from ths XXV Judicial Diatriot, comprising the counties of Clearfield, Center and Clinton, are to be ma.de on the second Mm day of February. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. IXICrJTtTE. President Andrew Jobnsen, of Tennessee 125,000 Vice President Pro. Tern. S. Foote, of Vt. ,m0 CABINET OFFICERS. balaric. f.tHKI Eecretarv of Etate : Wm. H. Beward.of Kew Y ork Sec'y of Treasury ; Hugh MCullough, of Indiana Sec'y of War: Edwin M.Stanton, of Pennsylvania Sec'y of the Navy ; Gideon Wells, of Connecticut Secretary of Interior; James Harlan, of Io we. P. M. General ; William Denniaon, of Ohio Attorney General ; James Speed, of Kentucky. JUDICIARY. . Cbiif Jcstici, $fi,500 Associates, f 0000 Chief Justice; 8. P. Chase, of Ohio. Asanciate Justices ; Samnel Nelson, of New Tork " " Robert C. Grier, of Penn'a, " " James M. Wayne.of Georgia, " " Vacancy " " Kathan aifford, of Maine, l'avid Davis, of Illinois, " N. H. Ewayne, of Ohio, Stephen J. Fields, of Cal'a, Supreme Court meets 1st Man day of December, la Waahingun City, D. C. PROVISIONS Floor, Cheese, Lard, Dried ai.. t.:-j r. I.. -.t.i from tbe west a tbe store of J. P. KRATZER. "beweo a very fins quality and cheap at I MKRhELL A BliiLbk'", $n$intss Jimlorij. jonn h. ofivis. c. t. Ai tusprn. O JT V 5 fl ft Al " find fiT, AT1tHM:l AT LAW, Sept w Ulh 15C5, 1 y. Itrllrfntite Ta. M. M C I I.l.lU C.II. Liw. Clear, d. Pa. Off. AtToRISV AT re on Maiket 1 T Flr.-.t one door east of the "Clearfield louuty lUnk." "-y 4, ROBERT J. WALLACK, Atvjsjst at Law Clcarfidd, Tu, Office ia fcfcaw's Row, op posite the Journal office. dee. 1. 1SSS.ir TIIOM J. M t l'i.l.oi:Gll, Attorney it Law. Office tdj'ilulnir th llank, fnorly occupied by J 1!. Mck'oally, Kfq., Mnrkct ftreet, Clearfifl.l, i P Will attend promptly to Collection!, of I.an,l. 4c. IVe. 17. '(12. JOHN L. CUTTLE, CLEAltFIELK. PEXN'A. Otfrrmi Murhelit. Omwsite the Jail. I am E.S r ECT F U LL Y oflera bit nicei in Mil- I MM. ineand buyine landa in Clenrfield and ad- iulniD eountica : and with an experience of over ,. .i twenty yenra aa a Purveyor, llattera hiinaelfthat be cau render autistaction. ten. o.i ii. I CrBEXIFS HOWE. Justice of tub 1'eace. For Dicatcr Township, will promptly attend to all buiineaa entruated to hia earo. P. O. Address, Pbtlipiburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1861 f OSKPU II. EHETII, Juatice of tb Peace, and Licenced Coneyncer, e v. aihington, Cleartttdd county ,Pa! tin 1 ?p. i L j. b. h'murRAT. AMLSI, MITCHELL. v.r r ,ITa,TI Daalera in Foreign and Dmntatie Merchandiae, Lumber, Urain, f e. few W arlungton, October 25, 1865.-ly.pd. Clearfield Co , Pa. w HS. It. J. IITRKV reypectfully anncui 1U eca that ahe will u,k. a few Pupil, in Vo eal and Piano Ml"?iIC, to commence Moicaj April d. Termi, $H1 per quarter of 11 wfeka Xirllooma at renidence of J. L. Cuttle, E.-q Clearfield, March ?2, Itf5- DR. i. IV nrRC'IIFIKLIh-ltte fur goon of the 8:id Regiment, i'enn'a Volun teer!, having returned frtiin tne Army, finer? fcif profeBfiotal eervicea to the citizens of ClearfieU and vicinity. Profcaeional ealla promptly atten ded to. OlEee on South Eaat corner of 3d A Market atreeta. Oct. 4, lS5.-Cmo.