Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 21, 1866, Image 1

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    v1 h
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0- B O00DLANDER, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS: $2 00 Per Annum, if paid in advance
Th Kipdbi.icix it published every Wtdnesday,
at $2,04 per annum in advance. If paid within six
monthi $2,50; and if not paid nnlil after the ex
piration of ix months. $.1,110 will be charged.
ii paper discontinued 'till all arrearages are paid.
Select $octrn
All hail ! let wolfish parsons roign 1 1
'""" Now, brethren, prostrate fall '""
Before the hangmen of the day,
And crown them lords of all !
Lift np the spear! the pillows raise !
Hear ye the Mew School call !
Tor Juggernaut thall ride to day
And Moloch's black cabal.
let's finite tbcm.hip and thigh ! Spare not,
But curse them, great and small,
"Who dare to lay, "Be lenient,
For mercy need we all !"
few dn gon teeth, and culture hemp,
Take wormwood, verjuice, gall,
And mix a eup of dertl'i drink
For those wita'a oar thrall.
Let Charity be duly pigft'l
While we for blood do call,
And mercy be forever dumb
Upon this circl ng ball.
Who dares to utter "Peace on earth !"
To Tophet let him fall;
And those who teach "Good will to men !"
Send them to Satan's hall.
A tow'ring eon ff old let as raise
Erect a gibbet tall,
And gloat in dying agontca,
And hold death's carnivnL
Raise hemp from which great blewins low '.
Raise gibbets, parson? bvre below!
limits 11 mom hii;h Ace rebel host!
Damn them as they give np the ghost !
A'fic LrHiuirick (.V. J.) 7Ves
Senator Sprnguc, of Rhode Island,
whose wealth stands him in the stead
of brains, has brought forw ard a prop
osition to increase the tan it duties on
all articles manufactured in this coun
try. The object of this proposition is,
ins proposition is,
, but t prohibit
not to raise revenue
tho importation of foreign g?ds, go
that the manufacturers in tins connury
tmay have a clean monopoly, without , of tllC imf0,.tlina(0 famiiy wns shilock,
any fear of competition from abroad. I,,,, of Mr nml Mre shilin-k and
.Tho manufactuivrs liere, would thcn;fivo l..1, thn rhot Kn.n i.i.rl.t ov
t. i i . i . - i
vo cuaoieu u cnargo anj ko
their groeU might ucmanu, uccansoMr shilock awol,
TiinwoJUMve tiio cxciusncz-onuoi
Of the llOmO market.
This motion comes from New Eng-'jlcri UlC fur wn !n t10 otlier
land, of course, and what is still more roo that wa vclK.lie( liy a pusM,0
significant, is brought forward by one il bhc rnshc t0 their rescue.
of the heaviest of tho Xew England
manufacturers. Ho kno-ws tho prae
ticif! tid vantages of a monopoly in ly's
trade, for it is such a monopoly that
hasmmdo him one of tho wealthiest
men in tho country. With a very
amall amount of brains, he has, by the
manufacture of calico, accumulated
wealth sufficient to puichaso his way
into political conspicuity, Jind may,
from the forco of his money -and Ids
political position, thus attained, bo ro
yarded as ono of tho chiefs of the new
Calico Aristocracy. New England,!)
tho aid of fishing bounties, paid at tho
expense ot tho South and est, first
Acquired tho title of tho Codfitdi Aris
tocracy ; "but tlwsilluslrious distinction
is now iin a fair way to bo superceded
iy.tho6till more resplendent Calico
Arwtocracy.irt-tlielicad of which stands
iSprnguo tho Magnificent, and his fe
cund wife, who has tho happy faculty
of producing, at 'her initiatory accouch
incut, not only a thumping young Cal
ico Aristocrat, but a shower of green
backs Ijesieie. Tho Olympian god
8howcrod gold upon his favorite ; and
tho tnatH!al ancestor of the new Cal
ico Aristocracy, emulating tho classic
splendor and magnificence of Oly in pus.
rains greenbacks upon tho first-born
of this hymcnial production, and its
Tiapny mother, at the rate of five hun--dreu
thousand to tho one and one
liundrcd thousand to tho other.
