Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 28, 1866, Image 3

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    I 1
WrrxtPPAV,:::::::::::::::::: : ! I tt. L. iStiU
tftri'l'vtfM'i'il, u prime M'liiU1, hr
unlo, nl 1 1 iti MiirtfliuriiV, Curwcnt-
ville, hcc ndvertisomcnt. I
C-We learn lliat t ti u ice H 1, car
ried away nearly the ono It:ill of I lie '
Lock Haven dam, leaving il about
eevcu feet lii"1t. I
trij-A;'' will tho attention of
lenders to tho advertisement of.
11 ecu ti ley, in another column,
unii see liis establishment.
lio Machines. Pcrons who
wish to purchaso first class Sewing
MachineH, can Jo so hy giving 11. T.
Nanirlc, Ardent, n call. Seo Adver
tisement in to-days iajier.
Decided. A'o learn that t lie Treat'
Railroad controversy, between the.
i Pennsylvania road, and Iho Atlantic.
t Great AA'estern, imd Cattawissa.!
nnd Heading roads, was decided ly
Justice J!eed, in the Supremo Court,
in favor of the Penn'a. road, the in
junction prayed for beinir granted.
Thf. Academy. AAe call the a.ttcn-.
j. . , tii l j .
tlOn Cf thO public to Jtn advertisement i
in another column, in reference to this
t... ti.,. r:..:....i m i i t
JIjatlLUIIUll. XV J Jlllllftl, lill.
t ison, announces that the third quar-'
ter will commence on tho 12th of
March next We ara nleased to know
JjarCll tlCXl. Vt C ar pieaf-eu 10 KIIOW
that the SCllOOl 18 in A tlOUriSlling COIl-i
tlition, and the Teachers deserve tho
patronage of this community.
Fire in Glkn Hope. The lare
Dwelling llOlUO and Store room and I
good, belonging 10 i nomas oroom,
and a building adjoining, occnjiied b
Mine AA'right, as a milliner shop and
Tost office, wore consumed bv hrc on
tLe night Of the 21M. The fire Was !
first discovered about 3 o'clock in the
mornine, but could not bo cheeked.
Ifr. Groom's loss is very heavy.
On the 22d inst., by tho flev. John
Flegal, Jlr. David S. AA'ocns, to Mrs.
Nancy Maeie, all of Clearfield co.
On the 22d inst., by Kmunuel llil
debtand, Ksq., Mr. Thompson AA'iley,
to Miss Rachel AVag.neh, all of Clear
Held county.
On the 25lh int, by John AV.
f hugart. r.sq.,Mr. AA'illiam Oc.MN.jr.,
id Mies Katk AVatfon, both of Law
rence township.
On tho 20lh inst., by T. A. Kowles,
Esq , Mr. J. L. McCtLLovciH, of Knox
tp , to Miss Susanna Howles, of Law
rence township.
On the ISth inst, by J. D. Miller,
Esq., Mr. George AA. HiciiAr.EK, to
Hiss Piiebe McCracken, all of Fergu
son tp.. Clearfield county, Pa.
On the 2Mii u!t., by J. C-Uarrott,
Esq , Mr. Henry Utzin;i:e, to Mis
Catharine IIit.erlino, all of Brady
township, Clearfield county.
On the 22d inst., by the same, Mr.
Joseph Lines, jr., to Mis Matilda
Kirk, nil of l.rady township.
Jn tbe IMh int., in Kcrnison tp.,
iy J. ATih(siyoc, Mr. 1
li milt If nf In In Viatllrtrtn
... . i i . . ii j ii '
. 4 is.,i woiu.ui ,friieil CO.
Ull tll KAtne tlav, Ut lhe Same t.lacc.
ly the fWW.lC.Mr. K..i:lRT (I MrClt CK -
r.N, tojiiss Xacoie Youno,
both of i
i-ertruscn township.
In hloom tp., Oil the 15Ul Itift.,
IITU8 II. 1JA1LY, ill thO C-Vl year of
- r " ...
In Ltithcrsblirg. 011 the lllll mtt.,
AA'lLLARD aoil .f ICVT aild Ellen
i-'Ipi-i' niroil i -nru n.i.1 1 ,1-iva
s jsih, L,tt iiiiu - I Uiiis.
Jltb btrtisriarnts.
1 flY Ba'keli of prime Clov.'rced. fo' stIp by
Curwensville. Fehrnary 2ft. ld!r-lf.
SEHI; SI tC UIN r.i.-Persons desirra
of karir g a f upcrinr MacfcSne, should buy
Whoelcr A Wilsuti's rsmnle Machines, on band.
U. F. NA VOLE. Ageiit.
Clearfield, Fehrna'y 28, UBn tf.
CAUTUHI. All persons are henrty enution
ed , wot lo o eiUle with the following prop
rlyjo wit: I bay horse. I sorrel horse and, 1
ggon. boss iu possession of W'tn. M. doom, as
he ssme lielongj to me and i. left with him sub
ject to try order. 1IK7.EKIAII T. RL00M.
Fsbruaary 28, If-ofi-Su
IT'OR JAI E The otTers on favnr
. al lo terms a dwelling house for sale. The
frnperty isiiluated adjoining IbeCertre School
Mouse lot, on the public road leading to Curwens
wille. It contains 1 acres ol land, having there
in dwelling house and r.ew stable. I'ofMFioo
flven In the spring. For terms applv to.
Fab. 5,1SM. Near Clearfield, Ta.