-fL ,T. P. KRATZEIl, MKRC11AT, and dealer in Dry Goods Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries Proviaions, Ac. Market street, opposite tbe Jail, Clearfield Pa. April 20ih 1S4. GEORGE FALK takes thii method of inform ing the watermen of Clearfield county that Ihe has reftted and reopened the hotel furinerly jkepthyE. Schreiner, at Ccxestown, where he I will take especial paini to render satisfaction to ! all who favor him with their patronage. Coxestown, April 12, '65. drsly. I"! OR EST HOUSE Bloom towmhip, ' Uaiser P. Bloom, IVojirietor. This large and eomroodioua House is situate! on the turnpike, 7 miles west of Curwensville, and 6 miles east of Lulhersburg. Tbe Proprie tor will spare no effort to make his guests com fortable and their stay with him pleasant, and thereby expects to receive a liberal share of pub lic patronage. Dec, 20, ISf.j. -tf. Susquehanna House, CUIIWEXSVILLE, To. W. W. WORK ALL, Proprietor. THIS large and commodious TTOTEL Is de lightfully located on tbe bank of the Bus quehanna, in tbe borough of Curwensville. The present proprietor will spare no effort to render bis customers cemfortable, and hopes U merit a liberal thare tf pullio patronage, HIS BAR AND TABLE Will be well supplied with every thing the mar ket affords. Kafunea will always find his "latch atrinr" out. Mar. 23. '6L tf. 18GG. ICG6. 1IIILADELriIIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAP. This great line traverse tha Northern and Korthwcst counties of Tcnnsylva nia to tha city of Erie on Lake Erie. It hes ben Ivased nnd is oprratrd by the TENN'A RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Time of Passenger trains at En cortical. Leave LaMward. Frie Mail Train 10.12 A.M. Erie Express Train 9.17 V. M, Leave s csttvard. F.rie Mail Train 10.12 A. M. Erie Expreaa Train 8.52 P. M. Tassenger cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains withr.ut change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. New York Connection. Leave -V 1 ork at 6 p. m arrive at brie 3..", a.m. Leave Erie at 1.55 p.m., arrive at N.York 1.15 pm Mo rhaiife of Cars between i .He A N.York. Elegant Bleeping Cars os all Night trains. For informa'ion respecting Passenger busi ness, apply at Cor. SOth and Market St a, Phil'a. And for Freight business of tbe Company's Agents 8. B. Kingston, jr.. Cor. l:ith and Market streets, l'liilade ! hia. J. W. Itcynolda, Erie. Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. It. R., Baltimare. n. It. Hoi sToa, General Freight AgU Phil'a. H.W. Gwismr-a, General Ticket AgU rhil'a. A L. TYLER, General Eup't, Wiliiamsport. B ALD EAGLE VALLEY RAIL ROAD. I'all Arrangrnieut. Iave Last w ard. STATIONS. Time. Tyrone 8.50 am Intersection 8.00 " i Bald Eagle M7 " : Hannah 22 " : Port Matilda t.ii " Martha 9 M Julian Li5 " ; Vnionville 10.08 " B. A 8.8. Int., 10. IS " i Milesburg 10.24 " i Leave Westward. STATION'S. Time. Lock Haven 2 40pm Lk Haven InL 2 45 " riemington Mill Hall Beerh Creek Fagleville Howard Mount Eagle Hollers Curtin Miletbrrg Bellfonte J 1 52 1 2.58 1.18 1 3.24 S 4S 00 ' 4 05 1 4.10 ' 4 25 4.15 ' 4.40 1 4 50 ' . Bcllfonte f Ar in.x7 : 1 Le 10.37 " 1 Milesburg 10.45 " : 10.58 " 11.02 " 11 10 " 11.25 " 11 42 " 11 48 " : 12.t'Sp.m Cartin Ili.lt era Mount Eagle Howard Eegleville Beech Creek Mill Hall Milesburg B. A S. S. Int., 4 55 Inionville 5 07 Julian Martha Port Matilda Hannah Bald Eagle Intersection saaivi at 7jrone 5.21 ' 5 85 4 48 601 618 1 6.25 ' i !'m I ""!n.. Flemingtnn 12.10 Aamvc at Lock Haven 12.19 " : JAMES LEWIS, 6 35 Bup't X. A C. and B. E. V. Branch Roads. TYRONE A CLEARFIELD RAIL R3 AD. Fall Arrangement. Lrnvi Fastwakb. STATIONS, Time. Laara KoriTiwAitn. STATIONS. Time. , P. M. 3.50 4.05 4.14 4.25 4M 4.42 4.52 5 04 5.1.1 .30 A. M. I 8.55 9.10 9.20 9 SO 9.45 9.57 10.10 10.20 10.35 10.45 rhilipsburg Dunbar Oaceola Tyrons Intersection Vanaenyoe Gardner MLl'lnaact Sarxmit i Sandy Ridge Powelton Osceola Bun War 'i.. ltiM ' Mt jieM.ni Qin yn'c,-r'! Intersection roweltnn Attain at rhilipebarf 11.00 ' Tyroas i 40 JAMM LITIS. f npt T. A C. as d B. K. V, Branch Roads. .ThewnJers'rned res- I) s.