Tho country has seen the announce
ments, repeatedly mado through the
,prcss, of tho enormous profits made
'by tho cotton and woolen mills of New
England, reaching from eighty to one
'liundrcd and twenty per centum per
annum upon Ihocapital invested. This
extraordinary profit is the result of
our tariff laws, mado for the oxtrnst'Lk
pnrposeof protecting American indus
try, but for tho real purpose of giving
tho manufacturers a monopoly. These
laws contraveno, in their practical
operation, that sound maxim of polit
ical economy, which justly holds that
every man, in a well regulated Gov
ernment, should havo tho unobstruct
ed privilcgo of selling where he can
get tho best price, and of purchasing
whero ho can cet tho cheapest nrticlo.
Under tho crafty pretext of prof cctin
homo manufacturers, New JiiiglanU
has so managed as to shut out compe
tition from abroad, by levying a tax
upon all foreign articles mado by
theinsolves ; and thus sho has for ma
ny years mado tho agricultural classes
of tho South and West tributary to
her emolument. The people of those (
.fro Motions of the Union are thus
made to labor for tho profit of tho
Calico Aristocracy. Ey tho operation
of tlicso unjust tarill' laws, wo are
compelled to buy of New England nn
inferior article, w hen wo micht, in the
absence of thoso laws, nurchaso a su-
pcrior article, in another market, nti
halt tho price. One would think that ;
such prohts as we have mentioned,
should be sullicicnt to satisfy tho greed i
of even tho Calico Aristocracy: but 1
avarice is amission that grows tho
more, Uio more it is fed. And Sena- j sen ice proper, sinco ne a hi hoi ro- m- p."' upon FonieyVNotlhat he kvngnngt! of your commission is, Go ofour church plate. . My own Chwrob,
tor Sprague, desirous to cut off ull j c-oive his title of brigadier general by tiet.;ared that most unscrupulous "art-; preach my gospel." And remember, ' (Grace Church) had a lull and hand
,.u ,.r r. ...:.,.. i reason of meritorious conduct in tho 1 r..t .i.-..' i. t a:i f . n:n i ...... ' r ...i i.
petition with his mills, presses to'"3'11. n01' on account of service in the j j)ivinity,"
increase tho tariff tax still morc.hoping ' army of the United States, llis "pro-lZJucL," am
to make the monopoly perpetual. And I motion" to u brigadtership ws the, tllC (
uuunv u ui jinio.niimj w iui - 'o ..'- :
wo havo little doubt that ho will carry
his point. Ho lias all tho wealth of
New England to back him, besides
all her votes; and tho politicians of
this Congress aro badly blundered, if
money will not buy a measure through
both Houses, with ns much eertuint'
as a traveler can buy his way through
a turn-pike gate The West and South
will remain tributary to New England
monopoly, just so long ns her politi
cians win rulo the country through
the aid of nigger philanthropy, craft
and fraud. Hitherto Sambo lias been
tho agent through whom the commow
sense of tho West lias becr. emascula
ted, and ho is far from losing his po
tency as such agent now, although
ho has been converted into a freodman.
The Calico Aristocracy must now, liy
the aid of the West, convert him into
a voter; and so they will agitato this
scheme, as a cunning ilevwo to keep
our people from thinking about those
other shrewd Yankee plans, by which
they are made tributary to New Eng
land, and arc the hewers of wood and
the drawers of water to the Calico
Aristocracy. Quincy (111.) Jhrald.
Siiociiixn Affair. One of the most
heart-rending accidents by. fire that
jiag evcr corno t0 0l)r notit.c took place
on tho orl,osil0 Bide cf th0 rivoPf ai)(1
about two miles from Relic Plaine, on
flic night of Thursday last. TIk name
i .
ten years of age. During tho
found the
Jlonso in fl;imc wlltn 6i10 immctliato-
,.. I1mnir from ll.n nn,l wmrm.