1ICEK.SE NOTICE. The following named
persons have filed In the ofilee of the Clerk
nf the Court of Qnarter Session of Clearfield Co.,
their petitions and bonds for license at the Jann .
ary acssinns next, agreeably lo Ihe act of Assem
bly, entitled "an act te regulate Ihe sale of In
xniceiing Liquors," if e.
T a v k a v i.irtN-F.
R. J. Ilavnes. KarlhatM township.
W'tn, R. I'ichiiison. r.fc."r:a "
John SchsT'er. Union "
I. S. Itads-brh. 1'oge.n
F.d ward Albert Hogg.
Isaiah Wall. Venn "
1. II. Paultiamtia, r.eenria "
I 'an it-1 Cofilin, Decatur " ,
John F. Hloom, Gulicb
.Tames V, Nel.on. "Morris "
Lawrence Flood. C'JTington "
Pamuel C. Hepburn, Tiko
Pavid S. Plotner. N. Washinglon Lor.
David Johnson, Clearfield borougl,
tfm. M. JefTriea. CurwensTille "
II. H. Kephart. Oeola Mills "
T. F. Boalich. Osceola Mills "
Iiuisa Mason Curwensrille "
Joseph Kirk. Luml-er City "
Thomas Robison. " " "
David Whit more. " " "
atraCANTII.l McrNSE.
Richard Mossnp, Clearfield Borough.
Claudius Tiurmov, Corington tp.
Wirt. Albert Urn. r.ra.Hord tp.
Windsor Llovrl. Ptirnida township
I). F- ETZWF.1LKR, Clerk.
Cletirfiela, Feb. 2, 1""'C.
New Stove. Tin and She, Ironware Maiit'acto.
ry, Market street, Katnt 21 street,
Cit Knim. Pinna.
'1 liia lilab
1 i r li ri.-ts I boinjl no
in full operation, for tho
g ing uj of tiood?, men n
Sloces, Tin and Sheet
Iron ware, Kxpress.y for this Mar
ket, uliieh will La sold
hole-salo A Retail,
Clienp for cash.
The subscri
ber Respectfully
solicits n share of the
lie patronage. Pledging
L inifel f
to hibor to nuiko tliii Klablithiuenl,
i l ' J
Ihe procuring of Good, and having
their out door work and re
pairing done ,pii reation
able lernin.
'N. Ii' A Newly cnnBt meted Stove, Ex-
I.. r. .1 - 1 P. I. I'.ll ....I
lirf'nBl lur lll iviiihii; limir, inn im
' ., ' thiw I Atrcilll VV i
rionifipld Fi-l.m-irv s l!Wi-.'
tTfllEKKAS lion. SAMUEL LI.'N Vrea-
' iacni Jn-ige ouno court 01 common 1 iena
jnf lhe twcnl, fif,h J u.lUial Uutrict. compoaed of
the countica of Clonrfioid, Centre and Clinton
, and Ihe hon. VM. C. FOLEY and Hun. JNO. V.
iiiu.iii ocnno rfuugoa ui virnnioiu co. ,
have ieued their precept, to me directed, for the
holding of a Court of Co 111 111 on I'leoa, Orphan's
Court, Court of Qaartpr Seeiuns, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of (JonernUail IMivcry,
at the Court Iloufo at Clearfield, in and for tho
eounty l Cloarnaiii, on u.e :
I Krl Munilitif (I.I1 ny) nj Mirch., IMjj
KOTICE IS, therefore hereby ftiven, to the
Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Contnhles,
in 01 fcr '"' e,,un,y of Clearfield, to appear in .
Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Itemern-
brances, to do thuee things which to their offices, '
nnd in their behalf, pertain to ho done,
GIVEN under my hand at CloarSeid, this2Sth
day cf February, in the year of our Lord one
thnunnd eiirht kaudred and siitv-eix.
Feb. IS, Ifii. JAC0I1 FAUST, ShrriJ.
CI.ERI'ir.l.l ACADr.MV. The Third
Session of this Institution "ill commence
ou Monday, the I Zib day of March, A. li . I86i'i.
Pupils can interat any time. Tbcy will he
charged with (union from tho tirno they enter to
the close of the Session.
1 be ctrurne of iastruction embraces every (ling
that is in Iii'l.'l in a lhorouk'h, practical uo4 ao
oonipiished education for both sexes,
1 lie l'tincipal, baring had tho advantage of
much expericoce in bin profession, assures pa
rents and guard ans that his entire ability and
energies will ba rinvoted t i the moral and men
tal training of the youth placed atnier Ins charge
llf-HMH Ol-' TI ll l(.
Orihrgrnphy, Reading, M'riling, and Prima
ry Arithmetic, per iun ( II weeks) lji.00
Grammar, Ucography, Arithiuclit, and his
tory, fo.OO
AlgeWa, Geoasptrj-, Trigoaontetry, Mensura
tion, hurreyiug, PhiJusophy, i'h i siology , Chem
istry and liook Keeping, I'J, 00
Latin and Creek with any of the abovo lira rich
er $12,(10
-Cr-X'o deduction will he taade for aUseooe.
Ct'ir furtiier particulars inquire of
V. L. 11 A Kit I SOX,
ClcarHvlil, December (, 15 t(. I'riucioal
Slicriff's Sales.