-tfull tes leare tn ean-tinre to the pub. lie, that he carries nit Black smithing In Hi her r.gh of ClrarBcM, where be wilt eiecnte prompt ly, fn workinanliV planner, ll work entrae ted to his cere, fperial pairs taken in shoeing ten. Shop adjoining Toan llsil. formerly wniiLd Mr. Hoi. WM. SlCVKX. November hih, ISCJ -ly. Conniii Ihtiounl- iuil; ; CLEA1SKIKM), PA. fphla Bank ! now open and Hady forhusioees. Ofljceon Hceond itrcct, in the buililinj ffr- marly occunitd ty Leonard, Finney A Co. lirtcruua akd orricrm. J AS. T. LIONAIID, l'reH'l. B. OHAUAM, A. WALLACE, iticiiAr.D sniw. WM. I'ORTKR. JAb GEO WM. L. Rl'H) V. WRK'.HT, CaahiMr. WM A. K. WUKTHT, I Jua 2ath, 18ft6.tr. The Vj Clearfield County Bank as an incorporatad intitution baa gone out of exlatanca hy the aar render of ila r barter on May 12th, I86i .1. . . . i. : il.-tk... All of its stock ia owned by the eubjenbera, who will continue the banking business at the same place aa private bankera uuder tbe firm name of tbe " Clearfield County Bank." We are responsible for tbe debu of the Bank, and will pay lis notes on demand at tbe counter. Deposits received and interest aid when mo ney is left fur a fixed time. Paper discounted at six per cent, as heretofore Our personal responsibility is pledged for all deposits received and busineaa transacted. A continuance of the liberal patronage of the bi.iness men of tbe county is respectfully solici ted. i,t President, Cashier and Offieera of the late Clenrfield County Bank, we require the notes of said bank tj be preaentod for redemption. James T. Leonard, Richard bnaw, rV'm. Portrr, Jamea B. Graham, A. K. Wright, . L. Reed, William A. Wallace, pfr The busineas of the Bank will be conduc ted by John M. Adams, Esq., aa Caabier. Jun 2S,'i-tf. T I. roll i n II a ch ivs. nAVPT A Co., manufacture four horse sweep power Threonine: M acbiner, with thresher, shaker and strap for HfiO jand two-horse tread power Threshing Machines, with thresher .shaker, and strap all complete, fur $175 at tbe shop, or delivered to nearest railroad station. Warranted to give satisfaction in threshing, and kept good to thresh one crop free of charge. They have at Milesburg, Centre cun'y, Fa., experienced Millwriirhta and Machinists, wha will lake jobs to make new, or repair old mills, either water or steam power, of any sise. Cast ings and material furnished at abort notice. Prices for rash as cheap as can be got auy place in the county. jrlsaae Ilaupt ia still agent for all tbe In rurance Companies ot the State in good standing, who do a Cash Business. Mutual companies not recommended. (Jun 2h. Itft5 DR. A. H. HILLS IRES to In- ,.rm bis pat rons that prufession- El --" " bisoflica all L' J IBDITIl.IV ,",". "k to make Profaasional Vikita tA itit of hll accustomed places j this summer ; but may be found at his offise oa the Kotthwest cor ner of Front and Market atreetlirectly opposite tbe "Clearfield House," where he can be found at all times, ready and willing to attend to all calls in the line of hia profession. Full sens of Teeth only Twentv Dollars. July 2f.th 1 85-1 y pd. "RICHARD HOSSOF, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS J MUSLINS at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices pricoa prices price 1 1 1 L A I . IJi COI'.URGS ALTACAS at Just received at MOSSOPS GIXGnAMS at Sensation prieet CHINTZ PRINTS (i LOVES CRAVATS at at at at at at at Sensation Sensation Sensalien Sensation prices pi ioee prices price at Mossors SHAWLS Sensation price Sensation price iiivvrr COLOUED! MUSLINS f Sensation price? ti All to be had at MOSSOrS'. LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sor sation prices