Jir. Shilock followed nn instant la
ter, but in his passago broke through
tho burning floor into tho cellar, liy
a desperate effort, almost sulVocnted
by heat nnd smoke, he again reached
tho bed which he had left, and grasp
ing tho sleeping babe, threw it through
tho window, which ho broke out ; but
upon turning to sec what had become
of his wife, he was met by tho flames,
nnd but barely escaped by the window
through which ho had thrown the
child. Upon reaching tho outsidi-, he
heard tho cries of his wifo from the
entry way, or'narrow hall. Sho had
been frantically endeavoring to gain
tho room occupied by tho children,
until sho herself had bocome surroun
ded by fire.
Through almost superhuman exer
tion he succeeded in bursting in the
door and rescuing her, although both
were terribly burned. They now used
exertions to save tho children, but all
to no purpose, nnd soon they were
enabled to see tho four standing to
gether in tho middle of tho room,
clinging to each other, with their eyes
raised to Heaven, in which position
they were consumed by tho names, in
full sight of thoir agonized parents,
who could lend them no aid.
What must havo been their feelings!
Nothing, of couriw, was saved, and
there they were, far from assistance,
left almost childless, in tho manner
described ; themselves badly burned,
and exposed to the bitter cold weath
er, with no protection but their night
clothes. They succeeded in reaching
a neighbor's house, where they were
cared for in a proper mariner. The
charred rcmaitiH of tho four children
were afterwards taken from the ruins
of tho house. ShakoperMicli.) Argus.
Artemus aid says shooting isn t!
1 .... -v- I . . . - ..I
as popular in ,evnia as ii once a
4V 1,
A tit... ..iinlw n ( int. tiun.l t I . .1 , ' (1 ft
ew years ago they used to have a
dead man for breakfast every morn-!;,,
ing. A reformed desparado told mo
that ho supposed ho had killed men
enough to stock a gravo-yaru. UA
feeling of remorse," ho said, "some-'
limes comes over mo! Rut I'm aiv
altered man now. I hain't killed a
man for over two weeks I What'lycr
puirun erseu wun i no auucu, ueai-
: ,...,o, .1..
ing u resonant How on tho
Why do men who arc about to fight
a duel generally choose for li e ng reputed economical In tho way of A &)run4 ro(lin 11,0 ' re8!Ul,ni 9
a uuei t iitraii cnooso a ueia iot viio o i j Messngo to Congress, a Senator ex
place of action f For the purpose of po sonal expenses. , , u K r 0(uiliteil on
allowing the ball to graze. REAi.-John P. Crozier.lho lichest' a tailor's work-bench can write such
mi . i a . ' . r i i .1 ... a . 1 1. a a1 ... I. m a
Tho largest alms houso in the world
the Frccdman's Rurcau.
Tho notorious government detec-
,tlV0. ticncral L. C. linker, ceases to bo
R brigadier general with this day.
'Ry tho terms of an order from tho
ar Department his commission was
canceled on tho mn uit., amnio is,
m,,bu;ri-u uut U1 -"ha.. i
borno in mind, however, that tho
military officers hero disclaim Raker a
"'ght to recognition us ot the military
, .
work of Stanton, upon
of Raker, who asked tho distinction
as a sort of health- covering to hide
his disreputable conduct whilst acting
in tho capacity of chief-thief-catchcr,
etc., for the government. This detec
tive has had his day; now his trouble
will comruence, lor ho can no longer,;
nt his own bidding, bring to his aid
tho strong arm of the government to
protect him .from tho vengeance of
outraged citizens who have been suf
ferers in person and in property from
the unconstitutional and utterly illegal
acts of this man.
Raker had become so impudent, and
felt so entirely securo from tho reach
of all men save tho Secretary of War,
that ho actually attempted to play
the detective upon tho President and
his household somo weeksago. There
is scarcely a doubt, however, that this
last specimen of indecency and won
derful impudenco was encouraged, if
not suggested, by somo of tho 1 resi
dent's "Radical friends." The"(Jrea"t
Retectivo" mado nn utter failure of
his espionage upon the executive man
sion, ibr it was somehow discovered
uy .Mr. Johnson, who sent a niofseu-
ger to bring Raker immediately into , unt, u,al nnJ 6umincr jut.k8 t cuss
Ins presence. 1 ho detective dropped. fiUtll a fi, , LirJ at porney
overy other consideration and repair-L.uh nny 0 tl0 excellent species
ed with all haste to tho bite House,. vorntv , ..j..nd didatmcr." and
totally at fault as to tho purpose of i
hissummons from the rresulent. ills
name being announced, tho President
directed that he be at once admitted,
notwithstanding tho presence of sev
eral gentlemen then engaged with Mr.