'r-i'ltT Vini'E of sundry writa of VrH'
SAAC't 1) l-jpii"' issuod out af tho rimrt of Cohum
l'ls of Clearfield d untr. and to nio dirMtJ
there w ill be esnofed to fi 1.1.1C ALl at tiie ,
.curt n.,010in ,tie l,reh of CIcarfieM,
MonJav the IClh dav of nreh lsa. at I o'clock
' m ,be f"11""'' doscril.eU Heal Jj.tatelo wit:
certain traet of land sitoat in Chct
townil.if. t learli.l couirtv. 1 ton a. butin ed bv I
liands i.l U'illiain Mdiarvcy, Annua M'illiuais
mnA K (iin tnin'tt ahnut nfiA hunririai .rrL 1
I iiitu, tsawi in vi vii'tii ms ww run mm iuu :
'i.n.prryr f ieorge Holes sud Wife.
e-rtarn tract of land sitont In "
,hiui trwmhip, Cleaiield countr, 'cim'a, con-i
lainiiK w.e bundled and lour arere nn.r or
less,) alxait Uifht acres, ai.t cml.r eul-:
-'. avHig there. vnctcJ a t.n.t Kill,
Saw Mill, black smilh sb., dwelling house and:
barn- adjoining lands of John Eu-clman, Jolin
lleis and ( thus. Fein 4, taken in execution
and Ic be sold as tbo propirty of Jamis Rough,
I Alt. A certain tract of land situate in Che.t
township, Clearflrld canty, i'a, containing id
acres ol land, more or less, bounded on tho eai-t
by Robert I'. nningtoii, andon lh south by John
bircad, on the wet by II. 1!. llurd, and on the
rorth It Win. Woods. taken in execo-
tioo, and lobe sold a (be property of W.U'.Wilnuu
Also ciTtain Iroct of ljnd situate in
township, Clearfield county, I'a, hounded, vix ;
Deginning at a post, llicix-o aoutJi by Ue,irg
lltkecains land 1 degrees , west 1 57 i perches
In wli ils oak corner, thence north tt.-J won by
Jonattien M'ifer'i land, HI perches to a pot
cotacr thence north 4 degrees cast 157J lurch
es south by H'm. Lewis lurrey t&i east lu.'
perches to place of beginning, containing Kg
kern 10? i.ercbes anil allowances: with about oO
acres cleared: anil havinca loc house and bara
rrictid thereon. Seued, tak.a in execution,
and to b suld as lhe property of Albert Owens.
A Imi--A lot of land silualu in Ouelicn town
ship, Clea. field eounty, I'a , acd in Ihe village if
Jancsville, bounded west by the Turnpike Road,
north by lot of .. I.itio, east and south by landa
o( I'ii trick Fliua,wilh farm boose creeled thoreun.
A I. so, nt No. I in the borough of Osceola, known
as lot No I ia tho plan of said borough, bounded
on Iho east by a lot nf Oenrge llohch, south hy
Curtin street, wtst by .. Kcphart and nort by, with small frame house erected thereon.
Seized, taken in rxreutiun, and to be sold as the
j toj erty of A. ii. Fox.
Also a certain tract of land situate In '
( l..fiplrl nmnri. l'enn.vlrnnia. enn.l
lainlng 70 acres and 4S ticrebea. buui.ded as ful
liws: Leginiiing at a maple comer of land of
V m. Rowland n irth j east 100 perches to a chest
nut t oe. thenco by load of John Tatehin south I
li wost 16-1 perches to a post, thence .ther lands
of Vtr ii Rowland south II west llitf perches to a
post, thence other lands of said I'avid Rowland,
south bJ east 4.4 perrhes to piaee of beginning.
Seised, taken in execution, and to be Sold as the
property of liavid Rowland.
Also a cer'ain tract of land ritunte in Rrad
ford township, Clearfield county, l'enn'a, near
Woodland, the lieliudaiil's interest in and In a
certain lot of tiround, bounded, vis : lleginning
at a post, thcuce north 77 degrees east InO feci
to Tumi, ibaliee south 4 dei'reea past 15U feel ti. a
p0,t, thence toaib 77 degrees west ll'O feet to a
cherry, thence south 4 Ui frees west 150 feet to
the place of beginning, wiib a small Plank house
erected thereon, being pnrt of a Inrger Irani sur
veyed in name of Samuel i'.eiiisnt. Seised, ta
ken in execution, and to be sold aa the property
cf William Wright.
I Also three certain t'acts nf land situate in
Karthaui tiwnihip, Clearfield county, Fenn'a
' described as follows : 1st. One piece or tract nt
land, boirg a part of a larger traet surveyed on
warrant No li'V3, containing 79 acrea, with two
dwelling bouses and about 211 acres of cleared
land thereon, bounded by lands of Karthaui Es
tate and others, and lhe Susquehanna river. 2d,
One piece being part of latgt tract, surveyed on
warrant No lU.'.t, containing fs acres, with about
three acres cleared, bounded by piico No 1 the
ladling liHr. itiil.1 Lara 4 1 hr lct, store
- home. -arpi-i.lcr l1. I S I,; .12 foil, raw mill .'iJ
l,v .'2 feet lr god running e-.l.-r, nr.l nb..ut Ml
ncret cleared land ihir"ti ; mug put m two
Inrcr trae'e, h r a .S-lfi rnlitlT?, Ixfiniiinc nt
hemlock on river, ."I1 pe-chci I t the me- below
post llii smith w i ( corner of No .1 H' t, tln
jdowr the river tho samp cur-c o7 perch -si"
i post cottier on riv-r theneo nnh .. wi-,-1 I.I
'perches to poul, noiih 41 fuft 13 pufhi'i to m-
ol mtli !C pnt i:t Krrhf to l.irrh cirnrr nn
'rlvor tlirn clown the river 1 jiorrhc lo hil
' onk, thonr north 41 pcrchfi to poit, thenre wt
511 por-hi' to po.'t, th enct; toulh 23S pcrrhen to
'r'"t, ttK-tif went in porch lo mniio pine.
