Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 14, 1866, Image 2

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    (rwy a
bt tflraifirlb Jupublitan.
Gkouue B. (JoonLANDKn, Kditor.
Wednesday Monx!NG::MAnciI 14,1.
or iifuk's covnty.
Hon. Hiester Clymer.
The name of this brave
will bo found at our mast-head, and"""e'" .
,. -nn.rnt.ilntft t he. " Domocracv of
Penasylvania upon the nomination of
d.ia fnlnnte.I P-entlemnn for Governor.
this talcntea gentleman 101 uotrmii
by the.State Convention on tho oil,
Our distinguished standard bearer,
now rcprcBonts the Berks district in
, c, . . 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 Ann
the State Senate, to he has been
twice elected He is yet a young
man, but lias aireaciy won vne nq.u-
tation of a statesman, and is one of(t -
the soundest Democrats in the State,
and the Democracy may well be proud
of such an unimpeachable standard
bearer. '-Mr. Clyiner's political rec
ord is before tho country upon the
journals of our Stato Legislature.
That ho has been faithful to his con
stituents and the interests of the State
needs 011I3 reference to the fact of his
long continuance as a Senator. His
integrity is above reproach, and his
ability is everywhere acknowledged.
Even his political enemies award him
tho rare merit of purity, dignity and
all tho accomplishments of the perfect
gentleman. Notwithstanding this fact,
however, Mr. Clymer has never com
promised with the opposition ; never
mtrrendercd bis opinions as a Demo
crat, nor violated the faith of the par
ly of the Constitution and tho Union.
AVe feel assured that with such a man
as our standard bearer in the coining
contest victory will be ours. Stand-
ingbythc Union, the Constitution
and tho right of tho States to main
tain the ballot sacred and inviolate,
Mr. Clymer will lead tho Democracy
triumphantly over all opposition, ir.
tho shape of dis-union, anarchy, agita
tion, centralization, ncgroism, and
constitutional destruction."
Let evety Democrat buckle 011 his
armor, and from now until the ides
of October, never cease laboring to
rescue oar unhappy and distracted
country, from the hands of the de-jwas certainly lamentable to learn
spoilers, which can only be done by from tho conduct of the individual
tho election of Mr. Clymer, of which members, and fully proven by the final
there is no doubt if Democrats do 'proceedings of the body, thai a large
theirduty.and that by20,0tf0 majority' majority of the Convention was com
The U. S. .SEXATE.-Tiio i.olitical rSl'a U DiUnionists men who at
temper of this bcxl-, upon the radical
issues is becoming pretty nearly di-
... 01 j j
vided. A vote was taken on one of
Snmner'a Constitutional amendments J'nimer'' nnd urSinR 1,10 Mgt t
on Saturday and resulted yeas 2C,ir'0lint t1,c Tha,, Stevens-negro suf
nays 22, the presiding officer announ-1 fraSc rlform. Gen. Geary, through
cing that tho question not bavin.- r.., Tom Marshall, of Pittsburg,
CCIMUawo UV1 VOIO It Was lOSt.i , v " in . i . v tl.O flall.O wih .iMt'if'Mnnmw nnd xtil I. umv
. n. . , lilt f'Oftran f i lin rtn linnta in fnlirrrinLii 1 11:11 white men have ate v been cn- : v .." "" '""', " j""
1 - .11 a 2inn(iiiirt?ti in in hp ii n RntiHi'i nnrr ii, B-.r ie .tiTif,Mni. until tnrnr.r .- i
ana mc amendment fell, ih.siscer-, , , " ,L,n!r0(1 in i1.PnnSe11iI1p.,P,i.n uw" disappearance we were relieTcd of, ol G,
tainly a result for tho country.!-:1."'11 V" tiUC9 nre 011101 11,0 im-ton in such a vvav as to excite tl,c V of remarkable visi- reca
Th nt ionnl iissnKsina an. !.;.! L "'on, and that universal negro suf- rovrmr, t,.n;nil,o, n..t iu tor. :iifo
throttled bv tho "mvfmmn.,1 " m ,1
more cfTectiinl nmnncp thnn fl.o,- n.
crn neighbors, arc
excited on account of tl
Canada is under ar
lias been proclaimed, and tho writ of
habeas corpus, has been suspended,
Telegraph lines have been seized, and
cvcrj-ttiing and everybody is confused
. . , , .
M n ( J.T-y.lf.l.l ..rtt ,. n ........ n nA I I .. - 1 .".uiuuia me ijatiiei-iiig
ftml tftfillimr in ftt-nMi .ilt- nml rlllnnA
i President Johnson s an index to' ,llL' Vn,n "'-'i" fornier masters I ,"" ne mem ners 01 my "ai came. vi ontu.ey enlighten ii.n j . . 1. 111.
irc.iucni; JontKOi. nn ui.Kx to '.o,' , )l0m down Ac T,is is ,.or. family. Suffice it to ny, that my wife the public upon that vubject f Or shall mitor or John W . WUmbvrcJ.