Johnson, ,'fho latter most unceremo
niously charged Raker with his vil
lainous espionage, and informed -him
that if ho again hoard of his presence
in or prowling about the White House,
or if ho permitted nny of bis creatures
to sneak around tho premi.sCR, the
"Clrrat Detective" should himself lodge
in sonic one of the dingy cells in the
Old Capitol, whero so many had been
incarcerated upon the simple order of
Hakcr himself, without warrant, or
tho semblance of law or justice.
Tho "Cireat Detective" was amazed
nt what ho heard, and rotuainedspeech
less while tho President scored him.
Upon the President's command, "(io,
sir," Raker hastily moved towards tho
door; but, before ho quito arrived
there, Mr. Johnson added : "Hold, ono
moment, sir. I desire that you now
go to tho Secretary of War and tell
la i t ii every word I have said to you;
and (shaking his finger nt him) don't
you ever let inc see you here again."
Tho "Great Detective" left instant
er, and has obeyed the last injunction
oflho President most religiously.
Richmond J'smn iner.
A Dk.ui HcsnAND Turns Up. The
Itoadinir (lazrttc savs another fuse of
the dead coming to life has just been
brought to light in tho Register's of
ficeof that county. A citizen of Read
ing who enlisted in tho early part of
the war, and from whom no informa
tion was had for seme time, was given
up for dead. His supposed widow, in
on er to ura w u ceuau. legaej ,
in lit. tn mi ii I i n Ki.sifiiiiA lmtnliln t r
.... I . a - l . :.. I ...I 1.
in tnv n in v. uvwi.-v .lu-.-iv
tho husband, look out letters of admin
istration on his estate, drew the legacy
and was again married immediately
thereupon. A few weeks afterwards
1,1 a I a I
1 flirt liiiatlititiil tint, ilmut t lit. Iivthfl
cnlled at tho Register's office, whero
ho was informed that letters of admin
istration on his estate hud len grant-
W l vj liur I'uiiv firsv u.ti k-fasv iae s
cii to his supposed widow, whereupon
d legal proceedingRaga.'nst
i i ,,.?.?.
no Disunite
his wife an
t mi ruuiira iu mutvi.
back, not tho wife, ns ho alleged, but
in Tliia ia thn anpmtil Qwn
t,0 ,...... Ti9 j9 ,l0
nf- llmi" nlm 'h1u i1!ia firl
tl0 1?(,uristcr-8 0nk.0 of tiat coun,y
- Unin ,,,0 ,agt monli1(j.
m , M,
fcifA. T. Stewart, tho dry goods
millionaire, among his other posses
sums, owns hoi h I lio St. Nicholas nnd
tl.n MVtrrmnlifnn linlidu I Im sum if
gli (i()0 a vear ns (heir rental nrovi-
ii.. '.. - . . ' .
(ljnir l,jm wjth iiockct money to buy
cigars and peanuts. His family eon-
f1"18 of himself and wife only.both bo-
man in Eastern Pennsylvania, died at
Chester on Saturday.
Wo seldom havo occassion to copy
m-th-les from tho Richmond Times.hut
Binco Gen. Grant issued his' order in
rc(rtl,.d to "disloyarpancrstho Times. contained some vcrv fino lovnl
reading." Tho following is a specimen: !