I tlirncp '.n'h I'.H pcrohos to rtonei. tlienco a-nith
'. is oni-t -10 l.orolirn to hrmlopk nnil plnop of bo-
tpinnliii. HpW.ciI, 1kpn in exwulinn, nnd to bo
fa. I as the rropprty of Eilwnr.l Mo'JarTpT,
A rortnin trnpt nf 'nn.l lituhlo in Chptt town
fhip, ripurflplil emtnty, To., boun.lpd aifollowi.
ii lippmnirit nt a pot pornor on lino ri Jninpt
Currv'i liind. llipnro hv lino of lnd of Jonathiin j
I'piirpe'i hpimand of JTbomsn Wilsonn. enrt J 1 1.4 j
rrrrhcr lo n pent thcnpoioulh one degren east;
1(10 perphea to potj Ihonce bjr lan rl of Jamci J
Curry writ 312 4 perches la ponton bank of the
creek thenpe down the creek, the sereral eour-.
1 .1:.. ,i . r I 9 1 4 ...a.. ,A m ..l I
nt. thence north 51.5 perchm to the place of
,inninir enntnininir 3511 nrrea tnnro or lena.
I Lciis the r.iiue prcinlicf convoyed lo.Siinnn Ho
.rauaiiirn ny n. i. iivnui i'j vrrw riTuiuru in
1 . , T 1 1. . I I, 1 . .1 I
Honk K, pnee -11. Also, n certain tractor land
aiiuate In liurnnuo lownsiup, iwicarnei.1 couniy,
, bouniled, vii
rreoeaat 106 perchea to a o ouk.thonce
f 9 deirroeii
north 1 dpjrreo
l,l.n.1.r r ltnrskinrh nillhXU H,.r..i
............. . - ... . .
l4 rerchea, mora or le., t. a atone pil. thence
aouth l ocgrea weit ir.n pCrchc to place of be-
pinning: containing iui acrea ana o pcrcnea,
more or len, beinf the a.nne premieet conveyed
lo Simon Rnralinurh hy Jainei C. Firher bv I'ced
recorded in Hook K, pap 4.11., a certain
piece of Innd aituate in the aai.l town.hip or
Chett, on Che.t creek, couininK about 54 acrca.
being Ihe remainder of a larrer pioce of land
bonnded and dcrihel aa follows, to wi: I'.o-
frinninp at a lUck oak, tnence iy lanas 01 James
Curry. Jr., eat 112 pcreliea tiapoit, thenco
wrat 53 pcrrhes to a wiilnut. thpnpe aouth 227
pore hp to a post, thence east 152 perches to a
h ickory. thence l-'y lund fonucrly of Wilson nnr'.h
ffi perches to ironwood, thenco by Pcarce'a lnnd
west 320 perebps to a post, thenco aouth 58 pe
eica toplneeof bcRinninsj containing S'.i acrea
and 73 perchep, and allowance fit acroa having
been ar.ld bv aaid KoraHaujrh to Mrs. Strati A.
A !... all Defendants rem lining luler-
perches f I ind. lituu in tho id township of
Chest, boing pnrt of a lnri;er tract of land sur
ad in name of Michael .MnMor.'a ljuinine Lnnds
of Anihonv McOarvpy and ulbara, and b'jins the
p'emisps conveyed to Siunn Korabaugh by Wui.i
Irwin rl- ilc, liy deed riuteu the Ma ilay of
Novcin'jer, A. I1. ISG2. Feiird, taken lo execu
tion, and to La sold as iLo pn erty if Simon
Y VIRTUE of a writ of I.rrnri Facia: issued
out of the court of Common Plena nf Clear
field cointy, and to uie direeteiL, th -re will be
expo'ed to J'ublic Sal at the Court House in the
b'irnngh of t'lenrfield. on Mondnj, tho ll"th day
of Marrh, l.'f.B. at I o'clock, lie fallowing do
scribod Real Kftate, to wit : '
All tt.e right, title, Interestanil claim, cf and
to uli that certain trad or piece of land situntv
in I'rantur township, Clearfie'd count v, l'enn'a,
uouudt-a and descritied as lnlowi, vtv.
ing lands nf Abraham lioa, Ilaniel K. ) hart,
7'homas Jlsjs, nnd others : containing one hun
dred acrea more or less tho interest nf said tin
ftiidant theroia Wing tho undivided one-third
part. Spited, taken in ex icntion, and to bo auld
as the property of Tbonria Maiie.
Criiiddera will take notice that 1 - per ecnt
of the purchase money must be paid when the
property ia knocked down, or it will be l ot up
again for sake.
refc. IS. tMWI. JAC0P A. FAT'T. PherltT.
IIU RAI.K A ll,.n.a .nil I ...I . 1...,.
1 1 1 - - L -
street, Clnarfield Uerough, Ap-
piy U
Attorney at Lssr, Clearlleld, l'enn'a.
CTear&eU, lebruary 21, 1S6G 3. .