price prices prices FRINGE LACS HOSIERY RIBBONS 'HUMMING. S of all kinds t at at at at prices at MOSSOPS'. Sena&tion Sensation Seucalion prices price prices at Sensation prices in any quan ty I Alwavson band at MOS'OFS'. CARS1 MERES at SATTINETS at Sensation iUKution Sensation Sensation Sensation SAiiaation prices prices prices prices prices TWEEDS JEANS VESTIN'CS S111RT1NOS at at at at prices at xiossors. CLOTHING such"! as Coats, Pants, Veita, Voder Shirts, Flannel Shirtt, Boots, Shoe, Hat and Caps, at seuaation prices Now for sale at MOSSOrS' HARDWARE 1 such ss Saws, nails Forks, Knives, Spikes, Iln.gos, at sensation prices al MOSSOPS. at aensation prices LIQUORS, snch as Wine, PranJy, Gin, Whiskey, Copnac, etc., etc., i FRUITS, such as ; Prunes, Raisins, . E'igs, Filberts, 4c. 'GROCERIES, ssy i F 1 0 u r, Hams, Shoulders, Sugar, Molase, Citflee, jTea, Crackers, Spicea, Cand'o, ,Coal Oil, etc., etc at sensation prices i at MOSSOPS'. ! at sensation prices ; Alwav at XfnnrfS' BLACKING RorES row DER KI10T LEAD CAPS at sensation ' pricee at at at at at sensation sensation sensation sensation price price pricee prioes prices sensation At the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP I Always keeps en hand a full assortment of all "kinds of roods required for the aocommodalion of the public 1 Xov. 12, Its. iimkiMiniiMi. All, IMMO HOOK, Main Ct , Philips- ISm , Penr'a, llnktnr Ll.M p, Proprietor. reps const antlv on hand the choistest of liquors. 111.- table le alwsis supplied with the hett the Market aflorda. The traveling pulic, will do well to give him a call. Kov 1st, 165, tm6mas m cmsman, pent for the Sinner 8ewing Maebinei. I'hilipsburg, Centre co., I'enn'a, Oct. llih, iMiS. if. C. R. fOsTER, EDM-. PERKS, Wat. T. WRItiUT, J. D. V't.IRK, A. K. WRIGHT, W. A. WALLACE, RICH. SHAW, J.T. LtONAKIi, i.V. CRAUAM, CEO. L. REED. Sanliiiw & Collection Souse OF F0STEX. PERKS, WEIGHT & CO, riiiLirsiiUUG.UEfTRECo., Ta. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts discounted, DKl'usm RIX'EIVKI). Collections madeand proceeds promptly remitted. Exchange nn the Cities constantly on hand. The above Banking Houe ia now open and ready for business. Sept 6, 1865. FmuFiar RO, Contre Co., Pcnn'a. . 1 " ' -v-r Something INeW.1 . f i,i?oi,rnr,r, t. T.T r. ' , T . Maoufuclurerof Tin and 8heet Iron ware,1 in rfT I'enn'a. ii ,r ii , .(,. vii; would respectfully inform the I ublic, - that I have opened a room in the borough of Philips-burg, for the manufacture and Sale of Tin IV arc out of the best material tbe mallet will a fiord, aud made by expeiiencifil wot k man, all of which I will ell at either wholesale or retail prices surprisingly low. I aek those in need of anything in this line to call andexamme my ware end sat.sfy themselves that it,. is made for ue. Country Merchants desiring to purchase ama'.l lotl of Ware will find it to their ad vantage to buy of me. Stoves of all sizes and hape, for burning either ' Woisl or Coal. 1 would call particular at tention to that well tried and popular, Cookinj; Stove railed, very appropriately, I'ii; IRoNSIDE-i, Thie Stove ha all the advantages iossTed by others, beside j the oven ia larger, au,l the ash pit deeper anil more top auriace ttian unit oi any on aw , r. t' rt . r, I I , n , - . 1. ... twl i . . I ) , 1 1 , rival. 