Tho President, on Thursday lust, 1
usurped oho ol tho principles proroga-
tivcB cf i10 learned universities, to
tle threat delight of all respectable
pe0pl' tlle conferred tho degreo of
im uuni ui inu j'l tcna u xuuiui ui
but ho dubbed him &liJkad
and as Forney happens to bo
t man ever thus solemnly nro-
importunitieH:cluinled l)V ft iVcsidont of tho United
States to bo a defunct water fowl, the
epithet has mado him famous. Since
the publication of his celebrated letter
recommending tho deliberate intoxi
cation of a certain theatrical "Star"
for tho purpose of extracting secrets
from which ho hoped would blast tho
honor of a defenceless woman, ho has
well merited the title of "R. J." as
the abbreviation of"D.irty Dog;" but
having been formally, upon a solemn
anniversary occassion, invested with
tho honorary degreo of "Dead Duck,"
by that title ho will hereafter bo popu
larly and historically known. esay
"historically," for history does some
times hang such characters in chains,
as all will remember who havo read
of tho Vicar of Rray.
Tho President having handed For
ney down to posterity as a dead duck,
tlio question most dillicult of solution
is to determine to what species of the
great family of web-footud waterfowls
does Forney belong. We think the
mystery one of very easy solution.
We entertain too profound a respect
for "canvass backs," "mallard, led
niw.i. W, ,:11u- s.iihiek i,..,.!:-1
our admiration ol tho i resiuen t s
skill as a quick shot is intensified
when we recollect that it is next to
impossible to kill this fishiest and
most artful of ducks with an ordinary
Of all tho family of "divers," the
"didappor" is the most dexterous at
dodging and turning somersaults in
tho water. He is a voracious ami ex
ceedingly fishy little fellow.aud bears
the same relation to tho great family
of ducks as Forney does to tho editor
ial fraternity. Ho is perpetually div
ing, and when he goes under no one
can make tho slightest calculation ns
to tho exact spot or moment when he
will conio to tho surface. Having,
in our younger days, paddled
hours in pursuit of, and expeuded
pounds of ammunition upon this wary
and active diver; wo cannot too much
commend that splendid shot from tho
portico of tho Whito House which
"keeled" the political "didapner'over.
As this bird can never be killed when
his eye is upon tho sportsman, Foruey,
tho "didappor," undoubtedly met his
fate when ho was looking intently at
Thad. Stevens, and did not think that
"the man at the other end, of the
avenue" kept a gun and -shot fishy
duck upon national anniversaries.
Rut tho divings and somersaults of
Forney, tho faithless, arc now at an
end. The blind rage and insane
abuso ol tho President which defiles
the pages of tho Chronicle nndVt,
remind ns of the spasmodic fluttering
of tho "dying didapper" as he flaps
and quivers convulsively upon the
surface, with a heavy charge of Ex
ecutive duck shot in his brain.
Years hence tho old men of Wash-
will tell their erar.dchildren
how QnQ w u q( Ych ,,..
I . .. . .... .-
I : , ,,, (;, " ,., .,,
Andrew Johnson shoot a foul, ii reedy,
iisny lime duck right in mint ot the
White Rouse, and as an ornilhilogical
U VI tllV IIMI OX. I a HIV tlVtllt VIIWII r
. ' ... l.
pcr will rank next to the slam "cock
Lookino ron A lU.HTit. Whilo tho
waslyingntCincinnati.just ready
to start for Louisville, a young man
, , , ,. - , ...
enmo on uoaru, leaning a uiusning
damsel by the hand, nnd aniiroaehing
the clerk in a suppressed voice: "I
say," bo exclaimed, "mo nnd my wife
have just got married, nnd I'm looking
for nccomuiodat ions." "Looking for
n berth r hastily inquired the clerk
passing tickets out to another pnssen-
ger. "A birth ? thunder and light -
nig "O I gasped the VOling mail,
'vro n'nt 'Mlt just got married 1 wo
'.. 4.. i.. . . . . . ii ......
wannipiaeo to sui mi mgiii. juu
know, and a bed."
JSjrOn rending tho President's
a document as that, of what use
universities and colleges.