CAXADA.-Our north- 11,0 ''Olo proceedings wc give two)tain rarrviirr ,.,,, ors rather far. ftml I wo daughters are firmly Krsnad- wo 7 1 rjA Dushals of prima
....v. ui i ti vii, i.i. vi i iiiflui.,
V O'.i:
in mo rrovinee, Jtis reported that
tl,elTth-St. Patricks da3 is set m'
the time for tho Fenian Invasion
,i -r. ... ... . i
What the result will be,no ono seems
I T i i .1 a
4. JiLCOHO. AtlS report CCl Iliai a
nnmbcr of knowing San
J'rum-ltiCO, are preparing 10 pilDIlsIl
tho lift, nnd i inl ofMi nJr.r.J
T ; i t I
to coyer the time while ho was Tost
ilanco Committeo was raised, to re -
lieve that State.
rouNKV, d. c.-Tho Dead Duck,
still keeps quacking. He is fluttering
wonderfully, because those thrco Dein-
oeratic stai-s, John Van Burcn, C. L.
Vallandigham and DanlY. Voorhees,
.. ... .
are stamping Connecticut. If hcisso
Master, Alcalde, and Mayor of that t,iat vl'1'I, wouI(1 ""tore our country prosperity; or, Geary, negro eqt
City. It is reported that the General, to Pcacc nnd ''"rmony. A speaker a disrujited Union, war, and finally cftP n'l'?,'s M
nnd StjiniotiTiniw.i;vATtol..ri..-.ik won Id iunin tin. and harraniruo tho Despotism, Voter make your choice. .1 . .1 " '" if'!lsc. ox.(
.... r. . . , . . " cnanging 01 ino head
1 . A ! I i.l 1 .. . .fDilil tnrin 1. ... n I.. If Vnn U'ttnt. fin f rift nt'itl r I 1 .1 n i, 1 1 1. . . I . .1'
ten, vaiiionii.t aooui too unio ino viir- j ""jt '""' j - v.-. ..... r. ... ,w .ucuio.i iiearcu in the same
much alarmed now, we wonder what
he ,vill say when they come to Pcnn-
f""' , .v '
Forced Ttibuts to Cljmtr.
No opponent oflliostorClymorcan
or dare assail his character. Hi We
ll 11-
linn (nun iii'iiii li' ill iik iiii'i i i, v .
. ..- ... .i . v . . - i
too honorable not to command the
. . ,
cntitv jwpectof liisonom.'iiti
nro forced to pniUe uim.
The IM.ilH-
di'ljliia Inrjuinr. thcHorial i'liunilioii
of neiier.i! (learv. s;i s :
TliC l)enioeratie Convention ol
lViinsvlvariia transacted its business
little ifininiliv. nm has. Dorliaos,
plaeed in nomination the best camli-
date that could have been se.ecieu
ti i I I
from the ranks of the party. Mr.
. ' . 11 .
vnii'i' is .1 .rent email 01 cxceiicm
character and of fine abilities. There!
can be r.o doubt that he will do credit
to the oflic'e. should it be his fortune
to bo elected." i
i And even Forney 'e Pm.5, bitter and
j ra, ,n t,....
ol,r ' '"B"- l -
' 5"--i,' " r - - -----,
toslinillI,y to tho high pei-sonal char -
,t.r of 1Ioil. iliwleP Clymer, the
! Democratic candidate for (.overnor of
'lViinsylvania General (.eary may
! .y that ic has a' foeman wortlijr
1 steel. Occupying positions
fhg mYW on all (he t
f(oM ,)f 1he tw0 rop,esenta-
ue men ui huuiuicsb iimuun n.,,
!liivass in that
spirit which should jmn,l0 n .statement upon this subject,
p-eat controversy 6MaiHj j, opinion is entitled tothe high-
characterize a rn
spoken ty
The Press, for ones, tells tho truth.
Iliester Clymer, nnd John V. Geary,
'the reverse on all the great
questions of cho day," nnd the contro
versy is "between principles that are
eternally and unequivocally hostile,"
and are waging an ': irrepressible con
flict" in this country, the results of
which must and will bo determined
by the people within a short period.
The question is now before the people
of Pennsylvania in a plain form. They
must cither support President John
son and his policy, and thereby restore
tho Union ; or, follow Thad Stevens,
in his dis-Union course, and assist him
and his followers, in conferring suf
lrarc unon the Negroes, and a final
jissolution of lhc Uli;on Tho ques.
,'lic)n i(, p,ain oneCymor ai)(1 Union,
or, Geary and dis-Union.
Gen. John W. Geary.
This political renegade and military
failure, was nominated, at Harrisburg,
on the 7th instant, hy a dis-Union
CoiiTention composed chiefly of of
fice holders. The vote stood : Geary,
81; Kelchum, V,0; JHoorthead, ID;
White. X.