J is hereby given lliat letters of Administra
tion, on the KMate of Jacob Ocarliart, decoa-ed,
late of Decatur township, Clearfield cunty, I'a.,
nave this nay been duly grunted to Ihe under
iened. It whom all persons indebtnd to said es
tale will please make paTinunt, and theso having
claims or demands wjl present them for settle
1 tnent wilhwut tlslay. Cll A It I.ES S I.OA N.
IHTNiiii m.n ., I - i, , 1 1 I ,i-i .1, lin. n lull 11.
CSOo T. WARr.l.l!.
V.TT f P
c n iat is s. Rtru.
ttt IT li I 'll 1'
1 IO 1. 1 A L K
T(,l)aC'n. Tel. S
pices, cVc,
N. F.. cor. (Ilh A Market Sts..
F.-b. 14. 1 S'.d '.m. I'll I LA l I'" LI' 11 1 A. .
" I,""".".-,'.",."., . "
1 1 I .CI 1 1 .It Mt I It INoJiee I hereby
lV given that the following accounts hare been
cxaamed and passed by me, and remain tiled of
record in this oBieo for the inpr:iou ofbeira,
legatees, creditors, and all others In ary way
intire.ted, and will ne presented to the next
Orjdians' Court of dearth Id ourity, to be held
t the Court II u.e ia the bnrougli ,f Clearfield,
commencing on the Third Monday of March ISfiG,
for confirmation and allowance.
I Final account of John Swan and TIenry
Swan, Executors of John Swan Sr , late of Jor
dan lownthip. Clearfield county, decease I,
t Account of II. II. Ilt?rd, Kxi rotor of Thomas
Wilson, lale of Chost low n'p Clearfield co., deo'd.
i Final account of James Hughes, Adminis
trator of Isaac England, lite of Morris townsoip,
Clearfield county deceased.
4 Final account of Frederirk leigler, Guardi
an of I'bilip Wtavcr.
4 The e ccount of J. A. Terpe, Administrator of
" iiliata Wayne, late of Ilridy lownsUp, Ciear
neni couniy, ueceasci.
0 Final account of Nancy Stewart, Adminis
tratrix and Diiuirl Stewart Administrator of
Arabihald Hswaf, late of Bradford township,
Clearfield couniy, deceased,
7 Final account of Abraham Myrter and John
Flynn, Administrators of Martin Myrter, late of
1'tnn town'p, Clearneld, deceased.
8 The account of F. F. Coudriet, Administrator
of Pc'cr Mulfoti. late ef Covington township,
Clem field county, deceased.
9 Final arcount of Mathew Ogdpn, Ailmluls
trator of John M. Ogden, late of Lawrence town
ship, Clearfield county, Cecea.ed.
I. 0 liARUKF., F.rgislcr.
HPgl'tcrs OIII-. l.leartlel.l, fa., reh. Zl, IJini
Rpgntprs Om
VI.MIMTltATU('M Mll ll li. Notice
is hereby given that Le'lers of Administra
tion have this day been grnnled to the under
ri(.rl(,(i the i,Me f E,cd.rii k Nebel, dee'd,
l0 lf Xj,,, township, CluarlielJ county, I'a.
All nersona knoaine themselves indebted to
said Estate are rcip.esl.dto nuAe iminoclinto i t"ti, and other chairs.
payment, and those havii g rluima ngniust Iho The above, and many other articles are fur
samp, will present them properly aiitorniicated liihed to cuslumers at fair prices for rssw. or
for se'tl. inenl. CAtllAKlNK MI EEL, rxel.anged for approved Country product'. Cher
Jan 24 lh, I Sol) fiL AJsilnistratrix . ly, I'oplar, Mapk.,, aid otl cr Lumber
... ............ . ., ,
l in iwii aoin i..-in tno ur nana
Court ol Liearneiu county, i i tin a, in u.e
matrer ni 1.10 esiaie 01 isaac r-oinnu uoe. it. t oe ,
Auditor appointed by tho court to nndit. settle!
and adjust the accounts of Jainra Hughes Ad-j
ministratoi nf the E.ialant Issnc I'.nglnnd, dee'd, t
will meet Ihe parties interested fur the purpose
of his appointment, a Thursday the Istd.iy of j
March I, at 1 o'clock p. u... at tho office of
llan. Win. A. Wallace in Clearfield. i
Feb 7. lM'.r. 4t J. IlliAKK WALTSItS, Aud'r
.. .-.--.-... 1. 1 1 .,. f 1. .
"Vf OTIC W All persons are hcrby cautionod
1 against harbotii.g or trusting my wile,
Mary Ann, on my atv-uunl, aa ahe has left n y
1 H
house and board without just cause or provoca
tion. I am, therefore, orUiuiiticd not lo pay
any deblsof her cuntracUnir, after this date, un
less compelled by law. TflOS. J. DUN LA P.
February lllh. ISCu-It pd.
Cable Chain a aup-rinr nrtitle, at
IMt MTlt llOu MITH Notlco
r In n h g rn Hint I.rtlori if AJiniiiin-
tr-l ion this ,l.y l gr.n.c.1 U Ihi wader-
signed, on the estate of It. Frank nw, f.
lats f tow Ii li ii. Ilea, field emu ty, Pc
formerly member ...To. K, Mlh P.nn'e V
flop it,
"Inn .
tunr. All I'prriitm k nu in i I tirtn ol o Iti'lrhl
f, i.i K.ii.l omlo nr riiiil'.l to io k iniiiiiili
li 1 1' p ivmpiil, nn.l tli oo li ii v ' li c; rl ilin" npninrt
iho tiiic, will ronvnt llirin nuthptji,';cil
for ottloi lit. II10S. A. liOOVKIt,
1'pnn t"in,f, J in. 3UI, lM'nl i.l I. Ailin'r.