Tho following is a portion of tho
ohanro oflho Rev. Professor Cole, of
'Rutgers College, New Rrunswiek,
I New Jersy. to the Rev. O. If. Hazard,
tho nastor of the Socond Presbvronan
church of that city, at his recent in-
stallation ; and it is worthy of a place
.Lord Jesus Christ,and that the explicit
uiitL uiu uiiu j;ri'iu uujci-k ui j ui iinn-
istry is, to socure the salvation ol lost . sent to Columbia for safety. It was
sinners. Upon you has been divinely lost in tho sack of that city by Sher
conferred tho distinguished honor of man's army on February iHh last,
an ambassadorship for Christ. You ; Thccommunion plateof St. Michael's,
are sent to bear jus one simple menage Charleston, the gilt of Qucon Anne,
to lot men. You havo no Lnsiness-to 'and that of Trinity Church, Columbia,
turn asido from it to the right or left, j was all stolen, or destroyed in tlie fire
Everyone who enters tho ministry : on that occassion.
needs to he cautioned on this subject. It has occurred to mo that you.
r... t l.l l.. . .. ..
p. i " - i
ing of it o plain, and to proud, dark
i in irosriei im ho Kimnie.kiiu l nenreacn-
human nature so unaltractive,and the
preacher himself so utterly powerless
to convert his hearers, and so shut np,
often to tho necessity of working with
out seeing immtdiate often without
seeing any friuta of his work, that in
his agony of interest hois apt to be
betrayed into the adoption of mere
human expedients to infuse moro at
tractiveness into his pulpit services.
This feeling in somo prcaehcrs.togeth
er with a painful lack of religion ex
perknee in others, turns many of ocr
sermons jnto moral essays nnd bald
harangues upon specific sins. This it
is which leads preachers into tho se
lection of themes drawn from litera
ture, science, art, nnd politics. This
it is which creates the straining after
out-of-tho-way texts and startling
analyses. Earth, and air, nnd sea, and
sky are laid under contribution for
material which will cater to the ta4,e
of fashionable but hcurilos audiences,
which will tieklo tho ears of people
who are spiritually dying for want of
realization that they have souls to be
lost or saved. My brother, scorn to
turn aside from tho pure gospel of
Jesus Christ,. Pray to have your own
soul alive with tho profoiindest reali
ration of that truth that clusters round
tho two groat central themes of sin
and salvation ; and then, by tho grace
of tho lloly Ghost, let your discourses
be tho outpouring of this realizing ex
perience upon your hearers." I'ns
uif'Tiiin. Tun Si IT AO A INST Tiif, Skcretaky
of Wah. In this case, it will he re
membered, Joseph Madox, of Mary
land, a short timo since, commenced
a suit against Secretary Stanton to
recDver lite sum of ?100,000 damages,
f.jr injuries alleged to have been re
ceived from having been illegally im
prisoned by tho Secretary's orders.
Tho Secretary among other things,
makes answer to tho effect that what
ever arrests and imprisonment of tho
plantiff were made if at all wero by
virtue of the orders of tho President
of tho United States, nnd bv virtuo of
his powers as Secretary of War, to ar
rest any ono who was found giving
aid and comfort to tho enemy dur
ing the rebellion. Counsel for the
plantiff made motion to strike out tho
abovo parts of tho answer, on the
ground thai, they were irrelevant. On
Saturday, Juslioo Sutherland, of the
Supremo Court, denied tho motion,
with $10 costs, to abide tho decision of
the action. X 1'. Sun.
Sk.rvantoai.ism. For a long time
servant girls have been announcing
an eccentric airlessncss.that has caused
much inconvenience to housewives,
and other household articles. The
clunnx of this aim ess was reached at
a Front street residence, a day or two
slneo. Girl called for a place. Had
Interview with mistress of tho house.
(Questioned mistress about ninountof
work to be done. size of family,wnges,
servants accomodations, Ac, winding
up by asking whether there was a
piano in the house. "Then the place
won't suit iiium : ns I alius likes tew
practice on tho pianner when 1 gets
my work done. r.xit servant gin in
uingusi- imniauiiiiimiiin u
in.... . :.. . i:.... v n.
i trmt A- L nion.
At a sale of furniture, which took
lace in a country town, among
ookers on were somo Irish laborers,
land upon a trunk being put up for
fale. ono of them said to his neigh nor:
) "Pat, I think you would buy that
uu,,,v . .... ... ...