It was our lot to be present at this
gathering of political buzzards, and it
heart hate the Government.
mncuago t. inel was very
1 , . ,
,uus " 11,0 110or ucnoimcing inogov
:1,nfie mUhl 1,0 adopted and 111 oppo-!
.1 . . . . 1
silion to the tc-construetion noli. v of 1
, eJ of (1,eWiir n., H .ring ih
rebellion have Ucn of ineatimabl value1
,0 ccuntry and entitle him lo the
1 '
I'rmii ti. Tl,nl li. II 1.M ... n
.wv. .. . 11.1 IC .ll.lf. I.H11II Uil.lll.
- c .
.senator irotn X enntivlrania, by
In theScnntA of Ihe Pnilpil Situtia tin.'
- - - .,.-
I ..J.1.I 11 . ,. ,
u .nn 1 1 i(i i n ten ine anil i.rr tiir in 011
1 nfwinr- r . ' "', 'Ci !
-l-,ed to r.i6n..
I he man that can praise Stanton and
iconucmn Senator Cowan, is ready to,
nil All t liftcinnn I s i i,ti..ii .j ,i ,i 1
jv . n, mm uuniu
BJl,b"coou ,l10 avo of tho Union.
l ha i o iVfiniinn wna iv
"Mnwr"u' J,IIA,
ooo, bad and indifferent, and seem-1
ramon was a iwfcct mix
ed 10 rtTrcsfnt rS clement, but
democrats another would electrify
tl10 PqnthJiean jhirty, while a third
would bellow loudly for the great ,Y,
fUican Union party. While it was
l',ain lc s"cni that there were three
distinct factions in tho Convention,
they yet alUcemed to agree upon ono
,1. r.i
thing the destruction ofthis govern-
f wrrn m 1 nrru rx iriur 111 v riiiiuuiu tiiu i.i1,hif.. nm ir u L-iirtti-ti iv 11 .1.1 n r .t'itu n ucnnn irnri nv cm . .....
, , V:; - . l" , " "" " ivnrj.,.,.. ,w i0 work ; and to do this at an
unequivocal y Itostth: that lie was emo of the largest slave- a jintideuH.ninm. Terribly Mart led, I JUI tX,eiise of over TWKNTY '
The italics arc ours, and . made to holders in the State of South Carolina niy wife and 1 sprang from our ',,fJ-j jjoxsj rjp DOLLARS lo be'
attract the attention of the reader, to if not the largest. (Tie room was illuniimded as brightly ' ' 'tjQ w,iiu 'cn ftml '
. Jin has hvod 111 that sect on olcottn- fl bv .1 flofd of sun h.dit. thoti'rh the 1 ... , , v- 1 c- .,1
1 II 1 r 1 .1. . rpi 1 .1 ii.... IilPTOI V 1 lOlIl V IHV
1...V - a j " " I ' - . S '-.nil lift 1 1.1 r . .t-. . ..... .. .n.
inst now tcrrihlv'.1 1 ' ': The wh to n nn th it stoor.s to ,,nhal u wn" 11,0 v,''i,'' Sn'a"- ' v. MM ' , 7 . . , mv ix imktshok.v .
jusi, now icrnoij 1. .n.. ... . ... V. 11 . "I,ln .'".li SCOOJ.S to,. ,.. . ,. JlAlSttl. 1 he Le'is at nr.. ,n i.t Curwensville. FcbrnurT SS. 1st "
, i' .;.. ini c er.Miva. .sunrf, , ,s work, deserves a Pen fentinrv 1,1 " 1 " miniy iciievc , . 15 .
ic remans. All r,nnu..ima!i. B.iiitr nt., 1 r.i.i. I" m.i 1 uiunnian. , , 1 ........ . . . . tm.oi n , 1 .1.., I nn . . . u
,r ,. , , -..j 'Hut so far. ns the interests of thU "" " ' '3 some curious comci- 1 ..n.-... uumiuro,i ... ......-,, ,,!. . .,ni,j
nis. Martial law 0 lb, -dest.ny of the country. m....f.rl ,iiiln.i. ' lJ' '.il-' dence. bad been the victims of a hoc salary from 81.000 to Sfi.00.1. ,LnJd 'r ",n,""EkJ
-nt, if it is in .heir power, by enfor -
cing the programme of Thad Steven.
and his Directory.
Tculh! Pcftth!!
' , fi . .
. -iJ,,r: ! Xrdav in the Senate
V" r TrW KoouMiosn
. . ' . .
r- .
...nt t , ii. li li ii 1 i i;i i-n ill. I i I i run il.
rvuiui'ii iiiun'ii ....... v . - - -
vr sentimcntalism, said, speaking 01
- . , l i
tl0 South : I
. n.i .... !.:.,..