. Shop, in Cleat field, IVnmylvnnia.
(Iinmcdiatolj In ronr of Mtchino Shop,)
The (iil'urriher woulil rpi'pop'.fulty Inform 0i
tiiij.n or Clcnrfu-U, and tlio publio in gcnprul,
ttui t he ii rcpiircil to do 11 kinJ of work on
CAlviil Au KS,
in fhort notice and in a workmanlike manner.
JTtrAU Ordcra promptly nttondod lo .vr
Clpnrfiehl Ffhcinry Mlh. ISOI'i -Iv.
H. B MsairtJa,
Wliolcsalo nnd Hctail Grocer,
Corner Blair and MontcMnery Pta,
-,T ... , i 1t . , ii ,
ll.lli.lill.difll.i . u ii.imtir I nr n n
."""""V ' ' H ' WUU'J vl " "j
QIOOISJIS?aJJ 11 by ;other.. fcesidea
of tho Choie,t llrand, CigiiM, FroncU C jnfeo-1 U'. 0VCn " 'riV(,r. the asb pit deer
li....:... P. V... ..l
iiv.viihi iwiuikh a. vb ' t.u u.(
,, v- i)il(,
ipv tutea, rrres, Orances.
Lemnni:, Almnls, Fi'oert, Pecan',
Engli.h Walnut , Cream Nuts,
IJncna Nuts, '.iround Nuts.
Candies, Gum l)ropa, lUarla, Nujjn Cnn
d'.ei, H-jr" Candy, flam Candie
Fr-h. M. ..Ira. II H M Al.TIN.
id ! TV I Ii U C II A K 1 S, dealers in Kry (Joodn.
r-' il l Clothing, Hardware. Cnttlery, (Jueensware.
Or jcaries. Shinzles, ami I'rovi.i.ini. At tho old
fjnd on Front Street above Ihe Academy.
Cler6eld, December l:;th. lS5 tf,
fltl.Aki: HA 1.1 KKS.Scrivenarand Con
k vcyancer Agent for tho Purchaso and Sals
of lands, 0i.SAiirir.LD, 'tii'A.
Prompt attcnlion given to all l umncri connect
e.l with the county unices. Otlico with lion.
Win. A. Wallace. Clearfield. Jan. lat.lsf.u-tf.
I sl.ArkVMITIIIMJ-Tbeundrrsigncd res
XJ peetrully bcg have to aononnce to tho pub
lic , li st he perries on IMnckninithing in the h ir
"oj h.of Clearfield, where he will execute pioinpt
ly. in a workmanlike manner, all work entrus
ted to his care. Special pains taken ip shoeing
oxea. Shop aflj. lining Town ll.l, formerly
occupied Mr. Ilirff. WM. Si EVEN.
November Sth, I fi5 -ly.
Tr.VlKEST HOUSE Monro township.
6' Gainer V. Duoon, rrojirielor.
This Inrge and rnir.modioui l!"0e it sitnateJ
'. on the turnpike, 7 niile wot of Cnrwensvlllo,
and f miles eat of Ltitb.or.lmrg. The froprie
lorwill tpare no sfTort to in ike his guests coin
fortablo aod their etny with him pleasant, and
thereby expects to receive a liboral share of pub-
; lie patronage. Dec. in, si. If.
j T Tt'll: ITCH! ITf II! Srmi.h .' St.mtcl, 1
j cure the Itch in 41 hours. Also eurea Salt
Kheuin, L'loers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of
the Skin, l'riee 5 cents. Fur sale by all Drug
gists. 1 1 y a ending M ceuta lo Weeks & Potior,
Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Itneton,
V ui., ii will ba lorwarUU by wail, frw tf poV
agn, to any part of the United Mates.
Sold by C. D. Watson. Clearfield. I'ena'a.
Sep teuil er 27th, ISf,i..nmo.-pd.
PIK TI C It A 111 lilt. D. M'O A U is II K Y,
having purchased the Photograph establish
ment ormerly conducted by II. ltridge, wouJd
rerpectfully aiiuounee to iho citiiei.s of Clear
field an l adjoining eiwiuties, that ho has recent
ly inaife additional improvements to both sky
light and npsralus, and ho flitters birvsrlf that
ho can satiety the most fntidcous taste In a Taex
and lifelike likrncsa.
lie aim. keeps constantly en hand a gind as
sortment nf tiuilt. Rosewood, and W'atnut fr.vnei
Albunn of all fr- and styles and an endless
variety of ensis, !ocl,et. etc , which he will dis
po.e of at very moderate prices, tor c:. ch
ilis Jr.'.lcy is In Sli.irt's row, (up siair,)
ket street, Clearfield, I'a., where ho is always rea
dy lo acconimod.itti customers whotnav bo in
want ofa g.-n I Likeness of thoinclves or friends.
Particular atta.itiou paid lo copying a'l kinds
f pictures, etc. November I ilh, liii,
Dniggis's, Clcarficltl, IVnn'n.
Having refitted and removed to the room la'oly
tieupied by Kiolmrd Moaanp, ngf
lITt'r, lew for ca-h, a well eo
lecled assortment of
Drus nnd Chemicals,
Also, Tii'eni Medicines of all kinds, Oils,
films Putty, Dye Studs. Stationary,
Tobacco and Solars,
Con feet ionnrv, Ppieea, and a l.irjier atock
of vnriotiea ever oll'ered in this
I l.ico, and warranted to be
of the best the Market .ifTortl?.