1 also keep on hand all kinds of Slate Pipe i.t.i. I :n 11 l ... : 1 ..... wiliuu l n.ii aril as luw si it uc .ui" chafed west of the mountain. I also keep, conatantlyon hand, ahovels, cart inge bolts,! srrates. nretirick. siove lin:ng. aieJ solus, i Waflle Irona, Sheet Zink, Sad Irous, Brass and Porcelain Kettles, together with a j vni ici j i " . ra iuii uuiut-rui.a i u uit u iiimi. aio a large ktocK ot tne nest Kiua oi Stoneware. And last though rot least in my lire Of buinss, 11 that or Spouting, l am prepared to fill all orders in this line on short notice, and manufactured out of Ihe best matciial. I want every body that comes to town, to come and I take a look at my show, and see for' themselves. I am going to sell the cheap- esf and bot Nares ever ottered in this vicmity. 1 have several "iropic Heat ing"anJ "Pat lor Cook" Stoves that I will soil at cott. to close out ihe slock for the Seann. Trv me. Feb 7th IsCC-tf- O. S. FLEGAL, -I CLEARFIELD STORE Philipsburg, Pa. WIM.IA. W. litTTS. jon? r. wsAvrrt. w ILL! ATI row ELL, OtOSUI L. REKO. IV. JV.BETTS,4'CO., (Successors to Munson A Hoops) Have jut received a large and well se lected Stock of all kind of S'.aple goods, such as Dry Goods, Clot Iiin Boots and Shoes, Hals and Caps, No tions, Hardware, Glass, Nailt, Oils, Painis. Queensware, Groceries. Flour. R.icon. Feed. Ac, which we are ollering at greatly reduced prices, lor Cash or in Exchange for Lumber and Shingles. We hope to make it to the advantage of Timber Men, io the lower end of Clcai field county and on Clem field Cieek. to gel their supplies from this point, being on the line of Kail Road can Sell goods on better terms than at any point toCleaiGeld county, and we are selling OIK StOCK at SUCh prices as to make it an object to thoe buy ing goods in this market to deal with us. j Advances of Goods, Feed, &c, made on account of Square Timber, which we ill either sell on cotnmisi.ion or buy at fixed rates. j Flour of different Brands can be had at all times at very low prices, at Ihe Clear field Stare, Thilipsburg, Tenn'a. Dry Goods Notions, ic, in great vari ety, at tbe lowest price for Cah, at the Ciarfield Store, Philipsburg, Penn'a. . Salt by the Sack or load, cheat er than ' iCsn be had an-r where elae. at the Clear- field Store. Philipsburg, Tcuo'e, j Call and Examine Ihe stock of poods, at ;tbe Clearfield Store, at rhilipsburg, Pa. Highest price paid in Goods or Csh for i Lumber and Shingles at the Clearfield . More. 1 bilipsburg, lVnn a, , ofallkindsarelobe tore, at rhilipsburg. ol. and prices don't' ' i be cheapest roods tl at ln Clearfield Store, , Call md see if our rood oot tbe times. . W. BETTS. ft CX), 1 bilipsbtirg. November 15th. lSfs5.tf. : . ailVMCAL QOOBS-Flotea, ViolinN Fifes, ilM. Uarmonieana, Preoeptnm. Muaio Paper. VI .... p, ,n.6, -w ujj. Dl ln oesi quaniy J. P. K RAZE US. TO0fs and Shoes a, complete assortment of X.J a-aiea, ueauenen a, aliases-. Boys' sod 1 la il A aaa'a T) rr. t tk a -1 ! . . , vsjinsiwsj aywn cavn uq vfiiiffp m i J. r. KRATZER'S, 1rtMTC'A.-AUrrelot ft self eeallr.f frnit rans ronptanlly nn band, ffe would raution thoss buying FaciT Ca, In observe that thry are Soldered on Ihe outside because. If soldered on the inside, there ia ai eays melted roain enough that cannot be remov ld, t.i destroy the fruit. Those buying fmm ns, will not have their fruit endangered in this manner, and our Cans are all warranted. K. B, Alio sslf staling Glaas Jars on band. Fcpt.IO, IftiS.lf. MKUHELL A MflLEF. i rOi'AKTNKIJSHll'. The nnderslpned have thia day formed a Co. partnership under the firm name of Irwin A Hartshorn, for the transaction of a General Mer chandise and Lumber business. A Inrge and well selected stock of Goods hn been added to those already nn hand at the Corner Htore in Curwensville where we are now prepared to show Customers a completed assortment with prices as low as the lowest. The highest market rates paid for Lumber of all description. The patronage ct tha public is