. "1,m:?,uV, ' V: ' '
States ilurin the civil war lias Wen
Ik. I i i iiiii' niu li : i. witiiiu uu-rw
must (.illiniums. Of till ll lion-
uiiiiii, there wero in those Mates,
nc - oordinr to the census o! l-soo,
.(JOO.OOU males of twenty years ana
over. Undoubtedly one-third of that
w wnue jx.nuiauou 01 1na101.e1 -
sons over twenty years 01 nge no
.i 1 .
As to the Mack population
not tho specific facts upon
can make a positive and
calculation, but we have facts
'to us upon tho very highest authority,
'f'stimates mado by gentlemen who
have hud the means of knowing, it it
possiblo for any human being to
L-nnu' I int in iii-tuiil est fuel loll 01
l!.Z,l ZS
u,e uincu puj.uu.i.o.. n... Uhi ...... . . 'ir veil to those negroes wlio are wil-
!l(CC1, )U oa6t twenty-five per cent, of le!nc it to wiser heads than my own -h , . . . . , .
illlC wll0ie population. (fo unravel the mystery. jZu'LJn received by the Xortl,.
j Hi,!, ofiieers ofour army state tins,' On Monday night last, after myself ;crn wjito ,aljom., ,,0 work ,
,anJ ive thiH SIS o.inion, without anl family had retired to rwt.:tinWi Jlut notwithstanding this
;any qUalific-atiuii, tlu.t nt least ix-riityTP nrontcod 1.3 11 pront outcry from i001Mjil5u1 of tIlin rfi liie Abolition
ifivc Jlor .ont one ,niilion out of tho t;.o negro quarters which were 1111-,. , , , c " . . j e,CVL., ,s
1 I nie.liaU-lv to the rear of t he house-, iVri. trld to S . in. th e c .un
!CovcriloP Aiken, of South Carolina, in whic-l.-prayc;,. vied for mipremacy I'';
- w;l3 j-cccunr at i nsinogion,
try during tho whole of this civil war,
and his means of knowing are very
, 1 1,11 1,1,1,1111' . ... - . , -j . 1 u- nid luiiiirmv 11 1 1111 ill-ill .-iiiiiii
extended, lie states, most iinccjmvo-.that tho negro cabins were htmig con- j
ca'ly, that more Jhan a million of thoSumed by tiro. Wc rushed to l1-" !
blacks have perished more than ' windows and beheld a sight that fair-
twenty-five per cent. The lion. Pan-
dal! Hunt, of the city of New Orleans,
and I refer to hi 111 because be is a
Union man, and has been, as I under-
stand it, during the whole of tins room, hysterical with fear,
tumble; who has lived there all hisVhnt wo beheld :
life, lie states, also, that beyond J Standing to the right cf the upper j diroctorv, would soon give'way, and
question twenty-five per cent, ofthem cabin, noir the foil co lliftt Popnruti n il'j-j p iiitanious M'lioino wtmlU 1'C ro
have perished." jt he negroes, garden from tho house jvealed to the public. P.ut as thev arc
Five hundred thousand Northern yard, was n creature of gigantic-' (qq.opi.,! to justice and equal ri'hts,
men have perished, and in the report
..f Li - ' I 1 1
ui surgeon vienerai jiuiic c .earn
that tlicro were treated in hospitals,
one million and fifty-seven thousand .
tour hundred and twenty-three
: (l.doT,-
er is ro-1
. . ;
4v) wcunded men, of whom
four thousand died Whocve
sponsible for the war, has not penalty
etiongh been paid? Aye.
Sent ction. The Chicago Repnbli-
can containing the following dispatch'
dated Indianapolis, Ind., March 0 : jlegs cf a Iioi-nc, onlv tho hoofs were
A horrible tragedy occured in Ped-'dovcn. It had a 'long tail, armed
ford last night. It seems that Prof.; with a dart shaped Lorn, which it was
J. Madison Evans, in regard lo whom, continually switching about. Its eyes
'.here was some scandal a short time 'plowed bke two living coals of tire,
ago, bad seduced a daughter of Dr. j Uile from its nostrils wero emitted
daughter had been off at a boarding
school, when her condition beenmo
apj.arcnt that she w as sent home, j
r ' ,
wnerc sue coniessen all to her la'.her. !,1!, dingy brown. The air was now
The doctor look his pistol and one of , ' crfullv impregnated with a smell of
his dissecting knives, and went to 'burning sulphur. The poor negroes
Evan's house. The latter was not at were evidentlv laboring under tho ex
home. Newland went to bunt him, trcmest terror, and two of them, an
and found him in the street, where he; ,, woman and lad. were actually
shot him down, and then tut him to driver, lo insanity by their fears, and
pieces with tho knife. Evans was a ' have not recovered their reason up to
iiitcr of the Christian church, and
; , " ; f " kiw.Vn "
ni 11 posiiicn, .111,1 is well knot, n as
the author ot a work entitled ' Jhe ,
J he
1 loncer 1 reaeliers of Indiana. He at
one time occupied a chair nUhe Nor,.,
western Christian Cuivon-ity, ofthis
. . . . -- 1
President is about to return them to
their former condition, and that it is
le nothing to devilish, fi.rAboliiionUts
lo commit. ,
IMF.'KsT Our Consul at
Liverpool, has been -ri vine .01,10 at-
t m. w mm,. I I . t . J .