"An, what would 1 do with it r i
nskctl Pat in somo degroe of astonish
ment. ,
"Put your clothes In it," was luC r&-
"1 at eflKcd On with a look of snr-
urise. nnu then, with mat income to-
nnd then, with tliat laconic oto-
i. otienco. which is peculiar fo n son of
the Emerald Isle, exclaimed : "An,go
.aked .
He?. O. C. Pinekney, ot Charleston,
S. C, makes tho following public, for
tho restoration of tho plate of Lis
church that was stolen at the time ot
the sacking and burning of Columbia,
February, 18(f :
Charleston, Jan. 4, 1865.
Amor.g tho calamities which have
boiallen many of our churches in the
punt year, i the entire or partial loss
might do something to aid us in tho
recovery of somo, at least, of these
vessels, endeared to tis by use and by
so many religious associations. They
have probably been offered for sale in
tho larger cities of tho North. They
may have tallcn4inlo the hands efsotuo
who arc willing to restore them on
just terms, to their rightful owners.
Each piece of plate of my own church,
was distinctly marked 'Graco Church,
Charleston.' Tho others wero, I pro
sumo, in like manner engraved with
the names of their churehe.
The record book of St. Michael's
Church, more than one hundred years
old, was carried off. It tva seenintha
hnmh of parties going North frttn
Charleston. It is a very valuable
book. The members of tho Church
will be under obligations to you,ifTou
assist them to recover it.
Yours respectfully.
A "Dear" Little Slipper. Tholi
test New York fashionablo sensatien
is tho simulated slipper, which bfis
been the Parisian sensation for at least
a month. It is a gaiter, mado afwr
the old prunella pattern ; but instead
of prunella, it is woven silk stocking
pattern nnd is beautifully worked 'in
white and colored floss. Thofoxcs'lf
the gaiter is whito kid, with real luce
rosettes, with silver aigrettes -in ir-.o
centre, nnd high LonisXIY. hcols. It
is faced up at tho side; otherwise it
looks like a beautifully fitting kii
slipper and silk stocking.
A Goon Example. Governor Ham
ilton of Texas, has sent to Coverner
Hiamlctte of Kcutucky.tho flag of tho
Nineteenth Kentucky VoJunteer8,cap
tured by the rtbels during the RoJ
River campaign. We hope ere long
to see all the llags captured on either
side returned, in like manner, to tho
States whoso people supplied- them,
and uo other remembrances of our to
cent coftly and blood civil war than
those which belong to history.
s mii
A Tlrxs Preacher. 5IrJ.
General M. P. Lowry, who command
ed n division of rebels at the battloof
Nashville and elsewhere, nnd wbo
surrendered to Sherman in North Car
olina, has taken to preaching. He has
two Raptist churches in Tippah cooa
ty, Mississippi.
fray A New York clerk has boon ar
rested for deceiving a customer -by
selling goods that were composed of
cotton, nnd asserting that they were
all wool. If every elerk wbodoe that
is to bo arrested, our prisons will bmro
to be enlarged.
BrA couple who met for the first
time in a car on tho New York and
Erio Railroad, the other day, liked
each other so well that when tho
train reached lilmira they got -ont,
struck for the nearest clergyman's ontj
wero married.
The Eionr lloia Svstkm. The
New York Legislature has rejected
resolutions instructing tho members
of Congress from that State to voteia
favor of a bill to maku eight hours
day's work.
MiNisria to Honiu ras. Tho Pros
dent has appointed 11. Rousseau, ef
Kentucky.ininister to Honduras. Mr.
I . .1 r T TT
' " " ' "
General Cass. The health of fli
( yenerablo Lewis Cass is rapidly failing,
f0 Ht.arc(ily sits up at all, and .his
'death is daily t-xpectcu.
ly txeeted
m '
Fanny Fern says the men, liko to
"pick tho ladies to pieoos." Prentice
replies that it is certainly pleasant to
take ono of thorn apart sometimes.
woman wuo rusuvu ui o o.
rri.. i.- i. . i - t
dier's arms, has been bent to prison
for having government property ia
ner possession.