respectfully solicited. EDWARD A. 1HVIN. W. K. HARTSHORN. Curwensville, July 2, UVr IL BllIDGE, (Store one di or East of Clearfield House,) Market St., Clearfield, Fa. Keeps on hand a lull assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, BUCU PC Shirts, Linen pnd Woolen under Shirts, drawers and socks, neck-ties, pocket handker- chiefs gloves umhrellas, hats 4c, In great variety. of df h, k th, b,Pt tlollu cf fhadft and color," nuch n I BLAUK KUESKIN OF THE VERY lxat niasie. Fancy Caanimcr in pret variey; i Alo, French Coaling, Beaver, Pilot. Chin chilla, and Fricott overcoaiing, all of which will be sold Cheap for Cau ; and 'made up according to the latest Styles by I Experienced Workman. Also Agent far ' Clearfield co., fur I. M. Singer, f- i!o . cel ebrated Sewing Machines. IP BRIIKiE. I Cleuifield. Petin'a. Nov. 1. 18''i5.-tf. Zim 1 1 '.', ' I.. a. jy HXii S. -. VVvl . c "" fi,T ;"v : c I '... 0 Y'Jj3 a j, 1 - " i . 7 3 'iiv.tt ie I"' IIA11LEY& SONS OcarfielJ, Pcmi'd. They hereby notify tbe public, that the Foundry, in the Borough of Clearfield, "n Pa 10 ""' b,ut- n1 PJ V? ow r?".d ettaining to their line. They keep constantly on band a general assortment of Cook, Tai lor and Ten I'lato Stoves, for burning EITHER WOOD OR COAL Salamander's, Nunib:r 4, I Dasc Stoves, Number 3 nnd 4, Wash Kettles, 1G and 20 gallons, 1 Fire Grates 20 and 2 inches. I FARM DINNER BELLS TWO SIZES, I Tlows and Tlow CnM inga. Wc are, also. Mvimred to make all kinds of GRIST AND SAW MILL IRONS, and epecial attention i paid to the re pairing of Threshing Machines. Persons in want of anything, in our line would do well by giving us a call. All kinds of country produce, and old Metal, taken in exchange for our Manu facture, at the highest market price. HARLEY ,t SUNS. Clcatfield, Ta . November Ut. -if. New Goods! iri.Cr. ViBn. o iH ewiSkaii i"'-3ryr-Fs I I ..n 1 t? HRSH.D.WELCH&C0.,ID11Y GOODS Have Just Recti vtd Their j rv it if . y-v i A "u afla " 'lT UOO(lSf CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS I Which ware purchaaed during the present de-! MUSL1 NS I DELAINES! LAWNS I "itbsrefore.re.nabl.dtosellryeAew.CLOTHS! CASSIMERS! VESTINGS1 Our Stock j Consiats in partof Merinos, Alpaca?, Top-j lins. Wool, Armure, and common De laines; Prints, Ginghams, Shawls, Hoods, Hosiery and Gloves, Nubias, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Flan nels, Lades' Cloth, Sheet iocs. Muslins. lowelirg. Tubing, Sontags, Breakfast cuawis, vaf.es, dc. . , - Also unassortrueut of Mdhncrv Goods. a t.- u ,r ' Among which a-o Hats, Bonnets. Feath ers, hil.lrf.na, Howera. Laces. Framoa Matinew., YeWeta. Silk.. Cra. Beraee,' eil. etc.. and a lar mA r.r etc., ami a Urge stock of Holiday Toys, Including China. Bronze. Trer Msche Tin. nosewood, diss.. Pewter, Wooden Parian and Candy Toys. 'j For LddlCI Ladies, Such as Tomades. Oils. Bandolinablrtnmf .i. !.:,- i,' wr, e S ' ' h'le 4 ilhankfu! for past tavora, we solicit a eon- i ,iuuam i uio aina patronage Of toe people or UearfielJ Co. WTRernemter the place Scond Street, Bor to rirsi ftaUonal Bank. LMe. 20, ' . Dey IMoeka, all sisaa. aad bet .anafao J. t-re.at ASiikhELL A BIGL&K r) OUIt IMUCF.S AUK KASIXJ Wmi THi: TIMLS." Mew oods AT THE Cheap Cash Stor X OF WILLIAM F.IRWIN! Market tired, ofprsilc ihe ' Clearfield Umte Clearfield, Pa. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Winter Goods AT Til E CHEAP CASH STORE. I am Inst receiving and opening a carefull 1 f l 1 1 11 M 11 1 of almost every description, " . r Trj. ra A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, or tne newest and latest styles. Also great variety of useful notions. DKY-OOOUS AND .NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity Hardware, Queenaware, - Drnga and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths. GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and Flour, V.l...l 1.11 ..J 1 I... 1. of the best quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. Sly old rriends and tne public generally, are respectfully invited te call. JWJr-N. B. All kinds of GP.AISt.iti approved COL'STRY PJiOVCCEUkea in exchange for Uoods. WM. P. IRWIN. Clearfield, May 31, 1S65. Cheap F11 i'ii i tu rc ! D1 ESIRES to inform bis old friends and eus- tcinera that, having enlarged his sbep and increased bis facilities fur manufacturing, be is now prepared to make to order furniture as may he desired, in g"od style and at cheap rates for Cas.Ii. He mostly bas on band at bis "furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made rurmtiire, among wbicuare liureaus and Side-Hoards, Wardrobes and Book -Cases ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfast and D'.niiig Extension Tables. Common. French-Post, cottage, Jenny- Lma ana other easteaa. SOFAS ..fall, KINDS, WoKK-STANDS HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, Ac. Hocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Lntnmon ami ntner li.aira. LOO K1SG-G L A USES Of every description on hand; and new glasses fur old frames, which will be pat in on ve ry reasonable Uirms on short notice. He also keeps on bant, or furnishes to or der, Hair. Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattres.ee. COFFINS, Ofeverj kind,' Made to o-der, and funerals attended with a Hearse, -vhenever desired. Also, House Painting done toorder. The sutacriber also manufactures, and hat constantly en hnnd, Clement'i Patent Washing Machin. The best now in use. Those using this machine never need be without clean clothes ! He also has Flyer's l'atent Churn, A superior art c'e. A family using this Churn never need be without butler I All tbe above and many other articles are fur. nished to customers cheap for Casb or exchanged for approved couutry produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, 1. in wood and other Lumber suitable fur Cabinet work, taken in exchange fur furniture. jjf-ir-Remember the shop ia on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Storj." JOHN GULICU. Nov. 28, 15f,t y FRESH ARRIVALS, AAT THE CHEAP STORE OP 'COVNTOX, SHOWERS L CRAIIA.M. Spring Goods, NEW And Very Cheap ! ! BOYXTON, S110WEKS A OUAIIAM-euo-ccssors to Boynton A Showers respectfully announce io ine public that they are now open ing an extensive assortment of FALL GOODS, At the old stand in (iruhatu's new buildins? which j they c.flVr to sell at astonishingly low prices, ((considering their cost!) for cash or spprov- tu country produce, ineir etocex of CANNOT BE SURPASSED! I vusiomers can mere Dnds Customers can there Ends L A DI ES" S il AWL51 GENTS' SHAWLS HATS & CAPS ! BOOTS 4 SHOES CARTETS k OIL-CLOTHS! OUR STOCK OF FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS I NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarf'! Tlno-Vot a I v-i. t: -v i. ,.-... , AHA A-l 1LS Satchels)! Fort Monnaio ! I?r,.shr. I liotompinc Albums ! IFirnS. TO HA CCi) ft SEGA RSI - ' PERFUMERY OF A I.L KINDS I n ,-n.:., i ..:. . -..- T. , J a t c r mim . iHAllD-WARE ! O 11 O O H CI W O 1 i -v 11 U U 11 O cl 1 (3 a I O efT II P'C' iUUUilClll,, TJ "eT fTTQ TatXTd t i ii f - i,-ii i i - 1 ' AWXVA1U . All of the best quality, and selected with special 'SU " lu "au wi iiearneia county. ' u. i.utsrujt, EDWARD ORAUAM. t'learoelct. Mar 10. 1S81. - ' r)0"10 Rubc"s " and Horse Blank"Ii I JJ KovlJ, 64. N.RStU ! BMllK m w