."";tcntion to the great cattle j.lagne.that
.. ........ .
k HUH- .rt.rlll..lll Vn J., 1.1... I .
i..vr.i iniu in iiiuhuiij. ii i ;is in'rn
. r ... i ..i.m.u-.. munii,
Mnn tl-t! But precisely the apparition, mado
"I ' ' Y. -or ono :lf " '"Jfc
, ' n
"HU u'"-u uiai
no siicccssiul treat mentor the chscaso
ery remeoy
4 t,,w H"liluina- i
Tho Puo,inAMMF..-Clvmcr.a reslor-
o and
cd Union, nccompanied by j.ene
nJ de amidst a war of races, voto for
Stevens, Geary A Co. If otherwise,
JfeTlio Confederate Gen. Arthur
V. Pagby. is running a Saw Mill in
Alabama, and has became a strong
advocatcof President Johnson's policy.
- - - -
Th. d.i..
,ct . .VK JZ
vct0 rac,sage, find deniamls the ad-'
.mission of the Southern Members.
ExtnotJiMty rxfitmeiit In Urartua
County. Kentucky.
A correspondent of ll.o Ml Sterling
(Ky.) .v.-r.ffr7 gives the follovung nc
....... 1 .:,M 1.. I.. 11...,. .1-
' --- - ... ...-.
.....,. .r .. f ... ... ;.i.l t I.Irt lit Hl';lllc.
. . . . . -. -
.. .,.,. I. .
- " ''.)
lUAOKKN ( ., 1V., ICO, I.. I ''.
rti. . i.:.. .i :., .,.,..,lil,.,.l,.i.,,l
J. Vr.
nrt'in mil rmiim M i ai
in consequence of a remiiikalile visi-
tut Oil Of il! l:iratl"ll. Of 801110 (lenioll-
'I' . ' . -i . 1
.ersonn.L'-. in our 111 .1st. I
.t a believer in the doctrine
sembodied M.irits can "revint
tint clisvnil.ouio.1 Fiur
plinjisoof the moon," nor do I believo
1nucq.ocn (ics.-naieo .0 ,.iu,m,,,:
wien me cnains 01 .-mumh mu i
11. : 1 1 .. 1 1,., l.i.. .u
unoseo, mis nrrn to. imi, im- 1.....-
tiv? ofthem. merely promising that
every word is true, ami the facts
8wrn to, as witness the accompany
un" ,
' !
nfi ntlidavit. hat it is, i am
n:ir I mere ' !'IV0 till lat'lS
wiin iiia.pneniies, men, women 11110 ;
, we have wkreof I now write are of such rebon t(J U(e lux , .avers of tho 1
which w Hiange lmpon, so uic.xpoa. ...mi, counl r..f uj t.p,wtially riot to the tax- pavo.ent
cini.liatic tint 1 have determined to put you in ,...,. .... v.,,.,1. 1,,,. monev to feed ''. wi ,.f 1. Ti ll mnl .s-i.liint iniri'M. I . . . ..-1 . ... for fc'll.
,..,,i n.'IVMi ill 1111. nun v... . . . .- ., .,( , ,1,111 I 111 ,ir lj IlllW
children screaming "fire !" find "1,,r;fl..j,0 i i)oso of i
der!" at the top of their voices, all!,
'light yasofa bluish" cast
i. J most reasonable conclusion was
ly cnrdled the blood in our veins with j
horror and filled our hearts with the ;
utmost (error. My daughter shriek- j
jng loudly, camo running into in y i
This fa
re, and the most horrifying appear-
1 . .... I ' I. . 1
nnce. ii was nearly as nign as ino
'omb of the cabin.and had a monstrous
head not dissimilar 111 shape to that
wui urn i
of an ape; two short very white horns, m, who was distirguUhed only sec-j
appeared above each eve ; its arms jond to Ja-c in the rebel service, and
were long, covered with'shng'T hair w'10 5 now ''resident of tho National!
r" . . . . . . t.- 1 :. 1.1 11. : :
f nn ashy hue, and terininate'd with '
ibin'O paw's, not unlike those of a cat.