Doc I.l, 'OS.-tf.
Ncio Furniture
Clearfield, Cloat field eounty, Penn'a,
and vicinity, that be has commenced the nunu -
facture ol all kinds of Furniture, in tho shot, on
Market street, adjoining the foundry, where ho
is prepared to make to order such liirnituro as
may bo wanted, iu good stylo and fini-h, lu wit:
Wardrobes and Ri.ok eases of all kinds t Ted-
steads of every description j Sofas, Wurk stands,
Lai racks, Wahhslnnds, . And will furnish to
order Rocking anil Arm rhnirs, and rarior, coin
I suiuiuie ior i-iirniiure wilt ns taKcn tn
taken In exchange
op adioins Ihe Foun-
flir0.k. it, ,!,,, ,h. .h
cr. j. 17 ..- ,f
i --
tire Stcrk of Gaodsof James K. Watson,
I AM rnrpAT?rn to riT.
r . . ,. '.,
- . . ... v. . .-v 1 1 , ,.., , vutn in 1 II N II
Give htm a call before purchasing ehe-
, , .
wnere. :bi I.LIi.
1'hilipiburg, Jaojary Gd, IbOO.
W 1 Vy t X,V,M '
Mtinufiicturpr o( Tin nnd Sheet Iron urnio,
Pliilii wluirfT PiMiiiV-i '!
I would rtjT-ci fully inform tlio
lliHt i hnve oonrl n room in tho
Loruu.'li of l iiilijii-bur'.', for the
wmuu fuel tire nnd Nile, of
7 in Ware
out of the bet nrntet inl Ihe market will
afford, nnd tu:ide by experienced
wcikmun, nil of which I will
Fell at cither wliolcsalo
or rclnil .rices surprisingly low. I n1.;
those in need of on) ihitiii in this line
to call and exaniino my ware end
auttbfy theniselvei that it u
mad? for use. Country
ilcrchrnls desirinj; to pcrchaie small lots
of Ware will find it to their ad
vantage to buy of mo.
of all ateos and shapes, for burning either
Wood or Coal. 1 would cull particular at
t"iiliou to limt well tried and populnr
ICookinc Stoveenlled, lery appropriately,
llho IRON .SIDES. ThisStove has all the
nun more ioji aiiriace 11:1111 uihi 01 any uin
er Move in tlie market, and is wituout a
rival. lnUokeepon hand all kinds or
sS'irc Pipe
wbich I will sell an low ns it can ho pur
chased weal of the mountain. 1 also keep
constantly on hand, shovels, carriapo bolts,
rralea, firebrick, stove lining, sled aolee,
Wtiflle Irorn, Sheet Zink, Sad Irons.P.rass
and Porcelain Kettles, tot'r.tior with a
vnnoty of wares loo numerous to mention.
Also a large atock of tho beat kind of
And lust, though not least in my line
of bUMti';ss, is that of
I am prepared to fill all orders in this
line on short not ire, nnd manufactured
out of the best mntciial. 1 wnr.t every
body that comes to town, toomo and
take a look nt my show, and tee lor
lliomnelvea. I nm going to sell the cheap
est nnd be.-t Wares -ever offered in lh is
vicinity. I have several "Tropic Heat
ing' and "Pat ior Cook". Stoves that I will
sell at cost, to closo out the block ior the
Siaon. Trv mo.
Feb 7th lSOfi-if- G. 8. FLED A L.
Clearfield, Tenn'a.
and New Goods
The undersignod Inning formed a co
partnership, in ihe Mercantile business,
won d respectfully invite the attention of
tlie Public penerally lo their splendid
assort etnnt of Merchandiae, which is
tin being
Their stock consiats in pnrt of
Dry Goods,
of the Left quality, such as Prints, Do
Ixines, Alpnccn, Miiinos, Gingh.-iuia,
Muslins lUeached end unbleached,
Tickinpa, Col ton and Wool Flannels,
Sutintitts, Cottenades, Casaimeres, I.ndira'
Shawls, Coals. Nubias and Hood, ltalnio
ral and Ibv.p Skirts, ACil Ac.,
all nf which
Also, a fma assortment of men's Draw
er and Shirts. Huts & Caps, Hoot & Shoes.
Glassware, llardume, (lincerics and spices
of cveiyihtiig usually kept in a re
in il Sto-e.
or fij.provrd country produce.
Chat fluid, January 10th,
Have just pjirncxl a large and splendid
assortuient of
New Goods
At their old stand in Clearfield.
VIEY have the best assortment of Hardware
thai has ever been brourht tnlhiseonntv
whfeh tbcy will sell at the most reasonable pri
m:"s V'h "iU r;u"a -M ':id,a ,ot
To which they Invite the special nttention of the
' I'uui.e, wuiirnein I
public, embracing heavy Silver-plated Forks, '
Spoons and butter knives of Iho boat Bianufao
A lot of Pistols ef the bf st pattern, and other
fire. arms. Also a general assortment of iiistnl
' cartridges ull of which will bo auld at reasoaa-
ble pricei,
' They continue to manufacture all kinds f
.Till - WnrC, HniSS IvCtllcS, StOVC-
l'ipo, etc., which cannot bo surpassed In t'.is sec
tion of the Stato.