(ana nrineo wiiii iiookco iuiwh. ii
lYnst was as broad as that of a largo'
nn. nrme, w l i win id c hiu. inrmy, rsiipcrinicnuoiit, 01 1110 iCW
-ized ox. Its le-'s resembled tho front
Ji,,,.. Mound, like tho hissing of a'
' ....... r....l 1". ' I
n 1 in in. iMiii il tipoi-'iuui-inni HUIMI I .
l(S general color, save its arms, was a
,IU writing I do not know how lon.r I
! o ' T y ' 1
ho filer we reached tho window
nnssihlv sotno
thron Kif.muli Wlmn
t vnnishc.l it wna pnv,.1nnr..l !.. n c..;
n,,.oI,,m of m
to tho t or.sof il.e 1
( ' : . . I . " . J 1 ' f 1
and Avhich hid his horrid
The extinction ofi
ii 1 1 - 1. 1. . .
Jl ,,"u" '"'P"""e ior me toai-
Uml'' lo fl-nbe the effect of this
t'1 '''. M I not know that wo
wero fully awake, nnd aclually wit-!
'nessed that which is nbovo recorded.
Agam.if ourshad been the only family
visited by this unearthly creature, I
,,f' ,,avo W." on,t- "d poihape.
- - "v ..nv niu hi nv.
.......v.. ...i i-. i niu i
it .. ..n. 4 : i
ciso the same Vliano in which it j
Rt.nled itself to us. save tho head
i,i..i. n,..,...,.i i...
" i. .' n iu I imru un w IllllSS-
ru n ni .urs. n. a to resemble that of
. . V, .' vun"'
nnnllw-r nn; :,,urt ( '
nVrir tl,at R
1. j- m , . . .
r,,hcrx, ll':n,-';l,tnri,0nr-
ed a Mr. Jesse Pon, s there wear-
"'S the head of an elephant. At all
imo npiiear-
opting only 1
. 1,. "
and disap-
manner. 1 heso
parties are all reliable ladies and gen-
tlenion, and at my rorpicst have inado
rZuS Lri!T. L
its mission, is son.etbin.r thnt'i.ZL
my poor comprehension?' What 1 havo
,M,V0 written is pimple, unadorned
J1'1' You are at liberty to use) this
in any manner VOU lilav PKleein lM-n,'
any manner vou nav esteem moo.'
or lni.ifi ' r..:.....1 1 I
li iiiii .r. ti !
rnitG. Slnr,
; Jjat. or Kkntvckv; Iack.n Co.
5-1 This day personally appeared
loPorot1.MhJoii.oI.Jo1ti rM'liy,
Justi. r of tic P. at o, w ittnn bii.I Mr
the county and Mate aforesaid, Na-
t harm- i. pmvs.nervu m.o,.r.
, ... .- t .. o - t..... i... ti
ni I I Sntl I li I .111 V mi I I-.. M M II 1 1 U .
n 1 1 I n.l.lltv r,.niin-w,.ini l hi ...
. .. - . -
Pole, Adam l''iiim and Jesso Pond,
I II t'. .'U I I ll llil nil'l u
!.-!,,. d.dv sworn nocordin" to
. . ? . . ;, il.
lon-oi.. lotU-r u.e truo uh far no it-
. .
f'eis to eac h of llicni. Ami I
cert i IV
r I
that nfliiints ate ( ndilile and
lieisons. 111. il their statements entitled
10 Iu" '11IUI u,n-
' Jons J. I.
Facta for Tax Payers.
j.foro the war,.tlo negroes 01 tno
, u01I,, ..j, , iK.r way : in other wonts,
I . .
,1,,.;- ..i.,, , t .eir miinxn t. wit uiiit
over, and the Southern negroes are
free, l'caco reigns over the whole
laud, and there is more demand f'r
labor now, in the South, than ever be-
Tore. The wages offered there, nnd
I .1 - 1 - . . - . I i'
-age, oflered there, and
- ....o j n.i rrCedincn's lioi'CHii "
di lit
ingand Clouting
llCgroCS Who are 100
Kast and West.
trKx-Governor Graham, of North
Carolina, as it is said, sent a note to
.i,e Committee on Reconstruction.
asking that in tho examination of
itntsses resnectin" tho affairs of
tiat State, he may have the opportu-!
nity of cross examinin" them, if the'
piitmnit (no would "iillow lliift inoJft f
procedure the dlS union props of the
tie rt.,, wili not be complied with.
. . I
C'kmkntixu tiik U.mon ! Wc seo it
stated that the rebel Gen. J. K. John-
Impress company, has appointed Maj.
Gen. Pcsseudcn, late of the regular
........ ... ........ ""(
England Division of tho company!
A ParsKNT. -Mrs. Henry Johnson,
nre Miss Hurrict Lane, who presided
tho graceful lady of tho While House
during Mr. Ptichanan's Adniinistra -
lion, is to be tho recipient of a hand -
4111. Vl.'li'" " ..... - -
. gk .I11IV lllllVI 1 I H V. IIIV Willi, Wll.,l
some bridal present from the Princely
-,1 1 V " -i "'V
llltlltr- TI"- Consideration ofX
tho c-oui tesy and pleasant attention;
paid the scion of royally when hewasj
enjoying a part of his bachelor exis-:
tencc 111 the Americnn ( apitol.
Ova Ciioirt: Wk congratulate the
Pemocracv upon tho selection of Gen-
...... 1 t,.l... 1- ,..i. r i t: 1
.-. ...... . ,.uuj 1 1 p .i . 1 1 1 ca 11
candidate for Governor.
lie was curiof l'hilliikurff, 00
fl lwt f-lllilcn (V. lliit l?Al.nUliiin tiniMi
; , , , . I """i
'life-long Democrats." lie sides, there
arc so nianj- materials 011 record to
make nn interesting account of the
1 . 1 . . ..
win iv. IfC.
The Kjr.t.P. Some of tho Pepublican
nals, in unnouncingthc nomination
neral (.enrv for Governor, are
pitulating bis immense services,
;;7., as a military hero. Thov
1 . . . 1 . ..
' "oihh, nowever, got ns tar oacu as
the period of his service 111 California
commencement of the ne'xt term
toe" It appears by the pardon bu-
roan, that tho President has pardoned
on-o Virginians nil mm!,,. r..i.,- .1.-
e20,000 class
iietective Jiaker s t.rivnie secretary
has been accused of' stealing an out'
Cat VhU
. . . . - -
. ""Vt ExrKNsE.-Kvc.y thousand'
f-"ts of fractional currency costs tho
Government about twentvmo ,l,n,,,.0
OllC dollars
. . . . J
HruoiHral JJownit!
1 has riven in-
t'nct,on9 to clirid. the Ail
BiMicuuiis co un -11 10 tno jr in.'ton cs-
tlo, the late property of P, E III
into five-acro lot J to bo ren od to no
ncroes. . "louuwino
toll OS-
A destructive fire occured at Titus,
v0 l n IV.,!,,,,. 1 ,., A 1
1 on cdncsday CVCliing.deN-
iroy,nfi nn entire block of hiteen
houses. The loss oslimalod ntSflOO -
W() i insurance, S2.ri,ti()0. '
The Confederate Gonoml M
wh( "" tried hy court martial
011 a tnarK0 f '""rdering Union pris-
S'"0' ''n;s ,,C(-'n ai,(l'tlfd and released
"'om nn'osl-
e.. .. . .
o:..... .1 .77T 7 : 1
-u,riP 'i"san.i valentines pass-
Q VZfui -1'
Krtje Ir & h J nearly onoZ-"
dred thniKaiuf 2 one nun-
Jlffo bfrtistmrnls.
- - "' - - - mw-m
Ihst'AHI nuit cpot n id rn!lin( rHo
In Insure ntttt.'.'. n: AdminHralori' niiv Kiwi.
t.,rs' notices eai h.f 1 ." Andilra' noticed! (
)lioltnlon Mli.-rif J (0 ; t' $ (A g Strayt
BU-lliu nil ii-iiriiii'inTpBMni Mill
rates, other ndvertii.n.cntsat II m
f"f nr Insertions, fr each additional tnstr.
linn f'O cio. Tun liiior !, nmtil f,UIrj
17" 11 I". Th tmhfhtrr i(I.r for
JL ! rrprit r f-hnp. filnnl iu lh boriuh
..... Tl o .), , ;,0 k 411 u-i. two m..
. nd rnrt, wiih liul diffii-uliy, bTimn.,j
, i,,, . d.rlhrg buu... fVr fnr.h.p v.Mirullr,,
,jjrc(. mkoiu.e lUOUN.
, c,fCelll Frb. UA KM 3. , j
h, ,hil, Uy b fnnh tb. uad.r-
,iKned, on tho Kui 01 niai, dee'd.
. . . t - 1. in i'i....r..i.i i 1.
.ei uwro..D .-. r..
.ciKilil kpciwil'K IhrmrvlvFf indebted to'
KrUta re rcq.ii.fUd lo mnka liamadUti
, and thnaa having elaiini against ibt
ill preeni thorn m.iitI aatlicnHctd
March 1 Ith, 1Sfl-U. Adminiilrator.
T-,XI:r ,rn.r ' KOTicB.-Kuti. u km,
, kivco that Leiton. TumoiprT, hira
. I I .,.:! In Ik. I. : J - -
ItllK any ncrn ;ihiiiv"i im hiiuci ninaij, oo
tho KatHtc f .l.i'un J. ltowle, deceased, lata of
....naa riWiklilltI. C li'urf.flii a ft . I'nii'a ill
tV..u Eau,. ,r.X
maka Pju.ent. ana tbu.a bnag
tMm, ,Kin.t the ... pra.eut :h,m dui,
jMU,"u"wd fr",,!um sm kiixe
Mrch ,4th ,soo fit. ' KxV.u.ur..