They also hare on hand PltUlnirf-li I'll. u a,
among which are Steel Centre Lever Flows. AIo,
Flow Castings, and many olbor Agricultural Im
plements, Cook Siovcs, I'arlor and Coal
Stores a general assortment, and of tho best pat
terns, for aule at reasonable prices.
Coal Oil, 7al Oil Lamps
Taints, Oils and VarnisVcs.a general assortment.
Hinss. putty, Nails. Iron andCnstings of great
variety ; in fact almost every thing wanted by
the piiblio ran be found la their establishment,
and at prices thai cannot be beat.
Now is the time to purchase,
yon deaire any thing In their line of husinrss.
tiivo them a call and examine their stock, and
they feel assured lhal ynn can be accommodated
Retnembcr, their establishment
lent is on Second
Street, Clearfield, Vt, whoro you ean buygioda
to the very nest artvanlngo. j
JT-tT-Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old .
easting" will be taken in exchange for goods. ;
J. lUSICAL SOOt.S-Fluto. Vi.Hin.. Fifea,
111, iWphsra. Mnsie Paper. t .
elm Dows, liridpes, Strings ef the besl nssality i
-pooTsd Shoe.-Ve.upM. w7,7n77t
1 Udies', tlenllemen'j, M.sses'. Roys' aad
Children s Roots Shoes and (lailer. al I
m 1 1 i i r?
"Ui;u riun:sAKK kasim;
wmrniii timrs."
Mew &ood
at Tin:
Cheap Casli Store
Markrt Itrrct, crjx sue tht 1 VltarficU IImu,
Clearfield, Va.
a frksh'arrival OF
Winter Goods
I am Just receiving and opening a carefully
lected stock of fashionable Spring A 8 u ram or
of almost every description,
A beautiful assortment of prints and Dry
goods, of the newest and latest stylos. Also a
great variety of asoful notions.
Rennets, Shawls,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, a large sjaantity,
Hardware, Queensware,
Drugs and Medicines,
(til and I'aista,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
Fish, Bacon and Floor,
Mnokcrel in i i and i barrels,
of the best quality, all of which will bo sold at
the lowest cui-h or ready pay prices.
My old friends and the aublio generally, ar
respe-etfully invited to call.
.prT-N. li All kinds of fftfjlJVand ancroTed
COL'KTliY rRObUCE taken in exctango for
Clearfield, Jlay Jl.lSoi.
Ciieap ! iirjiilur-e!
DESIRES to Inform Us old friends and ens
V mcrs thnt, having enlarged hia shop anl
increased bis facilities fur manufacturing, be is
now prepared to mako to order frrrniture as may
be desired, in good style and at cheap rates for
I lie mostly baa on bund at his "Furni
ture Rooms," a varied a?ortcent of Ready-mad
Furnitnro, among which are
Uurciins and Sitrc-IJoards,
WarJn.besnnd Ilook-Cases : "Centro, Sofa, Tarlot
trcakf.irt tt4 i)lnlng Extension Tables.
Common. French-Post, cottage, Jcuny-
Lifld and other Bedsteads.
Hocking nnd Arm Chairs,
Spring-Sout, Canc-Cottotn and Parlor Chain
and Common and otiior Chairs.
Of every description on hand; and new gtassaa
for old frauios, which will be put m on ve
ry reasonable terms oa abort nrtiea.
lie also keeps on bum', or furnishes to ar
dor, lluir.Corn-flusk, lluiraud
Cnttnn lop Mattresses.
CDFF1XS, Of every fclid,
Mado to o-der, and fuucral: attendod with m,
llcarso, Thenevcr desired.
Also, IIi.iimv raiutiii"; dono to order.
The sul scriher also manufacture, and kaj
constantly en hand,
Clement's Patent WashinE; Machine.
The best now in use. Thoso using this marbina
uevcr need be without clean clothes I lie alaokaa
Flyer's Patent Churn,
A superior art cle. A family using this Chora,
never need bo without butter)
All the above and mnny other articles are fur
nished lo customers cheap fur Cash or exchanged
for approved country produce. Cherry, Mapto,
I'opisr, Linwood and other Lumber suitable for
Cabinet wort, taken in exchange f"T furnrrtiro,
liT-liomoiuber Ihe shop is on Market wtreet,
Clearfield, I'a., and nearly uppos.lo the "Old Jew
Stori." JoJJN GUL1CU.
Nev. Wt lSnM.-y
C'nirrno t. pn....n
I ClllMla.aiS A, UUAIIAJI.
Very Cheaji ! !
eesnnrs In A Rlw.wrt-.
announce to Ihe public that thoy aro now opea
liuir an extensive asortmenl of
I At the old stand in Craham'snew building wMch
Ihcy offer to sell at aslnnirhingly low priees,
(considering thoir cost 1) for cash or approT
ed country prodnco. Their stock f
Customers an there finds
I. A D I ES S H A VV L S 1 G E N TS ' S II A AV L3
AND VARIETY, embracing
Scurfs! llend-Nots! 'Nock-Ties
Satchels! Port Monnnics! Uruahcs
riilOtrr;ihio Alliums !
Or itnythinrr vise ill the Notion Lino !
ay c,-,
IT A THLAV A 171?. ?
f,- n i r
l-J, II O U II S A Il 1 Urn
A of h, w,t , j .,h w
j ,0 uf cln,rnfll, pollntT.
, at V l-nVVTnv
Joseph showers,
elearuel.i, May 10, Isfll.
T ..r .11 l i.,.1.
.MLKkLLL iLiJuii. 5.