AxTifn.-Th. .tkbal-Jf th. p.n
' J tuwnabip Oil and Mininj CopMy, .r.
h,rol,y m.t.r.ed ihstanaeacmrnt of 40
' ,Le, c",,,0,1 "j f wTt'7 h"
j ny 0 Apr.inext, f.r the varpoao or pro.
curing an di m m iwii, .ivi.j -mil, c,
rrf,,aratory to an early cuinineneeincnl of op.
ittiona. J'T order of the lionrd of Manajara.
Jon RessrLLSec'jj March t4. 1866-31,
raovi new tori i rniLAiiiLrnu.
As Cheap as the Cheapest,
tS. UUtX w '011,
( H jnft tttxtti, D( re opening, at tbtlr
, Academy, a Inn nnd well aa-
let-tod aturtment of
which they are telling at Tery low ratei.
llt t I the fvtl'jueiny ci!aljue and pnfti ihcrchy.
jl'jr tit's lLiSKiniss
Ks'-i il paina has been taken in the
selecii. n of Ladies Bre (joodt, while
Iji.ods, Fiutirnidcries Millinery Goods,
Prints, Kerchiefs, Kubics, lores, te
Always on band HUcli C!thi Fancy
and IUack Cnsfimerea, Sntineti. etc Made Cluth'ng t'. all kiudi.
m TTnf,,rtrj, fT?N'T
ij"'. TiFs .
and a lari-ty of oilier articles, whieb
they will sell at it small aduoce an cost.
Tariicular atleatma la invited to their
stuck of Carpets, O.ttafQ, oinruon In
frain, snprttina Kic'i-b Inpr.n wad
ll!ruscla, Flour and Table Oil Clutba,
Window tbadea aud Hall ppara. Me.
KI.UUK. IUCON'. Fih nlt i
ntr. Am f. rparhea nnd 73
i'runea hcpl cnnlntly on hand
Pure fill ANDY, YVt.iskoY and'
Wines; for nirdicirfd um,
' ALSO, in Slnrc it lot of Inrge nd
imill Cl.ivcr aod.
lestfi. l.l. March 14, I81W.
OltrilA'! COVKT SAI K.-Will .a aold,
in urn.ance of an order i-nfd out of tliO
j orpi,,,,,- ,, of Centra county, in lue borough
lO - I .1 r a A
1'HrUdy, IliC OlSt 01 Al.irCll.lcJuO,
al Public Oulerr, Ueal Katatc, as follnwi 1
llrinnicfr ni a awamj. elm on theColJ
Sttcaai Creek; Ihcncerouih tfnty-lo
depreea cl forty-four j rrchf 1 1 a j'oal
liicnrc cal fixty-cifht dep'rea fcuitefn
and fifty-four one hundredth pfrcliea to a
post; thence riorlli twenty-two dcgreei
eaM fei ty-fnur j ctchr to a post on the aid
atreiim ; thence north f.iuny-four deprcci
weal len ppichca; thence toulh seventy,
three degrees wc:;l pctcheato theplara
of beginning, coniaining IURacr and
twenty-eiht jinclica, more or lesa, hS'
irg theieon cieel'-d a t-o-tory fr.iaia
dwei;ir( Jiou.e act oullnilditigs.
I I.HMS: I'tch 011 rontlrmaiion ofSale.
Vnreh 7, ISf. Jt
10. l ii 1 1, a i) k i. r n i a isctv
Manufact.iras nf
Paper Ilanglnpa and window Shidra.
Comer Konrih and Market Streets,
N E Always in Store a Urpe Stock of Linen tad
Oil Shades.
r"r ,na best llin( book now published,
CT'',"i"'s: ndrrnturea and bair breadlb
,'"'',, Soldiers, Scoulf, Spies and ltpfiiRsas;
daring etpluita of Smuirclers. Ciuerillss. Ic;-
ranoea and others : Tles ol Iioial and UiiloTal
omen Stories of the Kern. Ae., Ae., with ia
ler.ts nf Fun and Merriment in (' sad
Field. Hy Liciilor ant Colonel Cb
m,'8 r,h? l ni"'d e,n" Aru,.- 'ln'''""n1T.
lousiratea witn engrames on steel aad ia ou
eolcra. Pond for cimolars and see th. libaral
tcrma otTered. cuas, s. rkknk to ,
i lti''ra No. is
i -!'
1.14 6. Third Street, Dura.
' A
VI ) M I M T It ATOM S1 ori V I Notiea
ia hereby gien that letters of Administra
on, on tae Kstata of Jacob Uearhart. daceasad.
"' dr been
(oiaima or demands 1
tnobt without delay
late of Decatur town, hip, Clearfield county, Ta.,
4uly granted to the under
I persona indebted to said aa.
1 make payment, aad then baring
inds will nrasent them fur setlla-
xafbl without delay, charlks si.oan.
cykknus HOWK.
, e wu.ik, aVS W 1 1 1 V nv lH'iitPa t si .
FuBBci,Tirkirf, Mmiiu, Liaen, rTW at tbi
.ildptieent J. P.RHATr.